Search results for: hybrid operating rooms
2784 Connected Objects with Optical Rectenna for Wireless Information Systems
Authors: Chayma Bahar, Chokri Baccouch, Hedi Sakli, Nizar Sakli
Harvesting and transport of optical and radiofrequency signals are a topical subject with multiple challenges. In this paper, we present a Optical RECTENNA system. We propose here a hybrid system solar cell antenna for 5G mobile communications networks. Thus, we propose rectifying circuit. A parametric study is done to follow the influence of load resistance and input power on Optical RECTENNA system performance. Thus, we propose a solar cell antenna structure in the frequency band of future 5G standard in 2.45 GHz bands.Keywords: antenna, IoT, optical rectenna, solar cell
Procedia PDF Downloads 1792783 Factors Leading to Recividism
Authors: Maria Kralova, Michal Palecek
We have detected factors leading to recidivism (the Czech Republic data). The employment during imprisonment turned out to be the most significant predictor with a positive effect on reduction of a rate of recidivism. Accordingly, we mainly focus on this predictor and its economic consequences. Smart public policy can cut government costs dramatically as more than a half of prisoners in the Czech Republic are recidivists. The operating cost cut of the Czech prison service could be CZK 127,680,000 (USD 5,889,623) in 2013 if a public policy had been set smarter.Keywords: cost-cut, effective, optimal, public policy, reducing recidivism
Procedia PDF Downloads 5302782 Decarbonising Urban Building Heating: A Case Study on the Benefits and Challenges of Fifth-Generation District Heating Networks
Authors: Mazarine Roquet, Pierre Dewallef
The building sector, both residential and tertiary, accounts for a significant share of greenhouse gas emissions. In Belgium, partly due to poor insulation of the building stock, but certainly because of the massive use of fossil fuels for heating buildings, this share reaches almost 30%. To reduce carbon emissions from urban building heating, district heating networks emerge as a promising solution as they offer various assets such as improving the load factor, integrating combined heat and power systems, and enabling energy source diversification, including renewable sources and waste heat recovery. However, mainly for sake of simple operation, most existing district heating networks still operate at high or medium temperatures ranging between 120°C and 60°C (the socalled second and third-generations district heating networks). Although these district heating networks offer energy savings in comparison with individual boilers, such temperature levels generally require the use of fossil fuels (mainly natural gas) with combined heat and power. The fourth-generation district heating networks improve the transport and energy conversion efficiency by decreasing the operating temperature between 50°C and 30°C. Yet, to decarbonise the building heating one must increase the waste heat recovery and use mainly wind, solar or geothermal sources for the remaining heat supply. Fifth-generation networks operating between 35°C and 15°C offer the possibility to decrease even more the transport losses, to increase the share of waste heat recovery and to use electricity from renewable resources through the use of heat pumps to generate low temperature heat. The main objective of this contribution is to exhibit on a real-life test case the benefits of replacing an existing third-generation network by a fifth-generation one and to decarbonise the heat supply of the building stock. The second objective of the study is to highlight the difficulties resulting from the use of a fifth-generation, low-temperature, district heating network. To do so, a simulation model of the district heating network including its regulation is implemented in the modelling language Modelica. This model is applied to the test case of the heating network on the University of Liège's Sart Tilman campus, consisting of around sixty buildings. This model is validated with monitoring data and then adapted for low-temperature networks. A comparison of primary energy consumptions as well as CO2 emissions is done between the two cases to underline the benefits in term of energy independency and GHG emissions. To highlight the complexity of operating a lowtemperature network, the difficulty of adapting the mass flow rate to the heat demand is considered. This shows the difficult balance between the thermal comfort and the electrical consumption of the circulation pumps. Several control strategies are considered and compared to the global energy savings. The developed model can be used to assess the potential for energy and CO2 emissions savings retrofitting an existing network or when designing a new one.Keywords: building simulation, fifth-generation district heating network, low-temperature district heating network, urban building heating
Procedia PDF Downloads 852781 An Ensemble System of Classifiers for Computer-Aided Volcano Monitoring
Authors: Flavio Cannavo
Continuous evaluation of the status of potentially hazardous volcanos plays a key role for civil protection purposes. The importance of monitoring volcanic activity, especially for energetic paroxysms that usually come with tephra emissions, is crucial not only for exposures to the local population but also for airline traffic. Presently, real-time surveillance of most volcanoes worldwide is essentially delegated to one or more human experts in volcanology, who interpret data coming from different kind of monitoring networks. Unfavorably, the high nonlinearity of the complex and coupled volcanic dynamics leads to a large variety of different volcanic behaviors. Moreover, continuously measured parameters (e.g. seismic, deformation, infrasonic and geochemical signals) are often not able to fully explain the ongoing phenomenon, thus making the fast volcano state assessment a very puzzling task for the personnel on duty at the control rooms. With the aim of aiding the personnel on duty in volcano surveillance, here we introduce a system based on an ensemble of data-driven classifiers to infer automatically the ongoing volcano status from all the available different kind of measurements. The system consists of a heterogeneous set of independent classifiers, each one built with its own data and algorithm. Each classifier gives an output about the volcanic status. The ensemble technique allows weighting the single classifier output to combine all the classifications into a single status that maximizes the performance. We tested the model on the Mt. Etna (Italy) case study by considering a long record of multivariate data from 2011 to 2015 and cross-validated it. Results indicate that the proposed model is effective and of great power for decision-making purposes.Keywords: Bayesian networks, expert system, mount Etna, volcano monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 2472780 LIS Students’ Experience of Online Learning During Covid-19
Authors: Larasati Zuhro, Ida F Priyanto
Background: In March 2020, Indonesia started to be affected by Covid-19, and the number of victims increased slowly but surely until finally, the highest number of victims reached the highest—about 50,000 persons—for the daily cases in the middle of 2021. Like other institutions, schools and universities were suddenly closed in March 2020, and students had to change their ways of studying from face-to-face to online. This sudden changed affected students and faculty, including LIS students and faculty because they never experienced online classes in Indonesia due to the previous regulation that academic and school activities were all conducted onsite. For almost two years, school and academic activities were held online. This indeed has affected the way students learned and faculty delivered their courses. This raises the question of whether students are now ready for their new learning activities due to the covid-19 disruption. Objectives: this study was conducted to find out the impact of covid-19 pandemic on the LIS learning process and the effectiveness of online classes for students of LIS in Indonesia. Methodology: This was qualitative research conducted among LIS students at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The population are students who were studying for masters’program during covid-19 pandemic. Results: The study showed that students were ready with the online classes because they are familiar with the technology. However, the Internet and technology infrastructure do not always support the process of learning. Students mention slow WIFI is one factor that causes them not being able to study optimally. They usually compensate themselves by visiting a public library, a café, or any other places to get WIFI network. Noises come from the people surrounding them while they are studying online.Some students could not concentrate well when attending the online classes as they studied at home, and their families sometimes talk to other family members, or they asked the students while they are attending the online classes. The noise also came when they studied in a café. Another issue is that the classes were held in shorter time than that in the face-to-face. Students said they still enjoyed the onsite classes instead of online, although they do not mind to have hybrid model of learning. Conclusion: Pandemic of Covid-19 has changed the way students of LIS in Indonesia learn. They have experienced a process of migrating the way they learn from onsite to online. They also adapted their learning with the condition of internet access speed, infrastructure, and the environment. They expect to have hybrid classes in the future.Keywords: learning, LIS students, pandemic, covid-19
Procedia PDF Downloads 1302779 Electronics Thermal Management Driven Design of an IP65-Rated Motor Inverter
Authors: Sachin Kamble, Raghothama Anekal, Shivakumar Bhavi
Thermal management of electronic components packaged inside an IP65 rated enclosure is of prime importance in industrial applications. Electrical enclosure protects the multiple board configurations such as inverter, power, controller board components, busbars, and various power dissipating components from harsh environments. Industrial environments often experience relatively warm ambient conditions, and the electronic components housed in the enclosure dissipate heat, due to which the enclosures and the components require thermal management as well as reduction of internal ambient temperatures. Design of Experiments based thermal simulation approach with MOSFET arrangement, Heat sink design, Enclosure Volume, Copper and Aluminum Spreader, Power density, and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) type were considered to optimize air temperature inside the IP65 enclosure to ensure conducive operating temperature for controller board and electronic components through the different modes of heat transfer viz. conduction, natural convection and radiation using Ansys ICEPAK. MOSFET’s with the parallel arrangement, IP65 enclosure molded heat sink with rectangular fins on both enclosures, specific enclosure volume to satisfy the power density, Copper spreader to conduct heat to the enclosure, optimized power density value and selecting Aluminum clad PCB which improves the heat transfer were the contributors towards achieving a conducive operating temperature inside the IP-65 rated Motor Inverter enclosure. A reduction of 52 ℃ was achieved in internal ambient temperature inside the IP65 enclosure between baseline and final design parameters, which met the operative temperature requirements of the electronic components inside the IP-65 rated Motor Inverter.Keywords: Ansys ICEPAK, aluminium clad PCB, IP 65 enclosure, motor inverter, thermal simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1242778 Hybrid Knowledge Approach for Determining Health Care Provider Specialty from Patient Diagnoses
Authors: Erin Lynne Plettenberg, Jeremy Vickery
In an access-control situation, the role of a user determines whether a data request is appropriate. This paper combines vetted web mining and logic modeling to build a lightweight system for determining the role of a health care provider based only on their prior authorized requests. The model identifies provider roles with 100% recall from very little data. This shows the value of vetted web mining in AI systems, and suggests the impact of the ICD classification on medical practice.Keywords: electronic medical records, information extraction, logic modeling, ontology, vetted web mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 1742777 Technical Efficiency in Organic and Conventional Wheat Farms: Evidence from a Primary Survey from Two Districts of Ganga River Basin, India
Authors: S. P. Singh, Priya, Komal Sajwan
With the increasing spread of organic farming in India, costs, returns, efficiency, and social and environmental sustainability of organic vis-a-vis conventional farming systems have become topics of interest among agriculture scientists, economists, and policy analysts. A study on technical efficiency estimation under these farming systems, particularly in the Ganga River Basin, where the promotion of organic farming is incentivized, can help to understand whether the inputs are utilized to their maximum possible level and what measures can be taken to improve the efficiency. This paper, therefore, analyses the technical efficiency of wheat farms operating under organic and conventional farming systems. The study is based on a primary survey of 600 farms (300 organic ad 300 conventional) conducted in 2021 in two districts located in the Middle Ganga River Basin, India. Technical, managerial, and scale efficiencies of individual farms are estimated by applying the data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology. The per hectare value of wheat production is taken as an output variable, and values of seeds, human labour, machine cost, plant nutrients, farm yard manure (FYM), plant protection, and irrigation charges are considered input variables for estimating the farm-level efficiencies. The post-DEA analysis is conducted using the Tobit regression model to know the efficiency determining factors. The results show that technical efficiency is significantly higher in conventional than organic farming systems due to a higher gap in scale efficiency than managerial efficiency. Further, 9.8% conventional and only 1.0% organic farms are found operating at the most productive scale size (MPSS), and 99% organic and 81% conventional farms at IRS. Organic farms perform well in managerial efficiency, but their technical efficiency is lower than conventional farms, mainly due to their relatively lower scale size. The paper suggests that technical efficiency in organic wheat can be increased by upscaling the farm size by incentivizing group/collective farming in clusters.Keywords: organic, conventional, technical efficiency, determinants, DEA, Tobit regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1012776 Effectiveness of Virtual Escape Room in Biomimicry Producing Environmentally Friendly Attitudes and Learning
Authors: Vered Yeflach Wishkerman
This research follows the implementation of a virtual educational escape room (VEER) in Biomimicry for high school students (n=90) in order to expose them to the innovative field of biomimicry. The main idea behind biomimicry is that many of the wondrous solutions found in nature may be imitated by human technology and harnessed to different needs so that naturally occurring processes can become a source of knowledge for sustainable solutions. The escape room was developed by student trainers in order to teach Biomimicry through games. The room includes a variety of riddles, puzzles and movies in order to teach interdisciplinary subjects and different skills required in the 21st. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of the gaming experience on students' attitudes toward the learning process and their attitudes toward nature as derived from a virtual escape room game centered on the theme of biomimicry. Three instruments were used: (1) a pre-test and a post-test to measure pupils’ increase in knowledge, (2) a survey to collect their opinions (3) an interview with the pupils. The learning experience within the game influenced the pupils in both emotional and cognitive dimensions, thereby enhancing their motivation and competence. From the results, we learned that the players had positive attitudes towards the game and a high sense of flow. We also found evidence that the escape room contributed to the internalization of new knowledge and values, such as respect for nature and the awareness of nature's importance. Furthermore, the players also reported that they developed learning skills. We conclude that virtual escape rooms are a new tool for assembling new knowledge for the players. The room increased curiosity and engagement to learn new content. However, in order to achieve maximum benefit, we need good infrastructure in addition to interesting and challenging tasks.Keywords: biomimicry, virtual escape room, attitudes, learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 112775 Comparative Analysis of Feature Extraction and Classification Techniques
Authors: R. L. Ujjwal, Abhishek Jain
In the field of computer vision, most facial variations such as identity, expression, emotions and gender have been extensively studied. Automatic age estimation has been rarely explored. With age progression of a human, the features of the face changes. This paper is providing a new comparable study of different type of algorithm to feature extraction [Hybrid features using HAAR cascade & HOG features] & classification [KNN & SVM] training dataset. By using these algorithms we are trying to find out one of the best classification algorithms. Same thing we have done on the feature selection part, we extract the feature by using HAAR cascade and HOG. This work will be done in context of age group classification model.Keywords: computer vision, age group, face detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 3702774 Splinting in Plastic Surgery Hand Trauma Setting
Authors: Samar Mousa, Rebecca Shirley
Injuries to the hand account for 20% of all emergency department attendances, with an estimated annual treatment cost of over £100 million in the UK. Functional impairments as a result of hand injuries often necessitate absence from employment, resulting in reduced productivity estimated to incur an additional £600m loss to the UK economy. Appropriate and early management is vital to preserve anatomy, prevent stiffness and allow function. The initial assessment and management of hand injuries are usually undertaken by junior staff, many of whom have little or no training or experience in splinting hand fractures. In our plastic surgery department at Stoke Mandeville hospital Buckinghamshire trust, we carried out an audit project to detect errors in hand splinting in the period between April 2022 and July 2022 and find out measures to support junior doctors, nurses and hand therapists in providing the best possible care for hand trauma patients. Our standards were The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) standard of care in hand trauma, AO surgery reference and Stoke Mandeville hospital hand therapy mini protocol Feb 2022 During the period of 4 months, 5 cases were identified. Two cases of wrong splint choice, two cases of early removal of the splint and one tight splint that required change. In order to avoid those mistakes, a training program was given to junior doctors and nurses in collaboration with the hand therapy team regarding ways of splinting the hand in different injuries like fractures, tendons injuries, muscle injuries and ligamentous injuries. In addition to, a poster hung in the examination rooms and theatres to help junior doctors reach the correct decision.Keywords: splinting, hand trauma, plastic surgery, tendon injury, hand fracrture
Procedia PDF Downloads 882773 A Study of the Effects of Temperatures and Optimum pH on the Specific Methane Production of Perennial Ryegrass during Anaerobic Digestion Process under a Discontinuous Daily Feeding Condition
Authors: Uchenna Egwu, Paul Jonathan Sallis
Perennial ryegrass is an abundant renewable lignocellulosic biofuel feedstock for biomethane production through anaerobic digestion (AD). In this study, six anaerobic continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) were set up in three pairs. Each pair of the CSTRs was then used to study the effects of operating temperatures – psychrophilic, mesophilic, and thermophilic, and optimum pH on the specific methane production (SMP) of the ryegrass during AD under discontinuous daily feeding conditions. The reactors were fed at an organic loading rate (OLR) ranging from 1-1.5 kgVS.L⁻¹d⁻¹ and hydraulic residence time, HRT=20 days for 140 days. The pH of the digesters was maintained at the range of 6.8-7.2 using 1 M NH₄HCO₃ solution, but this was replaced with biomass ash-extracts from day 105-140. The results obtained showed that the mean SMP of ryegrass measured between HRT 3 and 4 were 318.4, 425.4 and 335 N L CH₄ kg⁻¹VS.d⁻¹ for the psychrophilic (25 ± 2°C), mesophilic (40 ± 1°C) and thermophilic (60 ± 1°C) temperatures respectively. It was also observed that the buffering ability of the reactors increased with operating temperature, probably due to an increase in the solubility of ammonium bicarbonate (NH₄HCO₃) with temperature. The reactors also achieved a mean VS destruction of 61.9, 68.5 and 63.5%, respectively, which signifies that the mesophilic reactors achieved the highest specific methane production (SMP), while the psychrophilic reactors achieved the lowest. None of the reactors attained steady-state condition due to the discontinuous daily feeding times, and therefore, such feeding practice may not be the most effective for maximum biogas production over long periods of time. The addition of NH₄HCO₃ as supplement provided a good buffering condition in these AD digesters, but the digesters failed in the long run due to inhibition from the accumulation of free ammonia, which later led to decrease in pH, acidification, and souring of the digesters. However, the addition of biomass ash extracts was shown to potentially revive failed AD reactors by providing an adequate buffering and essential trace nutrient supplements necessary for optimal bacterial growth.Keywords: anaerobic digestion, discontinuous feeding, perennial ryegrass, specific methane production, supplements, temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 1272772 Supply Chain of Energy Resources and Its Alternatives Due to the Arab Spring: The Case of Egyptian Natural Gas Flow to Jordan
Authors: Moh’d Anwer Al-Shboul
The year 2011 was a challenging year for Jordanian economy, which felt a variety of effects from the Arab Spring which took place in neighboring countries. Since February, 5th 2012, the Arab Gas Supply Pipeline, which carries natural gas from Egypt through the Sinai Peninsula and to Jordan and Israel, has been attacked more than 39 times. Jordan imported about 80 percent of its necessity of natural gas (about 250 million cubic feet of natural gas per day) from Egypt to generate particularly electricity, with the reminder of being produced locally. Jordan has utilized multiple alternatives to address the interruption of available natural gas supply from Egypt. The Jordanian distributed power plants now rely on the use of heavy fuel oil and diesel for electricity generation, in this case, it costs Jordan about four times than natural gas. The substitution of Egyptian natural gas supplies by fuel oil and diesel, coupled with the 32 percent rise in global fuel prices, has increased Jordan’s energy import bill by over 50 percent in 2011, reaching more than 16 percent of the 2011 GDP. The increase in the cost of electricity generation pushed the Jordanian economy to borrow from multiple internal and external resource channels, thus increasing the public debt. The Jordanian government’s short-term solution to the reduced natural gas supply from Egypt was alternatively purchasing the necessary quantities from some Gulf countries such as Qatar and/or Saudi Arabia, which can be imported with two possible methods. The first method is to rent a ship equipped with a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal, which is currently operating. The second method requires equipping the Aqaba port with an LNG terminal, which also currently is operating. In the long-term, a viable solution to depending on importing expensive and often unreliable natural gas supplies from surrounding countries is to depend more heavily on renewable supply energy, including solar, wind, and water energy.Keywords: energy supply resources, Arab spring, liquefied natural gas, pipeline, Jordan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1452771 Simulation-Based Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality and Comfort Control in Non-Residential Buildings
Authors: Torsten Schwan, Rene Unger
Simulation of thermal and electrical building performance more and more becomes part of an integrative planning process. Increasing requirements on energy efficiency, the integration of volatile renewable energy, smart control and storage management often cause tremendous challenges for building engineers and architects. This mainly affects commercial or non-residential buildings. Their energy consumption characteristics significantly distinguish from residential ones. This work focuses on the many-objective optimization problem indoor air quality and comfort, especially in non-residential buildings. Based on a brief description of intermediate dependencies between different requirements on indoor air treatment it extends existing Modelica-based building physics models with additional system states to adequately represent indoor air conditions. Interfaces to corresponding HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system and control models enable closed-loop analyzes of occupants' requirements and energy efficiency as well as profitableness aspects. A complex application scenario of a nearly-zero-energy school building shows advantages of presented evaluation process for engineers and architects. This way, clear identification of air quality requirements in individual rooms together with realistic model-based description of occupants' behavior helps to optimize HVAC system already in early design stages. Building planning processes can be highly improved and accelerated by increasing integration of advanced simulation methods. Those methods mainly provide suitable answers on engineers' and architects' questions regarding more exuberant and complex variety of suitable energy supply solutions.Keywords: indoor air quality, dynamic simulation, energy efficient control, non-residential buildings
Procedia PDF Downloads 2332770 The Social Psychology of Illegal Game Room Addiction in the Historic Chinatown District of Honolulu, Hawaii: Illegal Compulsive Gambling, Chinese-Polynesian Organized Crime Syndicates, Police Corruption, and Loan Sharking Rings
Authors: Gordon James Knowles
Historically the Chinatown district in Sandwich Islands has been plagued with the traditional vice crimes of illegal drugs, gambling, and prostitution since the early 1800s. However, a new form of psychologically addictive arcade style table gambling machines has become the dominant form of illegal revenue made in Honolulu, Hawaii. This study attempts to document the drive, desire, or will to play and wager with arcade style video gaming and understand the role of illegal game rooms in facilitating pathological gambling addiction. Indicators of police corruption by Chinese organized crime syndicates related to protection rackets, bribery, and pay-offs were revealed. Information fusion from a police science and sociological intelligence perspective indicates insurgent warfare is being waged on the streets of Honolulu by the People’s Republic of China. This state-sponsored communist terrorism in the Hawaiian Islands used “contactless” irregular warfare entailing: (1) the deployment of psychologically addictive gambling machines, (2) the distribution of the physically addictive fentanyl drug as a lethal chemical weapon, and (3) psychological warfare by circulating pro-China anti-American propaganda newspapers targeted at the small island populace.Keywords: Chinese and Polynesian organized crime, china daily newspaper, electronic arcade style table games, gaming technology addiction, illegal compulsive gambling, and police intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 742769 A Multi Cordic Architecture on FPGA Platform
Authors: Ahmed Madian, Muaz Aljarhi
Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC) is a unique digital computing unit intended for the computation of mathematical operations and functions. This paper presents a multi-CORDIC processor that integrates different CORDIC architectures on a single FPGA chip and allows the user to select the CORDIC architecture to proceed with based on what he wants to calculate and his/her needs. Synthesis show that radix 2 CORDIC has the lowest clock delay, radix 8 CORDIC has the highest LUT usage and lowest register usage while Hybrid Radix 4 CORDIC had the highest clock delay.Keywords: multi, CORDIC, FPGA, processor
Procedia PDF Downloads 4702768 Price Compensation Mechanism with Unmet Demand for Public-Private Partnership Projects
Public-private partnership (PPP), as an innovative way to provide infrastructures by the private sector, is being widely used throughout the world. Compared with the traditional mode, PPP emerges largely for merits of relieving public budget constraint and improving infrastructure supply efficiency by involving private funds. However, PPP projects are characterized by large scale, high investment, long payback period, and long concession period. These characteristics make PPP projects full of risks. One of the most important risks faced by the private sector is demand risk because many factors affect the real demand. If the real demand is far lower than the forecasting demand, the private sector will be got into big trouble because operating revenue is the main means for the private sector to recoup the investment and obtain profit. Therefore, it is important to study how the government compensates the private sector when the demand risk occurs in order to achieve Pareto-improvement. This research focuses on price compensation mechanism, an ex-post compensation mechanism, and analyzes, by mathematical modeling, the impact of price compensation mechanism on payoff of the private sector and consumer surplus for PPP toll road projects. This research first investigates whether or not price compensation mechanisms can obtain Pareto-improvement and, if so, then explores boundary conditions for this mechanism. The research results show that price compensation mechanism can realize Pareto-improvement under certain conditions. Especially, to make the price compensation mechanism accomplish Pareto-improvement, renegotiation costs of the government and the private sector should be lower than a certain threshold which is determined by marginal operating cost and distortionary cost of the tax. In addition, the compensation percentage should match with the price cut of the private investor when demand drops. This research aims to provide theoretical support for the government when determining compensation scope under the price compensation mechanism. Moreover, some policy implications can also be drawn from the analysis for better risk-sharing and sustainability of PPP projects.Keywords: infrastructure, price compensation mechanism, public-private partnership, renegotiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1812767 Hybrid Speciation and Morphological Differentiation in Senecio (Senecioneae, Asteraceae) from the Andes
Authors: Luciana Salomon
The Andes hold one of the highest plant species diversity in the world. How such diversity originated is one of the most intriguing questions in studies addressing the pattern of plant diversity worldwide. Recently, the explosive adaptive radiations found in high Andean groups have been pointed as major triggers of this spectacular diversity. The Andes are one of the most species-rich area for the largest genus from the Asteraceae family, Senecio. There, the genus presents an incredible variation in growth form and ecological niche space. If this diversity of Andean Senecio can be explained by a monophyletic origin and subsequent radiation has not been tested up to now. Previous studies trying to disentangle the evolutionary history of some Andean Senecio struggled with the relatively low resolution and support of the phylogenies, which is indicative of recently radiated groups. Using Hyb-Seq, a powerful approach is available to address phylogenetic questions in groups whose evolutionary histories are recent and rapid. This approach was used for Senecio to build a phylogenetic backbone on which to study the mechanisms shaping its hyper-diversity in the Andes, focusing on Senecio ser. Culcitium, an exclusively Andean and well circumscribed group presenting large morphological variation and which is widely distributed across the Andes. Hyb-Seq data for about 130 accessions of Seneciowas generated. Using standard data analysis work flows and a newly developed tool to utilize paralogs for phylogenetic reconstruction, robustness of the species treewas investigated. Fully resolved and moderately supported species trees were obtained, showing Senecio ser. Culcitium as monophyletic. Within this group, some species formed well-supported clades congruent with morphology, while some species would not have exclusive ancestry, in concordance with previous studies showing a geographic differentiation. Additionally, paralogs were detected for a high number of loci, indicating duplication events and hybridization, known to be common in Senecio ser. Culcitium might have lead to hybrid speciation. The rapid diversification of the group seems to have followed a south-north distribution throughout the Andes, having accelerated in the conquest of new habitats more recently available: i.e., Montane forest, Paramo, and Superparamo.Keywords: evolutionary radiations, andes, paralogy, hybridization, senecio
Procedia PDF Downloads 1292766 Inverse Scattering of Two-Dimensional Objects Using an Enhancement Method
Authors: A.R. Eskandari, M.R. Eskandari
A 2D complete identification algorithm for dielectric and multiple objects immersed in air is presented. The employed technique consists of initially retrieving the shape and position of the scattering object using a linear sampling method and then determining the electric permittivity and conductivity of the scatterer using adjoint sensitivity analysis. This inversion algorithm results in high computational speed and efficiency, and it can be generalized for any scatterer structure. Also, this method is robust with respect to noise. The numerical results clearly show that this hybrid approach provides accurate reconstructions of various objects.Keywords: inverse scattering, microwave imaging, two-dimensional objects, Linear Sampling Method (LSM)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3872765 Neoliberalism and Otherness: Convergences or Divergences?
Authors: Juliana Pereira Tigre
In the current critical debate on the process of globalization, on the one hand, arises the accusation that neoliberalism standardizes the so-called American way of life on the cultures of the world, operating as a system of subtle domination, expropriating and incorporating the other. On the other hand, it is defended that neoliberalism begins its career of political and economic order as a sensitive conception to the otherness, imposing itself at present due to its peaceful management of pluralism and defense of individual freedom. In this sense, this paper aims to discuss the extent to which the neoliberalism and the otherness converge or diverge in contemporaneity and the guiding principles of globalization.Keywords: otherness, globalization, neoliberalism, social sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 4312764 Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Selected Small Heat and Power Plants Operating in Poland
Authors: M. Stelmachowski, M. Wojtczak
The aim of the work was to assess the environmental impact of the selected small and medium-sized companies supplying heat and electricity to the cities with a population of about 50,000 inhabitants. Evaluation and comparison of the impact on the environment have been carried out for the three plants producing heat and two CHP plants with particular attention to emissions into the atmosphere and the impact of introducing a system of trading carbon emissions of these companies.Keywords: CO2 emission, district heating, heat and power plant, impact on environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 4802763 Decision Making for Industrial Engineers: From Phenomenon to Value
Authors: Ali Abbas
Industrial Engineering is a broad multidisciplinary field with intersections and applications in numerous areas. In out current environment, the path from a phenomenon to value involves numerous people with expertise in various areas including domain knowledge of a field and the ability to make decisions within an operating environment that lead to value creation. We propose some skills that industrial engineering programs should focus on, and argue that an industrial engineer is a decision maker instead of a problem solver.Keywords: decision analysis, problem-solving, value creation, industrial engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3742762 A Case Study on Theme-Based Approach in Health Technology Engineering Education: Customer Oriented Software Applications
Authors: Mikael Soini, Kari Björn
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Degree Programme provides full-time Bachelor-level undergraduate studies. ICT Degree Programme has seven different major options; this paper focuses on Health Technology. In Health Technology, a significant curriculum change in 2014 enabled transition from fragmented curriculum including dozens of courses to a new integrated curriculum built around three 30 ECTS themes. This paper focuses especially on the second theme called Customer Oriented Software Applications. From students’ point of view, the goal of this theme is to get familiar with existing health related ICT solutions and systems, understand business around health technology, recognize social and healthcare operating principles and services, and identify customers and users and their special needs and perspectives. This also acts as a background for health related web application development. Built web application is tested, developed and evaluated with real users utilizing versatile user centred development methods. This paper presents experiences obtained from the first implementation of Customer Oriented Software Applications theme. Student feedback was gathered with two questionnaires, one in the middle of the theme and other at the end of the theme. Questionnaires had qualitative and quantitative parts. Similar questionnaire was implemented in the first theme; this paper evaluates how the theme-based integrated curriculum has progressed in Health Technology major by comparing results between theme 1 and 2. In general, students were satisfied for the implementation, timing and synchronization of the courses, and the amount of work. However there is still room for development. Student feedback and teachers’ observations have been and will be used to develop the content and operating principles of the themes and whole curriculum.Keywords: engineering education, integrated curriculum, learning and teaching methods, learning experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 3212761 Radon-222 Concentration and Potential Risk to Workers of Al-Jalamid Phosphate Mines, North Province, Saudi Arabia
Authors: El-Said. I. Shabana, Mohammad S. Tayeb, Maher M. T. Qutub, Abdulraheem A. Kinsara
Usually, phosphate deposits contain 238U and 232Th in addition to their decay products. Due to their different pathways in the environment, the 238U/232Th activity concentration ratio usually found to be greater than unity in phosphate sediments. The presence of these radionuclides creates a potential need to control exposure of workers in the mining and processing activities of the phosphate minerals in accordance with IAEA safety standards. The greatest dose to workers comes from exposure to radon, especially 222Rn from the uranium series, and has to be controlled. In this regard, radon (222Rn) was measured in the atmosphere (indoor and outdoor) of Al-Jalamid phosphate-mines working area using a portable radon-measurement instrument RAD7, in a purpose of radiation protection. Radon was measured in 61 sites inside the open phosphate mines, the phosphate upgrading facility (offices and rooms of the workers, and in some open-air sites) and in the dwellings of the workers residence-village that lies at about 3 km from the mines working area. The obtained results indicated that the average indoor radon concentration was about 48.4 Bq/m3. Inside the upgrading facility, the average outdoor concentrations were 10.8 and 9.7 Bq/m3 in the concentrate piles and crushing areas, respectively. It was 12.3 Bq/m3 in the atmosphere of the open mines. These values are comparable with the global average values. Based on the average values, the annual effective dose due to radon inhalation was calculated and risk estimates have been done. The average annual effective dose to workers due to the radon inhalation was estimated by 1.32 mSv. The potential excess risk of lung cancer mortality that could be attributed to radon, when considering the lifetime exposure, was estimated by 53.0x10-4. The results have been discussed in detail.Keywords: dosimetry, environmental monitoring, phosphate deposits, radiation protection, radon
Procedia PDF Downloads 2752760 Digital Environment as a Factor of the City's Competitiveness in Attracting Tourists: The Case of Yekaterinburg
Authors: Alexander S. Burnasov, Anatoly V. Stepanov, Maria Y. Ilyushkina
In the conditions of transition to the digital economy, the digital environment of the city becomes one of the key factors of its tourism attractiveness. Modern digital environment makes travelling more accessible, improves the quality of travel services and the attractiveness of many tourist destinations. The digitalization of the industry allows to use resources more efficiently, to simplify business processes, to minimize risks, and to improve travel safety. The city promotion as a tourist destination in the foreign market becomes decisive in the digital environment. Information technologies are extremely important for the functioning of not only any tourist enterprise but also the city as a whole. In addition to solving traditional problems, it is also possible to implement some innovations from the tourism industry, such as the availability of city services in international systems of booking tickets and booking rooms in hotels, the possibility of early booking of theater and museum tickets, the possibility of non-cash payment by cards of international payment systems, Internet access in the urban environment for travelers. The availability of the city's digital services makes it possible to reduce ordering costs, contributes to the optimal selection of tourist products that meet the requirements of the tourist, provides increased transparency of transactions. The users can compare prices, features, services, and reviews of the travel service. The ability to share impressions with friends thousands of miles away directly affects the image of the city. It is possible to promote the image of the city in the digital environment not only through world-scale events (such as World Cup 2018, international summits, etc.) but also through the creation and management of services in the digital environment aimed at supporting tourism services, which will help to improve the positioning of the city in the global tourism market.Keywords: competitiveness, digital environment, travelling, Yekaterinburg
Procedia PDF Downloads 1382759 Synthesis of Size-Tunable and Stable Iron Nanoparticles for Cancer Treatment
Authors: Ambika Selvaraj
Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IO) of < 20nm (superparamagnetic) become promising tool in cancer therapy, and integrated nanodevices for cancer detection and screening. The obstacles include particle heterogeneity and cost. It can be overcome by developing monodispersed nanoparticles in economical approach. We have successfully synthesized < 7 nm IO by low temperature controlled technique, in which Fe0 is sandwiched between stabilizer and Fe2+. Size analysis showed the excellent size control from 31 nm at 33°C to 6.8 nm at 10°C. Resultant monodispersed IO were found to be stable for > 50 reuses, proved its applicability in biomedical applications.Keywords: low temperature synthesis, hybrid iron nanoparticles, cancer therapy, biomedical applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 3442758 Optimizing the Design Parameters of Acoustic Power Transfer Model to Achieve High Power Intensity and Compact System
Authors: Ariba Siddiqui, Amber Khan
The need for bio-implantable devices in the field of medical sciences has been increasing day by day; however, the charging of these devices is a major issue. Batteries, a very common method of powering the implants, have a limited lifetime and bulky nature. Therefore, as a replacement of batteries, acoustic power transfer (APT) technology is being accepted as the most suitable technique to wirelessly power the medical implants in the present scenario. The basic model of APT consists of piezoelectric transducers that work on the principle of converse piezoelectric effect at the transmitting end and direct piezoelectric effect at the receiving end. This paper provides mechanistic insight into the parameters affecting the design and efficient working of acoustic power transfer systems. The optimum design considerations have been presented that will help to compress the size of the device and augment the intensity of the pressure wave. A COMSOL model of the PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate) transducer was developed. The model was simulated and analyzed on a frequency spectrum. The simulation results displayed that the efficiency of these devices is strongly dependent on the frequency of operation, and a wrong choice of the operating frequency leads to the high absorption of acoustic field inside the tissue (medium), poor power strength, and heavy transducers, which in effect influence the overall configuration of the acoustic systems. Considering all the tradeoffs, the simulations were performed again by determining an optimum frequency (900 kHz) that resulted in the reduction of the transducer's thickness to 1.96 mm and augmented the power strength with an intensity of 432 W/m². Thus, the results obtained after the second simulation contribute to lesser attenuation, lightweight systems, high power intensity, and also comply with safety limits provided by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It was also found that the chosen operating frequency enhances the directivity of the acoustic wave at the receiver side.Keywords: acoustic power, bio-implantable, COMSOL, Lead Zirconate Titanate, piezoelectric, transducer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1742757 Micro-Nutrient Bio-Fortification in Sprouts Grown on Fortified Fiber Mats
Authors: J. Nyenhuis, J. Drelich
This research study was designed to determine if food crops could be bio-fortified with micro-nutrients by growing sprouts on mineral fortified fiber mats. Diets high in processed foods have been found to lack essential micro-nutrients for optimum human development and overall health. Some micro-nutrients such as copper (Cu) have been found to enhance the inflammatory response through its oxidative functions, thereby having a role in cardiovascular disease (CVD), metabolic syndrome (MetS), diabetes and related complications. Recycled cellulose fibers and clay saturated with micro-nutrient ions can be converted to a novel mineral-metal hybrid material in which the fiber mat becomes a carrier of essential micro-nutrients. The reduction of ionic to metallic copper was accomplished using hydrogen at temperatures ranging from 400o to 600oC. Copper particles with diameters ranging from ~1 to 400-500 nm reside on the recycled fibers that make up the mats. Seeds purchased from a commercial, organic supplier were germinated on the specially engineered cellulose fiber mats that incorporated w10 wt% clay fillers saturated with either copper particles or ionic copper. After the appearance of the first leaves, the sprouts were dehydrated and analyzed for Cu content. Nutrient analysis showed 1.5 to 1.6 increase in Cu of the sprouts grown on the fiber mats with copper particles, and 2.3 to 2.5 increase on mats with ionic copper as compared to the control samples. The antibacterial properties of materials saturated with copper ions at room temperature and at temperatures up to 400°C have been verified with halo method tests against Escherichia Coli in previous studies. E. coli is a known pathogenic risk in sprout production. Copper exhibits excellent antibacterial properties when tested on S. aureus, a pathogenic gram-positive bacterium. This has also been confirmed for the fiber-copper hybrid material in this study. This study illustrates the potential for the use of engineered mats as a viable way to increase the micro-nutrient composition of locally-grown food crops and the need for additional research to determine the uptake, nutritional implications and risks of micro-nutrient bio-fortification.Keywords: bio-fortification, copper nutrient analysis, micro-nutrient uptake, sprouts and mineral-fortified mats
Procedia PDF Downloads 3552756 CeO₂-Decorated Graphene-coated Nickel Foam with NiCo Layered Double Hydroxide for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Authors: Renzhi Qi, Zhaoping Zhong
Under the dual pressure of the global energy crisis and environmental pollution, avoiding the consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels based on carbon as the energy carrier and developing and utilizing non-carbon energy carriers are the basic requirements for the future new energy economy. Electrocatalyst for water splitting plays an important role in building sustainable and environmentally friendly energy conversion. The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is essentially limited by the slow kinetics of multi-step proton-electron transfer, which limits the efficiency and cost of water splitting. In this work, CeO₂@NiCo-NRGO/NF hybrid materials were prepared using nickel foam (NF) and nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide (NRGO) as conductive substrates by multi-step hydrothermal method and were used as highly efficient catalysts for OER. The well-connected nanosheet array forms a three-dimensional (3D) network on the substrate, providing a large electrochemical surface area with abundant catalytic active sites. The doping of CeO₂ in NiCo-NRGO/NF electrocatalysts promotes the dispersion of substances and its synergistic effect in promoting the activation of reactants, which is crucial for improving its catalytic performance against OER. The results indicate that CeO₂@NiCo-NRGO/NF only requires a lower overpotential of 250 mV to drive the current density of 10 mA cm-2 for an OER reaction of 1 M KOH, and exhibits excellent stability at this current density for more than 10 hours. The double layer capacitance (Cdl) values show that CeO₂@NiCo-NRGO/NF significantly affects the interfacial conductivity and electrochemically active surface area. The hybrid structure could promote the catalytic performance of oxygen evolution reaction, such as low initial potential, high electrical activity, and excellent long-term durability. The strategy for improving the catalytic activity of NiCo-LDH can be used to develop a variety of other electrocatalysts for water splitting.Keywords: CeO₂, reduced graphene oxide, NiCo-layered double hydroxide, oxygen evolution reaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 832755 Using Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze the Impact of Remote Work on Job Satisfaction
Authors: Florian Pfeffel, Valentin Nickolai, Christian Louis Kühner
Digitalization has disrupted the traditional workplace environment by allowing many employees to work from anywhere at any time. This trend of working from home was further accelerated due to the COVID-19 crisis, which forced companies to rethink their workplace models. While in many companies, this shift happened out of pure necessity; many employees were left more satisfied with their job due to the opportunity to work from home. This study focuses on employees’ job satisfaction in the service sector in dependence on the different work models, which are defined as a “work from home” model, the traditional “work in office” model, and a hybrid model. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), these three work models have been analyzed based on 13 influencing factors on job satisfaction that have been further summarized in the three groups “classic influencing factors”, “influencing factors changed by remote working”, and “new remote working influencing factors”. Based on the influencing factors on job satisfaction, a survey has been conducted with n = 684 employees in the service sector. Cronbach’s alpha of the individual constructs was shown to be suitable. Furthermore, the construct validity of the constructs was confirmed by face validity, content validity, convergent validity (AVE > 0.5: CR > 0.7), and discriminant validity. Additionally, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the model fit for the investigated sample (CMIN/DF: 2.567; CFI: 0.927; RMSEA: 0.048). The SEM-analysis has shown that the most significant influencing factor on job satisfaction is “identification with the work” with β = 0.540, followed by “Appreciation” (β = 0.151), “Compensation” (β = 0.124), “Work-Life-Balance” (β = 0.116), and “Communication and Exchange of Information” (β = 0.105). While the significance of each factor can vary depending on the work model, the SEM-analysis shows that the identification with the work is the most significant factor in all three work models and, in the case of the traditional office work model, it is the only significant influencing factor. The study shows that employees who work entirely remotely or have a hybrid work model are significantly more satisfied with their job, with a job satisfaction score of 5.0 respectively on a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 7 (very satisfied), than employees do not have the option to work from home with a score of 4.6. This comes as a result of the lower identification with the work in the model without any remote working. Furthermore, the responses indicate that it is important to consider the individual preferences of each employee when it comes to the work model to achieve overall higher job satisfaction. Thus, it can be argued that companies can profit off of more motivation and higher productivity by considering the individual work model preferences, therefore, increasing the identification with the respective work.Keywords: home-office, identification with work, job satisfaction, new work, remote work, structural equation modeling
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