Search results for: collaborative environment
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 9681

Search results for: collaborative environment

8211 A CPS Based Design of Industrial Ecosystems

Authors: Maryam Shayan


Chemical Process Simulation (CPS) software has been generally utilized by chemical (process) designers to outline, test, advance, and coordinate process plants. It is relied upon that modern scientists to bring these same critical thinking advantages to the outline and operation of industrial ecosystems can utilize CPS. This paper gives modern environment researchers and experts with a prologue to CPS and a review of compound designing configuration standards. The paper highlights late research demonstrating that CPS can be utilized to model modern industrial ecosystems, and talks about the advantages of utilizing CPS to address a portion of the specialized difficulties confronting organizations partaking in an industrial ecosystem. CPS can be utilized to (i) quantitatively assess and analyze the potential ecological and monetary advantages of material and vitality linkages; (ii) unravel general plan, retrofit, or operational issues; (iii) help to distinguish complex and frequently irrational arrangements; and (iv) assess imagine a scenario in which situations. CPS ought to be a valuable expansion to the mechanical environment tool stash.

Keywords: chemical process simulation (CPS), process plants, industrial ecosystems, compound designing

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8210 Rethinking Sustainability: Towards an Open System Approach

Authors: Fatemeh Yazdandoust


Sustainability is a growing concern in architecture and urban planning due to the environmental impact of the built environment. Ecological challenges persist despite the proliferation of sustainable design strategies, prompting a critical reevaluation of existing approaches. This study examines sustainable design practices, focusing on the origins and processes of production, environmental impact, and socioeconomic dimensions. It also discusses ‘cleantech’ initiatives, which often prioritize profitability over ecological stewardship. The study advocates for a paradigm shift in urban design towards greater adaptability, complexity, and inclusivity, embracing porosity, incompleteness, and seed planning. This holistic approach emphasizes citizen participation and bottom-up interventions, reimagining urban spaces as evolving ecosystems. The study calls for a reimagining of sustainability that transcends conventional green design concepts, promoting a more resilient and inclusive built environment through an open system approach grounded in adaptability, diversity, and equity principles.

Keywords: sustainability, clean-tech, open system design, sustainable design

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8209 Intimate Partner Violence and Risk of Obesity among Women

Authors: Fatemeh Abdollahi, Munn-Sann Lye, Jamshid Yazdani Charati, Mehran Zarghami


Both obesity and intimate partner violence (IPV) are growing health threats. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors of both IPV and obesity and their association. In this cross-sectional study, 530 women aged 16-65 years attending Mazandaran primary health centers were recruited through the stratified random sampling method (2019-2020). Data were collected using the modified World Health Organization Domestic Violence questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale, and socio-demographic, obstetric, and anthropometric questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the chi-square test, and multiple logistic regression. The prevalence of overweight, obesity and psychological, physical, and sexual IPV were 47.6%, 26.7%, 70.4%, 17.9%, and 6.4%, respectively. Increasing women’s educational level and exposure to violence during their lifespan increased the odds of any type of IPV while living in a nuclear family reduced it. In groups of women who were subjected to any type of IPV and only psychological IPV, experiencing violence during the lifespan was significant in predicting obesity. The alarming prevalence of IPV and obesity-overweight in this study points to the need for collaborative socio-political and health intervention. The link between experiencing violence during lifespan and obesity in some subgroups of women highlights the detrimental consequences of chronic violence and the urgent need for effective preventive programs.

Keywords: intimate partner violence, body mass index, obesity, risk factor, women

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8208 The Formulation of Inference Fuzzy System as a Valuation Subsidiary Based Particle Swarm Optimization for Solves the Issue of Decision Making in Middle Size Soccer Robot League

Authors: Zahra Abdolkarimi, Naser Zouri


The actual purpose of RoboCup is creating independent team of robots in 2050 based of FiFa roles to bring the victory in compare of world star team. There is unbelievable growing of Robots created a collection of complex and motivate subject in robotic and intellectual ornate, also it made a mechatronics style base of theoretical and technical way in Robocop. Decision making of robots depends to environment reaction, self-player and rival player with using inductive Fuzzy system valuation subsidiary to solve issue of robots in land game. The measure of selection in compare with other methods depends to amount of victories percentage in the same team that plays accidentally.

Keywords: particle swarm optimization, chaos theory, inference fuzzy system, simulation environment rational fuzzy system, mamdani and assilian, deffuzify

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8207 Nursing and Allied Health Perception of Desirable Junior Doctor Attributes for Effective Collaboration and Teamwork

Authors: Maneka Marianne Britto, Hansraj Riteesh Bookun


The ability of a junior doctor to deliver complex multi-disciplinary care to patients in a paradigm of respect and collaboration requires a multitude of interpersonal skills and competencies. A short survey was used to explore the perspective of allied health staff on the desirable attributes of a junior doctor which are conducive to good teamwork. 23 allied health professionals (14 nurses, 4 physiotherapists, 2 dietitians, 1 occupational therapist, 1 speech therapist and 1 audiologist) responded to this 17-item survey. There were 17 females. The mean age of the respondents was 34.9 ± 10.1 years. The salient findings of our survey are that 95% of our respondents rated friendliness and non-clinical small talk with average importance or greater. 45% of them viewed these 2 items as very important or absolutely essential. A single respondent viewed these 2 items with little importance. The other criteria which were rated with high levels of importance were the acknowledgment of allied health suggestions and good ward organizational skills. Training these collaborative skills is challenging, and an enhanced understanding of interprofessional perspectives will help a junior doctor to achieve better clinical outcomes. It is hoped that this paper will further stimulate discussion in this area and will encourage junior doctors to engage in non-clinical conversations with allied health staff in the spirit of promoting effective teamwork.

Keywords: allied health, collaboration, doctor, medicine, surgery

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8206 Dynamic Store Procedures in Database

Authors: Muhammet Dursun Kaya, Hasan Asil


In recent years, different methods have been proposed to optimize question processing in database. Although different methods have been proposed to optimize the query, but the problem which exists here is that most of these methods destroy the query execution plan after executing the query. This research attempts to solve the above problem by using a combination of methods of communicating with the database (the present questions in the programming code and using store procedures) and making query processing adaptive in database, and proposing a new approach for optimization of query processing by introducing the idea of dynamic store procedures. This research creates dynamic store procedures in the database according to the proposed algorithm. This method has been tested on applied software and results shows a significant improvement in reducing the query processing time and also reducing the workload of DBMS. Other advantages of this algorithm include: making the programming environment a single environment, eliminating the parametric limitations of the stored procedures in the database, making the stored procedures in the database dynamic, etc.

Keywords: relational database, agent, query processing, adaptable, communication with the database

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8205 Performance Evaluation of Pilot Rotating Biological Contactor for Decentralised Management of Domestic Sewage in Delhi

Authors: T. R. Sreekrishnan, Mukesh Khare, Dinesh Upadhyay


In a Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC), the biological film responsible for removal of pollutants is formed on the surface of discs. Evaluation studies of a pilot RBC designed to treat sewage of 150 persons with BOD Loading Rate: 8.2–26.7 g/m2/d, Discharge: 57.6 – 115.2 m3/day, HRT 1.25 – 2.5 hrs, at STP Yamuna Vihar Delhi. Removal of organic materials through use of fixed film reactors such as RBC is accomplished by means of a biological film on the fixed media. May and June in Delhi are dry summer months where the ambient temperature is in the range of 35oC to 45oC. July is a wet monsoon month that receives occasional precipitation, cloud cover, high humidity, with ambient temperature in the range of 30oC to 35oC. The organic and inorganic loads to the RBC employed in this study are actual city sewage conditions. Average in fluent BOD concentrations have been 330 mg/l, 245 mg/l and 160 mg/l and the average COD concentrations have been 670 mg/l, 500 mg/l, and 275 mg/l. The city sewage also has high concentration of ammonia, phosphorous, total suspended solids (TSS). pH of the city sewage is near neutral. Overall, the substrate conditions of city sewage are conducive for biological treatment though aerobic process. The presentation is a part of the ongoing collaborative research initiative between IIT Delhi and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany which is going on for last 15 years or so in the treatment of sewage waste of Delhi using semi-decentralized treatment system based on Rotating Biological Contactor.

Keywords: Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC), COD, BOD, HRT, STP

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8204 Effect of Curing Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Jute Fiber Reinforced Polylactic Acid Based Green Composite

Authors: Sehijpal Singh Khangura, Jai Inder Preet Singh, Vikas Dhawan


Global warming, growing awareness of the environment, waste management issues, dwindling fossil resources, and rising oil prices resulted to increase the research in the materials that are friendly to our health and environment. Due to these reasons, green products are increasingly being promoted for sustainable development. In this work, fully biodegradable green composites have been developed using jute fibers as reinforcement and poly lactic acid as matrix material by film stacking technique. The effect of curing temperature during development of composites ranging from 160 °C, 170 °C, 180 °C and 190 °C was investigated for various mechanical properties. Results obtained from various tests indicate that impact strength decreases with an increase in curing temperature, but tensile and flexural strength increases till 180 °C, thereafter both the properties decrease. This study gives an optimum curing temperature for the development of jute/PLA composites.

Keywords: natural fibers, polymer matrix composites, jute, compression molding, biodegradation

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8203 The Change in Management Accounting from an Institutional and Contingency Perspective. A Case Study for a Romanian Company

Authors: Gabriel Jinga, Madalina Dumitru


The objective of this paper is to present the process of change in management accounting in Romania, a former communist country from Eastern Europe. In order to explain this process, we used the contingency and institutional theories. We focused on the following directions: the presentation of the scientific context and motivation of this research and the case study. We presented the state of the art in the process of change in the management accounting from the international and national perspective. We also described the evolution of management accounting in Romania in the context of economic and political changes. An important moment was the fall of communism in 1989. This represents a starting point for a new economic environment and for new management accounting. Accordingly, we developed a case study which presented this evolution. The conclusion of our research was that the changes in the management accounting system of the company analysed occurred in the same time with the institutionalisation of some elements (e.g. degree of competition, training and competencies in management accounting). The management accounting system was modelled by the contingencies specific to this company (e.g. environment, industry, strategy).

Keywords: management accounting, change, Romania, contingency and institutional theory

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8202 Highly Sensitive and Selective H2 Gas Sensor Based on Pd-Pt Decorated Nanostructured Silicon Carbide Thin Films for Extreme Environment Application

Authors: Satyendra Mourya, Jyoti Jaiswal, Gaurav Malik, Brijesh Kumar, Ramesh Chandra


Present work describes the fabrication and sensing characteristics of the Pd-Pt decorated nanostructured silicon carbide (SiC) thin films on anodized porous silicon (PSi) substrate by RF magnetron sputtering. The gas sensing performance of Pd-Pt/SiC/PSi sensing electrode towards H2 gas under low (10–400 ppm) detection limit and high operating temperature regime (25–600 °C) were studied in detail. The chemiresistive sensor exhibited high selectivity, good sensing response, fast response/recovery time with excellent stability towards H2 at high temperature. The selectivity measurement of the sensing electrode was done towards different oxidizing and reducing gases and proposed sensing mechanism discussed in detail. Therefore, the investigated Pd-Pt/SiC/PSi structure may be a highly sensitive and selective hydrogen gas sensing electrode for deployment in extreme environment applications.

Keywords: RF Sputtering, silicon carbide, porous silicon, hydrogen gas sensor

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8201 VR in the Middle School Classroom-An Experimental Study on Spatial Relations and Immersive Virtual Reality

Authors: Danielle Schneider, Ying Xie


Middle school science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) teachers experience an exceptional challenge in the expectation to incorporate curricula that builds strong spatial reasoning skills on rudimentary geometry concepts. Because spatial ability is so closely tied to STEM students’ success, researchers are tasked to determine effective instructional practices that create an authentic learning environment within the immersive virtual reality learning environment (IVRLE). This study looked to investigate the effect of the IVRLE on middle school STEM students’ spatial reasoning skills as a methodology to benefit the STEM middle school students’ spatial reasoning skills. This experimental study was comprised of thirty 7th-grade STEM students divided into a treatment group that was engaged in an immersive VR platform where they engaged in building an object in the virtual realm by applying spatial processing and visualizing its dimensions and a control group that built the identical object using a desktop computer-based, computer-aided design (CAD) program. Before and after the students participated in the respective “3D modeling” environment, their spatial reasoning abilities were assessed using the Middle Grades Mathematics Project Spatial Visualization Test (MGMP-SVT). Additionally, both groups created a physical 3D model as a secondary measure to measure the effectiveness of the IVRLE. The results of a one-way ANOVA in this study identified a negative effect on those in the IVRLE. These findings suggest that with middle school students, virtual reality (VR) proved an inadequate tool to benefit spatial relation skills as compared to desktop-based CAD.

Keywords: virtual reality, spatial reasoning, CAD, middle school STEM

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8200 Living Lab as a Service: Developing Context Induced, Co-creational Innovation Routines as a Process Tool for Nature Based Solutions

Authors: Immanuel Darkwa


Climate change and environmental degradation are existential threats requiring urgent transnational action. The SDGs, as well as regional initiatives the like European Green Deal, as ambitious as they are, put an emphasis on innovatively tackling threats posed by climate change regionally. While co-creational approaches are being propagated, there is no reference blueprint for how potential solutions, particularly nature-based solutions, may be developed and implemented within urban-settings. Using a single case study in Zagreb, Croatia, this paper proposes a workshop-tool for a Living Lab as a Service model for sustainable Nature-Based-Thinking, Nature–Centred-Design and Nature based solutions. The approach is based on a co-creational methodology developed through literature synthesis, expert interviews, focus group discussions, surveys and synthesized through rigorous research analysis and participatory observation. The ensuing tool involves workshop-processes, tested with through-the-process identified stakeholders with distinctive roles and functions. The resulting framework proposes a Nature-Based-Centred-Thinking process tool involving ‘green’ routines supported by a focal unit and a collaborative network, and that allows for the development of nature-based solutions.

Keywords: living labs, nature-based solutions, nature- based design, innovation processes, innovation routines and tools

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8199 Development of a Mobile APP for Establishing Thermal Sensation Maps using Citizen Participation

Authors: Jeong-Min Son, Jeong-Hee Eum, Jin-Kyu Min, Uk-Je Sung, Ju-Eun Kim


While various environmental problems are severe due to climate change, especially in cities where population and development are concentrated, urban thermal environment problems such as heat waves and tropical nights are particularly worsening. Accordingly, the Korean government provides basic data related to the urban thermal environment to support each local government in effectively establishing policies to cope with heat waves. However, the basic data related to the thermal environment provided by the government has limitations in establishing a regional thermal adaptation plan with a minimum unit of cities, counties, and districts. In addition, the urban heat environment perceived by people differs in each region and space. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare practical measures that can be used to establish regional-based policies for heat wave adaptation by identifying people’s heat perception in the entire city. This study aims to develop a mobile phone application (APP) to gather people’s thermal sensation information and create Korea’s first thermal map based on this information. In addition, through this APP, citizens directly propose thermal adaptation policies, and urban planners and policymakers accept citizens' opinions, so this study provides a tool to solve local thermal environment problems. To achieve this purpose, first, the composition and contents of the app were discussed by examining various existing apps and cases for citizen participation and collection of heat information. In addition, factors affecting human thermal comfort, such as spatial, meteorological, and demographic factors, were investigated to construct the APP system. Based on these results, the basic version of the APP was developed. Second, the living lab methodology was adopted to gather people’s heat perception using the developed app to conduct overall evaluation and feedback of people on the APP. The people participating in the living lab were selected as those living in Daegu Metropolitan City, which is located in South Korea and annually records high temperatures. The user interface was improved through the living lab to make the app easier to use and the thermal map was modified. This study expects to establish high-resolution thermal maps for effective policies and measures and to solve local thermal environmental problems using the APP. The collected information can be used to evaluate spatial, meteorological, and demographic characteristics that affect the perceived heat of citizens. In addition, it is expected that the research can be expanded by gathering thermal information perceived by citizens of foreign cities as well as other cities in South Korea through the APP developed in this study.

Keywords: mobile application, living lab, thermal map, climate change adaptation

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8198 Beyond the Travel: The Impact of Public Transport on Quality of Life

Authors: Shadab Bahreini


Public transportation is one of the most important aspects of cities, which impacts various factors of the Quality of Life (QoL) of citizens. A passenger's experience is influenced by a variety of indicators in addition to the cost and safety of the trip. This article intends to investigate how QoL is affected by public transport in an urban environment by introducing a literature review of QoL and Quality of Urban Life (QoUL), investigating the intersection of QoL and public transport, and reviewing the background theory for Transport Quality of Life (TQoL). The article proposes a Public Transport Quality of Life (PTQoL) framework comprised of a set of indicators that measure how public transport impacts QoL across personal (physical and mental), socioeconomic, and environmental dimensions. The study proposes using the framework to evaluate objective or subjective factors affecting a person's QoL regarding public transport. Finally, it concludes that public transport is a key component in shaping QoL in urban environments and that policymakers and urban planners should use the PTQoL framework to make evidence-based decisions to improve public transport systems and their impact on QoL.

Keywords: public transport, quality of life, subjective and objective indicators, urban environment

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8197 Creativity and Intelligence: Psychoeducational Connections

Authors: Cristina Costa-Lobo, Carla B. Vestena, Filomena E. Ponte


Creativity and intelligence are concepts that have aroused very expressive interest in the field of educational sciences and the field of psychological science since the middle of the last century since they have a great impact on the potential and well-being of individuals. However, due to progress in cognitive and positive psychology, there has been a growing interest in the psychoeducational domain of intelligence and creativity in the last decade. In this theoretical work, are analyzed comparatively the theoretical models that relate the intelligence and the creativity, are analyzed several psychoeducational intervention programs that have been implemented with a view to the promotion of creativity and signal possibilities, realities and ironies around the psychological evaluation of intelligence and creativity. In order to reach a broad perspective on creativity, the evidence is presented that points the need to evaluate different psychological domains. The psychoeducational intervention programs addressed have, with a common characteristic, the full stimulation of the creative potential of the participants, assumed as a highly valued capacity at the present time. The results point to the systematize that all interventions in the ambit of creativity have two guiding principles: all individuals can be creative, and creativity is a capacity that can be stimulated. This work refers to the importance of stimulus creativity in educational contexts, to the usefulness and pertinence of the creation, the implementation, and monitoring of flexible curricula, adapted to the educational needs of students, promoting a collaborative work among teachers, parents, students, psychologists, managers and educational administrators.

Keywords: creativity, intelligence, psychoeducational intervention programs, psychological evaluation, educational contexts

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8196 Environmental Quality in Urban Areas: Legal Aspect and Institutional Dimension: A Case Study of Algeria

Authors: Youcef Lakhdar Hamina


In order to tame the ecological damage specificity, it is imperative to assert the procedural and objective liability aspect, which leads us to analyse current trends based on the development of preventive civil liability based on the precautionary principle. Our research focuses on the instruments of the environment protection in urban areas based on two complementary aspects appearing contradictory and refer directly to the institutional dimensions: - The preventive aspect: considered as a main objective of the environmental policy which highlights the different legal mechanisms for the environment protection by highlighting the role of administration in its implementation (environmental planning, tax incentives, modes of participation of all actors, etc.). - The healing-repressive aspect: considered as an approach for the identification of ecological damage and the forms of reparation (spatial and temporal-responsibility) to the impossibility of predicting with rigor and precision, the appearance of ecological damage, which cannot be avoided.

Keywords: environmental law, environmental taxes, environmental damage, eco responsibility, precautionary principle, environmental management

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8195 Exploring Neural Responses to Urban Spaces in Older People Using Mobile EEG

Authors: Chris Neale, Jenny Roe, Peter Aspinall, Sara Tilley, Steve Cinderby, Panos Mavros, Richard Coyne, Neil Thin, Catharine Ward Thompson


This research directly assesses older people’s neural activation in response to walking through a changing urban environment, as measured by electroencephalography (EEG). As the global urban population is predicted to grow, there is a need to understand the role that the urban environment may play on the health of its older inhabitants. There is a large body of evidence suggesting green space has a beneficial restorative effect, but this effect remains largely understudied in both older people and by using a neuroimaging assessment. For this study, participants aged 65 years and over were required to walk between a busy urban built environment and a green urban environment, in a counterbalanced design, wearing an Emotiv EEG headset to record real-time neural responses to place. Here we report on the outputs for these responses derived from both the proprietary Affectiv Suite software, which creates emotional parameters with a real time value assigned to them, as well as the raw EEG output focusing on alpha and beta changes, associated with changes in relaxation and attention respectively. Each walk lasted around fifteen minutes and was undertaken at the natural walking pace of the participant. The two walking environments were compared using a form of high dimensional correlated component regression (CCR) on difference data between the urban busy and urban green spaces. For the Emotiv parameters, results showed that levels of ‘engagement’ increased in the urban green space (with a subsequent decrease in the urban busy built space) whereas levels of ‘excitement’ increased in the urban busy environment (with a subsequent decrease in the urban green space). In the raw data, low beta (13 – 19 Hz) increased in the urban busy space with a subsequent decrease shown in the green space, similar to the pattern shown with the ‘excitement’ result. Alpha activity (9 – 13 Hz) shows a correlation with low beta, but not with dependent change in the regression model. This suggests that alpha is acting as a suppressor variable. These results suggest that there are neural signatures associated with the experience of urban spaces which may reflect the age of the cohort or the spatiality of the settings themselves. These are shown both in the outputs of the proprietary software as well as the raw EEG output. Built busy urban spaces appear to induce neural activity associated with vigilance and low level stress, while this effect is ameliorated in the urban green space, potentially suggesting a beneficial effect on attentional capacity in urban green space in this participant group. The interaction between low beta and alpha requires further investigation, in particular the role of alpha in this relationship.

Keywords: ageing, EEG, green space, urban space

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8194 The Effects of Learning Engagement on Interpreting Performance among English Major Students

Authors: Jianhua Wang, Ying Zhou, Xi Zhang


To establish the influential mechanism of learning engagement on interpreter’s performance, the present study submitted a questionnaire to a sample of 927 English major students with 804 valid ones and used the structural equation model as the basis for empirical analysis and statistical inference on the sample data. In order to explore the mechanism for interpreting learning engagement on student interpreters’ performance, a path model of interpreting processes with three variables of ‘input-environment-output’ was constructed. The results showed that the effect of each ‘environment’ variable on interpreting ability was different from and greater than the ‘input’ variable, and learning engagement was the greatest influencing factor. At the same time, peer interaction on interpreting performance has significant influence. Results suggest that it is crucial to provide effective guidance for optimizing learning engagement and interpreting teaching research by both improving the environmental support and building the platform of peer interaction, beginning with learning engagement.

Keywords: learning engagement, interpreting performance, interpreter training, English major students

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8193 “Student Veterans’ Transition to Nursing Education: Barriers and Facilitators

Authors: Bruce Hunter


Background: The transition for student veterans from military service to higher education can be a challenging endeavor, especially for those pursuing an education in nursing. While the experiences and perspectives of each student veteran is unique, their successful integration into an academic environment can be influenced by a complex array of barriers and facilitators. This mixed-methods study aims to explore the themes and concepts that can be found in the transition experiences of student veterans in nursing education, with a focus on identifying the barriers they face and the facilitators that support their success. Methods: This study utilizes an explanatory mixed-methods approach. The research participants include student veterans enrolled in nursing programs across three academic institutions in the Southeastern United States. Quantitative Phase: A Likert scale instrument is distributed to a sample of student veterans in nursing programs. The survey assesses demographic information, academic experiences, social experiences, and perceptions of institutional support. Quantitative data is analyzed using descriptive statistics to assess demographics and to identify barriers and facilitators to the transition. Qualitative Phase: Two open-ended questions were posed to student veterans to explore their lived experiences, barriers, and facilitators during the transition to nursing education and to further explain the quantitative findings. Thematic analysis with line-by-line coding is employed to identify recurring themes and narratives that may shed light on the barriers and facilitators encountered. Results: This study found that the successful academic integration of student veterans lies in recognizing the diversity of values and attitudes among student veterans, understanding the potential challenges they face, and engaging in initiative-taking steps to create an inclusive and supportive academic environment that accommodates the unique experiences of this demographic. Addressing these academic and social integration concerns can contribute to a more understanding environment for student veterans in the BSN program. Conclusion: Providing support during this transitional period is crucial not only for retaining veterans, but also for bolstering their success in achieving the status of registered nurses. Acquiring an understanding of military culture emerges as an essential initial step for nursing faculty in student veteran retention and for successful completion of their programs. Participants found that their transition experience lacked meaningful social interactions, which could foster a positive learning environment, enhance their emotional well-being, and could contribute significantly to their overall success and satisfaction in their nursing education journey. Recognizing and promoting academic and social integration is important in helping veterans experience a smooth transition into and through the unfamiliar academic environment of nursing education.

Keywords: nursing, education, student veterans, barriers, facilitators

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8192 Specialized Instruction: Teaching and Leading Diverse Learners

Authors: Annette G. Walters Ph.D.


With a global shortage of qualified educational professionals, school systems continue to struggle with adequate staffing. How might learning communities meet the needs of all students, in particular those with specialized needs. While the task may seem foreboding and certain factors may seem divergent, all are connected in the education of students. Special education has a significant impact on the teaching and learning experience of all students in an educational community. Even when there are concerted efforts at embracing learners with diverse aptitude and abilities, there are often many important local factors that are misaligned, overlooked, or misunderstood. Working with learners with diverse abilities, often requires intentional services and supports for students to achieve success. Developing and implementing specialized instruction requires a multifaceted approach to supports the entire learning community, which includes educational providers, learners, and families, all while being mindful of fiscal and natural resources. This research explores the implications and complexities of special education instruction and specializing instruction, as well as leading and teaching diverse learners. This work is separated into three sections: the state of special education, teaching and leading diverse learners, and developing educational competencies through collaborative engagement. This structured analysis extrapolates historical and current research on special education practices and the role of educators in ensuring diverse students meet success.

Keywords: - diverse learners, - special education, - modification and supports, - curriculum and instruction, - classroom management, - formal and informal assessments

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8191 Financial Reporting Quality and International Financial Reporting

Authors: Matthias Nnadi


Using samples of 250 large listed firms by market capitalization in China and Hong Kong, we conducted empirical test to determine the impact of regulatory environment on reporting quality following IFRS convergence using three financial reporting measures; earning management, timely loss recognition and value relevance. Our results indicate that accounting data are more value relevant for Hong Kong listed firms than the Chinese A-share firms. The empirical results for timely loss recognition further reveal that there is a larger coefficient estimate on bad news earnings, which suggests that Chines A-share firms are more likely to report losses in a timely manner. The results support the evidence that substantial convergence of IFRS can improve financial reporting quality in a regulated environment such as China. This further supports the expectation that IFRS are relevant to China and has positive effect on its accounting practice and quality.

Keywords: reporting, quality, earning, loss, relevance, financial, China, Hong Kong

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8190 Treatment of Industrial Effluents by Using Polyethersulfone/Chitosan Membrane Derived from Fishery Waste

Authors: Suneeta Kumari, Abanti Sahoo


Industrial effluents treatment is a major problem in the world. All wastewater treatment methods have some problems in the environment. Due to this reason, today many natural biopolymers are being used in the waste water treatment because those are safe for our environment. In this study, synthesis and characterization of polyethersulfone/chitosan membranes (Thin film composite membrane) are carried out. Fish scales are used as raw materials. Different characterization techniques such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) are analysed for the synthesized membrane. The performance of membranes such as flux, rejection, and pore size are also checked. The synthesized membrane is used for the treatment of steel industry waste water where Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), pH, colour, Total dissolved solids (TDS), Total suspended solids (TSS), Electrical conductivity (EC) and Turbidity aspects are analysed.

Keywords: fish scale, membrane synthesis, treatment of industrial effluents, chitosan

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8189 Biological Treatment of Tannery Wastewater Using Pseudomonas Strains

Authors: A. Benhadji, R. Maachi


Environmental protection has become a major economic development issues. Indeed, the environment has become both market growth factor and element of competition. It is now an integral part of all industrial strategies. Ecosystem protection is based on the reduction of the pollution load in the treatment of liquid waste. The physicochemical techniques are commonly used which a transfer of pollution is generally found. Alternative to physicochemical methods is the use of microorganisms for cleaning up the waste waters. The objective of this research is the evaluation of the effects of exogenous added Pseudomonas strains on pollutants biodegradation. The influence of the critical parameters such as inoculums concentration and duration treatment are studied. The results show that Pseudomonas putida is found to give a maximum reduction in chemical organic demand (COD) in 4 days of incubation. However, toward to protect biological pollution of environment, the treatment is achieved by electro coagulation process using aluminium electrodes. The results indicate that this process allows disinfecting the water and improving the electro coagulated sludge quality.

Keywords: tannery, pseudomonas, biological treatment, electrocoagulation process, sludge quality

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8188 Selection of Solid Waste Landfill Site Using Geographical Information System (GIS)

Authors: Fatih Iscan, Ceren Yagci


Rapid population growth, urbanization and industrialization are known as the most important factors of environment problems. Elimination and management of solid wastes are also within the most important environment problems. One of the main problems in solid waste management is the selection of the best site for elimination of solid wastes. Lately, Geographical Information System (GIS) has been used for easing selection of landfill area. GIS has the ability of imitating necessary economical, environmental and political limitations. They play an important role for the site selection of landfill area as a decision support tool. In this study; map layers will be studied for minimum effect of environmental, social and cultural factors and maximum effect for engineering/economical factors for site selection of landfill areas and using GIS for an decision support mechanism in solid waste landfill areas site selection will be presented in Aksaray/TURKEY city, Güzelyurt district practice.

Keywords: GIS, landfill, solid waste, spatial analysis

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8187 A Meaning-Making Approach to Understand the Relationship between the Physical Built Environment of the Heritage Sites including the Intangible Values and the Design Development of the Public Open Spaces: Case Study Liverpool Pier Head

Authors: May Newisar, Richard Kingston, Philip Black


Heritage-led regeneration developments have been considered as one of the cornerstones of the economic and social revival of historic towns and cities in the UK. However, this approach has proved its deficiency within the development of Liverpool World Heritage site. This is due to the conflict between sustaining the tangible and intangible values as well as achieving the aimed economic developments. Accordingly, the development of such areas is influenced by a top-down approach which considers heritage as consumable experience and urban regeneration as the economic development for it. This neglects the heritage sites characteristics and values as well as the design criteria for public open spaces that overlap with the heritage sites. Currently, knowledge regarding the relationship between the physical built environment of the heritage sites including the intangible values and the design development of the public open spaces is limited. Public open spaces have been studied from different perspectives such as increasing walkability, a source of social cohesion, provide a good quality of life as well as understanding users’ perception. While heritage sites have been discussed heavily on how to maintain the physical environment, understanding the courses of threats and how to be protected. In addition to users’ experiences and motivations of visiting such areas. Furthermore, new approaches tried to overcome the gap such as the historic urban landscape approach. This approach is focusing on the entire human environment with all its tangible and intangible qualities. However, this research aims to understand the relationship between the heritage sites and public open spaces and how the overlap of the design and development of both could be used as a quality to enhance the heritage sites and improve users’ experience. A meaning-making approach will be used in order to understand and articulate how the development of Liverpool World Heritage site and its value could influence and shape the design of public open space Pier Head in order to attract a different level of tourists to be used as a tool for economic development. Consequently, this will help in bridging the gap between the planning and conservation areas’ policies through an understanding of how flexible is the system in order to adopt alternative approaches for the design and development strategies for those areas.

Keywords: historic urban landscape, environmental psychology, urban governance, identity

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8186 Ichnofacies and Microfacies Analysis of Late Eocene Rocks in Fayum Area, Egypt and Their Paleoenvironmental Implications

Authors: Soheir El-Shazly, Gouda Abdelgawad, Yasser Salama, Dina Sayed


Abstract- The Late Eocene rocks (Qasr El-Sagha ) Formation, north east of Birket Qarun in Fayum area of Egypt reveals 6 Ichnogenera Thalassinoides Ehrenberg, 1944, Ophiomorpha Lundgren (1891), Skolithos Haldemann (1840), Diplocraterion Torell, 1870, Arenicolites Salter, 1857 and Planolites Nicholson, 1873. These Ichnogenera are related to Skolithos ichnofacies of typical sandy shoreline environment, only the ichnogenus Planolites is related to Cruziana ichnofacies, which occurs in somewhat deeper water than the Skolithos ichnofacies. Four microfacies types have been distinguished from the study sections, Mudstone, Sandy micrite (wackstone), Sandy dolomitic ferruginous biomicrite (Packstone), Sandy glauconitic biomicrite (packstone). The ichnofacies and the microfacies study indicates that the study area was deposited in shelf lagoon with open circulation environment

Keywords: Egypt, Fayum, icnofacies, late eocene, microfacies

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8185 Evaluation the Effects of Air Pollution on Elderly People of the City of Tehran

Authors: Farideh Gheitasi, Amir Hossain Jaberansari, Payam Abedini


The World Health Organization (WHO) Manifesto for Safe Communities states that "All human beings have an equal right to health and safety". The purpose of a safe Community is to minimize the damages threatening people. It seems that not sufficient attention has been given to relate environment and objectives of the safe Community. The reason for that can be assigned to the lack of enough information about environmental parameters and their relation with indices of the safe community like type and effect time of damages resulting from air pollution. Air pollution can be characterized as one of main environmental problems of Tehran. This problem is mostly due to the special geographic and climate situation, high population density and irregular growth in the number of vehicles. This paper is aimed at investigating the necessity of considering environmental factors to obtain a safe community through determining the effects of environmental pollution, particularly air pollution, on 490000 elders (+65) of Tehran. The methodology used in this study was on the basis of Random sampling and social surveying. The number of questionnaires was determined to be 321 through using Cochran method and the questionnaires were filled out by elders during personal interviews. The analysis of obtained results indicated that elders believe the major effects of air pollution include heart and respiratory diseases, obligation to stay at home on polluted days and its associated mental problems. Moreover, it was found that there is direct link between the number of polluted days and mortality frequency of elders. Having an environmental view may have an appreciable influence on the qualitative and quantitative development of activities and also facilitate obtaining the goals of the Safe Communities. In addition to reduce damages caused by pollutions, this view will encourage friends of the environment to cooperate with authorities of the safe community.

Keywords: air pollution, elderly people, environment, waste management

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8184 Sustainable Landscape Development Assessment Tools

Authors: Nur Azemah Aminludin, Osman Mohd Tahir


A dynamic landscape development is important for providing healthy ecosystem which supports all life. Nowadays, many initiatives towards sustainable development have been published. They lead to better living and more efficient use of natural resources in sustaining long-term ecological, economics and social benefits. To date, many assessment tools related to built environment have been established and practiced in this region, which mostly has the purpose assessing the environment performance of buildings. Hence, an assessment tool focusing on the sustainable landscape development itself is a necessity. This paper reviews the assessment criteria and indicators that are suitable for sustainable landscape development practices. The local and global assessment tools for landscape development are investigated, analyzed and discussed critically. Consideration also is given to the integration of the assessment tools with the surrounding environmental, social, and economical aspects. In addition, the assessment criteria and indicators for assessing the landscape development in Malaysia are also reviewed and discussed. In conclusion, this paper reviews, analyzes and discusses on available local and global landscape development assessment tools for sustainability.

Keywords: assessment tool, sustainable landscape development, assessment criteria, assessment indicator

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8183 National Identity in Connecting the Community through Mural Art for Petronas Dagangan Berhad

Authors: Nadiah Mohamad, Wan Samiati Andriana Wan Mohd Daud, M. Suhaimi Tohid, Mohd Fazli Othman, Mohamad Rizal Salleh


This is a collaborative project of the mural art between The Department of Fine Art from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and Petronas Dagangan Berhad (PDB), the most leading retailer and marketer of downstream oil and gas products in Malaysia. Five different states in the Peninsular of Malaysia that has been identified in showcasing the National Identity of Malaysia at each Petronas gas station, this also includes the Air Keroh in Melaka, Pasir Pekan in Kelantan, Pontian in Johor, Simpang Pulai in Perak, and also Wakaf Bharu in Terengganu. This project is to analyze the element of national identity that has been demonstrated at the Petronas's Mural. The ultimate aim of the mural is to let the community and local people to be aware about what Malaysians are consists and proud of and how everyone is able to connect with the idea through visual art. The method that is being explained in this research is by using visual data through research and also self-experience in collecting the visual data in identifying what images is considered as the national identity and idea development and visual analysis is being transferred based upon the visual data collection. In this stage, elements and principles of design will be the key in highlighting what is necessary for a work of art. In conclusion, visual image of the National Identity of Malaysia is able to connect to the audience from local and also to the people from outside the country to learn and understand the beauty and diversity of Malaysia as a unique country with art through the wall of five Petronas gas station.

Keywords: community, fine art, mural art, national identity

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8182 The Analysis of Exhaust Emission from Single Cylinder Non-Mobile Spark Ignition Engine Using Ethanol-Gasoline Blend as Fuel

Authors: Iyiola Olusola Oluwaleye, Ogbevire Umukoro


In view of the prevailing pollution problems and its consequences on the environment, efforts are being made to lower the concentration of toxic components in combustion products and decreasing fossil fuel consumption by using renewable alternative fuels. In this work, the impact of ethanol-gasoline blend on the exhaust emission of a single cylinder non-mobile spark ignition engine was investigated. Gasoline was blended with 5 – 20% of ethanol sourced from the open market (bought off the shelf) in an interval of 5%. The results of the emission characteristics of the exhaust gas from the combustion of the ethanol-gasoline blends showed that increasing the percentage of ethanol in the blend decreased CO emission by between 2.12% and 52.29% and HC emissions by between12.14% and 53.24%, but increased CO2 and NOx emissions by between 25% to 56% and 59% to 60% respectively. E15 blend is preferred above other blends at no-load and across all the load variations. However its NOx emission was the highest when compared with other samples. This will negatively affect human health and the environment but this drawback can be remedied by adequate treatment with appropriate additives.

Keywords: blends, emission, ethanol, gasoline, spark ignition engine

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