Search results for: wind generation
2938 Design and Performance Comparison of Metamaterial Based Antenna for 4G/5G Mobile Devices
Authors: Jalal Khan, Daniyal Ali Sehrai, Shakeel Ahmad
This paper presents the design and performance evaluation of multiband metamaterial based antenna operating in the 3.6 GHz (4G), 14.33 GHz, and 28.86 GHz (5G) frequency bands, for future mobile and handheld devices. The radiating element of the proposed design is made up of a conductive material supported by a 1.524 mm thicker Rogers-4003 substrate, having a relative dielectric constant and loss tangent of 3.55 and 0.0027, respectively. The substrate is backed by truncated ground plane. The future mobile communication system is based on higher frequencies, which are highly affected by the atmospheric conditions. Therefore, to overcome the path loss problem, essential enhancements and improvements must be made in the overall performance of the antenna. The traditional ground plane does not provide the in-phase reflection and surface wave suppression due to which side and back lobes are produced. This will affect the antenna performance in terms of gain and efficiency. To enhance the overall performance of the antenna, a metamaterial acting as a high impedance surface (HIS) is used as a reflector in the proposed design. The simulated gain of the metamaterial based antenna is enhanced from {2.76-6.47, 4.83-6.71 and 7.52-7.73} dB at 3.6, 14.33 and 28.89 GHz, respectively relative to the gain of the antenna backed by a traditional ground plane. The proposed antenna radiated efficiently with a radiated efficiency (>85 %) in all the three frequency bands with and without metamaterial surface. The total volume of the antenna is (L x W x h=45 x 40 x 1.524) mm3. The antenna can be potentially used for wireless handheld devices and mobile terminal. All the simulations have been performed using the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software.Keywords: CST MWS, fourth generation/fifth generation, 4G/5G, high gain, multiband, metamaterial
Procedia PDF Downloads 1612937 Numerical Study on the Effect of Spudcan Penetration on the Jacket Platform
Authors: Xiangming Ge, Bing Pan, Wei He, Hao Chen, Yong Zhou, Jiayao Wu, Weijiang Chu
How the extraction and penetration of spudcan affect the performance of the adjacent pile foundation supporting the jacket platform was studied in the program FLAC3D depending on a wind farm project in Bohai sea. The simulations were conducted at the end of the spudcan penetration, which induced a pockmark in the seabed. The effects of the distance between the pile foundation and the pockmark were studied. The displacement at the mudline arose when the pockmark was closer. The bearing capacity of this jacket platform with deep pile foundations has been less influenced by the process of spudcan penetration, which can induce severe stresses on the pile foundation. The induced rotation was also satisfied with the rotation-controlling criteria.Keywords: offshore foundation, pile-soil interaction, spudcan penetration, FLAC3D
Procedia PDF Downloads 2152936 [Keynote Talk]: Aerodynamic Effects of Ice and Its Influences on Flight Characteristics of Low Speed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Authors: I. McAndrew, K. L. Witcher, E. Navarro
This paper presents the theory and application of low speed flight for unmanned aerial vehicles when subjected to surface environmental conditions such as ice on the leading edge and upper surface. A model was developed and tested in a wind tunnel to see how theory compares with practice at various speed including take-off, landing and operational applications where head winds substantially alter parameters. Furthermore, a comparison is drawn with maned operations and how that this subject is currently under supported with accurate theory or knowledge for designers or operators to make informed decision or accommodate individual applications. The effects of ice formation for lift and drag are determined for a range of different angles of attacks.Keywords: aerodynamics, low speed flight, unmanned vehicles, environmental influences
Procedia PDF Downloads 4382935 Evaluation of Soil Modulus Variation by IS 2911 and Broms Method
Authors: Mandeep Kamboj, Anand R. Katti
The pile of 2.4 m diameter is subjected to lateral loads and moments. These lateral loads are caused due to wind/wave forces when used in foundations of various structures such as bridge piers and high rise towers exhibiting deflections with depth. The research scientist and developer has studied and developed various procedures to evaluate the coefficient of soil modulus variation (nh), using various methods. These are verified for slender piles in sand with various diameters up to 2.4 m. The subject explains about simplified approach of the theoretical values using IS procedure and Broms method and compared with actual field soil pressure/displacement distributions measured in mono-pile along its length and across the diameter.Keywords: bridge pier, lateral loads, mono-pile, slender piles
Procedia PDF Downloads 1882934 Development of a Test Plant for Parabolic Trough Solar Collectors Characterization
Authors: Nelson Ponce Jr., Jonas R. Gazoli, Alessandro Sete, Roberto M. G. Velásquez, Valério L. Borges, Moacir A. S. de Andrade
The search for increased efficiency in generation systems has been of great importance in recent years to reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. For clean energy sources, such as the generation systems that use concentrated solar power technology, this efficiency improvement impacts a lower investment per kW, improving the project’s viability. For the specific case of parabolic trough solar concentrators, their performance is strongly linked to their geometric precision of assembly and the individual efficiencies of their main components, such as parabolic mirrors and receiver tubes. Thus, for accurate efficiency analysis, it should be conducted empirically, looking for mounting and operating conditions like those observed in the field. The Brazilian power generation and distribution company Eletrobras Furnas, through the R&D program of the National Agency of Electrical Energy, has developed a plant for testing parabolic trough concentrators located in Aparecida de Goiânia, in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The main objective of this test plant is the characterization of the prototype concentrator that is being developed by the company itself in partnership with Eudora Energia, seeking to optimize it to obtain the same or better efficiency than the concentrators of this type already known commercially. This test plant is a closed pipe system where a pump circulates a heat transfer fluid, also calledHTF, in the concentrator that is being characterized. A flow meter and two temperature transmitters, installed at the inlet and outlet of the concentrator, record the parameters necessary to know the power absorbed by the system and then calculate its efficiency based on the direct solar irradiation available during the test period. After the HTF gains heat in the concentrator, it flows through heat exchangers that allow the acquired energy to be dissipated into the ambient. The goal is to keep the concentrator inlet temperature constant throughout the desired test period. The developed plant performs the tests in an autonomous way, where the operator must enter the HTF flow rate in the control system, the desired concentrator inlet temperature, and the test time. This paper presents the methodology employed for design and operation, as well as the instrumentation needed for the development of a parabolic trough test plant, being a guideline for standardization facilities.Keywords: parabolic trough, concentrated solar power, CSP, solar power, test plant, energy efficiency, performance characterization, renewable energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1192933 Structural Analysis and Detail Design of APV Module Structure Using Topology Optimization Design
Authors: Hyun Kyu Cho, Jun Soo Kim, Young Hoon Lee, Sang Hoon Kang, Young Chul Park
In the study, structure for one of offshore drilling system APV(Air Pressure Vessle) modules was designed by using topology optimum design and performed structural safety evaluation according to DNV rules. 3D model created base on design area and non-design area separated by using topology optimization for the environmental loads. This model separated 17 types for wind loads and dynamic loads and performed structural analysis evaluation for each model. As a result, the maximum stress occurred 181.25MPa.Keywords: APV, topology optimum design, DNV, structural analysis, stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 4272932 Force Measurement for E-Cadherin-Mediated Intercellular Adhesion Probed by Protein Micropattern and Traction Force Microscopy
Authors: Chieh-Chung Tsou, Chun-Min Lo, Yeh-Shiu Chu
Cell’s mechanical forces provide important physical cues in regulation of proper cellular functions, such as cell differentiation, proliferation and migration. It is believed that adhesive forces generated by cell-cell interaction are able to transmit to the interior of cell through filamentous cortical cytoskeleton. Prominent among other membrane receptors, Cadherins are prototypical adhesive molecules able to generate remarkable forces to regulate intercellular adhesion. However, the mechanistic steps of mechano-transduction in Cadherin-mediated adhesion remain very controversial. We are interested in understanding how Cadherin protein complexes enable force generation and transmission at cell-cell contact in the initial stage of intercellular adhesion. For providing a better control of time, space, and substrate stiffness, in this study, a combination of protein micropattern, micropipette manipulation, and traction force microscopy is used. Pair micropattern with different forms confines cell spreading area and the gaps in pairs varied from 2 to 8 microns are applied for monitoring the forces that cell pairs generated, measured by traction force microscopy. Moreover, cell clones obtained from epithelial cells undergone genome editing are used to score the importance for known components of Cadherin complexes in force generation. We believe that our results from this combinatory mechanobiological method will provide deep insights on understanding the biophysical principle governing mechano- transduction of Cadherin-mediated intercellular adhesion.Keywords: cadherin, intercellular adhesion, protein micropattern, traction force microscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2512931 Computer Science, Mass Communications, and Social Entrepreneurship: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Interactive Storytelling for the Greater Good
Authors: Susan Cardillo
This research will consider ways to bridge the gap between Computer Science and Media Communications and while doing so create Social Entrepreneurship for student success. New Media, as it has been referred to, is considered content available on-demand through Internet, a digital device, usually containing some kind of interactivity and creative participation. It is the interplay between technology, images, media and communications. The next generation of the newspaper, radio, television, and film students need to have a working knowledge of the technologies that are available for the creation of their work and taught to use this knowledge to create a voice. The work is interdisciplinary; in communications, we understand the necessity of reporting and disseminating information. In documentary film we understand the instructional and historic aspects of media and technology and in the non-profit sector, we see the need for expanding outlets for good. So, the true necessity is to utilize ‘new media’ technologies to advance social causes while reporting information, teaching and creating art. Goals: The goal of this research is to give communications students a better understanding of the technology that is both, currently at their disposal, and on the horizon, so that they can use it in their media, communications and art endeavors to be a voice for their generation. There is no longer a need to be a computer scientist to have a working knowledge of communication technologies and how they will benefit our work. There are many free and easy to use applications available for the creation of interactive communications. Methodology: This is Qualitative-Case Study that puts these ideas into action. There is a survey at the end of the experiment that is qualitative in nature and allows for the participants to share ideas and feelings about the technology and approach.Keywords: interactive storytelling, web documentary, mass communications, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 2812930 Desert Houses of the Past: Green Buildings of Today
Authors: Baharak Shakeri, Seyed Hashem Hosseini
The weather in deserts is hot and dry in summers, and cold and dry in winters, and difference of temperature of nights and days sometimes reaches to 28°C. People of deserts have reached some solutions to cope with this climatic condition and to decrease its annoying features. Among these solutions are: constructing houses adjacent to each other, making tall walls, using mud brick and thatch cover, constructing domical arches, cellar, and wind catcher, which are together the devices to control the adversity of hot weather in summers and cold weather in winters. Using these solutions, the people of deserts have succeeded to make the best use with the least energy consumption, and to minimize the damage on the nature and environment, and in short, they are friends of the nature, which is a step toward the objectives of green buildings.Keywords: desert house, green building, Iran, nature
Procedia PDF Downloads 3382929 Generation of Renewable Energy Through Photovoltaic Panels, Albania Photovoltaic Capacity
Authors: Dylber Qema
Driven by recent developments in technology and the growing concern about the sustainability and environmental impact of conventional fuel use, the possibility of producing clean and sustainable energy in significant quantities from renewable energy sources has sparked interest all over the world. Solar energy is one of the sources for the generation of electricity, with no emissions or environmental pollution. The electricity produced by photovoltaics can supply a home or business and can even be sold or exchanged with the grid operator. A very positive effect of using photovoltaic modules is that they do not produce greenhouse gases and do not produce chemical waste, unlike all other forms of energy production. Photovoltaics are becoming one of the largest investments in the field of renewable generating units. Improving the reliability of the electric power system is one of the most important impacts of the installation of photovoltaics (PV). Renewable energy sources are so large that they can meet the energy demands of the whole world, thus enabling sustainable supply as well as reducing local and global atmospheric emissions. Albania is rated by experts as one of the most favorable countries in Europe for the production of electricity from solar panels. But the country currently produces about 1% of its energy from the sun, while the rest of the needs are met by hydropower plants and imports. Albania has very good characteristics in terms of solar radiation (about 1300–1400 kW/m2). Solar energy has great potential and is a permanent source of energy with greater economic efficiency. Photovoltaic energy is also seen as an alternative, as long periods of drought in Albania have produced crises and high costs for securing energy in the foreign market.Keywords: capacity, ministry of tourism and environment, obstacles, photovoltaic energy, sustainable
Procedia PDF Downloads 592928 Analysis of Energy Consumption Based on Household Appliances in Jodhpur, India
Authors: A. Kumar, V. Devadas
Energy is the basic element for any country’s economic development. India is one of the most populated countries, and is dependent on fossil fuel and nuclear-based energy generation. The energy sector faces huge challenges and is dependent on the import of energy from neighboring countries to fulfill the gap in demand and supply. India has huge setbacks for efficient energy generation, distribution, and consumption, therefore they consume more quantity of energy to produce the same amount of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) compared to the developed countries. Technology and technique use, availability, and affordability in the various sectors are varying according to their economic status. In this paper, an attempt is made to quantify the domestic electrical energy consumption in Jodhpur, India. Survey research methods have been employed and stratified sampling technique-based households were chosen for conducting the investigation. Pre-tested survey schedules are used to investigate the grassroots level study. The collected data are analyzed by employing statistical techniques. Thereafter, a multiple regression model is developed to understand the functions of total electricity consumption in the domestic sector corresponding to other independent variables including electrical appliances, age of the building, household size, education, etc. The study resulted in identifying the governing variable in energy consumption at the household level and their relationship with the efficiency of household-based electrical and energy appliances. The analysis is concluded with the recommendation for optimizing the gap in peak electrical demand and supply in the domestic sector.Keywords: appliance, consumption, electricity, households
Procedia PDF Downloads 1172927 Stability Optimization of NABH₄ via PH and H₂O:NABH₄ Ratios for Large Scale Hydrogen Production
Authors: Parth Mehta, Vedasri Bai Khavala, Prabhu Rajagopal, Tiju Thomas
There is an increasing need for alternative clean fuels, and hydrogen (H₂) has long been considered a promising solution with a high calorific value (142MJ/kg). However, the storage of H₂ and expensive processes for its generation have hindered its usage. Sodium borohydride (NaBH₄) can potentially be used as an economically viable means of H₂ storage. Thus far, there have been attempts to optimize the life of NaBH₄ (half-life) in aqueous media by stabilizing it with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for various pH values. Other reports have shown that H₂ yield and reaction kinetics remained constant for all ratios of H₂O to NaBH₄ > 30:1, without any acidic catalysts. Here we highlight the importance of pH and H₂O: NaBH₄ ratio (80:1, 40:1, 20:1 and 10:1 by weight), for NaBH₄ stabilization (half-life reaction time at room temperature) and corrosion minimization of H₂ reactor components. It is interesting to observe that at any particular pH>10 (e.g., pH = 10, 11 and 12), the H₂O: NaBH₄ ratio does not have the expected linear dependence with stability. On the contrary, high stability was observed at the ratio of 10:1 H₂O: NaBH₄ across all pH>10. When the H₂O: NaBH₄ ratio is increased from 10:1 to 20:1 and beyond (till 80:1), constant stability (% degradation) is observed with respect to time. For practical usage (consumption within 6 hours of making NaBH₄ solution), 15% degradation at pH 11 and NaBH₄: H₂O ratio of 10:1 is recommended. Increasing this ratio demands higher NaOH concentration at the same pH, thus requiring a higher concentration or volume of acid (e.g., HCl) for H₂ generation. The reactions are done with tap water to render the results useful from an industrial standpoint. The observed stability regimes are rationalized based on complexes associated with NaBH₄ when solvated in water, which depend sensitively on both pH and NaBH₄: H₂O ratio.Keywords: hydrogen, sodium borohydride, stability optimization, H₂O:NaBH₄ ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 1212926 Quantification of Biomethane Potential from Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste at Vaal University of Technology
Authors: Kgomotso Matobole, Pascal Mwenge, Tumisang Seodigeng
The global urbanisation and worldwide economic growth have caused a high rate of food waste generation, resulting in environmental pollution. Food waste disposed on landfills decomposes to produce methane (CH4), a greenhouse gas. Inadequate waste management practices contribute to food waste polluting the environment. Thus effective organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) management and treatment are attracting widespread attention in many countries. This problem can be minimised by the employment of anaerobic digestion process, since food waste is rich in organic matter and highly biodegradable, resulting in energy generation and waste volume reduction. The current study investigated the Biomethane Potential (BMP) of the Vaal University of Technology canteen food waste using anaerobic digestion. Tests were performed on canteen food waste, as a substrate, with total solids (TS) of 22%, volatile solids (VS) of 21% and moisture content of 78%. The tests were performed in batch reactors, at a mesophilic temperature of 37 °C, with two different types of inoculum, primary and digested sludge. The resulting CH4 yields for both food waste with digested sludge and primary sludge were equal, being 357 Nml/g VS. This indicated that food waste form this canteen is rich in organic and highly biodegradable. Hence it can be used as a substrate for the anaerobic digestion process. The food waste with digested sludge and primary sludge both fitted the first order kinetic model with k for primary sludge inoculated food waste being 0.278 day-1 with R2 of 0.98, whereas k for digested sludge inoculated food waste being 0.034 day-1, with R2 of 0.847.Keywords: anaerobic digestion, biogas, bio-methane potential, food waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 2362925 Preliminary Analysis for Oil and Gas Geological Characteristics and Exploration Prospects of Doseo Basin in Central Africa
Authors: Haiqiang Song, Huiqing Liu
The Doseo basin in Chad, Central Africa is one of the most important oil and gas blocks in the world. However, the low degree of oil and gas exploration and the lack of relevant geological data restrict the understanding and resource evaluation of the basin. To further develop the Doseo basin efficiently, it is urgent to deeply analyze the source rock characteristics and hydrocarbon generation potential of the Doseo basin. Based on seismic and drilling data in recent years, this paper systematically evaluates the geochemical characteristics of source rocks and their generated oils in Doseo Basin, explores the development, distribution, and evolution characteristics of source rocks, and evaluates the exploration potential of Doseo Basin according to the hydrocarbon enrichment law. The results show that the Lower Cretaceous Baliemian and Apudian source rocks in Doseo Basin are well developed, with high organic matter abundance (average TOC≥3%) and good organic matter types (type I~II), which are the main development layers of source rocks, but the organic matter maturity is generally low (Ro of the drilled source rocks is mainly between 0.4%~0.8%). The planar structure also shows that the main hydrocarbon accumulation mode in Doseo sag is the forward tectonic reservoirs such as near source anticlines and faulted noses. Finally, it is estimated that the accumulative resources of the main source rocks in the Doseo Basin are about 4.33× 108T in Apudite and Balim terrace layers. The results of this study will help guide the next step of oil and gas exploration, which is expected to drive the next step of oil and gas development.Keywords: Doseo basin, lower cretaceous, source rock characteristics, developmental characteristics, hydrocarbon generation potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 1112924 Comparison of Finite-Element and IEC Methods for Cable Thermal Analysis under Various Operating Environments
Authors: M. S. Baazzim, M. S. Al-Saud, M. A. El-Kady
In this paper, steady-state ampacity (current carrying capacity) evaluation of underground power cable system by using analytical and numerical methods for different conditions (depth of cable, spacing between phases, soil thermal resistivity, ambient temperature, wind speed), for two system voltage level were used 132 and 380 kV. The analytical method or traditional method that was used is based on the thermal analysis method developed by Neher-McGrath and further enhanced by International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and published in standard IEC 60287. The numerical method that was used is finite element method and it was recourse commercial software based on finite element method.Keywords: cable ampacity, finite element method, underground cable, thermal rating
Procedia PDF Downloads 3792923 Behaviours of Energy Spectrum at Low Reynolds Numbers in Grid Turbulence
Authors: Md Kamruzzaman, Lyazid Djenidi, R. A. Antonia
This paper reports an experimental investigation of the energy spectrum of turbulent velocity fields at low Reynolds numbers ( Rλ ) in grid turbulence. Hot wire measurements are carried out in grid turbulence with subjected to a 1.36:1 contraction of the wind tunnel. Three different grids are used: (i) large square perforated grid (mesh size 43.75 mm), (ii) small square perforated grid (mesh size 14 and (iii) woven mesh grid (mesh size 5mm). The results indicate that the energy spectrum at small Rλ does not follow Kolmogorov’s universal scaling. It is further found that the critical Reynolds number,Rλ,ϲ below which the scaling breaks down is around 25.Keywords: energy spectrum, Taylor microscale, Reynolds number, turbulent kinetic energy, decay exponent
Procedia PDF Downloads 2932922 Bio Ethanol Production From the Co-Mixture of Jatropha Carcus L. Kernel Cake and Rice Straw
Authors: Felix U. Asoiro, Daniel I. Eleazar, Peter O. Offor
As a result of increasing energy demands, research in bioethanol has increased in recent years all through the world, in abide to partially or totally replace renewable energy supplies. The first and third generation feedstocks used for biofuel production have fundamental drawbacks. Waste rice straw and cake from second generation feedstock like Jatropha curcas l. kernel (JC) is seen as non-food feedstock and promising candidates for the industrial production of bioethanol. In this study, JC and rice husk (RH) wastes were characterized for proximate composition. Bioethanol was produced from the residual polysaccharides present in rice husk (RH) and Jatropha seed cake by sequential hydrolytic and fermentative processes at varying mixing proportions (50 g JC/50 g RH, 100 g JC/10 g RH, 100 g JC/20 g RH, 100 g JC/50 g RH, 100 g JC/100 g RH, 100 g JC/200 g RH and 200 g JC/100 g RH) and particle sizes (0.25, 0.5 and 1.00 mm). Mixing proportions and particle size significantly affected both bioethanol yield and some bioethanol properties. Bioethanol yield (%) increased with an increase in particle size. The highest bioethanol (8.67%) was produced at a mixing proportion of 100 g JC/50g RH at 0.25 mm particle size. The bioethanol had the lowest values of specific gravity and density of 1.25 and 0.92 g cm-3 and the highest values of 1.57 and 0.97 g cm-3 respectively. The highest values of viscosity (4.64 cSt) were obtained with 200 g JC/100 g RH, at 1.00 mm particle size. The maximum flash point and cloud point values were 139.9 oC and 23.7oC (100 g JC/200 g RH) at 1 mm and 0.5 mm particle sizes respectively. The maximum pour point value recorded was 3.85oC (100 g JC/50 g RH) at 1 mm particle size. The paper concludes that bioethanol can be recovered from JC and RH wastes. JC and RH blending proportions as well as particle sizes are important factors in bioethanol production.Keywords: bioethanol, hydrolysis, Jatropha curcas l. kernel, rice husk, fermentation, proximate composition
Procedia PDF Downloads 972921 Automated Building Internal Layout Design Incorporating Post-Earthquake Evacuation Considerations
Authors: Sajjad Hassanpour, Vicente A. González, Yang Zou, Jiamou Liu
Earthquakes pose a significant threat to both structural and non-structural elements in buildings, putting human lives at risk. Effective post-earthquake evacuation is critical for ensuring the safety of building occupants. However, current design practices often neglect the integration of post-earthquake evacuation considerations into the early-stage architectural design process. To address this gap, this paper presents a novel automated internal architectural layout generation tool that optimizes post-earthquake evacuation performance. The tool takes an initial plain floor plan as input, along with specific requirements from the user/architect, such as minimum room dimensions, corridor width, and exit lengths. Based on these inputs, firstly, the tool randomly generates different architectural layouts. Secondly, the human post-earthquake evacuation behaviour will be thoroughly assessed for each generated layout using the advanced Agent-Based Building Earthquake Evacuation Simulation (AB2E2S) model. The AB2E2S prototype is a post-earthquake evacuation simulation tool that incorporates variables related to earthquake intensity, architectural layout, and human factors. It leverages a hierarchical agent-based simulation approach, incorporating reinforcement learning to mimic human behaviour during evacuation. The model evaluates different layout options and provides feedback on evacuation flow, time, and possible casualties due to earthquake non-structural damage. By integrating the AB2E2S model into the automated layout generation tool, architects and designers can obtain optimized architectural layouts that prioritize post-earthquake evacuation performance. Through the use of the tool, architects and designers can explore various design alternatives, considering different minimum room requirements, corridor widths, and exit lengths. This approach ensures that evacuation considerations are embedded in the early stages of the design process. In conclusion, this research presents an innovative automated internal architectural layout generation tool that integrates post-earthquake evacuation simulation. By incorporating evacuation considerations into the early-stage design process, architects and designers can optimize building layouts for improved post-earthquake evacuation performance. This tool empowers professionals to create resilient designs that prioritize the safety of building occupants in the face of seismic events.Keywords: agent-based simulation, automation in design, architectural layout, post-earthquake evacuation behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 1062920 Parametric Models of Facade Designs of High-Rise Residential Buildings
Authors: Yuchen Sharon Sung, Yingjui Tseng
High-rise residential buildings have become the most mainstream housing pattern in the world’s metropolises under the current trend of urbanization. The facades of high-rise buildings are essential elements of the urban landscape. The skins of these facades are important media between the interior and exterior of high- rise buildings. It not only connects between users and environments, but also plays an important functional and aesthetic role. This research involves a study of skins of high-rise residential buildings using the methodology of shape grammar to find out the rules which determine the combinations of the facade patterns and analyze the patterns’ parameters using software Grasshopper. We chose a number of facades of high-rise residential buildings as source to discover the underlying rules and concepts of the generation of facade skins. This research also provides the rules that influence the composition of facade skins. The items of the facade skins, such as windows, balconies, walls, sun visors and metal grilles are treated as elements in the system of facade skins. The compositions of these elements will be categorized and described by logical rules; and the types of high-rise building facade skins will be modelled by Grasshopper. Then a variety of analyzed patterns can also be applied on other facade skins through this parametric mechanism. Using these patterns established in the models, researchers can analyze each single item to do more detail tests and architects can apply each of these items to construct their facades for other buildings through various combinations and permutations. The goal of these models is to develop a mechanism to generate prototypes in order to facilitate generation of various facade skins.Keywords: facade skin, grasshopper, high-rise residential building, shape grammar
Procedia PDF Downloads 5102919 An Efficient Tool for Mitigating Voltage Unbalance with Reactive Power Control of Distributed Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems
Authors: Malinwo Estone Ayikpa
With the rapid increase of grid-connected PV systems over the last decades, genuine challenges have arisen for engineers and professionals of energy field in the planning and operation of existing distribution networks with the integration of new generation sources. However, the conventional distribution network, in its design was not expected to receive other generation outside the main power supply. The tools generally used to analyze the networks become inefficient and cannot take into account all the constraints related to the operation of grid-connected PV systems. Some of these constraints are voltage control difficulty, reverse power flow, and especially voltage unbalance which could be due to the poor distribution of single-phase PV systems in the network. In order to analyze the impact of the connection of small and large number of PV systems to the distribution networks, this paper presents an efficient optimization tool that minimizes voltage unbalance in three-phase distribution networks with active and reactive power injections from the allocation of single-phase and three-phase PV plants. Reactive power can be generated or absorbed using the available capacity and the adjustable power factor of the inverter. Good reduction of voltage unbalance can be achieved by reactive power control of the PV systems. The presented tool is based on the three-phase current injection method and the PV systems are modeled via an equivalent circuit. The primal-dual interior point method is used to obtain the optimal operating points for the systems.Keywords: Photovoltaic system, Primal-dual interior point method, Three-phase optimal power flow, Voltage unbalance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3332918 Possible Number of Dwelling Units Using Waste Plastic Bottle for Construction
Authors: Dibya Jivan Pati, Kazuhisa Iki, Riken Homma
Unlike other metro cities of India, Bhubaneswar–the capital city of Odisha, is expected to reach 1-million-mark population by now. The demands of dwelling unit requirement mostly among urban poor belonging to Economically Weaker section (EWS) and Low Income groups (LIG) is becoming a challenge due to high housing cost and rents. As a matter of fact, it’s also noted that, with increase in population, the solid waste generation also increases subsequently affecting the environment due to inefficiency in collection of waste by local government bodies. Methods of utilizing Solid Waste - especially in form of Plastic bottles, Glass bottles and Metal cans (PGM) are now widely used as an alternative material for construction of low-cost building by Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in developing countries like India to help the urban poor afford a shelter. The application of disposed plastic bottle used in construction of single dwelling significantly reduces the overall cost of construction to as much as 14% compared to traditional construction material. Therefore, considering its cost-benefit result, it’s possible to provide housing to EWS and LIGs at an affordable price. In this paper, we estimated the quantity of plastic bottles generated in Bhubaneswar which further helped to estimate the possible number of single dwelling unit that can be constructed on yearly basis so as to refrain from further housing shortage. The estimation results will be practically used for planning and managing low-cost housing business by local government and NGOs.Keywords: construction, dwelling unit, plastic bottle, solid waste generation, groups
Procedia PDF Downloads 4752917 Progressive Collapse of Cooling Towers
Authors: Esmaeil Asadzadeh, Mehtab Alam
Well documented records of the past failures of the structures reveals that the progressive collapse of structures is one of the major reasons for dramatic human loss and economical consequences. Progressive collapse is the failure mechanism in which the structure fails gradually due to the sudden removal of the structural elements. The sudden removal of some structural elements results in the excessive redistributed loads on the others. This sudden removal may be caused by any sudden loading resulted from local explosion, impact loading and terrorist attacks. Hyperbolic thin walled concrete shell structures being an important part of nuclear and thermal power plants are always prone to such terrorist attacks. In concrete structures, the gradual failure would take place by generation of initial cracks and its propagation in the supporting columns along with the tower shell leading to the collapse of the entire structure. In this study the mechanism of progressive collapse for such high raised towers would be simulated employing the finite element method. The aim of this study would be providing clear conceptual step-by-step descriptions of various procedures for progressive collapse analysis using commercially available finite element structural analysis software’s, with the aim that the explanations would be clear enough that they will be readily understandable and will be used by practicing engineers. The study would be carried out in the following procedures: 1. Provide explanations of modeling, simulation and analysis procedures including input screen snapshots; 2. Interpretation of the results and discussions; 3. Conclusions and recommendations.Keywords: progressive collapse, cooling towers, finite element analysis, crack generation, reinforced concrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 4812916 Contribution of Upper Body Kinematics on Tennis Serve Performance
Authors: Ikram Hussain, Fuzail Ahmad, Tawseef Ahmad Bhat
Tennis serve is characterized as one of the most prominent techniques pertaining to the success of winning a point. The study was aimed to explore the contributions of the upper body kinematics on the tennis performance during Davis Cup (Oceania Group). Four Indian International tennis players who participated in the Davis Cup held at Indore, India were inducted as the subjects for this study, with mean age 27 ± 4.79 Years, mean weight 186 ± 6.03 cm, mean weight 81.25 ± 7.41kg, respectively. The tennis serve was bifurcated into three phases viz, preparatory phase, force generation phase and follow through phase. The kinematic data for the study was recorded through the high speed canon camcorder having a shuttle speed of 1/2000, at a frame rate of 50 Hz. The data was analysed with the motion analysis software. The descriptive statistics and F-test was employed through SPSS version 17.0 for the determination of the undertaken kinematic parameters of the study, and was computed at a 0.05 level of significance with 46 degrees of freedom. Mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient also employed to find out the relationship among the upper body kinematic parameter and performance. In the preparatory phase, the analysis revealed that no significant difference exists among the kinematic parameters of the players on the performance. However, in force generation phase, wrist velocity (r= 0.47), torso velocity (r= -0.53), racket velocity r= 0.60), and in follow through phase, torso acceleration r= 0.43), elbow angle (r= -0.48) play a significant role on the performance of the tennis serve. Therefore, players should ponder upon the velocities of the above segments at the time of preparation for the competitions.Keywords: Davis Cup, kinematics, motion analysis, tennis serve
Procedia PDF Downloads 3042915 Numerical Study of Fire Propagation in Confined and Open Area
Authors: Hadj Miloua, Abbes Azzi
The objective of the present paper is to understand, predict and modeled the fire behavior in confined and open area in different conditions and diverse fuels such as liquid pool fire and the vegetative materials. The distinctive problems are a ventilated road tunnel used for urban transport, by the characterization installations of ventilation and his influence in the mode of smoke dispersion and the flame shape. A general investigation is relatively traditional, based on the modeling and simulation the scenario of the pool fire interacted with wind ventilation by the use of numerical software fire dynamic simulator FDS ver.5 to simulate the fire in ventilated tunnel. The second simulation by WFDS.5 is Wildland fire which is always occurs in forest and rangeland fire environments and will thus have an impact on people, property and resources.Keywords: fire, road tunnel, simulation, vegetation, wildland
Procedia PDF Downloads 5142914 Migratory Diaspora: The Media and the Human Element
Authors: Peter R. Alfieri
The principal aim of this research and presentation is to give global and personal perspective of the migratory diaspora and how it is perceived by a substantial majority that relies on the media’s portrayal of migratory movements. Since its Greek origins the word “diaspora” has taken on several connotations, but none has surpassed its use in regard to the human element; because since before the dawn of history, man has had to struggle for survival. That survival was a struggle against the elements and other natural enemies, but none as tenacious and relentless as other men. Many have used the term diaspora to describe the spread of certain ethnic groups resulting in new generations in new places; but has the human diaspora been as haphazard as that of spores? The quest for survival has spawned migrations that are not quite that simple, even though it has several similarities to plant spores or dandelion seeds flying throughout the atmosphere. Man kind has constantly migrated in search of food, shelter, and safety. When they were able to find food and shelter, they would inform others who would venture to the new place. Information, whether through word of mouth, written material, or visual communications, has been a moving force in man’s life; and it spurred migrants in their quest for better environments. Today we pride ourselves in being able to communicate instantly with anyone anywhere in the world, and we are privileged to see most of what is happening in the world thanks to the highly developed modern media. Is Media a “wind/force” instrumental in propelling the diaspora throughout the world? The media has been the tool that has incentive many migratory, but unfortunately it is also the means responsible for many misconceptions regarding migrants and their hosts. Has the Media presented an unbiased view of the migrant or has it been the means that generated negative or prejudiced views of the migrant and, perhaps, the host environment? Some examples were easily seen in 19th century the United States where they advertised the following, “Help needed, Irish need not apply”. How do immigrants circumvent latent barriers that are not as obvious as the ones just mentioned? Some immigrants return home and have children that decide to emigrate. It is a perpetual cycle in the search for self-improvement. The stories that are brought back might be inspiration for the new generation of emigrants. Poverty, hunger, and political turmoil spur most migrations. The majority learn from others or through the media about certain destinations that will provide one or several opportunities to improve their existence. Many of those migrants suffer untold hardships to succeed. When they succeed, they provide a great incentive for their children to obtain an education or skill that will insure them a better life. Although the new environment may contribute greatly to a successful career, most immigrants do not forget their own struggle. They see the media’s portrayal of other migrants from all over the globe. Some try to communicate to others the true feelings of despair felt by immigrants, because they are all brothers and sisters in the perennial struggle for a better life. “HOPE” for a better life drives the immigrant toward the unknown and it has helped overcome the obstacles that present themselves challenging every newcomer. Hope and perseverance strengthen the resolve of the migrant in his struggle to survive.Keywords: media, migration, heath, education, obstacles
Procedia PDF Downloads 3842913 Advanced Metallic Frameworks for Development of Robust and Efficient Water Splitting Electrodes
Authors: Tam D. Nguyen, Joe Varga, Douglas MacFarlane, Alexandr Simonov
Development of advanced technologies for green hydrogen generation from renewables is of key strategic importance to global future energy security and economic growth. Renewable-powered water electrolysis (WE) is considered as the most effective of the sustainable methods for hydrogen generation at scale. Currently, the greatest challenge of hydrogen production via water electrolysis is the insufficiently high efficiency. In which, the energy loss associated with the conversion of water to hydrogen is approximately 40-60%, with 30-35% associated with the electrolysis itself and 10-12% with gas compression and transportation. Hence, development of an energy-efficient water electrolyser that can generate hydrogen at high pressure will address both of these major challenges. This requires the development of advanced electrode configuration of the water electrolysis cell. Herein, we developed a highly-ordered interconnected structure of the metallic inverse-opal (IO) frameworks based on low cost materials, e.g. Cu, Ni, Fe, Co. The water electrolysis electrodes based on these frameworks can provide excellent mechanical strength required for the application under conditions of extreme pressure, as well as outstanding catalytic performance through the exceptional high surface area and high electrical conductivity. For example, NiFe layered double hydroxide (LDH) catalyst deposited on Cu IO is able to reach the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalytic performance up to the rates of > 100 mA cm−2 (>727A gcatalyst-1) at an overpotential of ~0.3 V. This high performance is achieved with only few micron-thick catalyst layers, in contrast to similarly performance of 103-fold thicker electrodes based on foams and other substrates.Keywords: oxygen evolution reaction, support materials, mass transport, NiFe LDH
Procedia PDF Downloads 52912 Biliteracy and Latinidad: Catholic Youth Group as a Site of Cosmopolitan Identity Building
Authors: Natasha Perez
This autobiographical narrative inquiry explores the relationship between religious practice, identity, language and literacy in the author’s life experience as a second-generation Cuban-American growing up in the bilingual spaces of South Florida. The author describes how the social practices around language, including the flexibility to communicate in English and Spanish simultaneously, known as translanguaging, were instrumental to developing a biliterate cosmopolitan identity, along with a greater sense of Latinidad through interactions with diverse Latinx church members. This narrative study involved cycles of writing, reading, and reflection within a three-dimensional narrative inquiry space in order to discover the ways in which language and literacy development in the relationship between the personal and the social, across time and space, as historically situated phenomena. The findings show that Catholic faith practices have always been a source and expression of Cuban-ness, a means of sustaining Cuban identity, as well as a medium for bilingual language and literacy practice in the author’s life. Despite lacking formal literacy education in Spanish, she benefitted from the Catholic Church’s response to the surge of Spanish-speaking immigrants in South Florida in the 1980s and the subsequent flexibility of language practice in church-sponsored youth groups. The faith-sharing practices of the youth group created a space to use Spanish in more sophisticated ways that served to build confidence as a bilingual speaker and expand bilingual competence. These experiences also helped the author develop a more salient identity as Cuban-American and a deeper connection to her Cuban-ness in relation to the Nicaraguan, Venezuelan, and first-generation Cuban identities of my peers. The youth group also fostered cosmopolitan identity building through interactions with pan-ethnic Spanish speakers, with Catholicism as a common language and culture that served as a uniting force. Interaction with these peers also fostered cosmopolitan understandings that deepened the author’s knowledge of the geographical boundaries, political realities, and socio-historical differences between these groups of immigrants. This narrative study opens a window onto the micro-processes and socio-cultural dynamics of language and identity development in the second generation, with the potential to deepen our understanding of the impact of religious practice on these.Keywords: literacy, religion, identity, comopolitanism, culture, language, translanguaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 902911 Under-Reporting and Under-Recording of Hate Crimes against Muslim Women in Italy
Authors: Broccolo Cinzia, Grigaliunaite Ruta, Saint-Nom Cloé, Savasta Guido
The present article analyses the root causes of under-reporting and under-recording of hate crimes against Muslim women in Italy. The main findings emerged from the survey conducted between May and September 2022 within the framework of the TRUST project (co-funded by the CERV programme (CERV-2021-EQUAL) of the European Union) with relevant practitioners and members of the Muslim community, including first-generation and second-generation Muslim women residing in Italy. The findings reveal that multiple factors contribute to the low reporting rate as well as to the flaws in recording episodes of intolerance and hatred against the above-mentioned group. Lack of trust in the judiciary or the police may represent one of the main causes of under-reporting; however, the phenomenon is not limited to such aspects, and additional factors and sources of discrimination paving the way to under-recording have been identified during the survey. The significant “tendency” to not report a case of intolerance as the difficulties in identifying the discriminatory nature of the crime are two faces of the same coin and are particularly intertwined; despite this, at first, both issues need to be assessed and analysed separately in order to take their own specificities into duly consideration. By contrast, the potential solution to low recording and reporting trends should be found collectively, namely by involving all the relevant parties and bodies facing the above-mentioned issues. In this regard, a participatory and multi-agency approach may curb the root causes leading Muslim women not to report and, besides this, support law enforcement officials as well as public authorities in providing a more effective service to the victims of hatred, whether offline or online.Keywords: hate crime, under-reporting, under-recording, Islamophobia, Muslim women
Procedia PDF Downloads 1072910 Investigating Water-Oxidation Using a Ru(III) Carboxamide Water Coordinated Complex
Authors: Yosra M. Badiei, Evelyn Ortiz, Marisa Portenti, David Szalda
Water-oxidation half-reaction is a critical reaction that can be driven by a sustainable energy source (e.g., solar or wind) and be coupled with a chemical fuel making reaction which stores the released electrons and protons from water (e.g., H₂ or methanol). The use of molecular water-oxidation catalysts (WOC) allow the rationale design of redox active metal centers and provides a better understanding of their structure-activity-relationship. Herein, the structure of a Ru(III) complex bearing a doubly deprotonated N,N'-bis(aryl)pyridine-2,6-dicarboxamide ligand which contains a water molecule in its primary coordination sphere was elucidated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Further spectroscopic experimental data and pH-dependent electrochemical studies reveal its water-oxidation reactivity. Emphasis on mechanistic details for O₂ formation of this complex will be addressed.Keywords: water-oxidation, catalysis, ruthenium, artificial photosynthesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2012909 Load Forecasting in Short-Term Including Meteorological Variables for Balearic Islands Paper
Authors: Carolina Senabre, Sergio Valero, Miguel Lopez, Antonio Gabaldon
This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the short-term load forecasting (STLF). Since the behavior of consumers and producers continue changing as new technologies, it is an ongoing process, and moreover, new policies become available. The results of a research study for the Spanish Transport System Operator (REE) is presented in this paper. It is presented the improvement of the forecasting accuracy in the Balearic Islands considering the introduction of meteorological variables, such as temperature to reduce forecasting error. Variables analyzed for the forecasting in terms of overall accuracy are cloudiness, solar radiation, and wind velocity. It has also been analyzed the type of days to be considered in the research.Keywords: short-term load forecasting, power demand, neural networks, load forecasting
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