Search results for: water treatment plant
16066 Household Water Source Substitution and Demand for Water Connections
Authors: Elizabeth Spink
The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 6 sets a target for safe and affordable drinking water for all. Developing country governments aiming to achieve this goal often face significant challenges when trying to service last mile customers, particularly those in peri-urban and rural areas. Expansion of water networks often requires high connection fees from households, and demand for connections may be low if there are cheaper substitute sources of water available. This research studies the effect of the availability of substitute sources of water on demand for individual water connections in Livingstone, Zambia, using an event study analysis of metering campaigns. Metering campaigns reduce the share of a household's neighbors that can provide free water to the household if their water connection becomes disconnected due to nonpayment. The results show that household payments in newly metered regions increase by 10 percentage points in the months following metering events, with a decrease in disconnections of 6 percentage points for low-income households. To isolate the effect of changes in a household's substitution possibilities, a similar analysis is conducted among households that neighbor the metered region. These results show mixed evidence of the impact of substitutes on payment behavior and disconnections. The results suggest that metering may be effective in increasing household demand for individual water connections primarily through a lower monthly cost burden for newly metered households.Keywords: piped-water access, water demand, water utilities, water sharing
Procedia PDF Downloads 19916065 The Effects of Boronizing Treatment on the Friction and Wear Behavior of 0.35 VfTiC- Ti3SiC2 Composite
Authors: M. Hadji, A. Haddad, Y. Hadji
The effects of boronizing treatment on the friction coefficient and wear behavior of 0.35 Vf TiC- Ti3 SiC2 composite were investigated. In order to modity the surface properties of Ti3SiC2, boronizing treatment was carried out through powder pack cementation in the 1150-1350 °C temperature range. After boronizing treatment, one mixture layer, composed of TiB2 and SiC, forms on the surface of Ti3SiC2. The growth of the coating is processed by inward diffusion of Boron and obeys a linear rule. The Boronizing treatment increases the hardness of Ti3SiC2 from 6 GPa to 13 GPa. In the pin-on-disc test, i twas found that the material undergoes a steady-state coefficient of friction of around 0.8 and 0.45 in case of Ti3SiC2/Al2O3 tribocouple under 7N load for the non treated and the boronized samples, respectively. The wear resistance of Ti3SiC2 underAl2O3 ball sliding has been significantly improved, which indicated that the boronizing treatment is a promising surface modification way of Ti3SiC2.Keywords: MAX phase, wearing, friction, boronizing
Procedia PDF Downloads 45816064 Health Risk Assessment According to Exposure with Heavy Metals and Physicochemical Parameters; Water Quality Index and Contamination Degree Evaluation in Bottled Water
Authors: Samaneh Abolli, Mahmood Alimohammadi
The survey analyzed 71 bottled water brands in Tehran, Iran, examining 10 physicochemical parameters and 16 heavy metals. The water quality index (WQI) approach was used to assess water quality, and methods such as carcinogen risk (CR) and hazard index (HI) were employed to evaluate health risks. The results indicated that the bottled water had good quality overall, but some brands were of poor or very poor quality. The study also revealed significant human health risks, especially for children, due to the presence of minerals and heavy metals in bottled water. Correlation analyses and risk assessments for various substances were conducted, providing valuable insights into the potential health impacts of the analyzed bottled water.Keywords: bottled wate, rwater quality index, health risk assessment, contamination degree, heavy metal evaluation index
Procedia PDF Downloads 5316063 Catchment Nutrient Balancing Approach to Improve River Water Quality: A Case Study at the River Petteril, Cumbria, United Kingdom
Authors: Nalika S. Rajapaksha, James Airton, Amina Aboobakar, Nick Chappell, Andy Dyer
Nutrient pollution and their impact on water quality is a key concern in England. Many water quality issues originate from multiple sources of pollution spread across the catchment. The river water quality in England has improved since 1990s and wastewater effluent discharges into rivers now contain less phosphorus than in the past. However, excess phosphorus is still recognised as the prevailing issue for rivers failing Water Framework Directive (WFD) good ecological status. To achieve WFD Phosphorus objectives, Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW) permit limits are becoming increasingly stringent. Nevertheless, in some rural catchments, the apportionment of Phosphorus pollution can be greater from agricultural runoff and other sources such as septic tanks. Therefore, the challenge of meeting the requirements of watercourses to deliver WFD objectives often goes beyond water company activities, providing significant opportunities to co-deliver activities in wider catchments to reduce nutrient load at source. The aim of this study was to apply the United Utilities' Catchment Systems Thinking (CaST) strategy and pilot an innovative permitting approach - Catchment Nutrient Balancing (CNB) in a rural catchment in Cumbria (the River Petteril) in collaboration with the regulator and others to achieve WFD objectives and multiple benefits. The study area is mainly agricultural land, predominantly livestock farms. The local ecology is impacted by significant nutrient inputs which require intervention to meet WFD obligations. There are a range of Phosphorus inputs into the river, including discharges from wastewater assets but also significantly from agricultural contributions. Solely focusing on the WwTW discharges would not have resolved the problem hence in order to address this issue effectively, a CNB trial was initiated at a small WwTW, targeting the removal of a total of 150kg of Phosphorus load, of which 13kg were to be reduced through the use of catchment interventions. Various catchment interventions were implemented across selected farms in the upstream of the catchment and also an innovative polonite reactive filter media was implemented at the WwTW as an alternative to traditional Phosphorus treatment methods. During the 3 years of this trial, the impact of the interventions in the catchment and the treatment works were monitored. In 2020 and 2022, it respectively achieved a 69% and 63% reduction in the phosphorus level in the catchment against the initial reduction target of 9%. Phosphorus treatment at the WwTW had a significant impact on overall load reduction. The wider catchment impact, however, was seven times greater than the initial target when wider catchment interventions were also established. While it is unlikely that all the Phosphorus load reduction was delivered exclusively from the interventions implemented though this project, this trial evidenced the enhanced benefits that can be achieved with an integrated approach, that engages all sources of pollution within the catchment - rather than focusing on a one-size-fits-all solution. Primarily, the CNB approach and the act of collaboratively engaging others, particularly the agriculture sector is likely to yield improved farm and land management performance and better compliance, which can lead to improved river quality as well as wider benefits.Keywords: agriculture, catchment nutrient balancing, phosphorus pollution, water quality, wastewater
Procedia PDF Downloads 6716062 Effect of Aging Treatment on Tensile Properties of AZ91D Mg Alloy
Authors: Ju Hyun Won, Seok Hong Min, Tae Kwon Ha
Phase equilibria of AZ91D Mg alloys for nonflammable use, containing Ca and Y, were carried out by using FactSage® and FTLite database, which revealed that solid solution treatment, could be performed at temperatures from 400 to 450 °C. Solid solution treatment of AZ91D Mg alloy without Ca and Y was successfully conducted at 420 °C and supersaturated microstructure with all beta phase resolved into matrix was obtained. In the case of AZ91D Mg alloy with some Ca and Y, however, a little amount of intermetallic particles were observed after solid solution treatment. After solid solution treatment, each alloy was annealed at temperatures of 180 and 200 °C for time intervals from 1 min to 48 hrs and hardness of each condition was measured by micro-Vickers method. Peak aging conditions were deduced as at the temperature of 200 °C for 10 hrs.Keywords: Mg alloy, AZ91D, nonflammable alloy, phase equilibrium, peak aging
Procedia PDF Downloads 43116061 Water Injection in One of the Southern Iranian Oil Field, a Case Study
Authors: Hooman Fallah
Seawater injection and produced water re-injection are presently the most commonly used approach to enhanced recovery. The dominant factors for total oil recovery are the reservoir temperature, reservoir pressure, crude oil and water composition. In this study, the production under water injection in Soroosh, one of the southern Iranian heavy oil field has been simulated (the fluid properties are focused). In order to reveal the dominant factors in this production process, the sensitivity analysis has been done for the following effective factors, fluid viscosity, initial water saturation, gravity force and injection well strategy. It is crystal clear that the study of the dominant factors in production processes will help the engineers to design the best production mechanisms in our numerous hydrocarbon reservoirs.Keywords: water injection, initial water saturation, oil viscosity, gravity force, injection well strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 42016060 Water Irrigation in the Chlef Region Using Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Authors: T. Tahri, H. Zahloul, K. E. Meddah, H. Lazergue
This paper presents a theoretical study that leads to the design of a photovoltaic pumping system to irrigate six hectares of oranges in the valley of Chlef using the software "PVSYST". It was shown that the site of Chlef presents a favorable climate to this type of energy with an irradiation of over 5 kWh/m2/day, and significant resources underground water. Another very important coincidence still promotes the use of this type of energy for pumping water in Chlef is that the demand for water, especially in agriculture, peaked in hot and dry where it is precisely when one has access to the maximum of solar energy.Keywords: solar energy, irradiation, water pumping, design, Valley of Chlef
Procedia PDF Downloads 25116059 Separation of Hazardous Brominated Plastics from Waste Plastics by Froth Flotation after Surface Modification with Mild Heat-Treatment
Authors: Nguyen Thi Thanh Truc, Chi-Hyeon Lee, Srinivasa Reddy Mallampati, Byeong-Kyu Lee
This study evaluated to facilitate separation of ABS plastics from other waste plastics by froth flotation after surface hydrophilization of ABS with heat treatment. The mild heat treatment at 100oC for 60s could selectively increase the hydrophilicity of the ABS plastics surface (i.e., ABS contact angle decreased from 79o to 65.8o) among other plastics mixture. The SEM and XPS results of plastic samples sufficiently supported the increase in hydrophilic functional groups and decrease contact angle on ABS surface, after heat treatment. As a result of the froth flotation (at mixing speed 150 rpm and airflow rate 0.3 L/min) after heat treatment, about 85% of ABS was selectively separated from other heavy plastics with 100% of purity. The effect of optimum treatment condition and detailed mechanism onto separation efficiency in the froth floatation was also investigated. This research is successful in giving a simple, effective, and inexpensive method for ABS separation from waste plastics.Keywords: ABS, hydrophilic, heat treatment, froth flotation, contact angle
Procedia PDF Downloads 35916058 Effect of Cadmium and Zinc on Initial Insect Food Chain in Wheat Agroecosystem
Authors: Muhammad Xaaceph Khan, Abida Butt, Farah Kausar
Due to geogenic and anthropogenic factors, heavy metals concentrations increased throughout the world and deposit into soil. Thus available to different plants and travel in different food chains. The present study was designed to achieve bioaccumulation of Cd and Zn in the wheat-aphid-beetle food chain. For this purpose, wheat plants were grown in three different treatments: Cd, Zn, Cd+Zn. Data showed that Cd content in soil and wheat plant increases with increase in Cd concentration while plant weighs, panicle weight, seed number per panicle and seed weight per panicle decreases with increase in Cd content in the soil. Zn content in soil and wheat plant increases with increase in Cd concentration while plant weighs, panicle weight, seed number per panicle, and seed weight per panicle increase with an increase in Zn content in the soil. With the addition of Zn in Cd-treated soil, the uptake of Cd decreases in all parts of wheat plants. Bioaccumulation from wheat plant to aphids and then its predators were also studied. Cd concentration increases from low to high concentration in all arthropods. Same was observed in Zn concentrations, while in Cd+Zn, Cd accumulation decreases but Zn accumulates increases. Health risk index (HRI) also showed that in the presence of Zn, the HRI improves and can help to reduce health risks associated with Cd.Keywords: aphid, beetle, bioaccumulation, cadmium, wheat, zinc
Procedia PDF Downloads 16216057 Viability of Irrigation Water Conservation Practices in the Low Desert of California
Authors: Ali Montazar
California and the Colorado River Basin are facing increasing uncertainty concerning water supplies. The Colorado River is the main source of irrigation water in the low desert of California. Currently, due to an increasing water-use competition and long-term drought at the Colorado River Basin, efficient use of irrigation water is one of the highest conservation priorities in the region. This study aims to present some of current irrigation technologies and management approaches in the low desert and assess the viability and potential of these water management practices. The results of several field experiments are used to assess five water conservation practices of sub-surface drip irrigation, automated surface irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, tail-water recovery system, and deficit irrigation strategy. The preliminary results of several ongoing studies at commercial fields are presented, particularly researches in alfalfa, sugar beets, kliengrass, sunflower, and spinach fields. The findings indicate that all these practices have significant potential to conserve water (an average of 1 ac-ft/ac) and enhance the efficiency of water use (15-25%). Further work is needed to better understand the feasibility of each of these applications and to help maintain profitable and sustainable agricultural production system in the low desert as water and labor costs, and environmental issues increase.Keywords: automated surface irrigation, deficit irrigation, low desert of California, sprinkler irrigation, sub-surface drip irrigation, tail-water recovery system
Procedia PDF Downloads 15916056 The Mapping of Pastoral Area as a Basis of Ecological for Beef Cattle in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Authors: Jasmal A. Syamsu, Muhammad Yusuf, Hikmah M. Ali, Mawardi A. Asja, Zulkharnaim
This study was conducted and aimed in identifying and mapping the pasture as an ecological base of beef cattle. A survey was carried out during a period of April to June 2016, in Suppa, Mattirobulu, the district of Pinrang, South Sulawesi province. The mapping process of grazing area was conducted in several stages; inputting and tracking of data points into Google Earth Pro (version, affirmation and confirmation of tracking line visualized by satellite with a variety of records at the point, a certain point and tracking input data into ArcMap Application (ArcGIS version 10.1), data processing DEM/SRTM (S04E119) with respect to the location of the grazing areas, creation of a contour map (a distance of 5 m) and mapping tilt (slope) of land and land cover map-making. Analysis of land cover, particularly the state of the vegetation was done through the identification procedure NDVI (Normalized Differences Vegetation Index). This procedure was performed by making use of the Landsat-8. The results showed that the topography of the grazing areas of hills and some sloping surfaces and flat with elevation vary from 74 to 145 above sea level (asl), while the requirements for growing superior grass and legume is an altitude of up to 143-159 asl. Slope varied between 0 - > 40% and was dominated by a slope of 0-15%, according to the slope/topography pasture maximum of 15%. The range of NDVI values for pasture image analysis results was between 0.1 and 0.27. Characteristics of vegetation cover of pasture land in the category of vegetation density were low, 70% of the land was the land for cattle grazing, while the remaining approximately 30% was a grove and forest included plant water where the place for shelter of the cattle during the heat and drinking water supply. There are seven types of graminae and 5 types of legume that was dominant in the region. Proportionally, graminae class dominated up 75.6% and legume crops up to 22.1% and the remaining 2.3% was another plant trees that grow in the region. The dominant weed species in the region were Cromolaenaodorata and Lantana camara, besides that there were 6 types of floor plant that did not include as forage fodder.Keywords: pastoral, ecology, mapping, beef cattle
Procedia PDF Downloads 35516055 Secondary Metabolite Profiling and Antimicrobial Activity of Leaf Extract of Tecomella undulata (Sm.) Seem
Authors: Richa Bhardwaj
Tecomella undulata (Sm.) Seem is a monotypic genus belonging to family Bignoniaceae. The plant holds tremendous potential of medicinal value and has been traditionally used in various ailments like syphilis, leukoderma, blood disorders to name a few. The plant has gained prominence due to the presence of some prominent secondary metabolites. The present study focuses on the GC-MS analysis of leaf extracts of T. undulata which revealed the presence of certain bioactive compounds like stigmasterol, sitosterol, thiazoline, phytol, pthalic acid, methyl alpha ketopalmitate and so forth. A total of about 20 bioactive compounds were identified from the leaf extract spectra. Antimicrobial activity of the leaf extract was assayed against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The alkaloids from leaf extracts showed antimicrobial activity against E.coli and B.subtilis. The flavonoids from leaves showed positive activity against Penicillium species and Candida albicans. The study thus infers that the presence of bioactive components may be the principle behind the antimicrobial property of different plant parts and therefore Tecomella forms a potential plant for herbal drug formulation.Keywords: Tecomella undulata, bioactive compounds, GC-MS, antimicrobial activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 15116054 Pesticidal Potential of Selected Aqueous Plant Extracts for the Control of Webber Caterpillar (Hymenis Recurvalis Fab.) Infestation on Amaranthus in Kashere,Gombe State, Nigeria
Authors: Degri M. M, Samaila A. E., Simon L., Joly G. A.
The amaranth leaf webber caterpillar (Hymenia recurvalis Fab.) was found to cause serious leaf damage by perforation and reduce amaranth growth and yield. It is a major limiting factor in amaranth production. Field experiments were conducted during 2022 and 2023 with the aim of assessing insecticidal potential of five selected plant leaf extracts, namely Moringa oleifera, Azadiractha indica A. Juss , Balanites aegyptiaca Del., Momordica balsamina and Hyptis suaveolens using Lambda.cyhalothrin 2.5 EC, a synthetic insecticide as a check. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three times. Results showed that A.indica and H.suaveolous were more effective in reducing H .recurvalis population, leaf perforation, leaf damaged and improved amaranth plant growth and yield. This was closely followed by B. aegyptiaca and M. balsamina while M. oleifera had the lowest effect on the use of pest population and damage. Lambda.cyhalothrin, a synthetic insecticide, was found to be superior to the five plant extracts. The result showed that A. indica and H. suaveolens improved the growth and yield of amaranth during the study period. The study, therefore, recommended the two plant extracts for the control of leaf webber caterpillar (H. recurvalis) to limited resource farmers and as a good alternative to Lambda.cyhalothrin 2.5EC in the study area.Keywords: Amaranth, leaf Webber plant extracts, Lambda cyhalothrin, rainfed
Procedia PDF Downloads 2316053 Government Intervention Strategies in Providing Water to Rural Communities in the O R Tambo District Municipality, South Africa
Authors: Cecilia Kunseh Betek
Managing rural water supply systems effectively and efficiently is a challenge in the O R Tambo District Municipality due to the long distances between consumers and municipal centres. This is a couple with the low income of most residents and the government's policy of free basic water which is making rural water provision very difficult. With regard to cartage, the results reveal that the majority (84.4%) of the population covers distances of about 1kilometre to fetch water, and 15.6% travel up kilometer to access water facilities. This means that the water sources are located very far from households, outside the officially legislated array of 200metres. These are many reasons to account for this situation. Firstly, this implies that there are inadequate stand pipes to cater for all the homesteads scattered across the rugged terrain of OR Tambo District municipality. Secondly, and following from the first explanation, it would be seen that funding that is made available is not adequate, or is not efficiently spent on the targeted projects. The situation in the rural areas of South Africa is fraught with cumbersome complexity when it comes to service delivery.Keywords: water, management, government, rural
Procedia PDF Downloads 28716052 Phytochemical and Proximate Composition Analysis of Aspillia kotschyi
Authors: A. U. Adamu, E. D Paul, C. E. Gimba, I. G. Ndukwe
The phytochemical and proximate composition of Aspillia kotschyi belonging to Compositae family which is commonly used as medicinal plant in Nigeria was determined on both the Methanolic and Petroleum sprit extract of the plant. The Methanolic extract of the plant revealed the presence of carbohydrates, cardiac glyscosides, flavonoids, triterpene, and alkaloids. The Petroleum sprit extract showed the presence of only carbohydrates and alkaloid. Proximate composition analysis shows moisture content of 5.7%, total ash of 4.03%, crude protein 10.94%, fibre 9.06%, fat value 0.83%, and nitrogen free extract of 70.19%. The results of this study suggest some merit in the popular use of Aspillia kotschi in herbal medicine.Keywords: Aspillia kotschyi, herbal medicine, phytochemical, proximate composition
Procedia PDF Downloads 36716051 Impact of Reclamation on the Water Exchange in Bohai Bay
Authors: Luyao Liu, Dekui Yuan, Xu Li
As one of the most important bays of China, the water exchange capacity of Bohai Bay can influence the economic development and urbanization of surrounding cities. However, the rapid reclamation has influenced the weak water exchange capacity of this semi-enclosed bay in recent years. This paper sets two hydrodynamic models of Bohai Bay with two shorelines before and after reclamation. The mean value and distribution of Turn-over Time, the distribution of residual current, and the feature of the tracer path are compared. After comparison, it is found that Bohai Bay keeps these characteristics; the spending time of water exchange in the northern is longer than southern, and inshore is longer than offshore. However, the mean water exchange time becomes longer after reclamation. In addition, the material spreading is blocked because of the inwardly extending shorelines, and the direction changed from along the shoreline to towards the center after reclamation.Keywords: Bohai Bay, water exchange, reclamation, turn-over time
Procedia PDF Downloads 15216050 Effect of Injector Installation Angle on the Thermal Behaviors of UWS in a Diesel SCR Catalytic Muffler Systems
Authors: Man Young Kim
To reduce the NOx emission in a Diesel vehicle, such various after treatment systems as SCR, LNC, and LNT are frequently visited as promising systems. Among others, urea-based SCR systems are known to be stable, effective technologies that can reduce NOx emissions most efficiently from diesel exhaust systems. In this study, therefore, effect of urea injector installation angle on the evaporation and mixing characteristics is investigated to find optimum operation conditions. It can be found that the injection angle significantly affects the thermal behavior of the urea-water solution in the diesel exhaust gases.Keywords: selective catalytic reduction (SCR), evaporation, thermolysis, urea-water solution (UWS), injector installation angle
Procedia PDF Downloads 36416049 Application Water Quality Modelling In Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Management: A Review
Authors: S. A. Che Osmi, W. M. F. W. Ishak, S. F. Che Osmi
Nowadays the issues of water quality and water pollution have been a major problem across the country. A lot of management attempt to develop their own TMDL database in order to control the river pollution. Over the past decade, the mathematical modeling has been used as the tool for the development of TMDL. This paper presents the application of water quality modeling to develop the total maximum daily load (TMDL) information. To obtain the reliable database of TMDL, the appropriate water quality modeling should choose based on the available data provided. This paper will discuss on the use of several water quality modeling such as QUAL2E, QUAL2K, and EFDC to develop TMDL. The attempts to integrate several modeling are also being discussed in this paper. Based on this paper, the differences in the application of water quality modeling based on their properties such as one, two or three dimensional are showing their ability to develop the modeling of TMDL database.Keywords: TMDL, water quality modeling, QUAL2E, EFDC
Procedia PDF Downloads 44116048 The Effectiveness of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria in Minimizing Methane and Sludge Production from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)
Authors: K. Abdul Halim, E. L. Yong
Palm oil industry is a major revenue earner in Malaysia, despite the growth of the industry is synonymous with a massive production of agro-industrial wastewater. Through the oil extraction processes, palm oil mill effluent (POME) contributes to the largest liquid wastes generated. Due to the high amount of organic compound, POME can cause inland water pollution if discharged untreated into the water course as well as affect the aquatic ecosystem. For more than 20 years, Malaysia adopted the conventional biological treatment known as lagoon system that apply biological treatment. Besides having difficulties in complying with the standard, a large build up area is needed and retention time is higher. Although anaerobic digester is more favorable, this process comes along with enormous volumes of sludge and methane gas, demanding attention from the mill operators. In order to reduce the sludge production, denitrifiers are to be removed first. Sulfate reducing bacteria has shown the capability to inhibit the growth of methanogens. This is expected to substantially reduce both the sludge and methane production in anaerobic digesters. In this paper, the effectiveness of sulfate reducing bacteria in minimizing sludge and methane will be examined.Keywords: methane reduction, palm oil mill effluent, sludge minimization, sulfate reducing bacteria, sulfate reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 43316047 Potentials of Henna Leaves as Dye and Its Fastness Properties on Fabric
Authors: Nkem Angela Udeani
Despite the widespread use of synthetic dyes, natural dyes are still exploited and used to enhance its inherent aesthetic qualities as a major material for the beautification of the body. Centuries before the discovery of synthetic dye, natural dyes were the only source of dye open to mankind. Dyes are extracted from plant - leaves, roots, and barks, insect secretions, and minerals. However, research findings have made it clear that of all, plant- leaves, roots, barks or flowers are the most explored and exploited. Henna (Lawsonia innermis) is one of those plants. The experiment has also shown that henna is used in body painting in conjunction with an alkaline (Ammonium Sulphate) as a fixing agent. This of course gives a clue that if colour derived from henna is properly investigated, it may not only be used as body decoration but possibly, may have affinity to fibre substrate. This paper investigates the dyeing potentials - dyeing ability and fastness qualities of henna dye extract on cotton and linen fibres using mordants like ammonium sulphate and other alkalies (hydrosulphate and caustic soda, potash, common salt and alum). Hot and cold water and ethanol solvent were used in the extraction of the dye to investigate the most effective method of extraction, dyeing ability and fastness qualities of these extracts under room temperature. The results of the experiment show that cotton have a high rate of dye intake than linen fibre. On a similar note, the colours obtained depend most on the solvent and or the mordant used. In conclusion, hot water extraction appear more effective. While the colours obtained from ethanol and both cold and hot method of extraction range from light to dark yellow, light green to army green, there are to some extent shades of brown hues.Keywords: dye, fabrics, henna leaves, potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 47416046 Antioxidant Activities, Chemical Components, Physicochemical, and Sensory Characteristics of Kecombrang Tea (Etlingera elatior)
Authors: Rifda Naufalin, Nurul Latifasari, Siti Nuryanti, Muna Ridha Hanifah
Kecombrang is a Zingiberaceae plant which has antioxidant properties. The high antioxidant content in kecombrang flowers has the potential to be processed as a functional beverage raw material so that it can be used as an ingredient in making herbal teas. The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical components, physicochemistry, antioxidant activity and sensory characteristics of kecombrang tea. The research methodology was carried out by using a completely randomized design with processing factors of kecombrang tea namely blanching and non-blanching, fermentation and non-fermentation, and the optimal time for drying kecombrang tea. The best treatment combination based on the effective index method is the treatment of the blanching process followed by drying at a temperature of 50ᵒC until the 2% moisture content can produce kecombrang tea with a total phenol content of 5.95 mg Tannic Acid Equivalent (TAE) / gram db, total flavonoid 3%, pH 4.5, and antioxidant activity 82.95%, red color, distinctive aroma of tea, fresh taste, and preferred by panelists.Keywords: kecombrang tea, blanching, fermentation, total phenol, and antioxidant activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 14816045 Increasing Soybean (Glycine Max L) Drought Resistance with Osmolit Sorbitol
Authors: Aminah Muchdar
Efforts to increase soybean production have been pursued for years in Indonesia through the process of intensification and extensification. Increased production through intensification of increasing grain yield per hectare, among others includes the improvement of cultivation system such as the use of cultivars that have superior resistance to drought. Increased soybean production has been through the expansion of planting areas utilizing available idle dry land. However, one of the constraints faced in dryland agriculture was the limited water supply due to low intensity of rainfall that leads to low crop production. In order to ensure that soybeans are cultivated on dry land remains capable of high production, it is necessary to physiologically engineer the soybean with open stomata. The study was conducted in the greenhouse of Balai Penelitian Tanaman Serealia (BALITSEREAL) Maros, Sulawesi, Indonesia with a completely randomized block design h factorial pattern. The first factor was the water stress stadia while the second was the amount of sorbitol osmolit concentration application. Results indicated that there was an interaction between the plant height growth and number of leaves between the water clamping time and concentration of the osmolit sorbitol. The vegetative stage especially during flowering and pod formation was inhibited when the water was clamped, but by spraying osmolit sorbitol, soybean growth in terms of its height and number of leaves was enhanced. This study implies that the application of osmolit sorbitol may enhance the drought resistance of soybean growth. Future research suggested that more work should be done on the application of osmolit sorbital to other agriculture crops to increase their drought resistance in the drylands.Keywords: DROUGHT, engineered physiology, osmolit sorbitol, soybean
Procedia PDF Downloads 21816044 Some Trace and Toxic Metal Content of Crude Ethanol Leaf Extract of Globimetula Oreophila (Hook. F) Danser Azadirachta Indica Using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Authors: Dauda G., Bila Ha Sani Y. M., Magaji M. G., Musa A. M., Hassan H. S.
Introduction: Globimetula oreophila is a parasitic plant with a known therapeutic value that is widely used in the treatment of various ailments, including malaria, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and as a diuretic agent. Objectives: The present study is aimed at analyzing and documenting the level of trace and toxic metals in the crude ethanol leaf extract of G. oreophila. Methods: After collection and authentication, the leaves were air-dried, mashed into powder, weighed and extracted using aqueous ethanol (70%). The crude extract (0.5g) was digested with HNO₃: HCl (3:1); then heated to 2000C and analyzed for its metal content by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Results: Fe had the highest concentration (32.73mg/kg), while Pb was not detected. The concentrations of Co, Cu, Ni, Zn and Cd detected were 5.97, 10.8, 8.01 and 0.9mg/kg, respectively. The concentration of Cd, Fe and Ni were above the permissible limit of FAO/WHO. Conclusion: The results also show that the analyzed plant is a beneficial source of appropriate and essential trace metals. However, the leaf of G. oreophila in the present study was probably unsafe for long-term use because of the level of Fe, Ni, and Cd concentration.Keywords: Globimetula oreophila, minerals, trace element, crude extract
Procedia PDF Downloads 15316043 The Performance Improvement of Solar Aided Power Generation System by Introducing the Second Solar Field
Authors: Junjie Wu, Hongjuan Hou, Eric Hu, Yongping Yang
Solar aided power generation (SAPG) technology has been proven as an efficient way to make use of solar energy for power generation purpose. In an SAPG plant, a solar field consisting of parabolic solar collectors is normally used to supply the solar heat in order to displace the high pressure/temperature extraction steam. To understand the performance of such a SAPG plant, a new simulation model was developed by the authors recently, in which the boiler was treated, as a series of heat exchangers unlike other previous models. Through the simulations using the new model, it was found the outlet properties of reheated steam, e.g. temperature, would decrease due to the introduction of the solar heat. The changes make the (lower stage) turbines work under off-design condition. As a result, the whole plant’s performance may not be optimal. In this paper, the second solar filed was proposed to increase the inlet temperature of steam to be reheated, in order to bring the outlet temperature of reheated steam back to the designed condition. A 600MW SAPG plant was simulated as a case study using the new model to understand the impact of the second solar field on the plant performance. It was found in the study, the 2nd solar field would improve the plant’s performance in terms of cycle efficiency and solar-to-electricity efficiency by 1.91% and 6.01%. The solar-generated electricity produced by per aperture area under the design condition was 187.96W/m2, which was 26.14% higher than the previous design.Keywords: solar-aided power generation system, off-design performance, coal-saving performance, boiler modelling, integration schemes
Procedia PDF Downloads 29016042 The Influence of Conservation Measures, Limiting Soil Degradation, on the Quality of Surface Water Resources
Authors: V. Sobotková, B. Šarapatka, M. Dumbrovský, J. Uhrová, M. Bednář
The paper deals with the influence of implemented conservation measures on the quality of surface water resources. Recently, a new process of complex land consolidation in the Czech Republic has provided a unique opportunity to improve the quality of the environment and sustainability of crop production by means of better soil and water conservation. The most important degradation factor in our study area in the Hubenov drinking water reservoir catchment basin was water erosion together with loss of organic matter. Hubenov Reservoir water resources were monitored for twenty years (1990–2010) to collect water quality data for nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3-), total P, and undissolved substances. Results obtained from measurements taken before and after land consolidation indicated a decrease in the linear trend of N-NO3- and total P concentrations, this was achieved through implementation of conservation measures limiting soil degradation in the Hubenov reservoir catchment area.Keywords: complex land consolidation, degradation, land use, soil and water conservation, surface water resources
Procedia PDF Downloads 35916041 Evaluation of Water Chemistry and Quality Characteristics of Işıklı Lake (Denizli, Türkiye)
Authors: Abdullah Ay, Şehnaz Şener
It is of great importance to reveal their current status and conduct research in this direction for the sustainable use and protection of lakes, which are among the most important water resources for meeting water needs and ensuring ecological balance. In this context, the purpose of this study is to determine the hydrogeochemical properties, as well as water quality and usability characteristics of Işıklı Lake within the Lakes Region of Turkey. Işıklı Lake is a tectonic lake located in the Aegean Region of Turkey. The lake has a surface area of approximately 36 km². Temperature (T), electrical conductivity (EC) and hydrogen ion concentration (pH), dissolved oxygen (%, mg/l), Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP; mV), and amount of dissolved solids in water (TDS; mg/l) of water samples taken from the lake values were determined by in situ analysis. Major ion and heavy metal analyses were carried out under laboratory conditions. Additionally, the relationship between major ion concentrations and TDS values of Işıklı Lake water samples was determined by correlation analysis. According to the results obtained, it is seen that especially Mg, Ca and HCO₃ ions are dominant in the lake water, and it has been determined that the lake water is in the Ca-Mg-HCO₃ water facies. According to statistical analysis, a strong and positive relationship was found between the TDS value and bicarbonate and calcium (R² = 0.61 and 0.7, respectively). However, no significant relationship was detected between the TDS value and other chemical elements. Although the waters are generally in water quality class I, they are in class IV in terms of sulfur and aluminum. It is included in the water quality class. This situation is due to the rock-water interaction in the region. When the analysis results of the lake water were compared with the drinking water limit values specified by TSE-266 (2005) and WHO (2017), it was determined that it was not suitable for drinking water use in terms of Pb, Se, As, and Cr. When the waters were evaluated in terms of pollution, it was determined that 50% of the samples carried pollution loads in terms of Al, As, Fe, NO3, and Cu.Keywords: Işıklı Lake, water chemistry, water quality, pollution, arsenic, Denizli
Procedia PDF Downloads 2716040 Molluscicidal Effects of Ageratum conyzoids and Datura stramonium on Bulinus globosus and Lymnea natalensis
Authors: Olofintoye Lawrence Kayode, Olorunniyi Omojola Felix
Schistosomiasis is a vector-borne water-based disease transmitted by Bulinus globosus, causing haematuria in the urine of man, while fascioliasis is a trematode zoonosis infectious transmitted by Lymnaea natalensis causing liver disease in man and animals. Adult Bulinus globosus and Lymnaea natalensis were used for the experiment. Aqueous leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides and Datura stramonium were prepared into 25, 50, 75, 100, 200 and 400 ppm concentrations. Ten snails of each species were exposed to different concentrations in triplicates, and dechlorinated water was used as control at 24h, 48h, and 72h exposure. The results revealed that 100 ppm of both plants leaves extracts indicated mortality rates between 76.7% and 100% at 24h, 48h, and 72h for both snail species. (P<0.05). In conclusion, the extract exercised molluscicidal activity to control the snail vector at lethal doses LC₅₀ (66.611- 72.021 ppm), CI = 63.083-77.90ppm and LC₉₀ (92.623-102.350), CI = 87.715 -110.12 ppm.Keywords: snail, plant leaf, aqueous extract, mortality
Procedia PDF Downloads 8816039 A Comparative Study on the Phenolics Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Water Yam Landraces in Kerala, India
Authors: Anumol Jose, Sajana Nazar, M. R. Vishnu, M. Anilkumar
Water yam is an underutilized tropical tuber crop and a rich source of polyphenol compounds and acylated anthocyanins. There is an inverse relationship between the risk of chronic human diseases and the consumption of polyphenolic rich diet. Dioscorea alata is a plant species with several undocumented landraces. In this study, several landraces of water yam with distinct morphological features were collected from all over kerala. Distinct variation in morphological feature among landraces was tuber colour and only those landraces which expressed consistent morphological characters for constitutively two growing seasons were included in the study. Plants were categorized according to the L*a*b* colour attributes of tuber extracts. There were five categories, red, pink, orange, yellow and white. Total phenol, flavanoid and anthocyanin content of the tuber extracts were measured spectroscopically and correlated with antioxidant properties determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate free radical method and ferric reducing antioxidant power assay. Landraces showed statistically significant difference in all the parameters studied and strong correlation were observed between total phenol and antioxidant activity. Out of the five categories orange coloured tubers showed relatively high phenol and flavanoid content.Colour variations of tuber extracts correlated with anthocyanin quantity and polymeric nature of anthocyanins. This study helps to identify and categorize landraces of D.alata with potential health benefits and commercial applications. Distinct colour characteristics of tuber could be useful in the field of natural colorants. This study also aimed to document and preserve landraces of water yams for further study and research in this area.Keywords: the antioxidant property, anthocyanins, polyphenols, water yam
Procedia PDF Downloads 13216038 Combined Effect of Global Warming and Water Structures on Rivers’ Water Quality and Aquatic Life: Case Study of Esna Barrage on the Nile River in Egypt
Authors: Sherine A. El Baradei
Global warming and climatic change are very important topics that are being studied and investigated nowadays as they have lots of diverse impacts on mankind, water quality, aquatic life, wildlife,…etc. Also, many water and hydraulics structures like dams and barrages are being built every day to satisfy water consumption needs, irrigation purposes and power generating purposes. Each of global warming and water structures alone has diversity of impacts on water quality and aquatic life in rivers. This research is investigating the dual combined effect of both water structures and global warming on the water quality and aquatic life through mathematical modeling. A case study of the Esna Barrage on the Nile River in Egypt is being studied. This research study is taking into account the effects of both seasons; namely, winter and summer and their effects on air and hence water temperature of the Nile reach under study. To do so, the study is conducted on the last 23 years to investigate the effect of global warming and climatic change on the studied river water. The mathematical model is then combining the dual effect of the Esna barrage and the global warming on the water quality; as well as, on aquatic life of the Nile reach under study. From the results of the mathematical model, it could be concluded that the dual effect of water structures and global warming is very negative on the water quality and the aquatic life in rivers upstream those structures.Keywords: aquatic life, barrages, climatic change, dissolved oxygen, global warming, river, water quality, water structures
Procedia PDF Downloads 36716037 Cedrela Toona Roxb.: An Exploratory Study Describing Its Antidiabetic Property
Authors: Kinjal H. Shah, Piyush M. Patel
Diabetes mellitus is considered to be a serious endocrine syndrome. Synthetic hypoglycemic agents can produce serious side effects including hematological effects, coma, and disturbances of the liver and kidney. In addition, they are not suitable for use during pregnancy. In recent years, there have been relatively few reports of short-term side effects or toxicity due to sulphonylureas. Published figures and frequency of side effects in large series of patient range from about 1 to 5%, with symptoms severe enough to lead to the withdrawal of the drug in less than 1 to 2%. Adverse effects, in general, have been of the following type: allergic skin reactions, gastrointestinal disturbances, blood dyscrasias, hepatic dysfunction, and hypoglycemia. The associated disadvantages with insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents have led to stimulation in the research for locating natural resources showing antidiabetic activity and to explore the possibilities of using traditional medicines with proper chemical and pharmacological profiles. Literature survey reveals that the inhabitants of Abbottabad district of Pakistan use the dried leaf powder along with table salt and water orally for treating diabetes, skin allergy, wounds and as a blood purifier, where they pronounced the plant locally as ‘Nem.' The detailed phytochemical investigation of the Cedrela toona Roxb. leaves for antidiabetic activity has not been documented. Hence, there is a need for phytochemical investigation of the leaves for antidiabetic activity. The collection of fresh leaves and authentification followed by successive extraction, phytochemical screening, and testing of antidiabetic activity. The blood glucose level was reduced maximum in ethanol extract at 5th and 7th h after treatment. Blood glucose was depressed by 8.2% and 10.06% in alloxan – induced diabetic rats after treatment which was comparable to the standard drug, Glibenclamide. This may be due to the activation of the existing pancreatic cells in diabetic rats by the ethanolic extract.Keywords: antidiabetic, Cedrela toona Roxb., phytochemical screening, blood glucose
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