Search results for: hydraulic flume experiments
2497 Design of Membership Ranges for Fuzzy Logic Control of Refrigeration Cycle Driven by a Variable Speed Compressor
Authors: Changho Han, Jaemin Lee, Li Hua, Seokkwon Jeong
Design of membership function ranges in fuzzy logic control (FLC) is presented for robust control of a variable speed refrigeration system (VSRS). The criterion values of the membership function ranges can be carried out from the static experimental data, and two different values are offered to compare control performance. Some simulations and real experiments for the VSRS were conducted to verify the validity of the designed membership functions. The experimental results showed good agreement with the simulation results, and the error change rate and its sampling time strongly affected the control performance at transient state of the VSRS.Keywords: variable speed refrigeration system, fuzzy logic control, membership function range, control performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2652496 Models Development of Graphical Human Interface Using Fuzzy Logic
Authors: Érick Aragão Ribeiro, George André Pereira Thé, José Marques Soares
Graphical Human Interface, also known as supervision software, are increasingly present in industrial processes supported by Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and so it is evident the need for qualified developers. In order to make engineering students able to produce high quality supervision software, method for the development must be created. In this paper we propose model, based on the international standards ISO/IEC 25010 and ISO/IEC 25040, for the development of graphical human interface. When compared with to other methods through experiments, the model here presented leads to improved quality indexes, therefore help guiding the decisions of programmers. Results show the efficiency of the models and the contribution to student learning. Students assessed the training they have received and considered it satisfactory.Keywords: software development models, software quality, supervision software, fuzzy logic
Procedia PDF Downloads 3732495 Event Related Potentials in Terms of Visual and Auditory Stimuli
Authors: Seokbeen Lim, KyeongSeok Sim, DaKyeong Shin, Gilwon Yoon
Event-related potential (ERP) is one of the useful tools for investigating cognitive reactions. In this study, the potential of ERP components detected after auditory and visual stimuli was examined. Subjects were asked to respond upon stimuli that were of three categories; Target, Non-Target and Standard stimuli. The ERP after stimulus was measured. In the experiment of visual evoked potentials (VEPs), the subjects were asked to gaze at a center point on the monitor screen where the stimuli were provided by the reversal pattern of the checkerboard. In consequence of the VEP experiments, we observed consistent reactions. Each peak voltage could be measured when the ensemble average was applied. Visual stimuli had smaller amplitude and a longer latency compared to that of auditory stimuli. The amplitude was the highest with Target and the smallest with Standard in both stimuli.Keywords: auditory stimulus, EEG, event related potential, oddball task, visual stimulus
Procedia PDF Downloads 2852494 Multi-Objective Optimization of Wear Parameters of Tube Like Clay Mineral Filled Thermoplastic Polymer Using Response Surface Methodology
Authors: Vasu Velagapudi, G. Suresh
PTFE/HNTs nanocomposites are fabricated with 4%, 6%, and 8% by weight fraction, and the optimization study of wear parameters are performed using response surface methodology (RSM). The experiments are carried out on a pin on disc (POD) wear tester under different operating parameters planned according to Taguchi L27 orthogonal array. The input factors considered are wt% HNTs addition, sliding velocity, load, and distance with three levels for each factor. From ANOVA: The factors load, speed and distance and their interactions have a significant effect on COF. Also for SWR, composition factor and interaction of load and speed are observed to be significant ( < 0.05) Optimum input parameters corresponding to desirability 1 are found to be: COF (0.11) and SWR (17.5)×10⁻⁶ (mm3/N-m) at 6.34 wt% of composition, 5N of load, 2 km of distance and 1 m/sec of velocity.Keywords: PTFE/HNT, nanocomposites, response surface methodology (RSM), specific wear rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 3962493 Fashion Utopias: The Role of Fashion Exhibitions and Fashion Archives to Defining (and Stimulating) Possible Future Fashion Landscapes
Authors: Vittorio Linfante
Utopìa is a term that, since its first appearance in 1516, in Tommaso Moro’s work, has taken on different meanings and forms in various fields: social studies, politics, art, creativity, and design. The utopias, although of short duration and in their apparent impossibility, have been able to give a shape to the future, laying the foundations for our present and the future of the next generations. The Twentieth century was the historical period crossed by many changes, and it saw the most significant number of utopias not only social, political, and scientific but also artistic, architectural, in design, communication, and, last but not least, in fashion. Over the years, fashion has been able to interpret various utopistic impulses giving form to the most futuristic visions. From the Manifesto del Vestito by Giacomo Balla, through the functional experiments that led to the Tuta by Thayath and the Varst by Aleksandr Rodčenko and Varvara Stepanova, through the Space Age visions of Rudi Gernreich, Paco Rabanne and Pierre Cardin, and the Archizoom’s political actions and their fashion project Vestirsi è facile. Experiments that have continued to the present days through the (sometimes) excessive visions of Hussein Chalayan, Alexander McQueen, and Gareth Pugh or those that are more anchored to the market (but no fewer innovative and visionaries) by Prada, Chanel, and Raf Simmons. If, as Bauman states, it is true that we have entered in a phase of Retrotopia characterized by the inability to think about new forms of the future; it is necessary, more than ever, to redefine the role of history, of its narration and its mise en scène, within the contemporary creative process. A process that increasingly requires an in-depth knowledge of the past for the definition of a renewed discourse about design processes. A discourse in which words like archive, exhibition, curating, revival, vintage, and costume take on new meanings. The paper aims to investigate–through case studies, research, and professional projects–the renewed role of curating and preserving fashion artefacts. A renewed role that–in an era of Retrotopia–museums, exhibitions, and archives can (and must) assume, to contribute to the definition of new design paradigms, capable of overcoming the traditional categories of revival or costume in favour of a more contemporary “mash-up” approach. Mash-up in which past and present, craftsmanship and new technologies, revival and experimentation merge seamlessly. In this perspective, dresses (as well as fashion accessories) should be considered not only as finished products but as artefacts capable of talking about the past and of producing unpublished new stories at the same time. Archives, exhibitions (academic and not), and museums thus become powerful sources of inspiration for fashion: places and projects capable of generating innovation, becoming active protagonists of the contemporary fashion design processes.Keywords: heritage, history, costume and fashion interface, performance, language, design research
Procedia PDF Downloads 1152492 Development of Visual Element Design Guidelines for Consumer Products Based on User Characteristics
Authors: Taezoon Park, Wonil Hwang
This study aims to build a design guideline for the effective visual display used for consumer products considering user characteristics; gender and age. Although a number of basic experiments identified the limits of human visual perception, the findings remain fragmented and many times in an unfriendly form. This study compiled a design cases along with tables aggregated from the experimental result of visual perception; brightness/contrast, useful field of view, color sensitivity. Visual design elements commonly used for consumer product, were selected and appropriate guidelines were developed based on the experimental result. Since the provided data with case example suggests a feasible design space, it will save time for a product designer to find appropriate design alternatives.Keywords: design guideline, consumer product, visual design element, visual perception, emotional design
Procedia PDF Downloads 3722491 A Comprehensive Approach to Scour Depth Estimation Through HEC-RAS 2D and Physical Modeling
Authors: Ashvinie Thembiliyagoda, Kasun De Silva, Nimal Wijayaratna
The lowering of the riverbed level as a result of water erosion is termed as scouring. This phenomenon remarkably undermines the potential stability of the bridge pier, causing a threat of failure or collapse. The formation of vortices in the vicinity of bridges due to the obstruction caused by river flow is the main reason behind this pursuit. Scouring is aggravated by factors including high flow rates, bridge pier geometry, sediment configuration etc. Tackling scour-related problems when they become severe is more costly and disruptive compared to implementing preventive measures based on predicted scour depths. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of the development of a numerical model that could reproduce the scouring effect around bridge piers and estimate the scour depth. The numerical model was developed for one selected bridge in Sri Lanka, the Kelanisiri Bridge. HEC-RAS two-dimensional (2D) modeling approach was utilized for the development of the model and was calibrated and validated with field data. To further enhance the reliability of the model, a physical model was developed, allowing for additional validation. Results from the numerical model were compared with those obtained from the physical model, revealing a strong correlation between the two methods and confirming the numerical model's accuracy in predicting scour depths. The findings from this study underscore the ability of the HEC-RAS two-dimensional modeling approach for the estimation of scour depth around bridge piers. The developed model is able to estimate the scour depth under varying flow conditions, and its flexibility allows it to be adapted for application to other bridges with similar hydraulic and geomorphological conditions, providing a robust tool for widespread use in scour estimation. The developed two-dimensional model not only offers reliable predictions for the case study bridge but also holds significant potential for broader implementation, contributing to the improved design and maintenance of bridge structures in diverse environments.Keywords: piers, scouring, HEC-RAS, physical model
Procedia PDF Downloads 172490 Optimal Relaxation Parameters for Obtaining Efficient Iterative Methods for the Solution of Electromagnetic Scattering Problems
Authors: Nadaniela Egidi, Pierluigi Maponi
The approximate solution of a time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering problem for inhomogeneous media is required in several application contexts, and its two-dimensional formulation is a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. This integral equation provides a formulation for the direct scattering problem, but it has to be solved several times also in the numerical solution of the corresponding inverse scattering problem. The discretization of this Fredholm equation produces large and dense linear systems that are usually solved by iterative methods. In order to improve the efficiency of these iterative methods, we use the Symmetric SOR preconditioning, and we propose an algorithm for the evaluation of the associated relaxation parameter. We show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm by several numerical experiments, where we use two Krylov subspace methods, i.e., Bi-CGSTAB and GMRES.Keywords: Fredholm integral equation, iterative method, preconditioning, scattering problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 1052489 Ancient Iran Water Technologies
Authors: Akbar Khodavirdizadeh, Ali Nemati Babaylou, Hassan Moomivand
The history of human access to water technique has been one of the factors in the formation of human civilizations in the ancient world. The technique that makes surface water and groundwater accessible to humans on the ground has been a clever technique in human life to reach the water. In this study, while examining the water technique of ancient Iran using the Qanats technique, the water supply system of different regions of the ancient world were also studied and compared. Six groups of the ancient region of ancient Greece (Archaic 480-750 BC and Classical 223-480 BC), Urartu in Tuspa (600-850 BC), Petra (106-168 BC), Ancient Rome (265 BC), and the ancient United States (1450 BC) and ancient Iranian water technologies were studied under water supply systems. Past water technologies in these areas: water transmission systems in primary urban centers, use of water structures in water control, use of bridges in water transfer, construction of waterways for water transfer, storage of rainfall, construction of various types of pottery- ceramic, lead, wood and stone pipes have been used in water transfer, flood control, water reservoirs, dams, channel, wells, and Qanat. The central plateau of Iran is one of the arid and desert regions. Archaeological, geomorphological, and paleontological studies of the central region of the Iranian plateau showed that without the use of Qanats, the possibility of urban civilization in this region was difficult and even impossible. Zarch aqueduct is the most important aqueduct in Yazd region. Qanat of Zarch is a plain Qanat with a gallery length of 80 km; its mother well is 85 m deep and has 2115 well shafts. The main purpose of building the Qanat of Zārch was to access the groundwater source and transfer it to the surface of the ground. Regarding the structure of the aqueduct and the technique of transferring water from the groundwater source to the surface, it has a great impact on being different from other water techniques in the ancient world. The results show that the use of water technologies in ancient is very important to understand the history of humanity in the use of hydraulic techniques.Keywords: ancient water technologies, groundwaters, qanat, human history, Ancient Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 1122488 Mind-Wandering and Attention: Evidence from Behavioral and Subjective Perspective
Authors: Riya Mishra, Trayambak Tiwari, Anju Lata Singh, I. L. Singh, Tara Singh
Decrement in vigilance task performance echoes impediment in effortful attention; here attention fluctuated in the realm of external and internal milieu of a person. To examine this fluctuation across time period, we employed two experiments of vigilance task with variation in thought probing rate, which was embedded in the task. The thought probe varies in terms of <2 minute per thought probe and <4 minute per thought probe during vigilance task. A 2x4 repeated measure factorial design was used. 15 individuals participated in this study with an age range of 20-26 years. It was found that thought probing rate has a negative trend with vigilance task performance whereas the subjective measures of mind-wandering have a positive relation with thought probe rate.Keywords: criterion response, mental status, mind-wandering, thought probe, vigilance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4272487 Influence of Climate Change on Landslides in Northeast India: A Case Study
Authors: G. Vishnu, T. V. Bharat
Rainfall plays a major role in the stability of natural slopes in tropical and subtropical regions. These slopes usually have high slope angles and are stable during the dry season. The critical rainfall intensity that might trigger a landslide may not be the highest rainfall. In addition to geological discontinuities and anthropogenic factors, water content, suction, and hydraulic conductivity also play a role. A thorough geotechnical investigation with the principles of unsaturated soil mechanics is required to predict the failures in these cases. The study discusses three landslide events that had occurred in residual hills of Guwahati, India. Rainfall data analysis, history image analysis, land use, and slope maps of the region were analyzed and discussed. The landslide occurred on June (24, 26, and 28) 2020, on the respective sites, but the highest rainfall was on June (6 and 17) 2020. The factors that lead to the landslide occurrence is the combination of critical events initiated with rainfall, causing a reduction in suction. The sites consist of a mixture of rocks and soil. The slope failure occurs due to the saturation of the soil layer leading to loss of soil strength resulting in the flow of the entire soil rock mass. The land-use change, construction activities, other human and natural activities that lead to faster disintegration of rock mass may accelerate the landslide events. Landslides in these slopes are inevitable, and the development of an early warning system (EWS) to save human lives and resources is a feasible way. The actual time of failure of a slope can be better predicted by considering all these factors rather than depending solely on the rainfall intensities. An effective EWS is required with less false alarms in these regions by proper instrumentation of slope and appropriate climatic downscaling.Keywords: early warning system, historic image analysis, slope instrumentation, unsaturated soil mechanics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1142486 Derivation of Neutrino Mass Parameters from the Study of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Authors: Sabin Stoica
In this paper the theoretical challenges in the study of neutrinoless double beta decay are reviewed. Then, new upper limits of the neutrino mass parameters in the case of three isotopes are derived; 48Ca, 76Ge, and 82Se, assuming two possible mechanisms of occurrence of this nuclear process, namely the exchange of i) light left-handed neutrinos and ii) heavy right-handed neutrinos, between two nucleons inside the nucleus. The derivation is based on accurate calculations of the phase space factors and nuclear matrix elements performed with new high-performance computer codes, which are described in more detail in recent publications. These results are useful both for a better understanding of the scale of neutrino absolute mass and for the planning of future double beta decay experiments.Keywords: double beta decay, neutrino properties, nuclear matrix elements, phase space factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 6012485 Quality of Service of Transportation Networks: A Hybrid Measurement of Travel Time and Reliability
Authors: Chin-Chia Jane
In a transportation network, travel time refers to the transmission time from source node to destination node, whereas reliability refers to the probability of a successful connection from source node to destination node. With an increasing emphasis on quality of service (QoS), both performance indexes are significant in the design and analysis of transportation systems. In this work, we extend the well-known flow network model for transportation networks so that travel time and reliability are integrated into the QoS measurement simultaneously. In the extended model, in addition to the general arc capacities, each intermediate node has a time weight which is the travel time for per unit of commodity going through the node. Meanwhile, arcs and nodes are treated as binary random variables that switch between operation and failure with associated probabilities. For pre-specified travel time limitation and demand requirement, the QoS of a transportation network is the probability that source can successfully transport the demand requirement to destination while the total transmission time is under the travel time limitation. This work is pioneering, since existing literatures that evaluate travel time reliability via a single optimization path, the proposed QoS focuses the performance of the whole network system. To compute the QoS of transportation networks, we first transfer the extended network model into an equivalent min-cost max-flow network model. In the transferred network, each arc has a new travel time weight which takes value 0. Each intermediate node is replaced by two nodes u and v, and an arc directed from u to v. The newly generated nodes u and v are perfect nodes. The new direct arc has three weights: travel time, capacity, and operation probability. Then the universal set of state vectors is recursively decomposed into disjoint subsets of reliable, unreliable, and stochastic vectors until no stochastic vector is left. The decomposition is made possible by applying existing efficient min-cost max-flow algorithm. Because the reliable subsets are disjoint, QoS can be obtained directly by summing the probabilities of these reliable subsets. Computational experiments are conducted on a benchmark network which has 11 nodes and 21 arcs. Five travel time limitations and five demand requirements are set to compute the QoS value. To make a comparison, we test the exhaustive complete enumeration method. Computational results reveal the proposed algorithm is much more efficient than the complete enumeration method. In this work, a transportation network is analyzed by an extended flow network model where each arc has a fixed capacity, each intermediate node has a time weight, and both arcs and nodes are independent binary random variables. The quality of service of the transportation network is an integration of customer demands, travel time, and the probability of connection. We present a decomposition algorithm to compute the QoS efficiently. Computational experiments conducted on a prototype network show that the proposed algorithm is superior to existing complete enumeration methods.Keywords: quality of service, reliability, transportation network, travel time
Procedia PDF Downloads 2222484 Model of Optimal Centroids Approach for Multivariate Data Classification
Authors: Pham Van Nha, Le Cam Binh
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based stochastic optimization algorithm. PSO was inspired by the natural behavior of birds and fish in migration and foraging for food. PSO is considered as a multidisciplinary optimization model that can be applied in various optimization problems. PSO’s ideas are simple and easy to understand but PSO is only applied in simple model problems. We think that in order to expand the applicability of PSO in complex problems, PSO should be described more explicitly in the form of a mathematical model. In this paper, we represent PSO in a mathematical model and apply in the multivariate data classification. First, PSOs general mathematical model (MPSO) is analyzed as a universal optimization model. Then, Model of Optimal Centroids (MOC) is proposed for the multivariate data classification. Experiments were conducted on some benchmark data sets to prove the effectiveness of MOC compared with several proposed schemes.Keywords: analysis of optimization, artificial intelligence based optimization, optimization for learning and data analysis, global optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2092483 The Analysis of the Two Dimensional Huxley Equation Using the Galerkin Method
Authors: Pius W. Molo Chin
Real life problems such as the Huxley equation are always modeled as nonlinear differential equations. These problems need accurate and reliable methods for their solutions. In this paper, we propose a nonstandard finite difference method in time and the Galerkin combined with the compactness method in the space variables. This coupled method, is used to analyze a two dimensional Huxley equation for the existence and uniqueness of the continuous solution of the problem in appropriate spaces to be defined. We proceed to design a numerical scheme consisting of the aforementioned method and show that the scheme is stable. We further show that the stable scheme converges with the rate which is optimal in both the L2 as well as the H1-norms. Furthermore, we show that the scheme replicates the decaying qualities of the exact solution. Numerical experiments are presented with the help of an example to justify the validity of the designed scheme.Keywords: Huxley equations, non-standard finite difference method, Galerkin method, optimal rate of convergence
Procedia PDF Downloads 2172482 Experimental Study of the Modifications of the Bed of a River under Extreme Flow Conditions
Authors: A. Ghenaim, A. Terfous
In this work, degradation phenomena in fluvial beds having uniform sediments are explored experimentally under extreme flow conditions. Laboratory experiments were conducted in a rectangular cross-section channel for different flow conditions, channel characteristics, and sediment properties at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (Strasbourg, France). Tests were carried out in two conditions: (1) equilibrium condition, where, once the steady and uniform flow conditions were achieved for a given slope and discharge, the channel was fed with variable sediment discharges until the bed-load sediment transport achieved an equilibrium condition; and (2) nonequilibrium condition, where the sediment feeding was instantaneously stopped, and the bed levels were measured over time. Experimental results enabled assessing the erosion rates and determining the empirical mathematical model to predict the bed level changes.Keywords: fluvial beds, sediment, uniform flow conditions, nonequilibrium condition, sediment disposition, erosion
Procedia PDF Downloads 942481 Resource-Constrained Heterogeneous Workflow Scheduling Algorithms in Heterogeneous Computing Clusters
Authors: Lei Wang, Jiahao Zhou
The development of heterogeneous computing clusters provides a strong computility guarantee for large-scale workflows (e.g., scientific computing, artificial intelligence (AI), etc.). However, the tasks within large-scale workflows have also gradually become heterogeneous due to different demands on computing resources, which leads to the addition of a task resource-restricted constraint to the workflow scheduling problem on heterogeneous computing platforms. In this paper, we propose a heterogeneous constrained minimum makespan scheduling algorithm based on the idea of greedy strategy, which provides an efficient solution to the heterogeneous workflow scheduling problem in a heterogeneous platform. In this paper, we test the effectiveness of our proposed scheduling algorithm by randomly generating heterogeneous workflows with heterogeneous computing platform, and the experiments show that our method improves 15.2% over the state-of-the-art methods.Keywords: heterogeneous computing, workflow scheduling, constrained resources, minimal makespan
Procedia PDF Downloads 392480 Complex Shaped Prepreg Part Drapability Using Vacuum Bagging
Authors: Saran Toure
Complex shaped parts manufactured using out of autoclave prepreg vacuum bagging has a high quality finish. This is not only due to in the control of resin to fibre ratio in prepregs, but also to a reduction in fibre misalignment, slippage and stresses occurring within plies during compaction. In a bid to further reduce deformation modes and control failure modes, we carried experiments where, we introduced wetted fabrics within a prepreg plybook during compaction. Here are presented the results obtained from the vacuum bagging of a complex shaped part. The shape is that of a turbine fan blade with smooth curves all throughout ending with sharp edged angles. The quality of the final part made from this blade is compared to that of the same blade made from standard vacuum bagging process of prepregs, without introducing wetted fabrics.Keywords: complex shaped part, prepregs, drapability, vacuum bagging
Procedia PDF Downloads 3662479 The Social Ecology of Serratia entomophila: Pathogen of Costelytra giveni
Authors: C. Watson, T. Glare, M. O'Callaghan, M. Hurst
The endemic New Zealand grass grub (Costelytra giveni, Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is an economically significant grassland pest in New Zealand. Due to their impacts on production within the agricultural sector, one of New Zealand's primary industries, several methods are being used to either control or prevent the establishment of new grass grub populations in the pasture. One such method involves the use of a biopesticide based on the bacterium Serratia entomophila. This species is one of the causative agents of amber disease, a chronic disease of the larvae which results in death via septicaemia after approximately 2 to 3 months. The ability of S. entomophila to cause amber disease is dependant upon the presence of the amber disease associated plasmid (pADAP), which encodes for the key virulence determinants required for the establishment and maintenance of the disease. Following the collapse of grass grub populations within the soil, resulting from either natural population build-up or application of the bacteria, non-pathogenic plasmid-free Serratia strains begin to predominate within the soil. Whilst the interactions between S. entomophila and grass grub larvae are well studied, less information is known on the interactions between plasmid-bearing and plasmid-free strains, particularly the potential impact of these interactions upon the efficacy of an applied biopesticide. Using a range of constructed strains with antibiotic tags, in vitro (broth culture) and in vivo (soil and larvae) experiments were conducted using inoculants comprised of differing ratios of isogenic pathogenic and non-pathogenic Serratia strains, enabling the relative growth of pADAP+ and pADAP- strains under competition conditions to be assessed. In nutrient-rich, the non-pathogenic pADAP- strain outgrew the pathogenic pADAP+ strain by day 3 when inoculated in equal quantities, and by day 5 when applied as the minority inoculant, however, there was an overall gradual decline in the number of viable bacteria for both strains over a 7-day period. Similar results were obtained in additional experiments using the same strains and continuous broth cultures re-inoculated at 24-hour intervals, although in these cultures, the viable cell count did not diminish over the 7-day period. When the same ratios were assessed in soil microcosms with limited available nutrients, the strains remained relatively stable over a 2-month period. Additionally, in vivo grass grub co-infections assays using the same ratios of tagged Serratia strains revealed similar results to those observed in the soil, but there was also evidence of horizontal transfer of pADAP from the pathogenic to the non-pathogenic strain within the larval gut after a period of 4 days. Whilst the influence of competition is more apparent in broth cultures than within the soil or larvae, further testing is required to determine whether this competition between pathogenic and non-pathogenic Serratia strains has any influence on efficacy and disease progression, and how this may impact on the ability of S. entomophila to cause amber disease within grass grub larvae when applied as a biopesticide.Keywords: biological control, entomopathogen, microbial ecology, New Zealand
Procedia PDF Downloads 1562478 Documents Emotions Classification Model Based on TF-IDF Weighting Measure
Authors: Amr Mansour Mohsen, Hesham Ahmed Hassan, Amira M. Idrees
Emotions classification of text documents is applied to reveal if the document expresses a determined emotion from its writer. As different supervised methods are previously used for emotion documents’ classification, in this research we present a novel model that supports the classification algorithms for more accurate results by the support of TF-IDF measure. Different experiments have been applied to reveal the applicability of the proposed model, the model succeeds in raising the accuracy percentage according to the determined metrics (precision, recall, and f-measure) based on applying the refinement of the lexicon, integration of lexicons using different perspectives, and applying the TF-IDF weighting measure over the classifying features. The proposed model has also been compared with other research to prove its competence in raising the results’ accuracy.Keywords: emotion detection, TF-IDF, WEKA tool, classification algorithms
Procedia PDF Downloads 4842477 An Automatic Speech Recognition Tool for the Filipino Language Using the HTK System
Authors: John Lorenzo Bautista, Yoon-Joong Kim
This paper presents the development of a Filipino speech recognition tool using the HTK System. The system was trained from a subset of the Filipino Speech Corpus developed by the DSP Laboratory of the University of the Philippines-Diliman. The speech corpus was both used in training and testing the system by estimating the parameters for phonetic HMM-based (Hidden-Markov Model) acoustic models. Experiments on different mixture-weights were incorporated in the study. The phoneme-level word-based recognition of a 5-state HMM resulted in an average accuracy rate of 80.13 for a single-Gaussian mixture model, 81.13 after implementing a phoneme-alignment, and 87.19 for the increased Gaussian-mixture weight model. The highest accuracy rate of 88.70% was obtained from a 5-state model with 6 Gaussian mixtures.Keywords: Filipino language, Hidden Markov Model, HTK system, speech recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 4822476 Mining Multicity Urban Data for Sustainable Population Relocation
Authors: Xu Du, Aparna S. Varde
In this research, we propose to conduct diagnostic and predictive analysis about the key factors and consequences of urban population relocation. To achieve this goal, urban simulation models extract the urban development trends as land use change patterns from a variety of data sources. The results are treated as part of urban big data with other information such as population change and economic conditions. Multiple data mining methods are deployed on this data to analyze nonlinear relationships between parameters. The result determines the driving force of population relocation with respect to urban sprawl and urban sustainability and their related parameters. Experiments so far reveal that data mining methods discover useful knowledge from the multicity urban data. This work sets the stage for developing a comprehensive urban simulation model for catering to specific questions by targeted users. It contributes towards achieving sustainability as a whole.Keywords: data mining, environmental modeling, sustainability, urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3092475 Reduction of Content of Lead and Zinc from Wastewater by Using of Metallurgical Waste
Authors: L. Rozumová, J. Seidlerová
The aim of this paper was to study the sorption properties of a blast furnace sludge used as the sorbent. The sorbent was utilized for reduction of content of lead and zinc ions. Sorbent utilized in this work was obtained from metallurgical industry from process of wet gas treatment in iron production. The blast furnace sludge was characterized by X-Ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and XRFS spectroscopy. Sorption experiments were conducted in batch mode. The sorption of metal ions in the sludge was determined by correlation of adsorption isotherm models. The adsorption of lead and zinc ions was best fitted with Langmuir adsorption isotherms. The adsorption capacity of lead and zinc ions was 53.8 mg.g-1 and 10.7 mg.g-1, respectively. The results indicated that blast furnace sludge could be effectively used as secondary material and could be also employed as a low-cost alternative for the removal of heavy metals ions from wastewater.Keywords: blast furnace sludge, lead, zinc, sorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 3022474 Enhanced Poly Fluoroalkyl Substances Degradation in Complex Wastewater Using Modified Continuous Flow Nonthermal Plasma Reactor
Authors: Narasamma Nippatlapallia
Communities across the world are desperate to get their environment free of toxic per-poly fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) especially when these chemicals are in aqueous media. In the present study, two different chain length PFAS (PFHxA (C6), PFDA (C10)) are selected for degradation using a modified continuous flow nonthermal plasma. The results showed 82.3% PFHxA and 94.1 PFDA degradation efficiencies, respectively. The defluorination efficiency is also evaluated which is 28% and 34% for PFHxA and PFDA, respectively. The results clearly indicates that the structure of PFAS has a great impact on degradation efficiency. The effect of flow rate is studied. increase in flow rate beyond 2 mL/min, decrease in degradation efficiency of the targeted PFAS was noticed. PFDA degradation was decreased from 85% to 42%, and PFHxA was decreased to 32% from 64% with increase in flow rate from 2 to 5 mL/min. Similarly, with increase in flow rate the percentage defluorination was decreased for both C10, and C6 compounds. This observation can be attributed to mainly because of change in residence time (contact time). Real water/wastewater is a composition of various organic, and inorganic ions that may affect the activity of oxidative species such as 𝑂𝐻. radicals on the target pollutants. Therefore, it is important to consider radicals quenching chemicals to understand the efficiency of the reactor. In gas-liquid NTP discharge reactors 𝑂𝐻. , 𝑒𝑎𝑞 − , 𝑂 . , 𝑂3, 𝐻2𝑂2, 𝐻. are often considered as reactive species for oxidation and reduction of pollutants. In this work, the role played by two distinct 𝑂 .𝐻 Scavengers, ethanol and glycerol, on PFAS percentage degradation, and defluorination efficiency (i,e., fluorine removal) are measured was studied. The addition of scavenging agents to the PFAS solution diminished the PFAS degradation to different extents depending on the target compound molecular structure. In comparison with the degradation of only PFAS solution, the addition of 1.25 M ethanol inhibited C10, and C6 degradation by 8%, and 12%, respectively. This research was supported with energy efficiency, production rate, and specific yield, fluoride, and PFAS concentration analysis with respect to optimum hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the continuous flow reactor.Keywords: wastewater, PFAS, nonthermal plasma, mineralization, defluorination
Procedia PDF Downloads 312473 Recycling the Lanthanides from Permanent Magnets by Electrochemistry in Ionic Liquid
Authors: Celine Bonnaud, Isabelle Billard, Nicolas Papaiconomou, Eric Chainet
Thanks to their high magnetization and low mass, permanent magnets (NdFeB and SmCo) have quickly became essential for new energies (wind turbines, electrical vehicles…). They contain large quantities of neodymium, samarium and dysprosium, that have been recently classified as critical elements and that therefore need to be recycled. Electrochemical processes including electrodissolution followed by electrodeposition are an elegant and environmentally friendly solution for the recycling of such lanthanides contained in permanent magnets. However, electrochemistry of the lanthanides is a real challenge as their standard potentials are highly negative (around -2.5V vs ENH). Consequently, non-aqueous solvents are required. Ionic liquids (IL) are novel electrolytes exhibiting physico-chemical properties that fulfill many requirements of the sustainable chemistry principles, such as extremely low volatility and non-flammability. Furthermore, their chemical and electrochemical properties (solvation of metallic ions, large electrochemical windows, etc.) render them very attractive media to implement alternative and sustainable processes in view of integrated processes. All experiments that will be presented were carried out using butyl-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide. Linear sweep, cyclic voltammetry and potentiostatic electrochemical techniques were used. The reliability of electrochemical experiments, performed without glove box, for the classic three electrodes cell used in this study has been assessed. Deposits were obtained by chronoamperometry and were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The IL cathodic behavior under different constraints (argon, nitrogen, oxygen atmosphere or water content) and using several electrode materials (Pt, Au, GC) shows that with argon gas flow and gold as a working electrode, the cathodic potential can reach the maximum value of -3V vs Fc+/Fc; thus allowing a possible reduction of lanthanides. On a gold working electrode, the reduction potential of samarium and neodymium was found to be -1.8V vs Fc+/Fc while that of dysprosium was -2.1V vs Fc+/Fc. The individual deposits obtained were found to be porous and presented some significant amounts of C, N, F, S and O atoms. Selective deposition of neodymium in presence of dysprosium was also studied and will be discussed. Next, metallic Sm, Nd and Dy electrodes were used in replacement of Au, which induced changes in the reduction potential values and the deposit structures of lanthanides. The individual corrosion potentials were also measured in order to determine the parameters influencing the electrodissolution of these metals. Finally, a full recycling process was investigated. Electrodissolution of a real permanent magnet sample was monitored kinetically. Then, the sequential electrodeposition of all lanthanides contained in the IL was investigated. Yields, quality of the deposits and consumption of chemicals will be discussed in depth, in view of the industrial feasibility of this process for real permanent magnets recycling.Keywords: electrodeposition, electrodissolution, ionic liquids, lanthanides, rcycling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2752472 Automatic Battery Charging for Rotor Wings Type Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Authors: Jeyeon Kim
This paper describes the development of the automatic battery charging device for the rotor wings type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and the positioning method that can be accurately landed on the charging device when landing. The developed automatic battery charging device is considered by simple maintenance, durability, cost and error of the positioning when landing. In order to for the UAV accurately land on the charging device, two kinds of markers (a color marker and a light marker) installed on the charging device is detected by the camera mounted on the UAV. And then, the UAV is controlled so that the detected marker becomes the center of the image and is landed on the device. We conduct the performance evaluation of the proposal positioning method by the outdoor experiments at day and night, and show the effectiveness of the system.Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, automatic battery charging, positioning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3642471 Evaluating the Tracking Abilities of Microsoft HoloLens-1 for Small-Scale Industrial Processes
Authors: Kuhelee Chandel, Julia Åhlén, Stefan Seipel
This study evaluates the accuracy of Microsoft HoloLens (Version 1) for small-scale industrial activities, comparing its measurements to ground truth data from a Kuka Robotics arm. Two experiments were conducted to assess its position-tracking capabilities, revealing that the HoloLens device is effective for measuring the position of dynamic objects with small dimensions. However, its precision is affected by the velocity of the trajectory and its position within the device's field of view. While the HoloLens device may be suitable for small-scale tasks, its limitations for more complex and demanding applications requiring high precision and accuracy must be considered. The findings can guide the use of HoloLens devices in industrial applications and contribute to the development of more effective and reliable position-tracking systems.Keywords: augmented reality (AR), Microsoft HoloLens, object tracking, industrial processes, manufacturing processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1372470 A New Class of Conjugate Gradient Methods Based on a Modified Search Direction for Unconstrained Optimization
Authors: Belloufi Mohammed, Sellami Badreddine
Conjugate gradient methods have played a special role for solving large scale optimization problems due to the simplicity of their iteration, convergence properties and their low memory requirements. In this work, we propose a new class of conjugate gradient methods which ensures sufficient descent. Moreover, we propose a new search direction with the Wolfe line search technique for solving unconstrained optimization problems, a global convergence result for general functions is established provided that the line search satisfies the Wolfe conditions. Our numerical experiments indicate that our proposed methods are preferable and in general superior to the classical conjugate gradient methods in terms of efficiency and robustness.Keywords: unconstrained optimization, conjugate gradient method, sufficient descent property, numerical comparisons
Procedia PDF Downloads 4062469 A New Investigation Technique for Improvement of the Cullet for Pottery Glaze
Authors: Benchalak Muangmeesri
This research is experiment glaze from use cullet that is broken decayed from the used such as, glass bottle, windshield , etc. For seek raw material compensation that is raw material of the glaze in ceramic. The objective of the research for study the ratio of the glaze that is appropriate for glaze ceramic products and evaluate the experiment glaze on the vitreous china. The experiment has limits in using ceramic process such as, using calculation formula with triaxial, the empirical formula’s of Seger, and formula calculation is the percentage of the compound. for choose formula has will the possibility for glaze on vitreous china. The experiments in 108 triaxial can choose best formula and calculate is be left just 6 a formula for the calculation. The calculation is the percentage of the raw materials. Find that, three formulas in six formula there is percentage amount of the raw material that is cullet has the amount the little more 10 percentages then repeated experiment just three formulas. Overall, this research have three formulas for used its and we get all processes achieved and well done.Keywords: cullet, glaze, pottery, ceramic
Procedia PDF Downloads 2712468 Microstructure Dependent Fatigue Crack Growth in Aluminum Alloy
Authors: M. S. Nandana, K. Udaya Bhat, C. M. Manjunatha
In this study aluminum alloy 7010 was subjected to three different ageing treatments i.e., peak ageing (T6), over-ageing (T7451) and retrogression and re ageing (RRA) to study the influence of precipitate microstructure on the fatigue crack growth rate behavior. The microstructural modification was studied by using transmission electron microscope (TEM) to examine the change in the size and morphology of precipitates in the matrix and on the grain boundaries. The standard compact tension (CT) specimens were fabricated and tested under constant amplitude fatigue crack growth tests to evaluate the influence of heat treatment on the fatigue crack growth rate properties. The tests were performed in a computer-controlled servo-hydraulic test machine applying a load ratio, R = 0.1 at a loading frequency of 10 Hz as per ASTM E647. The fatigue crack growth was measured by adopting compliance technique using a CMOD gauge attached to the CT specimen. The average size of the matrix precipitates were found to be of 16-20 nm in T7451, 5-6 nm in RRA and 2-3 nm in T6 conditions respectively. The grain boundary precipitate which was continuous in T6, was disintegrated in RRA and T7451 condition. The PFZ width was lower in RRA compared to T7451 condition. The crack growth rate was higher in T7451 and lowest in RRA treated alloy. The RRA treated alloy also exhibits an increase in threshold stress intensity factor range (∆Kₜₕ). The ∆Kₜₕ measured was 11.1, 10.3 and 5.7 MPam¹/² in RRA, T6 and T7451 alloys respectively. The fatigue crack growth rate in RRA treated alloy was nearly 2-3 times lower than that in T6 and was one order lower than that observed in T7451 condition. The surface roughness of RRA treated alloy was more pronounced when compared to the other conditions. The reduction in fatigue crack growth rate in RRA alloy was majorly due to the increase in roughness and partially due to increase in spacing between the matrix precipitates. The reduction in crack growth rate and increase in threshold stress intensity range is expected to benefit the damage tolerant capability of aircraft structural components under service loads.Keywords: damage tolerance, fatigue, heat treatment, PFZ, RRA
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