Search results for: vortex structures in liquids
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 4564

Search results for: vortex structures in liquids

3154 Investigation of Aerodynamic and Design Features of Twisting Tall Buildings

Authors: Sinan Bilgen, Bekir Ozer Ay, Nilay Sezer Uzol


After decades of conventional shapes, irregular forms with complex geometries are getting more popular for form generation of tall buildings all over the world. This trend has recently brought out diverse building forms such as twisting tall buildings. This study investigates both the aerodynamic and design features of twisting tall buildings through comparative analyses. Since twisting a tall building give rise to additional complexities related with the form and structural system, lateral load effects become of greater importance on these buildings. The aim of this study is to analyze the inherent characteristics of these iconic forms by comparing the wind loads on twisting tall buildings with those on their prismatic twins. Through a case study research, aerodynamic analyses of an existing twisting tall building and its prismatic counterpart were performed and the results have been compared. The prismatic twin of the original building were generated by removing the progressive rotation of its floors with the same plan area and story height. Performance-based measures under investigation have been evaluated in conjunction with the architectural design. Aerodynamic effects have been analyzed by both wind tunnel tests and computational methods. High frequency base balance tests and pressure measurements on 3D models were performed to evaluate wind load effects on a global and local scale. Comparisons of flat and real surface models were conducted to further evaluate the effects of the twisting form without façade texture contribution. Comparisons highlighted that, the twisting form under investigation shows better aerodynamic behavior both for along wind but particularly for across wind direction. Compared to the prismatic counterpart; twisting model is superior on reducing vortex-shedding dynamic response by disorganizing the wind vortices. Consequently, despite the difficulties arisen from inherent complexity of twisted forms, they could still be feasible and viable with their attractive images in the realm of tall buildings.

Keywords: aerodynamic tests, motivation for twisting, tall buildings, twisted forms, wind excitation

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3153 In Situ Volume Imaging of Cleared Mice Seminiferous Tubules Opens New Window to Study Spermatogenic Process in 3D

Authors: Lukas Ded


Studying the tissue structure and histogenesis in the natural, 3D context is challenging but highly beneficial process. Contrary to classical approach of the physical tissue sectioning and subsequent imaging, it enables to study the relationships of individual cellular and histological structures in their native context. Recent developments in the tissue clearing approaches and microscopic volume imaging/data processing enable the application of these methods also in the areas of developmental and reproductive biology. Here, using the CLARITY tissue procedure and 3D confocal volume imaging we optimized the protocol for clearing, staining and imaging of the mice seminiferous tubules isolated from the testes without cardiac perfusion procedure. Our approach enables the high magnification and fine resolution axial imaging of the whole diameter of the seminiferous tubules with possible unlimited lateral length imaging. Hence, the large continuous pieces of the seminiferous tubule can be scanned and digitally reconstructed for the study of the single tubule seminiferous stages using nuclear dyes. Furthermore, the application of the antibodies and various molecular dyes can be used for molecular labeling of individual cellular and subcellular structures and resulting 3D images can highly increase our understanding of the spatiotemporal aspects of the seminiferous tubules development and sperm ultrastructure formation. Finally, our newly developed algorithms for 3D data processing enable the massive parallel processing of the large amount of individual cell and tissue fluorescent signatures and building the robust spermatogenic models under physiological and pathological conditions.

Keywords: CLARITY, spermatogenesis, testis, tissue clearing, volume imaging

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3152 Photophysical Study of Pyrene Butyric Acid in Aqueous Ionic Liquid

Authors: Pratap K. Chhotaray, Jitendriya Swain, Ashok Mishra, Ramesh L. Gardas


Ionic liquids (ILs) are molten salts, consist predominantly of ions and found to be liquid below 100°C. The unparalleled growing interest in ILs is based upon their never ending design flexibility. The use of ILs as a co-solvent in binary as well as a ternary mixture with molecular solvents multifold it’s utility. Since polarity is one of the most widely applied solvent concepts which represents simple and straightforward means for characterizing and ranking the solvent media, its study for a binary mixture of ILs is crucial for its widespread application and development. The primary approach to the assessment of solution phase intermolecular interactions, which generally occurs on the picosecond to nanosecond time scales, is to exploit the optical response of photophysical probe. Pyrene butyric acid (PBA) is used as fluorescence probe due to its high quantum yield, longer lifetime and high solvent polarity dependence of fluorescence spectra. Propylammonium formate (PAF) is the IL used for this study. Both the UV-absorbance spectra and steady state fluorescence intensity study of PBA in different concentration of aqueous PAF, reveals that with an increase in PAF concentration, both the absorbance and fluorescence intensity increases which indicate the progressive solubilisation of PBA. Whereas, near about 50% of IL concentration, all of the PBA molecules get solubilised as there are no changes in the absorbance and fluorescence intensity. Furthermore, the ratio II/IV, where the band II corresponds to the transition from S1 (ν = 0) to S0 (ν = 0), and the band IV corresponds to transition from S1 (ν = 0) to S0 (ν = 2) of PBA, indicates that the addition of water into PAF increases the polarity of the medium. Time domain lifetime study shows an increase in lifetime of PBA towards the higher concentration of PAF. It can be attributed to the decrease in non-radiative rate constant at higher PAF concentration as the viscosity is higher. The monoexponential decay suggests that homogeneity of solvation environment whereas the uneven width at full width at half maximum (FWHM) indicates there might exist some heterogeneity around the fluorophores even in the water-IL mixed solvents.

Keywords: fluorescence, ionic liquid, lifetime, polarity, pyrene butyric acid

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3151 Investigation of Electrospun Composites Nanofiber of Poly (Lactic Acid)/Hazelnut Shell Powder/Zinc Oxide

Authors: Ibrahim Sengor, Sumeyye Cesur, Ilyas Kartal, Faik Nuzhet Oktar, Nazmi Ekren, Ahmet Talat Inan, Oguzhan Gunduz


In recent years, many researchers focused on nano-size fiber production. Nanofibers have been studied due to their different and superior physical, chemical and mechanical properties. Poly (lactic acid) (PLA), is a type of biodegradable thermoplastic polyester derived from renewable sources used in biomedical owing to its biocompatibility and biodegradability. In addition, zinc oxide is an antibacterial material and hazelnut shell powder is a filling material. In this study, nanofibers were obtained by adding of different ratio Zinc oxide, (ZnO) and hazelnut shell powder at different concentration into Poly (lactic acid) (PLA) by using electrospinning method which is the most common method to obtain nanofibers. After dissolving the granulated polylactic acids in % 1,% 2,% 3 and% 4 with chloroform solvent, they are homogenized by adding tween and hazelnut shell powder at different ratios and then by electrospinning, nanofibers are obtained. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and physical analysis such as density, electrical conductivity, surface tension, viscosity measurement and antimicrobial test were carried out after production process. The resulting structures of the nanofiber possess antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, which are attractive for biomedical applications. The resulting structures of the nanofiber possess antimicrobial, non toxic, self-cleaning and rigid properties, which are attractive for biomedical applications.

Keywords: electrospinning, hazelnut shell powder, nanofibers, poly (lactic acid), zinc oxide

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3150 Measurement of Innovation Performance

Authors: M. Chobotová, Ž. Rylková


Time full of changes which is associated with globalization, tougher competition, changes in the structures of markets and economic downturn, that all force companies to think about their competitive advantages. These changes can bring the company a competitive advantage and that can help improve competitive position in the market. Policy of the European Union is focused on the fast growing innovative companies which quickly respond to market demands and consequently increase its competitiveness. To meet those objectives companies need the right conditions and support of their state.

Keywords: innovation, performance, measurements metrics, indices

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3149 Symmetry Properties of Linear Algebraic Systems with Non-Canonical Scalar Multiplication

Authors: Krish Jhurani


The research paper presents an in-depth analysis of symmetry properties in linear algebraic systems under the operation of non-canonical scalar multiplication structures, specifically semirings, and near-rings. The objective is to unveil the profound alterations that occur in traditional linear algebraic structures when we replace conventional field multiplication with these non-canonical operations. In the methodology, we first establish the theoretical foundations of non-canonical scalar multiplication, followed by a meticulous investigation into the resulting symmetry properties, focusing on eigenvectors, eigenspaces, and invariant subspaces. The methodology involves a combination of rigorous mathematical proofs and derivations, supplemented by illustrative examples that exhibit these discovered symmetry properties in tangible mathematical scenarios. The core findings uncover unique symmetry attributes. For linear algebraic systems with semiring scalar multiplication, we reveal eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Systems operating under near-ring scalar multiplication disclose unique invariant subspaces. These discoveries drastically broaden the traditional landscape of symmetry properties in linear algebraic systems. With the application of these findings, potential practical implications span across various fields such as physics, coding theory, and cryptography. They could enhance error detection and correction codes, devise more secure cryptographic algorithms, and even influence theoretical physics. This expansion of applicability accentuates the significance of the presented research. The research paper thus contributes to the mathematical community by bringing forth perspectives on linear algebraic systems and their symmetry properties through the lens of non-canonical scalar multiplication, coupled with an exploration of practical applications.

Keywords: eigenspaces, eigenvectors, invariant subspaces, near-rings, non-canonical scalar multiplication, semirings, symmetry properties

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3148 In Silico Study of Antiviral Drugs Against Three Important Proteins of Sars-Cov-2 Using Molecular Docking Method

Authors: Alireza Jalalvand, Maryam Saleh, Somayeh Behjat Khatouni, Zahra Bahri Najafi, Foroozan Fatahinia, Narges Ismailzadeh, Behrokh Farahmand


Object: In the last two decades, the recent outbreak of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) imposed a global pandemic in the world. Despite the increasing prevalence of the disease, there are no effective drugs to treat it. A suitable and rapid way to afford an effective drug and treat the global pandemic is a computational drug study. This study used molecular docking methods to examine the potential inhibition of over 50 antiviral drugs against three fundamental proteins of SARS-CoV-2. METHODS: Through a literature review, three important proteins (a key protease, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), and spike) were selected as drug targets. Three-dimensional (3D) structures of protease, spike, and RdRP proteins were obtained from the Protein Data Bank. Protein had minimal energy. Over 50 antiviral drugs were considered candidates for protein inhibition and their 3D structures were obtained from drug banks. The Autodock 4.2 software was used to define the molecular docking settings and run the algorithm. RESULTS: Five drugs, including indinavir, lopinavir, saquinavir, nelfinavir, and remdesivir, exhibited the highest inhibitory potency against all three proteins based on the binding energies and drug binding positions deduced from docking and hydrogen-bonding analysis. Conclusions: According to the results, among the drugs mentioned, saquinavir and lopinavir showed the highest inhibitory potency against all three proteins compared to other drugs. It may enter laboratory phase studies as a dual-drug treatment to inhibit SARS-CoV-2.

Keywords: covid-19, drug repositioning, molecular docking, lopinavir, saquinavir

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3147 Enhancing AI for Global Impact: Conversations on Improvement and Societal Benefits

Authors: C. P. Chukwuka, E. V. Chukwuka, F. Ukwadi


This paper focuses on the advancement and societal impact of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. It explores the need for a theoretical framework in corporate governance, specifically in the context of 'hybrid' companies that have a mix of private and government ownership. The paper emphasizes the potential of AI to address challenges faced by these companies and highlights the importance of the less-explored state model in corporate governance. The aim of this research is to enhance AI systems for global impact and positive societal outcomes. It aims to explore the role of AI in refining corporate governance in hybrid companies and uncover nuanced insights into complex ownership structures. The methodology involves leveraging the capabilities of AI to address the challenges faced by hybrid companies in corporate governance. The researchers will analyze existing theoretical frameworks in corporate governance and integrate AI systems to improve problem-solving and understanding of intricate systems. The paper suggests that improved AI systems have the potential to shape a more informed and responsible corporate landscape. AI can uncover nuanced insights and navigate complex ownership structures in hybrid companies, leading to greater efficacy and positive societal outcomes. The theoretical importance of this research lies in the exploration of the role of AI in corporate governance, particularly in the context of hybrid companies. By integrating AI systems, the paper highlights the potential for improved problem-solving and understanding of intricate systems, contributing to a more informed and responsible corporate landscape. The data for this research will be collected from existing literature on corporate governance, specifically focusing on hybrid companies. Additionally, data on AI capabilities and their application in corporate governance will be collected. The collected data will be analyzed through a systematic review of existing theoretical frameworks in corporate governance. The researchers will also analyze the capabilities of AI systems and their potential application in addressing the challenges faced by hybrid companies. The findings will be synthesized and compared to identify patterns and potential improvements. The research concludes that AI systems have the potential to enhance corporate governance in hybrid companies, leading to greater efficacy and positive societal outcomes. By leveraging AI capabilities, nuanced insights can be uncovered, and complex ownership structures can be navigated, shaping a more informed and responsible corporate landscape. The findings highlight the importance of integrating AI in refining problem-solving and understanding intricate systems for global impact.

Keywords: advancement, artificial intelligence, challenges, societal impact

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3146 Potential Risks of Using Disconnected Composite Foundation Systems in Active Seismic Zones

Authors: Mohamed ElMasry, Ahmad Ragheb, Tareq AbdelAziz, Mohamed Ghazy


Choosing the suitable infrastructure system is becoming more challenging with the increase in demand for heavier structures contemporarily. This is the case where piled raft foundations have been widely used around the world to support heavy structures without extensive settlement. In the latter system, piles are rigidly connected to the raft, and most of the load goes to the soil layer on which the piles are bearing. In spite of that, when soil profiles contain thicker soft clay layers near the surface, or at relatively shallow depths, it is unfavorable to use the rigid piled raft foundation system. Consequently, the disconnected piled raft system was introduced as an alternative approach for the rigidly connected system. In this system, piles are disconnected from the raft using a cushion of soil, mostly of a granular interlayer. The cushion is used to redistribute the stresses among the piles and the subsoil. Piles are also used to stiffen the subsoil, and by this way reduce the settlement without being rigidly connected to the raft. However, the seismic loading effect on such disconnected foundation systems remains a problem, since the soil profiles may include thick clay layers which raise risks of amplification of the dynamic earthquake loads. In this paper, the effects of seismic behavior on the connected and disconnected piled raft systems are studied through a numerical model using Midas GTS NX Software. The study concerns the soil-structure interaction and the expected behavior of the systems. Advantages and disadvantages of each foundation approach are studied, and a comparison between the results are presented to show the effects of using disconnected piled raft systems in highly seismic zones. This was done by showing the excitation amplification in each of the foundation systems.

Keywords: soil-structure interaction, disconnected piled-raft, risks, seismic zones

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3145 Service Life Study of Polymers Used in Renovation of Heritage Buildings and Other Structures

Authors: Parastou Kharazmi


Degradation of building materials particularly pipelines causes environmental damage during renovation or replacement and is a time consuming and costly process. Rehabilitation by polymer composites is a solution for renovation of degraded pipeline in heritage buildings and other structures which are less costly, faster and causes less damage to the environment; however, it is still not clear for how long these materials can perform as expected in the field and working condition. To study their service life, two types of composites based on Epoxy and Polyester resins have been evaluated by accelerated exposure and field exposure. The primary degradation agent used in accelerated exposure has been cycling temperature with half of the tests performed in presence of water. Thin films of materials used in accelerated testing were prepared in laboratory by using the same amount of material as well as technique of multi-layers application used in majority of the field installations. Extreme intensity levels of degradation agents have been used only to evaluate materials properties and as also mentioned in ISO 15686, are not directly correlated with degradation mechanisms that would be experienced in service. In the field exposure study, the focus has been to identify possible failure modes, causes, and effects. In field exposure, it has been observed that there are other degradation agents present which can be investigated further such as presence of contaminants and rust before application which prevents formation of a uniform layer of polymer or incompatibility between dissimilar materials. This part of the study also highlighted the importance of application’s quality of the materials in the field for providing the expected performance and service life. Results from extended accelerated exposure and field exposure can help in choosing inspection techniques, establishing the primary degradation agents and can be used for ageing exposure programs with clarifying relationship between different exposure periods and sites.

Keywords: building, renovation, service life, pipelines

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3144 Management of Cultural Heritage: Bologna Gates

Authors: Alfonso Ippolito, Cristiana Bartolomei


A growing demand is felt today for realistic 3D models enabling the cognition and popularization of historical-artistic heritage. Evaluation and preservation of Cultural Heritage is inextricably connected with the innovative processes of gaining, managing, and using knowledge. The development and perfecting of techniques for acquiring and elaborating photorealistic 3D models, made them pivotal elements for popularizing information of objects on the scale of architectonic structures.

Keywords: cultural heritage, databases, non-contact survey, 2D-3D models

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3143 Numerical Study of Splay Anchors in CFRP-Strengthened Concrete Beams

Authors: Asal Pournaghshband, Mohammed A. Zaki


This paper presents a detailed numerical investigation into the structural performance of splay anchor configurations for strengthening concrete beams with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) sheets. CFRP is widely used in retrofitting concrete structures to improve flexural strength and extend service life. However, premature debonding limits the tensile capacity of CFRP sheets, reducing the effectiveness of these applications. This study addresses this limitation by exploring the potential of splay anchors as an emerging anchorage technique that mitigates debonding issues through improved load transfer mechanisms. Building on existing experimental studies, the research uses ABAQUS software to validate different splay anchor configurations and simulate real-world performance. The parametric study examines key anchor parameters, including diameter, spacing, and embedment depth, to evaluate their effects on bond strength, load distribution, and the flexural capacity of strengthened beams. Systematic analysis of these parameters allows for identifying configurations that enhance debonding resistance and increase the load-carrying capacity of CFRP-strengthened beams. Improved debonding resistance contributes to greater structural durability, reduced maintenance costs, and extended service life for retrofitted structures, particularly relevant for aging infrastructure like bridges and buildings. This approach not only advances sustainable retrofitting practices but also provides practical solutions tailored to infrastructure demands.

Keywords: CFRP strengthening, splay anchors, concrete beams, structural retrofitting, numerical analysis

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3142 Hydroxyapatite Based Porous Scaffold for Tooth Tissue Engineering

Authors: Pakize Neslihan Taslı, Alev Cumbul, Gul Merve Yalcın, Fikrettin Sahin


A key experimental trial in the regeneration of large oral and craniofacial defects is the neogenesis of osseous and ligamentous interfacial structures. Currently, oral regenerative medicine strategies are unpredictable for repair of tooth supporting tissues destroyed as a consequence of trauma, chronic infection or surgical resection. A different approach combining the gel-casting method with Hydroxy Apatite HA-based scaffold and different cell lineages as a hybrid system leads to successively mimic the early stage of tooth development, in vitro. HA is widely accepted as a bioactive material for guided bone and tooth regeneration. In this study, it was reported that, HA porous scaffold preparation, characterization and evaluation of structural and chemical properties. HA is the main factor that exists in tooth and it is in harmony with structural, biological, and mechanical characteristics. Here, this study shows mimicking immature tooth at the late bell stage design and construction of HA scaffolds for cell transplantation of human Adipose Stem Cells (hASCs), human Bone Marrow Stem Cells (hBMSCs) and Gingival Epitelial cells for the formation of human tooth dentin-pulp-enamel complexes in vitro. Scaffold characterization was demonstrated by SEM, FTIR and pore size and density measurements. The biological contraction of dental tissues against each other was demonstrated by mRNA gene expressions, histopatologic observations and protein release profile by ELISA tecnique. The tooth shaped constructs with a pore size ranging from 150 to 300 µm arranged by gathering right amounts of materials provide interconnected macro-porous structure. The newly formed tissue like structures that grow and integrate within the HA designed constructs forming tooth cementum like tissue, pulp and bone structures. These findings are important as they emphasize the potential biological effect of the hybrid scaffold system. In conclusion, this in vitro study clearly demonstrates that designed 3D scaffolds shaped as a immature tooth at the late bell stage were essential to form enamel-dentin-pulp interfaces with an appropriate cell and biodegradable material combination. The biomimetic architecture achieved here is providing a promising platform for dental tissue engineering.

Keywords: tooth regeneration, tissue engineering, adipose stem cells, hydroxyapatite tooth engineering, porous scaffold

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3141 Molecular Docking Analysis of Flavonoids Reveal Potential of Eriodictyol for Breast Cancer Treatment

Authors: Nicole C. Valdez, Vincent L. Borromeo, Conrad C. Chong, Ahmad F. Mazahery


Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer worldwide, where the majority of cases are estrogen-receptor positive and involve 2 receptor proteins. The binding of estrogen to estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) promotes breast cancer growth, while it's binding to estrogen-receptor beta (ERβ) inhibits tumor growth. While natural products have been a promising source of chemotherapeutic agents, the challenge remains in finding a bioactive compound that specifically targets cancer cells, minimizing side effects on normal cells. Flavonoids are natural products that act as phytoestrogens and induce the same response as estrogen. They are able to compete with estrogen for binding to ERα; however, it has a higher binding affinity for ERβ. Their abundance in nature and low toxicity make them a potential candidate for breast cancer treatment. This study aimed to determine which particular flavonoids can specifically recognize ERβ and potentially be used for breast cancer treatment through molecular docking. A total of 206 flavonoids comprised of 97 isoflavones and 109 flavanones were collected from ZINC15, while the 3D structures of ERβ and ERα were obtained from Protein Data Bank. These flavonoid subclasses were chosen as they bind more strongly to ERs due to their chemical structure. The structures of the flavonoid ligands were converted using Open Babel, while the estrogen receptor protein structures were prepared using Autodock MGL Tools. The optimal binding site was found using BIOVIA Discovery Studio Visualizer before docking all flavonoids on both ERβ and ERα through Autodock Vina. Genistein is a flavonoid that exhibits anticancer effects by binding to ERβ, so its binding affinity was used as a baseline. Eriodictyol and 4”,6”-Di-O-Galloylprunin both exceeded genistein’s binding affinity for ERβ and was lower than its binding affinity for ERα. Of the two, eriodictyol was pursued due to its antitumor properties on a lung cancer cell line and on glioma cells. It is able to arrest the cell cycle at the G2/M phase by inhibiting the mTOR/PI3k/Akt cascade and is able to induce apoptosis via the PI3K/Akt/NF-kB pathway. Protein pathway and gene analysis were also conducted using ChEMBL and PANTHER and it was shown that eriodictyol might induce anticancer effects through the ROS1, CA7, KMO, and KDM1A genes which are involved in cell proliferation in breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, and other diseases. The high binding affinity of eriodictyol to ERβ, as well as its potential affected genes and antitumor effects, therefore, make it a candidate for the development of new breast cancer treatment. Verification through in vitro experiments such as checking the upregulation and downregulation of genes through qPCR and checking cell cycle arrest using a flow cytometry assay is recommended.

Keywords: breast cancer, estrogen receptor, flavonoid, molecular docking

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3140 Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Based Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Through In Situ One-pot Electrochemical Synthesis of 3D Au-Lysate Nanocomposite Structures on Plasmonic Au Electrodes

Authors: Ansah Iris Baffour, Dong-Ho Kim, Sung-Gyu Park


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is gradually shifting to an endemic phase which implies the outbreak is far from over and will be difficult to eradicate. Global cooperation has led to unified precautions that aim to suppress epidemiological spread (e.g., through travel restrictions) and reach herd immunity (through vaccinations); however, the primary strategy to restrain the spread of the virus in mass populations relies on screening protocols that enable rapid on-site diagnosis of infections. Herein, we employed surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for the rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 lysate on an Au-modified Au nanodimple(AuND)electrode. Through in situone-pot Au electrodeposition on the AuND electrode, Au-lysate nanocomposites were synthesized, generating3D internal hotspots for large SERS signal enhancements within 30 s of the deposition. The capture of lysate into newly generated plasmonic nanogaps within the nanocomposite structures enhanced metal-spike protein contact in 3D spaces and served as hotspots for sensitive detection. The limit of detection of SARS-CoV-2 lysate was 5 x 10-2 PFU/mL. Interestingly, ultrasensitive detection of the lysates of influenza A/H1N1 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was possible, but the method showed ultimate selectivity for SARS-CoV-2 in lysate solution mixtures. We investigated the practical application of the approach for rapid on-site diagnosis by detecting SARS-CoV-2 lysate spiked in normal human saliva at ultralow concentrations. The results presented demonstrate the reliability and sensitivity of the assay for rapid diagnosis of COVID-19.

Keywords: label-free detection, nanocomposites, SARS-CoV-2, surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy

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3139 Forging A Distinct Understanding of Implicit Bias

Authors: Benjamin D Reese Jr


Implicit bias is understood as unconscious attitudes, stereotypes, or associations that can influence the cognitions, actions, decisions, and interactions of an individual without intentional control. These unconscious attitudes or stereotypes are often targeted toward specific groups of people based on their gender, race, age, perceived sexual orientation or other social categories. Since the late 1980s, there has been a proliferation of research that hypothesizes that the operation of implicit bias is the result of the brain needing to process millions of bits of information every second. Hence, one’s prior individual learning history provides ‘shortcuts’. As soon as one see someone of a certain race, one have immediate associations based on their past learning, and one might make assumptions about their competence, skill, or danger. These assumptions are outside of conscious awareness. In recent years, an alternative conceptualization has been proposed. The ‘bias of crowds’ theory hypothesizes that a given context or situation influences the degree of accessibility of particular biases. For example, in certain geographic communities in the United States, there is a long-standing and deeply ingrained history of structures, policies, and practices that contribute to racial inequities and bias toward African Americans. Hence, negative biases among groups of people towards African Americans are more accessible in such contexts or communities. This theory does not focus on individual brain functioning or cognitive ‘shortcuts.’ Therefore, attempts to modify individual perceptions or learning might have negligible impact on those embedded environmental systems or policies that are within certain contexts or communities. From the ‘bias of crowds’ perspective, high levels of racial bias in a community can be reduced by making fundamental changes in structures, policies, and practices to create a more equitable context or community rather than focusing on training or education aimed at reducing an individual’s biases. The current paper acknowledges and supports the foundational role of long-standing structures, policies, and practices that maintain racial inequities, as well as inequities related to other social categories, and highlights the critical need to continue organizational, community, and national efforts to eliminate those inequities. It also makes a case for providing individual leaders with a deep understanding of the dynamics of how implicit biases impact cognitions, actions, decisions, and interactions so that those leaders might more effectively develop structural changes in the processes and systems under their purview. This approach incorporates both the importance of an individual’s learning history as well as the important variables within the ‘bias of crowds’ theory. The paper also offers a model for leadership education, as well as examples of structural changes leaders might consider.

Keywords: implicit bias, unconscious bias, bias, inequities

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3138 Examining Postcolonial Corporate Power Structures through the Lens of Development Induced Projects in Africa

Authors: Omogboyega Abe


This paper examines the relationships between socio-economic inequalities of power, race, wealth engendered by corporate structure, and domination in postcolonial Africa. The paper further considers how land as an epitome of property and power for the locals paved the way for capitalist accumulation and control in the hands of transnational corporations. European colonization of Africa was contingent on settler colonialism, where properties, including land, were re-modified as extractive resources for primitive accumulation. In developing Africa's extractive resources, transnational corporations (TNCs) usurped states' structures and domination over native land. The usurpation/corporate capture that exists to date has led to remonstrations and arguably a counter-productive approach to development projects. In some communities, the mention of extractive companies triggers resentment. The paradigm of state capture and state autonomy is simply inadequate to either describe or resolve the play of forces or actors responsible for severe corporate-induced human rights violations in emerging markets. Moreover, even if the deadly working conditions are conceived as some regulatory failure, it is tough to tell whose failure. The analysis in this paper is that the complexity and ambiguity evidenced by the multiple regimes and political and economic forces shaping production, consumption, and distribution of socio-economic variables are not exceptional in emerging markets. Instead, the varied experience in developing countries provides a window for seeing what we face in understanding and theorizing the structure and operation of the global economic and regulatory order in general.

Keywords: colonial, emerging markets, business, human rights, corporation

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3137 Computation of Residual Stresses in Human Face Due to Growth

Authors: M. A. Askari, M. A. Nazari, P. Perrier, Y. Payan


Growth and remodeling of biological structures have gained lots of attention over the past decades. Determining the response of the living tissues to the mechanical loads is necessary for a wide range of developing fields such as, designing of prosthetics and optimized surgery operations. It is a well-known fact that biological structures are never stress-free, even when externally unloaded. The exact origin of these residual stresses is not clear, but theoretically growth and remodeling is one of the main sources. Extracting body organs from medical imaging, does not produce any information regarding the existing residual stresses in that organ. The simplest cause of such stresses is the gravity since an organ grows under its influence from its birth. Ignoring such residual stresses might cause erroneous results in numerical simulations. Accounting for residual stresses due to tissue growth can improve the accuracy of mechanical analysis results. In this paper, we have implemented a computational framework based on fixed-point iteration to determine the residual stresses due to growth. Using nonlinear continuum mechanics and the concept of fictitious configuration we find the unknown stress-free reference configuration which is necessary for mechanical analysis. To illustrate the method, we apply it to a finite element model of healthy human face whose geometry has been extracted from medical images. We have computed the distribution of residual stress in facial tissues, which can overcome the effect of gravity and cause that tissues remain firm. Tissue wrinkles caused by aging could be a consequence of decreasing residual stress and not counteracting the gravity. Considering these stresses has important application in maxillofacial surgery. It helps the surgeons to predict the changes after surgical operations and their consequences.

Keywords: growth, soft tissue, residual stress, finite element method

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3136 Material Chemistry Level Deformation and Failure in Cementitious Materials

Authors: Ram V. Mohan, John Rivas-Murillo, Ahmed Mohamed, Wayne D. Hodo


Cementitious materials, an excellent example of highly complex, heterogeneous material systems, are cement-based systems that include cement paste, mortar, and concrete that are heavily used in civil infrastructure; though commonly used are one of the most complex in terms of the material morphology and structure than most materials, for example, crystalline metals. Processes and features occurring at the nanometer sized morphological structures affect the performance, deformation/failure behavior at larger length scales. In addition, cementitious materials undergo chemical and morphological changes gaining strength during the transient hydration process. Hydration in cement is a very complex process creating complex microstructures and the associated molecular structures that vary with hydration. A fundamental understanding can be gained through multi-scale level modeling for the behavior and properties of cementitious materials starting from the material chemistry level atomistic scale to further explore their role and the manifested effects at larger length and engineering scales. This predictive modeling enables the understanding, and studying the influence of material chemistry level changes and nanomaterial additives on the expected resultant material characteristics and deformation behavior. Atomistic-molecular dynamic level modeling is required to couple material science to engineering mechanics. Starting at the molecular level a comprehensive description of the material’s chemistry is required to understand the fundamental properties that govern behavior occurring across each relevant length scale. Material chemistry level models and molecular dynamics modeling and simulations are employed in our work to describe the molecular-level chemistry features of calcium-silicate-hydrate (CSH), one of the key hydrated constituents of cement paste, their associated deformation and failure. The molecular level atomic structure for CSH can be represented by Jennite mineral structure. Jennite has been widely accepted by researchers and is typically used to represent the molecular structure of the CSH gel formed during the hydration of cement clinkers. This paper will focus on our recent work on the shear and compressive deformation and failure behavior of CSH represented by Jennite mineral structure that has been widely accepted by researchers and is typically used to represent the molecular structure of CSH formed during the hydration of cement clinkers. The deformation and failure behavior under shear and compression loading deformation in traditional hydrated CSH; effect of material chemistry changes on the predicted stress-strain behavior, transition from linear to non-linear behavior and identify the on-set of failure based on material chemistry structures of CSH Jennite and changes in its chemistry structure will be discussed.

Keywords: cementitious materials, deformation, failure, material chemistry modeling

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3135 Laboratory Simulation of Subway Dynamic Stray Current Interference with Cathodically Protected Structures

Authors: Mohammad Derakhshani, Saeed Reza Allahkaram, Michael Isakani-Zakaria, Masoud Samadian, Hojat Sharifi Rasaey


Dynamic stray currents tend to change their magnitude and polarity with time at their source which will create anodic and cathodic spots on a nearby interfered structure. To date, one of the biggest known dynamic stray current sources are DC traction systems. Laboratory simulation is a suitable method to apply theoretical principles in order to identify effective parameters in dynamic stray current influenced corrosion. Simulation techniques can be utilized for various mitigation methods applied in a small scales for selection of the most efficient method with regards to field applications. In this research, laboratory simulation of potential fluctuations caused by dynamic stray current on a cathodically protected structure was investigated. A lab model capable of generating DC static and dynamic stray currents and simulating its effects on cathodically protected samples were developed based on stray current induced (contact-less) polarization technique. Stray current pick-up and discharge spots on an influenced structure were simulated by inducing fluctuations in the sample’s stationary potential. Two mitigation methods for dynamic stray current interference on buried structures namely application of sacrificial anodes as preferred discharge point for the stray current and potentially controlled cathodic protection was investigated. Results showed that the application of sacrificial anodes can be effective in reducing interference only in discharge spot. But cathodic protection through potential controlling is more suitable for mitigating dynamic stray current effects.

Keywords: simulation, dynamic stray current, fluctuating potentials, sacrificial anode

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3134 A Tomb Structure in Pursuit of Tradition in 2oth Century Turkey and Its Story; the Tomb of Haci Hâkim Kemal Onsun and His Wife

Authors: Yavuz Arat, Ugur Tuztasi, Mehmet Uysal


Anatolia has been the host of many civilizations and a site where architectural structures of many cultural layers were interpreted. Most significantly the Turks who settled in Central Asia brought their architectural dynamics and cultural accumulation to Anatolia after the 12th century. The tomb structures first observed in Central Asia under the influence of Islamic faith and Turkish cultural heritage has blossomed under Great Seljuk Empire and with the Anatolian Seljuk Empire these tombs changed both in size and form with rich and beautiful samples from Ahlat to Sivas to Kayseri and Konya. This tomb tradition which started during 13th century has continued during the Ottoman Empire period with some alterations of form and evolved into the rarely observed mausoleum type tombs. The Ottoman tradition of building tombs inside mosque gardens and their forms present the clues of an important burial tradition. However this understanding was abandoned in 20th century Turkey. This tradition was abandoned with regard to legal regulations and health conditions. This study investigates the vestiges of this tradition and its spatial reflections over a sample. The present sample is representative of a tradition that started in 1970s and the case of building tombs inside mosque gardens will be illustrated over the tomb of Hacı Kemal Onsun and his wife which is located in Konya, the capital of the Anatolian Seljuks. The building process of this tomb will be evaluated with regard to burial traditions and architectural stylization.

Keywords: tomb, language of architectural form, Anatolian Seljuk tombs, Ottoman tombs

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3133 Geosynthetic Containment Systems for Coastal Protection: An Indian Perspective

Authors: Tom Elias, Kiran G. Shirlal


Coastal erosion is one of the major issue faced by maritime countries, globally. More than 1200 km stretch of Indian coastline is marked eroding. There have been numerous attempts to impede the erosion rate and to attain equilibrium beach profiles. High cost and unavailability of natural rocks forced coastal engineers to find alternatives for conventional hard options like seawalls and groynes. Geosynthetic containment systems, emerged in the mid 20th century proved promising in catering coastal protection in countries like Australia, Germany and United States. The present study aims at reviewing Indian timeline of protection works that uses geosynthetic containment systems. Indian exploration regarding geosynthetic containment system dates back to early 2000s. Generally, protection structures use geosynthetics in the form of Geotubes, Geocontainers, and Geobags with Geotubes being most widely used in the form of submerged reefs, seawalls, groynes and breakwaters. Sand and dredged waste are used to fill these containment systems with calculated sand fill ratio. Reviewing the prominent protection works constructed in the east and west coast of India provides an insight into benefits and the difficulties faced by the practical installation. Initially, geosynthetic structures were considered as a temporary protection method prior to the construction of some other hard structure. Later Dahanu, Hamala and Pentha experiences helped in establishing geotubes as an alternative to conventional structures. Nearshore geotubes reefs aimed to attain equilibrium beach served its purpose in Hamala and Dahanu, Maharashtra, while reef constructed at Candolim, Goa underwent serious damage due to Toe Scour. In situ filling by pumping of sand slurry as in case of Shankarpur Seawall, West Bengal remains as a major concern. Geosynthetic systems supplemented by gabions and rock armours improves the wave dissipation, stability and reflection characteristics as implied in Pentha Coast, Odisha, Hazira, Gujarat and Uppada, Andhra Pradesh. Keeping improper design and deliberate destruction by vandals apart, geosynthetic containment systems offer a cost-effective alternative to conventional coastal protection methods in India. Additionally, geosynthetics supports marine growth in its surface which enhances its demand as an eco-friendly material and encourages usage.

Keywords: coastal protection, geotubes, geobags, geocontainers

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3132 Corporate Governance Development in Mongolia: The Role of Professional Accountants

Authors: Ernest Nweke


The work of Professional Accountants and Corporate governance are synonymous and cannot be divorced from each other. Organizations, profit and non-profit alike cannot implement sound corporate practices without inputs from Professional Accountants. In today’s dynamic corporate world, good corporate governance practice is a sine qua non. More so, following the corporate failures of the past decades like Enron and WorldCom, governments around the world, including Mongolia are becoming more proactive in ensuring sound corporate governance mechanisms. In the past fifteen years, the Mongolian government has taken several measures to establish and strengthen internal corporate governance structures in firms. This paper highlights the role of professional accountants and auditors play in ensuring that good corporate governance mechanisms are entrenched in listed companies in Mongolia. Both primary and secondary data are utilized in this research. In collection of primary data, Delphi method was used, securing responses from only knowledgeable senior employees, top managers, and some CEOs. Using this method, a total of 107 top-level company employees and executives randomly selected from 22 companies were surveyed; maximum of 5 and minimum of 4 from each company. These companies cut across several sectors. It was concluded that Professional Accountants play key roles in setting and maintaining firm governance. They do this by ensuring full compliance with all the requirements of good and sound corporate governance, establishing reporting, monitoring and evaluating standards, assisting in the setting up of proper controls, efficient and effective audit systems, sound fraud risk management and putting in place an overall vision for the enterprise. Companies with effective corporate governance mechanisms are usually strong and fraud-resilient. It was also discovered that companies with big 4 audit firms tend to have better governance structures in Mongolia.

Keywords: accountants, corporate disclosure, corporate failure, corporate governance

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3131 Cyclic Response of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joint Strengthening by FRP

Authors: N. Attari, S. Amziane, M. Chemrouk


A large number of old buildings have been identified as having potentially critical detailing to resist earthquakes. The main reinforcement of lap-spliced columns just above the joint region, discontinuous bottom beam reinforcement, and little or no joint transverse reinforcement are the most critical details of interior beam column joints in such buildings. This structural type constitutes a large share of the building stock, both in developed and developing countries, and hence it represents a substantial exposure. Direct observation of damaged structures, following the Algiers 2003 earthquake, has shown that damage occurs usually at the beam-column joints, with failure in bending or shear, depending on geometry and reinforcement distribution and type. While substantial literature exists for the design of concrete frame joints to withstand this type of failure, after the earthquake many structures were classified as slightly damaged and, being uneconomic to replace them, at least in the short term, suitable means of repairs of the beam column joint area are being studied. Furthermore; there exists a large number of buildings that need retrofitting of the joints before the next earthquake. The paper reports the results of the experimental programme, constituted of three beam-column reinforced concrete joints at a scale of one to three (1/3) tested under the effect of a pre-stressing axial load acting over the column. The beams were subjected at their ends to an alternate cyclic loading under displacement control to simulate a seismic action. Strain and cracking fields were monitored with the help a digital recording camera. Following the analysis of the results, a comparison can be made between the performances in terms of ductility, strength and mode of failure of the different strengthening solution considered.

Keywords: fibre reinforced polymers, joints, reinforced concrete, beam columns

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3130 Vulnerability of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings with Pinned and, Alternatively, with Semi-Rigid Connections

Authors: Daniel Llanes, Alfredo Reyes, Sonia E. Ruiz, Federico Valenzuela Beltran


Steel frames have been used in building construction for more than one hundred years. Beam-column may be connected to columns using either stiffened or unstiffened angles at the top and bottom beam flanges. Designers often assume that these assemblies acted as “pinned” connections for gravity loads and that the stiffened connections would act as “fixed” connections for lateral loads. Observation of damages sustained by buildings during the 1994 Northridge earthquake indicated that, contrary to the intended behavior, in many cases, brittle fractures initiated within the connections at very low levels of plastic demand, and in some cases, while the structures remained essentially elastic. Due to the damage presented in these buildings other type of alternative connections have been proposed. According to a research funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the screwed connections have better performance when they are subjected to cyclic loads, but at the same time, these connections have some degree of flexibility. Due to this situation, some researchers ventured into the study of semi-rigid connections. In the present study three steel buildings, constituted by regular frames are analyzed. Two types of connections are considered: pinned and semi-rigid connections. With the aim to estimate their structural capacity, a number of incremental dynamic analyzes are performed. 3D structural models are used for the analyses. The seismic ground motions were recorded on sites near Los Angeles, California, where the structures are supposed to be located. The vulnerability curves of the building are obtained in terms of maximum inter-story drifts. The vulnerability curves (which correspond to the models with two different types of connections) are compared, and its implications on its structural design and performance is discussed.

Keywords: steel frame Buildings, vulnerability curves, semi-rigid connections, pinned connections

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3129 Correction Factors for Soil-Structure Interaction Predicted by Simplified Models: Axisymmetric 3D Model versus Fully 3D Model

Authors: Fu Jia


The effects of soil-structure interaction (SSI) are often studied using axial-symmetric three-dimensional (3D) models to avoid the high computational cost of the more realistic, fully 3D models, which require 2-3 orders of magnitude more computer time and storage. This paper analyzes the error and presents correction factors for system frequency, system damping, and peak amplitude of structural response computed by axisymmetric models, embedded in uniform or layered half-space. The results are compared with those for fully 3D rectangular foundations of different aspect ratios. Correction factors are presented for a range of the model parameters, such as fixed-base frequency, structure mass, height and length-to-width ratio, foundation embedment, soil-layer stiffness and thickness. It is shown that the errors are larger for stiffer, taller and heavier structures, deeper foundations and deeper soil layer. For example, for a stiff structure like Millikan Library (NS response; length-to-width ratio 1), the error is 6.5% in system frequency, 49% in system damping and 180% in peak amplitude. Analysis of a case study shows that the NEHRP-2015 provisions for reduction of base shear force due to SSI effects may be unsafe for some structures and need revision. The presented correction factor diagrams can be used in practical design and other applications.

Keywords: 3D soil-structure interaction, correction factors for axisymmetric models, length-to-width ratio, NEHRP-2015 provisions for reduction of base shear force, rectangular embedded foundations, SSI system frequency, SSI system damping

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3128 Optimal Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall-Frame Structure

Authors: H. Nikzad, S. Yoshitomi


In this paper, the optimal seismic design of reinforced concrete shear wall-frame building structures was done using structural optimization. The optimal section sizes were generated through structural optimization based on linear static analysis conforming to American Concrete Institute building design code (ACI 318-14). An analytical procedure was followed to validate the accuracy of the proposed method by comparing stresses on structural members through output files of MATLAB and ETABS. In order to consider the difference of stresses in structural elements by ETABS and MATLAB, and to avoid over-stress members by ETABS, a stress constraint ratio of MATLAB to ETABS was modified and introduced for the most critical load combinations and structural members. Moreover, seismic design of the structure was done following the International Building Code (IBC 2012), American Concrete Institute Building Code (ACI 318-14) and American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE 7-10) standards. Typical reinforcement requirements for the structural wall, beam and column were discussed and presented using ETABS structural analysis software. The placement and detailing of reinforcement of structural members were also explained and discussed. The outcomes of this study show that the modification of section sizes play a vital role in finding an optimal combination of practical section sizes. In contrast, the optimization problem with size constraints has a higher cost than that of without size constraints. Moreover, the comparison of optimization problem with that of ETABS program shown to be satisfactory and governed ACI 318-14 building design code criteria.

Keywords: structural optimization, seismic design, linear static analysis, etabs, matlab, rc shear wall-frame structures

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3127 Governance Factors of Sustainable Stormwater Management: A Comparative Study of Case Cities in China and Sweden

Authors: Xiujuan Qiao


Cities worldwide are increasingly adopting sustainable stormwater solutions such as using green infrastructure to mitigate challenges related to stormwater, e.g., pluvial flooding, and stormwater pollution. Barriers caused by governance factors have been identified as the main reason for the slow pace of sustainable stormwater management implementation. In this study, we examined governance factors influencing local implementation in four case cities: Lund and Malmö, Sweden, and Xi’xian New Area and Zhenjiang, China. Based on systems thinking of interrelations between previously identified influencing governance factors in sustainable stormwater management (SSM), we developed a causal loop diagram (SSM-CLD) and used it to analyze 23 semi-structured interviews with local government officers in the four case cities. Based on the results, we created one SSM-CLD for each country and analyzed the main differences between these four SSM-CLDs. The results revealed that differences in governance structures can lead to differences in the influencing governance factors. In top-down political systems, e.g., China, the role of national policy in setting local leaders’ priorities is significant for SSM implementation. In political systems with more power devolved to local governments, e.g., Sweden, public awareness and local government politicians’ priorities are important for SSM implementation. Acquiring funding for long-term maintenance was identified as a challenge in all four cities studied. These results are relevant for policymakers, local government departments, consultancy companies, and researchers seeking a better understanding of how governance factors influence sustainable stormwater management.

Keywords: sustainable stormwater management, causal loop diagram, governance structures, local government priorities, public awareness, maintenance

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3126 Variations in the 7th Lumbar (L7) Vertebra Length Associated with Sacrocaudal Fusion in Greyhounds

Authors: Sa`ad M. Ismail, Hung-Hsun Yen, Christina M. Murray, Helen M. S. Davies


The lumbosacral junction (where the 7th lumbar vertebra (L7) articulates with the sacrum) is a clinically important area in the dog. The 7th lumbar vertebra (L7) is normally shorter than other lumbar vertebrae, and it has been reported that variations in the L7 length may be associated with other abnormal anatomical findings. These variations included the reduction or absence of the portion of the median sacral crest. In this study, 53 greyhound cadavers were placed in right lateral recumbency, and two lateral radiographs were taken of the lumbosacral region for each greyhound. The length of the 6th lumbar (L6) vertebra and L7 were measured using radiographic measurement software and was defined to be the mean of three lines drawn from the caudal to the cranial edge of the L6 and L7 vertebrae (a dorsal, middle, and ventral line) between specific landmarks. Sacrocaudal fusion was found in 41.5% of the greyhounds. The mean values of the length of L6, L7, and the ratio of the L6/L7 length of the greyhounds with sacrocaudal fusion were all greater than those with standard sacrums (three sacral vertebrae). There was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in the mean values of the length of L7 between the greyhounds without sacrocaudal fusion (mean = 29.64, SD ± 2.07) and those with sacrocaudal fusion (mean = 30.86, SD ± 1.80), but, there was no significant difference in the mean value of the length of the L6 measurement. Among different types of sacrocaudal fusion, the longest L7 was found in greyhounds with sacrum type D, intermediate length in those with sacrum type B, and the shortest was found in those with sacrums type C, and the mean values of the ratio of the L6/L7 were 1.11 (SD ± 0.043), 1.15, (SD ± 0.025), and 1.15 (SD ± 0.011) for the types B, C, and D respectively. No significant differences in the mean values of the length of L6 or L7 were found among the different types of sacrocaudal fusion. The occurrence of sacrocaudal fusion might affect direct anatomically connected structures such as the L7. The variation in the length of L7 between greyhounds with sacrocaudal fusion and those without may reflect the possible sequences of the process of fusion. Variations in the length of the L7 vertebra in greyhounds may be associated with the occurrence of sacrocaudal fusion. The variation in the vertebral length may affect the alignment and biomechanical properties of the sacrum and may alter the loading. We concluded that any variations in the sacrum anatomical features might change the function of the sacrum or the surrounding anatomical structures.

Keywords: biomechanics, Greyhound, sacrocaudal fusion, locomotion, 6th Lumbar (L6) Vertebra, 7th Lumbar (L7) Vertebra, ratio of the L6/L7 length

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3125 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Supercooled Water in Nanoporous Confinement and Biological Systems

Authors: Viktor Soprunyuk, Wilfried Schranz, Patrick Huber


In the present work, we show that Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) with a measurement frequency range f= 0.2 - 100 Hz is a rather powerful technique for the study of phase transitions (freezing and melting) and glass transitions of water in geometrical confinement. Inserting water into nanoporous host matrices, like e.g. Gelsil (size of pores 2.6 nm and 5 nm) or Vycor (size of pores 10 nm) allows one to study size effects occurring at the nanoscale conveniently in macroscopic bulk samples. One obtains valuable insight concerning confinement induced changes of the dynamics by measuring the temperature and frequency dependencies of the complex Young's modulus Y* for various pore sizes. Solid-liquid transitions or glass-liquid transitions show up in a softening or the real part Y' of the complex Young's modulus, yet with completely different frequency dependencies. Analysing the frequency dependent imaginary part of the Young´s modulus in the glass transition regions for different pore sizes we find a clear-cut 1/d-dependence of the calculated glass transition temperatures which extrapolates to Tg(1/d=0)=136 K, in agreement with the traditional value of water. The results indicate that the main role of the pore diameter is the relative amount of water molecules that are near an interface within a length scale of the order of the dynamic correlation length x. Thus we argue that the observed strong pore size dependence of Tg is an interfacial effect, rather than a finite size effect. We obtained similar signatures of Y* near glass transitions in different biological objects (fruits, vegetables, and bread). The values of the activation energies for these biological materials in the region of glass transition are quite similar to the values of the activation energies of supercooled water in the nanoporous confinement in this region. The present work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, project Nr. P 28672 – N36).

Keywords: biological systems, liquids, glasses, amorphous systems, nanoporous materials, phase transition

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