Search results for: field test
15312 Temperature Dependence of Relative Permittivity: A Measurement Technique Using Split Ring Resonators
Authors: Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Jolly Andrews, V. P. Joseph
A compact method for measuring the relative permittivity of a dielectric material at different temperatures using a single circular Split Ring Resonator (SRR) metamaterial unit working as a test probe is presented in this paper. The dielectric constant of a material is dependent upon its temperature and the LC resonance of the SRR depends on its dielectric environment. Hence, the temperature of the dielectric material in contact with the resonator influences its resonant frequency. A single SRR placed between transmitting and receiving probes connected to a Vector Network Analyser (VNA) is used as a test probe. The dependence of temperature between 30 oC and 60 oC on resonant frequency of SRR is analysed. Relative permittivities ‘ε’ of test samples for different temperatures are extracted from a calibration graph drawn between the relative permittivity of samples of known dielectric constant and their corresponding resonant frequencies. This method is found to be an easy and efficient technique for analysing the temperature dependent permittivity of different materials.Keywords: metamaterials, negative permeability, permittivity measurement techniques, split ring resonators, temperature dependent dielectric constant
Procedia PDF Downloads 41415311 Hydraulic Conductivity Prediction of Cement Stabilized Pavement Base Incorporating Recycled Plastics and Recycled Aggregates
Authors: Md. Shams Razi Shopnil, Tanvir Imtiaz, Sabrina Mahjabin, Md. Sahadat Hossain
Saturated hydraulic conductivity is one of the most significant attributes of pavement base course. Determination of hydraulic conductivity is a routine procedure for regular aggregate base courses. However, in many cases, a cement-stabilized base course is used with compromised drainage ability. Traditional hydraulic conductivity testing procedure is a readily available option which leads to two consequential drawbacks, i.e., the time required for the specimen to be saturated and extruding the sample after completion of the laboratory test. To overcome these complications, this study aims at formulating an empirical approach to predicting hydraulic conductivity based on Unconfined Compressive Strength test results. To do so, this study comprises two separate experiments (Constant Head Permeability test and Unconfined Compressive Strength test) conducted concurrently on a specimen having the same physical credentials. Data obtained from the two experiments were then used to devise a correlation between hydraulic conductivity and unconfined compressive strength. This correlation in the form of a polynomial equation helps to predict the hydraulic conductivity of cement-treated pavement base course, bypassing the cumbrous process of traditional permeability and less commonly used horizontal permeability tests. The correlation was further corroborated by a different set of data, and it has been found that the derived polynomial equation is deemed to be a viable tool to predict hydraulic conductivity.Keywords: hydraulic conductivity, unconfined compressive strength, recycled plastics, recycled concrete aggregates
Procedia PDF Downloads 9015310 Career Decisiveness among Indian College Going Students: A Psychosocial Study
Authors: Preeti Nakhat, Neeta Sinha
Career plays an indispensable role in shaping one’s outlook on life. Choosing right career adds 'feathers to the life' whereas wrong career decision 'takes a toll 'in one’s life. It is pivotal for the students to know the career opportunities related to their field where they can escalate and excel. With the aim to comprehend certainty and indecisiveness in career decision among college students, a study will be conducted. The study focuses to gain insight on decisiveness and indecisiveness of career among the students. The hypotheses for the study are (1) There is no relation between the medium of education (vernacular/English medium) and career decisiveness among the college students. (2) There is no relation between the faculty(science, commerce, arts)chosen and career decisiveness. (3)There is no relation between father’s qualification and career decisiveness. To test the aforementioned hypotheses, a survey questionnaire will be used. The questionnaire is 'Career decision scale' by Samuel H. Osipow. This study will include 200 college going students. The data will be collected from first, second, third, and fourth year students. Statistical analysis of the data collected with be done through SPSS/Excel calculation and then the hypotheses will be tested.Keywords: career decisiveness, career indecisiveness, college students, career
Procedia PDF Downloads 30015309 Effect of Video-Based Instructional Strategy on Junior Secondary School Students' Academic Achievement in Social Studies in Ondo State, Nigeria
Authors: Abidoye James Alabi
This study investigated the effect of video-based instructional strategy on junior secondary school academic achievement in social studies. The influence of gender on the academic achievement of student taught with video-based instructional strategy was also examined. The study adopted a pre-test and pro-test control group quasi-experimental design. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 40 students from two schools in Akure town in Ondo State. The researcher developed instructional video package on social studies concept which was used as treatment instrument for the experimental group while the control group was exposed to conventional teaching method. The instruments used in this study are social studies achievement test and instructional video package (IVP). T-test statistic was used to analyse the hypotheses. The findings revealed that experimental group performed better than the control group. It was also shown that gender has no significant effect on students’ academic achievement when exposed to an instructional video package. It was recommended that appropriate training and workshop should be organized by the government for the social studies teachers for effective use of instructional video package in order to enhance teachers productivities and learning among students in secondary schools.Keywords: instructional video package, conventional teaching method, social studies, junior secondary school
Procedia PDF Downloads 42315308 Attitude of Nigerian Women Towards the Prevention of Sexually Transmission of HIV
Authors: Akanle Florence Foluso, Ola Tolulope Monisola, Oludare Abosede Abiola
The study investigated the attitude of married women toward the prevention of HIV in heterosexual relationships. A population-based survey was conducted using a total number of 1,400 women aged 24-45 years. The women were randomly selected from the general population. Mohamed Talabi and William's attitudinal scale was used to measure the attitude of women towards HIV and its prevention. The questionnaire had a reliability coefficient of 0.85. Frequency contents percentage woe used to describe the data while Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Chi-Square and test were used to test all the hypotheses raised. All hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that the majority of women unknowingly practice risky behaviors, which could promote this transmission. They neither insist on a condom to have sex even when their husband has many other sexual partners apart from them. Others felt they could not be assertive in telling their husband to seek medical HIV testing or get their sex partner to seek medical treatment. Many have never seen a female condom or avoid sex to prevent HIV. Many believe it would be embarrassing to get an HIV antibody test. Many women will not avoid sex if there is a slight chance that their partner might have this and would not be able to insist that a condom be used if they were to have sex. It was recommended that there is a need to understand the HIV risk from a woman’s perspective.Keywords: women, HIV, men, attitude of women, sexual partner
Procedia PDF Downloads 2615307 Behavior of an Elevated Liquid Storage Tank under Near-Fault Earthquakes
Authors: Koushik Roy, Sourav Gur, Sudib K. Mishra
Evidence of pulse type features in near-fault ground motions has raised serious concern to the structural engineering community, in view of their possible implications on the behavior of structures located on the fault regions. Studies in the recent past explore the effects of pulse type ground motion on the special structures, such as transmission towers in view of their high flexibility. Identically, long period sloshing of liquid in the storage tanks under dynamic loading might increase their failure vulnerability under near-fault pulses. Therefore, the behavior of the elevated liquid storage tank is taken up in this study. Simple lumped mass model is considered, with the bilinear force-deformation hysteresis behavior. Set of near-fault seismic ground acceleration time histories are adopted for this purpose, along with the far-field records for comparison. It has been demonstrated that pulse type motions lead to significant increase of the responses; in particular, sloshing of the fluid mass could be as high as 5 times, then the far field counterpart. For identical storage capacity, slender tanks are found to be more vulnerable than the broad ones.Keywords: far-field motion, hysteresis, liquid storage tank, near fault earthquake, sloshing
Procedia PDF Downloads 40315306 MHD Mixed Convection in a Vertical Porous Channel
Authors: Brahim Fersadou, Henda Kahalerras
This work deals with the problem of MHD mixed convection in a completely porous and differentially heated vertical channel. The model of Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer with the Boussinesq approximation is adopted and the governing equations are solved by the finite volume method. The effects of magnetic field and buoyancy force intensities are given by the Hartmann and Richardson numbers respectively, as well as the Joule heating represented by Eckert number on the velocity and temperature fields, are examined. The main results show an augmentation of heat transfer rate with the decrease of Darcy number and the increase of Ri and Ha when Joule heating is neglected.Keywords: heat sources, magnetic field, mixed convection, porous channel
Procedia PDF Downloads 37915305 Investigating the Effect of Metaphor Awareness-Raising Approach on the Right-Hemisphere Involvement in Developing Japanese Learners’ Knowledge of Different Degrees of Politeness
Authors: Masahiro Takimoto
The present study explored how the metaphor awareness-raising approach affects the involvement of the right hemisphere in developing EFL learners’ knowledge regarding the different degrees of politeness embedded within different request expressions. The present study was motivated by theoretical considerations regarding the conceptual projection and the metaphorical idea of politeness is distance, as proposed; this study applied these considerations to develop Japanese learners’ knowledge regarding the different politeness degrees and to explore the connection between the metaphorical concept projection and right-hemisphere dominance. Japanese EFL learners do not know certain language strategies (e.g., English requests can be mitigated with biclausal downgraders, including the if-clause with past-tense modal verbs) and have difficulty adjusting the politeness degrees attached to request expressions according to situations. The present study used a pre/post-test design to reaffirm the efficacy of the cognitive technique and its connection to right-hemisphere involvement by mouth asymmetry technique. Mouth asymmetry measurement has been utilized because speech articulation, normally controlled mainly by one side of the brain, causes muscles on the opposite side of the mouth to move more during speech production. The present research did not administer the delayed post-test because it emphasized determining whether metaphor awareness-raising approaches for developing EFL learners’ pragmatic proficiency entailed right-hemisphere activation. Each test contained an acceptability judgment test (AJT) along with a speaking test in the post-test. The study results show that the metaphor awareness-raising group performed significantly better than the control group with regard to acceptability judgment and speaking tests post-test. These data revealed that the metaphor awareness-raising approach could promote L2 learning because it aided input enhancement and concept projection; through these aspects, the participants were able to comprehend an abstract concept: the degree of politeness in terms of the spatial concept of distance. Accordingly, the proximal-distal metaphor enabled the study participants to connect the newly spatio-visualized concept of distance to the different politeness degrees attached to different request expressions; furthermore, they could recall them with the left side of the mouth being wider than the right. This supported certain findings from previous studies that indicated the possible involvement of the brain's right hemisphere in metaphor processing.Keywords: metaphor awareness-raising, right hemisphere, L2 politeness, mouth asymmetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 15515304 E-learning: An Effective Approach for Enhancing Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity in Bangladesh
Authors: Mohammad K. Abedin, Mohammad Shahjahan, Zeenat Sultana, Tawfique Jahan, Jesmin Akter
To strengthen social and behavior change communication (SBCC) capacity of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) of the Government of Bangladesh, BCCP/BKMI developed two eLearning courses providing opportunities for professional development of SBCC Program Managers who have no access to training or refreshers training. The two eLearning courses – Message and Material Development (MMD) and Monitoring and Evaluation (MandE) of SBCC programs – went online in September 2015, where all users could register their participation so results could be monitored. Methodology: To assess the uses of these courses a randomly selected sample was collected to run a pre and post-test analyses and a phone survey were conducted. Systematic random sampling was used to select a sample of 75 MandE and 25 MMD course participants from a sampling frame of 179 and 51 respectively. Results: As of September 2016, more than 179 learners have completed the MandE course, and 49 learners have completed the MMD course. The users of these courses are program managers, university faculty members, and students. Encouraging results were revealed from the analysis of pre and post-test scores and a phone survey three months after course completion. Test scores suggested a substantial increase in knowledge. The pre-test scores findings suggested that about 19% learners scored high on the MandE. The post-test scores finding indicated a high score (92%) of the sample across 4 modules of MandE. For MMD course in pre-test scoring, 30% of the learners scored high, and 100% scored high at the post-test. It was found that all the learners in the phone survey have discussed the courses. Most of the sharing occurred with colleagues and friends, usually through face to face (70%) interaction. The learners reported that they did recommend the two courses to concerned people. About 67% MandE and 76% MMD learners stated that the concepts that they had to learn during the course were put into practice in their work settings. The respondents for both MandE and MMD courses have provided a valuable set of suggestions that would further strengthen the courses. Conclusions: The study showed that the initiative offered ample opportunities to build capacity in various ways in which the eLearning courses were used. It also highlighted the importance of scaling up these efforts to further strengthen the outcomes.Keywords: e-learning course, message & material development, monitoring & evaluation, social and behavior change communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 29715303 An Operators’ Real-sense-based Fire Simulation for Human Factors Validation in Nuclear Power Plants
Authors: Sa-Kil Kim, Jang-Soo Lee
On March 31, 1993, a severe fire accident took place in a nuclear power plant located in Narora in North India. The event involved a major fire in the turbine building of NAPS unit-1 and resulted in a total loss of power to the unit for 17 hours. In addition, there was a heavy ingress of smoke in the control room, mainly through the intake of the ventilation system, forcing the operators to vacate the control room. The Narora fire accident provides us lessons indicating that operators could lose their mind and predictable behaviors during a fire. After the Fukushima accident, which resulted from a natural disaster, unanticipated external events are also required to be prepared and controlled for the ultimate safety of nuclear power plants. From last year, our research team has developed a test and evaluation facility that can simulate external events such as an earthquake and fire based on the operators’ real-sense. As one of the results of the project, we proposed a unit real-sense-based facility that can simulate fire events in a control room for utilizing a test-bed of human factor validation. The test-bed has the operator’s workstation shape and functions to simulate fire conditions such as smoke, heat, and auditory alarms in accordance with the prepared fire scenarios. Furthermore, the test-bed can be used for the operators’ training and experience.Keywords: human behavior in fire, human factors validation, nuclear power plants, real-sense-based fire simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 28315302 Acoustic Induced Vibration Response Analysis of Honeycomb Panel
Authors: Po-Yuan Tung, Jen-Chueh Kuo, Chia-Ray Chen, Chien-Hsing Li, Kuo-Liang Pan
The main-body structure of satellite is mainly constructed by lightweight material, it should be able to withstand certain vibration load during launches. Since various kinds of change possibility in the space, it is an extremely important work to study the random vibration response of satellite structure. This paper based on the reciprocity relationship between sound and structure response and it will try to evaluate the dynamic response of satellite main body under random acoustic load excitation. This paper will study the technical process and verify the feasibility of sonic-borne vibration analysis. One simple plate exposed to the uniform acoustic field is utilized to take some important parameters and to validate the acoustics field model of the reverberation chamber. Then import both structure and acoustic field chamber models into the vibro-acoustic coupling analysis software to predict the structure response. During the modeling process, experiment verification is performed to make sure the quality of numerical models. Finally, the surface vibration level can be calculated through the modal participation factor, and the analysis results are presented in PSD spectrum.Keywords: vibration, acoustic, modal, honeycomb panel
Procedia PDF Downloads 55615301 Comparing Remote Sensing and in Situ Analyses of Test Wheat Plants as Means for Optimizing Data Collection in Precision Agriculture
Authors: Endalkachew Abebe Kebede, Bojin Bojinov, Andon Vasilev Andonov, Orhan Dengiz
Remote sensing has a potential application in assessing and monitoring the plants' biophysical properties using the spectral responses of plants and soils within the electromagnetic spectrum. However, only a few reports compare the performance of different remote sensing sensors against in-situ field spectral measurement. The current study assessed the potential applications of open data source satellite images (Sentinel 2 and Landsat 9) in estimating the biophysical properties of the wheat crop on a study farm found in the village of OvchaMogila. A Landsat 9 (30 m resolution) and Sentinel-2 (10 m resolution) satellite images with less than 10% cloud cover have been extracted from the open data sources for the period of December 2021 to April 2022. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has been used to capture the spectral response of plant leaves. In addition, SpectraVue 710s Leaf Spectrometer was used to measure the spectral response of the crop in April at five different locations within the same field. The ten most common vegetation indices have been selected and calculated based on the reflectance wavelength range of remote sensing tools used. The soil samples have been collected in eight different locations within the farm plot. The different physicochemical properties of the soil (pH, texture, N, P₂O₅, and K₂O) have been analyzed in the laboratory. The finer resolution images from the UAV and the Leaf Spectrometer have been used to validate the satellite images. The performance of different sensors has been compared based on the measured leaf spectral response and the extracted vegetation indices using the five sampling points. A scatter plot with the coefficient of determination (R2) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the correlation (r) matrix prepared using the corr and heatmap python libraries have been used for comparing the performance of Sentinel 2 and Landsat 9 VIs compared to the drone and SpectraVue 710s spectrophotometer. The soil analysis revealed the study farm plot is slightly alkaline (8.4 to 8.52). The soil texture of the study farm is dominantly Clay and Clay Loam.The vegetation indices (VIs) increased linearly with the growth of the plant. Both the scatter plot and the correlation matrix showed that Sentinel 2 vegetation indices have a relatively better correlation with the vegetation indices of the Buteo dronecompared to the Landsat 9. The Landsat 9 vegetation indices somewhat align better with the leaf spectrometer. Generally, the Sentinel 2 showed a better performance than the Landsat 9. Further study with enough field spectral sampling and repeated UAV imaging is required to improve the quality of the current study.Keywords: landsat 9, leaf spectrometer, sentinel 2, UAV
Procedia PDF Downloads 10815300 Readiness of Iran’s Insurance Industry Salesforce to Accept Changing to Become Islamic Personal Financial Planners
Authors: Pedram Saadati, Zahra Nazari
Today, the role and importance of financial technology businesses in Iran have increased significantly. Although, in Iran, there is no Islamic or non-Islamic personal financial planning field of study in the universities or educational centers, the profession of personal financial planning is not defined, and there is no software introduced in this regard for advisors or consumers. The largest sales network of financial services in Iran belongs to the insurance industry, and there is an untapped market for international companies in Iran that can contribute to 130 thousand representatives in the insurance industry and 28 million families by providing training and personal financial advisory software. To the best of the author's knowledge, despite the lack of previous internal studies in this field, the present study investigates the level of readiness of the salesforce of the insurance industry to accept this career and its technology. The statistical population of the research is made up of managers, insurance sales representatives, assistants and heads of sales departments of insurance companies. An 18-minute video was prepared that introduced and taught the job of Islamic personal financial planning and explained its difference from its non-Islamic model. This video was provided to the respondents. The data collection tool was a research-made questionnaire. To investigate the factors affecting technology acceptance and job change, independent T descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation were used, and Friedman's test was used to rank the effective factors. The results indicate the mental perception and very positive attitude of the insurance industry activists towards the usefulness of this job and its technology, and the studied sample confirmed the intention of training in this knowledge. Based on research results, the change in the customer's attitude towards the insurance advisor and the possibility of increasing income are considered as the reasons for accepting. However, Restrictions on using investment opportunities due to Islamic financial services laws and the uncertainty of the position of the central insurance in this regard are considered as the most important obstacles.Keywords: fintech, insurance, personal financial planning, wealth management
Procedia PDF Downloads 4915299 Role of Ionic Solutions Affect Water Treeing Propagation in XLPE Insulation for High Voltage Cable
Authors: T. Boonraksa, B. Marungsri
This paper presents the experimental results on role of ionic solutions affect water treeing propagation in cross-linked polyethylene insulation for high voltage cable. To study the water treeing expansion due to the ionic solutions, discs of 4mm thickness and 4cm diameter were taken from 115 kV XLPE insulation cable and were used as test specimen in this study. Ionic solutions composed of CuSO4, FeSO4, Na2SO4 and K2SO4 were used. Each specimen was immersed in 0.1 mole ionic solutions and was tested for 120 hrs. under a voltage stress at 7 kV AC rms, 1000 Hz. The results show that Na2SO4 and CuSO4solutions play an important role in the expansion of water treeing and cause degradation of the cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) in the presence of the applied electric field.Keywords: ionic solutions, water treeing, water treeing expansion, cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)
Procedia PDF Downloads 38515298 Feature Extraction and Classification Based on the Bayes Test for Minimum Error
Authors: Nasar Aldian Ambark Shashoa
Classification with a dimension reduction based on Bayesian approach is proposed in this paper . The first step is to generate a sample (parameter) of fault-free mode class and faulty mode class. The second, in order to obtain good classification performance, a selection of important features is done with the discrete karhunen-loeve expansion. Next, the Bayes test for minimum error is used to classify the classes. Finally, the results for simulated data demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed procedure.Keywords: analytical redundancy, fault detection, feature extraction, Bayesian approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 52815297 The Effect of Lande G-Factors on the Quantum and Thermal Entanglement in the Mixed Spin-(1/2,S) Heisenberg Dimer
Authors: H. Vargova, J. Strecka, N. Tomasovicova
A rigorous analytical treatment, with the help of a concept of negativity, is used to study the quantum and thermal entanglement in an isotropic mixed spin-(1/2,S) Heisenberg dimer. The effect of the spin-S magnitude, as well as the effect of diversity between Landé g-factors of magnetic constituents on system entanglement, is exhaustively analyzed upon the variation of the external magnetic and electric field, respectively. It was identified that the increasing magnitude of the spin-S species in a mixed spin-(1/2,S) Heisenberg dimer with comparative Landé g-factors have always a reduction effect on a degree of the quantum entanglement, but it strikingly shifts the thermal entanglement to the higher temperatures. Surprisingly, out of the limit of identical Landé g-factors, the increasing magnitude of spin-S entities can enhance the system entanglement in both low and high magnetic fields. Besides this, we identify that the analyzed dimer with a high-enough magnitude of the spin-S entities at a sufficiently high magnetic field can exhibit unconventional thermally driven re-entrance between the entangled and unentangled mixed state. The importance of the electric-field stimuli is also discussed in detail.Keywords: quantum and thermal entantanglement, mixed spin Heisenberg model, negativity, reentrant phase transition
Procedia PDF Downloads 10115296 Polyphytopharmaca Improving Asthma Control Test Value, Biomarker (Eosinophils and Malondialdehyde): Quasi Experimental Test in Patients with Asthma
Authors: Andri Andri, Susanthy Djajalaksana, Iin Noor Chozin
Background: Despite advances in asthma therapies, a proportion of patients with asthma continue to have difficulty in gaining adequate asthma control. Complex immunological mechanisms and oxidative stress affect this condition, including the role of malondialdehyde (MDA) as a marker of inflammation. This research aimed to determine the effect of polyphytopharmaca administration on the value of asthma control test (ACT), blood eosinophils level and markers of MDA serum inflammation in patients with asthma. Method: Quasi experimental approach was conducted toward 15 stable asthma patients who were not fully controlled in outpatient pulmonary clinic, Public Hospital of Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Assessments of ACT values, eosinophil levels, and serum MDA levels were carried out before and after administration of polyphytopharmaca which contained a combination of 100 mg Nigella sativa extract, Kleinhovia hospita 100 mg, Curcuma xanthorrhiza 75 mg, and Ophiocephalus striatus 100 mg, three times daily with two capsules for 12 weeks. The ACT value was determined by the researcher by asking the patient directly, blood eosinophil levels were calculated by analyzing blood type counts, and serum MDA levels were detected by the qPCR method. Result: There was a significant enhancement of ACT value (18.07 ± 2.57 to 22.06 ± 1.83, p = 0.001) (from 60% uncontrolled ACT to 93.3% controlled ACT), a significant decrease in blood eosinophils levels (653.15 ± 276.15 pg/mL to 460.66 ± 202.04 pg/mL, p = 0.038), and decreased serum MDA levels (109.64 ± 53.77 ng / ml to 78.68 ± 64.92 ng/ml, p = 0.156). Conclusion: Administration of polyphytopharmaca can increase ACT value, decrease blood eosinophils levels and reduce MDA serum in stable asthma patients who are not fully controlled.Keywords: asthma control test, eosinophils levels, malondialdehyde, polyphytopharmaca
Procedia PDF Downloads 12115295 Graphic Procession Unit-Based Parallel Processing for Inverse Computation of Full-Field Material Properties Based on Quantitative Laser Ultrasound Visualization
Authors: Sheng-Po Tseng, Che-Hua Yang
Motivation and Objective: Ultrasonic guided waves become an important tool for nondestructive evaluation of structures and components. Guided waves are used for the purpose of identifying defects or evaluating material properties in a nondestructive way. While guided waves are applied for evaluating material properties, instead of knowing the properties directly, preliminary signals such as time domain signals or frequency domain spectra are first revealed. With the measured ultrasound data, inversion calculation can be further employed to obtain the desired mechanical properties. Methods: This research is development of high speed inversion calculation technique for obtaining full-field mechanical properties from the quantitative laser ultrasound visualization system (QLUVS). The quantitative laser ultrasound visualization system (QLUVS) employs a mirror-controlled scanning pulsed laser to generate guided acoustic waves traveling in a two-dimensional target. Guided waves are detected with a piezoelectric transducer located at a fixed location. With a gyro-scanning of the generation source, the QLUVS has the advantage of fast, full-field, and quantitative inspection. Results and Discussions: This research introduces two important tools to improve the computation efficiency. Firstly, graphic procession unit (GPU) with large amount of cores are introduced. Furthermore, combining the CPU and GPU cores, parallel procession scheme is developed for the inversion of full-field mechanical properties based on the QLUVS data. The newly developed inversion scheme is applied to investigate the computation efficiency for single-layered and double-layered plate-like samples. The computation efficiency is shown to be 80 times faster than unparalleled computation scheme. Conclusions: This research demonstrates a high-speed inversion technique for the characterization of full-field material properties based on quantitative laser ultrasound visualization system. Significant computation efficiency is shown, however not reaching the limit yet. Further improvement can be reached by improving the parallel computation. Utilizing the development of the full-field mechanical property inspection technology, full-field mechanical property measured by non-destructive, high-speed and high-precision measurements can be obtained in qualitative and quantitative results. The developed high speed computation scheme is ready for applications where full-field mechanical properties are needed in a nondestructive and nearly real-time way.Keywords: guided waves, material characterization, nondestructive evaluation, parallel processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 20315294 Differential Item Functioning in the Vocabulary Test of Grade 7 Students in Public and Private Schools
Authors: Dave Kenneth Tayao Cayado, Carlo P. Magno
The most common source of bias detected are those of gender and socioeconomic status. The present study investigated the Differential Item Functioning (DIF) or item bias between public and private school students in a vocabulary test. Studies on DIF were expanded by using the type of school as a source of bias. There were 200 participants in this study. 100 came from a public secondary school and 100 came from a private secondary school. The vocabulary skills of students were measured using a standardized vocabulary test for grade 7 students. Using DIF, specifically the Rasch-Welch approach, it was found that out of 24 items, 12 were biased for a specific group. The vocabulary skills on the use of slang, idiomatic expression, personification, collocations, and partitive relations were biased for private schools while the use of slang and homonymous words were biased for public school students. The analysis debunked the trend that private school students are outperforming public school students in terms of academic achievement. It was revealed that there are some competencies that private school students are having difficulty and vice versa.Keywords: differential item functioning, item bias, public school students, private school students, vocabulary
Procedia PDF Downloads 19315293 The Effects of Collaborative Reflection and Class Observation on Improving the Quality of Teacher-Training Courses
Authors: Somayeh Sharifi
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of collaborative reflection and class observation on improving the quality of teacher training courses and the students reading comprehension skills. 13 inexperienced English teachers teaching elementary courses that were at the same level of proficiency were chosen. Thirteen participants were allocated in two groups, with 7 teachers in the experimental group and the other 6 teachers in the control group. Since two groups were not selected randomly, this study is a form of quasi-experimental research. In addition to a 3-day teacher training course for both groups, teachers in experimental group recorded and observed 20 sessions of their own classes and 30 sessions of experienced teachers’ class and participated in 12 meetings -3 month once a week- in which teachers shared any event that they found interesting during observations and their own teaching and compare it with strategies that they learned in teacher training courses. In contrast, the control group did not engage in any process of observation and collaboration. In order to test students' performance in English before and after the treatment, a Key English Test (KET) was employed to check students' reading skill. The result of the test shows that there is not a significant difference in mean of scores in KET pretest in and, since they are close to each other. However by considering mean and median of posttest in both classes we perceive that although both control and experimental group students' proficiency in English enhanced, there was a significant difference in experimental group students' final scores before and after treatment.Keywords: collaborative reflection, reading comprehension, teacher training courses, key English test (KET)
Procedia PDF Downloads 35715292 Effect of Cooperative Learning Strategy on Mathematics Achievement and Retention of Senior Secondary School Students of Different Ability Levels in Taraba State, Nigeria
Authors: Onesimus Bulus Shiaki
The study investigated the effect of cooperative learning strategy on mathematics achievement and retention among senior secondary school students of different abilities in Taraba State Nigeria. Cooperative learning strategy could hopefully contribute to students’ achievement which will spur the teachers to develop strategies for better learning. The quasi-experimental of pretest, posttest and control group design was adopted in this study. A sample of one hundred and sixty-four (164) Senior Secondary Two (SS2) students were selected from a population of twelve thousand, eight hundred and seventy-three (12,873) SS2 Students in Taraba State. Two schools with equivalent mean scores in the pre-test were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group students were stratified according to ability levels of low, medium and high. The experimental group was guided by the research assistants using the cooperative learning instructional package. After six weeks post-test was administered to the two groups while the retention test was administered two weeks after the post-test. The researcher developed a 50-item Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) which was validated by experts obtaining the reliability coefficient of 0.87. Mean scores and standard deviations were used to answer the research questions while the Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. Major findings from the statistical analysis showed that cooperative learning strategy has a significant effect on the mean achievement of students as well as retention among students of high, medium and low ability in mathematics. However, cooperative learning strategy has no effect on the interaction of ability level and retention. Based on the results obtained, it was therefore recommended that the adoption of the use of cooperative learning strategy in the teaching and learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools be initiated, maintained and sustained for the benefit of senior secondary school students in Taraba State. Periodic Government sponsored in-service training in form of long vacation training programme, workshops, conferences and seminars on the nature, scope, and use of cooperative learning strategy should be organized for senior secondary school mathematics teachers in Taraba state.Keywords: ability level, cooperative learning, mathematics achievement, retention
Procedia PDF Downloads 16215291 Chemical Control Management Strategies for Corm Rot in Gladiolus communis L. under Field Conditions
Authors: Shahbaz Ahmad, Muhammad Ali, Sahar Naz
Corm rot is caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. gladioli and it causes remarkable losses to the growers. Experiment was conducted in order to find some viable recommendations for this agronomically as well as economically important problem. Four fungicides, namely Carbendazim, Mancozeb, Thiophanate methyl and Chlorothalonil were used to control corm rot in gladiolus field. Fungicides were applied singly as foliar, in irrigation as well as with sulphuric acid in variable doses. The results revealed that application of all fungicides was variably effective to control corm rot in acid mixed irrigation followed by fungicide in irrigation. The application of all fungicides in various combinations was observed to be ineffective at all three doses.Keywords: gladiolus, corm rot, Fusarium oxysporum, fungicides
Procedia PDF Downloads 43715290 Assessment of Biofilm Production Capacity of Industrially Important Bacteria under Electroinductive Conditions
Authors: Omolola Ojetayo, Emmanuel Garuba, Obinna Ajunwa, Abiodun A. Onilude
Introduction: Biofilm is a functional community of microorganisms that are associated with a surface or an interface. These adherent cells become embedded within an extracellular matrix composed of polymeric substances, i.e., biofilms refer to biological deposits consisting of both microbes and their extracellular products on biotic and abiotic surfaces. Despite their detrimental effects in medicine, biofilms as natural cell immobilization have found several applications in biotechnology, such as in the treatment of wastewater, bioremediation and biodegradation, desulfurization of gas, and conversion of agro-derived materials into alcohols and organic acids. The means of enhancing immobilized cells have been chemical-inductive, and this affects the medium composition and final product. Physical factors including electrical, magnetic, and electromagnetic flux have shown potential for enhancing biofilms depending on the bacterial species, nature, and intensity of emitted signals, the duration of exposure, and substratum used. However, the concept of cell immobilisation by electrical and magnetic induction is still underexplored. Methods: To assess the effects of physical factors on biofilm formation, six American typed culture collection (Acetobacter aceti ATCC15973, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC9027, Serratia marcescens ATCC14756, Gluconobacter oxydans ATCC19357, Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATCC17023, and Bacillus subtilis ATCC6633) were used. Standard culture techniques for bacterial cells were adopted. Natural autoimmobilisation potentials of test bacteria were carried out by simple biofilms ring formation on tubes, while crystal violet binding assay techniques were adopted in the characterisation of biofilm quantity. Electroinduction of bacterial cells by direct current (DC) application in cell broth, static magnetic field exposure, and electromagnetic flux were carried out, and autoimmobilisation of cells in a biofilm pattern was determined on various substrata tested, including wood, glass, steel, polyvinylchloride (PVC) and polyethylene terephthalate. Biot Savart law was used in quantifying magnetic field intensity, and statistical analyses of data obtained were carried out using the analyses of variance (ANOVA) as well as other statistical tools. Results: Biofilm formation by the selected test bacteria was enhanced by the physical factors applied. Electromagnetic induction had the greatest effect on biofilm formation, with magnetic induction producing the least effect across all substrata used. Microbial cell-cell communication could be a possible means via which physical signals affected the cells in a polarisable manner. Conclusion: The enhancement of biofilm formation by bacteria using physical factors has shown that their inherent capability as a cell immobilization method can be further optimised for industrial applications. A possible relationship between the presence of voltage-dependent channels, mechanosensitive channels, and bacterial biofilms could shed more light on this phenomenon.Keywords: bacteria, biofilm, cell immobilization, electromagnetic induction, substrata
Procedia PDF Downloads 19015289 Testing the Weak Form Efficiency of Islamic Stock Market: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia
Authors: Herjuno Bagus Wicaksono, Emma Almira Fauni, Salma Amelia Dina
The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) states that, in an efficient capital market, price fully reflects the information available in the market. This theory has influenced many investors behavior in trading in the stock market. Advanced researches have been conducted to test the efficiency of the stock market in particular countries. Indonesia, as one of the emerging countries, has performed substantial growth in the past years. Hence, this paper aims to examine the efficiency of Islamic stock market in Indonesia in its weak form. The daily stock price data from Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) for the period October 2015 to October 2016 were used to do the statistical tests: Run Test and Serial Correlation Test. The results show that there is no serial correlation between the current price with the past prices and the market follows the random walk. This research concludes that Indonesia Islamic stock market is weak form efficient.Keywords: efficient market hypothesis, Indonesia sharia stock index, random walk, weak form efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 46115288 F-VarNet: Fast Variational Network for MRI Reconstruction
Authors: Omer Cahana, Maya Herman, Ofer Levi
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a long medical scan that stems from a long acquisition time. This length is mainly due to the traditional sampling theorem, which defines a lower boundary for sampling. However, it is still possible to accelerate the scan by using a different approach, such as compress sensing (CS) or parallel imaging (PI). These two complementary methods can be combined to achieve a faster scan with high-fidelity imaging. In order to achieve that, two properties have to exist: i) the signal must be sparse under a known transform domain, ii) the sampling method must be incoherent. In addition, a nonlinear reconstruction algorithm needs to be applied to recover the signal. While the rapid advance in the deep learning (DL) field, which has demonstrated tremendous successes in various computer vision task’s, the field of MRI reconstruction is still in an early stage. In this paper, we present an extension of the state-of-the-art model in MRI reconstruction -VarNet. We utilize VarNet by using dilated convolution in different scales, which extends the receptive field to capture more contextual information. Moreover, we simplified the sensitivity map estimation (SME), for it holds many unnecessary layers for this task. Those improvements have shown significant decreases in computation costs as well as higher accuracy.Keywords: MRI, deep learning, variational network, computer vision, compress sensing
Procedia PDF Downloads 16315287 Performance of the Abbott RealTime High Risk HPV Assay with SurePath Liquid Based Cytology Specimens from Women with Low Grade Cytological Abnormalities
Authors: Alexandra Sargent, Sarah Ferris, Ioannis Theofanous
The Abbott RealTime High Risk HPV test (RealTime HPV) is one of five assays clinically validated and approved by the English NHS Cervical Screening Programme (CSP) for HPV triage of low grade dyskaryosis and test-of-cure of treated Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia. The assay is a highly automated multiplex real-time PCR test for detecting 14 high risk (hr) HPV types, with simultaneous differentiation of HPV 16 and HPV 18 versus non-HPV 16/18 hrHPV. An endogenous internal control ensures sample cellularity, controls extraction efficiency and PCR inhibition. The original cervical specimen collected in SurePath (SP) liquid-based cytology (LBC) medium (BD Diagnostics) and the SP post-gradient cell pellets (SPG) after cytological processing are both CE marked for testing with the RealTime HPV test. During the 2011 NHSCSP validation of new tests only the original aliquot of SP LBC medium was investigated. Residual sample volume left after cytology slide preparation is low and may not always have sufficient volume for repeat HPV testing or for testing of other biomarkers that may be implemented in testing algorithms in the future. The SPG samples, however, have sufficient volumes to carry out additional testing and necessary laboratory validation procedures. This study investigates the correlation of RealTime HPV results of cervical specimens collected in SP LBC medium from women with low grade cytological abnormalities observed with matched pairs of original SP LBC medium and SP post-gradient cell pellets (SPG) after cytology processing. Matched pairs of SP and SPG samples from 750 women with borderline (N = 392) and mild (N = 351) cytology were available for this study. Both specimen types were processed and parallel tested for the presence of hrHPV with RealTime HPV according to the manufacturer´s instructions. HrHPV detection rates and concordance between test results from matched SP and SPGCP pairs were calculated. A total of 743 matched pairs with valid test results on both sample types were available for analysis. An overall-agreement of hrHPV test results of 97.5% (k: 0.95) was found with matched SP/SPG pairs and slightly lower concordance (96.9%; k: 0.94) was observed on 392 pairs from women with borderline cytology compared to 351 pairs from women with mild cytology (98.0%; k: 0.95). Partial typing results were highly concordant in matched SP/SPG pairs for HPV 16 (99.1%), HPV 18 (99.7%) and non-HPV16/18 hrHPV (97.0%), respectively. 19 matched pairs were found with discrepant results: 9 from women with borderline cytology and 4 from women with mild cytology were negative on SPG and positive on SP; 3 from women with borderline cytology and 3 from women with mild cytology were negative on SP and positive on SPG. Excellent correlation of hrHPV DNA test results was found between matched pairs of SP original fluid and post-gradient cell pellets from women with low grade cytological abnormalities tested with the Abbott RealTime High-Risk HPV assay, demonstrating robust performance of the test with both specimen types and reassuring the utility of the assay for cytology triage with both specimen types.Keywords: Abbott realtime test, HPV, SurePath liquid based cytology, surepath post-gradient cell pellet
Procedia PDF Downloads 25915286 Effect of Bamboo Chips in Cemented Sand Soil on Permeability and Mechanical Properties in Triaxial Compression
Authors: Sito Ismanti, Noriyuki Yasufuku
Cement utilization to improve the properties of soil is a well-known method applied in field. However, its addition in large quantity must be controlled. This study presents utilization of natural and environmental-friendly material mixed with small amount of cement content in soil improvement, i.e. bamboo chips. Absorbability, elongation, and flatness ratio of bamboo chips were examined to investigate and understand the influence of its characteristics in the mixture. Improvement of dilation behavior as a problem of loose and poorly graded sand soil is discussed. Bamboo chips are able to improve the permeability value that affects the dilation behavior of cemented sand soil. It is proved by the stress path as the result of triaxial compression test in the undrained condition. The effect of size and content variation of bamboo chips, as well as the curing time variation are presented and discussed.Keywords: bamboo chips, permeability, mechanical properties, triaxial compression
Procedia PDF Downloads 33415285 Innovative Teaching Learning Techniques and Learning Difficulties of Adult Learners in Literacy Education Programmes in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria
Authors: Simon Ibor Akpama
The study investigated the extent to which innovative teaching-learning techniques can influence and attenuate learning difficulties among adult learners participating in different literacy education programmes in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental design was adopted to collect data from a sample size of 150 participants of the programme. The sample was drawn using the simple random sampling method. As an experimental study, the 150 participants were divided into two equal groups –the first was the experimental group while the second was the control. A pre-test was administered to the two groups which were later exposed to a post-test after treatment. Two instruments were used for data collection. The first was the guide for the Literacy Learning Difficulties Inventory (LLDI). Three hypotheses were postulated and tested as .05 level of significance using Analysis of Covariance (ANOVA) test statistics. Results of the analysis firstly showed that the two groups (treatment and control) did not differ in the pre-test regarding their literacy learning difficulties. Secondly, the result showed that for each hypothesis, innovative teaching-learning techniques significantly influenced adult learners’ (participants) literacy learning difficulties. Based on these findings, the study recommends the use of innovative teaching-learning techniques in adult literacy education centres to mitigate the learning difficulties of adult learners in literacy education programmes in Calabar Metropolis.Keywords: teaching, learning, techniques, innovative, difficulties, programme
Procedia PDF Downloads 12315284 Layers of Commerce: Modelling the Onion Trade of Dubai
Authors: Priti Bajpai, Mohammed Shibil
This paper utilizes a comparative case study design to examine a regional onion market. The particular case of onion markets is used to understand perishable product supply chains. The site for the study is Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Results from a six-month field study are outlined. In particular, the findings suggest that firms should examine adding additional destinations to their supply chain. Further, we argue that utilizing Dubai as a supply chain hub is in certain cases counterproductive. Implications for food supply chains and regional trade are discussed.Keywords: supply chains, food markets, onion trade, field study
Procedia PDF Downloads 33915283 A Machine Learning Approach for Classification of Directional Valve Leakage in the Hydraulic Final Test
Authors: Christian Neunzig, Simon Fahle, Jürgen Schulz, Matthias Möller, Bernd Kuhlenkötter
Due to increasing cost pressure in global markets, artificial intelligence is becoming a technology that is decisive for competition. Predictive quality enables machinery and plant manufacturers to ensure product quality by using data-driven forecasts via machine learning models as a decision-making basis for test results. The use of cross-process Bosch production data along the value chain of hydraulic valves is a promising approach to classifying the quality characteristics of workpieces.Keywords: predictive quality, hydraulics, machine learning, classification, supervised learning
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