Search results for: performance and quality
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 21075

Search results for: performance and quality

19635 The Effect of Sustainable Supply Chain Management on Performance of Agricultural Firms in Nigeria

Authors: Haruna Daddau


This study investigates the effect of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) on the performance of agricultural firms in Nigeria. Green packaging, product design, waste reduction and supply chain design were examined. The ecological modernization theory, which suggests the economic benefit of the environment, was used to underpin the study. The research is quantitative in nature, and a survey research method was adopted where information was obtained using questionnaires distributed directly to the top managers of 6 agricultural firms in Nigeria. STATA and SPSS were used for the data analysis, and regression analysis was used to examine the effects. Findings showed that SSCM positively improves the performance of the firms. Also, detailed information about the study’s selected variables' effect on performance was provided. Additionally, the significant role of SSCM in accelerating the firms’ performance was highlighted. It is recommended that SSCM should be given serious attention by integrating it into the overall firm's business strategy.

Keywords: sustainable supply chain management, green packaging, product design, waste reduction, supply chain design and performance

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19634 Performance Analysis of Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems

Authors: Zakariyya Hassan Abdullahi, Zainab Suleiman Abdullahi, Nuhu Alhaji Muhammad


In this paper, a thorough review of photovoltaic and photovoltaic thermal systems is done on the basis of its performance based on electrical as well as thermal output. Photovoltaic systems are classified according to their use, i.e., electricity production, and thermal, Photovoltaic systems behave in an extraordinary and useful way, they react to light by transforming part of it into electricity useful way and unique, since photovoltaic and thermal applications along with the electricity production. The application of various photovoltaic systems is also discussed in detail. The performance analysis including all aspects, e.g., electrical, thermal, energy, and energy efficiency are also discussed. A case study for PV and PV/T system based on energetic analysis is presented.

Keywords: photovoltaic, renewable, performance, efficiency, energy

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19633 Effect of Marginal Quality Groundwater on Yield of Cotton Crop and Soil Salinity Status

Authors: A. L. Qureshi, A. A. Mahessar, R. K. Dashti, S. M. Yasin


In this paper, effect of marginal quality groundwater on yield of cotton crop and soil salinity was studied. In this connection, three irrigation treatments each with four replications were applied. These treatments were use of canal water, use of marginal quality groundwater from tube well, and conjunctive use by mixing with the ratio of 1:1 of canal water and marginal quality tubewell water. Water was applied to the crop cultivated in Kharif season 2011; its quantity has been measured using cut-throat flume. Total 11 watering each of 50 mm depth have been applied from 20th April to 20th July, 2011. Further, irrigations were stopped from last week of July, 2011 due to monsoon rainfall. Maximum crop yield (seed cotton) was observed under T1 which was 1,516.8 kg/ha followed by T3 (mixed canal and tube well water) having 1009 kg/ha and 709 kg/ha for T2 i.e. marginal quality groundwater. This concludes that crop yield in T2 and T3 with in comparison to T1was reduced by about 53 and 30% respectively. It has been observed that yield of cotton crop is below potential limit for three treatments due to unexpected rainfall at the time of full flowering season; thus the yield was adversely affected. However, salt deposition in soil profiles was not observed that is due to leaching effect of heavy rainfall occurred during monsoon season.

Keywords: conjunctive use, cotton crop, groundwater, soil salinity status, water use efficiency

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19632 Systematic NIR of Internal Disorder and Quality Detection of Apple Fruit

Authors: Eid Alharbi, Yaser Miaji, Saeed Alzahrani


The importance of fruit quality and freshness is potential in today’s life. Most recent studies show and automatic online sorting system according to the internal disorder for fresh apple fruit has developed by using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopic technology. The automatic convener belts system along with sorting mechanism was constructed. To check the internal quality of the apple fruit, apple was exposed to the NIR radiations in the range 650-1300 nm and the data were collected in form of absorption spectra. The collected data were compared to the reference (data of known sample) analyzed and an electronic signal was pass to the sorting system. The sorting system was separate the apple fruit samples according to electronic signal passed to the system. It is found that absorption of NIR radiation in the range 930-950 nm was higher in the internally defected samples as compared to healthy samples. On the base of this high absorption of NIR radiation in 930-950 nm region the online sorting system was constructed.

Keywords: mechatronics design, NIR, fruit quality, spectroscopic technology

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19631 Performance Comparison of Reactive, Proactive and Hybrid Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Authors: Kumar Manoj, Ramesh Kumar, Kumari Arti, Kumar Prashant


Routing protocols have a central role in any mobile ad hoc network (MANET). There are many routing protocols that exhibit different performance levels in different scenarios. In this paper we compare AODV, DSDV, DSR and ZRP routing protocol in mobile ad hoc networks to determine the best operational conditions for each protocol. We analyses these routing protocols by extensive simulations in OPNET simulator and show that how pause time and the number of nodes affect their performance. In this study, performance is measured in terms of control traffic received, control traffic sent, data traffic received, data traffic sent, throughput, retransmission attempts.


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19630 The Effect of Excess Workload on Lecturers in Higher Institution and Its Relation with Instructional Technology a Case Study of North-West Nigeria

Authors: Shitu Sani


The paper is advanced on the historical background of the effects of excess work load on lecturers in higher institutions of learning which will assess the socio-economic and psychological disposition of lecturers in the realm of quality production. The paper further discusses the significant roles played by excess work load in general transformation of higher education, which will give the management and stake holders input for successful development of higher education. Even though all forms of work and organizational procedures are potential source of stress and stressors. In higher institution of leaning, lecturers perform many responsibilities such as lecturing, carrying out research and engaging in community services. If these multiple roles could not be handle property it would have result in stress which may have negative impact on job performance, and it’s relation with instructional technology. A sample 191 lecturers were randomly selected from the higher institutions in the northern west zone in Nigerian using two instruments i.e. work load stress management question and job performance Approval, data were collected on lecturers of socio-economic and physiological stress and job performances. Findings of the study shows that lecture experienced excess work load in academic activities. Lecturer’s job performance was negatively influences by socio-economic and psychological work stress. Among the recommendation made were the need for organizing regular induction courses for lecturers on stress, and enhance interpersonal relations among the lecturers as well as provision of electronic public address system to reduce the stress.

Keywords: effect, excess, lecturers, workload

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19629 Cognitive Behavioral Training to Enhance Performance and Well-Being in Collegiate Athletes

Authors: Angelina Tarabokija


This study looks into how cognitive behavioral training (CBT) techniques affect collegiate track and field athletes' anxiety related to performance, with a focus on distance runners. The goal of the research is to discover whether consistent use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) methods, such as progressive muscle relaxation, yoga (Y-CBT), visualization, relaxed breathing, and meditation, can reduce performance anxiety and improve sports performance. Six runners from the Rider Track & Field team, aged eighteen to twenty-three, participated in the quantitative research design used in the technique. Prior to employing CBT techniques every day for two weeks, including before competitions or on race day, participants conducted baseline assessments using the Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2). The SAS-2 was used in post-competition evaluations to track alterations in performance anxiety. The findings show that participants' total trait anxiety levels significantly decreased after utilizing CBT techniques for one week. However, after two weeks, a few participants' anxiety levels slightly increased, pointing to the need for more research and regular practice. The study indicates that CBT approaches can effectively reduce performance anxiety and increase athletic performance in collegiate track and field athletes, despite constraints related to participant motivation and potential confounding variables. Future areas for research could entail examining the precise impacts of worry, interruption of attention, and bodily anxiety on performance, as well as adding more controls. Overall, by providing insights into evidence-based strategies to maximize mental states and athletic performance in collegiate athletes, this study advances the area of sports psychology.

Keywords: cognitive behavioral training, performance, athletes, anxiety, well-being, SAS-2, Sport, trait anxiety, somatic anxiety

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19628 The Effects of Geographical and Functional Diversity of Collaborators on Quality of Knowledge Generated

Authors: Ajay Das, Sandip Basu


Introduction: There is increasing recognition that diverse streams of knowledge can often be recombined in novel ways to generate new knowledge. However, knowledge recombination theory has not been applied to examine the effects of collaborator diversity on the quality of knowledge such collaborators produce. This is surprising because one would expect that a collaborative team with certain aspects of diversity should be able to recombine process elements related to knowledge development, which are relatively tacit, but also complementary because of the collaborator’s varying backgrounds. Theory and Hypotheses: We propose to examine two aspects of diversity in the environments of collaborative teams to try and capture such potential recombinations of relatively tacit, process knowledge. The first aspect of diversity in team members’ environments is geographical. Collaborators with more geographical distance between them (perhaps working in different countries) often have more autonomy in the processes they adopt for knowledge development. In the absence of overt monitoring, such collaborators are likely to adopt differing approaches to knowledge development. The sharing of such varying approaches among collaborators is likely to result in greater quality of the common collaborative pursuit. The second aspect is diversity in the work backgrounds of team members. Such diversity can also increase the potential for knowledge recombination. For example, if one or more members are from a manufacturing center (versus all of them being from a purely R&D center), such members will provide unique perspectives on the implementation of innovative ideas. Again, knowledge that has been evaluated from these diverse perspectives is likely to be of a higher quality. In addition to the above aspects of environmental diversity among team members, we also plan to examine the extent to which individual collaborators are in different environments from the primary innovation center of their employing firms. Proposed Methods: We will test our model on a sample of firms in the semiconductor industry. Our level of analysis will be individual patents generated by these firms and the teams involved in the generation of these. Information on manufacturing activities of our sample firms will be obtained from SEMI, a proprietary database of the semiconductor industry, as well as company 10-K reports. Conclusion: We believe that our results will represent a preliminary attempt to understand how various forms of diversity in collaborative teams impact the knowledge development process. Our dependent variable of knowledge quality is important to study since higher values of this variable can not only drive firm performance but the broader development of regions and societies through spillover impacts on future innovation. The results of this study will, therefore, inform future research and practice in innovation, geographical location, and vertical integration.

Keywords: innovation, manufacturing strategy, knowledge, diversity

Procedia PDF Downloads 353
19627 Evaluation of the Impact of Neuropathic Pain on the Quality of Life of Patients

Authors: A. Ibovi Mouondayi, S. Zaher, R. Assadi, K. Erraoui, S. Sboul, J. Daoudim, S. Bousselham, K. Nassar, S. Janani


Introduction: Neuropathic pain (NP) is chronic pain; it can be observed in a large number of clinical situations. This pain results from a lesion of the peripheral or central nervous system. It is a frequent reason for consultations in rheumatology. This pain being chronic, can become disabling for the patient, thereby altering his quality of life. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of neuropathic pain on the quality of life of patients followed-up for chronic neuropathic pain. Material and Method: This is a monocentric, cross-sectional, descriptive, retrospective study conducted in our department over a period of 19 months from October 2020 to April 2022. The missing parameters were collected during phone calls of the patients concerned. The diagnostic tool adopted was the DN4 questionnaire in the dialectal Arabic version. The impact of NP was assessed by the visual analog scale (VAS) on pain, sleep, and function. The impact of PN on mood was assessed by the hospital anxiety, and depression scale (HAD) score in the validated Arabic version. The exclusion criteria were patients followed up for depression and other psychiatric pathologies. Results: A total of 1528 patient data were collected; the average age of the patients was 57 years (standard deviation: 13 years) with extremes ranging from 17 years to 94 years, 91% were women and 9% men with a sex ratio man/woman equal to 0.10. 67% of our patients were married, and 63% of our patients were housewives. 43% of patients were followed-up for degenerative pathology. The NP was cervical radiculopathy in 26%, lumbosacral radiculopathy in 51%, and carpal tunnel syndrome in 20%. 23% of our patients had poor sleep quality, and 54% had average sleep quality. The pain was very intense in 5% of patients; 33% had severe pain, and 58% had moderate pain. The function was limited in 55% of patients. The average HAD score for anxiety and depression was 4.39 (standard deviation: 2.77) and 3.21 (standard deviation: 2.89), respectively. Conclusion: Our data clearly illustrate that neuropathic pain has a negative impact on the quality of sleep and function, as well as the mood of patients, thus influencing their quality of life.

Keywords: neuropathic pain, sleep, quality of life, chronic pain

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19626 QoS-CBMG: A Model for e-Commerce Customer Behavior

Authors: Hoda Ghavamipoor, S. Alireza Hashemi Golpayegani


An approach to model the customer interaction with e-commerce websites is presented. Considering the service quality level as a predictive feature, we offer an improved method based on the Customer Behavior Model Graph (CBMG), a state-transition graph model. To derive the Quality of Service sensitive-CBMG (QoS-CBMG) model, process-mining techniques is applied to pre-processed website server logs which are categorized as ‘buy’ or ‘visit’. Experimental results on an e-commerce website data confirmed that the proposed method outperforms CBMG based method.

Keywords: customer behavior model, electronic commerce, quality of service, customer behavior model graph, process mining

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19625 Investigation of the Effects of Sampling Frequency on the THD of 3-Phase Inverters Using Space Vector Modulation

Authors: Khattab Al Qaisi, Nicholas Bowring


This paper presents the simulation results of the effects of sampling frequency on the total harmonic distortion (THD) of three-phase inverters using the space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) and space vector control (SVC) algorithms. The relationship between the variables was studied using curve fitting techniques, and it has been shown that, for 50 Hz inverters, there is an exponential relation between the sampling frequency and THD up to around 8500 Hz, beyond which the performance of the model becomes irregular, and there is an negative exponential relation between the sampling frequency and the marginal improvement to the THD. It has also been found that the performance of SVPWM is better than that of SVC with the same sampling frequency in most frequency range, including the range where the performance of the former is irregular.

Keywords: DSI, SVPWM, THD, DC-AC converter, sampling frequency, performance

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19624 Groundwater Quality Monitoring in the Shoush Suburbs, Khouzestan Province, Iran

Authors: Mohammad Tahsin Karimi Nezhad, Zaynab Shadbahr, Ali Gholami


In recent years many attempts have been made to assess groundwater contamination by nitrates worldwide. The assessment of spatial and temporal variations of physico-chemical parameters of water is necessary to mange water quality. The objectives of the study were to evaluate spatial variability and temporal changes of hydrochemical factors by water sampling from 24 wells in the Shoush City suburb. The analysis was conducted for the whole area and for different land use and geological classes. In addition, nitrate concentration variability with descriptive parameters such as sampling depth, dissolved oxygen, and on ground nitrogen loadings was also investigated The results showed that nitrate concentrations did not exceed the standard limit (50 mg/l). EC of water samples, ranged from 900 to 1200 µs/cm, TDS from 775 to 830 mg/l and pH from 5.6 to 9.

Keywords: groundwater, GIS, water quality, Iran

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19623 An Automated Business Process Management for Smart Medical Records

Authors: K. Malak, A. Nourah, S.Liyakathunisa


Nowadays, healthcare services are facing many challenges since they are becoming more complex and more needed. Every detail of a patient’s interactions with health care providers is maintained in Electronic Health Records (ECR) and Healthcare information systems (HIS). However, most of the existing systems are often focused on documenting what happens in manual health care process, rather than providing the highest quality patient care. Healthcare business processes and stakeholders can no longer rely on manual processes, to provide better patient care and efficient utilization of resources, Healthcare processes must be automated wherever it is possible. In this research, a detail survey and analysis is performed on the existing health care systems in Saudi Arabia, and an automated smart medical healthcare business process model is proposed. The business process management methods and rules are followed in discovering, collecting information, analysis, redesign, implementation and performance improvement analysis in terms of time and cost. From the simulation results, it is evident that our proposed smart medical records system can improve the quality of the service by reducing the time and cost and increasing efficiency

Keywords: business process management, electronic health records, efficiency, cost, time

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19622 Characteristics and Quality of Chilean Abalone Undergoing Different Drying Emerging Technologies

Authors: Mario Pérez-Won, Anais Palma-Acevedo, Luis González-Cavieres, Roberto Lemus-Mondaca, Gipsy Tabilo-Munizaga


The Chilean abalone (Concholepas Concholepas) is a gastropod mollusk; it has a high commercial value due to the qualities of its meat, especially hardness, as a critical acceptance parameter. However, its main problem is its short shelf-life which is usually extended using traditional technologies with high energy consumption. Therefore, applying different technologies for the pre-treatment and drying process is necessary. In this research, pulsed electric field (PEF) was used as a pre-treatment for vacuum microwave drying (VMD), freeze-drying (FD), and hot-air drying (HAD). Drying conditions and characteristics were set according to previous experiments. The Drying samples were analyzed in terms of physical quality (color, texture, microstructure, and rehydration capacity), protein quality (degree of hydrolysis and computer protein efficiency ratio), and energy parameters. Regarding quality, the treatment that obtained lower harness was PEF+FD (195 N ± 10), the lowest change of color was for treatment PEF+VMD (ΔE: 17 ± 1.5), and the best rehydration capacity was for treatment PEF+VMD (1.2 h for equilibrium). For protein quality, the highest Computer-Protein Efficiency Ratio was the sample 2.0 kV/ cm of PEF (index of 4.18 ± 0.26 at the end of the digestion). Moreover, about energetic consumption, results show that VMD decreases the drying process by 97% whether PEF was used or not. Consequently, it is possible to conclude that using PEF as a pre-treatment for VMD and FD treatments has advantages that must be used following the consumer’s needs or preferences.

Keywords: chilean abalone, freeze-drying, proteins, pulsed electric fields

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19621 Application of Interferometric Techniques for Quality Control Oils Used in the Food Industry

Authors: Andres Piña, Amy Meléndez, Pablo Cano, Tomas Cahuich


The purpose of this project is to propose a quick and environmentally friendly alternative to measure the quality of oils used in food industry. There is evidence that repeated and indiscriminate use of oils in food processing cause physicochemical changes with formation of potentially toxic compounds that can affect the health of consumers and cause organoleptic changes. In order to assess the quality of oils, non-destructive optical techniques such as Interferometry offer a rapid alternative to the use of reagents, using only the interaction of light on the oil. Through this project, we used interferograms of samples of oil placed under different heating conditions to establish the changes in their quality. These interferograms were obtained by means of a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer using a beam of light from a HeNe laser of 10mW at 632.8nm. Each interferogram was captured, analyzed and measured full width at half-maximum (FWHM) using the software from Amcap and ImageJ. The total of FWHMs was organized in three groups. It was observed that the average obtained from each of the FWHMs of group A shows a behavior that is almost linear, therefore it is probable that the exposure time is not relevant when the oil is kept under constant temperature. Group B exhibits a slight exponential model when temperature raises between 373 K and 393 K. Results of the t-Student show a probability of 95% (0.05) of the existence of variation in the molecular composition of both samples. Furthermore, we found a correlation between the Iodine Indexes (Physicochemical Analysis) and the Interferograms (Optical Analysis) of group C. Based on these results, this project highlights the importance of the quality of the oils used in food industry and shows how Interferometry can be a useful tool for this purpose.

Keywords: food industry, interferometric, oils, quality control

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19620 Psycholgical Contract Violation and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction Level: A Study on Subordinate Employees in Enterprises of Hanoi, Vietnam

Authors: Quangyen Tran, YeZhuang Tian, Chengfeng Li


Psychological contract violations may lead to damaging an organization through losing its potential employees; it is a very significant concept in understanding the employment relationships. The authors selected contents of psychological contract violation scale based on the nine areas of violation most relevant to managerial samples (High pay, training, job security, career development, pay based on performance, promotion, feedback, expertise and quality of co-workers and support with personal problems), using regression analysis, the degree of psychological contract violations was measured by an adaptation of a multiplicative scale with Cronbach’s alpha as a measure of reliability. Through the regression analysis, psychological contract violations was found have a positive impact on employees’ job satisfaction, the frequency of psychological contract violations was more intense among male employees particularly in terms of training, job security and pay based on performance. Job dissatisfaction will lead to a lowering of employee commitment in the job, enterprises in Hanoi, Vietnam should therefore offer lucrative jobs in terms of salary and other emoluments to their employees.

Keywords: psychological contract, psychological contract violation, job satisfaction, subordinate employees, employers’ obligation

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19619 Optimizing Machine Learning Algorithms for Defect Characterization and Elimination in Liquids Manufacturing

Authors: Tolulope Aremu


The key process steps to produce liquid detergent products will introduce potential defects, such as formulation, mixing, filling, and packaging, which might compromise product quality, consumer safety, and operational efficiency. Real-time identification and characterization of such defects are of prime importance for maintaining high standards and reducing waste and costs. Usually, defect detection is performed by human inspection or rule-based systems, which is very time-consuming, inconsistent, and error-prone. The present study overcomes these limitations in dealing with optimization in defect characterization within the process for making liquid detergents using Machine Learning algorithms. Performance testing of various machine learning models was carried out: Support Vector Machine, Decision Trees, Random Forest, and Convolutional Neural Network on defect detection and classification of those defects like wrong viscosity, color deviations, improper filling of a bottle, packaging anomalies. These algorithms have significantly benefited from a variety of optimization techniques, including hyperparameter tuning and ensemble learning, in order to greatly improve detection accuracy while minimizing false positives. Equipped with a rich dataset of defect types and production parameters consisting of more than 100,000 samples, our study further includes information from real-time sensor data, imaging technologies, and historic production records. The results are that optimized machine learning models significantly improve defect detection compared to traditional methods. Take, for instance, the CNNs, which run at 98% and 96% accuracy in detecting packaging anomaly detection and bottle filling inconsistency, respectively, by fine-tuning the model with real-time imaging data, through which there was a reduction in false positives of about 30%. The optimized SVM model on detecting formulation defects gave 94% in viscosity variation detection and color variation. These values of performance metrics correspond to a giant leap in defect detection accuracy compared to the usual 80% level achieved up to now by rule-based systems. Moreover, this optimization with models can hasten defect characterization, allowing for detection time to be below 15 seconds from an average of 3 minutes using manual inspections with real-time processing of data. With this, the reduction in time will be combined with a 25% reduction in production downtime because of proactive defect identification, which can save millions annually in recall and rework costs. Integrating real-time machine learning-driven monitoring drives predictive maintenance and corrective measures for a 20% improvement in overall production efficiency. Therefore, the optimization of machine learning algorithms in defect characterization optimum scalability and efficiency for liquid detergent companies gives improved operational performance to higher levels of product quality. In general, this method could be conducted in several industries within the Fast moving consumer Goods industry, which would lead to an improved quality control process.

Keywords: liquid detergent manufacturing, defect detection, machine learning, support vector machines, convolutional neural networks, defect characterization, predictive maintenance, quality control, fast-moving consumer goods

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19618 Harmonic Analysis to Improve Power Quality

Authors: Rumana Ali


The presence of nonlinear and power electronic switching devices produce distorted output and harmonics into the system. This paper presents a technique to analyze harmonics using digital series oscilloscope (DSO). In power distribution system further measurements are done by DSO, and the waveforms are analyzed using FFT program. The results of this proposed work are helpful for the investigator to install an appropriate compensating device to mitigate the harmonics, in turn, improve the power quality. This case study is carried out at AIT Chikmagalur. It is done as a starting step towards the improvement of energy efficiency at AIT Chikmagalur, and with an overall aim of reducing the electricity bill with a complete energy audit of the institution. Strategies were put forth to reach the above objective: The following strategies were proposed to be implemented to analyze the power quality in EEE department of the institution. Strategy 1: The power factor has to be measured using the energy meter. Power factor improvement may reduce the voltage drop in lines. This brings the voltages at the socket in the labs closer to the nominal voltage of 230V, and thus power quality improves. Strategy 2: The harmonics at the power inlet has to be measured by means of a DSO. The DSO waveform is analyzed using FFT to know the percentage harmonic up to the 13th harmonics of 50Hz. Reduction in the harmonics in the inlet of the EEE department may reduce line losses and therefore reduces energy bill to the institution.

Keywords: harmonic analysis, energy bill, power quality, electronic switching devices

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19617 Low Light Image Enhancement with Multi-Stage Interconnected Autoencoders Integration in Pix to Pix GAN

Authors: Muhammad Atif, Cang Yan


The enhancement of low-light images is a significant area of study aimed at enhancing the quality of captured images in challenging lighting environments. Recently, methods based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) have gained prominence as they offer state-of-the-art performance. However, many approaches based on CNN rely on increasing the size and complexity of the neural network. In this study, we propose an alternative method for improving low-light images using an autoencoder-based multiscale knowledge transfer model. Our method leverages the power of three autoencoders, where the encoders of the first two autoencoders are directly connected to the decoder of the third autoencoder. Additionally, the decoder of the first two autoencoders is connected to the encoder of the third autoencoder. This architecture enables effective knowledge transfer, allowing the third autoencoder to learn and benefit from the enhanced knowledge extracted by the first two autoencoders. We further integrate the proposed model into the PIX to PIX GAN framework. By integrating our proposed model as the generator in the GAN framework, we aim to produce enhanced images that not only exhibit improved visual quality but also possess a more authentic and realistic appearance. These experimental results, both qualitative and quantitative, show that our method is better than the state-of-the-art methodologies.

Keywords: low light image enhancement, deep learning, convolutional neural network, image processing

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19616 [Keynote Speaker]: Enhancing the Performance of a Photovoltaic Module Using Different Cooling Methods

Authors: Ahmed Amine Hachicha


Temperature effect on the performance of a photovoltaic module is one of the main concern that face this renewable energy, especially in the hot arid region, e.g United Arab Emirates. Overheating of the PV modules reduces the open circuit voltage and the efficiency of the modules dramatically. In this work, water cooling is developed to enhance the performance of PV modules. Different scenarios are tested under UAE weather conditions: front, back and double cooling. A spraying system is used for the front cooling whether a direct contact water system is used for the back cooling. The experimental results are compared to a non-cooling module and the performance of the PV module is determined for different situations. A mathematical model is presented to estimate the theoretical performance and validate the experimental results with and without cooling. The experimental results show that the front cooling is more effective than the back cooling and may decrease the temperature of the PV module significantly.

Keywords: PV cooling, solar energy, cooling methods, electrical efficiency, temperature effect

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19615 Modelling and Simulation of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Single Source Inverter Using PSIM

Authors: Gaddafi Sani Shehu, Tankut Yalcınoz, Abdullahi Bala Kunya


Multilevel inverters such as flying capacitor, diode-clamped, and cascaded H-bridge inverters are very popular particularly in medium and high power applications. This paper focuses on a cascaded H-bridge module using a single direct current (DC) source in order to generate an 11-level output voltage. The noble approach reduces the number of switches and gate drivers, in comparison with a conventional method. The anticipated topology produces more accurate result with an isolation transformer at high switching frequency. Different modulation techniques can be used for the multilevel inverter, but this work features modulation techniques known as selective harmonic elimination (SHE).This modulation approach reduces the number of carriers with reduction in Switching Losses, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), and thereby increasing Power Quality (PQ). Based on the simulation result obtained, it appears SHE has the ability to eliminate selected harmonics by chopping off the fundamental output component. The performance evaluation of the proposed cascaded multilevel inverter is performed using PSIM simulation package and THD of 0.94% is obtained.

Keywords: cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter, power quality, selective harmonic elimination

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19614 Correlation Test of Psychomotor Vigilance Test Fatigue Scores on Sleep Quality at Home in Oil and Gas Tanker Driver: A Diagnostic Study

Authors: Pandega Gama Mahardika, Muhammad Rifki Al Iksan, Datuk Fachrul Razy


Oil And Gas Tanker Driver is a high-risk jobdesc. drivers drive with sleep circadian rhythm disturbances. Therefore, FAMOUS (Fatigue Management Online Ultimate System) conducted a diagnostic test on the effectiveness and accuracy of the Psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) in the field to capture the fatigue level of Oil And Gas Tanker Driver. Fatigue examination with the PVP method for 3 minutes using the Pertamina FAMOUS system (Fatigue Management Online Ultimate System). The research sample was Oil And Gas Tanker Driver Elnusa petrofin drivers as many as 2205 people. PVT is categorical data that states a driver has a low or high fatigue level. The quality of sleep at home was recorded by filling in a score of 1 = not well, 2 = not well, 3 = well, per person. A total of 1852 (84%) driver had a low fatigue level, while 353 (16%) driver had a high fatigue level. Poor sleep quality was experienced by 68 (79%) driver who had a high fatigue level. Oil And Gas Tanker Driver who slept soundly at home as many as 1804 (87%) had a low fatigue level. The correlation coefficient of sleep quality home and fatigue level is significant because it shows a probability value of 0.00 (p <5%). Fatigue level can be diagnosed through examining sleep quality, using FAMOUS Program for occupational medicine, particularly in the oil and gas sector.

Keywords: psychomotor vigilance test, fatigue, sleep, oil and gas tanker driver drivers, pertamina FAMOUS

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19613 Role of Organizational Culture in Building Sustainable Employee’s Performance in Organizations: A Case Study of Zenith Bank PLC Jalingo Taraba State Nigeria

Authors: Jerome Nyameh


The most valuable asset in the existence of organization is the employees and their ability in maintain appreciable level of performance which support the goal of the organization and the ability to do that depend largely on the organizational culture and culture has been considered most currently as the factor that relate positively to organizational excellence and sustainable employee’s performance over the period of time An employee engagement program will not go far without first establishing the organizational culture that is required to support sustainability. This means integrating sustainability into the overall employee’s performance, with clear vision, goals and metrics. It means having strong culture and a collaborative governance structure that has been develop as a ways of doing things in the organization for decision making and resource allocation. It requires a rewards and recognition program to support and reinforce sustainability behaviors. With such a culture in place, organization will be able to develop a strategy that fully engages employees, while fully realizing the benefits of their contributions. The study investigated empirically the role of organizational culture building sustainable employee’s performance using Zenith bank PLC a model where organizational culture will build sustainable employees performance strategy for a lasting actualization of organizational was developed. In order to achieve the research objectives of (i) to assess how organizational culture can build sustainable employee’s performance (ii) to analyze the gap that exists between organizational culture and sustainable employee’s performance in the organization, a survey questionnaires of 20 items was administered to sixty respondents. The findings of this study have practical implications for organizational leaders, managers and employees, and their organizations, particularly commercial banks in Nigeria, besides offering scope for further research in the area of organizational culture and sustainable employee’s performance. It will also show a significance and positive relationship that exist between organizational culture and sustainable employee’s performance, as means of building viable organization with cultural uniqueness and excellence performance in the world of competition.

Keywords: organizational culture, sustainable employee’s performance, organizations, Zenith Bank PLC Nigeria

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19612 Effect of Immunocastration Vaccine Administration at Different Doses on Performance of Feedlot Holstein Bulls

Authors: M. Bolacali


The aim of the study is to determine the effect of immunocastration vaccine administration at different doses on fattening performance of feedlot Holstein bulls. Bopriva® is a vaccine that stimulates the animals' own immune system to produce specific antibodies against gonadotropin releasing factor (GnRF). Ninety four Holstein male calves (309.5 ± 2.58 kg body live weight and 267 d-old) assigned to the 4 treatments. Control group; 1 mL of 0.9% saline solution was subcutaneously injected to intact bulls on 1st and 60th days of the feedlot as placebo. On the same days of the feedlot, Bopriva® at two doses of 1 mL and 1 mL for Trial-1 group, 1.5 mL, and 1.5 mL for Trial-2 group, 1.5 mL, and 1 mL for Trial-3 group were subcutaneously injected to bulls. The study was conducted in a private establishment in the Sirvan district of Siirt province and lasted 180 days. The animals were weighed at the beginning of fattening and at 30-day intervals to determine their live weights at various periods. The statistical analysis for normal distribution data of the treatment groups was carried out with the general linear model procedure of SPSS software. The fattening initial live weight in Control, Trial-1, Trial-2 and Trial-3 groups was respectively 309.21, 306.62, 312.11, and 315.39 kg. The fattening final live weight was respectively 560.88, 536.67, 548.56, and 548.25 kg. The daily live weight gain during the trial was respectively 1.40, 1.28, 1.31, and 1.29 kg/day. The cold carcass yield was respectively 51.59%, 50.32%, 50.85%, and 50.77%. Immunocastration vaccine administration at different doses did not affect the live weights and cold carcass yields of Holstein male calves reared under intensive conditions (P > 0.05). However, it was determined to reduce fattening performance between 61-120 days (P < 0.05) and 1-180 days (P < 0.01). In addition, it was determined that the best performance among the vaccine-treated groups occurred in the group administered a 1.5 mL of vaccine on the 1st and 60th study days. In animals, castration is used to control fertility, aggressive and sexual behaviors. As a result, the fact that stress is induced by physical castration in animals and active immunization against GnRF maintains performance by maximizing welfare in bulls improves carcass and meat quality and controls unwanted sexual and aggressive behavior. Considering such features, it may be suggested that immunocastration vaccine with Bopriva® can be administered as a 1.5 mL dose on the 1st and 60th days of the fattening period in Holstein bulls.

Keywords: anti-GnRF, fattening, growth, immunocastration

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19611 Assessment and Prediction of Vehicular Emissions in Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City at Various Policy and Technology Scenarios Using Simple Interactive Model (SIM-Air)

Authors: Ria M. Caramoan, Analiza P. Rollon, Karl N. Vergel


The Simple Interactive Models for Better Air Quality (SIM-air) is an integrated approach model that allows the available information to support the integrated urban air quality management. This study utilized the vehicular air pollution information system module of SIM-air for the assessment of vehicular emissions in Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines. The main objective of the study is to assess and predict the contribution of different types of vehicles to the vehicular emissions in terms of PM₁₀, SOₓ, and NOₓ at different policy and technology scenarios. For the base year 2017, the results show vehicular emissions of 735.46 tons of PM₁₀, 108.90 tons of SOₓ, and 2,101.11 tons of NOₓ. Motorcycle is the major source of particulates contributing about 52% of the PM₁₀ emissions. Meanwhile, Public Utility Jeepneys contribute 27% of SOₓ emissions and private cars using gasoline contribute 39% of NOₓ emissions. Ambient air quality monitoring was also conducted in the study area for the standard parameters of PM₁₀, S0₂, and NO₂. Results show an average of 88.11 µg/Ncm, 47.41 µg/Ncm and 22.54 µg/Ncm for PM₁₀, N0₂, and SO₂, respectively, all were within the DENR National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values. Future emissions of PM₁₀, NOₓ, and SOₓ are estimated at different scenarios. Results show that in the year 2030, PM₁₀ emissions will be increased by 186.2%. NOₓ emissions and SOₓ emissions will also be increased by 38.9% and 5.5%, without the implementation of the scenarios.

Keywords: ambient air quality, emissions inventory, mobile air pollution, vehicular emissions

Procedia PDF Downloads 138
19610 Climate Change and Its Impact on Water Security and Health in Coastal Community: A Gender Outlook

Authors: Soorya Vennila


The present study answers the questions; how does climate change affect the water security in drought prone Ramanathapuram district? and what has water insecurity done to the health of the coastal community? The study area chosen is Devipattinam in Ramanathapuram district. Climate change evidentially wreaked havoc on the community with saltwater intrusion, water quality degradation, water scarcity and its eventual economic, social like power inequality within family and community and health hazards. The climatological data such as rainfall, minimum temperature and maximum temperature were statistically analyzed for trend using Mann-Kendall test. The test was conducted for 14 years (1989-2002) of rainfall data, maximum and minimum temperature and the data were statistically analyzed. At the outset, the water quality samples were collected from Devipattinam to test its physical and chemical parameters and their spatial variation. The results were derived as shown in ARC GIS. Using the water quality test water quality index were framed. And finally, key Informant interview, questionnaire were conducted to capture the gender perception and problem. The data collected were thereafter interpreted using SPSS software for recommendations and suggestions to overcome water scarcity and health problems.

Keywords: health, watersecurity, water quality, climate change

Procedia PDF Downloads 79
19609 Acoustic Performance and Application of Three Personalized Sound-Absorbing Materials

Authors: Fangying Wang, Zhang Sanming, Ni Qian


In recent years, more and more personalized sound absorbing materials have entered the Chinese room acoustical decoration market. The acoustic performance of three kinds of personalized sound-absorbing materials: Flame-retardant Flax Fiber Sound-absorbing Cotton, Eco-Friendly Sand Acoustic Panel and Transparent Micro-perforated Panel (Film) are tested by Reverberation Room Method. The sound absorption characteristic curves show that their performance match for or even exceed the traditional sound absorbing material. Through the application in the actual projects, these personalized sound-absorbing materials also proved their sound absorption ability and unique decorative effect.

Keywords: acoustic performance, application prospect personalized sound-absorbing materials

Procedia PDF Downloads 191
19608 The Influence of Zinc Applications from Soil and Foliar at Different Levels on Some Quality Characteristics of Sultana Raisins

Authors: Harun Çoban, Aydın Akın


In this study, the effects of different dose zinc application from soil and foliar on drying yield and some quality characters of raisins ‘Sultana’ were investigated. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks with four replications, zinc treatment was used at one time (before pre- bloom) and from foliar in three times (pre-bloom, fruit set, and veraison). At harvest, both soil and foliar zinc sulphate applications increased the amount of fresh grapes per vine. Fresh grapes were dried on the drying place. However, the most efficient applications for drying yield and quality of raisins were observed from foliar. Therefore, it was preferred that foliar application dosage level at 0.10 %.

Keywords: zinc, raisins, soil application, foliar application, sultana, expertise value

Procedia PDF Downloads 315
19607 Performance Comparison of Microcontroller-Based Optimum Controller for Fruit Drying System

Authors: Umar Salisu


This research presents the development of a hot air tomatoes drying system. To provide a more efficient and continuous temperature control, microcontroller-based optimal controller was developed. The system is based on a power control principle to achieve smooth power variations depending on a feedback temperature signal of the process. An LM35 temperature sensor and LM399 differential comparator were used to measure the temperature. The mathematical model of the system was developed and the optimal controller was designed and simulated and compared with the PID controller transient response. A controlled environment suitable for fruit drying is developed within a closed chamber and is a three step process. First, the infrared light is used internally to preheated the fruit to speedily remove the water content inside the fruit for fast drying. Second, hot air of a specified temperature is blown inside the chamber to maintain the humidity below a specified level and exhaust the humid air of the chamber. Third, the microcontroller disconnects the power to the chamber after the moisture content of the fruits is removed to minimal. Experiments were conducted with 1kg of fresh tomatoes at three different temperatures (40, 50 and 60 °C) at constant relative humidity of 30%RH. The results obtained indicate that the system is significantly reducing the drying time without affecting the quality of the fruits. In the context of temperature control, the results obtained showed that the response of the optimal controller has zero overshoot whereas the PID controller response overshoots to about 30% of the set-point. Another performance metric used is the rising time; the optimal controller rose without any delay while the PID controller delayed for more than 50s. It can be argued that the optimal controller performance is preferable than that of the PID controller since it does not overshoot and it starts in good time.

Keywords: drying, microcontroller, optimum controller, PID controller

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19606 The Quality of Food and Drink Product Labels Translation from Indonesian into English

Authors: Rudi Hartono, Bambang Purwanto


The translation quality of food and drink labels from Indonesian into English is poor because the translation is not accurate, less natural, and difficult to read. The label translation can be found in some cans packages of food and drink products produced and marketed by several companies in Indonesia. If this problem is left unchecked, it will lead to a misunderstanding on the translation results and make consumers confused. This study was conducted to analyze the translation errors on food and drink products labels and formulate the solution for the better translation quality. The research design was the evaluation research with a holistic criticism approach. The data used were words, phrases, and sentences translated from Indonesian to English language printed on food and drink product labels. The data were processed by using Interactive Model Analysis that carried out three main steps: collecting, classifying, and verifying data. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using content analysis to view the accuracy, naturalness, and readability of translation. The results showed that the translation quality of food and drink product labels from Indonesian to English has the level of accuracy (60%), level of naturalness (50%), and level readability (60%). This fact needs a help to create an effective strategy for translating food and drink product labels later.

Keywords: translation quality, food and drink product labels, a holistic criticism approach, interactive model, content analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 375