Search results for: left bundle branch block
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 2664

Search results for: left bundle branch block

1224 Synergy and Complementarity in Technology-Intensive Manufacturing Networks

Authors: Daidai Shen, Jean Claude Thill, Wenjia Zhang


This study explores the dynamics of synergy and complementarity within city networks, specifically focusing on the headquarters-subsidiary relations of firms. We begin by defining these two types of networks and establishing their pivotal roles in shaping city network structures. Utilizing the mesoscale analytic approach of weighted stochastic block modeling, we discern relational patterns between city pairs and determine connection strengths through statistical inference. Furthermore, we introduce a community detection approach to uncover the underlying structure of these networks using advanced statistical methods. Our analysis, based on comprehensive network data up to 2017, reveals the coexistence of both complementarity and synergy networks within China’s technology-intensive manufacturing cities. Notably, firms in technology hardware and office & computing machinery predominantly contribute to the complementarity city networks. In contrast, a distinct synergy city network, underpinned by the cities of Suzhou and Dongguan, emerges amidst the expansive complementarity structures in technology hardware and equipment. These findings provide new insights into the relational dynamics and structural configurations of city networks in the context of technology-intensive manufacturing, highlighting the nuanced interplay between synergy and complementarity.

Keywords: city system, complementarity, synergy network, higher-order network

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1223 Case Scenario Simulation concerning Eventual Ship Sourced Oil Spill, Expansion and Response Process in Istanbul Strait

Authors: Cihat Aşan


Istanbul Strait is a crucial and narrow waterway, not only having a role in linking two continents but also has a crossover mission for the petroleum, which is the biggest energy resource, between its supply and demand sources. Besides its substantial features, sensitivities like around 18 million populations in surroundings, military facilities, ports, oil lay down areas etc. also brings the high risk to use of Istanbul Strait. Based on the statistics of Turkish Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communication, although the number of vessel passage in Istanbul Strait is declining, tonnage of hazardous and flammable cargo like oil and chemical transportation is increasing and subsequently the risk of oil pollution, loss of life and property is also rising. Based on the mentioned above; it is crucial to be prepared for the initial and subsequent response to eventual ship sourced oil spill which may cause to block the Strait for an unbearable duration. In this study; preconditioned Istanbul Strait sensitive areas studies has been taken into account and possible oil spill scenario is loaded to PISCES 2 (Potential Incident Simulation Control and Evaluation System) decision support system for the determined specific sea area. Consequences of the simulation like oil expanding process, required number and types of assets to response, had in hand and evaluated.

Keywords: Istanbul strait, oil spill, PISCES simulator, initial response

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1222 Production Potential and Economic Returns of Bed Planted Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) As Influenced by Different Intercropping Systems

Authors: Priya M. V., Thakar Singh


A field experiment was carried out during the rabi season of 2017 and 2018 to evaluate the productivity and economic viability of bed-planted chickpea-based intercropping systems. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design consisting of four replications with thirteen treatments. Results showed that sole chickpea recorded the highest seed yield, and it was statistically at par with seed yield obtained under chickpea + oats fodder (2:1), chickpea + oats fodder (4:1), and chickpea + linseed (4:1) intercropping systems. However, oilseed rape and barley as intercrops showed an adverse effect on yield and yield attributes of chickpea. Chickpea + oats fodder in 2:1 row ratio recorded the highest chickpea equivalent yield of 24.07 and 24.77 q/ha during 2017 and 2018, respectively. Higher net returns (Rs. 63098 and 70924/ha) and benefit-cost ratio (1.47 and 1.63) were also recorded in chickpea + oats fodder (2:1) intercropping system over sole chickpea (Rs. 44862 and 53769/ha and 1.21 and 1.41) during both the years. Chickpea + oats fodder (4:1), chickpea + linseed (2:1), and chickpea + linseed (4:1) also recorded significantly higher chickpea equivalent yield, net returns, and benefit-cost ratio as compared to sole chickpea.

Keywords: bed planted chickpea, chickpea equivalent yield, economic returns, intercropping system, productivity

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1221 Epidemiological, Clinical, Histopathological Profile and Management of Breast Cancer at Kinshasa University Clinics

Authors: Eddy K. Mukadi


This work is a documentary and descriptive study devoted to the epidemiological, clinical, histopathological and therapeutic profile of breast cancer deals with the department of gynecology and obstetrics of the university clinics of Kinshasa during the period from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014. We have identified 56 cases of breast cancer. These cancers accounted for 45.2% of gynecological mammary cancers. The youngest in our series was 18 years old while the oldest was 74 years old; And the mean age of these patients was 43.4 years and mostly multiparous (35.7%). Brides (60.7%) and bachelors (26.8%) were the most affected by breast cancer. The reasons for consultation were dominated by nodules in the breast (48.2%) followed by pain (35.7%) and nipple discharge (14.3%). In 89.2% of the cases, it was the advanced clinical stage (stage 3 and 4) and the infiltrating ductal carcinoma was the most frequent histological type (75%) The malignant tumor was mainly in the left breast (55.3%), and chemotherapy with hormone therapy and patey was the most convenient treatment (42.8%), while patey mastectomy was performed in 12.5% of patients. Because of the high incidence of breast cancer identified in our study, some preventive measures must be taken into account to address this public health problem, including breast autopalpation once a month, Early detection system development of a national breast cancer policy and the implementation of a national breast cancer control program.

Keywords: breast cancer, histopathological profile, epidemiological profile, Kinshasa

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1220 Effects of Nitroxin Fertilizer on Physiological Characters Forage Millet under Drought Stress Conditions

Authors: Mohammad Darbani, Jafar Masoud Sinaki, Armaghan Abedzadeh Neyshaburi


An experiment was conducted as split plot factorial design using randomized complete block design in Damghan in 2012-2013 in order to investigate the effects of irrigation cut off (based on the Phenological stages of plants) on physiological properties of forage millet cultivars. The treatments included three irrigation levels (control with full irrigation, irrigation cut off when flowering started, and irrigation cut off when flowering ended) in the main plots, and applying nitroxin biofertilizer (+), not applying nitroxin biofertilizer (control), and Iranian forage millet cultivars (Bastan, Pishahang, and Isfahan) in the subplots. The highest rate of ashes and water-soluble carbohydrates content were observed in the cultivar Bastan (8.22 and 8.91%, respectively), the highest content of fiber and water (74.17 and 48.83%, respectively) in the treatment of irrigation cut off when flowering started, and the largest proline concentration (μmol/gfw-1) was seen in the treatment of irrigation cut off when flowering started. very rapid growth of millet, its short growing season, drought tolerance, its unique feature regarding harvest time, and its response to nitroxin biofertilizer can help expanding its cultivation in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran.

Keywords: irrigation cut off, forage millet, Nitroxin fertilizer, physiological properties

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1219 In-Vivo Association of Multivalent 11 Zinc Fingers Transcriptional Factors CTCF and Boris to YB-1 in Multiforme Glioma-RGBM Cell Line

Authors: Daruliza Kernain, Shaharum Shamsuddin, See Too Wei Cun


CTCF is a unique, highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed 11 zinc finger (ZF) transcriptional factor with multiple target sites. It is able to bind to various target sequences to perform different regulatory roles including promoter activation or repression, creating hormone-responsive gene silencing element, and functional block of enhancer-promoter interactions. The binding of CTCF to the essential binding site is through the combination of different ZF domain. On the other hand, BORIS for brother of the regulator of imprinted sites, which expressed only in the testis and certain cancer cell line is homology to CTCF 11 ZF domains. Since both transcriptional factors share the same ZF domains hence there is a possibility for both to bind to the same target sequences. In this study, the interaction of these two proteins to multi-functional Y-box DNA/RNA-binding factor, YB-1 was determined. The protein-protein interaction between CTCF/YB-1 and BORIS/YB-1 were discovered by Co-immuno-precipitation (CO-IP) technique through reciprocal experiment from RGBM total cell lysate. The results showed that both CTCF and BORIS were able to interact with YB-1 in Glioma RGBM cell line. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first findings demonstrating the ability of BORIS and YB-1 to form a complex in vivo.

Keywords: immunoprecipitation, CTCF/BORIS/YB-1, transcription factor, molecular medicine

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1218 Evaluation of Three Commercially Available Materials in Reducing the White Spot Lesions During Fixed Orthodontic Treatment: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial

Authors: Sayeeda Laeque Bangi


Objectives: Treating white spot lesions (WSL) to create a sound and esthetically pleasing enamel surface is a question yet to be fully answered. The objective of this randomized controlled trial was to measure and compare the degree of regression of WSL during orthodontic treatment achieved by using three commercially available materials. Methods: A single-blinded randomized prospective clinical trial, comprising 80 patients categorized into four groups (one control group and three experimental groups, with 20 subjects per group) using block randomization, was conducted. Group A (control group): Colgate strong toothpaste; and experiments groups were Group B: GC tooth mousse, Group C: Phos-Flur mouthwash and Group D: SHY-NM. Subjects were instructed to use the designated dentifrice/mouthwash and photographs were taken at baseline, third and sixth months, and white spot lesions were reassessed in the maxillomandibular anterior teeth. Results: All the three groups had shown an improvement in WSL. But Group B has shown the greatest difference in mean values of decalcification index (DI) scores. Conclusion: All three commercially available products showed a regression of WSL over a 6-month duration. GC tooth mousse proved to be the most effective means of treating WSL over other regimens.

Keywords: white spot lesions, dentifrices, orthodontic therapy, remineralization

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1217 Effect of Threshold Corrections on Proton Lifetime and Emergence of Topological Defects in Grand Unified Theories

Authors: Rinku Maji, Joydeep Chakrabortty, Stephen F. King


The grand unified theory (GUT) rationales the arbitrariness of the standard model (SM) and explains many enigmas of nature at the outset of a single gauge group. The GUTs predict the proton decay and, the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) of the higher symmetry group may lead to the formation of topological defects, which are indispensable in the context of the cosmological observations. The Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) experiment sets sacrosanct bounds on the partial lifetime (τ) of the proton decay for different channels, e.g., τ(p → e+ π0) > 1.6×10³⁴ years which is the most relevant channel to test the viability of the nonsupersymmetric GUTs. The GUTs based on the gauge groups SO(10) and E(6) are broken to the SM spontaneously through one and two intermediate gauge symmetries with the manifestation of the left-right symmetry at least at a single intermediate stage and the proton lifetime for these breaking chains has been computed. The impact of the threshold corrections, as a consequence of integrating out the heavy fields at the breaking scale alter the running of the gauge couplings, which eventually, are found to keep many GUTs off the Super-K bound. The possible topological defects arising in the course of SSB at different breaking scales for all breaking chains have been studied.

Keywords: grand unified theories, proton decay, threshold correction, topological defects

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1216 Genesis and Achievements of Madhesh Movement in Nepal

Authors: Deepak Chaudhary


The main objective of the study is to explore the genesis and achievements of the Madhesh movement. Madhesh Movement is a social movement that brought massive political changes and contributed a lot to the nation-building process in the modern history of Nepal. This movement erupted in January 2007 in the Tarai/Madhesh region following the promulgation of the Interim Constitution that left the incorporation of federalism and proportional representation in the Constitution. The most excluded community in Nepal- Madheshi community, seemed to have angered against state-sponsored discrimination and exclusion that have been occurred for centuries. Since Madheshis were treated as non-Nepali, though the history of Nepal’s Tarai/Madhesh has been ancient. In the beginning, this movement was against Maoist, but later, it went against the state's prejudices and discriminations. It extended across the Tarai/Madhesh region of Nepal for a month. The movement was spontaneous to a large extent. A researcher himself is a witness to the movement. Key Informant Interviews with participants, including politicians, journalists, and activists, have mainly carried out for the study. This movement ensured Madheshi identity first. Secondly, the number of electoral constituencies was increased as it reached 120 in Tarai/Madhesh while it was 80 only. As a result, Madheshi representation in the Constitution Assembly reached 35 %, while it was 20% only. The main thing that this movement played a major role in ensuring the federalism as a political system in Nepal.

Keywords: dignity, exclusion, federalism, inclusion, Madhesh movement, nation-building

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1215 Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Tars and Metatars Region of Dromedary Camel

Authors: Aboozar Dehghan, S. Sharifi, A. Ardeshiri, F. Jafari, F. Samani


Ultrasonography is a safe, particular, available and easy to use method to evaluate soft tissues. Tendons play the main role to body locomotors system. Ultrasonography performed in tarsus and metatarsus region of rare limb of eight adult, Dromedary camels (camelus dromedaries) in both sex. Clinical examination and gate analysis was performed before slaughtering. From the tarsus to the 1st phalanx was divided to 4 equal region include 1a, 2a, 1b and 2b. Flexor surface was clipped and covered by enough ultrasonography gel. Ultrasonography was performed by linear phased array 8-12 Mhz transducer in transverse and longitudinal section and Superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) and suspensory ligament (SL) were imaged. Echogenicity and diameter of these structures were recorded. Size of tendons and SL measured after necropsy too. statistical analysis obtained that SDFT diameter larger than others in all described regions and mean of DDFT diameter larger than suspensory ligament. Echogenicity of SL more than SDFT and DDFT. No Significant relationship was seen between left and right rare limb structures size. Between sex and tendons and SL diameter, significant relationship not seen.

Keywords: dromedary camel, tars and metatars, ultrasonography

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1214 Strength Properties of Concrete Paving Blocks with Fly Ash and Glass Powder

Authors: Joel Santhosh, N. Bhavani Shankar Rao


Problems associated with construction site have been known for many years. Construction industry has to support a world of continuing population growth and economic development. The rising costs of construction materials and the need to adhere to sustainability, alternative construction techniques and materials are being sought. To increase the applications of concrete paving blocks, greater understanding of products produced with locally available materials and indigenously produced mineral admixtures is essential. In the present investigation, concrete paving blocks may be produced with locally available aggregates, cement, fly ash and waste glass powder as the mineral admixture. The ultimate aim of this work is to ascertain the performance of concrete paving blocks containing fly ash and glass powder and compare it with the performance of conventional concrete paving blocks. Mix design is carried out to form M40 grade of concrete by using IS: 10262: 2009 and specification given by IRC: SP: 63: 2004. The paving blocks are tested in accordance to IS: 15658: 2006. It showed that the partial replacement of cement by fly ash and waste glass powder satisfies the minimum requirement as specified by the Indian standard IS: 15658: 2006 for concrete paving blocks to be used in non traffic, light traffic and medium-heavy traffic areas. The study indicated that fly ash and waste glass powder can effectively be used as cement replacement without substantial change in strength.

Keywords: paving block, fly ash, glass powder, strength, abrasion resistance, durability

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1213 Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Biological Studies of Leaves and Stems of Hippophae Salicifolia

Authors: Bhupendra Kumar Poudel, Sadhana Amatya, Tirtha Maiya Shrestha, Bharatmani Pokhrel, Mohan Prasad Amatya


Background: H. salicifolia is a dense, branched, multipurpose, deciduous, nitrogen fixing, thorny willow-like small to moderate tree, restricted to the Himalaya. Among the two species of Nepal (Hippophae salicifolia and H. tibetana), it has been traditionally used as food additive, anticancer (bark), and treating toothache, tooth inflammation (anti-inflammatory) and radiation injury; while people of Western Nepal have largely undermined its veiled treasure by using it for fuel, wood and soil stabilization only. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to explore biological properties (analgesic, antidiabetic, cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory properties of this plant. Methodology: The transverse section of leaves and stems were viewed under microscope. Extracts obtained from soxhlation subjected to tests for phytochemical and biological studies. Rats (used to study antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory properties) and mice (used to study analgesic, CNS depressant, muscle relaxant and locomotor properties) were assumed to be normally distributed; then ANOVA and post hoc tukey test was used to find significance. The data obtained were analyzed by SPSS 17 and Excel 2007. Results and Conclusion: Pharmacognostical analysis revealed the presence of long stellate trichomes, double layered vascular bundle 5-6 in number and double layered compact sclerenchyma. The preliminary phytochemical screening of the extracts was found to exhibit the positive reaction tests for glycoside, steroid, tannin, flavonoid, saponin, coumarin and reducing sugar. The brine shrimp lethality bioassay tested in 1000, 100 and 10 ppm revealed cytotoxic activity inherent in methanol, water, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts with LC50 (μg/ml) values of 61.42, 99.77, 292.72 and 277.84 respectively. The cytotoxic activity may be due to presence of tannins in the constituents. Antimicrobial screening of the extracts by cup diffusion method using Staphylococcus aereus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa against standard antibiotics (oxacillin, gentamycin and amikacin respectively) portrayed no activity against the microorganisms tested. The methanol extract of the stems and leaves showed various pharmacological properties: and antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic [chemical writhing method], CNS depressant, muscle relaxant and locomotor activities in a dose-dependent fashion, indicating the possibility of the presence of different constituents in the stems and leaves responsible for these biological activities. All the effects when analyzed by post hoc tukey test were found to be significant at 95% confidence level. The antidiabetic activity was presumed to be due to flavonoids present in extract. Therefore, it can be concluded that this plant’s secondary metabolites possessed strong antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activity which could be isolated for further investigation.

Keywords: Hippophae salicifolia, constituents, antidiabetic, inflammatory, brine shrimp

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1212 Comparison of the Effect of Two Rootstocks Citrus Macrophylla and Citrus Volkameriana on Water Productivity of Citrus “Orogrande” Under Three Irrigation Doses

Authors: Hicham Elomari, Absa Fall, Taoufiq Elkrochni


This present work mainly concerns the improvement of citrus water productivity in the Souss Massa region. The objective is to evaluate the effect of deficit irrigation applied during the fruit growth stage on fruit size, quality and yield of the Orogrande variety grafted on Citrus macrophylla and Citrus volkameriana. Three irrigation regimes were adopted, a control D0 of 3.6 l/h and two doses D1 (58% D0 =2.1 l/h) and D2 (236% D0 =8.5 l/h). The experimental design was a randomized complete block while keeping the same spacing between drippers, the same duration of irrigation and the beginning of trials (fruit growth stage). Results showed that at the end of the cycle from October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021, a total water supply of 732 mm and 785 mm using the D1 dose was provided to trees of Orogrande variety, respectively grafted on Citrus macrophylla and Citrus volkameriana rootstocks. Citrus macrophylla presented largest fruit size of 38 mm compared to Citrus volkameriana (33mm) with a significant difference. Total soluble sugar (8°Brix) and juice content level (40%) were higher with the application of the D1 dose on both rootstocks. Yield of 36 Tons was not affected by the deficit irrigation. Reduction of water supply by 18% increases agronomic productivity (6 MAD/m³) and economic productivity (3 MAD/m³).

Keywords: citrus, irrigation, fruit size, fruit quality, yield

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1211 Contribution of Electrochemical Treatment in Treating Textile Dye Wastewater

Authors: Usha N. Murthy, H. B. Rekha, Mahaveer Devoor


The introduction of more stringent pollution regulations, in relation to financial and social pressures for sustainable development, has pressed toward limiting the volumes of industrial and domestic effluents discharged into the environment-as well as to increase the efforts within research and development of new or more efficient wastewater treatment technologies. Considering both discharge volume and effluent composition, wastewater generated by the textile industry is rated as the most polluting among all industrial sectors. The pollution load is mainly due to spent dye baths, which are composed of unreacted dyes, dispersing agents, surfactants, salts and organics. In the present investigation, the textile dye wastewater was characterized by high colour, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved solids (TDS) and pH. Electrochemical oxidation process for four plate electrodes was carried out at five different current intensities, out of which 0.14A has achieved maximum percentage removal of COD with 75% and 83% of colour. The COD removal rate in kg COD/h/m2 decreases with increase in the current intensity. The energy consumption increases with increase in the current intensity. Hence, textile dye wastewater can be effectively pre-treated by electrochemical oxidation method where the process limits objectionable colour while leaving the COD associated with organics left for natural degradation thus causing a sustainable reduction in pollution load.

Keywords: electrochemical treatment, COD, colour, environmental engineering

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1210 Water Management in Rice Plants of Dry Season in the Rainfed Lowland

Authors: Zainal Arifin, Mohammad Saeri


The purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of irrigation use on the growth and yield of two varieties of rice. Water management research on rainfed lowland rice was carried out in dry season (DS I) 2016 in an area of 10,000 m2 in Bunbarat Village, Rubaru Subdistrict, Sumenep Regency. The research was randomized block design factorial with 8 treatments and repeated 3 times, ie Factor I (varieties): (a) Inpago 9, and (b) Sidenuk; factor II (irrigation): (a) Alternate Wetting and Drying, (b) intermittent, (c) submerged, and (d) inundated. The results showed that dominant weed species such as purslane (Portulaca oleraceae L.) and barnyard grass (Echinochloa crusgalli) were mostly found in rice cultivation with Alternate Wetting and Drying, intermittent and submerged irrigation treatment, while the lowest was inundated irrigation. The use of Sidenuk variety with Alternate Wetting and Drying irrigation yielded 5.7 t/ha dry grain harvest (dgh) and was not significantly different from the inundated watering using the Sidenuk variety (6.2 t/ha dgh). With Alternate Wetting and Drying irrigation technique, water use is more efficient as much as 1,503 m3/ha so as to produce 1 kg of grain, it needs 459 liters of water compared to inundated irrigation (665 liters/kg of grain). Results of analysis of rice farming Sidenuk variety with Alternate Wetting and Drying irrigation has the highest B/C ratio (2.56) so that economically feasible.

Keywords: water management, varieties, rice, dry season, rainfed lowland

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1209 Isolation and Chemical Characterization of Residual Lignin from Areca Nut Shells

Authors: Dipti Yadav, Latha Rangan, Pinakeswar Mahanta


Recent fuel-development strategies to reduce oil dependency, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and utilize domestic resources have generated interest in the search for alternative sources of fuel supplies. Bioenergy production from lignocellulosic biomass has a great potential. Cellulose, hemicellulose and Lignin are main constituent of woods or agrowaste. In all the industries there are always left over or waste products mainly lignin, due to the heterogeneous nature of wood and pulp fibers and the heterogeneity that exists between individual fibers, no method is currently available for the quantitative isolation of native or residual lignin without the risk of structural changes during the isolation. The potential benefits from finding alternative uses of lignin are extensive, and with a double effect. Lignin can be used to replace fossil-based raw materials in a wide range of products, from plastics to individual chemical products, activated carbon, motor fuels and carbon fibers. Furthermore, if there is a market for lignin for such value-added products, the mills will also have an additional economic incentive to take measures for higher energy efficiency. In this study residual lignin were isolated from areca nut shells by acid hydrolysis and were analyzed and characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), LCMS and complexity of its structure investigated by NMR.

Keywords: Areca nut, Lignin, wood, bioenergy

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1208 Effect of He-Ne Laser Therapy on the Testis and Serum Testosterone Level in Adult Rats

Authors: Nadeem H. Meikha , Nazad H. Qader, Basheer M. Hasafa


The trial was conducted to examine the effect of He-Ne laser therapy on the testis and serum testosterone level in adult rats. Thirty five albino Western adult male rats aged 3-4 months and weighing approximately 250-300 g were used and divided into three treatments. Testicular tissue of rats in the first and second treatments were exposed once daily for three successively days to a dose of irradiation 1.02 j/cm2 (40 second), and to 2.03 j/cm2 (80 second) respectively, while the third group left without any treatments (control). The results showed that the process of irradiation adversely affected on the level of serum testosterone concentration of the irradiated rats in the first and second treatment comparing to the normal level in the control group. While the histological examination showed that decrease in number of germ cells with 40 second of irradiation at day three, with 80 second of irradiation the decreased started at day two and three. The spermatids number decreased in rate low, medium, high respectively for three days of 40 second of irradiation, while the spermatids number were adversely affected by dropping in a rate of medium, large and very large for three days of 80 second of irradiation, respectively. In conclusion our study revealed that any reduction in sertoli cells causes adverse affect on both spermatids and germinal cells which increase with the increasing of duration and repetition of irradiation.

Keywords: He-Ne laser, rats, testosterone, spermatids

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1207 CRLH and SRR Based Microwave Filter Design Useful for Communication Applications

Authors: Subal Kar, Amitesh Kumar, A. Majumder, S. K. Ghosh, S. Saha, S. S. Sikdar, T. K. Saha


CRLH (composite right/left-handed) based and SRR (split-ring resonator) based filters have been designed at microwave frequency which can provide better performance compared to conventional edge-coupled band-pass filter designed around the same frequency, 2.45 GHz. Both CRLH and SRR are unit cells used in metamaterial design. The primary aim of designing filters with such structures is to realize size reduction and also to realize novel filter performance. The CRLH based filter has been designed in microstrip transmission line, while the SRR based filter is designed with SRR loading in waveguide. The CRLH based filter designed at 2.45 GHz provides an insertion loss of 1.6 dB with harmonic suppression up to 10 GHz with 67 % size reduction when compared with a conventional edge-coupled band-pass filter designed around the same frequency. One dimensional (1-D) SRR matrix loaded in a waveguide shows the possibility of realizing a stop-band with sharp skirts in the pass-band while a stop-band in the pass-band of normal rectangular waveguide with tailoring of the dimensions of SRR unit cells. Such filters are expected to be very useful for communication systems at microwave frequency.

Keywords: BPF, CRLH, harmonic, metamaterial, SRR and waveguide

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1206 Multiple Primary Pulmonary Meningiomas: A Case Report

Authors: Wellemans Isabelle, Remmelink Myriam, Foucart Annick, Rusu Stefan, Compère Christophe


Primary pulmonary meningioma (PPM) is a very rare tumor, and its occurrence has been reported only sporadically. Multiple PPMs are even more exceptional, and herein, we report, to the best of our knowledge, the fourth case, focusing on the clinicopathological features of the tumor. Moreover, the possible relationship between the use of progesterone–only contraceptives and the development of these neoplasms will be discussed. Case Report: We report a case of a 51-year-old female presenting three solid pulmonary nodules, with the following localizations: right upper lobe, middle lobe, and left lower lobe, described as incidental findings on computed tomography (CT) during a pre-bariatric surgery check-up. The patient revealed no drinking or smoking history. The physical exam was unremarkable except for the obesity. The lesions ranged in size between 6 and 24 mm and presented as solid nodules with lobulated contours. The largest lesion situated in the middle lobe had mild fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake on F-18 FDG positron emission tomography (PET)/CT, highly suggestive of primary lung neoplasm. For pathological assessment, video-assisted thoracoscopic middle lobectomy and wedge resection of the right upper nodule was performed. Histological examination revealed relatively well-circumscribed solid proliferation of bland meningothelial cells growing in whorls and lobular nests, presenting intranuclear pseudo-inclusions and psammoma bodies. No signs of anaplasia were observed. The meningothelial cells expressed diffusely Vimentin, focally Progesterone receptors and were negative for epithelial (cytokeratin (CK) AE1/AE3, CK7, CK20, Epithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA)), neuroendocrine markers (Synaptophysin, Chromogranin, CD56) and Estrogenic receptors. The proliferation labelling index Ki-67 was low (<5%). Metastatic meningioma was ruled out by brain and spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. The third lesion localized in the left lower lobe was followed-up and resected three years later because of its slow but significant growth (14 mm to 16 mm), alongside two new infra centimetric lesions. Those three lesions showed a morphological and immunohistochemical profile similar to previously resected lesions. The patient was disease-free one year post-last surgery. Discussion: Although PPMs are mostly benign and slow-growing tumors with an excellent prognosis, they do not present specific radiological characteristics, and it is difficult to differentiate it from other lung tumors, histopathologic examination being essential. Aggressive behavior is associated with atypical or anaplastic features (WHO grades II–III) The etiology is still uncertain and different mechanisms have been proposed. A causal connection between sexual hormones and meningothelial proliferation has long been suspected and few studies examining progesterone only contraception and meningioma risk have all suggested an association. In line with this, our patient was treated with Levonorgestrel, a progesterone agonist, intra-uterine device (IUD). Conclusions: PPM, defined by the typical histological and immunohistochemical features of meningioma in the lungs and the absence of central nervous system lesions, is an extremely rare neoplasm, mainly solitary and associating, and indolent growth. Because of the unspecific radiologic findings, it should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of lung neoplasms. Regarding multiple PPM, only three cases are reported in the literature, and this is the first described in a woman treated by a progesterone-only IUD to the best of our knowledge.

Keywords: pulmonary meningioma, multiple meningioma, meningioma, pulmonary nodules

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1205 Recurrent Torsades de Pointes Post Direct Current Cardioversion for Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Response

Authors: Taikchan Lildar, Ayesha Samad, Suraj Sookhu


Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response results in the loss of atrial kick and shortened ventricular filling time, which often leads to decompensated heart failure. Pharmacologic rhythm control is the treatment of choice, and patients frequently benefit from the restoration of sinus rhythm. When pharmacologic treatment is unsuccessful or a patient declines hemodynamically, direct cardioversion is the treatment of choice. Torsades de pointes or “twisting of the points'' in French, is a rare but under-appreciated risk of cardioversion therapy and accounts for a significant number of sudden cardiac death each year. A 61-year-old female with no significant past medical history presented to the Emergency Department with worsening dyspnea. An electrocardiogram showed atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response, and a chest X-ray was significant for bilateral pulmonary vascular congestion. Full-dose anticoagulation and diuresis were initiated with moderate improvement in symptoms. A transthoracic echocardiogram revealed biventricular systolic dysfunction with a left ventricular ejection fraction of 30%. After consultation with an electrophysiologist, the consensus was to proceed with the restoration of sinus rhythm, which would likely improve the patient’s heart failure symptoms and possibly the ejection fraction. A transesophageal echocardiogram was negative for left atrial appendage thrombus; the patient was treated with a loading dose of amiodarone and underwent successful direct current cardioversion with 200 Joules. The patient was placed on telemetry monitoring for 24 hours and was noted to have frequent premature ventricular contractions with subsequent degeneration to torsades de pointes. The patient was found unresponsive and pulseless; cardiopulmonary resuscitation was initiated with cardioversion, and return of spontaneous circulation was achieved after four minutes to normal sinus rhythm. Post-cardiac arrest electrocardiogram showed sinus bradycardia with heart-rate corrected QT interval of 592 milliseconds. The patient continued to have frequent premature ventricular contractions and required two additional cardioversions to achieve a return of spontaneous circulation with intravenous magnesium and lidocaine. An automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator was subsequently implanted for secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death. The backup pacing rate of the automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator was set higher than usual in an attempt to prevent premature ventricular contractions-induced torsades de pointes. The patient did not have any further ventricular arrhythmias after implantation of the automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Overdrive pacing is a method utilized to treat premature ventricular contractions-induced torsades de pointes by preventing a patient’s susceptibility to R on T-wave-induced ventricular arrhythmias. Pacing at a rate of 90 beats per minute succeeded in controlling the arrhythmia without the need for traumatic cardiac defibrillation. In our patient, conversion of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response to normal sinus rhythm resulted in a slower heart rate and an increased probability of premature ventricular contraction occurring on the T-wave and ensuing ventricular arrhythmia. This case highlights direct current cardioversion for atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response resulting in persistent ventricular arrhythmia requiring an automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator placement with overdrive pacing to prevent a recurrence.

Keywords: refractory atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation, overdrive pacing, torsades de pointes

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1204 Study of the Architectural Heritage and Culture of Bene Israeli Community in Raigad, Maharashtra

Authors: Nikita Mahajani


The Bene Israel is the oldest Jewish community on the subcontinent, and their shipwreck off the coast of Navgaon (a coastal settlement south of Alibaug), in which only seven men and women survived, anticipated the first millennia of their residence in the Konkan. The community was cut off from mainstream Judaism for decades as a result of its poverty. Almost all of the Bene Israel people in the northern Konkan region have relocated to Israel. The few who remained have settled down in Mumbai and Thane. Despite this, they have left a rich cultural legacy, as seen by their houses, cemeteries and synagogues. Even though the population has reduced owing to outside migration, much of this built legacy has survived. This paper attempts to examine the Jewish architectural heritage in Raigad with an aim to recreate their cultural, social and economic history. Oral histories by interviews of the Bene Israel community from Revdanda helped gain information about naming customs, migrations, professions, religious customs and funeral practices. The findings of this research reveal that most synagogues in Raigad district are shut due to a lack of Bene Israelis coming for prayers. The cemeteries are in a dilapidated condition. The little-known Bene Israeli community of Raigad is a seamless blend of Maharashtrian and Jew culture and feels more homely in India.

Keywords: Konkan, Alibag, Revdanda, Pen, Bene Israeli, Indian jews, synagogue, cemetry

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1203 Detection and Classification of Myocardial Infarction Using New Extracted Features from Standard 12-Lead ECG Signals

Authors: Naser Safdarian, Nader Jafarnia Dabanloo


In this paper we used four features i.e. Q-wave integral, QRS complex integral, T-wave integral and total integral as extracted feature from normal and patient ECG signals to detection and localization of myocardial infarction (MI) in left ventricle of heart. In our research we focused on detection and localization of MI in standard ECG. We use the Q-wave integral and T-wave integral because this feature is important impression in detection of MI. We used some pattern recognition method such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to detect and localize the MI. Because these methods have good accuracy for classification of normal and abnormal signals. We used one type of Radial Basis Function (RBF) that called Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) because of its nonlinearity property, and used other classifier such as k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Naive Bayes Classification. We used PhysioNet database as our training and test data. We reached over 80% for accuracy in test data for localization and over 95% for detection of MI. Main advantages of our method are simplicity and its good accuracy. Also we can improve accuracy of classification by adding more features in this method. A simple method based on using only four features which extracted from standard ECG is presented which has good accuracy in MI localization.

Keywords: ECG signal processing, myocardial infarction, features extraction, pattern recognition

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1202 Enhanced Energy Powers via Composites of Piezoelectric CH₃NH₃PbI₃ and Flexoelectric Zn-Al:Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH) Nanosheets

Authors: Soon-Gil Yoon, Min-Ju Choi, Sung-Ho Shin, Junghyo Nah, Jin-Seok Choi, Hyun-A Song, Goeun Choi, Jin-Ho Choy


Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) with positively charged brucite-like layers and negatively charged interlayer anions are considered a critical nanoscale building block with potential for application in catalysts, biological sensors, and optical, electrical, and magnetic devices. LDHs also have a great potential as an energy conversion device, a key component in common modern electronics. Although LDHs are theoretically predicted to be centrosymmetric, we report here the first observations of the flexoelectric nature of LDHs and demonstrate their potential as an effective energy conversion material. We clearly show a linear energy conversion relationship between the output powers and curvature radius via bending with both the LDH nanosheets and thin films, revealing a direct evidence for flexoelectric effects. These findings potentially open up avenues to incorporate a flexoelectric coupling phenomenon into centrosymmetric materials such as LDHs and to harvest high-power energy using LDH nanosheets. In the present study, for enhancement of the output power, Zn-Al:LDH nanosheets were composited with piezoelectric CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3) dye films and their enhanced energy harvesting was demonstrated in detail.

Keywords: layered double hydroxides, flexoelectric, piezoelectric, energy harvesting

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1201 Sampling Two-Channel Nonseparable Wavelets and Its Applications in Multispectral Image Fusion

Authors: Bin Liu, Weijie Liu, Bin Sun, Yihui Luo


In order to solve the problem of lower spatial resolution and block effect in the fusion method based on separable wavelet transform in the resulting fusion image, a new sampling mode based on multi-resolution analysis of two-channel non separable wavelet transform, whose dilation matrix is [1,1;1,-1], is presented and a multispectral image fusion method based on this kind of sampling mode is proposed. Filter banks related to this kind of wavelet are constructed, and multiresolution decomposition of the intensity of the MS and panchromatic image are performed in the sampled mode using the constructed filter bank. The low- and high-frequency coefficients are fused by different fusion rules. The experiment results show that this method has good visual effect. The fusion performance has been noted to outperform the IHS fusion method, as well as, the fusion methods based on DWT, IHS-DWT, IHS-Contourlet transform, and IHS-Curvelet transform in preserving both spectral quality and high spatial resolution information. Furthermore, when compared with the fusion method based on nonsubsampled two-channel non separable wavelet, the proposed method has been observed to have higher spatial resolution and good global spectral information.

Keywords: image fusion, two-channel sampled nonseparable wavelets, multispectral image, panchromatic image

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1200 Carbonate Crusts in Jordan: Records of Groundwater Flow, Carbon Fluxes, Tectonic Movement and Climate Change

Authors: Nizar Abu-Jaber


Late Pleistocene and Holocene carbonate crusts in the south of Jordan were studied using a combination of field documentation, petrography, geochemical and isotopic techniques. These surficial crusts and vein deposits appear to have formed as a result of interaction between near-surface groundwater, surficial soil and sediments and rising carbon dioxide. Rising mantle CO2 dissolves in the water to create carbonic acid, which in turn dissolves the calcite in the soil in the sediments. When the pH rises later due to degassing, the carbonate crusts are left in the places where the water was flowing in veins, channels and interfaces between high and low permeability materials. The crusts have the potential for being important records of natural and human agencies on the landscape of the area. They reflect the isotopic composition of the waters in which they precipitated in, and also contain isotopic information about the aeolian calcium fluxes affecting the area (using strontium isotopes). Moreover, changing stream valley base levels can be identified and measured, which can help quantify the rates of tectonic movement. Finally, human activities such and channel construction and terrace building can be identified and traced temporally and spatially using these deposits.

Keywords: anthropogenic change, carbonate crusts, environmental change, Jordan

Procedia PDF Downloads 280
1199 Investigation of Corrosion of Steel Buried in Unsaturated Soil in the Presence of Cathodic Protection: The Modified Voltammetry Technique

Authors: Mandlenkosi G. R. Mahlobo, Peter A. Olubambi, Philippe Refait


The aim of this study was to use voltammetry as a method to understand the behaviour of steel in unsaturated soil in the presence of cathodic protection (CP). Three carbon steel coupons were buried in artificial soil wetted at 65-70% of saturation for 37 days. All three coupons were left at open circuit potential (OCP) for the first seven days in the unsaturated soil before CP, which was only applied on two of the three coupons at the protection potential -0.8 V vs Cu/CuSO₄ for the remaining 30 days of the experiment. Voltammetry was performed weekly on the coupon without CP, while electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was performed daily to monitor and correct the applied CP potential from the ohmic drop. Voltammetry was finally performed on the last day on the coupons under CP. All the voltammograms were modeled with mathematical equations in order to compute the electrochemical parameters and subsequently deduced the corrosion rate of the steel coupons. For the coupon without CP, the corrosion rate was determined at 300 µm/y. For the coupons under CP, the residual corrosion rate under CP was estimated at 12 µm/y while the corrosion rate of the coupons, after interruption of CP, was estimated at 25 µm/y. This showed that CP was efficient due to two effects: a direct effect from the decreased potential and an induced effect associated with the increased interfacial pH that promoted the formation of a protective layer on the steel surface.

Keywords: carbon steel, cathodic protection, voltammetry, unsaturated soil, Raman spectroscopy

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1198 Nutrient Foramina of the Lunate Bone of the Hand – an Anatomical Study

Authors: P.J. Jiji, B.V. Murlimanju, Latha V. Prabhu, Mangala M. Pai


Background: The lunate bone dislocation can lead to the compression of the median nerve and subsequent carpal tunnel syndrome. The dislocation can interrupt the vasculature and would cause avascular necrosis. The objective of the present study was to study the morphology and number of the nutrient foramina in the cadaveric dried lunate bones of the Indian population. Methods: The present study included 28 lunate bones (13 right sided and 15 left sided) which were obtained from the gross anatomy laboratory of our institution. The bones were macroscopically observed for the nutrient foramina and the data was collected with respect to their number. The tabulation of the data and analysis were done. Results: All of our specimens (100%) exhibited the nutrient foramina over the non-articular surfaces. The foramina were observed only over the palmar and dorsal surfaces of the lunate bones. The foramen ranged between 2 and 10. The foramina were more in number over the dorsal surface (average number 3.3) in comparison to the palmar surface (average number 2.4). Conclusion: We believe that the present study has provided important data about the nutrient foramina of the lunate bones. The data is enlightening to the orthopedic surgeon and would help in the hand surgeries. The morphological knowledge of the vasculature, their foramina of entry and their number is required to understand the concepts in the lunatomalacia and Kienbock’s disease.

Keywords: avascular necrosis, foramen, lunate, nutrient

Procedia PDF Downloads 246
1197 Pros and Cons of Distance Learning in Europe and Perspective for the Future

Authors: Aleksandra Ristic


The Coronavirus Disease – 2019 hit Europe in February 2020, and infections took place in four waves. It left consequences and demanded changes for the future. More than half of European countries responded quickly by declaring a state of emergency and introducing various containment measures that have had a major impact on individuals’ lives in recent years. Closing public lives was largely achieved by limited access and/or closing public institutions and services, including the closure of educational institutions. Teaching in classrooms converted to distance learning. In the research, we used a quantitative study to analyze various factors of distance learning that influenced pupils in different segments: teachers’ availability, family support, entire online conference learning, successful distance learning, time for themselves, reliable sources, teachers’ feedback, successful distance learning, online participation classes, motivation and teachers’ communication and theoretical review of the importance of digital skills, e-learning Index, World comparison of e-learning in the past, digital education plans for the field of Europe. We have gathered recommendations and distance learning solutions to improve the learning process by strengthening teachers and creating more tiered strategies for setting and achieving learning goals by the children.

Keywords: availability, digital skills, distance learning, resources

Procedia PDF Downloads 103
1196 Control of an Asymmetrical Design of a Pneumatically Actuated Ambidextrous Robot Hand

Authors: Emre Akyürek, Anthony Huynh, Tatiana Kalganova


The Ambidextrous Robot Hand is a robotic device with the purpose to mimic either the gestures of a right or a left hand. The symmetrical behavior of its fingers allows them to bend in one way or another keeping a compliant and anthropomorphic shape. However, in addition to gestures they can reproduce on both sides, an asymmetrical mechanical design with a three tendons routing has been engineered to reduce the number of actuators. As a consequence, control algorithms must be adapted to drive efficiently the ambidextrous fingers from one position to another and to include grasping features. These movements are controlled by pneumatic muscles, which are nonlinear actuators. As their elasticity constantly varies when they are under actuation, the length of pneumatic muscles and the force they provide may differ for a same value of pressurized air. The control algorithms introduced in this paper take both the fingers asymmetrical design and the pneumatic muscles nonlinearity into account to permit an accurate control of the Ambidextrous Robot Hand. The finger motion is achieved by combining a classic PID controller with a phase plane switching control that turns the gain constants into dynamic values. The grasping ability is made possible because of a sliding mode control that makes the fingers adapt to the shape of an object before strengthening their positions.

Keywords: ambidextrous hand, intelligent algorithms, nonlinear actuators, pneumatic muscles, robotics, sliding control

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1195 Condition Monitoring for Twin-Fluid Nozzles with Internal Mixing

Authors: C. Lanzerstorfer


Liquid sprays of water are frequently used in air pollution control for gas cooling purposes and for gas cleaning. Twin-fluid nozzles with internal mixing are often used for these purposes because of the small size of the drops produced. In these nozzles the liquid is dispersed by compressed air or another pressurized gas. In high efficiency scrubbers for particle separation, several nozzles are operated in parallel because of the size of the cross section. In such scrubbers, the scrubbing water has to be re-circulated. Precipitation of some solid material can occur in the liquid circuit, caused by chemical reactions. When such precipitations are detached from the place of formation, they can partly or totally block the liquid flow to a nozzle. Due to the resulting unbalanced supply of the nozzles with water and gas, the efficiency of separation decreases. Thus, the nozzles have to be cleaned if a certain fraction of blockages is reached. The aim of this study was to provide a tool for continuously monitoring the status of the nozzles of a scrubber based on the available operation data (water flow, air flow, water pressure and air pressure). The difference between the air pressure and the water pressure is not well suited for this purpose, because the difference is quite small and therefore very exact calibration of the pressure measurement would be required. Therefore, an equation for the reference air flow of a nozzle at the actual water flow and operation pressure was derived. This flow can be compared with the actual air flow for assessment of the status of the nozzles.

Keywords: condition monitoring, dual flow nozzles, flow equation, operation data

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