Search results for: measurement standards
3118 A Review on Modeling and Optimization of Integration of Renewable Energy Resources (RER) for Minimum Energy Cost, Minimum CO₂ Emissions and Sustainable Development, in Recent Years
Authors: M. M. Wagh, V. V. Kulkarni
The rising economic activities, growing population and improving living standards of world have led to a steady growth in its appetite for quality and quantity of energy services. As the economy expands the electricity demand is going to grow further, increasing the challenges of the more generation and stresses on the utility grids. Appropriate energy model will help in proper utilization of the locally available renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass, small hydro etc. to integrate in the available grid, reducing the investments in energy infrastructure. Further to these new technologies like smart grids, decentralized energy planning, energy management practices, energy efficiency are emerging. In this paper, the attempt has been made to study and review the recent energy planning models, energy forecasting models, and renewable energy integration models. In addition, various modeling techniques and tools are reviewed and discussed.Keywords: energy modeling, integration of renewable energy, energy modeling tools, energy modeling techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 3473117 The Control System Architecture of Space Environment Simulator
Authors: Zhan Haiyang, Gu Miao
This article mainly introduces the control system architecture of space environment simulator, simultaneously also briefly introduce the automation control technology of industrial process and the measurement technology of vacuum and cold black environment. According to the volume of chamber, the space environment simulator is divided into three types of small, medium and large. According to the classification and application of space environment simulator, the control system is divided into the control system of small, medium, large space environment simulator and the centralized control system of multiple space environment simulators.Keywords: space environment simulator, control system, architecture, automation control technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4753116 Instruction Program for Human Factors in Maintenance, Addressed to the People Working in Colombian Air Force Aeronautical Maintenance Area to Strengthen Operational Safety
Authors: Rafael Andres Rincon Barrera
Safety in global aviation plays a preponderant role in organizations that seek to avoid accidents in an attempt to preserve their most precious assets (the people and the machines). Human factors-based programs have shown to be effective in managing human-generated risks. The importance of training on human factors in maintenance has not been indifferent to the Colombian Air Force (COLAF). This research, which has a mixed quantitative, qualitative and descriptive approach, deals with its absence of structuring an instruction program in Human Factors in Aeronautical Maintenance, which serves as a tool to improve Operational Safety in the military air units of the COLAF. Research shows the trends and evolution of human factors programs in aeronautical maintenance through the analysis of a data matrix with 33 sources taken from different databases that are about the incorporation of these types of programs in the aeronautical industry in the last 20 years; as well as the improvements in the operational safety process that are presented after the implementation of these ones. Likewise, it compiles different normative guides in force from world aeronautical authorities for training in these programs, establishing a matrix of methodologies that may be applicable to develop a training program in human factors in maintenance. Subsequently, it illustrates the design, validation, and development of a human factors knowledge measurement instrument for maintenance at the COLAF that includes topics on Human Factors (HF), Safety Management System (SMS), and aeronautical maintenance regulations at the COLAF. With the information obtained, it performs the statistical analysis showing the aspects of knowledge and strengthening the staff for the preparation of the instruction program. Performing data triangulation based on the applicable methods and the weakest aspects found in the maintenance people shows a variable crossing from color coding, thus indicating the contents according to a training program for human factors in aeronautical maintenance, which are adjusted according to the competencies that are expected to be developed with the staff in a curricular format established by the COLAF. Among the most important findings are the determination that different authors are dealing with human factors in maintenance agrees that there is no standard model for its instruction and implementation, but that it must be adapted to the needs of the organization, that the Safety Culture in the Companies which incorporated programs on human factors in maintenance increased, that from the data obtained with the instrument for knowledge measurement of human factors in maintenance, the level of knowledge is MEDIUM-LOW with a score of 61.79%. And finally that there is an opportunity to improve Operational Safety for the COLAF through the implementation of the training program of human factors in maintenance for the technicians working in this area.Keywords: Colombian air force, human factors, safety culture, safety management system, triangulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1363115 Application of Fuzzy Approach to the Vibration Fault Diagnosis
Authors: Jalel Khelil
In order to improve reliability of Gas Turbine machine especially its generator equipment, a fault diagnosis system based on fuzzy approach is proposed. Three various methods namely K-NN (K-nearest neighbors), F-KNN (Fuzzy K-nearest neighbors) and FNM (Fuzzy nearest mean) are adopted to provide the measurement of relative strength of vibration defaults. Both applications consist of two major steps: Feature extraction and default classification. 09 statistical features are extracted from vibration signals. 03 different classes are used in this study which describes vibrations condition: Normal, unbalance defect, and misalignment defect. The use of the fuzzy approaches and the classification results are discussed. Results show that these approaches yield high successful rates of vibration default classification.Keywords: fault diagnosis, fuzzy classification k-nearest neighbor, vibration
Procedia PDF Downloads 4683114 A Generic Metamodel for Dependability Analysis
Authors: Moomen Chaari, Wolfgang Ecker, Thomas Kruse, Bogdan-Andrei Tabacaru
In our daily life, we frequently interact with complex systems which facilitate our mobility, enhance our access to information, and sometimes help us recover from illnesses or diseases. The reliance on these systems is motivated by the established evaluation and assessment procedures which are performed during the different phases of the design and manufacturing flow. Such procedures are aimed to qualify the system’s delivered services with respect to their availability, reliability, safety, and other properties generally referred to as dependability attributes. In this paper, we propose a metamodel based generic characterization of dependability concepts and describe an automation methodology to customize this characterization to different standards and contexts. When integrated in concrete design and verification environments, the proposed methodology promotes the reuse of already available dependability assessment tools and reduces the costs and the efforts required to create consistent and efficient artefacts for fault injection or error simulation.Keywords: dependability analysis, model-driven development, metamodeling, code generation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4873113 A Quadratic Approach for Generating Pythagorean Triples
Authors: P. K. Rahul Krishna, S. Sandeep Kumar, Jayanthi Sunder Raj
The article explores one of the important relations between numbers-the Pythagorean triples (triplets) which finds its application in distance measurement, construction of roads, towers, buildings and wherever Pythagoras theorem finds its application. The Pythagorean triples are numbers, that satisfy the condition “In a given set of three natural numbers, the sum of squares of two natural numbers is equal to the square of the other natural number”. There are numerous methods and equations to obtain the triplets, which have their own merits and demerits. Here, quadratic approach for generating triples uses the hypotenuse leg difference method. The advantage is that variables are few and finally only three independent variables are present.Keywords: arithmetic progression, hypotenuse leg difference method, natural numbers, Pythagorean triplets, quadratic equation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2063112 Analyzing Essential Patents of Mobile Communication Based on Patent Portfolio: Case Study of Long Term Evolution-Advanced
Authors: Kujhin Jeong, Sungjoo Lee
In the past, cross-licensing was made up of various application or commercial patents. Today, cross-licensing is restricted to essential patents, which has emphasized their importance significantly. Literature has shown that patent portfolio provides information for patent protection or strategy decision-making, but little empirical research has found strategic tool of essential patents. This paper will highlight four types of essential patent portfolio and analysis about each strategy in the field of LTE-A. Specifically we collected essential patents of mobile communication company through ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute) and build-up portfolio activity, concentration, diversity, and quality. Using these portfolios, we can understand each company’s strategic character about the technology of LTE-A and comparison analysis of financial results. Essential patents portfolio displays a mobile communication company’s strategy and its strategy’s impact on the performance of a company.Keywords: essential patent, portfolio, patent portfolio, essential patent portfolio
Procedia PDF Downloads 3953111 Lubrication Performance of Multi-Level Gear Oil in a Gasoline Engine
Authors: Feng-Tsai Weng, Dong- Syuan Cai, Tsochu-Lin
A vehicle gasoline engine converts gasoline into power so that the car can move, and lubricants are important for engines and also gear boxes. Manufacturers have produced numbers of engine oils, and gear oils for engines and gear boxes to SAE International Standards. Some products not only can improve the lubrication of both the engine and gear box but also can raise power of vehicle this can be easily seen in the advertisement declared by the manufacturers. To observe the lubrication performance, a multi-leveled (heavy duty) gear oil was added to a gasoline engine as the oil in the vehicle. The oil was checked at about every 10,000 kilometers. The engine was detailed disassembled, cleaned, and parts were measured. The wear of components of the engine parts were checked and recorded finally. Based on the experiment results, some gear oil seems possible to be used as engine oil in particular vehicles. Vehicle owners should change oil periodically in about every 6,000 miles (or 10,000 kilometers). Used car owners may change engine oil in even longer distance.Keywords: multi-level gear oil, engine oil, viscosity, abrasion
Procedia PDF Downloads 3253110 Investigations on the Fatigue Behavior of Welded Details with Imperfections
Authors: Helen Bartsch, Markus Feldmann
The dimensioning of steel structures subject to fatigue loads, such as wind turbines, bridges, masts and towers, crane runways and weirs or components in crane construction, is often dominated by fatigue verification. The fatigue details defined by the welded connections, such as butt or cruciform joints, longitudinal welds, welded-on or welded-in stiffeners, etc., are decisive. In Europe, the verification is usually carried out according to EN 1993-1-9 on a nominal stress basis. The basis is the detailed catalog, which specifies the fatigue strength of the various weld and construction details according to fatigue classes. Until now, a relation between fatigue classes and weld imperfection sizes is not included. Quality levels for imperfections in fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys are regulated in EN ISO 5817, which, however, doesn’t contain direct correlations to fatigue resistances. The question arises whether some imperfections might be tolerable to a certain extent since they may be present in the test data used for detail classifications dating back decades ago. Although current standardization requires proof of satisfying limits of imperfection sizes, it would also be possible to tolerate welds with certain irregularities if these can be reliably quantified by non-destructive testing. Fabricators would be prepared to undertake carefully and sustained weld inspection in view of the significant economic consequences of such unfavorable fatigue classes. This paper presents investigations on the fatigue behavior of common welded details containing imperfections. In contrast to the common nominal stress concept, local fatigue concepts were used to consider the true stress increase, i.e., local stresses at the weld toe and root. The actual shape of a weld comprising imperfections, e.g., gaps or undercuts, can be incorporated into the fatigue evaluation, usually on a numerical basis. With the help of the effective notch stress concept, the fatigue resistance of detailed local weld shapes is assessed. Validated numerical models serve to investigate notch factors of fatigue details with different geometries. By utilizing parametrized ABAQUS routines, detailed numerical studies have been performed. Depending on the shape and size of different weld irregularities, fatigue classes can be defined. As well load-carrying welded details, such as the cruciform joint, as non-load carrying welded details, e.g., welded-on or welded-in stiffeners, are regarded. The investigated imperfections include, among others, undercuts, excessive convexity, incorrect weld toe, excessive asymmetry and insufficient or excessive throat thickness. Comparisons of the impact of different imperfections on the different types of fatigue details are made. Moreover, the influence of a combination of crucial weld imperfections on the fatigue resistance is analyzed. With regard to the trend of increasing efficiency in steel construction, the overall aim of the investigations is to include a more economical differentiation of fatigue details with regard to tolerance sizes. In the long term, the harmonization of design standards, execution standards and regulations of weld imperfections is intended.Keywords: effective notch stress, fatigue, fatigue design, weld imperfections
Procedia PDF Downloads 2613109 A Genetic-Neural-Network Modeling Approach for Self-Heating in GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors
Authors: Anwar Jarndal
In this paper, a genetic-neural-network (GNN) based large-signal model for GaN HEMTs is presented along with its parameters extraction procedure. The model is easy to construct and implement in CAD software and requires only DC and S-parameter measurements. An improved decomposition technique is used to model self-heating effect. Two GNN models are constructed to simulate isothermal drain current and power dissipation, respectively. The two model are then composed to simulate the drain current. The modeling procedure was applied to a packaged GaN-on-Si HEMT and the developed model is validated by comparing its large-signal simulation with measured data. A very good agreement between the simulation and measurement is obtained.Keywords: GaN HEMT, computer-aided design and modeling, neural networks, genetic optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 3843108 Physicochemical and Biochemical Characterization of Olea europea Var. Oleaster Oil and Determination of Its Effects on Blood Parameters
Authors: Asma Gherib, Imen Merzougui, Cherifa Henchiri
This present study has allowed to evaluate the physico chemical characteristics, fatty acid composition and the hypolipidemic effect of Oleaster oil Olea europea var. Oleaster, from the area of El Kala, "Eastern Algeria" on rats "Wistar albinos". The physico chemical characteristics: acidity (0,73%), peroxide value (14, 16 meqO2/kg oil) and iodine value (74,08 g iodine/100 g of oil) are consistent with international standards. The dosage of FA revealed a wealth of oil with UFA (76,7%), mainly composed of 65.43% of MUFA whose major fatty acid is oleic acid (63,57%). The experiment on rats receiving a diet rich in saturated fats and hydrogenated oils revealed that the consumption of Oleaster oil at the dose of 10 g and 20 g for 15 and 30 days improves plasma lipid profile by decreasing the rates of TC, TG, TL, and LDL-C with an increase in the rate of HDL-C serum. The importance of these effects depends on the dose and period of treatment.Keywords: oleaster oil, fatty acid, Olea europea, oleic acid, lipid profile
Procedia PDF Downloads 4903107 Intelligent Electric Vehicle Charging System (IEVCS)
Authors: Prateek Saxena, Sanjeev Singh, Julius Roy
The security of the power distribution grid remains a paramount to the utility professionals while enhancing and making it more efficient. The most serious threat to the system can be maintaining the transformers, as the load is ever increasing with the addition of elements like electric vehicles. In this paper, intelligent transformer monitoring and grid management has been proposed. The engineering is done to use the evolving data from the smart meter for grid analytics and diagnostics for preventive maintenance. The two-tier architecture for hardware and software integration is coupled to form a robust system for the smart grid. The proposal also presents interoperable meter standards for easy integration. Distribution transformer analytics based on real-time data benefits utilities preventing outages, protects the revenue loss, improves the return on asset and reduces overall maintenance cost by predictive monitoring.Keywords: electric vehicle charging, transformer monitoring, data analytics, intelligent grid
Procedia PDF Downloads 7913106 Assessment of Compost Usage Quality and Quality for Agricultural Use: A Case Study of Hebron District, Palestine
Authors: Mohammed A. A. Sarhan, Issam A. Al-Khatib
Complying with the technical specifications of compost production is of high importance not only for environmental protection but also for increasing the productivity and promotion of compost use by farmers in agriculture. This study focuses on the compost quality of the Palestinian market and farmers’ attitudes toward agricultural use of compost. The quality is assessed through selection of 20 compost samples of different suppliers and producers and lab testing for quality parameters, while the farmers’ attitudes to compost use for agriculture are evaluated through survey questionnaire of 321 farmers in the Hebron area. The results showed that the compost in the Palestinian markets is of medium quality due to partial or non-compliance with the quality standards and guidelines. The Palestinian farmers showed a positive attitude since 91.2% of them have the desire to use compost in agriculture. The results also showed that knowledge of difference between compost and chemical fertilizers, perception of compost benefits and previously experiencing problems in compost use, are significant factors affecting the farmers’ attitude toward the use of compost as an organic fertilizer.Keywords: attitude, compost, compost quality, organic fertilizer, manure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1683105 Study on Residual Stress Measurement of Inconel-718 under Different Lubricating Conditions
Authors: M. Sandeep Kumar, Vasu Velagapudi, A. Venugopal
When machining is carried out on a workpiece, residual stresses are induced in the workpiece due to nonuniform thermal and mechanical loads. These stresses play a vital role in the surface integrity of the final product or the output. Inconel 718 is commonly used in critical structural components of aircraft engines due to its properties at high temperatures. Therefore it is important to keep down the stresses induced due to machining. This can be achieved through proper lubricating conditions. In this work, experiments were carried out to check the influence of the developed nanofluid as cutting fluids on residual stresses developed during the course of machining. The results of MQL/Nanofluids were compared with MQL/Vegetable oil and dry machining lubricating condition. Results indicate the reduction in residual stress with the use of MQL/Nanofluid.Keywords: nanofluids, MQL, residual stress, Inconel-718
Procedia PDF Downloads 2623104 The Establishment of RELAP5/SNAP Model for Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant
Authors: C. Shih, J. R. Wang, H. C. Chang, S. W. Chen, S. C. Chiang, T. Y. Yu
After the measurement uncertainty recapture (MUR) power uprates, Kuosheng nuclear power plant (NPP) was uprated the power from 2894 MWt to 2943 MWt. For power upgrade, several codes (e.g., TRACE, RELAP5, etc.) were applied to assess the safety of Kuosheng NPP. Hence, the main work of this research is to establish a RELAP5/MOD3.3 model of Kuosheng NPP with SNAP interface. The establishment of RELAP5/SNAP model was referred to the FSAR, training documents, and TRACE model which has been developed and verified before. After completing the model establishment, the startup test scenarios would be applied to the RELAP5/SNAP model. With comparing the startup test data and TRACE analysis results, the applicability of RELAP5/SNAP model would be assessed.Keywords: RELAP5, TRACE, SNAP, BWR
Procedia PDF Downloads 4313103 Utilization of Jackfruit Seed Flour (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.) as a Food Additive
Authors: C. S. D. S. Maduwage, P. W. Jeewanthi, W. A. J. P. Wijesinghe
This study investigated the use of Jackfruit Seed Flour (JSF) as a thickening agent in tomato sauce production. Lye peeled mature jackfruit seeds were used to obtain JSF. Flour was packed in laminated bags and stored for further studies. Three batches of tomato sauce samples were prepared according to the Sri Lankan Standards for tomato sauce by adding JSF, corn flour and without any thickening agent. Samples were stored at room temperature for 8 weeks in glass bottles. The physicochemical properties such as pH, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and water activity were measured during the storage period. Microbial analysis and sensory evaluation were done to determine the quality of tomato sauce. JSF showed the role of a thickening agent in tomato sauce with lowest serum separation and highest viscosity during the storage period. This study concludes that JSF can be successfully used as a thickening agent in food industry.Keywords: Jackfruit seed flour, food additive, thickening agent, tomato sauce
Procedia PDF Downloads 3163102 Measuring Science and Technology Innovation Capacity in Developing Countries: From a National Innovation System
Authors: Haeng A. Seo, Changseok Oh, Seung Jun Yoo
This study attempts to examine the disparities in S&T innovation capacity from 14 developing countries to discuss how to support specific features in national innovation systems. It includes East-Asian, Middle-Asian, Central American and African countries. Here, we particularly focus on five dimensions- resources, activities, network, environment and performance- with 37 indicators. They were derived as structuring components of the relevant diagnostic model, which encompasses the whole process of S&T innovation from the input of resources to the output of economically valuable results. For many developing nations, economic industries remain weaker than actual S&T capabilities, and relevant regulatory authorities may not exist. This paper will be helpful to provide basic evidence and to set directions for better national S&T Innovation capacities and toward national competitiveness.Keywords: developing countries, measurement, NIS, S&T innovation capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2863101 A Comprehensive Study on Quality Assurance in Game Development
Authors: Maria Komal, Zaineb Khalil, Mehreen Sirshar
Due to the recent technological advancements, Games have become one of the most demanding applications. Gaming industry is rapidly growing and the key to success in this industry is the development of good quality games, which is a highly competitive issue. The ultimate goal of game developers is to provide player’s satisfaction by developing high-quality games. This research is the comprehensive survey of techniques followed by game industries to ensure games quality. After analysis of various techniques, it has been found that quality simulation according to ISO standards and play test methods are used to ensure games quality. Because game development requires cross-disciplined team, an increasing trend towards distributed game development has been observed. This paper evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of current methodologies used in game industry and draws a conclusion. We have also proposed quality parameters which can be used as a heuristic framework to identify those attributes which have high testing priorities.Keywords: game development, computer games, video games, gaming industry, quality assurance, playability, user experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 5343100 Motivation and Efficiency of Quality Management Systems Implementation: A Study of Kosovo Organizations
Authors: Naim Ismajli, Ilir Rexhepi
The article presents the results of the study about the motives and efficiency of quality management system (Quality System, QS) implementation in Kosovo companies. The main purpose of the study was to find out why Kosovo companies seek the implementation and certification of QS in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 series of the standards and what has changed after the QS implementation. Furthermore, the results of the research were compared with similar performed in the other European countries. The performed research revealed that the implementation of QS mostly results in the benefits of an intangible nature that are internal to the company. In addition, although the main reasons to start implementing QS are the expectations of the external advantages, the implementation results mostly in the increase of the internal benefits such as an improvement in the definition of the responsibilities and obligations of the employees, a decrease in the nonconformities, better communication among the employees, and increased efficiency.Keywords: quality management systems, ISO 9001, total quality management, environmental management system, ISO 14000, competitiveness, efciency
Procedia PDF Downloads 3663099 Smart Monitoring and Control of Tap Changer Using Intelligent Electronic Device
Authors: K. N. Dinesh Babu, M. V. Gopalan, G. R. Manjunatha, R. Ramaprabha, V. Rajini
In this paper, monitoring and control of tap changer mechanism of a transformer implementation in an intelligent electronic device (IED) is discussed. Its been a custom for decades to provide a separate panel for on load tap changer control for monitoring the tap position. However this facility cannot either record or transfer the information to remote control centers. As there is a technology shift towards the smart grid protection and control standards, the need for implementing remote control and monitoring has necessitated the implementation of this feature in numerical relays. This paper deals with the programming, settings and logic implementation which is applicable to both IEC 61850 compatible and non-compatible IEDs thereby eliminating the need for separate tap changer control equipment. The monitoring mechanism has been implemented in a 28MVA, 110 /6.9kV transformer with 16 tap position with GE make T60 IED at Ultratech cement limited Gulbarga, Karnataka and is in successful service.Keywords: transformer protection, tap changer control, tap position monitoring, on load tap changer, intelligent electronic device (IED)
Procedia PDF Downloads 5953098 Development and Analysis of Waste Human Hair Fiber Reinforced Composite
Authors: Tesfaye Worku
Human hair, chicken feathers, and hairs of other birds and animals are commonly described as waste products, and the currently available disposal methods, such as burying and burning these waste products, are contributing to environmental pollution. However, those waste products are used to develop fiber-reinforced textile composite material. In this research work, the composite was developed using human hair fiber and analysis of the mechanical and physical properties of the developed composite sample. A composite sample was made with different ratios of human hair and unsaturated polyester resin, and an analysis of the mechanical and physical properties of the developed composite sample was tested according to standards. The fabricated human hair fibers reinforced polymer matrix composite sample has given encouraging results in terms of high strength and rigidity for lightweight house ceiling board material.Keywords: composite, human hair fiber, matrix, unsaturated polyester
Procedia PDF Downloads 713097 Relay Node Selection Algorithm for Cooperative Communications in Wireless Networks
Authors: Sunmyeng Kim
IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards support multiple transmission rates. Even though the use of multiple transmission rates increase the WLAN capacity, this feature leads to the performance anomaly problem. Cooperative communication was introduced to relieve the performance anomaly problem. Data packets are delivered to the destination much faster through a relay node with high rate than through direct transmission to the destination at low rate. In the legacy cooperative protocols, a source node chooses a relay node only based on the transmission rate. Therefore, they are not so feasible in multi-flow environments since they do not consider the effect of other flows. To alleviate the effect, we propose a new relay node selection algorithm based on the transmission rate and channel contention level. Performance evaluation is conducted using simulation, and shows that the proposed protocol significantly outperforms the previous protocol in terms of throughput and delay.Keywords: cooperative communications, MAC protocol, relay node, WLAN
Procedia PDF Downloads 3343096 A Review on the Use of Salt in Building Construction
Authors: Vesna Pungercar, Florian Musso
Identifying materials that can substitute rare or expensive natural resources is one of the key challenges for improving resource efficiency in the building sector. With a growing world population and rising living standards, more and more salt is produced as waste through seawater desalination and potash mining processes. Unfortunately, most of the salt is directly disposed of into nature, where it causes environmental pollution. On the other hand, salt is affordable, is used therapeutically in various respiratory treatments, and can store humidity and heat. It was, therefore, necessary to determine salt materials already in use in building construction and their hygrothermal properties. This research aims to identify salt materials from different scientific branches and historically, to investigate their properties and prioritize the most promising salt materials for indoor applications in a thermal envelope. This was realized through literature review and classification of salt materials into three groups (raw salt materials, composite salt materials, and processed salt materials). The outcome of this research shows that salt has already been used as a building material for centuries and has a potential for future applications due to its hygrothermal properties in a thermal envelope.Keywords: salt, building material, hygrothermal properties, environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1693095 Esports: A Biomechanics and Performance Perspective
Authors: Alex S. Talan
The introduction of scientific terms for esports can directly affect the quality of the training process. This is a critically important scientific task since esports is a rapidly developing global sport that has only recently begun to receive scientific and methodological consideration. In this report, we evaluate esports from a biomechanical perspective. First, we examine the relationship between physical performance and esports gaming techniques, with consideration toward engineering more effective physical and in-game training methodologies for amateur and professional esports competitors. In addition, we advocate that applying biomechanical research methodologies has the added potential to improve physical performance and endurance in esports athletes. With the budding attention on the esports enterprise globally, scientific research into esports would benefit from standardizing terminologies and methodological approaches that are specifically tailored to assess esports training efficacy to enhance individual and team performance within the esports community.Keywords: cybersport, esports, biomechanics, sports technique, training standards, dental occlusion, sports engineering, sitting pose
Procedia PDF Downloads 893094 The Effect of Corporate Governance to Islamic Banking Performance Using Maqasid Index Approach in Indonesia
Authors: Audia Syafa'atur Rahman, Rozali Haron
The practices of Islamic banking are more attuned to the goals of profit maximization rather than obtaining ethical profit. Ethical profit is obtained from interest-free earnings and to give an impact which benefits to the growth of society and economy. Good corporate governance practices are needed to assure the sustainability of Islamic banks in order to achieve Maqasid Shariah with the main purpose of boosting the well-being of people. The Maqasid Shariah performance measurement is used to measure the duties and responsibilities expected to be performed by Islamic banks. It covers not only unification dimension like financial measurement, but also many dimensions covered to reflect the main purpose of Islamic banks. The implementation of good corporate governance is essential because it covers the interests of the stakeholders and facilitates effective monitoring to encourage Islamic banks to utilize resources more efficiently in order to achieve the Maqasid Shariah. This study aims to provide the empirical evidence on the Maqasid performance of Islamic banks in relation to the Maqasid performance evaluation model, to examine the influence of SSB characteristics and board structures to Islamic Banks performance as measured by Maqasid performance evaluation model. By employing the simple additive weighting method, Maqasid index for all the Islamic Banks in Indonesia within 2012 to 2016 ranged from above 11% to 28%. The Maqasid Syariah performance index where results reached above 20% are obtained by Islamic Banks such as Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Panin Syariah, and Bank BRI Syariah. The consistent achievement above 23% is achieved by BMI. Other Islamic Banks such as Bank Victoria Syariah, Bank Jabar Banten Syariah, Bank BNI Syariah, Bank Mega Syariah, BCA Syariah, and Maybank Syariah Indonesia shows a fluctuating value of the Maqasid performance index every year. The impact of SSB characteristics and board structures are tested using random-effects generalized least square. The findings indicate that SSB characteristics (Shariah Supervisory Board size, Shariah Supervisory Board cross membership, Shariah Supervisory Board Education, and Shariah Supervisory Board reputation) and board structures (Board size and Board independence) have an essential role in improving the performance of Islamic Banks. The findings denote Shariah Supervisory Board with smaller size, higher portion of Shariah Supervisory Board cross membership; lesser Shariah Supervisory Board holds doctorate degree, lesser reputable scholar, more members on board of directors, and less independence non-executive directors will enhance the performance of Islamic Banks.Keywords: Maqasid Shariah, corporate governance, Islamic banks, Shariah supervisory board
Procedia PDF Downloads 2423093 Path loss Signals Determination in a Selected Buildings in Kazaure
Authors: Musefiu Aderinola, F. A. Amuda
Outages of GSM signals may be experienced at some indoor locations even when there are strong outdoor receptions. This is often traced to the building penetration loss, which account for increased attenuation of received GSM signals level when a mobile signal device is moved indoor from outdoor. In this work, measurement of two existing GSM operators signal level were made outside and inside two selected buildings- mud and block which represent the prevalent building types in Kazaure, Jigawa State, Nigeria. A gionee P2 mobile phone with RF signal tracker software installed in it was used and the result shows that an average loss of 10.62dBm and 4.25dBm for mud and block buildings respectively.Keywords: penetration loss, outdoor reception, Gionee P2, RF signal tracker, mud and block building
Procedia PDF Downloads 3023092 Towards a Security Model against Denial of Service Attacks for SIP Traffic
Authors: Arellano Karina, Diego Avila-Pesántez, Leticia Vaca-Cárdenas, Alberto Arellano, Carmen Mantilla
Nowadays, security threats in Voice over IP (VoIP) systems are an essential and latent concern for people in charge of security in a corporate network, because, every day, new Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks are developed. These affect the business continuity of an organization, regarding confidentiality, availability, and integrity of services, causing frequent losses of both information and money. The purpose of this study is to establish the necessary measures to mitigate DoS threats, which affect the availability of VoIP systems, based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). A Security Model called MS-DoS-SIP is proposed, which is based on two approaches. The first one analyzes the recommendations of international security standards. The second approach takes into account weaknesses and threats. The implementation of this model in a VoIP simulated system allowed to minimize the present vulnerabilities in 92% and increase the availability time of the VoIP service into an organization.Keywords: Denial-of-Service SIP attacks, MS-DoS-SIP, security model, VoIP-SIP vulnerabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 2043091 Influence of Harmonics on Medium Voltage Distribution System: A Case Study for Residential Area
Authors: O. Arikan, C. Kocatepe, G. Ucar, Y. Hacialiefendioglu
In this paper, influence of harmonics on medium voltage distribution system of Bogazici Electricity Distribution Inc. (BEDAS) which takes place at Istanbul/Turkey is investigated. A ring network consisting of residential loads is taken into account for this study. Real system parameters and measurement results are used for simulations. Also, probable working conditions of the system are analyzed for %50, %75 and %100 loading of transformers with similar harmonic contents. Results of the study are exhibited the influence of nonlinear loads on %THDV, P.F. and technical losses of the medium voltage distribution system.Keywords: distribution system, harmonic, technical losses, power factor, total harmonic distortion, residential load, medium voltage
Procedia PDF Downloads 5733090 A Survey on Lossless Compression of Bayer Color Filter Array Images
Authors: Alina Trifan, António J. R. Neves
Although most digital cameras acquire images in a raw format, based on a Color Filter Array that arranges RGB color filters on a square grid of photosensors, most image compression techniques do not use the raw data; instead, they use the rgb result of an interpolation algorithm of the raw data. This approach is inefficient and by performing a lossless compression of the raw data, followed by pixel interpolation, digital cameras could be more power efficient and provide images with increased resolution given that the interpolation step could be shifted to an external processing unit. In this paper, we conduct a survey on the use of lossless compression algorithms with raw Bayer images. Moreover, in order to reduce the effect of the transition between colors that increase the entropy of the raw Bayer image, we split the image into three new images corresponding to each channel (red, green and blue) and we study the same compression algorithms applied to each one individually. This simple pre-processing stage allows an improvement of more than 15% in predictive based methods.Keywords: bayer image, CFA, lossless compression, image coding standards
Procedia PDF Downloads 3223089 A Study on the Life Prediction Performance Degradation Analysis of the Hydraulic Breaker
Authors: Jong Won, Park, Sung Hyun, Kim
The kinetic energy to pass subjected to shock and chisel reciprocating piston hydraulic power supplied by the excavator using for the purpose of crushing the rock, and roads, buildings, etc., hydraulic breakers blow. Impact frequency, efficiency measurement of the impact energy, hydraulic breakers, to demonstrate the ability of hydraulic breaker manufacturers and users to a very important item. And difficult in order to confirm the initial performance degradation in the life of the hydraulic breaker has been thought to be a problem.In this study, we measure the efficiency of hydraulic breaker, Impact energy and Impact frequency, the degradation analysis of research to predict the life.Keywords: impact energy, impact frequency, hydraulic breaker, life prediction
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