Search results for: real rational transfer functions
9021 Numerical Approach of RC Structural MembersExposed to Fire and After-Cooling Analysis
Authors: Ju-young Hwang, Hyo-Gyoung Kwak, Hong Jae Yim
This paper introduces a numerical analysis method for reinforced-concrete (RC) structures exposed to fire and compares the result with experimental results. The proposed analysis method for RC structure under the high temperature consists of two procedures. First step is to decide the temperature distribution across the section through the heat transfer analysis by using the time-temperature curve. After determination of the temperature distribution, the nonlinear analysis is followed. By considering material and geometrical non-linearity with the temperature distribution, nonlinear analysis predicts the behavior of RC structure under the fire by the exposed time. The proposed method is validated by the comparison with the experimental results. Finally, Prediction model to describe the status of after-cooling concrete can also be introduced based on the results of additional experiment. The product of this study is expected to be embedded for smart structure monitoring system against fire in u-City.Keywords: RC structures, heat transfer analysis, nonlinear analysis, after-cooling concrete model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3699020 Simulation-Based Learning: Cases at Slovak University of Technology, at Faculty of Materials Science and Technology
Authors: Gabriela Chmelikova, Ludmila Hurajova, Pavol Bozek
Current era has brought hand in hand with the vast and fast development of technologies enormous pressure on individuals to keep being well - oriented in their professional fields. Almost all projects in the real world require an interdisciplinary perspective. These days we notice some cases when students face that real requirements for jobs are in contrast to the knowledge and competences they gained at universities. Interlacing labor market and university programs is a big issue these days. Sometimes it seems that higher education only “chases” reality. Simulation-based learning can support students’ touch with real demand on competences and knowledge of job world. The contribution provided a descriptive study of some cases of simulation-based teaching environment in different courses at STU MTF in Trnava and discussed how students and teachers perceive this model of teaching-learning approach. Finally, some recommendations are proposed how to enhance closer relationship between academic world and labor market.Keywords: interdisciplinary approach, simulation-based learning, students' job readiness, teaching environment in higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 2739019 Investigating a Deterrence Function for Work Trips for Perth Metropolitan Area
Authors: Ali Raouli, Amin Chegenizadeh, Hamid Nikraz
The Perth metropolitan area and its surrounding regions have been expanding rapidly in recent decades and it is expected that this growth will continue in the years to come. With this rapid growth and the resulting increase in population, consideration should be given to strategic planning and modelling for the future expansion of Perth. The accurate estimation of projected traffic volumes has always been a major concern for the transport modelers and planners. Development of a reliable strategic transport model depends significantly on the inputs data into the model and the calibrated parameters of the model to reflect the existing situation. Trip distribution is the second step in four-step modelling (FSM) which is complex due to its behavioral nature. Gravity model is the most common method for trip distribution. The spatial separation between the Origin and Destination (OD) zones will be reflected in gravity model by applying deterrence functions which provide an opportunity to include people’s behavior in choosing their destinations based on distance, time and cost of their journeys. Deterrence functions play an important role for distribution of the trips within a study area and would simulate the trip distances and therefore should be calibrated for any particular strategic transport model to correctly reflect the trip behavior within the modelling area. This paper aims to review the most common deterrence functions and propose a calibrated deterrence function for work trips within the Perth Metropolitan Area based on the information obtained from the latest available Household data and Perth and Region Travel Survey (PARTS) data. As part of this study, a four-step transport model using EMME software has been developed for Perth Metropolitan Area to assist with the analysis and findings.Keywords: deterrence function, four-step modelling, origin destination, transport model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1689018 Effects of Oral L-Carnitine on Liver Functions after Trans arterial Chemoembolization in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients
Authors: Ali Kassem, Aly Taha, Abeer Hassan, Kazuhide Higuchi
Introduction: Trans arterial chemoembolization (TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is usually followed by hepatic dysfunction that limits its efficacy. L-carnitine is recently studied as hepatoprotective agent. Our aim is to evaluate the L-carnitine effects against the deterioration of liver functions after TACE. Method: 53 patients with intermediate stage HCC were assigned into two groups; L-carnitine group (26 patients) who received L-carnitine 300 mg tablet twice daily from 2 weeks before to 12 weeks after TACE and control group (27 patients) without L-carnitine therapy. 28 of studied patients received branched chain amino acids granules. Results: There were significant differences between L-carnitine Vs. control group in mean serum albumin change from baseline to 1 week and 4 weeks after TACE (p < 0.05). L-Carnitine maintained Child-Pugh score at 1 week after TACE and exhibited improvement at 4 weeks after TACE (p < 0.01 Vs 1 week after TACE). Control group has significant Child-Pugh score deterioration from baseline to 1 week after TACE (p < 0.05) and 12 weeks after TACE (p < 0.05). There were significant differences between L-carnitine and control groups in mean Child-Pugh score change from baseline to 4 weeks (p < 0.05) and 12 weeks after TACE (p < 0.05). L-carnitine displayed improvement in (PT) from baseline to 1 week, 4 w (p < 0.05) and 12 weeks after TACE. PT in control group declined less than baseline along all follow up intervals. Total bilirubin in L-carnitine group decreased at 1 week post TACE while in control group, it significantly increased at 1 week (p = 0.01). ALT and C-reactive protein elevation were suppressed at 1 week after TACE in Lcarnitine group. The hepatoprotective effects of L-carnitine were enhanced by concomitant use of branched chain amino acids. Conclusion: L-carnitine and BCAA combination therapy offer a novel supportive strategy after TACE in HCC patients.Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma, L-carnitine, liver functions , trans-arterial embolization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1559017 Modelling Fluidization by Data-Based Recurrence Computational Fluid Dynamics
Authors: Varun Dongre, Stefan Pirker, Stefan Heinrich
Over the last decades, the numerical modelling of fluidized bed processes has become feasible even for industrial processes. Commonly, continuous two-fluid models are applied to describe large-scale fluidization. In order to allow for coarse grids novel two-fluid models account for unresolved sub-grid heterogeneities. However, computational efforts remain high – in the order of several hours of compute-time for a few seconds of real-time – thus preventing the representation of long-term phenomena such as heating or particle conversion processes. In order to overcome this limitation, data-based recurrence computational fluid dynamics (rCFD) has been put forward in recent years. rCFD can be regarded as a data-based method that relies on the numerical predictions of a conventional short-term simulation. This data is stored in a database and then used by rCFD to efficiently time-extrapolate the flow behavior in high spatial resolution. This study will compare the numerical predictions of rCFD simulations with those of corresponding full CFD reference simulations for lab-scale and pilot-scale fluidized beds. In assessing the predictive capabilities of rCFD simulations, we focus on solid mixing and secondary gas holdup. We observed that predictions made by rCFD simulations are highly sensitive to numerical parameters such as diffusivity associated with face swaps. We achieved a computational speed-up of four orders of magnitude (10,000 time faster than classical TFM simulation) eventually allowing for real-time simulations of fluidized beds. In the next step, we apply the checkerboarding technique by introducing gas tracers subjected to convection and diffusion. We then analyze the concentration profiles by observing mixing, transport of gas tracers, insights about the convective and diffusive pattern of the gas tracers, and further towards heat and mass transfer methods. Finally, we run rCFD simulations and calibrate them with numerical and physical parameters compared with convectional Two-fluid model (full CFD) simulation. As a result, this study gives a clear indication of the applicability, predictive capabilities, and existing limitations of rCFD in the realm of fluidization modelling.Keywords: multiphase flow, recurrence CFD, two-fluid model, industrial processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 759016 Prediction of Mental Health: Heuristic Subjective Well-Being Model on Perceived Stress Scale
Authors: Ahmet Karakuş, Akif Can Kilic, Emre Alptekin
A growing number of studies have been conducted to determine how well-being may be predicted using well-designed models. It is necessary to investigate the backgrounds of features in order to construct a viable Subjective Well-Being (SWB) model. We have picked the suitable variables from the literature on SWB that are acceptable for real-world data instructions. The goal of this work is to evaluate the model by feeding it with SWB characteristics and then categorizing the stress levels using machine learning methods to see how well it performs on a real dataset. Despite the fact that it is a multiclass classification issue, we have achieved significant metric scores, which may be taken into account for a specific task.Keywords: machine learning, multiclassification problem, subjective well-being, perceived stress scale
Procedia PDF Downloads 1339015 Research on the Function Optimization of China-Hungary Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone
Authors: Wenjuan Lu
China and Hungary have risen from a friendly and comprehensive cooperative relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership in recent years, and the economic and trade relations between the two countries have developed smoothly. As an important country along the ‘Belt and Road’, Hungary and China have strong economic complementarities and have unique advantages in carrying China's industrial transfer and economic transformation and development. The construction of the China-Hungary Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, which was initiated by the ‘Sino-Hungarian Borsod Industrial Zone’ and the ‘Hungarian Central European Trade and Logistics Cooperation Park’ has promoted infrastructure construction, optimized production capacity, promoted industrial restructuring, and formed brand and agglomeration effects. Enhancing the influence of Chinese companies in the European market has also promoted economic development in Hungary and even in Central and Eastern Europe. However, as the China-Hungary Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone is still in its infancy, there are still shortcomings such as small scale, single function, and no prominent platform. In the future, based on the needs of China's cooperation with ‘17+1’ and China-Hungary cooperation, on the basis of appropriately expanding the scale of economic and trade cooperation zones and appropriately increasing the number of economic and trade cooperation zones, it is better to focus on optimizing and adjusting its functions and highlighting different economic and trade cooperation. The differentiated function of the trade zones strengthens the multi-faceted cooperation of economic and trade cooperation zones and highlights its role as a platform for cooperation in information, capital, and services.Keywords: ‘One Belt, One Road’ Initiative, China-Hungary economic and trade cooperation zone, function optimization, Central and Eastern Europe
Procedia PDF Downloads 1809014 An Information-Based Approach for Preference Method in Multi-Attribute Decision Making
Authors: Serhat Tuzun, Tufan Demirel
Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is the modelling of real-life to solve problems we encounter. It is a discipline that aids decision makers who are faced with conflicting alternatives to make an optimal decision. MCDM problems can be classified into two main categories: Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) and Multi-Objective Decision Making (MODM), based on the different purposes and different data types. Although various MADM techniques were developed for the problems encountered, their methodology is limited in modelling real-life. Moreover, objective results are hard to obtain, and the findings are generally derived from subjective data. Although, new and modified techniques are developed by presenting new approaches such as fuzzy logic; comprehensive techniques, even though they are better in modelling real-life, could not find a place in real world applications for being hard to apply due to its complex structure. These constraints restrict the development of MADM. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of preference methods in MADM and propose an approach based on information. For this purpose, a detailed literature review has been conducted, current approaches with their advantages and disadvantages have been analyzed. Then, the approach has been introduced. In this approach, performance values of the criteria are calculated in two steps: first by determining the distribution of each attribute and standardizing them, then calculating the information of each attribute as informational energy.Keywords: literature review, multi-attribute decision making, operations research, preference method, informational energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2259013 Smart Brain Wave Sensor for Paralyzed- a Real Time Implementation
Authors: U.B Mahadevswamy UBM, Siraj Ahmed Siraj
As the title of the paper indicates about brainwaves and its uses for various applications based on their frequencies and different parameters which can be implemented as real time application with the title a smart brain wave sensor system for paralyzed patients. Brain wave sensing is to detect a person's mental status. The purpose of brain wave sensing is to give exact treatment to paralyzed patients. The data or signal is obtained from the brainwaves sensing band. This data are converted as object files using Visual Basics. The processed data is further sent to Arduino which has the human's behavioral aspects like emotions, sensations, feelings, and desires. The proposed device can sense human brainwaves and detect the percentage of paralysis that the person is suffering. The advantage of this paper is to give a real-time smart sensor device for paralyzed patients with paralysis percentage for their exact treatment. Keywords:-Brainwave sensor, BMI, Brain scan, EEG, MCH.Keywords: Keywords:-Brainwave sensor , BMI, Brain scan, EEG, MCH
Procedia PDF Downloads 1569012 Parallel Magnetic Field Effect on Copper Cementation onto Rotating Iron Rod
Authors: Hamouda M. Mousa, M. Obaid, Chan Hee Park, Cheol Sang Kim
The rate of copper cementation on iron rod was investigated. The study was mainly dedicated to illustrate the effect of application of electromagnetic field (EMF) on the rate of cementation. The magnetic flux was placed parallel to the iron rod and different magnetic field strength was studied. The results showed that without EMF, the rate of mass transfer was correlated by the equation: Sh= 1.36 Re0. 098 Sc0.33. The application of EMF enhanced the time required to reach high percentage copper cementation by 50%. The rate of mass transfer was correlated by the equation: Sh= 2.29 Re0. 95 Sc0.33, with applying EMF. This work illustrates that the enhancement of copper recovery in presence of EMF is due to the induced motion of Fe+n in the solution which is limited in the range of rod rotation speed of 300~900 rpm. The calculation of power consumption of EMF showed that although the application of EMF partially reduced the cementation time, the reduction of power consumption due to utilization of magnetic field is comparable to the increase in power consumed by introducing magnetic field of 2462 A T/m.Keywords: copper cementation, electromagnetic field, copper ions, iron cylinder
Procedia PDF Downloads 4919011 Performance Analysis of Domotics System as Real-Time Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
Authors: Dauda A. Oladosu, Kamorudeen A Olaiya, Abdurahman Bello
The deployment of smart meters by utility providers to gather fine grained spatiotemporal consumption data has grossly influenced the consumers’ emotion and behavior towards energy utilization. The quest for reduction in power consumption is now a subject of concern and one the methods adopted by the consumers to achieve this is Non-intrusive Load (appliance) Monitoring. Hence, this work presents performance Analysis of Domotics System as a tool for load monitoring when integrated with Consumer Control Unit of residential building. The system was developed with basic elements which enhance remote sensing, DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-frequency) recognition and cryptic messaging when specific task was performed. To demonstrate its applicability and suitability, this prototype was used consistently for six months at different load demands and the utilities consumed were documented. The results obtained shows good response when phone dialed, and the packet delivery of feedback SMS was quite satisfactory, making the implemented system to be of good quality with affordable cost and performs the desired functions. Besides, comparative analysis showed notable reduction in energy consumption and invariably lessened electrical bill of the consumer.Keywords: automation, domotics, energy, load, remote, schedule
Procedia PDF Downloads 3199010 The Effect of Torsional Angle on Reversible Electron Transfer in Donor: Acceptor Frameworks Using Bis(Imino)Pyridines as Proxy
Authors: Ryan Brisbin, Hassan Harb, Justin Debow, Hrant Hratchian, Ryan Baxter
Donor-Acceptor (DA) frameworks are crucial parts of any technology requiring charge transport. This type of behavior is ubiquitous across technologies from semi conductors to solar panels. Currently, most DA systems involve metallic components, but progressive research is being pursued to design fully organic DA systems to be used as both organic semi-conductors and light emitting diodes. These systems are currently comprised of conductive polymers and salts. However, little is known about the effect of various physical aspects (size, torsional angle, electron density) have on the act of reversible charge transfer. Herein, the effect of torsional angle on reductive stability in bis(imino)pyridines is analyzed using a combination of single crystal analysis and electro-chemical peak current ratios from cyclic voltammetry. The computed free energies of reduction and electron attachment points were also investigated through density functional theory and natural ionization orbital theory to gain greater understanding of the global effect torsional angles have on electron transfer in bis(imino)pyridines. Findings indicated that torsional angles are a multi-variable parameter affected by both local steric constraints and resonant electronic contributions. Local steric impacted torsional angles demonstrated a negligible effect on electrochemical reversibility, while resonant affected torsional angles were observed to significantly alter the electrochemical reversibility.Keywords: cyclic voltammetry, bis(imino)pyridines, structure-activity relationship, torsional angles
Procedia PDF Downloads 2389009 Modelling of Heat Generation in a 18650 Lithium-Ion Battery Cell under Varying Discharge Rates
Authors: Foo Shen Hwang, Thomas Confrey, Stephen Scully, Barry Flannery
Thermal characterization plays an important role in battery pack design. Lithium-ion batteries have to be maintained between 15-35 °C to operate optimally. Heat is generated (Q) internally within the batteries during both the charging and discharging phases. This can be quantified using several standard methods. The most common method of calculating the batteries heat generation is through the addition of both the joule heating effects and the entropic changes across the battery. In addition, such values can be derived by identifying the open-circuit voltage (OCV), nominal voltage (V), operating current (I), battery temperature (T) and the rate of change of the open-circuit voltage in relation to temperature (dOCV/dT). This paper focuses on experimental characterization and comparative modelling of the heat generation rate (Q) across several current discharge rates (0.5C, 1C, and 1.5C) of a 18650 cell. The analysis is conducted utilizing several non-linear mathematical functions methods, including polynomial, exponential, and power models. Parameter fitting is carried out over the respective function orders; polynomial (n = 3~7), exponential (n = 2) and power function. The generated parameter fitting functions are then used as heat source functions in a 3-D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver under natural convection conditions. Generated temperature profiles are analyzed for errors based on experimental discharge tests, conducted at standard room temperature (25°C). Initial experimental results display low deviation between both experimental and CFD temperature plots. As such, the heat generation function formulated could be easier utilized for larger battery applications than other methods available.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, curve fitting, lithium-ion battery, voltage drop
Procedia PDF Downloads 969008 The Two-Lane Rural Analysis and Comparison of Police Statistics and Results with the Help IHSDM
Authors: S. Amanpour, F. Mohamadian, S. A. Tabatabai
With the number of accidents and fatalities in recent years can be concluded that Iran is the status of road accidents, remains in a crisis. Investigate the causes of such incidents in all countries is a necessity. By doing this research, the results of the number and type of accidents and the location of the crash will be available. It is possible to prioritize economic and rational solutions to fix the flaws in the way of short-term the results are all the more strict rules about the desire to have black spots and cursory glance at the change of but results in long-term are desired to change the system or increase the width of the path or add extra track. In general, the relationship between the analysis of the accidents and near police statistics is the number of accidents in one year. This could prove the accuracy of the analysis done.Keywords: traffic, IHSDM, crash, modeling, Khuzestan
Procedia PDF Downloads 2859007 A Deterministic Approach for Solving the Hull and White Interest Rate Model with Jump Process
Authors: Hong-Ming Chen
This work considers the resolution of the Hull and White interest rate model with the jump process. A deterministic process is adopted to model the random behavior of interest rate variation as deterministic perturbations, which is depending on the time t. The Brownian motion and jumps uncertainty are denoted as the integral functions piecewise constant function w(t) and point function θ(t). It shows that the interest rate function and the yield function of the Hull and White interest rate model with jump process can be obtained by solving a nonlinear semi-infinite programming problem. A relaxed cutting plane algorithm is then proposed for solving the resulting optimization problem. The method is calibrated for the U.S. treasury securities at 3-month data and is used to analyze several effects on interest rate prices, including interest rate variability, and the negative correlation between stock returns and interest rates. The numerical results illustrate that our approach essentially generates the yield functions with minimal fitting errors and small oscillation.Keywords: optimization, interest rate model, jump process, deterministic
Procedia PDF Downloads 1619006 Gamification in Education: A Case Study on the Use of Serious Games
Authors: Maciej Zareba, Pawel Dawid
This article provides a case study exploring the use of serious games in educational settings, indicating their potential to transform conventional teaching methods into interactive and engaging learning experiences. By incorporating game elements such as points, leaderboards and progress indicators, serious games establish clear goals, provide real-time feedback and give a sense of progress. These elements enable students to solve complex problems in simulated environments, fostering critical thinking, creativity and contextual learning. The article provides a case study of the feasibility of using the 4FactryManager serious game in a selected educational context, demonstrating its effectiveness in increasing student motivation, improving academic performance and promoting knowledge consolidation. The study and presentation are based on the results of industrial research and development work conducted as part of the project titled (4FM) 4FACTORY Manager – an innovative simulation game for managing real production processes using a novel gameplay model based on the interaction between the virtual and real worlds, applying the Industry 4.0 concept (Project number: POIR.01.02.00-00-0057/19).Keywords: gamification, serious games, education, elearning
Procedia PDF Downloads 89005 Loss Function Optimization for CNN-Based Fingerprint Anti-Spoofing
Authors: Yehjune Heo
As biometric systems become widely deployed, the security of identification systems can be easily attacked by various spoof materials. This paper contributes to finding a reliable and practical anti-spoofing method using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) based on the types of loss functions and optimizers. The types of CNNs used in this paper include AlexNet, VGGNet, and ResNet. By using various loss functions including Cross-Entropy, Center Loss, Cosine Proximity, and Hinge Loss, and various loss optimizers which include Adam, SGD, RMSProp, Adadelta, Adagrad, and Nadam, we obtained significant performance changes. We realize that choosing the correct loss function for each model is crucial since different loss functions lead to different errors on the same evaluation. By using a subset of the Livdet 2017 database, we validate our approach to compare the generalization power. It is important to note that we use a subset of LiveDet and the database is the same across all training and testing for each model. This way, we can compare the performance, in terms of generalization, for the unseen data across all different models. The best CNN (AlexNet) with the appropriate loss function and optimizers result in more than 3% of performance gain over the other CNN models with the default loss function and optimizer. In addition to the highest generalization performance, this paper also contains the models with high accuracy associated with parameters and mean average error rates to find the model that consumes the least memory and computation time for training and testing. Although AlexNet has less complexity over other CNN models, it is proven to be very efficient. For practical anti-spoofing systems, the deployed version should use a small amount of memory and should run very fast with high anti-spoofing performance. For our deployed version on smartphones, additional processing steps, such as quantization and pruning algorithms, have been applied in our final model.Keywords: anti-spoofing, CNN, fingerprint recognition, loss function, optimizer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1379004 Impact Tensile Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel at Different Strain Rates
Authors: Jiawei Chen, Jia Qu, Dianwei Ju
316L stainless steel has good mechanical and technological properties, has been widely used in shipbuilding and aerospace manufacturing. In order to understand the effect of strain rate on the yield limit of 316L stainless steel and the constitutive relationship of the materials at different strain rates, this paper used the INSTRON-4505 electronic universal testing machine to study the mechanical properties of the tensile specimen under quasi-static conditions. Meanwhile, the Zwick-Roell RKP450 intelligent oscillometric impact tester was used to test the tensile specimens at different strain rates. Through the above two kinds of experimental researches, the relationship between the true stress-strain and the engineering stress-strain at different strain rates is obtained. The result shows that the tensile yield point of 316L stainless steel increases with the increase of strain rate, and the real stress-strain curve of the 316L stainless steel has a better normalization than that of the engineering stress-strain curve. The real stress-strain curves can be used in the practical engineering of impact stretch to improve its safety.Keywords: impact stretch, 316L stainless steel, strain rate, real stress-strain, normalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2809003 Vibration Analysis and Optimization Design of Ultrasonic Horn
Authors: Kuen Ming Shu, Ren Kai Ho
Ultrasonic horn has the functions of amplifying amplitude and reducing resonant impedance in ultrasonic system. Its primary function is to amplify deformation or velocity during vibration and focus ultrasonic energy on the small area. It is a crucial component in design of ultrasonic vibration system. There are five common design methods for ultrasonic horns: analytical method, equivalent circuit method, equal mechanical impedance, transfer matrix method, finite element method. In addition, the general optimization design process is to change the geometric parameters to improve a single performance. Therefore, in the general optimization design process, we couldn't find the relation of parameter and objective. However, a good optimization design must be able to establish the relationship between input parameters and output parameters so that the designer can choose between parameters according to different performance objectives and obtain the results of the optimization design. In this study, an ultrasonic horn provided by Maxwide Ultrasonic co., Ltd. was used as the contrast of optimized ultrasonic horn. The ANSYS finite element analysis (FEA) software was used to simulate the distribution of the horn amplitudes and the natural frequency value. The results showed that the frequency for the simulation values and actual measurement values were similar, verifying the accuracy of the simulation values. The ANSYS DesignXplorer was used to perform Response Surface optimization, which could shows the relation of parameter and objective. Therefore, this method can be used to substitute the traditional experience method or the trial-and-error method for design to reduce material costs and design cycles.Keywords: horn, natural frequency, response surface optimization, ultrasonic vibration
Procedia PDF Downloads 1179002 Modification Encryption Time and Permutation in Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm
Authors: Dalal N. Hammod, Ekhlas K. Gbashi
Today, cryptography is used in many applications to achieve high security in data transmission and in real-time communications. AES has long gained global acceptance and is used for securing sensitive data in various industries but has suffered from slow processing and take a large time to transfer data. This paper suggests a method to enhance Advance Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm based on time and permutation. The suggested method (MAES) is based on modifying the SubByte and ShiftRrows in the encryption part and modification the InvSubByte and InvShiftRows in the decryption part. After the implementation of the proposal and testing the results, the Modified AES achieved good results in accomplishing the communication with high performance criteria in terms of randomness, encryption time, storage space, and avalanche effects. The proposed method has good randomness to ciphertext because this method passed NIST statistical tests against attacks; also, (MAES) reduced the encryption time by (10 %) than the time of the original AES; therefore, the modified AES is faster than the original AES. Also, the proposed method showed good results in memory utilization where the value is (54.36) for the MAES, but the value for the original AES is (66.23). Also, the avalanche effects used for calculating diffusion property are (52.08%) for the modified AES and (51.82%) percentage for the original AES.Keywords: modified AES, randomness test, encryption time, avalanche effects
Procedia PDF Downloads 2499001 Evaluation of Two DNA Extraction Methods for Minimal Porcine (Pork) Detection in Halal Food Sample Mixture Using Taqman Real-time PCR Technique
Authors: Duaa Mughal, Syeda Areeba Nadeem, Shakil Ahmed, Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan
The identification of porcine DNA in Halal food items is critical to ensuring compliance with dietary restrictions and religious beliefs. In Islam, Porcine is prohibited as clearly mentioned in Quran (Surah Al-Baqrah, Ayat 173). The purpose of this study was to compare two DNA extraction procedures for detecting 0.001% of porcine DNA in processed Halal food sample mixtures containing chicken, camel, veal, turkey and goat meat using the TaqMan Real-Time PCR technology. In this research, two different commercial kit protocols were compared. The processed sample mixtures were prepared by spiking known concentration of porcine DNA to non-porcine food matrices. Afterwards, TaqMan Real-Time PCR technique was used to target a particular porcine gene from the extracted DNA samples, which was quantified after extraction. The results of the amplification were evaluated for sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility. The results of the study demonstrated that two DNA extraction techniques can detect 0.01% of porcine DNA in mixture of Halal food samples. However, as compared to the alternative approach, Eurofins| GeneScan GeneSpin DNA Isolation kit showed more effective sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore, the commercial kit-based approach showed great repeatability with minimal variance across repeats. Quantification of DNA was done by using fluorometric assay. In conclusion, the comparison of DNA extraction methods for detecting porcine DNA in Halal food sample mixes using the TaqMan Real-Time PCR technology reveals that the commercial kit-based approach outperforms the other methods in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and repeatability. This research helps to promote the development of reliable and standardized techniques for detecting porcine DNA in Halal food items, religious conformity and assuring nutritional.Keywords: real time PCR (qPCR), DNA extraction, porcine DNA, halal food authentication, religious conformity
Procedia PDF Downloads 799000 Numerical Analysis of Roughness Effect on Mini and Microchannels: Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer
Authors: El-Ghalia Filali, Cherif Gadouche, Mohamed Tahar
A three-dimensional numerical simulation of flow through mini and microchannels with designed roughness is conducted here. The effect of the roughness height (surface roughness), geometry, Reynolds number on the friction factor and the Nusselt number is investigated. The study is carried out by employing CFD software, CFX. Our work focuses on a water flow inside a circular mini-channel of 1 mm and microchannels of 500 and 100 μm in diameter. The speed entry varies from 0.1 m/s to 20 m/s. The general trend can be observed that bigger sizes of roughness element lead to higher flow resistance. It is found that the friction factor increases in a nonlinear fashion with the increase in obstruction height. Particularly, the effect of roughness can no longer be ignored at relative roughness height higher than 3%. A significant increase in Poiseuille number is detected for all configurations considered. The same observation can be done for Nusselt number. The transition zone between laminar and turbulent flow depends on the channel diameter.Keywords: hydrodynamics, heat transfer, minichannel, microchannel, roughness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3628999 Curve Fitting by Cubic Bezier Curves Using Migrating Birds Optimization Algorithm
Authors: Mitat Uysal
A new met heuristic optimization algorithm called as Migrating Birds Optimization is used for curve fitting by rational cubic Bezier Curves. This requires solving a complicated multivariate optimization problem. In this study, the solution of this optimization problem is achieved by Migrating Birds Optimization algorithm that is a powerful met heuristic nature-inspired algorithm well appropriate for optimization. The results of this study show that the proposed method performs very well and being able to fit the data points to cubic Bezier Curves with a high degree of accuracy.Keywords: algorithms, Bezier curves, heuristic optimization, migrating birds optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 3388998 Numerical Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer Performance in an Inclined Cavity: Nanofluid and Random Temperature
Authors: Hicham Salhi, Mohamed Si-Ameur, Nadjib Chafai
Natural convection of a nanofluid consisting of water and nanoparticles (Ag or TiO2) in an inclined enclosure cavity, has been studied numerically, heated by a (random temperature, based on the random function). The governing equations are solved numerically using the finite-volume. Results are presented in the form of streamlines, isotherms, and average Nusselt number. In addition, a parametric study is carried out to examine explicitly the volume fraction effects of nanoparticles (Ψ= 0.1, 0.2), the Rayleigh number (Ra=103, 104, 105, 106),the inclination angle of the cavity( égale à 0°, 30°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°), types of temperature (constant ,random), types of (NF) (Ag andTiO2). The results reveal that (NPs) addition remarkably enhances heat transfer in the cavity especially for (Ψ= 0.2). Besides, the effect of inclination angle and type of temperature is more pronounced at higher Rayleigh number.Keywords: nanofluid, natural convection, inclined cavity, random temperature, finite-volume
Procedia PDF Downloads 2898997 Nullity of t-Tupple Graphs
Authors: Khidir R. Sharaf, Didar A. Ali
The nullity η (G) of a graph is the occurrence of zero as an eigenvalue in its spectra. A zero-sum weighting of a graph G is real valued function, say f from vertices of G to the set of real numbers, provided that for each vertex of G the summation of the weights f (w) over all neighborhood w of v is zero for each v in G.A high zero-sum weighting of G is one that uses maximum number of non-zero independent variables. If G is graph with an end vertex, and if H is an induced sub-graph of G obtained by deleting this vertex together with the vertex adjacent to it, then, η(G)= η(H). In this paper, a high zero-sum weighting technique and the end vertex procedure are applied to evaluate the nullity of t-tupple and generalized t-tupple graphs are derived and determined for some special types of graphs. Also, we introduce and prove some important results about the t-tupple coalescence, Cartesian and Kronecker products of nut graphs.Keywords: graph theory, graph spectra, nullity of graphs, statistic
Procedia PDF Downloads 2428996 Parameters Optimization of the Laminated Composite Plate for Sound Transmission Problem
Authors: Yu T. Tsai, Jin H. Huang
In this paper, the specific sound transmission loss (TL) of the laminated composite plate (LCP) with different material properties in each layer is investigated. The numerical method to obtain the TL of the LCP is proposed by using elastic plate theory. The transfer matrix approach is novelty presented for computational efficiency in solving the numerous layers of dynamic stiffness matrix (D-matrix) of the LCP. Besides the numerical simulations for calculating the TL of the LCP, the material properties inverse method is presented for the design of a laminated composite plate analogous to a metallic plate with a specified TL. As a result, it demonstrates that the proposed computational algorithm exhibits high efficiency with a small number of iterations for achieving the goal. This method can be effectively employed to design and develop tailor-made materials for various applications.Keywords: sound transmission loss, laminated composite plate, transfer matrix approach, inverse problem, elastic plate theory, material properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3888995 Key Frame Based Video Summarization via Dependency Optimization
Authors: Janya Sainui
As a rapid growth of digital videos and data communications, video summarization that provides a shorter version of the video for fast video browsing and retrieval is necessary. Key frame extraction is one of the mechanisms to generate video summary. In general, the extracted key frames should both represent the entire video content and contain minimum redundancy. However, most of the existing approaches heuristically select key frames; hence, the selected key frames may not be the most different frames and/or not cover the entire content of a video. In this paper, we propose a method of video summarization which provides the reasonable objective functions for selecting key frames. In particular, we apply a statistical dependency measure called quadratic mutual informaion as our objective functions for maximizing the coverage of the entire video content as well as minimizing the redundancy among selected key frames. The proposed key frame extraction algorithm finds key frames as an optimization problem. Through experiments, we demonstrate the success of the proposed video summarization approach that produces video summary with better coverage of the entire video content while less redundancy among key frames comparing to the state-of-the-art approaches.Keywords: video summarization, key frame extraction, dependency measure, quadratic mutual information
Procedia PDF Downloads 2678994 U.S. Supreme Court Decision-Making and Bounded Rationality
Authors: Joseph Ignagni, Rebecca Deen
In this study, the decision making of the Justices of the United States Supreme Court will be considered in terms of constrained maximization and cognitive-cybernetic theory. This paper will integrate research in such fields as law, psychology, political science, economics and decision-making theory. It will be argued that due to its heavy workload, the Supreme Court may be forced to make decisions in a boundedly rational manner. The ideas and theory put forward here will be considered in the area of the Court’s decisions involving religion. Therefore, the cases involving the U.S. Constitution’s Free Exercise Clause and Establishment Clause will be analyzed.Keywords: bounded rationality, cognitive-cybernetic, US supreme court, religion
Procedia PDF Downloads 3888993 Path Integrals and Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure
Authors: Revant Nayar
In this work, we recast the equations describing large scale structure, and by extension all nonlinear fluids, in the path integral formalism. We first calculate the well known two and three point functions using Schwinger Keldysh formalism used commonly to perturbatively solve path integrals in non- equilibrium systems. Then we include EFT corrections due to pressure, viscosity, and noise as effects on the time-dependent propagator. We are able to express results for arbitrary two and three point correlation functions in LSS in terms of differential operators acting on a triple K master intergral. We also, for the first time, get analytical results for more general initial conditions deviating from the usual power law P∝kⁿ by introducing a mass scale in the initial conditions. This robust field theoretic formalism empowers us with tools from strongly coupled QFT to study the strongly non-linear regime of LSS and turbulent fluid dynamics such as OPE and holographic duals. These could be used to capture fully the strongly non-linear dynamics of fluids and move towards solving the open problem of classical turbulence.Keywords: quantum field theory, cosmology, effective field theory, renormallisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1358992 Self-denigration in Doctoral Defense Sessions: Scale Development and Validation
Authors: Alireza Jalilifar, Nadia Mayahi
The dissertation defense as a complicated conflict-prone context entails the adoption of elegant interactional strategies, one of which is self-denigration. This study aimed to develop and validate a self-denigration model that fits the context of doctoral defense sessions in applied linguistics. Two focus group discussions provided the basis for developing this conceptual model, which assumed 10 functions for self-denigration, namely good manners, modesty, affability, altruism, assertiveness, diffidence, coercive self-deprecation, evasion, diplomacy, and flamboyance. These functions were used to design a 40-item questionnaire on the attitudes of applied linguists concerning self-denigration in defense sessions. The confirmatory factor analysis of the questionnaire indicated the predictive ability of the measurement model. The findings of this study suggest that self-denigration in doctoral defense sessions is the social representation of the participants’ values, ideas and practices adopted as a negotiation strategy and a conflict management policy for the purpose of establishing harmony and maintaining resilience. This study has implications for doctoral students and academics and illuminates further research on self-denigration in other contexts.Keywords: academic discourse, politeness, self-denigration, grounded theory, dissertation defense
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