Search results for: thermal critical values (TCV)
13682 Characterization and Evaluation of South West Tunisian Clay Types as Insulation of Building Materials
Authors: Najah Majouri, Mohamed El Mankibi, Jalila Sghaier
This study examined the geotechnical, mineralogical, thermal and physical characterization of clays in south-west Tunisia. Its aims are to elaborate an insulator material based on the clay used in the field of building materials. The geotechnical study showed that the clay studied is characterized by a high degree of plasticity of 30.83%. High mineralogical findings showed that the sample consisted mainly of kaonolite and other clay minerals. The thermal and physical properties of the different samples are obtained by mixing clays, which indicates a promising future for the use of this type of clays in the production of insulating building materials.Keywords: clay, energy-saving, insulator material, and South-West Tunisia.
Procedia PDF Downloads 8613681 Spermiogram Values of Fertile Men in Malatya Region
Authors: Aliseydi Bozkurt, Ugur Yılmaz
Objective: It was aimed to evaluate the current status of semen parameters in fertile males with one or more children and whose wife having a pregnancy for the last 1-12 months in Malatya region. Methods: Sperm samples were obtained from 131 voluntary fertile men. In each analysis, sperm volume (ml), number of sperm (sperm/ml), sperm motility and sperm viscosity were examined with Makler device. Classification was made according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Results: Mean ejaculate volume ranged from 1.5 ml to 5.5 ml, sperm count ranged from 27 to 180 million/ml and motility ranged from 35 to 90%. Sperm motility was found to be on average; 69.9% in A, 7.6% in B, 8.7% in C, 13.3% in D category. Conclusion: The mean spermiogram values of fertile males in Malatya region were found to be similar to those in fertile males determined by the WHO. This study has a regional classification value in terms of spermiogram values.Keywords: fertile men, infertility, spermiogram, sperm motility
Procedia PDF Downloads 35313680 Measurement of Acoustic Loss in Nano-Layered Coating Developed for Thermal Noise Reduction
Authors: E. Cesarini, M. Lorenzini, R. Cardarelli, S. Chao, E. Coccia, V. Fafone, Y. Minenkow, I. Nardecchia, I. M. Pinto, A. Rocchi, V. Sequino, C. Taranto
Structural relaxation processes in optical coatings represent a fundamental limit to the sensitivity of gravitational waves detectors, MEMS, optical metrology and entangled state experiments. To face this problem, many research lines are now active, in particular the characterization of new materials and novel solutions to be employed as coatings in future gravitational wave detectors. Nano-layered coating deposition is among the most promising techniques. We report on the measurement of acoustic loss of nm-layered composites (Ti2O/SiO2), performed with the GeNS nodal suspension, compared with sputtered λ/4 thin films nowadays employed.Keywords: mechanical measurement, nanomaterials, optical coating, thermal noise
Procedia PDF Downloads 42413679 Design and Evaluation of a Prototype for Non-Invasive Screening of Diabetes – Skin Impedance Technique
Authors: Pavana Basavakumar, Devadas Bhat
Diabetes is a disease which often goes undiagnosed until its secondary effects are noticed. Early detection of the disease is necessary to avoid serious consequences which could lead to the death of the patient. Conventional invasive tests for screening of diabetes are mostly painful, time consuming and expensive. There’s also a risk of infection involved, therefore it is very essential to develop non-invasive methods to screen and estimate the level of blood glucose. Extensive research is going on with this perspective, involving various techniques that explore optical, electrical, chemical and thermal properties of the human body that directly or indirectly depend on the blood glucose concentration. Thus, non-invasive blood glucose monitoring has grown into a vast field of research. In this project, an attempt was made to device a prototype for screening of diabetes by measuring electrical impedance of the skin and building a model to predict a patient’s condition based on the measured impedance. The prototype developed, passes a negligible amount of constant current (0.5mA) across a subject’s index finger through tetra polar silver electrodes and measures output voltage across a wide range of frequencies (10 KHz – 4 MHz). The measured voltage is proportional to the impedance of the skin. The impedance was acquired in real-time for further analysis. Study was conducted on over 75 subjects with permission from the institutional ethics committee, along with impedance, subject’s blood glucose values were also noted, using conventional method. Nonlinear regression analysis was performed on the features extracted from the impedance data to obtain a model that predicts blood glucose values for a given set of features. When the predicted data was depicted on Clarke’s Error Grid, only 58% of the values predicted were clinically acceptable. Since the objective of the project was to screen diabetes and not actual estimation of blood glucose, the data was classified into three classes ‘NORMAL FASTING’,’NORMAL POSTPRANDIAL’ and ‘HIGH’ using linear Support Vector Machine (SVM). Classification accuracy obtained was 91.4%. The developed prototype was economical, fast and pain free. Thus, it can be used for mass screening of diabetes.Keywords: Clarke’s error grid, electrical impedance of skin, linear SVM, nonlinear regression, non-invasive blood glucose monitoring, screening device for diabetes
Procedia PDF Downloads 32613678 Experimental investigation on the lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Management System Based on Micro Heat Pipe Array in High Temperature Environment
Authors: Ruyang Ren, Yaohua Zhao, Yanhua Diao
The intermittent and unstable characteristics of renewable energy such as solar energy can be effectively solved through battery energy storage system. Lithium-ion battery is widely used in battery energy storage system because of its advantages of high energy density, small internal resistance, low self-discharge rate, no memory effect and long service life. However, the performance and service life of lithium-ion battery is seriously affected by its operating temperature. Thus, the safety operation of the lithium-ion battery module is inseparable from an effective thermal management system (TMS). In this study, a new type of TMS based on micro heat pipe array (MHPA) for lithium-ion battery is established, and the TMS is applied to a battery energy storage box that needs to operate at a high temperature environment of 40 °C all year round. MHPA is a flat shape metal body with high thermal conductivity and excellent temperature uniformity. The battery energy storage box is composed of four battery modules, with a nominal voltage of 51.2 V, a nominal capacity of 400 Ah. Through the excellent heat transfer characteristics of the MHPA, the heat generated by the charge and discharge process can be quickly transferred out of the battery module. In addition, if only the MHPA cannot meet the heat dissipation requirements of the battery module, the TMS can automatically control the opening of the external fan outside the battery module according to the temperature of the battery, so as to further enhance the heat dissipation of the battery module. The thermal management performance of lithium-ion battery TMS based on MHPA is studied experimentally under different ambient temperatures and the condition to turn on the fan or not. Results show that when the ambient temperature is 40 °C and the fan is not turned on in the whole charge and discharge process, the maximum temperature of the battery in the energy storage box is 53.1 °C and the maximum temperature difference in the battery module is 2.4 °C. After the fan is turned on in the whole charge and discharge process, the maximum temperature is reduced to 50.1 °C, and the maximum temperature difference is reduced to 1.7 °C. Obviously, the lithium-ion battery TMS based on MHPA not only could control the maximum temperature of the battery below 55 °C, but also ensure the excellent temperature uniformity of the battery module. In conclusion, the lithium-ion battery TMS based on MHPA can ensure the safe and stable operation of the battery energy storage box in high temperature environment.Keywords: heat dissipation, lithium-ion battery thermal management, micro heat pipe array, temperature uniformity
Procedia PDF Downloads 18113677 A Numerical and Experimental Study on Fast Pyrolysis of Single Wood Particle
Authors: Hamid Rezaei, Xiaotao Bi, C. Jim Lim, Anthony Lau, Shahab Sokhansanj
A one-dimensional heat transfer model coupled with the kinetic information has been used to predict the overall pyrolysis mass loss of a single wood particle. The kinetic parameters were determined experimentally and the regime and characteristics of the conversion were evaluated in terms of the particle size and reactor temperature. The order of overall mass loss changed from n=1 at temperatures lower than 350 °C to n=0.5 at temperatures higher that 350 °C. Conversion time analysis showed that particles larger than 0.5 mm were controlled by internal thermal resistances. The valid range of particle size to use the simplified lumped model depends on the fluid temperature around the particles. The critical particle size was 0.6-0.7 mm for the fluid temperature of 500 °C and 0.9-1.0 mm for the fluid temperature of 100 °C. Experimental pyrolysis of moist particles did not show distinct drying and pyrolysis stages. The process was divided into two hypothetical drying and pyrolysis dominated zones and empirical correlations are developed to predict the rate of mass loss in each zone.Keywords: pyrolysis, kinetics, model, single particle
Procedia PDF Downloads 32113676 The Analysis of a Reactive Hydromagnetic Internal Heat Generating Poiseuille Fluid Flow through a Channel
Authors: Anthony R. Hassan, Jacob A. Gbadeyan
In this paper, the analysis of a reactive hydromagnetic Poiseuille fluid flow under each of sensitized, Arrhenius and bimolecular chemical kinetics through a channel in the presence of heat source is carried out. An exothermic reaction is assumed while the concentration of the material is neglected. Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) together with Pade Approximation is used to obtain the solutions of the governing nonlinear non – dimensional differential equations. Effects of various physical parameters on the velocity and temperature fields of the fluid flow are investigated. The entropy generation analysis and the conditions for thermal criticality are also presented.Keywords: chemical kinetics, entropy generation, thermal criticality, adomian decomposition method (ADM) and pade approximation
Procedia PDF Downloads 46413675 Dielectric Properties of Mineral Oil Blended with Soyabean Oil for Power Transformers: A Laboratory Investigation
Authors: Deepa S N, Srinivasan a D, Veeramanju K T
The power transformer is a critical equipment in the transmission and distribution network that must be managed to ensure uninterrupted power service. The liquid insulation is essential for the proper functioning of the transformer, as it serves as both coolant and insulating medium, which influences the transformer’s durability. Further, the insulating state of a power transformer has a significant impact on its reliability. Mineral oil derived from petroleum crude oil has been employed as liquid dielectrics for decades due to its superior functional characteristics, however as a resource for the same are getting depleted over the years. Research is undertaken across the globe to identify a viable substitute for mineral oil. Further, alternate insulating oils are being investigated for better environmental impact, biodegradability and economics. Several combinations of vegetable oil derived natural esters are being inspected by researchers across the globe in these domains. In this work, mineral oil is blended with soyabean oil with various proportions and dielectric properties such as dielectric breakdown voltage, relative permittivity, dissipation factor, viscosity, flash and fire point have been investigated according to international standards. A quantitative comparison is made among various samples and is observed that the blended oil sample of equal proportion of mineral oil and soyabean oil, MO50+SO50 exhibits superior dielectric properties such as breakdown voltage of 65kV, dissipation factor of 0.0044, relative permittivity of 3.1680 that are closer to the range of values recommended for power transformer applications. Also, Breakdown voltage values of all the investigated oil samples obeyed the Weibull and Normal probability distribution.Keywords: blended oil, dielectric breakdown, liquid insulation, power transformer
Procedia PDF Downloads 9213674 Power Grid Line Ampacity Forecasting Based on a Long-Short-Term Memory Neural Network
Authors: Xiang-Yao Zheng, Jen-Cheng Wang, Joe-Air Jiang
Improving the line ampacity while using existing power grids is an important issue that electricity dispatchers are now facing. Using the information provided by the dynamic thermal rating (DTR) of transmission lines, an overhead power grid can operate safely. However, dispatchers usually lack real-time DTR information. Thus, this study proposes a long-short-term memory (LSTM)-based method, which is one of the neural network models. The LSTM-based method predicts the DTR of lines using the weather data provided by Central Weather Bureau (CWB) of Taiwan. The possible thermal bottlenecks at different locations along the line and the margin of line ampacity can be real-time determined by the proposed LSTM-based prediction method. A case study that targets the 345 kV power grid of TaiPower in Taiwan is utilized to examine the performance of the proposed method. The simulation results show that the proposed method is useful to provide the information for the smart grid application in the future.Keywords: electricity dispatch, line ampacity prediction, dynamic thermal rating, long-short-term memory neural network, smart grid
Procedia PDF Downloads 28413673 Study on NOₓ Emission Characteristics of Internal Gas Recirculation Technique
Authors: DaeHae Kim, MinJun Kwon, Sewon Kim
This study is aimed to develop ultra-low NOₓ burner using the internal recirculation of flue gas inside the combustion chamber that utilizes the momentum of intake fuel and air. Detailed experimental investigations are carried out to study these fluid dynamic effects on the emission characteristics of newly developed burner in industrial steam boiler system. Experimental parameters are distance of Venturi tube from burner, Coanda nozzle gap distance, and air sleeve length at various fuel/air ratio and thermal heat load conditions. The results showed that NOₓ concentration decreases as the distance of Venturi tube from burner increases. The CO concentration values at all operating conditions were negligible. In addition, the increase of the Coanda nozzle gap distance decreased the NOₓ concentration. It is experimentally found out that both fuel injection recirculation and air injection recirculation technique was very effective in reducing NOₓ formation.Keywords: Coanda effect, combustion, burner, low NOₓ
Procedia PDF Downloads 20113672 Hygro-Thermal Modelling of Timber Decks
Authors: Stefania Fortino, Petr Hradil, Timo Avikainen
Timber bridges have an excellent environmental performance, are economical, relatively easy to build and can have a long service life. However, the durability of these bridges is the main problem because of their exposure to outdoor climate conditions. The moisture content accumulated in wood for long periods, in combination with certain temperatures, may cause conditions suitable for timber decay. In addition, moisture content variations affect the structural integrity, serviceability and loading capacity of timber bridges. Therefore, the monitoring of the moisture content in wood is important for the durability of the material but also for the whole superstructure. The measurements obtained by the usual sensor-based techniques provide hygro-thermal data only in specific locations of the wood components. In this context, the monitoring can be assisted by numerical modelling to get more information on the hygro-thermal response of the bridges. This work presents a hygro-thermal model based on a multi-phase moisture transport theory to predict the distribution of moisture content, relative humidity and temperature in wood. Below the fibre saturation point, the multi-phase theory simulates three phenomena in cellular wood during moisture transfer, i.e., the diffusion of water vapour in the pores, the sorption of bound water and the diffusion of bound water in the cell walls. In the multi-phase model, the two water phases are separated, and the coupling between them is defined through a sorption rate. Furthermore, an average between the temperature-dependent adsorption and desorption isotherms is used. In previous works by some of the authors, this approach was found very suitable to study the moisture transport in uncoated and coated stress-laminated timber decks. Compared to previous works, the hygro-thermal fluxes on the external surfaces include the influence of the absorbed solar radiation during the time and consequently, the temperatures on the surfaces exposed to the sun are higher. This affects the whole hygro-thermal response of the timber component. The multi-phase model, implemented in a user subroutine of Abaqus FEM code, provides the distribution of the moisture content, the temperature and the relative humidity in a volume of the timber deck. As a case study, the hygro-thermal data in wood are collected from the ongoing monitoring of the stress-laminated timber deck of Tapiola Bridge in Finland, based on integrated humidity-temperature sensors and the numerical results are found in good agreement with the measurements. The proposed model, used to assist the monitoring, can contribute to reducing the maintenance costs of bridges, as well as the cost of instrumentation, and increase safety.Keywords: moisture content, multi-phase models, solar radiation, timber decks, FEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 17613671 Wear Progress and -Mechanisms in Torpedo Ladles in Steel Industry
Authors: Mattahias Maj, Fabio Tatzgern, Karl Adam, Damir Kahrimanovic, Markus Varga
Torpedo ladles are necessary transport carriages in steel production to move the molten crude iron from the blast furnace to the steel refining plant. This requires the ladles to be high temperature resistant and insulate well to preserve the temperature and hold the risk of solidification at bay. Therefore, the involved refractories lining the inside of the torpedo ladles are chosen mostly according to their thermal properties, although wear of the materials by the liquid iron is also of major importance. In this work, we combined investigations of the thermal behaviour with wear studies of the lining over the whole lifetime of a torpedo ladle. Additional numerical simulations enabled a detailed model of the mechanical loads and temperature propagation at the various stations (heating, filling, emptying, cooling). The core of the investigation were detailed 3D measurements of the ladle’s cavity and thereby quantitative information of the wear progress at different time intervals during the lifetime of the ladles. The measurements allowed for a separation of different wear zones according to severity, namely the “splash zone” where the melt directly hits the ladle, the “melt zone” where during transport always liquid melt is present, and the “slag zone”, where the slag floats on the melt causing the most severe wear loss. Numerical simulations of the filling process were taken to calculate stress levels and temperature gradients, which led to the different onset of wear on those zones. Thermal imaging and punctual temperature measurements allowed for a study of the thermal consequences entailed by the wear onset. Additional “classical” damage analysis of the worn refractories complete the investigation. Thereby the wear mechanisms leading to the substantial wear loss were disclosed.Keywords: high temperature, tribology, liquid-solid interaction, refractories, thermography
Procedia PDF Downloads 22613670 Suspended Sediment Concentration and Water Quality Monitoring Along Aswan High Dam Reservoir Using Remote Sensing
Authors: M. Aboalazayem, Essam A. Gouda, Ahmed M. Moussa, Amr E. Flifl
Field data collecting is considered one of the most difficult work due to the difficulty of accessing large zones such as large lakes. Also, it is well known that the cost of obtaining field data is very expensive. Remotely monitoring of lake water quality (WQ) provides an economically feasible approach comparing to field data collection. Researchers have shown that lake WQ can be properly monitored via Remote sensing (RS) analyses. Using satellite images as a method of WQ detection provides a realistic technique to measure quality parameters across huge areas. Landsat (LS) data provides full free access to often occurring and repeating satellite photos. This enables researchers to undertake large-scale temporal comparisons of parameters related to lake WQ. Satellite measurements have been extensively utilized to develop algorithms for predicting critical water quality parameters (WQPs). The goal of this paper is to use RS to derive WQ indicators in Aswan High Dam Reservoir (AHDR), which is considered Egypt's primary and strategic reservoir of freshwater. This study focuses on using Landsat8 (L-8) band surface reflectance (SR) observations to predict water-quality characteristics which are limited to Turbidity (TUR), total suspended solids (TSS), and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a). ArcGIS pro is used to retrieve L-8 SR data for the study region. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to derive new correlations between observed optical water-quality indicators in April and L-8 SR which were atmospherically corrected by values of various bands, band ratios, and or combinations. Field measurements taken in the month of May were used to validate WQP obtained from SR data of L-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) satellite. The findings demonstrate a strong correlation between indicators of WQ and L-8 .For TUR, the best validation correlation with OLI SR bands blue, green, and red, were derived with high values of Coefficient of correlation (R2) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) equal 0.96 and 3.1 NTU, respectively. For TSS, Two equations were strongly correlated and verified with band ratios and combinations. A logarithm of the ratio of blue and green SR was determined to be the best performing model with values of R2 and RMSE equal to 0.9861 and 1.84 mg/l, respectively. For Chl-a, eight methods were presented for calculating its value within the study area. A mix of blue, red, shortwave infrared 1(SWR1) and panchromatic SR yielded the greatest validation results with values of R2 and RMSE equal 0.98 and 1.4 mg/l, respectively.Keywords: remote sensing, landsat 8, nasser lake, water quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 9313669 Efficient Liquid Desiccant Regeneration for Fresh Air Dehumidification Application
Authors: M. V. Rane, Tareke Tekia
Fresh Air Dehumidifier having a capacity of 1 TR has been developed by Heat Pump Laboratory at IITB. This fresh air dehumidifier is based on potassium formate liquid desiccant. The regeneration of the liquid desiccant can be done in two stages. The first stage of liquid desiccant regeneration involves the boiling of liquid desiccant inside the evacuated glass type solar thermal collectors. Further regeneration of liquid desiccant can be achieved using Low Temperature Regenerator, LTR. The coefficient of performance of the fresh air dehumidifier greatly depends on the performance of the major components such as high temperature regenerator, low temperature regenerator, fresh air dehumidifier, and solution heat exchangers. High effectiveness solution heat exchanger has been developed and tested. The solution heat exchanger is based on a patented aluminium extrusion with special passage geometry to enhance the heat transfer rate. Effectiveness up to 90% was achieved. Before final testing of the dehumidifier, major components have been tested individually. Testing of the solar thermal collector as hot water and steam generator reveals that efficiency up to 55% can be achieved. In this paper, the development of 1 TR fresh air dehumidifier with special focus on solution heat exchangers and solar thermal collector performance is presented.Keywords: solar, liquid desiccant, dehumidification, air conditioning, regeneration, coefficient of performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 19313668 Engoglaze Development for the Production of Glazed Porcelain Tiles
Authors: Sezgi Isik, Yasin Urersoy, Gizem Ustunel, Ilkyaz Yalcin
Improvement of the digital tile application, lots of process revolutions have occurred in the tile production. In order to create unique and inimitable designs, all the competitors start to try different applications. Both Europian and domestic ceramic producers focus on the deep and realistic surfaces. In this study, the trend of engoglaze, which is becoming widespread in glaze porcelain tile designs to create the most intensive colours, were investigated. The aim of the study is to develop engoglaze formulation that supports digital ink activation. Thermal expansion coefficient values were determined by a dilatometer. Chemical analyses and sintering behaviors of engoglazes were made by X-ray diffraction and heat microscopy analysis. According to these glaze formulation studies, it has been reported that using engoglaze could easily reduce the digital ink consumption of the design. On the other hand, the advantage of the production cost is gained, and deepness of the design is provided.Keywords: ceramic, engoglaze, digital ink activation, glazed porcelain tile
Procedia PDF Downloads 13413667 A Thermo-mechanical Finite Element Model to Predict Thermal Cycles and Residual Stresses in Directed Energy Deposition Technology
Authors: Edison A. Bonifaz
In this work, a numerical procedure is proposed to design dense multi-material structures using the Directed Energy Deposition (DED) process. A thermo-mechanical finite element model to predict thermal cycles and residual stresses is presented. A numerical layer build-up procedure coupled with a moving heat flux was constructed to minimize strains and residual stresses that result in the multi-layer deposition of an AISI 316 austenitic steel on an AISI 304 austenitic steel substrate. To simulate the DED process, the automated interface of the ABAQUS AM module was used to define element activation and heat input event data as a function of time and position. Of this manner, the construction of ABAQUS user-defined subroutines was not necessary. Thermal cycles and thermally induced stresses created during the multi-layer deposition metal AM pool crystallization were predicted and validated. Results were analyzed in three independent metal layers of three different experiments. The one-way heat and material deposition toolpath used in the analysis was created with a MatLab path script. An optimal combination of feedstock and heat input printing parameters suitable for fabricating multi-material dense structures in the directed energy deposition metal AM process was established. At constant power, it can be concluded that the lower the heat input, the lower the peak temperatures and residual stresses. It means that from a design point of view, the one-way heat and material deposition processing toolpath with the higher welding speed should be selected.Keywords: event series, thermal cycles, residual stresses, multi-pass welding, abaqus am modeler
Procedia PDF Downloads 6913666 University Building: Discussion about the Effect of Numerical Modelling Assumptions for Occupant Behavior
Authors: Fabrizio Ascione, Martina Borrelli, Rosa Francesca De Masi, Silvia Ruggiero, Giuseppe Peter Vanoli
The refurbishment of public buildings is one of the key factors of energy efficiency policy of European States. Educational buildings account for the largest share of the oldest edifice with interesting potentialities for demonstrating best practice with regards to high performance and low and zero-carbon design and for becoming exemplar cases within the community. In this context, this paper discusses the critical issue of dealing the energy refurbishment of a university building in heating dominated climate of South Italy. More in detail, the importance of using validated models will be examined exhaustively by proposing an analysis on uncertainties due to modelling assumptions mainly referring to the adoption of stochastic schedules for occupant behavior and equipment or lighting usage. Indeed, today, the great part of commercial tools provides to designers a library of possible schedules with which thermal zones can be described. Very often, the users do not pay close attention to diversify thermal zones and to modify or to adapt predefined profiles, and results of designing are affected positively or negatively without any alarm about it. Data such as occupancy schedules, internal loads and the interaction between people and windows or plant systems, represent some of the largest variables during the energy modelling and to understand calibration results. This is mainly due to the adoption of discrete standardized and conventional schedules with important consequences on the prevision of the energy consumptions. The problem is surely difficult to examine and to solve. In this paper, a sensitivity analysis is presented, to understand what is the order of magnitude of error that is committed by varying the deterministic schedules used for occupation, internal load, and lighting system. This could be a typical uncertainty for a case study as the presented one where there is not a regulation system for the HVAC system thus the occupant cannot interact with it. More in detail, starting from adopted schedules, created according to questioner’ s responses and that has allowed a good calibration of energy simulation model, several different scenarios are tested. Two type of analysis are presented: the reference building is compared with these scenarios in term of percentage difference on the projected total electric energy need and natural gas request. Then the different entries of consumption are analyzed and for more interesting cases also the comparison between calibration indexes. Moreover, for the optimal refurbishment solution, the same simulations are done. The variation on the provision of energy saving and global cost reduction is evidenced. This parametric study wants to underline the effect on performance indexes evaluation of the modelling assumptions during the description of thermal zones.Keywords: energy simulation, modelling calibration, occupant behavior, university building
Procedia PDF Downloads 14113665 Texture Analysis of Grayscale Co-Occurrence Matrix on Mammographic Indexed Image
Authors: S. Sushma, S. Balasubramanian, K. C. Latha
The mammographic image of breast cancer compressed and synthesized to get co-efficient values which will be converted (5x5) matrix to get ROI image where we get the highest value of effected region and with the same ideology the technique has been extended to differentiate between Calcification and normal cell image using mean value derived from 5x5 matrix valuesKeywords: texture analysis, mammographic image, partitioned gray scale co-oocurance matrix, co-efficient
Procedia PDF Downloads 53513664 Development of Personal Protection Equipment for Dental Surgeon
Authors: Thi. A. D. Tran, Matthieu Arnold, Dominique Adolphe, Laurence Schcher, Guillaume Reys
During daily oral health cares, dental surgeons are in contact with numerous potentially infectious germs from patients' saliva and blood. In order to take into account these risks, a product development process has been unrolled to propose to the dental surgeon a personal protection equipment that is suitable with their expectations in terms of images, protection and comfort. After a consumer study, to evaluate how the users wear the garment and their expectations, specifications have been carried out and technical solutions have been developed in order to answer to the maximum of the desiderata. Thermal studies and comfort studies have been performed. The obtained results lead to define the technical solutions concerning the design of the new scrub. Three main functions have been investigated, the ergonomic aspect, the protection and the thermal comfort. In terms of ergonomic aspect, instrumented garments have been worn and pressure measurements have been done. The results highlight that a raglan shape for the sleeves has to be selected for a better dynamic comfort. Moreover, spray tests helped us to localize the potential contamination area and therefore protection devices have been placed on the garment. Concerning the thermal comfort, an I-R study was conducted in consulting room under the real working conditions; the heating zones have been detected. Based on these results, solutions have been proposed and implemented in a new gown. This new gown is currently composed of three different parts; a protective layer placed in the chest area to avoid contamination; a breathable layer placed in the back and in the armpits and a normal PET/Cotton fabric for the rest of the gown. Through the fitting tests conducted in hospital, it was obtained that the new design was highly appreciated. Some points can nevertheless be further improved. A final product will be produced based on necessary improvements.Keywords: comfort, dentists, garment, thermal
Procedia PDF Downloads 31213663 Fabrication Methodologies for Anti-Microbial Polypropylene Surfaces with Leachable and Non-leachable Anti-Microbial Agents
Authors: Saleh Alkarri, Dimple Sharma, Teresa M. Bergholz, Muhammad Rabnawaz
Aims: Develop a methodology for the fabrication of anti-microbial polypropylene (PP) surfaces with (i) leachable copper, (II) chloride dihydrate (CuCl₂·₂H₂O) and (ii) non-leachable magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)₂) biocides. Methods and Results: Two methodologies are used to develop anti-microbial PP surfaces. One method involves melt-blending and subsequent injection molding, where the biocide additives were compounded with PP and subsequently injection-molded. The other method involves the thermal embossing of anti-microbial agents on the surface of a PP substrate. The obtained biocide-bearing PP surfaces were evaluated against E. coli K-12 MG1655 for 0, 4, and 24 h to evaluate their anti-microbial properties. The injection-molded PP bearing 5% CuCl2·₂H₂O showed a 6-log reduction of E. coli K-12 MG1655 after 24 h, while only 1 log reduction was observed for PP bearing 5% Mg(OH)2. The thermally embossed PP surfaces bearing CuCl2·2H2O and Mg(OH)₂ particles (at a concentration of 10 mg/mL) showed 3 log and 4 log reduction, respectively, against E.coli K-12 MG1655 after 24 h. Conclusion: The results clearly demonstrate that CuCl₂·2H₂O conferred anti-microbial properties to PP surfaces that were prepared by both injection molding as well as thermal embossing approaches owing to the presence of leachable copper ions. In contrast, the non-leachable Mg(OH)₂ imparted anti-microbial properties only to the surface prepared via the thermal embossing technique. Significance and Impact of The Study: Plastics with leachable biocides are effective anti-microbial surfaces, but their toxicity is a major concern. This study provides a fabrication methodology for non-leachable PP-based anti-microbial surfaces that are potentially safer. In addition, this strategy can be extended to many other plastics substrates.Keywords: anti-microbial activity, E. coli K-12 MG1655, copper (II) chloride dihydrate, magnesium hydroxide, leachable, non-leachable, compounding, thermal embossing
Procedia PDF Downloads 7813662 Fabrication Methodologies for Anti-microbial Polypropylene Surfaces with Leachable and Non-leachable Anti-microbial Agents
Authors: Saleh Alkarri, Dimple Sharma, Teresa M. Bergholz, Muhammad Rabnawa
Aims: Develop a methodology for the fabrication of anti-microbial polypropylene (PP) surfaces with (i) leachable copper (II) chloride dihydrate (CuCl2·2H2O) and (ii) non-leachable magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) biocides. Methods and Results: Two methodologies are used to develop anti-microbial PP surfaces. One method involves melt-blending and subsequent injection molding, where the biocide additives were compounded with PP and subsequently injection-molded. The other method involves the thermal embossing of anti-microbial agents on the surface of a PP substrate. The obtained biocide-bearing PP surfaces were evaluated against E. coli K-12 MG1655 for 0, 4, and 24 h to evaluate their anti-microbial properties. The injection-molded PP bearing 5% CuCl2·2H2O showed a 6-log reduction of E. coli K-12 MG1655 after 24 h, while only 1 log reduction was observed for PP bearing 5% Mg(OH)2. The thermally embossed PP surfaces bearing CuCl2·2H2O and Mg(OH)2 particles (at a concentration of 10 mg/mL) showed 3 log and 4 log reduction, respectively, against E.coli K-12 MG1655 after 24 h. Conclusion: The results clearly demonstrate that CuCl2·2H2O conferred anti-microbial properties to PP surfaces that were prepared by both injection molding as well as thermal embossing approaches owing to the presence of leachable copper ions. In contrast, the non-leachable Mg(OH)2 imparted anti-microbial properties only to the surface prepared via the thermal embossing technique. Significance and Impact of The Study: Plastics with leachable biocides are effective anti-microbial surfaces, but their toxicity is a major concern. This study provides a fabrication methodology for non-leachable PP-based anti-microbial surfaces that are potentially safer. In addition, this strategy can be extended to many other plastics substrates.Keywords: anti-microbial activity, E. coli K-12 MG1655, copper (II) chloride dihydrate, magnesium hydroxide, leachable, non-leachable, compounding, thermal embossing
Procedia PDF Downloads 8513661 The Role of Executive Functions and Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: A Neuropsychological Perspective
Authors: Chrysovalanto Sofia Karatosidi, Dimitra Iordanoglou
The overlap of leadership skills with personality traits, beliefs, values, and the integration of cognitive abilities, analytical and critical thinking skills into leadership competencies raises the need to segregate further and investigate them. Hence, the domains of cognitive functions that contribute to leadership effectiveness should also be identified. Organizational cognitive neuroscience and neuroleadership can shed light on the study of these critical leadership skills. As the first part of our research, this pilot study aims to explore the relationships between higher-order cognitive functions (executive functions), trait emotional intelligence (EI), personality, and general cognitive ability in leadership. Twenty-six graduate and postgraduate students were assessed on neuropsychological tests that measure important aspects of executive functions (EF) and completed self-reported questionnaires about trait EI, personality, leadership styles, and leadership effectiveness. Specifically, we examined four core EF—fluency (phonemic and semantic), information updating and monitoring, working memory, and inhibition of prepotent responses. Leadership effectiveness was positively associated with phonemic fluency (PF), which involves mental flexibility, in turn, an increasingly important ability for future leaders in this rapidly changing world. Transformational leadership was positively associated with trait EI, extraversion, and openness to experience, a result that is following previous findings. The relationship between specific EF constructs and leadership effectiveness emphasizes the role of higher-order cognitive functions in the field of leadership as an individual difference. EF brings a new perspective into leadership literature by providing a direct, non-invasive, scientifically-valid connection between brain function and leadership behavior.Keywords: cognitive neuroscience, emotional intelligence, executive functions, leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 16013660 Effect of Synthesis Method on Structural, Morphological Properties of Zr0.8Y0.2-xLax Oxides (x=0, 0.1, 0.2)
Authors: Abdelaziz Ghrib, Samir Hattali, Mouloud Ghrib, Mohamed Lamine Aouissia, David Ruch
In the present study, the solid solutions with a chemical composition of Zr0.8Y0.2-xLaxO2 (x=0, 0.1, 0.2) were synthesized via two routes, by hydrothermal method using NaOH as precipitating agent at 230°C for 15h and by the sol–gel process using citric acid as complexing agent. Compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Thermo gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) techniques for appropriate characterization of the distinct thermal events occurring during synthesis. All the compounds crystallize in cubic fluorite structure, as indicated by X-ray diffraction studie. The microstructure of oxides synthesized by sol-gel showed porosity that increased with the lanthanum La3+ contents compared to hydrothermal method which gives a single crystal oxide.Keywords: oxide, hydrothermal, rare earth, solubility, sol-gel, ternary mixture
Procedia PDF Downloads 64413659 Natural Frequency Analysis of Spinning Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Thermal Loads
Authors: Esmaeil Bahmyari
The natural frequency analysis of the functionally graded (FG) rotating cylindrical shells subjected to thermal loads is studied based on the three-dimensional elasticity theory. The temperature-dependent assumption of the material properties is graded in the thickness direction, which varies based on the simple power law distribution. The governing equations and the appropriate boundary conditions, which include the effects of initial thermal stresses, are derived employing Hamilton’s principle. The initial thermo-mechanical stresses are obtained by the thermo-elastic equilibrium equation’s solution. As an efficient and accurate numerical tool, the differential quadrature method (DQM) is adopted to solve the thermo-elastic equilibrium equations, free vibration equations and natural frequencies are obtained. The high accuracy of the method is demonstrated by comparison studies with those existing solutions in the literature. Ultimately, the parametric studies are performed to demonstrate the effects of boundary conditions, temperature rise, material graded index, the thickness-to-length and the aspect ratios for the rotating cylindrical shells on the natural frequency.Keywords: free vibration, DQM, elasticity theory, FG shell, rotating cylindrical shell
Procedia PDF Downloads 8613658 Forster Energy Transfer and Optoelectronic Properties of (PFO/TiO2)/Fluorol 7GA Hybrid Thin Films
Authors: Bandar Ali Al-Asbahi, Mohammad Hafizuddin Haji Jumali
Forster energy transfer between poly (9,9'-di-n-octylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) (PFO)/TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) as a donor and Fluorol 7GA as an acceptor has been studied. The energy transfer parameters were calculated by using mathematical models. The dominant mechanism responsible for the energy transfer between the donor and acceptor molecules was Forster-type, as evidenced by large values of quenching rate constant, energy transfer rate constant and critical distance of energy transfer. Moreover, these composites which were used as an emissive layer in organic light emitting diodes, were investigated in terms of current density–voltage and electroluminescence spectra.Keywords: energy transfer parameters, forster-type, electroluminescence, organic light emitting diodes
Procedia PDF Downloads 42813657 The Agency of Award Systems in Architecture: The Case of Cyprus
Authors: Christakis Chatzichristou, Elias Kranos
Architectural awards, especially if they are given by the state, recognize excellence in the field and, at the same time, strongly contribute to the making of the architectural culture of a place. The present research looks at the houses that have been awarded through such a system in Cyprus in order to discuss the values promoted, directly or not, by such a setup which is quite similar to other prestigious award systems such as the Mies van de Rohe Prize in Europe. In fact, many of the projects signed out through the state award system end up being selected to represent the country for the European awards. The residential architecture encouraged by such systems is quite interesting in that the most public of institutions influence how the most private unit of society is architecturally accommodated. The methodology uses both qualitative as well as quantitative research tools in order to analyze: the official state call for entries to the competition; the final report of the evaluation committee; the spatial characteristics of the houses through the Space Syntax methodology; the statements of the architects regarding their intentions and the final outcome; the feelings of the owners and users of the houses regarding the design process as well as the degree of satisfaction regarding the final product. The above-mentioned analyses allow for a more thorough discussion regarding not only the values promoted explicitly by the system through the brief that describes what the evaluation committee is looking for but also the values that are actually being promoted indirectly through the results of the actual evaluation itself. The findings suggest that: the strong emphasis in brief on bioclimatic design and issues of sustainability weakens significantly, if at all present, in the actual selection process; continuous improvement seems to be fuzzily used as a concept; most of the houses tend to have a similar spatial genotype; most of the houses have similar aesthetic qualities; discrepancies between the proposed lifestyle through the design and the actual use of the spaces do not seem to be acknowledged in the evaluation as an issue; the temporal factor seems to be ignored as the projects are required to be ‘finished projects’ as though the users and their needs do not change through time. The research suggests that, rather than preserving a critical attitude regarding the role of the architect in society, the state award system tends, like any other non-reflective social organism, to simply promote its own unexamined values as well as prejudices. This is perhaps more evident in the shared aesthetic character of the awarded houses and less so in the hidden spatial genotype to which they belong. If the design of houses is indeed a great opportunity for architecture to contribute in a more deliberate manner to the evolution of society, then what the present study shows is that this opportunity seems to be largely missed. The findings may serve better less as a verdict and more as a chance for introspection and discussion.Keywords: award systems, houses, spatial genotype, aesthetic qualities
Procedia PDF Downloads 7113656 Stochastic Modelling for Mixed Mode Fatigue Delamination Growth of Wind Turbine Composite Blades
Authors: Chi Zhang, Hua-Peng Chen
With the increasingly demanding resources in the word, renewable and clean energy has been considered as an alternative way to replace traditional ones. Thus, one of practical examples for using wind energy is wind turbine, which has gained more attentions in recent research. Like most offshore structures, the blades, which is the most critical components of the wind turbine, will be subjected to millions of loading cycles during service life. To operate safely in marine environments, the blades are typically made from fibre reinforced composite materials to resist fatigue delamination and harsh environment. The fatigue crack development of blades is uncertain because of indeterminate mechanical properties for composite and uncertainties under offshore environment like wave loads, wind loads, and humid environments. There are three main delamination failure modes for composite blades, and the most common failure type in practices is subjected to mixed mode loading, typically a range of opening (mode 1) and shear (mode 2). However, the fatigue crack development for mixed mode cannot be predicted as deterministic values because of various uncertainties in realistic practical situation. Therefore, selecting an effective stochastic model to evaluate the mixed mode behaviour of wind turbine blades is a critical issue. In previous studies, gamma process has been considered as an appropriate stochastic approach, which simulates the stochastic deterioration process to proceed in one direction such as realistic situation for fatigue damage failure of wind turbine blades. On the basis of existing studies, various Paris Law equations are discussed to simulate the propagation of the fatigue crack growth. This paper develops a Paris model with the stochastic deterioration modelling according to gamma process for predicting fatigue crack performance in design service life. A numerical example of wind turbine composite materials is investigated to predict the mixed mode crack depth by Paris law and the probability of fatigue failure by gamma process. The probability of failure curves under different situations are obtained from the stochastic deterioration model for comparisons. Compared with the results from experiments, the gamma process can take the uncertain values into consideration for crack propagation of mixed mode, and the stochastic deterioration process shows a better agree well with realistic crack process for composite blades. Finally, according to the predicted results from gamma stochastic model, assessment strategies for composite blades are developed to reduce total lifecycle costs and increase resistance for fatigue crack growth.Keywords: Reinforced fibre composite, Wind turbine blades, Fatigue delamination, Mixed failure mode, Stochastic process.
Procedia PDF Downloads 41313655 A Multiobjective Damping Function for Coordinated Control of Power System Stabilizer and Power Oscillation Damping
Authors: Jose D. Herrera, Mario A. Rios
This paper deals with the coordinated tuning of the Power System Stabilizer (PSS) controller and Power Oscillation Damping (POD) Controller of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) in a multi-machine power systems. The coordinated tuning is based on the critical eigenvalues of the power system and a model reduction technique where the Hankel Singular Value method is applied. Through the linearized system model and the parameter-constrained nonlinear optimization algorithm, it can compute the parameters of both controllers. Moreover, the parameters are optimized simultaneously obtaining the gains of both controllers. Then, the nonlinear simulation to observe the time response of the controller is performed.Keywords: electromechanical oscillations, power system stabilizers, power oscillation damping, hankel singular values
Procedia PDF Downloads 59213654 Inclined Convective Instability in a Porous Layer Saturated with Non-Newtonian Fluid
Authors: Rashmi Dubey
The study aims at investigating the onset of thermal convection in an inclined porous layer saturated with a non-Newtonian fluid. The layer is infinitely extended and has a finite width confined between two boundaries with constant pressure conditions, where the lower one is maintained at a higher temperature. Over the years, this area of research has attracted many scientists and researchers, for it has a plethora of applications in the fields of sciences and engineering, such as in civil engineering, geothermal sites, petroleum industries, etc.Considering the possibilities in a practical scenario, an inclined porous layer is considered, which can be used to develop a generalized model applicable to any inclination. Using the isobaric boundaries, the hydrodynamic boundary conditions are derived for the power-law model and are used to obtain the basic state flow. The convection in the basic state flow is driven by the thermal buoyancy in the flow system and is carried away further due to hydrodynamic boundaries. A linear stability analysis followed by a normal-mode analysis is done to investigate the onset of convection in the buoyancy-driven flow. The analysis shows that the convective instability is always initiated by the non-traveling modes for the Newtonian fluid, but prevails in the form of oscillatory modes, for up to a certain inclination of the porous layer. However, different behavior is observed for the dilatant and pseudoplastic fluids.Keywords: thermal convection, linear stability, porous media flow, Inclined porous layer
Procedia PDF Downloads 12413653 Concrete Cracking Simulation Using Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method
Authors: R. Z. Wang, B. C. Lin, C. H. Huang
This study proposes a new method to simulate the crack propagation under mode-I loading using Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element (VFIFE) method. A new idea which is expected to combine both VFIFE and J-integral is proposed to calculate the stress density factor as the crack critical in elastic crack. The procedure of implement the cohesive crack propagation in VFIFE based on the fictitious crack model is also proposed. In VFIFIE, the structure deformation is described by numbers of particles instead of elements. The strain energy density and the derivatives of the displacement vector of every particle is introduced to calculate the J-integral as the integral path is discrete by particles. The particle on the crack tip separated into two particles once the stress on the crack tip satisfied with the crack critical and then the crack tip propagates to the next particle. The internal force and the cohesive force is applied to the particles.Keywords: VFIFE, crack propagation, fictitious crack model, crack critical
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