Search results for: healthcare professional
1961 Identifying the Barriers to Institutionalizing a One Health Concept in Responding to Zoonotic Diseases in South Asia
Authors: Rojan Dahal
One Health refers to a collaborative effort between multiple disciplines - locally, nationally, and globally - to attain optimal health. Although there were unprecedented intersectoral alliances between the animal and human health sectors during the avian influenza outbreak, there are different views and perceptions concerning institutionalizing One Health in South Asia. It is likely a structural barrier between the relevant professionals working in different entities or ministries when it comes to collaborating on One Health actions regarding zoonotic diseases. Politicians and the public will likely need to invest large amounts of money, demonstrate political will, and understand how One Health works to overcome these barriers. One Health might be hard to invest in South Asian countries, where the benefits are based primarily on models and projections and where numerous issues related to development and health need urgent attention. The other potential barrier to enabling the One Health concept in responding to zoonotic diseases is a failure to represent One Health in zoonotic disease control and prevention measures in the national health policy, which is a critical component of institutionalizing the One Health concept. One Health cannot be institutionalized without acknowledging the linkages between animal, human, and environmental sectors in dealing with zoonotic diseases. Efforts have been made in the past to prepare a preparedness plan for One Health implementation, but little has been done to establish a policy environment to institutionalize One Health. It is often assumed that health policy refers specifically to medical care issues and health care services. When drafting, reviewing, and redrafting the policy, it is important to engage a wide range of stakeholders. One Health institutionalization may also be hindered by the interplay between One Health professionals and bureaucratic inertia in defining the priorities of diseases due to competing interests on limited budgets. There is a possibility that policymakers do not recognize the importance of veterinary professionals in preventing human diseases originating in animals. Compared to veterinary medicine, the human health sector has produced most of the investment and research outputs related to zoonotic diseases. The public health profession may consider itself superior to the veterinary profession. Zoonotic diseases might not be recognized as threats to human health, impeding integrated policies. The effort of One Health institutionalization remained only among the donor agencies and multi-sectoral organizations. There is a need for strong political will and state capacity to overcome the existing institutional, financial, and professional barriers for its effective implementation. There is a need to assess the structural challenges, policy challenges, and the attitude of the professional working in the multiple disciplines related to One Health. Limited research has been conducted to identify the reasons behind the barriers to institutionalizing the One Health concept in South Asia. Institutionalizing One Health in responding to zoonotic diseases breaks down silos and integrates animals, humans, and the environment.Keywords: one health, institutionalization, South Asia, institutionalizations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1001960 Professionals’ Collaboration on Strengthening the Teaching of History
Authors: L. B. Ni, N. S. Bt Rohadi, H. Bt Alfana, A. S. Bin Ali Hassan, J. Bin Karim, C. Bt Rasin
This paper discusses the shared effort of teaching history in K-12 schools, community colleges, four-year colleges and universities to develop students' understanding of the history and habits of thought history. This study presents and discusses the problems of K-12 schools in colleges and universities, and the establishment of secondary school principals. This study also shows that the changing nature of practice can define new trends and affect the history professional in the classroom. There are many problems that historians and teachers of college faculty share in the history of high school teachers. History teachers can and should do better to get students in the classroom. History provides valuable insights into the information and embedded solid-state analysis models that are conflicting on the planet and are quickly changing exceptionally valuable. The survey results can reflect the history teaching in Malaysia.Keywords: history issue, history teaching, school-university collaboration, history profession
Procedia PDF Downloads 3571959 The Next Game Changer: 3-D Printed Musical Instruments
Authors: Leonardo Ko
In an era marked by rapid technological innovation, the classical instrument industry nonetheless has not seen significant change. Is this a matter of stubborn traditionalism, or do old, conventional instruments really sound better? Because of the widespread use of 3-D printing, it seems feasible to produce modern, 3-D printed instruments that adhere to the basic conventions of standard construction. This study aimed to design and create a practical, effective 3-D printed acoustic violin. A cost-benefit analysis of materials and design is presented in addition to a report on sound tests in which a pool of professional musicians compared the traditional violin to its synthetic counterpart with regard to acoustic properties. With a low-cost yet functional instrument, musicians of all levels would be able to afford instruments with much greater ease; the present study thus hopes to contribute to efforts to increase the accessibility of classical music education.Keywords: acoustic musical instrument, classical musical education, low-cost, 3-D printing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2291958 Factors Associated with Treatment Adherence among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in New Delhi
Authors: Ilham Zaidi, P. Sankara Sarma, Quazi Taufique Ahmed, V. Raman Kutty, Khalid Umer Khayyam, Gurpreet Singh, Abhishek Royal
Introduction: Tuberculosis is a global public health emergency, but it is particularly acute in India, which has the world's highest tuberculosis burden. Due to overpopulation, lack of sanitation, malnutrition, low living standards, and poor socioeconomic status, among other factors, it is India's most common infectious disease. The long period of treatment is one of the main reasons for considering it as a public health emergency. Consequently, there is an increase in patient noncompliance, which leads to treatment failure, adverse treatment outcomes, and deaths. This could lead to the growth of anti-TB drug resistance. According to the WHO, approximately 558 thousand new cases of Multi-Drug Resistance Tuberculosis were diagnosed worldwide, with 8.5 percent developed Extensively Drug Resistance Tuberculosis. Methodology: This study is a program-based cross-sectional descriptive survey of adult tuberculosis patients enrolled in the Delhi-based Revised National Tuberculosis Program. The study setting was 27 NTEP districts of Delhi. (N=65,893) and Sample size- was 200; the sampling method which is used in the study was the systemic random sampling method. Results: Most of the demographic factors (age, gender, residence, and family type) were not significantly associated with adherence; marital status was found statistically significant with the treatment compliance. Hesitation while telling people about the disease and motivation to strictly follow drug schedule by healthcare workers were other factors where a significant association with drug adherence was observed. The study findings also suggest that provision of food, minimal financial and other moral support from family, counseling, discussion and politeness by healthcare providers might also facilitate adherence. Discussion and Conclusions: For TB treatment, adherence, age, sex, socioeconomic status, types of accommodations, malnutrition, and personal hygiene should all be considered; similar results were observed in previous studies. In the care of TB patients, DOTS services, health workers, and family support play a significant role. According to the country's National Strategic Plan, the Indian government has set a goal of eliminating tuberculosis by 2025 and patients' compliance with TB care and treatment adherence is very crucial to achieve this aim. A cohort study will be able to give a better understanding of factors associated with adherence since this study may have missed some defaulters who were absconding and could not be reached. Important Terms: RNTCP, NTEP, DOTS, DS-TB, DR-TB, RR-TB, MDR-TB, XDR-TB, Treatment failure, Treatment relapse, Treatment adherence.Keywords: treatment adherence, treatment relapse, treatment failure, drug resistance tuberculosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2011957 A Grounded Theory of Educational Leadership Development Using Generative Dialogue
Authors: Elizabeth Hartney, Keith Borkowsky, Jo Axe, Doug Hamilton
The aim of this research is to develop a grounded theory of educational leadership development, using an approach to initiating and maintaining professional growth in school principals and vice principals termed generative dialogue. The research was conducted in a relatively affluent, urban school district in Western Canada. Generative dialogue interviews were conducted by a team of consultants, and anonymous data in the form of handwritten notes were voluntarily submitted to the research team. The data were transcribed and analyzed using grounded theory. The results indicate that a key focus of educational leadership development is focused on navigating relationships within the school setting and that the generative dialogue process is helpful for principals and vice principals to explore how they might do this. Applicability and limitations of the study are addressed.Keywords: generative dialogue, school principals, grounded theory, leadership development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3571956 Factors Influencing Intention to Engage in Long-term Care Services among Nursing Aide Trainees and the General Public
Authors: Ju-Chun Chien
Rapid aging and depopulation could lead to serious problems, including workforce shortages and health expenditure costs. The current and predicted future LTC workforce shortages could be a real threat to Taiwan’s society. By means of comparison of data from 144 nursing aide trainees and 727 general public, the main purpose of the present study was to determine whether there were any notable differences between the two groups toward engaging in LTC services. Moreover, this study focused on recognizing the attributes of the general public who had the willingness to take LTC jobs but continue to ride the fence. A self-developed questionnaire was designed based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior model. After conducting exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and reliability analysis, the questionnaire was a reliable and valid instrument for both nursing aide trainees and the general public. The main results were as follows: Firstly, nearly 70% of nursing aide trainees showed interest in LTC jobs. Most of them were middle-aged female (M = 46.85, SD = 9.31), had a high school diploma or lower, had unrelated work experience in healthcare, and were mostly unemployed. The most common reason for attending the LTC training program was to gain skills in a particular field. The second most common reason was to obtain the license. The third and fourth reasons were to be interested in caring for people and to increase income. The three major reasons that might push them to leave LTC jobs were physical exhaustion, payment is bad, and being looked down on. Secondly, the variables that best-predicted nursing aide trainees’ intention to engage in LTC services were having personal willingness, perceived behavior control, with high school diploma or lower, and supported from family and friends. Finally, only 11.80% of the general public reported having interest in LTC jobs (the disapproval rating was 50% for the general public). In comparison to nursing aide trainees who showed interest in LTC settings, 64.8% of the new workforce for LTC among the general public was male and had an associate degree, 54.8% had relevant healthcare experience, 67.1% was currently employed, and they were younger (M = 32.19, SD = 13.19) and unmarried (66.3%). Furthermore, the most commonly reason for the new workforce to engage in LTC jobs were to gain skills in a particular field. The second priority was to be interested in caring for people. The third and fourth most reasons were to give back to society and to increase income, respectively. The top five most commonly reasons for the new workforce to quitting LTC jobs were listed as follows: physical exhaustion, being looked down on, excessive working hours, payment is bad, and excessive job stress.Keywords: long-term care services, nursing aide trainees, Taiwanese people, theory of planned behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591955 Exploring the Nature and Meaning of Theory in the Field of Neuroeducation Studies
Authors: Ali Nouri
Neuroeducation is one of the most exciting research fields which is continually evolving. However, there is a need to develop its theoretical bases in connection to practice. The present paper is a starting attempt in this regard to provide a space from which to think about neuroeducational theory and invoke more investigation in this area. Accordingly, a comprehensive theory of neuroeducation could be defined as grouping or clustering of concepts and propositions that describe and explain the nature of human learning to provide valid interpretations and implications useful for educational practice in relation to philosophical aspects or values. Whereas it should be originated from the philosophical foundations of the field and explain its normative significance, it needs to be testable in terms of rigorous evidence to fundamentally advance contemporary educational policy and practice. There is thus pragmatically a need to include a course on neuroeducational theory into the curriculum of the field. In addition, there is a need to articulate and disseminate considerable discussion over the subject within professional journals and academic societies.Keywords: neuroeducation studies, neuroeducational theory, theory building, neuroeducation research
Procedia PDF Downloads 4491954 Remote Training with Self-Assessment in Electrical Engineering
Authors: Zoja Raud, Valery Vodovozov
The paper focuses on the distance laboratory organisation for training the electrical engineering staff and students in the fields of electrical drive and power electronics. To support online knowledge acquisition and professional enhancement, new challenges in remote education based on an active learning approach with self-assessment have been emerged by the authors. Following the literature review and explanation of the improved assessment methodology, the concept and technological basis of the labs arrangement are presented. To decrease the gap between the distance study of the up-to-date equipment and other educational activities in electrical engineering, the improvements in the following-up the learners’ progress and feedback composition are introduced. An authoring methodology that helps to personalise knowledge acquisition and enlarge Web-based possibilities is described. Educational management based on self-assessment is discussed.Keywords: advanced training, active learning, distance learning, electrical engineering, remote laboratory, self-assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 3291953 From Self-Regulation to Self-Efficacy: Student Empowerment in Translator Training
Authors: Paulina Pietrzak
The understanding of the role of the contemporary translator is fraught with contradictions and idealistic visions of individuals who, by definition, should be fully competent and versatile. In spite of the fact that lots of translation researchers have probed into the identification and exploration of the concept of translator competence, little study has been devoted to its metacognitive aspects. Due to the dynamic nature of the translator’s occupation, it is difficult to predict what specific skills will prove useful for novice translators in their professional career. Thus, it is crucial that the translator is self-regulated enough to adapt to changing job demands and effectively function in the contemporary, highly dynamic, translation market. The objective of the presentation is to investigate the role and nature of the translator’s self-regulation. It will also demonstrate the results of a pilot study into translation trainees’ self-regulatory skills and explore implications of these findings for translator training in relation to theories of student empowerment.Keywords: cognitive translation research, translator competence, self-regulatory skills, translator training
Procedia PDF Downloads 2071952 Analyzing Corporate Employee Preferences for E-Learning Platforms: A Survey-Based Approach to Knowledge Updation
Authors: Sandhyarani Mahananda
This study investigates the preferences of corporate employees for knowledge updates on the e-learning platform. The researchers explore the factors influencing their platform choices through a survey administered to employees across diverse industries and job roles. The survey examines preferences for specific platforms (e.g., Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning). It assesses the importance of content relevance, platform usability, mobile accessibility, and integration with workplace learning management systems. Preliminary findings indicate a preference for platforms that offer curated, job-relevant content, personalized learning paths, and seamless integration with employer-provided learning resources. This research provides valuable insights for organizations seeking to optimize their investment in e-learning and enhance employee knowledge development.Keywords: corporate training, e-learning platforms, employee preferences, knowledge updation, professional development
Procedia PDF Downloads 241951 Functionalization of Nanomaterials for Bio-Sensing Applications: Current Progress and Future Prospective
Authors: Temesgen Geremew Tefery
Nanomaterials, due to their unique properties, have revolutionized the field of biosensing. Their functionalization, or modification with specific molecules, is crucial for enhancing their biocompatibility, selectivity, and sensitivity. This review explores recent advancements in nanomaterial functionalization for biosensing applications. We discuss various strategies, including covalent and non-covalent modifications, and their impact on biosensor performance. The use of biomolecules like antibodies, enzymes, and nucleic acids for targeted detection is highlighted. Furthermore, the integration of nanomaterials with different sensing modalities, such as electrochemical, optical, and mechanical, is examined. The future outlook for nanomaterial-based biosensing is promising, with potential applications in healthcare, environmental monitoring, and food safety. However, challenges related to biocompatibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness need to be addressed. Continued research and development in this area will likely lead to even more sophisticated and versatile biosensing technologies.Keywords: biosensing, nanomaterials, biotechnology, nanotechnology
Procedia PDF Downloads 291950 Application of Multidimensional Model of Evaluating Organisational Performance in Moroccan Sport Clubs
Authors: Zineb Jibraili, Said Ouhadi, Jorge Arana
Introduction: Organizational performance is recognized by some theorists as one-dimensional concept, and by others as multidimensional. This concept, which is already difficult to apply in traditional companies, is even harder to identify, to measure and to manage when voluntary organizations are concerned, essentially because of the complexity of that form of organizations such as sport clubs who are characterized by the multiple goals and multiple constituencies. Indeed, the new culture of professionalization and modernization around organizational performance emerges new pressures from the state, sponsors, members and other stakeholders which have required these sport organizations to become more performance oriented, or to build their capacity in order to better manage their organizational performance. The evaluation of performance can be made by evaluating the input (e.g. available resources), throughput (e.g. processing of the input) and output (e.g. goals achieved) of the organization. In non-profit organizations (NPOs), questions of performance have become increasingly important in the world of practice. To our knowledge, most of studies used the same methods to evaluate the performance in NPSOs, but no recent study has proposed a club-specific model. Based on a review of the studies that specifically addressed the organizational performance (and effectiveness) of NPSOs at operational level, the present paper aims to provide a multidimensional framework in order to understand, analyse and measure organizational performance of sport clubs. This paper combines all dimensions founded in literature and chooses the most suited of them to our model that we will develop in Moroccan sport clubs case. Method: We propose to implicate our unified model of evaluating organizational performance that takes into account all the limitations found in the literature. On a sample of Moroccan sport clubs ‘Football, Basketball, Handball and Volleyball’, for this purpose we use a qualitative study. The sample of our study comprises data from sport clubs (football, basketball, handball, volleyball) participating on the first division of the professional football league over the period from 2011 to 2016. Each football club had to meet some specific criteria in order to be included in the sample: 1. Each club must have full financial data published in their annual financial statements, audited by an independent chartered accountant. 2. Each club must have sufficient data. Regarding their sport and financial performance. 3. Each club must have participated at least once in the 1st division of the professional football league. Result: The study showed that the dimensions that constitute the model exist in the field with some small modifications. The correlations between the different dimensions are positive. Discussion: The aim of this study is to test the unified model emerged from earlier and narrower approaches for Moroccan case. Using the input-throughput-output model for the sketch of efficiency, it was possible to identify and define five dimensions of organizational effectiveness applied to this field of study.Keywords: organisational performance, model multidimensional, evaluation organizational performance, sport clubs
Procedia PDF Downloads 3251949 'CardioCare': A Cutting-Edge Fusion of IoT and Machine Learning to Bridge the Gap in Cardiovascular Risk Management
Authors: Arpit Patil, Atharav Bhagwat, Rajas Bhope, Pramod Bide
This research integrates IoT and ML to predict heart failure risks, utilizing the Framingham dataset. IoT devices gather real-time physiological data, focusing on heart rate dynamics, while ML, specifically Random Forest, predicts heart failure. Rigorous feature selection enhances accuracy, achieving over 90% prediction rate. This amalgamation marks a transformative step in proactive healthcare, highlighting early detection's critical role in cardiovascular risk mitigation. Challenges persist, necessitating continual refinement for improved predictive capabilities.Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, internet of things, machine learning, cardiac risk assessment, heart failure prediction, early detection, cardio data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 141948 Risk Assessment of Building Information Modelling Adoption in Construction Projects
Authors: Amirhossein Karamoozian, Desheng Wu, Behzad Abbasnejad
Building information modelling (BIM) is a new technology to enhance the efficiency of project management in the construction industry. In addition to the potential benefits of this useful technology, there are various risks and obstacles to applying it in construction projects. In this study, a decision making approach is presented for risk assessment in BIM adoption in construction projects. Various risk factors of exerting BIM during different phases of the project lifecycle are identified with the help of Delphi method, experts’ opinions and related literature. Afterward, Shannon’s entropy and Fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation) are applied to derive priorities of the identified risk factors. Results indicated that lack of knowledge between professional engineers about workflows in BIM and conflict of opinions between different stakeholders are the risk factors with the highest priority.Keywords: risk, BIM, fuzzy TOPSIS, construction projects
Procedia PDF Downloads 2311947 Addiction Counseling Resources: A Qualitative Study
Authors: Cailyn Green
Substance use counselors have a variety of fast-paced tasks and responsibilities. Professional resources are designed to support professionals in making their job duties easier and less stressful. The purpose of this research was to identify what types of resources would support addiction counselors in performing their job duties. Counselors often must jump in and facilitate a group counseling session with little to no time for prep. This causes stress and creates pressure to come up with a clinical group activity in little time. The researcher utilized qualitative interviews focused on identifying what types of resources would support addiction counselors in doing their jobs easier and effectively. The researcher visited 23 different addiction counseling facilities seeking participants for the interviews. Altogether 15 interviews were collected across six different substance-use counseling facilities. The interviews guided the researcher toward creating an open education resource (OER) of group activities for addiction counselors to utilize.Keywords: addiction, counseling, resources, OER, treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 761946 The Popularity and the Fantasy in Tiny Times
Authors: Shu Hui
From 2013 to 2015, Tiny Times series gained huge commercial success. However, compared with the successful box office, these films received severe public criticism. Some scholars refer to these films as trash (lan pian) because of the fragment narrative, the non-professional photographing, and advocating money warship. Differing from other popular films, the popularity of Tiny Times series is actually generated from the fantasy that presented on screen instead of good stories or photographs. The fantasy is desired by the public and then formulates its popularity. Based on Jacques Lacan’s fantasy theory, the paper aims to explain what kind of fantast the films present. Then, according to hegemony theory, the paper will illustrate why the public desires such a fantasy and how the fantasy causes the criticism as well. The dominant ideology (patriarchy) conspires with or manipulates consumerism, which brings about the female's fantasy in Tiny Times. Because consumerism interrogates Confucianism, the film received public criticism for highlighting the former.Keywords: fantasy, desire, ideology, popularity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1561945 Using Knowledge Management and Visualisation Concepts to Improve Patients and Hospitals Staff Workflow
Authors: A. A. AlRasheed, A. Atkins, R. Campion
This paper focuses on using knowledge management and visualisation concepts to improve the patients and hospitals employee’s workflow. Hospitals workflow is a complex and complicated process and poor patient flow can put both patients and a hospital’s reputation at risk, and can threaten the facility’s financial sustainability. Healthcare leaders are under increased pressure to reduce costs while maintaining or increasing patient care standards. In this paper, a framework is proposed to help improving patient experience, staff satisfaction, and operational efficiency across hospitals by using knowledge management based visualisation concepts. This framework is using real-time visibility to track and monitor location and status of patients, staff, rooms, and medical equipment.Keywords: knowledge management, improvements, visualisation, workflow
Procedia PDF Downloads 2691944 Exploring Factors That May Contribute to the Underdiagnosis of Hereditary Transthyretin Amyloidosis in African American Patients
Authors: Kelsi Hagerty, Ami Rosen, Aaliyah Heyward, Nadia Ali, Emily Brown, Erin Demo, Yue Guan, Modele Ogunniyi, Brianna McDaniels, Alanna Morris, Kunal Bhatt
Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (hATTR) is a progressive, multi-systemic, and life-threatening disease caused by a disruption in the TTR protein that delivers thyroxine and retinol to the liver. This disruption causes the protein to misfold into amyloid fibrils, leading to the accumulation of the amyloid fibrils in the heart, nerves, and GI tract. Over 130 variants in the TTR gene are known to cause hATTR. The Val122Ile variant is the most common in the United States and is seen almost exclusively in people of African descent. TTR variants are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion and have incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. Individuals with hATTR may exhibit symptoms from as early as 30 years to as late as 80 years of age. hATTR is characterized by a wide range of clinical symptoms such as cardiomyopathy, neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, and GI complications. Without treatment, hATTR leads to progressive disease and can ultimately lead to heart failure. hATTR disproportionately affects individuals of African descent; the estimated prevalence of hATTR among Black individuals in the US is 3.4%. Unfortunately, hATTR is often underdiagnosed and misdiagnosed because many symptoms of the disease overlap with other cardiac conditions. Due to the progressive nature of the disease, multi-systemic manifestations that can lead to a shortened lifespan, and the availability of free genetic testing and promising FDA-approved therapies that enhance treatability, early identification of individuals with a pathogenic hATTR variant is important, as this can significantly impact medical management for patients and their relatives. Furthermore, recent literature suggests that TTR genetic testing should be performed in all patients with suspicion of TTR-related cardiomyopathy, regardless of age, and that follow-up with genetic counseling services is recommended. Relatives of patients with hATTR benefit from genetic testing because testing can identify carriers early and allow relatives to receive regular screening and management. Despite the striking prevalence of hATTR among Black individuals, hATTR remains underdiagnosed in this patient population, and germline genetic testing for hATTR in Black individuals seems to be underrepresented, though the reasons for this have not yet been brought to light. Historically, Black patients experience a number of barriers to seeking healthcare that has been hypothesized to perpetuate the underdiagnosis of hATTR, such as lack of access and mistrust of healthcare professionals. Prior research has described a myriad of factors that shape an individual’s decision about whether to pursue presymptomatic genetic testing for a familial pathogenic variant, such as family closeness and communication, family dynamics, and a desire to inform other family members about potential health risks. This study explores these factors through 10 in-depth interviews with patients with hATTR about what factors may be contributing to the underdiagnosis of hATTR in the Black population. Participants were selected from the Emory University Amyloidosis clinic based on having a molecular diagnosis of hATTR. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, then coded using MAXQDA software. Thematic analysis was completed to draw commonalities between participants. Upon preliminary analysis, several themes have emerged. Barriers identified include i) Misdiagnosis and a prolonged diagnostic odyssey, ii) Family communication and dynamics surrounding health issues, iii) Perceptions of healthcare and one’s own health risks, and iv) The need for more intimate provider-patient relationships and communication. Overall, this study gleaned valuable insight from members of the Black community about possible factors contributing to the underdiagnosis of hATTR, as well as potential solutions to go about resolving this issue.Keywords: cardiac amyloidosis, heart failure, TTR, genetic testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 991943 Protective Custody in Child Protection: Reflection of Residential Care Workers in the Philippines
Authors: Hazel S. Cometa-Lamberte
This paper presents the residential care workers reflections in working with children who were under protective custody and placed in a residential care facility for children. Key informant interviews and focus group discussion were employed in this study to analyze the views of residential care workers on the programs and services and case management system in residential care for children. Results suggest that working in a residential care facility for children needs the interplay of both the worker’s personal and professional values, knowledge and skills in working with children. Analyzing the residential care workers experiences in handling children in residential care facilities is vital for the improvement of the policies, programs and services, the repertoire of techniques and facilitate the creation of a new social work practice framework/model in child protection specifically in residential care facilities.Keywords: child protection, residential care, residential care workers, social workers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1741942 Nursing Workers’ Capacity of Resilience at a Psychiatric Hospital in Brazil
Authors: Cheila Cristina Leonardo Oliveira Gaioli, Fernanda Ludmilla Rossi Rocha, Sandra Cristina Pillon
Resilience is a psychological process that facilitates the maintenance of health, developed in response to numerous existing stressors in daily life. Furthermore, resilience can be described as the ability which allows an individual or group to hold up well before unfavorable situations. This study aimed to identify nursing workers’ resilience at a psychiatric hospital in Brazil. This is an exploratory research with quantitative data approach. The sample consisted of 56 workers, using the Resilience Scale. Of the 56 subjects, 45 (80.4%) were women; 22 (39.2%) were 20- to 40-years-old and 30 (53.6%) were 41- to 60-years-old; 11 (19.6%) were nurses and 45 (80.4%) were technicians or nursing assistants. The results also showed that 50% of subjects showed a high resilience degree and 42.9% an average resilience degree. Thus, it was found that workers seek to develop protective factors in coping with a work environment that does not value the individual subjectivity and does not allow professional development, discouraging workers.Keywords: health promotion, nursing, occupational health, resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 5221941 Assessment of Nuclear Medicine Radiation Protection Practices Among Radiographers and Nurses at a Small Nuclear Medicine Department in a Tertiary Hospital
Authors: Nyathi Mpumelelo; Moeng Thabiso Maria
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Radiopharmaceuticals are used for diagnosis, treatment, staging and follow up of various diseases. However, there is concern that the ionizing radiation (gamma rays, α and ß particles) emitted by radiopharmaceuticals may result in exposure of radiographers and nurses with limited knowledge of the principles of radiation protection and safety, raising the risk of cancer induction. This study aimed at investigation radiation safety awareness levels among radiographers and nurses at a small tertiary hospital in South Africa. METHODS: An analytical cross-sectional study. A validated two-part questionnaire was implemented to consenting radiographers and nurses working in a Nuclear Medicine Department. Part 1 gathered demographic information (age, gender, work experience, attendance to/or passing ionizing radiation protection courses). Part 2 covered questions related to knowledge and awareness of radiation protection principles. RESULTS: Six radiographers and five nurses participated (27% males and 73% females). The mean age was 45 years (age range 20-60 years). The study revealed that neither professional development courses nor radiation protection courses are offered at the Nuclear Medicine Department understudy. However, 6/6 (100%) radiographers exhibited a high level of awareness of radiation safety principles on handling and working with radiopharmaceuticals which correlated to their years of experience. As for nurses, 4/5 (80%) showed limited knowledge and awareness of radiation protection principles irrespective of the number of years in the profession. CONCLUSION: Despite their major role of caring for patients undergoing diagnostic and therapeutic treatments, the nurses showed limited knowledge of ionizing radiation and associated side effects. This was not surprising since they never received any formal basic radiation safety course. These findings were not unique to this Centre. A study conducted in a Kuwaiti Radiology Department also established that the vast majority of nurses did not understand the risks of working with ionizing radiation. Similarly, nurses in an Australian hospital exhibited knowledge limitations. However, nursing managers did provide the necessary radiation safety training when requested. In Guatemala and Saudi Arabia, where there was shortage of professional radiographers, nurses underwent radiography training, a course that equipped them with basic radiation safety principles. The radiographers in the Centre understudy unlike others in various parts of the world demonstrated substantial knowledge and awareness on radiation protection. Radiations safety courses attended when an opportunity arose played a critical role in their awareness. The knowledge and awareness levels of these radiographers were comparable to their counterparts in Sudan. However, it was much more above that of their counterparts in Jordan, Nigeria, Nepal and Iran who were found to have limited awareness and inadequate knowledge on radiation dose. Formal radiation safety and awareness courses and workshops can play a crucial role in raising the awareness of nurses and radiographers on radiation safety for their personal benefit and that of their patients.Keywords: radiation safety, radiation awareness, training, nuclear medicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 811940 Training for Safe Tree Felling in the Forest with Symmetrical Collaborative Virtual Reality
Authors: Irene Capecchi, Tommaso Borghini, Iacopo Bernetti
One of the most common pieces of equipment still used today for pruning, felling, and processing trees is the chainsaw in forestry. However, chainsaw use highlights dangers and one of the highest rates of accidents in both professional and non-professional work. Felling is proportionally the most dangerous phase, both in severity and frequency, because of the risk of being hit by the plant the operator wants to cut down. To avoid this, a correct sequence of chainsaw cuts must be taught concerning the different conditions of the tree. Virtual reality (VR) makes it possible to virtually simulate chainsaw use without danger of injury. The limitations of the existing applications are as follow. The existing platforms are not symmetrical collaborative because the trainee is only in virtual reality, and the trainer can only see the virtual environment on a laptop or PC, and this results in an inefficient teacher-learner relationship. Therefore, most applications only involve the use of a virtual chainsaw, and the trainee thus cannot feel the real weight and inertia of a real chainsaw. Finally, existing applications simulate only a few cases of tree felling. The objectives of this research were to implement and test a symmetrical collaborative training application based on VR and mixed reality (MR) with the overlap between real and virtual chainsaws in MR. The research and training platform was developed for the Meta quest 2 head-mounted display. The research and training platform application is based on the Unity 3D engine, and Present Platform Interaction SDK (PPI-SDK) developed by Meta. PPI-SDK avoids the use of controllers and enables hand tracking and MR. With the combination of these two technologies, it was possible to overlay a virtual chainsaw with a real chainsaw in MR and synchronize their movements in VR. This ensures that the user feels the weight of the actual chainsaw, tightens the muscles, and performs the appropriate movements during the test allowing the user to learn the correct body posture. The chainsaw works only if the right sequence of cuts is made to felling the tree. Contact detection is done by Unity's physics system, which allows the interaction of objects that simulate real-world behavior. Each cut of the chainsaw is defined by a so-called collider, and the felling of the tree can only occur if the colliders are activated in the right order simulating a safe technique felling. In this way, the user can learn how to use the chainsaw safely. The system is also multiplayer, so the student and the instructor can experience VR together in a symmetrical and collaborative way. The platform simulates the following tree-felling situations with safe techniques: cutting the tree tilted forward, cutting the medium-sized tree tilted backward, cutting the large tree tilted backward, sectioning the trunk on the ground, and cutting branches. The application is being evaluated on a sample of university students through a special questionnaire. The results are expected to test both the increase in learning compared to a theoretical lecture and the immersive and telepresence of the platform.Keywords: chainsaw, collaborative symmetric virtual reality, mixed reality, operator training
Procedia PDF Downloads 1071939 The Effectiveness of an Occupational Therapy Metacognitive-Functional Intervention for the Improvement of Human Risk Factors of Bus Drivers
Authors: Navah Z. Ratzon, Rachel Shichrur
Background: Many studies have assessed and identified the risk factors of safe driving, but there is relatively little research-based evidence concerning the ability to improve the driving skills of drivers in general and in particular of bus drivers, who are defined as a population at risk. Accidents involving bus drivers can endanger dozens of passengers and cause high direct and indirect damages. Objective: To examine the effectiveness of a metacognitive-functional intervention program for the reduction of risk factors among professional drivers relative to a control group. Methods: The study examined 77 bus drivers working for a large public company in the center of the country, aged 27-69. Twenty-one drivers continued to the intervention stage; four of them dropped out before the end of the intervention. The intervention program we developed was based on previous driving models and the guiding occupational therapy practice framework model in Israel, while adjusting the model to the professional driving in public transportation and its particular risk factors. Treatment focused on raising awareness to safe driving risk factors identified at prescreening (ergonomic, perceptual-cognitive and on-road driving data), with reference to the difficulties that the driver raises and providing coping strategies. The intervention has been customized for each driver and included three sessions of two hours. The effectiveness of the intervention was tested using objective measures: In-Vehicle Data Recorders (IVDR) for monitoring natural driving data, traffic accident data before and after the intervention, and subjective measures (occupational performance questionnaire for bus drivers). Results: Statistical analysis found a significant difference between the degree of change in the rate of IVDR perilous events (t(17)=2.14, p=0.046), before and after the intervention. There was significant difference in the number of accidents per year before and after the intervention in the intervention group (t(17)=2.11, p=0.05), but no significant change in the control group. Subjective ratings of the level of performance and of satisfaction with performance improved in all areas tested following the intervention. The change in the ‘human factors/person’ field, was significant (performance : t=- 2.30, p=0.04; satisfaction with performance : t=-3.18, p=0.009). The change in the ‘driving occupation/tasks’ field, was not significant but showed a tendency toward significance (t=-1.94, p=0.07,). No significant differences were found in driving environment-related variables. Conclusions: The metacognitive-functional intervention significantly improved the objective and subjective measures of safety of bus drivers’ driving. These novel results highlight the potential contribution of occupational therapists, using metacognitive functional treatment, to preventing car accidents among the healthy drivers population and improving the well-being of these drivers. This study also enables familiarity with advanced technologies of IVDR systems and enriches the knowledge of occupational therapists in regards to using a wide variety of driving assessment tools and making the best practice decisions.Keywords: bus drivers, IVDR, human risk factors, metacognitive-functional intervention
Procedia PDF Downloads 3471938 Systems Approach to Design and Production of Picture Books for the Pre-Primary Classes to Attain Educational Goals in Southwest Nigeria
Authors: Azeez Ayodele Ayodele
This paper investigated the problem of picture books design and the quality of the pictures in picture books. The research surveyed nursery and primary schools in four major cities in southwest of Nigeria. The instruments including the descriptive survey questionnaire and a structured interview were developed, validated and administered for collection of relevant data. Descriptive statistics was used in analyzing the data. The result of the study revealed that there were poor quality of pictures in picture books and this is due to scarcity of trained graphic designers who understand systems approach to picture books design and production. There is thus a need for more qualified graphic designers, given in-service professional training as well as a refresher course as criteria for upgrading by the stakeholders.Keywords: pictures, picture books, pre-primary schools, trained graphic designers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2491937 Investigation of a Technology Enabled Model of Home Care: the eShift Model of Palliative Care
Authors: L. Donelle, S. Regan, R. Booth, M. Kerr, J. McMurray, D. Fitzsimmons
Palliative home health care provision within the Canadian context is challenged by: (i) a shortage of registered nurses (RN) and RNs with palliative care expertise, (ii) an aging population, (iii) reliance on unpaid family caregivers to sustain home care services with limited support to conduct this ‘care work’, (iv) a model of healthcare that assumes client self-care, and (v) competing economic priorities. In response, an interprofessional team of service provider organizations, a software/technology provider, and health care providers developed and implemented a technology-enabled model of home care, the eShift model of palliative home care (eShift). The eShift model combines communication and documentation technology with non-traditional utilization of health human resources to meet patient needs for palliative care in the home. The purpose of this study was to investigate the structure, processes, and outcomes of the eShift model of care. Methodology: Guided by Donebedian’s evaluation framework for health care, this qualitative-descriptive study investigated the structure, processes, and outcomes care of the eShift model of palliative home care. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with health care providers (n= 45), decision-makers (n=13), technology providers (n=3) and family care givers (n=8). Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and a deductive analysis of transcripts was conducted. Study Findings (1) Structure: The eShift model consists of a remotely-situated RN using technology to direct care provision virtually to patients in their home. The remote RN is connected virtually to a health technician (an unregulated care provider) in the patient’s home using real-time communication. The health technician uses a smartphone modified with the eShift application and communicates with the RN who uses a computer with the eShift application/dashboard. Documentation and communication about patient observations and care activities occur in the eShift portal. The RN is typically accountable for four to six health technicians and patients over an 8-hour shift. The technology provider was identified as an important member of the healthcare team. Other members of the team include family members, care coordinators, nurse practitioners, physicians, and allied health. (2) Processes: Conventionally, patient needs are the focus of care; however within eShift, the patient and the family caregiver were the focus of care. Enhanced medication administration was seen as one of the most important processes, and family caregivers reported high satisfaction with the care provided. There was perceived enhanced teamwork among health care providers. (3) Outcomes: Patients were able to die at home. The eShift model enabled consistency and continuity of care, and effective management of patient symptoms and caregiver respite. Conclusion: More than a technology solution, the eShift model of care was viewed as transforming home care practice and an innovative way to resolve the shortage of palliative care nurses within home care.Keywords: palliative home care, health information technology, patient-centred care, interprofessional health care team
Procedia PDF Downloads 4211936 Analysis of Stress and Strain in Head Based Control of Cooperative Robots through Tetraplegics
Authors: Jochen Nelles, Susanne Kohns, Julia Spies, Friederike Schmitz-Buhl, Roland Thietje, Christopher Brandl, Alexander Mertens, Christopher M. Schlick
Industrial robots as part of highly automated manufacturing are recently developed to cooperative (light-weight) robots. This offers the opportunity of using them as assistance robots and to improve the participation in professional life of disabled or handicapped people such as tetraplegics. Robots under development are located within a cooperation area together with the working person at the same workplace. This cooperation area is an area where the robot and the working person can perform tasks at the same time. Thus, working people and robots are operating in the immediate proximity. Considering the physical restrictions and the limited mobility of tetraplegics, a hands-free robot control could be an appropriate approach for a cooperative assistance robot. To meet these requirements, the research project MeRoSy (human-robot synergy) develops methods for cooperative assistance robots based on the measurement of head movements of the working person. One research objective is to improve the participation in professional life of people with disabilities and, in particular, mobility impaired persons (e.g. wheelchair users or tetraplegics), whose participation in a self-determined working life is denied. This raises the research question, how a human-robot cooperation workplace can be designed for hands-free robot control. Here, the example of a library scenario is demonstrated. In this paper, an empirical study that focuses on the impact of head movement related stress is presented. 12 test subjects with tetraplegia participated in the study. Tetraplegia also known as quadriplegia is the worst type of spinal cord injury. In the experiment, three various basic head movements were examined. Data of the head posture were collected by a motion capture system; muscle activity was measured via surface electromyography and the subjective mental stress was assessed via a mental effort questionnaire. The muscle activity was measured for the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), the upper trapezius (UT) or trapezius pars descendens, and the splenius capitis (SPL) muscle. For this purpose, six non-invasive surface electromyography sensors were mounted on the head and neck area. An analysis of variance shows differentiated muscular strains depending on the type of head movement. Systematically investigating the influence of different basic head movements on the resulting strain is an important issue to relate the research results to other scenarios. At the end of this paper, a conclusion will be drawn and an outlook of future work will be presented.Keywords: assistance robot, human-robot interaction, motion capture, stress-strain-concept, surface electromyography, tetraplegia
Procedia PDF Downloads 3161935 Riding the Crest of the Wave: Inclusive Education in New Zealand
Authors: Barbara A. Perry
In 1996, the New Zealand government and the Ministry of Education announced that they were setting up a "world class system of inclusive education". As a parent of a son with high and complex needs, a teacher, school Principal and Disability studies Lecturer, this author will track the changes in the journey towards inclusive education over the last 20 years. Strategies for partnering with families to ensure educational success along with insights from one of those on the crest of the wave will be presented. Using a narrative methodology the author will illuminate how far New Zealand has come towards this world class system of inclusion promised and share from personal experience some of the highlights and risks in the system. This author has challenged the old structures and been part of the setting up of new structures particularly for providing parent voice and insight; this paper provides a unique view from an insider’s voice as well as a professional in the system.Keywords: disability studies, inclusive education, special education, working with families with children with disability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2521934 Evaluating Psychologist Practice Competencies through Multisource Feedback: An International Research Design
Authors: Jac J. W. Andrews, James B. Hale
Effective practicing psychologists require ongoing skill development that is constructivist and recursive in nature, with mentor, colleague, co-worker, and patient feedback critical to successful acquisition and maintenance of professional competencies. This paper will provide an overview of the nature and scope of psychologist skill development through multisource feedback (MSF) or 360 degree evaluation, present a rationale for its use for assessing practicing psychologist performance, and advocate its use in psychology given the demonstrated model utility in other health professions. The paper will conclude that an international research design is needed to assess the feasibility, reliability, and validity of MSF system ratings intended to solicit feedback from mentors, colleagues, coworkers, and patients about psychologist competencies. If adopted, the MSF model could lead to enhanced skill development that fosters patient satisfaction within and across countries.Keywords: psychologist, multisource feedback, psychologist competency, professionalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 4471933 Multilocal Youth and the Berlin Digital Industry: Productive Leisure as a Key Factor in European Migration
Authors: Stefano Pelaggi
The research is focused on youth labor and mobility in Berlin. Mobility has become a common denominator in our daily lives but it does not primarily move according to monetary incentives. Labor, knowledge and leisure overlap on this point as cities are trying to attract people who could participate in production of the innovations while the new migrants are experiencing the lifestyle of the host cities. The research will present the project of empirical study focused on Italian workers in the digital industry in Berlin, trying to underline the connection between pleasure, leisure with the choice of life abroad. Berlin has become the epicenter of the European Internet start-up scene, but people suitable to work for digital industries are not moving in Berlin to make a career, most of them are attracted to the city for different reasons. This point makes a clear exception to traditional migration flows, which are always originated from a specific search of employment opportunities or strong ties, usually families, in a place that could guarantee success in finding a job. Even the skilled migration has always been originated from a specific need, finding the right path for a successful professional life. In a society where the lack of free time in our calendar seems to be something to be ashamed, the actors of youth mobility incorporate some categories of experiential tourism within their own life path. Professional aspirations, lifestyle choices of the protagonists of youth mobility are geared towards meeting the desires and aspirations that define leisure. While most of creative work places, in particular digital industries, uses the category of fun as a primary element of corporate policy, virtually extending the time to work for the whole day; more and more people around the world are deciding their path in life, career choices on the basis of indicators linked to the realization of the self, which may include factors like a warm climate, cultural environment. All indicators that are usually eradicated from the hegemonic approach to labor. The interpretative framework commonly used seems to be mostly focused on a dualism between Florida's theories and those who highlight the absence of conflict in his studies. While the flexibility of the new creative industries is minimizing leisure, incorporating elements of leisure itself in work activities, more people choose their own path of life by placing great importance to basic needs, through a gaze on pleasure that is only partially driven by consumption. The multi localism is the co-existence of different identities and cultures that do not conflict because they reject the bind on territory. Local loses its strength of opposition to global, with an attenuation of the whole concept of citizenship, territory and even integration. A similar perspective could be useful to search a new approach to all the studies dedicated to the gentrification process, while studying the new migrations flow.Keywords: brain drain, digital industry, leisure and gentrification, multi localism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2451932 Constructing and Circulating Knowledge in Continuous Education: A Study of Norwegian Educational-Psychological Counsellors' Reflection Logs in Post-Graduate Education
Authors: Moen Torill, Rismark Marit, Astrid M. Solvberg
In Norway, every municipality shall provide an educational psychological service, EPS, to support kindergartens and schools in their work with children and youths with special needs. The EPS focus its work on individuals, aiming to identify special needs and to give advice to teachers and parents when they ask for it. In addition, the service also give priority to prevention and system intervention in kindergartens and schools. To master these big tasks university courses are established to support EPS counsellors' continuous learning. There is, however, a need for more in-depth and systematic knowledge on how they experience the courses they attend. In this study, EPS counsellors’ reflection logs during a particular course are investigated. The research question is: what are the content and priorities of the reflections that are communicated in the logs produced by the educational psychological counsellors during a post-graduate course? The investigated course is a credit course organized over a one-year period in two one-semester modules. The altogether 55 students enrolled in the course work as EPS counsellors in various municipalities across Norway. At the end of each day throughout the course period, the participants wrote reflection logs about what they had experienced during the day. The data material consists of 165 pages of typed text. The collaborating researchers studied the data material to ascertain, differentiate and understand the meaning of the content in each log. The analysis also involved the search for similarity in content and development of analytical categories that described the focus and primary concerns in each of the written logs. This involved constant 'critical and sustained discussions' for mutual construction of meaning between the co-researchers in the developing categories. The process is inspired by Grounded Theory. This means that the concepts developed during the analysis derived from the data material and not chosen prior to the investigation. The analysis revealed that the concept 'Useful' frequently appeared in the participants’ reflections and, as such, 'Useful' serves as a core category. The core category is described through three major categories: (1) knowledge sharing (concerning direct and indirect work with students with special needs) with colleagues is useful, (2) reflections on models and theoretical concepts (concerning students with special needs) are useful, (3) reflection on the role as EPS counsellor is useful. In all the categories, the notion of useful occurs in the participants’ emphasis on and acknowledgement of the immediate and direct link between the university course content and their daily work practice. Even if each category has an importance and value of its own, it is crucial that they are understood in connection with one another and as interwoven. It is the connectedness that gives the core category an overarching explanatory power. The knowledge from this study may be a relevant contribution when it comes to designing new courses that support continuing professional development for EPS counsellors, whether for post-graduate university courses or local courses at the EPS offices or whether in Norway or other countries in the world.Keywords: constructing and circulating knowledge, educational-psychological counsellor, higher education, professional development
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