Search results for: anomaly detection module
2824 A Simple Colorimetric Assay for Paraquat Detection Using Negatively Charged Silver Nanopaticles
Authors: Weena Siangphro, Orawon Chailapakul, Kriangsak Songsrirote
A simple, rapid, sensitive, and economical method based on colorimetry for the determination of paraquat, a widely used herbicide, was developed. Citrate-coated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized as colorimetric probe. The mechanism of the assay is related to aggregation of negatively charged AgNPs induced by positively-charged paraquat resulting from coulombic attraction which causes the color change from deep greenish yellow to pale yellow upon the concentrations of paraquat. Silica gel was exploited as paraquat adsorbent for purification and pre-concentration prior to the direct determination with negatively charged AgNPs without elution step required. The validity of the proposed approach was evaluated by spiking standard paraquat in water and plant samples. Recoveries of paraquat in water samples were 93.6-95.4%, while those in plant samples were 86.6-89.5% by using the optimized extraction procedure. The absorbance of AgNPs at 400 nm was linearly related to the concentration of paraquat over the range of 0.05-50 mg/L with detection limits of 0.05 ppm for water samples, and 0.10 ppm for plant samples.Keywords: colorimetric assay, paraquat, silica gel, silver nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 2392823 Early Diagnosis of Myocardial Ischemia Based on Support Vector Machine and Gaussian Mixture Model by Using Features of ECG Recordings
Authors: Merve Begum Terzi, Orhan Arikan, Adnan Abaci, Mustafa Candemir
Acute myocardial infarction is a major cause of death in the world. Therefore, its fast and reliable diagnosis is a major clinical need. ECG is the most important diagnostic methodology which is used to make decisions about the management of the cardiovascular diseases. In patients with acute myocardial ischemia, temporary chest pains together with changes in ST segment and T wave of ECG occur shortly before the start of myocardial infarction. In this study, a technique which detects changes in ST/T sections of ECG is developed for the early diagnosis of acute myocardial ischemia. For this purpose, a database of real ECG recordings that contains a set of records from 75 patients presenting symptoms of chest pain who underwent elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is constituted. 12-lead ECG’s of the patients were recorded before and during the PCI procedure. Two ECG epochs, which are the pre-inflation ECG which is acquired before any catheter insertion and the occlusion ECG which is acquired during balloon inflation, are analyzed for each patient. By using pre-inflation and occlusion recordings, ECG features that are critical in the detection of acute myocardial ischemia are identified and the most discriminative features for the detection of acute myocardial ischemia are extracted. A classification technique based on support vector machine (SVM) approach operating with linear and radial basis function (RBF) kernels to detect ischemic events by using ST-T derived joint features from non-ischemic and ischemic states of the patients is developed. The dataset is randomly divided into training and testing sets and the training set is used to optimize SVM hyperparameters by using grid-search method and 10fold cross-validation. SVMs are designed specifically for each patient by tuning the kernel parameters in order to obtain the optimal classification performance results. As a result of implementing the developed classification technique to real ECG recordings, it is shown that the proposed technique provides highly reliable detections of the anomalies in ECG signals. Furthermore, to develop a detection technique that can be used in the absence of ECG recording obtained during healthy stage, the detection of acute myocardial ischemia based on ECG recordings of the patients obtained during ischemia is also investigated. For this purpose, a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is used to represent the joint pdf of the most discriminating ECG features of myocardial ischemia. Then, a Neyman-Pearson type of approach is developed to provide detection of outliers that would correspond to acute myocardial ischemia. Neyman – Pearson decision strategy is used by computing the average log likelihood values of ECG segments and comparing them with a range of different threshold values. For different discrimination threshold values and number of ECG segments, probability of detection and probability of false alarm values are computed, and the corresponding ROC curves are obtained. The results indicate that increasing number of ECG segments provide higher performance for GMM based classification. Moreover, the comparison between the performances of SVM and GMM based classification showed that SVM provides higher classification performance results over ECG recordings of considerable number of patients.Keywords: ECG classification, Gaussian mixture model, Neyman–Pearson approach, support vector machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1622822 Fast and Accurate Model to Detect Ictal Waveforms in Electroencephalogram Signals
Authors: Piyush Swami, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, Sneh Anand, Manvir Bhatia, Tapan Gandhi
Visual inspection of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals to detect epileptic signals is very challenging and time-consuming task even for any expert neurophysiologist. This problem is most challenging in under-developed and developing countries due to shortage of skilled neurophysiologists. In the past, notable research efforts have gone in trying to automate the seizure detection process. However, due to high false alarm detections and complexity of the models developed so far, have vastly delimited their practical implementation. In this paper, we present a novel scheme for epileptic seizure detection using empirical mode decomposition technique. The intrinsic mode functions obtained were then used to calculate the standard deviations. This was followed by probability density based classifier to discriminate between non-ictal and ictal patterns in EEG signals. The model presented here demonstrated very high classification rates ( > 97%) without compromising the statistical performance. The computation timings for each testing phase were also very low ( < 0.029 s) which makes this model ideal for practical applications.Keywords: electroencephalogram (EEG), epilepsy, ictal patterns, empirical mode decomposition
Procedia PDF Downloads 4072821 Yield, Economics and ICBR of Different IPM Modules in Bt Cotton in Maharashtra
Authors: N. K. Bhute, B. B. Bhosle, D. G. More, B. V. Bhede
The field experiments were conducted during kharif season of the year 2007-08 at the experimental farm of the Department of Agricultural Entomology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Studies on evaluation of different IPM modules for Bt cotton in relation to yield economics and ICBR revealed that MAU and CICR IPM modules proved superior. It was, however, on par with chemical control. Considering the ICBR and safety to natural enemies, an inference can be drawn that Bt cotton with IPM module is the most ideal combination. Besides reduction in insecticide use, it is also expected to ensure favourable ecological and economic returns in contrast to the adverse effects due to conventional insecticides. The IPM approach, which takes care of varying pest situation, appears to be essential for gaining higher advantage from Bt cotton.Keywords: yield, economics, ICBR, IPM Modules, Bt cotton
Procedia PDF Downloads 2702820 Separating Permanent and Induced Magnetic Signature: A Simple Approach
Authors: O. J. G. Somsen, G. P. M. Wagemakers
Magnetic signature detection provides sensitive detection of metal objects, especially in the natural environment. Our group is developing a tabletop setup for magnetic signatures of various small and model objects. A particular issue is the separation of permanent and induced magnetization. While the latter depends only on the composition and shape of the object, the former also depends on the magnetization history. With common deperming techniques, a significant permanent signature may still remain, which confuses measurements of the induced component. We investigate a basic technique of separating the two. Measurements were done by moving the object along an aluminum rail while the three field components are recorded by a detector attached near the center. This is done first with the rail parallel to the Earth magnetic field and then with anti-parallel orientation. The reversal changes the sign of the induced- but not the permanent magnetization so that the two can be separated. Our preliminary results on a small iron block show excellent reproducibility. A considerable permanent magnetization was indeed present, resulting in a complex asymmetric signature. After separation, a much more symmetric induced signature was obtained that can be studied in detail and compared with theoretical calculations.Keywords: magnetic signature, data analysis, magnetization, deperming techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 4522819 A Report on the Elearning Programme of the Irish College of General Practitioners Which Can Address Continuing Education Needs of Primary Care Physicians
Authors: Nicholas P. Fenlon, Aisling Lavelle, David Mclean, Margaret O'riordan
Background: The case for continuing professional development has been well made, and was formalized in Ireland in recent years through the enactment of the Medical Practitioner’s Act, which requires registered medical practitioners to complete a minimum of 50 hours CPD each year. The ICGP, who have been providing CPD opportunities to its members for many years, have responded to this need by developing a series of evidence-based, high-quality, multimedia modules across a range of clinical and non-clinical areas. (More traditional education opportunities are still being provided by the college also). Overview of Programme: The first module was released in September 2011, since when the eLearning program has grown steadily, and there are currently almost 20 modules available, with a further 5 in production. Each module contains three to six 10-minute video lessons, which use a combination of graphics, images, text, voice-over and clinical clips. These are supported by supplementary videos of expert pieces-to-camera, Q&As with content experts, clinical scenarios, external links and relevant documentation and other resources. Successful completion of MCQs will result in a Certificate of Completion, which can be printed or stored in Professional Competence portfolio. The Medical Practitioner’s Act requires doctors to gather CPD credits across 8 domains of practice, and various eLearning modules have been developed to address each. For instance, modules with a strong clinical content would include Management of Hypertension, Management of COPD, and Management of Asthma. Other modules focus on health promotion such as Promoting Smoking Cessation, Promoting Physical Activity, and Addressing Childhood Obesity. Modules where communication skills are keys include modules on Suicide Prevention and Management of Depression. Other modules, currently in development include non-clinical topics around risk management, including Confidentiality, Consent etc. Each module is developed by a core group, which includes where possible, a GP with a special interest in the area, and a content expert(s). The college works closely with a medical education consultant and a production company in developing and producing the modules. Modules can be accessed (with password) through the ICGP website and are available free to all ICGP members. Summary of Evaluation: There are over 1700 registered users to date (over 55% of College membership). The program was evaluated using an online survey in 2013 (N = 144/950 – 12%) and results were very positive overall but provided material for the further improvement of the program also. Future Plans: While knowledge can be imparted well through eLearning, skills and attitudes are more difficult to influence through an online environment. The college is now developing a series of linked workshops, which will lead to ICGP Professional Competence Awards. The first pilot workshop is scheduled for February 2015 and is Cardiology-themed. Participants will be required to complete the following 4 modules in advance of attending – Management of Hypertension, Management of Heart Failure, Promoting Smoking Cessation, and Promoting Physical Activity. The workshop will be case-based and interactive, addressing ECG Interpretation in General Practice. Conclusions: The ICGP have responded to members needs for high-quality evidence-based education delivered in a way that suits GPs.Keywords: CPD opportunities, evidence-based, high quality, multimedia modules across a range of clinical and non-clinical areas, medical practitioner’s act
Procedia PDF Downloads 5992818 Impact of Internal Control on Fraud Detection and Prevention: A Survey of Selected Organisations in Nigeria
Authors: Amos Olusola Akinola
The aim of this study is to evaluate the internal control system on fraud prevention in Nigerian business organizations. A survey research was undertaken in five organizations from the banking and manufacturing sectors in Nigeria using the simple random sampling technique and primary data was obtained with the aid structured questionnaire drawn on five likert’s scale. Four Hypotheses were formulated and tested using the T-test Statistics, Correlation and Regression Analysis at 95% confidence interval. It was discovered that internal control has a significant positive relationship with fraud prevention and that a weak internal control system permits fraudulent activities among staff. Based on the findings, it was recommended that organizations should continually and methodically review and evaluate the components of its internal control system whether activities are working as planned or not and that every organization should have pre-determined guidelines for conducting its operations and ensures compliance with these set guidelines while proactive steps should be taken to establish the independence of the internal audit by making the audit reportable to the governing council of an organization and not the chief executive officer.Keywords: internal control, internal system, internal audit, fraud prevention, fraud detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 3852817 Performance Improvement of Photovoltaic Module at Different Tilt Angle in Kuwait
Authors: Hussain Bunyan, Wesam Ali
In this paper we will study the performance of a Silicon Photovoltaic (PV) system with different tilt angle arrangement in Kuwait (latitude 30˚ N). In this study the PV system is installed facing south, collecting maximum solar radiation at noon, and their angles are from 00 to 900 respectively, during full year at the Solstice and Equinox periods and aiming for a higher angle than 300 with competitive output power. The results show that the performance and the output power of the PV system with 50˚ tilt angle, is equivalent to the latitude tilt angle (30˚) during a full year.Keywords: photovoltaic model, tilt angle, solar collector, PV system performance, State of Kuwait
Procedia PDF Downloads 5152816 Performance of Photovoltaic Module at Different Tilt Angles
Authors: Hussain Bunyan, Wesam Ali
In this paper we will study the performance of a Silicon Photovoltaic (PV) system with different tilt angle arrangement in Kuwait (latitude 30˚ N). In the study the PV system is installed facing South, collecting maximum solar radiation at noon, and their angles are from 00 to 900 respectively, during full year at the Solstice and Equinox periods, aiming for a higher angle than 300 with competitive output power. The results show that the performance and the output power of the PV system with 50˚ tilt angle, is equivalent to the latitude tilt angle (30˚) during a full year.Keywords: photovoltaic model, tilt angle, solar collector, PV system performance, State of Kuwait
Procedia PDF Downloads 4942815 Geomagnetic Jerks Observed in Geomagnetic Observatory Data Over Southern Africa Between 2017 and 2023
Authors: Sanele Lionel Khanyile, Emmanuel Nahayo
Geomagnetic jerks are jumps observed in the second derivative of the main magnetic field that occurs on annual to decadal timescales. Understanding these jerks is crucial as they provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics of the Earth’s outer liquid core. In this study, we investigate the occurrence of geomagnetic jerks in geomagnetic observatory data collected at southern African magnetic observatories, Hermanus (HER), Tsumeb (TSU), Hartebeesthoek (HBK) and Keetmanshoop (KMH) between 2017 and 2023. The observatory data was processed and analyzed by retaining quiet night-time data recorded during quiet geomagnetic activities with the help of Kp, Dst, and ring current RC indices. Results confirm the occurrence of the 2019-2020 geomagnetic jerk in the region and identify the recent 2021 jerk detected with V-shaped secular variation changes in X and Z components at all four observatories. The highest estimated 2021 jerk secular acceleration amplitudes in X and Z components were found at HBK, 12.7 nT/year² and 19. 1 nT/year², respectively. Notably, the global CHAOS-7 model aptly identifies this 2021 jerk in the Z component at all magnetic observatories in the region.Keywords: geomagnetic jerks, secular variation, magnetic observatory data, South Atlantic Anomaly
Procedia PDF Downloads 782814 Fault-Detection and Self-Stabilization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Ather Saeed, Arif Khan, Jeffrey Gosper
Sensor devices are prone to errors and sudden node failures, which are difficult to detect in a timely manner when deployed in real-time, hazardous, large-scale harsh environments and in medical emergencies. Therefore, the loss of data can be life-threatening when the sensed phenomenon is not disseminated due to sudden node failure, battery depletion or temporary malfunctioning. We introduce a set of partial differential equations for localizing faults, similar to Green’s and Maxwell’s equations used in Electrostatics and Electromagnetism. We introduce a node organization and clustering scheme for self-stabilizing sensor networks. Green’s theorem is applied to regions where the curve is closed and continuously differentiable to ensure network connectivity. Experimental results show that the proposed GTFD (Green’s Theorem fault-detection and Self-stabilization) protocol not only detects faulty nodes but also accurately generates network stability graphs where urgent intervention is required for dynamically self-stabilizing the network.Keywords: Green’s Theorem, self-stabilization, fault-localization, RSSI, WSN, clustering
Procedia PDF Downloads 772813 An Automated Magnetic Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction Method for Detection of Cocaine in Human Urine
Authors: Feiyu Yang, Chunfang Ni, Rong Wang, Yun Zou, Wenbin Liu, Chenggong Zhang, Fenjin Sun, Chun Wang
Cocaine is the most frequently used illegal drug globally, with the global annual prevalence of cocaine used ranging from 0.3% to 0.4 % of the adult population aged 15–64 years. Growing consumption trend of abused cocaine and drug crimes are a great concern, therefore urine sample testing has become an important noninvasive sampling whereas cocaine and its metabolites (COCs) are usually present in high concentrations and relatively long detection windows. However, direct analysis of urine samples is not feasible because urine complex medium often causes low sensitivity and selectivity of the determination. On the other hand, presence of low doses of analytes in urine makes an extraction and pretreatment step important before determination. Especially, in gathered taking drug cases, the pretreatment step becomes more tedious and time-consuming. So developing a sensitive, rapid and high-throughput method for detection of COCs in human body is indispensable for law enforcement officers, treatment specialists and health officials. In this work, a new automated magnetic dispersive solid-phase extraction (MDSPE) sampling method followed by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) was developed for quantitative enrichment of COCs from human urine, using prepared magnetic nanoparticles as absorbants. The nanoparticles were prepared by silanizing magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles and modifying them with divinyl benzene and vinyl pyrrolidone, which possesses the ability for specific adsorption of COCs. And this kind of magnetic particle facilitated the pretreatment steps by electromagnetically controlled extraction to achieve full automation. The proposed device significantly improved the sampling preparation efficiency with 32 samples in one batch within 40mins. Optimization of the preparation procedure for the magnetic nanoparticles was explored and the performances of magnetic nanoparticles were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, vibrating sample magnetometer and infrared spectra measurements. Several analytical experimental parameters were studied, including amount of particles, adsorption time, elution solvent, extraction and desorption kinetics, and the verification of the proposed method was accomplished. The limits of detection for the cocaine and cocaine metabolites were 0.09-1.1 ng·mL-1 with recoveries ranging from 75.1 to 105.7%. Compared to traditional sampling method, this method is time-saving and environmentally friendly. It was confirmed that the proposed automated method was a kind of highly effective way for the trace cocaine and cocaine metabolites analyses in human urine.Keywords: automatic magnetic dispersive solid-phase extraction, cocaine detection, magnetic nanoparticles, urine sample testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2042812 The Projections of Urban Climate Change Using Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model in Bali, Indonesia
Authors: Laras Tursilowati, Bambang Siswanto
Urban climate change has short- and long-term implications for decision-makers in urban development. The problem for this important metropolitan regional of population and economic value is that there is very little usable information on climate change. Research about urban climate change has been carried out in Bali Indonesia by using Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model (CCAM) that runs with Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP)4.5. The history data means average data from 1975 to 2005, climate projections with RCP4.5 scenario means average data from 2006 to 2099, and anomaly (urban climate change) is RCP4.5 minus history. The results are the history of temperature between 22.5-27.5 OC, and RCP4.5 between 25.5-29.5 OC. The temperature anomalies can be seen in most of northern Bali that increased by about 1.6 to 2.9 OC. There is a reduced humidity tendency (drier) in most parts of Bali, especially the northern part of Bali, while a small portion in the south increase moisture (wetter). The comfort index of Bali region in history is still relatively comfortable (20-26 OC), but on the condition RCP4.5 there is no comfortable area with index more than 26 OC (hot and dry). This research is expected to be useful to help the government make good urban planning.Keywords: CCAM, comfort index, IPCC AR5, temperature, urban climate change
Procedia PDF Downloads 1452811 Duplicated Common Bile Duct: A Recipe for Injury
Authors: David Armany, Matthew Allaway, Preet Gosal, Senarath Edirimanne
A potentially devastating complication of routine laparoscopic cholecystectomy includes iatrogenic bile duct injuries, which represent a stable incidence rate of 0.3% over the past three decades. Whilst related to several relative risks such as surgeon experience and patient factors (older age, male sex), misinterpretation of biliary tree anatomy remains the most common cause, accounting for 80% of iatrogenic Common Bile Duct injuries. Whilst extremely rare, a duplicate common bile duct anomaly remains a potential variation to encounter during biliary surgery, with 30 recognised cases in the worldwide literature, of which type Vb accounts for 4. We report the case of a rare type Vb variation encountered during intra-operative laparoscopic cholecystectomy and confirmed on cholangiogram. To our knowledge, this is the first documented Type Vb case encountered in an Australian population. Given these anomalies are asymptomatic and can perpetuate iatrogenic common bile duct injuries, awareness of all subtypes is crucial. Irrevocably, preoperative Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography can help recognise these anomalies before the operating theatre; however, their widespread adoption is limited by expensive and availability.Keywords: duplicated common bile duct, type Vb, cholecystitis, MRCP, cholangiogram, iatrogenic CBD
Procedia PDF Downloads 912810 Glyco-Conjugated Gold Nanorods Based Biosensor for Optical Detection and Photothermal Ablation of Food Borne Bacteria
Authors: Shimayali Kaushal, Nitesh Priyadarshi, Nitin Kumar Singhal
Food borne bacterial species have been identified as major pathogens in most of the severe pathogen-related diseases among humans which result in great loss to human health and food industry. Conventional methods like plating and enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA) are time-consuming, laborious and require specialized instruments. Nanotechnology has emerged as a great field in case of rapid detection of pathogens in recent years. The AuNRs material has good electro-optical properties due to its larger light absorption band and scattering in surface plasmon resonance wavelength regions. By exploiting the sugar-based adhesion properties of microorganism, we can use the glycoconjugates capped gold nanorods as a potential nanobiosensor to detect the foodborne pathogen. In the present study, polyethylene glycol (PEG) coated gold nanorods (AuNRs) were prepared and functionalized with different types of carbohydrates and further characterized by UV-Visible spectrophotometry, dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The reactivity of above said nano-biosensor was probed by lectin binding assay and also by different strains of foodborne bacteria by using spectrophotometric and microscopic techniques. Due to the specific interaction of probe with foodborne bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa), our nanoprobe has shown significant and selective ablation of targeted bacteria. Our findings suggest that our nanoprobe can be an ideal candidate for selective optical detection of food pathogens and can reduce loss to the food industry.Keywords: glyco-conjugates, gold nanorods, nanobiosensor, nanoprobe
Procedia PDF Downloads 1362809 Cost-Effective Indoor-Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring via Cavity Enhanced Photoacoustic Technology
Authors: Jifang Tao, Fei Gao, Hong Cai, Yuan Jin Zheng, Yuan Dong Gu
Photoacoustic technology is used to measure effect absorption of a light by means of acoustic detection, which provides a high sensitive, low-cross response, cost-effective solution for gas molecular detection. In this paper, we proposed an integrated photoacoustic sensor for Indoor-air quality (IAQ) monitoring. The sensor consists of an acoustically resonant cavity, a high silicon acoustic transducer chip, and a low-cost light source. The light is modulated at the resonant frequency of the cavity to create an enhanced periodic heating and result in an amplified acoustic pressure wave. The pressure is readout by a novel acoustic transducer with low noise. Based on this photoacoustic sensor, typical indoor gases, including CO2, CO, O2, and H2O have been successfully detected, and their concentration are also evaluated with very high accuracy. It has wide potential applications in IAQ monitoring for agriculture, food industry, and ventilation control systems used in public places, such as schools, hospitals and airports.Keywords: indoor-air quality (IAQ) monitoring, photoacoustic gas sensor, cavity enhancement, integrated gas sensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 6592808 Molecular Detection of Tuberculosis in Dogs in the Three North-Eastern States Assam, Mizoram and Nagaland of India
Authors: A. G. Barua, Uttam Rajkhowa, Pranjal Moni Nath, Nur Abdul Kadir
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is one of the most closely-related intracellular bacterial pathogens, grouped as the M. tuberculosis complex (MTC). MTB, the primary agent of human tuberculosis (TB), can develop clinical TB in animals as 75 percent of canine mycobacterial infection is caused by close contact with an infected human being. In the present study, molecular detection of TB in dogs in three North-eastern states of India, Assam Mizoram, and Nagaland was carried out. So far, there has been a lack of systematic study in these regions, hampered by slow diagnostic methods and poor infrastructure. In an attempt to rectify this situation, molecular epidemiology was carried out for nine months to detect canine TB in a sample of 340 dogs. Isolation of DNA was done with swabs (throat/nasal), nodules of lungs and fluids from 100 suspected dogs and the molecular study were carried out with the help of conventional and real-time PCR. Post-mortem study was also carried out. Our results showed that the prevalence of clinical TB in dogs from a high-risk setting was 1 percent. However, the prevalence of immunological sensitization to M. tuberculosis antigen in dogs living in contact with sputum smeared positive TB cases was almost 50 percent. The latter setting had the maximum impact in terms of TB transmission. During the study period, a survey with a standard questionnaire was carried out in the TB hospitals to study reverse zoonosis. It was observed that an infected human being was one of the major risk factors for dogs to contract the infection. This observation was drawn by examining the probable airborne transmission from humans to their pets or strays. The present study helped to discover the nuances of TB transmission more clearly and systematically as compared to other sporadic tests to detect MTB in canine.Keywords: Assam and Nagaland, canine TB, India, molecular detection, tuberculosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1462807 A Blockchain-Based Protection Strategy against Social Network Phishing
Authors: Francesco Buccafurri, Celeste Romolo
Nowadays phishing is the most frequent starting point of cyber-attack vectors. Phishing is implemented both via email and social network messages. While a wide scientific literature exists which addresses the problem of contrasting email spam-phishing, no specific countermeasure has been so far proposed for phishing included into private messages of social network platforms. Unfortunately, the problem is severe. This paper proposes an approach against social network phishing, based on a non invasive collaborative information-sharing approach which leverages blockchain. The detection method works by filtering candidate messages, by distilling them by means of a distance-preserving hash function, and by publishing hashes over a public blockchain through a trusted smart contract (thus avoiding denial of service attacks). Phishing detection exploits social information embedded into social network profiles to identify similar messages belonging to disjoint contexts. The main contribution of the paper is to introduce a new approach to contrasting the problem of social network phishing, which, despite its severity, received little attention by both research and industry.Keywords: phishing, social networks, information sharing, blockchain
Procedia PDF Downloads 3302806 Review of the Anatomy of the Middle Cerebral Artery and Its Anomalies
Authors: Karen Cilliers, Benedict John Page
The middle cerebral artery (MCA) is the most complex cerebral artery although few anomalies are found compared to the other cerebral arteries. The branches of the MCA cover a large part of each hemisphere, therefore it is exposed in various operations. Although the segments of the MCA are similarly described by most authors, there is some disagreement on the branching pattern of the MCA. The aim of this study was to review the available literature on the anatomy and variations of the MCA, and to compare this to a pilot study. For the pilot study, 20 hemispheres were perfused with coloured silicone and the MCA was dissected. According to the literature, the two most common branching configurations are the bifurcating and trifurcating patterns. In the pilot study, bifurcation was observed in 19 hemispheres, and in one hemisphere there was no branching (monofurcation). No trifurcation was observed. The most commonly duplicated branch was the anterior parietal artery in 30%, and most commonly absent was the common temporal artery in 65% and the temporal polar artery in 40%. Very few studies describe the origins of the branches of the MCA, therefore a detailed description is given. Middle cerebral artery variations that are occasionally reported in the literature include fenestration, and a duplicated or accessory MCA, although no variations were observed in the pilot study. Aneurysms can frequently be observed at the branching of cerebral vessels, therefore a thorough knowledge of the vascular anatomy is vital. Furthermore, knowledge of possible variations is important since variations can have serious clinical implications.Keywords: anatomy, anomaly, description, middle cerebral artery, origin, variation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3492805 Dermoscopy Compliance: Improving Melanoma Detection Pathways Through Quality Improvement
Authors: Max Butler
Melanoma accounts for 80% of skin cancer-related deaths globally. The poor prognosis and increasing incidence of melanoma impose a significant burden on global healthcare systems. Early detection, precise diagnosis, and preventative strategies are critical to improving patient outcomes. Dermoscopy is the gold standard for specialist assessments of pigmented skin lesions, as it can differentiate between benign and malignant growths with greater accuracy than visual inspection. In the United Kingdom, guidelines from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) state dermoscopy should be used in all specialist assessments of pigmented skin lesions. Compliance with this guideline is low, resulting in missed and delayed melanoma diagnoses. To address this problem, a quality improvement project was initiated at Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust (BHT) within the plastic surgery department. The target group was a trainee and consultant plastic surgeons conducting outpatient skin cancer clinics. Analysis of clinic documentation over a one-month period found that only 62% (38/61) of patients referred with pigmented skin lesions were examined using dermoscopy. To increase dermoscopy rates, teaching was delivered to the department highlighting national guidelines and the evidence base for dermoscopic examination. In addition, clinic paperwork was redesigned to include a text box for dermoscopic examination. Reauditing after the intervention found a significant increase in dermoscopy rates (52/61, p = 0.014). In conclusion, implementing a quality improvement project with targeted teaching and documentation template templates successfully increased dermoscopy rates. This is a promising step toward improving early melanoma detection and patient outcomes.Keywords: melanoma, dermoscopy, plastic surgery, quality improvement
Procedia PDF Downloads 712804 Research on the Application of Flexible and Programmable Systems in Electronic Systems
Authors: Yang Xiaodong
This article explores the application and structural characteristics of flexible and programmable systems in electronic systems, with a focus on analyzing their advantages and architectural differences in dealing with complex environments. By introducing mathematical models and simulation experiments, the performance of dynamic module combination in flexible systems and fixed path selection in programmable systems in resource utilization and performance optimization was demonstrated. This article also discusses the mutual transformation between the two in practical applications and proposes a solution to improve system flexibility and performance through dynamic reconfiguration technology. This study provides theoretical reference for the design and optimization of flexible and programmable systems.Keywords: flexibility, programmable, electronic systems, system architecture
Procedia PDF Downloads 132803 Effect of Coaching Related Incompetency to Stand Trial on Symptom Validity Test: Robustness, Sensitivity, and Specificity
Authors: Natthawut Arin
In forensic contexts, competency to stand trial assessments are the most common referrals. The defendants may attempt to endorse psychopathology symptoms and feign incompetent. Coaching, which can be teaching them test-taking strategies to avoid detection of psychopathological symptoms feigning. Recently, the Symptom Validity Testings (SVTs) were created to detect feigning. Moreover, the works of the literature showed that the effects of coaching on SVTs may be more robust to the effects of coaching. Thai Symptom Validity Test (SVT-Th) was designed as SVTs which demonstrated adequate psychometric properties and ability to classify between feigners and honest responders. Thus, the current study to examine the utility as the robustness of SVT-Th in the detection of feigned psychopathology. Participants consisted of 120 were recruited from undergraduate courses in psychology, randomly assigned to one of three groups. The SVT-Th was administered to those three scenario-experimental groups: (a) Uncoached group were asked to respond honestly (n=40), (b) Symptom-coached without warning group were asked to feign psychiatric symptoms to gain incompetency to stand trial (n=40), while (c) Test-coached with warning group were asked to feign psychiatric symptoms to avoid test detection but being incompetency to stand trial (n=40). Group differences were analyzed using one-way ANOVAs. The result revealed an uncoached group (M = 4.23, SD.= 5.20) had significantly lower SVT-Th mean scores than those both coached groups (M =185.00, SD.= 72.88 and M = 132.10, SD.= 54.06, respectively). Classification rates were calculated to determine the classification accuracy. Result indicated that SVT-Th had overall classification accuracy rates of 96.67% with acceptable of 95% sensitivity and 100% specificity rates. Overall, the results of the present study indicate that the SVT-Th yielded high adequate indices of accuracy and these findings suggest that the SVT-Th is robustness against coaching.Keywords: incompetency to stand trial, coaching, robustness, classification accuracy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1392802 SQL Generator Based on MVC Pattern
Authors: Chanchai Supaartagorn
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the standard de facto language to access and manipulate data in a relational database. Although SQL is a language that is simple and powerful, most novice users will have trouble with SQL syntax. Thus, we are presenting SQL generator tool which is capable of translating actions and displaying SQL commands and data sets simultaneously. The tool was developed based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. The MVC pattern is a widely used software design pattern that enforces the separation between the input, processing, and output of an application. Developers take full advantage of it to reduce the complexity in architectural design and to increase flexibility and reuse of code. In addition, we use White-Box testing for the code verification in the Model module.Keywords: MVC, relational database, SQL, White-Box testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4222801 [Keynote]: No-Trust-Zone Architecture for Securing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Authors: Michael Okeke, Andrew Blyth
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) as the state of the art Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are used in many different critical infrastructures, from smart home to energy systems and from locomotives train system to planes. Security of SCADA systems is vital since many lives depend on it for daily activities and deviation from normal operation could be disastrous to the environment as well as lives. This paper describes how No-Trust-Zone (NTZ) architecture could be incorporated into SCADA Systems in order to reduce the chances of malicious intent. The architecture is made up of two distinctive parts which are; the field devices such as; sensors, PLCs pumps, and actuators. The second part of the architecture is designed following lambda architecture, which is made up of a detection algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Hadoop framework for data processing and storage. Apache Spark will be a part of the lambda architecture for real-time analysis of packets for anomalies detection.Keywords: industrial control system (ics, no-trust-zone (ntz), particle swarm optimisation (pso), supervisory control and data acquisition (scada), swarm intelligence (SI)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3462800 Helicobacter Pylori Detection by Invasive and Noninvasive Diagnostic Tests from Dyspepsia Patients
Authors: Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim, Ahmad Mujtaba
Background: The accuracy of the most frequently used tests for diagnosing Helicobacter pylori is always under consideration in clinical settings. A reliable diagnosis is crucial to confirm the success of therapy. Objective: The aim of this research was to study the isolation frequency of H. pylori from patients compatible with gastritis or gastric ulcer and to compare some feasible non-invasive and invasive methods for the diagnosis of infection. Materials and Methods: Ninety-six gastric biopsy and blood samples were obtained with various gastroduodenal symptoms after obtaining informed consent. The biopsies were analyzed and compared using the culture, microscopic examination, histopathology, Rapid urease RUT), serology, biochemical, antibiotic susceptibility test and molecular method. Results: A number of 40 (41.67%) were considered H. pylori positive in both histopathology and RUT. On the other hand, 46 patients were positive against anti IgA and IgG by ELISA. Eighteen biopsies were positive according to the culture test. This was further confirmed by endoscopic examination, urease, catalase and oxidase tests. A high percentage of resistance to polymyxin B, amoxicillin, and kanamycin was observed (100, 88.89, and 77.78%, respectively). A gene (Cag A) was also detected by using molecular technique which appeared positive in 16 patients. The sensitivity/specificity (%) of diagnostic method was 95/77 for histology, 100/83.5 for rapid urease, 85.7/90 for gram staining, 100/66.6 for IgG serology, 100/79.5 for IgA serology, 100/75.0 for PCR, 100/79.04 for combination of RUT and IgG serology and 100/92.4 for combination of RUT, gram staining and IgG serology. Conclusion: In view of the result obtained, PCR appeared to be the most reliable test. However, higher sensitivity and specificity were also recorded for other tests. So, for more accurate results, it is advisable not to rely solely on a single method for detection.Keywords: helicobacter pylori, isolation, detection, culture, urease, polymerase chain reaction, antibiotic susceptibility test, dyspeptic patients
Procedia PDF Downloads 672799 Diffraction-Based Immunosensor for Dengue NS1 Virus
Authors: Harriet Jane R. Caleja, Joel I. Ballesteros, Florian R. Del Mundo
The dengue fever belongs to the world’s major cause of death, especially in the tropical areas. In the Philippines, the number of dengue cases during the first half of 2015 amounted to more than 50,000. In 2012, the total number of cases of dengue infection reached 132,046 of which 701 patients died. Dengue Nonstructural 1 virus (Dengue NS1 virus) is a recently discovered biomarker for the early detection of dengue virus. It is present in the serum of the dengue virus infected patients even during the earliest stages prior to the formation of dengue virus antibodies. A biosensor for the dengue detection using NS1 virus was developed for faster and accurate diagnostic tool. Biotinylated anti-dengue virus NS1 was used as the receptor for dengue virus NS1. Using the Diffractive Optics Technology (dotTM) technique, real time binding of the NS1 virus to the biotinylated anti-NS1 antibody is observed. The dot®-Avidin sensor recognizes the biotinylated anti-NS1 and this served as the capture molecule to the analyte, NS1 virus. The increase in the signal of the diffractive intensity signifies the binding of the capture and the analyte. The LOD was found to be 3.87 ng/mL while the LOQ is 12.9 ng/mL. The developed biosensor was also found to be specific for the NS1 virus.Keywords: avidin-biotin, diffractive optics technology, immunosensor, NS1
Procedia PDF Downloads 3312798 Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction and Microwave-Assisted Acid Digestion for the Determination of Heavy Metals in Tea Samples
Authors: Abu Harera Nadeem, Kingsley Donkor
Tea is a popular beverage due to its flavour, aroma and antioxidant properties—with the most consumed varieties being green and black tea. Antioxidants in tea can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s and heart disease and obesity. However, these teas contain heavy metals such as Hg, Cd, or Pb, which can cause autoimmune diseases like Graves disease. In this study, 11 heavy metals in various commercial green, black, and oolong tea samples were determined using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Two methods of sample preparation were compared for accuracy and precision, which were microwave-assisted digestion and ultrasonic-assisted extraction. The developed method was further validated by detection limit, precision, and accuracy. Results showed that the proposed method was highly sensitive with detection limits within parts-per-billion levels. Reasonable method accuracy was obtained by spiked experiments. The findings of this study can be used to delve into the link between tea consumption and disease and to provide information for future studies on metal determination in tea.Keywords: ICP-MS, green tea, black tea, microwave-assisted acid digestion, ultrasound-assisted extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1232797 Ordered Mesoporous WO₃-TiO₂ Nanocomposites for Enhanced Xylene Gas Detection
Authors: Vijay K. Tomer, Ritu Malik, Satya P. Nehra, Anshu Sharma
Highly ordered mesoporous WO₃-TiO₂ nanohybrids with large intrinsic surface area and highly ordered pore channels were synthesized using mesoporous silica, KIT-6 as hard template using a nanocasting strategy. The nanohybrid samples were characterized by a variety of physico-chemical techniques including X-ray diffraction, Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms, and high resolution transmission electron microscope. The nanohybrids were tested for detection of important indoor Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) including acetone, ethanol, n-butanol, toluene, and xylene. The sensing result illustrates that the nanocomposite sensor was highly responsive towards xylene gas at relatively lower operating temperature. A rapid response and recovery time, highly linear response and excellent stability in the concentration ranges from 1 to 100 ppm was observed for xylene gas. It is believed that the promising results of this study can be utilized in the synthesis of ordered mesoporous nanostructures which can extend its configuration for the development of new age e-nose type sensors with enhanced gas-sensing performance.Keywords: nanohybrids, response, sensor, VOCs, xylene
Procedia PDF Downloads 3312796 ACOPIN: An ACO Algorithm with TSP Approach for Clustering Proteins in Protein Interaction Networks
Authors: Jamaludin Sallim, Rozlina Mohamed, Roslina Abdul Hamid
In this paper, we proposed an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm together with Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) approach to investigate the clustering problem in Protein Interaction Networks (PIN). We named this combination as ACOPIN. The purpose of this work is two-fold. First, to test the efficacy of ACO in clustering PIN and second, to propose the simple generalization of the ACO algorithm that might allow its application in clustering proteins in PIN. We split this paper to three main sections. First, we describe the PIN and clustering proteins in PIN. Second, we discuss the steps involved in each phase of ACO algorithm. Finally, we present some results of the investigation with the clustering patterns.Keywords: ant colony optimization algorithm, searching algorithm, protein functional module, protein interaction network
Procedia PDF Downloads 6132795 A Decision Support System for the Detection of Illicit Substance Production Sites
Authors: Krystian Chachula, Robert Nowak
Manufacturing home-made explosives and synthetic drugs is an increasing problem in Europe. To combat that, a data fusion system is proposed for the detection and localization of production sites in urban environments. The data consists of measurements of properties of wastewater performed by various sensors installed in a sewage network. A four-stage fusion strategy allows detecting sources of waste products from known chemical reactions. First, suspicious measurements are used to compute the amount and position of discharged compounds. Then, this information is propagated through the sewage network to account for missing sensors. The next step is clustering and the formation of tracks. Eventually, tracks are used to reconstruct discharge events. Sensor measurements are simulated by a subsystem based on real-world data. In this paper, different discharge scenarios are considered to show how the parameters of used algorithms affect the effectiveness of the proposed system. This research is a part of the SYSTEM project (SYnergy of integrated Sensors and Technologies for urban sEcured environMent).Keywords: continuous monitoring, information fusion and sensors, internet of things, multisensor fusion
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