Search results for: strategic environmental assessment
11503 Seismic Assessment of Non-Structural Component Using Floor Design Spectrum
Authors: Amin Asgarian, Ghyslaine McClure
Experiences in the past earthquakes have clearly demonstrated the necessity of seismic design and assessment of Non-Structural Components (NSCs) particularly in post-disaster structures such as hospitals, power plants, etc. as they have to be permanently functional and operational. Meeting this objective is contingent upon having proper seismic performance of both structural and non-structural components. Proper seismic design, analysis, and assessment of NSCs can be attained through generation of Floor Design Spectrum (FDS) in a similar fashion as target spectrum for structural components. This paper presents the developed methodology to generate FDS directly from corresponding Uniform Hazard Spectrum (UHS) (i.e. design spectra for structural components). The methodology is based on the experimental and numerical analysis of a database of 27 real Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings which are located in Montreal, Canada. The buildings were tested by Ambient Vibration Measurements (AVM) and their dynamic properties have been extracted and used as part of the approach. Database comprises 12 low-rises, 10 medium-rises, and 5 high-rises and they are mostly designated as post-disaster\emergency shelters by the city of Montreal. The buildings are subjected to 20 compatible seismic records to UHS of Montreal and Floor Response Spectra (FRS) are developed for every floors in two horizontal direction considering four different damping ratios of NSCs (i.e. 2, 5, 10, and 20 % viscous damping). Generated FRS (approximately 132’000 curves) are statistically studied and the methodology is proposed to generate the FDS directly from corresponding UHS. The approach is capable of generating the FDS for any selection of floor level and damping ratio of NSCs. It captures the effect of: dynamic interaction between primary (structural) and secondary (NSCs) systems, higher and torsional modes of primary structure. These are important improvements of this approach compared to conventional methods and code recommendations. Application of the proposed approach are represented here through two real case-study buildings: one low-rise building and one medium-rise. The proposed approach can be used as practical and robust tool for seismic assessment and design of NSCs especially in existing post-disaster structures.Keywords: earthquake engineering, operational and functional components, operational modal analysis, seismic assessment and design
Procedia PDF Downloads 21311502 Using Virtual Reality to Convey the Information of Food Supply Chain
Authors: Xinrong Li, Jiawei Dai
Food production, food safety, and the food supply chain are causing a great challenge to human health and the environment. Different kinds of food have different environmental costs. Therefore, a healthy diet can alleviate this problem to a certain extent. In this project, an online questionnaire was conducted to understand the purchase behaviour of consumers and their attitudes towards basic food information. However, the data shows that the public's current consumption habits and ideology do not meet the long-term development of sustainable social needs. In order to solve the environmental problems caused by the unbalanced diet of the public and the social problems of unequal food distribution, the purpose of this paper is to explore how to use the emerging media of VR to visualize food supply chain information so as to attract users' attention to the environmental cost of food. In this project, the food supply chain of imported and local cheese was compared side-by-side in the virtual reality environment, including the origin, transportation, sales, and other processes, which can effectively help users understand the difference between the two processes and environmental costs. Besides, the experimental data demonstrated that the participant would like to choose low environmental cost food after experiencing the whole process.Keywords: virtual reality, information design, food supply chain, environmental cost
Procedia PDF Downloads 9811501 Assessment of Waste Management Practices in Bahrain
Authors: T. Radu, R. Sreenivas, H. Albuflasa, A. Mustafa Khan, W. Aloqab
The Kingdom of Bahrain, a small island country in the Gulf region, is experiencing fast economic growth resulting in a sharp increase in population and greater than ever amounts of waste being produced. However, waste management in the country is still very basic, with landfilling being the most popular option. Recycling is still a scarce practice, with small recycling businesses and initiatives emerging in recent years. This scenario is typical for other countries in the region, with similar amounts of per capita waste being produced. In this paper, we are reviewing current waste management practices in Bahrain by collecting data published by the Government and various authors, and by visiting the country’s only landfill site, Askar. In addition, we have performed a survey of the residents to learn more about the awareness and attitudes towards sustainable waste management strategies. A review of the available data on waste management indicates that the Askar landfill site is nearing its capacity. The site uses open tipping as the method of disposal. The highest percentage of disposed waste comes from the building sector (38.4%), followed by domestic (27.5%) and commercial waste (17.9%). Disposal monitoring and recording are often based on estimates of weight and without proper characterization/classification of received waste. Besides, there is a need for assessment of the environmental impact of the site with systematic monitoring of pollutants in the area and their potential spreading to the surrounding land, groundwater, and air. The results of the survey indicate low awareness of what happens with the collected waste in the country. However, the respondents have shown support for future waste reduction and recycling initiatives. This implies that the education of local communities would be very beneficial for such governmental initiatives, securing greater participation. Raising awareness of issues surrounding recycling and waste management and systematic effort to divert waste from landfills are the first steps towards securing sustainable waste management in the Kingdom of Bahrain.Keywords: landfill, municipal solid waste, survey, waste management
Procedia PDF Downloads 15911500 The Balancing Act: India and Maldives in the Quest for Regional Prosperity
Authors: Arya S. S.
India is one of the powerful country in the world .India and Maldives having common interests in regional security and economic growth, this relationship has seen substantial change in recent years. This paper examines the complex dynamics of this bilateral relationship, emphasizing the careful balancing act that both countries perform in order to advance regional prosperity. It looks at historical connections, geopolitical factors, and current issues like economic cooperation, climate change, and marine security. The study highlights how India's involvement in the Maldives contributes to both bilateral ties and regional stability by examining important initiatives including trade agreements and infrastructure projects. It also discusses the effects of outside factors and the necessity for both nations to strategically manage their interests. In order to contribute to a more affluent and stable Indian Ocean area, this study ultimately seeks to shed light on how India and the Maldives may cooperate to promote sustainable development while tackling security issues. The India Maldives relation is very crucial in the regional stability of Indian ocean region. The initiatives like building infrastructure, giving financial support, and establishing the India-Maldives Friendship Bridge demonstrate India's dedication to Maldivian prosperity. In addition to boosting the Maldives' economy, these investments strengthen India's clout in the area, which is essential for preserving its maritime security interests in the face of growing Chinese dominance. Both India and China involved in a strategic tug of war in order to enhance their dominance in Maldives. There are difficulties with this collaboration including, political unrest in the Maldives has occasionally resulted in changes to foreign policy, particularly under regimes that support stronger ties with China. India has expressed concern about losing strategic footholds in the Indian Ocean as a result of China's extension of influence through debt diplomacy and infrastructure projects. India must therefore strike a balance between advancing its objectives and upholding Maldivian sovereignty as well as the goals of its people and government. In summary, the partnership between India and the Maldives is a complex balancing act that is marked by cultural links, security cooperation, and economic dependency. Both countries must negotiate the complexity of international relations as they work for regional prosperity, especially in light of both internal and external factors. India and the Maldives can strengthen their positions as key actors in the changing dynamics of the Indian Ocean by promoting cooperation and communication. This would not only protect their particular interests but also help create a stable and prosperous South Asian region.Keywords: regional security, balancing act, debt trap diplomacy, strategic tug of war
Procedia PDF Downloads 1911499 An Assessment of the Factors Affecting Green Building Technology (GBT) Adoption
Authors: Nuruddeen Usman, Usman Mohammed Gidado
A construction and post construction activity in buildings contributes to environmental degradation, because of the generation of solid waste during construction to the production of carbon dioxide by the occupants during utilization. These problems were caused as a result of lack of adopting green building technology during and after construction. However, this study aims at conceptualizing the factors that are affecting the adoption of green building technology with a view to suggest better ways for its successful adoption in the construction industry through developing a green building technology model. Thus, the research findings show that: Economic, social, cultural, and technological progresses are the factors affecting Green Building Technology Adoption. Therefore, identifying these factors and developing the model might help in the successful adoption of green building technology.Keywords: green building technology, construction, post construction, degradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 66311498 Current Zonal Isolation Regulation and Standards: A Compare and Contrast Review in Plug and Abandonment
Authors: Z. A. Al Marhoon, H. S. Al Ramis, C. Teodoriu
Well-integrity is one of the major elements considered for drilling geothermal, oil, and gas wells. Well-integrity is minimizing the risk of unplanned fluid flow in the well bore throughout the well lifetime. Well integrity is maximized by applying technical concepts along with practical practices and strategic planning. These practices are usually governed by standardization and regulation entities. Practices during well construction can affect the integrity of the seal at the time of abandonment. On the other hand, achieving a perfect barrier system is impracticable due to the needed cost. This results in a needed balance between regulations requirements and practical applications. The guidelines are only effective when they are attainable in practical applications. Various governmental regulations and international standards have different guidelines on what constitutes high-quality isolation from unwanted flow. Each regulating or standardization body differ in requirements based on the abandonment objective. Some regulation account more for the environmental impact, water table contamination, and possible leaks. Other regulation might lean towards driving more economical benefits while achieving an acceptable isolation criteria. The research methodology used in this topic is derived from a literature review method combined with a compare and contrast analysis. The literature review on various zonal isolation regulations and standards has been conducted. A review includes guidelines from NORSOK (Norwegian governing entity), BSEE (USA offshore governing entity), API (American Petroleum Institute) combined with ISO (International Standardization Organization). The compare and contrast analysis is conducted by assessing the objective of each abandonment regulations and standardization. The current state of well barrier regulation is in balancing action. From one side of this balance, the environmental impact and complete zonal isolation is considered. The other side of the scale is practical application and associated cost. Some standards provide a fair amount of details concerning technical requirements and are often flexible with the needed associated cost. These guidelines cover environmental impact with laws that prevent major or disastrous environmental effects of improper sealing of wells. Usually these regulations are concerned with the near future of sealing rather than long-term. Consequently, applying these guidelines become more feasible from a cost point of view to the required plugging entities. On the other hand, other regulation have well integrity procedures and regulations that lean toward more restrictions environmentally with an increased associated cost requirements. The environmental impact is detailed and covered with its entirety, including medium to small environmental impact in barrier installing operations. Clear and precise attention to long-term leakage prevention is present in these regulations. The result of the compare and contrast analysis of the literature showed that there are various objectives that might tip the scale from one side of the balance (cost) to the other (sealing quality) especially in reference to zonal isolation. Furthermore, investing in initial well construction is a crucial part of ensuring safe final well abandonment. The safety and the cost saving at the end of the well life cycle is dependent upon a well-constructed isolation systems at the beginning of the life cycle. Long term studies on zonal isolation using various hydraulic or mechanical materials need to take place to further assess permanently abandoned wells to achieve the desired balance. Well drilling and isolation techniques will be more effective when they are operationally feasible and have reasonable associated cost to aid the local economy.Keywords: plug and abandon, P&A regulation, P&A standards, international guidelines, gap analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 13411497 A Trail of Decoding a Classical Riddle: An Analysis of Russian Military Strategy
Authors: Karin Megheșan, Alexandra Popescu, Teodora Dobre
In the past few years, the Russian Federation has become a central point on the security agenda of the most important international actors, due to its reloaded aggressiveness of foreign policy. Vladimir Putin, the actual president of the Russian Federation, has proven that Russia can and has the willingness to become the powerful actor that used to be during the Cold War. Russia’s new behavior on the international scene showed that Russia has not only expansionist (where expansionist is not only in terms of territory but also of ideology) intentions, but also the necessary resources, to build an empire that may have the power to counterbalance the influence of the United States and stop the expansion of the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization in an equation understood of multipolar Russian view. But in order to do this, there is necessary to follow a well-established plan or policy. Thus, the aim of the paper is to discuss how has the foreign policy of the Russian Federation evolved under the influence of the military and security strategies of the Russian nation, to briefly examine some of the factors that sculpture Russian foreign policy and behavior, in order to reshape a Russian (Soviet) profile so far considered antiquated. Our approach is an argument in favor of the analyses of the recent evolutions embedded in the course of history. In this context, the paper will include analytical thoughts about the Russian foreign policy and the latest strategic documents (security strategy and military doctrine) adopted by the Putin administration, with the purpose to highlight the main direction of action followed by all these documents together. The paper concludes that the military component is to be found in all these strategic documents, as well as at the core of Russian national interest, aspect that proves that Russia is still the adept of the traditional realist paradigm, reshaped in a Russian theory of the multipolar world.Keywords: hybrid warfare, military component, military doctrine, Russian foreign policy, security strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 30411496 Analysis of the Impact of NVivo and EndNote on Academic Research Productivity
Authors: Sujit K. Basak
The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of literature review software on researchers. The aim of this study was achieved by analyzing models in terms of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and acceptance level. Collected data was analyzed using WarpPLS 4.0 software. This study used two theoretical frameworks namely Technology Acceptance Model and the Training Needs Assessment Model. The study was experimental and was conducted at a public university in South Africa. The results of the study showed that acceptance level has a high impact on research workload and productivity followed by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.Keywords: technology acceptance model, training needs assessment model, literature review software, research productivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 50411495 Environmental Variables as Determinants of Students Achievement in Biology Secondary Schools in South West Nigeria
Authors: Ayeni Margaret Foluso, K. A. Omotayo
This study investigated the impact of selected environmental variables as determinants of students’ achievements in biology in secondary schools. The selected environmental variables are class size and laboratory adequacy. The purpose was to find out whether these environmental variables can bring about improvement in the learning of biology by Senior Secondary School Students. The study design used was descriptive research of the survey type. Two instruments were used that is, Biology Achievement Test and School Environment Questionnaire .The population of the study consisted of all Biology students in both public and private Senior Secondary Schools class III (SSIII) in all the three selected states in South West Nigeria. A sample of 900 Biology students and 45 Biology Teachers from both public and private Senior Secondary Schools Class III were used. Two research hypotheses were generated for the study. The data collected were subjected to both descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation; and the inferential statistics of regression Analyses was employed to test the hypotheses formulated. From the results, it was revealed that the selected environmental variables had influence on the students’ achievement in biology.Keywords: environmental variables, determinants, students’ achievement, school science
Procedia PDF Downloads 49011494 Driving towards Sustainability with Shared Electric Mobility: A Case Study of Time-Sharing Electric Cars on University’s Campus
Authors: Jiayi Pan, Le Qin, Shichan Zhang
Following the worldwide growing interest in the sharing economy, especially in China, innovations within the field are rapidly emerging. It is, therefore, appropriate to address the under-investigated sustainability issues related to the development of shared mobility. In 2019, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) introduced one of the first on-campus Time-sharing Electric Cars (TEC) that counts now about 4000 users. The increasing popularity of this original initiative highlights the necessity to assess its sustainability and find ways to extend the performance and availability of this new transport option. This study used an online questionnaire survey on TEC usage and experience to collect answers among students and university staff. The study also conducted interviews with TEC’s team in order to better understand its motivations and operating model. Data analysis underscores that TEC’s usage frequency is positively associated with a lower carbon footprint, showing that this scheme contributes to improving the environmental sustainability of transportation on campus. This study also demonstrates that TEC provides a convenient solution to those not owning a car in situations where soft mobility cannot satisfy their needs, this contributing to a globally positive assessment of TEC in the social domains of sustainability. As SJTU’s TEC project belongs to the non-profit sector and aims at serving current research, its economical sustainability is not among the main preoccupations, and TEC, along with similar projects, could greatly benefit from this study’s findings to better evaluate the overall benefits and develop operation on a larger scale. This study suggests various ways to further improve the TEC users’ experience and enhance its promotion. This research believably provides meaningful insights on the position of shared transportation within transport mode choice and how to assess the overall sustainability of such innovations.Keywords: shared mobility, sharing economy, sustainability assessment, sustainable transportation, urban electric transportation
Procedia PDF Downloads 21611493 Evaluation of the Ardabil City Environmental Potential for Urban Development
Authors: Seiied Taghi Seiied Safavian, Ebrahim Fataei, Taghi Ebadi
Urbanized population increasing has been a major driving force for physical development and expansion. In this regard, selecting optimal management strategies for sustainable development of cities as the most important population centers has gotten more attention by the city managers. One of the most important issues in planning a sustainable development is environmental sustainability. In this research, identifying the optimal physical development strategies of Ardabil city in the future condition have been investigated based on land-use planning principles and regularities. Determination of suitable lands of urban development was conducted through natural variables comprised of slope, topography, geology, distance from fault, underground water's depth, land-use strategies and earth shape using hierarchical process method (AHP) in Geographical information system (GIS). Region's potential capabilities and talents were estimated by environmental elements extraction and its measurement based on environmental criteria. Consequently, specified suitable areas for Ardabil city development were introduced. Results of this research showed that the northern part of the Ardabil city is the most suitable sites for physical development of this city regarding the environmental sustainability criteria.Keywords: urban development, environmental sustainability, Ardabil city, AHP, GIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 43111492 The Characteristics of Quantity Operation for 2nd and 3rd Grade Mathematics Slow Learners
Authors: Pi-Hsia Hung
The development of mathematical competency has individual benefits as well as benefits to the wider society. Children who begin school behind their peers in their understanding of number, counting, and simple arithmetic are at high risk of staying behind throughout their schooling. The development of effective strategies for improving the educational trajectory of these individuals will be contingent on identifying areas of early quantitative knowledge that influence later mathematics achievement. A computer-based quantity assessment was developed in this study to investigate the characteristics of 2nd and 3rd grade slow learners in quantity. The concept of quantification involves understanding measurements, counts, magnitudes, units, indicators, relative size, and numerical trends and patterns. Fifty-five tasks of quantitative reasoning—such as number sense, mental calculation, estimation and assessment of reasonableness of results—are included as quantity problem solving. Thus, quantity is defined in this study as applying knowledge of number and number operations in a wide variety of authentic settings. Around 1000 students were tested and categorized into 4 different performance levels. Students’ quantity ability correlated higher with their school math grade than other subjects. Around 20% students are below basic level. The intervention design implications of the preliminary item map constructed are discussed.Keywords: mathematics assessment, mathematical cognition, quantity, number sense, validity
Procedia PDF Downloads 24911491 Value from Environmental and Cultural Perspectives or Two Sides of the Same Coin
Authors: Vilem Paril, Dominika Tothova
This paper discusses the value theory in cultural heritage and the value theory in environmental economics. Two economic views of the value theory are compared within the field of cultural heritage maintenance and within the field of the environment. The main aims are to find common features in these two differently structured theories under the layer of differently defined terms as well as really differing features of these two approaches, to clear the confusion which stems from different terminology as in fact these terms capture the same aspects of reality and to show possible inspiration these two perspectives can offer one another. Another aim is to present these two value systems in one value framework. First, important moments of the value theory from the economic perspective are presented, leading to the marginal revolution of (not only) the Austrian School. Then the theory of value within cultural heritage and environmental economics are explored. Finally, individual approaches are compared and their potential mutual inspiration searched for.Keywords: cultural heritage, environmental economics, existence value, value theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 32211490 Food and Agricultural Waste Management for Sustainable Agriculture
Authors: Shubhangi Salokhe
Agriculture encompasses crop and livestock production, forestry, and fisheries for food and non-food products. Farmers combine land, water, commercial inputs, labor, and their management skills into practices and systems that produce food and fibre. Harvesting of agricultural produce is either followed by the processing of fresh produce or storage for later consumption. All these activities result in a vast generation of waste in terms of crop residue or food waste. So, a large amount of agricultural waste is produced every year. Waste arising from food and agricultural sectors has the potential for vast applications. So, agricultural waste management is an essential component of sustainable agriculture. The major portion of the waste comes from the residues of crops on farms, food processing, livestock, aquaculture, and agro-industry waste. Therefore, management of these agricultural wastes is an important task, and it requires robust strategic planning. It can contribute to three pillars of sustainable agriculture development. It protects the environment (environmental pillar), enhances the livelihoods of farmers (economic pillar), and can contribute to increasing the sustainability of the agricultural sector (social pillar). This paper addresses the essential technological aspects, possible solutions, and sound policy concerns to accomplish long-term way out of agriculture waste management and to minimize the negative impact of waste on the environment. The author has developed a sustainable agriculture waste management model for improving the sustainability of agriculture.Keywords: agriculture, development, management, waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 5411489 Quality Assessment of Pedestrian Streets in Iran: Case Study of Saf, Tehran
Authors: Fstemeh Rais Esmaili, Ehsan Ranjbar
Pedestrian streets as one type of urban public spaces have an important role in improving the quality of urban life. In Iran, planning and designing of pedestrian streets is in its primary steps. In spite of starting this approach in Iran, and designing several pedestrian streets, there are still not organized studies about quality assessment of pedestrian streets. As a result, the strength and weakness points of the initial experiences have not been utilized. This inattention to quality assessment have caused designing pedestrian streets to be limited to just vehicles traffic control and preliminary actions like paving; so that, special potentials of pedestrian streets for creating social, livable and dynamic public spaces have not been used. This article, as an organized study about quality assessment of pedestrian streets in Iran, tries to reach two main goals: first, introducing a framework for quality assessment of pedestrian streets in Iran, and second, creating a context for improving the quality of pedestrian streets especially for further experiences. The main research methods are description and context analyzing. With respect to comparative analysis of ideas about quality, considering international and local case studies and analyzing existing condition of Saf Pedestrian Street, a particular model for quality assessment has been introduced. In this model, main components and assessment criteria have been presented. On the basis of this model, questionnaire and checklist for assessment have been prepared. The questionnaire and interview have been used to assess qualities which are in direct contact with people and the checklist has been used for analyzing visual qualities by authors through observation. Some results of questionnaire and checklist show that 7 of 11 primary components, diversity, flexibility, cleanness, legibility and imaginably, identity, livability, form and physical setting are rated low and very low in quality degree. Three components, efficiency, comfort and distinctiveness, have medium and low quality degree and one component, access, linkage and permeability has high quality degree. Therefore, based on implemented analyzing process, Saf Pedestrian Street needs to be improved and these quality improvement priorities are determined based on presented criteria. Adaption of final results with existing condition illustrates the shortage of services for satisfying user’s needs, inflexibility and impossibility of using spaces in various times, lack of facilities for different climatic conditions, lack of facilities such as drinking fountain, inappropriate designing of existing urban furniture like garbage cans, and creating pollution and unsuitable view, lack of visual attractions, neglecting disabled persons in designing entrances, shortage of benches and their undesirable designing, lack of vegetation, absence of special characters making it different from other streets, preventing people taking part in the space causing lack of affiliation, lack of appropriate elements for leisure time and lack of exhilaration in the space. On the other hand, these results present high access and permeability, high safety, less sound pollution and more relief, comfortable movement along the way due to suitable pavement and economic efficiency, as the strength points of Saf pedestrian street.Keywords: pedestrian streets, quality assessment, quality criteria, Saf Pedestrian Street
Procedia PDF Downloads 25611488 Near-Miss Deep Learning Approach for Neuro-Fuzzy Risk Assessment in Pipelines
Authors: Alexander Guzman Urbina, Atsushi Aoyama
The sustainability of traditional technologies employed in energy and chemical infrastructure brings a big challenge for our society. Making decisions related with safety of industrial infrastructure, the values of accidental risk are becoming relevant points for discussion. However, the challenge is the reliability of the models employed to get the risk data. Such models usually involve large number of variables and with large amounts of uncertainty. The most efficient techniques to overcome those problems are built using Artificial Intelligence (AI), and more specifically using hybrid systems such as Neuro-Fuzzy algorithms. Therefore, this paper aims to introduce a hybrid algorithm for risk assessment trained using near-miss accident data. As mentioned above the sustainability of traditional technologies related with energy and chemical infrastructure constitutes one of the major challenges that today’s societies and firms are facing. Besides that, the adaptation of those technologies to the effects of the climate change in sensible environments represents a critical concern for safety and risk management. Regarding this issue argue that social consequences of catastrophic risks are increasing rapidly, due mainly to the concentration of people and energy infrastructure in hazard-prone areas, aggravated by the lack of knowledge about the risks. Additional to the social consequences described above, and considering the industrial sector as critical infrastructure due to its large impact to the economy in case of a failure the relevance of industrial safety has become a critical issue for the current society. Then, regarding the safety concern, pipeline operators and regulators have been performing risk assessments in attempts to evaluate accurately probabilities of failure of the infrastructure, and consequences associated with those failures. However, estimating accidental risks in critical infrastructure involves a substantial effort and costs due to number of variables involved, complexity and lack of information. Therefore, this paper aims to introduce a well trained algorithm for risk assessment using deep learning, which could be capable to deal efficiently with the complexity and uncertainty. The advantage point of the deep learning using near-miss accidents data is that it could be employed in risk assessment as an efficient engineering tool to treat the uncertainty of the risk values in complex environments. The basic idea of using a Near-Miss Deep Learning Approach for Neuro-Fuzzy Risk Assessment in Pipelines is focused in the objective of improve the validity of the risk values learning from near-miss accidents and imitating the human expertise scoring risks and setting tolerance levels. In summary, the method of Deep Learning for Neuro-Fuzzy Risk Assessment involves a regression analysis called group method of data handling (GMDH), which consists in the determination of the optimal configuration of the risk assessment model and its parameters employing polynomial theory.Keywords: deep learning, risk assessment, neuro fuzzy, pipelines
Procedia PDF Downloads 29211487 The Public Law Studies: Relationship Between Accountability, Environmental Education and Smart Cities
Authors: Aline Alves Bandeira, Luís Pedro Lima, Maria Cecília de Paula Silva, Paulo Henrique de Viveiros Tavares
Nowadays, the study of public policies regarding management efficiency is essential. Public policies are about what governments do or do not do, being an area that has grown worldwide, contributing through the knowledge of technologies and methodologies that monitor and evaluate the performance of public administrators. The information published on official government websites needs to provide for transparency and responsiveness of managers. Thus, transparency is a primordial factor for the execution of Accountability, providing, in this way, services to the citizen with the expansion of transparent, efficient, democratic information and that value administrative eco-efficiency. The ecologically balanced management of a Smart City must optimize environmental education, building a fairer society, which brings about equality in the use of quality environmental resources. Smart Cities add value in the construction of public management, enabling interaction between people, enhancing environmental education and the practical applicability of administrative eco-efficiency, fostering economic development and improving the quality of life.Keywords: accountability, environmental education, new public administration, smart cities
Procedia PDF Downloads 12911486 Eliminating Arm, Neck and Leg Fatigue of United Asia International Plastics Corporation Workers through Rapid Entire Body Assessment
Authors: John Cheferson R. De Belen, John Paul G. Elizares, Ronald John G. Raz, Janina Elyse A. Reyes, Charie G. Salengua, Aristotle L. Soriano
Plastic is a type of synthetic or man-made polymer that can readily be molded into a variety of products. Its usage over the past century has enabled society to make huge technological advances. The workers of United Asia International Plastics Corporation (UAIPC), a plastic manufacturing company performs manual packaging which causes fatigue and stress on their arm, neck, and legs due to extended periods of standing and repetitive motions. With the use of the Fishbone Diagram, Five-Why Analysis, Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), and Anthropometry, the stressful tasks and activities were identified and analyzed. Given the anthropometric measurements obtained from the workers, improved dimensions for the tables and chairs should be used and provide a new packaging machine. The validation of this proposal shall follow after its implementation. By eliminating fatigue during working hours in the production, the workers will be at ease at performing their work properly; productivity will increase that will lead to more profit. Further areas for study include measurement and comparison of the worker’s anthropometric measurement with the industry standard.Keywords: anthropometry, fishbone diagram, five-why analysis, rapid entire body assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 26611485 Improving Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Assessments
Authors: Nancy Wilson
In utero, fetal drug exposure is prevalent amongst birthing facilities. Assessment tools for neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) are often cumbersome and ill-fitting, harboring immense subjectivity. This paradox often leads the clinical assessor to be hypervigilant when assessing the newborn for subtle symptoms of NAS, often mistaken for normal newborn behaviors. As a quality improvement initiative, this project led to a more adaptable NAS tool termed eat, sleep, console (ESC). This function-based NAS assessment scores the infant based on the ability to accomplish three basic newborn necessities- to sleep, to eat, and to be consoled. Literature supports that ESC methodology improves patient and family outcomes while providing more cost-effective care.Keywords: neonatal abstinence syndrome, neonatal opioid withdrawal, maternal substance abuse, pregnancy, and addiction, Finnegan neonatal abstinence syndrome tool, eat, sleep, console
Procedia PDF Downloads 15411484 Comparing Different Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar Antennas for Tunnel Health Assessment
Authors: Can Mungan, Gokhan Kilic
Structural engineers and tunnel owners have good reason to attach importance to the assessment and inspection of tunnels. Regular inspection is necessary to maintain and monitor the health of the structure not only at the present time but throughout its life cycle. Detection of flaws within the structure, such as corrosion and the formation of cracks within the internal elements of the structure, can go a long way to ensuring that the structure maintains its integrity over the course of its life. Other issues that may be detected earlier through regular assessment include tunnel surface delamination and the corrosion of the rebar. One advantage of new technology such as the ground penetrating radar (GPR) is the early detection of imperfections. This study will aim to discuss and present the effectiveness of GPR as a tool for assessing the structural integrity of the heavily used tunnel. GPR is used with various antennae in frequency and application method (2 GHz and 500 MHz GPR antennae). The paper will attempt to produce a greater understanding of structural defects and identify the correct tool for such purposes. Conquest View with 3D scanning capabilities was involved throughout the analysis, reporting, and interpretation of the results. This study will illustrate GPR mapping and its effectiveness in providing information of value when it comes to rebar position (lower and upper reinforcement). It will also show how such techniques can detect structural features that would otherwise remain unseen, as well as moisture ingress.Keywords: tunnel, GPR, health monitoring, moisture ingress, rebar position
Procedia PDF Downloads 12011483 Characterization of Articular Cartilage Based on the Response of Cartilage Surface to Loading/Unloading
Authors: Z. Arabshahi, I. Afara, A. Oloyede, H. Moody, J. Kashani, T. Klein
Articular cartilage is a fluid-swollen tissue of synovial joints that functions by providing a lubricated surface for articulation and to facilitate the load transmission. The biomechanical function of this tissue is highly dependent on the integrity of its ultrastructural matrix. Any alteration of articular cartilage matrix, either by injury or degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis (OA), compromises its functional behaviour. Therefore, the assessment of articular cartilage is important in early stages of degenerative process to prevent or reduce further joint damage with associated socio-economic impact. Therefore, there has been increasing research interest into the functional assessment of articular cartilage. This study developed a characterization parameter for articular cartilage assessment based on the response of cartilage surface to loading/unloading. This is because the response of articular cartilage to compressive loading is significantly depth-dependent, where the superficial zone and underlying matrix respond differently to deformation. In addition, the alteration of cartilage matrix in the early stages of degeneration is often characterized by PG loss in the superficial layer. In this study, it is hypothesized that the response of superficial layer is different in normal and proteoglycan depleted tissue. To establish the viability of this hypothesis, samples of visually intact and artificially proteoglycan-depleted bovine cartilage were subjected to compression at a constant rate to 30 percent strain using a ring-shaped indenter with an integrated ultrasound probe and then unloaded. The response of articular surface which was indirectly loaded was monitored using ultrasound during the time of loading/unloading (deformation/recovery). It was observed that the rate of cartilage surface response to loading/unloading was different for normal and PG-depleted cartilage samples. Principal Component Analysis was performed to identify the capability of the cartilage surface response to loading/unloading, to distinguish between normal and artificially degenerated cartilage samples. The classification analysis of this parameter showed an overlap between normal and degenerated samples during loading. While there was a clear distinction between normal and degenerated samples during unloading. This study showed that the cartilage surface response to loading/unloading has the potential to be used as a parameter for cartilage assessment.Keywords: cartilage integrity parameter, cartilage deformation/recovery, cartilage functional assessment, ultrasound
Procedia PDF Downloads 19211482 Use of Focus Group Interviews to Design a Health Impact Measurement Tool: A Volunteering Case Study
Authors: Valentine Seymour
Environmental volunteering organisations use questionnaires to explore the relationship between environmental volunteers and their health. To the author’s best knowledge, no one has explored volunteers’ health perception, which could be considered when designing a health impact measurement tool used to increase effective communication. This paper examines environmental volunteers' perceptions of health, knowledge which can be used to design a health impact measurement tool. This study uses focus group interviews, content analysis, and a general inductive approach to explore the health perceptions of volunteers who engage in environmental volunteering activities from the perspective of UK charity The Conservation Volunteers. Findings showed that volunteer groups presented were relatively similar in how they defined the term health, with their overall conceptual model closely resembling that of the World Health Organization 1948 definition. This suggests that future health impact measurement tools in the environmental volunteering sector could base their design around the World Health Organization’s definition.Keywords: health perception, impact measurement, mental models, tool development
Procedia PDF Downloads 15411481 Neuropsychology of Dyslexia and Rehabilitation Approaches: A Research Study Applied to School Aged Children with Reading Disorders in Greece
Authors: Rozi Laskaraki, Argyris Karapetsas, Aikaterini Karapetsa
This paper is focused on the efficacy of a rehabilitation program based on musical activities, implied to a group of school-aged dyslexic children. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of auditory training including musical exercises in children with developmental dyslexia (DD). Participants and Methods: 45 third-, and fourth-grade students with DD and a matched control group (n=45) were involved in this study. In the beginning, students participated in a clinical assessment, including both electrophysiological (i.e., event related potentials (ERPs) esp.P300 waveform) and neuropsychological tests, being conducted in Laboratory of Neuropsychology, at University of Thessaly, in Volos, Greece. Initial assessment’s results confirmed statistically significant lower performance for children with DD, compared to that of the typical readers. After clinical assessment, a subgroup of children with dyslexia was submitted to a music auditory training program, conducted in 45-minute training sessions, once a week, for twenty weeks. The program included structured and digitized musical activities involving pitch, rhythm, melody and tempo perception and discrimination as well as auditory sequencing. After the intervention period, children underwent a new recording of ERPs. Results: The electrophysiological results revealed that children had similar P300 latency values to that of the controls, after the remediation program; thus children overcame their deficits. Conclusion: The outcomes of the current study suggest that ERPs is a valid clinical tool in neuropsychological assessment settings and dyslexia can be ameliorated through music auditory training.Keywords: dyslexia, event related potentials, learning disabilities, music, rehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 14811480 Empirical Analysis of Velocity Behavior for Collaborative Robots in Transient Contact Cases
Authors: C. Schneider, M. M. Seizmeir, T. Suchanek, M. Hutter-Mironovova, M. Bdiwi, M. Putz
In this paper, a suitable measurement setup is presented to conduct force and pressure measurements for transient contact cases at the example of lathe machine tending. Empirical measurements were executed on a selected collaborative robot’s behavior regarding allowable operating speeds under consideration of sensor- and workpiece-specific factors. Comparisons between the theoretic calculations proposed in ISO/TS 15066 and the practical measurement results reveal a basis for future research. With the created database, preliminary risk assessment and economic assessment procedures of collaborative machine tending cells can be facilitated.Keywords: biomechanical thresholds, collaborative robots, force and pressure measurements, machine tending, transient contact
Procedia PDF Downloads 24511479 An Approach for the Assessment of Semi-Elliptical Surface Crack
Authors: Muhammad Naweed, Usman Tariq Murtaza, Waseem Siddique
A pallet body approach is a finite element-based computational approach used for the modeling and assessment of a three-dimensional surface crack. The approach is capable of inserting the crack in an engineering structure and generating high-quality hexahedral mesh in the cracked region of the structure. The approach is capable of computing the stress intensity factors along a semi-elliptical surface crack numerically. The objective of this work is to present that the stress intensity factors produced by the approach can be used with confidence for capturing the parameters during the fatigue crack growth.Keywords: pallet body approach, semi-elliptical surface crack, stress intensity factors, fatigue crack growth
Procedia PDF Downloads 10311478 Maritime Transportation and Environmental Pollution: Emerging Trends and Challenges
Authors: Emil Mathew
Liberalisation policies adopted by a large number of countries, implementation of technological innovations with development in communication networks and continuous reduction in transport costs contributed towards the growth of international transportation of goods over the last 50 to 60 years. The present paper examines the environmental externalities of maritime transportation, that is, externalities associated with the movement of cargoes, as distinct from those emanate from production and consumption of goods. Though shipping is less polluting compared to other modes of transportation, considering the huge volume of goods transported and future growth prospects, it is important to examine environmental externalities of maritime transportation. It focuses on varied types of environmental externalities of maritime transportation and suggests that appropriate policies may be adopted by international agencies to address this issue without adversely affecting the course of international trade and also its possibility to get diverted to alternate modes of transportation.Keywords: externalities of globalisation, maritime environment, maritime externality, transportation externality
Procedia PDF Downloads 28811477 Road Systems as Environmental Barriers: An Overview of Roadways in Their Function as Fences for Wildlife Movement
Authors: Rachael Bentley, Callahan Gergen, Brodie Thiede
Roadways have a significant impact on the environment in so far as they function as barriers to wildlife movement, both through road mortality and through resultant road avoidance. Roads have an im-mense presence worldwide, and it is predicted to increase substantially in the next thirty years. As roadways become even more common, it is important to consider their environmental impact, and to mitigate the negative effects which they have on wildlife and wildlife mobility. In a thorough analysis of several related studies, a common conclusion was that roads cause habitat fragmentation, which can lead split populations to evolve differently, for better or for worse. Though some populations adapted positively to roadways, becoming more resistant to road mortality, and more tolerant to noise and chemical contamination, many others experienced maladaptation, either due to chemical contamination in and around their environment, or because of genetic mutations from inbreeding when their population was fragmented too substantially to support a large enough group for healthy genetic exchange. Large mammals were especially susceptible to maladaptation from inbreed-ing, as they require larger areas to roam and therefore require even more space to sustain a healthy population. Regardless of whether a species evolved positively or negatively as a result of their proximity to a road, animals tended to avoid roads, making the genetic diversity from habitat fragmentation an exceedingly prevalent issue in the larger discussion of road ecology. Additionally, the consideration of solu-tions, such as overpasses and underpasses, is crucial to ensuring the long term survival of many wildlife populations. In studies addressing the effectiveness of overpasses and underpasses, it seemed as though animals adjusted well to these sorts of solutions, but strategic place-ment, as well as proper sizing, proper height, shelter from road noise, and other considerations were important in construction. When an underpass or overpass was well-built and well-shielded from human activity, animals’ usage of the structure increased significantly throughout its first five years, thus reconnecting previously divided populations. Still, these structures are costly and they are often unable to fully address certain issues such as light, noise, and contaminants from vehicles. Therefore, the need for further discussion of new, crea-tive solutions remains paramount. Roads are one of the most consistent and prominent features of today’s landscape, but their environmental impacts are largely overlooked. While roads are useful for connecting people, they divide landscapes and animal habitats. Therefore, further research and investment in possible solutions is necessary to mitigate the negative effects which roads have on wildlife mobility and to pre-vent issues from resultant habitat fragmentation.Keywords: fences, habitat fragmentation, roadways, wildlife mobility
Procedia PDF Downloads 18111476 Artificial Neural Network-Based Bridge Weigh-In-Motion Technique Considering Environmental Conditions
Authors: Changgil Lee, Junkyeong Kim, Jihwan Park, Seunghee Park
In this study, bridge weigh-in-motion (BWIM) system was simulated under various environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind and so on to improve the performance of the BWIM system. The environmental conditions can make difficult to analyze measured data and hence those factors should be compensated. Various conditions were considered as input parameters for ANN (Artificial Neural Network). The number of hidden layers for ANN was decided so that nonlinearity could be sufficiently reflected in the BWIM results. The weight of vehicles and axle weight were more accurately estimated by applying ANN approach. Additionally, the type of bridge which was a target structure was considered as an input parameter for the ANN.Keywords: bridge weigh-in-motion (BWIM) system, environmental conditions, artificial neural network, type of bridges
Procedia PDF Downloads 44211475 Integrating Environmental and Ecological Justice for the Sustainable Development of Smart Cities: A Normative Eco Framework
Authors: Thomas Benson
This paper leverages theoretical insights into two different justice approaches – environmental justice and ecological justice – to examine the effectiveness of sustainable development within smart cities and related smart city technology initiatives. Through theoretical development, the author seeks to establish an Eco Framework for smart cities and urban sustainable development. In turn, this paper aims to proffer the notion that there are ecologically sustainable ways in which smart cities can get smarter, and that such strategies can be compatible with ecological justice and environmental justice. Ultimately, a single conceptual framework is put forward to integrate the above approaches and concepts with normative prescriptions, which can serve researchers in the continued examination of smart cities and policymakers in their sustainable development of smart cities.Keywords: ecological justice, environmental justice, normative framework, smart cities, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 17911474 Impact of Environmental Stressors on Microbial Community Dynamics and Ecosystem Functioning: Implications for Bioremediation and Restoration Strategies
Authors: Nazanin Nikanmajd
Microorganisms are essential for influencing environmental processes, such as nutrient cycling, pollutant breakdown, and ecosystem well-being. Recent developments in high-throughput sequencing technologies and metagenomic methods have given us fresh understandings about the range and capabilities of microorganisms in different settings. This research examines how environmental stressors like climate change, pollution, and habitat degradation affect the composition and roles of microbial communities in soil and water ecosystems. We show that human-caused disruptions change the makeup of microbial communities, causing changes in important metabolic pathways for biogeochemical processes. More precisely, we pinpoint important microbial groups that show resistance or susceptibility to certain stress factors, emphasizing their possible uses in bioremediation and ecosystem rehabilitation. The results highlight the importance of adopting a holistic approach to comprehend microbial changes in evolving environments, impacting sustainable environmental conservation and management strategies. This research helps develop new solutions to reduce the impacts of environmental degradation on microbial ecosystem services by understanding the intricate relationships between microorganisms and their surroundings.Keywords: environmental microbiology, microbial communities, climate change, pollution, bioremediation, metagenomics, ecosystem services, ecosystem restoration
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