Search results for: light pollution
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 5523

Search results for: light pollution

4143 Design of Solar Charge Controller and Power Converter with the Multisim

Authors: Sohal Latif


Solar power is in the form of photovoltaic, also known as PV, which is a form of renewable energy that applies solar panels in producing electricity from the sun. It has a vital role in fulfilling the present need for clean and renewable energy to get rid of conventional and non-renewable energy sources that emit high levels of greenhouse gases. Solar energy is embraced because of its availability, easy accessibility, and effectiveness in the provision of power, chiefly in country areas. In solar charging, device charge entails a change of light power into electricity using photovoltaic or PV panels, which supply direct current electric power or DC. Here, the solar charge controller has a very crucial role to play regarding the voltages and the currents coming from the solar panels to take up the changing needs of a battery without overcharging the same. Certain devices, such as inverters, are required to transform the DC power produced by the solar panels into an AC to serve the normal electrical appliances and the current power network. This project was initiated for a project of a solar charge controller and power converter with the MULTISIM. The formation of this project begins with a literature survey to obtain basic knowledge about power converters, charge controllers, and photovoltaic systems. Fundamentals of the operation of solar panels include the process by which light is converted into electricity and a comparison of PWM and MPPT chargers with controllers. Knowledge of rectifiers is built to help achieve AC-to-DC and DC-AC change. Choosing a resistor, capacitance, MOSFET, and OP-AMP is done by the need of the system. The circuit diagrams of converters and charge controllers are designed using the Multisim program. Pulse width modulation, Bubba oscillator circuit, and inverter circuits are modeled and simulated. In the subsequent steps, the analysis of the simulation outcomes indicates the efficiency of the intended converter systems. The various outputs from the different configurations, with the transformer incorporated as well as without it, are then monitored for effective power conversion as well as power regulation.

Keywords: solar charge controller, MULTISIM, converter, inverter

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4142 Harmonising Ecology, Emotions and Economy: Case Study of Govardhan Ecovillage

Authors: Gauranga Das


People in cities have prosperity but there is immense pollution, chaos in the mind, anxiety and turbulence. People in the villages experience pristine pure environment but they also experience poverty. There is a need to find out ways by which the cities and the villages can complement each other through their strengths and take care of each other’s weaknesses. In order to do this, the case study of Govardhan Ecovillage has been explored in this paper. All its environment, social and economic initiatives along with eco-tourism and wellness features are being analyzed. The analysis shows that Govardhan Ecovillage is successfully able to harmonize its different initiatives and provide a package which has created a win-win solution for the city people and also the villagers. Such kind of Eco-tourism initiatives should be supported and replicated in other places in the world to benefit everyone.

Keywords: sustainability, ecotourism, ecology, rural development, wellness, biodiversity

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4141 Decolorization and Phenol Removal of Palm Oil Mill Effluent by Termite-Associated Yeast

Authors: P. Chaijak, M. Lertworapreecha, C. Sukkasem


A huge of dark color palm oil mill effluent (POME) cannot pass the discharge standard. It has been identified as the major contributor to the pollution load into ground water. Here, lignin-degrading yeast isolated from a termite nest was tested to treat the POME. Its lignin-degrading and decolorizing ability was determined. The result illustrated that Galactomyces sp. was successfully grown in POME. The decolorizing test demonstrated that 40% of Galactomyces sp. could reduce the color of POME (50% v/v) about 74-75% in 5 days without nutrient supplement. The result suggested that G. reessii has a potential to apply for decolorizing the dark wastewater like POME and other industrial wastewaters.

Keywords: decolorization, palm oil mill effluent, termite, yeast

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4140 Relationship of Indoor and Outdoor Levels of Black Carbon in an Urban Environment

Authors: Daria Pashneva, Julija Pauraite, Agne Minderyte, Vadimas Dudoitis, Lina Davuliene, Kristina Plauskaite, Inga Garbariene, Steigvile Bycenkiene


Black carbon (BC) has received particular attention around the world, not only for its impact on regional and global climate change but also for its impact on air quality and public health. In order to study the relationship between indoor and outdoor BC concentrations, studies were carried out in Vilnius, Lithuania. The studies are aimed at determining the relationship of concentrations, identifying dependencies during the day and week with a further opportunity to analyze the key factors affecting the indoor concentration of BC. In this context, indoor and outdoor continuous real-time measurements of optical BC-related light absorption by aerosol particles were carried out during the cold season (from October to December 2020). The measurement venue was an office located in an urban background environment. Equivalent black carbon (eBC) mass concentration was measured by an Aethalometer (Magee Scientific, model AE-31). The optical transmission of carbonaceous aerosol particles was measured sequentially at seven wavelengths (λ= 370, 470, 520, 590, 660, 880, and 950 nm), where the eBC mass concentration was derived from the light absorption coefficient (σab) at 880 nm wavelength. The diurnal indoor eBC mass concentration was found to vary in the range from 0.02 to 0.08 µgm⁻³, while the outdoor eBC mass concentration - from 0.34 to 0.99 µgm⁻³. Diurnal variations of eBC mass concentration outdoor vs. indoor showed an increased contribution during 10:00 and 12:00 AM (GMT+2), with the highest indoor eBC mass concentration of 0.14µgm⁻³. An indoor/outdoor eBC ratio (I/O) was below one throughout the entire measurement period. The weekend levels of eBC mass concentration were lower than in weekdays for indoor and outdoor for 33% and 28% respectively. Hourly mean mass concentrations of eBC for weekdays and weekends show diurnal cycles, which could be explained by the periodicity of traffic intensity and heating activities. The results show a moderate influence of outdoor eBC emissions on the indoor eBC level.

Keywords: black carbon, climate change, indoor air quality, I/O ratio

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4139 FELIX: 40 Hz Masked Flickering Light as a Potential Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder

Authors: Nikolas Aasheim, Laura Sakalauskaitė, Julie Dubois, Malina Ploug Larsen, Paul Michael Petersen, Marcus S. Carstensen, Marcus S. Carstensen, Mai Nguyen, Line Katrine Harder Clemmensen, Kamilla Miskowiak, Klaus Martiny


Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a debilitating condition that affects more than 300 million people worldwide and profoundly impacts well-being and health. Current treatments are based on a trial-and-error approach, and reliable biomarkers are needed for more informed and personalized treatment solutions. One potential biomarker is aberrant gamma-frequency (30-80 Hz) brainwaves, hypothesized to originate from deficiencies in the excitatory-inhibitory interaction between the pyramidal cells and interneurons. An imbalance within this interaction is described as a crucial pathological mechanism in various neuropsychiatric conditions, including MDD, and the modulation of this pathological interaction has been investigated as a potential target. A specific type of steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) in the gamma frequency band, referred to as gamma entrainment using sensory stimuli (GENUS), particularly around the 40Hz spectrum, entrains large scale, fast-spiking PV+ interneurons, facilitating coordinated activity in key brain regions, reduced neuronal and synaptic loss, and enhanced synaptic stability and plasticity. GENUS has shown promise in improving sleep, offering neuroprotective effects in Alzheimer's disease (AD), and reducing pathological markers like Amyloid Beta and TAU proteins, as seen in animal models. In this study, we explore the antidepressant, cognitive, and electrophysiological effects of a novel, non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) approach utilizing a 40 Hz invisible spectral flicker to induce gamma activity in patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). This non-invasive targeted stimulation of lower gamma band activity (40 Hz) is designed to modulate neural circuits associated with mood and cognitive functions, providing a potential new therapeutic avenue for MDD. Methods and Design: 60 patients with a current diagnosis of a major depressive episode will be enrolled in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. The active treatment group will receive 40 Hz invisible spectral flickering light stimulation while the control group will receive continuous light matched in colour temperature and brightness. Patients in both groups will get an hour of daily light treatment in their own homes and will attend four follow-up visits to assess depression severity measured by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D₆), several aspects of sleep, cognitive function, quality of life. Additionally, exploratory EEG is conducted to assess spectral changes throughout the protocol. The primary endpoint is the mean change from baseline to week 6 in depression severity (HAM-D₆ subset) between the groups. Current state of affairs/timeline: The FELIX study was initiated in the beginning of 2022, planning to reach stage of publication in December 2025. 21 participants have been enrolled in the protocol thus far, expecting to be finished with trials and recruitment by the end of 2024.

Keywords: major depressive disorder, gamma, neurostimulation, EEG

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4138 Experimenting the Influence of Input Modality on Involvement Load Hypothesis

Authors: Mohammad Hassanzadeh


As far as incidental vocabulary learning is concerned, the basic contention of the Involvement Load Hypothesis (ILH) is that retention of unfamiliar words is, generally, conditional upon the degree of involvement in processing them. This study examined input modality and incidental vocabulary uptake in a task-induced setting whereby three variously loaded task types (marginal glosses, fill-in-task, and sentence-writing) were alternately assigned to one group of students at Allameh Tabataba’i University (n=2l) during six classroom sessions. While one round of exposure was comprised of the audiovisual medium (TV talk shows), the second round consisted of textual materials with approximately similar subject matter (reading texts). In both conditions, however, the tasks were equivalent to one another. Taken together, the study pursued the dual objectives of establishing a litmus test for the ILH and its proposed values of ‘need’, ‘search’ and ‘evaluation’ in the first place. Secondly, it sought to bring to light the superiority issue of exposure to audiovisual input versus the written input as far as the incorporation of tasks is concerned. At the end of each treatment session, a vocabulary active recall test was administered to measure their incidental gains. Running a one-way analysis of variance revealed that the audiovisual intervention yielded higher gains than the written version even when differing tasks were included. Meanwhile, task 'three' (sentence-writing) turned out the most efficient in tapping learners' active recall of the target vocabulary items. In addition to shedding light on the superiority of audiovisual input over the written input when circumstances are relatively held constant, this study for the most part, did support the underlying tenets of ILH.

Keywords: Keywords— Evaluation, incidental vocabulary learning, input mode, Involvement Load Hypothesis, need, search.

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4137 Temperature-Based Detection of Initial Yielding Point in Loading of Tensile Specimens Made of Structural Steel

Authors: Aqsa Jamil, Tamura Hiroshi, Katsuchi Hiroshi, Wang Jiaqi


The yield point represents the upper limit of forces which can be applied to a specimen without causing any permanent deformation. After yielding, the behavior of the specimen suddenly changes, including the possibility of cracking or buckling. So, the accumulation of damage or type of fracture changes depending on this condition. As it is difficult to accurately detect yield points of the several stress concentration points in structural steel specimens, an effort has been made in this research work to develop a convenient technique using thermography (temperature-based detection) during tensile tests for the precise detection of yield point initiation. To verify the applicability of thermography camera, tests were conducted under different loading conditions and measuring the deformation by installing various strain gauges and monitoring the surface temperature with the help of a thermography camera. The yield point of specimens was estimated with the help of temperature dip, which occurs due to the thermoelastic effect during the plastic deformation. The scattering of the data has been checked by performing a repeatability analysis. The effects of temperature imperfection and light source have been checked by carrying out the tests at daytime as well as midnight and by calculating the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the noised data from the infrared thermography camera, it can be concluded that the camera is independent of testing time and the presence of a visible light source. Furthermore, a fully coupled thermal-stress analysis has been performed by using Abaqus/Standard exact implementation technique to validate the temperature profiles obtained from the thermography camera and to check the feasibility of numerical simulation for the prediction of results extracted with the help of the thermographic technique.

Keywords: signal to noise ratio, thermoelastic effect, thermography, yield point

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4136 Strategies to Improve Coastal and Marine Tourism Sustainability in Gqeberha, South Africa

Authors: Mihlali Mbangeni, Lynn C. Jonas, Rosemary Matikiti-Manyevere


Coastal and marine tourism is considered among the most rapidly developing subsectors of tourism. That has enabled coastal and marine environments to gain popularity and economically contribute to coastal regions globally. However, in coastal regions of developing cities such as Gqeberha, South Africa, pollution, specifically plastics and waste from ships, are among the prominent challenges in these areas. Thus, there is a need for the management and planning of sustainability in coastal and marine tourism. As a result, the study evaluates the effectiveness of the current sustainability strategies and highlights the barriers and challenges faced by the coastal region. This study made use of the interpretivist paradigm following a qualitative research approach when collecting data. This was done by conducting semi-structured interviews with local government officials, coastal and marine tourism business top managers, as well as ocean economy-related non-profit organization operators through a purposive sampling method. The study employed content analysis to analyse the interview transcripts using a computer-aided qualitative data analysis software that is Atlas.ti. The research findings present current coastal and marine tourism strategies used, such as local government having quarterly meetings with the private sector promoting collaboration between the two entities. A further measure discovered was non-profit organisations conducting educational talks, workshops, and visiting schools to educate pupils within the coastal region about pollution and sustainability. Current challenges experienced in the implementation of sustainability practices include a lack of awareness, low visibility of the local government in promoting sustainability within the regions, and poor participation of the local community in activities such as beach clean-ups. Recommendations for strategies are to equip decision-makers with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions that are inclusive. Furthermore, local community participation should be encouraged through providing incentives. Local government may also be encouraged to allocate adequate resources to assist non-profit organisations’ efforts towards sustainability. A further recommendation would be for coastal and marine tourism businesses to encourage them to create partnerships as well as collaborate with each other instead of competing in their sustainability efforts. The sharing of information about the sustainability of coastal and marine tourism between non-profit organisations, coastal and marine tourism businesses, local government as well as academia through research publications and ensured implementation, as well as evaluation, can contribute towards the sustainability of Gqeberha’s coastal and marine tourism products.

Keywords: coastal and marine tourism threats, coastal and marine tourism trends, strategies for coastal and marine tourism sustainability, sustainability

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4135 Improvement of the Traditional Techniques of Artistic Casting through the Development of Open Source 3D Printing Technologies Based on Digital Ultraviolet Light Processing

Authors: Drago Diaz Aleman, Jose Luis Saorin Perez, Cecile Meier, Itahisa Perez Conesa, Jorge De La Torre Cantero


Traditional manufacturing techniques used in artistic contexts compete with highly productive and efficient industrial procedures. The craft techniques and associated business models tend to disappear under the pressure of the appearance of mass-produced products that compete in all niche markets, including those traditionally reserved for the work of art. The surplus value derived from the prestige of the author, the exclusivity of the product or the mastery of the artist, do not seem to be sufficient reasons to preserve this productive model. In the last years, the adoption of open source digital manufacturing technologies in small art workshops can favor their permanence by assuming great advantages such as easy accessibility, low cost, and free modification, adapting to specific needs of each workshop. It is possible to use pieces modeled by computer and made with FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3D printers that use PLA (polylactic acid) in the procedures of artistic casting. Models printed by PLA are limited to approximate minimum sizes of 3 cm, and optimal layer height resolution is 0.1 mm. Due to these limitations, it is not the most suitable technology for artistic casting processes of smaller pieces. An alternative to solve size limitation, are printers from the type (SLS) "selective sintering by laser". And other possibility is a laser hardens, by layers, metal powder and called DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering). However, due to its high cost, it is a technology that is difficult to introduce in small artistic foundries. The low-cost DLP (Digital Light Processing) type printers can offer high resolutions for a reasonable cost (around 0.02 mm on the Z axis and 0.04 mm on the X and Y axes), and can print models with castable resins that allow the subsequent direct artistic casting in precious metals or their adaptation to processes such as electroforming. In this work, the design of a DLP 3D printer is detailed, using backlit LCD screens with ultraviolet light. Its development is totally "open source" and is proposed as a kit made up of electronic components, based on Arduino and easy to access mechanical components in the market. The CAD files of its components can be manufactured in low-cost FDM 3D printers. The result is less than 500 Euros, high resolution and open-design with free access that allows not only its manufacture but also its improvement. In future works, we intend to carry out different comparative analyzes, which allow us to accurately estimate the print quality, as well as the real cost of the artistic works made with it.

Keywords: traditional artistic techniques, DLP 3D printer, artistic casting, electroforming

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4134 Sustainable Business Model Archetypes – A Systematic Review and Application to the Plastic Industry

Authors: Felix Schumann, Giorgia Carratta, Tobias Dauth, Liv Jaeckel


In the last few decades, the rapid growth of the use and disposal of plastic items has led to their overaccumulation in the environment. As a result, plastic pollution has become a subject of global concern. Today plastics are used as raw materials in almost every industry. While the recognition of the ecological, social, and economic impact of plastics in academic research is on the rise, the potential role of the ‘plastic industry’ in dealing with such issues is still largely underestimated. Therefore, the literature on sustainable plastic management is still nascent and fragmented. Working towards sustainability requires a fundamental shift in the way companies employ plastics in their day-to-day business. For that reason, the applicability of the business model concept has recently gained momentum in environmental research. Business model innovation is increasingly recognized as an important driver to re-conceptualize the purpose of the firm and to readily integrate sustainability in their business. It can serve as a starting point to investigate whether and how sustainability can be realized under industry- and firm-specific circumstances. Yet, there is no comprehensive view in the plastic industry on how firms start refining their business models to embed sustainability in their operations. Our study addresses this gap, looking primarily at the industrial sectors responsible for the production of the largest amount of plastic waste today: plastic packaging, consumer goods, construction, textile, and transport. Relying on the archetypes of sustainable business models and applying them to the aforementioned sectors, we try to identify companies’ current strategies to make their business models more sustainable. Based on the thematic clustering, we can develop an integrative framework for the plastic industry. The findings are underpinned and illustrated by a variety of relevant plastic management solutions that the authors have identified through a systematic literature review and analysis of existing, empirically grounded research in this field. Using the archetypes, we can promote options for business model innovations for the most important sectors in which plastics are used. Moreover, by linking the proposed business model archetypes to the plastic industry, our research approach guides firms in exploring sustainable business opportunities. Likewise, researchers and policymakers can utilize our classification to identify best practices. The authors believe that the study advances the current knowledge on sustainable plastic management through its broad empirical industry analyses. Hence, the application of business model archetypes in the plastic industry will be useful for shaping companies’ transformation to create and deliver more sustainability and provides avenues for future research endeavors.

Keywords: business models, environmental economics, plastic management, plastic pollution, sustainability

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4133 Convergence or Divergence of Economic Growth within the ASEAN Community: Challenges for the AEC

Authors: Philippe Gugler


This contribution reflects some important questions regarding inter alia the economic development occurring in the light of the ASEAN’s goal of creating the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015. We observe a continuing economic growth of GDP per capita over recent years despite the negative effects of the world economic crisis. IMF forecasts indicate that this trend will continue. The paper focuses on the analysis and comparison of economic growth trends of ASEAN countries.

Keywords: ASEAN, convergence, divergence, economic growth, globalization, integration

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4132 Directional Dust Deposition Measurements: The Influence of Seasonal Changes and the Meteorological Conditions Influencing in Witbank Area and Carletonville Area

Authors: Maphuti Georgina Kwata


Coal mining in Mpumalanga Province is known of contributing to the atmospheric pollution from various activities. Gold mining in North-West Province is known of also contributing to the atmospheric pollution especially with the production of radon gas. In this research directional dust deposition gauge was used to measure source of direction and meteorological data was used to determine the wind rose blowing and the influence of the seasonal changes. Fourteen months of dust collection was undertaken in Witbank Area and Carletonville Area. The results shows that the sources of direction for Ericson Dam its East in February 2010 and Tip Area shows that the source of direction its West in October 2010. In the East direction there were mining operations, power stations which contributed to the East to be the sources of direction. In the West direction there were smelters, power stations and agricultural activities which contributed for the source of direction to be the West direction for Driefontein Mine: East Recreational Village Club. The East of Leslie Williams hospital is the source of direction which also indicated that there dust generating activities such as mining operation, agricultural activities. The meteorological results for Emalahleni Area in summer and winter the wind rose blow with wind speed of 5-10 ms-1 from the East sector. Annual average for the wind rose blow its East South eastern sector with 20 ms-1 and day time the wind rose from northwestern sector with excess of 20 ms-1. The night time wind direction East-eastern direction with a maximum wind speed of 20 ms-1. The meteorogical results for Driefontein Mine show that North-western sector and north-eastern sector wind rose is blowing with 5-10 ms-1 win speed. Day time wind blows from the West sector and night time wind blows from the north sector. In summer the wind blows North-east sector with 5-10 ms-1 and winter wind blows from North-west and it’s also predominant. In spring wind blows from north-east. The conclusion is that not only mining operation where the directional dust deposit gauge were installed contributed to the source of direction also the power stations, smelters, and other activities nearby the mining operation contributed. The recommendations are the dust suppressant for unpaved roads should be used on a regular basis and there should be monitoring of the weather conditions (the wind speed and direction prior to blasting to ensure minimal emissions).

Keywords: directional dust deposition gauge, BS part 5 1747 dust deposit gauge, wind rose, wind blowing

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4131 Effect of Microstructure on Transition Temperature of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI)

Authors: A. Ozel


The ductile to brittle transition temperature is a very important criterion that is used for selection of materials in some applications, especially in low-temperature conditions. For that reason, in this study transition temperature of as-cast and austempered unalloyed ductile iron in the temperature interval from -60 to +100 degrees C have been investigated. The microstructures of samples were examined by light microscope. The impact energy values obtained from the experiments were found to depend on the austempering time and temperature.

Keywords: Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI), Charpy test, microstructure, transition temperature

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4130 Electroactive Fluorene-Based Polymer Films Obtained by Electropolymerization

Authors: Mariana-Dana Damaceanu


Electrochemical oxidation is one of the most convenient ways to obtain conjugated polymer films as polypyrrole, polyaniline, polythiophene or polycarbazole. The research in the field has been mainly directed to the study of electrical conduction properties of the materials obtained by electropolymerization, often the main reason being their use as electroconducting electrodes, and very little attention has been paid to the morphological and optical quality of the films electrodeposited on flat surfaces. Electropolymerization of the monomer solution was scarcely used in the past to manufacture polymer-based light-emitting diodes (PLED), most probably due to the difficulty of obtaining defectless polymer films with good mechanical and optical properties, or conductive polymers with well controlled molecular weights. Here we report our attempts in using electrochemical deposition as appropriate method for preparing ultrathin films of fluorene-based polymers for PLED applications. The properties of these films were evaluated in terms of structural morphology, optical properties, and electrochemical conduction. Thus, electropolymerization of 4,4'-(9-fluorenylidene)-dianiline was performed in dichloromethane solution, at a concentration of 10-2 M, using 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate as electrolyte salt. The potential was scanned between 0 and 1.3 V on the one hand, and 0 - 2 V on the other hand, when polymer films with different structures and properties were obtained. Indium tin oxide-coated glass substrate of different size was used as working electrode, platinum wire as counter electrode and calomel electrode as reference. For each potential range 100 cycles were recorded at a scan rate of 100 mV/s. The film obtained in the potential range from 0 to 1.3 V, namely poly(FDA-NH), is visible to the naked eye, being light brown, transparent and fluorescent, and displays an amorphous morphology. Instead, the electrogrowth poly(FDA) film in the potential range of 0 - 2 V is yellowish-brown and opaque, presenting a self-assembled structure in aggregates of irregular shape and size. The polymers structure was identified by FTIR spectroscopy, which shows the presence of broad bands specific to a polymer, the band centered at approx. 3443 cm-1 being ascribed to the secondary amine. The two polymer films display two absorption maxima, at 434-436 nm assigned to π-π* transitions of polymers, and another at 832 and 880 nm assigned to polaron transitions. The fluorescence spectra indicated the presence of emission bands in the blue domain, with two peaks at 422 and 488 nm for poly (FDA-NH), and four narrow peaks at 422, 447, 460 and 484 nm for poly(FDA), peaks originating from fluorene-containing segments of varying degrees of conjugation. Poly(FDA-NH) exhibited two oxidation peaks in the anodic region and the HOMO energy value of 5.41 eV, whereas poly(FDA) showed only one oxidation peak and the HOMO level localized at 5.29 eV. The electrochemical data are discussed in close correlation with the proposed chemical structure of the electrogrowth films. Further research will be carried out to study their use and performance in light-emitting devices.

Keywords: electrogrowth polymer films, fluorene, morphology, optical properties

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4129 Sustainability and Smart Cities Planning in Contrast with City Humanity. Human Scale and City Soul (Neighbourhood Scale)

Authors: Ghadir Hummeid


Undoubtedly, our world is leading all the purposes and efforts to achieve sustainable development in life in all respects. Sustainability has been regarded as a solution to many challenges of our world today, materiality and immateriality. With the new consequences and challenges our world today, such as global climate change, the use of non-renewable resources, environmental pollution, the decreasing of urban health, the urban areas’ aging, the highly increasing migrations into urban areas linked to many consequences such as highly infrastructure density, social segregation. All of that required new forms of governance, new urban policies, and more efficient efforts and urban applications. Based on the fact that cities are the core of life and it is a fundamental life axis, their development can increase or decrease the life quality of their inhabitants. Architects and planners see themselves today in the need to create new approaches and new sustainable policies to develop urban areas to correspond with the physical and non-physical transformations that cities are nowadays experiencing. To enhance people's lives and provide for their needs in this present without compromising the needs and lives of future generations. The application of sustainability has become an inescapable part of the development and projections of cities' planning. Yet its definition has been indefinable due to the plurality and difference of its applications. As the conceptualizations of technology are arising and have dominated all life aspects today, from smart citizens and smart life rhythms to smart production and smart structures to smart frameworks, it has influenced the sustainability applications as well in the planning and urbanization of cities. The term "smart city" emerged from this influence as one of the possible key solutions to sustainability. The term “smart city” has various perspectives of applications and definitions in the literature and in urban applications. However, after the observation of smart city applications in current cities, this paper defined the smart city as an urban environment that is controlled by technologies yet lacks the physical architectural representation of this smartness as the current smart applications are mostly obscured from the public as they are applied now on a diminutive scale and highly integrated into the built environment. Regardless of the importance of these technologies in improving the quality of people's lives and in facing cities' challenges, it is important not to neglect their architectural and urban presentations will affect the shaping and development of city neighborhoods. By investigating the concept of smart cities and exploring its potential applications on a neighbourhood scale, this paper aims to shed light on understanding the challenges faced by cities and exploring innovative solutions such as smart city applications in urban mobility and how they affect the different aspects of communities. The paper aims to shape better articulations of smart neighborhoods’ morphologies on the social, architectural, functional, and material levels. To understand how to create more sustainable and liveable future approaches to developing urban environments inside cities. The findings of this paper will contribute to ongoing discussions and efforts in achieving sustainable urban development.

Keywords: sustainability, urban development, smart city, resilience, sense of belonging

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4128 Baseline Study of Water Quality in Indonesia Using Dynamic Methods and Technologies

Authors: R. L. P. de Lima, F. C. B. Boogaard, D. Setyo Rini, P. Arisandi, R. E. de Graaf-Van Dinther


Water quality in many Asian countries is very poor due to inefficient solid waste management, high population growth and the lack of sewage and purification systems for households and industry. A consortium of Indonesian and Dutch organizations has begun a large-scale international research project to evaluate and propose solutions to face the surface water pollution challenges in Brantas Basin, Indonesia (East Java: Malang / Surabaya). The first phase of the project consisted in a baseline study to assess the current status of surface water bodies and to determine the ambitions and strategies among local stakeholders. This study was conducted with high participatory / collaborative and knowledge sharing objectives. Several methods such as using mobile sensors (attached to boats or underwater drones), test strips and mobile apps, bio-monitoring (sediments), ecology scans using underwater cameras, or continuous / static measurements, were applied in different locations in the regions of the basin, at multiple locations within the water systems (e.g. spring, upstream / downstream of industry and urban areas, mouth of the Surabaya River, groundwater). Results gave an indication of (reference) values of basic water quality parameters such as turbidity, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen or nutrients (ammonium / nitrate). An important outcome was that collecting random samples may not be representative of a body of water, given that water quality parameters can vary widely in space (x, y, and depth) and time (day / night and seasonal). Innovative / dynamic monitoring methods (e.g. underwater drones, sensors on boats) can contribute to better understand the quality of the living environment (water, ecology, sediment) and factors that affect it. The field work activities, in particular, underwater drones, revealed potential as awareness actions as they attracted interest from locals and local press. This baseline study involved the cooperation with local managing organizations with Dutch partners, and their willingness to work together is important to ensure participatory actions and social awareness regarding the process of adaptation and strengthening of regulations, or for the construction of facilities such as sewage.

Keywords: water quality monitoring, pollution, underwater drones, social awareness

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4127 Multi-Functional Metal Oxides as Gas Sensors, Photo-Catalysts and Bactericides

Authors: Koyar Rane


Nano- to submicron size particles of narrow particle size distribution of semi-conducting TiO₂, ZnO, NiO, CuO, Fe₂O₃ have been synthesized by novel hydrazine method and tested for their gas sensing, photocatalytic and bactericidal activities and the behavior found to be enhanced when the oxides in the thin film forms, that obtained in a specially built spray pyrolysis reactor. Hydrazine method is novel in the sense, say, the UV absorption edge of the white pigment grade wide band gap (~3.2eV) TiO₂ and ZnO shifted to the visible region turning into yellowish particles, indicating modification occurring the band structure. The absorption in the visible region makes these oxides visible light sensitive photocatalysis in degrading pollutants, especially the organic dyes which otherwise increase the chemical oxygen demand of the drinking water, enabling the process feasible not under the harsh energetic UV radiation regime. The electromagnetic radiations on irradiation produce electron-hole pairs Semiconductor + hν → e⁻ + h⁺ The electron-hole pairs thus produced form Reactive Oxygen Species, ROS, on the surface of the semiconductors, O₂(adsorbed)+e⁻ → O₂• - superoxide ion OH-(surface)+h⁺ →•OH - Hydroxyl radical The ROS attack the organic material and micro-organisms. Our antibacterial studies indicate the metal oxides control the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of drinking water which had beyond the safe level normally found in the municipal supply. Metal oxides in the thin film form show overall enhanced properties and the films are reusable. The results of the photodegradation and antibactericidal studies are discussed. Gas sensing studies too have been done to find the versatility of the multifunctional metal oxides.

Keywords: hydrazine method, visible light sensitive, photo-degradation of dyes, water/airborne pollutant

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4126 Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Khark Island-Iran Using Geographic Information System

Authors: Abbas Hani, Maryam Jassasizadeh


The concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Ni were determined from 40 soil samples collected in surface soils of Khark Island. Geostatistic methods and GIS were used to identify heavy metal sources and their spatial pattern. Principal component analysis coupled with correlation between heavy metals showed that level of mentioned heavy metal was lower than the standard level. Then the data obtained from the soil analyzing were studied for the purposes of normal distribution. The best way of interior finding for cadmium and nickel was ordinary kriging and the best way of interpolation of lead was inverse distance weighted. The result of this study help us to understand heavy metals distribution and make decision for remediation of soil pollution.

Keywords: geostatistics, ordinary kriging, heavy metals, GIS, Khark

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4125 Elucidation of Dynamics of Murine Double Minute 2 Shed Light on the Anti-cancer Drug Development

Authors: Nigar Kantarci Carsibasi


Coarse-grained elastic network models, namely Gaussian network model (GNM) and Anisotropic network model (ANM), are utilized in order to investigate the fluctuation dynamics of Murine Double Minute 2 (MDM2), which is the native inhibitor of p53. Conformational dynamics of MDM2 are elucidated in unbound, p53 bound, and non-peptide small molecule inhibitor bound forms. With this, it is aimed to gain insights about the alterations brought to global dynamics of MDM2 by native peptide inhibitor p53, and two small molecule inhibitors (HDM201 and NVP-CGM097) that are undergoing clinical stages in cancer studies. MDM2 undergoes significant conformational changes upon inhibitor binding, carrying pieces of evidence of induced-fit mechanism. Small molecule inhibitors examined in this work exhibit similar fluctuation dynamics and characteristic mode shapes with p53 when complexed with MDM2, which would shed light on the design of novel small molecule inhibitors for cancer therapy. The results showed that residues Phe 19, Trp 23, Leu 26 reside in the minima of slowest modes of p53, pointing to the accepted three-finger binding model. Pro 27 displays the most significant hinge present in p53 and comes out to be another functionally important residue. Three distinct regions are identified in MDM2, for which significant conformational changes are observed upon binding. Regions I (residues 50-77) and III (residues 90-105) correspond to the binding interface of MDM2, including (α2, L2, and α4), which are stabilized during complex formation. Region II (residues 77-90) exhibits a large amplitude motion, being highly flexible, both in the absence and presence of p53 or other inhibitors. MDM2 exhibits a scattered profile in the fastest modes of motion, while binding of p53 and inhibitors puts restraints on MDM2 domains, clearly distinguishing the kinetically hot regions. Mode shape analysis revealed that the α4 domain controls the size of the cleft by keeping the cleft narrow in unbound MDM2; and open in the bound states for proper penetration and binding of p53 and inhibitors, which points to the induced-fit mechanism of p53 binding. P53 interacts with α2 and α4 in a synchronized manner. Collective modes are shifted upon inhibitor binding, i.e., second mode characteristic motion in MDM2-p53 complex is observed in the first mode of apo MDM2; however, apo and bound MDM2 exhibits similar features in the softest modes pointing to pre-existing modes facilitating the ligand binding. Although much higher amplitude motions are attained in the presence of non-peptide small molecule inhibitor molecules as compared to p53, they demonstrate close similarity. Hence, NVP-CGM097 and HDM201 succeed in mimicking the p53 behavior well. Elucidating how drug candidates alter the MDM2 global and conformational dynamics would shed light on the rational design of novel anticancer drugs.

Keywords: cancer, drug design, elastic network model, MDM2

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4124 Developing Motorized Spectroscopy System for Tissue Scanning

Authors: Tuba Denkceken, Ayse Nur Sarı, Volkan Ihsan Tore, Mahmut Denkceken


The aim of the presented study was to develop a newly motorized spectroscopy system. Our system is composed of probe and motor parts. The probe part consists of bioimpedance and fiber optic components that include two platinum wires (each 25 micrometer in diameter) and two fiber cables (each 50 micrometers in diameter) respectively. Probe was examined on tissue phantom (polystyrene microspheres with different diameters). In the bioimpedance part of the probe current was transferred to the phantom and conductivity information was obtained. Adjacent two fiber cables were used in the fiber optic part of the system. Light was transferred to the phantom by fiber that was connected to the light source and backscattered light was collected with the other adjacent fiber for analysis. It is known that the nucleus expands and the nucleus-cytoplasm ratio increases during the cancer progression in the cell and this situation is one of the most important criteria for evaluating the tissue for pathologists. The sensitivity of the probe to particle (nucleus) size in phantom was tested during the study. Spectroscopic data obtained from our system on phantom was evaluated by multivariate statistical analysis. Thus the information about the particle size in the phantom was obtained. Bioimpedance and fiber optic experiments results which were obtained from polystyrene microspheres showed that the impedance value and the oscillation amplitude were increasing while the size of particle was enlarging. These results were compatible with the previous studies. In order to motorize the system within the motor part, three driver electronic circuits were designed primarily. In this part, supply capacitors were placed symmetrically near to the supply inputs which were used for balancing the oscillation. Female capacitors were connected to the control pin. Optic and mechanic switches were made. Drivers were structurally designed as they could command highly calibrated motors. It was considered important to keep the drivers’ dimension as small as we could (4.4x4.4x1.4 cm). Then three miniature step motors were connected to each other along with three drivers. Since spectroscopic techniques are quantitative methods, they yield more objective results than traditional ones. In the future part of this study, it is planning to get spectroscopic data that have optic and impedance information from the cell culture which is normal, low metastatic and high metastatic breast cancer. In case of getting high sensitivity in differentiated cells, it might be possible to scan large surface tissue areas in a short time with small steps. By means of motorize feature of the system, any region of the tissue will not be missed, in this manner we are going to be able to diagnose cancerous parts of the tissue meticulously. This work is supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) through 3001 project (115E662).

Keywords: motorized spectroscopy, phantom, scanning system, tissue scanning

Procedia PDF Downloads 191
4123 Investigation of a Natural Convection Heat Sink for LEDs Based on Micro Heat Pipe Array-Rectangular Channel

Authors: Wei Wang, Yaohua Zhao, Yanhua Diao


The exponential growth of the lighting industry has rendered traditional thermal technologies inadequate for addressing the thermal management challenges inherent to high-power light-emitting diode (LED) technology. To enhance the thermal management of LEDs, this study proposes a heat sink configuration that integrates a miniature heat pipe array based on phase change technology with rectangular channels. The thermal performance of the heat sink was evaluated through experimental testing, and the results demonstrated that when the input power was 100W, 150W, and 200W, the temperatures of the LED substrate were 47.64℃, 56.78℃, and 69.06℃, respectively. Additionally, the maximum temperature difference of the MHPA in the vertical direction was observed to be 0.32℃, 0.30℃, and 0.30℃, respectively. The results demonstrate that the heat sink not only effectively dissipates the heat generated by the LEDs, but also exhibits excellent temperature uniformity. In consideration of the experimental measurement outcomes, a corresponding numerical model was developed as part of this study. Following the model validation, the effect of the structural parameters of the heat sink on its heat dissipation efficacy was examined through the use of response surface methodology (RSM) analysis. The rectangular channel width, channel height, channel length, number of channel cross-sections, and channel cross-section spacing were selected as the input parameters, while the LED substrate temperature and the total mass of the heat sink were regarded as the response variables. Subsequently, the response was subjected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA), which yielded a regression model that predicted the response based on the input variables. This offers some direction for the design of the radiator.

Keywords: light-emitting diodes, heat transfer, heat pipe, natural convection, response surface methodology

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4122 Influence of Sewage Sludge on Agricultural Land Quality and Crop

Authors: Catalina Iticescu, Lucian P. Georgescu, Mihaela Timofti, Gabriel Murariu


Since the accumulation of large quantities of sewage sludge is producing serious environmental problems, numerous environmental specialists are looking for solutions to solve this problem. The sewage sludge obtained by treatment of municipal wastewater may be used as fertiliser on agricultural soils because such sludge contains large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter. In many countries, sewage sludge is used instead of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, this being the most feasible method to reduce the increasingly larger quantities of sludge. The use of sewage sludge on agricultural soils is allowed only with a strict monitoring of their physical and chemical parameters, because heavy metals exist in varying amounts in sewage sludge. Exceeding maximum permitted quantities of harmful substances may lead to pollution of agricultural soil and may cause their removal aside because the plants may take up the heavy metals existing in soil and these metals will most probably be found in humans and animals through food. The sewage sludge analyzed for the present paper was extracted from the Wastewater Treatment Station (WWTP) Galati, Romania. The physico-chemical parameters determined were: pH (upH), total organic carbon (TOC) (mg L⁻¹), N-total (mg L⁻¹), P-total (mg L⁻¹), N-NH₄ (mg L⁻¹), N-NO₂ (mg L⁻¹), N-NO₃ (mg L⁻¹), Fe-total (mg L⁻¹), Cr-total (mg L⁻¹), Cu (mg L⁻¹), Zn (mg L⁻¹), Cd (mg L⁻¹), Pb (mg L⁻¹), Ni (mg L⁻¹). The determination methods were electrometrical (pH, C, TSD) - with a portable HI 9828 HANNA electrodes committed multiparameter and spectrophotometric - with a Spectroquant NOVA 60 - Merck spectrophotometer and with specific Merck parameter kits. The tests made pointed out the fact that the sludge analysed is low heavy metal falling within the legal limits, the quantities of metals measured being much lower than the maximum allowed. The results of the tests made to determine the content of nutrients in the sewage sludge have shown that the existing nutrients may be used to increase the fertility of agricultural soils. Other tests were carried out on lands where sewage sludge was applied in order to establish the maximum quantity of sludge that may be used so as not to constitute a source of pollution. The tests were made on three plots: a first batch with no mud and no chemical fertilizers applied, a second batch on which only sewage sludge was applied, and a third batch on which small amounts of chemical fertilizers were applied in addition to sewage sludge. The results showed that the production increases when the soil is treated with sludge and small amounts of chemical fertilizers. Based on the results of the present research, a fertilization plan has been suggested. This plan should be reconsidered each year based on the crops planned, the yields proposed, the agrochemical indications, the sludge analysis, etc.

Keywords: agricultural use, crops, physico–chemical parameters, sewage sludge

Procedia PDF Downloads 291
4121 Application of Data Mining for Aquifer Environmental Assessment

Authors: Saman Javadi, Mehdi Hashemy, Mohahammad Mahmoodi


Vulnerability maps are employed as an important solution in order to handle entrance of pollution into the aquifers. The common way to provide vulnerability map is DRASTIC. Meanwhile, application of the method is not easy to apply for any aquifer due to choosing appropriate constant values of weights and ranks. In this study, a new approach using k-means clustering is applied to make vulnerability maps. Four features of depth to groundwater, hydraulic conductivity, recharge value and vadose zone were considered at the same time as features of clustering. Five regions are recognized out of the case study represent zones with different level of vulnerability. The finding results show that clustering provides a realistic vulnerability map so that, Pearson’s correlation coefficients between nitrate concentrations and clustering vulnerability is obtained 61%.

Keywords: clustering, data mining, groundwater, vulnerability assessment

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4120 Exploring the Impacts of Ogoni/African Indigenous Knowledge in Addressing Environmental Issues in Ogoniland, Nigeria

Authors: Lele Dominic Dummene


Environmental issues are predominant in rural areas where indigenous people reside. These environmental issues cover environmental, health, social, economic, and political issues that emanate from poor environmental management and unfair distribution of environmental resources. These issues have greatly affected the lives of the indigenous people and their daily activities. As these environmental issues grow in communities, environmental experts, scientists, and theorists have proposed and developed methods, policies, and strategies to address these environmental-related issues in indigenous communities. Thus, this paper explores how the Ogoni indigenous knowledge and cultural practices could be used to address environmental issues such as oil pollution and other environmental-related issues that have destroyed the Ogoni environment.

Keywords: Ogoniland, indigenous knowledge, environment, environmental education

Procedia PDF Downloads 123
4119 Recycling Strategies of Construction Waste in Egypt

Authors: Hanan Anwar


All systems recycle. The construction industry has not only become a major consumer of natural materials along with a source of pollution. Environmental integrated production, reusing and recycling is of great importance in Egypt nowadays. Governments should ensure that the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of alternative systems is considered and is taken into account before construction starts. Hereby this paper focuses on the recycle of building materials as a way for environment protection and sustainable development. Environmental management integrates the requirements of sustainable development. There are many methods used to reduce waste and increase profits through salvage, reuse, and the recycling of construction waste. Sustainable development as a tool to continual improvement cycle processes innovations to save money.

Keywords: environment, management, reuse, recycling, sustainable development

Procedia PDF Downloads 315
4118 Temperature Dependence of the Optoelectronic Properties of InAs(Sb)-Based LED Heterostructures

Authors: Antonina Semakova, Karim Mynbaev, Nikolai Bazhenov, Anton Chernyaev, Sergei Kizhaev, Nikolai Stoyanov


At present, heterostructures are used for fabrication of almost all types of optoelectronic devices. Our research focuses on the optoelectronic properties of InAs(Sb) solid solutions that are widely used in fabrication of light emitting diodes (LEDs) operating in middle wavelength infrared range (MWIR). This spectral range (2-6 μm) is relevant for laser diode spectroscopy of gases and molecules, for systems for the detection of explosive substances, medical applications, and for environmental monitoring. The fabrication of MWIR LEDs that operate efficiently at room temperature is mainly hindered by the predominance of non-radiative Auger recombination of charge carriers over the process of radiative recombination, which makes practical application of LEDs difficult. However, non-radiative recombination can be partly suppressed in quantum-well structures. In this regard, studies of such structures are quite topical. In this work, electroluminescence (EL) of LED heterostructures based on InAs(Sb) epitaxial films with the molar fraction of InSb ranging from 0 to 0.09 and multi quantum-well (MQW) structures was studied in the temperature range 4.2-300 K. The growth of the heterostructures was performed by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition on InAs substrates. On top of the active layer, a wide-bandgap InAsSb(Ga,P) barrier was formed. At low temperatures (4.2-100 K) stimulated emission was observed. As the temperature increased, the emission became spontaneous. The transition from stimulated emission to spontaneous one occurred at different temperatures for structures with different InSb contents in the active region. The temperature-dependent carrier lifetime, limited by radiative recombination and the most probable Auger processes (for the materials under consideration, CHHS and CHCC), were calculated within the framework of the Kane model. The effect of various recombination processes on the carrier lifetime was studied, and the dominant role of Auger processes was established. For MQW structures quantization energies for electrons, light and heavy holes were calculated. A characteristic feature of the experimental EL spectra of these structures was the presence of peaks with energy different from that of calculated optical transitions between the first quantization levels for electrons and heavy holes. The obtained results showed strong effect of the specific electronic structure of InAsSb on the energy and intensity of optical transitions in nanostructures based on this material. For the structure with MQWs in the active layer, a very weak temperature dependence of EL peak was observed at high temperatures (>150 K), which makes it attractive for fabricating temperature-resistant gas sensors operating in the middle-infrared range.

Keywords: Electroluminescence, InAsSb, light emitting diode, quantum wells

Procedia PDF Downloads 213
4117 Evaluating the Factors Controlling the Hydrochemistry of Gaza Coastal Aquifer Using Hydrochemical and Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Authors: Madhat Abu Al-Naeem, Ismail Yusoff, Ng Tham Fatt, Yatimah Alias


Groundwater in Gaza strip is increasingly being exposed to anthropic and natural factors that seriously impacted the groundwater quality. Physiochemical data of groundwater can offer important information on changes in groundwater quality that can be useful in improving water management tactics. An integrative hydrochemical and statistical techniques (Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and factor analysis (FA)) have been applied on the existence ten physiochemical data of 84 samples collected in (2000/2001) using STATA, AquaChem, and Surfer softwares to: 1) Provide valuable insight into the salinization sources and the hydrochemical processes controlling the chemistry of groundwater. 2) Differentiate the influence of natural processes and man-made activities. The recorded large diversity in water facies with dominance Na-Cl type that reveals a highly saline aquifer impacted by multiple complex hydrochemical processes. Based on WHO standards, only (15.5%) of the wells were suitable for drinking. HCA yielded three clusters. Cluster 1 is the highest in salinity, mainly due to the impact of Eocene saline water invasion mixed with human inputs. Cluster 2 is the lowest in salinity also due to Eocene saline water invasion but mixed with recent rainfall recharge and limited carbonate dissolution and nitrate pollution. Cluster 3 is similar in salinity to Cluster 2, but with a high diversity of facies due to the impact of many sources of salinity as sea water invasion, carbonate dissolution and human inputs. Factor analysis yielded two factors accounting for 88% of the total variance. Factor 1 (59%) is a salinization factor demonstrating the mixing contribution of natural saline water with human inputs. Factor 2 measure the hardness and pollution which explained 29% of the total variance. The negative relationship between the NO3- and pH may reveal a denitrification process in a heavy polluted aquifer recharged by a limited oxygenated rainfall. Multivariate statistical analysis combined with hydrochemical analysis indicate that the main factors controlling groundwater chemistry were Eocene saline invasion, seawater invasion, sewage invasion and rainfall recharge and the main hydrochemical processes were base ion and reverse ion exchange processes with clay minerals (water rock interactions), nitrification, carbonate dissolution and a limited denitrification process.

Keywords: dendrogram and cluster analysis, water facies, Eocene saline invasion and sea water invasion, nitrification and denitrification

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4116 Rationale of Eye Pupillary Diameter for the UV Protection for Sunglasses

Authors: Liliane Ventura, Mauro Masili


Ultraviolet (UV) protection is critical for sunglasses, and mydriasis, as well as miosis, are relevant parameters to consider. The literature reports that for sunglasses, ultraviolet protection is critical because sunglasses can cause the opposite effect if the lenses do not provide adequate UV protection due to the greater dilation of the pupil when wearing sunglasses. However, the scientific literature does not properly quantify to support this rationale. The reasoning may be misleading by ignoring not only the inherent absorption of UV by the sunglass lens materials but also by ignoring the absorption of the anterior structures of the eye, i.e., the cornea and aqueous humor. Therefore, we estimate the pupil diameter and calculate the solar ultraviolet influx through the pupil of the human eye for two situations of an individual wearing and not wearing sunglasses. We quantify the dilation of the pupil as a function of the luminance of the surrounding. Therefore, we calculate the influx of solar UV through the pupil of the eye for two situations for an individual wearing sunglass and for the eyes free of shade. A typical boundary condition for the calculation is an individual in an upright position wearing sunglasses, staring at the horizon as if the sun is in the zenith. The calculation was done for the latitude of the geographic center of the state of São Paulo (-22º04'11.8'' S) from sunrise to sunset. A model from the literature is used for determining the sky luminance. The initial approach is to obtain pupil diameter as a function of luminance. Therefore, as a preliminary result, we calculate the pupil diameter as a function of the time of day, as the sun moves, for a particular day of the year. The working range for luminance is daylight (10⁻⁴ – 10⁵ cd/m²). We are able to show how the pupil adjusts to brightness change (~2 - ~7.8 mm). At noon, with the sun higher, the direct incidence of light on the pupil is lower if compared to mid-morning or mid-afternoon, when the sun strikes more directly into the eye. Thus, the pupil is larger at midday. As expected, the two situations have opposite behaviors since higher luminance implies a smaller pupil. With these results, we can progress in the short term to obtain the transmittance spectra of sunglasses samples and quantify how light attenuation provided by the spectacles affects pupil diameter.

Keywords: sunglasses, UV protection, pupil diameter, solar irradiance, luminance

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4115 Investigation of Modified Microporous Materials for Environmental Depollution

Authors: Souhila Bendenia, Chahrazed Bendenia, Hanaa Merad-Dib, Sarra Merabet, Samia Moulebhar, Sid Ahmed Khantar


Today, environmental pollution is a major concernworldwide, threateninghumanhealth. Various techniques have been used, includingdegradation, filtration, advancedoxidationprocesses, ion exchange, membrane processes, and adsorption. The latter is one of the mostsuitablemethods, usinghighly efficient materials. In this study, NaX zeolite was modified with Cu or Ni at various rates. Following ion exchange, the samples were characterized by XRD, BET and SEM/EDX. After characterization, the exchanged zeolites were used for adsorption of various pollutants as CO2. Different thermodynamic parameters were studied such as Qst. XRD results show that the most intense peaks characteristic of 13X persist after the exchange reaction for all samples. The SEM images of our samples have uniform and regular crystal shapes. The results show that ion exhange with Cu or Ni affect the textural properties of X zeolites and prove that the exchange zeolites can be used as an adsorbent for depollution.

Keywords: X zeolites (NaX), ion exchange, characterization, adsorption

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4114 Migrants in the West Immersed on Nihilism: Towards a Space for Mutual Recognition and Self-Realization

Authors: Marinete Araujo da Silva Fobister


This presentation aims to discuss how the feeling of ‘nostalgia’ both present on Westerns and migrants could shed light to a mutual recognition and an exchange of ways of life that could enhance mutual possibilities of self-realization. It seems that this feeling of nostalgia is related to another unfolding of the nihilism of the death of God diagnosed by Nietzsche. Westerns are feeling on the margins of the values of their own culture as they feel such values as external to them. At the same time, some groups are claiming the return of the old devalued values. In this scenario, the West is receiving many migrants from different parts of the world since the second half of the last century. Migrants might be suffering from nostalgia or homesickness for having left their home. It might be that sharing a sense of nostalgia, although with different meanings, can bring together Westerns and migrants. Migrants bring ways of life that might be unknown and inexperienced in the West, and these can shed light to new forms of interpretation and cultivation of ones’ drives, and forces and this could become a source of mutual strength cultivation. Therefore, this mutual feeling of nostalgia could lead to ways of exploring the idea of self- realization in Nietzsche detaching it from the idea of being mainly individual to a more trans-individual-cultural claim. Nietzsche argues that nihilism is a European event here translated as a Western event, which would take 200 years until it could be overcome. To overcome nihilism a new kind of human would be needed, a creative and strong kind. For Nietzsche, there is not a fixed or true self, hence one possibility for one to achieve self-realization would reside on cultivating their multiple creative forces. The argument here is that in this recent unfolding of nihilism, translated in the sense of nostalgia, the encounter between the mainstream western immersed on nihilism with migrants could create a sense of a shared temporary home, where these different ways of life could inspire each other to create new meanings. Indeed, contributing to the expansion of one’s world view, drives and forces. Therefore, fertilizing the soil for the cultivation of self-realization and consequently the creation of new values.

Keywords: migration, nihilism, nostalgia, self-realization

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