Search results for: aspect series
2977 Problems of the Management of Legal Entities of Private Law in Georgia
Authors: Ketevan Kokrashvili, Rusudan Kutateladze, Nino Pailodze
Importance of management of legal entities under private law of which especially corporate management, as well as looking for ways of its improvement and perfection has become especially relevant in the twenty-first century, which was greatly contributed to by the global economic crisis. Some states have adopted Corporate Governance Codes; the European Union has set to work on a series of directives the main purpose of which is an improvement of corporate governance, provision of greater transparency and implementation of an effective control mechanism. This process is not yet completed, and various problematic issues associated with management of legal persons are still being debated among practitioner experts and scholars. Georgia is not an exception in this regard. The article discusses the legislative gaps, and in some cases, discrepancies having arisen in legal relationships under private law and having caused many practical problems. This especially applies to the management of capital companies.Keywords: business entities, corporate management, capital public management, existing problems, legal discrepancies
Procedia PDF Downloads 2862976 Gender and Change of Socio-Cultural Behavior: A Case Study of Sarangkot VDC of Kaski District
Authors: Padam Pandey, Madhu Sudan Dhakal
As a consequence of being a patrimonial society, most of the Nepalese women work inside the house and take care their children. Men are always regarded to be responsible for managing fund to fulfill the family requirement. Outgoing men of 25-35 for employment in foreign country is a common practice. In the absence of man, women aged of 20-45 have to be active in society. The responsibility of women is not only looking after inside the house but also leading the society. This study analysis gender aspect of household work and involvement in the society. This study shows that women are leading 56% different organizations in the society where 51% women spend more than 54% time in community development work. The involvement of man in the house work has significantly increased. The women leadership has succeeded to show the transparency in all the community development activities. It shows a model of social harmony, solidarity, and unity in the Sarankot Village Development Committee. Social behavior change towards women is a milestone of sustainable community development. This study recommends that the equal participation is essential to sustain community development.Keywords: gender, women leadership, social harmony, unity sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 2622975 Shock Response Analysis of Soil-Structure Systems Induced by Near-Fault Pulses
Authors: H. Masaeli, R. Ziaei, F. Khoshnoudian
Shock response analysis of the soil–structure systems induced by near–fault pulses is investigated. Vibration transmissibility of the soil–structure systems is evaluated by Shock Response Spectra (SRS). Medium–to–high rise buildings with different aspect ratios located on different soil types as well as different foundations with respect to vertical load bearing safety factors are studied. Two types of mathematical near–fault pulses, i.e. forward directivity and fling step, with different pulse periods as well as pulse amplitudes are selected as incident ground shock. Linear versus nonlinear Soil–Structure Interaction (SSI) condition are considered alternatively and the corresponding results are compared. The results show that nonlinear SSI is likely to amplify the acceleration responses when subjected to long–period incident pulses with normalized period exceeding a threshold. It is also shown that this threshold correlates with soil type, so that increased shear–wave velocity of the underlying soil makes the threshold period decrease.Keywords: nonlinear soil–structure interaction, shock response spectrum, near–fault ground shock, rocking isolation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3172974 Morphological Study of Sesamoid Bones of Thumb in South Indians
Authors: B. V. Murlimanju, R. Abisshek Balaji, Apoorva Aggarwal, Mangala M. Pai
Background: Since the literature is scarce from the South Indian population about the sesamoid bones of the thumb, the present study was undertaken. The objective of the present study was to figure out the muscle of the thumb which contain these sesamoid bones. Methods: The present study included 25 cadaveric thumbs, which were obtained from the anatomy laboratory of our institution. Thumbs were studied for the prevalence of sesamoid bones at the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. The muscle which contain these sesamoid bones were identified. Results: The present study observed that, there were 2 sesamoid bones (92%) at the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb each at its medial and lateral aspect. The medial sesamoid bone was found inside the adductor pollicis muscle and lateral one was found either in the flexor pollicis brevis muscle or abductor pollicis brevis muscle. However, among the 25 thumbs being studied, 2 thumbs (8%) had solitary sesamoid bone. The interphalangeal joint of the thumb exhibited only one sesamoid bone at the median plane. Conclusion: The morphological data of the present study from the South Indians can be used as a database, which is enlightening to the operating hand surgeon and radiologist.Keywords: morphology, muscles, sesamoid bones, thumb
Procedia PDF Downloads 2102973 E-Book: An Essential Tool for Promoting Reading and Learning Amongst Students of Niger State College of Education, Minna
Authors: Abdulkadir Mustapha Gana, Musa Baba Adamu, Edimeh Augustine Jr
There are growing concerns over the astronomical decline inquality of teaching and learning amongst youths especially in developing countries, and handful research have been conducted in this regard. However, results from many of these studies revealed similar findings which all pointed to the steady decline in quality of teaching and learning across the globe. One common factor attributed for this drawback was the new media due to the evolution and advancement of technology as studies have revealed. In the beginning, what was then the new media (broadcast media of radio and television) was singled out as being responsible for diverting people’s attention from reading; particularly television. At present times, it was revealed that the social media and internet connectivity were responsible for diverting the attention of many, thus distracting attentions from reading. However, it is pertinent to note that the devastating effects, social media platforms have a couple of tools that could improve reading by extension teaching and learning amongst students. Therefore, this study reviewed the literature on the advantageous aspect of social media to reading and learning; whilst laying emphasis on how youths can utilize social media to improve their reading habits.Keywords: ebook, reading, learning, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 792972 The Effect of Regulation and Investment in Sustainable Practices on Environmental Performance and Consumer Trust: a Time Series Analysis of the Dominant Companies within the Energy Sector
Authors: Sempiga Olivier, Dominika Latusek-Jurczak
Climate change has allegedly been attributed to a high consumption of fossil fuels, leading to severe environmental problems. The energy sector has been among the most polluting sectors for many decades. Consequently, there is a lack of trust in several energy firms, especially those in fossil fuels and nuclear energy. A robust regulatory framework is needed, and more investment in renewable energy sources is paramount for a better environmental outcome. Given the significant environmental impact of energy production and consumption in the energy sector, sustainable marketing practices have become increasingly important. Although the latter has had the lion’s share in polluting the environment, much effort has been made recently to move away from fossil fuels and privilege renewable energy sources. How this shift would help rebuild trust in the energy industry is unclear. For the shift to have lasting effects, it may be essential that regulatory agencies examine how energy firms engage in sustainable investment. There is little empirical evidence on whether adopting regulating marketing practices and investment initiatives can help different organizations reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable development. Little is known about how and whether the environmental value in firms goes beyond rhetoric, greenwashing and publicity to translate into economic gains and environmental performance. The study investigates how regulatory agencies can help energy firms invest sustainably and take sustainable initiatives even amid the energy crisis caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how these sustainable practices relate to renewed consumer trust. Using data from Corporate Knights, the study, through time series, analyses the relationship between sustainable regulation, sustainable practices of energy firms from around the world and their relation to consumer trust and environmental performance over the past 20 years. It examines how their sustainable investment, energy, and carbon productivity relate to environmental sustainability and consumer trust. This longitudinal study provides empirical evidence of the interplay between regulation, trust and environmental performance. The research is grounded in institutional trust theory, which emphasizes the role of regulatory frameworks and organizational practices in shaping public perceptions of fairness, transparency, and legitimacy. Results show that organizations in the energy sector, supported by robust regulatory tools, can overcome the negative image of polluters and compete with other companies in the fight against climate change and global warming. However, to do so, energy firms should consider investing more in renewable energy sources and implementing sustainable strategies and practices that go beyond greenwashing to improve their environmental performance, thereby rebuilding consumer trust in the energy sector. Results allow regulatory regimes and organizations to learn why it is crucial for energy firms to invest in renewable energy sources and engage in various sustainable initiatives and practices to contribute to better environmental outcomes and higher levels of trust.Keywords: consumer trust, energy, environmental performance, regulation, renewable energy sources, sustainable practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 152971 Median-Based Nonparametric Estimation of Returns in Mean-Downside Risk Portfolio Frontier
Authors: H. Ben Salah, A. Gannoun, C. de Peretti, A. Trabelsi
The Downside Risk (DSR) model for portfolio optimisation allows to overcome the drawbacks of the classical mean-variance model concerning the asymetry of returns and the risk perception of investors. This model optimization deals with a positive definite matrix that is endogenous with respect to portfolio weights. This aspect makes the problem far more difficult to handle. For this purpose, Athayde (2001) developped a new recurcive minimization procedure that ensures the convergence to the solution. However, when a finite number of observations is available, the portfolio frontier presents an appearance which is not very smooth. In order to overcome that, Athayde (2003) proposed a mean kernel estimation of the returns, so as to create a smoother portfolio frontier. This technique provides an effect similar to the case in which we had continuous observations. In this paper, taking advantage on the the robustness of the median, we replace the mean estimator in Athayde's model by a nonparametric median estimator of the returns. Then, we give a new version of the former algorithm (of Athayde (2001, 2003)). We eventually analyse the properties of this improved portfolio frontier and apply this new method on real examples.Keywords: Downside Risk, Kernel Method, Median, Nonparametric Estimation, Semivariance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4932970 The Effectiveness of a Hybrid Diffie-Hellman-RSA-Advanced Encryption Standard Model
Authors: Abdellahi Cheikh
With the emergence of quantum computers with very powerful capabilities, the security of the exchange of shared keys between two interlocutors poses a big problem in terms of the rapid development of technologies such as computing power and computing speed. Therefore, the Diffie-Hellmann (DH) algorithm is more vulnerable than ever. No mechanism guarantees the security of the key exchange, so if an intermediary manages to intercept it, it is easy to intercept. In this regard, several studies have been conducted to improve the security of key exchange between two interlocutors, which has led to interesting results. The modification made on our model Diffie-Hellman-RSA-AES (DRA), which encrypts the information exchanged between two users using the three-encryption algorithms DH, RSA and AES, by using stenographic photos to hide the contents of the p, g and ClesAES values that are sent in an unencrypted state at the level of DRA model to calculate each user's public key. This work includes a comparative study between the DRA model and all existing solutions, as well as the modification made to this model, with an emphasis on the aspect of reliability in terms of security. This study presents a simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness of the modification made to the DRA model. The obtained results show that our model has a security advantage over the existing solution, so we made these changes to reinforce the security of the DRA model.Keywords: Diffie-Hellmann, DRA, RSA, advanced encryption standard
Procedia PDF Downloads 942969 Investigation of Building Pounding during Earthquake and Calculation of Impact Force between Two Adjacent Structures
Authors: H. Naderpour, R. C. Barros, S. M. Khatami
Seismic excitation is naturally caused large horizontal relative displacements, which is able to provide collisions between two adjacent buildings due to insufficient separation distance and severe damages are occurred due to impact especially in tall buildings. In this paper, an impact is numerically simulated and two needed parameters are calculated, including impact force and energy absorption. In order to calculate mentioned parameters, mathematical study needs to model an unreal link element, which is logically assumed to be spring and dashpot to determine lateral displacement and damping ratio of impact. For the determination of dynamic response of impact, a new equation of motion is theoretically suggested to evaluate impact force and energy dissipation. In order to confirm the rendered equation, a series of parametric study are performed and the accuracy of formula is confirmed.Keywords: pounding, impact, dissipated energy, coefficient of restitution
Procedia PDF Downloads 3582968 Phenomena-Based Approach for Automated Generation of Process Options and Process Models
Authors: Parminder Kaur Heer, Alexei Lapkin
Due to global challenges of increased competition and demand for more sustainable products/processes, there is a rising pressure on the industry to develop innovative processes. Through Process Intensification (PI) the existing and new processes may be able to attain higher efficiency. However, very few PI options are generally considered. This is because processes are typically analysed at a unit operation level, thus limiting the search space for potential process options. PI performed at more detailed levels of a process can increase the size of the search space. The different levels at which PI can be achieved is unit operations, functional and phenomena level. Physical/chemical phenomena form the lowest level of aggregation and thus, are expected to give the highest impact because all the intensification options can be described by their enhancement. The objective of the current work is thus, generation of numerous process alternatives based on phenomena, and development of their corresponding computer aided models. The methodology comprises: a) automated generation of process options, and b) automated generation of process models. The process under investigation is disintegrated into functions viz. reaction, separation etc., and these functions are further broken down into the phenomena required to perform them. E.g., separation may be performed via vapour-liquid or liquid-liquid equilibrium. A list of phenomena for the process is formed and new phenomena, which can overcome the difficulties/drawbacks of the current process or can enhance the effectiveness of the process, are added to the list. For instance, catalyst separation issue can be handled by using solid catalysts; the corresponding phenomena are identified and added. The phenomena are then combined to generate all possible combinations. However, not all combinations make sense and, hence, screening is carried out to discard the combinations that are meaningless. For example, phase change phenomena need the co-presence of the energy transfer phenomena. Feasible combinations of phenomena are then assigned to the functions they execute. A combination may accomplish a single or multiple functions, i.e. it might perform reaction or reaction with separation. The combinations are then allotted to the functions needed for the process. This creates a series of options for carrying out each function. Combination of these options for different functions in the process leads to the generation of superstructure of process options. These process options, which are formed by a list of phenomena for each function, are passed to the model generation algorithm in the form of binaries (1, 0). The algorithm gathers the active phenomena and couples them to generate the model. A series of models is generated for the functions, which are combined to get the process model. The most promising process options are then chosen subjected to a performance criterion, for example purity of product, or via a multi-objective Pareto optimisation. The methodology was applied to a two-step process and the best route was determined based on the higher product yield. The current methodology can identify, produce and evaluate process intensification options from which the optimal process can be determined. It can be applied to any chemical/biochemical process because of its generic nature.Keywords: Phenomena, Process intensification, Process models , Process options
Procedia PDF Downloads 2342967 Investigating the Role of Combined Length Scale Effect on the Mechanical Properties of Ni/Cu Multilayer Structures
Authors: Naresh Radaliyagoda, Nigel M. Jennett, Rong Lan, David Parfitt
A series of length scale engineered multilayer material with temperature robust mechanical properties has been suggested. A range of polycrystalline copper sub-layers with the thickness varying from 1 to 25μm and buried in between two nickel layers was produced using electrodeposition dual bath technique. The structure of the multilayers was characterized using Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscope. The interface effect on the hardness and elastic modulus was tested using Nano-indentation. Results of the grain size and layer thickness measurements, and indentation hardness have been compared. It is found that there is a combined length scale effect that improves mechanical properties in Ni/Cu multilayer structures.Keywords: nano-indentation, size effect, multilayers, electrodeposition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1512966 Motivational Factors on Non-Academic Staff of Higher Education
Authors: Atya Nur Aisha, Pamoedji Hardjomidjojo, Yassierli
Motivation is an important aspect which affects employee behavior to achieve performance. Working motivation tend to be unstable, it easily changing. This condition could be affected by individual factors, namely working ability, and organizational factors, such as working condition and incentives system. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of individual and organizational factors on non-academic staff motivation. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to 150 non-academic staff of a university in Indonesia. Regression analysis was used to identify the relationship. Results revealed that individual working ability and incentives system had a positive impact on non-academic staff motivation (sig 0.001). This study provides information about practical implication for university authorities and theoretical implications for researchers who interested in exploring motivational and employee performance in a higher education context. It was proposed to increase productivity and work motivation of non-academic staff, university authorities should maintain equality and feasibility of incentives system and design a human resource development to improve employee ability.Keywords: motivation, incentives, working ability, non-academic staff
Procedia PDF Downloads 4102965 Colony Size and Behaviors Characteristics of Monkeys in Peninsular Malaysia
Authors: Karimullah Karim, Shahrul Anuar, T. Dauda
Swarm of research on monkey behavior exists, but were concerned with an aspect of molecular study in support of human primate and non-human primates. Many researchers take an interest in the study of Primates and their environment for the reason that they are intimately connected to humans in terms of human social behaviors. In this context, a study of the activity budget of monkeys was conducted in three states of Peninsular Malaysia. The chi-square test was served to analysis the behaviors and their variances in different study areas, effects of seasonal variation on behaviors, time differences in behaviors and habituated and non-habituated behaviors of monkeys. In consequent the behavior of moving (17%) was found higher followed by climbing (15%), eating (13%), and other social behaviors. All the behavior categories were found significant at p<0.05. The most common behavior of the monkeys in conclusion has been found associated with the restiveness of the animal and that their colony size is not rigid as it depends also on some other factors. This study can therefore serve as a starting point for the understanding of comparative behaviors of monkey in general and the study of the monkey behavior is thus recommended to be expanded to cover more study areas as well as species than in the present work.Keywords: activity budget, Peninsular Malaysia, monkeys colony, behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 3192964 Psychological Aspects in the Doctrine of Dependent Origination
Authors: Sanjoy Barua Chowdhury
This research is an attempt to examine psychological aspect of the Buddha’s most cardinal and fundamental doctrine of Dependent Origination (paṭiccasamuppāda) along with drawing out a clear picture of the constituents from the law of causation and analyzes the mental states and motivational factors behind each constituent among twelvefold links. Meticulous research into the doctrine of Dependent Origination reveals how the main links from the doctrine of dependent origination provide a framework for psychological analysis through volitional formation (saṅkhāra), consciousness (viññāna), mentality and materiality (nāma-rūpa), contact (phassa), feeling (vedanā), craving (tanhā) and clinging (upādāna). This paper further illustrates the notion of perception (saññā) which can be found in the function of volitional formation (saṅkhāra) - a contributing factor, according to modern psychology, in the role of understanding human (puggala) motivation. The psychological analysis of dependent origination expounds the concept of personality highlighting present existence through the inter-relationship of the five faculties (pañcaupadānakkhandhā), viz., form (rūpa), feeling (vedanā), perception (saññā), volitional formation (saṅkhārā) and consciousness (viññāṇa).Keywords: dependent origination, perception, motivational factors, feelings
Procedia PDF Downloads 3322963 The Way Digitized Lectures and Film Presence Coaching Impact Academic Identity: An Expert Facilitated Participatory Action Research Case Study
Authors: Amanda Burrell, Tonia Gary, David Wright, Kumara Ward
This paper explores the concept of academic identity as it relates to the lecture, in particular, the digitized lecture delivered to a camera, in the absence of a student audience. Many academics have the performance aspect of the role thrust upon them with little or no training. For the purpose of this study, we look at the performance of the academic identity and examine tailored film presence coaching for its contributions toward academic identity, specifically in relation to feelings of self-confidence and diminishment of discomfort or stage fright. The case is articulated through the lens of scholar-practitioners, using expert facilitated participatory action research. It demonstrates in our sample of experienced academics, all reported some feelings of uncertainty about presenting lectures to camera prior to coaching. We share how power poses and reframing fear, produced improvements in the ease and competency of all participants. We share exactly how this insight could be adapted for self-coaching by any academic when called to present to a camera and consider the relationship between this and academic identity.Keywords: academic identity, digitized lecture, embodied learning, performance coaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 3372962 Photo-Degradation of a Pharmaceutical Product in the Presence of a Catalyst Supported on a Silicoaluminophosphate Solid
Authors: I. Ben Kaddour, S. Larbaoui
Since their first synthesis in 1984, silicoaluminophosphates have proven their effectiveness as a good adsorbent and catalyst in several environmental and energy applications. In this work, the photocatalytic reaction of the photo-degradation of a pharmaceutical product in water was carried out in the presence of a series of materials based on titanium oxide, anatase phase, supported on the microporous framework of the SAPO4-5 at different levels, under ultraviolet light. These photo-catalysts were characterized by different physicochemical analysis methods in order to determine their structural, textural, and morphological properties, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), microscopy scanning electronics (SEM), nitrogen adsorption measurements, UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (UV-Vis-DRS). In this study, liquid chromatography coupled with spectroscopy of mass (LC-MS) was used to determine the nature of the intermediate products formed during the photocatalytic degradation of DCF.Keywords: photocatalysis, titanium dioxide, SAPO-5, diclofenac
Procedia PDF Downloads 682961 The Viability of Islamic Finance and Its Impact on Global Financial Stability: Evidence from Practical Implications
Authors: Malik Shahzad Shabbir, Muhammad Saarim Ghazi, Amir Khalil ur Rehman
This study examines the factors which influence and contribute towards the financial viability of Islamic finance and its impact on global financial stability. However, the purpose of this paper is to differentiate the practical implications of both Islamic and conventional finance on global financial stability. The Islamic finance is asset backed financing which creates wealth through trade, commerce and believes in risk and return sharing. Islamic banking is asset driven as against to conventional banking which is liability driven. In order to introduce new financial products for market, financial innovation in Islamic finance must be within the Shari’ah parameters that are tested against the ‘Maqasid al-Shari’ah’. Interest-based system leads to income and wealth inequalities and mis-allocation of resources. Moreover, this system has absence of just and equitable aspect of distribution that may exploit either the debt holder or the financier. Such implications are reached to a tipping point that leaves only one choice: change or face continued decline and misery.Keywords: viability, global financial stability, practical implications, asset driven, tipping point
Procedia PDF Downloads 3052960 Managing Linguistic Diversity in Teaching and in Learning in Higher Education Institutions: The Case of the University of Luxembourg
Authors: Argyro-Maria Skourmalla
Today’s reality is characterized by diversity in different levels and aspects of everyday life. Focusing on the aspect of language and communication in Higher Education (HE), the present paper draws on the example of the University of Luxembourg as a multilingual and international setting. The University of Luxembourg, which is located between France, Germany, and Belgium, adopted its new multilingualism policy in 2020, establishing English, French, German, and Luxembourgish as the official languages of the Institution. In addition, with around 10.000 students and staff coming from various countries around the world, linguistic diversity in this university is seen as both a resource and a challenge that calls for an inclusive and multilingual approach. The present paper includes data derived from semi-structured interviews with lecturing staff from different disciplines and an online survey with undergraduate students at the University of Luxembourg. Participants shared their experiences and point of view regarding linguistic diversity in this context. Findings show that linguistic diversity in this university is seen as an asset but comes with challenges, and even though there is progress in the use of multilingual practices, a lot needs to be done towards the recognition of staff and students’ linguistic repertoires for inclusion and education equity.Keywords: linguistic diversity, higher education, Luxembourg, multilingual practices, teaching, learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 782959 From Communalism to Individualism: Critical Insights on the Changing Nature of Hausa Society in Northern Nigeria
Authors: Waisu Iliyasu
It is a well-known fact that the Hausa people have, since time immemorial, had a distinct culture of living together and assisting one another. In fact, the communal bond has been an important aspect that bound society together. Over the years, this communal bond has been eroded, giving way to an individualistic society whereby everyone lives a different way of life free from social cohesion and family bonds. It is against this backdrop the paper examines the forces of change in Hausa society and their effect on communal living. The paper also highlights the factors and actors involved in such change and how, in the later years of Nigeria’s independence, such factors transformed the social, political and economic structures of Hausa society in Northern Nigeria. In writing this paper, qualitative research is used in which questionnaires and oral interviews were used as a method of data collection. Along this way, other sources like primary and secondary are also used extensively in writing the paper. The concluding part of the paper reveals that unless the problems of elitism, corruption and poverty are addressed, the gap between have and have-nots, wealthy and poor, literate and illiterate, will continue to widen, thereby leading to an individualistic society that negates all forms of communal living.Keywords: communalism, individualism, historical insights, Hausa land
Procedia PDF Downloads 692958 Communicating Safety: Warnings, Appeals for Compliance and Visual Resources of Meaning
Authors: Sean McGovern
Discourses, in Foucault's sense of the term, exist as alternate knowledges about some aspect of reality. Discourses act as cognitive frameworks for how social matters are understood and legitimated. Alternate social discourses can stand competing and in conflict or be effectively interwoven. Discourses of public safety, for instance, can alternately be formulated in terms of physical risk; as a matter of social responsibility; or in terms of penalties and litigation. This research study investigates discourses of safety used in public transportation and consumer products in the Japanese cultural context. Employing a social semiotic analytic approach, it examines how posters, consumer manuals and other forms of visual (written and pictorial) warnings have been designed to influence behavioral compliance. The presentation identifies specific ways in which Japanese cultural sensibilities and social needs inform cultural design principles that operate in the visual domain. It makes the case that societies are not uniform in the way that objects and actions are represented and that visual forms of meaning are culturally shaped in ways consistent with social understandings and values.Keywords: communication design, culture, discourse, public safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 2802957 Experimental Study of Discharge with Sharp-Crested Weirs
Authors: E. Keramaris, V. Kanakoudis
In this study the water flow in an open channel over a sharp-crested weir is investigated experimentally. For this reason a series of laboratory experiments were performed in an open channel with a sharp-crested weir. The maximum head expected over the weir, the total upstream water height and the downstream water height of the impact in the constant bed of the open channel were measured. The discharge was measured using a tank put right after the open channel. In addition, the discharge and the upstream velocity were also calculated using already known equations. The main finding is that the relative error percentage for the majority of the experimental measurements is ± 4%, meaning that the calculation of the discharge with a sharp-crested weir gives very good results compared to the numerical results from known equations.Keywords: sharp-crested weir, weir height, flow measurement, open channel flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 1392956 Dynamic EEG Desynchronization in Response to Vicarious Pain
Authors: Justin Durham, Chanda Rooney, Robert Mather, Mickie Vanhoy
The psychological construct of empathy is to understand a person’s cognitive perspective and experience the other person’s emotional state. Deciphering emotional states is conducive for interpreting vicarious pain. Observing others' physical pain activates neural networks related to the actual experience of pain itself. The study addresses empathy as a nonlinear dynamic process of simulation for individuals to understand the mental states of others and experience vicarious pain, exhibiting self-organized criticality. Such criticality follows from a combination of neural networks with an excitatory feedback loop generating bistability to resonate permutated empathy. Cortical networks exhibit diverse patterns of activity, including oscillations, synchrony and waves, however, the temporal dynamics of neurophysiological activities underlying empathic processes remain poorly understood. Mu rhythms are EEG oscillations with dominant frequencies of 8-13 Hz becoming synchronized when the body is relaxed with eyes open and when the sensorimotor system is in idle, thus, mu rhythm synchrony is expected to be highest in baseline conditions. When the sensorimotor system is activated either by performing or simulating action, mu rhythms become suppressed or desynchronize, thus, should be suppressed while observing video clips of painful injuries if previous research on mirror system activation holds. Twelve undergraduates contributed EEG data and survey responses to empathy and psychopathy scales in addition to watching consecutive video clips of sports injuries. Participants watched a blank, black image on a computer monitor before and after observing a video of consecutive sports injuries incidents. Each video condition lasted five-minutes long. A BIOPAC MP150 recorded EEG signals from sensorimotor and thalamocortical regions related to a complex neural network called the ‘pain matrix’. Physical and social pain are activated in this network to resonate vicarious pain responses to processing empathy. Five EEG single electrode locations were applied to regions measuring sensorimotor electrical activity in microvolts (μV) to monitor mu rhythms. EEG signals were sampled at a rate of 200 Hz. Mu rhythm desynchronization was measured via 8-13 Hz at electrode sites (F3 & F4). Data for each participant’s mu rhythms were analyzed via Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) and multifractal time series analysis.Keywords: desynchronization, dynamical systems theory, electroencephalography (EEG), empathy, multifractal time series analysis, mu waveform, neurophysiology, pain simulation, social cognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 2842955 A Forward-Looking View of the Intellectual Capital Accounting Information System
Authors: Rbiha Salsabil Ketitni
The entire company is a series of information among themselves so that each information serves several events and activities, and the latter is nothing but a large set of data or huge data. The enormity of information leads to the possibility of losing it sometimes, and this possibility must be avoided in the institution, especially the information that has a significant impact on it. In most cases, to avoid the loss of this information and to be relatively correct, information systems are used. At present, it is impossible to have a company that does not have information systems, as the latter works to organize the information as well as to preserve it and even saves time for its owner and this is the result of the speed of its mission. This study aims to provide an idea of an accounting information system that opens a forward-looking study for its manufacture and development by researchers, scientists, and professionals. This is the result of most individuals seeing a great contradiction between the work of an information system for moral capital and does not provide real values when measured, and its disclosure in financial reports is not distinguished by transparency.Keywords: accounting, intellectual capital, intellectual capital accounting, information system
Procedia PDF Downloads 872954 Modified Preputial Urethrostomy as a Salvage Procedure in Four Dogs
Authors: Thomas Giansetto, Olivier Broux, Géraldine Bolen, Stéphanie Claeys
Objective: To describe a modified preputial urethrostomy in four dogs. Study design: Short case series. Animals: Four male dogs were treated by the modified preputial urethrostomy, three because of urethral stenosis, and one because of severe complications following perineal urethrostomy. Methods: Four dogs were presented for dysuria and urinary obstruction. secondary to urethral stenosis or tear. Obstruction was treated with a modified preputial urethrostomy. Results: Four dogs had resolution of dysuria with a modified preputial urethrostomy without penile amputation. None of the dogs presented signs of dysuria, urinary tract infection, or dermatitis postoperatively. Two dogs showed signs of urinary incontinence 15 days and one month postoperatively. Conclusion: The modified preputial urethrostomy resulted in a favorable prognosis and may be an alternative to prepubic urethrostomy in male dogs.Keywords: urethrostomy, preputial, technique, urogenital
Procedia PDF Downloads 1702953 Performance Evaluation and Cost Analysis of Standby Systems
Authors: Mohammed A. Hajeeh
Pumping systems are an integral part of water desalination plants, their effective functioning is vital for the operation of a plant. In this research work, the reliability and availability of pressurized pumps in a reverse osmosis desalination plant are studied with the objective of finding configurations that provides optimal performance. Six configurations of a series system with different number of warm and cold standby components were examined. Closed form expressions for the mean time to failure (MTTF) and the long run availability are derived and compared under the assumption that the time between failures and repair times of the primary and standby components are exponentially distributed. Moreover, a cost/ benefit analysis is conducted in order to identify a configuration with the best performance and least cost. It is concluded that configurations with cold standby components are preferable especially when the pumps are of the size.Keywords: availability, cost/benefit, mean time to failure, pumps
Procedia PDF Downloads 2852952 ADHD: Assessment of Pragmatic Skills in Adults
Authors: Elena Even-Simkin
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed disorders in children, but in many cases, the diagnosis is not provided until adulthood. Diagnosing adults with ADHD faces different obstacles due to numerous factors, such as educational or under-resourced familial environment, high intelligence compensating for stress-inducing difficulties, and additional comorbidities. Undiagnosed children and adolescents with ADHD may become undiagnosed adults with ADHD, who miss out on the early treatment and may experience significant social and pragmatic difficulties, leading to functional problems that subsequently affect their lifestyle, education, and occupational functioning. The proposed study presents a cost-effective and unique consideration of the pragmatic aspect among adults with ADHD. It provides a systematic and standardized evaluation of the pragmatic level in adults with ADHD, based on a comprehensive approach introduced by Arcara & Bambini (2016) for the assessment of pragmatic abilities in neuro-typical individuals. This assessment tool can promote the inclusion of pragmatic skills in the cognitive profile in the diagnostic practice of ADHD, and, thus, the proposed instrument can help not only identify the pragmatic difficulties in the ADHD population but also advance effective intervention programs that specifically focus on pragmatic skills in the targeted population.Keywords: ADHD, adults, assessment, pragmatics
Procedia PDF Downloads 762951 Study on Status of Child Labour in Metal Fabrication Industries of Kathmandu Valley
Authors: Bikas Chandra Bhattarai
Child labour is the serious issue all over the world. In Nepal, many children are working in different structured and unstructured sector. Metal fabrication is one of the sectors where many children are involved. The present study is carried out to focus on the overall socio-economic condition, psychological aspect, working environment condition and welfare of the child labour. Metal fabrication factories from Kirtipur, Chovar Area, Gongabu, Sitapaila and Sankhamul area of Kathmandu municipality were selected for the study. The structured questionnaire was prepared, and overall 55 children under age 16 were interviewed. Working in metal fabrication factory is risky job for children. The main reason behind child labour is poverty. The working environment in the metal fabrication factory was not found satisfactory. Children are exposed to various types of physical and chemical hazards. Factories are not paying proper attention to safety condition at the workplace. Large number of children is attracted towards smoking and drinking alcohol leading to unnecessary expense of their income. There should be the provision of regular health check up and insurance to the working children. Monitoring from the government level should be implemented for the betterment of working children.Keywords: child labour, Kathmandu, Nepal, metal fabrication
Procedia PDF Downloads 3312950 The Role of Macroeconomic Condition and Volatility in Credit Risk: An Empirical Analysis of Credit Default Swap Index Spread on Structural Models in U.S. Market during Post-Crisis Period
Authors: Xu Wang
This research builds linear regressions of U.S. macroeconomic condition and volatility measures in the investment grade and high yield Credit Default Swap index spreads using monthly data from March 2009 to July 2016, to study the relationship between different dimensions of macroeconomy and overall credit risk quality. The most significant contribution of this research is systematically examining individual and joint effects of macroeconomic condition and volatility on CDX spreads by including macroeconomic time series that captures different dimensions of the U.S. economy. The industrial production index growth, non-farm payroll growth, consumer price index growth, 3-month treasury rate and consumer sentiment are introduced to capture the condition of real economic activity, employment, inflation, monetary policy and risk aversion respectively. The conditional variance of the macroeconomic series is constructed using ARMA-GARCH model and is used to measure macroeconomic volatility. The linear regression model is conducted to capture relationships between monthly average CDX spreads and macroeconomic variables. The Newey–West estimator is used to control for autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity in error terms. Furthermore, the sensitivity factor analysis and standardized coefficients analysis are conducted to compare the sensitivity of CDX spreads to different macroeconomic variables and to compare relative effects of macroeconomic condition versus macroeconomic uncertainty respectively. This research shows that macroeconomic condition can have a negative effect on CDX spread while macroeconomic volatility has a positive effect on determining CDX spread. Macroeconomic condition and volatility variables can jointly explain more than 70% of the whole variation of the CDX spread. In addition, sensitivity factor analysis shows that the CDX spread is the most sensitive to Consumer Sentiment index. Finally, the standardized coefficients analysis shows that both macroeconomic condition and volatility variables are important in determining CDX spread but macroeconomic condition category of variables have more relative importance in determining CDX spread than macroeconomic volatility category of variables. This research shows that the CDX spread can reflect the individual and joint effects of macroeconomic condition and volatility, which suggests that individual investors or government should carefully regard CDX spread as a measure of overall credit risk because the CDX spread is influenced by macroeconomy. In addition, the significance of macroeconomic condition and volatility variables, such as Non-farm Payroll growth rate and Industrial Production Index growth volatility suggests that the government, should pay more attention to the overall credit quality in the market when macroecnomy is low or volatile.Keywords: autoregressive moving average model, credit spread puzzle, credit default swap spread, generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model, macroeconomic conditions, macroeconomic uncertainty
Procedia PDF Downloads 1672949 The Pursuit of Marital Sustainability Inspiring by Successful Matrimony of Two Distinguishable Indonesian Ethnics as a Learning Process
Authors: Mutiara Amalina Khairisa, Purnama Arafah, Rahayu Listiana Ramli
In recent years, so many cases of divorce increasingly occur. Betrayal in form of infidelity, less communication one another, economically problems, selfishness of two sides, intervening parents from both sides which frequently occurs in Asia, especially in Indonesia, the differences of both principles and beliefs, “Sense of Romantism” depletion, role confict, a large difference in the purpose of marriage,and sex satisfaction are expected as the primary factors of the causes of divorce. Every couple of marriage wants to reach happy life in their family but severe problems brought about by either of those main factors come as a reasonable cause of failure marriage. The purpose of this study is to find out how marital adjustment and supporting factors in ensuring the success of that previous marital adjusment are inseparable two things assumed as a framework can affect the success in marriage becoming a resolution to reduce the desires to divorce. Those two inseparable things are able to become an aspect of learning from the success of the different ethnics marriage to keep holding on wholeness.Keywords: marital adjustment, marital sustainability, learning process, successful ethnicity differences marriage, basical cultural values
Procedia PDF Downloads 4322948 Naphtha Catalytic Reform: Modeling and Simulation of Unity
Authors: Leal Leonardo, Pires Carlos Augusto de Moraes, Casiraghi Magela
In this work were realized the modeling and simulation of the catalytic reformer process, of ample form, considering all the equipment that influence the operation performance. Considered it a semi-regenerative reformer, with four reactors in series intercalated with four furnaces, two heat exchanges, one product separator and one recycle compressor. A simplified reactional system was considered, involving only ten chemical compounds related through five reactions. The considered process was the applied to aromatics production (benzene, toluene, and xylene). The models developed to diverse equipment were interconnecting in a simulator that consists of a computer program elaborate in FORTRAN 77. The simulation of the global model representative of reformer unity achieved results that are compatibles with the literature ones. It was then possible to study the effects of operational variables in the products concentration and in the performance of the unity equipment.Keywords: catalytic reforming, modeling, simulation, petrochemical engineering
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