Search results for: humanising hospital
818 Photomicrograph-Based Neuropathology Consultation in Tanzania; The Utility of Static-Image Neurotelepathology in Low- And Middle-Income Countries
Authors: Francis Zerd, Brian E. Moore, Atuganile E. Malango, Patrick W. Hosokawa, Kevin O. Lillehei, Laurence Lemery Mchome, D. Ryan Ormond
Introduction: Since neuropathologic diagnosis in the developing world is hampered by limitations in technical infrastructure, trained laboratory personnel, and subspecialty-trained pathologists, the use of telepathology for diagnostic support, second-opinion consultations, and ongoing training holds promise as a means of addressing these challenges. This research aims to assess the utility of static teleneuropathology in improving neuropathologic diagnoses in low- and middle-income countries. Methods: Consecutive neurosurgical biopsy and resection specimens obtained at Muhimbili National Hospital in Tanzania between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019, were selected for retrospective, blinded static-image neuropathologic review followed by on-site review by an expert neuropathologist. Results: A total of 75 neuropathologic cases were reviewed. The agreement of static images and on-site glass diagnosis was 71% with strict criteria and 88% with less stringent criteria. This represents an overall improvement in diagnostic accuracy from 36% by general pathologists to 71% by a neuropathologist using static telepathology (or 76% to 88% with less stringent criteria). Conclusions: Telepathology offers a suitable means of providing diagnostic support, second-opinion consultations, and ongoing training to pathologists practicing in resource-limited countries. Moreover, static digital teleneuropathology is an uncomplicated, cost-effective, and reliable way to achieve these goals.Keywords: neuropathology, resource-limited settings, static image, Tanzania, teleneuropathology
Procedia PDF Downloads 102817 Availability of TB Infection Control Plans at Rural Hospitals of South Africa
Authors: Takalani Tshitangano
Background: In Limpopo province the rate of new tuberculosis (TB) cases increase daily. The Infection Control (IC) plan is one of the essential actions for TB IC. This study aimed to establish the availability of these plans at health care facilities. Objectives: The objectives were to explore and describe the awareness and knowledge of health care workers (HCWs) of the availability and content of TB IC plan; and to identity the role of infection control committees from the perspective of HCWs. Method: A qualitative approach using a cross-sectional descriptive design was adopted. The target population was all HCWs from the seven hospitals of Vhembe district. A purposive sampling approach was used to select 57 participants. The approval to conduct this study was obtained from the relevant authorities and participants. Data were collected through seven focus group discussions comprising five to 10 members. An unstructured discussion guide was used to collect data, and an open-coding method was used to analyse the data. Lincoln and Guba’s criteria ensured trustworthiness of the study findings. Results: Findings revealed that HCWs were not aware of the availability and the information contained in the TB IC plans. No person was designated as TB IC officer at hospital level. There was lack of a TB IC Committee and teams as well as ineffective utilisation of those that did exist. Conclusions: It was concluded that if the TB IC plans are not available at health care facilities, then the TB IC practices implemented by HCWs vary, resulting in TB nosocomial infection transmission. It was recommended that the World Health Organisation’s TB IC plans be adopted and implemented in Vhembe district.Keywords: health care workers' awareness, health care workers' knowledge, availability of TB infection control plans, rural hospitals
Procedia PDF Downloads 220816 Are There Any Positive Effects of Motivational Interviewing on Motion Sickness?
Authors: Unal Demirtas, Mehmet Ergin Dipcin, Mehmet Cetin
Background: Applied to student candidates prior to entering the air force academy, under the name of Cadet selection flights and executed as 7-8 sorties under the surveillance of flight instructors, this training is mainly towards appraising students’ characteristics of flying ability. All pilot cadets are gone through physical examination before cadet selection flight in a military hospital. Some cadets may show motion sickness symptoms during this flights. The most common symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, vertigo, headache, anxiety, paresthaesia, asthenia, muscle contraction and excitement. These cadets are examined by flight surgeon, after this flight surgeon and psychologist have an motivational interviewing with these cadets. Method: In this study, we have applied a survey that we question the severity of the symptom to the candidates that have motion sickness after the first sortie. We have questioned the candidate who had a motivational interviewing by the psychologist after the treatment of the flight surgeon that whether the candidate relived the complaints that he has at the previous sortie after the second sortie and whether there is decrease or increase in the severity of the complaints compared to the previous flight. Findings: 15 candidates have applied for the flight surgeon with at least one of the motion sickness symptoms. 11 of the 15 candidates showing motion sickness symptoms after the first flight expressed that their complaints are decreased after the motivational interviewing and 4 of the candidates stated that there are no changes in their complaints. The frequently expressed complaints are nausea, vertigo, headache, exhaustion and vomiting respectively. 7 out of 15 candidates expressed that they have same kind of complains in bus, ship etc. Conclusion: It is observed in our study that only conducting motivational interviewing with the candidates without any organic disorders without giving any drugs has a positive effect on the candidates in terms of motion sickness.Keywords: aeromedicine, candidate, motion sickness, motivational interviewing, pilot
Procedia PDF Downloads 475815 Clinical Prediction Score for Ruptured Appendicitis In ED
Authors: Thidathit Prachanukool, Chaiyaporn Yuksen, Welawat Tienpratarn, Sorravit Savatmongkorngul, Panvilai Tangkulpanich, Chetsadakon Jenpanitpong, Yuranan Phootothum, Malivan Phontabtim, Promphet Nuanprom
Background: Ruptured appendicitis has a high morbidity and mortality and requires immediate surgery. The Alvarado Score is used as a tool to predict the risk of acute appendicitis, but there is no such score for predicting rupture. This study aimed to developed the prediction score to determine the likelihood of ruptured appendicitis in an Asian population. Methods: This study was diagnostic, retrospectively cross-sectional and exploratory model at the Emergency Medicine Department in Ramathibodi Hospital between March 2016 and March 2018. The inclusion criteria were age >15 years and an available pathology report after appendectomy. Clinical factors included gender, age>60 years, right lower quadrant pain, migratory pain, nausea and/or vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, fever>37.3°C, rebound tenderness, guarding, white blood cell count, polymorphonuclear white blood cells (PMN)>75%, and the pain duration before presentation. The predictive model and prediction score for ruptured appendicitis was developed by multivariable logistic regression analysis. Result: During the study period, 480 patients met the inclusion criteria; of these, 77 (16%) had ruptured appendicitis. Five independent factors were predictive of rupture, age>60 years, fever>37.3°C, guarding, PMN>75%, and duration of pain>24 hours to presentation. A score > 6 increased the likelihood ratio of ruptured appendicitis by 3.88 times. Conclusion: Using the Ramathibodi Welawat Ruptured Appendicitis Score. (RAMA WeRA Score) developed in this study, a score of > 6 was associated with ruptured appendicitis.Keywords: predictive model, risk score, ruptured appendicitis, emergency room
Procedia PDF Downloads 166814 Pharmacogenetics Study of Dapsone-Induced Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions and HLA Class I Alleles in Thai Patients
Authors: Patompong Satapornpong, Therdpong Tempark, Pawinee Rerknimitr, Jettanong Klaewsongkram, Chonlaphat Sukasem
Dapsone (4, 4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone, DDS) is broadly used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and infections such as; leprosy, Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia in patients with HIV infection, neutrophilic dermatoses, dermatitis herpetiformis and autoimmune bullous disease. The severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions (SCARs) including, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) are rare but severe life-threatening adverse drug reactions. Dapsone is one of many culprit drugs induced SJS, TEN and DRESS. Notwithstanding, to our knowledge, there are no studies of the association of HLA class I alleles and dapsone-induced SCARs in non-leprosy Thai patients. This investigation was a prospective cohort study, which performed in a total of 45 non-leprosy patients. Fifteen patients of dapsone-induced SCARs were classified as following the RegiSCAR criteria, and 30 dapsone-tolerant controls were exposed to dapsone more than 6 months without any evidence of cutaneous reactions. The genotyping of HLA-A, -B and –C were performed using sequence-specific oligonucleotides (PCR-SSOs). The Ethics Committee of Ramathibodi hospital, Mahidol University, approved this study. Among all HLA class I alleles, HLA-A*24:07, HLA-B*13:01, HLA-B*15:02, HLA-C*03:04 and HLA-C*03:09 were significantly associated with dapsone-induced SCARs (OR = 10.55, 95% CI = 1.06 – 105.04, p = 0.0360; OR = 56.00, 95% CI = 8.27 – 379.22, p = 0.0001; OR = 7.00, 95% CI = 1.17 – 42.00, p = 0.0322; OR = 6.00, 95% CI = 1.24 – 29.07, p = 0.0425 and OR = 17.08, 95% CI = 0.82 – 355.45, p = 0.0321, respectively). Furthermore, HLA-B*13:01 allele had strong association with dapsone-induced SJS-TEN and DRESS when compared with dapsone-tolerant controls (OR = 42.00, 95% CI = 2.88 – 612.31, p = 0.0064 and OR = 63.00, 95% CI = 7.72 – 513.94 and p = 0.0001, respectively). Consequently, HLA-B*13:01 might serve as a pharmacogenetic marker for screening before initiating the therapy with dapsone for prevention of dapsone-induced SCARs.Keywords: dapsone-induced SCARs, HLA-B*13:01, HLA class I alleles, severe cutaneous adverse reactions, Thai
Procedia PDF Downloads 233813 The First Report of Aberrant Corneal Occlusion in Rabbit in Iran
Authors: Bahador Bardshiri, Omid Moradi, Amir Komeilian, Nima Panahifar
Formation of a conjunctival membrane over the corneal surface is a condition unique to rabbits that has been labeled aberrant corneal occlusion or pseudopterygium. In the summer of 2013, a five years old male Standard Chinchilla rabbit were presented to Karaj Central Veterinary hospital and the owner complained that his rabbit shows degrees of blindness and there were opacities on both eyes of the presented rabbit. Ophthalmic examination of the affected eyes revealed a conjunctival fold stretching over the cornea of both eyes. The fold originated from limbus and it was vascularized and centrally thickened. There were no attachments to the corneal epithelium and the fold could be easily lifted. Surgery was performed under general anesthesia. The conjunctival fold was incised centrifugally up to its attachment at the limbus and the lid margin using small scissors. The central rim of the segment was then replaced to its normal position in the fornix and fixed with mattress sutures (7/0) passing through outside skin. After the surgery, eye drops containing dexamethasone, gentamicin and polymixin were applied twice daily up to 3 weeks. Within the observation period (8 months) no recurrence was noted. "Pseudo" in the term pseudopterygium refers to the fact that the conjunctival membrane is not adhering to the underlying cornea, but growing over it. In rare cases, the membrane may be loosely attached to the cornea, but can be easily separated without causing damage. It can cover only a small part of the cornea with an annular peripheral opacification of the cornea, or cover it almost fully, leading to blindness. Ethiopathogenesis remains unclear and recurrence of the problem is very likely. The surgical technique that used here decreases probability of recurrence of conjunctival fold.Keywords: rabbit, cornea, aberrant corneal occlusion, pseudopterygium
Procedia PDF Downloads 343812 Emergency Management of Poisoning Tracery Care Hospital in India
Authors: Rajiv Ratan Singh, Sachin Kumar Tripathi, Pradeep Kumar Yadav
The timely evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of people who have been exposed to toxic chemicals is a crucial component of emergency poison management in the medical field. The various substances that can poison include chemicals, medications, and naturally occurring poisons. The toxicology of the particular drug involved, as well as the symptoms and indicators of poisoning, must be thoroughly understood to handle poisoning emergencies effectively. One of the most important aspects of emergency poison management in medicine is the prompt examination, diagnosis, and treatment of persons who have been exposed to dangerous substances. To properly manage poisoning crises, one must have a good understanding of the toxicology of the particular medication concerned, as well as the signs and indicators of poisoning. Emergency management of poisoning includes not only prompt medical attention but also patient education, follow-up care, and monitoring for any long-term consequences. To achieve the greatest results for patients, the management of poisoning is a complicated and dynamic process that calls for collaboration between medical professionals, first responders, and toxicologists. All poisoned patients who present to the emergency room are assessed and diagnosed based on a collection of symptoms and a biochemical diagnosis, and they are then provided targeted, specialized treatment for the toxin identified. This article focuses on the loxodromic strategy as the primary method of treatment for poisoned patients. The authors of this article conclude that mortality and morbidity can be reduced if patients visit the emergency room promptly and receive targeted treatment.Keywords: antidotes, blood poisoning, emergency medicine, gastric lavage, medico-legal aspects, patient care
Procedia PDF Downloads 102811 Multiple Etiologies and Incidences of Co-Infections in Childhood Diarrhea in a Hospital Based Screening Study in Odisha, India
Authors: Arpit K. Shrivastava, Nirmal K. Mohakud, Subrat Kumar, Priyadarshi S. Sahu
Acute diarrhea is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality among children less than five years of age. Multiple etiologies have been implicated for infectious gastroenteritis causing acute diarrhea. In our study fecal samples (n=165) were collected from children (<5 years) presenting with symptoms of acute diarrhea. Samples were screened for viral, bacterial, and parasitic etiologies such as Rotavirus, Adenovirus, Diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli (EPEC, EHEC, STEC, O157, O111), Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Vibrio cholera, Cryptosporidium spp., and Giardia spp. The overall results from our study showed that 57% of children below 5 years of age with acute diarrhea were positive for at least one infectious etiology. Diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli was detected to be the major etiological agent (29.09%) followed by Rotavirus (24.24%), Shigella (21.21%), Adenovirus (5.45%), Cryptosporidium (2.42%), and Giardia (0.60%). Among the different DEC strains, EPEC was detected significantly higher in <2 years children in comparison to >2 years age group (p =0.001). Concurrent infections with two or more pathogens were observed in 47 of 160 (28.48%) cases with a predominant incidence particularly in <2-year-old children (66.66%) compared to children of 2 to 5 years age group. Co-infection of Rotavirus with Shigella was the most frequent combination, which was detected in 17.94% cases, followed by Rotavirus with EPEC (15.38%) and Shigella with STEC (12.82%). Detection of multiple infectious etiologies and diagnosis of the right causative agent(s) can immensely help in better management of acute childhood diarrhea. In future more studies focusing on the detection of cases with concurrent infections must be carried out, as we believe that the etiological agents might be complementing each other’s strategies of pathogenesis resulting in severe diarrhea.Keywords: children, co-infection, infectious diarrhea, Odisha
Procedia PDF Downloads 336810 The Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation on Clinical Symptoms, Quality of Life, and Anal Internal Sphincter Pressure in Patients with Chronic Anal Fissure
Authors: Masoumeh Khailghi Sikaroudi, Mohsen Masoodi, Fazad Shidfar, Meghdad Sedaghat
Background: The hypertonicity of internal anal sphincter resting pressure is one of the main reasons for chronic anal fissures. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of oral administration of L-arginine on anal fissure symptom improvement by relaxation of the internal anal sphincter. Method: Seventy-six chronic anal fissure patients (age: 18-65 years) took part in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial study from February 2019 to October 2020 at Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Participants were allocated into treatment (L-arginine) or placebo groups. They took a 1000 mg capsule three times a day for one month and were followed up at the end of the first and third months after receiving the intervention. Clinical symptoms, anal sphincter resting pressure, and quality of life (QoL) were completed at baseline and the end of the study. Result: The analysis of data was shown significant improvement in bleeding, fissure size, and pain within each group; however, this effect was more seen in the arginine group compared to the control group at the end of the study (P-values<0.001). Following that, a significant increase in QoL was seen just in patients who were treated with arginine (P-value=0.006). Also, the comparison of anal pressures to baseline and between groups at the end of the study showed a significant reduction in sphincter pressure in treated patients (P-value<0.001, =0.049; respectively). Conclusion: Oral administration of 3000 mg L-arginine can heal chronic anal fissures by reducing anal internal sphincter pressure with fewer side effects. However, a long-term study with more follow-up is recommended.Keywords: L-arginine, anal fissure, sphincter pressure, clinical symptoms, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 72809 Illness Perception and Health-Related Quality of Life among Young Females Living with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Authors: Vibha Kriti
Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder generally found in reproductive women. It is associated with significant reproductive, metabolic, cosmetic, and psychological consequences. Objective: There is a high prevalence of PCOS found among reproductive-age women, therefore, the major objective of the present study is to identify the illness perception of PCOS women and to explore the relationship between illness perception and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Material and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a university tertiary-care center, Sir Sunder Lal Hospital, Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U). Tools used for data collection were self-structured, which included socio-demographic status, illness perception questionnaire (revised version), and short-form 36 for assessing illness perception and health-related quality of life, respectively. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS version ‘24’. Results: The results of correlation analyses indicated that there is a strong relationship between strong illness perception and HRQoL. Stepwise regression indicated that illness identity, long illness duration, and severe consequences were associated with the worse outcome on emotional functioning and on social functioning. A high score on the controllability of the disease and seeking social support was significantly related to better functioning. Conclusion: Illness perception is an important factor in self-care behaviors in PCOS females and has a strong association with health-related quality of life and has a profound effect on it.Keywords: polycystic ovary syndrome, illness perception, quality of life, young females, mental health
Procedia PDF Downloads 94808 Improving Health Care and Patient Safety at the ICU by Using Innovative Medical Devices and ICT Tools: Examples from Bangladesh
Authors: Mannan Mridha, Mohammad S. Islam
Innovative medical technologies offer more effective medical care, with less risk to patient and healthcare personnel. Medical technology and devices when properly used provide better data, precise monitoring and less invasive treatments and can be more targeted and often less costly. The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) equipped with patient monitoring, respiratory and cardiac support, pain management, emergency resuscitation and life support devices is particularly prone to medical errors for various reasons. Many people in the developing countries now wonder whether their visit to hospital might harm rather than help them. This is because; clinicians in the developing countries are required to maintain an increasing workload with limited resources and absence of well-functioning safety system. A team of experts from the medical, biomedical and clinical engineering in Sweden and Bangladesh have worked together to study the incidents, adverse events at the ICU in Bangladesh. The study included both public and private hospitals to provide a better understanding for physical structure, organization and practice in operating processes of care, and the occurrence of adverse outcomes the errors, risks and accidents related to medical devices at the ICU, and to develop a ICT based support system in order to reduce hazards and errors and thus improve the quality of performance, care and cost effectiveness at the ICU. Concrete recommendations and guidelines have been made for preparing appropriate ICT related tools and methods for improving the routine for use of medical devices, reporting and analyzing of the incidents at the ICU in order to reduce the number of undetected and unsolved incidents and thus improve the patient safety.Keywords: intensive care units, medical errors, medical devices, patient care and safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 149807 The Use of Metformin in Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Glucose Control in Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) at Tripoli Medical Center
Authors: Ebtisam A. Benomran, Abdurrauf M. Gusbi, Malak S. Elazarg, M. Sultan, Layla M. Kafu, Arwa M. Matoug, Esra E. Benamara
Normal pregnancy is associated with metabolic changes leading to decreased insulin sensitivity and reduced glucose tolerance, however, 3-5% of pregnant women proceed to develop gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Researcher studied the use of metformin in many fields and the benefit to risk balance of using metformin during pregnancy and the risk of fetotoxic. In this study we examined the use of Metformin to control Glucose in pregnant Women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and evaluate its safety use during the first trimester of pregnancy.A group of pregnant patients with gestational diabetes mellitus from the first trimester of pregnancy, non smoking with no family history of congenital malformation disease, aged between (20-45 years) and have no liver diseases and who had indicating good compliance at more than one visit over several month until delivery put on Metformin were participated in this trial. Our study shown that all the studied group of pregnant women using metformin 500 mg daily delivered a healthy babies. Meta-analysis by mother risk program showed no increase in incidence of malformations by use Metformin during the first trimester of pregnancy. A hundred outpatients were participated in the survey on the general knowledge and awareness of diabetic patients to their illness and medication used their aged between 20-40 years old. In this survey we realize that 90% of the doctors are not giving the patient full information about their illness and the use of metformin during pregnancy, also about 65% of the patients did not know about the nutritionist in the hospital and the right control diet for diabetes. Courses on first aid, rapid diagnosis of poisoning and follow the written procedures to dealing with such cases.Keywords: gestational diabetes, malformations, metformin, pregnancy
Procedia PDF Downloads 493806 Effect of Ethanol and Betadine on the Preformed Biofilm of Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Urinary Catheter
Authors: Kara Terki Ibtissem, Hassaine Hafida, Bellifa Samia
Introduction: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the species that are most frequently isolated from urinary catheters. The ability to produce a biofilm is an important step in the pathogenesis of these staphylococci; biofilm formation is strongly dependent on the environmental conditions it also depends on the different parameters these biofilms are subjected to. Antiseptics, including ethanol and betadine, are used in clinical practice for disinfection and infection prevention. Recent studies, however, demonstrate that disinfectants may enhance biofilm production in Staphylococci. Methods: In this study, 48 staphylococcus aureus isolated from urinary catheters at the University Hospital Center of Sidi Bel Abbes (in Northwestern Algeria) were analyzed to detect the formation of biofilm by culture on Red Congo Agar (RCA), the Tube Method (TM) and tissue Culture Plate (TCP) techniques, this last was also used to investigate the effect of ethanol and Betadine on the preformed biofilm In a second time to know which environment is most favorable to the formation of the biofilm we perform a statistical test based on the student test by the software R. Results: It has been found that 23 strains produced a bacterial slime on the Congo red medium, 5 strains produced a biofilm by the tube method, 2 of which are highly productive. In addition, 7 strains produced a biofilm on polystyrene micro-plates; this number was higher in the presence of ethanol 70% and ethanol 90% with 19 and 11 biofilm-producing strains, respectively. On the other hand, no biofilm was formed in the presence of Betadine. Conclusion: It is important to examine the response of biofilms following an imposed external constraint, such as disinfectants, in order to develop new strategies to combat bacterial biofilms but also to better control their formation.Keywords: staphylococcus aureus, biofilm, urinary catheter, ethanol
Procedia PDF Downloads 64805 The Effects of Evidence-Based Nursing Training and Consultation Program on Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy of Evidence-Based Practice among Nurses
Authors: Yea-Pyng Lin
Evidence-based nursing (EBN) can improve quality of patient care and reduce medical expenses. Development of training and consultation program according to nurses’ needs and difficulties is essential to promote their competence and self-efficacy in EBN. However, limited research evaluated the effects of EBN program on EBN self-efficacy among nurses. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of an EBN consultation program on self-efficacy and outcome expectancy of evidence-based practice (EBP) among nurses. A two-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was used. A purposive sample of full-time nurses was recruited from a hospital. Experimental group (n=28) received the EBN consultation program including 18-hour EBN training courses, hand-on practices and group discussion by faculty mentors. Control group (n=33) received regular in-service education with no EBN program. All participants received baseline and post-test assessment using Chinese version of Self-Efficacy in EBP scale (SE-EBP) and Outcome Expectancy for EBP scale (OE-EBP). After receiving EBN consultation program, experimental group’s posttest scores of SE-EBP (t=-4.98, p<0.001) and OE-SEP (t=-3.65, p=0.001) were significantly higher than those of the pretests. By controlling the age and years of nursing work experience, the experimental group‘s SE-EBP(F=10.47, p=0.002) and OE-SEP(F=9.53, p=0.003) scores were significantly improved compared to those of the control group. EBN program focus on hand-on practice and group discussion by faculty mentors in addition to EBN training courses can improve EBP self-efficacy and outcome expectancy among nurses. EBN program focus on English literature reading, database searching, and appraisal practice according to nurses’ needs and difficulties can promote implementation of EBN.Keywords: evidence-based nursing, evidence-based practice, consultation program, self-efficacy, outcome expectancy
Procedia PDF Downloads 501804 Optimal Approach for Siewert Type Ⅱ Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagogastric Junction: A Systematic Review and Metanalysis
Authors: Maatouk Mohamed, Nouira Mariem
Background and aims: Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) represent a major public health problem worldwide. They represent one of the most serious adverse events in health care. The objectives of our study were to estimate the prevalence of HAI at the Charles Nicolle Hospital (CNH) and to identify the main associated factors as well as to estimate the frequency of antibiotic use. Methods: It was a cross sectional study at the CNH with a unique passage per department (OctoberDecember 2018). All patients present at the wards for more than 48 hours were included. All patients from outpatient consultations, emergency and dialysis departments were not included. The site definitions of infections proposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were used. Only clinically and/or microbiologically confirmed active HAIs were included. Results: A total of 318 patients were included with a mean age of 52 years and a sex ratio (Female/Male) of 1.05. A total of 41 patients had one or more active HAIs, corresponding to a prevalence of 13.1% (95% CI: 9.3%-16.9%). The most frequent sites infections were urinary tract infections and pneumonia. Multivariate analysis among adult patients (>=18 years) (n=261), revealed that infection on admission (p=0.01), alcoholism (p=0.01), high blood pressure (p=0.008), having at least one invasive device inserted (p=0.004), and history of recent surgery (p=0.03), increased significantly the risk of HAIs. More than 1 of 3 patients (35.4%) were under antibiotics on the day of the survey, of which more than half (57.4%) were under 2 or more types of antibiotics. Conclusion: The prevalence of HAIs and antibiotic prescriptions at the CNH were considerably high. An infection prevention and control committee, as well as the development of an Antibiotic stewardship program with continuous monitoring using repeated prevalence surveys must be implemented to limit the frequency of these infections effectively.Keywords: tumors, oesophagectomy, esophagogastric junction, systematic review
Procedia PDF Downloads 82803 Pediatrics HIV and Asymptomatic Malaria Parasitemia (AMP) Co-Infection
Authors: David Segun Adeniyi, Tongvwam P. J., Wekpe S., Owolagba F. E., Ofuche E., Samuels J. O., Okonkwo P.
Background: Pediatrics HIV viral suppression remains a major challenge across Africa. In this study, we sought to establish the relationship between AMP and sustained plasma HIV viremia among a population of pediatric clients on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). We also seek to determine the prevalence of AMP among the study population. Methods: 180 pediatrics clients on ART at four (4) Comprehensive Hospitals in Jos, Nigeria, participated in this study between the months of October to December 2022. The mean age of the study participants was 13 years. Venous blood was drawn from the participants after consent was sought, and ethical approval was obtained from the Plateau State Specialist Hospital (PSSH) Research and Ethics Committee. All samples were screened for AMP using the CareStart® HRP2 Malaria kit. The Absolute and % CD4 values of the clients were obtained using the BD Presto® CD4 Analyzer. The separated plasma samples were assayed for HIV viral load using the Roche Cobas C4800® system. Obtained data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. Results: From the 180 participants in this study, 12.8% (23) have AMP. 90.6% (163) were virally suppressed (<1000 copies/ml), while 9.4% (17) were virally unsuppressed (>1000 copies/ml). 11.7% (19/163) of the virally suppressed population have AMP, with mean absolute and % CD4 values of 648 and 31%, respectively. The virally suppressed population without AMP has mean absolute and % CD4 values of 719 and 32%, respectively. 24% (4/17) of the virally unsuppressed population have AMP, with mean absolute and % CD4 values of 514 and 26%, respectively. The virally unsuppressed population without AMP has mean absolute and % CD4 values of 292 and 16%, respectively. Conclusion: Our study shows that there is a high prevalence of AMP among the study populations (11.7% and 24%, respectively). The high prevalence of AMP among the virally unsuppressed with mean absolute and % CD4 values of 514 and 26% alludes to the fact that malaria co-infection with HIV fosters a dysregulated immune complex response which favors an increased HIV plasma viremia. We thus recommend the routine use of Malaria IPT in pediatric HIV clients.Keywords: pediatrics, HIV, Malaria, viral suppression
Procedia PDF Downloads 83802 Comparative Analysis of Glycated Hemoglobin (hba1c) Between HPLC and Immunoturbidimetry Method in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patient
Authors: Intanri Kurniati, Raja Iqbal Mulya Harahap, Agustyas Tjiptaningrum, Reni Zuraida
Background: Diabetes mellitus is still increasing and has become a health and social burden in the world. It is known that glycation among various proteins is increased in diabetic patients compared with non-diabetic subjects. Some of these glycated proteins are suggested to be involved in the development and progression of chronic diabetic complications. Among these glycated proteins, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) is commonly used as the gold standard index of glycemic control in the clinical setting. HbA1C testing has some methods, and the most commonly used is immunoturbidimetry. This research aimed to compare the HbA1c level between immunoturbidimetry and HbA1C level in T2DM patients. Methods: This research involves 77 patients from Abd Muluk Hospital Bandar Lampung; the patient was asked for consent in this research, then underwent phlebotomy to be tested for HbA1C; the sample was then examined for HbA1C with Turbidimetric Inhibition Immunoassay (TINIA) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method. Result: Mean± SD of the samples with the TINIA method was 9.2±1,2; meanwhile, the level HbA1C with the HPLC method is 9.6±1,2. The t-test showed no significant difference between the group subjects. (p<0.05). It was proposed that the two methods have high suitability in testing, and both are eligibly used for the patient. Discussion: There was no significant difference among research subjects, indicating that the high conformity of the two methods is suitable to be used for monitoring patients clinically. Conclusion: There is increasing in HbA1C level in a patient with T2DM measured with HPLC and or Turbidimetric Inhibition Immunoassay (TINIA) method, and there were no significant differences among those methods.Keywords: diabetes mellitus, glycated albumin, HbA1C, HPLC, immunoturbidimetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 101801 Response of Diaphragmatic Excursion to Inspiratory Muscle Trainer Post Thoracotomy
Authors: H. M. Haytham, E. A. Azza, E.S. Mohamed, E. G. Nesreen
Thoracotomy is a great surgery that has serious pulmonary complications, so purpose of this study was to determine the response of diaphragmatic excursion to inspiratory muscle trainer post thoracotomy. Thirty patients of both sexes (16 men and 14 women) with age ranged from 20 to 40 years old had done thoracotomy participated in this study. The practical work was done in cardiothoracic department, Kasr-El-Aini hospital at faculty of medicine for individuals 3 days Post operatively. Patients were assigned into two groups: group A (study group) included 15 patients (8 men and 7 women) who received inspiratory muscle training by using inspiratory muscle trainer for 20 minutes and routine chest physiotherapy (deep breathing, cough and early ambulation) twice daily, 3 days per week for one month. Group B (control group) included 15 patients (8 men and 7 women) who received the routine chest physiotherapy only (deep breathing, cough and early ambulation) twice daily, 3 days per week for one month. Ultrasonography was used to evaluate the changes in diaphragmatic excursion before and after training program. Statistical analysis revealed a significant increase in diaphragmatic excursion in the study group (59.52%) more than control group (18.66%) after using inspiratory muscle trainer post operatively in patients post thoracotomy. It was concluded that the inspiratory muscle training device increases diaphragmatic excursion in patients post thoracotomy through improving inspiratory muscle strength and improving mechanics of breathing and using of inspiratory muscle trainer as a method of physical therapy rehabilitation to reduce post-operative pulmonary complications post thoracotomy.Keywords: diaphragmatic excursion, inspiratory muscle trainer, ultrasonography, thoracotomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 319800 Emotional, Behavioral and Social Problems in Children with Fecal Incontinence by Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): A Cross-sectional Study
Authors: Roshanak Farjad, Amirhossein Hosseini
Fecal incontinence (FI) is a stressful condition for children and their parents that may affect the patient’s psychological well-being. Evaluating the patients’ psychological status may help physicians manage the disease effectively. This study aimed to assess the emotional and behavioral disturbances in children with FI who were referred to the pediatric gastroenterology clinic in Mofid Children’s Hospital from April 2021 to 2022. This cross-sectional study included children (over four years old) with chronic constipation and fecal incontinence. The diagnosis of chronic constipation and FI were made according to Rome-IV criteria. The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) evaluated patients’ emotional, behavioral, and social problems. One hundred one patients with a mean age of 7.96 years were enrolled in the study; 67.32% were males. According to CBCL, 12% (12 patients) indicated emotional and behavioral problems, with CBCL scores in the clinical or at-risk range. We detected anxious/depressed problems in five (4.95%), withdrawn/depressed problems in eight (7.92%), somatic complaints in seven (6.93%), social problems in eight (7.92%), thought problems in nine (8.91%), attention problems in seven (6.93%), rule-breaking behavior in two (1.98%), and aggressive behavior in nine (8.91%) patients. The risk of internalizing and externalizing disorders was reported in four (3.96%) and five (4.95%) patients. Also, eight (7.92%) and seven (6.93%) patients had clinical symptoms of internalizing and externalizing disorders, respectively. There was no significant relationship between patients’ age and gender with the CBCL scores in any subscales. However, there was a significant difference in the total score among the age groups (P = 0.04). The relatively high prevalence of emotional, behavioral, and social problems in our study corroborates the importance of psychological screening of children with FI during the treatment process.Keywords: chronic constipation, child behavior checklist (CBCL), fecal incontinence, rome-IV criteria
Procedia PDF Downloads 76799 Annual Audit for the Year 2021 for Patients with Hyperparathyroidism: Not as Rare an Entity as We Believe
Authors: Antarip Bhattacharya, Dhritiman Maitra
Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is the most common cause of hypercalcemia due to autonomous production of parathormone (PTH) and the third most common endocrine disorder. Upto 2% of postmenopausal women could have this condition. Primary hyperparathyroidism is characterized by hypercalcemia with a high or insufficiently suppressed level of parathyroid hormone and is caused by a solitary parathyroid adenoma in 85-90% of patients. PHPT may also be caused by parathyroid hyperplasia (involving multiple glands) or parathyroid carcinoma. Associated morbidities and sequelae include decreased bone mineral density, fractures, kidney stones, hypertension, cardiac comorbidities and psychiatric disorder which entail huge costs for treatment. In the year 2021, by virtue of running a Breast and Endocrine Surgery clinic in a Tier 1 city at a tertiary care hospital, the opportunity to be associated with patients of hyperparathyroidism came our way. Here, we shall describe the spectrum of clinical presentations and customisation of treatment for parathyroid diseases with reference to the above patients. A retrospective analysis of the data of all patients presenting with symptoms of parathyroid diseases was made and classified according to the cause. 13 patients had presented with symptoms of hyperparathyroidism and each case presented with unique symptoms and necessitated detailed evaluation. The treatment or surgery offered to each patient was tailored to his/her individual disease and led to favourable outcomes. Diseases affecting parathyroid are not as rare as we believe. Each case merits detailed clinical evaluation, investigations and tailoring of suitable treatment with regard to medical management and extent of surgery. Intra-operative frozen section/iOPTH monitoring are really useful adjuncts for intra-operative decision making.Keywords: hyperparathyroidism, parathyroid adenoma, parathyroid surgery, PTH
Procedia PDF Downloads 125798 Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors Among Medical Students And Intern Doctors in Sudan
Authors: Zainab Alghali Elsaid Muhammed
Background : IBS is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by a variety of symptoms that occur concurrently. It is very common and is associated with high levels of psychiatric comorbidities, all of which have a negative impact on the patient's quality of life. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, excess gas, and bloating are common symptoms of IBS. Objectives : The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of IBS among medical students and intern doctors in Sudan, as well as the risk factors associated with it. Study design: This cross-sectional study was carried out in Sudan from April to July 2022. All participants completed a six-part online questionnaire. The ROME IV criteria questionnaire was used to make an IBS diagnosis. Participants completed the hospital anxiety and depression questionnaire in order to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Results : 600 participants filled out the questionnaire. The overall prevalence of IBS was found to be 42%, with females being the most affected. Intern doctors had higher IBS rates (30.0%) than medical students, but this was not statistically significant. Single status (p =0.079), good GPAs (p =0.00), had significant associations with IBS occurrence. Other significantly associated habits were sleeping less than 8 hours (p =0.013), two cups or less of coffee per day (p = 0.109), No smoking (p =0.001), and No exercise (p =0.00, IBS participants were also found to have a significant relationship with abnormal anxiety (p =0.00) and borderline depression (p=0.0156). Conclusion : The high prevalence of IBS in this study suggests that medical students and interns are unable to recognize their symptoms. The main IBS predictors in this study were suffering from anxiety or depression, having an insufficient income, sleeping less than 8 hours per day, working/ studying more than 8 hours per day, and not performing any type of exercise.Keywords: irritable bowel syndrome, sudan, HADS, rome IV, medical students
Procedia PDF Downloads 106797 External Vacuum Dressing: Optimising Non-Operative Management of Flail Sternum Post CPR
Authors: Nicholas Bayfield, Mark Newman
Case Presentation: A 48-year-old male was brought in by ambulance after an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, with 20 minutes of good-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the community. Return of spontaneous circulation was achieved with defibrillation, revealing an inferior ST-elevation myocardial infarction. He was revascularized emergently in the cath lab and stabilised. Following the procedure, he was noted to have paradoxical respiratory movements of the sternum and high oxygen requirements. CT imaging demonstrated a flail chest with bilateral anterior rib 1-7 fractures as well as a large left-sided extra-pleural haematoma and small haemopneumothorax, secondary to CPR. The patient’s ventilation was stabilised with oxygen via a high-flow humidifier. Pain relief was provided. The anatomy of his rib fractures was not easily amenable to operative fixation. In addition, he was considered to be a high-risk operative candidate due to his recent arrest. He was managed thus non-operatively with an external vacuum dressing applied to the anterior chest wall to minimise respiratory compromise and minimise pain from the motion around the rib fracture sites. Non-operative management was successful, and the patient was reviewed one month later. The paradoxical sternal movement had abated. Discussion: External vacuum dressing has been trialled for non-operative management of rib fractures with varying success. It provides an external brace to minimise fracture site movement during respiration and coughing, thus minimising pain. This modality should be considered a low-cost, high-reward adjunct to non-operative management of bony thoracic trauma.Keywords: thoracic surgery, thoracic trauma, rib fractures, negative pressure dressing
Procedia PDF Downloads 155796 People Living with HIV/AIDS: In the Face of Social Stigma and the Role of Therapeutic Communication
Authors: Semiu Bello
Since the discovery of HIV/AIDS in 1981, it has been a major global challenge and its ravaging consequences have had negative imprints on both the affected and infected people. The challenge of HIV/AIDS does not only affect the developing countries of the world, the developed nations have had their share of the experiences. The disease has, therefore, attracted the attentions of national governments and international donor agencies with huge financial investments toward the eradication of the virus and its global menace. Socially, however, people living with HIV/AIDS have had to battle with an array of social challenges in regards to the infection; the social stigmas, which seem to be more prevalent in underdeveloped and developing societies. The social stigmas with which people living with HIV/AIDS have suffered from include, but not limited, to social isolation, group avoidance, loss of jobs, public ridicule and non-appointment to official and government positions. Given this background, this study examines the roles of therapeutic communication otherwise called patient-provider communication within a clinical environment, focusing on Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital (OOUTH) Sagamu, Nigeria as a case study. In other words, this study will investigate the level of interpersonal communication, interactions, and relationships that often take place between people living with HIV/AIDS and health care providers including doctors, nurses and social workers. This study will methodologically adopt the in-depth interview to interview six members of people living with HIV/AIDS at OOUTH. The dimensions of the data will determine the policy prescriptions of this study, which as envisage, may contribute to the improved use of therapeutic communication by health care providers and may thereof improve the psychology of people living with HIV/AIDS in the face of any social stigma.Keywords: health care providers, people living with HIV/AIDS, social stigma, therapeutic communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 235795 Correlation between Peripheral Arterial Disease and Coronary Artery Disease in Bangladeshi Population: A Five Years Retrospective Study
Authors: Syed Dawood M. Taimur
Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is under diagnosed in primary care practices, yet the extent of unrecognized PAD in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) is unknown. Objective: To assess the prevalence of previously unrecognized PAD in patients undergoing coronary angiogram and to determine the relationship between the presence of PAD and severity of CAD. Material & Methods: This five years retrospective study was conducted at an invasive lab of the department of Cardiology, Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute from January 2010 to December 2014. Total 77 patients were included in this study. Study variables were age, sex, risk factors like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia, smoking habit and positive family history for ischemic heart disease, coronary artery and peripheral artery profile. Results: Mean age was 56.83±13.64 years, Male mean age was 53.98±15.08 years and female mean age was 54.5±1.73years. Hypertension was detected in 55.8%, diabetes in 87%, dyslipidaemia in 81.8%, smoking habits in 79.2% and 58.4% had a positive family history. After catheterization 88.3% had peripheral arterial disease and 71.4% had coronary artery disease. Out of 77 patients, 52 had both coronary and peripheral arterial disease which was statistically significant (p < .014). Coronary angiogram revealed 28.6% (22) patients had triple vessel disease, 23.3% (18) had single vessel disease, 19.5% (15) had double vessel disease and 28.6% (22) were normal coronary arteries. The peripheral angiogram revealed 54.5% had superficial femoral artery disease, 26% had anterior tibial artery disease, 27.3% had posterior tibial artery disease, 20.8% had common iliac artery disease, 15.6% had common femoral artery disease and 2.6% had renal artery disease. Conclusion: There is a strong and definite correlation between coronary and peripheral arterial disease. We found that cardiovascular risk factors were in fact risk factors for both PAD and CAD.Keywords: coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral artery disease(PVD), risk, factors, correlation, cathetarization
Procedia PDF Downloads 427794 Role of Vision Centers in Eliminating Avoidable Blindness Caused Due to Uncorrected Refractive Error in Rural South India
Authors: Ranitha Guna Selvi D, Ramakrishnan R, Mohideen Abdul Kader
Purpose: To study the role of Vision centers in managing preventable blindness through refractive error correction in Rural South India. Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients attending 15 Vision centers in Rural South India from a period of January 2021 to December 2021 was done. Medical records of 10,85,81 patients both new and reviewed, 79,562 newly registered patients and 29,019 review patient’s from15 Vision centers were included for data analysis. All the patients registered at the vision center underwent basic eye examination, including visual acuity, IOP measurement, Slit-lamp examination, retinoscopy, Fundus examination etc. Results: A total of 1,08,581 patients were included in the study. Of the total 1,08,581 patients, 79,562 were newly registered patients at Vision center and 29,019 were review patients. Males were 52,201(48.1%) and Females were 56,308(51.9) among them. The mean age of all examined patients was 41.03 ± 20.9 years (Standard deviation) and ranged from 01 – 113 years. Presenting mean visual acuity was 0.31 ± 0.5 in the right eye and 0.31 ± 0.4 in the left eye. Of the 1,08,581 patients 22,770 patients had refractive error in right eye and 22,721 patients had uncorrected refractive error in left eye. Glass prescription was given to 17,178 (15.8%) patients. 8,109 (7.5%) patients were referred to the base hospital for specialty clinic expert opinion or for cataract surgery. Conclusion: Vision center utilizing teleconsultation for comprehensive eye screening unit is a very effective tool in reducing the avoidable visual impairment caused due to uncorrected refractive error. Vision Centre model is believed to be efficient as it facilitates early detection and management of uncorrected refractive errors.Keywords: refractive error, uncorrected refractive error, vision center, vision technician, teleconsultation
Procedia PDF Downloads 143793 Predictors and 3-Year Outcomes of Compromised Left Circumflex Coronary Artery After Left Main Crossover Stenting
Authors: Hameed Ullah, Karim Elakabawi, Han KE, Najeeb Ullah, Habib Ullah, Sardar Ali Shah, Hamad Haider Khan, Muhammad Asad Khan, Ning Guo, Zuyi Yuan
Background: Predictors of decreased fractional flow reserve at left circumflex coronary artery after left main (LM) crossover stenting are still lacking. The objectives of the present study were to provide the predictors for low Fractional flow reserve (FFR) at coronary artery (LCx) and the possible treatment strategies for the compromised LCx-together with their long term outcomes. Methods: A total of 563 included patients out of 1974 patients admitted to our hospital from February 2015 to November 2020 with significant distal LM-bifurcation lesions. The enrolled patients underwent single-stent cross-over PCI under IVUS guidance with further LCx intervention as indicated by measured FFR. Results: The included patients showed angiographic significant LCx ostial affection after LM-stenting, but only 116 (20.6%) patients had FFR <0.8. The 3-year composite MACE rates were comparable between the high and low FFR groups (16.8% vs. 15.5%, respectively; P=0.744). In a multivariable analysis, a low FFR in the LCx was associated with post-stenting MLA of the LCx (OR: 0.032, P <0.001), post-stenting LCx-plaque burden (OR: 1.166, P <0.001), post-stenting LM-MLA (OR: 0.821, P =0.038) and pre-stenting LCx-MLA (OR: 0.371, P =0.044). In patients with low FFR, management of compromised LCx with DEB had the lowest 3-year MACE rate (8.1%) as compared to either KBI (17.5%) or stenting group (20.5%), P =0.299. Conclusion: FFR-guided LCx intervention can avoid unnecessary LCx intervention. The post-stenting predictors of low FFR include post-stenting MLA and plaque burden of the LCx and MV stent length. The 3-year MACE rates were comparable between high FFR patients and patients who had low FFR and were adequately managed.Keywords: fractional flow reserve, left main stem, percutaneous coronary interventions, intravascular ultrasound
Procedia PDF Downloads 43792 Predictability of Pupil Mydriasis as a Biomarker for Diabetes
Authors: Naveen Kumar Challa, Pavan Verıkıcherla, Madhubalan, Ashısh Sharma
Aim: Aim of the study was to find whether any difference exists in pupil mydriasis measured with Orbscan in non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients at various intervals after installation of Tropicamide 0.8% and Phenylephrine 5%. Methods: the Observational study conducted at a tertiary care eye hospital during September 2014 to March 2015. 240 eyes from 120 patients (40 non-diabetic, 80 diabetic) were dilated with Tropicamide 0.8% and Phenylephrine 5%. One drop of a drug was installed twice. The second drop is installed at 20 minutes after installation of the first drop. In two groups’ pupil diameter was measured before installation of drops and also at 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after installation of the first drop using both Orbscan. Result: Mean age of the non-diabetic group is 48.67 ± 7.93 years; Diabetic group is 59.97 ± 8.77 years. Mean duration of Diabetes was 7.01 ± 5.05 years. Mean pupil diameter measured with Orbscan before installation of the drops and also at 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after installation of first drop in non-diabetic group was 4.18 ± 0.64mm, 6.15 ± 0.41mm, 7.76 ±0.34, 9.59 ± 0.30, and 9.97 ± 0.10 mm respectively and for the diabetic group it was 4.00 ± 0.56 mm, 5.53 ± 0.52 mm, 7.018 ± 0.58mm, 8.25±0.51mm and 9.18 ± 0.46mm respectively. The mean difference between the mean pupil diameters of the non-diabetic and diabetic group shows a significant difference (P< 0.01) at all intervals except before dilatation. There is a significant negative correlation (r = 0.78 – 0.92) between the duration of diabetes and pupil dilatation at all intervals after installation of the drops. There is also significant difference (P< 0.005) in the mean values of pupil diameter between non retinopathy diabetic subjects and diabetic retinopathy subjects at all intervals after installation of drops. Conclusion: People attending eye clinic, whose pupil mydriasis values falls below the normal may be referred for diabetic evaluation. If normative data is established for the pupil size in Indian population using Orbscan then the values fall under normative data could be a predictor for diabetes. This would in turn help ophthalmologist to detect the diabetes at an early stage and prevent the complications resulting from the diabetes.Keywords: diabetes mellitus, pupil diameter, orbscan, tropicamide
Procedia PDF Downloads 528791 Influence of Well-Being and Quality of Work-Life on Quality of Care among Health Professionals in Southwest Nigeria
Authors: Adesola C. Odole, Michael O. Ogunlana, Nse A. Odunaiya, Olufemi O. Oyewole, Chidozie E. Mbada, Ogochukwu K. Onyeso, Ayomikun F. Ayodeji, Opeyemi M. Adegoke, Iyanuoluwa Odole, Comfort T. Sanuade, Moyosooreoluwa E. Odole, Oluwagbohunmi A. Awosoga
Purpose: The Nigerian healthcare industry is bedeviled with infrastructural decay, inadequate funding and staffing, and a dysfunctional healthcare system. This study investigated the influence of health professionals’ well-being and quality of work-life (QoWL) on the quality of care (QoC) of patients in Nigeria. Methods: The study was a multicentre cross-sectional survey conducted at four tertiary health institutions in southwest Nigeria. Participants’ demographic information, well-being, quality of work-life, and quality of care were obtained using four standardized questionnaires. Data were summarized using descriptive statistics of frequency (percentage) and mean (standard deviation). Inferential statistics included Chi-square, Pearson’s correlation, and independent samples t-test analyses. Results: Medical practitioners (n=609) and nurses (n=570) constituted 74.6% of all the health professionals, with physiotherapists, pharmacists, and medical laboratory scientists constituting 25.4%. The mean (SD) participants’ well-being = 71.65% (14.65), quality of life = 61.8% (21.31), quality of work-life = 65.73% (10.52) and quality of care = 70.14% (12.77). Participants’ quality of life had a significant negative correlation with the quality of care, while well-being and quality of work-life had a significant positive correlation with the quality of care. Conclusion: We concluded that health professionals’ well-being and quality of work-life are important factors that influence their productivity and, ultimately, the quality of care rendered to patients. The hospital management and policymakers should ensure improved work-related factors to improve the well-being of health professionals. This will enhance the quality of care given to patients and ultimately reduce brain drain and medical tourism.Keywords: health professionals, quality of care, quality of life, quality of work-life, well-being
Procedia PDF Downloads 84790 The Birth Connection: An Examination of the Relationship between Her Birth Event and Infant Feeding among African American Mothers
Authors: Nicole Banton
The maternal and infant mortality rate of Blacks is three times that of Whites in the US. Research indicates that breastfeeding lowers both. In this paper, the researcher examines how the ideas that Black/African American mothers had about breastfeeding before, during, and after pregnancy (postpartum) affected whether or not they initiated breastfeeding. The researcher used snowball sampling to recruit thirty African-American mothers from the Orlando area. At the time of her interview, each mother had at least one child who was at least three years old. Through in-depth face-to-face interviews, the researcher investigated how mothers’ healthcare providers affected their decision-making about infant feeding, as well as how the type of birth that she had (e.g., preterm, vaginal, c-section, full term) affected her actual versus idealized infant feeding practice. Through our discussions, we explored how pre-pregnancy perceptions, birth and postpartum experiences, social support, and the discourses surrounding motherhood within an African-American context affected the perceptions and experiences that the mothers in the study had with their infant feeding practice(s). Findings suggest that the pregnancy and birth experiences of the mothers in the study influenced whether or not they breastfed exclusively, combined breastfeeding and infant formula use, or used infant formula exclusively. Specifically, the interplay of invocation of agency (the ability to control their bodies before, during, and after birth), birth outcomes, and the interaction that the mothers in this study had with resources, human and material, had the highest impact on the initiation, duration, and attitude toward breastfeeding.Keywords: African American mothers, maternal health, breastfeeding, birth, midwives, obstetricians, hospital birth, breast pumps, formula use, infant feeding, lactation consultant, postpartum, vaginal birth, c-section, familial support, social support, work, pregnancy
Procedia PDF Downloads 86789 A Clinical Study of Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica: Findings from a Large Chinese Cohort
Authors: Ying Zhu, Ning Wu, Hai-Dong Huang, Yu-Chao Dong, Qin-Ying Sun, Wei Zhang, Qin Wang, Qiang Li
Background and study aims: Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica (TO) is an uncommon disease of the tracheobronchial system that leads to narrowing of the airway lumen from cartilaginous and/or osseous submucosal nodules. The aim of this study is to perform a detailed review of this rare disease in a large cohort of patients with TO proven by fiberoptic bronchoscopy from China. Patients and Methods: Retrospective chart review was performed on 41,600 patients who underwent bronchoscopy in the Department of Respiratory Medicine of Changhai Hospital between January 2005 and December 2012. Cases of TO were identified based on characteristic features during bronchoscopic examination. Results: 22 cases of bronchoscopic TO were identified. Among whom one-half were male and the mean age was 47.45 ±10.91 years old. The most frequent symptoms at presentation were chronic cough (n=14) and increased sputum production (n=10). Radiographic abnormalities were observed in 3/18 patients and findings on computed tomography consistent with TO such as beaded intraluminal calcifications and/or increased luminal thickenings were observed in 18/22 patients. Patients were classified into the following categories based on the severity of bronchoscopic findings: Stage I (n=2), Stage II (n=6) and Stage III(n=14). The result that bronchoscopic improvement was observed in 2 patients administered with inhaled corticosteroids suggested that resolution of this disease is possible. Conclusions: TO is a benign disease with slow progression, which could be roughly divided into 3 stages on the basis of the characteristic endoscopic features and histopathologic findings. Chronic inflammation was thought to be more important than the other existing plausible hypotheses in the course of TO. Inhaled corticosteroids might have some impact on patients at Stage I/II.Keywords: airway obstruction, bronchoscopy, etiology, Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica (TO), treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 464