Search results for: incremental innovation product and/service
7376 Islamic Banking in Ghana: Prospects and Challenges
Authors: Shaibu Ali, Sherif Heiman Shaban, Musah Ismaila, Imoro Alhassan, Yusif Ali
Purpose: Islamic banking and finance is one of the most rapidly growing segments of the global finance industry. Starting with the Dubai Islamic Bank in 1975, the number of Islamic financial institutions worldwide has shot up astronomically, to over three hundred, with operations in seventy-five countries and assets in excess of US$400 billion. The purpose of this study is to explore the prospects and challenges of Islamic banking introduction in a non-Islamic country like Ghana. Design/Methodology: Data for the study was collected via an expert opinion of three Islamic scholars on Islamic banking from Ghana. Findings: Findings from this study indicates some of the benefits of Islamic banking includes connecting financial markets and economic activity, promoting the principle of financial justice, greater stability, avoiding economic bubbles (and bursts) and reducing the impact of harmful products and practices. The study also identified lack of experts in various fields of Islamic banking, product innovation, moral hazard, and need for experienced staff in Islamic banking as some of the challenges to Islamic banking system’s introduction. Contribution: The study contributes to literature on Islamic banking from a non-Islamic country like Ghana.Keywords: Islamic banking, Shari’ah, Riba, conventional banking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1787375 Interaction Design In Home Appliance: An Integrated Approach InKanseiAnd Hedonomic “Cases: Rice Cooker, Juicer, Mixer”
Authors: Sara Mostowfi, Hassan Sadeghinaeini, Sana Behnamasl, Leila Ensaniat, Maryam Mostafaee
Nowadays, most of product producers, e.g. home appliance, electronic machines and vehicles focus on quality and comfort, and promise consumers ease of use and pleasurable experiences during product using. Consumers make their purchase decisions according to two needs: functional and emotional needs. Functional needs are fulfilled by product functionality, besides emotional needs are related to psychologists’ aspects of production. Emotions are distinctive elements which should be added to products and services to lead them up. In this case, the authors’ survey conducted pleasurable and hedonomic aspects in products of a home appliance company in Iran. In this regard, three samples of home appliance were selected: mixer, rice cooker, iron. Fifteen women (20-60) participated in this study. Every user evaluated each product by questionnaire based on 7 point semantic differential scale. After analyzing the results with statistical methods, results showed that 90% of users aren’t satisfied with hedonic and pleasurable criteria in interaction with these products. They notified that regarding hedonomics and pleasurable criteria’s they will have better ease of use and functionality. Our findings show a significant association between products’ features and user satisfaction. It seems that industrial design has a significant impression on the company’s products and with regard the pleasurable criteria the company sales will be more successful.Keywords: home appliance, interaction, pleasure, hedonomy, ergonomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3837374 Language Choice and Language Maintenance of Northeastern Thai Staff in Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Authors: Napasri Suwanajote
The purposes of this research were to analyze and evaluate successful factors in OTOP production process for the developing of learning center on OTOP production process based on Sufficiency Economic Philosophy for sustainable life quality. The research has been designed as a qualitative study to gather information from 30 OTOP producers in Bangkontee District, Samudsongkram Province. They were all interviewed on 3 main parts. Part 1 was about the production process including 1) production, 2) product development, 3) the community strength, 4) marketing possibility, and 5) product quality. Part 2 evaluated appropriate successful factors including 1) the analysis of the successful factors, 2) evaluate the strategy based on Sufficiency Economic Philosophy, and 3) the model of learning center on OTOP production process based on Sufficiency Economic Philosophy for sustainable life quality. The results showed that the production did not affect the environment with potential in continuing standard quality production. They used the raw materials in the country. On the aspect of product and community strength in the past 1 year, it was found that there was no appropriate packaging showing product identity according to global market standard. They needed the training on packaging especially for food and drink products. On the aspect of product quality and product specification, it was found that the products were certified by the local OTOP standard. There should be a responsible organization to help the uncertified producers pass the standard. However, there was a problem on food contamination which was hazardous to the consumers. The producers should cooperate with the government sector or educational institutes involving with food processing to reach FDA standard. The results from small group discussion showed that the community expected high education and better standard living. Some problems reported by the community included informal debt and drugs in the community. There were 8 steps in developing the model of learning center on OTOP production process based on Sufficiency Economic Philosophy for sustainable life quality.Keywords: production process, OTOP, sufficiency economic philosophy, language choice
Procedia PDF Downloads 2387373 The Role of Dialogue in Shared Leadership and Team Innovative Behavior Relationship
Authors: Ander Pomposo
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact that dialogue has on the relationship between shared leadership and innovative behavior and the importance of dialogue in innovation. This study wants to contribute to the literature by providing theorists and researchers a better understanding of how to move forward in the studies of moderator variables in the relationship between shared leadership and team outcomes such as innovation. Methodology: A systematic review of the literature, originally adopted from the medical sciences but also used in management and leadership studies, was conducted to synthesize research in a systematic, transparent and reproducible manner. A final sample of 48 empirical studies was scientifically synthesized. Findings: Shared leadership gives a better solution to team management challenges and goes beyond the classical, hierarchical, or vertical leadership models based on the individual leader approach. One of the outcomes that emerge from shared leadership is team innovative behavior. To intensify the relationship between shared leadership and team innovative behavior, and understand when is more effective, the moderating effects of other variables in this relationship should be examined. This synthesis of the empirical studies revealed that dialogue is a moderator variable that has an impact on the relationship between shared leadership and team innovative behavior when leadership is understood as a relational process. Dialogue is an activity between at least two speech partners trying to fulfill a collective goal and is a way of living open to people and ideas through interaction. Dialogue is productive when team members engage relationally with one another. When this happens, participants are more likely to take responsibility for the tasks they are involved and for the relationships they have with others. In this relational engagement, participants are likely to establish high-quality connections with a high degree of generativity. This study suggests that organizations should facilitate the dialogue of team members in shared leadership which has a positive impact on innovation and offers a more adaptive framework for the leadership that is needed in teams working in complex work tasks. These results uncover the necessity of more research on the role that dialogue plays in contributing to important organizational outcomes such as innovation. Case studies describing both best practices and obstacles of dialogue in team innovative behavior are necessary to gain a more detailed insight into the field. It will be interesting to see how all these fields of research evolve and are implemented in dialogue practices in the organizations that use team-based structures to deal with uncertainty, fast-changing environments, globalization and increasingly complex work.Keywords: dialogue, innovation, leadership, shared leadership, team innovative behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 1837372 Model-Based Approach as Support for Product Industrialization: Application to an Optical Sensor
Authors: Frederic Schenker, Jonathan J. Hendriks, Gianluca Nicchiotti
In a product industrialization perspective, the end-product shall always be at the peak of technological advancement and developed in the shortest time possible. Thus, the constant growth of complexity and a shorter time-to-market calls for important changes on both the technical and business level. Undeniably, the common understanding of the system is beclouded by its complexity which leads to the communication gap between the engineers and the sale department. This communication link is therefore important to maintain and increase the information exchange between departments to ensure a punctual and flawless delivery to the end customer. This evolution brings engineers to reason with more hindsight and plan ahead. In this sense, they use new viewpoints to represent the data and to express the model deliverables in an understandable way that the different stakeholder may identify their needs and ideas. This article focuses on the usage of Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) in a perspective of system industrialization and reconnect the engineering with the sales team. The modeling method used and presented in this paper concentrates on displaying as closely as possible the needs of the customer. Firstly, by providing a technical solution to the sales team to help them elaborate commercial offers without omitting technicalities. Secondly, the model simulates between a vast number of possibilities across a wide range of components. It becomes a dynamic tool for powerful analysis and optimizations. Thus, the model is no longer a technical tool for the engineers, but a way to maintain and solidify the communication between departments using different views of the model. The MBSE contribution to cost optimization during New Product Introduction (NPI) activities is made explicit through the illustration of a case study describing the support provided by system models to architectural choices during the industrialization of a novel optical sensor.Keywords: analytical model, architecture comparison, MBSE, product industrialization, SysML, system thinking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1617371 Urban Forest Innovation Lab as a Driver to Boost Forest Bioeconomy
Authors: Carmen Avilés Palacios, Camilo Muñoz Arenas, Joaquín García Alfonso, Jesús González Arteaga, Alberto Alcalde Calonge
There is a need for review of the consumption and production models of industrialized states in accordance with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (1) (OECD, 2016). This constitutes the basis of the bioeconomy (2) that is focused on striking a balance between economic development, social development and environmental protection. Bioeconomy promotes the adequate use and consumption of renewable natural resources (3) and involves developing new products and services adapted to the principles of circular economy: more sustainable (reusable, biodegradable, renewable and recyclable) and with a lower carbon footprint (4). In this context, Urban Forest Innovation Lab (UFIL) grows, an Urban Laboratory for experimentation focused on promoting entrepreneurship in forest bioeconomy ( UFIL generates local wellness taking sustainable advantage of an endogenous asset, forests. UFIL boosts forest bioeconomy opening its doors of knowledge to pioneers in this field, giving the opportunity to be an active part of a change in the way of understanding the exploitation of natural resources, discovering business, learning strategies and techniques and incubating business ideas So far now, 100 entrepreneurs are incubating their nearly 30 new business plans. UFIL has promoted an ecosystem to connect the rural-urban world that promotes sustainable rural development around the forest.Keywords: bioeconomy, forestry, innovation, entrepreneurship
Procedia PDF Downloads 1187370 Towards Natively Context-Aware Web Services
Authors: Hajer Taktak, Faouzi Moussa
With the ubiquitous computing’s emergence and the evolution of enterprises’ needs, one of the main challenges is to build context-aware applications based on Web services. These applications have become particularly relevant in the pervasive computing domain. In this paper, we introduce our approach that optimizes the use of Web services with context notions when dealing with contextual environments. We focus particularly on making Web services autonomous and natively context-aware. We implement and evaluate the proposed approach with a pedagogical example of a context-aware Web service treating temperature values.Keywords: context-aware, CXF framework, ubiquitous computing, web service
Procedia PDF Downloads 3627369 Efficacy of Microwave against Oryzaephilus Mercator Pest Infesting Dried Figs and Evaluation of the Product Color Changes Using an Image Processing Technique
Authors: Reza Sadeghi
In this study, microwave heating was employed for controlling Oryzaephilus mercator. adults infesting stored Iranian dried fig. For this purpose, the dried fig samples were artificially infested with O. mercator and then heated in a microwave oven (2450 MHz) at the power outputs of 450, 720, and 900 W for 10, 20, 30, and 40 s, respectively. Subsequently, changes in the colors of the product samples under the effects of the varied microwave applications were investigated in terms of lightness (ΔL*), redness (Δa*), and yellowness (Δb*) using an image processing technique. The results revealed that both parameters of microwave power and exposure time had significant impacts on the pest mortality rates (p<0.01). In fact, a direct positive relationship was obtained between the mortality rate and microwave irradiation power. Complete mortality was achieved for the pest at the power of 900 W and exposure time of 40 s. The dried fig samples experienced fewer changes in their color parameters. Considering the successful pest control and acceptable changes in the product quality, microwave irradiation can be introduced as an appropriate alternative to chemical fumigants.Keywords: colorimetric assay, microwave heating, Oryzaephilus mercator, mortality
Procedia PDF Downloads 897368 Dynamic Self-Scheduling of Pumped-Storage Power Plant in Energy and Ancillary Service Markets Using Sliding Window Technique
Authors: P. Kanakasabapathy, S. Radhika
In the competitive electricity market environment, the profit of the pumped-storage plant in the energy market can be maximized by operating it as a generator, when market clearing price is high and as a pump, to pump water from lower reservoir to upper reservoir, when the price is low. An optimal self-scheduling plan has been developed for a pumped-storage plant, carried out on weekly basis in order to maximize the profit of the plant, keeping into account of all the major uncertainties such as the sudden ancillary service delivery request and the price forecasting errors. For a pumped storage power plant to operate in a real time market successive self-scheduling has to be done by considering the forecast of the day-ahead market and the modified reservoir storage due to the ancillary service request of the previous day. Sliding Window Technique has been used for successive self-scheduling to ensure profit for the plant.Keywords: ancillary services, BPSO, power system economics, self-scheduling, sliding window technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 4017367 Analytical Study of Applying the Account Aggregation Approach in E-Banking Services
Authors: A. Al Drees, A. Alahmari, R. Almuwayshir
The advanced information technology is becoming an important factor in the development of financial services industry, especially the banking industry. It has introduced new ways of delivering banking to the customer, such as Internet Banking. Banks began to look at electronic banking (e-banking) as a means to replace some of their traditional branch functions using the Internet as a new distribution channel. Some consumers have at least more than one account, and across banks, and access these accounts using e-banking services. To look at the current net worth position, customers have to login to each of their accounts and get the details and work on consolidation. This not only takes ample time but it is a repetitive activity at a specified frequency. To address this point, an account aggregation concept is added as a solution. E-banking account aggregation, as one of the e-banking types, appeared to build a stronger relationship with customers. Account Aggregation Service generally refers to a service that allows customers to manage their bank accounts maintained in different institutions through a common Internet banking operating a platform, with a high concern to security and privacy. This paper presents an overview of an e-banking account aggregation approach as a new service in the e-banking field.Keywords: e-banking, account aggregation, security, enterprise development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3327366 Development of Value Added Product Based on Millets and Hemp Seed (cannabis sativa L.)
Authors: Khushi Kashyap, Pratibha Singh
In the recent years increasing interest in vegetarian diets has been observed, a major problem in this type of diet is to provide the appropriate amount of protein .Value addition of food is current most talked topic because of increasing nutritional awareness among consumers today. An investigation was conducted to develop protein rich multi-millet hemp seed khakhra. The seeds of cannabis sativa L. have been a significant source of food for thousand of year. In recent years, hemp has not been thoroughly explored for its nutritional potential due to the mistaken belief regarding the cannabis plants. Methodology- two variations was prepared referencing standard recipe. Variation 1 was prepared using 25g ragi, 25g bajra,40g whole wheat flour with 10g hemp seed powder, variation 2(RF-25g,BF25g,WWF-35g,HS-15g). The product was subjected to sensory evolution by semi trained panel members using 9 point hedonic on 50 panelists. Result- result of the sensory evaluation revealed that the product incorporated with 15g of hemp seed were similar to control I texture, taste and overall quality and was more acceptable by the panelist and was selected as final product seed. On estimation of the nutrient content 30g of khakhra provides 107kcal of energy,12g protein,75g carbohydrate, and 9.6g of fats with shelf life of 3 months. Conclusion- khakhras can be eaten as a snack at any time of the day. hemp seed powder incorporated in it enhances its nutritive value and makes it more nutritious. It is suitable for consumption of all the age group.Keywords: cannabis sativa, hemp, protein, seed
Procedia PDF Downloads 917365 Information and Communication Technology Application in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic in Effective Service Delivery in Schools
Authors: Odigie Veronica
The paper focused on the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in effective service delivery in view of the ongoing COVID-19 experience. It adopted the exploratory research method with three research objectives captured. Consequently, the objectives were to ascertain the meaning of online education, understand the concept of COVID-19 and to determine the relevance of online education in effective service delivery in institutions of learning. It is evident from the findings that through ICT, online mode of learning can be adopted in schools which helps greatly in promoting continual education. Online mode of education is practiced online; it brings both the teacher and learners from different places together, without any physical boundary/contact (at least 75%); and has helped greatly in human development in countries where it has been practiced. It is also a welcome development owing to its many benefits such as exposure to digital learning, having access to works of great teachers and educationists such as Socrates, Plato, Dewey, R.S. Peters, J. J. Rosseau, Nnamdi Azikwe, Carol Gilligan, J. I. Omoregbe, Jane Roland Martin, Jean Piaget, among others; and the facilitation of uninterrupted learning for class promotion and graduation of students. Developing the learners all round is part of human development which helps in developing a nation. These and many more are some benefits online education offers which make ICT very relevant in our contemporary societyKeywords: online education, COVID-19 pandemic, effective service delivery, human development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1017364 Design of a New Vegetable Snack
Authors: Patricia Calvo, Francisco M. Sánchez, María J. Rodríguez
Nowadays, food intake is becoming more irregular due to changes in family organization and lifestyle. Snacking is part of the day-to-day lives of people, however, most of the snacks have a high saturated fat, salt and refined sugar content; these dietary factors are believed to have negative health consequences. For this reason, there has been an increase in consumer demand for healthy, natural and convenient foods, so the development of a significant portion of new products focuses on improving the nutritional value of food snacks through modification its nutritional composition. In this paper, a new product made from vegetables has been designed. This new product would be an ideal food format to include ingredients with positive health benefits.Keywords: healthy, pepper, dried, carotenes, polyphenols
Procedia PDF Downloads 3797363 Motivational Strategies and Job Satisfaction as Correlates of Library Service Delivery in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Southwest Nigeria
Authors: Esther Kelechi Soyele
Job satisfaction is the expression of an organisation's fulfillment of work output. In order to achieve effective job satisfaction, the motivation of employees is very essential in stimulating their obligation towards their work. The study examined the motivational strategies, job satisfaction as a correlation of library service delivery in some selected tertiary institutions in southwest Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. A simple random sampling method was employed to select 200 library staff consisting of both library professionals and para-professionals. Two hundred (200) questionnaires were given out, but only one hundred and twenty-nine 129 (96% response rate) were used for the study. Both simple percentage and one and two way ANOVA was used for data analysis. Findings revealed that 60.4% of the respondents were males while 39.6% were female; most of the respondents’ relatively belong to the age group of 31-40 and 41-50, 93.3% were within the age range of 21-50 years, and 43.2 % were M.Sc degree holders. The result revealed a (p < 0.05) significant relationship between work motivational strategies and library service delivery. The results also revealed that motivational development program strategies and job satisfaction have (p < 0.05) a positive significant relationship with library service delivery. It was concluded that work motivation strategies are essential for job satisfaction which is very important in any organization in the attainment of its goals and objectives and helps in maintaining a high standard. The study recommended that more incentive plans that will enhance job satisfaction should be put in place to encourage employees to be more active in carrying out their job effectively.Keywords: job satisfaction, library, library services, motivational strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 2217362 A Qualitative Approach to Engineering Design Issues, Problems, and Solutions
Authors: M. U. Arshid, M. A. Kamal
The engineering design process is the activities formulation, to help an engineer raising a plan with a specified goal and performance. The engineering design process is a multi-stage course of action including the conceptualization, research, feasibility studies, establishment of design parameters, preliminary and finally the detailed design. It is a progression from the abstract to the concrete; starting with probably abstract ideas about need, and thereafter elaborating detailed specifications of the object that would satisfy the needs, identified. Engineering design issues, problems, and solutions are discussed in this paper using qualitative approach from an information structure perspective. The objective is to identify the problems, to analyze them and propose solutions by integrating; innovation, practical experience, time and resource management, communications skills, isolating the problem in coordination with all stakeholders. Consequently, this would be beneficial for the engineering community to improve the Engineering design practices.Keywords: engineering design, engineering design issues, innovation, public sector projects
Procedia PDF Downloads 3487361 A Bi-Objective Model to Optimize the Total Time and Idle Probability for Facility Location Problem Behaving as M/M/1/K Queues
Authors: Amirhossein Chambari
This article proposes a bi-objective model for the facility location problem subject to congestion (overcrowding). Motivated by implementations to locate servers in internet mirror sites, communication networks, one-server-systems, so on. This model consider for situations in which immobile (or fixed) service facilities are congested (or queued) by stochastic demand to behave as M/M/1/K queues. We consider for this problem two simultaneous perspectives; (1) Customers (desire to limit times of accessing and waiting for service) and (2) Service provider (desire to limit average facility idle-time). A bi-objective model is setup for facility location problem with two objective functions; (1) Minimizing sum of expected total traveling and waiting time (customers) and (2) Minimizing the average facility idle-time percentage (service provider). The proposed model belongs to the class of mixed-integer nonlinear programming models and the class of NP-hard problems. In addition, to solve the model, controlled elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithms (Controlled NSGA-II) and controlled elitist non-dominated ranking genetic algorithms (NRGA-I) are proposed. Furthermore, the two proposed metaheuristics algorithms are evaluated by establishing standard multiobjective metrics. Finally, the results are analyzed and some conclusions are given.Keywords: bi-objective, facility location, queueing, controlled NSGA-II, NRGA-I
Procedia PDF Downloads 5847360 Drying of Agro-Industrial Wastes Using an Indirect Solar Dryer
Authors: N. Metidji, N. Kasbadji Merzouk, O. Badaoui, R. Sellami, A. Djebli
The Agro-industry is considered as one of the most waste producing industrial fields as a result of food processing. Upgrading and reuse of these wastes as animal or poultry food seems to be a promising alternative. Combined with the use of clean energy resources, the recovery process would contribute more to the environment protection. It is in this framework that a new solar dryer has been designed in the Unit of Solar Equipments Development. Indirect solar drying has, also, many advantages compared to natural sun drying. In fact, the first does not cause product degradation as it is protected by the drying chamber from direct sun, insects and exterior environment. The aim of this work is to study the drying kinetics of waste, generated during the processing of orange to make fruit juice, by using an indirect forced convection solar dryer at 50 °C and 60 °C, the rate of moisture removal from the product to be dried has been found to be directly related to temperature, humidity and flow rate. The characterization of these parameters has allowed the determination of the appropriate drying time for this product namely orange waste.Keywords: solar energy, solar dryer, energy conversion, orange drying, forced convection solar dryer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3567359 Engaging Citizen, Sustaining Service Delivery of Rural Water Supply in Indonesia
Authors: Rahmi Yetri Kasri, Paulus Wirutomo
Citizen engagement approach has become increasingly important in the rural water sector. However, the question remains as to what exactly is meant by citizen engagement and how this approach can lead to sustainable service delivery. To understand citizen engagement, this paper argues that we need to understand basic elements of social life that consist of social structure, process, and culture within the realm of community’s living environment. Extracting from empirical data from Pamsimas villages in rural West Java, Indonesia, this paper will identify basic elements of social life and environment that influence and form the engagement of citizen and government in delivering and sustaining rural water supply services in Indonesia. Pamsimas or the Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities project is the biggest rural water program in Indonesia, implemented since 1993 in more than 27,000 villages. The sustainability of this sector is explored through a rural water supply service delivery life-cycle, starts with capital investment, operational and maintenance, asset expansion or renewal, strategic planning for future services and matching cost with financing. Using mixed-method data collection in case study research, this paper argues that increased citizen engagement contributes to a more sustainable rural water service delivery.Keywords: citizen engagement, rural water supply, sustainability, Indonesia
Procedia PDF Downloads 2707358 Case Analysis of Bamboo Based Social Enterprises in India-Improving Profitability and Sustainability
Authors: Priyal Motwani
The current market for bamboo products in India is about Rs. 21000 crores and is highly unorganised and fragmented. In this study, we have closely analysed the structure and functions of a major bamboo craft based organisation in Kerela, India and elaborated about its value chain, product mix, pricing strategy and supply chain, collaborations and competitive landscape. We have identified six major bottlenecks that are prevalent in such organisations, based on the Indian context, in relation to their product mix, asset management, and supply chain- corresponding waste management and retail network. The study has identified that the target customers for the bamboo based products and alternative revenue streams (eco-tourism, microenterprises, training), by carrying out secondary and primary research (5000 sample space), that can boost the existing revenue by 150%. We have then recommended an optimum product mix-covering premium, medium and low valued processing, for medium sized bamboo based organisations, in accordance with their capacity to maximize their revenue potential. After studying such organisations and their counter parts, the study has established an optimum retail network, considering B2B, B2C physical and online retail, to maximize their sales to their target groups. On the basis of the results obtained from the analysis of the future and present trends, our study gives recommendations to improve the revenue potential of bamboo based organisation in India and promote sustainability.Keywords: bamboo, bottlenecks, optimization, product mix, retail network, value chain
Procedia PDF Downloads 2177357 Inclusive Practices in Physical Education: A Survey of Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes and Self-Efficacy in the Context of Teachers' Training
Authors: Teresa M. Odipo
Inclusive physical education and an inclusive educational approach in German schools have received much attention in recent years due to the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities proposals, which came into force in Germany in 2009. The aim of inclusive PE is to include children with disabilities and able bodied children, based on the idea, that all children should attend school together. While PE mostly took place in a heterogeneous environment, introducing children with all kinds of disabilities posed more challenges to the teachers, when children with disabilities were included. Therefore it is important that the educational approach should include pre-service teachers’ (PST) self-efficacy for and their attitudes towards inclusive practices. The PSTs’ self-efficacy for inclusive practices is one of the strongest predictors of the success of the inclusion reforms introduced in 2009, in order to improve PSTs’ ability to handle these very new challenges. PE stands out because the very nature of sport involves the body which means that all children, especially those with special needs should be treated in an appropriate manner. Up till now, it has been mostly English-speaking countries that have been assessed for inclusive practices in PE. Due to the lack of research in Germany, there is a strong need to question PSTs’ prepared-ness. This paper presents results from the 2016 survey conducted on around 100 PSTs by the German University of Sports in Cologne and opens up new directions within PSTs’ education, concerning their attitudes and self-efficacy towards inclusive PE. These new aspects will be included in the construction of new learning and teaching tools to improve pre-service teachers’ education for inclusive Physical Education.Keywords: attitudes, inclusive physical education, pre-service teachers, self-efficacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3537356 Stakeholder Analysis of Agricultural Drone Policy: A Case Study of the Agricultural Drone Ecosystem of Thailand
Authors: Thanomsin Chakreeves, Atichat Preittigun, Ajchara Phu-ang
This paper presents a stakeholder analysis of agricultural drone policies that meet the government's goal of building an agricultural drone ecosystem in Thailand. Firstly, case studies from other countries are reviewed. The stakeholder analysis method and qualitative data from the interviews are then presented including data from the Institute of Innovation and Management, the Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council, agricultural entrepreneurs and farmers. Study and interview data are then employed to describe the current ecosystem and to guide the implementation of agricultural drone policies that are suitable for the ecosystem of Thailand. Finally, policy recommendations are then made that the Thai government should adopt in the future.Keywords: drone public policy, drone ecosystem, policy development, agricultural drone
Procedia PDF Downloads 1497355 Integrating Lessons in Sustainable Development and Sustainability in Undergraduate Education: The CLASIC Way
Authors: Intan Azura Mokhtar, Yaacob Ibrahim
In recent years, learning about sustainable development and sustainability has become an increasingly significant component in universities’ degree programmes and curricula. As the world comes together and races to fulfil the 17 United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs) by the year 2030, our educational curricula and landscapes simultaneously evolve to integrate lessons and opportunities for sustainable development and sustainability to redefine our university education and set the trajectory for our young people to take the lead in co-creating solutions for a better world. In this paper, initiatives and projects that revolved around themes of sustainable development and sustainability in a young university in Singapore are discussed. These initiatives and projects were curated by a new centre in the university that focuses on community leadership, social innovation, and service learning and was led by the university’s academic staff. The university’s undergraduate students were also involved in these initiatives and projects and played an active role in reaching out to and engaging members of different segments of the community – to better understand their needs and concerns and to co-create with them relevant and sustainable solutions that generate positive social impact.Keywords: singapore, sustainable development, sustainability, undergraduate education
Procedia PDF Downloads 987354 Study on the Effect of Sports Academic Journals in the Construction of Strong Sporting Nation in China
Authors: Qinghui Li, Lei Zhang
In China, sport will play a more important role in the future development of the national economy, are facing greater challenges. Sports industry development in this background,innovative technology and cultural forces which will play an important role. Therefore, as a guide of sports culture, the development of science and technology, display the sports scientific and technological achievements, culture showed important - Sports Academic Journals sports technology platform of talent, but also innovation and value-added will through its value function,play an important role in the development of China's sports development and sports industry. At the same time, in the Chinese academic journals of social environment has undergone great changes,one aspect is the national news publishing system reform, change, development group of scientific publishing market has become the mainstream trend of development; on the other hand, digitalization, internationalization development speed of academic journal soon, in such a social background, how sports academic journal of development? How to serve for the development of sports? This research will be based on the sports academic journals in the past, the development status and characteristics and now plays in the history and context of modern academic value and social value, to explore the new era background, especially the development of the reform of the cultural system, marketization and the digital innovation situation of sports academic periodical show in sports, sports industry development and play a more important role in study.Keywords: sports academin journals, strong sporting nation, innovation, China
Procedia PDF Downloads 5037353 Horizontal Circular Curve Computations Using a Developed Calculator
Authors: Adil Hassabo
In this paper, a horizontal circular curve computations calculator is developed in Microsoft Windows. The developed calculator can be used for determining the necessary information required for setting out horizontal curves. Three methods are applied in the developed program namely: incremental chord method, total chord method, and the coordinates method. Computations of horizontal curves by the developed calculator is faster, easier, accurate, and less subject to errors comparable to the traditional method of calculations. Finally, the results obtained by the traditional method and by the developed calculator are presented for checking the behavior of the developed calculator.Keywords: calculator, circular, computations, curve
Procedia PDF Downloads 1627352 Optimizing Availability of Marine Knowledge Repository with Cloud-Based Framework
Authors: Ahmad S. Mohd Noor, Emma A. Sirajudin, Nur F. Mat Zain
Reliability is an important property for knowledge repository system. National Marine Bioinformatics System or NABTICS is a marine knowledge repository portal aimed to provide a baseline for marine biodiversity and a tool for researchers and developers. It is intended to be a large and growing online database and also a metadata system for inputs of research analysis. The trends of present large distributed systems such as Cloud computing are the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product. The goal of this research is to make NABTICS a system of greater availability by integrating it with Cloud based Neighbor Replication and Failure Recovery (NRFR). This can be achieved by implementation of NABTICS into distributed environment. As a result, the user can experience minimum downtime while using the system should the server is having a failure. Consequently the online database application is said to be highly available.Keywords: cloud, availability, distributed system, marine repository, database replication
Procedia PDF Downloads 4727351 Relationship Between Expectation (Before) and Satisfaction (After) Receiving Services of Thai Consumers from Domestic Low-Cost Airlines
Authors: Sittichai Charoensettasilp, Chong Wu
This study employs sampling of 400 Thai people who live in Bangkok and have used air transportation to travel. A random convenience sampling technique is used to collect data. The results found that at 0.05 significance level the differences of means of Thai consumers’ expectations (before) and satisfaction (after) receiving services in the service marketing mix, the results of all aspects are different both in general and for each aspect of the service marketing mix. Average levels of expectations before receiving services are higher than satisfaction after receiving services in all aspects, as well. When analyzing further to the correlation between average means, the means of expectations before receiving services are higher than those of satisfaction after receiving services in general. As in all aspects of the service marketing mix, any aspect that has a big difference between expectations before receiving services and satisfaction after receiving services has low correlation.Keywords: domestic low-cost airlines, Thai consumers, relationship, expectation before receiving services, satisfaction after receiving services
Procedia PDF Downloads 4027350 Hotel Guests’ Service Fulfillment: Bangkok, Thailand
Authors: Numtana Ladplee, Cherif Haberih
The value of service evaluation depends critically on guests’ understanding of the evaluation objectives and their roles. The present research presents a three-phase investigation of the impact of evaluating participants’ theories about their roles: (a) identifying the theories, (b) testing the process consequences of participants’ role theories, and (c) gaining insights into the impact of participants’ role theories by testing key moderator/s. The findings of this study will hopefully indicate that (a) when forewarned of an upcoming evaluation task, consumers tend to believe that the evaluation objective is to identify aspects that need improvement, (b) this expectation produces a conscious attempt to identify negative aspects, although the encoding of attribute information is not affected, and (c) cognitive load during the evaluation experience greatly decreases the negativity of expected evaluations. The present study can be applied to other market research techniques and thereby improve our understanding of consumer inputs derived from market research. Such insights can help diminish biases produced by participants’ correct or incorrect theories regarding their roles.Keywords: fulfillment, hotel guests, service, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 2787349 Gluability of Bambusa balcooa and Bambusa vulgaris for Development of Laminated Panels
Authors: Daisy Biswas, Samar Kanti Bose, M. Mozaffar Hossain
The development of value added composite products from bamboo with the application of gluing technology can play a vital role in economic development and also in forest resource conservation of any country. In this study, the gluability of Bambusa balcooa and Bambusa vulgaris, two locally grown bamboo species of Bangladesh was assessed. As the culm wall thickness of bamboos decreases from bottom to top, a culm portion of up to 5.4 m and 3.6 m were used from the base of B. balcooa and B. vulgaris, respectively, to get rectangular strips of uniform thickness. The color of the B. vulgaris strips was yellowish brown and that of B. balcooa was reddish brown. The strips were treated in borax-boric, bleaching and carbonization for extending the service life of the laminates. The preservative treatments changed the color of the strips. Borax–boric acid treated strips were reddish brown. When bleached with hydrogen peroxide, the color of the strips turned into whitish yellow. Carbonization produced dark brownish strips having coffee flavor. Chemical constituents for untreated and treated strips were determined. B. vulgaris was more acidic than B. balcooa. Then the treated strips were used to develop three-layered bamboo laminated panel. Urea formaldehyde (UF) and polyvinyl acetate (PVA) were used as binder. The shear strength and abrasive resistance of the panel were evaluated. It was found that the shear strength of the UF-panel was higher than the PVA-panel for all treatments. Between the species, gluability of B. vulgaris was better and in some cases better than hardwood species. The abrasive resistance of B. balcooa is slightly higher than B. vulgaris; however, the latter was preferred as it showed well gluability. The panels could be used as structural panel, floor tiles, flat pack furniture component, and wall panel etc. However, further research on durability and creep behavior of the product in service condition is warranted.Keywords: Bambusa balcooa, Bambusa vulgaris, polyvinyl acetate, urea formaldehyde
Procedia PDF Downloads 2637348 Urban Metis Women’s Identity and Experiences with Health Services in Toronto, Ontario
Authors: Renee Monchalin
Métis peoples, while comprising over a third of the total Indigenous population in Canada, experience major gaps in health services that accommodate their cultural identities. This is problematic given Métis peoples experience severe disparities in health determinants and outcomes compared to the non-Indigenous Canadian population. At the same time, Métis are unlikely to engage in health services that do not value their cultural identities, often utilizing mainstream options. Given these contexts, this research aims to fill the culturally-safe health care gap for Métis peoples in Canada. It does this by engaging 56 urban Métis women who participated in a longitudinal cohort study, Our Health Counts (OHC) Toronto. Traditionally, Métis women were central to the health and well-being of their communities. However, due to decades of colonial legislation and forced land displacement, female narratives have been silenced, and Métis identities have been fractured. This has resulted in having direct implications on Métis people’s current health and access to health services. Solutions to filling the Métis health service gap may lie in the all too often unacknowledged or missing voices of Métis women. Through a conversational method, this research will explore urban Métis women’s perspectives on identity and their experiences with health services in Toronto. The goal of this research is to learn from urban Métis women on steps towards filling the health service gap. This research is currently in the data collection stage. Preliminary findings from the conversations will be disseminated. Policy recommendations for health service providers will be provided to better accommodate Métis people.Keywords: indigenous health, Metis health, urban, health service access, identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2187347 An Empirical Investigation of the Challenges of Secure Edge Computing Adoption in Organizations
Authors: Hailye Tekleselassie
Edge computing is a spread computing outline that transports initiative applications closer to data sources such as IoT devices or local edge servers, and possible happenstances would skull the action of new technologies. However, this investigation was attained to investigation the consciousness of technology and communications organization workers and computer users who support the service cloud. Surveys were used to achieve these objectives. Surveys were intended to attain these aims, and it is the functional using survey. Enquiries about confidence are also a key question. Problems like data privacy, integrity, and availability are the factors affecting the company’s acceptance of the service cloud.Keywords: IoT, data, security, edge computing
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