Search results for: three body interaction forces
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 8795

Search results for: three body interaction forces

7355 Bone Mineral Density and Frequency of Low-Trauma Fractures in Ukrainian Women with Metabolic Syndrome

Authors: Vladyslav Povoroznyuk, Larysa Martynyuk, Iryna Syzonenko, Liliya Martynyuk


Osteoporosis is one of the important problems in postmenopausal women due to an increased risk of sudden and unexpected fractures. This study is aimed to determine the connection between bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS) in Ukrainian women suffering from metabolic syndrome. Participating in the study, 566 menopausal women aged 50-79 year-old were examined and divided into two groups: Group A included 336 women with no obesity (BMI ≤ 29.9 kg/m2), and Group B – 230 women with metabolic syndrome (diagnosis according to IDF criteria, 2005). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used for measuring of lumbar spine (L1-L4), femoral neck, total body and forearm BMD and bone quality indexes (last according to Med-Imaps installation). Data were analyzed using Statistical Package 6.0. A significant increase of lumbar spine (L1-L4), femoral neck, total body and ultradistal radius BMD was found in women with metabolic syndrome compared to those without obesity (p < 0.001) both in their totality and in groups of 50-59 years, 60-69 years, and 70-79 years. TBS was significantly higher in non-obese women compared to metabolic syndrome patients of 50-59 years and in the general sample (p < 0.05). Analysis showed significant positive correlation between body mass index (BMI) and BMD at all levels. Significant negative correlation between BMI and TBS (L1-L4) was established. Despite the fact that BMD indexes were significantly higher in women with metabolic syndrome, the frequency of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures did not differ significantly in the groups of patients.

Keywords: bone mineral density, trabecular bone score, metabolic syndrome, fracture

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7354 Assessing Mobile Robotic Telepresence Based On Measures of Social Telepresence

Authors: A. Bagherzadhalimi, E. Di Maria


The feedbacks obtained regarding the sense of presence from pilot users operating a Mobile Robotic presence (MRP) system to visit a simulated museum are reported in this paper. The aim is to investigate how much the perception of system’s usefulness and ease of use is affected by operators’ sense of social telepresence (presence) in the remote location. Therefore, scenarios of visiting a museum are simulated and the user operators are supposed to perform some regular tasks inside the remote environment including interaction with local users, navigation and visiting the artworks. Participants were divided into two groups, those who had previous experience of operation and interaction with a MRP system and those who never had experience. Based on the results, both groups provided different feedbacks. Moreover, there was a significant association between user’s sense of presence and their perception of system usefulness and ease of use.

Keywords: mobile robotic telepresence, museum, social telepresence, usability test

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7353 PPRA Regulates DNA Replication Initiation and Cell Morphology in Escherichia coli

Authors: Ganesh K. Maurya, Reema Chaudhary, Neha Pandey, Hari S. Misra


PprA, a pleiotropic protein participating in radioresistance, has been reported for its roles in DNA replication initiation, genome segregation, cell division and DNA repair in polyextremophile Deinococcus radiodurans. Interestingly, expression of deinococcal PprA in E. coli suppresses its growth by reducing the number of colony forming units and provides better resistance against γ-radiation than control. We employed different biochemical and cell biology studies using PprA and its DNA binding/polymerization mutants (K133E & W183R) in E. coli. Cells expressing wild type PprA or its K133E mutant showed reduction in the amount of genomic DNA as well as chromosome copy number in comparison to W183R mutant of PprA and control cells, which suggests the role of PprA protein in regulation of DNA replication initiation in E. coli. Further, E. coli cells expressing PprA or its mutants exhibited different impact on cell morphology than control. Expression of PprA or K133E mutant displayed a significant increase in cell length upto 5 folds while W183R mutant showed cell length similar to uninduced control cells. We checked the interaction of deinococcal PprA and its mutants with E. coli DnaA using Bacterial two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation. We observed a functional interaction of EcDnaA with PprA and K133E mutant but not with W183R mutant of PprA. Further, PprA or K133E mutant has suppressed the ATPase activity of EcDnaA but W183R mutant of PprA failed to do so. These observations suggested that PprA protein regulates DNA replication initiation and cell morphology of surrogate E. coli.

Keywords: DNA replication, radioresistance, protein-protein interaction, cell morphology, ATPase activity

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7352 Theoretical Investigations and Simulation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Earth’s Magnetosphere Through Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission

Authors: A. A. Abid


Wave-particle interactions are considered to be the paramount in the transmission of energy in collisionless space plasmas, where electromagnetic fields confined the charged particles movement. One of the distinct features of energy transfer in collisionless plasma is wave-particle interaction which is ubiquitous in space plasmas. The three essential populations of the inner magnetosphere are cold plasmaspheric plasmas, ring-currents, and radiation belts high energy particles. The transition region amid such populations initiates wave-particle interactions among distinct plasmas and the wave mode perceived in the magnetosphere is the electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave. These waves can interact with numerous particle species resonantly, accompanied by plasma particle heating is still in debate. In this work we paid particular attention to how EMIC waves impact plasma species, specifically how they affect the heating of electrons and ions during storm and substorm in the Magnetosphere. Using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission and electromagnetic hybrid simulation, this project will investigate the energy transfer mechanism (e.g., Landau interactions, bounce resonance interaction, cyclotron resonance interaction, etc.) between EMIC waves and cold-warm plasma populations. Other features such as the production of EMIC waves and the importance of cold plasma particles in EMIC wave-particle interactions will also be worth exploring. Wave particle interactions, electromagnetic hybrid simulation, electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves, Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, space plasmas, inner magnetosphere

Keywords: MMS, magnetosphere, wave particle interraction, non-maxwellian distribution

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7351 Hybrid Bimodal Magnetic Force Microscopy

Authors: Fernández-Brito David, Lopez-Medina Javier Alonso, Murillo-Bracamontes Eduardo Antonio, Palomino-Ovando Martha Alicia, Gervacio-Arciniega José Juan


Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) is an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) technique that characterizes, at a nanometric scale, the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials. Conventional MFM works by scanning in two different AFM modes. The first one is tapping mode, in which the cantilever has short-range force interactions with the sample, with the purpose to obtain the topography. Then, the lift AFM mode starts, raising the cantilever to maintain a fixed distance between the tip and the surface of the sample, only interacting with the magnetic field forces of the sample, which are long-ranged. In recent years, there have been attempts to improve the MFM technique. Bimodal MFM was first theoretically developed and later experimentally proven. In bimodal MFM, the AFM internal piezoelectric is used to cause the cantilever oscillations in two resonance modes simultaneously, the first mode detects the topography, while the second is more sensitive to the magnetic forces between the tip and the sample. However, it has been proven that the cantilever vibrations induced by the internal AFM piezoelectric ceramic are not optimal, affecting the bimodal MFM characterizations. Moreover, the Secondary Resonance Magnetic Force Microscopy (SR-MFM) was developed. In this technique, a coil located below the sample generates an external magnetic field. This alternating magnetic field excites the cantilever at a second frequency to apply the Bimodal MFM mode. Nonetheless, for ferromagnetic materials with a low coercive field, the external field used in SR-MFM technique can modify the magnetic domains of the sample. In this work, a Hybrid Bimodal MFM (HB-MFM) technique is proposed. In HB-MFM, the bimodal MFM is used, but the first resonance frequency of the cantilever is induced by the magnetic field of the ferromagnetic sample due to its vibrations caused by a piezoelectric element placed under the sample. The advantages of this new technique are demonstrated through the preliminary results obtained by HB-MFM on a hard disk sample. Additionally, traditional two pass MFM and HB-MFM measurements were compared.

Keywords: magnetic force microscopy, atomic force microscopy, magnetism, bimodal MFM

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7350 Performance and Pellet Quality in Broiler Fed with Different Levels of Fat and Pellet Binders

Authors: Reza Vakili


To assess the effect of different levels of soybean oil (SO: 1, 2%) and different types of pellet binders (sodium bentonite (SB), calcium lignosulfonate (Ca-Ls), and plant compounds (PC) on the pellet quality, and broilers’ performance, 480 one-day-old male broiler chickens (Ross 308) were used. The results showed that in the starter diet, the 1-PC group had the highest pellet durability index (PDI) (P<0.05). The PDI of the grower diet containing SB and PC was higher than others (P<0.05). The highest pellet hardness was observed in groups 1-SB, 1-PC, 2-SB, and 2-PC for the starter diet (P<0.05). For the finisher diet, the hardness of pellets containing SB and PC was higher (P<0.05). During the starter phase, the best feed conversion ratio (FCR) was obtained in 1-SB (P<0.05). The lowest and highest daily feed intake was observed in groups 2-PC and 1-SB, respectively, during the finisher phase. During the finisher and whole phases, the most daily body weight gain was observed in the SB group (P<0.05).

Keywords: bentonite, birds, body weight, feed processing, pellet durability, soybean oil

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7349 Dynamic Test and Numerical Analysis of Twin Tunnel

Authors: Changwon Kwak, Innjoon Park, Dongin Jang


Seismic load affects the behavior of underground structure like tunnel broadly. Seismic soil-structure interaction can play an important role in the dynamic behavior of tunnel. In this research, twin tunnel with flexible joint was physically modeled and the dynamic centrifuge test was performed to investigate seismic behavior of twin tunnel. Seismic waves have different frequency were exerted and the characteristics of response were obtained from the test. Test results demonstrated the amplification of peak acceleration in the longitudinal direction in seismic waves. The effect of the flexible joint was also verified. Additionally, 3-dimensional finite difference dynamic analysis was conducted and the analysis results exhibited good agreement with the test results.

Keywords: 3-dimensional finite difference dynamic analysis, dynamic centrifuge test, flexible joint, seismic soil-structure interaction

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7348 Acoustic Emission for Investigation of Processes Occurring at Hydrogenation of Metallic Titanium

Authors: Anatoly A. Kuznetsov, Pavel G. Berezhko, Sergey M. Kunavin, Eugeny V. Zhilkin, Maxim V. Tsarev, Vyacheslav V. Yaroshenko, Valery V. Mokrushin, Olga Y. Yunchina, Sergey A. Mityashin


The acoustic emission is caused by short-time propagation of elastic waves that are generated as a result of quick energy release from sources localized inside some material. In particular, the acoustic emission phenomenon lies in the generation of acoustic waves resulted from the reconstruction of material internal structures. This phenomenon is observed at various physicochemical transformations, in particular, at those accompanying hydrogenation processes of metals or intermetallic compounds that make it possible to study parameters of these transformations through recording and analyzing the acoustic signals. It has been known that at the interaction between metals or inter metallides with hydrogen the most intensive acoustic signals are generated as a result of cracking or crumbling of an initial compact powder sample as a result of the change of material crystal structure under hydrogenation. This work is dedicated to the study into changes occurring in metallic titanium samples at their interaction with hydrogen and followed by acoustic emission signals. In this work the subjects for investigation were specimens of metallic titanium in two various initial forms: titanium sponge and fine titanium powder made of this sponge. The kinetic of the interaction of these materials with hydrogen, the acoustic emission signals accompanying hydrogenation processes and the structure of the materials before and after hydrogenation were investigated. It was determined that in both cases interaction of metallic titanium and hydrogen is followed by acoustic emission signals of high amplitude generated on reaching some certain value of the atomic ratio [H]/[Ti] in a solid phase because of metal cracking at a macrolevel. The typical sizes of the cracks are comparable with particle sizes of hydrogenated specimens. The reasons for cracking are internal stresses initiated in a sample due to the increasing volume of a solid phase as a result of changes in a material crystal lattice under hydrogenation. When the titanium powder is used, the atomic ratio [H]/[Ti] in a solid phase corresponding to the maximum amplitude of an acoustic emission signal are, as a rule, higher than when titanium sponge is used.

Keywords: acoustic emission signal, cracking, hydrogenation, titanium specimen

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7347 A Case Study: Effect of Low Carbs High Fats Diet (Also Known as LCHF Diet) Combined with Fried Foods in Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Patient with Type 2 Diabetes and Central Obesity

Authors: Cristian Baldini


‘Diabesity’ is a term for diabetes occurring in the context of obesity. The positive effect of LCHF diets (low-carb, high-fat diets) is well documented: LCHF diets are at least as effective as other dietary strategies for reducing body weight, improving glycaemic control, and reducing both hyperinsulinaemia and blood glucose (reduction of HbA1c) in type 2 diabetes and have unique positive effects on blood lipid concentrations and cardiovascular risk factors. Also, in obese insulin-resistant women, food fried in extra-virgin olive oil significantly reduced both insulin and C-peptide responses after a meal. This case study shows that if combined, both dietary strategies produce a strong effect on blood glucose, resulting in a “forced” reduction of exogenous insulin injection to avoid the problem of hypoglycaemia. Blood tests after three months of this dietary treatment show how HbA1c, triglycerides, and blood lipid profile (LDL, HDL, Total Cholesterol) are improved despite the reduction of exogenous insulin injection of 80% with a parallel body weight decrease of 15%. For continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), the patient used FreeStyle Libre before and after the dietary treatment. In order to check general body functions and glycosuria, the patient used the urine test Multistix 10 SG Siemens.

Keywords: diabetes, obesity, diabesity, fat, fried foods

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7346 An Anthropological Perspective: Interaction with Extended Kinship in Saudi Arabia in the 21st Century

Authors: Alaa Alshehri


It has been thought that kinship in modernization is moving in a linear Western model; however, the literature shows that different cultures adjust to modernization by preserving its norms and values. Saudi Arabia is a young country experiencing rapid expansion from oil discovery until economic diversification. By conducting 10 interviews from different provinces of the country from the age of 27-47, these anthropological studies suggest that Saudi people adapted to modernization and globalization through unique interactions with extended families by asking the participants to give detailed descriptions of their interactions with their kinship. With almost all the participants noticing the changes within the last few years, this interaction is rooted in their religious beliefs, which they stressed, even with the free choice of life opportunities. They tried to find a balance between individuality and collectivity and connect the gap between the older and younger generations. This study adds to the anthropological debate on kinship definition and ties in modernization and provides a perspective on the social reality of one of the major Middle Eastern countries, Saudi Arabia.

Keywords: collectivity, economic diversification, kinship, modernization theory, individuality

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7345 PPRA Controls DNA Replication and Cell Growth in Escherichia Coli

Authors: Ganesh K. Maurya, Reema Chaudhary, Neha Pandey, Hari S. Misra


PprA, a pleiotropic protein participating in radioresistance, has been reported for its roles in DNA replication initiation, genome segregation, cell division and DNA repair in polyextremophile Deinococcus radiodurans. Interestingly, expression of deinococcal PprA in E. coli suppresses its growth by reducing the number of colony forming units and provide better resistance against γ-radiation than control. We employed different biochemical and cell biology studies using PprA and its DNA binding/polymerization mutants (K133E & W183R) in E. coli. Cells expressing wild type PprA or its K133E mutant showed reduction in the amount of genomic DNA as well as chromosome copy number in comparison to W183R mutant of PprA and control cells, which suggests the role of PprA protein in regulation of DNA replication initiation in E. coli. Further, E. coli cells expressing PprA or its mutants exhibited different impact on cell morphology than control. Expression of PprA or K133E mutant displayed a significant increase in cell length upto 5 folds while W183R mutant showed cell length similar to uninduced control cells. We checked the interaction of deinococcal PprA and its mutants with E. coli DnaA using Bacterial two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation. We observed a functional interaction of EcDnaA with PprA and K133E mutant but not with W183R mutant of PprA. Further, PprA or K133E mutant has suppressed the ATPase activity of EcDnaA but W183R mutant of PprA failed to do so. These observations suggested that PprA protein regulates DNA replication initiation and cell morphology of surrogate E. coli.

Keywords: DNA replication, radioresistance, protein-protein interaction, cell morphology, ATPase activity

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7344 Evaluation of Activity of Anacyclus Pyrethrum Methanolic Extract on Acute Inflammation Induced in Rats

Authors: Dalila Bouamra, Chekib Arslane Baki, Abdelhamid Bouchebour, Fatiha Koussa, Amel Benamara, Seoussen Kada


The activity of methanolic extract from Anacyclus pyrethrum was evaluated using λ-carrageenan 1% induced paw edema in Wistar Albinos rats. The oral administration of 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg, body weight of methanolic extract, one hour before induction of inflammation, exerted a significant inhibition effect of 47%, 57% and 62% respectively after 4h λ-carrageenan treatment and highly significant inhibition effect of 57%, 66% and 75% respectively after 8h λ-carrageenan treatment, compared to non treated group (100%) and that treated with aspirin, a standard anti-inflammatory drug. On the other hand, the effect of the plant extract on stomach was macroscopically and microscopically studied. The plant extract has an impact on the loss ratio of granulocytes that have invaded the stomach after a period of inflammation at a dose of 600 mg/kg body weight.

Keywords: inflammation, Anacyclus pyrethrum, gastritis, Wistar Albinos rats

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7343 Evolution of Predator-prey Body-size Ratio: Spatial Dimensions of Foraging Space

Authors: Xin Chen


It has been widely observed that marine food webs have significantly larger predator–prey body-size ratios compared with their terrestrial counterparts. A number of hypotheses have been proposed to account for such difference on the basis of primary productivity, trophic structure, biophysics, bioenergetics, habitat features, energy efficiency, etc. In this study, an alternative explanation is suggested based on the difference in the spatial dimensions of foraging arenas: terrestrial animals primarily forage in two dimensional arenas, while marine animals mostly forage in three dimensional arenas. Using 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional random walk simulations, it is shown that marine predators with 3-dimensional foraging would normally have a greater foraging efficiency than terrestrial predators with 2-dimensional foraging. Marine prey with 3-dimensional dispersion usually has greater swarms or aggregations than terrestrial prey with 2-dimensional dispersion, which again favours a greater predator foraging efficiency in marine animals. As an analytical tool, a Lotka-Volterra based adaptive dynamical model is developed with the predator-prey ratio embedded as an adaptive variable. The model predicts that high predator foraging efficiency and high prey conversion rate will dynamically lead to the evolution of a greater predator-prey ratio. Therefore, marine food webs with 3-dimensional foraging space, which generally have higher predator foraging efficiency, will evolve a greater predator-prey ratio than terrestrial food webs.

Keywords: predator-prey, body size, lotka-volterra, random walk, foraging efficiency

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7342 Analyzing the Representations of Afro-Peruvians in National TV Comedy Shows: The Construction of Parody and the Contradictory Responses to Afro-Peruvian TV Characters

Authors: Ana Lucia Mosquera Rosado


Media is believed to be the reflection of Peruvian society. However, the context in which media content is generated not always respond to an accurate representation of its cultural diversity, since many of the contents portray images of cultural minorities (indigenous and Afro-Peruvian) that contribute to the reproduction of negative stereotypes, having an impact on society. The current research paper aims to discuss the use of parody as a way of representing Afro-Peruvian population in the national television, through the reproduction of negative stereotypes and the construction of the black body, specifically relating the analysis to El Negro Mama, a very popular character in Peruvian television thought to be a portrait of the Afro-Peruvian men. In order to analyze these representations, the research will use the theory of simulation and simulacra, explained by James Baudrillard to understand the replacement of reality as a consequence of both of these concepts. This research paper will also focus on the social reaction to the existence of this character, in order to construct a hypothesis based on the theory of cultural hegemony, conceived by Jackson Lears as a legitimized group of patterns and behaviors that shape social interaction. This theoretical framework will be used to explain the popularity of this character among Peruvian society and the reactions caused by the controversy generated by the demands of civil society to remove the character from national television.

Keywords: media representation, media, race and ethnicity, racist discourse, afro-descendants in the media

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7341 The Effect of Endurance Training and Ginseng Consumption on VEGF and PDGF Plasma in Untrained Females

Authors: Barari Alireza, Seyed Hossein Alavi, Ghasemi Mohamad


Objectives: VEGF and PDGF play central role in the processes of angiogenesis and vascular changes in most body tissues. The aim of the present study to determine effect of endurance training with ginseng on VEGF and PDGF levels is untrained female. Methods: Statistic society of this study was untraining male students of Azad University of Sari Branch in year of 2012-2013. Forty young untrained female (age 21.3 ± 0.90 year, height162.08±8.07cm , body weight 65.45± 7.6 kg and body mass index [BMI] 23.23 ± 2.64 kg/m2) were randomly divided into four groups: control(C), endurance(E), ginseng (G), endurance and ginseng (EG). Participants in training groups performed endurance training for 6 weeks and three sessions per week with 60-80% HRmax. Subjects perform endurance training and consumed ginseng for six weeks. Blood samples from the subjects before and after the test was performed. One wey ANOVA were used to test for differences between group and pair T-test were used for differences within groups. In all cases, P<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: A higher and significant Vo2 max was found in E and EG groups, while no change in other groups. BMI and Fat% were significantly decreased in EG group. No significant difference was found between and within groups in VEGF level. A higher and significant PDGF was only in endurance group, while there was significant reduction observed in G and EG groups. One-way ANOVA for PDGF showed significant difference between groups. Conclusion: The finding of the current study indicated that ginseng likely could through reducing of angiogenesis factors Such as VEGF and PDGF and reduced activity of tumor necrosis factor and inhibited inflammatory process.

Keywords: endurance, ginseng, VEGF, PDGF, untrained female

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7340 Effect of Microstructure on Wear Resistance of Polycrystalline Diamond Composite Cutter of Bit

Authors: Fanyuan Shao, Wei Liu, Deli Gao


Polycrystalline diamond composite (PDC) cutter is made of diamond powder as raw material, cobalt metal or non-metallic elements as a binder, mixed with WC cemented carbide matrix assembly, through high temperature and high-pressure sintering. PDC bits with PDC cutters are widely used in oil and gas drilling because of their high hardness, good wear resistance and excellent impact toughness. And PDC cutter is the main cutting tool of bit, which seriously affects the service of the PDC bit. The wear resistance of the PDC cutter is measured by cutting granite with a vertical turret lathe (VTL). This experiment can achieve long-distance cutting to obtain the relationship between the wear resistance of the PDC cutter and cutting distance, which is more closely to the real drilling situation. Load cell and 3D optical profiler were used to obtain the value of cutting forces and wear area, respectively, which can also characterize the damage and wear of the PDC cutter. PDC cutters were cut via electrical discharge machining (EDM) and then flattened and polished. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to observe the distribution of binder cobalt and the size of diamond particles in a diamond PDC cutter. The cutting experimental results show that the wear area of the PDC cutter has a good linear relationship with the cutting distance. Simultaneously, the larger the wear area is and the greater the cutting forces are required to maintain the same cutting state. The size and distribution of diamond particles in the polycrystalline diamond layer have a great influence on the wear resistance of the diamond layer. And PDC cutter with fine diamond grains shows more wear resistance than that with coarse grains. The deep leaching process is helpful to reduce the effect of binder cobalt on the wear resistance of the polycrystalline diamond layer. The experimental study can provide an important basis for the application of PDC cutters in oil and gas drilling.

Keywords: polycrystalline diamond compact, scanning electron microscope, wear resistance, cutting distance

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7339 Exploring People’s Perceptions of Indoor Plants through the Lens of Para-Social Relationships Theory

Authors: Ivashkina Elizaveta


Despite significant research on the positive effects of houseplants on human life, we know almost nothing about how people perceive plants and their attitudes toward them. The following study seeks to fill this void by applying para-social relationships (PSRs) theory to analyze individuals’ perceptions of houseplants. We reveal how people form and maintain PSRs with indoor plants using 15 semi-structured in-depth interviews with Russian-speaking university students who had a close bond with their indoor plants when the study was conducted. The findings indicate that the process of forming PSRs is influenced by factors such as exposure and homophily. Students develop a sense of companionship with their indoor plants, which contributes to establishing a PSR. Participants reported engaging in various activities, such as regular care, communication, and interaction with their plants. The insights gained from this research have implications for horticultural therapy, environmental psychology, and indoor gardening practices.

Keywords: para-social relationships, plants, people-plant interaction, indoor plants, qualitative research

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7338 Researching International PhD Algerian Students’ Communication Challenges in Speaking When Discussing and Interacting with Their British Peers: A Researcher’s Interpretive Perspective through the Use of Semi-Structured Interview

Authors: H. Maita


This paper addresses the issue of the speaking challenges that the Algerian PhD students experience during their studies abroad, particularly in UK territory; more specifically, this study describes how these students may deal with such challenges and whether the cultural differences is one core reason in such dilemma or not. To this end, an understanding and interpretation of what actually encompasses both linguistic interference and cultural differences are required. Throughout the paper there is an attempt to explain the theoretical basis of the interpretive research and to theoretically discuss the pivotal use of the interview, as a data collection tool, in interpretive research. Thus, the central issue of this study is to frame the theoretical perspective of the interpretive research through the discussion of PhD Algerian’s communication and interaction challenges in the EFL context. This study is a corner stone for other research studies to further investigate the issue related to communication challenges because no specific findings will be pointed out in this research.

Keywords: communication, EFL, interaction, linguistic interference

Procedia PDF Downloads 132
7337 Assessment of the Impact of Regular Pilates Exercises on Static Balance in Healthy Adult Women: Preliminary Report

Authors: Anna Słupik, Krzysztof Jaworski, Anna Mosiołek, Dariusz Białoszewski


Background: Maintaining the correct body balance is essential in the prevention of falls in the elderly, which is especially important for women because of postmenopausal osteoporosis and the serious consequences of falls. One of the exercise methods which is very popular among adults, and which may affect body balance in a positive way is the pilates method. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of regular pilates exercises on the ability to maintain body balance in static conditions in adult healthy women. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 20 healthy women attending pilates twice a week for at least 1 year. The control group consisted of 20 healthy women physically inactive. Women in the age range from 35 to 50 years old without pain in musculoskeletal system or other pain were only qualified to the groups. Body balance was assessed using MatScan VersaTek platform with Sway Analysis Module based on Matscan Clinical 6.7 software. The balance was evaluated under the following conditions: standing on both feet with eyes open, standing on both feet with eyes closed, one-leg standing (separately on the right and left foot) with eyes open. Each test lasted 30 seconds. The following parameters were calculated: estimated size of the ellipse of 95% confidence, the distance covered by the Center of Gravity (COG), the size of the maximum shift in the sagittal and frontal planes and load distribution between the left and right foot, as well as between rear- and forefoot. Results: It was found that there is significant difference between the groups in favor of the study group in the size of the confidence ellipse and maximum shifts of COG in the sagittal plane during standing on both feet, both with the eyes open and closed (p < 0.05). While standing on one leg both on the right and left leg, with eyes opened there was a significant difference in favor of the study group, in terms of the size of confidence ellipse, the size of the maximum shifts in the sagittal and in the frontal plane (p < 0.05). There were no differences between the distribution of load between the right and left foot (standing with both feet), nor between fore- and rear foot (in standing with both feet or one-leg). Conclusions: 1. Static balance in women exercising regularly by pilates method is better than in inactive women, which may in the future prevent falls and their consequences. 2. The observed differences in maintaining balance in frontal plane in one-leg standing may indicate a positive impact of pilates exercises on the ability to maintain global balance in terms of the reduced support surface. 3. Pilates method can be used as a form preventive therapy for all people who are expected to have problems with body balance in the future, for example in chronic neurological disorders or vestibular problems. 4. The results have shown that further prospective randomized research on a larger and more representative group is needed.

Keywords: balance exercises, body balance, pilates, pressure distribution, women

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7336 Reclamation of Saline and Alkaline Soils through Aquaculture: A Review and Prospects for Future Research

Authors: M. Shivakumar, S. R. Somashekhar, C. V. Raju


Secondary salinization of agricultural lands in any command areas of the world is the major issue in the recent past. Currently, it is estimated that the 954 mh of saline and alkaline soil is present in the world. Thousands of hectares of land, getting added every year. Argentina, Bangladesh and Australia are most affected countries. In India, out of 142.80 million hectare (mh) cropped area, 56 mh is irrigated area. Of which, more than 9 mh (about 16.%) of land is found to be alkaline/saline. Due to continuous utilization of same land for same agricultural activities, excessive usage of fertilizers and water, most of the soils have become alkaline, saline or water logged. These lands are low productive and at times totally unfit for agricultural activities. These soils may or may not posses good physical condition, but plants may suffer from its inability to absorb water from salty solution. Plants suffer from dehydration and loose water to the soil, shrink, resulting death of plant. This process is called plasmolysis. It is the fact that soil is an independent, organic body of nature that acquires properties in accordance with forces which act upon it. Aquaculture is one of the solutions to utilize such problematic soils for food production. When the impoundments are constructed in an area 10-15% of the affected areas, the excess water along with the salts gets into impoundments and management of salt is easier in water than in the soil. Due to high organic input in aquaculture such as feed, manure and continuous deposition of fecal matter, pH of the soil gets reduced and over the period of time such soils can be put back into the original activity. Under National Agricultural Development Program (NADP), the project was implemented in 258 villages of Mandya District, Karnataka State, India and found that these lands can be effectively utilized for fish culture and increase the proteinacious food production by many folds while conserving the soils. The findings of the research can be adopted and up scaled in any country.

Keywords: saline and alkaline soils, Aquaculture, Problematic soils, Reclamation

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7335 Development of a Three-Dimensional-Flywheel Robotic System

Authors: Chung-Chun Hsiao, Yu-Kai, Ting, Kai-Yuan Liu, Pang-Wei Yen, Jia-Ying Tu


In this paper, a new design of spherical robotic system based on the concepts of gimbal structure and gyro dynamics is presented. Robots equipped with multiple wheels and complex steering mechanics may increase the weight and degrade the energy transmission efficiency. In addition, the wheeled and legged robots are relatively vulnerable to lateral impact and lack of lateral mobility. Therefore, the proposed robotic design uses a spherical shell as the main body for ground locomotion, instead of using wheel devices. Three spherical shells are structured in a similar way to a gimbal device and rotate like a gyro system. The design and mechanism of the proposed robotic system is introduced. In addition, preliminary results of the dynamic model based on the principles of planar rigid body kinematics and Lagrangian equation are included. Simulation results and rig construction are presented to verify the concepts.

Keywords: gyro, gimbal, lagrange equation, spherical robots

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7334 The Estimation of Human Vital Signs Complexity

Authors: L. Bikulciene, E. Venskaityte, G. Jarusevicius


Non-stationary and nonlinear signals generated by living complex systems defy traditional mechanistic approaches, which are based on homeostasis. Previous our studies have shown that the evaluation of the interactions of physiological signals by using special analysis methods is suitable for observation of physiological processes. It is demonstrated the possibility of using deep physiological model, based interpretation of the changes of the human body’s functional states combined with an application of the analytical method based on matrix theory for the physiological signals analysis, which was applied on high risk cardiac patients. It is shown that evaluation of cardiac signals interactions show peculiar for each individual functional changes at the onset of hemodynamic restoration procedure. Therefore we suggest that the alterations of functional state of the body, after patients overcome surgery can be complemented by the data received from the suggested approach of the evaluation of functional variables interactions.

Keywords: cardiac diseases, complex systems theory, ECG analysis, matrix analysis

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7333 The Effectiveness of a Six-Week Yoga Intervention on Body Awareness, Warnings of Relapse, and Emotion Regulation among Incarcerated Females

Authors: James Beauchemin


Introduction: The incarceration of people with mental illness and substance use disorders is a major public health issue, with social, clinical, and economic implications. Yoga participation has been associated with numerous psychological benefits; however, there is a paucity of research examining impacts of yoga with incarcerated populations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate effectiveness of a six-week yoga intervention on several mental health-related variables, including emotion regulation, body awareness, and warnings of substance relapse among incarcerated females. Methods: This study utilized a pre-post, three-arm design, with participants assigned to intervention, therapeutic community, or general population groups. A between-groups analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted across groups to assess intervention effectiveness using the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), Scale of Body Connection (SBC), and Warnings of Relapse (AWARE) Questionnaire. Results: ANCOVA results for warnings of relapse (AWARE) revealed significant between-group differences F(2, 80) = 7.15, p = .001; np2 = .152), with significant pairwise comparisons between the intervention group and both the therapeutic community (p = .001) and the general population (p = .005) groups. Similarly, significant differences were found for emotional regulation (DERS) F(2, 83) = 10.521, p = .000; np2 = .278). Pairwise comparisons indicated a significant difference between the intervention and general population (p = .01). Finally, significant differences between the intervention and control groups were found for body awareness (SBC) F(2, 84) = 3.69, p = .029; np2 = .081). Between-group differences were clarified via pairwise comparisons, indicating significant differences between the intervention group and both the therapeutic community (p = .028) and general population groups (p = .020). Implications: Study results suggest that yoga may be an effective addition to integrative mental health and substance use treatment for incarcerated women, and contributes to increasing evidence that holistic interventions may be an important component for treatment with this population. Specifically, given the prevalence of mental health and substance use disorders, findings revealed that changes in body awareness and emotion regulation may be particularly beneficial for incarcerated populations with substance use challenges as a result of yoga participation. From a systemic perspective, this proactive approach may have long-term implications for both physical and psychological well-being for the incarcerated population as a whole, thereby decreasing the need for traditional treatment. By integrating a more holistic, salutogenic model that emphasizes prevention, interventions like yoga may work to improve the wellness of this population, while providing an alternative or complementary treatment option for those with current symptoms.

Keywords: yoga, mental health, incarceration, wellness

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7332 Exploring Socio-Economic Barriers of Green Entrepreneurship in Iran and Their Interactions Using Interpretive Structural Modeling

Authors: Younis Jabarzadeh, Rahim Sarvari, Negar Ahmadi Alghalandis


Entrepreneurship at both individual and organizational level is one of the most driving forces in economic development and leads to growth and competition, job generation and social development. Especially in developing countries, the role of entrepreneurship in economic and social prosperity is more emphasized. But the effect of global economic development on the environment is undeniable, especially in negative ways, and there is a need to rethink current business models and the way entrepreneurs act to introduce new businesses to address and embed environmental issues in order to achieve sustainable development. In this paper, green or sustainable entrepreneurship is addressed in Iran to identify challenges and barriers entrepreneurs in the economic and social sectors face in developing green business solutions. Sustainable or green entrepreneurship has been gaining interest among scholars in recent years and addressing its challenges and barriers need much more attention to fill the gap in the literature and facilitate the way those entrepreneurs are pursuing. This research comprised of two main phases: qualitative and quantitative. At qualitative phase, after a thorough literature review, fuzzy Delphi method is utilized to verify those challenges and barriers by gathering a panel of experts and surveying them. In this phase, several other contextually related factors were added to the list of identified barriers and challenges mentioned in the literature. Then, at the quantitative phase, Interpretive Structural Modeling is applied to construct a network of interactions among those barriers identified at the previous phase. Again, a panel of subject matter experts comprised of academic and industry experts was surveyed. The results of this study can be used by policymakers in both the public and industry sector, to introduce more systematic solutions to eliminate those barriers and help entrepreneurs overcome challenges of sustainable entrepreneurship. It also contributes to the literature as the first research in this type which deals with the barriers of sustainable entrepreneurship and explores their interaction.

Keywords: green entrepreneurship, barriers, fuzzy Delphi method, interpretive structural modeling

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7331 The Impact of Gender Differences on the Expressions of Refusal in Jordanian Arabic

Authors: Hanan Yousef, Nisreen Naji Al-Khawaldeh


The present study investigates the use of the expression of refusal by native speakers of Jordanian Arabic (NSsJA) in different social situations (i.e. invitations, suggestions, and offers). It also investigates the influence of gender on the refusal realization patterns within the Jordanian culture to provide a better insight into the relation between situations, strategies and gender in the Jordanian culture. To that end, a group of 70 participants, including 35 male and 35 female students from different departments at the Hashemite University (HU) participated in this study using mixed methods (i.e. Discourse Completion Test (DCT), interviews and naturally occurring data). Data were analyzed in light of a developed coding scheme. The results showed that NSsJA preferred indirect strategies which mitigate the interaction such as "excuse, reason and, explanation" strategy more than other strategies which aggravate the interaction such as "face-threatening" strategy. Moreover, the analysis of this study has revealed a considerable impact of gender on the use of linguistic forms expressing refusal among NSsJA. Significant differences in the results of the Chi-square test relating the effect of participants' gender indicate that both males and females were conscious of the gender of their interlocutors. The findings provide worthwhile insights into the relation amongst types of communicative acts and the rapport between people in social interaction. They assert that refusal should not be labeled as face threatening act since it does not always pose a threat in some cases especially where refusal is expressed among friends, relatives and family members. They highlight some distinctive culture-specific features of the communicative acts of refusal.

Keywords: gender, Jordanian Arabic, politeness, refusals, speech act

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7330 Effects of a Bioactive Subfraction of Strobilanthes Crispus on the Tumour Growth, Body Weight and Haematological Parameters in 4T1-Induced Breast Cancer Model

Authors: Yusha'u Shu'aibu Baraya, Kah Keng Wong, Nik Soriani Yaacob


Strobilanthes crispus (S. crispus), is a Malaysian herb locally known as ‘Pecah kaca’ or ‘Jin batu’ which have demonstrated potent anticancer effects in both in vitro and in vivo models. In particular, S. crispus subfraction (SCS) significantly reduced tumor growth in N-methyl-N-Nitrosourea-induced breast cancer rat model. However, there is paucity of information on the effects of SCS in breast cancer metastasis. Thus, in this study, the antimetastatic effects of SCS (100 mg/kg) was investigated following 30 days of treatment in 4T1-induced mammary tumor (n = 5) model. The response to treatment was assessed based on the outcome of the tumour growth, body weight and hematological parameters. The results demonstrated that tumor bearing mice treated with SCS (TM-S) had significant (p<0.05) reduction in the mean tumor number and tumor volume as well as tumor weight compared to the tumor bearing mice (TM), i.e. tumor untreated group. Also, there was no secondary tumor formation or tumor-associated lesions in the major organs of TM-S compared to the TM group. Similarly, comparable body weights were observed among the TM-S, normal (uninduced) mice treated with SCS and normal (untreated/control) mice (NM) groups compared to the TM group (p<0.05). Furthermore, SCS administration does not cause significant changes in the hematological parameters as compared to the NM group, which indicates no sign of anemia and toxicity related effects. In conclusion, SCS significantly inhibited the overall tumor growth and metastasis in 4T1-induced breast cancer mouse model suggesting its promising potentials as therapeutic agent for breast cancer treatment.

Keywords: 4T1-cells, breast cancer, metastasis, Strobilanthes crispus

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7329 Turn-Taking and Leading Roles in Early Cognition: Interaction of Social Cognition and Language in Development

Authors: Zsuzsanna Schnell, Francesca Ervas


Background: Our study aims to clarify how language fosters further cognitive development and how we eventually arrive at the complex human specific skill of pragmatic competence and reveal what levels of mentalization and theory of mind are in place before language. Method: Our experimental pragmatic investigation maps the interaction of mentalization and pragmatic competence. We map the different levels of mentalization that empower different levels of pragmatic meaning construction and evaluate the results with statistical analysis (MannWhitney and ANOVA). Analyzing the comprehension of literal and non-compositional (figurative) utterances, we apply linguistic trials, among them metaphor-, irony-, irony with surface cue-, humor- and the recognition of maxim infringements trial in neurotypical (NT) preschoolers with a coherent and comparative methodology. Results: The findings reveal the relationship and direction of interaction between Language and theory of mind. On the one hand social-cognitive skills enhance, facilitate and provide a basis for language acquisition, and in return linguistic structures (DeVilliers 2000, 2007) provide a framework for further development of mentalizing skills. Conclusions: Findings confirm that this scaffolding becomes a mutually supportive system where language and social cognition develops in interaction. Certain stages in ToM development serve as a precursor of understanding grammatically complex sentences, like embedded phrases which mirror embedded mental states; which, in turn, facilitates the development of pragmatic competence, thus, the social use of language, integrating social, cognitive, linguistic and psychological factors in discourse. Future implications: Our investigation functions as a differential-diagnostic measure, with typically developing results thus serve as a baseline in further empirical research for atypical cases. This enables the study of populations where language and ToM development is disturbed, reveals how language and ToM are acquired and interact, and gives an insight into what this has to do with clinical symptoms. This in turn can reveal the causal link to the syndrome at hand, which can set directions for therapeutic development and training.

Keywords: theory of mind, language development, mentalization, language philosophy, experimental pragmatics

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7328 Numerical Investigation of the Transverse Instability in Radiation Pressure Acceleration

Authors: F. Q. Shao, W. Q. Wang, Y. Yin, T. P. Yu, D. B. Zou, J. M. Ouyang


The Radiation Pressure Acceleration (RPA) mechanism is very promising in laser-driven ion acceleration because of high laser-ion energy conversion efficiency. Although some experiments have shown the characteristics of RPA, the energy of ions is quite limited. The ion energy obtained in experiments is only several MeV/u, which is much lower than theoretical prediction. One possible limiting factor is the transverse instability incited in the RPA process. The transverse instability is basically considered as the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability, which is a kind of interfacial instability and occurs when a light fluid pushes against a heavy fluid. Multi-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations show that the onset of transverse instability will destroy the acceleration process and broaden the energy spectrum of fast ions during the RPA dominant ion acceleration processes. The evidence of the RT instability driven by radiation pressure has been observed in a laser-foil interaction experiment in a typical RPA regime, and the dominant scale of RT instability is close to the laser wavelength. The development of transverse instability in the radiation-pressure-acceleration dominant laser-foil interaction is numerically examined by two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. When a laser interacts with a foil with modulated surface, the internal instability is quickly incited and it develops. The linear growth and saturation of the transverse instability are observed, and the growth rate is numerically diagnosed. In order to optimize interaction parameters, a method of information entropy is put forward to describe the chaotic degree of the transverse instability. With moderate modulation, the transverse instability shows a low chaotic degree and a quasi-monoenergetic proton beam is produced.

Keywords: information entropy, radiation pressure acceleration, Rayleigh-Taylor instability, transverse instability

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7327 Role of Estrogen Receptor-alpha in Mammary Carcinoma by Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Molecular Docking: An In-silico Analysis

Authors: Asif Bilal, Fouzia Tanvir, Sibtain Ahmad


Estrogen receptor alpha, also known as estrogen receptor-1, is highly involved in risk of mammary carcinoma. The objectives of this study were to identify non-synonymous SNPs of estrogen receptor and their association with breast cancer and to identify the chemotherapeutic responses of phytochemicals against it via in-silico study design. For this purpose, different online tools. to identify pathogenic SNPs the tools were SIFT, Polyphen, Polyphen-2, fuNTRp, SNAP2, for finding disease associated SNPs the tools SNP&GO, PhD-SNP, PredictSNP, MAPP, SNAP, MetaSNP, PANTHER, and to check protein stability Mu-Pro, I-Mutant, and CONSURF were used. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) were detected by Musitedeep, Protein secondary structure by SOPMA, protein to protein interaction by STRING, molecular docking by PyRx. Seven SNPs having rsIDs (rs760766066, rs779180038, rs956399300, rs773683317, rs397509428, rs755020320, and rs1131692059) showing mutations on I229T, R243C, Y246H, P336R, Q375H, R394S, and R394H, respectively found to be completely deleterious. The PTMs found were 96 times Glycosylation; 30 times Ubiquitination, a single time Acetylation; and no Hydroxylation and Phosphorylation were found. The protein secondary structure consisted of Alpha helix (Hh) is (28%), Extended strand (Ee) is (21%), Beta turn (Tt) is 7.89% and Random coil (Cc) is (44.11%). Protein-protein interaction analysis revealed that it has strong interaction with Myeloperoxidase, Xanthine dehydrogenase, carboxylesterase 1, Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1, and with estrogen receptors. For molecular docking we used Asiaticoside, Ilekudinuside, Robustoflavone, Irinoticane, Withanolides, and 9-amin0-5 as ligands that extract from phytochemicals and docked with this protein. We found that there was great interaction (from -8.6 to -9.7) of these ligands of phytochemicals at ESR1 wild and two mutants (I229T and R394S). It is concluded that these SNPs found in ESR1 are involved in breast cancer and given phytochemicals are highly helpful against breast cancer as chemotherapeutic agents. Further in vitro and in vivo analysis should be performed to conduct these interactions.

Keywords: breast cancer, ESR1, phytochemicals, molecular docking

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7326 Development of an Implicit Coupled Partitioned Model for the Prediction of the Behavior of a Flexible Slender Shaped Membrane in Interaction with Free Surface Flow under the Influence of a Moving Flotsam

Authors: Mahtab Makaremi Masouleh, Günter Wozniak


This research is part of an interdisciplinary project, promoting the design of a light temporary installable textile defence system against flood. In case river water levels increase abruptly especially in winter time, one can expect massive extra load on a textile protective structure in term of impact as a result of floating debris and even tree trunks. Estimation of this impulsive force on such structures is of a great importance, as it can ensure the reliability of the design in critical cases. This fact provides the motivation for the numerical analysis of a fluid structure interaction application, comprising flexible slender shaped and free-surface water flow, where an accelerated heavy flotsam tends to approach the membrane. In this context, the analysis on both the behavior of the flexible membrane and its interaction with moving flotsam is conducted by finite elements based solvers of the explicit solver and implicit Abacus solver available as products of SIMULIA software. On the other hand, a study on how free surface water flow behaves in response to moving structures, has been investigated using the finite volume solver of Star CCM+ from Siemens PLM Software. An automatic communication tool (CSE, SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine) and the implementation of an effective partitioned strategy in form of an implicit coupling algorithm makes it possible for partitioned domains to be interconnected powerfully. The applied procedure ensures stability and convergence in the solution of these complicated issues, albeit with high computational cost; however, the other complexity of this study stems from mesh criterion in the fluid domain, where the two structures approach each other. This contribution presents the approaches for the establishment of a convergent numerical solution and compares the results with experimental findings.

Keywords: co-simulation, flexible thin structure, fluid-structure interaction, implicit coupling algorithm, moving flotsam

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