Search results for: media of instruction
2223 A Corpus-based Study of Adjuncts in Colombian English as a Second Language (ESL) Argumentative Essays
Authors: E. Velasco
Meeting high standards of writing in a Second Language (L2) is extremely important for many students who wish to undertake studies at universities in both English and non-English speaking countries. University lecturers in English speaking countries continue to express dissatisfaction with the apparent poor quality of essay writing skills displayed by English as a Second Language (ESL) students, whose essays are often criticised for their lack of cohesion and coherence. These critiques have extended to contexts such as Colombia, where many ESL students are criticised for their inability to write high-quality academic texts in L2-English, particularly at the tertiary level. If Colombian ESL students are expected to meet high standards of writing when studying locally and abroad, it makes sense to carry out specific research that can perhaps lead to recommendations to support their quest for improving argumentative strategies. Employing Corpus Linguistics methods within a Learner Corpus Research framework, and a combination of Log-Likelihood and Bayes Factor measures, this paper investigated argumentative essays written by Colombian ESL students. The study specifically aimed to analyse conjunctive adjuncts in argumentative essays to find out how Colombian ESL students connect their ideas in discourse. Results suggest that a) Colombian ESL learners need explicit instruction on specific areas of conjunctive adjuncts to counteract overuse, underuse and misuse; b) underuse of endophoric and evidential adjuncts highlights gaps between IELTS-like essays and good quality tertiary-level essays and published papers, and these gaps are linked to prior knowledge brought into writing task, rhetorical functions in writing, and research processes before writing takes place; c) both Colombian ESL learners and L1-English writers (in a reference corpus) overuse some adjuncts and underuse endophoric and evidential adjuncts, when compared to skilled L1-English and L2-English writers, so differences in frequencies of adjuncts has little to do with the writers’ L1, and differences are rather linked to types of essays writers produce (e.g. ESL vs. university essays). Ender Velasco: The pedagogical recommendations deriving from the study are that: a) Colombian ESL learners need to be shown that overuse is not the only way of giving cohesion to argumentative essays and there are other alternatives to cohesion (e.g., implicit adjuncts, lexical chains and collocations); b) syllabi and classroom input need to raise awareness of gaps in writing skills between IELTS-like and tertiary-level argumentative essays, and of how endophoric and evidential adjuncts are used to refer to anaphoric and cataphoric sections of essays, and to other people’s work or ideas; c) syllabi and classroom input need to include essay-writing tasks based on previous research/reading which learners need to incorporate into their arguments, and tasks that raise awareness of referencing systems (e.g., APA); d) classroom input needs to include explicit instruction on use of punctuation, functions and/or syntax with specific conjunctive adjuncts such as for example, for that reason, although, despite and nevertheless.Keywords: argumentative essays, colombian english as a second language (esl) learners, conjunctive adjuncts, corpus linguistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 852222 Asynchronous Low Duty Cycle Media Access Control Protocol for Body Area Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Yasin Ghasemi-Zadeh, Yousef Kavian
Wireless body area networks (WBANs) technology has achieved lots of popularity over the last decade with a wide range of medical applications. This paper presents an asynchronous media access control (MAC) protocol based on B-MAC protocol by giving an application for medical issues. In WBAN applications, there are some serious problems such as energy, latency, link reliability (quality of wireless link) and throughput which are mainly due to size of sensor networks and human body specifications. To overcome these problems and improving link reliability, we concentrated on MAC layer that supports mobility models for medical applications. In the presented protocol, preamble frames are divided into some sub-frames considering the threshold level. Actually, the main reason for creating shorter preambles is the link reliability where due to some reasons such as water, the body signals are affected on some frequency bands and causes fading and shadowing on signals, therefore by increasing the link reliability, these effects are reduced. In case of mobility model, we use MoBAN model and modify that for some more areas. The presented asynchronous MAC protocol is modeled by OMNeT++ simulator. The results demonstrate increasing the link reliability comparing to B-MAC protocol where the packet reception ratio (PRR) is 92% also covers more mobility areas than MoBAN protocol.Keywords: wireless body area networks (WBANs), MAC protocol, link reliability, mobility, biomedical
Procedia PDF Downloads 3702221 Parallel Vector Processing Using Multi Level Orbital DATA
Authors: Nagi Mekhiel
Many applications use vector operations by applying single instruction to multiple data that map to different locations in conventional memory. Transferring data from memory is limited by access latency and bandwidth affecting the performance gain of vector processing. We present a memory system that makes all of its content available to processors in time so that processors need not to access the memory, we force each location to be available to all processors at a specific time. The data move in different orbits to become available to other processors in higher orbits at different time. We use this memory to apply parallel vector operations to data streams at first orbit level. Data processed in the first level move to upper orbit one data element at a time, allowing a processor in that orbit to apply another vector operation to deal with serial code limitations inherited in all parallel applications and interleaved it with lower level vector operations.Keywords: Memory Organization, Parallel Processors, Serial Code, Vector Processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2712220 Authenticity during Conflict Reporting: The China-India Border Clash in the Indian Press
Authors: Arjun Chatterjee
The India-China border clash in Galwan valley in June 2020, the first deadly skirmish between the two Asian giants in the Himalayan border area in over four decades, highlighted the need to examine the notion of ‘authenticity’ in journalistic practices. Information emanating from such remotely located, sparsely populated, and not well-demarcated international land borders have limited sources, restricted to official sources, which have their own narrative. Geopolitical goals and ambitions embolden narratives of nationalism in the media, and these often challenge the notion and understanding of authenticity in journalism. The Indian press, contrary to the Chinese press, which is state-owned, is diverse and also confrontational, where narratives of nationalism are differentially interpreted, embedded, and realised. This paper examines how authenticity has become a variable, rather than a constant, in conflict reporting of the Sino-Indian border clash and how authenticity is interpreted similarly or differently in conflict journalism. The paper reports qualitative textual analysis of two leading English language newspapers – The Times of India and The Hindu, and two mainstream regional language newspapers, Amar Ujala (Hindi) and Ananda Bazar Patrika (Bengali), to evaluate the ways in which representations of information function in conflict reporting and to recontextualize (and thus change or modify the meaning of) that which they represent, and with what political and cultural implications.Keywords: India-China, framing, conflict, media narratives, border dispute
Procedia PDF Downloads 942219 Teacher Training for Bilingual Education of Deaf Students in Brazil
Authors: Mara Aparecida De Castilho Lopes. Maria Eliza Mattosinho Bernardes
The education of deaf individuals in Brazil is grounded in the bilingual approach, which presupposes Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) as the first language for these students. In this perspective, Portuguese should be taught as a second language in its written form, ensuring that deaf students also have access to various academic subjects in sign language. Brazilian legislation (Federal Decree No. 5626 of 2005) mandates the teaching of Brazilian Sign Language in university teacher training programs, but there is no pre-established minimum workload. As a result, there is a significant disparity in the teaching and quality of teacher education across the Brazilian territory. Added to this fact is the general lack of awareness within society regarding the linguistic status of Libras, leading to a shortage of competent teachers for its use and instruction, particularly in higher education. Recently, Federal Law No. 14191 of 2021 established bilingual education for the deaf as a mode of instruction, indicating the need for adjustments in teacher training within higher education teacher preparation programs. Given this context, the objective of the present study was to analyze the teaching proposals for Brazilian Sign Language for students in teacher training programs at public universities in Brazil, presenting alternatives to overcome the current models and academic pathways of teaching and learning. In addition to analyzing Brazilian teaching models, an analysis of a continuing education model for teachers in a French institution was also conducted - considering the historical Franco-Brazilian path of deaf education in Brazil. The analysis of the current teacher training model for deaf education in Brazil revealed that initial exposure to sign language and its linguistic structure is not sufficient to provide future teachers with opportunities to reflect on bilingual teaching methods and practices, as seen in other definitions of bilingualism - bilingual education for proficient listeners in two oral languages. As a result, a training proposal was developed for an experimental interdisciplinary course, integrating the curriculum of an initial and continuing teacher training program alongside the Alfredo Bossi Chair at the University of São Paulo. This proposal is structured into three disciplines, which constitute consecutive moments in teacher education: Fundamental Aspects of Brazilian Sign Language, Bilingual Teaching Methodology, and Teaching Investigation Project - interdisciplinary engagement in the field of deafness. The last offered discipline represents an interdisciplinary supervised internship proposal, considering the multi-professional context that constitutes deaf education within a bilingual approach. In interdisciplinary work within the field of deafness, dialogue between teachers and other professionals who work with deaf students from different perspectives - teachers, speech therapists, and sign language interpreters - is frequently necessary. Through alternative avenues, these actions aim to direct the linguistic development of deaf students within their learning processes. Based on the innovative curriculum proposal described here, the intention is to contribute to the enhancement of teacher education in Brazil, with the goal of ensuring bilingual education for deaf students.Keywords: bilingual education, teacher training, historical-cultural approach, interdisciplinary education, inclusive education
Procedia PDF Downloads 912218 Redefining Identity of People with Disabilities Based on Content Analysis of Instagram Accounts
Authors: Grzegorz Kubinski
The proposed paper is focused on forms of identity expression in people with disabilities (PWD) in the social networks like Instagram. Theoretical analysis widely proposes using the new media as an assistive tool for improving wellbeing and labour activities of PWD. This kind of use is definitely important and plays a key role in all social inclusion processes. However, Instagram is not a place where PWD only express their own problems, but in the opposite, allows them to construct a new definition of disability. In the paper, the problem how this different than a classical approach to disability is created by PWD will be discussed. This issue will be scrutinized mainly in two points. Firstly, the question of how disability is changed by other everyday activities, like fashion or sport, will be described. Secondly, and this could be seen as more important, the point how PWD redefining their bodies creating a different form of aesthetic will be presented. The paper is based on content analysis of Instagram accounts. About 20 accounts created by PWD were analyzed for 6 month period, taking into account elements like photos, comments and discussions. All those information were studied in relation to 'everyday life' category and 'aesthetic' category. Works by T. Siebers, L. J. Davis or R. McRuer were used as theoretical background. Conclusions and interpretations presented in the proposed paper show that the Internet can be used by PWD not only as prosthetic and assistive tools. PWD willingly use them as modes of expression their independence, agency and identity. The paper proposes that in further research this way of using the Internet communication by PWD should be taken into account as an important part of the understanding of disability.Keywords: body, disability, identity, new media
Procedia PDF Downloads 1392217 Remodeling English Language Arts Lessons: Critical Thinking- Based Pedagogy
Authors: Majed Al-Quran
Language arts, as a domain of learning, principally covers the study of literature and the arts of reading and writing. These three areas deal with the art of conceptualizing and representing in language how people live and might live their lives. And all three are significantly concerned with gaining command of language and expression. Of course, there is no command of language separate from the command of thought. The paper addresses how EFL learners can develop insight and sense into what can be earned from literature and a sense of putting experiences into words. It further shows how critical thinking-based instruction helps students develop command of their own ideas, which consequently requires command over the words in which they express them. Critical thinking stipulates that in words and ideas, there is the power to create systems of beliefs and multiple conceptions of life. Remodeling language lessons aim at overcoming the challenge of stimulating learners to cultivate a new and different conception of language skills, including those of reading and writing.Keywords: language arts, remodeling, critical thinking, pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 762216 Omani Community in Digital Age: A Study of Omani Women Using Back Channel Media to Empower Themselves for Frontline Entrepreneurship
Authors: Sangeeta Tripathi, Muna Al Shahri
This research article presents the changing role and status of women in Oman. Transformation of women’s status started with the regime of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said in 1970. It is always desired by the Sultan to enable women in all the ways for the balance growth of the country. Forbidding full face veil for women in public offices is one of the best efforts for their empowerment. Women education is also increasing rapidly. They are getting friendly with new information communication technology and using different social media applications such as WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook for interaction and economic growth. Though there are some traditional and tribal boundaries, women are infused with courage and enjoying fair treatment and equal opportunities in different career positions. The study will try to explore changing mindset of young Omani women towards these traditional tribal boundaries, cultural heritage, business and career: ‘How are young Omani women making balance between work and social prestige?’, ‘How are they preserving their cultural values, embracing new technologies and approaching social network to enhance their economic power.’ This paper will discover their hurdles while using internet for their new entrepreneur. It will also examine the prospects of online business in Oman. The mixed research methodology is applied to find out the result.Keywords: advertising, business, entrepreneurship, tribal barrier
Procedia PDF Downloads 3072215 The Influence of Online Audience Response on Journalists
Authors: Raja Arslan Ahmad Khan
Audience feedback and data play an increasingly crucial role, particularly in the digital age. The advent of digital media and the digitalization of news have given rise to novel forms of audience feedback, markedly different from traditional channels. The engagement of online audiences challenges the conventional role of journalists, introducing a dynamic where audiences can wield both direct and indirect influence. This struggle between the audience and journalists is evident in their contributions and interactions. Media professionals are grappling with challenges such as derogatory remarks, hate speech, online harassment, audience hostility, and attacks from online audiences. The influence of online audiences extends to shaping journalists' daily routines and work practices. Consequently, this study seeks to analyze the impact of online audience feedback on journalists at a routine level within the Malaysian context. Employing a Hierarchy of Influence model as a theoretical framework, the study will utilize a quantitative approach with a snowball survey method. The study's findings aim to enhance our understanding of how online audiences influence journalists and their work practices, encompassing aspects like journalists' autonomy and integrity, editorial decision-making, performance and accountability, daily routines, work practices, as well as the psychological and emotional costs they bear. It's important to note that the study has limitations due to the use of the snowball survey method and its focus within the specific context of Malaysia, making it relatively small in scale.Keywords: online audiences, feedback, influence, journalists, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 692214 Current Global Education Trends: Issues and Challenges of Physical and Health Education Teaching and Learning in Nigerian Schools
Authors: Bichi Muktar Sani
The philosophy of Physical and Health Education is to develop academic and professional competency which will enable individuals earn a living and render unique services to the society and also provide good basis of knowledge and experience that characterize an educated and fully developed person through physical activities. With the increase of sedentary activities such as watching television, playing videogames, increased computer technology, automation and reduction of high school Physical and Health Education schedules, young people are most likely to become overweight, and less fit. Physical Education is a systematic instruction in sports, training, practice, gymnastics, exercises, and hygiene given as part of a school or college program. Physical and Health Education is the study, practice, and appreciation of the art and science of human movement. Physical and Health Education is course in the curricula that utilizes the learning in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains in a lay or movement exploration setting. The paper made some recommendations on the way forward.Keywords: issues, challenges, physical education, school
Procedia PDF Downloads 432213 Field-Testing a Digital Music Notebook
Authors: Rena Upitis, Philip C. Abrami, Karen Boese
The success of one-on-one music study relies heavily on the ability of the teacher to provide sufficient direction to students during weekly lessons so that they can successfully practice from one lesson to the next. Traditionally, these instructions are given in a paper notebook, where the teacher makes notes for the students after describing a task or demonstrating a technique. The ability of students to make sense of these notes varies according to their understanding of the teacher’s directions, their motivation to practice, their memory of the lesson, and their abilities to self-regulate. At best, the notes enable the student to progress successfully. At worst, the student is left rudderless until the next lesson takes place. Digital notebooks have the potential to provide a more interactive and effective bridge between music lessons than traditional pen-and-paper notebooks. One such digital notebook, Cadenza, was designed to streamline and improve teachers’ instruction, to enhance student practicing, and to provide the means for teachers and students to communicate between lessons. For example, Cadenza contains a video annotator, where teachers can offer real-time guidance on uploaded student performances. Using the checklist feature, teachers and students negotiate the frequency and type of practice during the lesson, which the student can then access during subsequent practice sessions. Following the tenets of self-regulated learning, goal setting and reflection are also featured. Accordingly, the present paper addressed the following research questions: (1) How does the use of the Cadenza digital music notebook engage students and their teachers?, (2) Which features of Cadenza are most successful?, (3) Which features could be improved?, and (4) Is student learning and motivation enhanced with the use of the Cadenza digital music notebook? The paper describes the results 10 months of field-testing of Cadenza, structured around the four research questions outlined. Six teachers and 65 students took part in the study. Data were collected through video-recorded lesson observations, digital screen captures, surveys, and interviews. Standard qualitative protocols for coding results and identifying themes were employed to analyze the results. The results consistently indicated that teachers and students embraced the digital platform offered by Cadenza. The practice log and timer, the real-time annotation tool, the checklists, the lesson summaries, and the commenting features were found to be the most valuable functions, by students and teachers alike. Teachers also reported that students progressed more quickly with Cadenza, and received higher results in examinations than those students who were not using Cadenza. Teachers identified modifications to Cadenza that would make it an even more powerful way to support student learning. These modifications, once implemented, will move the tool well past its traditional notebook uses to new ways of motivating students to practise between lessons and to communicate with teachers about their learning. Improvements to the tool called for by the teachers included the ability to duplicate archived lessons, allowing for split screen viewing, and adding goal setting to the teacher window. In the concluding section, proposed modifications and their implications for self-regulated learning are discussed.Keywords: digital music technologies, electronic notebooks, self-regulated learning, studio music instruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2542212 Polyethylene Terephthalate Plastic Degradation by Fungus Rasamsonia Emersonii
Authors: Naveen Kumar
Microplastics, tiny plastic particles less than 5 mm in size formed by the disposal and breakdown of industrial and consumer products, have become a primary environmental concern due to their ubiquitous presence and application in the environment and their potential to cause harm to the ecosystem, wildlife and human health. In this, we study the ability of the fungus Rasamsonia emersonii IMI 393752 to degrade the rigid microplastics of Coke bottles. Microplastics were extracted from Coke bottles and incubated with Rasamsonia emersonii in Sabouraud dextrose agar media. Microplastics were pre-sterilized without altering the chemistry of microplastic. Preliminary analysis was performed by observing radial growth assessment of microplastic-containing media enriched with fungi vs. control. The assay confirmed no impedance or change in the fungi's growth pattern and rate by introducing microplastics. The degradation of the microplastics was monitored over time using microscopy and FTIR, and biodegradation/deterioration on the plastic surface was observed. Furthermore, the liquid assay was performed. HPLC and GCMS will be conducted to check the biodegradation and presence of enzyme release by fungi to counteract the presence of microplastics. These findings have important implications for managing plastic waste, as they suggest that fungi such as Rasamsonia emersonii can potentially degrade microplastics safely and effectively. However, further research to optimise the conditions for microplastic degradation by Rasamsonia emersonii and to develop strategies for scaling up the process for industrial applications will be beneficial.Keywords: bioremediation, mycoremediation, plastic degradtion, polyethylene terephthalate
Procedia PDF Downloads 972211 A Bibliometric Analysis on Filter Bubble
Authors: Misbah Fatma, Anam Saiyeda
This analysis charts the introduction and expansion of research into the filter bubble phenomena over the last 10 years using a large dataset of academic publications. This bibliometric study demonstrates how interdisciplinary filter bubble research is. The identification of key authors and organizations leading the filter bubble study sheds information on collaborative networks and knowledge transfer. Relevant papers are organized based on themes including algorithmic bias, polarisation, social media, and ethical implications through a systematic examination of the literature. In order to shed light on how these patterns have changed over time, the study plots their historical history. The study also looks at how research is distributed globally, showing geographic patterns and discrepancies in scholarly output. The results of this bibliometric analysis let us fully comprehend the development and reach of filter bubble research. This study offers insights into the ongoing discussion surrounding information personalization and its implications for societal discourse, democratic participation, and the potential risks to an informed citizenry by exposing dominant themes, interdisciplinary collaborations, and geographic patterns. In order to solve the problems caused by filter bubbles and to advance a more diverse and inclusive information environment, this analysis is essential for scholars and researchers.Keywords: bibliometric analysis, social media, social networking, algorithmic personalization, self-selection, content moderation policies and limited access to information, recommender system and polarization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1192210 Fecal Immunochemical Testing to Deter Colon Cancer
Authors: Valerie A. Conrade
Introduction: A large body of literature suggests patients who complete fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) kits are likely to identify colorectal cancer sooner than those who do not complete FIT kits. Background: Patients who do not participate in preventative measures such as the FIT kit are at a higher risk of colorectal cancer growing unnoticed. The objective was to see if the method the principal investigator (PI) uses to educate clinical staff on the importance of FIT kit administration provides an increased amount of FIT kit dissemination to patients post clinical education. Methodologies: Data collection via manual tallies took place before and after the clinical staff was educated on the importance of FIT kits. Results: The results showed an increase in FIT kit dissemination post clinical staff education. Through enhanced instruction to the clinical staff regarding the importance of FIT kits, expanding their knowledge on preventative measures to detect colorectal cancer positively impacted nurses and, in turn, their patients.Keywords: colon cancer, education, fecal immunochemical testing, nursing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1382209 The Impact of Professional Development on Teachers’ Instructional Practice
Authors: Karen Koellner, Nanette Seago, Jennifer Jacobs, Helen Garnier
Although studies of teacher professional development (PD) are prevalent, surprisingly most have only produced incremental shifts in teachers’ learning and their impact on students. There is a critical need to understand what teachers take up and use in their classroom practice after attending PD and why we often do not see greater changes in learning and practice. This paper is based on a mixed methods efficacy study of the Learning and Teaching Geometry (LTG) video-based mathematics professional development materials. The extent to which the materials produce a beneficial impact on teachers’ mathematics knowledge, classroom practices, and their students’ knowledge in the domain of geometry through a group-randomized experimental design are considered. In this study, we examine a small group of teachers to better understand their interpretations of the workshops and their classroom uptake. The participants included 103 secondary mathematics teachers serving grades 6-12 from two states in different regions. Randomization was conducted at the school level, with 23 schools and 49 teachers assigned to the treatment group and 18 schools and 54 teachers assigned to the comparison group. The case study examination included twelve treatment teachers. PD workshops for treatment teachers began in Summer 2016. Nine full days of professional development were offered to teachers, beginning with the one-week institute (Summer 2016) and four days of PD throughout the academic year. The same facilitator-led all of the workshops, after completing a facilitator preparation process that included a multi-faceted assessment of fidelity. The overall impact of the LTG PD program was assessed from multiple sources: two teacher content assessments, two PD embedded assessments, pre-post-post videotaped classroom observations, and student assessments. Additional data was collected from the case study teachers including additional videotaped classroom observations and interviews. Repeated measures ANOVA analyses were used to detect patterns of change in the treatment teachers’ content knowledge before and after completion of the LTG PD, relative to the comparison group. No significant effects were found across the two groups of teachers on the two teacher content assessments. Teachers were rated on the quality of their mathematics instruction captured in videotaped classroom observations using the Math in Common Observation Protocol. On average, teachers who attended the LTG PD intervention improved their ability to engage students in mathematical reasoning and to provide accurate, coherent, and well-justified mathematical content. In addition, the LTG PD intervention and instruction that engaged students in mathematical practices both positively and significantly predicted greater student knowledge gains. Teacher knowledge was not a significant predictor. Twelve treatment teachers were self-selected to serve as case study teachers to provide additional videotapes in which they felt they were using something from the PD they learned and experienced. Project staff analyzed the videos, compared them to previous videos and interviewed the teachers regarding their uptake of the PD related to content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and resources used.Keywords: teacher learning, professional development, pedagogical content knowledge, geometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1702208 Influence of Information and Communication Technology on Dress Culture among Senior Secondary School Students in Ife East Local Government, Osun State, Nigeria
Authors: Idowu J. Diyaolu, Ebenezer O. Obayomi, Taiwo A. Bamidele
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been observed to have influence on the lifestyle of youths in general. Dressing styles, fashion consciousness and choice of role model are some of the areas of influence. The study was carried out to examine the perception and influence of ICT on the clothing culture of selected Senior Secondary School Students in Ife-East Local government area of Osun State, Nigeria. Two hundred Senior Secondary School Students from public and private schools were randomly selected. Data was collected using structured questionnaire. The result showed that 79.0% were computer literate, 64.5% have facebook account and 93.5% browse with phones. Based on their perception on the influence of ICT, 74.5% of the respondents agreed that frequent use of ICT has increased their level of fashion consciousness while 60.5% were motivated by the images and dressing pattern in magazines, on TV and the internet. Also, large proportions (60.5%) were influenced by the dressing styles of their friends on social media. Male students were significantly more engaged in ICT related activities than females (t = 1.29, P < 0.05), whereas there is no significant difference in the involvement in ICT activities between private and public school students (t = 0.325, P > 0.05). Since ICT has influence on dressing, appropriate dressing pattern should be encouraged on mass media.Keywords: dress culture, information and communication technology, fashion trend, role model
Procedia PDF Downloads 4642207 Identifying Learning Support Patterns for Enhancing Quality Outputs in Massive Open Online Courses
Authors: Cristina Galván-Fernández, Elena Barberà, Jingjing Zhang
In recent years, MOOCs have been in the spotlight for its high drop-out rates, which potentially impact on the quality of the learning experience. This study attempts to explore how learning support can be used to keep student retention, and in turn to improve the quality of learning in MOOCs. In this study, the patterns of learning support were identified from a total of 4202592 units of video sessions, clickstream data of 25600 students, and 382 threads generated in 10 forums (optional and mandatory) in five different types of MOOCs (e.g. conventional MOOCs, professional MOOCs, and informal MOOCs). The results of this study have shown a clear correlation between the types of MOOCs, the design framework of the MOOCs, and the learning support. The patterns of tutor-peer interaction are identified, and are found to be highly correlated with student retention in all five types of MOOCs. In addition, different patterns of ‘good’ students were identified, which could potentially inform the instruction design of MOOCs.Keywords: higher education, learning support, MOOC, retention
Procedia PDF Downloads 3352206 Public Art and Public Space in an Emerging Knowledge Economy: The Case of Doha
Authors: Grichting Anna, Al Sada Sara, Caccayam Angelica, Khan Urshi
The Qatar Museums Authority recently announced a series of public art initiatives in Doha with the purpose of 'bringing art out of the walls of the museum' to make it accessible to the public on a daily basis and to encourage discussion and debate. While the installation of sculptures in public spaces is not new in Doha, the practice of integrating art in public spaces and architectural projects is reaching a new dimension as internationally renowned artists – such as Damien Hirst and Richard Serra - are being commissioned to install their works in the public spaces and buildings of the city of Doha as well as in more remote desert locations. This research discusses the changing presence, role and context of public art in Doha, both from a historical and cultural overview, and the different forms and media as well as the typologies of urban and public spaces in which the art is installed. It examines the process of implementing site-specific artworks, looking at questions of scale, history, social meaning and formal aesthetics. The methodologies combine theoretical research on the understanding of public art and its role and placement in public space, as well as empirical research on contemporary public art projects in Doha, based on documentation and interviews and as well as site and context analysis of the urban or architectural spaces within which the art is situated. Surveys and interviews – using social media - in different segments of the contemporary Qatari society, including all nationalities and social groups, are used to measure and qualify the impacts and effects on the population.Keywords: public space, public art, urban design, knowledge economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 5242205 Prospective Randomized Trial of Na/K Citrate for the Prevention of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in High-Risk Patients
Authors: Leili Iranirad, Mohammad Saleh Sadeghi, Seyed Fakhreddin Hejazi, Negar Vakili Razlighi
Objective: Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) or contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) is an unknown acute kidney injury (AKI) occurring after exposure to contrast media (CM). Contrast agents are most often used for diagnostic procedures or therapeutic angiographic interventions. Recently, Na/K citrate as a urine alkalinization has been evaluated for the prevention of CIN. We conducted this experiment to evaluate the efficiency of Na/K citrate on CIN in high-risk patients treated with cardiac catheterization. Methods: A prospective randomized clinical trial was conducted on 400 patients having moderate to high-risk factors for CIN treated with elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and were assigned randomly to the control group or the Na/K citrate group. The Na/K citrate group (n=200) received 5 g Na/K citrate solution, which was diluted in 200 mL water two h before and four hours after the first administration and intravenous hydration for two h prior to and six h after the procedure, while the control group (n=200) only received intravenous hydration. Serum creatinine (SCr) was calculated prior to the contrast exposure and after 48 h. CIN was described as a 25% increase in creatinine of serum (SCr) or >0.5 mg/dl 48 h after contrast administration. Results: CIN was observed in 33 patients (16.5%) in the control group and in 6 patients (3%) in the Na/K citrate group. A significant variation was recorded in the CIN incidence between the two groups 48 h after the radiocontrast agent administration (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Our results show that Na/K citrate is useful and substantially reduces the incidence of CIN.Keywords: contrast media, citrate, PCI
Procedia PDF Downloads 1052204 Learning English from Movies: An Exploratory Study
Authors: Yasamiyan Alolaywi
The sources of second language acquisition vary and depend on a learner’s preferences and choices; however, undoubtedly, the most effective methods provide authentic language input. This current study explores the effectiveness of watching movies as a means of English language acquisition. It explores university students’ views on the impact of this method in improving English language skills. The participants in this study were 74 students (25 males and 49 females) from the Department of English Language and Translation at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. Data for this research were collected from questionnaires and individual interviews with several selected students. The findings of this study showed that many students watch movies frequently and for various purposes, the most important of which is entertainment. The students also admitted that movies help them acquire a great deal of vocabulary and develop their listening and writing skills. Also, the participants believed that exposure to a target language by native speakers helps enhance language fluency and proficiency. The students learn not only linguistic aspects from films but also other aspects, such as culture, lifestyle, and ways of thinking, in addition to learning other languages such as Spanish. In light of these results, some recommendations are proposed, such as verifying the feasibility of integrating media into a foreign language classroom. While this study covers aspects of the relationship between watching movies and English language acquisition, knowledge gaps remain that need to be filled by further research, such as on incorporating media into the educational process and how movie subtitles can improve learners’ language skills.Keywords: language acquisition, English movies, EFL learners, perceptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1012203 Teaching Vietnamese as the Official Language for Indigenous Preschool Children in Lai Chau, Vietnam: Exploring Teachers' Beliefs about Second Language Acquisition
Authors: Thao Thi Vu, Libby Lee-Hammond, Andrew McConney
In Vietnam, the Vietnamese language is normally used as the language of instruction. The dominance of this language places children who have a different first language such as Indigenous children at a disadvantage when commencing school. This study explores preschool teachers’ beliefs about second language acquisition in Lai Chau provinces where is typical of highland provinces of Vietnam and the proportion of Indigenous minority groups in high. Data were collected from surveys with both closed-end questions and opened-end questions. The participants in this study were more than 200 public preschool teachers who come from eight different districts in Lai Chau. An analysis of quantitative data survey is presented to indicate several practical implications, such as the connection between teachers’ knowledge background that gained from their pre-service and in-service teacher education programs regarding second language teaching for Indigenous children and their practice. It also explains some factors that influence teachers’ beliefs and perspective about Indigenous children and pedagogies in their classes.Keywords: indigenous children, learning Vietnamese, preschool, teachers’ beliefs
Procedia PDF Downloads 4272202 Effects of Topic Familiarity on Linguistic Aspects in EFL Learners’ Writing Performance
Authors: Jeong-Won Lee, Kyeong-Ok Yoon
The current study aimed to investigate the effects of topic familiarity and language proficiency on linguistic aspects (lexical complexity, syntactic complexity, accuracy, and fluency) in EFL learners’ argumentative essays. For the study 64 college students were asked to write an argumentative essay for the two different topics (Driving and Smoking) chosen by the consideration of topic familiarity. The students were divided into two language proficiency groups (high-level and intermediate) according to their English writing proficiency. The findings of the study are as follows: 1) the participants of this study exhibited lower levels of lexical and syntactic complexity as well as accuracy when performing writing tasks with unfamiliar topics; and 2) they demonstrated the use of a wider range of vocabulary, and longer and more complex structures, and produced accurate and lengthier texts compared to their intermediate peers. Discussion and pedagogical implications for instruction of writing classes in EFL contexts were addressed.Keywords: topic familiarity, complexity, accuracy, fluency
Procedia PDF Downloads 502201 Determination of the Effect of Kaolin on the Antimicrobial Activity of Metronidazole-Kaolin Interaction
Authors: Omaimah Algohary
Kaolin is one of the principle intestinal adsorbents, has traditionally been used internally in the treatment of various enteric disorders, colitis, enteritis, dysentery, and diarrhea associated with food and alkaloidal poisoning and in traveler’s diarrhea. It binds to and traps bacteria and its toxins and gases in the gut. It also binds to water in the gut, which helps to make the stools firmer, hence giving symptomatic relief. Metronidazole is a synthetic antibacterial agent that is used primarily in the treatment of various anaerobic infections such as intra-abdominal infections, antiprotozoal, and as amebicidal. The need for safe, therapeutically effective antidiarrheal combination continuously lead to effective treatment. Metronidazol used for treatment of anaerobic bacteria and kaolin , when administered simultaneously, Metronidazole–Kaolin interactions have been reported by FDA but not studied. This project is the first to study the effect of Metronidazole–Kaolin interactions on the antimicrobial activity of metronidazole. Agar diffusion method performed to test the antimicrobial activity of metronidazole–kaolin antidiarrheal combination from aqueous solutions at an in-vivo simulated pHs conditions that obtained at 37+0.5 °C on Helicobacter pylori as anaerobic bacteria and E.coli as aerobic bacteria and used as a control for the technique. The antimicrobial activity of metronidazole combination as 1:1 and 1:2 with kaolin was abolished in acidic media as no zones of inhibition shown compared to only metronidazole that used as a control. In alkaline media metronidazole combination as 1:1 and 1:2 with kaolin showed diminutive activity compared to the control. These results proved that the kaolin adsorb metronidazole and abolish its antimicrobial activity and such combination should be avoided.Keywords: kaolin, metronidazole, interaction, Helicobacter pylori. E. coli, antimicrobial activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3902200 Increasing Sustainability of Melanin Bio-Production Using Seawater
Authors: Harsha Thaira, Ritu Raval, Keyur Raval
Melanin has immense applications in the field of agriculture, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries due to its photo-protective, UV protective and anti- oxidant activities. However, its production is limited to costly chemical methods or harsh extractive methods from hair which ultimately gives poor yields. This makes the cost of melanin very high, to the extent of US Dollar 300 per gram. Some microorganisms are reported to produce melanin under stress conditions. Out of all melanin producing organisms, Pseudomonas stutzeri can grow in sea water and produce melanin under saline stress. The objective of this study was to develop a sea water based bioprocess. Effects of different growth media and process parameters on melanin production using sea water were investigated. The marine bacterial strain Pseudomonas stutzeri HMGM-7(MTCC 11712) was selected and the effect of different media such as Nutrient Broth (NB), Luria Bertini (LB) broth, Bushnell- Haas broth (BHB) and Trypticase Soy broth (TSB) and various medium components were investigated with one factor at a time approach. Parameters like shaking frequency, inoculum age, inoculum size, pH and temperature were also investigated in order to obtain the optimum conditions for maximum melanin production. The highest yield of melanin concentration, 0.306 g/L, was obtained in Trypticase Soy broth at 36 hours. The yield was 1.88 times higher than the melanin obtained before optimization, 0.163 g/L at 36 hours. Studies are underway to optimize medium constituents to further enhance melanin production.Keywords: melanin, marine, bioprocess, pseudomonas
Procedia PDF Downloads 2772199 Victims and Violators: Open Source Information, Admissibility Standards, and War Crimes Investigations in Iraq and Syria
Authors: Genevieve Zingg
Modern technology and social media platforms have fundamentally altered the nature of war crimes investigations by providing new forms of data, evidence, and documentation, and pose a unique opportunity to expand the efficacy of international law. However, much of the open source information available is deemed inadmissible in subsequent legal proceedings and fails to function as evidence largely due to issues of reliability and verifiability. Focusing on current judicial investigations related to ongoing conflicts in Syria and Iraq, this paper will examine key challenges and opportunities for the effective use of open source information in securing justice. This paper will consider strategies and approaches that can be used to ensure that information collected by affected populations meets basic admissibility standards. This paper argues that the critical failure to equip civilian populations in conflict zones with knowledge and information regarding established admissibility standards and guidelines both jeopardizes the potential of open source information and compromises the ability of victims to participate effectively in justice and accountability processes. The ultimate purpose of this paper is, therefore, to examine how to maximize the value of open source information based on the rules of evidence in international, regional, and national courts, and how to maximize the participation of affected populations in holding their abusers to account.Keywords: human rights, international criminal law, international justice, international law, Iraq, open source information, social media, Syria, transitional justice, war crimes
Procedia PDF Downloads 3372198 Teaching for Knowledge Transfer: Best Practices from a Graduate-Level Educational Psychology Distance Learning Program
Authors: Bobby Hoffman
One measure of effective instruction is the ability to solve authentic, real-world problems by effectively transferring and applying classroom and textbook knowledge. While many students can productively earn high grades and learn course content, they are not always able to apply the knowledge they gain. As such, this quasi-experimental study compared the comprehensive exit exam results of learners across instructional modalities who completed a prominent graduate-level educational psychology program. ANCOVA revealed superior knowledge transfer for blended-learning students compared to those who completed distance education and significantly greater transfer of declarative, procedural, and self-regulatory knowledge by the blended-learning students. This paper briefly summarizes the study results while highlighting evidence-based programmatic and course level modifications that were implemented to specifically address the transfer of learning and practical application of educational psychology knowledge.Keywords: assessment, distance learning, educational psychology, knowledge transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1772197 Semantic Network Analysis of the Saudi Women Driving Decree
Authors: Dania Aljouhi
September 26th, 2017, is a historic date for all women in Saudi Arabia. On that day, Saudi Arabia announced the decree on allowing Saudi women to drive. With the advent of vision 2030 and its goal to empower women and increase their participation in Saudi society, we see how Saudis’ Twitter users deliberate the 2017 decree from different social, cultural, religious, economic and political factors. This topic bridges social media 'Twitter,' gender and social-cultural studies to offer insights into how Saudis’ tweets reflect a broader discourse on Saudi women in the age of social media. The present study aims to explore the meanings and themes that emerge by Saudis’ Twitter users in response to the 2017 royal decree on women driving. The sample used in the current study involves (n= 1000) tweets that were collected from Sep 2017 to March 2019 to account for the Saudis’ tweets before and after implementing the decree. The paper uses semantic and thematic network analysis methods to examine the Saudis’ Twitter discourse on the women driving issue. The paper argues that Twitter as a platform has mediated the discourse of women driving among the Saudi community and facilitated social changes. Finally, framing theory (Goffman, 1974) and Networked framing (Meraz & Papacharissi 2013) are both used to explain the tweets on the decree of allowing Saudi women to drive based on # Saudi women-driving-cars.Keywords: Saudi Arabia, women, Twitter, semantic network analysis, framing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1592196 Artificial Intelligence Assisted Sentiment Analysis of Hotel Reviews Using Topic Modeling
Authors: Sushma Ghogale
With a surge in user-generated content or feedback or reviews on the internet, it has become possible and important to know consumers' opinions about products and services. This data is important for both potential customers and businesses providing the services. Data from social media is attracting significant attention and has become the most prominent channel of expressing an unregulated opinion. Prospective customers look for reviews from experienced customers before deciding to buy a product or service. Several websites provide a platform for users to post their feedback for the provider and potential customers. However, the biggest challenge in analyzing such data is in extracting latent features and providing term-level analysis of the data. This paper proposes an approach to use topic modeling to classify the reviews into topics and conduct sentiment analysis to mine the opinions. This approach can analyse and classify latent topics mentioned by reviewers on business sites or review sites, or social media using topic modeling to identify the importance of each topic. It is followed by sentiment analysis to assess the satisfaction level of each topic. This approach provides a classification of hotel reviews using multiple machine learning techniques and comparing different classifiers to mine the opinions of user reviews through sentiment analysis. This experiment concludes that Multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier produces higher accuracy than other classifiers.Keywords: latent Dirichlet allocation, topic modeling, text classification, sentiment analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 972195 Altering Surface Properties of Magnetic Nanoparticles with Single-Step Surface Modification with Various Surface Active Agents
Authors: Krupali Mehta, Sandip Bhatt, Umesh Trivedi, Bhavesh Bharatiya, Mukesh Ranjan, Atindra D. Shukla
Owing to the dominating surface forces and large-scale surface interactions, the nano-scale particles face difficulties in getting suspended in various media. Magnetic nanoparticles of iron oxide offer a great deal of promise due to their ease of preparation, reasonable magnetic properties, low cost and environmental compatibility. We intend to modify the surface of magnetic Fe₂O₃ nanoparticles with selected surface modifying agents using simple and effective single-step chemical reactions in order to enhance dispersibility of magnetic nanoparticles in non-polar media. Magnetic particles were prepared by hydrolysis of Fe²⁺/Fe³⁺ chlorides and their subsequent oxidation in aqueous medium. The dried particles were then treated with Octadecyl quaternary ammonium silane (Terrasil™), stearic acid and gallic acid ester of stearyl alcohol in ethanol separately to yield S-2 to S-4 respectively. The untreated Fe₂O₃ was designated as S-1. The surface modified nanoparticles were then analysed with Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy dispersive X-Ray analysis (SEM-EDAX). Characterization reveals the particle size averaging 20-50 nm with and without modification. However, the crystallite size in all cases remained ~7.0 nm with the diffractogram matching to Fe₂O₃ crystal structure. FT-IR suggested the presence of surfactants on nanoparticles’ surface, also confirmed by SEM-EDAX where mapping of elements proved their presence. TGA indicated the weight losses in S-2 to S-4 at 300°C onwards suggesting the presence of organic moiety. Hydrophobic character of modified surfaces was confirmed with contact angle analysis, all modified nanoparticles showed super hydrophobic behaviour with average contact angles ~129° for S-2, ~139.5° for S-3 and ~151° for S-4. This indicated that surface modified particles are super hydrophobic and they are easily dispersible in non-polar media. These modified particles could be ideal candidates to be suspended in oil-based fluids, polymer matrices, etc. We are pursuing elaborate suspension/sedimentation studies of these particles in various oils to establish this conjecture.Keywords: iron nanoparticles, modification, hydrophobic, dispersion
Procedia PDF Downloads 1412194 Computer Assisted Learning in a Less Resource Region
Authors: Hamidullah Sokout, Samiullah Paracha, Abdul Rashid Ahmadi
Passing the entrance exam to a university is a major step in one's life. University entrance exam commonly known as Kankor is the nationwide entrance exam in Afghanistan. This examination is prerequisite for all public and private higher education institutions at undergraduate level. It is usually taken by students who are graduated from high schools. In this paper, we reflect the major educational school graduates issues and propose ICT-based test preparation environment, known as ‘Online Kankor Exam Prep System’ to give students the tools to help them pass the university entrance exam on the first try. The system is based on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), which introduced an essential package of educational technology for learners that features: (i) exam-focused questions and content; (ii) self-assessment environment; and (iii) test preparation strategies in order to help students to acquire the necessary skills in their carrier and keep them up-to-date with instruction.Keywords: web-based test prep systems, learner-centered design, e-learning, intelligent tutoring system
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