Search results for: relaxation training
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Search results for: relaxation training

2833 Exploring the Knowledge from the Public on Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) in Ghana

Authors: Abubakar-Zagoon Adams, Emmanuel Intsiful, Haruna Zagoon-Sayeed


Within the Ghanaian context, the promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has been faced with many obstacles which are of great concern to national development. One of the obstacles that have been identified as having some negative impact on TVET promotion is the poor public perception of TVET. Poor public perception, as identified in the sub-sectors report in a number of Ghana Education Service reports, has received little attention in both research and the government’s effort to address the poor performance of the TVET sub-sector. This study investigated TVET stakeholders in the Ayawaso-West Municipality in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana to ascertain knowledge of technical and vocational education in Ghana. This study explored parents’ and students’ views and knowledge about technical and vocational education. The study adopted an exploratory research design and a qualitative research approach. Thirty-six (36) participants were selected by employing a purposive sampling technique. Twelve (ten parents and two school personnel) out of the total sample were engaged in key informant interviews, whereas three focus group discussions were conducted with students, eight in each group. The study found that the public has fair knowledge (positive) about TVET, and the other side of the coin knows that TVET is only meant for school dropouts, underprivileged students, and weak academic students. The study recommended that the government should intensify public education on TVET, deliberate investment should be made in TVET infrastructure, as well as proper regulation of the sub-sector.

Keywords: public perception, TVET promotion, socioeconomic, self-employment

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2832 We Have Never Seen a Dermatologist. Prisons Telederma Project Reaching the Unreachable Through Teledermatology

Authors: Innocent Atuhe, Babra Nalwadda, Grace Mulyowa, Annabella Habinka Ejiri


Background: Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is one of the most prevalent and growing chronic inflammatory skin diseases in African prisons. AD care is limited in African due to a lack of information about the disease amongst primary care workers, limited access to dermatologists, lack of proper training of healthcare workers, and shortage of appropriate treatments. We designed and implemented the Prisons Telederma project based on the recommendations of the International Society of Atopic Dermatitis. We aimed at; i) increase awareness and understanding of teledermatology among prison health workers and ii) improve treatment outcomes of prisoners with atopic dermatitis through increased access to and utilization of consultant dermatologists through teledermatology in Uganda prisons. Approach: We used Store-and-forward Teledermatology (SAF-TD) to increase access to dermatologist-led care for prisoners and prison staff with AD. We conducted five days of training for prison health workers using an adapted WHO training guide on recognizing neglected tropical diseases through changes on the skin together with an adapted American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Childhood AD Basic Dermatology Curriculum designed to help trainees develop a clinical approach to the evaluation and initial management of patients with AD. This training was followed by blended e-learning, webinars facilitated by consultant Dermatologists with local knowledge of medication and local practices, apps adjusted for pigmented skin, WhatsApp group discussions, and sharing pigmented skin AD pictures and treatment via zoom meetings. We hired a team of Ugandan Senior Consultant dermatologists to draft an iconographic atlas of the main dermatoses in pigmented African skin and shared this atlas with prison health staff for use as a job aid. We had planned to use MySkinSelfie mobile phone application to take and share skin pictures of prisoners with AD with Consultant Dermatologists, who would review the pictures and prescribe appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, the National Health Service withdrew the app from the market due to technical issues. We monitored and evaluated treatment outcomes using the Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) tool. We held four advocacy meetings to persuade relevant stakeholders to increase supplies and availability of first-line AD treatments such as emollients in prison health facilities. Results: We have the very first iconographic atlas of the main dermatoses in pigmented African skin. We increased; i) the proportion of prison health staff with adequate knowledge of AD and teledermatology from 20% to 80%; ii) the proportion of prisoners with AD reporting improvement in disease severity (POEM scores) from 25% to 35% in one year; iii) increased proportion of prisoners with AD seen by consultant dermatologist through teledermatology from 0% to 20% in one year and iv)Increased the availability of AD recommended treatments in prisons health facilities from 5% to 10% in one year. Our study contributes to the use, evaluation, and verification of the use of teledermatology to increase access to specialist dermatology services to the most hard to reach areas and vulnerable populations such as that of prisoners.

Keywords: teledermatology, prisoners, reaching, un-reachable

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2831 The Research of the Relationship between Triathlon Competition Results with Physical Fitness Performance

Authors: Chen Chan Wei


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of swim 1500m, 10000m run, VO2 max, and body fat on Olympic distance triathlon competition performance. The subjects were thirteen college triathletes with endurance training, with an average age, height and weight of 20.61±1.04 years (mean ± SD), 171.76±8.54 cm and 65.32±8.14 kg respectively. All subjects were required to take the tests of swim 1500m, run 10000m, VO2 max, body fat, and participate in the Olympic distance triathlon competition. First, the swim 1500m test was taken in the standardized 50m pool, with a depth of 2m, and the 10000m run test on the standardized 400m track. After three days, VO2 max was tested with the MetaMax 3B and body fat was measured with the DEXA machine. After two weeks, all 13 subjects joined the Olympic distance triathlon competition at the 2016 New Taipei City Asian Cup. The relationships between swim 1500m, 10000m run, VO2 max, body fat test, and Olympic distance triathlon competition performance were evaluated using Pearson's product-moment correlation. The results show that 10000m run and body fat had a significant positive correlation with Olympic distance triathlon performance (r=.830, .768), but VO2 max has a significant negative correlation with Olympic distance triathlon performance (r=-.735). In conclusion, for improved non-draft Olympic distance triathlon performance, triathletes should focus on running than swimming training and can be measure VO2 max to prediction triathlon performance. Also, managing body fat can improve Olympic distance triathlon performance. In addition, swimming performance was not significantly correlated to Olympic distance triathlon performance, possibly because the 2016 New Taipei City Asian Cup age group was not a drafting competition. The swimming race is the shortest component of Olympic distance triathlons. Therefore, in a non-draft competition, swimming ability is not significantly correlated with overall performance.

Keywords: triathletes, olympic, non-drafting, correlation

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2830 The Effect of a 12 Week Rhythmic Movement Intervention on Selected Biomotor Abilities on Academy Rugby Players

Authors: Jocelyn Solomons, Kraak


Rhythmic movement, also referred to as “dance”, involves the execution of different motor skills as well as the integration and sequencing of actions between limbs, timing and spatial precision. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate and compare the effect of a 16-week rhythmic movement intervention on flexibility, dynamic balance, agility, power and local muscular endurance of academy rugby players in the Western Cape, according to positional groups. Players (N ¼ 54) (age 18.66 0.81 years; height 1.76 0.69 cm; weight 76.77 10.69 kg), were randomly divided into a treatment-control [TCA] (n ¼ 28) and a control-treatment [CTB] (n ¼ 26) group. In this crossover experimental design, the interaction effect of the treatment order and the treatment time between the TCA and CTB group, was determined. Results indicated a statistically significant improvement (p < 0.05) in agility2 (p ¼ 0.06), power2 (p ¼ 0.05), local muscular endurance1 (p ¼ 0.01) & 3 (p ¼ 0.01) and dynamic balance (p < 0.01). Likewise, forwards and backs also showed statistically significant improvements (p < 0.05) per positional groups. Therefore, a rhythmic movement intervention has the potential to improve rugby-specific bio-motor skills and furthermore, improve positional specific skills should it be designed with positional groups in mind. Future studies should investigate, not only the effect of rhythmic movement on improving specific rugby bio-motor skills, but the potential of its application as an alternative training method during off- season (or detraining phases) or as a recovery method.

Keywords: agility, dance, dynamic balance, flexibility, local muscular endurance, power, training

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2829 Effect of Online Mindfulness Training to Tertiary Students’ Mental Health: An Experimental Research

Authors: Abigaile Rose Mary R. Capay, Janne Ly Castillon-Gilpo, Sheila A. Javier


The transition to online learning has been a challenging feat on the mental health of tertiary students. This study investigated whether learning mindfulness strategies online would help in improving students’ imagination, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and emotional stability, as measured by the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) Big Five Factor Markers, as well as their dispositional mindfulness as measured by the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Fifty-two college students participated in the experiment. The 23 participants assigned to the treatment condition received 6-weekly experiential sessions of online mindfulness training and were advised to follow a daily mindfulness practice, while the 29 participants from the control group only received a 1-hour lecture. Scores were collected at pretest and posttest. Findings show that there was a significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of students assigned in the treatment group, likewise medium effect sizes in the variables: dispositional mindfulness (t (22) = 2.64, p = 0.015, d = .550), extraversion (t (22) = 2.76, p = 0.011, d = 0.575), emotional stability (t (22) = 2.99, p = 0.007, d = .624), conscientiousness (t (22) = 2.74, p = 0.012, d = .572) and imagination (t (22) = 4.08, p < .001), but not for agreeableness (t (22) = 2.01, p = 0.057, d = .419). No significant differences were observed on the scores of the control group. Educational institutions are recommended to consider teaching basic mindfulness strategies to tertiary students, as a valuable resource in improving their mental health as they navigate through adjustments in online learning.

Keywords: mindfulness, school-based interventions, MAAS, IPIP Big Five Markers, experiment

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2828 Spectrogram Pre-Processing to Improve Isotopic Identification to Discriminate Gamma and Neutrons Sources

Authors: Mustafa Alhamdi


Industrial application to classify gamma rays and neutron events is investigated in this study using deep machine learning. The identification using a convolutional neural network and recursive neural network showed a significant improvement in predication accuracy in a variety of applications. The ability to identify the isotope type and activity from spectral information depends on feature extraction methods, followed by classification. The features extracted from the spectrum profiles try to find patterns and relationships to present the actual spectrum energy in low dimensional space. Increasing the level of separation between classes in feature space improves the possibility to enhance classification accuracy. The nonlinear nature to extract features by neural network contains a variety of transformation and mathematical optimization, while principal component analysis depends on linear transformations to extract features and subsequently improve the classification accuracy. In this paper, the isotope spectrum information has been preprocessed by finding the frequencies components relative to time and using them as a training dataset. Fourier transform implementation to extract frequencies component has been optimized by a suitable windowing function. Training and validation samples of different isotope profiles interacted with CdTe crystal have been simulated using Geant4. The readout electronic noise has been simulated by optimizing the mean and variance of normal distribution. Ensemble learning by combing voting of many models managed to improve the classification accuracy of neural networks. The ability to discriminate gamma and neutron events in a single predication approach using deep machine learning has shown high accuracy using deep learning. The paper findings show the ability to improve the classification accuracy by applying the spectrogram preprocessing stage to the gamma and neutron spectrums of different isotopes. Tuning deep machine learning models by hyperparameter optimization of neural network models enhanced the separation in the latent space and provided the ability to extend the number of detected isotopes in the training database. Ensemble learning contributed significantly to improve the final prediction.

Keywords: machine learning, nuclear physics, Monte Carlo simulation, noise estimation, feature extraction, classification

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2827 Transferring Cultural Meanings: A Case of Translation Classroom

Authors: Ramune Kasperaviciene, Jurgita Motiejuniene, Dalia Venckiene


Familiarising students with strategies for transferring cultural meanings (intertextual units, culture-specific idioms, culture-specific items, etc.) should be part of a comprehensive translator training programme. The present paper focuses on strategies for transferring such meanings into other languages and explores possibilities for introducing these methods and practice to translation students. The authors (university translation teachers) analyse the means of transferring cultural meanings from English into Lithuanian in a specific travel book, attribute these means to theoretically grounded strategies, and make calculations related to the frequency of adoption of specific strategies; translation students are familiarised with concepts and methods related to transferring cultural meanings and asked to put their theoretical knowledge into practice, i.e. interpret and translate certain culture-specific items from the same source text, and ground their decisions on theory; the comparison of the strategies employed by the professional translator of the source text (as identified by the authors of this study) and by the students is made. As a result, both students and teachers gain valuable experience, and new practices of conducting translation classes for a specific purpose evolve. Conclusions highlight the differences and similarities of non-professional and professional choices, summarise the possibilities for introducing methods of transferring cultural meanings to students, and round up with specific considerations of the impact of theoretical knowledge and the degree of experience on decisions made in the translation process.

Keywords: cultural meanings, culture-specific items, strategies for transferring cultural meanings, translator training

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2826 The Effect of Mechanical Stress on the Magnetic Structure and Properties of Ferromagnetic Microwires in Glass Insulation

Authors: N. N. Orlova, A. S. Aronin, Yu. P. Kabanov, S. I. Bozhko, V. S. Gornakov


We have investigated the change of the magnetic structure and the hysteresis properties of iron-based microwires after decreasing levels of internal mechanical stresses. The magnetic structure was investigated by the method of magneto-optical indicator film and the method of magnetic force microscopy. The hysteresis properties were studied by the vibrating sample magnetometer. The stresses were decreased by removing the glass coat and/or by low-temperature isothermal annealing. Previously, the authors carried out experimentally investigation of the magnetic structure of Fe-based microwire using these methods. According to the obtained results the domain structure of a microwire with a positive magnetostriction is composed of the inner cylindrical domains with the magnetization along the wire axis and the surface layer of the ring shape domains with the radial direction of magnetization. Surface ring domains with opposite magnetization direction (i.e., to the axis or from the axis) alternate with each other. For the first time the size of magnetic domains was determined experimentally. In this study it was found that in the iron-based microwires the value of the coercive force can be reduce more than twice by decreasing levels of internal mechanical stresses. Decrease of the internal stress value by the relaxation annealing influence on the magnetic structure. So in the as-prepared microwires observed local deviations of the magnetization of the magnetic core domains from the axis of the wire. After low-temperature annealing the local deviations of magnetization is not observed.

Keywords: amorphous microwire, magnetic structure, internal stress, hysteresis properties, ferromagnetic

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2825 Cultural Self-Efficacy of Child Protection Social Workers in Norway: Barriers and Opportunities in Working with Migrant Families

Authors: Justyna Mroczkowska


Social worker's ability to provide culturally sensitive assistance in child protection is taken for granted; given limited training opportunities and lack of clear guidance, practitioners report working with migrant families more demanding in comparison to working with native families. In this study, the author developed and factor analyzed the Norwegian Cultural Self-Efficacy Scale to describe the level of cultural capability among Norwegian child protection professionals. The study aimed to determine the main influencing factors to cultural efficacy and examine the relationship between self-efficacy and perceived difficulty in working with migrant families. The scale was administered to child protection workers in Norway (N=251), and the reliability of the scale measured by Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .904. The confirmatory factor analysis of social work cultural self-efficacy found support for four separate but correlated subscales: Assessment, Communication, Support Request, and Teamwork. Regression analyses found the experience in working with migrant families, training and support from external agencies, and colleague support to be significant predictors of cultural self-efficacy. Self-efficacy in assessment skills and self-efficacy in communication skills were moderately related to the perceived difficulty to work with migrant families. The findings conclude with previous research and highlight the need for both professional development programs and institutional resources to be provided to support the practitioner's preparation for multicultural practice in child protection.

Keywords: child protection, cultural self-efficacy, cultural competency, migration, resources

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2824 How Best Mentors mentor: A Metadiscursive Study of Mentoring Styles in Teacher Education

Authors: Cissy Li


Mentorship is a commonly used strategy for career development that has obvious benefits for students in undergraduate pre-service teacher training programs. In contrast to teaching practicum, which generally involves pedagogical supervision and performance evaluation by teachers, mentorship is more focused on sharing experiences, supporting challenges, and nurturing skills in order to promote personal and professional growth. To empower pre-service teachers and prepare them for potential challenges in the context of local English language teaching (ELT), an alumni mentoring program was established in the framework of communities of practice (CoP), with the mentors being in-service graduates working in local schools and mentees being students on the teacher-training programme in a Hong Kong university. By triangulating audio transcripts of mentoring sessions delivered by three top mentors with data from questionnaire responses and mentor logs, this paper examines the mentoring styles of the three best mentors from the metadiscursive perspective. It was found that, in a community of practice, mentors who may seem to enjoy a relative more dominant position, in fact, had to strategically and pragmatically employ metadiscursive resources to manage relationships with the mentees and organize talks in the mentoring process. Other attributing factors for a successful mentoring session include mentor personality and prior mentorship experiences, nature of the activities in the session, and group dynamics. This paper concludes that it is the combination of all the factors that constitute a particular mentoring style. The findings have implications for mentoring programs in teacher preparation.

Keywords: mentoring, teacher education, mentoring style, metadiscourse

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2823 Classification for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Based on Random Forest

Authors: Cheng-Yu Tsai, Wen-Te Liu, Shin-Mei Hsu, Yin-Tzu Lin, Chi Wu


Background: Obstructive Sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a common respiratory disorder during sleep. In addition, Body parameters were identified high predictive importance for OSAS severity. However, the effects of body parameters on OSAS severity remain unclear. Objective: In this study, the objective is to establish a prediction model for OSAS by using body parameters and investigate the effects of body parameters in OSAS. Methodologies: Severity was quantified as the polysomnography and the mean hourly number of greater than 3% dips in oxygen saturation during examination in a hospital in New Taipei City (Taiwan). Four levels of OSAS severity were classified by the apnea and hypopnea index (AHI) with American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) guideline. Body parameters, including neck circumference, waist size, and body mass index (BMI) were obtained from questionnaire. Next, dividing the collecting subjects into two groups: training and testing groups. The training group was used to establish the random forest (RF) to predicting, and test group was used to evaluated the accuracy of classification. Results: There were 3330 subjects recruited in this study, whom had been done polysomnography for evaluating severity for OSAS. A RF of 1000 trees achieved correctly classified 79.94 % of test cases. When further evaluated on the test cohort, RF showed the waist and BMI as the high import factors in OSAS. Conclusion It is possible to provide patient with prescreening by body parameters which can pre-evaluate the health risks.

Keywords: apnea and hypopnea index, Body parameters, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, Random Forest

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2822 Radiomics: Approach to Enable Early Diagnosis of Non-Specific Breast Nodules in Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Authors: N. D'Amico, E. Grossi, B. Colombo, F. Rigiroli, M. Buscema, D. Fazzini, G. Cornalba, S. Papa


Purpose: To characterize, through a radiomic approach, the nature of nodules considered non-specific by expert radiologists, recognized in magnetic resonance mammography (MRm) with T1-weighted (T1w) sequences with paramagnetic contrast. Material and Methods: 47 cases out of 1200 undergoing MRm, in which the MRm assessment gave uncertain classification (non-specific nodules), were admitted to the study. The clinical outcome of the non-specific nodules was later found through follow-up or further exams (biopsy), finding 35 benign and 12 malignant. All MR Images were acquired at 1.5T, a first basal T1w sequence and then four T1w acquisitions after the paramagnetic contrast injection. After a manual segmentation of the lesions, done by a radiologist, and the extraction of 150 radiomic features (30 features per 5 subsequent times) a machine learning (ML) approach was used. An evolutionary algorithm (TWIST system based on KNN algorithm) was used to subdivide the dataset into training and validation test and to select features yielding the maximal amount of information. After this pre-processing, different machine learning systems were applied to develop a predictive model based on a training-testing crossover procedure. 10 cases with a benign nodule (follow-up older than 5 years) and 18 with an evident malignant tumor (clear malignant histological exam) were added to the dataset in order to allow the ML system to better learn from data. Results: NaiveBayes algorithm working on 79 features selected by a TWIST system, resulted to be the best performing ML system with a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 78% and a global accuracy of 87% (average values of two training-testing procedures ab-ba). The results showed that in the subset of 47 non-specific nodules, the algorithm predicted the outcome of 45 nodules which an expert radiologist could not identify. Conclusion: In this pilot study we identified a radiomic approach allowing ML systems to perform well in the diagnosis of a non-specific nodule at MR mammography. This algorithm could be a great support for the early diagnosis of malignant breast tumor, in the event the radiologist is not able to identify the kind of lesion and reduces the necessity for long follow-up. Clinical Relevance: This machine learning algorithm could be essential to support the radiologist in early diagnosis of non-specific nodules, in order to avoid strenuous follow-up and painful biopsy for the patient.

Keywords: breast, machine learning, MRI, radiomics

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2821 Photophysics and Rotational Relaxation Dynamics of 6-Methoxyquinoline Fluorophore in Cationic Alkyltrimethylammonium Bromide Micelles

Authors: Tej Varma Y, Debi D. Pant


Photophysics and rotational dynamics of the fluorescent probe, 6-methoxyquinoline (6MQ) with cationic surfactant, alkyltrimethylammonium bromide (nTAB) micelle solutions have been investigated (n = 12, 14 and 16). Absorption and emission peaks of the dye have been observed to shift at concentrations around critical micellar concentration (cmc) of nTAB compared to that of bulk solutions suggesting probe is in a lower polar environment. The probe senses changes in polarity (ET (30)) brought about by variation of surfactant chain length concentration and is invariably solubilized in the aqueous interface or palisade layer. The order of change in polarity observed was DTAB > CTAB > TTAB. The binding constant study shows that the probe binds strongest with TTAB (is of the order TTAB > CTAB > DTAB) due to deeper penetration into the micelle. The anisotropy decay for the probe in all the nTAB micelles studied have been rationalized based on a two-step model consisting of fast-restricted rotation of the probe and slow lateral diffusion of the probe in the micelle that is coupled to the overall rotation of the micelle. Fluorescence lifetime measurements of probe in the cationic micelles demonstrate the close proximity of the 6MQ to the Br - counterions. The fluorescence lifetimes of TTAB and DTAB are much shorter than in CTAB. These results indicate that 6MQ resides to a substantial degree in the head group region of the micelles. All the changes observed in the steady state fluorescence, microenvironment, fluorescence lifetimes, fluorescence anisotropy, and other calculations are in agreement with each other suggesting binding of the cationic surfactant with the neutral dye molecule.

Keywords: photophysics, chain length, ntaB, micelles

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2820 A New Multi-Target, Multi-Agent Search and Rescue Path Planning Approach

Authors: Jean Berger, Nassirou Lo, Martin Noel


Perfectly suited for natural or man-made emergency and disaster management situations such as flood, earthquakes, tornadoes, or tsunami, multi-target search path planning for a team of rescue agents is known to be computationally hard, and most techniques developed so far come short to successfully estimate optimality gap. A novel mixed-integer linear programming (MIP) formulation is proposed to optimally solve the multi-target multi-agent discrete search and rescue (SAR) path planning problem. Aimed at maximizing cumulative probability of successful target detection, it captures anticipated feedback information associated with possible observation outcomes resulting from projected path execution, while modeling agent discrete actions over all possible moving directions. Problem modeling further takes advantage of network representation to encompass decision variables, expedite compact constraint specification, and lead to substantial problem-solving speed-up. The proposed MIP approach uses CPLEX optimization machinery, efficiently computing near-optimal solutions for practical size problems, while giving a robust upper bound obtained from Lagrangean integrality constraint relaxation. Should eventually a target be positively detected during plan execution, a new problem instance would simply be reformulated from the current state, and then solved over the next decision cycle. A computational experiment shows the feasibility and the value of the proposed approach.

Keywords: search path planning, search and rescue, multi-agent, mixed-integer linear programming, optimization

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2819 'iTheory': Mobile Way to Music Fundamentals

Authors: Marina Karaseva


The beginning of our century became a new digital epoch in the educational situation. Last decade the newest stage of this process had been initialized by the touch-screen mobile devices with program applications for them. The touch possibilities for learning fundamentals of music are of especially importance for music majors. The phenomenon of touching, firstly, makes it realistic to play on the screen as on music instrument, secondly, helps students to learn music theory while listening in its sound elements by music ear. Nowadays we can detect several levels of such mobile applications: from the basic ones devoting to the elementary music training such as intervals and chords recognition, to the more advanced applications which deal with music perception of non-major and minor modes, ethnic timbres, and complicated rhythms. The main purpose of the proposed paper is to disclose the main tendencies in this process and to demonstrate the most innovative features of music theory applications on the base of iOS and Android systems as the most common used. Methodological recommendations how to use these digital material musicologically will be done for the professional music education of different levels. These recommendations are based on more than ten year ‘iTheory’ teaching experience of the author. In this paper, we try to logically classify all types of ‘iTheory’mobile applications into several groups, according to their methodological goals. General concepts given below will be demonstrated in concrete examples. The most numerous group of programs is formed with simulators for studying notes with audio-visual links. There are link-pair types as follows: sound — musical notation which may be used as flashcards for studying words and letters, sound — key, sound — string (basically, guitar’s). The second large group of programs is programs-tests containing a game component. As a rule, their basis is made with exercises on ear identification and reconstruction by voice: sounds and intervals on their sounding — harmonical and melodical, music modes, rhythmic patterns, chords, selected instrumental timbres. Some programs are aimed at an establishment of acoustical communications between concepts of the musical theory and their musical embodiments. There are also programs focused on progress of operative musical memory (with repeating of sounding phrases and their transposing in a new pitch), as well as on perfect pitch training In addition a number of programs improvisation skills have been developed. An absolute pitch-system of solmisation is a common base for mobile programs. However, it is possible to find also the programs focused on the relative pitch system of solfegе. In App Store and Google Play Market online store there are also many free programs-simulators of musical instruments — piano, guitars, celesta, violin, organ. These programs may be effective for individual and group exercises in ear training or composition classes. Great variety and good sound quality of these programs give now a unique opportunity to musicians to master their music abilities in a shorter time. That is why such teaching material may be a way to effective study of music theory.

Keywords: ear training, innovation in music education, music theory, mobile devices

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2818 Environmental Users’ Perceptions on Tourism in the Grangettes Nature Reserve, Switzerland

Authors: Ralph Lugon, Randolf Ramseyer


The beauty and quality of the natural heritage can be appreciated in different ways by different users, but the delicate balance of the environment in a nature reserve must be respected. The case of the territorial anchorage of the Grangettes natural reserve gives an interesting insight into the users' perception of the environmental constraints and standards of tourist activities. The nature reserve was once conceived as a sanctuary of natural heritage, a place where flora and fauna could flourish with minimal human interference. However, over time and with the transition to modernity, the values and meanings of the reserve have changed for visitors and the people living in the surrounding area. Today, The Grangettes nature reserve is a place of relaxation for urban dwellers with limited knowledge of nature and a lack of awareness of conservation issues. As a result, the reserve is now threatened by the negative impacts of human activities and mass tourism on its environment. Les Grangettes is a nature reserve that faces the challenge of preserving biodiversity while managing tourist flows. Ways must be found to accommodate new types of visitors from towns and cities who are looking for new activities, quality services and facilities, as well as aesthetic inspiration. To ensure the long-term conservation of the area, the flow of tourists must be carefully controlled. Through a dual qualitative-quantitative approach in 2021-22, this paper explores new visitor trends, changes in the reserve, and potential consequences for other stakeholders in the ecosystem. The purpose of this research is to assess users' perceptions of environmental constraints and standards on tourist activities in a nature reserve.

Keywords: outdoor recreation, nature-based tourism, over tourism, protected area, user's perceptions

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2817 Competence on Learning Delivery Modes and Performance of Physical Education Teachers in Senior High Schools in Davao

Authors: Juvanie C. Lapesigue


Worldwide school closures result from a significant public health crisis that has affected the nation and the entire world. It has affected students, educators, educational organizations globally, and many other aspects of society. Academic institutions worldwide teach students using diverse approaches of various learning delivery modes. This paper investigates the competence and performance of physical education teachers using various learning delivery modes, including Distance learning, Blended Learning, and Homeschooling during online distance education. To identify the Gap between their age generation using various learning delivery that affects teachers' preparation for distance learning and evaluates how these modalities impact teachers’ competence and performance in the case of a pandemic. The respondents were the Senior High School teachers of the Department of Education who taught in Davao City before and during the pandemic. Purposive sampling was utilized on 61 Senior High School Teachers in Davao City Philippines. The result indicated that teaching performance based on pedagogy and assessment has significantly affected teaching performance in teaching physical education, particularly those Non-PE teachers teaching physical education subjects. It should be supplied with enhancement training workshops to help them be more successful in preparation in terms of teaching pedagogy and assessment in the following norm. Hence, a proposed unique training design for non-P.E. Teachers has been created to improve the teachers’ performance in terms of pedagogy and assessment in teaching P.E subjects in various learning delivery modes in the next normal.

Keywords: distance learning, learning delivery modes, P.E teachers, senior high school, teaching competence, teaching performance

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2816 The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Pain Relief in the Elderly: An Investigational Analysis of Seniors Residing in an Independent/Assisted Seniors’ Living Facility

Authors: Carol Cameletti


The goal of this study was to perform a pilot survey to assess pain frequency and intensity in an elderly population and to assess treatment options for chronic pain that include complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). Ten participants were recruited from an independent and supportive living housing facility in Northern Ontario and asked to complete two questionnaires: 1) a self-assessment on pain, and 2) the use of CAM for pain. Results from our study show that 80% of the participants experienced pains other than the regular everyday pains such as minor headaches, sprains or toothaches. Although participants stated that on average the highest level of pain they experienced within the past 24 hours had a score of 6.5 (0=no pain, 10=worst pain imaginable) the level of pain they experienced moderately interfered with their daily activities. Unfortunately, participants stated that they were only able to attain minimal levels of pain relief using treatments or medications causing some of the participants to seek alternative therapies or self-help practices. The most commonly used CAMs were vitamins/minerals, herbs and supplements, and self-help practices such as meditation, prayer, visualization and relaxation techniques. Although some of the participants stated that they had received complementary treatments directly from their physician, four of the nine participants said that they had not disclosed CAM use to their physician thereby indicating a need to open the lines of communication between healthcare providers and patients with regards to CAM use. It is our hope that the data generated from this study will serve as the platform for a pain management clinic that is client-centered, consumer-driven and truly integrative and tailored in order to meet the unique needs of older adults in Great Sudbury, Ontario.

Keywords: alternative, complementary, elderly, medicine

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2815 Transformer Fault Diagnostic Predicting Model Using Support Vector Machine with Gradient Decent Optimization

Authors: R. O. Osaseri, A. R. Usiobaifo


The power transformer which is responsible for the voltage transformation is of great relevance in the power system and oil-immerse transformer is widely used all over the world. A prompt and proper maintenance of the transformer is of utmost importance. The dissolved gasses content in power transformer, oil is of enormous importance in detecting incipient fault of the transformer. There is a need for accurate prediction of the incipient fault in transformer oil in order to facilitate the prompt maintenance and reducing the cost and error minimization. Study on fault prediction and diagnostic has been the center of many researchers and many previous works have been reported on the use of artificial intelligence to predict incipient failure of transformer faults. In this study machine learning technique was employed by using gradient decent algorithms and Support Vector Machine (SVM) in predicting incipient fault diagnosis of transformer. The method focuses on creating a system that improves its performance on previous result and historical data. The system design approach is basically in two phases; training and testing phase. The gradient decent algorithm is trained with a training dataset while the learned algorithm is applied to a set of new data. This two dataset is used to prove the accuracy of the proposed model. In this study a transformer fault diagnostic model based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) and gradient decent algorithms has been presented with a satisfactory diagnostic capability with high percentage in predicting incipient failure of transformer faults than existing diagnostic methods.

Keywords: diagnostic model, gradient decent, machine learning, support vector machine (SVM), transformer fault

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2814 Count of Trees in East Africa with Deep Learning

Authors: Nubwimana Rachel, Mugabowindekwe Maurice


Trees play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and providing various ecological services. Traditional methods of counting trees are time-consuming, and there is a need for more efficient techniques. However, deep learning makes it feasible to identify the multi-scale elements hidden in aerial imagery. This research focuses on the application of deep learning techniques for tree detection and counting in both forest and non-forest areas through the exploration of the deep learning application for automated tree detection and counting using satellite imagery. The objective is to identify the most effective model for automated tree counting. We used different deep learning models such as YOLOV7, SSD, and UNET, along with Generative Adversarial Networks to generate synthetic samples for training and other augmentation techniques, including Random Resized Crop, AutoAugment, and Linear Contrast Enhancement. These models were trained and fine-tuned using satellite imagery to identify and count trees. The performance of the models was assessed through multiple trials; after training and fine-tuning the models, UNET demonstrated the best performance with a validation loss of 0.1211, validation accuracy of 0.9509, and validation precision of 0.9799. This research showcases the success of deep learning in accurate tree counting through remote sensing, particularly with the UNET model. It represents a significant contribution to the field by offering an efficient and precise alternative to conventional tree-counting methods.

Keywords: remote sensing, deep learning, tree counting, image segmentation, object detection, visualization

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2813 Electron-Ion Recombination for Photoionized and Collisionally Ionized Plasmas

Authors: Shahin A. Abdel-Naby, Asad T. Hassan


Astrophysical plasma environments can be classified into collisionally ionized (CP) and photoionizedplasmas (PP). In the PP, ionization is caused by an external radiation field, while it is caused by electron collision in the CP. Accurate and reliable laboratory astrophysical data for electron-ion recombination is needed for plasma modeling for low and high-temperatures. Dielectronic recombination (DR) is the dominant recombination process for the CP for most of the ions. When a free electron is captured by an ion with simultaneous excitation of its core, a doubly-exited intermediate state may be formed. The doubly excited state relaxes either by electron emission (autoionization) or by radiative decay (photon emission). DR process takes place when the relaxation occurs to a bound state by a photon emission. DR calculations at low-temperatures are problematic and challenging since small uncertaintiesin the low-energy DR resonance positions can produce huge uncertainties in DR rate coefficients.DR rate coefficients for N²⁺ and O³⁺ ions are calculated using state-of-the-art multi-configurationBreit-Pauli atomic structure AUTOSTRUCTURE collisional package within the generalized collisional-radiative framework. Level-resolved calculations for RR and DR rate coefficients from the ground and metastable initial states are produced in an intermediate coupling scheme associated withn = 0 and n = 1 core-excitations. DR cross sections for these ions are convoluted with the experimental electron-cooler temperatures to produce DR rate coefficients. Good agreements are foundbetween these rate coefficients and theexperimental measurements performed at CRYRING heavy-ionstorage ring for both ions.

Keywords: atomic data, atomic process, electron-ion collision, plasmas

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2812 Medical Imaging Fusion: A Teaching-Learning Simulation Environment

Authors: Cristina Maria Ribeiro Martins Pereira Caridade, Ana Rita Ferreira Morais


The use of computational tools has become essential in the context of interactive learning, especially in engineering education. In the medical industry, teaching medical image processing techniques is a crucial part of training biomedical engineers, as it has integrated applications with healthcare facilities and hospitals. The aim of this article is to present a teaching-learning simulation tool developed in MATLAB using a graphical user interface for medical image fusion that explores different image fusion methodologies and processes in combination with image pre-processing techniques. The application uses different algorithms and medical fusion techniques in real time, allowing you to view original images and fusion images, compare processed and original images, adjust parameters, and save images. The tool proposed in an innovative teaching and learning environment consists of a dynamic and motivating teaching simulation for biomedical engineering students to acquire knowledge about medical image fusion techniques and necessary skills for the training of biomedical engineers. In conclusion, the developed simulation tool provides real-time visualization of the original and fusion images and the possibility to test, evaluate and progress the student’s knowledge about the fusion of medical images. It also facilitates the exploration of medical imaging applications, specifically image fusion, which is critical in the medical industry. Teachers and students can make adjustments and/or create new functions, making the simulation environment adaptable to new techniques and methodologies.

Keywords: image fusion, image processing, teaching-learning simulation tool, biomedical engineering education

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2811 Collaborative Platform for Learning Basic Programming (Algorinfo)

Authors: Edgar Mauricio Ruiz Osuna, Claudia Yaneth Herrera Bolivar, Sandra Liliana Gomez Vasquez


The increasing needs of professionals with skills in software development in industry are incremental, therefore, the relevance of an educational process in line with the strengthening of these competencies, are part of the responsibilities of universities with careers related to the area of Informatics and Systems. In this sense, it is important to consider that in the National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan for the development of the Electronics, Information Technologies and Communications (2013) sectors, it is established as a weakness in the SWOT Analysis of the Software sector and Services, Deficiencies in training and professional training. Accordingly, UNIMINUTO's Computer Technology Program has addressed the analysis of students' performance in software development, identifying various problems such as dropout in programming subjects, academic averages, as well as deficiencies in strategies and competencies developed in the area of programming. As a result of this analysis, it was determined to design a collaborative learning platform in basic programming using heat maps as a tool to support didactic feedback. The pilot phase allows to evaluate in a programming course the ALGORINFO platform as a didactic resource, through an interactive and collaborative environment where students can develop basic programming practices and in turn, are fed back through the analysis of time patterns and difficulties frequent in certain segments or program cycles, by means of heat maps. The result allows the teacher to have tools to reinforce and advise critical points generated on the map, so that students and graduates improve their skills as software developers.

Keywords: collaborative platform, learning, feedback, programming, heat maps

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2810 Teachers' Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and Technology Integration in Teaching and Learning in a Small Island Developing State: A Concept Paper

Authors: Aminath Waseela, Vinesh Chandra, Shaun Nykvist,


The success of technology integration initiatives hinges on the knowledge and skills of teachers to effectively integrate technology in classroom teaching. Consequently, gaining an understanding of teachers' technology knowledge and its integration can provide useful insights on strategies that can be adopted to enhance teaching and learning, especially in developing country contexts where research is scant. This paper extends existing knowledge on teachers' use of technology by developing a conceptual framework that recognises how three key types of knowledge; content, pedagogy, technology, and their integration are at the crux of teachers' technology use while at the same time is amenable to empirical studies. Although the aforementioned knowledge is important for effective use of technology that can result in enhanced student engagement, literature on how this knowledge leads to effective technology use and enhanced student engagement is limited. Thus, this theoretical paper proposes a framework to explore teachers' knowledge through the lens of the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK); the integration of technology in classroom teaching through the Substitution Augmentation Modification and Redefinition (SAMR) model and how this affects students' learning through the Bloom's Digital Taxonomy (BDT) lens. Studies using this framework could inform the design of professional development to support teachers to develop skills for effective use of available technology that can enhance student learning engagement.

Keywords: information and communication technology, ICT, in-service training, small island developing states, SIDS, student engagement, technology integration, technology professional development training, technological pedagogical and content knowledge, TPACK

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2809 Investigating Teaching and Learning to Meet the Needs of Deaf Children in Physical Education

Authors: Matthew Fleet, Savannah Elliott


Background: This study investigates the use of teaching and learning to meet the needs of deaf children in the UK PE curriculum. Research has illustrated that deaf students in mainstream schools do not receive sufficient support from teachers in lessons. This research examines the impact of different types of hearing loss and its implications within Physical Education (PE) in secondary schools. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to highlight challenges PE teachers face and make recommendations for more inclusive learning environments for deaf students. The aims and objectives of this research are: to critically analyse the current situation for deaf students accessing the PE curriculum, by identifying barriers deaf students face; to identify the challenges for PE teachers in providing appropriate support for deaf students; to provide recommendations for deaf awareness training, to enhance PE teachers’ understanding and knowledge. Method: Semi-structured interviews collected data from both PE teachers and deaf students, to examine: the support available and coping mechanisms deaf students use when they do not receive support; strategies PE teachers use to provide support for deaf students; areas for improvement and potential strategies PE teachers can apply to their practice. Results & Conclusion: The findings from the study concluded that PE teachers were inconsistent in providing appropriate support for deaf students in PE lessons. Evidence illustrated that PE teachers had limited exposure to deaf awareness training. This impacted on their ability to support deaf students effectively. Communication was a frequent barrier for deaf students, affecting their ability to retain and learn information. Also, the use of assistive technology was found to be compromised in practical PE lessons.

Keywords: physical education, deaf, inclusion, education

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2808 Convolution Neural Network Based on Hypnogram of Sleep Stages to Predict Dosages and Types of Hypnotic Drugs for Insomnia

Authors: Chi Wu, Dean Wu, Wen-Te Liu, Cheng-Yu Tsai, Shin-Mei Hsu, Yin-Tzu Lin, Ru-Yin Yang


Background: The results of previous studies compared the benefits and risks of receiving insomnia medication. However, the effects between hypnotic drugs used and enhancement of sleep quality were still unclear. Objective: The aim of this study is to establish a prediction model for hypnotic drugs' dosage used for insomnia subjects and associated the relationship between sleep stage ratio change and drug types. Methodologies: According to American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) guideline, sleep stages were classified and transformed to hypnogram via the polysomnography (PSG) in a hospital in New Taipei City (Taiwan). The subjects with diagnosis for insomnia without receiving hypnotic drugs treatment were be set as the comparison group. Conversely, hypnotic drugs dosage within the past three months was obtained from the clinical registration for each subject. Furthermore, the collecting subjects were divided into two groups for training and testing. After training convolution neuron network (CNN) to predict types of hypnotics used and dosages are taken, the test group was used to evaluate the accuracy of classification. Results: We recruited 76 subjects in this study, who had been done PSG for transforming hypnogram from their sleep stages. The accuracy of dosages obtained from confusion matrix on the test group by CNN is 81.94%, and accuracy of hypnotic drug types used is 74.22%. Moreover, the subjects with high ratio of wake stage were correctly classified as requiring medical treatment. Conclusion: CNN with hypnogram was potentially used for adjusting the dosage of hypnotic drugs and providing subjects to pre-screening the types of hypnotic drugs taken.

Keywords: convolution neuron network, hypnotic drugs, insomnia, polysomnography

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2807 Motion Capture Based Wizard of Oz Technique for Humanoid Robot

Authors: Rafal Stegierski, Krzysztof Dmitruk


The paper focuses on robotic tele-presence system build around humanoid robot operated with controller-less Wizard of Oz technique. Proposed solution gives possibility to quick start acting as a operator with short, if any, initial training.

Keywords: robotics, motion capture, Wizard of Oz, humanoid robots, human robot interaction

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2806 Perception of Faculties Towards Online Teaching-Learning Activities during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study at a Tertiary Care Center in Eastern Nepal

Authors: Deependra Prasad Sarraf, Gajendra Prasad Rauniar, Robin Maskey, Rajiv Maharjan, Ashish Shrestha, Ramayan Prasad Kushwaha


Objectives: To assess the perception of faculties towards online teaching-learning activities conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic and to identify barriers and facilitators to conducting online teaching-learning activities in our context. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among faculties at B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences using a 26-item semi-structured questionnaire. A Google Form was prepared, and its link was sent to the faculties via email. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and findings were presented as tables and graphs. Results: Out of 158 faculties, the majority were male (66.46%), medical faculties (85.44%), and assistant professors (46.84%). Only 16 (10.13%) faculties had received formal training regarding preparing and/or delivering online teaching learning activities. Out of 158, 133 (84.18%) faculties faced technical and internet issues. The most common advantage and disadvantage of online teaching learning activities perceived by the faculties were ‘not limited to time or place’ (94.30%) and ‘lack of interaction with the students’ (82.28%), respectively. Majority (94.3%) of them had a positive perception towards online teaching-learning activities conducted during COVID-19 pandemic. Slow internet connection (91.77%) and frequent electricity interruption (82.91%) were the most common perceived barriers to online teaching-learning. Conclusions: Most of the faculties had a positive perception towards online teaching-learning activities. Academic leaders and stakeholders should provide uninterrupted internet and electricity connectivity, training on online teaching-learning platform, and timely technical support.

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, faculties, medical education, perception

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2805 Effects of Music Training on Social-Emotional Development and Basic Musical Skills: Findings from a Longitudinal Study with German and Migrant Children

Authors: Stefana Francisca Lupu, Jasmin Chantah, Mara Krone, Ingo Roden, Stephan Bongard, Gunter Kreutz


Long-term music interventions could enhance both musical and nonmusical skills. The present study was designed to explore cognitive, socio-emotional, and musical development in a longitudinal setting. Third-graders (N = 184: 87 male, 97 female; mean age = 8.61 years; 115 native German and 69 migrant children) were randomly assigned to two intervention groups (music and maths) and a control group over a period of one school-year. At baseline, children in these groups were similar in basic cognitive skills, with a trend of advantage in the control group. Dependent measures included the culture fair intelligence test CFT 20-R; the questionnaire of emotional and social school experience for grade 3 and 4 (FEESS 3-4), the test of resources in childhood and adolescence (FRKJ 8-16), the test of language proficiency for German native and non-native primary school children (SFD 3), the reading comprehension test (ELFE 1-6), the German math test (DEMAT 3+) and the intermediate measures of music audiation (IMMA). Data were collected two times at the beginning (T1) and at the end of the school year (T2). A third measurement (T3) followed after a six months retention period. Data from baseline and post-intervention measurements are currently being analyzed. Preliminary results of all three measurements will be presented at the conference.

Keywords: musical training, primary-school German and migrant children, socio-emotional skills, transfer

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2804 Audit on Compliance with Ottawa Ankle Rules in Ankle Radiograph Requests

Authors: Daud Muhammad


Introduction: Ankle radiographs are frequently requested in Emergency Departments (ED) for patients presenting with traumatic ankle pain. The Ottawa Ankle Rules (OAR) serve as a clinical guideline to determine the necessity of these radiographs, aiming to reduce unnecessary imaging. This audit was conducted to evaluate the adequacy of clinical information provided in radiograph requests in relation to the OAR. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on 50 consecutive ankle radiograph requests under ED clinicians' names for patients aged above 5 years, specifically excluding follow-up radiographs for known fractures. The study assessed whether the provided clinical information met the criteria outlined by the OAR. Results: The audit revealed that none of the 50 radiograph requests contained sufficient information to satisfy the Ottawa Ankle Rules. Furthermore, 10 out of the 50 radiographs (20%) identified fractures. Discussion: The findings indicate a significant lack of adherence to the OAR, suggesting potential overuse of radiography and unnecessary patient exposure to radiation. This non-compliance may also contribute to increased healthcare costs and resource utilization, as well as possible delays in diagnosis and treatment. Recommendations: To address these issues, the following recommendations are proposed: (1) Education and Training: Enhance awareness and training among ED clinicians regarding the OAR. (2) Standardised Request Forms: Implement changes to imaging request forms to mandate relevant information according to the OAR. (3) Scan Vetting: Promote awareness among radiographers to discuss the appropriateness of scan requests with clinicians. (4) Regular re-audits should be conducted to monitor improvements in compliance.

Keywords: Ottawa ankle rules, ankle radiographs, emergency department, traumatic pain

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