Search results for: increasing bearing capacity
10323 Enhancement of Energy Harvesting-Enabled Decode and Forward Cooperative Cognitive Radio System
Authors: Ojo Samson Iyanda, Adeleke Oluseye A., Ojo Oluwaseun A.
Recent developments in the Wireless communication (WC) community has necessitated a paradigm shift in the effective usage of network resources to provide better Quality of Service (QoS) to wireless subscribers. However, the daily increase in the number of users accessing WC services makes frequency spectrum a valuable yet limited resource. Energy harvesting-enabled Decode and Forward Cooperative Cognitive Radio (DFCCR) used to solve this problem faced significant challenges in achieving efficient performance and signal insecurity due to channel fading and broadcast nature of the transmitted signal. Hence, this paper enhanced the performance of the existing DFCCR. PU signal is propagated from the source at different time slots using time diversity. The different versions of the transmitted signal are received at the SU’s transceiver. The received signal at the SU transceiver is decoded and SU superimposes its own information on the decoded signal using exclusive OR (XOR) rule. Jamming signal is created at the SU node and added to the SU transmitting signal. Outage Probability (OP) and Secrecy Capacity (SC) are derived to evaluate the performance of the proposed technique. The proposed energy harvesting-enabled DFCCR enhanced the performance of existing technique with 65% reduction in OP and 50% improvement in SC.Keywords: cognitive radio, RF energy harvesting, decode and forward, secrecy capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 910322 Variations in % Body Fat, the Amount of Skeletal Muscle and the Index of Physical Fitness in Relation to Sports Activity/Inactivity in Different Age Groups of the Adult Population in the Czech Republic
Authors: Hřebíčková Sylva, Grasgruber Pavel, Ondráček Jan, Cacek Jan, Kalina Tomáš
The aim of this study was to describe typical changes in several parameters of body composition – the amount of skeletal muscle mass (SMM), % body fat (BF) and body mass index (BMI) - in selected age categories (30+ years) of men and women in the Czech Republic, depending on the degree of sports activity. Study (n = 823, M = 343, F = 480) monitored differences in BF, SM and BMI in five age groups (from 30-39 years to 70+ years). Physically inactive individuals have (p < 0.05) higher % BF in comparison with physically active individuals (29.5 ± 0.59 vs. 27 ± 0.38%), higher BMI (27.3 ± 0.32 vs. 26.1 ± 0.20 kg/m2), but lower SM (39.0 ± 0.33 vs. 40.4 ± 0.21%). The results indicate that with an increasing age, there is a trend towards increasing values of BMI and % BF, and decreasing values of SMM.Keywords: body composition, body fat, physical activity, skeletal muscle
Procedia PDF Downloads 31610321 Effect of Twin Cavities on the Axially Loaded Pile in Clay
Authors: Ali A. Al-Jazaairry, Tahsin T. Sabbagh
Presence of cavities in soil predictably induces ground deformation and changes in soil stress, which might influence adjacent existing pile foundations, though the effect of twin cavities on a nearby pile needs to be understood. This research is an attempt to identify the behaviour of piles subjected to axial load and embedded in cavitied clayey soil. A series of finite element modelling were conducted to investigate the performance of piled foundation located in such soils. The validity of the numerical simulation was evaluated by comparing it with available field test and alternative analytical model. The study involved many parameters such as twin cavities size, depth, spacing between cavities, and eccentricity of cavities from the pile axis on the pile performance subjected to axial load. The study involved many cases; in each case, a critical value has been found in which cavities’ presence has shown minimum impact on the behaviour of pile. Load-displacement relationships of the affecting parameters on the pile behaviour were presented to provide helpful information for designing piled foundation situated near twin underground cavities. It was concluded that the presence of the cavities within the soil mass reduces the ultimate capacity of pile. This reduction differs according to the size and location of the cavity.Keywords: axial load, clay, finite element, pile, twin cavities, ultimate capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 23410320 Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Cleanup for Partially Degraded Fracturing Fluids in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs
Authors: Regina A. Tayong, Reza Barati
A stable, fast and robust three-phase, 2D IMPES simulator has been developed for assessing the influence of; breaker concentration on yield stress of filter cake and broken gel viscosity, varying polymer concentration/yield stress along the fracture face, fracture conductivity, fracture length, capillary pressure changes and formation damage on fracturing fluid cleanup in tight gas reservoirs. This model has been validated as against field data reported in the literature for the same reservoir. A 2-D, two-phase (gas/water) fracture propagation model is used to model our invasion zone and create the initial conditions for our clean-up model by distributing 200 bbls of water around the fracture. A 2-D, three-phase IMPES simulator, incorporating a yield-power-law-rheology has been developed in MATLAB to characterize fluid flow through a hydraulically fractured grid. The variation in polymer concentration along the fracture is computed from a material balance equation relating the initial polymer concentration to total volume of injected fluid and fracture volume. All governing equations and the methods employed have been adequately reported to permit easy replication of results. The effect of increasing capillary pressure in the formation simulated in this study resulted in a 10.4% decrease in cumulative production after 100 days of fluid recovery. Increasing the breaker concentration from 5-15 gal/Mgal on the yield stress and fluid viscosity of a 200 lb/Mgal guar fluid resulted in a 10.83% increase in cumulative gas production. For tight gas formations (k=0.05 md), fluid recovery increases with increasing shut-in time, increasing fracture conductivity and fracture length, irrespective of the yield stress of the fracturing fluid. Mechanical induced formation damage combined with hydraulic damage tends to be the most significant. Several correlations have been developed relating pressure distribution and polymer concentration to distance along the fracture face and average polymer concentration variation with injection time. The gradient in yield stress distribution along the fracture face becomes steeper with increasing polymer concentration. The rate at which the yield stress (τ_o) is increasing is found to be proportional to the square of the volume of fluid lost to the formation. Finally, an improvement on previous results was achieved through simulating yield stress variation along the fracture face rather than assuming constant values because fluid loss to the formation and the polymer concentration distribution along the fracture face decreases as we move away from the injection well. The novelty of this three-phase flow model lies in its ability to (i) Simulate yield stress variation with fluid loss volume along the fracture face for different initial guar concentrations. (ii) Simulate increasing breaker activity on yield stress and broken gel viscosity and the effect of (i) and (ii) on cumulative gas production within reasonable computational time.Keywords: formation damage, hydraulic fracturing, polymer cleanup, multiphase flow numerical simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 13210319 Testing a Flexible Manufacturing System Facility Production Capacity through Discrete Event Simulation: Automotive Case Study
Authors: Justyna Rybicka, Ashutosh Tiwari, Shane Enticott
In the age of automation and computation aiding manufacturing, it is clear that manufacturing systems have become more complex than ever before. Although technological advances provide the capability to gain more value with fewer resources, sometimes utilisation of the manufacturing capabilities available to organisations is difficult to achieve. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) provide a unique capability to manufacturing organisations where there is a need for product range diversification by providing line efficiency through production flexibility. This is very valuable in trend driven production set-ups or niche volume production requirements. Although FMS provides flexible and efficient facilities, its optimal set-up is key in achieving production performance. As many variables are interlinked due to the flexibility provided by the FMS, analytical calculations are not always sufficient to predict the FMS’ performance. Simulation modelling is capable of capturing the complexity and constraints associated with FMS. This paper demonstrates how discrete event simulation (DES) can address complexity in an FMS to optimise the production line performance. A case study of an automotive FMS is presented. The DES model demonstrates different configuration options depending on prioritising objectives: utilisation and throughput. Additionally, this paper provides insight into understanding the impact of system set-up constraints on the FMS performance and demonstrates the exploration into the optimal production set-up.Keywords: discrete event simulation, flexible manufacturing system, capacity performance, automotive
Procedia PDF Downloads 32810318 The Fadama Initiative: Implications for Human Security and Sustainable Development in Nigeria
Authors: Albert T. Akume, Yahya M. Abdullahi
The impact of poverty on individual and society is grave, hence the efforts by the government to eradicate or alleviate. In Nigeria the various efforts to reduce rural poverty by empowering them and making the process of their development self-sustaining have ended dismally. That notwithstanding, government determination to conquer poverty has not diminish as in the early 1990s the government with financial collaboration from the World Bank and African Development Bank introduced the fadama project. It is against this backdrop that this paper uses the documentary and analytical research methods to examine the implication the fadama development project has for community capacity development and human security in Nigeria. From the analysis it was discovered the fadama project improved household income of fadama farmers, community empowerment, participatory development planning and support for demand driven productive investment in farm and non-farm activities including community infrastructures. Despite this impressive result the fadama project is challenged by conflict especially in northern Nigeria and late delivery of necessary farm consumables that aid improved productivity. It was therefore recommended that the government should strengthen her various state security institutions to proactively mitigate conflicts and to ensure that farm consumables and other support services reach farmers timely.Keywords: capacity development, empowerment, fadama, human security, poverty reduction, theory of change, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 49910317 Societal Resilience Assessment in the Context of Critical Infrastructure Protection
Authors: Hannah Rosenqvist, Fanny Guay
Critical infrastructure protection has been an important topic for several years. Programmes such as the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP), Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network (CIWIN) and the European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection (ENR-CIP) have been the pillars to the work done since 2006. However, measuring critical infrastructure resilience has not been an easy task. This has to do with the fact that the concept of resilience has several definitions and is applied in different domains such as engineering and social sciences. Since June 2015, the EU project IMPROVER has been focusing on developing a methodology for implementing a combination of societal, organizational and technological resilience concepts, in the hope to increase critical infrastructure resilience. For this paper, we performed research on how to include societal resilience as a form of measurement of the context of critical infrastructure resilience. Because one of the main purposes of critical infrastructure (CI) is to deliver services to the society, we believe that societal resilience is an important factor that should be considered when assessing the overall CI resilience. We found that existing methods for CI resilience assessment focus mainly on technical aspects and therefore that is was necessary to develop a resilience model that take social factors into account. The model developed within the project IMPROVER aims to include the community’s expectations of infrastructure operators as well as information sharing with the public and planning processes. By considering such aspects, the IMPROVER framework not only helps operators to increase the resilience of their infrastructures on the technical or organizational side, but aims to strengthen community resilience as a whole. This will further be achieved by taking interdependencies between critical infrastructures into consideration. The knowledge gained during this project will enrich current European policies and practices for improved disaster risk management. The framework for societal resilience analysis is based on three dimensions for societal resilience; coping capacity, adaptive capacity and transformative capacity which are capacities that have been recognized throughout a widespread literature review in the field. A set of indicators have been defined that describe a community’s maturity within these resilience dimensions. Further, the indicators are categorized into six community assets that need to be accessible and utilized in such a way that they allow responding to changes and unforeseen circumstances. We conclude that the societal resilience model developed within the project IMPROVER can give a good indication of the level of societal resilience to critical infrastructure operators.Keywords: community resilience, critical infrastructure protection, critical infrastructure resilience, societal resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 23110316 Numerical Simulation of Phase Transfer during Cryosurgery for an Irregular Tumor Using Hybrid Approach
Authors: Rama Bhargava, Surabhi Nishad
The infusion of nanofluids has dramatically enhanced the heat-carrying capacity of the fluids, applicable to many engineering and medical process where the temperature below freezing is required. Cryosurgery is an efficient therapy for the treatment of cancer, but sometimes the excessive cooling may harm the nearby healthy cells. Efforts are therefore done to develop a model which can cause to generate the low temperature as required. In the present study, a mathematical model is developed based on the bioheat transfer equation to simulate the heat transfer from the probe on a tumor (with irregular domain) using the hybrid technique consisting of element free Galerkin method with αα-family of approximation. The probe is loaded will nano-particles. The effects of different nanoparticles, namely Al₂O₃, Fe₃O₄, Au on the heat-producing rate, is obtained. It is observed that the temperature can be brought to (60°C)-(-30°C) at a faster freezing rate on the infusion of different nanoparticles. Besides increasing the freezing rate, the volume of the nanoparticle can also control the size and growth of ice crystals formed during the freezing process. The study is also made to find the time required to achieve the desired temperature. The problem is further extended for multi tumors of different shapes and sizes. The irregular shape of the frozen domain and the direction of ice growth are very sensitive issues, posing a challenge for simulation. The Meshfree method has been one of the accurate methods in such problems as a domain is naturally irregular. The discretization is done using the nodes only. MLS approximation is taken in order to generate the shape functions. Sufficiently accurate results are obtained.Keywords: cryosurgery, EFGM, hybrid, nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 12510315 Adsorption of Toluene from Aqueous Solutions by Porous Clay Hetero-Structures
Authors: F. Asadi, M. M. Zerafat, S. Sabbaghi
Among water pollutants, volatile organic compounds can cause severe long lasting effects not only on biotic organism but also on human health. As a result, this material group has attracted more attention in recent years. Adsorption is one of the common processes for remediation of aromatic compounds. In this study, porous clay hetrostructers (PCHs) are synthesized through gallery template approach and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and dodecylamine used as template and co-template, respectively. Porous clay is characterized by XRD and FTIR. Batch adsorption experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of various adsorption parameters like adsorbent dosage, pH, initial concentration and contact time. It was found that by increasing adsorbent dosage from 0.5gr/lit to 4gr/lit, toluene removal is increased from 34% to 88.1%. Increasing contact time and decreasing the pH of aqueous solution increases toluene removal efficiency.Keywords: adsorption, clay, nano-porous, toluene
Procedia PDF Downloads 33810314 High Strength Steel Thin-Walled Cold-Formed Profiles Manufactured for Automated Rack Supported Warehouses
Authors: A. Natali, F. V. Lippi, F. Morelli, W. Salvatore, J. H. M. De Paula Filho, P. Pol
Automated Rack Supported Warehouses (ARSWs) are storage buildings whose load-bearing structure is made of the same steel racks where goods are stocked. These racks are made of cold formed elements, and the main supporting structure is repeated several times along the length of the building, resulting in a huge quantity of steel. The possibility of using high strength steel to manufacture the traditional cold-formed profiles used for ARSWs is numerically investigated, with the aim of reducing the necessary steel quantity but guaranteeing optimal structural performance levels.Keywords: steel racks, automated rack supported warehouse, thin-walled cold-formed elements, high strength steel, structural optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 15710313 Association of Body Composition Parameters with Lower Limb Strength and Upper Limb Functional Capacity in Quilombola Remnants
Authors: Leonardo Costa Pereira, Frederico Santos Santana, Mauro Karnikowski, Luís Sinésio Silva Neto, Aline Oliveira Gomes, Marisete Peralta Safons, Margô Gomes De Oliveira Karnikowski
In Brazil, projections of population aging follow all world projections, the birth rate tends to be surpassed by the mortality rate around the year 2045. Historically, the population of Brazilian blacks suffered for several centuries from the oppression of dominant classes. A group, especially of blacks, stands out in relation to territorial, historical and social aspects, and for centuries they have isolated themselves in small communities, in order to maintain their freedom and culture. The isolation of the Quilombola communities generated socioeconomic effects as well as the health of these blacks. Thus, the objective of the present study is to verify the association of body composition parameters with lower and upper limb strength and functional capacity in Quilombola remnants. The research was approved by ethics committee (1,771,159). Anthropometric evaluations of hip and waist circumference, body mass and height were performed. In order to verify the body composition, the relationship between stature and body mass (BM) was performed, generating the body mass index (BMI), as well as the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) test. The Time Up and Go (TUG) test was used to evaluate the functional capacity, and a maximum repetition test (1MR) for knee extension and handgrip (HG) was applied for strength magnitude analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical package SPSS 22.0. Shapiro Wilk's normality test was performed. For the possible correlations, the suggestions of the Pearson or Spearman tests were adopted. The results obtained after the interpretation identified that the sample (n = 18) was composed of 66.7% of female individuals with mean age of 66.07 ± 8.95 years. The sample’s body fat percentage (%BF) (35.65 ± 10.73) exceeds the recommendations for age group, as well as the anthropometric parameters of hip (90.91 ± 8.44cm) and waist circumference (80.37 ± 17.5cm). The relationship between height (1.55 ± 0.1m) and body mass (63.44 ± 11.25Kg) generated a BMI of 24.16 ± 7.09Kg/m2, that was considered normal. The TUG performance was 10.71 ± 1.85s. In the 1MR test, 46.67 ± 13.06Kg and in the HG 23.93±7.96Kgf were obtained, respectively. Correlation analyzes were characterized by the high frequency of significant correlations for height, dominant arm mass (DAM), %BF, 1MR and HG variables. In addition, correlations between HG and BM (r = 0.67, p = 0.005), height (r = 0.51, p = 0.004) and DAM (r = 0.55, p = 0.026) were also observed. The strength of the lower limbs correlates with BM (r = 0.69, p = 0.003), height (r = 0.62, p = 0.01) and DAM (r = 0.772, p = 0.001). In this way, we can conclude that not only the simple spatial relationship of mass and height can influence in predictive parameters of strength or functionality, being important the verification of the conditions of the corporal composition. For this population, height seems to be a good predictor of strength and body composition.Keywords: African Continental Ancestry Group, body composition, functional capacity, strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 27610312 Risk Factors for High Resistance of Ciprofloxacin Against Escherichia coli in Complicated Urinary Tract Infection
Authors: Liaqat Ali, Khalid Farooq, Shafieullah Khan, Nasir Orakzai, Qudratullah
Objectives: To determine the risk factors for high resistance of ciprofloxacin in complicated urinary tract infections. Materials and Methods: It is an analytical study that was conducted in the department of Urology (Team ‘C’) at Institute of Kidney Diseases Hayatabad Peshawar from 1st June 2012 till 31st December 2012. Total numbers of 100 patients with complicated UTI was selected in the study. Multivariate analysis and linear regression were performed for the detection of risk factors. All the data was recorded on structured Proforma and was analyzed on SPSS version 17. Results: The mean age of the patient was 55.6 years (Range 3-82 years). 62 patients were male while 38 patients were female. 66 isolates of E-Coli were found sensitive to ciprofloxacin while 34 isolates were found Resistant for ciprofloxacin. Using multivariate analysis and linear regression, an increasing age above 50 (p=0.002) History of urinary catheterization especially for bladder outflow obstruction (p=0.001) and previous multiple use of ciprofloxacin (p=0.001) and poor brand of ciprofloxacin were found to be independent risk factors for high resistance of ciprofloxacin. Conclusion: UTI is common illness across the globe with increasing trend of antimicrobial resistance for ciprofloxacin against E Coli in complicated UTI. The risk factors for emerging resistance are increasing age, urinary catheterization and multiple use and poor brand of ciprofloxacin.Keywords: urinary tract infection, ciprofloxacin, urethral catheterization, antimicrobial resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 35410311 Adhesion Problematic for Novel Non-Crimp Fabric and Surface Modification of Carbon-Fibres Using Oxy-Fluorination
Authors: Iris Käppler, Paul Matthäi, Chokri Cherif
In the scope of application of technical textiles, Non-Crimp Fabrics are increasingly used. In general, NCF exhibit excellent load bearing properties, but caused by the manufacturing process, there are some remaining disadvantages which have to be reduced. Regarding to this, a novel technique of processing NCF was developed substituting the binding-thread by an adhesive. This stitch-free method requires new manufacturing concept as well as new basic methods to prove adhesion of glue at fibres and textiles. To improve adhesion properties and the wettability of carbon-fibres by the adhesive, oxyfluorination was used. The modification of carbon-fibres by oxyfluorination was investigated via scanning electron microscope, X-ray photo electron spectroscopy and single fibre tensiometry. Special tensile tests were developed to determine the maximum force required for detachment.Keywords: non-crimp fabric, adhesive, stitch-free, high-performance fibre
Procedia PDF Downloads 35510310 Perovskite-Type La1−xCaxAlO3 (x=0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) as Active Anode Materials for Methanol Oxidation in Alkaline Solutions
Authors: M. Diafi, M. Omari, B. Gasmi
Perovskite-type La1−xCaxAlO3 were synthesized at 1000◦C by a co- precipitation method. The synthesized oxide powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the oxide powders were produced in the form of films on pretreated Ni-supports by an oxide-slurry painting technique their electrocatalytic activities towards methanol oxidation in alkaline solutions at 25°C using cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and anodic Tafel polarization techniques. The oxide catalysts followed the rhombohedral hexagonal crystal geometry. The rate of electro-oxidation of methanol was found to increase with increasing substitution of La by Ca in the oxide matrix. The reaction indicated a Tafel slope of ~2.303RT/F, The electrochemical apparent activation energy (〖∆H〗_el^(°#)) was observed to decrease on increasing Ca content. The results point out the optimum electrode activity and stability of the Ca is x=0.6 of composition.Keywords: electrocatalysis, oxygen evolution, perovskite-type La1−x Cax AlO3, methanol oxidation
Procedia PDF Downloads 43910309 Study of Magnetic Properties on the Corrosion Behavior and Influence of Temperature in Permanent Magnet (Nd-Fe-B) Used in PMSM
Authors: N. Yogal, C. Lehrmann
The use of Permanent magnet (PM) is increasing in the Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) to fulfill the requirement of high efficiency machines in modern industry. PMSM is widely used in industrial application, wind power plant and automotive industry. Since the PMSM are used in different environment condition, the long-term effect of NdFeB-based magnets at high temperatures and corrosion behavior has to be studied due to irreversible loss of magnetic properties. In this paper, the effect of magnetic properties due to corrosion and increasing temperature in the climatic chamber has been presented. The magnetic moment and magnetic field of the magnet were studied experimentally.Keywords: permanent magnet (PM), NdFeB, corrosion behavior, temperature effect, Permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM)
Procedia PDF Downloads 39510308 Drum Scrubber Performance Assessment and Improvement to Achieve the Desired Product Quality
Authors: Prateek Singh, Arun Kumar Pandey, C. Raghu Kumar, M. R. Rath, A. S. Reddy
Drum scrubber is widely used equipment in the washing of Iron ore. The purpose of the scrubber is to release the adhered fine clayey particles from the iron-bearing particles. Presently, the iron ore wash plants in the Eastern region of India consist of the scrubber, double deck screen followed by screw classifier as the main unit operations. Hence, scrubber performance efficiency has a huge impact on the downstream product quality. This paper illustrates the effect of scrubber feed % solids on scrubber performance and alumina distribution on downstream equipment. Further, it was established that scrubber performance efficiency could be defined as the ratio of the adhered particles (-0.15mm) released from scrubber feed during scrubbing operation with respect to the maximum possible release of -0.15mm (%) particles.Keywords: scrubber, adhered particles, feed % solids, efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 14010307 Promotion of Renewable Marines Energies in Morocco: Perspectives and Strategies
Authors: Nachtane Mourad, Tarfaoui Mostapha, Saifaoui Dennoun, El Moumen Ahmed
The current energy policy recommends the subject of energy efficiency and to phase out fossil energy as a master question for the prospective years. The kingdom requires restructuring its power equipment by improving the percentage of renewable energy supply and optimizing power systems and storage. Developing energy efficiency, therefore, obliges as a consubstantial objection to reducing energy consumption. The objective of this work is to show the energy transition in Morocco towards renewable energies, in particular, to show the great potential of renewable marine energies in Morocco, This goes back to the advantages of cost and non-pollution in addition to that of the independence of fossil energies. Bearing in mind the necessity of the balance of the Moroccan energy mix, hydraulic and thermal power plants have also been installed which will be added to the power stations already established as a prospect for a balanced network that is flexible to fluctuate demand.Keywords: renewable marine energy, energy transition, efficiency energy, renewable energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 28910306 Study of Hot Press Molding Method of Biodegradable Composite, Polypropylene Reinforced Coconut Coir
Authors: Herman Ruswan Suwarman, Ahmad Rivai, Mochamad Saidiman, Kuncoro Diharjo, Dody Ariawan
The use of biodegradable composite to solve ecological and environmental problems has currently risen as a trend. With the increasing use of biodegradable composite comes an increasing need to fabricate it properly. Yet this understanding has remained a challenge for the design engineer. Therefore, this study aims to explore how to combine coconut coir as a reinforcing material and polypropylene (PP) as a biodegradable polymer matrix. By using Hotpress Molding, two methods were developed and compared. The difference between these two methods is not only the step of fabrication but also the raw material. The first method involved a PP sheet and the second used PP pellets directly. Based on the results, it can be concluded that PP pellets yield better results, where the composite was produced in a shorter time, with an evenly distributed coconut coir and a smaller number of voids.Keywords: biodegradable, coconut coir, hot press molding, polypropylene
Procedia PDF Downloads 14810305 Seismic Performance Evaluation of Diagrid Components
Authors: Taejin Kim, Heonwoo Lee, Jong-Ho Kim, Dongchul Lee
Recently, there have been various high-rise building projects which reflect unique inspiration from architects to their feature. And it is frequently found that some of these buildings have diagrid structural system. Diagrid system provides engineers many options for structural plan, since it has triangular module so it can form a number of complex shapes. Unlike braced frame systems, diagonal members in diagrid system resist gravity and horizontal loads simultaneously. Correspondingly, diagrid members take roles of both beams and columns, and it is expected that their ductile capacity may depend on the amount of gravity loads. However, not enough studies have been made for this issue so far, which means that there is demand of examination on the seismic behavior of diagrid members under large gravity loads. Therefore, in this study, the ductile capacity of diagrid members was evaluated through analytical and experimental method. Several cases that have different vertical load condition were set up for both approaches to consider the effect of initial compression force due to gravity load. Regarding the result, it was found that buckling in a diagonal member occurs at smaller drift angle when larger gravity load acts on the specimen, which also reduces the amount of energy dissipation. It means that axial stress in a diagonal member reaches critical buckling force early due to the combined axial force from not only horizontal load but also gravity load.Keywords: buckling, diagrid, ductility, seismic performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 40510304 Enhancing Seismic Performance of Ductile Moment Frames with Delayed Wire-Rope Bracing Using Middle Steel Plate
Authors: Babak Dizangian, Mohammad Reza Ghasemi, Akram Ghalandari
Moment frames have considerable ductility against cyclic lateral loads and displacements; however, if this feature causes the relative displacement to exceed the permissible limit, it can impose unfavorable hysteretic behavior on the frame. Therefore, adding a bracing system with the capability of preserving the capacity of high energy absorption and controlling displacements without a considerable increase in the stiffness is quite important. This paper investigates the retrofitting of a single storey steel moment frame through a delayed wire-rope bracing system using a middle steel plate. In this model, the steel plate lies where the wire ropes meet, and the model geometry is such that the cables are continuously under tension so that they can take the most advantage of the inherent potential they have in tolerating tensile stress. Using the steel plate also reduces the system stiffness considerably compared to cross bracing systems and preserves the ductile frame’s energy absorption capacity. In this research, the software models of delayed wire-rope bracing system have been studied, validated, and compared with other researchers’ laboratory test results.Keywords: cyclic loading, delayed wire rope bracing, ductile moment frame, energy absorption, hysteresis curve
Procedia PDF Downloads 29210303 Financial Instruments of Islamic Banking: A Critical Analysis
Authors: Rukhsana Shaheen, Tahira Ifraq
Interest based transactions led the advent of Islamic banking. In order to provide an alternative to Interest based banking, financial transactions found in classical books of fiqh were employed. Musharakah, Mudarabah, Murabahah Salam, Ijara, and some other modes were adopted. These modes were modified so that they can be adopted for banking and satisfy the needs of customers. Since the inception of Islamic banking, these modes are being used and with the passage of time, are being molded and experimented with to cater different kinds of customers and requirements. Human efforts cannot be errorless. These modes too bear legal defects which need an in-depth scrutiny and refinement. The aim of this paper is to dig the basis and rulings of these modes in classical books of fiqh and analyze its modification and adoption in Islamic banking and the legal defects that these modes are bearing. Paper will prove itself fruitful by providing remedies for the legal defects.Keywords: financial instruments, legal defects, remedies, Islamic banking
Procedia PDF Downloads 35910302 Antioxidant Activity and Hepatoprotective Potential of Genista quadriflora Munby against Paracetamol-Induced Liver Injury
Authors: Nacera Baali, Zahia Belloum, Souad Ameddah, Fadila Benayache, Samir Benayache, Chantal Wrutniak-Cabello
Allurement of herbs as health beneficial foods and as a source material for the development of new drugs, has led to greater furtherance in the study of herbal medicines during recent years. In the present study, in vitro antioxidant, free radical scavenging capacity, and hepatoprotective activity of butanolic extract from Genista quadriflora Munby (G.quadriflora) were evaluated using established in vitro models such as DPPH radical and hydrogen peroxide radical scavenging activities and antilipidperoxidation ability. Interestingly, the extract showed considerable in vitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities in a dose-dependent manner when compared to the standard antioxidant which verified the presence of antioxidant compound in extract tested. The hepatoprotective potential of G.quadriflora extract was also evaluated in male Wistar rats against paracetamol (APAP) induced liver damage. Therapy of G.quadriflora showed the liver protective effect on biochemical and histopathological alterations. Moreover, histological studies also supported the biochemical finding, that is, the maximum improvement in the histoarchitecture of the liver. Results revealed that G.quadriflora extract could protect the liver against APAP-induced oxidative damage by possibly increasing the antioxidant protection mechanism in rats. These findings are of great importance in view of the availability of the plant and its observed possible diverse applications in medicine and nutrition.Keywords: genista quadriflora munby, antioxidant, liver, paracetamol, oxidative stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 47310301 Improving Working Memory in School Children through Chess Training
Authors: Veena Easvaradoss, Ebenezer Joseph, Sumathi Chandrasekaran, Sweta Jain, Aparna Anna Mathai, Senta Christy
Working memory refers to a cognitive processing space where information is received, managed, transformed, and briefly stored. It is an operational process of transforming information for the execution of cognitive tasks in different and new ways. Many class room activities require children to remember information and mentally manipulate it. While the impact of chess training on intelligence and academic performance has been unequivocally established, its impact on working memory needs to be studied. This study, funded by the Cognitive Science Research Initiative, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, analyzed the effect of one-year chess training on the working memory of children. A pretest–posttest with control group design was used, with 52 children in the experimental group and 50 children in the control group. The sample was selected from children studying in school (grades 3 to 9), which included both the genders. The experimental group underwent weekly chess training for one year, while the control group was involved in extracurricular activities. Working memory was measured by two subtests of WISC-IV INDIA. The Digit Span Subtest involves recalling a list of numbers of increasing length presented orally in forward and in reverse order, and the Letter–Number Sequencing Subtest involves rearranging jumbled alphabets and numbers presented orally following a given rule. Both tasks require the child to receive and briefly store information, manipulate it, and present it in a changed format. The Children were trained using Winning Moves curriculum, audio- visual learning method, hands-on- chess training and recording the games using score sheets, analyze their mistakes, thereby increasing their Meta-Analytical abilities. They were also trained in Opening theory, Checkmating techniques, End-game theory and Tactical principles. Pre equivalence of means was established. Analysis revealed that the experimental group had significant gains in working memory compared to the control group. The present study clearly establishes a link between chess training and working memory. The transfer of chess training to the improvement of working memory could be attributed to the fact that while playing chess, children evaluate positions, visualize new positions in their mind, analyze the pros and cons of each move, and choose moves based on the information stored in their mind. If working-memory’s capacity could be expanded or made to function more efficiently, it could result in the improvement of executive functions as well as the scholastic performance of the child.Keywords: chess training, cognitive development, executive functions, school children, working memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 26510300 Mitigation of Seismic Forces Effect on Highway Bridge Using Aseismic Bearings
Authors: Kaoutar Zellat, Tahar Kadri
The purpose of new aseismic techniques is to provide an additional means of energy dissipation, thereby reducing the transmitted acceleration into the superstructure. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of aseismic bearings technique and understand the behavior of seismically isolated bridges by such devices a three-span continuous deck bridge made of reinforced concrete is considered. The bridge is modeled as a discrete model and the relative displacements of the isolation bearing are crucial from the design point of view of isolation system and separation joints at the abutment level. The systems presented here are passive control systems and the results of some important experimental tests are also included. The results show that the base shear in the piers is significantly reduced for the isolated system as compared to the non isolated system in the both directions of the bridge. This indicates that the use of aseismic systems is effective in reducing the earthquake response of the bridge.Keywords: aseismic bearings, bridge isolation, bridge, seismic response
Procedia PDF Downloads 36310299 Explore Urban Spatial Density with Boltzmann Statistical Distribution
Authors: Jianjia Wang, Tong Yu, Haoran Zhu, Kun Liu, Jinwei Hao
The underlying pattern in the modern city is agglomeration. To some degree, the distribution of urban spatial density can be used to describe the status of this assemblage. There are three intrinsic characteristics to measure urban spatial density, namely, Floor Area Ratio (FAR), Building Coverage Ratio (BCR), and Average Storeys (AS). But the underlying mechanism that contributes to these quantities is still vague in the statistical urban study. In this paper, we explore the corresponding extrinsic factors related to spatial density. These factors can further provide the potential influence on the intrinsic quantities. Here, we take Shanghai Inner Ring Area and Manhattan in New York as examples to analyse the potential impacts on urban spatial density with six selected extrinsic elements. Ebery single factor presents the correlation to the spatial distribution, but the overall global impact of all is still implicit. To handle this issue, we attempt to develop the Boltzmann statistical model to explicitly explain the mechanism behind that. We derive a corresponding novel quantity, called capacity, to measure the global effects of all other extrinsic factors to the three intrinsic characteristics. The distribution of capacity presents a similar pattern to real measurements. This reveals the nonlinear influence on the multi-factor relations to the urban spatial density in agglomeration.Keywords: urban spatial density, Boltzmann statistics, multi-factor correlation, spatial distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 15410298 Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Optimally Designed Steel Angelina™ Beams
Authors: Ferhat Erdal, Osman Tunca, Serkan Tas, Serdar Carbas
Web-expanded steel beams provide an easy and economical solution for the systems having longer structural members. The main goal of manufacturing these beams is to increase the moment of inertia and section modulus, which results in greater strength and rigidity. Until recently, there were two common types of open web-expanded beams: with hexagonal openings, also called castellated beams, and beams with circular openings referred to as cellular beams, until the generation of sinusoidal web-expanded beams. In the present research, the optimum design of a new generation beams, namely sinusoidal web-expanded beams, will be carried out and the design results will be compared with castellated and cellular beam solutions. Thanks to a reduced fabrication process and substantial material savings, the web-expanded beam with sinusoidal holes (Angelina™ Beam) meets the economic requirements of steel design problems while ensuring optimum safety. The objective of this research is to carry out non-linear finite element analysis (FEA) of the web-expanded beam with sinusoidal holes. The FE method has been used to predict their entire response to increasing values of external loading until they lose their load carrying capacity. FE model of each specimen that is utilized in the experimental studies is carried out. These models are used to simulate the experimental work to verify of test results and to investigate the non-linear behavior of failure modes such as web-post buckling, shear buckling and vierendeel bending of beams.Keywords: steel structures, web-expanded beams, angelina beam, optimum design, failure modes, finite element analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 28210297 Electrolyte Loaded Hexagonal Boron Nitride/Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers for Lithium Ion Battery Application
Authors: Umran Kurtan, Hamide Aydin, Sevim Unugur Celik, Ayhan Bozkurt
In the present work, novel hBN/polyacrylonitrile composite nanofibers were produced via electrospinning approach and loaded with the electrolyte for rechargeable lithium-ion battery applications. The electrospun nanofibers comprising various hBN contents were characterized by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. The influence of hBN/PAN ratios onto the properties of the porous composite system, such as fiber diameter, porosity, and the liquid electrolyte uptake capability were systematically studied. Ionic conductivities and electrochemical characterizations were evaluated after loading electrospun hBN/PAN composite nanofiber with liquid electrolyte, i.e., 1 M lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) in ethylene carbonate (EC)/ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC) (1:1 vol). The electrolyte loaded nanofiber has a highest ionic conductivity of 10−3 S cm⁻¹ at room temperature. According to cyclic voltammetry (CV) results it exhibited a high electrochemical stability window up to 4.7 V versus Li+/Li. Li//10 wt% hBN/PAN//LiCO₂ cell was produced which delivered high discharge capacity of 144 mAhg⁻¹ and capacity retention of 92.4%. Considering high safety and low cost properties of the resulting hBN/PAN fiber electrolytes, these materials can be suggested as potential separator materials for lithium-ion batteries.Keywords: hexagonal boron nitride, polyacrylonitrile, electrospinning, lithium ion battery
Procedia PDF Downloads 14810296 Molecular Level Insights into the Adsorption of Perfluorooctanoic Acid on Clay Surfaces
Authors: Ravisha N. Mudalige, Duwage C. Perera, Jay N. Meegoda
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a persistent and hazardous member of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) family, presents significant environmental challenges due to its exceptional durability, potential for bioaccumulation, and mobility in natural systems. As a "forever chemical," PFOA resists degradation, resulting in widespread contamination of soils and sediments. This study investigates the molecular-level mechanisms governing the adsorption of PFOA on two negatively charged clay minerals, kaolinite, and montmorillonite, under the influence of humic acid. Adsorption behavior is analyzed using the Langmuir isotherm model under two conditions: humic acid-coated clay to mimic organic substances and non-coated clay. The study also examines the effects of pH levels of 2 and 7, focusing on the role of protonation states, clay surface characteristics, and solution chemistry in influencing adsorption dynamics. Humic acid, an organic substance formed from the decomposition of plant and animal matter, significantly influences the surface properties of clay particles. By altering surface charge, increasing hydrophobicity, and providing additional binding sites, it enhances the clays' ability to interact with PFOA. Typically, the negatively charged surfaces of kaolinite and montmorillonite repel the equally negatively charged PFOA molecules, creating electrostatic repulsion that limits direct adsorption. However, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of these clays is a pivotal factor that allows them to retain positively charged species, such as metal ions or functional groups introduced by humic acid coatings. These positively charged components act as intermediaries, bridging electrostatic interactions and facilitating hydrophobic partitioning, ultimately increasing the adsorption efficiency of PFOA onto the clay surfaces. At pH 2, increased protonation of the clay surfaces reduces electrostatic repulsion, enhancing PFOA adsorption, while humic acid coatings provide additional binding sites due to hydrophobicity. Conversely, at pH 7, adsorption is reduced due to dominant electrostatic repulsion, lower surface protonation, and competition between PFOA and humic acid components for available adsorption sites. This study provides molecular-level insights into the critical roles of clay chemistry, CEC, organic matter, and interfacial dynamics in overcoming electrostatic barriers to PFOA adsorption. By highlighting the essential role of organic matter in overcoming electrostatic repulsion, this work contributes to the development of more effective strategies for mitigating PFAS contamination in soils and water systems, offering valuable guidance for environmental remediation efforts.Keywords: adsorption, clay surface, humic acid, Langmuir isotherm, prfluorooctanoic acid, PFAS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1010295 Flexural Strength of Alkali Resistant Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete Beam with Prestressing
Authors: Jongho Park, Taekyun Kim, Jungbhin You, Sungnam Hong, Sun-Kyu Park
Due to the aging of bridges, increasing of maintenance costs and decreasing of structural safety is occurred. The steel corrosion of reinforced concrete bridge is the most common problem and this phenomenon is accelerating due to abnormal weather and increasing CO2 concentration due to climate change. To solve these problems, composite members using textile have been studied. A textile reinforced concrete can reduce carbon emissions by reduced concrete and without steel bars, so a lot of structural behavior studies are needed. Therefore, in this study, textile reinforced concrete beam was made and flexural test was performed. Also, the change of flexural strength according to the prestressing was conducted. As a result, flexural strength of TRC with prestressing was increased compared and flexural behavior was shown as reinforced concrete.Keywords: AR-glass, flexural strength, prestressing, textile reinforced concrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 33110294 Experience of Using Expanding Polyurethane Resin for Ground Improvement Under Existing Shallow Foundations on The Arabian Peninsula
Authors: Evgeny N. Zakharin, Bartosz Majewski
Foaming polyurethane is a ground improvement technology that is increasingly used for foundation stabilization with differential settlement and controlled foundation structure lifting. This technology differs from conventional mineral grout due to its injection composition, which provides high-pressure expansion quickly due to a chemical reaction. The technology has proven efficient in the typical geological conditions of the United Arab Emirates. An in-situ trial foundation load test has been proposed to objectively assess the deformative and load-bearing characteristics of the soil after injection. The article provides a detailed description of the experiment carried out in field conditions. Based on the practical experiment's results and its finite element modeling, the deformation modulus of the soil after treatment was determined, which was more than five times higher than the initial value.Keywords: chemical grout, expanding polyurethane resin, foundation remediation, ground improvement
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