Search results for: unique speech characteristics
8988 Combining Experiments and Surveys to Understand the Pinterest User Experience
Authors: Jolie M. Martin
Running experiments while logging detailed user actions has become the standard way of testing product features at Pinterest, as at many other Internet companies. While this technique offers plenty of statistical power to assess the effects of product changes on behavioral metrics, it does not often give us much insight into why users respond the way they do. By combining at-scale experiments with smaller surveys of users in each experimental condition, we have developed a unique approach for measuring the impact of our product and communication treatments on user sentiment, attitudes, and comprehension.Keywords: experiments, methodology, surveys, user experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 3128987 Multi-Index Performance Investigation of Rubberized Reclaimed Asphalt Mixture
Authors: Ling Xu, Giuseppe Loprencipe, Antonio D'Andrea
Asphalt pavement with recycled and sustainable materials has become the most commonly adopted strategy for road construction, including reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and crumb rubber (CR) from waste tires. However, the adhesion and cohesion characteristics of rubberized reclaimed asphalt pavement were still ambiguous, resulting in deteriorated adhesion behavior and life performance. This research investigated the effect of bonding characteristics on rutting resistance and moisture susceptibility of rubberized reclaimed asphalt pavement in terms of two RAP sources with different oxidation levels and two tire rubber with different particle sizes. Firstly, the binder bond strength (BBS) test and bonding failure distinguishment were conducted to analyze the surface behaviors of binder-aggregate interaction. Then, the compatibility and penetration grade of rubberized RAP binder were evaluated by rotational viscosity test and penetration test, respectively. Hamburg wheel track (HWT) test with high-temperature viscoelastic deformation analysis was adopted, which illustrated the rutting resistance. Additionally, a water boiling test was employed to evaluate the moisture susceptibility of the mixture and the texture features were characterized with the statistical parameters of image colors. Finally, the colloid structure model of rubberized RAP binder with surface interaction was proposed, and statistical analysis was established to release the correlation among various indexes. This study concluded that the gel-phase colloid structure and molecular diffusion of the free light fraction would affect the surface interpretation with aggregate, determining the bonding characteristic of rubberized RAP asphalt.Keywords: bonding characteristics, reclaimed asphalt pavement, rubberized asphalt, sustainable material
Procedia PDF Downloads 638986 SLAPP Suits: An Encroachment On Human Rights Of A Global Proportion And What Can Be Done About It
Authors: Laura Lee Prather
A functioning democracy is defined by various characteristics, including freedom of speech, equality, human rights, rule of law and many more. Lawsuits brought to intimidate speakers, drain the resources of community members, and silence journalists and others who speak out in support of matters of public concern are an abuse of the legal system and an encroachment of human rights. The impact can have a broad chilling effect, deterring others from speaking out against abuse. This article aims to suggest ways to address this form of judicial harassment. In 1988, University of Denver professors George Pring and Penelope Canan coined the term “SLAPP” when they brought to light a troubling trend of people getting sued for speaking out about matters of public concern. Their research demonstrated that thousands of people engaging in public debate and citizen involvement in government have been and will be the targets of multi-million-dollar lawsuits for the purpose of silencing them and dissuading others from speaking out in the future. SLAPP actions chill information and harm the public at large. Professors Pring and Canan catalogued a tsunami of SLAPP suits filed by public officials, real estate developers and businessmen against environmentalists, consumers, women’s rights advocates and more. SLAPPs are now seen in every region of the world as a means to intimidate people into silence and are viewed as a global affront to human rights. Anti-SLAPP laws are the antidote to SLAPP suits and while commonplace in the United States are only recently being considered in the EU and the UK. This researcher studied more than thirty years of Anti-SLAPP legislative policy in the U.S., the call for evidence and resultant EU Commission’s Anti-SLAPP Directive and Member States Recommendations, the call for evidence by the UK Ministry of Justice, response and Model Anti-SLAPP law presented to UK Parliament, as well as, conducted dozens of interviews with NGO’s throughout the EU, UK, and US to identify varying approaches to SLAPP lawsuits, public policy, and support for SLAPP victims. This paper identifies best practices taken from the US, EU and UK that can be implemented globally to help combat SLAPPs by: (1) raising awareness about SLAPPs, how to identify them, and recognizing habitual abusers of the court system; (2) engaging governments in the policy discussion in combatting SLAPPs and supporting SLAPP victims; (3) educating judges in recognizing SLAPPs an general training on encroachment of human rights; (4) and holding lawyers accountable for ravaging the rule of law.Keywords: Anti-SLAPP Laws and Policy, Comparative media law and policy, EU Anti-SLAPP Directive and Member Recommendations, International Human Rights of Freedom of Expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 708985 Subway Ridership Estimation at a Station-Level: Focus on the Impact of Bus Demand, Commercial Business Characteristics and Network Topology
Authors: Jungyeol Hong, Dongjoo Park
The primary purpose of this study is to develop a methodological framework to predict daily subway ridership at a station-level and to examine the association between subway ridership and bus demand incorporating commercial business facility in the vicinity of each subway station. The socio-economic characteristics, land-use, and built environment as factors may have an impact on subway ridership. However, it should be considered not only the endogenous relationship between bus and subway demand but also the characteristics of commercial business within a subway station’s sphere of influence, and integrated transit network topology. Regarding a statistical approach to estimate subway ridership at a station level, therefore it should be considered endogeneity and heteroscedastic issues which might have in the subway ridership prediction model. This study focused on both discovering the impacts of bus demand, commercial business characteristics, and network topology on subway ridership and developing more precise subway ridership estimation accounting for its statistical bias. The spatial scope of the study covers entire Seoul city in South Korea and includes 243 stations with the temporal scope set at twenty-four hours with one-hour interval time panels each. The data for subway and bus ridership was collected Seoul Smart Card data from 2015 and 2016. Three-Stage Least Square(3SLS) approach was applied to develop daily subway ridership model as capturing the endogeneity and heteroscedasticity between bus and subway demand. Independent variables incorporating in the modeling process were commercial business characteristics, social-economic characteristics, safety index, transit facility attributes, and dummies for seasons and time zone. As a result, it was found that bus ridership and subway ridership were endogenous each other and they had a significantly positive sign of coefficients which means one transit mode could increase another transportation mode’s ridership. In other words, two transit modes of subway and bus have a mutual relationship instead of the competitive relationship. The commercial business characteristics are the most critical dimension among the independent variables. The variables of commercial business facility rate in the paper containing six types; medical, educational, recreational, financial, food service, and shopping. From the model result, a higher rate in medical, financial buildings, shopping, and food service facility lead to increment of subway ridership at a station, while recreational and educational facility shows lower subway ridership. The complex network theory was applied for estimating integrated network topology measures that cover the entire Seoul transit network system, and a framework for seeking an impact on subway ridership. The centrality measures were found to be significant and showed a positive sign indicating higher centrality led to more subway ridership at a station level. The results of model accuracy tests by out of samples provided that 3SLS model has less mean square error rather than OLS and showed the methodological approach for the 3SLS model was plausible to estimate more accurate subway ridership. Acknowledgement: This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (2017R1C1B2010175).Keywords: subway ridership, bus ridership, commercial business characteristic, endogeneity, network topology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1458984 Effect of Early Therapeutic Intervention for the Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Quasi Experimental Design
Authors: Sultana Razia
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of early therapeutic intervention on children with an autism spectrum disorder. Participants were 140 children with autism spectrum disorder from Autism Corner in a selected rehabilitation center of Bangladesh. This study included children who are at aged of 18-month to 36-month and who were taking occupational therapy and speech and language therapy from the autism center. They were primarily screened using M-CHAT; however, children with other physical disabilities or medical conditions were excluded. 3-months interventions of 6 sessions per week are a minimum of 45-minutes long per session, one to one interaction followed by parent-led structured home-based therapy were provided. The results indicated that early intensive therapeutic intervention improves understanding, social skills and sensory skills. It can be concluded that therapeutic early intervention has a positive effect on diminishing symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder.Keywords: autism, m-chat, reciprocal social behavior, CRP
Procedia PDF Downloads 1228983 Characteristics of a Dye-Entrapped Polypyrrole Film Prepared in the Presence of a Different Dye
Authors: M. Mominul Haque, Danny KY. Wong
In this paper, we will demonstrate the feasibility of selectively removing the azo dye, Acid Red 1, in the presence of a second dye, Indigo Carmine, at conducting polypyrrole films. A long-term goal of this work is to develop an efficient and effective electrochemical treatment of textile effluents that does not yield any toxic by-products. Specifically, pyrrole was initially electrochemically oxidised in the presence of Acid Red 1 to prepare an Acid Red 1-entrapped polypyrrole film. Next, the Acid Red 1 entrapped film was electrochemically reduced to expel the dye from the film. The film was then ready for use in removing the dye in an Acid Red 1 solution. The entrapment efficiency of the film was then studied by spectroscopically determining the change in the absorbance of the dye solution. These experiments were repeated using Indigo Carmine or a mixture of Acid Red 1 and Indigo Carmine, in place of Acid Red 1. Therefore, this has given rise to an environmentally friendly treatment method for textile effluents. In our work, we have also studied the characteristics of Acid Red 1- and Indigo Carmine-entrapped polypyrrole films by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transfer infrared spectroscopy.Keywords: azo dye, electrochemical treatment, polypyrrole, Acid Red 1
Procedia PDF Downloads 4078982 ‘Daily Speaking’: Designing an App for Construction of Language Learning Model Supporting ‘Seamless Flipped’ Environment
Authors: Zhou Hong, Gu Xiao-Qing, Lıu Hong-Jiao, Leng Jing
Seamless learning is becoming a research hotspot in recent years, and the emerging of micro-lectures, flipped classroom has strengthened the development of seamless learning. Based on the characteristics of the seamless learning across time and space and the course structure of the flipped classroom, and the theories of language learning, we put forward the language learning model which can support ‘seamless flipped’ environment (abbreviated as ‘S-F’). Meanwhile, the characteristics of the ‘S-F’ learning environment, the corresponding framework construction and the activity design of diversified corpora were introduced. Moreover, a language learning app named ‘Daily Speaking’ was developed to facilitate the practice of the language learning model in ‘S-F’ environment. In virtue of the learning case of Shanghai language, the rationality and feasibility of this framework were examined, expecting to provide a reference for the design of ‘S-F’ learning in different situations.Keywords: seamless learning, flipped classroom, seamless-flipped environment, language learning model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1898981 In Silico Screening, Identification and Validation of Cryptosporidium hominis Hypothetical Protein and Virtual Screening of Inhibitors as Therapeutics
Authors: Arpit Kumar Shrivastava, Subrat Kumar, Rajani Kanta Mohapatra, Priyadarshi Soumyaranjan Sahu
Computational approaches to predict structure, function and other biological characteristics of proteins are becoming more common in comparison to the traditional methods in drug discovery. Cryptosporidiosis is a major zoonotic diarrheal disease particularly in children, which is caused primarily by Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum. Currently, there are no vaccines for cryptosporidiosis and recommended drugs are not effective. With the availability of complete genome sequence of C. hominis, new targets have been recognized for the development of effective and better drugs and/or vaccines. We identified a unique hypothetical epitopic protein in C. hominis genome through BLASTP analysis. A 3D model of the hypothetical protein was generated using I-Tasser server through threading methodology. The quality of the model was validated through Ramachandran plot by PROCHECK server. The functional annotation of the hypothetical protein through DALI server revealed structural similarity with human Transportin 3. Phylogenetic analysis for this hypothetical protein also showed C. hominis hypothetical protein (CUV04613) was the closely related to human transportin 3 protein. The 3D protein model is further subjected to virtual screening study with inhibitors from the Zinc Database by using Dock Blaster software. Docking study reported N-(3-chlorobenzyl) ethane-1,2-diamine as the best inhibitor in terms of docking score. Docking analysis elucidated that Leu 525, Ile 526, Glu 528, Glu 529 are critical residues for ligand–receptor interactions. The molecular dynamic simulation was done to access the reliability of the binding pose of inhibitor and protein complex using GROMACS software at 10ns time point. Trajectories were analyzed at each 2.5 ns time interval, among which, H-bond with LEU-525 and GLY- 530 are significantly present in MD trajectories. Furthermore, antigenic determinants of the protein were determined with the help of DNA Star software. Our study findings showed a great potential in order to provide insights in the development of new drug(s) or vaccine(s) for control as well as prevention of cryptosporidiosis among humans and animals.Keywords: cryptosporidium hominis, hypothetical protein, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3658980 Management of High Conservation Value Forests (HCVF) in Peninsular Malaysia as Part of Sustainable Forest Management Practices
Authors: Abu Samah Abdul Khalim, Hamzah Khali Aziz
Tropical forests in Malaysia safeguard enormous biological diversity while providing crucial benefits and services for the sustainable development of human communities. They are highly significant globally, both for their diverse and threatened species and as representative unique ecosystems. In order to promote the conservation and sustainable management of forest in this country, the Forestry Department (FD) is using ITTO guidelines on managing the forest under the Sustainable Forest Management practice (SFM). The fundamental principles of SFM are the sustained provision of products, goods and services; economic viability, social acceptability and the minimization of environmental/ecological impacts. With increased awareness and recognition of the importance of tropical forests and biodiversity in the global environment, efforts have been made to classify forests and natural areas with unique values or properties in a universally accepted scale. In line with that the concept of High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) first used by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in 1999, has been adopted and included as Principle ‘9’ in the Malaysia Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (MC&I 2002). The MC&I 2002 is a standard used for assessing forest management practices of the Forest Management Unit (FMU) level for purpose of certification. The key to the concept of HCVF is identification of HCVs of the forest. This paper highlighted initiative taken by the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia in establishing and managing HCVF areas within the Permanent Forest Reserves (PFE). To date almost all states forestry department in Peninsular Malaysia have established HCVFs in their respective states under different categories. Among others, the establishments of HCVF in this country are related to the importance of conserving biological diversity of the flora in the natural forest in particular endemic and threatened species such as Shorea bentongensis. As such it is anticipated that by taking this important initiatives, it will promote the conservation of biological diversity in the PFE of Peninsular Malaysia in line with the Sustainable Forest Management practice.Keywords: high conservation value forest, sustainable forest management, forest management certification, Peninsular Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 3308979 English Loanwords in the Egyptian Variety of Arabic: Morphological and Phonological Changes
Authors: Mohamed Yacoub
This paper investigates the English loanwords in the Egyptian variety of Arabic and reaches three findings. Data, in the first finding, were collected from Egyptian movies and soap operas; over two hundred words have been borrowed from English, code-switching was not included. These words then have been put into eleven different categories according to their use and part of speech. Finding two addresses the morphological and phonological change that occurred to these words. Regarding the phonological change, eight categories were found in both consonant and vowel variation, five for consonants and three for vowels. Examples were given for each. Regarding the morphological change, five categories were found including the masculine, feminine, dual, broken, and non-pluralize-able nouns. The last finding is the answers to a four-question survey that addresses forty eight native speakers of Egyptian Arabic and found that most participants did not recognize English borrowed words and thought they were originally Arabic and could not give Arabic equivalents for the loanwords that they could recognize.Keywords: sociolinguistics, loanwords, borrowing, morphology, phonology, variation, Egyptian dialect
Procedia PDF Downloads 3888978 Pregnant Women in Substance Abuse: Transition of Characteristics and Mining of Association from Teds-a 2011 to 2018
Authors: Md Tareq Ferdous Khan, Shrabanti Mazumder, MB Rao
Background: Substance use during pregnancy is a longstanding public health problem that results in severe consequences for pregnant women and fetuses. Methods: Eight (2011-2018) datasets on pregnant women’s admissions are extracted from TEDS-A. Distributions of sociodemographic, substance abuse behaviors, and clinical characteristics are constructed and compared over the years for trends by the Cochran-Armitage test. Market basket analysis is used in mining the association among polysubstance abuse. Results: Over the years, pregnant woman admissions as the percentage of total and female admissions remain stable, where total annual admissions range from 1.54 to about 2 million with the female share of 33.30% to 35.61%. Pregnant women aged 21-29, 12 or more years of education, white race, unemployed, holding independent living status are among the most vulnerable. Concerns prevail on a significant number of polysubstance users, young age at first use, frequency of daily users, and records of prior admissions (60%). Trends of abused primary substances show a significant rise in heroin (66%) and methamphetamine (46%) over the years, although the latest year shows a considerable downturn. On the other hand, significant decreasing patterns are evident for alcohol (43%), marijuana or hashish (24%), cocaine or crack (23%), other opiates or synthetics (36%), and benzodiazepines (29%). Basket analysis reveals some patterns of co-occurrence of substances consistent over the years. Conclusions: This comprehensive study can work as a reference to identify the most vulnerable groups based on their characteristics and deal with the most hazardous substances from their evidence of co-occurrence.Keywords: basket analysis, pregnant women, substance abuse, trend analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1978977 Effect of Low Plastic Clay Quantity on Behavioral Characteristics of Loose Sand
Authors: Roza Rahbari
After the Nigatta earthquake in Japan, in 1960, the liquefaction and its related hazards, moved to the thick of matter. Most of the research have been carried out on clean sands and silty sands so far, in order to study the effect of fine particles, confinement pressures, density and so on. However, because of this delusion that adhesiveness of clay prevents the liquefaction in sand, studies on clayey sands have not been taken seriously. However, several liquefactions happened in clayey sands in recent years, and lead to the necessity of more studies in this field. The studies which were carried out so far focused on high plastic clays. In this paper, the effect of low plasticity clays on the behavioral characteristics of sands is discussed. Thus, some triaxial tests were carried out on clean sands and clayey sands with different percentages of added clay. Specimens were compacted in various densities to study the effect of quantity of clay on various densities, too. Based on the findings, the amount of clay affects the behavior of sand greatly and leads to substantial changes in peak bearing capacity and steady state values.Keywords: liquefaction, clay, sand, triaxial, monotonic, failure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2438976 The Role of Communicative Grammar in Cross-Cultural Learning Environment
Authors: Tonoyan Lusine
The Communicative Grammar (CG) of a language deals with semantics and pragmatics in the first place as communication is a process of generating speech. As it is well known people can communicate with the help of limited word expressions and grammatical means. As to non-verbal communication, both vocabulary and grammar are not essential at all. However, the development of the communicative competence lies in verbal, non-verbal, grammatical, socio-cultural and intercultural awareness. There are several important issues and environment management strategies related to effective communication that one might need to consider for a positive learning experience. International students bring a broad range of cultural perspectives to the learning environment, and this diversity has the capacity to improve interaction and to enrich the teaching/learning process. Intercultural setting implies creative and thought-provoking work with different cultural worldviews and international perspectives. It is worth mentioning that the use of Communicative Grammar models creates a profound background for the effective intercultural communication.Keywords: CG, cross-cultural communication, intercultural awareness, non-verbal behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 3948975 A Psycholinguistic Analysis of John Nash’s Hallucinations as Represented in the Film “A Beautiful Mind”
Authors: Rizkia Shafarini
The film A Beautiful Mind explores hallucination in this study. A Beautiful Mind depicts the tale of John Nash, a university student who dislikes studying in class or prefers to study alone. Throughout his life, John Nash has hallucinated, or what is known as schizophrenia, as depicted in the film A Beautiful Mind. The goal of this study was to figure out what hallucinations were, what caused them, and how John Nash managed his hallucinations. In general, this study examines the link between language and mind, or the linguistic relationship portrayed in John Nash's character's speech, as evidenced by his conduct. This study takes a psycholinguistic approach to data analysis by employing qualitative methodologies. Data sources include talks and scenes from the film A Beautiful Mind. Hearing, seeing, and feeling are the scientific results of John Nash's hallucinations in the film A Beautiful Mind. Second, dreams, aspirations, and sickness are the sources of John Nash's hallucinations. Third, John Nash's method of managing hallucinations is to see a doctor without medical or distracting assistance.Keywords: A Beautiful Mind, hallucination, psycholinguistic, John Nash
Procedia PDF Downloads 1758974 Species Diversity of Migratory Birds along Boat Touring Routes in Klong Kone Sub-District, Muang District, Samut Songkram Province, Thailand
Authors: P. Chitman, N. Charoenpokaraj
This research aims to study the species, feeding behavior and activity characteristics of birds which reap benefits from the research area in boat touring routes in Klong Kone Sub-district, Muang District, Samut Songkram Province, Thailand from October 2013 – May 2014. The results from the survey of birds on all three routes found that there are 11 families and 22 species. Route 1 (Klong Kone canal) had the most species, 20 species. According to feeding behavior, there were insectivorous, piscivorous and aquatic invertebrate feeder birds. Activity characteristics of birds which reap benefits from the research were finding food, nesting and raise nestlings along boat touring routes.Keywords: bird species diversity, boat touring routes, Samut Songkram, feeding behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 3298973 The Relationship between Fight-Flight-Freeze System, Level of Expressed Emotion in Family, and Emotion Regulation Difficulties of University Students: Comparison Experienced to Inexperienced Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Students (NSSI)
Authors: Hyojung Shin, Munhee Kweon
Non-suicide Self Injuri (NSSI) can be defined as the act of an individual who does not intend to die directly and intentionally damaging his or her body tissues. According to a study conducted by the Korean Ministry of Education in 2018, the NSSI is widely spreading among teenagers, with 7.9 percent of all middle school students and 6.4 percent of high school students reporting experience in NSSI. As such, it is understood that the first time of the NSSI is in adolescence. However, the NSSI may not start and stop at a certain time, but may last longer. However, despite the widespread prevalence of NSSI among teenagers, little is known about the process and maintenance of NSSI college students on a continuous development basis. Korea's NSSI research trends are mainly focused on individual internal vulnerabilities (high levels of painful emotions/awareness, lack of pain tolerance) and interpersonal vulnerabilities (poor communication skills and social problem solving), and little studies have been done on individuals' unique characteristics and environmental factors such as substrate or environmental vulnerability factors. In particular, environmental factors are associated with the occurrence of NSSI by acting as a vulnerability factor that can interfere with the emotional control of individuals, whereas individual factors play a more direct role by contributing to the maintenance of NSSI, so it is more important to consider this for personal environmental involvement in NSSI. This study focused on the Fight-Flight-Freeze System as a factor in the defensive avoidance system of Reward Sensitivity in individual factors. Also, Environmental factors include the level of expressed emotion in family. Wedig and Nock (2007) said that if parents with a self-critical cognitive style take the form of criticizing their children, the experience of NSSI increases. The high level of parental criticism is related to the increasing frequency of NSSI acts as well as to serious levels of NSSI. If the normal coping mechanism fails to control emotions, people want to overcome emotional difficulties even through NSSI, and emotional disturbances experienced by individuals within an unsupported social relationship increase vulnerability to NSSI. Based on these theories, this study is to find ways to prevent NSSI and intervene in counseling effectively by verifying the differences between the characteristics experienced NSSI persons and non-experienced NSSI persons. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to examine the relationship of Fight-Flight-Freeze System (FFFS), level of expressed emotion in family and emotion regulation difficulties, comparing those who experienced Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) with those who did not experienced Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI). The data were collected from university students in Seoul Korea and Gyeonggi-do province. 99 subjects were experienced student of NSSI, while 375 were non- experienced student of NSSI. The results of this study are as follows. First, the result of t-test indicated that NSSI attempters showed a significant difference in fight-flight-freeze system, level of expressed emotion and emotion regulation difficulties, compared with non-attempters. Second, fight-flight-freeze system, level of expressed emotion in family and emotion regulation difficulties of NSSI attempters showed a significant difference in correlation. The correlation was significant only freeze system of fight-flight-freeze system, Level of expressed emotion in family and emotion regulation difficulties. Third, freeze system and level of expressed emotion in family predicted emotion regulation difficulties of NSSI attempters. Fight-freeze system and level of expressed emotion in family predicted emotion regulation difficulties of non-NSSI attempters. Lastly, Practical implications for counselors and limitations of this study are discussed.Keywords: fight-flight-freeze system, level of expressed emotion in family, emotion regulation difficulty, non-suicidal self injury
Procedia PDF Downloads 1108972 Emotional Characteristics of Preschoolers Due to Parameters of Family Interaction
Authors: Nadezda Sergunicheva, Victoria Vasilenko
The emotional sphere is one of the most important aspects of the child's development and significant factor in his psychological well-being. Present research aims to identify the relationships between emotional characteristics of preschoolers and parameters of family interaction: emotional interaction, parental styles, family adaptation, and cohesion. The study involved 40 people from Saint-Petersburg: 20 children (10 boys and 10 girls) from 5 to 6 years, Mage = 5 years 4 months and 20 mothers. Methods used were: Test 'Emotional identification' by E.Izotova, Empathy test by T. Gavrilova, Children's fears test by A. Zakharov, M. Panfilova, 'Parent-child emotional interaction questionnaire' by E. Zakharova, 'Analysis of family relationships questionnaire by E. Eidemiller and V. Yustitskis, Family Adaptation and Cohesion Scales (FACES III) by D. X. Olson, J. Portner, I. Lavi. Сorrelation analysis revealed that the higher index of underdevelopment of parental feelings, the lower the child’s ability to identify emotions (p < 0,05), but at the same time, the higher ability to understand emotional states (p < 0,01), as in the case of hypoprotection (p < 0,05). Two last correlations can be explained by compensatory mechanism. This is also confirmed by negative correlations between maternal educational uncertainty and child’s ability to understand emotional states and between indulgence and child’s ability to perceive emotional states (p < 0,05). The more pronounced the phobia of a child's loss, the higher egocentric nature of child’s empathy (p < 0,05). The child’s fears have the greatest number of relationships with the characteristics of family interaction. The more pronounced mother’s positive feelings in interaction, emotional support, acceptance of himself as a parent, desire for physical contact with child and the more adaptive the family system, the less the total number of child’s fears (p < 0,05). The more the mother's ability to perceive the child's state, positive feelings in interaction, emotional support (p < 0,01), unconditional acceptance of the child, acceptance of himself as a parent and the desire for physical contact (p < 0,05), the less the amount child’s spatial fears. Socially-mediated fears are associated with less pronounced mother's positive feelings in interaction, less emotional support and deficiency of demands, obligations (p < 0,05). Fears of animals and fairy-tale characters positively correlated with the excessive demands, obligations and excessive sanctions (p < 0,05). The more emotional support (p < 0,01), mother's ability to perceive the child's state, positive feelings in interaction, unconditional acceptance of the child, acceptance of himself as a parent (p < 0,05), the less the amount child’s fears of nightmares. This kind of fears is positively correlated with excessive demands, prohibitions (p < 0,05). The more adaptive the family system (p < 0,01), the higher family cohesion, mother's acceptance of himself as a parent and preference to childish traits (p < 0,05), the less fear of death. Thus, the children's fears have the closest relationships with the characteristics of family interaction. The severity of fears, especially spatial, is connected, first of all, with the emotional side of the mother-parent interaction. Fears of animals and fairy-tale characters are associated with some characteristics of the parental styles, connected with the rigor of mothers. Correlations of the emotional identification are contradictory and require further clarification. Research is supported by RFBR №18-013-00990.Keywords: emotional characteristics, family interaction, fears, parental styles, preschoolers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2728971 Effect of Poly Naphthalene Sulfonate Superplasticizer on Constructibility of Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement
Authors: Chamroeun Chhorn, Seong Jae Hong, Yoon-Ho Cho, Hyun Jong Lee, Seung Woo Lee
The use of Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement (RCCP) in public and private applications has been increasing steadily in the past few decades due to its cost saving. This eco-concrete pavement shares construction characteristics from asphalt pavement and material characteristics from the conventional concrete pavement. Due to its low binder and water content, the consistency of Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) is typically very stiff. Thus, it is crucial to control the consistency of this concrete. Without appropriate consistency, required density may not be achieved in actual construction for RCCP. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect on Poly Naphtalene Sulfonate (PNS) superplasticizer on the consistency of RCC as well as its compactibility in actual construction. From this study, it was found that PNS superplasticizer can effectively reduce the stiffness of an RCC mixture and maintain it for a sufficient amount of time without compromising its strength properties. Moreover, it was observed from field test specimens that the use of this admixture can also improve the compaction efficiency throughout the whole depth of pavement.Keywords: roller-compacted concrete, consistency, compactibility, poly naphthalene sulfonate superplasticizer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2548970 Alteration of Sex Steroid Hormone Levels in Sex Reversed Chickens
Authors: A. H. Shaikat, M. B. Hossain, S. K. M. A. Islam, M. M. Hassan, S. A. Khan, A. K. M. Saifuddin, M. N. Islam, M. A. Hoque
A total of eighteen (18) sex reversed chickens with unusual phenotypic characteristics of male birds were identified over 2000 Hyline layer chickens at Motaher Poultry Farm, Ramu, Cox’s Bazar. Chickens were subdivided into two groups (case = 18, control = 20) based on the appearance of sex-reversed secondary sexual characteristics. Phenotypic traits of studied chickens were measured with farm management details. Hormone assay using ELISA, autopsy followed by gross examination of viscera was performed. The study found higher body weight (gm) (1579.3; 95% CI: 1561.7-1596.8), comb length (cm) (12.2; 11.5-12.8), comb width (cm) (7.9; 7.7-8.2), wattle length (cm) (4.9; 4.8-5.1) distinct spur, and shortened pubic bones distance, suggesting decrease oviposition in sex-reversed chickens. Testosterone concentration (ng/ml) (8.5; 6.4-10.6) was significantly higher (p<0.001) along with decrease estrogen (pg/ml) (5.1; 4.9-5.5) and progesterone concentration (pg/ml) (310.9; 289.4-332.5) in sex-reversed chickens. Mass abdominal fat deposition with atrophied ovary was found upon exploration of viscera.Keywords: ovary, phenotypic traits, sex hormone, sex reversal
Procedia PDF Downloads 4488969 Measurement of Liquid Film Thickness in a Vertical Annular Two Phase Flow Changing the Gas-Liquid Density Ratio
Authors: Shoji Mori, Kunito Okuyama
Annular two phase flow is encountered in many industrial equipments, including flow near nuclear fuel rods in boiling water reactor (BWR). Especially, disturbance waves play important roles in the pressure drop, the generation of entrainments, and the dryout of the liquid film. Therefore, it is important to clarify the behavior of disturbance waves and base film. However, most of the previous studies have been performed under atmospheric pressure conditions that provides the properties of liquid and gas which are significantly different from those of a BWR. Therefore, the effect of properties in gas and liquid on liquid film characteristics should be clarified. In this paper we focus on the effect of gas-liquid density ratio on liquid film thickness characteristics. The experiments have been conducted at four density ratio conditions (ρL/ρG =763, 451, 231, and 31). As a result, it is found that and interfacial shear stress collapse not only tF ave but also tF max and tF min successfully under the same liquid mass flow rate conditions irrespective of ρL/ρG, and moreover a non-dimensional parameter tends to collapse tF max,tF ave,and tF min in the wide range of experimental conditions (ρL/ρG:31~763,We:10~1800,ReL:500 ~ 2200).Keywords: two phase flow, liquid film, annular flow, disturbance wave
Procedia PDF Downloads 3898968 Double Gaussian Distribution of Nonhomogeneous Barrier Height in Metal/n-type GaN Schottky Contacts
Authors: M. Mamor
GaN-based compounds have attracted much interest in the fabrication of high-power, high speed and high-frequency electronic devices. Other examples of GaN-based applications are blue and ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (LEDs). All these devices require high-quality ohmic and Schottky contacts. Gaining an understanding of the electrical characteristics of metal/GaN contacts is of fundamental and technological importance for developing GaN-based devices. In this work, the barrier characteristics of Pt and Pd Schottky contacts on n-type GaN were studied using temperature-dependent forward current-voltage (I-V) measurements over a wide temperature range 80–400 K. Our results show that the barrier height and ideality factor, extracted from the forward I-V characteristics based on thermionic emission (TE) model, exhibit an abnormal dependence with temperature; i.e., by increasing temperature, the barrier height increases whereas the ideality factor decreases. This abnormal behavior has been explained based on the TE model by considering the presence of double Gaussian distribution (GD) of nonhomogeneous barrier height at the metal/GaN interface. However, in the high-temperature range (160-400 K), the extracted value for the effective Richardson constant A* based on the barrier inhomogeneity (BHi) model is found in fair agreement with the theoretically predicted value of about 26.9 K-2 for n-type GaN. This result indicates that in this temperature range, the conduction current transport is dominated by the thermionic emission mode. On the other hand, in the lower temperature range (80-160 K), the corresponding effective Richardson constant value according to the BHi model is lower than the theoretical value, suggesting the presence of other current transport, such as tunneling-assisted mode at lower temperatures.Keywords: Schottky diodes, inhomogeneous barrier height, GaN semiconductors, Schottky barrier heights
Procedia PDF Downloads 568967 Characterization of Kevlar 29 for Multifunction Applications
Authors: Doaa H. Elgohary, Dina M. Hamoda, S. Yahia
Technical textiles refer to textile materials that are engineered and designed to have specific functionalities and performance characteristics beyond their traditional use as apparel or upholstery fabrics. These textiles are usually developed for their unique properties such as strength, durability, flame retardancy, chemical resistance, waterproofing, insulation and other special properties. The development and use of technical textiles are constantly evolving, driven by advances in materials science, manufacturing technologies and the demand for innovative solutions in various industries. Kevlar 29 is a type of aramid fiber developed by DuPont. It is a high-performance material known for its exceptional strength and resistance to impact, abrasion, and heat. Kevlar 29 belongs to the Kevlar family, which includes different types of aramid fibers. Kevlar 29 is primarily used in applications that require strength and durability, such as ballistic protection, body armor, and body armor for military and law enforcement personnel. It is also used in the aerospace and automotive industries to reinforce composite materials, as well as in various industrial applications. Two different Kevlar samples were used coated with cooper lithium silicate (CLS); ten different mechanical and physical properties (weight, thickness, tensile strength, elongation, stiffness, air permeability, puncture resistance, thermal conductivity, stiffness, and spray test) were conducted to approve its functional performance efficiency. The influence of different mechanical properties was statistically analyzed using an independent t-test with a significant difference at P-value = 0.05. The radar plot was calculated and evaluated to determine the best-performing samples. The results of the independent t-test observed that all variables were significantly affected by yarn counts except water permeability, which has no significant effect. All properties were evaluated for samples 1 and 2, a radar chart was used to determine the best attitude for samples. The radar chart area was calculated, which shows that sample 1 recorded the best performance, followed by sample 2. The surface morphology of all samples and the coating materials was determined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), also Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement for the two samples.Keywords: cooper lithium silicate, independent t-test, kevlar, technical textiles.
Procedia PDF Downloads 818966 Receptor-Independent Effects of Endocannabinoid Anandamide on Contractility and Electrophysiological Properties of Rat Ventricular Myocytes
Authors: Lina T. Al Kury, Oleg I. Voitychuk, Ramiz M. Ali, Sehamuddin Galadari, Keun-Hang Susan Yang, Frank Christopher Howarth, Yaroslav M. Shuba, Murat Oz
A role for anandamide (N-arachidonoyl ethanolamide; AEA), a major endocannabinoid, in the cardiovascular system in various pathological conditions has been reported in earlier studies. In the present work, we have hypothesized that the antiarrhythmic effects reported for AEA are due to its negative inotropic effect and altered action potential (AP) characteristics. Therefore, we tested the effects of AEA on contractility and electrophysiological properties of rat ventricular myocytes. Video edge detection was used to measure myocyte shortening. Intracellular Ca2+ was measured in cells loaded with the fluorescent indicator fura-2 AM. Whole-cell patch-clamp technique was employed to investigate the effect of AEA on the characteristics of APs. AEA (1 μM) caused a significant decrease in the amplitudes of electrically-evoked myocyte shortening and Ca2+ transients and significantly decreased the duration of AP. The effect of AEA on myocyte shortening and AP characteristics was not altered in the presence of pertussis toxin (PTX, 2 µg/ml for 4 h), AM251 and SR141716 (cannabinoid type 1 receptor antagonists) or AM630 and SR 144528 (cannabinoid type 2 receptor antagonists). Furthermore, AEA inhibited voltage-activated inward Na+ (INa) and Ca2+ (IL,Ca) currents; major ionic currents shaping the APs in ventricular myocytes, in a voltage and PTX-independent manner. Collectively, the results suggest that AEA depresses ventricular myocyte contractility, by decreasing the action potential duration (APD), and inhibits the function of voltage-dependent Na+ and L-type Ca2+ channels in a manner independent of cannabinoid receptors. This mechanism may be importantly involved in the antiarrhythmic effects of anandamide.Keywords: action potential, anandamide, cannabinoid receptor, endocannabinoid, ventricular myocytes
Procedia PDF Downloads 3568965 Constructing Digital Memory for Chinese Ancient Village: A Case on Village of Gaoqian
Authors: Linqing Ma, Huiling Feng, Jihong Liang, Yi Qian
In China, some villages have survived in the long history of changes and remain until today with their unique styles and featured culture developed in the past. Those ancient villages, usually aged for hundreds or thousands of years, are the mirror for traditional Chinese culture, especially the farming-studying culture represented by the Confucianism. Gaoqian, an ancient village with a population of 3,000 in Zhejiang province, is such a case. With a history dating back to Yuan Dynasty, Gaoqian Village has 13 well-preserved traditional Chinese houses with a courtyard, which were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It is a fine specimen to study traditional rural China. In China, some villages have survived in the long history of changes and remain until today with their unique styles and featured culture developed in the past. Those ancient villages, usually aged for hundreds or thousands of years, are the mirror for traditional Chinese culture, especially the farming-studying culture represented by the Confucianism. Gaoqian, an ancient village with a population of 3,000 in Zhejiang province, is such a case. With a history dating back to Yuan Dynasty, Gaoqian Village has 13 well-preserved traditional Chinese houses with a courtyard, which were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It is a fine specimen to study traditional rural China. Then a repository for the memory of the Village will be completed by doing arrangement and description for those multimedia resources such as texts, photos, videos and so on. Production of Creative products with digital technologies is also possible based a thorough understanding of the culture feature of Gaoqian Village using research tools for literature and history studies and a method of comparative study. Finally, the project will construct an exhibition platform for the Village and its culture by telling its stories with completed structures and treads.Keywords: ancient villages, digital exhibition, multimedia, traditional culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 5878964 Characterisation of Human Attitudes in Software Requirements Elicitation
Authors: Mauro Callejas-Cuervo, Andrea C. Alarcon-Aldana
It is evident that there has been progress in the development and innovation of tools, techniques and methods in the development of software. Even so, there are few methodologies that include the human factor from the point of view of motivation, emotions and impact on the work environment; aspects that, when mishandled or not taken into consideration, increase the iterations in the requirements elicitation phase. This generates a broad number of changes in the characteristics of the system during its developmental process and an overinvestment of resources to obtain a final product that, often, does not live up to the expectations and needs of the client. The human factors such as emotions or personality traits are naturally associated with the process of developing software. However, most of these jobs are oriented towards the analysis of the final users of the software and do not take into consideration the emotions and motivations of the members of the development team. Given that in the industry, the strategies to select the requirements engineers and/or the analysts do not take said factors into account, it is important to identify and describe the characteristics or personality traits in order to elicit requirements effectively. This research describes the main personality traits associated with the requirements elicitation tasks through the analysis of the existing literature on the topic and a compilation of our experiences as software development project managers in the academic and productive sectors; allowing for the characterisation of a suitable profile for this job. Moreover, a psychometric test is used as an information gathering technique, and it is applied to the personnel of some local companies in the software development sector. Such information has become an important asset in order to make a comparative analysis between the degree of effectiveness in the way their software development teams are formed and the proposed profile. The results show that of the software development companies studied: 53.58% have selected the personnel for the task of requirements elicitation adequately, 37.71% possess some of the characteristics to perform the task, and 10.71% are inadequate. From the previous information, it is possible to conclude that 46.42% of the requirements engineers selected by the companies could perform other roles more adequately; a change which could improve the performance and competitiveness of the work team and, indirectly, the quality of the product developed. Likewise, the research allowed for the validation of the pertinence and usefulness of the psychometric instrument as well as the accuracy of the characteristics for the profile of requirements engineer proposed as a reference.Keywords: emotions, human attitudes, personality traits, psychometric tests, requirements engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 2648963 Investigations of Thermo Fluid Characteristics of Copper Alloy Porous Heat Sinks by Forced Air Cooling
Authors: Ashish Mahalle, Kishore Borakhade
High porosity metal foams are excellent for heat dissipation. There use has been widened to include heat removal from high density microelectronics circuits. Other important applications have been found in compact heat exchangers for airborne equipment, regenerative and dissipative air cooled condenser towers, and compact heat sinks for power electronic. The low relative density, open porosity and high thermal conductivity of the cell edges, large accessible surface area per unit volume, and the ability to mix the cooling fluid make metal foam heat exchangers efficient, compact and light weight. This paper reports the thermal performance of metal foam for high heat dissipation. In experimentation metal foam samples of different pore diameters i.e. 35 µ, 20 µ, 12 µ, are analyzed for varying velocities and heat inputs. The study investigate the effect of various dimensionless no. like Re,Nu, Pr and heat transfer characteristics of basic flow configuration.Keywords: pores, foam, effective thermal conductivity, permeability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3128962 Pricing the Risk Associated to Weather of Variable Renewable Energy Generation
Authors: Jorge M. Uribe
We propose a methodology for setting the price of an insurance contract targeted to manage the risk associated with weather conditions that affect variable renewable energy generation. The methodology relies on conditional quantile regressions to estimate the weather risk of a solar panel. It is illustrated using real daily radiation and weather data for three cities in Spain (Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid) from February 2/2004 to January 22/2019. We also adapt the concepts of value at risk and expected short fall from finance to this context, to provide a complete panorama of what we label as weather risk. The methodology is easy to implement and can be used by insurance companies to price a contract with the aforementioned characteristics when data about similar projects and accurate cash flow projections are lacking. Our methodology assigns a higher price to an insurance product with the stated characteristics in Madrid, compared to Valencia and Barcelona. This is consistent with Madrid showing the largest interquartile range of operational deficits and it is unrelated to the average value deficit, which illustrates the importance of our proposal.Keywords: insurance, weather, vre, risk
Procedia PDF Downloads 1498961 Key Transfer Protocol Based on Non-invertible Numbers
Authors: Luis A. Lizama-Perez, Manuel J. Linares, Mauricio Lopez
We introduce a method to perform remote user authentication on what we call non-invertible cryptography. It exploits the fact that the multiplication of an invertible integer and a non-invertible integer in a ring Zn produces a non-invertible integer making infeasible to compute factorization. The protocol requires the smallest key size when is compared with the main public key algorithms as Diffie-Hellman, Rivest-Shamir-Adleman or Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Since we found that the unique opportunity for the eavesdropper is to mount an exhaustive search on the keys, the protocol seems to be post-quantum.Keywords: invertible, non-invertible, ring, key transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1818960 Television Global Market: International Success of Spanish Show Elite
Authors: Ana Avila Bohorquez
Elite (Netflix, 2018-) is the second original series produced by Netflix in Spain. Premiered in 2018, it became an international success, both critically and among audiences. Reviewers praised its use of teen drama tropes with a more progressive twist. Netflix announced that the first season had been streamed by over 20 million accounts within its first month of release. This paper aims to determine what characteristics led to Elite’s international success, finding the elements of its narrative and visual design that resonate with global audiences. After reviewing the bibliography about transnational fiction, questionnaires sent to international audience members through social media shed light on what these characteristics are. Additionally, interviews with the creative team were performed in order to compare their point of view with the audiences’ perception. Even though Elite can be considered a Spanish show from its inception, it's setting in the “fantasy” world of the rich and its lack of social realism so common among Spanish productions managed to attract global audiences, to whom it has appealed on a more emotional level.Keywords: elite, global television, Netflix, teen drama, transnational fiction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1808959 Experimental Approach for Determining Hemi-Anechoic Characteristics of Engineering Acoustical Test Chambers
Authors: Santiago Montoya-Ospina, Raúl E. Jiménez-Mejía, Rosa Elvira Correa Gutiérrez
An experimental methodology is proposed for determining hemi-anechoic characteristics of an engineering acoustic room built at the facilities of Universidad Nacional de Colombia to evaluate the free-field conditions inside the chamber. Experimental results were compared with theoretical ones in both, the source and the sound propagation inside the chamber. Acoustic source was modeled by using monopole radiation pattern from punctual sources and the image method was considered for dealing with the reflective plane of the room, that means, the floor without insulation. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method was implemented to calculate the sound pressure value at every spatial point of the chamber. Comparison between theoretical and experimental data yields to minimum error, giving satisfactory results for the hemi-anechoic characterization of the chamber.Keywords: acoustic impedance, finite-difference time-domain, hemi-anechoic characterization
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