Search results for: pluripotent stem cells
2252 Effect Indol Acetic Acid on Liver of Albino Rats
Authors: Ezaldin A. M. Mohammed, Youssef K. H. Abdalhafid, Masoud. M. Zatout
The study aims to clarify the toxic effect of plant hormones, which are widely used in agriculture. One of these is the plant hormones (indole acetic acid); has been ٳata hormone to rats at 100 ppm salt solution of 0.2 per day after day for a period of forty days before conception until the fourteenth day or sixteenth or childbirth. Treatment brought about a marked shortage in the rate of increase in the weight of mice., And a percentage of the weight of the liver there was a distinct increase in the relative weight of the liver. As well as the increase in pathological changes and increase the size of the nuclei and Kupffer cell, as noted widespread and dense clusters of inflammatory cells accompanied by about the erosion of liver tissue and blood ٳrchah. Biochemical analyzes showed a marked decrease of the liver in antioxidant enzymes and an increase in the rate of free radicals. It was also noted an increase in cases of abortion. The owner of so many birth defects. It was also noted the lack of body weight in fetuses and increase the absorption rate of embryos in fetuses of mothers treatment compared to the control group. Showed microscopic examinations of the liver of mice born in the transaction and the decay in the presence of hepatic cells and edema, blood vessels and increase the rate of cell death.Keywords: indol acetic acid, liver, pathological changes, albino rats
Procedia PDF Downloads 4022251 Activation of Mitophagy and Autophagy in Familial Forms of Parkinson's Disease, as a Potential Strategy for Cell Protection
Authors: Nafisa Komilova, Plamena Angelova, Andrey Abramov, Ulugbek Mirkhodjaev
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder which is induced by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain. The mechanism of neurodegeneration is associated with the aggregation of misfolded proteins, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial disfunction. Considering this, the process of removal of unwanted organelles or proteins by autophagy is vitally important in neurons, and activation of these processes could be protective in PD. Short-time acidification of cytosol can activate mitophagy and autophagy, and here we used sodium pyruvate and sodium lactate in human fibroblasts with PD mutations (Pink1, Pink1/Park2, α-syn triplication, A53T) to induce changes in intracellular pH. We have found that both lactate and pyruvate in millimolar concentrations can induce short-time acidification of cytosol in these cells. It induced activation of mitophagy and autophagy in control and PD fibroblasts and protected against cell death. Importantly, the application of lactate to acute brain slices of control and Pink1 knockout mice also induced a reduction of pH in neurons and astrocytes that increase the level of mitophagy. Thus, acidification of cytosol by compounds which play important role in cell metabolism also can activate mitophagy and autophagy and protect cells in the familial form of PD.Keywords: Parkinson's disease, mutations, mitophagy, autophagy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1972250 Application of Electrochemically Prepared PPy/MWCNT:MnO2 Nano-Composite Film in Microbial Fuel Cells for Sustainable Power Generation
Authors: Rajeev jain, D. C. Tiwari, Praveena Mishra
Nano-composite of polypyrrole/multiwalled carbon nanotubes:mangenese oxide (PPy/MWCNT:MnO2) was electrochemically deposited on the surface of carbon cloth (CC). The nano-composite was structurally characterized by FTIR, SEM, TEM and UV-Vis studies. Nano-composite was also characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV), current voltage measurements (I-V) and the optical band gaps of film were evaluated from UV-Vis absorption studies. The PPy/MWCNT:MnO2 nano-composite was used as anode in microbial fuel cell (MFC) for sewage waste water treatment, power and coulombic efficiency measurement. The prepared electrode showed good electrical conductivity (0.1185 S m-1). This was also supported by band gap measurements (direct 0.8 eV, indirect 1.3 eV). The obtained maximum power density was 1125.4 mW m-2, highest chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was 93% and the maximum coulombic efficiency was 59%. For the first time PPy/MWCNT:MnO2 nano-composite for MFC prepared from nano-composite electrode having the potential for the use in MFC with good stability and better adhesion of microbes is being reported. The SEM images confirm the growth and development of microbe’s colony.Keywords: carbon cloth, electro-polymerization, functionalization, microbial fuel cells, multi walled carbon nanotubes, polypyrrole
Procedia PDF Downloads 2722249 Epigenetic Modification Observed in Yeast Chromatin Remodeler Ino80p
Authors: Chang-Hui Shen, Michelle Esposito, Andrew J. Shen, Michael Adejokun, Diana Laterman
The packaging of DNA into nucleosomes is critical to genomic compaction, yet it can leave gene promoters inaccessible to activator proteins or transcription machinery and thus prevents transcriptional initiation. Both chromatin remodelers and histone acetylases (HATs) are the two main transcription co-activators that can reconfigure chromatin structure for transcriptional activation. Ino80p is the core component of the INO80 remodeling complex. Recently, it was shown that Ino80p dissociates from the yeast INO1 promoter after induction. However, when certain HATs were deleted or mutated, Ino80p accumulated at the promoters during gene activation. This suggests a link between HATs’ presence and Ino80p’s dissociation. However, it has yet to be demonstrated that Ino80p can be acetylated. To determine if Ino80p can be acetylated, wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells carrying Ino80p engineered with a double FLAG tag (MATa INO80-FLAG his3∆200 leu2∆0 met15∆0 trp1∆63 ura3∆0) were grown to mid log phase, as were non-tagged wild type (WT) (MATa his3∆200 leu2∆0 met15∆0 trp1∆63 ura3∆0) and ino80∆ (MATa ino80∆::TRP1 his3∆200 leu2∆0 met15∆0 trp1∆63 ura3∆0) cells as controls. Cells were harvested, and the cell lysates were subjected to immunoprecipitation (IP) with α-FLAG resin to isolate Ino80p. These eluted IP samples were subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. Subsequently, the blots were probed with the α-FLAG and α-acetyl lysine antibodies, respectively. For the blot probed with α-FLAG, one prominent band was shown in the INO80-FLAG cells, but no band was detected in the IP samples from the WT and ino80∆ cells. For the blot probed with the α-acetyl lysine antibody, we detected acetylated Ino80p in the INO80-FLAG strain while no bands were observed in the control strains. As such, our results showed that Ino80p can be acetylated. This acetylation can explain the co-activator’s recruitment patterns observed in current gene activation models. In yeast INO1, it has been shown that Ino80p is recruited to the promoter during repression, and then dissociates from the promoter once de-repression begins. Histone acetylases, on the other hand, have the opposite pattern of recruitment, as they have an increased presence at the promoter as INO1 de-repression commences. This Ino80p recruitment pattern significantly changes when HAT mutant strains are studied. It was observed that instead of dissociating, Ino80p accumulates at the promoter in the absence of functional HATs, such as Gcn5p or Esa1p, under de-repressing processes. As such, Ino80p acetylation may be required for its proper dissociation from the promoters. The remodelers’ dissociation mechanism may also have a wide range of implications with respect to transcriptional initiation, elongation, or even repression as it allows for increased spatial access to the promoter for the various transcription factors and regulators that need to bind in that region. Our findings here suggest a previously uncharacterized interaction between Ino80p and other co-activators recruited to promoters. As such, further analysis of Ino80p acetylation not only will provide insight into the role of epigenetic modifications in transcriptional activation, but also gives insight into the interactions occurring between co-activators at gene promoters during gene regulation.Keywords: acetylation, chromatin remodeler, epigenetic modification, Ino80p
Procedia PDF Downloads 1712248 Fast Transient Workflow for External Automotive Aerodynamic Simulations
Authors: Christina Peristeri, Tobias Berg, Domenico Caridi, Paul Hutcheson, Robert Winstanley
In recent years the demand for rapid innovations in the automotive industry has led to the need for accelerated simulation procedures while retaining a detailed representation of the simulated phenomena. The project’s aim is to create a fast transient workflow for external aerodynamic CFD simulations of road vehicles. The geometry used was the SAE Notchback Closed Cooling DrivAer model, and the simulation results were compared with data from wind tunnel tests. The meshes generated for this study were of two types. One was a mix of polyhedral cells near the surface and hexahedral cells away from the surface. The other was an octree hex mesh with a rapid method of fitting to the surface. Three different grid refinement levels were used for each mesh type, with the biggest total cell count for the octree mesh being close to 1 billion. A series of steady-state solutions were obtained on three different grid levels using a pseudo-transient coupled solver and a k-omega-based RANS turbulence model. A mesh-independent solution was found in all cases with a medium level of refinement with 200 million cells. Stress-Blended Eddy Simulation (SBES) was chosen for the transient simulations, which uses a shielding function to explicitly switch between RANS and LES mode. A converged pseudo-transient steady-state solution was used to initialize the transient SBES run that was set up with the SIMPLEC pressure-velocity coupling scheme to reach the fastest solution (on both CPU & GPU solvers). An important part of this project was the use of FLUENT’s Multi-GPU solver. Tesla A100 GPU has been shown to be 8x faster than an Intel 48-core Sky Lake CPU system, leading to significant simulation speed-up compared to the traditional CPU solver. The current study used 4 Tesla A100 GPUs and 192 CPU cores. The combination of rapid octree meshing and GPU computing shows significant promise in reducing time and hardware costs for industrial strength aerodynamic simulations.Keywords: CFD, DrivAer, LES, Multi-GPU solver, octree mesh, RANS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1162247 Properties of the CsPbBr₃ Quantum Dots Treated by O₃ Plasma for Integration in the Perovskite Solar Cell
Authors: Sh. Sousani, Z. Shadrokh, M. Hofbauerová, J. Kollár, M. Jergel, P. Nádaždy, M. Omastová, E. Majková
Perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) have the potential to increase the performance of the perovskite solar cell (PSCs). The integration of PQDs into PSCs can extend the absorption range and enhance photon harvesting and device efficiency. In addition, PQDs can stabilize the device structure by passivating surface defects and traps in the perovskite layer and enhance its stability. The integration of PQDs into PSCs is strongly affected by the type of ligands on the surface of PQDs. The ligands affect the charge transport properties of PQDs, as well as the formation of well-defined interfaces and stability of PSCs. In this work, the CsPbBr₃ QDs were synthesized by the conventional hot-injection method using cesium oleate, PbBr₂ and two different ligands, namely oleic acid (OA) oleylamine (OAm) and didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB). The STEM confirmed regular shape and relatively monodisperse cubic structure with an average size of about 10-14 nm of the prepared CsPbBr₃ QDs. Further, the photoluminescent (PL) properties of the PQDs/perovskite bilayer with the ligand OA, OAm and DDAB were studied. For this purpose, ITO/PQDs as well as ITO/PQDs/MAPI perovskite structures were prepared by spin coating and the effect of the ligand and oxygen plasma treatment was analyzed. The plasma treatment of the PQDs layer could be beneficial for the deposition of the MAPI perovskite layer and the formation of a well-defined PQDs/MAPI interface. The absorption edge in UV-Vis absorption spectra for OA, OAm CsPbBr₃ QDs is placed around 513 nm (the band gap 2.38 eV); for DDAB CsPbBr₃ QDs, it is located at 490 nm (the band gap 2.33 eV). The photoluminescence (PL) spectra of CsPbBr₃ QDs show two peaks located around 514 nm (503 nm) and 718 nm (708 nm) for OA, OAm (DDAB). The peak around 500 nm corresponds to the PL of PQDs, and the peak close to 710 nm belongs to the surface states of PQDs for both types of ligands. These surface states are strongly affected by the O₃ plasma treatment. For PQDs with DDAB ligand, the O₃ exposure (5, 10, 15 s) results in the blue shift of the PQDs peak and a non-monotonous change of the amplitude of the surface states' peak. For OA, OAm ligand, the O₃ exposition did not cause any shift of the PQDs peak, and the intensity of the PL peak related to the surface states is lower by one order of magnitude in comparison with DDAB, being affected by O₃ plasma treatment. The PL results indicate the possibility of tuning the position of the PL maximum by the ligand of the PQDs. Similar behavior of the PQDs layer was observed for the ITO/QDs/MAPI samples, where an additional strong PL peak at 770 nm coming from the perovskite layer was observed; for the sample with PQDs with DDAB ligands, a small blue shift of the perovskite PL maximum was observed independently of the plasma treatment. These results suggest the possibility of affecting the PL maximum position and the surface states of the PQDs by the combination of a suitable ligand and the O₃ plasma treatment.Keywords: perovskite quantum dots, photoluminescence, O₃ plasma., Perovskite Solar Cells
Procedia PDF Downloads 652246 Experimental Investigation of Air-Water Two-Phase Flow Pattern in T-Junction Microchannel
Authors: N. Rassoul-ibrahim, E. Siahmed, L. Tadrist
Water management plays a crucial role in the performance and durability of PEM fuel cells. Whereas the membrane must be hydrated enough, liquid droplets formed by water in excess can block the flow in the gas distribution channels and hinder the fuel cell performance. The main purpose of this work is to increase the understanding of liquid transport and mixing through mini- or micro-channels for various engineering or medical process applications including cool-ing of equipment according to the operations considered. For that purpose and as a first step, a technique was devel-oped to automatically detect and characterize two-phase flow patterns that may appear in such. The investigation, mainly experimental, was conducted on transparent channel with a 1mm x 1mm square cross section and a 0.3mm x 0.3 mm water injection normal to the gas channel. Three main flow patterns were identified liquid slug, bubble flow and annular flow. A flow map has been built accord-ing to the flow rate of both phases. As a sample the follow-ing figures show representative images of the flow struc-tures observed. An analysis and discussion of the flow pattern, in mini-channel, will be provided and compared to the case old micro-channel. . Keywords: Two phase flow, Clean Energy, Minichannels, Fuel Cells. Flow patterns, Maps.Keywords: two phase flox, T-juncion, Micro and minichannels, clean energy, flow patterns, maps
Procedia PDF Downloads 762245 Studies on Induction of Cytotoxicity Through Apoptosis In Ovarian Cancer Cell Line (CAOV-3) by Chloroform Extract of Artocarpus Kemando Miq
Authors: Noor Shafifiyaz Mohd Yazid, Najihah Mohd Hashim, Hapipah Mohd Ali, Syam Mohan, Rosea Go
Artocarpus kemando is a plant species from Moraceae family. This plant is used as household utensil by the local and the fruits are edible. The plants’ bark was used for the extraction process and yielded the chloroform crude extract which was used to screen for anticancer potential. The cytotoxic effect of the extract on CAOV-3 and WRL 68 cell lines were determined using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide or MTT assays. Qualitative AO/PI assay was performed to confirm the apoptosis and necrosis process. Meanwhile, the measurement of cell loss, nuclear morphology, DNA content, cell membrane permeability, mitochondrial membrane potential changes and cytochrome c release from mitochondria were detected through cytotoxicity 3 assay. In MTT assay, A. kemando inhibited 50% growth of CAOV-3 cells at 27.9 ± 0:03, 20.1± 0:03, 18.21± 0:04 µg/mL after 24, 48 and 72 hour, respectively. The morphology changes can be seen on CAOV-3 with a production of cell membrane blebbing, cromatin condensation and apoptotic bodies. Evaluation of cytotoxicity 3 on CAOV-3 cells after treated with extract resulting loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. The results demonstrated A. kemando has potentially anticancer agent, particularly on human ovarian cancer.Keywords: anticancer, Artocarpus kemando, ovarian cancer, cytotoxicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 5522244 Surface Modification of TiO2 Layer with Phosphonic Acid Monolayer in Perovskite Solar Cells: Effect of Chain Length and Terminal Functional Group
Authors: Seid Yimer Abate, Ding-Chi Huang, Yu-Tai Tao
In this study, charge extraction characteristics at the perovskite/TiO2 interface in the conventional perovskite solar cell is studied by interface engineering. Self-assembled monolayers of phosphonic acids with different chain length and terminal functional group were used to modify mesoporous TiO2 surface to modulate the surface property and interfacial energy barrier to investigate their effect on charge extraction and transport from the perovskite to the mp-TiO2 and then the electrode. The chain length introduces a tunnelling distance and the end group modulate the energy level alignment at the mp-TiO2 and perovskite interface. The work function of these SAM-modified mp-TiO2 varied from −3.89 eV to −4.61 eV, with that of the pristine mp-TiO2 at −4.19 eV. A correlation of charge extraction and transport with respect to the modification was attempted. The study serves as a guide to engineer ETL interfaces with simple SAMs to improve the charge extraction, carrier balance and device long term stability. In this study, a maximum PCE of ~16.09% with insignificant hysteresis was obtained, which is 17% higher than the standard device.Keywords: Energy level alignment, Interface engineering, Perovskite solar cells, Phosphonic acid monolayer, Tunnelling distance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1372243 Detection and Molecular Identification of Bacteria Forming Polyhydroxyalkanoate and Polyhydroxybutyrate Isolated from Soil in Saudi Arabia
Authors: Ali Bahkali, Rayan Yousef Booq, Mohammad Khiyami
Soil samples were collected from five different regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Microbiological methods included dilution methods and pour plates to isolate and purify bacteria soil. The ability of isolates to develop biopolymer was investigated on petri dishes containing elements and substance concentrations stimulating developing biopolymer. Fluorescent stains, Nile red and Nile blue were used to stain the bacterial cells developing biopolymers. In addition, Sudan black was used to detect biopolymers in bacterial cells. The isolates which developed biopolymers were identified based on their gene sequence of 1 6sRNA and their ability to grow and synthesize PHAs on mineral medium supplemented with 1% dates molasses as the only carbon source under nitrogen limitation. During the study 293 bacterial isolates were isolated and detected. Through the initial survey on the petri dishes, 84 isolates showed the ability to develop biopolymers. These bacterial colonies developed a pink color due to accumulation of the biopolymers in the cells. Twenty-three isolates were able to grow on dates molasses, three strains of which showed the ability to accumulate biopolymers. These strains included Bacillus sp., Ralstonia sp. and Microbacterium sp. They were detected by Nile blue A stain with fluorescence microscopy (OLYMPUS IX 51). Among the isolated strains Ralstonia sp. was selected after its ability to grow on molasses dates in the presence of a limited nitrogen source was detected. The optimum conditions for formation of biopolymers by isolated strains were investigated. Conditions studied included, best incubation duration (2 days), temperature (30°C) and pH (7-8). The maximum PHB production was raised by 1% (v1v) when using concentrations of dates molasses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% in MSM. The best inoculated with 1% old inoculum (1= OD). The ideal extraction method of PHA and PHB proved to be 0.4% sodium hypochlorite solution, producing a quantity of polymer 98.79% of the cell's dry weight. The maximum PHB production was 1.79 g/L recorded by Ralstonia sp. after 48 h, while it was 1.40 g/L produced by R.eutropha ATCC 17697 after 48 h.Keywords: bacteria forming polyhydroxyalkanoate, detection, molecular, Saudi Arabia
Procedia PDF Downloads 3472242 Nontuberculous Mycobacterium Infection – Still An Important Disease Among People With Late HIV Diagnosis
Authors: Jakub Młoźniak, Adam Szymański, Gabriela Stondzik, Dagny Krankowska, Tomasz Mikuła
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are bacterial species that cause diversely manifesting diseases mainly in immunocompromised patients. In people with HIV, NTM infection is an AIDS-defining disease and usually appears when the lymphocyte T CD4 count is below 50 cells/μl. The usage of antiretroviral therapy has decreased the prevalence of NTM among people with HIV, but the disease can still be observed especially among patients with late HIV diagnosis. Common presence in environment, human colonization, clinical similarity with tuberculosis and slow growth on culture makes NTM especially hard to diagnose. The study aimed to analyze the epidemiology and clinical course of NTM among patients with HIV. This study included patients with NTM and HIV admitted to our department between 2017 and 2023. Medical records of patients were analyzed and data on age, sex, median time from HIV diagnosis to identification of NTM infection, median CD4 count at NTM diagnosis, methods of determining NTM infection, type of species of mycobacteria identified, clinical symptoms and treatment course were gathered. Twenty-four patients (20 men, 4 women) with identified NTM were included in this study. Among them, 20 were HIV late presenters. The patients' median age was 40. The main symptoms which patients presented were fever, weight loss and cough. Pulmonary disease confirmed with positive cultures from sputum/bronchoalveolar lavage was present in 18 patients. M. avium was the most common species identified. M. marinum caused disseminated skin lesions in 1 patient. Out of all, 5 people were not treated for NTM caused by lack of symptoms and suspicion of colonization with mycobacterium. Concomitant tuberculosis was present in 6 patients. The median diagnostic time from HIV to NTM infections was 3.5 months. The median CD4 count at NTM identification was 69.5 cells/μl. Median NTM treatment time was 16 months but 7 patients haven’t finished their treatment yet. The most commonly used medications were ethambutol and clarithromycin. Among analyzed patients, 4 of them have died. NTM infections are still an important disease among patients who are HIV late presenters. This disease should be taken into consideration during the differential diagnosis of fever, weight loss and cough in people with HIV with lymphocyte T CD4 count <100 cells/μl. Presence of tuberculosis does not exclude nontuberculous mycobacterium coinfection.Keywords: mycobacteriosis, HIV, late presenter, epidemiology
Procedia PDF Downloads 462241 Investigation of the Effects of Monoamine Oxidase Levels on the 20S Proteasome
Authors: Bhavini Patel, Aslihan Ugun-Klusek, Ellen Billet
The two main contributing factors to familial and idiopathic form of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are oxidative stress and altered proteolysis. Monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A) plays a significant role in redox homeostasis by producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) via deamination of for example, dopamine. The ROS generated induces chemical modification of proteins resulting in altered biological function. The ubiquitin-proteasome system, which consists of three different types or proteolytic activity, namely “chymotrypsin-like” activity (CLA), “trypsin-like” activity (TLA) and “post acidic-like” activity (PLA), is responsible for the degradation of ubiquitinated proteins. Defects in UPS are known to be strongly correlated to PD. Herein, the effect of ROS generated by MAO-A on proteasome activity and the effects of proteasome inhibition on MAO-A protein levels in WT, mock and MAO-A overexpressed (MAO-A+) SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cell lines were investigated. The data in this study report increased proteolytic activity when MAO-A protein levels are significantly increased, in particular CLA and PLA. Additionally, 20S proteasome inhibition induced a decrease in MAO-A levels in WT and mock cells in comparison to MAO-A+ cells in which 20S proteasome inhibition induced increased MAO-A levels to be further increased at 48 hours of inhibition. This study supports the fact that MAO-A could be a potential pharmaceutical target for neuronal protection as data suggests that endogenous MAO-A levels may be essential for modulating cell death and survival.Keywords: monoamine oxidase, neurodegeneration, Parkinson's disease, proteasome
Procedia PDF Downloads 1362240 Stimulation of Nerve Tissue Differentiation and Development Using Scaffold-Based Cell Culture in Bioreactors
Authors: Simon Grossemy, Peggy P. Y. Chan, Pauline M. Doran
Nerve tissue engineering is the main field of research aimed at finding an alternative to autografts as a treatment for nerve injuries. Scaffolds are used as a support to enhance nerve regeneration. In order to successfully design novel scaffolds and in vitro cell culture systems, a deep understanding of the factors affecting nerve regeneration processes is needed. Physical and biological parameters associated with the culture environment have been identified as potentially influential in nerve cell differentiation, including electrical stimulation, exposure to extracellular-matrix (ECM) proteins, dynamic medium conditions and co-culture with glial cells. The mechanisms involved in driving the cell to differentiation in the presence of these factors are poorly understood; the complexity of each of them raises the possibility that they may strongly influence each other. Some questions that arise in investigating nerve regeneration include: What are the best protein coatings to promote neural cell attachment? Is the scaffold design suitable for providing all the required factors combined? What is the influence of dynamic stimulation on cell viability and differentiation? In order to study these effects, scaffolds adaptable to bioreactor culture conditions were designed to allow electrical stimulation of cells exposed to ECM proteins, all within a dynamic medium environment. Gold coatings were used to make the surface of viscose rayon microfiber scaffolds (VRMS) conductive, and poly-L-lysine (PLL) and laminin (LN) surface coatings were used to mimic the ECM environment and allow the attachment of rat PC12 neural cells. The robustness of the coatings was analyzed by surface resistivity measurements, scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation and immunocytochemistry. Cell attachment to protein coatings of PLL, LN and PLL+LN was studied using DNA quantification with Hoechst. The double coating of PLL+LN was selected based on high levels of PC12 cell attachment and the reported advantages of laminin for neural differentiation. The underlying gold coatings were shown to be biocompatible using cell proliferation and live/dead staining assays. Coatings exhibiting stable properties over time under dynamic fluid conditions were developed; indeed, cell attachment and the conductive power of the scaffolds were maintained over 2 weeks of bioreactor operation. These scaffolds are promising research tools for understanding complex neural cell behavior. They have been used to investigate major factors in the physical culture environment that affect nerve cell viability and differentiation, including electrical stimulation, bioreactor hydrodynamic conditions, and combinations of these parameters. The cell and tissue differentiation response was evaluated using DNA quantification, immunocytochemistry, RT-qPCR and functional analyses.Keywords: bioreactor, electrical stimulation, nerve differentiation, PC12 cells, scaffold
Procedia PDF Downloads 2472239 Anticancer Activity of Edible Coprinus Mushroom (Coprinus comatus) on Human Glioblastoma Cell Lines and Interaction with Temozolomide
Authors: Maria Borawska, Patryk Nowakowski, Sylwia K. Naliwajko, Renata Markiewicz-Zukowska, Anna Puscion-Jakubik, Krystyna Gromkowska-Kepka, Justyna Moskwa
Coprinus comatus (O. F. Müll.) Pers.) should not be confused with the common Ink Cap, which contains coprine and can induce coprine poisoning. We study the possibility of applying coprinus mushroom (Coprinus comatus), available in Poland, as food product supporting the treatment of human glioblastoma cells. The U87MG and T98 glioblastoma cell lines were exposed to water (CW) or ethanol 95° (CE) Cantharellus extracts (50-500 μg/ml), with or without temozolomide (TMZ) during 24, 48 or 72 hours. The cell division was examined by the H³-thymidine incorporation. The statistical analysis was performed using Statistica v. 13.0 software. Significant differences were assumed for p < 0.05. We found that both, CW and CE, administrated alone, had inhibitory effect on cell lines growth, but the CE extract had a higher degree of growth inhibition. The anti-tumor effect of TMZ (50 μM) on U87MG was enhanced by mushroom extracts, and the effect was lower to the effect after using Coprinus comatus extracts (CW and CE) alone. A significant decrease (p < 0.05) in pro-MMP2 (82.61 ± 6.3% of control) secretion in U87MG cells was observed after treated with CE (250 μg/ml). We conclude that extracts of Coprinus comatus, edible mushroom, present cytotoxic properties on U87MG and T98 cell lines and may cooperate with TMZ synergistically enhancing its growth inhibiting activity against glioblastoma U87MG cell line.Keywords: anticancer, glioma, mushroom, temozolomide
Procedia PDF Downloads 1962238 Design of a Recombinant Expression System for Bacterial Cellulose Production
Authors: Gizem Buldum, Alexander Bismarck, Athanasios Mantalaris
Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer on earth and it is currently being utilised in a multitude of industrial applications. Over the last 30 years, attention has been paid to the bacterial cellulose (BC), since BC exhibits unique physical, chemical and mechanical properties when compared to plant-based cellulose, including high purity and biocompatibility. Although Acetobacter xylinum is the most efficient producer of BC, it’s long doubling time results in insufficient yields of the cellulose production. This limits widespread and continued use of BC. In this study, E. coli BL21 (DE3) or E. coli HMS cells are selected as host organisms for the expression of bacterial cellulose synthase operon (bcs) of A.xylinum. The expression system is created based on pET-Duet1 and pCDF plasmid vectors, which carry bcs operon. The results showed that all bcs genes were successfully transferred and expressed in E.coli strains. The expressions of bcs proteins were shown by SDS and Native page analyses. The functionality of the bcs operon was proved by congo red binding assay. The effect of culturing temperature and the inducer concentration (IPTG) on cell growth and plasmid stability were monitored. The percentage of plasmid harboring cells induced with 0.025 mM IPTG was obtained as 85% at 22˚C in the end of 10-hr culturing period. It was confirmed that the high output cellulose production machinery of A.xylinum can be transferred into other organisms.Keywords: bacterial cellulose, biopolymer, recombinant expression system, production
Procedia PDF Downloads 4022237 Evaluation of Azo Dye Toxicity Using Some Haematological and Histopathological Alterations in Fish Catla Catla
Authors: Jagruti Barot
The textile industry plays a major role in the economy of India and on the other side of the coin it is the major source for water pollution. As azo dyes is the largest dye class they are extensively used in many fields such as textile industry, leather tanning industry, paper production, food, colour photography, pharmaceuticals and medicine, cosmetic, hair colourings, wood staining, agricultural, biological and chemical research etc. In addition to these, they can have acute and/or chronic effects on organisms depending on their concentration and length of exposure when they discharged as effluent in the environment. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic and histotoxic potentials of environmentally relevant concentrations of RR 120 on Catla catla, important edible freshwater fingerlings. For this, healthy Catla catla fingerlings were procured from the Government Fish Farm and acclimatized in 100 L capacity and continuously aerated glass aquarium in laboratory for 15 days. According to APHA some physic-chemical parameters were measured and maintained such as temperature, pH, dissolve oxygen, alkalinity, total hardness. Water along with excreta had been changed every 24 hrs. All fingerlings were fed artificial food palates once a day @ body weight. After 15 days fingerlings were grouped in 5 (10 in each) and exposed to various concentrations of RR 120 (Control, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/L) and samples (peripheral blood and gills, kidney) were collected and analyzed at 96 hrs. of interval. All results were compared with the control. Micronuclei (MN), nuclear buds (NB), fragmented-apoptotic (FA) and bi-nucleated (BN) cells in blood cells and in tissues (gills and kidney cells) were observed. Prominent histopathological alterations were noticed in gills such as aneurism, hyperplasia, degenerated central axis, lifting of gill epithelium, curved secondary gill lamellae etc. Similarly kidney showed some detrimental changes like shrunken glomeruli with increased periglomerular space, degenerated renal tubules etc. Both haematological and histopathological changes clearly reveal the toxic potential of RR 120. This work concludes that water pollution assessment can be done by these two biomarkers which provide baseline to the further chromosomal or molecular work.Keywords: micronuclei, genotoxicity, RR 120, Catla catla
Procedia PDF Downloads 2092236 Cryoinjuries in Sperm Cells: Effect of Adaptation of Steps in Cryopreservation Protocol for Boar Semen upon Post-Thaw Sperm Quality
Authors: Aftab Ali
Cryopreservation of semen is one of the key factors for a successful breeding business along with other factors. To achieve high fertility in boar, one should know about spermatozoa response to different treatments proceeds during cryopreservation. The running project is highly focused on cryopreservation and its effects on sperm quality parameters in both boar and bull semen. Semen sample from A, B, C, and D, were subjected to different thawing conditions and were analyzed upon different treatments in the study. Parameters like sperm cell motility, viability, acrosome, DNA integrity, and phospholipase C zeta were detected by different established methods. Different techniques were used to assess different parameters. Motility was detected using computer assisted sperm analysis, phospholipase C zeta using luminometry while viability, acrosome integrity, and DNA integrity were analyzed using flow cytometry. Thawing conditions were noted to have an effect on sperm quality parameters with motility being the most critical parameter. The results further indicated that the most critical step during cryopreservation of boar semen is when sperm cells are subjected to freezing and thawing. The findings of the present study provide insight that; boar semen cryopreservation is still suboptimal in comparison to bull semen cryopreservation. Thus, there is a need to conduct more research to improve the fertilizing potential of cryopreserved boar semen.Keywords: cryopreservation, computer assisted sperm, flow cytometry, luminometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1492235 Biocompatibility and Electrochemical Assessment of Biomedical Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn Produced by Spark Plasma Sintering
Authors: Jerman Madonsela, Wallace Matizamhuka, Akiko Yamamoto, Ronald Machaka, Brendon Shongwe
In this study, biocompatibility evaluation of nanostructured near beta Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn (Ti2448) alloy with non-toxic elements produced utilizing Spark plasma sintering (SPS) of very fine microsized powders attained through mechanical alloying was performed. The results were compared with pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64) alloy. Cell proliferation test was performed using murine osteoblastic cells, MC3T3-E1 at two cell densities; 400 and 4000 cells/mL for 7 days incubation. Pure titanium took a lead under both conditions suggesting that the presence of other oxide layers influence cell proliferation. No significant difference in cell proliferation was observed between Ti64 and Ti2448. Potentiodynamic measurement in Hanks, 0.9% NaCl and cell culture medium showed no distinct difference on the anodic polarization curves of the three alloys, indicating that the same anodic reaction occurred on their surface but with different rates. However, Ti2448 showed better corrosion resistance in cell culture medium with a slightly lower corrosion rate of 2.96 nA/cm2 compared to 4.86 nA/cm2 and 5.62 nA/cm2 of Ti and Ti64 respectively. Ti2448 adsorbed less protein as compared to Ti and Ti64 though no notable difference in surface wettability was observed.Keywords: biocompatibility, osteoblast, corrosion, surface wettability, protein adsorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 2232234 Comparison of β-Cell Regenerative Potentials of Selected Sri Lankan Medicinal Plant Extracts in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats
Authors: A. P. Attanayake, K. A. P. W. Jayatilaka, L. K. B. Mudduwa, C. Pathirana
Triggering of β-cell regeneration is a recognized therapeutic strategy for the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus. One such approach to foster restoration and regeneration of β-cells is from exogenous natural extracts. The aim of the present study was to investigate and compare the β-cell regenerative potentials of the extracts of Spondias pinnata (Linn. f.) Kurz, Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt and Gmelina arborea Roxb. in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Wistar rats were divided in to six groups (n=6); healthy untreated rats, alloxan induced diabetic untreated rats (150 mg/kg, ip), diabetic rats receiving the extracts of S. pinnata (1.0 g/kg), C. grandis (0.75 g/kg), G. arobrea (1.00 g/kg) and diabetic rats receiving glibenclamide (0.5 mg/kg) for 30 days. The assessment of selected biochemical parameters, histopathology and immunohistochemistry in the pancreatic tissue were done on the 30th day. The reduction in the percentage of HbA1C was in the decreasing order of C. grandis (35%), G. arborea (31%) and S. pinnata (29%) in alloxan induced diabetic rats (p< 0.05). The concentration of serum fructosamine, insulin and C-peptide were decreased significantly in a decreasing order of C. grandis (30%, 72%, 51%), G. arborea (25%, 44%, 44%) and S. pinnata (27%, 34%, 24%) in alloxan induced diabetic rats (p < 0.05). The extent of β-cell regeneration was in the decreasing order of C. grandis, G. arborea, S. pinnata reflected through the increased percentage of insulin secreting β-cells in alloxan induced diabetic rats. The extract of C. grandis produced the highest degree of β-cell regeneration demonstrated through an increase in the number of islets and percentage of the insulin secreting β-cells (75%) in the pancreas of diabetic rats (p < 0.05). Further the C. grandis extract produced a significant increase in mean profile diameter in small (118%), average (10%), and large (13%) islets as compared with diabetic control rats respectively. However, statistically significant increase in the islet profile diameter was shown only in average (2%) and large (5%) islets in the G. arborea extract treated rats and large islets (5%) in S. pinnata extract treated diabetic rats (p < 0.05). The β-cell regeneration potency was in the decreasing order of C. grandis (0.75 g/kg), G. arborea (1.00 g/kg) and S. pinnata (1.00 g/kg) in alloxan induced diabetic rats. The three plant extracts may be useful as natural agents of triggering the β-cell regeneration in the management of type 1 diabetes mellitus.Keywords: alloxan-induced diabetic rats, β-cell regeneration, histopathology, immunohistochemistry
Procedia PDF Downloads 2452233 The Transcriptional Regulation of Human LRWD1 through DNA Methylation
Authors: Yen-Ni Teng, Hsing-Yi Chen, Hsien-An Pan, Yung-Ming Lin, Hany A. Omar, Jui-Hsiang Hung
Leucine-rich repeats and WD repeat domain containing 1 (LRWD1) is highly expressed in the testes of healthy males. On the other hand, LRWD1 is significantly down-regulated in the testicular tissues of patients with severe spermatogenic defects. In our study, the downregulation of LRWD1 expression by shRNA caused a significant reduction of cell growth and mitosis and a noteworthy increase in the cell microtubule atrophy rate. Here, we used EMBOSS CpG plot analysis to explore the promoter region of LRWD1 gene. We found that CpG islands are located between positions -253 to +5 nucleotides upstream from the LRWD1 transcription start site. Luciferase reporter assay revealed that the hypermethylation of the LRWD1 promoter reduced the transcription activity in cells. In addition, quantitative methylation-specific PCR and immunostaining showed that the methylation inhibitor, 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine, increased LRWD1 promoter activity, LRWD1 mRNA, protein expression and cell viability. Whereas, the methylation activator, S-adenosylmethionine, caused opposite effects. The overexpression of p53 and Nrf2 in NT2/D1 cells increased LRWD1 promoter activity while 5-fluorodeoxyuridine decreased it. In conclusion, this study highlights evidence that the methylation status of LRWD1 promoter is associated with LRWD1 expression. Since the expression level of LRWD1 plays an important role in spermatogenesis, the methylation status of LRWD1 may serve as a novel molecular diagnostic or therapeutic approach in male's infertility.Keywords: LRWD1, DNA methylation, p53, Nrf2
Procedia PDF Downloads 1482232 Investigation of Leishmaniasis, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Dirofilariasis, and Hepatozoonosis in Referred Dogs to Veterinary Hospitals in Tehran, 2022
Authors: Mohamad Bolandmartabe, Nafiseh Hassani, Saeed Abdi Darake, Maryam Asghari
Dogs are highly susceptible to diseases, nutritional problems, toxins, and parasites, with parasitic infections being common and causing hardship in their lives. Some important internal parasites include worms (such as roundworms and tapeworms) and protozoa, which can lead to anemia in dogs. Important bloodborne parasites in dogs include microfilariae and adult forms of Dirofilaria immitis, Dipetalonema reconditum, Babesia, Trypanosoma, Hepatozoon, Leishmania, Ehrlichia, and Hemobartonella. Babesia and Hemobartonella are parasites that reside inside red blood cells and cause regenerative anemia by directly destroying the red blood cells. Hepatozoon, Leishmania, and Ehrlichia are also parasites that reside within white blood cells and can infiltrate other tissues, such as the liver and lymph nodes. Since intermediate hosts are more commonly found in the open environment, the prevalence of parasites in stray and free-roaming dogs is higher compared to pet dogs. Furthermore, pet dogs are less exposed to internal and external parasites due to better care, hygiene, and being predominantly indoors. Therefore, they are less likely to be affected by them. Among the parasites, Leishmania carries significant importance as it is shared between dogs and humans, causing a dangerous disease known as visceral Leishmaniasis or kala-azar and cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Furthermore, dogs can act as reservoirs and spread the disease agent within human communities. Therefore, timely and accurate diagnosis of these diseases in dogs can be highly beneficial in preventing their occurrence in humans. In this article, we employed the Giemsa staining technique under a light microscope for the identification of bloodborne parasites in dogs. However, considering the negative impact of these parasites on the natural life of dogs, the development of chronic diseases, and the gradual loss of the animal's well-being, rapid and timely diagnosis is essential. Serological methods and PCR are available for the diagnosis of certain parasites, which have high sensitivity and desirable characteristics. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the molecular aspects of bloodborne parasites in dogs referred to veterinary hospitals in Tehran city.Keywords: leishmaniasis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, dirofilariasis, hepatozoonosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1022231 The Cellular Internalization Mechanisms of Cationic Niosomes/DNA Complex in HeLa Cells
Authors: Orapan Paecharoenchai, Tanasait Ngawhirunpat, Theerasak Rojanarata, Auayporn Apirakaramwong, Praneet Opanasopit
Cationic niosomes formulated with Span20, cholesterol and novel synthesized spermine-cationic lipids (2-hydrocarbon tail and 4- hydrocarbon tail) in a molar ratio of 2.5:2.5:1 can mediate high gene transfection in vitro. However, the uptake mechanisms of these systems are not well clarified. In the present study, effect of endocytic inhibitors on the transfection efficiency of niosomes/DNA complexes was determined on a human cervical carcinoma cell line (HeLa cells) using the inhibitors of macropinocytosis (wortmannin), clathrin- and caveolae-mediated endocytosis (methyl-β-cyclodextrin), clathrin-mediated endocytosis (chlorpromazine), caveolae-mediated endocytosis (genistein and filipin), cytosolic transfer (ammonium chloride) and microtubules polymerization (nocodazole). The transfection of niosomes with 2-hydrocarbon tail lipid was blocked by nocodazole, genistein, ammonium chloride and filipin, respectively, whereas, the transfection of niosomes with 4-hydrocarbon tail lipid was blocked by nocodazole, genistein, ammonium chloride, methyl-β-cyclodextrin and filipin, respectively. It can be concluded that these niosomes/DNA complexes were internalized predominantly by endocytosis via clathrin and caveolae-independent pathway.Keywords: cellular internalization, cationic niosomes, gene carriers, spermine-cationic lipids
Procedia PDF Downloads 4562230 The Type II Immune Response in Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis Mediated by STAT6 in Murine
Authors: Hager Elsheikh
Context: Pancreatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation in the pancreas, which can lead to serious complications if untreated. Both acute and chronic pancreatitis are associated with immune reactions and fibrosis, which further damage the pancreas. The type 2 immune response, primarily driven by alternative activated macrophages (AAMs), plays a significant role in the development of fibrosis. The IL-4/STAT6 pathway is a crucial signaling pathway for the activation of M2 macrophages. Pancreatic fibrosis is induced by dysregulated inflammatory responses and can result in the autodigestion and necrosis of pancreatic acinar cells. Research Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of STAT6, a crucial molecule in the IL-4/STAT6 pathway, on the severity and development of fibrosis during acute and chronic pancreatitis. The research also aims to understand the influence of the JAK/STAT6 signaling pathway on the balance between fibrosis and regeneration in the presence of different macrophage populations. Methodology: The research utilizes murine models of acute and chronic pancreatitis induced by cerulean injection. Animal models will be employed to study the effect of STAT6 knockout on disease severity and fibrosis. Isolation of acinar cells and cell culture techniques will be used to assess the impact of different macrophage populations on wound healing and regeneration. Various techniques such as PCR, histology, immunofluorescence, and transcriptomics will be employed to analyze the tissues and cells. Findings: The research aims to provide insights into the mechanisms underlying tissue fibrosis and wound healing during acute and chronic pancreatitis. By investigating the influence of the JAK/STAT6 signaling pathway and different macrophage populations, the study aims to understand their impact on tissue fibrosis, disease severity, and pancreatic regeneration. Theoretical Importance: This research contributes to our understanding of the role of specific signaling pathways, macrophage polarization, and the type 2 immune response in pancreatitis. It provides insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying tissue fibrosis and the potential for targeted therapies. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: Data will be collected through the use of murine models, isolation and culture of acinar cells, and various experimental techniques such as PCR, histology, immunofluorescence, and transcriptomics. Data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical methods and techniques, and the findings will be interpreted in the context of the research objectives. Conclusion: By investigating the mechanisms of tissue fibrosis and wound healing during acute and chronic pancreatitis, this research aims to enhance our understanding of the disease progression and potential therapeutic targets. The findings have theoretical importance in expanding our knowledge of pancreatic fibrosis and the role of macrophage polarization in the context of the type 2 immune response.Keywords: immunity in chronic diseases, pancreatitis, macrophages, immune response
Procedia PDF Downloads 362229 Inductions of CaC₂ on Sperm Morphology and Viability of the Albino Mice (Mus musculus)
Authors: Dike H. Ogbuagu, Etsede J. Oritsematosan
This work investigated possible inductions of CaC₂, often misused by fruit vendors to stimulate artificial ripening, on mammalian sperm morphology and viability. Thirty isogenic strains of male albino mice, Mus musculus (age≈ 8weeks; weight= 32.5±2.0g) were acclimatized (ambient temperature 28.0±1.0°C) for 2 weeks and fed standard growers mash and water ad libutum. They were later exposed to graded toxicant concentrations (w/w) of 2.5000, 1.2500, 0.6250, and 0.3125% in 4 cages. A control cage was also established. After 5 weeks, 3 animals from each cage were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and the cauda epididymis excised. Sperm morphology and viability were determined by microscopic procedures. The ANOVA, means plots, Student’s t-test and variation plots were used to analyze data. The common abnormalities observed included Double Head, Pin Head, Knobbed Head, No Tail and With Hook. The higher toxicant concentrations induced significantly lower body weights [F(829.899) ˃ Fcrit(4.19)] and more abnormalities [F(26.52) ˃ Fcrit(4.00)] at P˂0.05. Sperm cells in the control setup were significantly more viable than those in the 0.625% (t=0.005) and 2.500% toxicant doses (t=0.018) at the 95% confidence limit. CaC₂ appeared to induced morphological abnormalities and reduced viability in sperm cells of M. musculus.Keywords: artificial ripening, calcium carbide, fruit vendors, sperm morphology, sperm viability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2222228 The Need For Higher Education Stem Integrated into the Social Science
Authors: Luis Fernando Calvo Prieto, Raul Herrero Martínez, Mónica Santamarta Llorente, Sergio Paniagua Bermejo
The project that is presented starts from the questioning about the compartmentalization of knowledge that occurs in university higher education. There are several authors who describe the problems associated with this reality (Rodamillans, M) indicating a lack of integration of the knowledge acquired by students throughout the subjects taken in their university degree. Furthermore, this disintegration is accentuated by the enrollment system of some Faculties and/or Schools of Engineering, which allows the student to take subjects outside the recommended curricular path. This problem is accentuated in an ostentatious way when trying to find an integration between humanistic subjects and the world of experimental sciences or engineering. This abrupt separation between humanities and sciences can be observed in any study plan of Spanish degrees. Except for subjects such as economics or English, in the Faculties of Sciences and the Schools of Engineering, the absence of any humanistic content is striking. At some point it was decided that the only value to take into account when designing their study plans was “usefulness”, considering the humanities systematically useless for their training, and therefore banishing them from the study plans. forgetting the role they have on the capacity of both Leadership and Civic Humanism in our professionals of tomorrow. The teaching guides for the different subjects in the branch of science or engineering do not include any competency, not even transversal, related to leadership capacity or the need, in today's world, for social, civic and humanitarian knowledge part of the people who will offer medical, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnological or engineering solutions to a society that is generated thanks to more or less complex relationships based on human relationships and historical events that have occurred so far. If we want professionals who know how to deal effectively and rationally with their leadership tasks and who, in addition, find and develop an ethically civic sense and a humanistic profile in their functions and scientific tasks, we must not leave aside the importance that it has, for the themselves, know the causes, facts and consequences of key events in the history of humanity. The words of the humanist Paul Preston are well known: “he who does not know his history is condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past.” The idea, therefore, that today there can be men of science in the way that the scientists of the Renaissance were, becomes, at the very least, difficult to conceive. To think that a Leonardo da Vinci can be repeated in current times is a more than crazy idea; and although at first it may seem that the specialization of a professional is inevitable but beneficial, there are authors who consider (Sánchez Inarejos) that it has an extremely serious negative side effect: the entrenchment behind the different postulates of each area of knowledge, disdaining everything. what is foreign to it.Keywords: STEM, higher education, social sciences, history
Procedia PDF Downloads 672227 Effective Stiffness, Permeability, and Reduced Wall Shear Stress of Highly Porous Tissue Engineering Scaffolds
Authors: Hassan Mohammadi Khujin
Tissue engineering is the science of tissues and complex organs creation using scaffolds, cells and biologically active components. Most cells require scaffolds to grow and proliferate. These temporary support structures for tissue regeneration are later replaced with extracellular matrix produced inside the body. Recent advances in additive manufacturing methods allow production of highly porous, complex three dimensional scaffolds suitable for cell growth and proliferation. The current paper investigates the mechanical properties, including elastic modulus and compressive strength, as well as fluid flow dynamics, including permeability and flow-induced shear stress of scaffolds with four triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) configurations, namely the Schwarz primitive, the Schwarz diamond, the gyroid, and the Neovius structures. Higher porosity in all scaffold types resulted in lower mechanical properties. The permeability of the scaffolds was determined using Darcy's law with reference to geometrical parameters and the pressure drop derived from the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. Higher porosity enhanced permeability and reduced wall shear stress in all scaffold designs.Keywords: highly porous scaffolds, tissue engineering, finite elements analysis, CFD analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 772226 Effect of Probiotics and Vitamin B on Plasma Interferon-Gamma and Interleukin-6 Levels in Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Authors: Yulistiani Yulistiani, Zamrotul Izzah, Lintang Bismantara, Wenny Putri Nilamsari, Arif Bachtiar, Budi Suprapti
Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) are pro-inflammatory cytokines, which have the protective immune response against Tuberculosis (TB). Indeed, pro-inflammatory cytokines Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and NK cells increase the level of production of IFN-γ, a cytokine critical for augmenting the microbicidal activity of phagocytes. On the other hand, M. tuberculosis reduces the effects of IFN-γ by inhibiting the transcription of IFN-γ- responsive genes and by inducing the secretion of IL-6, which inhibits IFN-γ signaling. Probiotics Lactobacillus sp. and Bifidobacterium sp. were known to increase IFN-γ production in vivo, while vitamin B1, B6, and B12 worked on macrophages and releasing cytokines. Therefore, the present study was to evaluate the effect of probiotics and vitamin B supplement on changes of plasma cytokine levels in active pulmonary TB. From October to November 2016, twelve M. tuberculosis-infected patients starting anti-TB drugs were recruited, then divided into two groups. Seven patients were given a combination of probiotics and vitamin B, while five patients were in the control group. Plasma IFN-γ and IL-6 levels were measured by the ELISA kit before and a month after treatment. IFN-γ levels raised in four patients receiving the supplement (P = 0.743), while IL-6 increased in three patients in this group until day 30 of treatment (P = 0.298). Taken together, these results show the promising effect of probiotics and vitamin B on stimulation of IFN-γ and IL-6 production during intensive therapy of TB.Keywords: interferon-gamma, interleukin-6, probiotic, tuberculosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3492225 The Regulation of the Pro-inflammatory Cytokine Interleukin 6 (IL6) by Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
Authors: Liu Xiaohan
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is a human herpesvirus and is closely related to many malignancies of lymphocyte and epithelial origins, such as gastric cancer, Burkitt’s lymphoma, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). NPC is a malignant epithelial tumor which is 100% associated with EBV latent infection. Most of the NPC cases are densely populated in southern China, especially in Guangdong and Hong Kong. To our knowledge, overexpression of pro-inflammatory cytokines may result in a loss of balance of the immune system and cause damage to human bodies. Interleukin-6 (IL6) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine which plays an important role in tumor progression. In addition, gene expression is regulated by both transcriptional and post-transcriptional pathways, while post-transcriptional regulation is an important mechanism to modulate the mature mRNA level in mammalian cells. AU-rich element binding factor 1 (AUF1)/heterogeneous nuclear RNP D (hnRNP D) is known for its function in destabilizing mRNAs, including cytokines and cell cycle regulators. Previous studies have found that overexpression of hnRNP D would lead to tumorigenesis. In this project, our aim is to determine the role played by hnRNP D in EBV-infected cells and how our anti-EBV agents can affect the function of hnRNP D. The results of this study will provide a new insight into how the pro-inflammatory cytokine expression can be regulated by EBV.Keywords: interleukin 6 (IL6), epstein-barr virus (EBV), nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC, epstein-barr nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA1)
Procedia PDF Downloads 632224 Hybrid Polymer Microfluidic Platform for Studying Endothelial Cell Response to Micro Mechanical Environment
Authors: Mitesh Rathod, Jungho Ahn, Noo Li Jeon, Junghoon Lee
Endothelial cells respond to cues from both biochemical as well as micro mechanical environment. Significant effort has been directed to understand the effects of biochemical signaling, however, relatively little is known about regulation of endothelial cell biology by the micro mechanical environment. Numerous studies have been performed to understand how physical forces regulate endothelial cell behavior. In this regard, past studies have majorly focused on exploring how fluid shear stress governs endothelial cell behavior. Parallel plate flow chambers and rectangular microchannels are routinely employed for applying fluid shear force on endothelial cells. However, these studies fall short in mimicking the in vivo like micro environment from topological aspects. Few studies have only used circular microchannels to replicate in vivo like condition. Seldom efforts have been directed to elucidate the combined effect of topology, substrate rigidity and fluid shear stress on endothelial cell response. In this regard, we demonstrate a facile fabrication process to develop a hybrid polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic platform to study endothelial cell biology. On a single chip microchannels with different cross sections i.e., circular, rectangular and square have been fabricated. In addition, our fabrication approach allows variation in the substrate rigidity along the channel length. Two different variants of polydimethylsiloxane, namely Sylgard 184 and Sylgard 527, were utilized to achieve the variation in rigidity. Moreover, our approach also enables in creating Y bifurcation circular microchannels. Our microfluidic platform thus facilitates for conducting studies pertaining to endothelial cell morphology with respect to change in topology, substrate rigidity and fluid flow on a single chip. The hybrid platform was tested by culturing Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells in circular microchannels with varying substrate rigidity, and exposed to fluid shear stress of 12 dynes/cm² and static conditions. Results indicate the cell area response to flow induced shear stress was governed by the underlying substrate mechanics.Keywords: hybrid, microfluidic platform, PDMS, shear flow, substrate rigidity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2772223 Artificial Intelligence Based Method in Identifying Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocytes of Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Authors: Nurkhairul Bariyah Baharun, Afzan Adam, Reena Rahayu Md Zin
Tumor microenvironment (TME) in breast cancer is mainly composed of cancer cells, immune cells, and stromal cells. The interaction between cancer cells and their microenvironment plays an important role in tumor development, progression, and treatment response. The TME in breast cancer includes tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) that are implicated in killing tumor cells. TILs can be found in tumor stroma (sTILs) and within the tumor (iTILs). TILs in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) have been demonstrated to have prognostic and potentially predictive value. The international Immune-Oncology Biomarker Working Group (TIL-WG) had developed a guideline focus on the assessment of sTILs using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained slides. According to the guideline, the pathologists use “eye balling” method on the H&E stained- slide for sTILs assessment. This method has low precision, poor interobserver reproducibility, and is time-consuming for a comprehensive evaluation, besides only counted sTILs in their assessment. The TIL-WG has therefore recommended that any algorithm for computational assessment of TILs utilizing the guidelines provided to overcome the limitations of manual assessment, thus providing highly accurate and reliable TILs detection and classification for reproducible and quantitative measurement. This study is carried out to develop a TNBC digital whole slide image (WSI) dataset from H&E-stained slides and IHC (CD4+ and CD8+) stained slides. TNBC cases were retrieved from the database of the Department of Pathology, Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz (HCTM). TNBC cases diagnosed between the year 2010 and 2021 with no history of other cancer and available block tissue were included in the study (n=58). Tissue blocks were sectioned approximately 4 µm for H&E and IHC stain. The H&E staining was performed according to a well-established protocol. Indirect IHC stain was also performed on the tissue sections using protocol from Diagnostic BioSystems PolyVue™ Plus Kit, USA. The slides were stained with rabbit monoclonal, CD8 antibody (SP16) and Rabbit monoclonal, CD4 antibody (EP204). The selected and quality-checked slides were then scanned using a high-resolution whole slide scanner (Pannoramic DESK II DW- slide scanner) to digitalize the tissue image with a pixel resolution of 20x magnification. A manual TILs (sTILs and iTILs) assessment was then carried out by the appointed pathologist (2 pathologists) for manual TILs scoring from the digital WSIs following the guideline developed by TIL-WG 2014, and the result displayed as the percentage of sTILs and iTILs per mm² stromal and tumour area on the tissue. Following this, we aimed to develop an automated digital image scoring framework that incorporates key elements of manual guidelines (including both sTILs and iTILs) using manually annotated data for robust and objective quantification of TILs in TNBC. From the study, we have developed a digital dataset of TNBC H&E and IHC (CD4+ and CD8+) stained slides. We hope that an automated based scoring method can provide quantitative and interpretable TILs scoring, which correlates with the manual pathologist-derived sTILs and iTILs scoring and thus has potential prognostic implications.Keywords: automated quantification, digital pathology, triple negative breast cancer, tumour infiltrating lymphocytes
Procedia PDF Downloads 118