Search results for: string stability
2091 Which Tempo On The Bench Press Maximizes 1 Rep Max Growth?
Authors: Aiden Wang, Joseph Marino
In this study, we investigated the impact of different tempo variations on 1-repetition maximum (1RM) growth, focusing on the eccentric, isometric, and concentric phases of the lift. Through a 6-week longitudinal study involving 20 individuals with 1-5 years of barbell training experience, we compared the effects of various tempo schemes on bench press performance. Our results revealed that subjects who performed a tempo bench press with a 3-second eccentric phase, 3-second isometric phase, and explosive concentric phase on a weekly basis experienced the most significant increases in 1RM. Notably, this tempo also led to improved technique and stability during the exercise. Our findings provide valuable insights for strength trainers and coaches seeking to optimize bench press performance and overcome strength plateaus effectively.Keywords: exercise science, powerlifting, barbell, interventionist, longitudinal study
Procedia PDF Downloads 422090 Economic Stability in a Small Open Economy with Income Effect on Leisure Demand
Authors: Yu-Shan Hsu
This paper studies a two-sector growth model with a technology of social constant returns and with a utility that features either a zero or a positive income effect on the demand for leisure. The purpose is to investigate how the existence of aggregate instability or equilibrium indeterminacy depends on both the intensity of the income effect on the demand for leisure and the value of the labor supply elasticity. The main finding is that when there is a factor intensity reversal between the private perspective and the social perspective, indeterminacy arises even if the utility has a positive income effect on leisure demand. Moreover, we find that a smaller value of the labor supply elasticity increases the range of the income effect on leisure demand and thus increases the possibility of equilibrium indeterminacy. JEL classification: E3; O41Keywords: indeterminacy, non-separable preferences, income effect, labor supply elasticity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1782089 The Uniting Control Lyapunov Functions in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Linear Motor
Authors: Yi-Fei Yang, Nai-Bao He, Shao-Bang Xing
This study investigates the permanent magnet synchronous linear motor (PMSLM) chaotic motion under the specific physical parameters, the stability and the security of motor-driven system will be unavoidably influenced. Therefore, it is really necessary to investigate the methods of controlling or suppressing chaos in PMSLM. Firstly, we derive a chaotic model of PMSLM in the closed-loop system. Secondly, in order to realize the local asymptotic stabilization of the mechanical subsystem and the global stabilization of the motor-driven system including electrical subsystem, we propose an improved uniting control lyapunov functions by introducing backstepping approach. Finally, an illustrated example is also given to show the electiveness of the obtained results.Keywords: linear motor, lyapunov functions, chao control, hybrid controller
Procedia PDF Downloads 3402088 Backstepping Controller for a Variable Wind Speed Energy Conversion System Based on a DFIG
Authors: Sara Mensou, Ahmed Essadki, Issam Minka, Tamou Nasser, Badr Bououlid Idrissi
In this paper we present a contribution for the modeling and control of wind energy conversion system based on a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). Since the wind speed is random the system has to produce an optimal electrical power to the Network and ensures important strength and stability. In this work, the Backstepping controller is used to control the generator via two converter witch placed a DC bus capacitor and connected to the grid by a Filter R-L, in order to optimize capture wind energy. All is simulated and presented under MATLAB/Simulink Software to show performance and robustness of the proposed controller.Keywords: wind turbine, doubly fed induction generator, MPPT control, backstepping controller, power converter
Procedia PDF Downloads 1902087 Multidisciplinary and Multilevel Design Methodology of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Enhanced Collaborative Optimization
Authors: Pedro F. Albuquerque, Pedro V. Gamboa, Miguel A. Silvestre
The present work describes the implementation of the Enhanced Collaborative Optimization (ECO) multilevel architecture with a gradient-based optimization algorithm with the aim of performing a multidisciplinary design optimization of a generic unmanned aerial vehicle with morphing technologies. The concepts of weighting coefficient and a dynamic compatibility parameter are presented for the ECO architecture. A routine that calculates the aircraft performance for the user defined mission profile and vehicle’s performance requirements has been implemented using low fidelity models for the aerodynamics, stability, propulsion, weight, balance and flight performance. A benchmarking case study for evaluating the advantage of using a variable span wing within the optimization methodology developed is presented.Keywords: multidisciplinary, multilevel, morphing, enhanced collaborative optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 9302086 Synthesis of KCaVO4:Sm³⁺/PMMA Luminescent Nanocomposites and Their Optical Property Measurements
Authors: Sumara Khursheed, Jitendra Sharma
The present work reports synthesis of nanocomposites (NCs) of phosphor (KCaVO4:Sm3+) embedded poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) using solution casting method and their optical properties measurements for their possible application in making flexible luminescent films. X-ray diffraction analyses were employed to obtain the structural parameters as crystallinity, shape and size of the obtained NCs. The emission and excitation spectra were obtained using Photoluminescence spectroscopy to quantify the spectral properties of these fluorescent polymer/phosphor films. Optical energy gap has been estimated using UV-VIS spectroscopy while differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was exploited to measure the thermal properties of the NC films in terms of their thermal stability, glass transition temperature and degree of crystallinity etc.Keywords: nanocomposites, luminescence, XRD, differential scanning calorimetry, PMMA
Procedia PDF Downloads 1702085 Polyacrylate Modified Copper Nanoparticles with Controlled Size
Authors: Robert Prucek, Aleš Panáček, Jan Filip, Libor Kvítek, Radek Zbořil
The preparation of Cu nanoparticles (NPs) through the reduction of copper ions by sodium borohydride in the presence of sodium polyacrylate with a molecular weight of 1200 is reported. Cu NPs were synthesized at a concentration of copper salt equal to 2.5, 5, and 10 mM, and at a molar ratio of copper ions and monomeric unit of polyacrylate equal to 1:2. The as-prepared Cu NPs have diameters of about 2.5–3 nm for copper concentrations of 2.5 and 5 mM, and 6 nm for copper concentration of 10 mM. Depending on the copper salt concentration and concentration of additionally added polyacrylate to Cu particle dispersion, primarily formed NPs grow through the process of aggregation and/or coalescence into clusters and/or particles with a diameter between 20–100 nm. The amount of additionally added sodium polyacrylate influences the stability of Cu particles against air oxidation. The catalytic efficiency of the prepared Cu particles for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol is discussed.Keywords: copper, nanoparticles, sodium polyacrylate, catalyst, 4-nitrophenol
Procedia PDF Downloads 2782084 DNA Intercalating Alkaloids Isolated from Chelidonium majus (Papaveraceae)
Authors: Mohamed Tamer, Wink Michael
DNA intercalating agents increase the stability of DNA which can be demonstrated by measuring the melting temperature Tm. Tm can be determined in a spectrophotometer in which the cell temperature is increased gradually. The resulting absorption data comes as a sigmoidal curve from which melting temperature can be determined when half of the DNA has denatured. The current study aims to assess DNA intercalating activities of four pure bioactive isoquinoline alkaloids: sanguinarine, berberine, allocryptopine, and chelerythrine which were isolated from Chelidonium majus (Papaveraceae) by repeated silica gel column chromatography, recrystallization and preparative TLC. The isolated compounds were identified by comparing their physical properties and mass spectra with those of the published data. The results showed that sanguiarine is the most active intercalating agent with Tm value of 83.55 ± 0.49 followed by berberine, chelerythrine, and allocryptopine with Tm values 62.58 ± 0.47, 51.38 ± 0.37 and 50.94 ± 0.65, respectively, relative to 49.78 ± 1.05 of bacteriophage DNA alone and 86.09 ± 0.5 for ethidium bromide as a positive control.Keywords: alkaloids, Chelidonium majus, DNA intercalation, Tm
Procedia PDF Downloads 5022083 Analysis of Evolution of Higher Order Solitons by Numerical Simulation
Authors: K. Khadidja
Solitons are stable solution of nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Their stability is due to the exact combination between nonlinearity and dispersion which causes pulse broadening. Higher order solitons are born when nonlinear length is N multiple of dispersive length. Soliton order is determined by the number N itself. In this paper, evolution of higher order solitons is illustrated by simulation using Matlab. Results show that higher order solitons change their shape periodically, the reason why they are bad for transmission comparing to fundamental solitons which are constant. Partial analysis of a soliton of higher order explains that the periodic shape is due to the interplay between nonlinearity and dispersion which are not equal during a period. This class of solitons has many applications such as generation of supercontinuum and the impulse compression on the Femtosecond scale. As a conclusion, the periodicity which is harmful to transmission can be beneficial in other applications.Keywords: dispersion, nonlinearity, optical fiber, soliton
Procedia PDF Downloads 1682082 Influence of Footing Offset over Stability of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Abutments with Variable Facing under Lateral Excitation
Authors: Ashutosh Verma, Satyendra MIttal
The loss of strength at the facing-reinforcement interface brought on by the seasonal thermal expansion/contraction of the bridge deck has been responsible for several geosynthetic reinforced soil abutment failures over the years. This results in excessive settlement below the bridge seat, which results in bridge bumps along the approach road and shortens abutment's design life. There are surely a wide variety of facing configurations available to designers when choosing the sort of facade. These layouts can generally be categorised into three groups: continuous, full height rigid (FHR) and modular (panels/block). The current work aims to experimentally explore the behavior of these three facing categories using 1g physical model testing under serviceable cyclic lateral displacements. With configurable facing arrangements to represent these three facing categories, a field instrumented GRS abutment prototype was modelled into a N scaled down 1g physical model (N = 5) to reproduce field behavior. Peak earth pressure coefficient (K) on the facing and vertical settlement of the footing (s/B) for footing offset (x/H) as 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 at 100 cycles have been measured for cyclic lateral displacement of top of facing at loading rate of 1mm/min. Three types of cyclic displacements have been carried out to replicate active condition (CA), passive condition (CP), and active-passive condition (CAP) for each footing offset. The results demonstrated that a significant decrease in the earth pressure over the facing occurs when footing offset increases. It is worth noticing that the highest rate of increment in earth pressure and footing settlement were observed for each facing configuration at the nearest footing offset. Interestingly, for the farthest footing offset, similar responses of each facing type were observed, which indicates that the upon reaching a critical offset point presumably beyond the active region in the backfill, the lateral responses become independent of the stresses from the external footing load. Evidently, the footing load complements the stresses developed due to lateral excitation resulting in significant footing settlements for nearer footing offsets. The modular facing proved inefficient in resisting footing settlement due to significant buckling along the depth of facing. Instead of relative displacement along the depth of facing, continuous facing rotates around the base when it fails, especially for nearer footing offset causing significant depressions in the backfill area surrounding the footing. FHR facing, on the other hand, have been successful in confining the stresses in the soil domain itself reducing the footing settlement. It may be suitably concluded that increasing the footing offset may render stability to the GRS abutment with any facing configuration even for higher cycles of excitation.Keywords: GRS abutments, 1g physical model, footing offset, cyclic lateral displacement
Procedia PDF Downloads 822081 The Effect of Solution pH of Chitosan on Antimicrobial Properties of Nylon 6,6 Fabrics
Authors: Nilüfer Yıldız Varan
The antimicrobial activities of chitosan against various bacteria and fungi are well known, and the antimicrobial activity of chitosan depends on pH. This study investigates the antimicrobial activity at different pH levels. Nylon 6,6 fabrics were treated with different chitosan solutions. Additionally, samples were treated also in basic conditions to see the antimicrobial activities. AATCC Test Method 100 was followed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity using Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 test inoculum. The pH of the chitosan solutions was controlled below 6.5 since chitosan shows its antimicrobial activity only in acidic conditions because of its poor solubility above 6.5. In basic conditions, the samples did not show any antimicrobial activity. It appears from SEM images that the bonded chitosan in the structures exists. In acidic media (ph < 6.5), all samples showed antimicrobial activity. No correlation was found between pH levels and antimicrobial activity in acidic media.Keywords: chitosan, nylon 6, 6, crosslinking, pH stability, antimicrobial
Procedia PDF Downloads 2192080 Arthroscopic Superior Capsular Reconstruction Using the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon (LHBT)
Authors: Ho Sy Nam, Tang Ha Nam Anh
Background: Rotator cuff tears are a common problem in the aging population. The prevalence of massive rotator cuff tears varies in some studies from 10% to 40%. Of irreparable rotator cuff tears (IRCTs), which are mostly associated with massive tear size, 79% are estimated to have recurrent tears after surgical repair. Recent studies have shown that superior capsule reconstruction (SCR) in massive rotator cuff tears can be an efficient technique with optimistic clinical scores and preservation of stable glenohumeral stability. Superior capsule reconstruction techniques most commonly use either fascia lata autograft or dermal allograft, both of which have their own benefits and drawbacks (such as the potential for donor site issues, allergic reactions, and high cost). We propose a simple technique for superior capsule reconstruction that involves using the long head of the biceps tendon as a local autograft; therefore, the comorbidities related to graft harvesting are eliminated. The long head of the biceps tendon proximal portion is relocated to the footprint and secured as the SCR, serving to both stabilize the glenohumeral joint and maintain vascular supply to aid healing. Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the clinical outcomes of patients with large to massive RCTs treated by SCR using LHBT. Materials and methods: A study was performed of consecutive patients with large to massive RCTs who were treated by SCR using LHBT between January 2022 and December 2022. We use one double-loaded suture anchor to secure the long head of the biceps to the middle of the footprint. Two more anchors are used to repair the rotator cuff using a single-row technique, which is placed anteriorly and posteriorly on the lateral side of the previously transposed LHBT. Results: The 3 men and 5 women had an average age of 61.25 years (range 48 to 76 years) at the time of surgery. The average follow-up was 8.2 months (6 to 10 months) after surgery. The average preoperative ASES was 45.8, and the average postoperative ASES was 85.83. The average postoperative UCLA score was 29.12. VAS score was improved from 5.9 to 1.12. The mean preoperative ROM of forward flexion and external rotation of the shoulder was 720 ± 160 and 280 ± 80, respectively. The mean postoperative ROM of forward flexion and external rotation were 1310 ± 220 and 630 ± 60, respectively. There were no cases of progression of osteoarthritis or rotator cuff muscle atrophy. Conclusion: SCR using LHBT is considered a treatment option for patients with large or massive RC tears. It can restore superior glenohumeral stability and function of the shoulder joint and can be an effective procedure for selected patients, helping to avoid progression to cuff tear arthropathy.Keywords: superior capsule reconstruction, large or massive rotator cuff tears, the long head of the biceps, stabilize the glenohumeral joint
Procedia PDF Downloads 782079 ATC in Competitive Electricity Market Using TCSC
Authors: S. K. Gupta, Richa Bansal
In a deregulated power system structure, power producers, and customers share a common transmission network for wheeling power from the point of generation to the point of consumption. All parties in this open access environment may try to purchase the energy from the cheaper source for greater profit margins, which may lead to overloading and congestion of certain corridors of the transmission network. This may result in violation of line flow, voltage and stability limits and thereby undermine the system security. Utilities therefore need to determine adequately their Available Transfer Capability (ATC) to ensure that system reliability is maintained while serving a wide range of bilateral and multilateral transactions. This paper presents power transfer distribution factor based on AC load flow for the determination and enhancement of ATC. The study has been carried out for IEEE 24 bus Reliability Test System.Keywords: available transfer capability, FACTS devices, power transfer distribution factors, electric
Procedia PDF Downloads 4982078 Towards a Non-Cohesive Self Metamodernist Literature as Case Study
Authors: Ali Oublal
If any period in history seems appropriate for the study of identity, it is a period of greater mobility; the 21st century. Margaret Wetherill (2009) is thus right while asking who we can be in this age. New biographies of people, their trajectories and new locations appear on the ground; how people do make sense of the self becomes the central question not only for social scientists, and cultural theorists but also for literary critics. New-fangled technologies have resulted in the substitution of stable identities by multiple, fragmented and more uncertain identities. A liquid sense of the self as well as unstable and dynamic forms of life does not fail to inspire novelists who have given robust sense of identities attributed to their characters. The following account comes to snapshot features of identity as being presented by meta-modernist novels: the sympathizer, sisters and a girl is a half formed thing. It is a stance that refutes the claim of Elliott‘s who still adheres the stable state of identity in meta-modernist age while reconciling the two paradigms modernity and postmodernity.Keywords: identity, metamodernism, fragmantation, stability, literature
Procedia PDF Downloads 1112077 Stability Study of Hydrogel Based on Sodium Alginate/Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) with Aloe Vera Extract for Wound Dressing Application
Authors: Klaudia Pluta, Katarzyna Bialik-Wąs, Dagmara Malina, Mateusz Barczewski
Hydrogel networks, due to their unique properties, are highly attractive materials for wound dressing. The three-dimensional structure of hydrogels provides tissues with optimal moisture, which supports the wound healing process. Moreover, a characteristic feature of hydrogels is their absorption properties which allow for the absorption of wound exudates. For the fabrication of biomedical hydrogels, a combination of natural polymers ensuring biocompatibility and synthetic ones that provide adequate mechanical strength are often used. Sodium alginate (SA) is one of the polymers widely used in wound dressing materials because it exhibits excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability. However, due to poor strength properties, often alginate-based hydrogel materials are enhanced by the addition of another polymer such as poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA). This paper is concentrated on the preparation methods of sodium alginate/polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel system incorporating Aloe vera extract and glycerin for wound healing material with particular focus on the role of their composition on structure, thermal properties, and stability. Briefly, the hydrogel preparation is based on the chemical cross-linking method using poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA, Mn = 700 g/mol) as a crosslinking agent and ammonium persulfate as an initiator. In vitro degradation tests of SA/PVA/AV hydrogels were carried out in Phosphate-Buffered Saline (pH – 7.4) as well as in distilled water. Hydrogel samples were firstly cut into half-gram pieces (in triplicate) and immersed in immersion fluid. Then, all specimens were incubated at 37°C and then the pH and conductivity values were measurements at time intervals. The post-incubation fluids were analyzed using SEC/GPC to check the content of oligomers. The separation was carried out at 35°C on a poly(hydroxy methacrylate) column (dimensions 300 x 8 mm). 0.1M NaCl solution, whose flow rate was 0.65 ml/min, was used as the mobile phase. Three injections with a volume of 50 µl were made for each sample. The thermogravimetric data of the prepared hydrogels were collected using a Netzsch TG 209 F1 Libra apparatus. The samples with masses of about 10 mg were weighed separately in Al2O3 crucibles and then were heated from 30°C to 900°C with a scanning rate of 10 °C∙min−1 under a nitrogen atmosphere. Based on the conducted research, a fast and simple method was developed to produce potential wound dressing material containing sodium alginate, poly(vinyl alcohol) and Aloe vera extract. As a result, transparent and flexible SA/PVA/AV hydrogels were obtained. The degradation experiments indicated that most of the samples immersed in PBS as well as in distilled water were not degraded throughout the whole incubation time.Keywords: hydrogels, wound dressings, sodium alginate, poly(vinyl alcohol)
Procedia PDF Downloads 1662076 Sixth-Order Two-Point Efficient Family of Super-Halley Type Methods
Authors: Ramandeep Behl, S. S. Motsa
The main focus of this manuscript is to provide a highly efficient two-point sixth-order family of super-Halley type methods that do not require any second-order derivative evaluation for obtaining simple roots of nonlinear equations, numerically. Each member of the proposed family requires two evaluations of the given function and two evaluations of the first-order derivative per iteration. By using Mathematica-9 with its high precision compatibility, a variety of concrete numerical experiments and relevant results are extensively treated to confirm t he t heoretical d evelopment. From their basins of attraction, it has been observed that the proposed methods have better stability and robustness as compared to the other sixth-order methods available in the literature.Keywords: basins of attraction, nonlinear equations, simple roots, super-Halley
Procedia PDF Downloads 5182075 Parametric Template-Based 3D Reconstruction of the Human Body
Authors: Jiahe Liu, Hongyang Yu, Feng Qian, Miao Luo, Linhang Zhu
This study proposed a 3D human body reconstruction method, which integrates multi-view joint information into a set of joints and processes it with a parametric human body template. Firstly, we obtained human body image information captured from multiple perspectives. The multi-view information can avoid self-occlusion and occlusion problems during the reconstruction process. Then, we used the MvP algorithm to integrate multi-view joint information into a set of joints. Next, we used the parametric human body template SMPL-X to obtain more accurate three-dimensional human body reconstruction results. Compared with the traditional single-view parametric human body template reconstruction, this method significantly improved the accuracy and stability of the reconstruction.Keywords: parametric human body templates, reconstruction of the human body, multi-view, joint
Procedia PDF Downloads 802074 Aircraft Pitch Attitude Control Using Backstepping
Authors: Labane Chrif
A nonlinear approach to the automatic pitch attitude control problem for aircraft transportation is presented. A nonlinear model describing the longitudinal equations of motion in strict feedback form is derived. Backstepping is utilized for the construction of a globally stabilizing controller with a number of free design parameters. The controller is evaluated using the aircraft transportation. The adaptation scheme proposed allowed us to design an explicit controller with a minimal knowledge of the aircraft aerodynamics. Finally, the simulation results will show that backstepping controller have better dynamic performance, simpler design, higher precision, easier implement, etc. At the same time, the control effect will be significantly improved. In addition, backstepping control is superior in short transition, good stability, anti-disturbance and good control.Keywords: nonlinear control, backstepping, aircraft control, Lyapunov function, longitudinal model
Procedia PDF Downloads 5812073 Contradictions of Contemporary Culture and Civilization, Processes of Tradition and Innovation
Authors: G. K. Abdigalieva, Z. N. Ismagambetova, T. H. Gabitov, K. A. Biazdikova, A. A. Mukhanbet , B. E. Moldagaliyev, Saira Shamahay
In the article was shown attitude to contemporary traditional culture and cultural heritage preservation issues and features of further development of a culture. Concerning innovation, appeal to cultural heritage, ability of reception of a culture and cultural diffusion in the process of globalization, it is offered further positive development of Kazakhstan’s based human experience and achieved with time. System of traditions is considered as a phenomenon which describes unity, harmony and stability of social body. Contradictions of contemporary culture and civilization, processes of tradition and innovation, cultural changes, and creativities are considered as second side of a society development. Innovation is analyzed as a method of renewal of a culture, tradition and innovation are considered as universal feature of any culture.Keywords: culture, civilization, innovation, tradition, reality, customs, social relations, morality, values
Procedia PDF Downloads 7522072 On the Use of Analytical Performance Models to Design a High-Performance Active Queue Management Scheme
Authors: Shahram Jamali, Samira Hamed
One of the open issues in Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm is how to set its parameters to reach high performance for the dynamic conditions of the network. Although original RED uses fixed values for its parameters, this paper follows a model-based approach to upgrade performance of the RED algorithm. It models the routers queue behavior by using the Markov model and uses this model to predict future conditions of the queue. This prediction helps the proposed algorithm to make some tunings over RED's parameters and provide efficiency and better performance. Widespread packet level simulations confirm that the proposed algorithm, called Markov-RED, outperforms RED and FARED in terms of queue stability, bottleneck utilization and dropped packets count.Keywords: active queue management, RED, Markov model, random early detection algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 5412071 Carbonyl Iron Particles Modified with Pyrrole-Based Polymer and Electric and Magnetic Performance of Their Composites
Authors: Miroslav Mrlik, Marketa Ilcikova, Martin Cvek, Josef Osicka, Michal Sedlacik, Vladimir Pavlinek, Jaroslav Mosnacek
Magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) are a unique type of materials consisting of two components, magnetic filler, and elastomeric matrix. Their properties can be tailored upon application of an external magnetic field strength. In this case, the change of the viscoelastic properties (viscoelastic moduli, complex viscosity) are influenced by two crucial factors. The first one is magnetic performance of the particles and the second one is off-state stiffness of the elastomeric matrix. The former factor strongly depends on the intended applications; however general rule is that higher magnetic performance of the particles provides higher MR performance of the MRE. Since magnetic particles possess low stability properties against temperature and acidic environment, several methods how to improve these drawbacks have been developed. In the most cases, the preparation of the core-shell structures was employed as a suitable method for preservation of the magnetic particles against thermal and chemical oxidations. However, if the shell material is not single-layer substance, but polymer material, the magnetic performance is significantly suppressed, due to the in situ polymerization technique, when it is very difficult to control the polymerization rate and the polymer shell is too thick. The second factor is the off-state stiffness of the elastomeric matrix. Since the MR effectivity is calculated as the relative value of the elastic modulus upon magnetic field application divided by elastic modulus in the absence of the external field, also the tuneability of the cross-linking reaction is highly desired. Therefore, this study is focused on the controllable modification of magnetic particles using a novel monomeric system based on 2-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)ethyl methacrylate. In this case, the short polymer chains of different chain lengths and low polydispersity index will be prepared, and thus tailorable stability properties can be achieved. Since the relatively thin polymer chains will be grafted on the surface of magnetic particles, their magnetic performance will be affected only slightly. Furthermore, also the cross-linking density will be affected, due to the presence of the short polymer chains. From the application point of view, such MREs can be utilized for, magneto-resistors, piezoresistors or pressure sensors especially, when the conducting shell on the magnetic particles will be created. Therefore, the selection of the pyrrole-based monomer is very crucial and controllably thin layer of conducting polymer can be prepared. Finally, such composite particle consisting of magnetic core and conducting shell dispersed in elastomeric matrix can find also the utilization in shielding application of electromagnetic waves.Keywords: atom transfer radical polymerization, core-shell, particle modification, electromagnetic waves shielding
Procedia PDF Downloads 2112070 Extraction of Rice Bran Protein Using Enzymes and Polysaccharide Precipitation
Authors: Sudarat Jiamyangyuen, Tipawan Thongsook, Riantong Singanusong, Chanida Saengtubtim
Rice is a staple food as well as exported commodity of Thailand. Rice bran, a 10.5% constituent of rice grain, is a by-product of rice milling process. Rice bran is normally used as a raw material for rice bran oil production or sold as feed with a low price. Therefore, this study aimed to increase value of defatted rice bran as obtained after extracting of rice bran oil. Conventionally, the protein in defatted rice bran was extracted using alkaline extraction and acid precipitation, which results in reduction of nutritious components in rice bran. Rice bran protein concentrate is suitable for those who are allergenic of protein from other sources eg. milk, wheat. In addition to its hypoallergenic property, rice bran protein also contains good quantity of lysine. Thus it may act as a suitable ingredient for infant food formulations while adding variety to the restricted diets of children with food allergies. The objectives of this study were to compare properties of rice bran protein concentrate (RBPC) extracted from defatted rice bran using enzymes together with precipitation step using polysaccharides (alginate and carrageenan) to those of a control sample extracted using a conventional method. The results showed that extraction of protein from rice bran using enzymes exhibited the higher protein recovery compared to that extraction with alkaline. The extraction conditions using alcalase 2% (v/w) at 50 C, pH 9.5 gave the highest protein (2.44%) and yield (32.09%) in extracted solution compared to other enzymes. Rice bran protein concentrate powder prepared by a precipitation step using alginate (protein in solution: alginate 1:0.006) exhibited the highest protein (27.55%) and yield (6.62%). Precipitation using alginate was better than that of acid. RBPC extracted with alkaline (ALK) or enzyme alcalase (ALC), then precipitated with alginate (AL) (samples RBP-ALK-AL and RBP-ALC-AL) yielded the precipitation rate of 75% and 91.30%, respectively. Therefore, protein precipitation using alginate was then selected. Amino acid profile of control sample, and sample precipitated with alginate, as compared to casein and soy protein isolated, showed that control sample showed the highest content among all sample. Functional property study of RBP showed that the highest nitrogen solubility occurred in pH 8-10. There was no statically significant between emulsion capacity and emulsion stability of control and sample precipitated by alginate. However, control sample showed a higher of foaming and lower foam stability compared to those of sample precipitated with alginate. The finding was successful in terms of minimizing chemicals used in extraction and precipitation steps in preparation of rice bran protein concentrate. This research involves in a production of value-added product in which the double amount of protein (28%) compared to original amount (14%) contained in rice bran could be beneficial in terms of adding to food products eg. healthy drink with high protein and fiber. In addition, the basic knowledge of functional property of rice bran protein concentrate was obtained, which can be used to appropriately select the application of this value-added product from rice bran.Keywords: alginate, carrageenan, rice bran, rice bran protein
Procedia PDF Downloads 2952069 Characteristics of Asphalt Mixtures with Cocoa Shell Ash as Filler
Authors: Muhammad Nur Hidayat, Muksalmina, Chairul Fajar
An alternative to improve the quality of asphalt as a pavement material is to use modified asphalt with the addition of cocoa shell ash as a filler. This research aims to determine the effect of asphalt mixture and cocoa shell ash after testing the physical properties of asphalt. The method used was experimental by testing the physical properties of asphalt. The results showed that the optimum asphalt content of the cocoa husk ash mixture was 2%, with an asphalt penetration value of 60.03 mm. The result of the asphalt softening point test was 51.0°C. Asphalt ductility test results in 144 cm. Asphalt specific gravity test result 1.076 gr/ml. Asphalt weight loss test results in 0.0183%. In conclusion, cocoa shell ash has an effect on asphalt characteristics, namely increasing stability, flexibility and fatigue resistance.Keywords: cocoa husk ash, asphalt characteristics, physical properties testing, filler
Procedia PDF Downloads 382068 Preliminary Design Considerations for Achieving Stabilized Orbit, Telemetary, Command, and Ranging for HTS Communication Satellite
Authors: Ibrahim Isa Ali (Pantami), Abdu Jaafaru Bambale, Abimbola Alale, Danjuma Ibrahim Ndihgihdah, Muhammad Alkali, Adamu Idris Umar, Samson Olufunmilayo Abodunrin, Muhammad Dokko Zubairu, Moshood Kareem
This paper discusses the consideration and trade-offs used for the implementation of robust systems for orbit stability; Telemetry, Command and Ranging (TC& R) for Nigcomsat-1R and applicability for planned NigComSat-2 satellites. NigComSat-1R satellite was built by China Academy of Space Technology (CAST). The Satellite designed with quad-band payload (L, C, Ku, and Ka) was launched on the 20th of December 2011. The functionality of all satellite is driven by robust systems including Attitude & Orbit Control System (AOCS) and TC&R. The planned Nigcomsat-2 is a high throughput Satellite expected to function with better AOCS and TC&R.Keywords: AOCS, CAST, Nigcomsat-1R, TC&R
Procedia PDF Downloads 1172067 Modification of Unsaturated Fatty Acids Derived from Tall Oil Using Micro/Mesoporous Materials Based on H-ZSM-22 Zeolite
Authors: Xinyu Wei, Mingming Peng, Kenji Kamiya, Eika Qian
Iso-stearic acid as a saturated fatty acid with a branched chain shows a low pour point, high oxidative stability and great biodegradability. The industrial production of iso-stearic acid involves first isomerizing unsaturated fatty acids into branched-chain unsaturated fatty acids (BUFAs), followed by hydrogenating the branched-chain unsaturated fatty acids to obtain iso-stearic acid. However, the production yield of iso-stearic acid is reportedly less than 30%. In recent decades, extensive research has been conducted on branched fatty acids. Most research has replaced acidic clays with zeolites due to their high selectivity, good thermal stability, and renewability. It was reported that isomerization of unsaturated fatty acid occurred mainly inside the zeolite channel. In contrast, the production of by-products like dimer acid mainly occurs at acid sites outside the surface of zeolite. Further, the deactivation of catalysts is attributed to the pore blockage of zeolite. In the present study, micro/mesoporous ZSM-22 zeolites were developed. It is clear that the synthesis of a micro/mesoporous ZSM-22 zeolite is regarded as the ideal strategy owing to its ability to minimize coke formation. Different mesoporosities micro/mesoporous H-ZSM-22 zeolites were prepared through recrystallization of ZSM-22 using sodium hydroxide solution (0.2-1M) with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide template (CTAB). The structure, morphology, porosity, acidity, and isomerization performance of the prepared catalysts were characterized and evaluated. The dissolution and recrystallization process of the H-ZSM-22 microporous zeolite led to the formation of approximately 4 nm-sized mesoporous channels on the outer surface of the microporous zeolite, resulting in a micro/mesoporous material. This process increased the weak Brønsted acid sites at the pore mouth while reducing the total number of acid sites in ZSM-22. Finally, an activity test was conducted using oleic acid as a model compound in a fixed-bed reactor. The activity test results revealed that micro/mesoporous H-ZSM-22 zeolites exhibited a high isomerization activity, reaching >70% selectivity and >50% yield of BUFAs. Furthermore, the yield of oligomers was limited to less than 20%. This demonstrates that the presence of mesopores in ZSM-22 enhances contact between the feedstock and the active sites within the catalyst, thereby increasing catalyst activity. Additionally, a portion of the dissolved and recrystallized silica adhered to the catalyst's surface, covering the surface-active sites, which reduced the formation of oligomers. This study offers distinct insights into the production of iso-stearic acid using a fixed-bed reactor, paving the way for future research in this area.Keywords: Iso-stearic acid, oleic acid, skeletal isomerization, micro/mesoporous, ZSM-22
Procedia PDF Downloads 262066 Multimodal Ophthalmologic Evaluation Can Detect Retinal Injuries in Asymptomatic Patients With Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Authors: Taurino S. R. Neto, Epitácio D. S. Neto, Flávio Signorelli, Gustavo G. M. Balbi, Alex H. Higashi, Mário Luiz R. Monteiro, Eloisa Bonfá, Danieli C. O. Andrade, Leandro C. Zacharias
Purpose: To perform a multimodal evaluation, including the use of Optical Coherence Angiotomography (OCTA), in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS) without ocular complaints and to compare them with healthy individuals. Methods: A complete structural and functional ophthalmological evaluation using OCTA and microperimetry (MP) exam in patients with PAPS, followed at a tertiary rheumatology outpatient clinic, was performed. All ophthalmologic manifestations were recorded and then statistical analysis was performed for comparative purposes; p <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: 104 eyes of 52 subjects (26 patients with PAPS without ocular complaints and 26 healthy individuals) were included. Among PAPS patients, 21 were female (80.8%) and 21 (80.8%) were Caucasians. Thrombotic PAPS was the main clinical criteria manifestation (100%); 65.4% had venous and 34.6% had arterial thrombosis. Obstetrical criteria were present in 34.6% of all thrombotic PAPS patients. Lupus anticoagulant was present in all patients. 19.2% of PAPS patients presented ophthalmologic findings against none of the healthy individuals. The most common retinal change was paracentral acute middle maculopathy (PAMM) (3 patients, 5 eyes), followed by drusen-like deposits (1 patient, 2 eyes) and pachychoroid pigment epitheliopathy (1 patient, 1 eye). Systemic hypertension and hyperlipidaemia were present in 100% of the PAPS patients with PAMM, while only six patients (26.1%) with PAPS without PAMM presented these two risk factors together. In the quantitative OCTA evaluation, we found significant differences between PAPS patients and controls in both the superficial vascular complex (SVC) and deep vascular complex (DVC) in the high-speed protocol, as well as in the SVC in the high-resolution protocol. In the analysis of the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) parameters, the PAPS group had a larger area of FAZ in the DVC using the high-speed method compared to the control group (p=0.047). In the quantitative analysis of the MP, the PAPS group had lower central (p=0.041) and global (p<0.001) retinal sensitivity compared to the control group, as well as in the sector analysis, with the exception of the inferior sector. In the quantitative evaluation of fixation stability, there was a trend towards worse stability in the PAPS subgroup with PAMM in both studied methods. Conclusions: PAMM was observed in 11.5% of PAPS patients with no previous ocular complaints. Systemic hypertension concomitant with hyperlipidemia was the most commonly associated risk factor for PAMM in patients with PAPS. PAPS patients present lower vascular density and retinal sensitivity compared to the control group, even in patients without PAMM.Keywords: antiphospholipid syndrome, optical coherence angio tomography, optical coherence tomography, retina
Procedia PDF Downloads 812065 [Keynote Talk]: Analysis of One Dimensional Advection Diffusion Model Using Finite Difference Method
Authors: Vijay Kumar Kukreja, Ravneet Kaur
In this paper, one dimensional advection diffusion model is analyzed using finite difference method based on Crank-Nicolson scheme. A practical problem of filter cake washing of chemical engineering is analyzed. The model is converted into dimensionless form. For the grid Ω × ω = [0, 1] × [0, T], the Crank-Nicolson spatial derivative scheme is used in space domain and forward difference scheme is used in time domain. The scheme is found to be unconditionally convergent, stable, first order accurate in time and second order accurate in space domain. For a test problem, numerical results are compared with the analytical ones for different values of parameter.Keywords: Crank-Nicolson scheme, Lax-Richtmyer theorem, stability, consistency, Peclet number, Greschgorin circle
Procedia PDF Downloads 2242064 Modeling and Simulation of the Tripod Gait of a Hexapod Robot
Authors: El Hansali Hasnaa, Bennani Mohammed
Hexapod legged robot’s missions, particularly in irregular and dangerous areas, require high stability and high precision. In this paper, we consider the rectangular architecture body of legged robots with six legs distributed symmetrically along two sides, each leg contains three degrees of freedom for greater mobility. The aim of this work is planning tripod gait trajectory, based on the computing of the kinematic model to determine the joint variables in the lifting and the propelling phases. For this, appropriate coordinate frames are attached to the body and legs in order to obtain clear representation and efficient generation of the system equations. A simulation in MATLAB software platform is developed to confirm the kinematic model and various trajectories to the tripod gait adopted by the hexapod robot in its locomotion.Keywords: hexapod legged robot, inverse kinematic model, simulation in MATLAB, tripod gait
Procedia PDF Downloads 2782063 Phase Stability and Grain Growth Kinetics of Oxide Dispersed CoCrFeMnNi
Authors: Prangya P. Sahoo, B. S. Murty
The present study deals with phase evolution of oxide dispersed CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy as a function of amount of added Y2O3 during mechanical alloying and analysis of grain growth kinetics of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy without and with oxide dispersion. Mechanical alloying of CoCrFeMnNi resulted in a single FCC phase. However, evolution of chromium carbide was observed after heat treatment between 1073 and 1473 K. Comparison of grain growth time exponents and activation energy barrier is also reported. Micro structural investigations, using electron microscopy and EBSD techniques, were carried out to confirm the enhanced grain growth resistance which is attributed to the presence oxide dispersoids.Keywords: grain growth kinetics, mechanical alloying, oxide dispersion, phase evolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 4322062 Highly Transparent, Hydrophobic and Self-Cleaning ZnO-Durazane Based Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Coatings
Authors: Abderrahmane Hamdi, Julie Chalon, Benoit Dodin, Philippe Champagne
In this report, we present a simple route to realize robust, hydrophobic, and highly transparent coatings using organic polysilazane (durazane) and zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO). These coatings were deposited by spraying the mixture solution on glass slides. Thus, the properties of the films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), UV–vis-NIR spectrophotometer, and water contact angle method. This sprayable polymer mixed with ZnO nanoparticles shows high transparency for visible light > 90%, a hydrophobic character (CA > 90°), and good mechanical and chemical stability. The coating also demonstrates excellent self-cleaning properties, which makes it a promising candidate for commercial use.Keywords: coatings, durability, hydrophobicity, organic polysilazane, self-cleaning, transparence, zinc oxide nanoparticles
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