Search results for: higher efficiency
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 16755

Search results for: higher efficiency

15375 Co-Gasification Process for Green and Blue Hydrogen Production: Innovative Process Development, Economic Analysis, and Exergy Assessment

Authors: Yousaf Ayub


A co-gasification process, which involves the utilization of both biomass and plastic waste, has been developed to enable the production of blue and green hydrogen. To support this endeavor, an Aspen Plus simulation model has been meticulously created, and sustainability analysis is being conducted, focusing on economic viability, energy efficiency, advanced exergy considerations, and exergoeconomics evaluations. In terms of economic analysis, the process has demonstrated strong economic sustainability, as evidenced by an internal rate of return (IRR) of 8% at a process efficiency level of 70%. At present, the process has the potential to generate approximately 1100 kWh of electric power, with any excess electricity, beyond meeting the process requirements, capable of being harnessed for green hydrogen production via an alkaline electrolysis cell (AEC). This surplus electricity translates to a potential daily hydrogen production of around 200 kg. The exergy analysis of the model highlights that the gasifier component exhibits the lowest exergy efficiency, resulting in the highest energy losses, amounting to approximately 40%. Additionally, advanced exergy analysis findings pinpoint the gasifier as the primary source of exergy destruction, totaling around 9000 kW, with associated exergoeconomics costs amounting to 6500 $/h. Consequently, improving the gasifier's performance is a critical focal point for enhancing the overall sustainability of the process, encompassing energy, exergy, and economic considerations.

Keywords: blue hydrogen, green hydrogen, co-gasification, waste valorization, exergy analysis

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15374 The Effect of Filter Design and Face Velocity on Air Filter Performance

Authors: Iyad Al-Attar


Air filters installed in HVAC equipment and gas turbine for power generation confront several atmospheric contaminants with various concentrations while operating in different environments (tropical, coastal, hot). This leads to engine performance degradation, as contaminants are capable of deteriorating components and fouling compressor assembly. Compressor fouling is responsible for 70 to 85% of gas turbine performance degradation leading to reduction in power output and availability and an increase in the heat rate and fuel consumption. Therefore, filter design must take into account face velocities, pleat count and its corresponding surface area; to verify filter performance characteristics (Efficiency and Pressure Drop). The experimental work undertaken in the current study examined two groups of four filters with different pleating densities were investigated for the initial pressure drop response and fractional efficiencies. The pleating densities used for this study is 28, 30, 32 and 34 pleats per 100mm for each pleated panel and measured for ten different flow rates ranging from 500 to 5000 m3/h with increment of 500m3/h. This experimental work of the current work has highlighted the underlying reasons behind the reduction in filter permeability due to the increase in face velocity and pleat density. The reasons that led to surface area losses of filtration media are due to one or combination of the following effects: pleat-crowding, deflection of the entire pleated panel, pleat distortion at the corner of the pleat and/or filtration medium compression. It is evident from entire array of experiments that as the particle size increases, the efficiency decreases until the MPPS is reached. Beyond the MPPS, the efficiency increases with increase in particle size. The MPPS shifts to a smaller particle size as the face velocity increases, while the pleating density and orientation did not have a pronounced effect on the MPPS. Throughout the study, an optimal pleat count which satisfies initial pressure drop and efficiency requirements may not have necessarily existed. The work has also suggested that a valid comparison of the pleat densities should be based on the effective surface area that participates in the filtration action and not the total surface area the pleat density provides.

Keywords: air filters, fractional efficiency, gas cleaning, glass fibre, HEPA filter, permeability, pressure drop

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15373 Performance Analysis of Solar Air Heater with Fins and Perforated Twisted Tape Insert

Authors: Rajesh Kumar, Prabha Chand


The present paper deals with the analytical investigation on the thermal and thermo-hydraulic performance of the solar air collector fitted with fins and perforated twisted tapes (PTT) of twist ratio 2 with different axial pitch ratio. The mathematical models are presented, and the effect of mass flow rate and axial pitch ratios on the thermal and effective efficiency has been discussed. The results obtained are compared with the results of the solar air heater without fins and twisted tapes. Results conveyed that the collectors with fins and perforated twisted tape perform better but at the expense of increased pressure drop. Also, twisted tape with minimum axial pitch ratio is found to be more efficient than others.

Keywords: solar air heater, thermal efficiency, twisted tape, twist ratio

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15372 Higher Education for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Egypt

Authors: M. A. Zaki Ewiss, S. Afifi


Nahda University (NUB) believes that internationalisation of higher educational is able to provide global society with an education that meets current needs and that can respond efficiently to contemporary demands and challenges, which are characterized by globalisation, interdependence, and multiculturalism. In this paper, we will discuss the the challenges of the Egyptian Higher Education system and the future vision to improve this system> In this report, the following issues will be considered: Increasing knowledge on the development of specialized programs of study at the university. Developing international cooperation programs, which focus on the development of the students and staff skills, and providing academic culture and learning opportunities. Increasing the opportunities for student mobility, and research projects for faculty members. Increased opportunities for staff, faculty and students to continue to learn foreign universities, and to benefit from scholarships in various disciplines. Taking the advantage of the educational experience and modern teaching methods; Providing the opportunities to study abroad without increasing the period of time required for graduation, and through greater integration in the curricula and programs; More cultural interaction through student exchanges.Improving and providing job opportunities for graduates through participation in the global labor market. This document sets out NUB strategy to move towards that vision. We are confident that greater explicit differentiation, greater freedom and greater collaboration are the keys to delivering the further improvement in quality we shall need to retain and strengthen our position as one of the world’s leading higher education systems.

Keywords: technology transfer higher education, knowledge transfer, internationalisation, mobility

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15371 Defining New Limits in Hybrid Perovskites: Single-Crystal Solar Cells with Exceptional Electron Diffusion Length Reaching Half Millimeters

Authors: Bekir Turedi


Exploiting the potential of perovskite single-crystal solar cells in optoelectronic applications necessitates overcoming a significant challenge: the low charge collection efficiency at increased thickness, which has restricted their deployment in radiation detectors and nuclear batteries. Our research details a promising approach to this problem, wherein we have successfully fabricated single-crystal MAPbI3 solar cells employing a space-limited inverse temperature crystallization (ITC) methodology. Remarkably, these cells, up to 400-fold thicker than current-generation perovskite polycrystalline films, maintain a high charge collection efficiency even without external bias. The crux of this achievement lies in the long electron diffusion length within these cells, estimated to be around 0.45 mm. This extended diffusion length ensures the conservation of high charge collection and power conversion efficiencies, even as the thickness of the cells increases. Fabricated cells at 110, 214, and 290 µm thickness manifested power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 20.0, 18.4, and 14.7% respectively. The single crystals demonstrated nearly optimal charge collection, even when their thickness exceeded 200 µm. Devices of thickness 108, 214, and 290 µm maintained 98.6, 94.3, and 80.4% of charge collection efficiency relative to their maximum theoretical short-circuit current value, respectively. Additionally, we have proposed an innovative, self-consistent technique for ascertaining the electron-diffusion length in perovskite single crystals under operational conditions. The computed electron-diffusion length approximated 446 µm, significantly surpassing previously reported values for this material. In conclusion, our findings underscore the feasibility of fabricating halide perovskite single-crystal solar cells of hundreds of micrometers in thickness while preserving high charge extraction efficiency and PCE. This advancement paves the way for developing perovskite-based optoelectronics necessitating thicker active layers, such as X-ray detectors and nuclear batteries.

Keywords: perovskite, solar cell, single crystal, diffusion length

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15370 Academic Leadership Succession Planning Practice in Nigeria Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Colleges of Education

Authors: Adie, Julius Undiukeye


This research investigated the practice of academic leadership succession planning in Nigerian higher education institutions, drawing on the lived experiences of the academic staff of the case study institutions. It is multi-case study research that adopts a qualitative research method. Ten participants (mainly academic staff) were used as the study sample. The study was guided by four research questions. Semi-structured interviews and archival information from official documents formed the sources of data. The data collected was analyzed using the Constant Comparative Technique (CCT) to generate empirical insights and facts on the subject of this paper. The following findings emerged from the data analysis: firstly, there was no formalized leadership succession plan in place in the institutions that were sampled for this study; secondly, despite the absence of a formal succession plan, the data indicates that academics believe that succession planning is very significant for institutional survival; thirdly, existing practices of succession planning in the sampled institutions, takes the forms of job seniority ranking, political process and executive fiat, ad-hoc arrangement, and external hiring; and finally, data revealed that there are some barriers to the practice of succession planning, such as traditional higher education institutions’ characteristics (e.g. external talent search, shared governance, diversity, and equality in leadership appointment) and the lack of interest in leadership positions. Based on the research findings, some far-reaching recommendations were made, including the urgent need for the ‘formalization’ of leadership succession planning by the higher education institutions concerned, through the design of an official policy framework.

Keywords: academic leadership, succession, planning, higher education

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15369 Determining the Target Level of Knowledge of English as a Foreign Language in Higher Education

Authors: Zorana Z. Jurinjak, Nataša B. Lukić, Christos G. Alexopoulos


Although in the last few decades, English as a foreign language has been a compulsory subject in almost all colleges and universities in Serbia, students who enter the first year come with different levels of knowledge, which is immense task and a burden on teachers not only which literature and how to conduct classes in heterogeneous groups but also how to evaluate and assess the progress.This paper aims to discuss the issue of determining the target level of knowledge of English as a foreign language in higher education in Serbia due to the great need for these levels to equalize. The research was conducted at several colleges and universities where first-year students took a placement test, and we also carried out a review and comparison of the literature used in teaching English in those schools. We hope that this research will not only raise the awareness of those in charge when making curriculums, but also that ways will be found to assimilate these differences in knowledge and establish the criteria in assessment.

Keywords: higher education, EFL, levels of knowledge, evaluation, assessment

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15368 Sleep Tracking AI Application in Smart-Watches

Authors: Sumaiya Amir Khan, Shayma Al-Sharif, Samiha Mazher, Neha Intikhab Khan


This research paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of sleep-tracking AI applications in smart-watches. It focuses on comparing the sleep analyses of two different smartwatch brands, Samsung and Fitbit, and measuring sleep at three different stages – REM (Rapid-Eye-Movement), NREM (Non-Rapid-Eye-Movement), and deep sleep. The methodology involves the participation of different users and analyzing their sleep data. The results reveal that although light sleep is the longest stage, deep sleep is higher than average in the participants. The study also suggests that light sleep is not uniform, and getting higher levels of deep sleep can prevent debilitating health conditions. Based on the findings, it is recommended that individuals should aim to achieve higher levels of deep sleep to maintain good health. Overall, this research contributes to the growing literature on the effectiveness of sleep-tracking AI applications and their potential to improve sleep quality.

Keywords: sleep tracking, lifestyle, accuracy, health, AI, AI features, ML

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15367 Home Owner Focused Investment Analysis Tool for Energy Refurbishment

Authors: Jonas Hinker, Lisa Zumholz, Johanna M. A. Myrzik


Despite strong efforts by the German government to make a transition to higher quality level of building stocks, the rate of renovation continues to remain below the proclaimed level of 2%. As the mandatory standards for residential retrofits are well-balanced in such a way that strict adherence to them guarantees profit from the investment, it becomes difficult to explain the reasons why there are so many people hesitant with their investments. Risks and transaction costs can be understood as socio-technical boundaries and have to be taken into consideration to be able to understand why a worthwhile investment is postponed or rejected. This paper therefore presents a method for investment analyses that is focused on such socio-technical constraints, which helps to reveal the strongest misconceptions of home owners. By depicting sensitivities and risk factors in an integrated and impartial way, such a tool can be utilized by home owners to address reservations and misunderstandings. In the end, this leads to an exploitation of smaller energy efficiency measures that makes up a big demand reduction in the residential sector altogether.

Keywords: energy refurbishment, investment analysis, residential buildings, risk-aware investment strategy

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15366 Quantification of Dowel-Concrete Interaction in Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements Using 3D Numerical Simulation

Authors: Lakshmana Ravi Raj Gali, K. Sridhar Reddy, M. Amaranatha Reddy


Load transfer between adjacent slabs of the jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) system is inevitable for long-lasting performance. Dowel bars are generally used to ensure sufficient degree of load transfer, in addition to the load transferred by aggregate interlock mechanism at the joints. Joint efficiency is the measure of joint quality, a major concern and therefore the dowel bar system should be designed and constructed well. The interaction between dowel bars and concrete that includes various parameters of dowel bar and concrete will explain the degree of joint efficiency. The present study focuses on the methodology of selecting contact stiffness, which quantifies dowel-concrete interaction. In addition, a parametric study which focuses on the effect of dowel diameter, dowel shape, the spacing between dowel bars, joint opening, the thickness of the slab, the elastic modulus of concrete, and concrete cover on contact stiffness was also performed. The results indicated that the thickness of the slab is most critical among various parameters to explain the joint efficiency. Further displacement equivalency method was proposed to find out the contact stiffness. The proposed methodology was validated with the available field surface deflection data collected by falling weight deflectometer (FWD).

Keywords: contact stiffness, displacement equivalency method, Dowel-concrete interaction, joint behavior, 3D numerical simulation

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15365 Next-Gen Solutions: How Generative AI Will Reshape Businesses

Authors: Aishwarya Rai


This study explores the transformative influence of generative AI on startups, businesses, and industries. We will explore how large businesses can benefit in the area of customer operations, where AI-powered chatbots can improve self-service and agent effectiveness, greatly increasing efficiency. In marketing and sales, generative AI could transform businesses by automating content development, data utilization, and personalization, resulting in a substantial increase in marketing and sales productivity. In software engineering-focused startups, generative AI can streamline activities, significantly impacting coding processes and work experiences. It can be extremely useful in product R&D for market analysis, virtual design, simulations, and test preparation, altering old workflows and increasing efficiency. Zooming into the retail and CPG industry, industry findings suggest a 1-2% increase in annual revenues, equating to $400 billion to $660 billion. By automating customer service, marketing, sales, and supply chain management, generative AI can streamline operations, optimizing personalized offerings and presenting itself as a disruptive force. While celebrating economic potential, we acknowledge challenges like external inference and adversarial attacks. Human involvement remains crucial for quality control and security in the era of generative AI-driven transformative innovation. This talk provides a comprehensive exploration of generative AI's pivotal role in reshaping businesses, recognizing its strategic impact on customer interactions, productivity, and operational efficiency.

Keywords: generative AI, digital transformation, LLM, artificial intelligence, startups, businesses

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15364 Different Feedings on Chemical Characteristics of Atlantic Salmon Fillet

Authors: Mahsa Jalili, Trude Johansen, Signe Dille Lovmo, Turid Rustad, Rolf Erik Olsen, Atle M. Bones


The quality of fish muscle is a key factor in fish industry, and dietary ingredients can influence fish quality. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of krill meal, soybean meal, Bactocell® and butyrate fortified feeds and control diet on characteristics of salmon fillet. Thirty Atlantic salmon (6 per each group) were farmed for 12 weeks. All the fish were killed and frozen immediately. The white muscle from top posterior part of dorsal fin was dissected to analyze fat content, carotenoid content, content of water-soluble and salt-soluble proteins, cathepsin B and cathepsin B-L activities. ANOVA test was used to analyze mean and standard error of mean values at 0.05 significance level. There were significant difference in cathepsin B activity, water-soluble proteins and salt-soluble proteins (p-value= 0.005, 0.009 and 0.002). The mean values of other factors were not significantly different among the groups. Cathepsin B activity was higher in soymeal group. Water-soluble proteins were reported higher in soy meal and krill groups and salt-soluble proteins were significantly higher in soy meal and butyrate rich diets. Although soy meal has proven effect on enteritis, it results in higher percentage of protein in fillets. On the other hand, this feeding may have role in textural deterioration of fillets owing to higher values of endogenous cathepsin B in soymeal group.

Keywords: aquaculture, food quality, Krill protein extract, prebiotics, probiotics, Salmo salar, soy

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15363 Human-Centric Decision Support Systems in Industry 5.0: A Machine Learning-Based Approach

Authors: Sławomir Lasota, Tomasz Kajdanowicz


This study explores the development of human-centric decision support systems tailored for Industry 5.0 production paradigms. By leveraging machine learning-based recommender systems, the proposed solution optimizes real-time production settings, accounting for both machine parameters and individual operator preferences. Integrating key performance indicators (KPIs) such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) ensures sector-independent applicability and eco-efficiency. This paper also investigates how the ”Tweeting Factory” framework enhances communication between system components, facilitating adaptive and human-aware process improvements. Experimental results demonstrate the potential for increased operational efficiency and reduced resource consumption, paving the way for autonomous production systems.

Keywords: decision support systems, industry 5.0, machine learning, human-centric

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15362 Investigation and Optimization of DNA Isolation Efficiency Using Ferrite-Based Magnetic Nanoparticles

Authors: Tímea Gerzsenyi, Ágnes M. Ilosvai, László Vanyorek, Emma Szőri-Dorogházi


DNA isolation is a crucial step in many molecular biological applications for diagnostic and research purposes. However, traditional extraction requires toxic reagents, and commercially available kits are expensive, this leading to the recently wide-spread method, the magnetic nanoparticle (MNP)-based DNA isolation. Different ferrite containing MNPs were examined and compared in their plasmid DNA isolation efficiency. Among the tested MNPs, one has never been used for the extraction of plasmid molecules, marking a distinct application. pDNA isolation process was optimized for each type of nanoparticle and the best protocol was selected based on different criteria: DNA quantity, quality and integrity. With the best-performing magnetic nanoparticle, which excelled in all aspects, further tests were performed to recover genomic DNA from bacterial cells and a protocol was developed.

Keywords: DNA isolation, nanobiotechnology, magnetic nanoparticles, protocol optimization, pDNA, gDNA

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15361 A Collection of Voices on Higher Educational Access, Quality and Equity in Africa: A Systematic Review

Authors: Araba A. Z. Osei-Tutu, Ebenezer Odame, Joseph Bawa, Samuel Amponsah


Education is recognized as a fundamental human right and a catalyst for development. Despite progress in the provision of higher education on the African continent, there persist challenges with the tripartite areas of access, equity and quality. Therefore, this systematic review aimed at providing a comprehensive overview of conversations and voices of scholars on these three concepts in HE in Africa. The systematic review employed a thematic analysis approach, synthesizing findings from 38 selected sources. After a critical analysis of the sources included in the systematic review, deficits in access, quality, and equity were outlined, focusing on infrastructure, regional disparities, and privatization challenges. The review also revealed the weak enforcement of quality assurance measures. Strategies for improvement, proffered by the study, include expanding public sector HE, deregulating the educational sector, promoting open and distance learning, implementing preferential admission policies, and enhancing financial aid. This research contributes valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders, fostering a collaborative approach to address challenges and promote holistic development in African higher education.

Keywords: access, equity, quality, higher education, Africa, systematic review, strategies

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15360 GaAs Based Solar Cells: Growth, Fabrication, and Characterization

Authors: Hülya Kuru Mutlu, Mustafa Kulakcı, Uğur Serincan


The sun is one of the latest developments in renewable energy sources, which has a variety of application. Solar energy is the most preferred renewable energy sources because it can be used directly, it protects the environment and it is economic. In this work, we investigated that important parameter of GaAs-based solar cells with respect to the growth temperature. The samples were grown on (100) oriented p-GaAs substrates by solid source Veeco GEN20MC MBE system equipped with Ga, In, Al, Si, Be effusion cells and an Arsenic cracker cell. The structures of the grown samples are presented. After initial oxide desorption, Sample 1 and Sample 2 were grown at about 585°C and 535°C, respectively. From the grown structures, devices were fabricated by using the standard photolithography procedure. Current-voltage measurements were performed at room temperature (RT). It is observed that Sample 1 which was grown at 585°C has higher efficiency and fill factor compared to Sample 2. Hence, it is concluded that the growth temperature of 585°C is more suitable to grow GaAs-based solar cells considering our samples used in this study.

Keywords: molecular beam epitaxy, solar cell, current-voltage measurement, Sun

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15359 Recent Development of Materials for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)

Authors: Mohammed Jourdani, Hamid Mounir, Abdellatif El Marjani


Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) have been developed as a promising power source for transportation and stationary applications, and power devices for computers and mobile telephones. This paper discusses and summarizes the latest developments of materials and remaining challenges of PEMFC. The different contributions to the material of all components and the efficiencies are analyzed. Many technical advances are introduced to increase the PEMFC fuel cell efficiency and life time for transportation, stationary and portable utilization. By the last years the total cost of this system is decreasing. However, the remaining challenges that need to be overcome mean that it will be several years before full commercialization can take place.

Keywords: PEMFC fuel cell, materials, recent development, efficiency, life time, commercialization possibility

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15358 The Reality of Libyan Airports and Future Prospects

Authors: Ramadan Ahmed Abugeddida


Libya is one of the third world countries, has a lot of natural resources, notably oil and gas, as well as attractive tourist sites, in addition to the vast area and diversity of the regions, oil is the main source of income in Libya, which was discovered in the sixties of the last century, which also contributed to the creation of some fundamental changes in the country's infrastructure, such as roads, hospitals, schools, airports, seaports, as well as factories. This paper focuses on airports as one of the most vital institutions in the country, linking the country to the outside world, where dealing with the current situation of airports, in terms of capabilities and infrastructure, as well as the level of services, in other words, to assess the current status of the airports and to identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as general description of the position and what can be done in the future for the advancement of this vital sector. This paper is a part of the doctoral thesis will be carried out by the researcher during the coming period entitled efficiency improvement through implementation of strategic quality management.

Keywords: airports, efficiency improvement, quality, strategy

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15357 Investigation of the Effect of Pressure Changes on the Gas Proportional Detector

Authors: S. M. Golgoun, S. M. Taheri


Investigation of radioactive contamination of personnel working in radiation centers to identify radioactive materials and then measure the potential contamination and eliminate it has always been considered. For this purpose, various ways have been proposed so far and different devices have been designed and built. Gas sealed proportional counter has special working conditions. In this research, a gas sealed detector of proportional counter type was made and then its various parameters were investigated. Some parameters are influential on their working conditions and one of these most important parameters is the internal pressure of the proportional gas-filled detector. In this experimental research, we produced software for examination and altering high voltage, registering data, and calculating efficiency. By this, we investigated different gas pressure effects on detector efficiency and proposed optimizing working conditions of this detector. After reviewing the results, we suggested a range between 20-30 mbar pressure for this gas sealed detector.

Keywords: gas sealed, proportional detector, pressure, counter

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15356 RPM-Synchronous Non-Circular Grinding: An Approach to Enhance Efficiency in Grinding of Non-Circular Workpieces

Authors: Matthias Steffan, Franz Haas


The production process grinding is one of the latest steps in a value-added manufacturing chain. Within this step, workpiece geometry and surface roughness are determined. Up to this process stage, considerable costs and energy have already been spent on components. According to the current state of the art, therefore, large safety reserves are calculated in order to guarantee a process capability. Especially for non-circular grinding, this fact leads to considerable losses of process efficiency. With present technology, various non-circular geometries on a workpiece must be grinded subsequently in an oscillating process where X- and Q-axis of the machine are coupled. With the approach of RPM-Synchronous Noncircular Grinding, such workpieces can be machined in an ordinary plung grinding process. Therefore, the workpieces and the grinding wheels revolutionary rate are in a fixed ratio. A non-circular grinding wheel is used to transfer its geometry onto the workpiece. The authors use a worldwide unique machine tool that was especially designed for this technology. Highest revolution rates on the workpiece spindle (up to 4500 rpm) are mandatory for the success of this grinding process. This grinding approach is performed in a two-step process. For roughing, a highly porous vitrified bonded grinding wheel with medium grain size is used. It ensures high specific material removal rates for efficiently producing the non-circular geometry on the workpiece. This process step is adapted by a force control algorithm, which uses acquired data from a three-component force sensor located in the dead centre of the tailstock. For finishing, a grinding wheel with a fine grain size is used. Roughing and finishing are performed consecutively among the same clamping of the workpiece with two locally separated grinding spindles. The approach of RPM-Synchronous Noncircular Grinding shows great efficiency enhancement in non-circular grinding. For the first time, three-dimensional non-circular shapes can be grinded that opens up various fields of application. Especially automotive industries show big interest in the emerging trend in finishing machining.

Keywords: efficiency enhancement, finishing machining, non-circular grinding, rpm-synchronous grinding

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15355 Examining Influence of The Ultrasonic Power and Frequency on Microbubbles Dynamics Using Real-Time Visualization of Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging: Application to Membrane Fouling Control

Authors: Masoume Ehsani, Ning Zhu, Huu Doan, Ali Lohi, Amira Abdelrasoul


Membrane fouling poses severe challenges in membrane-based wastewater treatment applications. Ultrasound (US) has been considered an effective fouling remediation technique in filtration processes. Bubble cavitation in the liquid medium results from the alternating rarefaction and compression cycles during the US irradiation at sufficiently high acoustic pressure. Cavitation microbubbles generated under US irradiation can cause eddy current and turbulent flow within the medium by either oscillating or discharging energy to the system through microbubble explosion. Turbulent flow regime and shear forces created close to the membrane surface cause disturbing the cake layer and dislodging the foulants, which in turn improve the cleaning efficiency and filtration performance. Therefore, the number, size, velocity, and oscillation pattern of the microbubbles created in the liquid medium play a crucial role in foulant detachment and permeate flux recovery. The goal of the current study is to gain in depth understanding of the influence of the US power intensity and frequency on the microbubble dynamics and its characteristics generated under US irradiation. In comparison with other imaging techniques, the synchrotron in-line Phase Contrast Imaging technique at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) allows in-situ observation and real-time visualization of microbubble dynamics. At CLS biomedical imaging and therapy (BMIT) polychromatic beamline, the effective parameters were optimized to enhance the contrast gas/liquid interface for the accuracy of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of bubble cavitation within the system. With the high flux of photons and the high-speed camera, a typical high projection speed was achieved; and each projection of microbubbles in water was captured in 0.5 ms. ImageJ software was used for post-processing the raw images for the detailed quantitative analyses of microbubbles. The imaging has been performed under the US power intensity levels of 50 W, 60 W, and 100 W, in addition to the US frequency levels of 20 kHz, 28 kHz, and 40 kHz. For the duration of 2 seconds of imaging, the effect of the US power and frequency on the average number, size, and fraction of the area occupied by bubbles were analyzed. Microbubbles’ dynamics in terms of their velocity in water was also investigated. For the US power increase of 50 W to 100 W, the average bubble number and the average bubble diameter were increased from 746 to 880 and from 36.7 µm to 48.4 µm, respectively. In terms of the influence of US frequency, a fewer number of bubbles were created at 20 kHz (average of 176 bubbles rather than 808 bubbles at 40 kHz), while the average bubble size was significantly larger than that of 40 kHz (almost seven times). The majority of bubbles were captured close to the membrane surface in the filtration unit. According to the study observations, membrane cleaning efficiency is expected to be improved at higher US power and lower US frequency due to the higher energy release to the system by increasing the number of bubbles or growing their size during oscillation (optimum condition is expected to be at 20 kHz and 100 W).

Keywords: bubble dynamics, cavitational bubbles, membrane fouling, ultrasonic cleaning

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15354 A Comparison of Neural Network and DOE-Regression Analysis for Predicting Resource Consumption of Manufacturing Processes

Authors: Frank Kuebler, Rolf Steinhilper


Artificial neural networks (ANN) as well as Design of Experiments (DOE) based regression analysis (RA) are mainly used for modeling of complex systems. Both methodologies are commonly applied in process and quality control of manufacturing processes. Due to the fact that resource efficiency has become a critical concern for manufacturing companies, these models needs to be extended to predict resource-consumption of manufacturing processes. This paper describes an approach to use neural networks as well as DOE based regression analysis for predicting resource consumption of manufacturing processes and gives a comparison of the achievable results based on an industrial case study of a turning process.

Keywords: artificial neural network, design of experiments, regression analysis, resource efficiency, manufacturing process

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15353 Experimental Study and Analysis of Parabolic Trough Collector with Various Reflectors

Authors: Avadhesh Yadav, Balram Manoj Kumar


A solar powered air heating system using parabolic trough collector was experimentally investigated. In this experimental setup, the reflected solar radiations were focused on absorber tube which was placed at focal length of the parabolic trough. In this setup, air was used as working fluid which collects the heat from absorber tube. To enhance the performance of parabolic trough, collector with different type of reflectors were used. It was observed for aluminum sheet maximum temperature is 52.3ºC, which 24.22% more than steel sheet as reflector and 8.5% more than aluminum foil as reflector, also efficiency by using Aluminum sheet as reflector compared to steel sheet as reflector is 61.18% more. Efficiency by using aluminum sheet as reflector compared to aluminum foil as reflector is 18.98% more.

Keywords: parabolic trough collector, reflectors, air flow rates, solar power, aluminum sheet

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15352 Scenario-Based Learning Using Virtual Optometrist Applications

Authors: J. S. M. Yang, G. E. T. Chua


Diploma in Optometry (OPT) course is a three-year program offered by Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) to train students to provide primary eye care. Students are equipped with foundational conceptual knowledge and practical skills in the first three semesters before clinical modules in fourth to six semesters. In the clinical modules, students typically have difficulties in integrating the acquired knowledge and skills from the past semesters to perform general eye examinations on public patients at NP Optometry Centre (NPOC). To help the students overcome the challenge, a web-based game Virtual Optometrist (VO) was developed to help students apply their skills and knowledge through scenario-based learning. It consisted of two interfaces, Optical Practice Counter (OPC) and Optometric Consultation Room (OCR), to provide two simulated settings for authentic learning experiences. In OPC, students would recommend and provide appropriate frame and lens selection based on virtual patient’s case history. In OCR, students would diagnose and manage virtual patients with common ocular conditions. Simulated scenarios provided real-world clinical situations that required contextual application of integrated knowledge from relevant modules. The stages in OPC and OCR are of increasing complexity to align to expected students’ clinical competency as they progress to more senior semesters. This prevented gameplay fatigue as VO was used over the semesters to achieve different learning outcomes. Numerous feedback opportunities were provided to students based on their decisions to allow individualized learning to take place. The game-based learning element in VO was achieved through the scoreboard and leader board to enhance students' motivation to perform. Scores were based on the speed and accuracy of students’ responses to the questions posed in the simulated scenarios, preparing the students to perform accurately and effectively under time pressure in a realistic optometric environment. Learning analytics was generated in VO’s backend office based on students’ responses, offering real-time data on distinctive and observable learners’ behavior to monitor students’ engagement and learning progress. The backend office allowed versatility to add, edit, and delete scenarios for different intended learning outcomes. Likert Scale was used to measure students’ learning experience with VO for OPT Year 2 and 3 students. The survey results highlighted the learning benefits of implementing VO in the different modules, such as enhancing recall and reinforcement of clinical knowledge for contextual application to develop higher-order thinking skills, increasing efficiency in clinical decision-making, facilitating learning through immediate feedback and second attempts, providing exposure to common and significant ocular conditions, and training effective communication skills. The results showed that VO has been useful in reinforcing optometry students’ learning and supporting the development of higher-order thinking, increasing efficiency in clinical decision-making, and allowing students to learn from their mistakes with immediate feedback and second attempts. VO also exposed the students to diverse ocular conditions through simulated real-world clinical scenarios, which may otherwise not be encountered in NPOC, and promoted effective communication skills.

Keywords: authentic learning, game-based learning, scenario-based learning, simulated clinical scenarios

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15351 Assessment of Pollutant Concentrations and Respiratory Tract Depositions of PM from Traffic Emissions: A Case Study of a Highway Toll Plaza in India

Authors: Nazneen, Aditya Kumar Patra


The aim of this study was to investigate the personal exposures of toll plaza workers on a busy national highway in India during the winter season to PM₂.₅, PM₁₀, BC (black carbon), and UFP (ultrafine particles). The results showed that toll workers inside the toll collection booths (ITC) were exposed to higher concentrations of air pollutants than those working outside the booths (OTC), except for UFP. Specifically, the concentrations of PM₂.₅ were 20₄.₇ µg m⁻³ (ITC) and 100.4 µg m⁻³ (OTC), while PM₁₀ concentrations were 326.1 µg m⁻³ (ITC) and 24₄.₇ µg m⁻³ (OTC), and BC concentrations were 30.7 µg m⁻³ (ITC) and 17.2 µg m⁻³ (OTC). In contrast, UFP concentrations were higher at OTC (11312.8 pt cm⁻³) than at IOC (7431.6 pt cm⁻³). The diurnal variation of pollutants showed higher concentrations in the evening due to increased traffic and less atmospheric dispersion. The respiratory deposition dose (RDD) of pollutants was higher inside the toll booths, especially during the evening. The study also revealed that PM particles consisted of soot, mineral and fly ash, which are proxies of fresh exhaust emissions, re-suspended road dust, and industrial emissions, respectively. The presence of Si, Al, Ca and Pb, as confirmed by EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis) analyses, indicated the sources of pollutants to be re-suspended road dust, brake/tire wear, and construction dust. The findings emphasize the need for policies to regulate air pollutant concentrations, particularly in workplaces situated near busy roads.

Keywords: air pollution, PM₂.₅, black carbon, traffic emissions

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15350 Reinforcement Learning For Agile CNC Manufacturing: Optimizing Configurations And Sequencing

Authors: Huan Ting Liao


In a typical manufacturing environment, computer numerical control (CNC) machining is essential for automating production through precise computer-controlled tool operations, significantly enhancing efficiency and ensuring consistent product quality. However, traditional CNC production lines often rely on manual loading and unloading, limiting operational efficiency and scalability. Although automated loading systems have been developed, they frequently lack sufficient intelligence and configuration efficiency, requiring extensive setup adjustments for different products and impacting overall productivity. This research addresses the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) in CNC machining environments, aiming to minimize total completion time (makespan) and maximize CNC machine utilization. We propose a novel approach using reinforcement learning (RL), specifically the Q-learning algorithm, to optimize scheduling decisions. The study simulates the JSSP, incorporating robotic arm operations, machine processing times, and work order demand allocation to determine optimal processing sequences. The Q-learning algorithm enhances machine utilization by dynamically balancing workloads across CNC machines, adapting to varying job demands and machine states. This approach offers robust solutions for complex manufacturing environments by automating decision-making processes for job assignments. Additionally, we evaluate various layout configurations to identify the most efficient setup. By integrating RL-based scheduling optimization with layout analysis, this research aims to provide a comprehensive solution for improving manufacturing efficiency and productivity in CNC-based job shops. The proposed method's adaptability and automation potential promise significant advancements in tackling dynamic manufacturing challenges.

Keywords: job shop scheduling problem, reinforcement learning, operations sequence, layout optimization, q-learning

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15349 [Keynote Talk]: Photocatalytic Cleaning Performance of Air Filters for a Binary Mixture

Authors: Lexuan Zhong, Chang-Seo Lee, Fariborz Haghighat, Stuart Batterman, John C. Little


Ultraviolet photocatalytic oxidation (UV-PCO) technology has been recommended as a green approach to health indoor environment when it is integrated into mechanical ventilation systems for inorganic and organic compounds removal as well as energy saving due to less outdoor air intakes. Although much research has been devoted to UV-PCO, limited information is available on the UV-PCO behavior tested by the mixtures in literature. This project investigated UV-PCO performance and by-product generation using a single and a mixture of acetone and MEK at 100 ppb each in a single-pass duct system in an effort to obtain knowledge associated with competitive photochemical reactions involved in. The experiments were performed at 20 % RH, 22 °C, and a gas flow rate of 128 m3/h (75 cfm). Results show that acetone and MEK mutually reduced each other’s PCO removal efficiency, particularly negative removal efficiency for acetone. These findings were different from previous observation of facilitatory effects on the adsorption of acetone and MEK on photocatalyst surfaces.

Keywords: by-products, inhibitory effect, mixture, photocatalytic oxidation

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15348 The Impact of Brand-Related User-Generated Content on Brand Positioning: A Study on Private Higher Education Institutes in Vietnam

Authors: Charitha Harshani Perera, Rajkishore Nayak, Long Thang Van Nguyen


With the advent of social media, Vietnam has changed the way customers perceive the information about the brand. In the context of higher education, the adoption of social media has received attention with the increasing rate of social media usage among undergraduates. Brand-related user-generated content (UGC) on social media emphasizes the social ties between users and users’ participation, which promotes the communication to build and maintain the relationship with the brands. Although brand positioning offers a significant competitive advantage, the association with brand-related user-generated content in social media with brand positioning in the context of higher education is still an under-researched area. Accordingly, using social identity theory and social exchange theory, this research aims to deepen our understanding of the influence of brand-related user-generated content on brand positioning and purchase intention. Employing a quantitative survey design,384 Vietnamese undergraduates were selected based on purposive sampling. The findings suggest that brand-related user-generated content influence brand positioning and brand choice intention. However, there is a significant mediating effect of the reliability and understandability of the content.

Keywords: brand positioning, brand-related user-generated content, emerging countries, higher education

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15347 Classification of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Authors: Mohammed Alkiyumi


Educational systems are currently paying special attention to developing learners' higher thinking skills to develop the capabilities of human resources to deal with contemporary challenges. Although psychologists disagree about the concept of higher-order thinking skills and the skills they include, there is unlimited effort in designing them and building strategies for their implementation. The most important factor helping to develop these skills is their classification according to specific criteria, and the most important of these classifications is Bloom's classification, which is dominant in most educational systems at all levels. Previous classifications have many limitations, including the comprehensiveness of the skills they contain, the logical structure of their hierarchy, and classification criteria. Therefore, this article puts another step in this area by providing a new classification of higher-order thinking skills that includes five categories: the first response stage, transformative stage, application, reasoning stage, and the production stage with a logical justification for this classification, with some techniques to developing it among learners.

Keywords: high-order thinking skills, classification, teaching, education

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15346 The Impact of Combined Loading on Lateral Capacity and Group Efficiency of Helical Piles

Authors: Hesham Hamdy Abdulmohsen, Ahmed Shawky Abdel Aziz, Mona Fawzy Aldaghma


Helical piles have gained significant attention as efficient alternatives for deep foundations due to their rapid installation process and dual functionality in compression and tension. They experience various combinations of axial and lateral loads. While extensive research has explored helical pile behavior under individual axial or lateral loads, the effects of combined axial compression and lateral loads still need further study. This paper compares experimental and numerical (PLAXIS-3D) results for vertical helical-pile groups under combined loads. The study aims to clarify the impact of key factors, including helix location and lateral load direction, on the lateral capacity of helical-pile groups and, consequently, their overall efficiency. The study concludes that the lateral capacity of the helical-pile group significantly depends on the helix location within the pile shaft length. Optimal lateral performance occurs when helices are positioned at a depth ratio of H/L = 0.4. Furthermore, rectangular plan distribution groups exhibit greater lateral capacity when subjected to lateral loads aligned with their long axis. The presence of vertical compression loading enhances the lateral capacity of the group, with the specific enhancement depending on the value of the vertical compression load, lateral load direction, and helix location.

Keywords: experimental, numerical model, lateral loading, group efficiency, helical piles

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