Search results for: social work with dementitude
7289 Nanostructure of Gamma-Alumina Prepared by a Modified Sol-Gel Technique
Authors: Débora N. Zambrano, Marina O. Gosatti, Leandro M. Dufou, Daniel A. Serrano, M. Mónica Guraya, Soledad Perez-Catán
Nanoporous g-Al2O3 samples were synthesized via a sol-gel technique, introducing changes in the Yoldas´ method. The aim of the work was to achieve an effective control of the nanostructure properties and morphology of the final g-Al2O3. The influence of the reagent temperature during the hydrolysis was evaluated in case of water at 5 ºC and 98 ºC, and alkoxide at -18 ºC and room temperature. Sol-gel transitions were performed at 120 ºC and room temperature. All g-Al2O3 samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption and thermal analysis. Our results showed that temperature of both water and alkoxide has not much influence on the nanostructure of the final g-Al2O3, thus giving a structure very similar to that of samples obtained by the reference method as long as the reaction temperature above 75 ºC is reached soon enough. XRD characterization showed diffraction patterns corresponding to g-Al2O3 for all samples. Also BET specific area values (253-280 m2/g) were similar to those obtained by Yoldas’s original method. The temperature of the sol-gel transition does not affect the resulting sample structure, and crystalline boehmite particles were identified in all dried gels. We analyzed the reproducibility of the samples’ structure by preparing different samples under identical conditions; we found that performing the sol-gel transition at 120 ºC favors the production of more reproducible samples and also reduces significantly the time of the sol-gel reaction.Keywords: nanostructure alumina, boehmite, sol-gel technique, N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm, pore size distribution, BET area.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3247288 A Critical Review of the Success Model of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
Authors: Ekta Pandey
The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is ranked third largest by volume and fourteenth by value. It thus accounts for 10% of world’s production by volume and 1.5% by value according to Department of Pharmaceuticals, Government of India. The industry has shown phenomenal growth over past few years, moving from US $ 1 billion turnover in 1990 to a turnover of around US $30 billion in 2015. The Indian pharmaceutical sector is ranked seventeenth in terms of export value of active pharmaceutical ingredients and dosage forms to more than 200 countries around the globe. It has shown tremendous changes especially after Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement. Recognizing the immense potential for growth and its direct impact on Indian economy, it is important to look up the industrial policies adopted since Indian independence which turnaround the Indian pharmaceutical industry. A systematic review of changes in market structure of Indian pharmaceutical industry due to shift in policy regimes is done from 1850 to 2015 using secondary peer reviewed published research work. The aim is to understand the impact of anti-trust laws, intellectual property rights, industry competition acts and regulations are quite crucial in determining effective economic policy and have overall lasting effects on international trade and ties. The proposed paper examines the position of Indian domestic firms relative to multinational pharmaceutical firms tries to throw some light on the growth curve of Indian pharmaceutical sector.Keywords: active pharmaceutical ingredients, competition act, pharmaceutical industry, TRIPS
Procedia PDF Downloads 4397287 Interrogating Democracy and Development in Africa: A Case Study of Nigeria
Authors: Yusuf Bala
The last decades of the 20th Centaury witnessed renewed hope about the birth of democracy and development in Africa the interface between democracy and development in Africa has long engaged the sustained interest of scholars and researchers across Africa. The process was actively supported by all segment of society, labour students market women, rural dweller who saw in it, the prospects of reversing the trend of political despair and in disillusionment that hither to characterized political life in Africa. The political tyranny and dictatorship while having it own clientele and beneficiaries had negative and suffocating effect on the majority of the people. The democratic aspiration of the Africa people is not only confined to the Arena of political Democracy of election and granting of civil and political rights, but it involves the demand for economic empowerment better living standards of the people and adequate social welfare indeed, for the majority of the people democracy is meaningful only when it delivers socio-economic goods. However, democracy and development have generated enormous interest no conclusive evidence seems to be shared in Africa. In the course of this research emphasis shall be made on certain issues, such as issues of corruption in democracy in Africa, ethnic conflict and democracy in Africa contribution of women to democratic practice and women participation in political arena, is still very low, democratization process and industrial relation in Africa as factor that hinder the development of Democracy in Africa, a case study of Nigeria.Keywords: democracy, development, dictatorship, conflict, ethnicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3187286 Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Cases of Fluid Flow Using Modified Dynamic Boundary Condition (mDBC) in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Models
Authors: Exa Heydemans, Jessica Sjah, Dwinanti Rika Marthanty
This paper presents numerical simulations using an open boundary algorithm with modified dynamic boundary condition (mDBC) for weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics models from particle-based code Dualsphysics. The problems of piping erosion in dams and dikes are aimed for studying the algorithm. The case 2D model of unsteady fluid flow past around a fixed cylinder is simulated, where various values of Reynold’s numbers (Re40, Re60, Re80, and Re100) and different model’s resolution are considered. A constant velocity with different values of viscosity for generating various Reynold’s numbers and different numbers of particles over a cylinder for the resolution are modeled. The interaction between solid particles of the cylinder and fluid particles is concerned. The cylinder is affected by the hydrodynamics force caused by the flow of fluid particles. The solid particles of the cylinder are the observation points to obtain force and pressure due to the hydrodynamics forces. As results of the simulation, which is to show the capability to model 2D unsteady with various Reynold’s numbers, the pressure coefficient, drag coefficient, lift coefficient, and Strouhal number are compared to the previous work from literature.Keywords: hydrodynamics, internal erosion, dualsphysics, viscous fluid flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 1657285 Optimisation of B2C Supply Chain Resource Allocation
Authors: Firdaous Zair, Zoubir Elfelsoufi, Mohammed Fourka
The allocation of resources is an issue that is needed on the tactical and operational strategic plan. This work considers the allocation of resources in the case of pure players, manufacturers and Click & Mortars that have launched online sales. The aim is to improve the level of customer satisfaction and maintaining the benefits of e-retailer and of its cooperators and reducing costs and risks. Our contribution is a decision support system and tool for improving the allocation of resources in logistics chains e-commerce B2C context. We first modeled the B2C chain with all operations that integrates and possible scenarios since online retailers offer a wide selection of personalized service. The personalized services that online shopping companies offer to the clients can be embodied in many aspects, such as the customizations of payment, the distribution methods, and after-sales service choices. In addition, every aspect of customized service has several modes. At that time, we analyzed the optimization problems of supply chain resource allocation in customized online shopping service mode, which is different from the supply chain resource allocation under traditional manufacturing or service circumstances. Then we realized an optimization model and algorithm for the development based on the analysis of the allocation of the B2C supply chain resources. It is a multi-objective optimization that considers the collaboration of resources in operations, time and costs but also the risks and the quality of services as well as dynamic and uncertain characters related to the request.Keywords: e-commerce, supply chain, B2C, optimisation, resource allocation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2747284 Approved Cyclic Treatment System of Grey Water
Authors: Hanen Filali, Mohamed Hachicha
Treated grey water (TGW) reuse emerged as an alternative resource to meet the growing demand for water for agricultural irrigation and reduce the pressure on limited existing fresh water. However, this reuse needs adapted management in order to avoid environmental and health risks. In this work, the treatment of grey water (GW) was studied from a cyclic treatment system that we designed and implemented in the greenhouse of National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forests (INRGREF). This system is composed of three levels for treatment (TGW 1, TGW 2, and TGW 3). Each level includes a sandy soil box. The use of grey water was moderated depending on the chemical and microbiological quality obtained. Different samples of soils and treated grey water were performed and analyzed for 14 irrigation cycles. TGW through cyclic treatment showed physicochemical parameters like pH, electrical conductivity (EC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD5) in the range of 7,35-7,91, 1,69-5,03 dS/m, 102,6-54,2 mgO2/l, and 31,33-15,74 mgO2/l, respectively. Results showed a reduction in the pollutant load with a significant effect on the three treatment levels; however, an increase in salinity was observed during all irrigation cycles. Microbiological results showed good grey water treatment with low health risk on irrigated soil. Treated water quality was below permissible Tunisian standards (NT106.03), and treated water is suitable for non-potable options.Keywords: treated grey water, irrigation, cyclic treatment, soils, physico-chemical parameters, microbiological parameters
Procedia PDF Downloads 957283 Quantifying the Protein-Protein Interaction between the Ion-Channel-Forming Colicin A and the Tol Proteins by Potassium Efflux in E. coli Cells
Authors: Fadilah Aleanizy
Colicins are a family of bacterial toxins that kill Escherichia coli and other closely related species. The mode of action of colicins involves binding to an outer membrane receptor and translocation across the cell envelope, leading to cytotoxicity through specific targets. The mechanism of colicin cytotoxicity includes a non-specific endonuclease activity or depolarization of the cytoplasmic membrane by pore-forming activity. For Group A colicins, translocation requires an interaction between the N-terminal domain of the colicin and a series of membrane- bound and periplasmic proteins known as the Tol system (TolB, TolR, TolA, TolQ, and Pal and the active domain must be translocated through the outer membranes. Protein-protein interactions are intrinsic to virtually every cellular process. The transient protein-protein interactions of the colicin include the interaction with much more complicated assemblies during colicin translocation across the cellular membrane to its target. The potassium release assay detects variation in the K+ content of bacterial cells (K+in). This assays is used to measure the effect of pore-forming colicins such as ColA on an indicator organism by measuring the changes of the K+ concentration in the external medium (K+out ) that are caused by cell killing with a K+ selective electrode. One of the goals of this work is to employ a quantifiable in-vivo method to spot which Tol protein are more implicated in the interaction with colicin A as it is translocated to its target.Keywords: K+ efflux, Colicin A, Tol-proteins, E. coli
Procedia PDF Downloads 4107282 Extraction of Amorphous SiO₂ From Equisetnm Arvense Plant for Synthesis of SiO₂/Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 Nanocomposite and Its Photocatalytic Activity
Authors: Babak Azari, Afshin Pourahmad, Babak Sadeghi, Masuod Mokhtari
In this work, Equisetnm arvense plant extract was used for preparing amorphous SiO₂. For preparing of SiO₂/zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) nanocomposite by solvothermal method, the synthesized SiO₂ was added to the synthesis mixture ZIF-8. The nanocomposite was characterized using a range of techniques. The photocatalytic activity of SiO₂/ZIF-8 was investigated systematically by degrading crystal violet as a cationic dye under Ultraviolet light irradiation. Among synthesized samples (SiO₂, ZIF-8 and SiO₂/ZIF-8), the SiO₂/ZIF-8 exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity and improved stability compared to pure SiO₂ and ZIF-8. As evidenced by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Transmission electron microscopy images, ZIF-8 particles without aggregation are located over SiO₂. The SiO₂ not only provides structured support for ZIF-8 but also prevents the aggregation of ZIF-8 Metal-organic framework in comparison to the isolated ZIF-8. The superior activity of this photocatalyst was attributed to the synergistic effects from SiO₂ owing to (I) an electron acceptor (from ZIF-8) and an electron donor (to O₂ molecules), (II) preventing recombination of electron-hole in ZIF-8, and (III) maximum interfacial contact ZIF-8 with the SiO₂ surface without aggregation or prevent the accumulation of ZIF-8. The results demonstrate that holes (h+) and •O₂- are primary reactive species involved in the photocatalytic oxidation process. Moreover, the SiO₂/ZIF-8 photocatalyst did not show any obvious loss of photocatalytic activity during five-cycle tests, which indicates that the heterostructured photocatalyst was highly stable and could be used repeatedly.Keywords: nano, zeolit, potocatalist, nanocomposite
Procedia PDF Downloads 837281 Computationally Efficient Stacking Sequence Blending for Composite Structures with a Large Number of Design Regions Using Cellular Automata
Authors: Ellen Van Den Oord, Julien Marie Jan Ferdinand Van Campen
This article introduces a computationally efficient method for stacking sequence blending of composite structures. The computational efficiency makes the presented method especially interesting for composite structures with a large number of design regions. Optimization of composite structures with an unequal load distribution may lead to locally optimized thicknesses and ply orientations that are incompatible with one another. Blending constraints can be enforced to achieve structural continuity. In literature, many methods can be found to implement structural continuity by means of stacking sequence blending in one way or another. The complexity of the problem makes the blending of a structure with a large number of adjacent design regions, and thus stacking sequences, prohibitive. In this work the local stacking sequence optimization is preconditioned using a method found in the literature that couples the mechanical behavior of the laminate, in the form of lamination parameters, to blending constraints, yielding near-optimal easy-to-blend designs. The preconditioned design is then fed to the scheme using cellular automata that have been developed by the authors. The method is applied to the benchmark 18-panel horseshoe blending problem to demonstrate its performance. The computational efficiency of the proposed method makes it especially suited for composite structures with a large number of design regions.Keywords: composite, blending, optimization, lamination parameters
Procedia PDF Downloads 2297280 Development and Management of Integrated Mineral Resource Policy for Environmental Sustainability: The Mindanao Experience, the Philippines
Authors: Davidson E. Egirani, Nanfe R. Poyi, Napoleon Wessey
This paper would report the environmental challenges faced by stakeholders in the development and management of mineral resources in Mindanao mining region of the Philippines. The paper would proffer solutions via the development and management of integrated mineral resource framework. This is by interfacing the views of government, operating mining companies and the mining host communities. The project methods involved the desktop review of existing local, regional, national environmental and mining legislation. This was followed up with visits to mining sites and discussions were held with stakeholders in the mineral sector. The findings from a 2-year investigation would reveal lack of information, education, and communication campaign by stakeholders on environmental, health, political, and social issues in the mining industry. Small-scale miners lack the professional muscles for a balance shift of emphasis to sustainable and responsible mining to avoid environmental degradation and human health effect. Therefore, there is a need to balance ecological requirements, sustainability of the environment and development of mineral resources. This paper would provide an environmentally friendly mineral resource development framework.Keywords: ecological requirements, environmental degradation, human health, mining legislation, responsible mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 1327279 Synthesising Highly Luminescent CdTe Quantum Dots Using Cannula Hot Injection Method
Authors: Erdem Elibol, Musa Cadırcı, Nedim Tutkun
Recently, colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) have drawn increasing attention due to their unique size tunability, which makes them potential candidates for numerous applications including photovoltaic, LEDs, and imaging. However, the main challenge to exploit CQDs properly is that there has not been an effective method to produce them with highly crystalline form and narrow size dispersion. Hot injection method is one of the widely used techniques to produce high-quality nanoparticles. In this method, the key parameter is to reduce the time for injection of the precursors into each other, which yields fast and constant nucleation rate and hence to highly monodisperse QDs. In conventional hot injection method, the injection of precursors is carried out using standard lab syringes with long needles. However, this technique is relatively slow and thus will result in poor optical properties in QDs. In this work, highly luminescent CdTe QDs were synthesised by transferring hot precursors into each other using cannula method. Unlike regular syringe technique, with the help of high pressure difference between two precursors’ flasks and wide cross-section of cannula, the hot cannulation process is too short which yields narrow size distribution and high quantum yield of CdTe QDs. Here QDs with full width half maximum (FWHM) of 28 nm was achieved. In addition, the photoluminescence quantum yield of our samples was measured to be about 21 ± 0.9 which is at least twice the previous record values for CdTe QDs wherein syringe was used to transfer precursors.Keywords: CdTe, hot injection method, luminescent, quantum dots
Procedia PDF Downloads 3227278 Hazard Alert in Malaysia Related to Occupational Safety and Health
Authors: Atikah Binti Azudin, Nurin Nazlah Binti Muhamad Yani, Nur Alya Nadhirah Binti Naaidith, Nur Amylia Wahida Binti Mat Ayob, Nurshamimi Shakirah Binti Suboh, Nur Auni Batrisyia Binti Md. Zaini, Nur Aziemah Binti Mohamad, Nurul Suffiyah Binti Sa’Dun, Sabrina Sasha Izzati Binti Zubaile, Umi Huwaina Binti Ahmiruddin, Wan Nur Shafawati Binti Wan Ghazali
A hazard alert is intended to provide brief information about significant incidents or existing difficulties in Department workplaces. The alert gives guidelines for proper processes, practices, and controls to be applied. When operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, any machine or tool utilized at work provides a safe and dependable platform for workers to accomplish job duties. However, when not utilized appropriately, the machine might pose a major hazard to employees. Employers have a duty to keep employees safe in this scenario. This Hazard Alert outlines specific occupational dangers and the controls that employers must apply to prevent injury or fatal accidents. There have been several cases of hazard alerts in Malaysia, which have had a negative impact on a few workers. Looking on the bright side, we can overcome every incident in a variety of ways. One of these is that only qualified individuals operate mobile machinery and equipment. In addition, employees may also perform frequent pre-use inspections of machinery to discover and fix flaws. Hazard alert is very important, and this study would cover a variety of subjects, including the methods employed.Keywords: safe, hazard, impacts, duties.
Procedia PDF Downloads 927277 Utilization of Safety Measures in Prevention of Site Accidents in Nigerian Construction Industry
Authors: Samuel Opeyemi Williams, Razali Adul Hamid, Mohd Saidin Misman, Dominic Ileyemi Ajayi, Taki Eddine Seghier
Construction industry is famous with hazardous and high-risk environment with operatives facing a greater risk of work-related fatality or injury than operatives in other industries. It is characterised with different types of accident, ranging from electrocution, trip and slip, fall from height, struck-by, explosion, trench collapse, to scaffolding accidents, with each type being caused by different factors. However, accidents are unplanned, unforeseeable and unexpected events, but regardless of the high-risk nature of the industry, accidents are preventable. The aim of the paper is to determine the extent of the utilization of the safety measures, as well as identifying the factors underlining the non-usage. A research methodology consisting of a literature review was used to identify the types and causes of site accidents, while a well-structured questionnaire was used to determine the level of the usage of safety measures on site. The data were analysed with the results revealing the use of protective clothing, safety helmet, first aid, protective shoe, safety belt, and face shield to aid safety of workers, as well as ascribing non-usage of safety measures to cost, ignorance, lack of experts and non-inclusion in contract document. Recommendations are included in the paper suggesting the enforcement of the utilization of safety measures in reducing the spate of accident occurrence on construction sites.Keywords: construction industry, safety measures, accident, prevention
Procedia PDF Downloads 3187276 Flame Volume Prediction and Validation for Lean Blowout of Gas Turbine Combustor
Authors: Ejaz Ahmed, Huang Yong
The operation of aero engines has a critical importance in the vicinity of lean blowout (LBO) limits. Lefebvre’s model of LBO based on empirical correlation has been extended to flame volume concept by the authors. The flame volume takes into account the effects of geometric configuration, the complex spatial interaction of mixing, turbulence, heat transfer and combustion processes inside the gas turbine combustion chamber. For these reasons, flame volume based LBO predictions are more accurate. Although LBO prediction accuracy has improved, it poses a challenge associated with Vf estimation in real gas turbine combustors. This work extends the approach of flame volume prediction previously based on fuel iterative approximation with cold flow simulations to reactive flow simulations. Flame volume for 11 combustor configurations has been simulated and validated against experimental data. To make prediction methodology robust as required in the preliminary design stage, reactive flow simulations were carried out with the combination of probability density function (PDF) and discrete phase model (DPM) in FLUENT 15.0. The criterion for flame identification was defined. Two important parameters i.e. critical injection diameter (Dp,crit) and critical temperature (Tcrit) were identified, and their influence on reactive flow simulation was studied for Vf estimation. Obtained results exhibit ±15% error in Vf estimation with experimental data.Keywords: CFD, combustion, gas turbine combustor, lean blowout
Procedia PDF Downloads 2687275 Fuzzy Nail Cream Formula Treatment with Basic Iranian Traditional Medicine
Authors: Elahe Najafizade, Ahmad Mohammad Alkhateeb, Seyed Ali Hossein Zahraei, Iman Dianat
Introduction: Hangnails are short, torn, down parts of the skin surrounding the nails. At times they are very painful. The usual treatment advised is cutting the excess skin with clippers or scissors. To provide instant relief to the patients, we describe a simpler and more effective way to use surgical glue to paste them back into their original position. Method: The cream should not be on the heat; it is on the bain-marie. To achieve the desired emulsifier, 1 gram of borax was mixed in 10 grams of distilled water in a bain-marie until it melted, then stirred oserin, beeswax, and oil in the bain-marie until it melted. After that, 32 grams of distilled water was added little by little. We add and stir and gradually add the borax dissolved in 10 grams of distilled water. The bowl of cream was placed in a bowl of cold water and stirred until the cream was smooth. After that, we add gasoline, alcohol, or methylparaben preservatives. It should be noted that this amount of ingredients is enough for a 350-gram can (when we prepare the cream, we also add the extract). Result: The patient was a 40-year-old female with a hangnail problem that had been used several different creams and Vaseline, but the treatment was not useful, but after this cream was applied for treatment; the hangnail started to cure within one week, and complete treatment achieved after two weeks. Conclusion: Traditional methods with modification without using chemical substances somehow work better and safer, so research programs on them will be useful for less risky treatment procedures.Keywords: nail, cream, formula, traditional medicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1147274 Natural Regeneration Assessment of a Double Bunrt Mediterranean Coniferous Forest: A Pilot Study from West Peloponnisos, Greece
Authors: Dionisios Panagiotaras, Ioannis P. Kokkoris, Dionysios Koulougliotis, Dimitra Lekka, Alexandra Skalioti
In the summer of 2021, Greece was affected by devastating forest fires in various regions of the country, resulting in human losses, destruction or degradation of the natural environment, infrastructure, livestock and cultivations. The present study concerns a pilot assessment of natural vegetation regeneration in the second, in terms of area, fire-affected region for 2021, at Ancient Olympia area, located in West Peloponnisos (Ilia Prefecture), Greece. A standardised field sampling protocol for assessing natural regeneration was implemented at selected sites where the forest fire had occurred previously (in 2007), and the vegetation (Pinus halepensis forest) had regenerated naturally. The results of the study indicate the loss of the established natural regeneration of Pinus halepensis forest, as well as of the tree-layer in total. Post-fire succession species are recorded to the shrub and the herb layer, with a varying cover. Present findings correspond to the results of field work and analysis one year after the fire, which will form the basis for further research and conclusions on taking action for restoration schemes in areas that have been affected by fire more than once within a 20-year period.Keywords: forest, pinus halepensis, ancient olympia, post fire vegetation
Procedia PDF Downloads 957273 Strategies for Improving Teaching and Learning in Higher Institutions: Case Study of Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria
Authors: Gertrude Nkechi Okenwa
Higher institutions, especially the universities that are saddled with the responsibilities of teaching, learning, research, publications and social services for the production of graduates that are worthy in learning and character, and the creation of up-to-date knowledge and innovations for the total socio-economic and even political development of a given nation. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify the teaching, learning techniques used in the Enugu State University of Science and Technology to ensure or ascertain students’ perception on these techniques. To guide the study, survey research method was used. The population for the study was made up of second and final year students which summed up to one hundred and twenty-six students in the faculty of education. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted. A sample size of sixty (60) students was drawn for the study. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. To analyze the data, mean and standard deviation were used to answers the research questions. The findings revealed that direct instruction and construction techniques are used in the university. On the whole, it was observed that the students perceived constructivist techniques to be more useful and effective than direct instruction technique. Based on the findings recommendations were made to include diversification of teaching techniques among others.Keywords: Strategies, Teaching and Learning, Constructive Technique, Direct Instructional Technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 5427272 Comparative Study for Biodiesel Production Using a Batch and a Semi-Continuous Flow Reactor
Authors: S. S. L. Andrade, E. A. Souza, L. C. L. Santos, C. Moraes, A. K. C. L. Lobato
Biodiesel may be produced through transesterification reaction (or alcoholysis), that is the transformation of a long chain fatty acid in an alkyl ester. This reaction can occur in the presence of acid catalysts, alkali, or enzyme. Currently, for industrial processes, biodiesel is produced by alkaline route. The alkali most commonly used in these processes is hydroxides and methoxides of sodium and potassium. In this work, biodiesel production was conducted in two different systems. The first consisted of a batch reactor operating with a traditional washing system and the second consisted of a semi-continuous flow reactor operating with a membrane separation system. Potassium hydroxides was used as catalyst at a concentration of 1% by weight, the molar ratio oil/alcohol was 1/9 and temperature of 55 °C. Tests were performed using soybeans and palm oil and the ester conversion results were compared for both systems. It can be seen that the results for both oils are similar when using the batch reator or the semi-continuous flow reactor. The use of the semi-continuous flow reactor allows the removal of the formed products. Thus, in the case of a reversible reaction, with the removal of reaction products, the concentration of the reagents becomes higher and the equilibrium reaction is shifted towards the formation of more products. The higher conversion to ester with soybean and palm oil using the batch reactor was approximately 98%. In contrast, it was observed a conversion of 99% when using the same operating condition on a semi-continuous flow reactor.Keywords: biodiesel, batch reactor, semi-continuous flow reactor, transesterification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3847271 Experimental Study on the Effect of Storage Conditions on Thermal Hazard of Nitrocellulose
Authors: Hua Chai, Qiangling Duan, Huiqi Cao, Mi Li, Jinhua Sun
Nitrocellulose (NC), a kind of energetic material, has been widely used in the industrial and military fields. However, this material can also cause serious social disasters due to storage conditions. Thermal hazard of nitrocellulose (NC) was experimentally investigated using the CALVET heat flux calorimeter C80, and three kinds of storage conditions were considered in the experiments: (1) drying time, (2) moisture content, (3) cycles. The results showed that the heat flow curves of NC moved to the low-temperature direction firstly and then slightly moved back by increasing the drying hours. Moisture that was responsible for the appearance of small exothermic peaks was proven to be the unfavorable safety factor yet it could increase the onset temperature of the main peak to some extent. And cycles could both lower the onset temperature and the maximum heat flow but enlarged the peak temperature. Besides, relevant kinetic parameters such as the heat of reaction (ΔH) and the activation energy (Ea) were obtained and compared. It was found that all the three conditions could reduce the values of Ea and most of them produced larger reaction heat. In addition, the critical explosion temperature (Tb) of the NC samples were derived. It was clear that not only the drying time but also the cycles would increase the thermal hazard of the NC. Yet, the right amount of water helped to reduce the thermal hazard.Keywords: C80, nitrocellulose, storage conditions, the critical explosion temperature, thermal hazard
Procedia PDF Downloads 1657270 Detection of Arcobacter and Helicobacter pylori Contamination in Organic Vegetables by Cultural and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Methods
Authors: Miguel García-Ferrús, Ana González, María A. Ferrús
The most demanded organic foods worldwide are those that are consumed fresh, such as fruits and vegetables. However, there is a knowledge gap about some aspects of organic food microbiological quality and safety. Organic fruits and vegetables are more exposed to pathogenic microorganisms due to surface contact with natural fertilizers such as animal manure, wastes and vermicompost used during farming. It has been suggested that some emergent pathogens, such as Helicobacter pylori or Arcobacter spp., could reach humans through the consumption of raw or minimally processed vegetables. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the contamination of organic fresh green leafy vegetables by Arcobacter spp. and Helicobacter pylori. For this purpose, a total of 24 vegetable samples, 13 lettuce and 11 spinach were acquired from 10 different ecological supermarkets and greengroceries and analyzed by culture and PCR. Arcobacter spp. was detected in 5 samples (20%) by PCR, 4 spinach and one lettuce. One spinach sample was found to be also positive by culture. For H. pylori, the H. pylori VacA gene-specific band was detected in 12 vegetable samples (50%), 10 lettuces and 2 spinach. Isolation in the selective medium did not yield any positive result, possibly because of low contamination levels together with the presence of the organism in its viable but non-culturable form. Results showed significant levels of H. pylori and Arcobacter contamination in organic vegetables that are generally consumed raw, which seems to confirm that these foods can act as transmission vehicles to humans.Keywords: Arcobacter sp., Helicobacter pylori, Organic Vegetables, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Procedia PDF Downloads 1657269 Dynamics of Piaget’s Cognitive Learning Approach and Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory in Different Stages of Medical and Allied Health Education
Authors: Ferissa B. Ablola
The two learning theories which were evidently used in medical education include cognitive and sociocultural frameworks. The interplay of different learning theories in education is vital since most of the existing theories have specific focus of development. In addition, a certain theory is best fit with a particular learning outcome and audience profile. The application of learning theories is education is said to be dynamic and becomes more complex with increasing educational level. This systematic review aims to describe the possible shift from integration of cognitive learning theory to employment of socio-cultural approach in medical and health-allied education over the years among students, educators and the learning institution through systematic review following the PRISMA guidelines. In addition, the changes in teaching modality and individual acceptance of the shift of learning framework among cognitive constructivist and social constructivist will also be documented. This present review may serve as baseline information on the connection of two widely used theories in medical education in different year levels. Further, this study emphasizes the significance of the alignment of different learning theories and combination of insights from several educational frameworks, would permit the creation of a teaching/learning design with real theoretical depth. A more inclusive systematic review is necessary to involve more related studies, and exploration of interaction among other learning theories in health and other fields of study is encouraged.Keywords: learning theory, cognitive, sociocultural, medical education
Procedia PDF Downloads 297268 Long-Term Field Performance of Paving Fabric Interlayer Systems to Reduce Reflective Cracking
Authors: Farshad Amini, Kejun Wen
The formation of reflective cracking of pavement overlays has confronted highway engineers for many years. Stress-relieving interlayers, such as paving fabrics, have been used in an attempt to reduce or delay reflective cracking. The effectiveness of paving fabrics in reducing reflection cracking is related to joint or crack movement in the underlying pavement, crack width, overlay thickness, subgrade conditions, climate, and traffic volume. The nonwoven geotextiles are installed between the old and new asphalt layers. Paving fabrics enhance performance through two mechanisms: stress relief and waterproofing. Several factors including proper installation, remedial work performed before overlay, overlay thickness, variability of pavement strength, existing pavement condition, base/subgrade support condition, and traffic volume affect the performance. The primary objective of this study was to conduct a long-term monitoring of the paving fabric interlayer systems to evaluate its effectiveness and performance. A comprehensive testing, monitoring, and analysis program were undertaken, where twelve 500-ft pavement sections of a four-lane highway were rehabilitated, and then monitored for seven years. A comparison between the performance of paving fabric treatment systems and control sections is reported. Lessons learned, and the various factors are discussed.Keywords: monitoring, paving fabrics, performance, reflective cracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 3347267 Synthesis, Structural, Magnetic, Optical, and Dielectric Characterization of Nickel-Substituted Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles and Potential Antibacterial Applications
Authors: Tesfay Gebremicheal Reda, K. Samatha, Paul Douglas Sanasi, D. Parajuli
Nanoparticle technology is fast progressing and is being employed in innumerable medical applications. At this time, the public's health is seriously threatened by the rise of bacterial strains resistant to several medications. Metal nanoparticles are a potential alternate approach for tackling this global concern, and this is the main focus of this study. The citrate precursor sol-gel synthesis method was used to synthesize the Niₓ Co₁₋ₓ Fe₂ O₄, (where x = 0.0:0.2:1.0) nanoparticle. XRD identified the development of the cubic crystal structure to have a preferential orientation along (311), and the average particle size was found to be 29-38 nm. The average crystallizes assessed with ImageJ software and origin 22 of the SEM are nearly identical to the XRD results. In the created NCF NPs, the FT-IR spectroscopy reveals structural examinations and the redistribution of cations between octahedral (505-428 cm⁻¹) and tetrahedral (653-603 cm⁻¹) locales. As the Co²⁺ cation is substituted with Ni²⁺, the coercive fields HC decrease from 2384 Oe to 241.93 Oe. Band gap energy rises as Ni concentration increases, which may be attributed to the fact that the ionic radii of Ni²⁺ ions are smaller than that of Co²⁺ ions, which results in a strong electrostatic interaction. On the contrary, except at x = 0.4, the dielectric constant decreases as the nickel concentration increases. According to the findings of this research work, nanoparticles are composed of Ni₀.₄ Co₀.₆ Fe₂ O₄ have demonstrated a promising value against S. aureus and E. coli, and it suggests a proposed model for their potential use as a source of antibacterial agent.Keywords: antimicrobial, band gap, citrate precursor, dielectric, nanoparticle
Procedia PDF Downloads 757266 Determination of Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) Based on Combination of Nanocomposite Fe3O4@Ag@JB303 and Magnetically Assisted Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (MA-SERS)
Authors: Zuzana Chaloupková, Zdeňka Marková, Václav Ranc, Radek Zbořil
Prostate cancer is now one of the most serious oncological diseases in men with an incidence higher than that of all other solid tumors combined. Diagnosis of prostate cancer usually involves detection of related genes or detection of marker proteins, such as PSA. One of the new potential markers is PSMA (prostate specific membrane antigen). PSMA is a unique membrane bound glycoprotein, which is considerably overexpressed on prostate cancer as well as neovasculature of most of the solid tumors. Commonly applied methods for a detection of proteins include techniques based on immunochemical approaches, including ELISA and RIA. Magnetically assisted surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (MA-SERS) can be considered as an interesting alternative to generally accepted approaches. This work describes a utilization of MA-SERS in a detection of PSMA in human blood. This analytical platform is based on magnetic nanocomposites Fe3O4@Ag, functionalized by a low-molecular selector labeled as JB303. The system allows isolating the marker from the complex sample using application of magnetic force. Detection of PSMA is than performed by SERS effect given by a presence of silver nanoparticles. This system allowed us to analyze PSMA in clinical samples with limits of detection lower than 1 ng/mL.Keywords: diagnosis, cancer, PSMA, MA-SERS, Ag nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 2317265 Using Multiple Strategies to Improve the Nursing Staff Edwards Lifesciences Hemodynamic Monitoring Correctness of Operation
Authors: Hsin-Yi Lo, Huang-Ju Jiun, Yu-Chiao Chu
Hemodynamic monitoring is an important in the intensive care unit. Advances in medical technology in recent years, more diversification of intensive care equipment, there are many kinds of instruments available for monitoring of hemodynamics, Edwards Lifesciences Hemodynamic Monitoring (FloTrac) is one of them. The recent medical safety incidents in parameters were changed, nurses have not to notify doctor in time, therefore, it is hoped to analyze the current problems and find effective improvement strategies. In August 2021, the survey found that only 74.0% of FloTrac correctness of operation, reasons include lack of education, the operation manual is difficulty read, lack of audit mechanism, nurse doesn't know those numerical changes need to notify doctor, work busy omission, unfamiliar with operation and have many nursing records then omissions. Improvement methods include planning professional nurse education, formulate the secret arts of FloTrac, enacting an audit mechanism, establish FloTrac action learning, make「follow the sun」care map, hold simulated training and establish monitoring data automatically upload nursing records. After improvement, FloTrac correctness of operation increased to 98.8%. The results are good, implement to the ICU of the hospital.Keywords: hemodynamic monitoring, edwards lifesciences hemodynamic monitoring, multiple strategies, intensive care
Procedia PDF Downloads 827264 Inquiry of Gender Discrimination in Contrast Emotions: A Study on Perception of Gender of Youth University
Authors: Duygu Alptekin
Patriarchal social structure is based on a gender-based discrimination. Due to confrontational nature of discrimination; in a patriarchal society men and women exists in a based on contrasts and inequalities interaction patterns and this situation continues as socio-cultural with dominant gender perception in society. In this context gender perception of youth is a required vision tool for multidimensional understanding and resolving of gender discrimination problem and making projections about future. The aim of the study is explaining the gender discrimination by helping of Ambivalent Sexism Inventory and hostile benevolent sexism which are subdimensions of (ASI). Additionally the sexism perception of youth will be try to analyse ın the context of conflict of conventionalism and modernism. For that purpose survey have carried aout with the participation of students at the Selcuk University and the conclusions revealed that reached ampirically Young people's perceptions about the hierarchy of power revealed between men and women; sexual, economic and occupational segregation by pointing to statements about male-female relationships commitment, guardianship, gratitude, expressions containing highlights the superiority of socio-psychological (ASI) where results are determined by the application. The results of the factor analysis performed in this direction with the detection of the previous studies were evaluated by blending.Keywords: ambivalent sexism inventory, gender discrimination, youth, conventionalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 3337263 Valuation of Green Commercial Office Building: A Preliminary Study of Malaysian Valuers' Insight
Authors: Tuti Haryati Jasimin, Hishamuddin Mohd Ali
Malaysia’s green building development is gaining momentum and green buildings have become a key focus area especially within the commercial sector with the encouragement of government legislation and policy. Due to the emerging awareness among the market players’ views of the benefits associated with the ownership of green buildings in Malaysia, there is a need for valuers to incorporate consideration of sustainability into their assessments of property market value to ensure the green buildings continue to increase in the market. This paper analyses the valuers’ current perception on the valuation practices with regard to the green issues in Malaysia. The study was based on a survey of registered real estate valuers and the experts whose work related to valuation in the Klang Valley area to rate their view regarding the perception on valuation of green building. The findings present evidence that even though Malaysian valuers have limited knowledge of green buildings, they recognize the importance of incorporating the green features in the valuation process. The inclusion of incorporating the green features in valuations in practice was hindered by the inadequacy of sufficient transactional data in the market. Furthermore, valuers experienced difficulty in identifying what are the various input parameters of green building and how to adjust it in order to reflect the benefit of sustainability features correctly in the valuation process. This paper focuses on the present challenges confronted by Malaysian valuers with regards to incorporating the green features in their valuation.Keywords: green commercial office building, Malaysia, valuers’ perception, valuation, commercial sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 3267262 Towards a Smart Irrigation System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Loubna Hamami, Bouchaib Nassereddine
Due to the evolution of technologies, the need to observe and manage hostile environments, and reduction in size, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are becoming essential and implicated in the most fields of life. WSNs enable us to change the style of living, working and interacting with the physical environment. The agricultural sector is one of such sectors where WSNs are successfully used to get various benefits. For successful agricultural production, the irrigation system is one of the most important factors, and it plays a tactical role in the process of agriculture domain. However, it is considered as the largest consumer of freshwater. Besides, the scarcity of water, the drought, the waste of the limited available water resources are among the critical issues that touch the almost sectors, notably agricultural services. These facts are leading all governments around the world to rethink about saving water and reducing the volume of water used; this requires the development of irrigation practices in order to have a complete and independent system that is more efficient in the management of irrigation. Consequently, the selection of WSNs in irrigation system has been a benefit for developing the agriculture sector. In this work, we propose a prototype for a complete and intelligent irrigation system based on wireless sensor networks and we present and discuss the design of this prototype. This latter aims at saving water, energy and time. The proposed prototype controls water system for irrigation by monitoring the soil temperature, soil moisture and weather conditions for estimation of water requirements of each plant.Keywords: precision irrigation, sensor, wireless sensor networks, water resources
Procedia PDF Downloads 1557261 Antibacterial Activity of Melaleuca Cajuputi Oil against Resistant Strain Bacteria
Authors: R. M. Noah, N. M. Nasir, M. R. Jais, M. S. S. Wahab, M. H. Abdullah, A. S. S. Raj
Infectious diseases are getting more difficult to treat due to the resistant strains of bacteria. Current generations of antibiotics are most likely ineffective against multi-drug resistant strains bacteria. Thus, there is an urgent need in search of natural antibiotics in particular from medicinal plants. One of the common medicinal plants, Melaleuca cajuputi, has been reported to possess antibacterial properties. The study was conducted to evaluate and justify the presence of antibacterial activity of Melaleuca cajuputi essential oil (EO) against the multi-drug resistant bacteria. Clinical isolates obtained from the teaching hospital were re-assessed to confirm the exact identity of the bacteria to be tested, namely methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE), and extended-spectrum beta-lactamases producer (ESBLs). A well diffusion method was done to observe the inhibition zones of the essential oil against the bacteria. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined using the microdilution method in 96-well flat microplate. The absorbance was measured using a microplate reader. Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) was performed using the agar medium method. The zones of inhibition produced by the EO against MRSA, CRE, and ESBL were comparable to that of generic antibiotics used, gentamicin and augmentin. The MIC and MBC results highlighted the antimicrobial efficacy of the EO. The outcome of this study indicated that the EO of Melaleuca cajuputi had antibacterial activity on the multi-drug resistant bacteria. This finding was eventually substantiated by electron microscopy work.Keywords: melaleuca cajuputi, antibacterial, resistant bacteria, essential oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 1227260 A Second Spark Ignition Timing for the High Power Aircraft Radial Engine Using a CFD Transient Modeling
Authors: Tytus Tulwin, Adam Majczak
In aviation most important systems that impact the aircraft flight safety are duplicated. The ASz-62IR aircraft radial engine consists of two spark plugs powered by two separate magnetos. The relative difference in spark timing has an influence on the combustion process. The retardation of the second spark relative to the first spark was analyzed. The CFD simulation was developed as a multicycle transient model. Two independent spark sources imitate two flame fronts after an ignition period. It makes the combustion process shorter but only for certain range of second spark retardation. The model was validated by the in-cylinder pressure comparison. Combustion parameters were analyzed for different second spark retardation values. It was found that the most advantageous ignition timing in means of performance is simultaneous ignition. Nevertheless, for this engine the ignition time of the second spark plug is greatly retarded eliminating the advantageous performance influence. The reason behind this is maintaining high ignition certainty for all engine running conditions and for whole operating rpm range. In aviation the engine reliability is more important than its performance. Introducing electronic ignition system can yield from simultaneous ignition timing by increasing the engine performance and providing good reliability for all flight conditions. This work has been financed by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development, INNOLOT, under Grant Agreement No. INNOLOT/I/1/NCBR/2013.Keywords: CFD, combustion, ignition, simulation, timing
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