Search results for: clinical characteristic
3655 Predictors of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Egyptian Obese Adolescents
Authors: Moushira Zaki, Wafaa Ezzat, Yasser Elhosary, Omnia Saleh
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has increased in conjunction with obesity. The accuracy of risk factors for detecting NAFLD in obese adolescents has not undergone a formal evaluation. The aim of this study was to evaluate predictors of NAFLD among Egyptian female obese adolescents. The study included 162 obese female adolescents. All were subjected to anthropometry, biochemical analysis and abdominal ultrasongraphic assessment. Metabolic syndrome (MS) was diagnosed according to the IDF criteria. Significant association between presence of MS and NAFLD was observed. Obese adolescents with NAFLD had significantly higher levels of ALT, triglycerides, fasting glucose, insulin, blood pressure and HOMA-IR, whereas decreased HDL-C levels as compared with obese cases without NAFLD. Receiver–operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis shows that ALT is a sensitive predictor for NAFLD, confirming that ALT can be used as a marker of NAFLD.Keywords: obesity, NAFLD, predictors, adolescents, Egyptians, risk factors, prevalence
Procedia PDF Downloads 3903654 Mechanical Structural and Optical Properties of Lu₂SiO₅ Scintillator-Polymer Composite Films
Authors: M. S. E. Hamroun, K. Bachari, A. Berrayah, L. Mechernene, L. Guerbous
Composite films containing homogeneously dispersed scintillation nano-particles of Lu₂SiO₅:Ce³⁺, in optically transparent polymer matrix, have been prepared and characterized through X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetric (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (ATG), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), electron scanning microscopy morphology (SEM) and photoluminescence (PL). Lu₂SiO₅:Ce³⁺ scintillator powder was successfully synthesized via Sol-Gel method. This study is realized with different mass ratios of nano-particles embedded in polystyrene and polylactic acid polymer matrix (5, 10, 15, 20%) to see the influence of nano-particles on the mechanical, structural and optical properties of films. The composites have been prepared with 400 µm thickness. It has found that the structural proprieties change with mass ratio on each sample. PL photoluminescence shows the characteristic Lu₂SiO₅:Ce³⁺ emission in the blue region and intensity varied for each film.Keywords: nano-particles, sol gel, photoluminescence, Ce³⁺, scintillator, polystyrene
Procedia PDF Downloads 1213653 Enhancing Engineering Students Educational Experience: Studying Hydrostatic Pumps Association System in Fluid Mechanics Laboratories
Authors: Alexandre Daliberto Frugoli, Pedro Jose Gabriel Ferreira, Pedro Americo Frugoli, Lucio Leonardo, Thais Cavalheri Santos
Laboratory classes in Engineering courses are essential for students to be able to integrate theory with practical reality, by handling equipment and observing experiments. In the researches of physical phenomena, students can learn about the complexities of science. Over the past years, universities in developing countries have been reducing the course load of engineering courses, in accordance with cutting cost agendas. Quality education is the object of study for researchers and requires educators and educational administrators able to demonstrate that the institutions are able to provide great learning opportunities at reasonable costs. Didactic test benches are indispensable equipment in educational activities related to turbo hydraulic pumps and pumping facilities study, which have a high cost and require long class time due to measurements and equipment adjustment time. In order to overcome the aforementioned obstacles, aligned with the professional objectives of an engineer, GruPEFE - UNIP (Research Group in Physics Education for Engineering - Universidade Paulista) has developed a multi-purpose stand for the discipline of fluid mechanics which allows the study of velocity and flow meters, loads losses and pump association. In this work, results obtained by the association in series and in parallel of hydraulic pumps will be presented and discussed, mainly analyzing the repeatability of experimental procedures and their agreement with the theory. For the association in series two identical pumps were used, consisting of the connection of the discharge of a pump to the suction of the next one, allowing the fluid to receive the power of all machines in the association. The characteristic curve of the set is obtained from the curves of each of the pumps, by adding the heads corresponding to the same flow rates. The same pumps were associated in parallel. In this association, the discharge piping is common to the two machines together. The characteristic curve of the set was obtained by adding to each value of H (head height), the flow rates of each pump. For the tests, the input and output pressure of each pump were measured. For each set there were three sets of measurements, varying the flow rate in range from 6.0 to 8.5 m 3 / h. For the two associations, the results showed an excellent repeatability with variations of less than 10% between sets of measurements and also a good agreement with the theory. This variation agrees with the instrumental uncertainty. Thus, the results validate the use of the fluids bench designed for didactic purposes. As a future work, a digital acquisition system is being developed, using differential sensors of extremely low pressures (2 to 2000 Pa approximately) for the microcontroller Arduino.Keywords: engineering education, fluid mechanics, hydrostatic pumps association, multi-purpose stand
Procedia PDF Downloads 2223652 Biodiesel Production from Canola Oil Using Trans-Esterification Process with Koh as a Catalyst
Authors: M. Nafis Alfarizi, Dinda A. Utami, Arif Hidayat
Biodiesel is one solution to overcome the use of petroleum fuels. Many alternative feedstocks that can be used among which canola oil. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of canola oil and KOH for the trans-esterification reaction in biodiesel production. Canola oil has a very high purity that can be used as an alternative feedstock for biodiesel production and expected it will be produced biodiesel with excellent quality. In this case of study, we used trans-esterification process wherein the triglyceride is reacted with an alcohol with KOH as a catalyst, and it will produce biodiesel and glycerol as byproduct and we choose trans-esterification process because canola oil has a 0,445% FFA content. The variables studied in this research include the comparison of canola oil and methanol, temperature, time, and the percent of catalyst used. In this study the method of analysis we use GCMS and FTIR to know what the characteristic in canola oil. Development of canola oil seems to be the perfect solution to produce high-quality biodiesel. The reaction conditions resulted in 97.87% -w methyl ester (biodiesel) product by using a 0.5% wt KOH catalyst with canola and methanol ratio 1:8 at 60°C.Keywords: biodiesel, canola oil, KOH, trans-esterification
Procedia PDF Downloads 2653651 The Effects of Modern Materials on the Moisture Resistance Performance of Architectural Buildings
Authors: Leyli Hashemi Rafsanjani, Hoda Mortazavi Alavi, Amirhossein Habibzadeh
At present, the atmospheric and environmental factors impose massive damages to buildings. Thus, to reduce these damages, researchers pay more attention on qualitative and quantitative characteristic of buildings materials. Condensation is one of the problems in Contemporary Sustecture Design. It could cause serious damages to the frontage, interior and structural elements of buildings. As a result, taking preventative steps to avoid condensation from occurring in buildings will help prevent avoidable and costly problems in the future. Hence, the aim of this paper is to answer the question: “Does the use of advanced materials cause the reduction of condensation formed on the walls?" In response to those flaws, this paper considered similar articles and selected 20 buildings randomly from contemporary architecture of developing countries which have been built in recent decade from 2002 to 2012, to find out the mutual relation between the usage of advanced materials and level of condensation damages. This consideration shows that by using advanced materials, we will have fewer damages.Keywords: condensation, advanced materials, contemporary sustecture, moisture
Procedia PDF Downloads 3263650 Writing the Roaming Female Self: Identity and Romantic Selfhood in Mary Wollstonecraft’s Letters Written during a Short Stay in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway (1796)
Authors: Kalyani Gandhi
The eighteenth century in Britain saw a great burst of activity in writing (letters, journals, newspapers, essays); often these modes of writing had a public-spirited bent in-step with the prevailing intellectual atmosphere. Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the leading intellectuals of that period who utilized letter writing to convey her thoughts on the exciting political developments of the late eighteenth century. Fusing together her anxieties and concerns about humanity in general and herself in particular, Wollstonecraft’s views of the world around her are filtered through the lens of her subjectivity. Thus, Wollstonecraft’s letters covered a wide range of topics on both the personal and political level (for the two are often entwined in Wollstonecraft’s characteristic style of analysis) such as sentiment, gender, nature, peasantry, the class system, the legal system, political duties and rights of both rulers and subjects, death, immortality, religion, family and education. Therefore, this paper intends to examine the manner in which Wollstonecraft utilizes letter-writing to constitute and develop Romantic self-hood, understand the world around her and illustrate her ideas on the political and social happenings in Europe. The primary text analyzed will be Mary Wollstonecraft's Letters Written During a Short Stay in Sweden, Denmark and Norway (1796) and the analysis of this text will be supplemented by researching 18th-century British letter writing culture, with a special emphasis on the epistolary habits of women. Within this larger framework, this paper intends to examine the manner in which this hybrid of travel and epistolary writing aided Mary Wollstonecraft's expression on Romantic selfhood and how it was complicated by ideas of gender. This paper reveals Wollstonecraft's text to be wrought with anxiety about the world around her and within her; thus, the personal-public nature of the epistolary format particularly suits her characteristic point of view that looks within and without. That is to say, Wollstonecraft’s anxieties about gender and self, are as much about the women she sees in the world around her as much as they are about her young daughter and herself. Wollstonecraft constantly explores and examines this anxiety within the different but interconnected realms of politics, economics, history and society. In fact, it is her complex technique of entwining these aforementioned concerns with a closer look at interpersonal relationships among men and women (she often mentions specific anecdotes and instances) that make Wollstonecraft's Letters so engaging and insightful. Thus, Wollstonecraft’s Letters is an exemplar of British Romantic writing due to the manner in which it explores the bond between the individual and society. Mary Wollstonecraft's nuances this exploration by incorporating her concerns about women and the playing out of gender in society. Thus, Wollstonecraft’s Letters is an invaluable contribution to the field of British Romanticism, particularly as it offers crucial insight on female Romantic writing that can broaden and enrich the current academic understanding of the field.Keywords: British romanticism, letters, feminism, travel writing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2183649 Common Orthodontic Indices and Classification in the United Kingdom
Authors: Ashwini Mohan, Haris Batley
An orthodontic index is used to rate or categorise an individual’s occlusion using a numeric or alphanumeric score. Indexing of malocclusions and their correction is important in epidemiology, diagnosis, communication between clinicians as well as their patients and assessing treatment outcomes. Many useful indices have been put forward, but to the author’s best knowledge, no one method to this day appears to be equally suitable for the use of epidemiologists, public health program planners and clinicians. This article describes the common clinical orthodontic indices and classifications used in United Kingdom.Keywords: classification, indices, orthodontics, validity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1543648 Neuropsychological Deficits in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
Authors: Timea Harmath-Tánczos
Drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) is defined as the persistence of seizures despite at least two syndrome-adapted antiseizure drugs (ASD) used at efficacious daily doses. About a third of patients with epilepsy suffer from drug resistance. Cognitive assessment has a crucial role in the diagnosis and clinical management of epilepsy. Previous studies have addressed the clinical targets and indications for measuring neuropsychological functions; best to our knowledge, no studies have examined it in a Hungarian therapy-resistant population. To fill this gap, we investigated the Hungarian diagnostic protocol between 18 and 65 years of age. This study aimed to describe and analyze neuropsychological functions in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy and identify factors associated with neuropsychology deficits. We perform a prospective case-control study comparing neuropsychological performances in 50 adult patients and 50 healthy individuals between March 2023 and July 2023. Neuropsychological functions were examined in both patients and controls using a full set of specific tests (general performance level, motor functions, attention, executive facts., verbal and visual memory, language, and visual-spatial functions). Potential risk factors for neuropsychological deficit were assessed in the patient group using a multivariate analysis. The two groups did not differ in age, sex, dominant hand and level of education. Compared with the control group, patients with drug-resistant epilepsy showed worse performance on motor functions and visuospatial memory, sustained attention, inhibition and verbal memory. Neuropsychological deficits could therefore be systematically detected in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy in order to provide neuropsychological therapy and improve quality of life. The analysis of the classical and complex indices of the special neuropsychological tasks presented in the presentation can help in the investigation of normal and disrupted memory and executive functions in the DRE.Keywords: drug-resistant epilepsy, Hungarian diagnostic protocol, memory, executive functions, cognitive neuropsychology
Procedia PDF Downloads 763647 Phenotypical and Genotypical Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis in 26 Cases from East and South Algeria
Authors: Yahia Massinissa, Yahia Mouloud
Cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common lethal genetic disease in the Europe population, is caused by mutations in the transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR). It affects most organs including an epithelial tissue, base of hydroelectrolytic transepithelial transport, notably that aerial ways, the pancreas, the biliary ways, the intestine, sweat glands and the genital tractus. The gene whose anomalies are responsible of the cystic fibrosis codes for a protein Cl channel named CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) that exercises multiple functions in the cell, one of the most important in control of sodium and chlorine through epithelia. The deficient function translates itself notably by an abnormal production of viscous secretion that obstructs the execrator channels of this target organ: one observes then a dilatation, an inflammation and an atrophy of these organs. It also translates itself by an increase of the concentration in sodium and in chloride in sweat, to the basis of the sweat test. In order to do a phenotypical and genotypical diagnosis at a part of the Algerian population, our survey has been carried on 16 patients with evocative symptoms of the cystic fibrosis at that the clinical context has been confirmed by a sweat test. However, anomalies of the CFTR gene have been determined by electrophoresis in gel of polyacrylamide of the PCR products (polymerase chain reaction), after enzymatic digestion, then visualized to the ultraviolet (UV) after action of the ethidium bromide. All mutations detected at the time of our survey have already been identified at patients attained by this pathology in other populations of the world. However, the important number of found mutation with regard to the one of the studied patients testifies that the origin of this big clinical variability that characterizes the illness in the consequences of an enormous diversity of molecular defects of the CFTR gene.Keywords: cystic fibrosis, CFTR gene, polymorphism, algerian population, sweat test, genotypical diagnosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3113646 Performance Analysis of the First-Order Characteristics of Polling System Based on Parallel Limited (K=1) Services Mode
Authors: Liu Yi, Bao Liyong
Aiming at the problem of low efficiency of pipelined scheduling in periodic query-qualified service, this paper proposes a system service resource scheduling strategy with parallel optimized qualified service polling control. The paper constructs the polling queuing system and its mathematical model; firstly, the first-order and second-order characteristic parameter equations are obtained by partial derivation of the probability mother function of the system state variables, and the complete mathematical, analytical expressions of each system parameter are deduced after the joint solution. The simulation experimental results are consistent with the theoretical calculated values. The system performance analysis shows that the average captain and average period of the system have been greatly improved, which can better adapt to the service demand of delay-sensitive data in the dense data environment.Keywords: polling, parallel scheduling, mean queue length, average cycle time
Procedia PDF Downloads 403645 Thermal Spraying of Titanium-Based Alloys on Steel and Aluminum Substrates
Authors: Ionut Claudiu Roata, Catalin Croitoru
Thermal spraying emerges as a versatile and robust technique for enhancing construction steel with protective coatings tailored for anti-corrosion, insulation, and aesthetics. This study showcases the successful application of flame thermal sprayed titanium-based coatings on EN-S273JR steel substrates and on aluminum. Optimizing the process at a 150 mm spray distance and employing argon as a carrier gas, we achieved coatings with characteristic morphologies and a minimal amount of oxides presence at particle boundaries. Corrosion tests in 3.5% wt. NaCl solution confirmed the coatings’ superior performance, displaying an improved corrosion resistance increase over uncoated steel or aluminum. These results underscore the efficacy of thermal spraying in significantly bolstering the durability of construction steel and aluminum, marking it as a pivotal technique for multifunctional coating applications.Keywords: thermal spraying, corrosion resistance, surface properties, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 293644 Preparation and Biological Evaluation of 186/188Re-Chitosan for Radiosynovectomy
Authors: N. Ahmadi, H. Yousefnia, A. Bahrami-Samani
Chitosan is a natural and biodegradable polysaccharide with special characteristic for application in intracavital therapy. 166Ho-chitosan has been reported for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma and RSV with promising results. The aim of this study was to prepare 186/188Re-chitosan for radiosynovectomy purposes and investigate the probability of its leakage from the knee joint. 186/188Re was produced by neutron irradiation of the natural rhenium in a research reactor. Chemical processing was performed to obtain (186/188Re)-NaReO4- according to the IAEA manual. A stock solution of chitosan was prepared by dissolving in 1 % acetic acid aqueous solution (10 mg/mL). 1.5 mL of this stock solution was added to the vial containing the activity and the mixture was stirred for 5 min in the room temperature. The radiochemical purity of the complex was checked by the ITLC method, showing the purity of higher than 98%. Distribution of the radiolabeled complex was determined after intra-articular injection into the knees of rats. Excellent retention was observed in the joint with approximately no activity in the other organs.Keywords: chitosan, leakage, radiosynovectomy, rhenium
Procedia PDF Downloads 3423643 International Comparison in Component of Design-Potential
Authors: Kazuko Sakamoto
It is difficult to explain the factor of design preference only in culture or a geographical environment. It is necessary to turn one's eyes also to the factor in an individual. The purpose of this research is to clarify design potential which is inherent in consumers. Design potential is the consciousness and interpretation to an individual design. That is, it catches quantitatively the preparatory state which faces design. For example, a mobile phone differs in designs, such as a color and a form, by the country or the area. It is considered because a regional consumer taste exists. The root is design potential. This consists of design participation, design knowledge, and design sensitivity. Having focused this time is by design sensitivity, and international comparison of the Netherlands, Bangladesh, China, and Japan was performed. As a result, very interesting finding has been derived. For example, although Bangladesh caught the similarity of goods by the color, other three nations were caught in the form. Moreover, although the Netherlands, Bangladesh, and China liked symmetry, only Japan liked asymmetry. This shows that history and a cultural background have had big influence to the design.Keywords: design-potential, cultural difference, form characteristic, product development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3773642 A Literature Review of Servant Leadership and Criticism of Advanced Research
Authors: So-Jung Kim, Kyoung-Seok Kim, Yeong-Gyeong Choi
Although there are many theories and discussion of leadership, the necessity of having a new leadership paradigm was emphasized. The existing leadership characteristic of instruction and control revealed its limitations. Market competition becomes fierce and economic recession never ends worldwide. Of the leadership theories, servant leadership was introduced recently and is in line with the environmental changes of the organization. Servant leadership is a combination of two words, 'servant' and 'leader' and can be defined as the role of the leader who focuses on doing voluntary work for others with altruistic ethics, makes members, customers, and local communities a priority, and makes a commitment to satisfying their needs. This leadership received attention as one field of leadership in the late 1990s and secured its legitimacy. This study discusses the existing research trends of leadership, the concept, behavior characteristics, and lower dimensions of servant leadership, compares servant leadership with the existing leadership researches and diagnoses if servant leadership is a useful concept for further leadership researches. Finally, this study criticizes the limitations in the existing researches on servant leadership.Keywords: leadership philosophy, leadership theory, servant leadership, traditional leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 3663641 Transfer of Electrical Energy by Magnetic Induction
Authors: Carlos Oliveira Santiago Filho, Ciro Egoavil, Eduardo Oliveira, Jéferson Galdino, Moises Galileu, Tiago Oliveira Correa
Transfer of Electrical Energy through resonant inductive magnetic coupling is demonstrated experimentally in a system containing coil primary for transmission and secondary reception. The topology used in the prototype of the Class-E amplifier, has been identified as optimal for power transfer applications. Characteristic of the inductor and the load are defined by the requirements of the resonant inductive system. The frequency limitation the of circuit restricts unloaded “Q-Factor”, quality factor of the coils and thus the link efficiency. With a suitable circuit, copper coil unloaded Q-Factors of over 1,000 can be achieved in the low Mhz region, enabling a cost-effective high Q coil assembly. The circuit is capable system capable of transmitting energy with direct current to load efficiency above 60% at 2 Mhz.Keywords: magnetic induction, transfer of electrical energy, magnetic coupling, Q-Factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 5183640 Challenges Faced by Physician Leaders in Teaching Hospitals of Private Medical Schools in the National Capital Region, Philippines
Authors: Policarpio Jr. Joves
Physicians in most teaching hospitals are commonly promoted into managerial roles, yet their training is mostly in clinical and scientific skills but not in leadership competencies. When they shift into roles of physician leadership, the majority hold on to their primary identity of physicians. These conflicting roles affect their identity and eventually their work. The physician leaders also face additional challenges related to academics which include incorporation of new knowledge into the existing curriculum, use of technology in the delivery of teaching, the need to train medical students outside of hospital wards, etc. The study aims to explore how physician leaders in teaching hospitals of private medical schools enact their leadership roles and how they face the challenges as physician leaders. The study setting shall be teaching hospitals of three private medical schools situated in the National Capital Region, Philippines. A multiple case study design shall be adopted in this research. Physicians shall be eligible to participate in the study if they are practicing clinicians limited to the five major clinical specialty: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology. They must be teaching in the College of Medicine prior to their appointments as physician leaders in both medical school and teaching hospital. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews shall be utilized as a means of data collection, with open-ended questions, enabling physician leaders to present narratives about their identity, role enactment, conflicts, reaction of colleagues, and the challenges encountered in their day-to-day work as physician leaders. Interviews shall be combined with observations and review of records to gain more insights into how the physician leaders are 'doing' management. Within-case analysis shall be done initially followed by a thematic analysis across the cases, referred to as cross–case analysis or cross-case synthesis.Keywords: academic leaders, academic managers, physician leaders, physician managers
Procedia PDF Downloads 3463639 Platelet Transfusion Thresholds for Pediatrics; A Retrospective Study
Authors: Hessah Alsulami, Majedah Aldosari
Introduction: Platelet threshold of 10x109 /L is recommended for clinically stable thrombocytopenic pediatric patients. Transfusions at a higher level (given the absence of research evidence, as determined by clinical circumstances, generally at threshold of 40x109 /L) may be required for patients with signs of bleeding, high fever, hyper-leukocytosis, rapid fall in platelet count, concomitant coagulation abnormality, critically ill patients, and those with impaired platelet function (including drug induced). Transfusions at a higher level may be also required for patients undergoing invasive procedures. Method: This study is a retrospective observational analysis of platelet transfusion thresholds in a single secondary pediatric hospital in Riyadh. From the blood bank database, the list of the patients who received platelet transfusions in the second half of 2018 was retrieved. Patients were divided into two groups; group A, those belong to the category of high platelet level for transfusion (such as those with bleeding, high fever, rapid fall in platelet count, impaired platelet function or undergoing invasive procedures) and group B, those who were not. Then we looked at the pre and post transfusion platelet levels for each group. The data was analyzed using GraphPad software and the data expressed as Mean ± SD. Result: A total of 112 of transfusion episodes in 61 patients (38% female) were analyzed. The age ranged from 24 days to 8 years. The distribution of platelet transfusion episodes was 64% (n=72) for group A and 36% (n= 40) for group B. The mean pre-transfusion platelet count was 46x103 ± (11x 103) for group A and 28x103 ± (6x103) for group B. the post-transfusion mean platelet count was 61 x 103 ± (14 x 103) and 60 x103 ± (24 x 103) for group A and B respectively. Among the groups the rise in the mean platelet count after transfusion was significant among stable patients (group B) compared to unstable patients (group A) (P < 0.001). Conclusion: The platelet count threshold for transfusion varied with the clinical condition and is higher among unstable patients’ group which is expected. For stable patients the threshold was higher than what it should be which means that the clinicians don’t follow the guidelines in this regard. The rise of platelet count after transfusion was higher among stable patients.Keywords: platelet, transfusion, threshold, pediatric
Procedia PDF Downloads 713638 The Predictability of Three Implants to Support a Fixed Prosthesis in the Edentulous Mandible
Authors: M. Hirani, M. Devine, O. Obisesan, C. Bryant
Introduction: The use of four or more implants to support a fixed prosthesis in the edentulous mandible is well documented, with high levels of clinical outcomes recorded. Despite this, the use of three implant-supported fixed prostheses offers the potential to deliver a more cost-effective method of oral rehabilitation in the lower arch, an important consideration given that edentulism is most prevalent in low-income subpopulations. The purpose of this study aimed to evaluate the implant and prosthetic survival rate, changes in marginal bone level, and patient satisfaction associated with a three-implant-supported fixed prosthesis for rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible over a follow-up period of at least one year. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed to evaluate studies that met the selection criteria. The information extracted included the study design and population, participant demographics, observation period, loading protocol, and the number of implants placed together with the required outcome measures. Mean values and standard deviations (SD) were calculated using SPSS® (IBM Corporation, New York, USA), and the level of statistical significance across all comparative studies described was set at P < 0.05. Results: The eligible studies included a total of 1968 implants that were placed in 652 patients. The subjects ranged in age from 33-89 years, with a mean of 63.2 years. The mean cumulative implant and prosthetic survival rates were 95.5% and 96.2%, respectively, over a mean follow-up period of 3.25 years. The mean marginal bone loss recorded was 1.04 mm, and high patient satisfaction rates were reported across the studies. Conclusion: Current evidence suggests that a three implant-supported fixed prosthesis for the edentulous mandible is a successful treatment strategy presenting high implant and prosthetic survival rates over the short-to-medium term. Further well-designed controlled clinical trials are required to evaluate longer-term outcomes, with supplemental data correlating implant dimensions and prosthetic design.Keywords: implants, mandible, fixed, prosthesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1313637 Virulence Factors and Drug Resistance of Enterococci Species Isolated from the Intensive Care Units of Assiut University Hospitals, Egypt
Authors: Nahla Elsherbiny, Ahmed Ahmed, Hamada Mohammed, Mohamed Ali
Background: The enterococci may be considered as opportunistic agents particularly in immunocompromised patients. It is one of the top three pathogens causing many healthcare associated infections (HAIs). Resistance to several commonly used antimicrobial agents is a remarkable characteristic of most species which may carry various genes contributing to virulence. Objectives: to determine the prevalence of enterococci species in different intensive care units (ICUs) causing health care-associated infections (HAIs), intestinal carriage and environmental contamination. Also, to study the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the isolates with special reference to vancomycin resistance. In addition to phenotypic and genotypic detection of gelatinase, cytolysin and biofilm formation among isolates. Patients and Methods: This study was carried out in the infection control laboratory at Assiut University Hospitals over a period of one year. Clinical samples were collected from 285 patients with various (HAIs) acquired after admission to different ICUs. Rectal swabs were taken from 14 cases for detection of enterococci carriage. In addition, 1377 environmental samples were collected from the surroundings of the patients. Identification was done by conventional bacteriological methods and confirmed by analytical profile index (API). Antimicrobial sensitivity testing was performed by Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method and detection of vancomycin resistance was done by agar screen method. For the isolates, phenotypic detection of cytolysin, gelatinase production and detection of biofilm by tube method, Congo red method and microtiter plate. We performed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of some virulence genes (gelE, cylA, vanA, vanB and esp). Results: Enterococci caused 10.5% of the HAIs. Respiratory tract infection was the predominant type (86.7%). The commonest species were E.gallinarum (36.7%), E.casseliflavus (30%), E.faecalis (30%), and E.durans (3.4 %). Vancomycin resistance was detected in a total of 40% (12/30) of those isolates. The risk factors associated with acquiring vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) were immune suppression (P= 0.031) and artificial feeding (P= 0.008). For the rectal swabs, enterococci species were detected in 71.4% of samples with the predominance of E. casseliflavus (50%). Most of the isolates were vancomycin resistant (70%). Out of a total 1377 environmental samples, 577 (42%) samples were contaminated with different microorganisms. Enterococci were detected in 1.7% (10/577) of total contaminated samples, 50% of which were vancomycin resistant. All isolates were resistant to penicillin, ampicillin, oxacillin, ciprofloxacin, amikacin, erythromycin, clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethaxazole. For the remaining antibiotics, variable percentages of resistance were reported. Cytolysin and gelatinase were detected phenotypically in 16% and 48 % of the isolates respectively. The microtiter plate method showed the highest percentages of detection of biofilm among all isolated species (100%). The studied virulence genes gelE, esp, vanA and vanB were detected in 62%, 12%, 2% and 12% respectively, while cylA gene was not detected in any isolates. Conclusions: A significant percentage of enterococci was isolated from patients and environments in the ICUs. Many virulence factors were detected phenotypically and genotypically among isolates. The high percentage of resistance, coupled with the risk of cross transmission to other patients make enterococci infections a significant infection control issue in hospitals.Keywords: antimicrobial resistance, enterococci, ICUs, virulence factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 2863636 Interpretable Deep Learning Models for Medical Condition Identification
Authors: Dongping Fang, Lian Duan, Xiaojing Yuan, Mike Xu, Allyn Klunder, Kevin Tan, Suiting Cao, Yeqing Ji
Accurate prediction of a medical condition with straight clinical evidence is a long-sought topic in the medical management and health insurance field. Although great progress has been made with machine learning algorithms, the medical community is still, to a certain degree, suspicious about the model's accuracy and interpretability. This paper presents an innovative hierarchical attention deep learning model to achieve good prediction and clear interpretability that can be easily understood by medical professionals. This deep learning model uses a hierarchical attention structure that matches naturally with the medical history data structure and reflects the member’s encounter (date of service) sequence. The model attention structure consists of 3 levels: (1) attention on the medical code types (diagnosis codes, procedure codes, lab test results, and prescription drugs), (2) attention on the sequential medical encounters within a type, (3) attention on the medical codes within an encounter and type. This model is applied to predict the occurrence of stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD3), using three years’ medical history of Medicare Advantage (MA) members from a top health insurance company. The model takes members’ medical events, both claims and electronic medical record (EMR) data, as input, makes a prediction of CKD3 and calculates the contribution from individual events to the predicted outcome. The model outcome can be easily explained with the clinical evidence identified by the model algorithm. Here are examples: Member A had 36 medical encounters in the past three years: multiple office visits, lab tests and medications. The model predicts member A has a high risk of CKD3 with the following well-contributed clinical events - multiple high ‘Creatinine in Serum or Plasma’ tests and multiple low kidneys functioning ‘Glomerular filtration rate’ tests. Among the abnormal lab tests, more recent results contributed more to the prediction. The model also indicates regular office visits, no abnormal findings of medical examinations, and taking proper medications decreased the CKD3 risk. Member B had 104 medical encounters in the past 3 years and was predicted to have a low risk of CKD3, because the model didn’t identify diagnoses, procedures, or medications related to kidney disease, and many lab test results, including ‘Glomerular filtration rate’ were within the normal range. The model accurately predicts members A and B and provides interpretable clinical evidence that is validated by clinicians. Without extra effort, the interpretation is generated directly from the model and presented together with the occurrence date. Our model uses the medical data in its most raw format without any further data aggregation, transformation, or mapping. This greatly simplifies the data preparation process, mitigates the chance for error and eliminates post-modeling work needed for traditional model explanation. To our knowledge, this is the first paper on an interpretable deep-learning model using a 3-level attention structure, sourcing both EMR and claim data, including all 4 types of medical data, on the entire Medicare population of a big insurance company, and more importantly, directly generating model interpretation to support user decision. In the future, we plan to enrich the model input by adding patients’ demographics and information from free-texted physician notes.Keywords: deep learning, interpretability, attention, big data, medical conditions
Procedia PDF Downloads 913635 Clinical and Etiological Particularities of Infectious Uveitis in HIV+ and HIV- Patients in the Internal Medicine Department
Authors: N. Jait, M. Maamar, H. Khibri, H. Harmouche, N. Mouatssim, W. Ammouri, Z. Tazimezaelek, M. Adnaoui
Introduction: Uveitis presents with inflammation of the uvea, intraocular, of heterogeneous etiology and presentation. The objective of our study is to describe the clinical and therapeutic characteristics of infectious uveitis in HIV+ and HIV- patients. Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted at the internal medicine department of CHU Ibn Sina in Rabat over a period of 12 years (2010–2021), collecting 42 cases of infectious uveitis. Results: 42 patients were identified. 34% (14 cases) had acquired immunosuppression (9 cases: 22% had HIV infection and 12% were on chemotherapy), and 66% were immunocompetent. The M/F sex ratio was 1.1. The average age was 39 years old. Uveitis revealed HIV in a single case; 8/9 patients have already been followed, their average viral load is 3.4 log and an average CD4 count is 356/mm³. The revealing functional signs were: ocular redness (27%), decreased visual acuity (63%), visual blurring (40%), ocular pain (18%), scotoma (13%), and headaches (4%). The uveitis was site: anterior (30%), intermediate (6%), posterior (32%), and pan-uveitis (32%); unilateral in 80% of patients and bilateral in 20%. The etiologies of uveitis in HIV+ were: 3 cases of CMV, 2 cases of toxoplasmosis, 1 case of tuberculosis, 1 case of HSV, 1 case of VZV, and 1 case of syphilis. Etiologies of immunocompetent patients: tuberculosis (41%), toxoplasmosis (18%), syphilis (15%), CMV infection (4 cases: 10%), HSV infection (4 cases: 10%) , lepromatous uveitis (1 case: 2%), VZV infection (1 case: 2%), a locoregional infectious cause such as dental abscess (1 case: 2%), and one case of borreliosis (3% ). 50% of tuberculous uveitis was of the pan-uveitis type, 75% of the uveitis by toxoplasmosis was of the posterior type. Uveitis was associated with other pathologies in 2 seropositive cases (cerebral vasculitis, multifocal tuberculosis). A specific treatment was prescribed in all patients. The initial evolution was favorable in 67%, including 12% HIV+. 11% presented relapses of the same seat during uveitis of the toxoplasmic, tuberculous and herpetic type. 47% presented complications, of which 4 patients were HIV+: 3 retinal detachments; 7 Retinal hemorrhages. 6 unilateral blindness (including 2 HIV+ patients). Conclusion: In our series, the etiologies of infectious uveitis differ between HIV+ and HIV- patients. In HIV+ patients most often had toxoplasmosis and CMV, while HIV - patients mainly presented with tuberculosis and toxoplasmosis. The association between HIV and uveitis is undetermined, but HIV infection was an independent risk factor for uveitis.Keywords: uveitis, HIV, immunosuppression, infection
Procedia PDF Downloads 943634 Gastric Foreign Bodies in Dogs
Authors: Naglaa A. Abd Elkader, Haithem A. Farghali
The present study carried out on fifteen clinical cases of different species of dogs which admitted to surgical clinic of veterinary medicine with different symptoms (Acute vomiting, hematemesis and anorexia). There was diagnostic march which including plain radiograph and endoscopic examination. Treatment was including surgical interference and endoscopic retrieval followed by medicinal treatment. This study was aimed the detection of different foreign bodies by the most suitable method according to the type of the foreign bodies.Keywords: stomach, endoscopy, foreign bodies, dogs
Procedia PDF Downloads 4183633 Autistic Traits and Multisensory Integration–Using a Size-Weight Illusion Paradigm
Authors: Man Wai Lei, Charles Mark Zaroff
Objective: A majority of studies suggest that people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have multisensory integration deficits. However, normal and even supranormal multisensory integration abilities have also been reported. Additionally, little of this work has been undertaken utilizing a dimensional conceptualization of ASD; i.e., a broader autism phenotype. Utilizing methodology that controls for common potential confounds, the current study aimed to examine if deficits in multisensory integration are associated with ASD traits in a non-clinical population. The contribution of affective versus non-affective components of sensory hypersensitivity to multisensory integration was also examined. Methods: Participants were 147 undergraduate university students in Macau, a Special Administrative Region of China, of Chinese ethnicity, aged 16 to 21 (Mean age = 19.13; SD = 1.07). Participants completed the Autism-Spectrum Quotient, the Sensory Perception Quotient, and the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile, in order to measure ASD traits, non-affective, and affective aspects of sensory/perceptual hypersensitivity, respectively. In order to explore multisensory integration across visual and haptic domains, participants were asked to judge which one of two equally weighted, but different sized cylinders was heavier, as a means of detecting the presence of the size-weight illusion (SWI). Results: ASD trait level was significantly and negatively correlated with susceptibility to the SWI (p < 0.05); this correlation was not associated with either accuracy in weight discrimination or gender. Examining the top decile of the non-normally distributed SWI scores revealed a significant negative association with sensation avoiding, but not other aspects of effective or non-effective sensory hypersensitivity. Conclusion and Implications: Within the normal population, a greater degree of ASD traits is associated with a lower likelihood of multisensory integration; echoing was often found in individuals with a clinical diagnosis of ASD, and providing further evidence for the dimensional nature of this disorder. This tendency appears to be associated with dysphoric emotional reactions to sensory input.Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, dimensional, multisensory integration, size-weight illusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 4843632 Cup-Cage Construct for Treatment of Severe Acetabular Bone Loss in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Midterm Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes
Authors: Faran Chaudhry, Anser Daud, Doris Braunstein, Oleg Safir, Allan Gross, Paul Kuzyk
Background: Acetabular reconstruction in the context of massive acetabular bone loss is challenging. In rare scenarios where the extent of bone loss precludes shell placement (cup-cage), reconstruction at our center consisted of a cage combined with highly porous metal augments. This study evaluates survivorship, complications, and functional outcomes using this technique. Methods: A total of 131 cup-cage implants (129 patients) were included in our retrospective review of revisions of total hip arthroplasty from January 2003 to January 2022. Among these cases, 100/131 (76.3%) were women, the mean age at surgery time was 68.7 years (range, 29.0 to 92.0; SD, 12.4), and the mean follow-up was 7.7 years (range, 0.02 to 20.3; SD, 5.1). Kaplan-Meier survivorship analysis was conducted with failure defined as revision surgery and/or failure of the cup-cage reconstruction. Results: A total of 30 implants (23%) reached the study endpoint involving all-cause revision. Overall survivorship was 74.8% at 10 years and 69.8% at 15 years. Reasons for revision included infection 12/131 (9.1%), dislocation 10/131 (7.6%), aseptic loosening of cup and/or cage 5/131 (3.8%), and aseptic loosening of the femoral stem 2/131 (1.5%). The mean LLD improved from 12.2 ± 15.9 mm to 3.9 ± 11.8 (p<0.05). The horizontal and vertical hip centres on plain film radiographs were significantly improved (p<0.05). Functionally, there was a decrease in the number of patients requiring the use of gait aids, with fewer patients (34, 25.9%) using a cane, walker, or wheelchair post-operatively compared to pre-operatively (58, 44%). There was a significant increase in the number of independent ambulators from 24 to 47 (36%). Conclusion: The cup-cage construct is a reliable treatment option for the treatment of various acetabular defects. There are favourable survivorship, clinical and radiographic outcomes, with a satisfactory complication rate.Keywords: revision total hip arthroplasty, acetabular defect, pelvic discontinuity, trabecular metal augment, cup-cage
Procedia PDF Downloads 683631 Freedom with Limitations: The Nature of Free Expression in the European Case-Law
Authors: Laszlo Vari
In the digital age, the spread of the mobile world and the nature of the cyberspace, offers many new opportunities for the prevalence of the fundamental right to free expression, and therefore, for free speech and freedom of the press; however, these new information communication technologies carry many new challenges. Defamation, censorship, fake news, misleading information, hate speech, breach of copyright etc., are only some of the violations, all of which can be derived from the harmful exercise of freedom of expression, all which become more salient in the internet. Here raises the question: how can we eliminate these problems, and practice our fundamental freedom rightfully? To answer this question, we should understand the elements and the characteristic of the nature of freedom of expression, and the role of the actors whose duties and responsibilities are crucial in the prevalence of this fundamental freedom. To achieve this goal, this paper will explore the European practice to understand instructions found in the case-law of the European Court of Human rights for the rightful exercise of freedom of expression.Keywords: collision of rights, European case-law, freedom opinion and expression, media law, freedom of information, online expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1393630 A Study of NT-ProBNP and ETCO2 in Patients Presenting with Acute Dyspnoea
Authors: Dipti Chand, Riya Saboo
OBJECTIVES: Early and correct diagnosis may present a significant clinical challenge in diagnosis of patients presenting to Emergency Department with Acute Dyspnoea. The common cause of acute dyspnoea and respiratory distress in Emergency Department are Decompensated Heart Failure (HF), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Asthma, Pneumonia, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Pulmonary Embolism (PE), and other causes like anaemia. The aim of the study was to measure NT-pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) and exhaled End-Tidal Carbon dioxide (ETCO2) in patients presenting with dyspnoea. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This prospective, cross-sectional and observational study was performed at the Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur, between October 2019 and October 2021 in patients admitted to the Medicine Intensive Care Unit. Three groups of patients were compared: (1) HFrelated acute dyspnoea group (n = 52), (2) pulmonary (COPD/PE)-related acute dyspnoea group (n = 31) and (3) sepsis with ARDS-related dyspnoea group (n = 13). All patients underwent initial clinical examination with a recording of initial vital parameters along with on-admission ETCO2 measurement, NT-proBNP testing, arterial blood gas analysis, lung ultrasound examination, 2D echocardiography, chest X-rays, and other relevant diagnostic laboratory testing. RESULTS: 96 patients were included in the study. Median NT-proBNP was found to be high for the Heart Failure group (11,480 pg/ml), followed by the sepsis group (780 pg/ml), and pulmonary group had an Nt ProBNP of 231 pg/ml. The mean ETCO2 value was maximum in the pulmonary group (48.610 mmHg) followed by Heart Failure (31.51 mmHg) and the sepsis group (19.46 mmHg). The results were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: NT-proBNP has high diagnostic accuracy in differentiating acute HF-related dyspnoea from pulmonary (COPD and ARDS)-related acute dyspnoea. The higher levels of ETCO2 help in diagnosing patients with COPD.Keywords: NT PRO BNP, ETCO2, dyspnoea, lung USG
Procedia PDF Downloads 783629 Realization of Soliton Phase Characteristics in 10 Gbps, Single Channel, Uncompensated Telecommunication System
Authors: A. Jawahar
In this paper, the dependence of soliton pulses with respect to phase in a 10 Gbps, single channel, dispersion uncompensated telecommunication system was studied. The characteristic feature of periodic soliton interaction was noted at the Interaction point (I=6202.5Km) in one collision length of L=12405.1 Km. The interaction point is located for 10Gbps system with an initial relative spacing (qo) of soliton as 5.28 using Perturbation theory. It is shown that, when two in-phase solitons are launched, they interact at the point I=6202.5 Km, but the interaction could be restricted with introduction of different phase initially. When the phase of the input solitons increases, the deviation of soliton pulses at the I also increases. We have successfully demonstrated this effect in a telecommunication set-up in terms of Quality factor (Q), where the Q=0 for in-phase soliton. The Q was noted to be 125.9, 38.63, 47.53, 59.60, 161.37, and 78.04 for different phases such as 10o, 20o, 30o, 45o, 60o and 90o degrees respectively at Interaction point I.Keywords: Soliton interaction, Initial relative spacing, phase, Perturbation theory and telecommunication system
Procedia PDF Downloads 4723628 Identification and Origins of Multiple Personality: A Criterion from Wiggins
Authors: Brittany L. Kang
One familiar theory of the origin of multiple personalities focuses on how symptoms of trauma or abuse are central causes, as seen in paradigmatic examples of the condition. The theory states that multiple personalities constitute a congenital condition, as babies all exhibit multiplicity, and that generally alters only remain separated due to trauma. In more typical cases, the alters converge and become a single identity; only in cases of trauma, according to this account, do the alters remain separated. This theory is misleading in many aspects, the most prominent being that not all multiple personality patients are victims of child abuse or trauma, nor are all cases of multiple personality observed in early childhood. The use of this criterion also causes clinical problems, including an inability to identify multiple personalities through the variety of symptoms and traits seen across observed cases. These issues present a need for revision in the currently applied criterion in order to separate the notion of child abuse and to be able to better understand the origins of multiple personalities itself. Identifying multiplicity through the application of identity theories will improve the current criterion, offering a bridge between identifying existing cases and understanding their origins. We begin by applying arguments from Wiggins, who held that each personality within a multiple was not a whole individual, but rather characters who switch off. Wiggins’ theory is supported by observational evidence of how such characters are differentiated. Alters of older ages are seen to require different prescription lens, in addition to having different handwriting. The alters may also display drastically varying styles of clothing, preferences in food, their gender, sexuality, religious beliefs and more. The definitions of terms such as 'personality' or 'persons' also become more distinguished, leading to greater understanding of who is exactly able to be classified as a patient of multiple personalities. While a more common meaning of personality is a designation of specific characteristics which account for the entirety of a person, this paper argues from Wiggins’ theory that each 'personality' is in fact only partial. Clarification of the concept in question will allow for more successful future clinical applications.Keywords: identification, multiple personalities, origin, Wiggins' theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2423627 Investigation Of The Catalyst's Effect On Nickel Sulfide Thin Films
Authors: Randa Slatnia
In this study, the nanostructured stable phase identification elaborated by nickel nitrate hyxahydrate and thiourea compounds. After the preparation of the solution (Stirred mixture with methanol as solvent), a deposition of eight layers of this solution on a glass substrate and annealed at 300 °C for energy applications. The annealed sample was analyzed by X-ray Grazing incidence diffraction (GID) with a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer using Cu Kα1 radiation at 40 kV and 40 mA (1600 W) and Scanning electron microscopy (Thermo Fisher environmental SEM). The results of XRD-GID analysis for the prepared sample showed the formation of an identified stable phase NiS2 and the XRD-GID pattern of the elaborated sample with eight layers prepared solution and annealed show wide and characteristic peaks of the NiS2 with cubic structure (ICDD card no. PDF 01-078-4702). The morphology of the NiS2 thin films confirmed by XRD-GID analysis was investigated by ESEM showed a surface with a uniform and homogeneous distribution nanostructure.Keywords: nickel sulfide, thin films, XRD, ESEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 853626 Exchanging Radiology Reporting System with Electronic Health Record: Designing a Conceptual Model
Authors: Azadeh Bashiri
Introduction: In order to better designing of electronic health record system in Iran, integration of health information systems based on a common language must be done to interpret and exchange this information with this system is required. Background: This study, provides a conceptual model of radiology reporting system using unified modeling language. The proposed model can solve the problem of integration this information system with electronic health record system. By using this model and design its service based, easily connect to electronic health record in Iran and facilitate transfer radiology report data. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that was conducted in 2013. The student community was 22 experts that working at the Imaging Center in Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran and the sample was accorded with the community. Research tool was a questionnaire that prepared by the researcher to determine the information requirements. Content validity and test-retest method was used to measure validity and reliability of questioner respectively. Data analyzed with average index, using SPSS. Also, Visual Paradigm software was used to design a conceptual model. Result: Based on the requirements assessment of experts and related texts, administrative, demographic and clinical data and radiological examination results and if the anesthesia procedure performed, anesthesia data suggested as minimum data set for radiology report and based it class diagram designed. Also by identifying radiology reporting system process, use case was drawn. Conclusion: According to the application of radiology reports in electronic health record system for diagnosing and managing of clinical problem of the patient, provide the conceptual Model for radiology reporting system; in order to systematically design it, the problem of data sharing between these systems and electronic health records system would eliminate.Keywords: structured radiology report, information needs, minimum data set, electronic health record system in Iran
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