Search results for: lean tools and techniques
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 10437

Search results for: lean tools and techniques

9027 Failure Probability Assessment of Concrete Spherical Domes Subjected to Ventilation Controlled Fires Using BIM Tools

Authors: A. T. Kassem


Fires areconsidered a common hazardous action that any building may face. Most buildings’ structural elements are designed, taking into consideration precautions for fire safety, using deterministic design approaches. Public and highly important buildings are commonly designed considering standard fire rating and, in many cases, contain large compartments with central domes. Real fire scenarios are not commonly brought into action in structural design of buildings because of complexities in both scenarios and analysis tools. This paper presents a modern approach towards analysis of spherical domes in real fire condition via implementation of building information modelling, and adopting a probabilistic approach. BIMhas been implemented to bridge the gap between various software packages enabling them to function interactively to model both real fire and corresponding structural response. Ventilation controlled fires scenarios have been modeled using both “Revit” and “Pyrosim”. Monte Carlo simulation has been adopted to engage the probabilistic analysis approach in dealing with various parameters. Conclusions regarding failure probability and fire endurance, in addition to the effects of various parameters, have been extracted.

Keywords: concrete, spherical domes, ventilation controlled fires, BIM, monte carlo simulation, pyrosim, revit

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9026 Examining the Coverage of CO2-Related Indicators in a Sample of Sustainable Rating Systems

Authors: Wesam Rababa, Jamal Al-Qawasmi


The global climate is negatively impacted by CO2 emissions, which are mostly produced by buildings. Several green building rating systems (GBRS) have been proposed to impose low-carbon criteria in order to address this problem. The Green Globes certification is one such system that evaluates a building's sustainability level by assessing different categories of environmental impact and emerging concepts aimed at reducing environmental harm. Therefore, assessment tools at the national level are crucial in the developing world, where specific local conditions require a more precise evaluation. This study analyzed eight sustainable building assessment systems from different regions of the world, comparing a comprehensive list of CO2-related indicators with a various assessment system for conducting coverage analysis. The results show that GBRS includes both direct and indirect indicators in this regard. It reveals deep variation between examined practices, and a lack of consensus not only on the type and the optimal number of indicators used in a system, but also on the depth and breadth of coverage of various sustainable building SB attributes. Generally, the results show that most of the examined systems reflect a low comprehensive coverage, the highest of which is found in materials category. On the other hand, the most of the examined systems reveal a very low representative coverage.

Keywords: Assessment tools, CO2-related indicators, Comparative study, Green Building Rating Systems

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9025 Revolutionizing Gaming Setup Design: Utilizing Generative and Iterative Methods to Prop and Environment Design, Transforming the Landscape of Game Development Through Automation and Innovation

Authors: Rashmi Malik, Videep Mishra


The practice of generative design has become a transformative approach for an efficient way of generating multiple iterations for any design project. The conventional way of modeling the game elements is very time-consuming and requires skilled artists to design. A 3D modeling tool like 3D S Max, Blender, etc., is used traditionally to create the game library, which will take its stipulated time to model. The study is focused on using the generative design tool to increase the efficiency in game development at the stage of prop and environment generation. This will involve procedural level and customized regulated or randomized assets generation. The paper will present the system design approach using generative tools like Grasshopper (visual scripting) and other scripting tools to automate the process of game library modeling. The script will enable the generation of multiple products from the single script, thus creating a system that lets designers /artists customize props and environments. The main goal is to measure the efficacy of the automated system generated to create a wide variety of game elements, further reducing the need for manual content creation and integrating it into the workflow of AAA and Indie Games.

Keywords: iterative game design, generative design, gaming asset automation, generative game design

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9024 Pose-Dependency of Machine Tool Structures: Appearance, Consequences, and Challenges for Lightweight Large-Scale Machines

Authors: S. Apprich, F. Wulle, A. Lechler, A. Pott, A. Verl


Large-scale machine tools for the manufacturing of large work pieces, e.g. blades, casings or gears for wind turbines, feature pose-dependent dynamic behavior. Small structural damping coefficients lead to long decay times for structural vibrations that have negative impacts on the production process. Typically, these vibrations are handled by increasing the stiffness of the structure by adding mass. That is counterproductive to the needs of sustainable manufacturing as it leads to higher resource consumption both in material and in energy. Recent research activities have led to higher resource efficiency by radical mass reduction that rely on control-integrated active vibration avoidance and damping methods. These control methods depend on information describing the dynamic behavior of the controlled machine tools in order to tune the avoidance or reduction method parameters according to the current state of the machine. The paper presents the appearance, consequences and challenges of the pose-dependent dynamic behavior of lightweight large-scale machine tool structures in production. The paper starts with the theoretical introduction of the challenges of lightweight machine tool structures resulting from reduced stiffness. The statement of the pose-dependent dynamic behavior is corroborated by the results of the experimental modal analysis of a lightweight test structure. Afterwards, the consequences of the pose-dependent dynamic behavior of lightweight machine tool structures for the use of active control and vibration reduction methods are explained. Based on the state of the art on pose-dependent dynamic machine tool models and the modal investigation of an FE-model of the lightweight test structure, the criteria for a pose-dependent model for use in vibration reduction are derived. The description of the approach for a general pose-dependent model of the dynamic behavior of large lightweight machine tools that provides the necessary input to the aforementioned vibration avoidance and reduction methods to properly tackle machine vibrations is the outlook of the paper.

Keywords: dynamic behavior, lightweight, machine tool, pose-dependency

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9023 Numerical Modeling for Water Engineering and Obstacle Theory

Authors: Mounir Adal, Baalal Azeddine, Afifi Moulay Larbi


Numerical analysis is a branch of mathematics devoted to the development of iterative matrix calculation techniques. We are searching for operations optimization as objective to calculate and solve systems of equations of order n with time and energy saving for computers that are conducted to calculate and analyze big data by solving matrix equations. Furthermore, this scientific discipline is producing results with a margin of error of approximation called rates. Thus, the results obtained from the numerical analysis techniques that are held on computer software such as MATLAB or Simulink offers a preliminary diagnosis of the situation of the environment or space targets. By this we can offer technical procedures needed for engineering or scientific studies exploitable by engineers for water.

Keywords: numerical analysis methods, obstacles solving, engineering, simulation, numerical modeling, iteration, computer, MATLAB, water, underground, velocity

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9022 Quantitative Comparisons of Different Approaches for Rotor Identification

Authors: Elizabeth M. Annoni, Elena G. Tolkacheva


Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia that is a known prognostic marker for stroke, heart failure and death. Reentrant mechanisms of rotor formation, which are stable electrical sources of cardiac excitation, are believed to cause AF. No existing commercial mapping systems have been demonstrated to consistently and accurately predict rotor locations outside of the pulmonary veins in patients with persistent AF. There is a clear need for robust spatio-temporal techniques that can consistently identify rotors using unique characteristics of the electrical recordings at the pivot point that can be applied to clinical intracardiac mapping. Recently, we have developed four new signal analysis approaches – Shannon entropy (SE), Kurtosis (Kt), multi-scale frequency (MSF), and multi-scale entropy (MSE) – to identify the pivot points of rotors. These proposed techniques utilize different cardiac signal characteristics (other than local activation) to uncover the intrinsic complexity of the electrical activity in the rotors, which are not taken into account in current mapping methods. We validated these techniques using high-resolution optical mapping experiments in which direct visualization and identification of rotors in ex-vivo Langendorff-perfused hearts were possible. Episodes of ventricular tachycardia (VT) were induced using burst pacing, and two examples of rotors were used showing 3-sec episodes of a single stationary rotor and figure-8 reentry with one rotor being stationary and one meandering. Movies were captured at a rate of 600 frames per second for 3 sec. with 64x64 pixel resolution. These optical mapping movies were used to evaluate the performance and robustness of SE, Kt, MSF and MSE techniques with respect to the following clinical limitations: different time of recordings, different spatial resolution, and the presence of meandering rotors. To quantitatively compare the results, SE, Kt, MSF and MSE techniques were compared to the “true” rotor(s) identified using the phase map. Accuracy was calculated for each approach as the duration of the time series and spatial resolution were reduced. The time series duration was decreased from its original length of 3 sec, down to 2, 1, and 0.5 sec. The spatial resolution of the original VT episodes was decreased from 64x64 pixels to 32x32, 16x16, and 8x8 pixels by uniformly removing pixels from the optical mapping video.. Our results demonstrate that Kt, MSF and MSE were able to accurately identify the pivot point of the rotor under all three clinical limitations. The MSE approach demonstrated the best overall performance, but Kt was the best in identifying the pivot point of the meandering rotor. Artifacts mildly affect the performance of Kt, MSF and MSE techniques, but had a strong negative impact of the performance of SE. The results of our study motivate further validation of SE, Kt, MSF and MSE techniques using intra-atrial electrograms from paroxysmal and persistent AF patients to see if these approaches can identify pivot points in a clinical setting. More accurate rotor localization could significantly increase the efficacy of catheter ablation to treat AF, resulting in a higher success rate for single procedures.

Keywords: Atrial Fibrillation, Optical Mapping, Signal Processing, Rotors

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9021 A Comparison of Image Data Representations for Local Stereo Matching

Authors: André Smith, Amr Abdel-Dayem


The stereo matching problem, while having been present for several decades, continues to be an active area of research. The goal of this research is to find correspondences between elements found in a set of stereoscopic images. With these pairings, it is possible to infer the distance of objects within a scene, relative to the observer. Advancements in this field have led to experimentations with various techniques, from graph-cut energy minimization to artificial neural networks. At the basis of these techniques is a cost function, which is used to evaluate the likelihood of a particular match between points in each image. While at its core, the cost is based on comparing the image pixel data; there is a general lack of consistency as to what image data representation to use. This paper presents an experimental analysis to compare the effectiveness of more common image data representations. The goal is to determine the effectiveness of these data representations to reduce the cost for the correct correspondence relative to other possible matches.

Keywords: colour data, local stereo matching, stereo correspondence, disparity map

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9020 Iterative Segmentation and Application of Hausdorff Dilation Distance in Defect Detection

Authors: S. Shankar Bharathi


Inspection of surface defects on metallic components has always been challenging due to its specular property. Occurrences of defects such as scratches, rust, pitting are very common in metallic surfaces during the manufacturing process. These defects if unchecked can hamper the performance and reduce the life time of such component. Many of the conventional image processing algorithms in detecting the surface defects generally involve segmentation techniques, based on thresholding, edge detection, watershed segmentation and textural segmentation. They later employ other suitable algorithms based on morphology, region growing, shape analysis, neural networks for classification purpose. In this paper the work has been focused only towards detecting scratches. Global and other thresholding techniques were used to extract the defects, but it proved to be inaccurate in extracting the defects alone. However, this paper does not focus on comparison of different segmentation techniques, but rather describes a novel approach towards segmentation combined with hausdorff dilation distance. The proposed algorithm is based on the distribution of the intensity levels, that is, whether a certain gray level is concentrated or evenly distributed. The algorithm is based on extraction of such concentrated pixels. Defective images showed higher level of concentration of some gray level, whereas in non-defective image, there seemed to be no concentration, but were evenly distributed. This formed the basis in detecting the defects in the proposed algorithm. Hausdorff dilation distance based on mathematical morphology was used to strengthen the segmentation of the defects.

Keywords: metallic surface, scratches, segmentation, hausdorff dilation distance, machine vision

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9019 Software Evolution Based Activity Diagrams

Authors: Zine-Eddine Bouras, Abdelouaheb Talai


During the last two decades, the software evolution community has intensively tackled the software merging issue whose main objective is to merge in a consistent way different versions of software in order to obtain a new version. Well-established approaches, mainly based on the dependence analysis techniques, have been used to bring suitable solutions. These approaches concern the source code or software architectures. However, these solutions are more expensive due to the complexity and size. In this paper, we overcome this problem by operating at a high level of abstraction. The objective of this paper is to investigate the software merging at the level of UML activity diagrams, which is a new interesting issue. Its purpose is to merge activity diagrams instead of source code. The proposed approach, based on dependence analysis techniques, is illustrated through an appropriate case study.

Keywords: activity diagram, activity diagram slicing, dependency analysis, software merging

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9018 Convolutional Neural Networks versus Radiomic Analysis for Classification of Breast Mammogram

Authors: Mehwish Asghar


Breast Cancer (BC) is a common type of cancer among women. Its screening is usually performed using different imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging, mammogram, X-ray, CT, etc. Among these modalities’ mammogram is considered a powerful tool for diagnosis and screening of breast cancer. Sophisticated machine learning approaches have shown promising results in complementing human diagnosis. Generally, machine learning methods can be divided into two major classes: one is Radiomics analysis (RA), where image features are extracted manually; and the other one is the concept of convolutional neural networks (CNN), in which the computer learns to recognize image features on its own. This research aims to improve the incidence of early detection, thus reducing the mortality rate caused by breast cancer through the latest advancements in computer science, in general, and machine learning, in particular. It has also been aimed to ease the burden of doctors by improving and automating the process of breast cancer detection. This research is related to a relative analysis of different techniques for the implementation of different models for detecting and classifying breast cancer. The main goal of this research is to provide a detailed view of results and performances between different techniques. The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential of a convolutional neural network (CNN) w.r.t feature extractor and as a classifier. Also, in this research, it has been aimed to add the module of Radiomics for comparison of its results with deep learning techniques.

Keywords: breast cancer (BC), machine learning (ML), convolutional neural network (CNN), radionics, magnetic resonance imaging, artificial intelligence

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9017 Non-Invasive Techniques for Management of Carious Primary Dentition Using Silver Diamine Fluoride and Moringa Extract as a Modification of the Hall Technique

Authors: Rasha F. Sharaf


Treatment of dental caries in young children is considered a great challenge for all dentists, especially with uncooperative children. Recently non-invasive techniques have been highlighted as they alleviate the need for local anesthesia and other painful procedures during management of carious teeth and, at the same time, increase the success rate of the treatment done. Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is one of the most effective cariostatic materials that arrest the progression of carious lesions and aid in remineralizing the demineralized tooth structure. Both fluoride and silver ions proved to have an antibacterial action and aid in the precipitation of an insoluble layer that prevents further decay. At the same time, Moringa proved to have an effective antibacterial action against different types of bacteria, therefore, it can be used as a non-invasive technique for the management of caries in children. One of the important theories for the control of caries is by depriving the cariogenic bacteria from nutrients causing their starvation and death, which can be achieved by applying stainless steel crown on primary molars with carious lesions which are not involving the pulp, and this technique is known as Hall technique. The success rate of the Hall technique can be increased by arresting the carious lesion using either SDF or Moringa and gaining the benefit of their antibacterial action. Multiple clinical cases with 1 year follow up will be presented, comparing different treatment options, and using various materials and techniques for non-invasive and non-painful management of carious primary teeth.

Keywords: SDF, hall technique, carious primary teeth, moringa extract

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9016 Study of Education Learning Techniques and Game Genres

Authors: Khadija Al Farei, Prakash Kumar, Vikas Rao Naidu


Games are being developed with different genres for different age groups, for many decades. In many places, educational games are playing a vital role for active classroom environment and better learning among students. Currently, the educational games have assumed an important place in children and teenagers lives. The role of educational games is important for improving the learning capability among the students especially of this generation, who really live among electronic gadgets. Hence, it is now important to make sure that in our educational system, we are updated with all such advancement in technologies. Already much research is going on in this area of edutainment. This research paper will review around ten different research papers to find the relation between the education learning techniques and games. The result of this review provides guidelines for enhanced teaching and learning solutions in education. In-house developed educational games proved to be more effective, compared to the one which is readily available in the market.

Keywords: education, education game, educational technology, edutainment, game genres, gaming in education

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9015 Level Set and Morphological Operation Techniques in Application of Dental Image Segmentation

Authors: Abdolvahab Ehsani Rad, Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim, Alireza Norouzi


Medical image analysis is one of the great effects of computer image processing. There are several processes to analysis the medical images which the segmentation process is one of the challenging and most important step. In this paper the segmentation method proposed in order to segment the dental radiograph images. Thresholding method has been applied to simplify the images and to morphologically open binary image technique performed to eliminate the unnecessary regions on images. Furthermore, horizontal and vertical integral projection techniques used to extract the each individual tooth from radiograph images. Segmentation process has been done by applying the level set method on each extracted images. Nevertheless, the experiments results by 90% accuracy demonstrate that proposed method achieves high accuracy and promising result.

Keywords: integral production, level set method, morphological operation, segmentation

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9014 Role of Estrogen Receptor-alpha in Mammary Carcinoma by Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Molecular Docking: An In-silico Analysis

Authors: Asif Bilal, Fouzia Tanvir, Sibtain Ahmad


Estrogen receptor alpha, also known as estrogen receptor-1, is highly involved in risk of mammary carcinoma. The objectives of this study were to identify non-synonymous SNPs of estrogen receptor and their association with breast cancer and to identify the chemotherapeutic responses of phytochemicals against it via in-silico study design. For this purpose, different online tools. to identify pathogenic SNPs the tools were SIFT, Polyphen, Polyphen-2, fuNTRp, SNAP2, for finding disease associated SNPs the tools SNP&GO, PhD-SNP, PredictSNP, MAPP, SNAP, MetaSNP, PANTHER, and to check protein stability Mu-Pro, I-Mutant, and CONSURF were used. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) were detected by Musitedeep, Protein secondary structure by SOPMA, protein to protein interaction by STRING, molecular docking by PyRx. Seven SNPs having rsIDs (rs760766066, rs779180038, rs956399300, rs773683317, rs397509428, rs755020320, and rs1131692059) showing mutations on I229T, R243C, Y246H, P336R, Q375H, R394S, and R394H, respectively found to be completely deleterious. The PTMs found were 96 times Glycosylation; 30 times Ubiquitination, a single time Acetylation; and no Hydroxylation and Phosphorylation were found. The protein secondary structure consisted of Alpha helix (Hh) is (28%), Extended strand (Ee) is (21%), Beta turn (Tt) is 7.89% and Random coil (Cc) is (44.11%). Protein-protein interaction analysis revealed that it has strong interaction with Myeloperoxidase, Xanthine dehydrogenase, carboxylesterase 1, Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1, and with estrogen receptors. For molecular docking we used Asiaticoside, Ilekudinuside, Robustoflavone, Irinoticane, Withanolides, and 9-amin0-5 as ligands that extract from phytochemicals and docked with this protein. We found that there was great interaction (from -8.6 to -9.7) of these ligands of phytochemicals at ESR1 wild and two mutants (I229T and R394S). It is concluded that these SNPs found in ESR1 are involved in breast cancer and given phytochemicals are highly helpful against breast cancer as chemotherapeutic agents. Further in vitro and in vivo analysis should be performed to conduct these interactions.

Keywords: breast cancer, ESR1, phytochemicals, molecular docking

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9013 Performance Evaluation of One and Two Dimensional Prime Codes for Optical Code Division Multiple Access Systems

Authors: Gurjit Kaur, Neena Gupta


In this paper, we have analyzed and compared the performance of various coding schemes. The basic ID prime sequence codes are unique in only dimension, i.e. time slots, whereas 2D coding techniques are not unique by their time slots but with their wavelengths also. In this research, we have evaluated and compared the performance of 1D and 2D coding techniques constructed using prime sequence coding pattern for Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) system on a single platform. Analysis shows that 2D prime code supports lesser number of active users than 1D codes, but they are having large code family and are the most secure codes compared to other codes. The performance of all these codes is analyzed on basis of number of active users supported at a Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10-9.

Keywords: CDMA, OCDMA, BER, OOC, PC, EPC, MPC, 2-D PC/PC, λc, λa

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9012 A Tool to Measure Efficiency and Trust Towards eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in Conflict Detection Tasks

Authors: Raphael Tuor, Denis Lalanne


The ATM research community is missing suitable tools to design, test, and validate new UI prototypes. Important stakes underline the implementation of both DSS and XAI methods into current systems. ML-based DSS are gaining in relevance as ATFM becomes increasingly complex. However, these systems only prove useful if a human can understand them, and thus new XAI methods are needed. The human-machine dyad should work as a team and should understand each other. We present xSky, a configurable benchmark tool that allows us to compare different versions of an ATC interface in conflict detection tasks. Our main contributions to the ATC research community are (1) a conflict detection task simulator (xSky) that allows to test the applicability of visual prototypes on scenarios of varying difficulty and outputting relevant operational metrics (2) a theoretical approach to the explanations of AI-driven trajectory predictions. xSky addresses several issues that were identified within available research tools. Researchers can configure the dimensions affecting scenario difficulty with a simple CSV file. Both the content and appearance of the XAI elements can be customized in a few steps. As a proof-of-concept, we implemented an XAI prototype inspired by the maritime field.

Keywords: air traffic control, air traffic simulation, conflict detection, explainable artificial intelligence, explainability, human-automation collaboration, human factors, information visualization, interpretability, trajectory prediction

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9011 Systematic and Meta-Analysis of Navigation in Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma and Impact of Machine Learning and AI in Management

Authors: Shohreh Ghasemi


Introduction: Managing oral and maxillofacial trauma is a multifaceted challenge, as it can have life-threatening consequences and significant functional and aesthetic impact. Navigation techniques have been introduced to improve surgical precision to meet this challenge. A machine learning algorithm was also developed to support clinical decision-making regarding treating oral and maxillofacial trauma. Given these advances, this systematic meta-analysis aims to assess the efficacy of navigational techniques in treating oral and maxillofacial trauma and explore the impact of machine learning on their management. Methods: A detailed and comprehensive analysis of studies published between January 2010 and September 2021 was conducted through a systematic meta-analysis. This included performing a thorough search of Web of Science, Embase, and PubMed databases to identify studies evaluating the efficacy of navigational techniques and the impact of machine learning in managing oral and maxillofacial trauma. Studies that did not meet established entry criteria were excluded. In addition, the overall quality of studies included was evaluated using Cochrane risk of bias tool and the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Results: Total of 12 studies, including 869 patients with oral and maxillofacial trauma, met the inclusion criteria. An analysis of studies revealed that navigation techniques effectively improve surgical accuracy and minimize the risk of complications. Additionally, machine learning algorithms have proven effective in predicting treatment outcomes and identifying patients at high risk for complications. Conclusion: The introduction of navigational technology has great potential to improve surgical precision in oral and maxillofacial trauma treatment. Furthermore, developing machine learning algorithms offers opportunities to improve clinical decision-making and patient outcomes. Still, further studies are necessary to corroborate these results and establish the optimal use of these technologies in managing oral and maxillofacial trauma

Keywords: trauma, machine learning, navigation, maxillofacial, management

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9010 Big Data in Telecom Industry: Effective Predictive Techniques on Call Detail Records

Authors: Sara ElElimy, Samir Moustafa


Mobile network operators start to face many challenges in the digital era, especially with high demands from customers. Since mobile network operators are considered a source of big data, traditional techniques are not effective with new era of big data, Internet of things (IoT) and 5G; as a result, handling effectively different big datasets becomes a vital task for operators with the continuous growth of data and moving from long term evolution (LTE) to 5G. So, there is an urgent need for effective Big data analytics to predict future demands, traffic, and network performance to full fill the requirements of the fifth generation of mobile network technology. In this paper, we introduce data science techniques using machine learning and deep learning algorithms: the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), Bayesian-based curve fitting, and recurrent neural network (RNN) are employed for a data-driven application to mobile network operators. The main framework included in models are identification parameters of each model, estimation, prediction, and final data-driven application of this prediction from business and network performance applications. These models are applied to Telecom Italia Big Data challenge call detail records (CDRs) datasets. The performance of these models is found out using a specific well-known evaluation criteria shows that ARIMA (machine learning-based model) is more accurate as a predictive model in such a dataset than the RNN (deep learning model).

Keywords: big data analytics, machine learning, CDRs, 5G

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9009 Artificial Intelligence in Melanoma Prognosis: A Narrative Review

Authors: Shohreh Ghasemi


Introduction: Melanoma is a complex disease with various clinical and histopathological features that impact prognosis and treatment decisions. Traditional methods of melanoma prognosis involve manual examination and interpretation of clinical and histopathological data by dermatologists and pathologists. However, the subjective nature of these assessments can lead to inter-observer variability and suboptimal prognostic accuracy. AI, with its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns, has emerged as a promising tool for improving melanoma prognosis. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify studies that employed AI techniques for melanoma prognosis. The search included databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar, using keywords such as "artificial intelligence," "melanoma," and "prognosis." Studies published between 2010 and 2022 were considered. The selected articles were critically reviewed, and relevant information was extracted. Results: The review identified various AI methodologies utilized in melanoma prognosis, including machine learning algorithms, deep learning techniques, and computer vision. These techniques have been applied to diverse data sources, such as clinical images, dermoscopy images, histopathological slides, and genetic data. Studies have demonstrated the potential of AI in accurately predicting melanoma prognosis, including survival outcomes, recurrence risk, and response to therapy. AI-based prognostic models have shown comparable or even superior performance compared to traditional methods.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, melanoma, accuracy, prognosis prediction, image analysis, personalized medicine

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9008 Discrete Breeding Swarm for Cost Minimization of Parallel Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Authors: Tarek Aboueldahab, Hanan Farag


Parallel Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSP) is a multi-objective and multi constrains NP- optimization problem. Traditional Artificial Intelligence techniques have been widely used; however, they could be trapped into the local minimum without reaching the optimum solution, so we propose a hybrid Artificial Intelligence model (AI) with Discrete Breeding Swarm (DBS) added to traditional Artificial Intelligence to avoid this trapping. This model is applied in the cost minimization of the Car Sequencing and Operator Allocation (CSOA) problem. The practical experiment shows that our model outperforms other techniques in cost minimization.

Keywords: parallel job shop scheduling problem, artificial intelligence, discrete breeding swarm, car sequencing and operator allocation, cost minimization

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9007 Estimating Poverty Levels from Satellite Imagery: A Comparison of Human Readers and an Artificial Intelligence Model

Authors: Ola Hall, Ibrahim Wahab, Thorsteinn Rognvaldsson, Mattias Ohlsson


The subfield of poverty and welfare estimation that applies machine learning tools and methods on satellite imagery is a nascent but rapidly growing one. This is in part driven by the sustainable development goal, whose overarching principle is that no region is left behind. Among other things, this requires that welfare levels can be accurately and rapidly estimated at different spatial scales and resolutions. Conventional tools of household surveys and interviews do not suffice in this regard. While they are useful for gaining a longitudinal understanding of the welfare levels of populations, they do not offer adequate spatial coverage for the accuracy that is needed, nor are their implementation sufficiently swift to gain an accurate insight into people and places. It is this void that satellite imagery fills. Previously, this was near-impossible to implement due to the sheer volume of data that needed processing. Recent advances in machine learning, especially the deep learning subtype, such as deep neural networks, have made this a rapidly growing area of scholarship. Despite their unprecedented levels of performance, such models lack transparency and explainability and thus have seen limited downstream applications as humans generally are apprehensive of techniques that are not inherently interpretable and trustworthy. While several studies have demonstrated the superhuman performance of AI models, none has directly compared the performance of such models and human readers in the domain of poverty studies. In the present study, we directly compare the performance of human readers and a DL model using different resolutions of satellite imagery to estimate the welfare levels of demographic and health survey clusters in Tanzania, using the wealth quintile ratings from the same survey as the ground truth data. The cluster-level imagery covers all 608 cluster locations, of which 428 were classified as rural. The imagery for the human readers was sourced from the Google Maps Platform at an ultra-high resolution of 0.6m per pixel at zoom level 18, while that of the machine learning model was sourced from the comparatively lower resolution Sentinel-2 10m per pixel data for the same cluster locations. Rank correlation coefficients of between 0.31 and 0.32 achieved by the human readers were much lower when compared to those attained by the machine learning model – 0.69-0.79. This superhuman performance by the model is even more significant given that it was trained on the relatively lower 10-meter resolution satellite data while the human readers estimated welfare levels from the higher 0.6m spatial resolution data from which key markers of poverty and slums – roofing and road quality – are discernible. It is important to note, however, that the human readers did not receive any training before ratings, and had this been done, their performance might have improved. The stellar performance of the model also comes with the inevitable shortfall relating to limited transparency and explainability. The findings have significant implications for attaining the objective of the current frontier of deep learning models in this domain of scholarship – eXplainable Artificial Intelligence through a collaborative rather than a comparative framework.

Keywords: poverty prediction, satellite imagery, human readers, machine learning, Tanzania

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9006 Parallel Self Organizing Neural Network Based Estimation of Archie’s Parameters and Water Saturation in Sandstone Reservoir

Authors: G. M. Hamada, A. A. Al-Gathe, A. M. Al-Khudafi


Determination of water saturation in sandstone is a vital question to determine the initial oil or gas in place in reservoir rocks. Water saturation determination using electrical measurements is mainly on Archie’s formula. Consequently accuracy of Archie’s formula parameters affects water saturation values rigorously. Determination of Archie’s parameters a, m, and n is proceeded by three conventional techniques, Core Archie-Parameter Estimation (CAPE) and 3-D. This work introduces the hybrid system of parallel self-organizing neural network (PSONN) targeting accepted values of Archie’s parameters and, consequently, reliable water saturation values. This work focuses on Archie’s parameters determination techniques; conventional technique, CAPE technique, and 3-D technique, and then the calculation of water saturation using current. Using the same data, a hybrid parallel self-organizing neural network (PSONN) algorithm is used to estimate Archie’s parameters and predict water saturation. Results have shown that estimated Arche’s parameters m, a, and n are highly accepted with statistical analysis, indicating that the PSONN model has a lower statistical error and higher correlation coefficient. This study was conducted using a high number of measurement points for 144 core plugs from a sandstone reservoir. PSONN algorithm can provide reliable water saturation values, and it can supplement or even replace the conventional techniques to determine Archie’s parameters and thereby calculate water saturation profiles.

Keywords: water saturation, Archie’s parameters, artificial intelligence, PSONN, sandstone reservoir

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9005 Study of Bima Tembe and Its Relation to Rimpu as a Cultural Women Clothes in Bima

Authors: Morinta Rosandini


Bima Tembe is an excellent sample of cultural artifact that many people regard it as: (1) manufactured by a traditional techniques, (2) contained with variety forms and great philosophical motifs, and (3) having valued functions related to women status in the society. This research examined elements of Bima Tembe and their relations and one of the usage of tembe, named Rimpus. The elements include: (1) the traditional techniques of making Bima Tembe, (2) the variety forms (3) and philosophical motifs of Bima Tembe. Rimpu, is a cultural women clothes in Bima, which use Bima Tembe as a main part. From this reseacrh found that the Bima Tembe made by weaving technique using a traditional loom, and has two types of Tembe; Tembe Istana and Tembe Rakyat, with various motif each type. The The usage of Rimpu is as a symbol of the obedience to God and the type of Rimpu indicate the women status in the society.

Keywords: bima, tembe, rimpu, clothes

Procedia PDF Downloads 421
9004 Sinhala Sign Language to Grammatically Correct Sentences using NLP

Authors: Anjalika Fernando, Banuka Athuraliya


This paper presents a comprehensive approach for converting Sinhala Sign Language (SSL) into grammatically correct sentences using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques in real-time. While previous studies have explored various aspects of SSL translation, the research gap lies in the absence of grammar checking for SSL. This work aims to bridge this gap by proposing a two-stage methodology that leverages deep learning models to detect signs and translate them into coherent sentences, ensuring grammatical accuracy. The first stage of the approach involves the utilization of a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) deep learning model to recognize and interpret SSL signs. By training the LSTM model on a dataset of SSL gestures, it learns to accurately classify and translate these signs into textual representations. The LSTM model achieves a commendable accuracy rate of 94%, demonstrating its effectiveness in accurately recognizing and translating SSL gestures. Building upon the successful recognition and translation of SSL signs, the second stage of the methodology focuses on improving the grammatical correctness of the translated sentences. The project employs a Neural Machine Translation (NMT) architecture, consisting of an encoder and decoder with LSTM components, to enhance the syntactical structure of the generated sentences. By training the NMT model on a parallel corpus of Sinhala wrong sentences and their corresponding grammatically correct translations, it learns to generate coherent and grammatically accurate sentences. The NMT model achieves an impressive accuracy rate of 98%, affirming its capability to produce linguistically sound translations. The proposed approach offers significant contributions to the field of SSL translation and grammar correction. Addressing the critical issue of grammar checking, it enhances the usability and reliability of SSL translation systems, facilitating effective communication between hearing-impaired and non-sign language users. Furthermore, the integration of deep learning techniques, such as LSTM and NMT, ensures the accuracy and robustness of the translation process. This research holds great potential for practical applications, including educational platforms, accessibility tools, and communication aids for the hearing-impaired. Furthermore, it lays the foundation for future advancements in SSL translation systems, fostering inclusive and equal opportunities for the deaf community. Future work includes expanding the existing datasets to further improve the accuracy and generalization of the SSL translation system. Additionally, the development of a dedicated mobile application would enhance the accessibility and convenience of SSL translation on handheld devices. Furthermore, efforts will be made to enhance the current application for educational purposes, enabling individuals to learn and practice SSL more effectively. Another area of future exploration involves enabling two-way communication, allowing seamless interaction between sign-language users and non-sign-language users.In conclusion, this paper presents a novel approach for converting Sinhala Sign Language gestures into grammatically correct sentences using NLP techniques in real time. The two-stage methodology, comprising an LSTM model for sign detection and translation and an NMT model for grammar correction, achieves high accuracy rates of 94% and 98%, respectively. By addressing the lack of grammar checking in existing SSL translation research, this work contributes significantly to the development of more accurate and reliable SSL translation systems, thereby fostering effective communication and inclusivity for the hearing-impaired community

Keywords: Sinhala sign language, sign Language, NLP, LSTM, NMT

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9003 A Time since of Injection Model for Hepatitis C Amongst People Who Inject Drugs

Authors: Nader Al-Rashidi, David Greenhalgh


Mathematical modelling techniques are now being used by health organizations worldwide to help understand the likely impact that intervention strategies treatment options and combinations of these have on the prevalence and incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the people who inject drugs (PWID) population. In this poster, we develop a deterministic, compartmental mathematical model to approximate the spread of the HCV in a PWID population that has been divided into two groups by time since onset of injection. The model assumes that after injection needles adopt the most infectious state of their previous state or that of the PWID who last injected with them. Using analytical techniques, we find that the model behaviour is determined by the basic reproductive number R₀, where R₀ = 1 is a critical threshold separating two different outcomes. The disease-free equilibrium is globally stable if R₀ ≤ 1 and unstable if R₀ > 1. Additionally, we make some simulations where have confirmed that the model tends to this endemic equilibrium value with realistic parameter values giving an HCV prevalence.

Keywords: hepatitis C, people who inject drugs, HCV, PWID

Procedia PDF Downloads 145
9002 The Effects of Adlerian Supervision on Enhancing Career Consultants’ Case Conceptualization

Authors: Lin Shang Neng


Due to rapid changes in the societal environment, career development and planning have become increasingly crucial, leading more individuals to seek the assistance of career consultations. However, the training process for career consultants often emphasizes the application of assessment tools and guidance in job-seeking behavior. The abilities of case conceptualization and consulting skills require further in-service supervision. This study aims to inquire about the supervised experiences of employment specialists at the Employment Service Center of the Taiwan Ministry of Labor or career consultants who held private clinics for at least three years. The research participants were continuously supervised by the Adlerian approach twice a month for at least one year, helping them integrate the whole picture of the client through Lifestyle Assessment (the qualitative way, specific diagnosis) and other Adlerian assessment tools (the quantitative way, general diagnosis.) The supervisor was familiar with Adlerian Psychology and certified by the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology. The research method involves semi-structured interviews and qualitative analysis. For the ethical considerations, the participants were invited to interview after the supervision sessions finished. The findings of this research were discussed with possible implications, like how they applied Adlerian Psychology to their career consultations, especially to case conceptualizations and consulting skills. Recommendations for further research and training for career consultants are also discussed.

Keywords: supervision, Adlerian psychology, case conceptualization, career consultant

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9001 Measuring the Resilience of e-Governments Using an Ontology

Authors: Onyekachi Onwudike, Russell Lock, Iain Phillips


The variability that exists across governments, her departments and the provisioning of services has been areas of concern in the E-Government domain. There is a need for reuse and integration across government departments which are accompanied by varying degrees of risks and threats. There is also the need for assessment, prevention, preparation, response and recovery when dealing with these risks or threats. The ability of a government to cope with the emerging changes that occur within it is known as resilience. In order to forge ahead with concerted efforts to manage reuse and integration induced risks or threats to governments, the ambiguities contained within resilience must be addressed. Enhancing resilience in the E-Government domain is synonymous with reducing risks governments face with provisioning of services as well as reuse of components across departments. Therefore, it can be said that resilience is responsible for the reduction in government’s vulnerability to changes. In this paper, we present the use of the ontology to measure the resilience of governments. This ontology is made up of a well-defined construct for the taxonomy of resilience. A specific class known as ‘Resilience Requirements’ is added to the ontology. This class embraces the concept of resilience into the E-Government domain ontology. Considering that the E-Government domain is a highly complex one made up of different departments offering different services, the reliability and resilience of the E-Government domain have become more complex and critical to understand. We present questions that can help a government access how prepared they are in the face of risks and what steps can be taken to recover from them. These questions can be asked with the use of queries. The ontology focuses on developing a case study section that is used to explore ways in which government departments can become resilient to the different kinds of risks and threats they may face. A collection of resilience tools and resources have been developed in our ontology to encourage governments to take steps to prepare for emergencies and risks that a government may face with the integration of departments and reuse of components across government departments. To achieve this, the ontology has been extended by rules. We present two tools for understanding resilience in the E-Government domain as a risk analysis target and the output of these tools when applied to resilience in the E-Government domain. We introduce the classification of resilience using the defined taxonomy and modelling of existent relationships based on the defined taxonomy. The ontology is constructed on formal theory and it provides a semantic reference framework for the concept of resilience. Key terms which fall under the purview of resilience with respect to E-Governments are defined. Terms are made explicit and the relationships that exist between risks and resilience are made explicit. The overall aim of the ontology is to use it within standards that would be followed by all governments for government-based resilience measures.

Keywords: E-Government, Ontology, Relationships, Resilience, Risks, Threats

Procedia PDF Downloads 338
9000 Stochastic Control of Decentralized Singularly Perturbed Systems

Authors: Walid S. Alfuhaid, Saud A. Alghamdi, John M. Watkins, M. Edwin Sawan


Designing a controller for stochastic decentralized interconnected large scale systems usually involves a high degree of complexity and computation ability. Noise, observability, and controllability of all system states, connectivity, and channel bandwidth are other constraints to design procedures for distributed large scale systems. The quasi-steady state model investigated in this paper is a reduced order model of the original system using singular perturbation techniques. This paper results in an optimal control synthesis to design an observer based feedback controller by standard stochastic control theory techniques using Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) approach and Kalman filter design with less complexity and computation requirements. Numerical example is given at the end to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.

Keywords: decentralized, optimal control, output, singular perturb

Procedia PDF Downloads 372
8999 The Power of Geography in the Multipolar World Order

Authors: Norbert Csizmadia


The paper is based on a thorough investigation regarding the recent global, social and geographical processes. The ‘Geofusion’ book series by the author guides the readers with the help of newly illustrated “associative” geographic maps of the global world in the 21st century through the quest for the winning nations, communities, leaders and powers of this age. Hence, the above mentioned represent the research objectives, the preliminary findings of which are presented in this paper. The most significant recognition is that scientists who are recognized as explorers, geostrategists of this century, in this case, are expected to present guidelines for our new world full of global social and economic challenges. To do so, new maps are needed which do not miss the wisdom and tools of the old but complement them with the new structure of knowledge. Using the lately discovered geographic and economic interrelations, the study behind this presentation tries to give a prognosis of the global processes. The methodology applied contains the survey and analysis of many recent publications worldwide regarding geostrategic, cultural, geographical, social, and economic surveys structured into global networks. In conclusion, the author presents the result of the study, which is a collage of the global map of the 21st century as mentioned above, and it can be considered as a potential contribution to the recent scientific literature on the topic. In summary, this paper displays the results of several-year-long research giving the audience an image of how economic navigation tools can help investors, politicians and travelers to get along in the changing new world.

Keywords: geography, economic geography, geo-fusion, geostrategy

Procedia PDF Downloads 132
8998 Strategies to Combat the Covid-19 Epidemic

Authors: Marziye Hadian, Alireza Jabbari


Background: The World Health Organization has identified COVID-19 as a public health emergency and is urging governments to stop the virus transmission by adopting appropriate policies. In this regard, the countries have taken different approaches to cutting the chain or controlling the spread of the disease. Methods: The present study was a systematize review of publications relating to prevention strategies for covid-19 disease. The study was carried out based on the PRISMA guidelines and CASP for articles and AACODS for grey literature. Finding: The study findings showed that in order to confront the COVID-19 epidemic, in general, there are three approaches of "mitigation", "active control" and "suppression" and four strategies of "quarantine", "isolation", "social distance" as well as "lockdown" in both individual and social dimensions to deal with epidemics that the choice of each approach requires specific strategies and has different effects when it comes to controlling and inhibiting the disease. Conclusion: The only way to control the disease is to change your behavior and lifestyle. In addition to prevention strategies, use of masks, observance of personal hygiene principles such as regular hand washing and non-contact of contaminated hands with the face, as well as observance of public health principles such as control of sneezing and coughing, safe extermination of personal protective equipment, etc. have not been included in the category of prevention tools. However, it has a great impact on controlling the epidemic, especially the new coronavirus epidemic.

Keywords: novel corona virus, COVID-19, prevention tools, prevention strategies

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