Search results for: data access
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Search results for: data access

25748 Bringing Together Student Collaboration and Research Opportunities to Promote Scientific Understanding and Outreach Through a Seismological Community

Authors: Michael Ray Brunt


China has been the site of some of the most significant earthquakes in history; however, earthquake monitoring has long been the provenance of universities and research institutions. The China Digital Seismographic Network was initiated in 1983 and improved significantly during 1992-1993. Data from the CDSN is widely used by government and research institutions, and, generally, this data is not readily accessible to middle and high school students. An educational seismic network in China is needed to provide collaboration and research opportunities for students and engaging students around the country in scientific understanding of earthquake hazards and risks while promoting community awareness. In 2022, the Tsinghua International School (THIS) Seismology Team, made up of enthusiastic students and facilitated by two experienced teachers, was established. As a group, the team’s objective is to install seismographs in schools throughout China, thus creating an educational seismic network that shares data from the THIS Educational Seismic Network (THIS-ESN) and facilitates collaboration. The THIS-ESN initiative will enhance education and outreach in China about earthquake risks and hazards, introduce seismology to a wider audience, stimulate interest in research among students, and develop students’ programming, data collection and analysis skills. It will also encourage and inspire young minds to pursue science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math (STEAM) career fields. The THIS-ESN utilizes small, low-cost RaspberryShake seismographs as a powerful tool linked into a global network, giving schools and the public access to real-time seismic data from across China, increasing earthquake monitoring capabilities in the perspective areas and adding to the available data sets regionally and worldwide helping create a denser seismic network. The RaspberryShake seismograph is compatible with free seismic data viewing platforms such as SWARM, RaspberryShake web programs and mobile apps are designed specifically towards teaching seismology and seismic data interpretation, providing opportunities to enhance understanding. The RaspberryShake is powered by an operating system embedded in the Raspberry Pi, which makes it an easy platform to teach students basic computer communication concepts by utilizing processing tools to investigate, plot, and manipulate data. THIS Seismology Team believes strongly in creating opportunities for committed students to become part of the seismological community by engaging in analysis of real-time scientific data with tangible outcomes. Students will feel proud of the important work they are doing to understand the world around them and become advocates spreading their knowledge back into their homes and communities, helping to improve overall community resilience. We trust that, in studying the results seismograph stations yield, students will not only grasp how subjects like physics and computer science apply in real life, and by spreading information, we hope students across the country can appreciate how and why earthquakes bear on their lives, develop practical skills in STEAM, and engage in the global seismic monitoring effort. By providing such an opportunity to schools across the country, we are confident that we will be an agent of change for society.

Keywords: collaboration, outreach, education, seismology, earthquakes, public awareness, research opportunities

Procedia PDF Downloads 73
25747 Wireless Transmission of Big Data Using Novel Secure Algorithm

Authors: K. Thiagarajan, K. Saranya, A. Veeraiah, B. Sudha


This paper presents a novel algorithm for secure, reliable and flexible transmission of big data in two hop wireless networks using cooperative jamming scheme. Two hop wireless networks consist of source, relay and destination nodes. Big data has to transmit from source to relay and from relay to destination by deploying security in physical layer. Cooperative jamming scheme determines transmission of big data in more secure manner by protecting it from eavesdroppers and malicious nodes of unknown location. The novel algorithm that ensures secure and energy balance transmission of big data, includes selection of data transmitting region, segmenting the selected region, determining probability ratio for each node (capture node, non-capture and eavesdropper node) in every segment, evaluating the probability using binary based evaluation. If it is secure transmission resume with the two- hop transmission of big data, otherwise prevent the attackers by cooperative jamming scheme and transmit the data in two-hop transmission.

Keywords: big data, two-hop transmission, physical layer wireless security, cooperative jamming, energy balance

Procedia PDF Downloads 491
25746 Process for Analyzing Information Security Risks Associated with the Incorporation of Online Dispute Resolution Systems in the Context of Conciliation in Colombia

Authors: Jefferson Camacho Mejia, Jenny Paola Forero Pachon, Luis Carlos Gomez Florez


The innumerable possibilities offered by the use of Information Technology (IT) in the development of different socio-economic activities has made a change in the social paradigm and the emergence of the so-called information and knowledge society. The Colombian government, aware of this reality, has been promoting the use of IT as part of the E-government strategy adopted in the country. However, it is well known that the use of IT implies the existence of certain threats that put the security of information in the digital environment at risk. One of the priorities of the Colombian government is to improve access to alternative justice through IT, in particular, access to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): conciliation, arbitration and friendly composition; by means of which it is sought that the citizens directly resolve their differences. To this end, a trend has been identified in the use of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) systems, which extend the benefits of ADR to the digital environment through the use of IT. This article presents a process for the analysis of information security risks associated with the incorporation of ODR systems in the context of conciliation in Colombia, based on four fundamental stages identified in the literature: (I) Identification of assets, (II) Identification of threats and vulnerabilities (III) Estimation of the impact and 4) Estimation of risk levels. The methodological design adopted for this research was the grounded theory, since it involves interactions that are applied to a specific context and from the perspective of diverse participants. As a result of this investigation, the activities to be followed are defined to carry out an analysis of information security risks, in the context of the conciliation in Colombia supported by ODR systems, thus contributing to the estimation of the risks to make possible its subsequent treatment.

Keywords: alternative dispute resolution, conciliation, information security, online dispute resolution systems, process, risk analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 241
25745 Investigate the Rural Mobility and Accessibility Challenges of Seniors

Authors: Tom Ryan


This paper investigates the rural mobility and accessibility challenges of a specific target group - Seniors. The target group is those over 66 years of age who are entitled to use the Public Transport (PT) Free Travel Scheme in rural Ireland. The paper explores at a high level some of the projected rural PT challenges and requirements over the next 10-15 years, noting that statistical predictions show that there will be a significant population demographic shift within the Senior's age profile. Using the PESTEL framework, the literature review explored existing research concerning mobility, accessibility challenges, and the opportunities Seniors face. Twenty-seven qualitative in-depth interviews with stakeholders within the ecosystem were undertaken. The stakeholders included: rural PT customers, Local-Link managers, NTA senior management, a Minister of State, and a European parliament policymaker. Tier 1 interviewee feedback spotlights that the PT network system does not exist for rural patients to access hospital facilities. There was no evidence from the Tier 2 research findings to show that health policymakers and transport planners are working to deliver a national solution to support patients getting access to hospital appointments. Several research interviewees discussed the theme of isolation and the perceived stigma of senior males utilising PT. The findings indicated that MaaS is potentially revolutionary in the PT arena. Finally, this paper suggests several short-, medium- and long-term recommendations based on the research findings. These recommendations are a potential springboard to ensure that rural PT is suitable for future Irish generations.

Keywords: accessibility, active ageing, car dependence, isolation, seniors health issues, behavioural changes, environmental challenges, internet of things, demand responsive, mobility as a service

Procedia PDF Downloads 111
25744 The Spatial Circuit of the Audiovisual Industry in Argentina: From Monopoly and Geographic Concentration to New Regionalization and Democratization Policies

Authors: André Pasti


Historically, the communication sector in Argentina is characterized by intense monopolization and geographical concentration in the city of Buenos Aires. In 2000, the four major media conglomerates in operation – Clarín, Telefónica, America and Hadad – controlled 84% of the national media market. By 2009, new policies were implemented as a result of civil society organizations demands. Legally, a new regulatory framework was approved: the law 26,522 of Audiovisual Communications Services. Supposedly, these policies intend to create new conditions for the development of the audiovisual economy in the territory of Argentina. The regionalization of audiovisual production and the democratization of channels and access to media were among the priorities. This paper analyses the main changes and continuities in the organization of the spatial circuit of the audiovisual industry in Argentina provoked by these new policies. These new policies aim at increasing the diversity of audiovisual producers and promoting regional audiovisual industries. For this purpose, a national program for the development of audiovisual centers within the country was created. This program fostered a federalized production network, based on nine audiovisual regions and 40 nodes. Each node has created technical, financial and organizational conditions to gather different actors in audiovisual production – such as SMEs, social movements and local associations. The expansion of access to technical networks was also a concern of other policies, such as ‘Argentina connected’, whose objective was to expand access to broadband Internet. The Open Digital Television network also received considerable investments. Furthermore, measures have been carried out in order to impose limits on the concentration of ownership as well as to eliminate the oligopolies and to ensure more competition in the sector. These actions intended to force a divide of the media conglomerates into smaller groups. Nevertheless, the corporations that compose these conglomerates resist strongly, making full use of their economic and judiciary power. Indeed, the absence of effective impact of such measures can be testified by the fact that the audiovisual industry remains strongly concentrated in Argentina. Overall, these new policies were designed properly to decentralize audiovisual production and expand the regional diversity of the audiovisual industry. However, the effective transformation of the organization of the audiovisual circuit in the territory faced several resistances. This can be explained firstly and foremost by the ideological and economic power of the media conglomerates. In the second place, there is an inherited inertia from the unequal distribution of the objects needed for the audiovisual production and consumption. Lastly, the resistance also relies on financial needs and in the excessive dependence of the state for the promotion of regional audiovisual production.

Keywords: Argentina, audiovisual industry, communication policies, geographic concentration, regionalization, spatial circuit

Procedia PDF Downloads 217
25743 One Step Further: Pull-Process-Push Data Processing

Authors: Romeo Botes, Imelda Smit


In today’s modern age of technology vast amounts of data needs to be processed in real-time to keep users satisfied. This data comes from various sources and in many formats, including electronic and mobile devices such as GPRS modems and GPS devices. They make use of different protocols including TCP, UDP, and HTTP/s for data communication to web servers and eventually to users. The data obtained from these devices may provide valuable information to users, but are mostly in an unreadable format which needs to be processed to provide information and business intelligence. This data is not always current, it is mostly historical data. The data is not subject to implementation of consistency and redundancy measures as most other data usually is. Most important to the users is that the data are to be pre-processed in a readable format when it is entered into the database. To accomplish this, programmers build processing programs and scripts to decode and process the information stored in databases. Programmers make use of various techniques in such programs to accomplish this, but sometimes neglect the effect some of these techniques may have on database performance. One of the techniques generally used,is to pull data from the database server, process it and push it back to the database server in one single step. Since the processing of the data usually takes some time, it keeps the database busy and locked for the period of time that the processing takes place. Because of this, it decreases the overall performance of the database server and therefore the system’s performance. This paper follows on a paper discussing the performance increase that may be achieved by utilizing array lists along with a pull-process-push data processing technique split in three steps. The purpose of this paper is to expand the number of clients when comparing the two techniques to establish the impact it may have on performance of the CPU storage and processing time.

Keywords: performance measures, algorithm techniques, data processing, push data, process data, array list

Procedia PDF Downloads 245
25742 Rural Entrepreneurship as a Response to Climate Change and Resource Conservation

Authors: Omar Romero-Hernandez, Federico Castillo, Armando Sanchez, Sergio Romero, Andrea Romero, Michael Mitchell


Environmental policies for resource conservation in rural areas include subsidies on services and social programs to cover living expenses. Government's expectation is that rural communities who benefit from social programs, such as payment for ecosystem services, are provided with an incentive to conserve natural resources and preserve natural sinks for greenhouse gases. At the same time, global climate change has affected the lives of people worldwide. The capability to adapt to global warming depends on the available resources and the standard of living, putting rural communities at a disadvantage. This paper explores whether rural entrepreneurship can represent a solution to resource conservation and global warming adaptation in rural communities. The research focuses on a sample of two coffee communities in Oaxaca, Mexico. Researchers used geospatial information contained in aerial photographs of the geographical areas of interest. Households were identified in the photos via the roofs of households and georeferenced via coordinates. From the household population, a random selection of roofs was performed and received a visit. A total of 112 surveys were completed, including questions of socio-demographics, perception to climate change and adaptation activities. The population includes two groups of study: entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. Data was sorted, filtered, and validated. Analysis includes descriptive statistics for exploratory purposes and a multi-regression analysis. Outcomes from the surveys indicate that coffee farmers, who demonstrate entrepreneurship skills and hire employees, are more eager to adapt to climate change despite the extreme adverse socioeconomic conditions of the region. We show that farmers with entrepreneurial tendencies are more creative in using innovative farm practices such as the planting of shade trees, the use of live fencing, instead of wires, and watershed protection techniques, among others. This result counters the notion that small farmers are at the mercy of climate change and have no possibility of being able to adapt to a changing climate. The study also points to roadblocks that farmers face when coping with climate change. Among those roadblocks are a lack of extension services, access to credit, and reliable internet, all of which reduces access to vital information needed in today’s constantly changing world. Results indicate that, under some circumstances, funding and supporting entrepreneurship programs may provide more benefit than traditional social programs.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, global warming, rural communities, climate change adaptation

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25741 Extreme Temperature Forecast in Mbonge, Cameroon Through Return Level Analysis of the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) Distribution

Authors: Nkongho Ayuketang Arreyndip, Ebobenow Joseph


In this paper, temperature extremes are forecast by employing the block maxima method of the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution to analyse temperature data from the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC). By considering two sets of data (raw data and simulated data) and two (stationary and non-stationary) models of the GEV distribution, return levels analysis is carried out and it was found that in the stationary model, the return values are constant over time with the raw data, while in the simulated data the return values show an increasing trend with an upper bound. In the non-stationary model, the return levels of both the raw data and simulated data show an increasing trend with an upper bound. This clearly shows that although temperatures in the tropics show a sign of increase in the future, there is a maximum temperature at which there is no exceedance. The results of this paper are very vital in agricultural and environmental research.

Keywords: forecasting, generalized extreme value (GEV), meteorology, return level

Procedia PDF Downloads 482
25740 Impact of Stack Caches: Locality Awareness and Cost Effectiveness

Authors: Abdulrahman K. Alshegaifi, Chun-Hsi Huang


Treating data based on its location in memory has received much attention in recent years due to its different properties, which offer important aspects for cache utilization. Stack data and non-stack data may interfere with each other’s locality in the data cache. One of the important aspects of stack data is that it has high spatial and temporal locality. In this work, we simulate non-unified cache design that split data cache into stack and non-stack caches in order to maintain stack data and non-stack data separate in different caches. We observe that the overall hit rate of non-unified cache design is sensitive to the size of non-stack cache. Then, we investigate the appropriate size and associativity for stack cache to achieve high hit ratio especially when over 99% of accesses are directed to stack cache. The result shows that on average more than 99% of stack cache accuracy is achieved by using 2KB of capacity and 1-way associativity. Further, we analyze the improvement in hit rate when adding small, fixed, size of stack cache at level1 to unified cache architecture. The result shows that the overall hit rate of unified cache design with adding 1KB of stack cache is improved by approximately, on average, 3.9% for Rijndael benchmark. The stack cache is simulated by using SimpleScalar toolset.

Keywords: hit rate, locality of program, stack cache, stack data

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25739 Autonomic Threat Avoidance and Self-Healing in Database Management System

Authors: Wajahat Munir, Muhammad Haseeb, Adeel Anjum, Basit Raza, Ahmad Kamran Malik


Databases are the key components of the software systems. Due to the exponential growth of data, it is the concern that the data should be accurate and available. The data in databases is vulnerable to internal and external threats, especially when it contains sensitive data like medical or military applications. Whenever the data is changed by malicious intent, data analysis result may lead to disastrous decisions. Autonomic self-healing is molded toward computer system after inspiring from the autonomic system of human body. In order to guarantee the accuracy and availability of data, we propose a technique which on a priority basis, tries to avoid any malicious transaction from execution and in case a malicious transaction affects the system, it heals the system in an isolated mode in such a way that the availability of system would not be compromised. Using this autonomic system, the management cost and time of DBAs can be minimized. In the end, we test our model and present the findings.

Keywords: autonomic computing, self-healing, threat avoidance, security

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25738 Information Extraction Based on Search Engine Results

Authors: Mohammed R. Elkobaisi, Abdelsalam Maatuk


The search engines are the large scale information retrieval tools from the Web that are currently freely available to all. This paper explains how to convert the raw resulted number of search engines into useful information. This represents a new method for data gathering comparing with traditional methods. When a query is submitted for a multiple numbers of keywords, this take a long time and effort, hence we develop a user interface program to automatic search by taking multi-keywords at the same time and leave this program to collect wanted data automatically. The collected raw data is processed using mathematical and statistical theories to eliminate unwanted data and converting it to usable data.

Keywords: search engines, information extraction, agent system

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25737 Data Monetisation by E-commerce Companies: A Need for a Regulatory Framework in India

Authors: Anushtha Saxena


This paper examines the process of data monetisation bye-commerce companies operating in India. Data monetisation is collecting, storing, and analysing consumers’ data to use further the data that is generated for profits, revenue, etc. Data monetisation enables e-commerce companies to get better businesses opportunities, innovative products and services, a competitive edge over others to the consumers, and generate millions of revenues. This paper analyses the issues and challenges that are faced due to the process of data monetisation. Some of the issues highlighted in the paper pertain to the right to privacy, protection of data of e-commerce consumers. At the same time, data monetisation cannot be prohibited, but it can be regulated and monitored by stringent laws and regulations. The right to privacy isa fundamental right guaranteed to the citizens of India through Article 21 of The Constitution of India. The Supreme Court of India recognized the Right to Privacy as a fundamental right in the landmark judgment of Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd) and Another v. Union of India . This paper highlights the legal issue of how e-commerce businesses violate individuals’ right to privacy by using the data collected, stored by them for economic gains and monetisation and protection of data. The researcher has mainly focused on e-commerce companies like online shopping websitesto analyse the legal issue of data monetisation. In the Internet of Things and the digital age, people have shifted to online shopping as it is convenient, easy, flexible, comfortable, time-consuming, etc. But at the same time, the e-commerce companies store the data of their consumers and use it by selling to the third party or generating more data from the data stored with them. This violatesindividuals’ right to privacy because the consumers do not know anything while giving their data online. Many times, data is collected without the consent of individuals also. Data can be structured, unstructured, etc., that is used by analytics to monetise. The Indian legislation like The Information Technology Act, 2000, etc., does not effectively protect the e-consumers concerning their data and how it is used by e-commerce businesses to monetise and generate revenues from that data. The paper also examines the draft Data Protection Bill, 2021, pending in the Parliament of India, and how this Bill can make a huge impact on data monetisation. This paper also aims to study the European Union General Data Protection Regulation and how this legislation can be helpful in the Indian scenarioconcerning e-commerce businesses with respect to data monetisation.

Keywords: data monetization, e-commerce companies, regulatory framework, GDPR

Procedia PDF Downloads 120
25736 Experiments on Weakly-Supervised Learning on Imperfect Data

Authors: Yan Cheng, Yijun Shao, James Rudolph, Charlene R. Weir, Beth Sahlmann, Qing Zeng-Treitler


Supervised predictive models require labeled data for training purposes. Complete and accurate labeled data, i.e., a ‘gold standard’, is not always available, and imperfectly labeled data may need to serve as an alternative. An important question is if the accuracy of the labeled data creates a performance ceiling for the trained model. In this study, we trained several models to recognize the presence of delirium in clinical documents using data with annotations that are not completely accurate (i.e., weakly-supervised learning). In the external evaluation, the support vector machine model with a linear kernel performed best, achieving an area under the curve of 89.3% and accuracy of 88%, surpassing the 80% accuracy of the training sample. We then generated a set of simulated data and carried out a series of experiments which demonstrated that models trained on imperfect data can (but do not always) outperform the accuracy of the training data, e.g., the area under the curve for some models is higher than 80% when trained on the data with an error rate of 40%. Our experiments also showed that the error resistance of linear modeling is associated with larger sample size, error type, and linearity of the data (all p-values < 0.001). In conclusion, this study sheds light on the usefulness of imperfect data in clinical research via weakly-supervised learning.

Keywords: weakly-supervised learning, support vector machine, prediction, delirium, simulation

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25735 Operating Speed Models on Tangent Sections of Two-Lane Rural Roads

Authors: Dražen Cvitanić, Biljana Maljković


This paper presents models for predicting operating speeds on tangent sections of two-lane rural roads developed on continuous speed data. The data corresponds to 20 drivers of different ages and driving experiences, driving their own cars along an 18 km long section of a state road. The data were first used for determination of maximum operating speeds on tangents and their comparison with speeds in the middle of tangents i.e. speed data used in most of operating speed studies. Analysis of continuous speed data indicated that the spot speed data are not reliable indicators of relevant speeds. After that, operating speed models for tangent sections were developed. There was no significant difference between models developed using speed data in the middle of tangent sections and models developed using maximum operating speeds on tangent sections. All developed models have higher coefficient of determination then models developed on spot speed data. Thus, it can be concluded that the method of measuring has more significant impact on the quality of operating speed model than the location of measurement.

Keywords: operating speed, continuous speed data, tangent sections, spot speed, consistency

Procedia PDF Downloads 452
25734 Fruits and Vegetable Consumers' Behaviour towards Organised Retailers: Evidence from India

Authors: K. B. Ramappa, A. V. Manjunatha


Consumerism in India is witnessing unprecedented growth driven by favourable demographics, rising young and working population, rising income levels, urbanization and growing brand orientation. In addition, the increasing level of awareness on health, hygiene and quality has made the consumers to think on the fairly traded goods and brands. This has made retailing extremely important to everyone because without retailers’ consumers would not have access to day-to-day products. The increased competition among different retailers has contributed significantly towards rising consumer awareness on quality products and brand loyalty. Many existing empirical studies have mainly focused on net saving of consumers at organised retail via-a-vis unorganised retail shops. In this article, authors have analysed the Bangalore consumers' attitudes towards buying of fruits and vegetables and their choice of retail outlets. The primary data was collected from 100 consumers belonging to the Bangalore City during October 2014. Sample consumers buying at supermarkets, convenience stores and hypermarkets were purposively selected. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multinomial logit model. It was found that among all variables, quality and prices were major accountable factors for buying fruits and vegetables at organized retail shops. The empirical result of multinomial logit model reveals that annual net income was positively associated with the Big Bazar and Food World consumers and negatively associated with the Reliance Fresh, More and Niligiris consumers, as compared with the HOPCOMS consumers. Per month expenditure on fruits and vegetables was positively and age of the consumer was negatively related to the consumers’ choice of buying at modern retail markets. Consumers were willing to buy at modern retail outlets irrespective of the distance.

Keywords: organized retailers, consumers' attitude, consumers' preference, fruits, vegetables, multinomial logit, Bangalore

Procedia PDF Downloads 414
25733 Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgeries: Current Use in Pediatric Urology Patients

Authors: Rimel Mwamba, Mohan Gundeti


Introduction: The use of robot-assisted laparoscopic surgeries (RALS) has largely increased in recent years, offering faster and safer treatment options for pediatric patients. In the field of urology, RALS has shown a significant advantage over laparoscopic and open surgeries but continues to be controversial in pediatric cases due to limited comprehensive data on its use. Methods: In this review, we aim to summarize the factors associated with RALS use in pediatric cases involving pyeloplasty, ureteral reimplantation, heminephrectomy, and lower urinary tract reconstruction. We used PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews to systematically search for literature on the topic. We then critically assessed and compiled data on RALS outcomes, complications, and associated factors. Results: To date, numerous comparative studies have been conducted on pediatric RALS, with only one randomized control trial investigating the nuances of robotic use against standard of care treatments. These robotic approaches have shown promise in post-surgical outcomes for pediatric patients undergoing upper and lower urinary tract reconstruction. Barriers to use still persist, however, showcasing a need to increase access to the technology, refine instruments for pediatric use, address cost barriers, and provide proper training for surgeons. Conclusion: RALS providesan opportunity to improve pediatric patient outcomes for numerous urologic complications. Additional studies are required to better compare the use of RALS with current standard practices. Due to the difficult nature of conducting randomized control trials, additional prospective observational studies are needed.

Keywords: pediatric urology, robot-assisted laparoscopic surgeries (RALS), pyeloplasty, ureteral reimplantation, heminephrectomy, and lower urinary tract reconstruction

Procedia PDF Downloads 98
25732 A Neural Network Based Clustering Approach for Imputing Multivariate Values in Big Data

Authors: S. Nickolas, Shobha K.


The treatment of incomplete data is an important step in the data pre-processing. Missing values creates a noisy environment in all applications and it is an unavoidable problem in big data management and analysis. Numerous techniques likes discarding rows with missing values, mean imputation, expectation maximization, neural networks with evolutionary algorithms or optimized techniques and hot deck imputation have been introduced by researchers for handling missing data. Among these, imputation techniques plays a positive role in filling missing values when it is necessary to use all records in the data and not to discard records with missing values. In this paper we propose a novel artificial neural network based clustering algorithm, Adaptive Resonance Theory-2(ART2) for imputation of missing values in mixed attribute data sets. The process of ART2 can recognize learned models fast and be adapted to new objects rapidly. It carries out model-based clustering by using competitive learning and self-steady mechanism in dynamic environment without supervision. The proposed approach not only imputes the missing values but also provides information about handling the outliers.

Keywords: ART2, data imputation, clustering, missing data, neural network, pre-processing

Procedia PDF Downloads 275
25731 Investigating Learners’ Online Learning Experiences in a Blended-Learning School Environment

Authors: Abraham Ampong


BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The development of information technology and its influence today is inevitable in the world of education. The development of information technology and communication (ICT) has an impact on the use of teaching aids such as computers and the Internet, for example, E-learning. E-learning is a learning process attained through electronic means. But learning is not merely technology because learning is essentially more about the process of interaction between teacher, student, and source study. The main purpose of the study is to investigate learners’ online learning experiences in a blended learning approach, evaluate how learners’ experience of an online learning environment affects the blended learning approach and examine the future of online learning in a blended learning environment. Blended learning pedagogies have been recognized as a path to improve teacher’s instructional strategies for teaching using technology. Blended learning is perceived to have many advantages for teachers and students, including any-time learning, anywhere access, self-paced learning, inquiry-led learning and collaborative learning; this helps institutions to create desired instructional skills such as critical thinking in the process of learning. Blended learning as an approach to learning has gained momentum because of its widespread integration into educational organizations. METHODOLOGY: Based on the research objectives and questions of the study, the study will make use of the qualitative research approach. The rationale behind the selection of this research approach is that participants are able to make sense of their situations and appreciate their construction of knowledge and understanding because the methods focus on how people understand and interpret their experiences. A case study research design is adopted to explore the situation under investigation. The target population for the study will consist of selected students from selected universities. A simple random sampling technique will be used to select the targeted population. The data collection instrument that will be adopted for this study will be questions that will serve as an interview guide. An interview guide is a set of questions that an interviewer asks when interviewing respondents. Responses from the in-depth interview will be transcribed into word and analyzed under themes. Ethical issues to be catered for in this study include the right to privacy, voluntary participation, and no harm to participants, and confidentiality. INDICATORS OF THE MAJOR FINDINGS: It is suitable for the study to find out that online learning encourages timely feedback from teachers or that online learning tools are okay to use without issues. Most of the communication with the teacher can be done through emails and text messages. It is again suitable for sampled respondents to prefer online learning because there are few or no distractions. Learners can have access to technology to do other activities to support their learning”. There are, again, enough and enhanced learning materials available online. CONCLUSION: Unlike the previous research works focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of blended learning, the present study aims at the respective roles of its two modalities, as well as their interdependencies.

Keywords: online learning, blended learning, technologies, teaching methods

Procedia PDF Downloads 86
25730 The Effect That the Data Assimilation of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Has on a Precipitation Forecast

Authors: Ruixia Liu


Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has an important influence on the precipitation of its lower reaches. Data from remote sensing has itself advantage and numerical prediction model which assimilates RS data will be better than other. We got the assimilation data of MHS and terrestrial and sounding from GSI, and introduced the result into WRF, then got the result of RH and precipitation forecast. We found that assimilating MHS and terrestrial and sounding made the forecast on precipitation, area and the center of the precipitation more accurate by comparing the result of 1h,6h,12h, and 24h. Analyzing the difference of the initial field, we knew that the data assimilating about Qinghai-Tibet Plateau influence its lower reaches forecast by affecting on initial temperature and RH.

Keywords: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, precipitation, data assimilation, GSI

Procedia PDF Downloads 234
25729 Positive Affect, Negative Affect, Organizational and Motivational Factor on the Acceptance of Big Data Technologies

Authors: Sook Ching Yee, Angela Siew Hoong Lee


Big data technologies have become a trend to exploit business opportunities and provide valuable business insights through the analysis of big data. However, there are still many organizations that have yet to adopt big data technologies especially small and medium organizations (SME). This study uses the technology acceptance model (TAM) to look into several constructs in the TAM and other additional constructs which are positive affect, negative affect, organizational factor and motivational factor. The conceptual model proposed in the study will be tested on the relationship and influence of positive affect, negative affect, organizational factor and motivational factor towards the intention to use big data technologies to produce an outcome. Empirical research is used in this study by conducting a survey to collect data.

Keywords: big data technologies, motivational factor, negative affect, organizational factor, positive affect, technology acceptance model (TAM)

Procedia PDF Downloads 363
25728 Big Data Analysis with Rhipe

Authors: Byung Ho Jung, Ji Eun Shin, Dong Hoon Lim


Rhipe that integrates R and Hadoop environment made it possible to process and analyze massive amounts of data using a distributed processing environment. In this paper, we implemented multiple regression analysis using Rhipe with various data sizes of actual data. Experimental results for comparing the performance of our Rhipe with stats and biglm packages available on bigmemory, showed that our Rhipe was more fast than other packages owing to paralleling processing with increasing the number of map tasks as the size of data increases. We also compared the computing speeds of pseudo-distributed and fully-distributed modes for configuring Hadoop cluster. The results showed that fully-distributed mode was faster than pseudo-distributed mode, and computing speeds of fully-distributed mode were faster as the number of data nodes increases.

Keywords: big data, Hadoop, Parallel regression analysis, R, Rhipe

Procedia PDF Downloads 498
25727 Exploring the Potential of Chatbots in Higher Education: A Preliminary Study

Authors: S. Studente, S. Ellis, S. F. Garivaldis


We report upon a study introducing a chatbot to develop learning communities at a London University, with a largely international student base. The focus of the chatbot was twofold; to ease the transition for students into their first year of university study, and to increase study engagement. Four learning communities were created using the chatbot; level 3 foundation, level 4 undergraduate, level 6 undergraduate and level 7 post-graduate. Students and programme leaders were provided with access to the chat bot via mobile app prior to their study induction and throughout the autumn term of 2019. At the end of the term, data were collected via questionnaires and focus groups with students and teaching staff to allow for identification of benefits and challenges. Findings indicated a positive correlation between study engagement and engagement with peers. Students reported that the chatbot enabled them to obtain support and connect to their programme leader. Both staff and students also made recommendation on how engagement could be further enhanced using the bot in terms of; clearly specified purpose, integration with existing university systems, leading by example and connectivity. Extending upon these recommendations, a second pilot study is planned for September 2020, for which the focus will be upon improving attendance rates, student satisfaction and module pass rates.

Keywords: chatbot, e-learning, learning communities, student engagement

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25726 Security in Resource Constraints Network Light Weight Encryption for Z-MAC

Authors: Mona Almansoori, Ahmed Mustafa, Ahmad Elshamy


Wireless sensor network was formed by a combination of nodes, systematically it transmitting the data to their base stations, this transmission data can be easily compromised if the limited processing power and the data consistency from these nodes are kept in mind; there is always a discussion to address the secure data transfer or transmission in actual time. This will present a mechanism to securely transmit the data over a chain of sensor nodes without compromising the throughput of the network by utilizing available battery resources available in the sensor node. Our methodology takes many different advantages of Z-MAC protocol for its efficiency, and it provides a unique key by sharing the mechanism using neighbor node MAC address. We present a light weighted data integrity layer which is embedded in the Z-MAC protocol to prove that our protocol performs well than Z-MAC when we introduce the different attack scenarios.

Keywords: hybrid MAC protocol, data integrity, lightweight encryption, neighbor based key sharing, sensor node dataprocessing, Z-MAC

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25725 Securing Communities to Bring Sustainable Development, Building Peace and Community Safety: the Ethiopian Community Policing in Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia

Authors: Demelash Kassaye


The Ethiopia case study reveals a unique model of community policing that has developed from a particular political context in which there is a history of violent political transition, a political structure characterized by ethnic federalism and a political ideology that straddles liberal capitalism and democracy on the one hand, and state-led development and centralized control on the other. The police see community policing as a way to reduce crime. Communities speak about community policing as an opportunity to take on policing responsibilities themselves. Both of these objectives are brought together in an overarching rhetoric of community policing as a way of ‘mobilizing for development’ – whereby the community cooperate with the police to reduce crime, which otherwise inhibits development progress. Community policing in Amhara has primarily involved the placement of Community Police Officers at the kebele level across the State. In addition, a number of structures have also been established in the community, including Advisory Councils, Conflict Resolving Committees, family police and the use of shoe shiner’s and other trade associations as police informants. In addition to these newly created structures, community policing also draws upon pre-existing customary actors, such as militia and elders. Conflict Resolving Committees, Community Police Officers and elders were reported as the most common first ports of call when community members experience a crime. The analysis highlights that the model of community policing in Amhara increased communities’ access to policing services, although this is not always attended by increased access to justice. Community members also indicate that public perceptions of the police have improved since the introduction of community policing, in part due to individual Community Police Officers who have, with limited resources, innovated some impressive strategies to improve safety in their neighborhoods. However, more broadly, community policing has provided the state with more effective surveillance of the population – a potentially oppressive function in the current political context. Ultimately, community policing in Amhara is anything but straightforward. It has been a process of attempting to demonstrate the benefits of newfound (and controversial) ‘democracy’ following years of dictatorship, drawing on generations of customary dispute resolution, providing both improved access to security for communities and an enhanced surveillance capacity for the state. For external actors looking to engage in community policing, this case study reveals the importance of close analysis in assessing potential merits, risks and entry points of programming. Factors found to be central in shaping the nature of community policing in the Amhara case include the structure of the political system, state-society relations, cultures dispute resolution and political ideology.

Keywords: community policing, community, militias, ethiopia

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25724 Survival Data with Incomplete Missing Categorical Covariates

Authors: Madaki Umar Yusuf, Mohd Rizam B. Abubakar


The survival censored data with incomplete covariate data is a common occurrence in many studies in which the outcome is survival time. With model when the missing covariates are categorical, a useful technique for obtaining parameter estimates is the EM by the method of weights. The survival outcome for the class of generalized linear model is applied and this method requires the estimation of the parameters of the distribution of the covariates. In this paper, we propose some clinical trials with ve covariates, four of which have some missing values which clearly show that they were fully censored data.

Keywords: EM algorithm, incomplete categorical covariates, ignorable missing data, missing at random (MAR), Weibull Distribution

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25723 Aerodynamic Analysis of the Airfoil of a VAWT by Using 2D CFD Modelling

Authors: Luis F. Garcia, Julian E. Jaramillo, Jorge L. Chacón


Colombia is a country where the benefits of wind power industry are barely used because of the geography in some areas does not allow the implementation of onshore horizontal axis wind turbines. Furthermore, exist rural areas without access to the electrical grid. Therefore, there is currently a deficit of energy supply in some towns. This research took place in one of those areas (i.e. Chicamocha Canyon-Santander) where the answer to the energy supply problems could be the use of vertical axis wind turbines, which can be used for turbulent flows. Hence, one task of this research is the analysis of the wind resources in the Chicamocha Canyon in order to implement the wind energy. The wind turbines must be designed in such a way that the blades take good advantage of the wind resources in the area of interest. Consequently, in the current research the analysis of two different airfoils (i.e. NACA0018 and DU 06-W-200) through a 2D CFD simulation is carried out by means of a free-software (OpenFOAM). Predicted results using the “Spalart-Allmaras” turbulence model are similar to the wind tunnel data published in the literature. Moreover, global parameters such as dimensionless lift and drag coefficients were calculated. Finally, this research encourages VAWT studies under wind turbulent flows in order to achieve the best use of natural resources in Colombia.

Keywords: airfoil, wind turbine, turbulence modelling, Chicamocha, CFD

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25722 Handy EKG: Low-Cost ECG For Primary Care Screening In Developing Countries

Authors: Jhiamluka Zservando Solano Velasquez, Raul Palma, Alejandro Calderon, Servio Paguada, Erick Marin, Kellyn Funes, Hana Sandoval, Oscar Hernandez


Background: Screening cardiac conditions in primary care in developing countries can be challenging, and Honduras is not the exception. One of the main limitations is the underfunding of the Healthcare System in general, causing conventional ECG acquisition to become a secondary priority. Objective: Development of a low-cost ECG to improve screening of arrhythmias in primary care and communication with a specialist in secondary and tertiary care. Methods: Design a portable, pocket-size low-cost 3 lead ECG (Handy EKG). The device is autonomous and has Wi-Fi/Bluetooth connectivity options. A mobile app was designed which can access online servers with machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence to learn from the data and aid clinicians in their interpretation of readings. Additionally, the device would use the online servers to transfer patient’s data and readings to a specialist in secondary and tertiary care. 50 randomized patients volunteer to participate to test the device. The patients had no previous cardiac-related conditions, and readings were taken. One reading was performed with the conventional ECG and 3 readings with the Handy EKG using different lead positions. This project was possible thanks to the funding provided by the National Autonomous University of Honduras. Results: Preliminary results show that the Handy EKG performs readings of the cardiac activity similar to those of a conventional electrocardiograph in lead I, II, and III depending on the position of the leads at a lower cost. The wave and segment duration, amplitude, and morphology of the readings were similar to the conventional ECG, and interpretation was possible to conclude whether there was an arrhythmia or not. Two cases of prolonged PR segment were found in both ECG device readings. Conclusion: Using a Frugal innovation approach can allow lower income countries to develop innovative medical devices such as the Handy EKG to fulfill unmet needs at lower prices without compromising effectiveness, safety, and quality. The Handy EKG provides a solution for primary care screening at a much lower cost and allows for convenient storage of the readings in online servers where clinical data of patients can then be accessed remotely by Cardiology specialists.

Keywords: low-cost hardware, portable electrocardiograph, prototype, remote healthcare

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25721 State of the Science: Digital Therapies in Pediatric Mental Health

Authors: Billy Zou


Statement of the Problem: The burden of mental illness and problem behaviors in adolescence has risen worldwide. While less than 50% of teens have access to traditional mental health care, more than 73% have smartphones. Internet-based interventions offer advantages such as cost-effectiveness, availability, and flexibility. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: A literature review was done using a PubMed search with the words mental health app yielding 2113 results. 103 articles that met inclusion criteria were reviewed, and findings were then described and synthesized. Findings: 1. Computer-based CBT was found to be effective for OCD, depression, social phobia, and panic disorder. 2. Web-based psychoeducation reduced problem behavior and improved parental well-being. 3. There is limited evidence for mobile-phone-based apps, but preliminary results suggest computer-based interventions are transferrable to mobile apps. 4. Adherence to app-based treatment was correlated with impressions about the user interface Conclusion & Significance: There is evidence for the effectiveness of computer-based programs in filling the significant gaps that currently exist in mental health delivery in the United States and internationally. There is also potential and theoretical validity for mobile-based apps to do the same, though more data is needed.

Keywords: children's mental health, mental health app, child and adolecent psychiatry, digital therapy

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25720 Electronic Government around the World: Key Information and Communication Technology Indicators

Authors: Isaac Kofi Mensah


Governments around the world are adopting Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) because of the important opportunities it provides through E-government (EG) to modernize government public administration processes and delivery of quality and efficient public services. Almost every country in the world is adopting ICT in its public sector administration (EG) to modernize and change the traditional process of government, increase citizen engagement and participation in governance, as well as the provision of timely information to citizens. This paper, therefore, seeks to present the adoption, development and implementation of EG in regions globally, as well as the ICT indicators around the world, which are making EG initiatives successful. Europe leads the world in its EG adoption and development index, followed by the Americas, Asia, Oceania and Africa. There is a gradual growth in ICT indicators in terms of the increase in Internet access and usage, increase in broadband penetration, an increase of individuals using the Internet at home and a decline in fixed telephone use, while the mobile cellular phone has been on the increase year-on-year. Though the lack of ICT infrastructure is a major challenge to EG adoption and implementation around the world, in Africa it is very pervasive, hampering the expansion of Internet access and provision of broadband, and hence is a barrier to the successful adoption, development, and implementation of EG initiatives in countries on the continent. But with the general improvement and increase in ICT indicators around the world, it provides countries in Europe, Americas, Asia, Arab States, Oceania and Africa with the huge opportunity to enhance public service delivery through the adoption of EG. Countries within these regions cannot fail their citizens who desire to enjoy an enhanced and efficient public service delivery from government and its many state institutions.

Keywords: e-government development index, e-government, indicators, information and communication technologies (ICTs)

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25719 Understanding Level 5 Sport Student’s Perspectives of the Barriers to Progression and Attainment

Authors: Emma Whewell, Lee Waters, Mark Wall


This paper is a mixed methods investigation into the perceived barriers to attainment and progression. Initially entry level data was analysed to identify some of the key characteristics of the student cohort- for example entry route, age and ethnic background. Secondly, a phenomenological case study of the lived experiences of 15 level 5 sport and exercise students was conducted. It aimed to understand the complexities of success in higher education, far beyond entry qualifications, indices of deprivation and POLAR characteristics, to offer a first-hand account of student perceptions and interpretations of the barriers they face in progression, retention and completion on their programme. Using focus groups and interviews with students from a range of indices we offer a set of rich case studies exploring the interpretations of our students’ lived experiences and challenges. Findings demonstrate a complex set of circumstances that centre on managing workload, use of support services and aspirations of students that conflict with university priorities. Conclusions centre on the role of academic and pastoral support, assumptions about priorities of students and practical interventions to support achievement.

Keywords: access and participation, higher education, progression and retention, barriers

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