Search results for: physical and mechanical properties
13758 Pale, Soft, Exudative (PSE) Turkey Meat in a Brazilian Commercial Processing Plant
Authors: Danielle C. B. Honorato, Rafael H. Carvalho, Adriana L. Soares, Ana Paula F. R. L. Bracarense, Paulo D. Guarnieri, Massami Shimokomaki, Elza I. Ida
Over the past decade, the Brazilian production of turkey meat increased by more than 50%, indicating that the turkey meat is considered a great potential for the Brazilian economy contributing to the growth of agribusiness at the marketing international scenario. However, significant color changes may occur during its processing leading to the pale, soft and exudative (PSE) appearance on the surface of breast meat due to the low water holding capacity (WHC). Changes in PSE meat functional properties occur due to the myofibrils proteins denaturation caused by a rapid postmortem glycolysis resulting in a rapid pH decline while the carcass temperature is still warm. The aim of this study was to analyze the physical, chemical and histological characteristics of PSE turkey meat obtained from a Brazilian commercial processing plant. The turkey breasts samples were collected (n=64) at the processing line and classified as PSE at L* ≥ 53 value. The pH was also analyzed after L* measurement. In sequence, PSE meat samples were evaluated for WHC, cooking loss (CL), shear force (SF), myofibril fragmentation index (MFI), protein denaturation (PD) and histological evaluation. The abnormal color samples presented lower pH values, 16% lower fiber diameter, 11% lower SF and 2% lower WHC than those classified as normal. The CL, PD and MFI were, respectively, 9%, 18% and 4% higher in PSE samples. The Pearson correlation between the L* values and CL, PD and MFI was positive, while that SF and pH values presented negative correlation. Under light microscopy, a shrinking of PSE muscle cell diameter was approximately 16% shorter in relation to normal samples and an extracellular enlargement of endomysium and perimysium sheaths as the consequence of higher water contents lost as observed previously by lower WHC values. Thus, the results showed that PSE turkey breast meat presented significant changes in their physical, chemical and histological characteristics that may impair its functional properties.Keywords: functional properties, histological evaluation, meat quality, PSE
Procedia PDF Downloads 46013757 Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Calcareous Soils in Arid Region
Authors: I. Goual, M. S. Goual, M. K. Gueddouda, Taïbi Saïd, Abou-Bekr Nabil, A. Ferhat
This paper presents the study of hydro mechanical behavior of this optimal mixture. A first experimental phase was carried out in order to find the optimal mixture. This showed that the material composed of 80% tuff and 20% calcareous sand provides the maximum mechanical strength. The second experimental phase concerns the study of the drying- wetting behavior of the optimal mixture was carried out on slurry samples and compacted samples at the MPO. Experimental results let to deduce the parameters necessary for the prediction of the hydro-mechanical behavior of pavement formulated from tuff and calcareous sand mixtures, related to moisture. This optimal mixture satisfies the regulation rules and hence constitutes a good local eco-material, abundantly available, for the conception of pavements.Keywords: tuff, sandy calcareous, road engineering, hydro mechanical behaviour, suction
Procedia PDF Downloads 50713756 Reverse Engineering of a Secondary Structure of a Helicopter: A Study Case
Authors: Jose Daniel Giraldo Arias, Camilo Rojas Gomez, David Villegas Delgado, Gullermo Idarraga Alarcon, Juan Meza Meza
The reverse engineering processes are widely used in the industry with the main goal to determine the materials and the manufacture used to produce a component. There are a lot of characterization techniques and computational tools that are used in order to get this information. A study case of a reverse engineering applied to a secondary sandwich- hybrid type structure used in a helicopter is presented. The methodology used consists of five main steps, which can be applied to any other similar component: Collect information about the service conditions of the part, disassembly and dimensional characterization, functional characterization, material properties characterization and manufacturing processes characterization, allowing to obtain all the supports of the traceability of the materials and processes of the aeronautical products that ensure their airworthiness. A detailed explanation of each step is covered. Criticality and comprehend the functionalities of each part, information of the state of the art and information obtained from interviews with the technical groups of the helicopter’s operators were analyzed,3D optical scanning technique, standard and advanced materials characterization techniques and finite element simulation allow to obtain all the characteristics of the materials used in the manufacture of the component. It was found that most of the materials are quite common in the aeronautical industry, including Kevlar, carbon, and glass fibers, aluminum honeycomb core, epoxy resin and epoxy adhesive. The stacking sequence and volumetric fiber fraction are a critical issue for the mechanical behavior; a digestion acid method was used for this purpose. This also helps in the determination of the manufacture technique which for this case was Vacuum Bagging. Samples of the material were manufactured and submitted to mechanical and environmental tests. These results were compared with those obtained during reverse engineering, which allows concluding that the materials and manufacture were correctly determined. Tooling for the manufacture was designed and manufactured according to the geometry and manufacture process requisites. The part was manufactured and the mechanical, and environmental tests required were also performed. Finally, a geometric characterization and non-destructive techniques allow verifying the quality of the part.Keywords: reverse engineering, sandwich-structured composite parts, helicopter, mechanical properties, prototype
Procedia PDF Downloads 41913755 Influence of the Substitution of C for Mg and Ni on the Microstructure and Hydrogen Storage Characteristics of Mg2Ni Alloys
Authors: Sajad Haghanifar, Seyed-Farshid Kashani Bozorg
Nano-crystalline Mg2Ni-based powder was produced by mechanical alloying technique using binary and ternary powder mixtures with stoichiometric compositions of Mg2Ni, Mg1.9C0.1Ni and Mg2C0.1Ni0.9. The structures and morphologies of the milled products were studied by XRD, SEM and HRTEM. Their electrochemical hydrogen storage characteristics were investigated in 6 M KOH solution. X-Ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the milled products showed the formation of Mg2Ni-based nano-crystallites after 5, 15 and 30 h of milling using the initial powder mixtures of Mg1.9C0.1Ni, Mg2Ni and Mg2C0.1Ni0.9, respectively. It was found that partial substitution of C for Mg has beneficial effect on the formation kinetic of nano-crystalline Mg2Ni. Contrary to this, partial substitution of C for Ni was resulted in retardation of formation kinetic of nano-crystalline Mg2Ni. In addition, the negative electrode made from Mg1.9C0.1Ni ternary milled product after 30 hour of milling exhibited the highest initial discharge capacity and longest discharge life. Thus, partial substitution of C for Mg is beneficial to electrode properties of the Mg2Ni-based crystallites. The relation between the discharge capacity and cycling number of mechanically alloyed products was proposed on the basis of the fact that the degradation of discharge capacity was mainly caused by the oxidation of magnesium and nickel. The experimental data fitted the deduced equation well.Keywords: Mg2Ni, hydrogen absorbing materials, electrochemical properties, nano-crystalline, amorphous, mechanical alloying, carbon
Procedia PDF Downloads 43513754 Properties of Bio-Phenol Formaldehyde Composites Filled with Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber
Authors: Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar, Umar Adli Amran, Rasidi Roslan, Chia Chin Hua, Sarani Zakaria
Bio-composites derived from plant fiber and bio-derived polymer, are likely more ecofriendly and demonstrate competitive performance with petroleum based. In this research, the green phenolic resin was used as a matrix and oil palm empty fruit bunch fiber (EFB) was used as filler. The matrix was synthesized from soda lignin, phenol and hydrochloric acid as a catalyst. The phenolic resin was synthesized via liquefaction and condensation to enhance the combination of phenol during the process. Later, the phenolic resin was mixed with EFB by using mechanical stirrer and was molded with hot press at 180 oC. In this research, the composites were prepared with EFB content of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The samples that viewed under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the EFB filler remained embedded in the resin. From impact and hardness testing, samples 10% of EFB showed the optimum properties meanwhile sample 15% showed the optimum properties for flexural testing. Thermal stability of the composites was investigated using thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis and found that the weight loss and the activation energy (Ea) of the composites samples were decreased as the filler content increased.Keywords: EFB, liquefaction, phenol formaldehyde, lignin
Procedia PDF Downloads 59113753 Assessment of Physical Characteristics of Maize (Zea Mays) Stored in Metallic Silos
Authors: B. A. Alabadan, E. S. Ajayi, C. A. Okolo
The storage losses recorded globally in maize (Zea mays) especially in the developing countries is worrisome. Certain degenerating changes in the physical characteristics (PC) of the grain occur due to the interaction between the stored maize and the immediate environment especially during long storage period. There has been tremendous reduction in the storage losses since the evolution of metallic silos. This study was carried out to assess the physical quality attributes of maize stored in 2500 MT and 1 MT metallic silos for a period of eight months. The PC evaluated includes percentage moisture content MC, insect damage ID, foreign matters FM, hectolitre weight HC, mould M and germinability VG. The evaluation of data obtained was done using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS 20) for windows evaluation version to determine significant levels and trend of deterioration (P < 0.05) for all the values obtained using Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Duncan’s multivariate test. The result shows that the PC are significant with duration of storage at (P < 0.05) except MI and FM that are significant at (P > 0.05) irrespective of the size of the metallic silos. The average mean deviation for physical properties from the control in respect to duration of storage are as follows: MC 10.0 ±0.00%, HC 72.9 ± 0.44% ID 0.29 ± 0.00%, BG 0.55±0.05%, MI 0.00 ± 0.65%, FM 0.80± 0.20%, VG 100 ± 0.03%. The variables that were found to be significant (p < 0.05) with the position of grain in the bulk are VG, MI and ID while others are insignificant at (p > 0.05). Variables were all significant (p < 0.05) with the duration of storage with (0.00) significant levels, irrespective of the size of the metallic silos, but were insignificant with the position of the grain in the bulk (p > 0.05). From the results, it can be concluded that there is a slight decrease of the following variables, with time, HC, MC, and V, probably due to weather fluctuations and grain respiration, while FM, BG, ID and M were found to increase slightly probably due to insect activity in the bigger silos and loss of moisture. The size of metallic silos has no remarkable influence on the PC of stored maize (Zea mays). Germinability was found to be better with the 1 MT silos probably due to its hermetic nature. Smaller size metallic silos are preferred for storage of seeds but bigger silos largely depend on the position of the grains in the bulk.Keywords: maize, storage, silo, physical characteristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 31013752 Environmental Awareness on Formal Education Level: A Program Approach through Physical Education Course
Authors: Jocelyn Floresca
This paper aimed to present the by-product of the introduction of environmental ecology awareness on a formal education level utilizing the program course of Physical Education, particularly in the tertiary level. It is based on the premise that the radical need for environmental protection may not only necessarily be the work of people in the pure sciences but also deemed necessary to look into more avenues of the school setting particularly in the field of Physical Education. In the Philippines, most schools’ Physical Education focuses on the advancement of sports, fitness and wellness which are mostly done in the confines of a closed building. The paper dwells into the introduction of Physical Education as an outdoor recreation activity where in the participants of the study had the opportunity to indulge in activities undertaken outside the confines of buildings and going into large areas of the environment. It looked into the individual participant’s environmental social behaviour and effects on the participant’s perceptions in terms of the set objectives of Physical Education before and after the study’s intervention. The study utilized the formal course in Physical Education on nature walks, mountaineering and bird watching as interventions to gain perceptions and understanding. The introduction of the environmental ecology activities as a formal Physical Education course has resulted in deeper awareness that led to understanding the need to protect the environment, appreciation of the value of natural areas and acquiring behaviour for a sustainable use of the environment during the practice of Physical Education. Also, prior to the introduction of environmental ecology in Physical Education as a formal study; participants have no knowledge of what dwells in the identified sites of intervention. Whereas after the study, participants were able to identify various species of birds and plants found in the sites of the study that may lead to further conservation of the particular species.Keywords: appreciation, conservation, environmental ecology, outdoor
Procedia PDF Downloads 29413751 Optimization of Acid Treatments by Assessing Diversion Strategies in Carbonate and Sandstone Formations
Authors: Ragi Poyyara, Vijaya Patnana, Mohammed Alam
When acid is pumped into damaged reservoirs for damage removal/stimulation, distorted inflow of acid into the formation occurs caused by acid preferentially traveling into highly permeable regions over low permeable regions, or (in general) into the path of least resistance. This can lead to poor zonal coverage and hence warrants diversion to carry out an effective placement of acid. Diversion is desirably a reversible technique of temporarily reducing the permeability of high perm zones, thereby forcing the acid into lower perm zones. The uniqueness of each reservoir can pose several challenges to engineers attempting to devise optimum and effective diversion strategies. Diversion techniques include mechanical placement and/or chemical diversion of treatment fluids, further sub-classified into ball sealers, bridge plugs, packers, particulate diverters, viscous gels, crosslinked gels, relative permeability modifiers (RPMs), foams, and/or the use of placement techniques, such as coiled tubing (CT) and the maximum pressure difference and injection rate (MAPDIR) methodology. It is not always realized that the effectiveness of diverters greatly depends on reservoir properties, such as formation type, temperature, reservoir permeability, heterogeneity, and physical well characteristics (e.g., completion type, well deviation, length of treatment interval, multiple intervals, etc.). This paper reviews the mechanisms by which each variety of diverter functions and discusses the effect of various reservoir properties on the efficiency of diversion techniques. Guidelines are recommended to help enhance productivity from zones of interest by choosing the best methods of diversion while pumping an optimized amount of treatment fluid. The success of an overall acid treatment often depends on the effectiveness of the diverting agents.Keywords: diversion, reservoir, zonal coverage, carbonate, sandstone
Procedia PDF Downloads 43213750 Effects of Spirulina Platensis Powder on Nutrition Value, Sensory and Physical Properties of Four Different Food Products
Authors: Yazdan Moradi
Spirulina platensis is a blue-green microalga with unique nutrient content and has many nutritional and therapeutic effects that are used to enrich various foods. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of Spirulina platensis microalgae on the nutritional value and sensory and physical properties of four different cereal-based products. For this purpose, spirulina microalgae dry powder with amounts of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 is added to the formula of pasta, bulk bread, layered sweets, and cupcakes. A sample without microalgae powder of each product is also considered as a control. The results showed that adding Spirulina powder to the formulation of selected foods significantly changed the nutrition value and sensory and physical characteristics. Comparison to control protein increased in the samples containing spirulina powder. The increase in protein was about 1, 0.6, 1.2 and 1.1 percent in bread, cake, layered sweets and Pasta, respectively. The iron content of samples, including Spirulina, also increased. The increase was 0.6, 2, 5 and 18 percent in bread, cake, layered sweets and Pasta respectively. Sensory evaluation analysis showed that all products had an acceptable acceptance score. The instrumental analysis of L*, a*, and b* color indices showed that the increase of spirulina caused green color in the treatments, and this color change is more significant in the bread and pasta samples. The results of texture analysis showed that adding spirulina to selected food products reduces the hardness of the samples. No significant differences were observed in fat content in samples, including spirulina samples and control. However, fatty acid content and a trace amount of EPA found in samples included 1% spirulina. Added spirulina powder to food ingredients also changed the amino acid profile, especially essential amino acids. An increase of histidine, isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, and valine in samples, including Spirulina was observed.Keywords: spirulina, nutrition, Alge, iron, food
Procedia PDF Downloads 3713749 Theoretical Investigation of Electronic, Structural and Thermoelectric Properties of Mg₂SiSn (110) Surface
Authors: M. Ramesh, Manish K. Niranjan
The electronic, structural and thermoelectric properties of Mg₂SiSn (110) surface are investigated within the framework of first principle density functional theory and semi classical Boltzmann approach. In particular, directional dependent thermoelectric properties such as electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and figure of merit are explored. The (110)-oriented Mg₂SiSn surface exhibits narrow indirect band gap of ~0.17 eV. The thermoelectric properties are found to be significant along the y-axis at 300 K and along x-axis at 500 K. The figure of merit (ZT) for hole carrier concentration is found to be significantly large having magnitude 0.83 (along x-axis) at 500 K and 0.26 (y-axis) at 300 K. Our results suggest that Mg₂SiSn (110) surface is promising for various thermoelectric applications due to its overall good thermoelectric properties.Keywords: thermoelectric, surface science, semiconducting silicide, first principles calculations
Procedia PDF Downloads 22613748 A Physical Theory of Information vs. a Mathematical Theory of Communication
Authors: Manouchehr Amiri
This article introduces a general notion of physical bit information that is compatible with the basics of quantum mechanics and incorporates the Shannon entropy as a special case. This notion of physical information leads to the Binary data matrix model (BDM), which predicts the basic results of quantum mechanics, general relativity, and black hole thermodynamics. The compatibility of the model with holographic, information conservation, and Landauer’s principles are investigated. After deriving the “Bit Information principle” as a consequence of BDM, the fundamental equations of Planck, De Broglie, Beckenstein, and mass-energy equivalence are derived.Keywords: physical theory of information, binary data matrix model, Shannon information theory, bit information principle
Procedia PDF Downloads 17413747 The Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of High Entropy Metallic Layers Electrodeposited by Low and High-Temperature Methods
Authors: Zbigniew Szklarz, Aldona Garbacz-Klempka, Magdalena Bisztyga-Szklarz
Typical metallic alloys bases on one major alloying component, where the addition of other elements is intended to improve or modify certain properties, most of all the mechanical properties. However, in 1995 a new concept of metallic alloys was described and defined. High Entropy Alloys (HEA) contains at least five alloying elements in an amount from 5 to 20 at.%. A common feature this type of alloys is an absence of intermetallic phases, high homogeneity of the microstructure and unique chemical composition, what leads to obtaining materials with very high strength indicators, stable structures (also at high temperatures) and excellent corrosion resistance. Hence, HEA can be successfully used as a substitutes for typical metallic alloys in various applications where a sufficiently high properties are desirable. For fabricating HEA, a few ways are applied: 1/ from liquid phase i.e. casting (usually arc melting); 2/ from solid phase i.e. powder metallurgy (sintering methods preceded by mechanical synthesis) and 3/ from gas phase e.g. sputtering or 4/ other deposition methods like electrodeposition from liquids. Application of different production methods creates different microstructures of HEA, which can entail differences in their properties. The last two methods also allows to obtain coatings with HEA structures, hereinafter referred to as High Entropy Films (HEF). With reference to above, the crucial aim of this work was the optimization of the manufacturing process of the multi-component metallic layers (HEF) by the low- and high temperature electrochemical deposition ( ED). The low-temperature deposition process was crried out at ambient or elevated temperature (up to 100 ᵒC) in organic electrolyte. The high-temperature electrodeposition (several hundred Celcius degrees), in turn, allowed to form the HEF layer by electrochemical reduction of metals from molten salts. The basic chemical composition of the coatings was CoCrFeMnNi (known as Cantor’s alloy). However, it was modified by other, selected elements like Al or Cu. The optimization of the parameters that allow to obtain as far as it possible homogeneous and equimolar composition of HEF is the main result of presented studies. In order to analyse and compare the microstructure, SEM/EBSD, TEM and XRD techniques were employed. Morover, the determination of corrosion resistance of the CoCrFeMnNi(Cu or Al) layers in selected electrolytes (i.e. organic and non-organic liquids) was no less important than the above mentioned objectives.Keywords: high entropy alloys, electrodeposition, corrosion behavior, microstructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 8113746 Ultrasonic Agglomeration of Protein Matrices and Its Effect on Thermophysical, Macro- and Microstructural Properties
Authors: Daniela Rivera-Tobar Mario Perez-Won, Roberto Lemus-Mondaca, Gipsy Tabilo-Munizaga
Different dietary trends worldwide seek to consume foods with anti-inflammatory properties, rich in antioxidants, proteins, and unsaturated fatty acids that lead to better metabolic, intestinal, mental, and cardiac health. In this sense, food matrices with high protein content based on macro and microalgae are an excellent alternative to meet the new needs of consumers. An emerging and environmentally friendly technology for producing protein matrices is ultrasonic agglomeration. It consists of the formation of permanent bonds between particles, improving the agglomeration of the matrix compared to conventionally agglomerated products (compression). Among the advantages of this process are the reduction of nutrient loss and the avoidance of binding agents. The objective of this research was to optimize the ultrasonic agglomeration process in matrices composed of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) powder and Cochayuyo (Durvillae Antartica) flour, by means of the response variable (Young's modulus) and the independent variables were the process conditions (percentage of ultrasonic amplitude: 70, 80 and 90; ultrasonic agglomeration times and cycles: 20, 25 and 30 seconds, and 3, 4 and 5). It was evaluated using a central composite design and analyzed using response surface methodology. In addition, the effects of agglomeration on thermophysical and microstructural properties were evaluated. It was determined that ultrasonic compression with 80 and 90% amplitude caused conformational changes according to Fourier infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, the best condition with respect to observed microstructure images (SEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis, was the condition of 90% amplitude 25 and 30 seconds with 3 and 4 cycles of ultrasound. In conclusion, the agglomerated matrices present good macro and microstructural properties which would allow the design of food systems with better nutritional and functional properties.Keywords: ultrasonic agglomeration, physical properties of food, protein matrices, macro and microalgae
Procedia PDF Downloads 6113745 Application of Rapid Prototyping to Create Additive Prototype Using Computer System
Authors: Meftah O. Bashir, Fatma A. Karkory
Rapid prototyping is a new group of manufacturing processes, which allows fabrication of physical of any complexity using a layer by layer deposition technique directly from a computer system. The rapid prototyping process greatly reduces the time and cost necessary to bring a new product to market. The prototypes made by these systems are used in a range of industrial application including design evaluation, verification, testing, and as patterns for casting processes. These processes employ a variety of materials and mechanisms to build up the layers to build the part. The present work was to build a FDM prototyping machine that could control the X-Y motion and material deposition, to generate two-dimensional and three-dimensional complex shapes. This study focused on the deposition of wax material. This work was to find out the properties of the wax materials used in this work in order to enable better control of the FDM process. This study will look at the integration of a computer controlled electro-mechanical system with the traditional FDM additive prototyping process. The characteristics of the wax were also analysed in order to optimize the model production process. These included wax phase change temperature, wax viscosity and wax droplet shape during processing.Keywords: rapid prototyping, wax, manufacturing processes, shape
Procedia PDF Downloads 46613744 Laboratory Investigation on the Waste Road Construction Material Using Conventional and Chemical Additives
Authors: Paulos Meles Yihdego
To address the environmental impact of the cement industry and road building waste, the use of chemical stabilizers in conjunction with recycled asphalt and cement components was investigated. The silica-based chemical stabilizers and their potential effects on the base layer stabilized by cement are discussed in this paper. Strength, moisture compaction interaction, and microstructural characteristics are all examined. According to the outcome, using this stabilizer has improved the mechanical properties. The inclusion of chemical stabilizers in the combination, which is responsible for the mixture's improved strength, raised the intensity of the C-S-H (Calcium Silicate Hydrate) gel, according to a microstructural study. The design was demonstrated to be durable by the little ettringites found in the later phases. The application of this stabilizer ensures a strong, eco-friendly, durable base layer.Keywords: ettringites, microstructure analysis, durability properties, cement stabilized base
Procedia PDF Downloads 6113743 Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Casted with Recycled Coarse Aggregate
Authors: Salah A. Aly, Mohammed A. Ibrahim, Mostafa M. khttab
The amount of construction and demolition (C&D) waste has increased considerably over the last few decades. From the viewpoint of environmental preservation and effective utilization of resources, crushing C&D concrete waste to produce coarse aggregate (CA) with different replacement percentage for the production of new concrete is one common means for achieving a more environment-friendly concrete. In the study presented herein, the investigation was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, the selection of the materials was carried out and the physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of these materials were evaluated. Different concrete mixes were designed. The investigation parameter was Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) ratios. The mechanical properties of all mixes were evaluated based on compressive strength and workability results. Accordingly, two mixes have been chosen to be used in the next phase. In the second phase, the study of the structural behavior of the concrete beams was developed. Sixteen beams were casted to investigate the effect of RCA ratios, the shear span to depth ratios and the effect of different locations and reinforcement of openings on the shear behavior of the tested specimens. All these beams were designed to fail in shear. Test results of the compressive strength of concrete indicated that, replacement of natural aggregate by up to 50% recycled concrete aggregates in mixtures with 350 Kg/m3 cement content led to increase of concrete compressive strength. Moreover, the tensile strength and the modulus of elasticity of the specimens with RCA have very close values to those with natural aggregates. The ultimate shear strength of beams with RCA is very close to those with natural aggregates indicating the possibility of using RCA as partial replacement to produce structural concrete elements. The validity of both the Egyptian Code for the design and implementation of Concrete Structures (ECCS) 203-2007 and American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318-2011Codes for estimating the shear strength of the tested RCA beams was investigated. It was found that the codes procedures gives conservative estimates for shear strength.Keywords: construction and demolition (C&D) waste, coarse aggregate (CA), recycled coarse aggregates (RCA), opening
Procedia PDF Downloads 39413742 Thermal Insulating Silicate Materials Suitable for Thermal Insulation and Rehabilitation Structures
Authors: Jitka Hroudová, Martin Sedlmajer, Jiří Zach
Problems insulation of building structures is often closely connected with the problem of moisture remediation. In the case of historic buildings or if only part of the redevelopment of envelope of structures, it is not possible to apply the classical external thermal insulation composite systems. This application is mostly effective thermal insulation plasters with high porosity and controlled capillary properties which assures improvement of thermal properties construction, its diffusion openness towards the external environment and suitable treatment capillary properties of preventing the penetration of liquid moisture and salts thereof toward the outer surface of the structure. With respect to the current trend of reducing the energy consumption of building structures and reduce the production of CO2 is necessary to develop capillary-active materials characterized by their low density, low thermal conductivity while maintaining good mechanical properties. The aim of researchers at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology is the development and study of hygrothermal behaviour of optimal materials for thermal insulation and rehabilitation of building structures with the possible use of alternative, less energy demanding binders in comparison with conventional, frequently used binder, which represents cement. The paper describes the evaluation of research activities aimed at the development of thermal insulation and repair materials using lightweight aggregate and alternative binders such as metakaolin and finely ground fly ash.Keywords: thermal insulating plasters, rehabilitation materials, thermal conductivity, lightweight aggregate, alternative binders.
Procedia PDF Downloads 30413741 The Effect of Fibre Orientation on the Mechanical Behaviour of Skeletal Muscle: A Finite Element Study
Authors: Christobel Gondwe, Yongtao Lu, Claudia Mazzà, Xinshan Li
Skeletal muscle plays an important role in the human body system and function by generating voluntary forces and facilitating body motion. However, The mechanical properties and behaviour of skeletal muscle are still not comprehensively known yet. As such, various robust engineering techniques have been applied to better elucidate the mechanical behaviour of skeletal muscle. It is considered that muscle mechanics are highly governed by the architecture of the fibre orientations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different fibre orientations on the mechanical behaviour of skeletal muscle.In this study, a continuum mechanics approach–finite element (FE) analysis was applied to the left bicep femoris long head to determine the contractile mechanism of the muscle using Hill’s three-element model. The geometry of the muscle was segmented from the magnetic resonance images. The muscle was modelled as a quasi-incompressible hyperelastic (Mooney-Rivlin) material. Two types of fibre orientations were implemented: one with the idealised fibre arrangement, i.e. parallel single-direction fibres going from the muscle origin to insertion sites, and the other with curved fibre arrangement which is aligned with the muscle shape.The second fibre arrangement was implemented through the finite element method; non-uniform rational B-spline (FEM-NURBs) technique by means of user material (UMAT) subroutines. The stress-strain behaviour of the muscle was investigated under idealised exercise conditions, and will be further analysed under physiological conditions. The results of the two different FE models have been outputted and qualitatively compared.Keywords: FEM-NURBS, finite element analysis, Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic, muscle architecture
Procedia PDF Downloads 48013740 Variation of Warp and Binder Yarn Tension across the 3D Weaving Process and its Impact on Tow Tensile Strength
Authors: Reuben Newell, Edward Archer, Alistair McIlhagger, Calvin Ralph
Modern industry has developed a need for innovative 3D composite materials due to their attractive material properties. Composite materials are composed of a fibre reinforcement encased in a polymer matrix. The fibre reinforcement consists of warp, weft and binder yarns or tows woven together into a preform. The mechanical performance of composite material is largely controlled by the properties of the preform. As a result, the bulk of recent textile research has been focused on the design of high-strength preform architectures. Studies looking at optimisation of the weaving process have largely been neglected. It has been reported that yarns experience varying levels of damage during weaving, resulting in filament breakage and ultimately compromised composite mechanical performance. The weaving parameters involved in causing this yarn damage are not fully understood. Recent studies indicate that poor yarn tension control may be an influencing factor. As tension is increased, the yarn-to-yarn and yarn-to-weaving-equipment interactions are heightened, maximising damage. The correlation between yarn tension variation and weaving damage severity has never been adequately researched or quantified. A novel study is needed which accesses the influence of tension variation on the mechanical properties of woven yarns. This study has looked to quantify the variation of yarn tension throughout weaving and sought to link the impact of tension to weaving damage. Multiple yarns were randomly selected, and their tension was measured across the creel and shedding stages of weaving, using a hand-held tension meter. Sections of the same yarn were subsequently cut from the loom machine and tensile tested. A comparison study was made between the tensile strength of pristine and tensioned yarns to determine the induced weaving damage. Yarns from bobbins at the rear of the creel were under the least amount of tension (0.5-2.0N) compared to yarns positioned at the front of the creel (1.5-3.5N). This increase in tension has been linked to the sharp turn in the yarn path between bobbins at the front of the creel and creel I-board. Creel yarns under the lower tension suffered a 3% loss of tensile strength, compared to 7% for the greater tensioned yarns. During shedding, the tension on the yarns was higher than in the creel. The upper shed yarns were exposed to a decreased tension (3.0-4.5N) compared to the lower shed yarns (4.0-5.5N). Shed yarns under the lower tension suffered a 10% loss of tensile strength, compared to 14% for the greater tensioned yarns. Interestingly, the most severely damaged yarn was exposed to both the largest creel and shedding tensions. This study confirms for the first time that yarns under a greater level of tension suffer an increased amount of weaving damage. Significant variation of yarn tension has been identified across the creel and shedding stages of weaving. This leads to a variance of mechanical properties across the woven preform and ultimately the final composite part. The outcome from this study highlights the need for optimised yarn tension control during preform manufacture to minimize yarn-induced weaving damage.Keywords: optimisation of preform manufacture, tensile testing of damaged tows, variation of yarn weaving tension, weaving damage
Procedia PDF Downloads 23713739 Electronic and Optical Properties of Li₂S Antifluorite Material
Authors: Brahim Bahloul, Khatir Babesse, Azzedine Dkhira, Yacine Bahloul, Dalila Hammoutene
In this paper, we investigate with ab initio calculations some structural and optoelectronic properties of Li₂S compound. The structural and electronic properties of the Li₂S antifluorite structure have been studied by first-principles calculations within the density functional theory (DFT), whereas the optical properties have been obtained using empirical relationships such as the modified Moss relation. Our calculated lattice parameters are in good agreement with the experimental data and other theoretical calculations. The electronic band structures and density of states were obtained. The anti-fluorite Li₂S present an indirect band gap of 3.388 eV at equilibrium. The top of the valence bands reflects the p electronic character for both structures. The calculated energy gaps and optical constants are in good agreement with experimental measurements.Keywords: Ab initio calculations, antifluorite, electronic properties, optical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 29013738 Air Flows along Perforated Metal Plates with the Heat Transfer
Authors: Karel Frana, Sylvio Simon
The objective of the paper is a numerical study of heat transfer between perforated metal plates and the surrounding air flows. Different perforation structures can nowadays be found in various industrial products. Besides improving the mechanical properties, the perforations can intensify the heat transfer as well. The heat transfer coefficient depends on a wide range of parameters such as type of perforation, size, shape, flow properties of the surrounding air etc. The paper was focused on three different perforation structures which have been investigated from the point of the view of the production in the previous studies. To determine the heat coefficients and the Nusselt numbers, the numerical simulation approach was adopted. The calculations were performed using the OpenFOAM software. The three-dimensional, unstable, turbulent and incompressible air flow around the perforated surface metal plate was considered.Keywords: perforations, convective heat transfers, turbulent flows, numerical simulations
Procedia PDF Downloads 58013737 Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Enhancing Mechanical Properties of CFRP Adhesive Joints Using Hybrid Nanofillers
Authors: Qiong Rao, Xiongqi Peng
In this work, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and graphene nanoplates (GNPs) were dispersed into epoxy adhesive to investigate their synergy effects on the shear properties, mode I and mode II fracture toughness of unidirectional composite bonded joints. Testing results showed that the incorporation of MWCNTs and GNPs significantly improved the shear strength, the mode I and mode II fracture toughness by 36.6%, 45% and 286%, respectively. In addition, the fracture surfaces of the bonding area as well as the toughening mechanism of nanofillers were analyzed. Finally, a nonlinear cohesive/friction coupled model for delamination analysis of adhesive layer under shear and normal compression loadings was proposed and implemented in ABAQUS/Explicit via user subroutine VUMAT.Keywords: nanofillers, adhesive joints, fracture toughness, cohesive zone model
Procedia PDF Downloads 13313736 Exploring Regularity Results in the Context of Extremely Degenerate Elliptic Equations
Authors: Zahid Ullah, Atlas Khan
This research endeavors to explore the regularity properties associated with a specific class of equations, namely extremely degenerate elliptic equations. These equations hold significance in understanding complex physical systems like porous media flow, with applications spanning various branches of mathematics. The focus is on unraveling and analyzing regularity results to gain insights into the smoothness of solutions for these highly degenerate equations. Elliptic equations, fundamental in expressing and understanding diverse physical phenomena through partial differential equations (PDEs), are particularly adept at modeling steady-state and equilibrium behaviors. However, within the realm of elliptic equations, the subset of extremely degenerate cases presents a level of complexity that challenges traditional analytical methods, necessitating a deeper exploration of mathematical theory. While elliptic equations are celebrated for their versatility in capturing smooth and continuous behaviors across different disciplines, the introduction of degeneracy adds a layer of intricacy. Extremely degenerate elliptic equations are characterized by coefficients approaching singular behavior, posing non-trivial challenges in establishing classical solutions. Still, the exploration of extremely degenerate cases remains uncharted territory, requiring a profound understanding of mathematical structures and their implications. The motivation behind this research lies in addressing gaps in the current understanding of regularity properties within solutions to extremely degenerate elliptic equations. The study of extreme degeneracy is prompted by its prevalence in real-world applications, where physical phenomena often exhibit characteristics defying conventional mathematical modeling. Whether examining porous media flow or highly anisotropic materials, comprehending the regularity of solutions becomes crucial. Through this research, the aim is to contribute not only to the theoretical foundations of mathematics but also to the practical applicability of mathematical models in diverse scientific fields.Keywords: elliptic equations, extremely degenerate, regularity results, partial differential equations, mathematical modeling, porous media flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 7513735 The Ratio of Second-to-Fourth Digit Length (2D:4D) and the Physical Ability in Men and Women
Authors: Marek Kociuba, Jarosław Kurek
Introduction: The digit length ratio (2D:4D) is generally higher in women compared to men. Lower 2D:4D is linked with greater physical ability, strength, and better sporting performance. Second-to-fourth digit lengths ratio (2D:4D) is an indicator of PT exposure. Lower 2D:4D indicates higher PT exposure and vice versa. Methods: The objectives of this paper were to investigate the relationship of 2D:4D with physical fitness in men and women. The study compared 137 female and 174 male students from Wrocław. Besides calculating 2D:4D for each hand, height and weight were also recorded. Assessment of physical fitness and endurance were performed through Eurofit tests. Handgrip strength was measured by a standardized isometric dynamometer. Results: Male participants had significantly lower 2D:4D than females on each hand. A weak relationship between 2D:4D and the results of strength tests was found.Keywords: 2D:4D, physical fitness, prenatal testosterone, sexual dimorphism
Procedia PDF Downloads 12613734 The Influense of Alternative Farming Systems on Physical Parameters of the Soil
Authors: L. Masilionyte, S. Maiksteniene
Alternative farming systems are used to cultivate high quality food products and retain the viability and fertility of soil. The field experiments of different farming systems were conducted at Joniškėlis Experimental Station of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2006–2013. The soil of the experimental site was Endocalcari-Endohypogleyic Cambisol (CMg-n-w-can). In different farming systems, farmyard manure, straw and green manure catch crops used for fertilization both in the soil low in humus and in the soil moderate in humus. In the 0–20 cm depth layer, it had a more significant effect on soil moisture than on other physical soil properties. In the agricultural systems, in which catch crops had been grown, soil physical characteristics did not differ significantly before their biomass incorporation, except for the moisture content, which was lower in rainy periods and higher in drier periods than in the soil without catch crops. Soil bulk density and porosity in the topsoil layer were more dependent on soil humus content than on agricultural measures used: in the soil moderate in humus content, compared with the soil low in humus, bulk density was by 1.4 % lower, and porosity by 1.8 % higher. The research findings create a possibility to make improvements in alternative cropping systems by choosing organic fertilizers and catch crops’ combinations that have the sustainable effect on soil and that maintain the sustainability of soil productivity parameters. Rational fertilization systems, securing the stability of soil productivity parameters and crop rotation productivity will promote a development of organic agriculture.Keywords: agro-measures, soil physical parameters, organic farming, sustainable farming
Procedia PDF Downloads 40413733 Mechanical Environment of the Aortic Valve and Mechanobiology
Authors: Rania Abdulkareem Aboubakr Mahdaly Ammar
The aortic valve (AV) is a complex mechanical environment that includes flexure, tension, pressure and shear stress forces to blood flow during cardiac cycle. This mechanical environment regulates AV tissue structure by constantly renewing and remodeling the phenotype. In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies have explained that pathological states such as hypertension and congenital defects like bicuspid AV ( BAV ) can potentially alter the AV’s mechanical environment, triggering a cascade of remodeling, inflammation and calcification activities in AV tissue. Changes in mechanical environments are first sent by the endothelium that induces changes in the extracellular matrix, and triggers cell differentiation and activation. However, the molecular mechanism of this process is not very well understood. Understanding these mechanisms is critical for the development of effective medical based therapies. Recently, there have been some interesting studies on characterizing the hemodynamics associated with AV, especially in pathologies like BAV, using different experimental and numerical methods. Here, we review the current knowledge of the local AV mechanical environment and its effect on valve biology, focusing on in vitro and ex vivo approaches.Keywords: aortic valve mechanobiology, bicuspid calcification, pressure stretch, shear stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 36813732 Pick and Place System for Dip Glaze Using PID Controller
Authors: Benchalak Muangmeesri
Glazes ceramics are ceramic materials produced through controlled crystallization of a parent glass. The great variety of compositions and the possibility of developing special micro structures with specific technological properties have allowed glass ceramic materials to be used in a wide range of applications. At the same time, glazes ceramics need to improvement in the mechanical and chemical properties of glazed. The pick and place station is equipped with a three-axis module. test piece housings placed on the vacuum are detected module picks up a test piece insert from the slide and places it on the test piece housing. Overall, glazes ceramics are compared with automatically and manually of speed and position control. The handling modules of automatic transfer are a new generation of high speed and precision then these color results from absorption and thickness than manual is also included.Keywords: glaze, PID control, pick and place, ceramic
Procedia PDF Downloads 37813731 Digital Image Correlation Based Mechanical Response Characterization of Thin-Walled Composite Cylindrical Shells
Authors: Sthanu Mahadev, Wen Chan, Melanie Lim
Anisotropy dominated continuous-fiber composite materials have garnered attention in numerous mechanical and aerospace structural applications. Tailored mechanical properties in advanced composites can exhibit superiority in terms of stiffness-to-weight ratio, strength-to-weight ratio, low-density characteristics, coupled with significant improvements in fatigue resistance as opposed to metal structure counterparts. Extensive research has demonstrated their core potential as more than just mere lightweight substitutes to conventional materials. Prior work done by Mahadev and Chan focused on formulating a modified composite shell theory based prognosis methodology for investigating the structural response of thin-walled circular cylindrical shell type composite configurations under in-plane mechanical loads respectively. The prime motivation to develop this theory stemmed from its capability to generate simple yet accurate closed-form analytical results that can efficiently characterize circular composite shell construction. It showcased the development of a novel mathematical framework to analytically identify the location of the centroid for thin-walled, open cross-section, curved composite shells that were characterized by circumferential arc angle, thickness-to-mean radius ratio, and total laminate thickness. Ply stress variations for curved cylindrical shells were analytically examined under the application of centric tensile and bending loading. This work presents a cost-effective, small-platform experimental methodology by taking advantage of the full-field measurement capability of digital image correlation (DIC) for an accurate assessment of key mechanical parameters such as in-plane mechanical stresses and strains, centroid location etc. Mechanical property measurement of advanced composite materials can become challenging due to their anisotropy and complex failure mechanisms. Full-field displacement measurements are well suited for characterizing the mechanical properties of composite materials because of the complexity of their deformation. This work encompasses the fabrication of a set of curved cylindrical shell coupons, the design and development of a novel test-fixture design and an innovative experimental methodology that demonstrates the capability to very accurately predict the location of centroid in such curved composite cylindrical strips via employing a DIC based strain measurement technique. Error percentage difference between experimental centroid measurements and previously estimated analytical centroid results are observed to be in good agreement. The developed analytical modified-shell theory provides the capability to understand the fundamental behavior of thin-walled cylindrical shells and offers the potential to generate novel avenues to understand the physics of such structures at a laminate level.Keywords: anisotropy, composites, curved cylindrical shells, digital image correlation
Procedia PDF Downloads 31813730 Tensile Properties of Aluminum Silicon Nickel Iron Vanadium High Entropy Alloys
Authors: Sefiu A. Bello, Nasirudeen K. Raji, Jeleel A. Adebisi, Sadiq A. Raji
Pure metals are not used in most cases for structural applications because of their limited properties. Presently, high entropy alloys (HEAs) are emerging by mixing comparative proportions of metals with the aim of maximizing the entropy leading to enhancement in structural and mechanical properties. Aluminum Silicon Nickel Iron Vanadium (AlSiNiFeV) alloy was developed using stir cast technique and analysed. Results obtained show that the alloy grade G0 contains 44 percentage by weight (wt%) Al, 32 wt% Si, 9 wt% Ni, 4 wt% Fe, 3 wt% V and 8 wt% for minor elements with tensile strength and elongation of 106 Nmm-2 and 2.68%, respectively. X-ray diffraction confirmed intermetallic compounds having hexagonal closed packed (HCP), orthorhombic and cubic structures in cubic dendritic matrix. This affirmed transformation from the cubic structures of elemental constituents of the HEAs to the precipitated structures of the intermetallic compounds. A maximum tensile strength of 188 Nmm-2 with 4% elongation was noticed at 10wt% of silica addition to the G0. An increase in tensile strength with an increment in silica content could be attributed to different phases and crystal geometries characterizing each HEA.Keywords: HEAs, phases model, aluminium, silicon, tensile strength, model
Procedia PDF Downloads 12413729 Viscoelastic Characterization of Bovine Trabecular Bone Samples
Authors: I. Ramirez D. Edgar, J. Angeles H. José, Ruiz C. Osvaldo, H. Jacobo A. Victor, Ortiz P. Armando
Knowledge of bone mechanical properties is important for bone substitutes design and fabrication, and more efficient prostheses development. The aim of this study is to characterize the viscoelastic behavior of bone specimens, through stress relaxation and fatigue tests performed to trabecular bone samples from bovine femoral heads. Relaxation tests consisted on preloading the samples at five different magnitudes and evaluate them for 1020 seconds, adjusting the results to a KWW mathematical model. Fatigue tests consisted of 700 load cycles and analyze their status at the end of the tests. As a conclusion we have that between relaxation stress and each preload there is linear relation and for samples with initial Young´s modulus greater than 1.5 GPa showed no effects due fatigue test loading cycles.Keywords: bone viscoelasticity, fatigue test, stress relaxation test, trabecular bone properties
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