Search results for: left bundle branch block
1254 Detection of Intravenous Infiltration Using Impedance Parameters in Patients in a Long-Term Care Hospital
Authors: Ihn Sook Jeong, Eun Joo Lee, Jae Hyung Kim, Gun Ho Kim, Young Jun Hwang
This study investigated intravenous (IV) infiltration using bioelectrical impedance for 27 hospitalized patients in a long-term care hospital. Impedance parameters showed significant differences before and after infiltration as follows. First, the resistance (R) after infiltration significantly decreased compared to the initial resistance. This indicates that the IV solution flowing from the vein due to infiltration accumulates in the extracellular fluid (ECF). Second, the relative resistance at 50 kHz was 0.94 ± 0.07 in 9 subjects without infiltration and was 0.75 ± 0.12 in 18 subjects with infiltration. Third, the magnitude of the reactance (Xc) decreased after infiltration. This is because IV solution and blood components released from the vein tend to aggregate in the cell membrane (and acts analogously to the linear/parallel circuit), thereby increasing the capacitance (Cm) of the cell membrane and reducing the magnitude of reactance. Finally, the data points plotted in the R-Xc graph were distributed on the upper right before infiltration but on the lower left after infiltration. This indicates that the infiltration caused accumulation of fluid or blood components in the epidermal and subcutaneous tissues, resulting in reduced resistance and reactance, thereby lowering integrity of the cell membrane. Our findings suggest that bioelectrical impedance is an effective method for detection of infiltration in a noninvasive and quantitative manner.Keywords: intravenous infiltration, impedance, parameters, resistance, reactance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1831253 Numerical Modeling to Validate Theoretical Models of Toppling Failure in Rock Slopes
Authors: Hooman Dabirmanesh, Attila M. Zsaki
Traditionally, rock slope stability is carried out using limit equilibrium analysis when investigating toppling failure. In these equilibrium methods, internal forces exerted between columns are not clearly defined, and to the authors’ best knowledge, there is no consensus in literature with respect to the results of analysis. A discrete element method-based numerical model was developed and applied to simulate the behavior of rock layers subjected to toppling failure. Based on this calibrated numerical model, a study of the location and distribution of internal forces that result in equilibrium was carried out. The sum of side forces was applied at a point on a block which properly represents the force to determine the inter-column force distribution. In terms of the side force distribution coefficient, the result was compared to those obtained from laboratory centrifuge tests. The results of the simulation show the suitable criteria to select the correct position for the internal exerted force between rock layers. In addition, the numerical method demonstrates how a theoretical method could be reliable by considering the interaction between the rock layers.Keywords: contact bond, discrete element, force distribution, limit equilibrium, tensile stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431252 Detailed Depositional Resolutions in Upper Miocene Sands of HT-3X Well, Nam Con Son Basin, Vietnam
Authors: Vo Thi Hai Quan
Nam Con Son sedimentary basin is one of the very important oil and gas basins in offshore Vietnam. Hai Thach field of block 05-2 contains mostly gas accumulations in fine-grained, sand/mud-rich turbidite system, which was deposited in a turbidite channel and fan environment. Major Upper Miocene reservoir of HT-3X lies above a well-developed unconformity. The main objectives of this study are to reconstruct depositional environment and to assess the reservoir quality using data from 14 meters of core samples and digital wireline data of the well HT-3X. The wireline log and core data showed that the vertical sequences of representative facies of the well mainly range from Tb to Te divisions of Bouma sequences with predominance of Tb and Tc compared to Td and Te divisions. Sediments in this well were deposited in a submarine fan association with very fine to fine-grained, homogeneous sandstones that have high porosity and permeability, high- density turbidity currents with longer transport route from the sediment source to the basin, indicating good quality of reservoir. Sediments are comprised mainly of the following sedimentary structures: massive, laminated sandstones, convoluted bedding, laminated ripples, cross-laminated ripples, deformed sandstones, contorted bedding.Keywords: Hai Thach field, Miocene sand, turbidite, wireline data
Procedia PDF Downloads 2921251 Excluded: The Sense of Non-Belonging and Violent Radicalisation in the Case of the United Kingdom
Authors: Lorand Bodo
There are many stories of young British citizens who have left their country and families to join Islamist militant groups. So, what drives these young people to abandon their families and countries to join terrorist groups such as the so-called Islamic State? Much has been written to explain the phenomenon of violent radicalisation, whereby the concepts of identity and belonging are identified as one of the most significant drivers for violent radicalisation. In this respect, this paper explores the connection between the sense of belonging and violent radicalisation. That is necessary to gain a more nuanced understanding of the process of violent radicalisation in order to create and implement more effective counter-measures for tackling violent radicalisation. By using an inductive approach, this dissertation attempts to answer the question to what extent does the sense of non-belonging lead to the violent radicalisation of a few individuals. Therefore, alongside an expert interview, a survey, and qualitative content analysis of secondary sources, an exclusive semi-structured interview was conducted with a former violently radicalised Jihadi and recruiter. Overall, the sense of non-belonging significantly affects the process of violent radicalisation of a few individuals. Nevertheless, being religiously fundamental is not the problem of becoming violently radicalised in the first place, but belonging to the wrong group that is strongly determined by ideology, constitutes the main problem.Keywords: identity, sense of non-belonging, social identity theory, violent radicalisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2011250 Preliminary Study on Analysis of Pinching Motion Actuated by Electro-Active Polymers
Authors: Doo W. Lee, Soo J. Lee, Bye R. Yoon, Jae Y. Jho, Kyehan Rhee
Hand exoskeletons have been developed in order to assist daily activities for disabled and elder people. A figure exoskeleton was developed using ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) actuators, and the performance of it was evaluated in this study. In order to study dynamic performance of a finger dummy performing pinching motion, force generating characteristics of an IPMC actuator and pinching motion of a thumb and index finger dummy actuated by IMPC actuators were analyzed. The blocking force of 1.54 N was achieved under 4 V of DC. A thumb and index finger dummy, which has one degree of freedom at the proximal joint of each figure, was manufactured by a three dimensional rapid prototyping. Each figure was actuated by an IPMC actuator, and the maximum fingertip force was 1.18 N. Pinching motion of a dummy was analyzed by two video cameras in vertical top and horizontal left end view planes. A figure dummy powered by IPMC actuators could perform flexion and extension motion of an index figure and a thumb.Keywords: finger exoskeleton, ionic polymer metal composite, flexion and extension, motion analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2381249 Optic Nerve Sheath Measurement in Children with Head Trauma
Authors: Sabiha Sahin, Kursad Bora Carman, Coskun Yarar
Introduction: Measuring the diameter of the optic nerve sheath is a noninvasive and easy to use imaging technique to predict intracranial pressure in children and adults. The aim was to measure the diameter of the optic nerve sheath in pediatric head trauma. Methods: The study group consisted of 40 children with healthy and 40 patients with head trauma. Transorbital sonographic measurement of the optic nerve sheath diameter was performed. Conclusion: The mean diameters of the optic nerve sheath of right and left eyes were 0.408 ± 0.064 mm and 0.417 ± 0.065 mm, respectively, in the trauma group. These results were higher in patients than in control group. There was a negative correlation between optic nerve sheath diameters and Glasgow Coma Scales in patients with head trauma (p < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between optic nerve sheath diameters and positive CT findings, systolic blood pressure in patients with head trauma. The clinical status of the patients at admission, blood pH and lactate level were related to the optic nerve sheath diameter. Conclusion: Measuring the diameter of the optic nerve sheath is not an invasive technique and can be easily used to predict increased intracranial pressure and to prevent secondary brain injury.Keywords: head trauma, intracranial pressure, optic nerve, sonography
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591248 Computational Study of Blood Flow Analysis for Coronary Artery Disease
Authors: Radhe Tado, Ashish B. Deoghare, K. M. Pandey
The aim of this study is to estimate the effect of blood flow through the coronary artery in human heart so as to assess the coronary artery disease.Velocity, wall shear stress (WSS), strain rate and wall pressure distribution are some of the important hemodynamic parameters that are non-invasively assessed with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). These parameters are used to identify the mechanical factors responsible for the plaque progression and/or rupture in left coronary arteries (LCA) in coronary arteries.The initial step for CFD simulations was the construction of a geometrical model of the LCA. Patient specific artery model is constructed using computed tomography (CT) scan data with the help of MIMICS Research 19.0. For CFD analysis ANSYS FLUENT-14.5 is used.Hemodynamic parameters were quantified and flow patterns were visualized both in the absence and presence of coronary plaques. The wall pressure continuously decreased towards distal segments and showed pressure drops in stenotic segments. Areas of high WSS and high flow velocities were found adjacent to plaques deposition.Keywords: angiography, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), time-average wall shear stress (TAWSS), wall pressure, wall shear stress (WSS)
Procedia PDF Downloads 1851247 Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Algorithm after Mandibular Resection for Ameloblastoma
Authors: Joaquim de Almeida Dultra, Daiana Cristina Pereira Santana, Fátima Karoline Alves Araújo Dultra, Liliane Akemi Kawano Shibasaki, Mariana Machado Mendes de Carvalho, Ieda Margarida Crusoé Rocha Rebello
Defects originating from mandibular resections can cause significant functional impairment and facial disharmony, and they have complex rehabilitation. The aim of this report is to demonstrate the authors' experience facing challenging rehabilitation after mandibular resection in a patient with ameloblastoma. Clinical and surgical steps are described simultaneously, highlighting the adaptation of the final fixed prosthesis, reported in an unprecedented way in the literature. A 37-year-old male patient was seen after a sports accident, where a pathological fracture in the symphysis and left mandibular body was identified, where a large radiolucent lesion was found. The patient underwent resection, bone graft, distraction osteogenesis, rehabilitation with dental implants, prosthesis, and finally, orofacial harmonization, in an interval of six years. Rehabilitation should consider the patient's needs individually and should have as the main objective to provide similar aesthetics and function to that present before the disease. We also emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary work during the course of rehabilitation.Keywords: ameloblastoma, mandibular reconstruction, distraction osteogenesis, dental implants. dental prosthesis, implant-supported, treatment outcome
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141246 The Dead Alexandrian Historic Vein: The Revitalization of Mahmoudiyah Canal 'The Forgotten Environmental Asset'
Authors: Sara S. Fouad, Omneya Messallam
In 1818, a seventy-five kilometer long canal was dug (called the Mahmoudiyah canal) connecting between Alexandria city in Egypt and the western branch of the Nile. It was a productive resource and vital to its environment, context, transportation, and recreation. It played a significant role in people’s lives and Alexandria city’s shape. The canal, which was the main vein of goods’ transporting from Alexandria’s seaport to the different parts of Egypt, was still in use today as a major source of clear water in the city. But nowadays, Mahmoudiyah canal is converting into ‘dead waterway’. The canal became sources of pollution as a result of solid and industrial waste thus causing many diseases, destroying communities and biodiversity, with urban invasion, the loss of community aesthetic value and healthy environment. Therefore, this paper aims to propose an urban strategy, as a solution to revive the forgotten canal, through recreating a cultural promenade on its shore. The main aim of this research is to formulate decent quality of life, unpolluted space, an area gathering the city space for nature, tourism and investments. As a case study, this paper investigates Mahmoudiyah canal through urban and ecological analyses, aiming to design an urban strategy for reviving it by creating a cultural promenade enriched with public spaces and green areas, which can most probably enhance the quality of life, city re-living and development. Community participation is also considered as vital and intrinsic implementation stage. The empirical research involved using several data assembly methods such as interviews, mental mapping, structural observations and questionnaires. The paper ends with a set of conclusions leading to proposals for the Mahmoudiyah canal revitalization considering the complex challenges and processes of sustainable regeneration focusing on city’s rehabilitation and lost identity.Keywords: Mahmoudiyah canal, community aesthetic value, city re-living, cultural promenade
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331245 The Effects of Different Types of Herbicides Used for Lawn Maintenance on the Dynamics of Weeds in an Urban Environment
Authors: Yetunde I. Bulu, Moses B. Adewole, Julius O. Faluyi
This study investigates the effect of aggressive application of herbicide on weed succession in an urban environment in Ile-Ife, Osun State. An inspection of the communities was carried out to identify sites maintained by herbicides (test plots) and those without herbicide history (control plots). Four different experimental plots located at Olasode, Eleweran, Ife City and Parakin within Ile-Ife town were monitored during the study. Comprehensive enumeration and identification of plant populations to species level was carried out on each of the plots and at every visit to determine the direction of succession. Index of similarities was used to determine the relationship in plant species composition between plots treated with herbicide and the untreated plots. The trend of increasing plant species was observed in all the study plots. Low Similarity Index between the treated plots and the control vegetation was observed at all visitations. Low similarity was also observed between the above-ground vegetation and the seed bank in all the plots. The study concluded that the weed population observed from the experimental plots showed an increase in species richness and diversity when the plots were left to recover compared to the control plots.Keywords: herbicide, index of similarity, population, soil seed bank, succession
Procedia PDF Downloads 1621244 The Impacts of Gentrification in Transit-Oriented Development on Mode Choice and Equity
Authors: Steve Apell
Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a popular intervention for local governments endeavoring to reduce auto-dependency and the adverse effects of sprawl. At the same time, American households such as the millennial generation, are shifting their residential preferences from the suburbs to the central city. These changes have intensified demand for TOD housing which generates high rents. This leads to displacement of low-income, transit-dependent households by more affluent middle class families. Critics argue that, the effectiveness of TOD might be compromised as newer affluent residents drive more and use transit less. However, there has not been a comprehensive study to test this hypothesis. Using census data ( 1990 – 2012) from six metropolitans areas, this research investigated if block groups within one-mile radius of TOD are gentrifying. Our findings reveal that the price of housing and number of college graduates, increased more in TODs compared to the metropolitan area. Similarly, the percentage of immigrants increased in TOD, while those of blacks and whites declined. Most importantly, TOD residents generally commuted less by car, while transit use increased in some metropolitan areas. TOD in the south of the United States registered higher cost of housing and less transit use. These findings have significant implications for the future of equitable and sustainable transportation policy.Keywords: commuting, equity, gentrification, mode choice, transit oriented development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3701243 d-Block Metal Nanoparticles Confined in Triphenylphosphine Oxide Functionalized Core-Crosslinked Micelles for the Application in Biphasic Hydrogenation
Authors: C. Joseph Abou-Fayssal, K. Philippot, R. Poli, E. Manoury, A. Riisager
The use of soluble polymer-supported metal nanoparticles (MNPs) has received significant attention for the ease of catalyst recovery and recycling. Of particular interest are MNPs that are supported on polymers that are either soluble or form stable colloidal dispersion in water, as this allows to combine of the advantages of the aqueous biphasic protocol with the catalytical performances of MNPs. The objective is to achieve good confinement of the catalyst in the nanoreactor cores and, thus, a better catalyst recovery in order to overcome the previously witnessed MNP extraction. Inspired by previous results, we are interested in the design of polymeric nanoreactors functionalized with ligands able to solidly anchor metallic nanoparticles in order to control the activity and selectivity of the developed nanocatalysts. The nanoreactors are core-crosslinked micelles (CCM) synthesized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. Varying the nature of the core-linked functionalities allows us to get differently stabilized metal nanoparticles and thus compare their performance in the catalyzed aqueous biphasic hydrogenation of model substrates. Particular attention is given to catalyst recyclability.Keywords: biphasic catalysis, metal nanoparticles, polymeric nanoreactors, catalyst recovery, RAFT polymerization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031242 Systemic Factors, Intraocular Lens, and Ocular Abnormalities in Patients with Intraocular Lens Glistening at a Tertiary Hospital in Semarang
Authors: Azmi Ilmi Aziz, Wisnu Sadasih, Rizal Fanany
Purpose: This study describes systemic factors, intraocular lens (IOL), and ocular abnormalities in patients with IOL glistening at a tertiary hospital in Semarang. Methods: A retrospective, with a descriptive approach on patients with IOL glistening who visited the eye clinic between August 2019 to June 2023. Results: Twenty-five patients were examined; 11 patients (44%) had IOL glistening in their right eye, 4 patients (16%) in their left eye, and 10 patients (40%) in both eyes. The gender of patients consisted of 12 male patients (48%) and 13 female patients (52%). The median age of the patients was 68 years. The mean onset was 4.44 years after the first cataract surgery. Hypertension was found in 13 patients (52%), and diabetes was found in 9 patients (36%). Nine patients (36%) were identified with a foldable IOL with a closed loop design, and 1 patient (4%) with a PMMA IOL with an iris-fixated IOL design, while 15 other patients’ IOL were unrecorded. Glaucoma was found in 3 patients (12%). Conclusions: The result of this study showed that more than half of the patients were hypertensive, and some were glaucomatous, which had been discussed relevant in previous studies. Most IOL that could be identified was foldable IOL with a closed loop design. To our knowledge, the design of an IOL to glistening had never been explored. A longer study involving larger subjects is needed to better describe the systemic factors, IOL, and ocular abnormalities in patients with IOL glistening.Keywords: glistening, intraocular lens, foldable IOL, PMMA IOL
Procedia PDF Downloads 861241 Futuristic Black Box Design Considerations and Global Networking for Real Time Monitoring of Flight Performance Parameters
Authors: K. Parandhama Gowd
The aim of this research paper is to conceptualize, discuss, analyze and propose alternate design methodologies for futuristic Black Box for flight safety. The proposal also includes global networking concepts for real time surveillance and monitoring of flight performance parameters including GPS parameters. It is expected that this proposal will serve as a failsafe real time diagnostic tool for accident investigation and location of debris in real time. In this paper, an attempt is made to improve the existing methods of flight data recording techniques and improve upon design considerations for futuristic FDR to overcome the trauma of not able to locate the block box. Since modern day communications and information technologies with large bandwidth are available coupled with faster computer processing techniques, the attempt made in this paper to develop a failsafe recording technique is feasible. Further data fusion/data warehousing technologies are available for exploitation.Keywords: flight data recorder (FDR), black box, diagnostic tool, global networking, cockpit voice and data recorder (CVDR), air traffic control (ATC), air traffic, telemetry, tracking and control centers ATTTCC)
Procedia PDF Downloads 5741240 Challenging Airway Management for Tracheal Compression Due to a Rhabdomyosarcoma
Authors: Elena Parmentier, Henrik Endeman
Introduction: Large mediastinal masses often present with diagnostic and clinical challenges due to compression of the respiratory and hemodynamic system. We present a case of a mediastinal mass with symptomatic mechanical compression of the trachea, resulting in challenging airway management. Methods: We present a case of 66-year-old male, complaining of progressive dysphagia. Initial esophagogastroscopy revealed a stenosis secondary to external compression, biopsies were inconclusive. Additional CT scan showed a large mediastinal mass of unknown origin, situated between the vertebrae and esophagus. Symptoms progressed and patient developed dyspnea and stridor. A new CT showed quick growth of the mass with compression of the trachea, subglottic to just above the carina. A tracheal covered stent was successfully placed. Endobronchial ultrasound revealed a large irregular mass without tracheal invasion, biopsies were taken. 4 days after stent placement, the patients’ condition deteriorated with worsening of stridor, dyspnea and desaturation. Migration of the tracheal stent into the right main bronchus was seen on chest X ray, with obstruction of the left main bronchus and secondary atelectasis. Different methods have been described in the literature for tracheobronchial stent removal (surgical, endoscopic, fluoroscopyguided), our first choice in this case was flexible bronchoscopy. However, this revealed tracheal compression above the migrated stent and passage of the scope occurred impossible. Patient was admitted to the ICU, high-flow nasal oxygen therapy was started and the situation stabilized, giving time for extensive assessment and preparation of the airway management approach. Close cooperation between the intensivist, pulmonologist, anesthesiologist and otorhinolaryngologist was essential. Results: In case of sudden deterioration, a protocol for emergency situations was made. Given the increased risk of additional tracheal compression after administration of neuromuscular blocking agents, an approach with awake fiberoptic intubation maintaining spontaneous ventilation was proposed. However, intubation without retrieval of the tracheal stent was found undesirable due to expected massive shunting over the left atelectatic lung. As rescue option, assistance of extracorporeal circulation was considered and perfusionist was kept on standby. The patient stayed stable and was transferred to the operating theatre. High frequency jet ventilation under general anesthesia resulted in desaturations up to 50%, making rigid bronchoscopy impossible. Subsequently an endotracheal tube size 8 could be placed successfully and the stent could be retrieved via bronchoscopy over (and with) the tube, after which the patient was reintubated. Finally, a tracheostomy (Shiley™ Tracheostomy Tube With Cuff, size 8) was placed, fiberoptic control showed a patent airway. Patient was readmitted to the ICU and could be quickly weaned of the ventilator. Pathology was positive for rhabdomyosarcoma, without indication for systemic therapy. Extensive surgery (laryngectomy, esophagectomy) was suggested, but patient refused and palliative care was started. Conclusion: Due to meticulous planning in an interdisciplinary team, we showed a successful airway management approach in this complicated case of critical airway compression secondary to a rare rhabdomyosarcoma, complicated by tracheal stent migration. Besides presenting our thoughts and considerations, we support exploring other possible approaches of this specific clinical problem.Keywords: airway management, rhabdomyosarcoma, stent displacement, tracheal stenosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1061239 Development of Building Information Modeling for Cultural Heritage: The Case of West Theater in Gadara (Umm Qais), Jordan
Authors: Amal Alatar
The architectural legacy is considered a significant factor, which left its features on the shape of buildings and historical and archaeological sites all over the world. In this framework, this paper focuses on Umm Qais town, located in Northern Jordan, which includes archaeological remains of the ancient Decapolis city of Gadara, still the witness of the originality and architectural identity of the city. 3D modeling is a public asset and a valuable resource for cultural heritage. This technique allows the possibility to make accurate representations of objects, structures, and surfaces. Hence, these representations increase valuable assets when thinking about cultural heritage. The Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM) is considered an effective tool to represent information on Cultural Heritage (CH) which can be used for documentation, restoration, conservation, presentation, and research purposes. Therefore, this paper focus on the interdisciplinary project of the virtualization of the West Theater in Gadara (Umm Qais) for 3D documentation and structural studies. The derived 3D model of the cultural heritage is the basis for further archaeological studies; the challenges of the work stay in the acquisition, processing, and integration of the multi-resolution data as well as their interactive visualization.Keywords: archaeology, 3D modeling, Umm Qais, culture heritage, Jordan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031238 PEG-b-poly(4-vinylbenzyl phosphonate) Coated Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Drug Carrier System: Biological and Physicochemical Characterization
Authors: Magdalena Hałupka-Bryl, Magdalena Bednarowicz, Ryszard Krzyminiewski, Yukio Nagasaki
Due to their unique physical properties, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles are increasingly used in medical applications. They are very useful carriers for delivering antitumor drugs in targeted cancer treatment. Magnetic nanoparticles (PEG-PIONs/DOX) with chemotherapeutic were synthesized by coprecipitation method followed by coating with biocompatible polymer PEG-derivative (poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(4-vinylbenzylphosphonate). Complete physicochemical characterization was carried out (ESR, HRTEM, X-ray diffraction, SQUID analysis) to evaluate the magnetic properties of obtained PEG-PIONs/DOX. Nanoparticles were investigated also in terms of their stability, drug loading efficiency, drug release and antiproliferative effect on cancer cells. PEG-PIONs/DOX have been successfully used for the efficient delivery of an anticancer drug into the tumor region. Fluorescent imaging showed the internalization of PEG-PIONs/DOX in the cytoplasm. Biodistribution studies demonstrated that PEG-PIONs/DOX preferentially accumulate in tumor region via the enhanced permeability and retention effect. The present findings show that synthesized nanosystem is promising tool for potential magnetic drug delivery.Keywords: targeted drug delivery, magnetic properties, iron oxide nanoparticles, biodistribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 4631237 Cyclic NGR Peptide Anchored Block Co-Polymeric Nanoparticles as Dual Targeting Drug Delivery System for Solid Tumor Therapy
Authors: Madhu Gupta, G. P. Agrawa, Suresh P. Vyas
Certain tumor cells overexpress a membrane-spanning molecule aminopeptidase N (CD13) isoform, which is the receptor for peptides containing the NGR motif. NGR-modified Docetaxel (DTX)-loaded PEG-b-PLGA polymeric nanoparticles (cNGR-DNB-NPs) were developed and evaluated for their in vitro potential in HT-1080 cell line. The cNGR-DNB-NPs containing particles were about 148 nm in diameter with spherical shape and high encapsulation efficiency. Cellular uptake was confirmed both qualitatively and quantitatively by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and flow cytometry. Both quantitatively and qualitatively results confirmed the NGR conjugated nanoparticles revealed the higher uptake of nanoparticles by CD13-overexpressed tumor cells. Free NGR inhibited the cellular uptake of cNGR-DNB-NPs, revealing the mechanism of receptor mediated endocytosis. In vitro cytotoxicity studies demonstrated that cNGR-DNB-NPs, formulation was more cytotoxic than unconjugated one, which were consistent well with the observation of cellular uptake. Hence, the selective delivery of cNGR-DNB-NPs formulation in CD13-overexpressing tumors represents a potential approach for the design of nanocarrier-based dual targeted delivery systems for targeting the tumor cells and vasculature.Keywords: solid Tumor, docetaxel, targeting, NGR ligand
Procedia PDF Downloads 4831236 Peformance of Bali Cattles Fed with Various Levels of Oil Palm Frond Ammoniated
Authors: Mardiati Zain, Ryanto Khasrad, I. Elihasridas, J. Juliantoni
The research objective was to determine the productivity of cattle fed a complete ration with ammoniated based of oil palm-frond supplemented by Rumen Microbes Growth Factor (RMGF). The research used Randomized Block Design applying 4 rations as treatment and 4 groups cattle. The treatments were: A (60% oil palm frond ammoniated + 40% concentrate + RMGF); B (50% oil palm frond ammoniated + 50% concentrate + RMGF); C (40% oil palm frond ammoniated + 60% concentrate + RMGF); and D (30% oil palm frond ammoniated + 70% concentrate + RMGF). The measured parameters were dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) intake, daily weight gain (DWG), feed efficiency, total digestible nutrient (TDN), and digestibility of crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), cellulose, hemicellulose. Statistical analysis showed that the treatment had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on DM intake, OM intake, daily weight gain, feed efficiency, digestibility of DM, OM, CP, TDN, NDF, hemicellulose but had a highly significant effect (P < 0.01) on digestibility of ADF and cellulose. All treatments with different ratio (oil palm frond ammoniated: concentrate : RMGF) had no different effect on cattle productivities.Keywords: oil palm frond ammoniated, digestibility, rumen microba growth factor, Bali cattle
Procedia PDF Downloads 3911235 Improving Student Programming Skills in Introductory Computer and Data Science Courses Using Generative AI
Authors: Genady Grabarnik, Serge Yaskolko
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly expanded its applicability with the incorporation of Large Language Models (LLMs) and become a technology with promise to automate some areas that were very difficult to automate before. The paper describes the introduction of generative Artificial Intelligence into Introductory Computer and Data Science courses and analysis of effect of such introduction. The generative Artificial Intelligence is incorporated in the educational process two-fold: For the instructors, we create templates of prompts for generation of tasks, and grading of the students work, including feedback on the submitted assignments. For the students, we introduce them to basic prompt engineering, which in turn will be used for generation of test cases based on description of the problems, generating code snippets for the single block complexity programming, and partitioning into such blocks of an average size complexity programming. The above-mentioned classes are run using Large Language Models, and feedback from instructors and students and courses’ outcomes are collected. The analysis shows statistically significant positive effect and preference of both stakeholders.Keywords: introductory computer and data science education, generative AI, large language models, application of LLMS to computer and data science education
Procedia PDF Downloads 581234 Screening Post-Menopausal Women for Osteoporosis by Complex Impedance Measurements of the Dominant Arm
Authors: Yekta Ülgen, Fırat Matur
Cole-Cole parameters of 40 post-menopausal women are compared with their DEXA bone mineral density measurements. Impedance characteristics of four extremities are compared; left and right extremities are statistically same, but lower extremities are statistically different than upper ones due to their different fat content. The correlation of Cole-Cole impedance parameters to bone mineral density (BMD) is observed to be higher for a dominant arm. With the post menopausal population, ANOVA tests of the dominant arm characteristic frequency, as a predictor for DEXA classified osteopenic and osteoporotic population around the lumbar spine, is statistically very significant. When used for total lumbar spine osteoporosis diagnosis, the area under the Receiver Operating Curve of the characteristic frequency is 0.875, suggesting that the Cole-Cole plot characteristic frequency could be a useful diagnostic parameter when integrated into standard screening methods for osteoporosis. Moreover, the characteristic frequency can be directly measured by monitoring frequency driven the angular behavior of the dominant arm without performing any complex calculation.Keywords: bioimpedance spectroscopy, bone mineral density, osteoporosis, characteristic frequency, receiver operating curve
Procedia PDF Downloads 5221233 Unsteady Natural Convection in a Square Cavity Partially Filled with Porous Media Using a Thermal Non-Equilibrium Model
Authors: Ammar Alsabery, Habibis Saleh, Norazam Arbin, Ishak Hashim
Unsteady natural convection and heat transfer in a square cavity partially filled with porous media using a thermal non-equilibrium model is studied in this paper. The left vertical wall is maintained at a constant hot temperature and the right vertical wall is maintained at a constant cold temperature, while the horizontal walls are adiabatic. The governing equations are obtained by applying the Darcy model and Boussinesq approximation. COMSOL's finite element method is used to solve the non-dimensional governing equations together with specified boundary conditions. The governing parameters of this study are the Rayleigh number, the modified thermal conductivity ratio, the inter-phase heat transfer coefficien and the time independent. The results presented for values of the governing parameters in terms of streamlines in both fluid/porous layer, isotherms of fluid and solid porous layer, isotherms of fluid layer, and average Nusselt number.Keywords: unsteady natural convection, thermal non-equilibrium model, Darcy model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3761232 Single Imputation for Audiograms
Authors: Sarah Beaver, Renee Bryce
Audiograms detect hearing impairment, but missing values pose problems. This work explores imputations in an attempt to improve accuracy. This work implements Linear Regression, Lasso, Linear Support Vector Regression, Bayesian Ridge, K Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Random Forest machine learning techniques to impute audiogram frequencies ranging from 125Hz to 8000Hz. The data contains patients who had or were candidates for cochlear implants. Accuracy is compared across two different Nested Cross-Validation k values. Over 4000 audiograms were used from 800 unique patients. Additionally, training on data combines and compares left and right ear audiograms versus single ear side audiograms. The accuracy achieved using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values for the best models for Random Forest ranges from 4.74 to 6.37. The R\textsuperscript{2} values for the best models for Random Forest ranges from .91 to .96. The accuracy achieved using RMSE values for the best models for KNN ranges from 5.00 to 7.72. The R\textsuperscript{2} values for the best models for KNN ranges from .89 to .95. The best imputation models received R\textsuperscript{2} between .89 to .96 and RMSE values less than 8dB. We also show that the accuracy of classification predictive models performed better with our best imputation models versus constant imputations by a two percent increase.Keywords: machine learning, audiograms, data imputations, single imputations
Procedia PDF Downloads 831231 Soft Power: Concept and Role in Country Policy
Authors: Talip Turkmen
From the moment the first beats, the first step into the world mankind finds him in a struggle to survive. Most important case to win this fight is power. Power is one of the most common concepts which we encounter in our life. Mainly power is ability to reach desired results on someone else or ability to penetrate into the behavior of others. Throughout history merging technology and changing political trade-offs caused the change of concept of power. Receiving a state of multipolar new world order in the 21st century and increasing impacts of media have narrowed the limits of military power. With increasing globalization and peaceful diplomacy this gap, left by military power, has filled by soft power which has ability to persuade and attract. As concepts of power soft power also has not compromised yet. For that reason it is important to specify, sources of soft power, soft power strategies and limits of soft power. The purpose of this study was to analyze concept of soft power and importance of soft power in foreign relations. This project focuses on power, hard power and soft power relations, sources of soft power and strategies to gain soft power. Datas in this project was acquired from other studies on soft power and foreign relations. This paper was prepared in terms of concept and research techniques. As a result of data gained in this study the one of important topics in international relations is balance between soft power.Keywords: soft power, foreign policy, national power, hard power
Procedia PDF Downloads 4611230 Impact of Capture Effect on Receiver Initiated Collision Detection with Sequential Resolution in WLAN
Authors: Sethu Lekshmi, Shahanas, Prettha P.
All existing protocols in wireless networks are mainly based on Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision avoidance. By applying collision detection in wireless networks, the time spent on collision can be reduced and thus improves system throughput. However in a real WLAN scenario due to the use of nonlinear modulation techniques only receiver can decided whether a packet loss take place, even there are multiple transmissions. In this proposed method, the receiver or Access Point detects the collision when multiple data packets are transmitted from different wireless stations. Whenever the receiver detects a collision, it transmits a jamming signal to all the transmitting stations so that they can immediately stop their on-going transmissions. We also provide preferential access to all collided packet to reduce unfairness and to increase system throughput by reducing contention. However, this preferential access will not block the channel for the long time. Here, an in-band transmission is considered in which both the data frames and control frames are transmitted in the same channel. We also provide a simple mathematical model for the proposed protocol and give the simulation result of WLAN scenario under various capture thresholds.Keywords: 802.11, WLAN, capture effect, collision detection, collision resolution, receiver initiated
Procedia PDF Downloads 3621229 Cross Line of Causality in Childhood Stuttering between Psychology and Neurolinguistics: Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Sadeq Al Yaari, Muhammad Alkhunayn, Ayman Al Yaari, Montaha Al Yaari, Aayah Al Yaari, Adham Al Yaari, Sajedah Al Yaari, Fatehi Eissa
Stuttering is a multidimensional disorder that is influenced by different factors. As a result of their un-understanding of the genuine reasons behind stuttering, psychiatrists and Speech and Language Pathologists/Therapists (SLP/Ts) are often unfamiliar with the psychoneurolinguistic characteristics, support needs, and the disability measurement impacting requested rehabilitation of the stuttering population. PubMed, PsycInfo, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google scholar searches, in addition to some unpublished literature, were conducted in this Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis (SLR and Meta-analysis) to identify whether stuttering is caused by psychological or neurological reasons. The study concluded that psychological, not neurolinguistic factors were identified as most significant for the causality of childhood stuttering. Stutterers have intact language skills, but impaired ability more to communicate with others than to form letters in the brain or to articulate them. The study recommends research in the future that sheds light on the adult stuttering population often left out of the focus of diagnosis and in need of further exploration vis-a-vis issues they encounter, as well as the possible ways to deal with them psychoneurolinguistically.Keywords: causality, childhood stuttering, psychology, neurolinguistics, systematic literature review, meta-analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 521228 Preliminary Study of Material Composition of Wreathed Hornbill (Rhycticeros undulatus) Nest Cover Entrance in Mount Ungaran
Authors: Margareta Rahayuningsih, Siti Alimah, Novita Hermayani, Misbahul Munir
Wreathed Hornbill (Rhycticeros undulatus) was a protected bird that we can found in Mount Ungaran. It is known that the bird have been breeding and nesting on the mountain. The objective of the research was to analysis the materials composition of the Wreathed Hornbill nest wall plaster. The study was carried out in Curug Lawe and Gunung Gentong, Mount Ungaran Central Java. Nest wall plaster samples were collected from nest cavities were used by hornbill but after they left from the nest. The nest tree species on Gunung Gentong was Syzygium antisepticum and Syzigium glabratum on Curug Lawe. Materials analysis used proximate analysis and have been done on Chemistry Laboratory of Semarang State University. The result of proximate analysis showed that the material composition of nest wall plaster such as water, proteins. lipid, carbohydrate, and ash between Curug Lawe and Gunung Gentong was different. Except Carbohidrate, the highest componen showed in the nest wall plaster on Gunung Gentong.Keywords: Mount Ungaran, nest cover entrance, Rhyticeros undulatus, proximate analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2481227 Evolutionary Prediction of the Viral RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase of Chandipura vesiculovirus and Related Viral Species
Authors: Maneesh Kumar, Roshan Kamal Topno, Manas Ranjan Dikhit, Vahab Ali, Ganesh Chandra Sahoo, Bhawana, Major Madhukar, Rishikesh Kumar, Krishna Pandey, Pradeep Das
Chandipura vesiculovirus is an emerging (-) ssRNA viral entity belonging to the genus Vesiculovirus of the family Rhabdoviridae, associated with fatal encephalitis in tropical regions. The multi-functionally active viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (vRdRp) that has been incorporated with conserved amino acid residues in the pathogens, assigned to synthesize distinct viral polypeptides. The lack of proofreading ability of the vRdRp produces many mutated variants. Here, we have performed the evolutionary analysis of 20 viral protein sequences of vRdRp of different strains of Chandipura vesiculovirus along with other viral species from genus Vesiculovirus inferred in MEGA6.06, employing the Neighbour-Joining method. The p-distance algorithmic method has been used to calculate the optimum tree which showed the sum of branch length of about 1.436. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa are clustered together in the bootstrap test (1000 replicates), is shown next to the branches. No mutation was observed in the Indian strains of Chandipura vesiculovirus. In vRdRp, 1230(His) and 1231(Arg) are actively participated in catalysis and, are found conserved in different strains of Chandipura vesiculovirus. Both amino acid residues were also conserved in the other viral species from genus Vesiculovirus. Many isolates exhibited maximum number of mutations in catalytic regions in strains of Chandipura vesiculovirus at position 26(Ser→Ala), 47 (Ser→Ala), 90(Ser→Tyr), 172(Gly→Ile, Val), 172(Ser→Tyr), 387(Asn→Ser), 1301(Thr→Ala), 1330(Ala→Glu), 2015(Phe→Ser) and 2065(Thr→Val) which make them variants under different tropical conditions from where they evolved. The result clarifies the actual concept of RNA evolution using vRdRp to develop as an evolutionary marker. Although, a limited number of vRdRp protein sequence similarities for Chandipura vesiculovirus and other species. This might endow with possibilities to identify the virulence level during viral multiplication in a host.Keywords: Chandipura, (-) ssRNA, viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, neighbour-joining method, p-distance algorithmic, evolutionary marker
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971226 Deep Learning to Improve the 5G NR Uplink Control Channel
Authors: Ahmed Krobba, Meriem Touzene, Mohamed Debeyche
The wireless communications system (5G) will provide more diverse applications and higher quality services for users compared to the long-term evolution 4G (LTE). 5G uses a higher carrier frequency, which suffers from information loss in 5G coverage. Most 5G users often cannot obtain high-quality communications due to transmission channel noise and channel complexity. Physical Uplink Control Channel (PUCCH-NR: Physical Uplink Control Channel New Radio) plays a crucial role in 5G NR telecommunication technology, which is mainly used to transmit link control information uplink (UCI: Uplink Control Information. This study based of evaluating the performance of channel physical uplink control PUCCH-NR under low Signal-to-Noise Ratios with various antenna numbers reception. We propose the artificial intelligence approach based on deep neural networks (Deep Learning) to estimate the PUCCH-NR channel in comparison with this approach with different conventional methods such as least-square (LS) and minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE). To evaluate the channel performance we use the block error rate (BLER) as an evaluation criterion of the communication system. The results show that the deep neural networks method gives best performance compared with MMSE and LSKeywords: 5G network, uplink (Uplink), PUCCH channel, NR-PUCCH channel, deep learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 881225 Examination of the Main Behavioral Patterns of Male and Female Students in Islamic Azad University
Authors: Sobhan Sobhani
This study examined the behavioral patterns of student and their determinants according to the "symbolic interaction" sociological perspective in the form of 7 hypotheses. Behavioral patterns of students were classified in 8 categories: religious, scientific, political, artistic, sporting, national, parents and teachers. They were evaluated by student opinions by a five-point Likert rating scale. The statistical population included all male and female students of Islamic Azad University, Behabahan branch, among which 600 patients (268 females and 332 males) were selected randomly. The following statistical methods were used: frequency and percentage, mean, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multi-way analysis of variance. The results obtained from statistical analysis showed that: 1-There is a significant difference between male and female students in terms of disposition to religious figures, artists, teachers and parents. 2-There is a significant difference between students of urban and rural areas in terms of assuming behavioral patterns of religious, political, scientific, artistic, national figures and teachers. 3-The most important criterion for selecting behavioral patterns of students is intellectual understanding with the pattern. 4-The most important factor influencing the behavioral patterns of male and female students is parents followed by friends. 5-Boys are affected by teachers, the Internet and satellite programs more than girls. Girls assume behavioral patterns from books more than boys. 6-There is a significant difference between students in human sciences, technical, medical and engineering disciplines in terms of selecting religious and political figures as behavioral patterns. 7-There is a significant difference between students belonging to different subcultures in terms of assuming behavioral patterns of religious, scientific and cultural figures. 8-Between the first and fourth year students in terms of selecting behavioral patterns, there is a significant difference only in selecting religious figures. 9-There is a significant negative correlation between the education level of parents and the selection of religious and political figures and teachers. 10-There is a significant negative correlation between family income and the selection of political and religious figures.Keywords: behavioral patterns, behavioral patterns, male and female students, Islamic Azad University
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