Search results for: university library
3503 Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Small Peptides for Managing Inflammation: Inhibition to Substrate Approach
Authors: Palwinder Singh, Baljit Kaur, Sukhmeet Kaur
Amongst a library of rationally designed small peptides, (H)Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu(OMe) was identified, reducing prostaglandin production of COX-2 with IC50 60 nM vs. 6000 nM for COX-1. The 5 mg Kg-1 dose of this compound rescued albino mice by 80% from capsaicin-induced paw licking and recovered it by 60% from carrageenan-induced inflammation. The mode of action of the compound for targeting COX-2, iNOS, and VGSC was investigated by using substances P, L-arginine, and veratrine, respectively, as the biomarkers. The interactions of the potent compound with COX-2 were supported by the isothermal calorimetry experiments showing Ka 6.10±1.10x104 mol-1 and ΔG -100.3 k J mol-1 in comparison to Ka 0.41x103 ±0.09 mol-1 and ΔG -19.2±0.06 k J mol-1 for COX-1. This compound did not show toxicity up to 2000 mg Kg-1 dose. Furthermore, beyond the conventional mode of working with anti-inflammatory agents through enzyme inhibition, COX-2 was provided with a peptide-based alternate substrate. Proline-centered pentapeptide iso-conformational to arachidonic acid exhibited appreciable selectivity for COX-2 overcoming acetic acid and formalin-induced pain in rats to almost 80% and was treated as a substrate by the enzyme. Hence, we suggest small peptides as highly potent and promising candidates for their further development into an anti-inflammatory drug.Keywords: small peptides, cyclooxygenase, inflammation, substrate
Procedia PDF Downloads 883502 The Impact of Task Type and Group Size on Dialogue Argumentation between Students
Authors: Nadia Soledad Peralta
Within the framework of socio-cognitive interaction, argumentation is understood as a psychological process that supports and induces reasoning and learning. Most authors emphasize the great potential of argumentation to negotiate with contradictions and complex decisions. So argumentation is a target for researchers who highlight the importance of social and cognitive processes in learning. In the context of social interaction among university students, different types of arguments are analyzed according to group size (dyads and triads) and the type of task (reading of frequency tables, causal explanation of physical phenomena, the decision regarding moral dilemma situations, and causal explanation of social phenomena). Eighty-nine first-year social sciences students of the National University of Rosario participated. Two groups were formed from the results of a pre-test that ensured the heterogeneity of points of view between participants. Group 1 consisted of 56 participants (performance in dyads, total: 28), and group 2 was formed of 33 participants (performance in triads, total: 11). A quasi-experimental design was performed in which effects of the two variables (group size and type of task) on the argumentation were analyzed. Three types of argumentation are described: authentic dialogical argumentative resolutions, individualistic argumentative resolutions, and non-argumentative resolutions. The results indicate that individualistic arguments prevail in dyads. That is, although people express their own arguments, there is no authentic argumentative interaction. Given that, there are few reciprocal evaluations and counter-arguments in dyads. By contrast, the authentically dialogical argument prevails in triads, showing constant feedback between participants’ points of view. It was observed that, in general, the type of task generates specific types of argumentative interactions. However, it is possible to emphasize that the authentically dialogic arguments predominate in the logical tasks, whereas the individualists or pseudo-dialogical are more frequent in opinion tasks. Nerveless, these relationships between task type and argumentative mode are best clarified in an interactive analysis based on group size. Finally, it is important to stress the value of dialogical argumentation in educational domains. Argumentative function not only allows a metacognitive reflection about their own point of view but also allows people to benefit from exchanging points of view in interactive contexts.Keywords: sociocognitive interaction, argumentation, university students, size of the grup
Procedia PDF Downloads 843501 Study of Human Position in Architecture with Contextual Approach
Authors: E. Zarei, M. Bazaei, A. seifi, A. Keshavarzi
Contextuallism has been always the main component of urban science. It not only has great direct and indirect impact on behaviors, events and interactions, but also is one of the basic factors of an urban values and identity. Nowadays there might be some deficiencies in the cities. In the theories of environment designing, humanistic orientations with the focus on culture and cultural variables would enable us to transfer information. To communicate with the context in which human lives, he needs some common memories, understandable symbols and daily activities in that context. The configuration of a place can impact on human’s behaviors. The goal of this research is to review 7 projects in different parts of the world with various usages and some factors such as ‘sense of place’, ‘sense of belonging’ and ‘social and cultural relations’ will be discussed in these projects. The method used for research in this project is descriptive- analytic. Library information and Internet are the main sources of gathering information and the method of reasoning used in this project is inductive. The consequence of this research will be some data in the form of tables that has been extracted from mentioned projects.Keywords: contextuallism with humanistic approach, sense of place, sense of belonging, social and cultural relations
Procedia PDF Downloads 3973500 The Impact of a Five-Day Basic Disaster Management Training on Disaster Risk Reduction: Case Study of Indonesia Defense University
Authors: Jazmi Adlan Bohari, I. Dewa Ketut Kerta Widana
Education on disaster management has been made as a mainstream focus of many countries. In Indonesia, this has been emphasized with the direct order of the President of Indonesia to implement disaster education at all levels in both formal and informal education. Indonesia Defense University (IDU) executes this order through Three Pillars of Higher Education, which consists of research, education, and community service. One of them is a five-day disaster management training for 105 participants divided into three batches that consist of faculty members and graduate students. This training uses the 2018 Basic Disaster Management Training Modul issued by the Indonesia National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). This research aims to analyze the impact of this short training on the trainee’s knowledge and understanding of basic disaster management. This study is a qualitative research with case study approach. The research shows that after five days of training, there as a significant increase in knowledge and understanding of basic disaster management experienced by the trainees with a 61,73% overall increase. The post-training data shows that 61% of the trainees have a very good understanding, 24% with good understanding, 13% with adequate understanding, and 2% with poor understanding. The result suggests that a short-time education with a structured curriculum can successfully increase the knowledge and understanding of disaster management on a basic level and can hypothetically contribute to the effort to reduce disaster risks.Keywords: disaster education, basic disaster management training, three Pillars of Higher Education, disaster risk reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1383499 Expression of Stance in Lower- and Upper- Level Students’ Writing in Business Administration at English-Medium University in Burundi
Authors: Clement Ndoricimpa
The expression of stance is highly expected in writing at tertiary level. Through a selection of linguistic and rhetorical elements, writers express commitment, critical distance and build a critically discerning reader in texts. Despite many studies on patterns of stance in students’ academic writing, little may not be known about how English as a Foreign Language students learns to build a critically discerning reader in their texts. Therefore, this study examines patterns of stance in essays written by students majoring in business administration at English-medium University in Burundi as part of classroom assignments. It draws on systemic functional linguistics to analyze qualitatively and quantitatively the data. The quantitative analysis is used to identify the differences in frequency of stance patterns in the essays. The results show a significant difference in the use of boosters by lower- and upper-level students. Lower-level students’ writing contains more boosters and many idiosyncratic sentence structures than do upper-level students’ writing, and upper-level students’ essays contain more hedging and few grammatical mistakes than do lower-level students’ essays. No significant difference in the use of attitude markers and concessive and contrastive expressions. Students in lower- and upper-level do not use attitude markers and disclaimer markers appropriately and accurately. These findings suggest that students should be taught the use of stance patterns in academic writing.Keywords: academic writing, metadiscourse, stance, student corpora
Procedia PDF Downloads 1383498 Measurement of the Quadriceps Angle with Respect to Various Body Parameters in Arab Countries
Authors: Ramada R. Khasawneh, Mohammed Z. Allouh, Ejlal Abu-El Rub
The quadriceps angle (Q angle), formed between the quadriceps muscles and the patella tendon, is considered clinically as a very important parameter which displays the biomechanical effect of the quadriceps muscle on the knee, and it is also regarded as a crucial factor for the proper posture and movement of the knee patella. This study had been conducted to measure the normal Q angle values range in the Arab nationalities and determine the correlation between Q angle values and several body parameters, including gender, height, weight, dominant side, and the condylar distance of the femur. The study includes 500 healthy Arab students from Yarmouk University and Jordan University of Science and Technology. The Q angle of those volunteers was measured using a universal manual Goniometer with the subjects in the upright weight-bearing position. It was found that the Q angle was greater in women than in men. The analysis of the data revealed an insignificant increase in the dominant side of the Q angle. In addition, the Q was significantly higher in the taller people of both sexes. However, the Q angle did not present any considerable correlation with weight in the study population; conversely, it was observed that there was a link with the condylar distance of the femur in both sexes. It was also noticed that the Q angle increased remarkably when there was an increase in the condylar distance. Consequently, it turned out that the gender, height, and the condylar distance were momentous factors that had an impact on the Q angle in our study samples. However, weight and dominance factors did not show to have any influence on the values in our study.Keywords: Q angle, Jordanian, anatomy, condylar distance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1473497 Changes in Some Morphological Characters of Dill Under Cadmium Stress
Authors: A. M. Daneshian Moghaddam, A. H. Hosseinzadeh, A. Bandehagh
To investigate the effect of cadmium heavy metal stress on five ecotype of dill, this experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of Tabriz University and Shabestar Islamic Azad University’s laboratories with tree replications. After growing the plants, cadmium treatments (concentration 0,300, 600 µmol) were applied. The essential oil of the samples was measured by hydro distillation and using a Clevenger apparatus. Variables used in this study include: wet and dry roots and aerial part of plant, plant height, stem diameter, and root length. The results showed that different concentrations of heavy metal has statistical difference (p < 0.01) on the fresh weight, dry weight, plant height and root length but hadn’t significant difference on essential oil percentage and root length. Dill ecotypes have statistical significant difference on essential oil percent, fresh plant weight, plant height, root length, except plant dry weight. The interactions between Cd concentration and dill ecotypes have not significant effect on all traits, except root length. Maximum fresh weight (4.98 gr) and minimum amount (3.13 gr) were obtained in control trait and 600 ppm of cd concentration, respectively. Highest amount of fresh weight (4.78 gr) was obtained in Birjand ecotype. Maximum plant dry weight (1.2 gr) was obtained at control. The highest plant height (32.54 cm) was obtained in control and with applies cadmium concentrations from zero to 300 and 600 ppm was found significantly reduced in plant height.Keywords: pollution, essential oil, ecotype, dill, heavy metals, cadmium
Procedia PDF Downloads 4283496 EduEasy: Smart Learning Assistant System
Authors: A. Karunasena, P. Bandara, J. A. T. P. Jayasuriya, P. D. Gallage, J. M. S. D. Jayasundara, L. A. P. Y. P. Nuwanjaya
Usage of smart learning concepts has increased rapidly all over the world recently as better teaching and learning methods. Most educational institutes such as universities are experimenting those concepts with their students. Smart learning concepts are especially useful for students to learn better in large classes. In large classes, the lecture method is the most popular method of teaching. In the lecture method, the lecturer presents the content mostly using lecture slides, and the students make their own notes based on the content presented. However, some students may find difficulties with the above method due to various issues such as speed in delivery. The purpose of this research is to assist students in large classes in the following content. The research proposes a solution with four components, namely note-taker, slide matcher, reference finder, and question presenter, which are helpful for the students to obtain a summarized version of the lecture note, easily navigate to the content and find resources, and revise content using questions.Keywords: automatic summarization, extractive text summarization, speech recognition library, sentence extraction, automatic web search, automatic question generator, sentence scoring, the term weight
Procedia PDF Downloads 1493495 Television Is Useful in Promoting Safe Sexual Practices to Student Populations: A Mixed-Methods Questionnaire Exploring the Impact of Channel Four’s ‘It’s a Sin (2021)’
Authors: Betsy H. Edwards
Background: Public Health England recognises unprotected sex and consequent transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as significant problems within student populations. Government surveys show that 50% of sexually-active young adults engage in unprotected sex with new partners, with 10% never using condoms. The recent Channel Four mini-series ‘It’s a Sin’ dramatises the 1980s AIDS epidemic and has been praised for its educational value and for promoting safe sexual practices to its viewers. This mixed-methods questionnaire study aims to investigate whether the series can change attitudes towards safe sex in student populations, can promote the use of condoms in student populations, and whether television, in general, is a useful tool for promoting health education. Methods: A questionnaire, created on Microsoft Forms, was distributed to students at the University of Birmingham via Facebook groups between September 2021 and May 2022. To consent, participants had to be aged 18 or over, a student at the university, have seen the entire series of ‘It’s a Sin’, and read the study information. Data was confidentially stored within the University’s secured OneDrive in accordance with the study’s approved ethics application. Quantitative questions measured participants’ attitudes and behaviours using Likert scales. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. Quantitative Results: 78 students completed the questionnaire. 43 participants (55%) felt that the series ‘It’s a Sin’ promoted safe sex. 74 participants (96%) and 31 participants (39%) said they were ‘very likely’ or ‘likely’ to use condoms with a casual partner during penetrative sex and oral sex respectively. 27 participants (35%) felt that watching ‘It’s a Sin’ made them more likely to use condoms; of these 27 participants, all were ‘very likely’ or ‘likely’ to use condoms during penetrative sex, and 9 were ‘very likely’ or ‘likely’ to during oral sex. 49 participants (63%) and 53 participants (68%) felt that television is a good way to provide health education and to promote healthy behaviours respectively. Qualitative Results: 56 participants (72%) gave reasons why the series had been associated with an increased uptake in HIV testing. Three themes emerged: increased education and attention, decreased stigmatisation, and relatability of characters on screen. Conclusions: This study suggests that the series ‘It’s a Sin’ can influence attitudes towards and the uptake of safe sexual practices. It would be useful for further research - using larger, randomised samples - to explore impacts upon populations lesser-educated about sexual health, who potentially have more to gain from watching series such as ‘It’s a Sin’.Keywords: GUM, It's a sin, media, sexual health, students, television, tv
Procedia PDF Downloads 983494 Comparing Bestseller Books in Japanese Public Libraries Managed by Outsourcing and by Local Governments
Authors: Yuhiro Mizunuma, Keita Tsuji
In Japan, local governments have long managed public libraries; however, organizations including private enterprises took over their management with the introduction of an outsourcing system in 2003. Now, whether local governments should apply this system to public libraries is under discussion, and many argue that it is inappropriate for public libraries. In this study, to provide basic data for such discussions, the differences between public libraries managed by outsourcing (henceforth, 'outsourcing libraries') and those managed directly by local governments (henceforth 'direct management libraries') were examined, focusing on bestsellers. We chose the 435 books on the top-20 bestseller lists published from 1996 to 2015 inclusive, as our sample bestseller books; and 413 outsourcing libraries' and 2,619 direct management libraries' holdings of them were investigated using the Calil API (a free Web service that can perform cross-library searches on libraries in Japan). Results show that outsourcing libraries tend to hold fewer bestsellers than direct management libraries. It was also found that direct management libraries tend to hold many duplicates of bestsellers, and that, in many cases, many of those were not being borrowed in direct management libraries.Keywords: bestseller books, book collection, Japanese public libraries, outsourcing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2183493 Prediction of Slaughter Body Weight in Rabbits: Multivariate Approach through Path Coefficient and Principal Component Analysis
Authors: K. A. Bindu, T. V. Raja, P. M. Rojan, A. Siby
The multivariate path coefficient approach was employed to study the effects of various production and reproduction traits on the slaughter body weight of rabbits. Information on 562 rabbits maintained at the university rabbit farm attached to the Centre for Advanced Studies in Animal Genetics, and Breeding, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Kerala State, India was utilized. The manifest variables used in the study were age and weight of dam, birth weight, litter size at birth and weaning, weight at first, second and third months. The linear multiple regression analysis was performed by keeping the slaughter weight as the dependent variable and the remaining as independent variables. The model explained 48.60 percentage of the total variation present in the market weight of the rabbits. Even though the model used was significant, the standardized beta coefficients for the independent variables viz., age and weight of the dam, birth weight and litter sizes at birth and weaning were less than one indicating their negligible influence on the slaughter weight. However, the standardized beta coefficient of the second-month body weight was maximum followed by the first-month weight indicating their major role on the market weight. All the other factors influence indirectly only through these two variables. Hence it was concluded that the slaughter body weight can be predicted using the first and second-month body weights. The principal components were also developed so as to achieve more accuracy in the prediction of market weight of rabbits.Keywords: component analysis, multivariate, slaughter, regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1663492 The Effects of Information Technology in Urban Health
Authors: Safdari Reza, Zahmatkeshan Maryam, Goli Arji
Background and Aim: Urban health is one of the challenges of the 21st century. Rapid growth and expanding urbanization have implications for health. In this regard, information technology can remove a large number of modern cities’ problems. Therefore, the present article aims to study modern information technologies in the development of urban health. Materials and Methods:. This is a review article based on library research and Internet searches on valid websites such as Science Direct, Magiran, Springer and advanced searches in Google. Some 164 domestic and foreign texts were studied on such topics as the application of ICT tools including cell phones and wireless tools, GIS, and RFID in the field of urban health in 2011. Finally, 30 sources were used. Conclusion: Information and communication technologies play an important role in improving people's health and enhancing the quality of their lives. Effective utilization of information and communication technologies requires the identification of opportunities and constraints, and the formulation of appropriate planning principles with regard to social and economic factors together with preparing the technological, communication and telecommunications, legal and administrative infrastructures.Keywords: Urban Health, Information Technology, Information & Communication, Technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4663491 Prevalence of Selected Cardiovascular Risk Factors Obesity among University of Venda Staff
Authors: Avhasei Dorothy Rasifudi, Josephine Mandizha
Cardiovascular risk factors continue to be the leading cause of death in the majority of developed and developing countries. In 2011, the World Health Organization reported that every year an estimated 17 million people globally die of CVD, representing 30% of all global deaths, particularly caused by heart attacks and strokes. The purpose of the study was to determine and describe the prevalence of selected cardiovascular risk factors among university of Venda staff. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 100 staff aged 20-65 years. The anthropometric measurements were conducted in accordance to and with standardized procedures advocated by the International Society for the Advanced Kinanthropometry. Weight, Height, waist circumference and hip circumference were measured for calculation of body mass index and waist-hip ratio. Blood pressure was measured using a Heine cuff and sphygmomanometer. Questionnaire was administered to gather demographic details and cardiovascular risk factors of hypertension and obesity. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The parameter t-test was applied to test significance level at p ≤ 0.05 between sexes. The statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. The prevalence of hypertension was 23% with the highest prevalence amongst those aged 40 years and above. Factors found to be to be significantly associated with hypertension were gender, age, physical inactivity and family history. Prevalence of obesity was 43%, with the highest prevalence among those aged 40 years. The factors associated with obesity were diet, age and physical activity. The prevalence of hypertension and obesity in the study were high.Keywords: cardiovascular, prevalence, risk factors, staff
Procedia PDF Downloads 2963490 Suitability of Indonesia's Tax Administration with Abu Yusuf Thought
Authors: Dina Safrina
This paper aims to discuss the suitability of tax administration in Indonesia based on Islamic Shari'a by looking at Abu Yusuf's idea of taxation. This research is a qualitative research and using data collection method by library research, that is by studying, deepening and citing theories or concepts from a number of literature. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether taxation in Indonesia is consistent with the thinking of Islamic economists, namely Abu Yusuf's idea which became known by economists as the canons of taxation. The ability to pay, lax time giving for taxpayers and the centralization of decision-making in the tax administration are some of the principles it emphasizes. In taxation he recommends the use of the Muqassamah (Proportional Tax) system rather than the Mixed (Fixed Tax) system. In this case, the determination of tax rates in Indonesia there are using fixed tax system, proportional tax, progressive tax and regressive tax. Abu Yusuf opposed the existence of Qabalah institution (the guarantor of tax payments to the state) at the time and suggested a tax administration centered and paid directly to the state. This is in accordance with those already applied in Indonesia where tax collection is done centrally. The tax system in Indonesia using self assessment system, which is the authority and responsibility given by the government to the taxpayer to calculate, pay and report the tax itself becomes the gap for taxpayers to commit fraud. Prerequisites that must be met for the success of this system is with the tax consciousness, tax honesty, tax mindedness, and tax discipline.Keywords: Abu Yusuf, Indonesia, tax, tax administration
Procedia PDF Downloads 4193489 Learning Resources as Determinants for Improving Teaching and Learning Process in Nigerian Universities
Authors: Abdulmutallib U. Baraya, Aishatu M. Chadi, Zainab A. Aliyu, Agatha Samson
Learning Resources is the field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating learning materials, learners, and the learning process in order to improve teaching and learning in university-level education essential for empowering students and various sectors of Nigeria’s economy to succeed in a fast-changing global economy. Innovation in the information age of the 21st century is the use of educational technologies in the classroom for instructional delivery, it involves the use of appropriate educational technologies like smart boards, computers, projectors and other projected materials to facilitate learning and improve performance. The study examined learning resources as determinants for improving the teaching and learning process in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU), Bauchi, Bauchi state of Nigeria. Three objectives, three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a Survey research design. The population of the study was 880 lecturers. A sample of 260 was obtained using the research advisor table for determining sampling, and 250 from the sample was proportionately selected from the seven faculties. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire. The instrument was subjected to validation by two experts. The reliability of the instrument stood at 0.81, which is reliable. The researchers, assisted by six research assistants, distributed and collected the questionnaire with a 75% return rate. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions, whereas simple linear regression was used to test the null hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that physical facilities and digital technology tools significantly improved the teaching and learning process. Also, consumables, supplies and equipment do not significantly improve the teaching and learning process in the faculties. It was recommended that lecturers in the various faculties should strengthen and sustain the use of digital technology tools, and there is a need to strive and continue to properly maintain the available physical facilities. Also, the university management should, as a matter of priority, continue to adequately fund and upgrade equipment, consumables and supplies frequently to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process.Keywords: education, facilities, learning-resources, technology-tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 253488 Self-Esteem on University Students by Gender and Branch of Study
Authors: Antonio Casero Martínez, María de Lluch Rayo Llinas
This work is part of an investigation into the relationship between romantic love and self-esteem in college students, performed by the students of matter "methods and techniques of social research", of the Master Gender at the University of Balearic Islands, during 2014-2015. In particular, we have investigated the relationships that may exist between self-esteem, gender and field of study. They are known as gender differences in self-esteem, and the relationship between gender and branch of study observed annually by the distribution of enrolment in universities. Therefore, in this part of the study, we focused the spotlight on the differences in self-esteem between the sexes through the various branches of study. The study sample consists of 726 individuals (304 men and 422 women) from 30 undergraduate degrees that the University of the Balearic Islands offers on its campus in 2014-2015, academic year. The average age of men was 21.9 years and 21.7 years for women. The sampling procedure used was random sampling stratified by degree, simple affixation, giving a sampling error of 3.6% for the whole sample, with a confidence level of 95% under the most unfavorable situation (p = q). The Spanish translation of the Rosenberg Self-Esteen Scale (RSE), by Atienza, Moreno and Balaguer was applied. The psychometric properties of translation reach a test-retest reliability of 0.80 and an internal consistency between 0.76 and 0.87. In this paper we have obtained an internal consistency of 0.82. The results confirm the expected differences in self-esteem by gender, although not in all branches of study. Mean levels of self-esteem in women are lower in all branches of study, reaching statistical significance in the field of Science, Social Sciences and Law, and Engineering and Architecture. However, analysed the variability of self-esteem by the branch of study within each gender, the results show independence in the case of men, whereas in the case of women find statistically significant differences, arising from lower self-esteem of Arts and Humanities students vs. the Social and legal Sciences students. These findings confirm the results of numerous investigations in which the levels of female self-esteem appears always below the male, suggesting that perhaps we should consider separately the two populations rather than continually emphasize the difference. The branch of study, for its part has not appeared as an explanatory factor of relevance, beyond detected the largest absolute difference between gender in the technical branch, one in which women are historically a minority, ergo, are no disciplinary or academic characteristics which would explain the differences, but the differentiated social context that occurs within it.Keywords: study branch, gender, self-esteem, applied psychology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4673487 Digital Design and Practice of The Problem Based Learning in College of Medicine, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
Authors: Ahmed Elzainy, Abir El Sadik, Waleed Al Abdulmonem, Ahmad Alamro, Homaidan Al-Homaidan
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational modality which stimulates critical and creative thinking. PBL has been practiced in the college of medicine, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia, since the 2002s with offline face to face activities. Therefore, crucial technological changes in paperless work were needed. The aim of the present study was to design and implement the digitalization of the PBL activities and to evaluate its impact on students' and tutors’ performance. This approach promoted the involvement of all stakeholders after their awareness of the techniques of using online tools. IT support, learning resources facilities, and required multimedia were prepared. Students’ and staff perception surveys reflected their satisfaction with these remarkable changes. The students were interested in the new digitalized materials and educational design, which facilitated the conduction of PBL sessions and provided sufficient time for discussion and peer sharing of knowledge. It enhanced the tutors for supervision and tracking students’ activities on the Learning Management System. It could be concluded that introducing of digitalization of the PBL activities promoted the students’ performance, engagement and enabled a better evaluation of PBL materials and getting prompt students as well as staff feedback. These positive findings encouraged the college to implement the digitalization approach in other educational activities, such as Team-Based Learning, as an additional opportunity for further development.Keywords: multimedia in PBL, online PBL, problem-based learning, PBL digitalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1203486 An Online Master's Degree Program for the Preparation of Adapted Physical Education Teachers for Children with Significant Developmental Disabilities
Authors: Jiabei Zhang
Online programs developed for preparing qualified teachers have significantly increased over the years in the United States of America (USA). However, no online graduate programs for training adapted physical education (APE) teachers for children with significant developmental disabilities are currently available in the USA. The purpose of this study was to develop an online master’s degree program for the preparation of APE teachers to serve children with significant developmental disabilities. The characteristics demonstrated by children with significant developmental disabilities, the competencies required for certified APE teachers, and the evidence-based positive behavioral interventions (PBI) documented for teaching children with significant developmental disabilities were fully reviewed in this study. An online graduate program with 14 courses for 42 credit hours (3 credit hours per course) was then developed for training APE teachers to serve children with significant developmental disabilities. Included in this online program are five components: (a) 2 capstone courses, (b) 4 APE courses, (c) 4 PBI course, (d) 2 elective courses, and (e) 2 capstone courses. All courses will be delivered online through Desire2Learn administered by the Extended University Programs at Western Michigan University (WMU). An applicant who has a bachelor’s degree in physical education or special education is eligible for this proposed program. A student enrolled in this program is expected to complete all courses in 2.5 years while staying in their local area. This program will be submitted to the WMU curriculum committee for approval in the fall of 2018.Keywords: adapted physical education, online program, teacher preparation, and significant disabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 1493485 Challenges and Professional Perspectives for Pedagogy Undergraduates with Specific Learning Disability: A Greek Case Study
Authors: Tatiani D. Mousoura
Specific learning disability (SLD) in higher education has been partially explored in Greece so far. Moreover, opinions on professional perspectives for university students with SLD, is scarcely encountered in Greek research. The perceptions of the hidden character of SLD along with the university policy towards it and professional perspectives that result from this policy have been examined in the present research. This study has applied the paradigm of a Greek Tertiary Pedagogical Education Department (Early Childhood Education). Via mixed methods, data have been collected from different groups of people in the Pedagogical Department: students with SLD and without SLD, academic staff and administration staff, all of which offer the opportunity for triangulation of the findings. Qualitative methods include ten interviews with students with SLD and 15 interviews with academic staff and 60 hours of observation of the students with SLD. Quantitative methods include 165 questionnaires completed by third and fourth-year students and five questionnaires completed by the administration staff. Thematic analyses of the interviews’ data and descriptive statistics on the questionnaires’ data have been applied for the processing of the results. The use of medical terms to define and understand SLD was common in the student cohort, regardless of them having an SLD diagnosis. However, this medical model approach is far more dominant in the group of students without SLD who, by majority, hold misconceptions on a definitional level. The academic staff group seems to be leaning towards a social approach concerning SLD. According to them, diagnoses may lead to social exclusion. The Pedagogical Department generally endorses the principles of inclusion and complies with the provision of oral exams for students with SLD. Nevertheless, in practice, there seems to be a lack of regular academic support for these students. When such support does exist, it is only through individual initiatives. With regards to their prospective profession, students with SLD can utilize their personal experience, as well as their empathy; these appear to be unique weapons in their hands –in comparison with other educators− when it comes to teaching students in the future. In the Department of Pedagogy, provision towards SLD results sporadic, however the vision of an inclusive department does exist. Based on their studies and their experience, pedagogy students with SLD claim that they have an experiential internalized advantage for their future career as educators.Keywords: specific learning disability, SLD, dyslexia, pedagogy department, inclusion, professional role of SLDed educators, higher education, university policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1143484 Systematic Review of Functional Analysis in Brazil
Authors: Felipe Magalhaes Lemos
Functional behavior analysis is a procedure that has been studied for several decades by behavior analysts. In Brazil, we still have few studies in the area, so it was decided to carry out a systematic review of the articles published in the area by Brazilians. A search was done on the following scientific article registration sites: PsycINFO, ERIC, ISI Web of Science, Virtual Health Library. The research includes (a) peer-reviewed studies that (b) have been carried out in Brazil containing (c) functional assessment as a pre-treatment through (d) experimental procedures, direct or indirect observation and measurement of behavior problems (e) demonstrating a relationship between environmental events and behavior. During the review, 234 papers were found; however, only 9 were included in the final analysis. Of the 9 articles extracted, only 2 presented functional analysis procedures with manipulation of environmental variables, while the other 7 presented different procedures for a descriptive behavior assessment. Only the two studies using "functional analysis" used graphs to demonstrate the prevalent function of the behavior. Other studies described procedures and did not make clear the causal relationship between environment and behavior. There is still confusion in Brazil regarding the terms "functional analysis", "descriptive assessment" and "contingency analysis," which are generally treated in the same way. This study shows that few articles are published with a focus on functional analysis in Brazil.Keywords: behavior, contingency, descriptive assessment, functional analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1463483 Extraction of Urban Land Features from TM Landsat Image Using the Land Features Index and Tasseled Cap Transformation
Authors: R. Bouhennache, T. Bouden, A. A. Taleb, A. Chaddad
In this paper we propose a method to map the urban areas. The method uses an arithmetic calculation processed from the land features indexes and Tasseled cap transformation TC of multi spectral Thematic Mapper Landsat TM image. For this purpose the derived indexes image from the original image such SAVI the soil adjusted vegetation index, UI the urban Index, and EBBI the enhanced built up and bareness index were staked to form a new image and the bands were uncorrelated, also the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Spectral Information Divergence (SID) supervised classification approaches were first applied on the new image TM data using the reference spectra of the spectral library and subsequently the four urban, vegetation, water and soil land cover categories were extracted with their accuracy assessment.The urban features were represented using a logic calculation applied to the brightness, UI-SAVI, NDBI-greenness and EBBI- brightness data sets. The study applied to Blida and mentioned that the urban features can be mapped with an accuracy ranging from 92 % to 95%.Keywords: EBBI, SAVI, Tasseled Cap Transformation, UI
Procedia PDF Downloads 4843482 Recognition of Gene Names from Gene Pathway Figures Using Siamese Network
Authors: Muhammad Azam, Micheal Olaolu Arowolo, Fei He, Mihail Popescu, Dong Xu
The number of biological papers is growing quickly, which means that the number of biological pathway figures in those papers is also increasing quickly. Each pathway figure shows extensive biological information, like the names of genes and how the genes are related. However, manually annotating pathway figures takes a lot of time and work. Even though using advanced image understanding models could speed up the process of curation, these models still need to be made more accurate. To improve gene name recognition from pathway figures, we applied a Siamese network to map image segments to a library of pictures containing known genes in a similar way to person recognition from photos in many photo applications. We used a triple loss function and a triplet spatial pyramid pooling network by combining the triplet convolution neural network and the spatial pyramid pooling (TSPP-Net). We compared VGG19 and VGG16 as the Siamese network model. VGG16 achieved better performance with an accuracy of 93%, which is much higher than OCR results.Keywords: biological pathway, image understanding, gene name recognition, object detection, Siamese network, VGG
Procedia PDF Downloads 2923481 Towards Expanding the Use of the Online Judge UnitJudge for Java Programming Exercises and Web Development Practices in Computer Science Education
Authors: Iván García-Magariño, Javier Bravo-Agapito, Marta López-Fernández
Online judges have proven their utility in partial auto-evaluation of programming short exercises in the last decades. UnitJudge online judge has the advantage of facilitating the evaluation of separate units to provide more segregate and meaningful feedback to students in complex exercises and practices. This paper discusses the use of UnitUdge in advanced Java object-oriented programming exercises and web development practices. This later usage has been proposed by means of the Selenium Java library and classes to provide the web address. Consequently, UnitJudge is an online judge system that can be applied in several subjects, and therefore, many other students would take advantage of self-testing their exercises. This paper presents the experiments with a Java programming exercise for learning Java object-oriented classes with a generic type. Considering 10 students who voluntarily used UnitJudge, 80% successfully learned this concept, passing the judge exercise with correct results.Keywords: online judges, programming skills, computer science education, auto-evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1013480 Factors that Predict Pre-Service Teachers' Decision to Integrate E-Learning: A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach
Authors: Mohd Khairezan Rahmat
Since the impetus of becoming a develop country by the year 2020, the Malaysian government have been proactive in strengthening the integration of ICT into the national educational system. Teacher-education programs have the responsibility to prepare the nation future teachers by instilling in them the desire, confidence, and ability to fully utilized the potential of ICT into their instruction process. In an effort to fulfill this responsibility, teacher-education program are beginning to create alternatives means for preparing cutting-edge teachers. One of the alternatives is the student’s learning portal. In line with this mission, this study investigates the Faculty of Education, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM) pre-service teachers’ perception of usefulness, attitude, and ability toward the usage of the university learning portal, known as iLearn. The study also aimed to predict factors that might hinder the pre-service teachers’ decision to used iLearn as their platform in learning. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), was employed in analyzed the survey data. The suggested findings informed that pre-service teacher’s successful integration of the iLearn was highly influenced by their perception of usefulness of the system. The findings also suggested that the more familiar the pre-service teacher with the iLearn, the more possibility they will use the system. In light of similar study, the present findings hope to highlight the important to understand the user’s perception toward any proposed technology.Keywords: e-learning, prediction factors, pre-service teacher, structural equation modeling (SEM)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3403479 A Study on the Waiting Time for the First Employment of Arts Graduates in Sri Lanka
Authors: Imali T. Jayamanne, K. P. Asoka Ramanayake
Transition from tertiary level education to employment is one of the challenges that many fresh university graduates face after graduation. The transition period or the waiting time to obtain the first employment varies with the socio-economic factors and the general characteristics of a graduate. Compared to other fields of study, Arts graduates in Sri Lanka, have to wait a long time to find their first employment. The objective of this study is to identify the determinants of the transition from higher education to employment of these graduates using survival models. The study is based on a survey that was conducted in the year 2016 on a stratified random sample of Arts graduates from Sri Lankan universities who had graduated in 2012. Among the 469 responses, 36 (8%) waiting times were interval censored and 13 (3%) were right censored. Waiting time for the first employment varied between zero to 51 months. Initially, the log-rank and the Gehan-Wilcoxon tests were performed to identify the significant factors. Gender, ethnicity, GCE Advanced level English grade, civil status, university, class received, degree type, sector of first employment, type of first employment and the educational qualifications required for the first employment were significant at 10%. The Cox proportional hazards model was fitted to model the waiting time for first employment with these significant factors. All factors, except ethnicity and type of employment were significant at 5%. However, since the proportional hazard assumption was violated, the lognormal Accelerated failure time (AFT) model was fitted to model the waiting time for the first employment. The same factors were significant in the AFT model as in Cox proportional model.Keywords: AFT model, first employment, proportional hazard, survey design, waiting time
Procedia PDF Downloads 3123478 Molecular Cloning of CSP2s, PBP1 and PBP2 Genes of Rhyzopertha dominica
Authors: Suliman A. I. Ali, Mory Mandiana Diakite, Saqib Ali, Man-Qun Wang
Lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica, is a causing damages of stored grains all tropical and subtropical area in the global, according to the information of antenna cDNA library of R. dominica, three olfactory protein genes, including R.domica CSPs2, R.domica PBPs1, R.domica PBPs2 genes (GenBank accessions are KJ186798.1, KJ186830.1, KJ186831.1 separately.), were successfully cloned. For sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, R.domica CSPs1 and R.domica CSPs2 belonged to Minus-C CSPs showed that have 4 conserved cysteine residues, while R.domica PBPs1 and R.domica PBPs2 showed conserved amino acids in all PBPs six conserved cysteine residues. The results of transcription expression level of PBPs1 and PBPs2 of R. dominica showed that the expression level of R.domnica PBP2 is much higher than that of R.domnica PBP1. The variation transcription level at the different developmental time suggested the PBP1, and PBP2 had their particular job in searching food sources, mates and oviposition sites.Keywords: Rhyzopertha dominica, CSPs, PBPs, molecular cloning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1483477 Social Responsibility in Reducing Gap between High School and 1st Year University Maths: SMU Case, South Africa
Authors: Solly M. Seeletse, Joel L. Thabane
Students enrolling at the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) come mostly from the previously disadvantaged communities of South Africa. Their backgrounds are deprived in resources and modern technologies of education. Most of those admitted in the basic sciences were rejected in medicine and health related study programmes in SMU. Mathematics (maths) is the main subject for admission into SMU study programmes. However, maths results are usually low. In an attempt to help to prepare the students in the neighbourhood schools of SMU, some Maths educators partnered with local schools to communicate the needs and investigate the causes of poor maths results. They embarked on an action research to determine the level of educators’ maths education. The general aim of the research was to investigate the causes of deficiencies in maths teaching and results in the local secondary schools, focusing on teachers and learners. Asking the teachers about their education and learners about maths concepts of most difficulty, these were identified. The researchers assisted in teaching the difficult concepts. The study highlighted the most difficult concepts and the teachers’ lack of training in some content. Intervention of the researchers showed to be effective only for the very poor performing schools. Those with descent pass rates of over 50% did not benefit from it. This was the sign of lack of optimality in the methods used. The research recommendations suggested that intervention methods should be improved to be effective in all schools, and extension of the endeavours to more schools.Keywords: action research, intervention, social responsibility, support
Procedia PDF Downloads 2693476 Multi Attribute Failure Mode Analysis of the Catering Systems: A Case Study of Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University in South Africa
Authors: Mokoena Oratilwe Penwell, Seeletse Solly Matshonisa
The demand for quality products is a vital factor determining the success of a producing company, and the reality of this demand influences customer satisfaction. In Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU), concerns over the quality of food being sold have been raised by mostly students and staff who are primary consumers of food being sold by the cafeteria. Suspicions of food poisoning and the occurrence of diarrhea-related to food from the cafeteria, amongst others, have been raised. However, minimal measures have been taken to resolve the issue of food quality. New service providers have been appointed, and still, the same trends are being observed, the quality of food seems to depreciate continuously. This paper uses multi-attribute failure mode analysis (MAFMA) for failure detection and minimization on the machines used for food production by SMU catering company before being sold to both staff, and students so as to improve production plant reliability, and performance. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) will be used for the severity ranking of the weight criterions and development of the hierarchical structure for the cafeteria company. Amongst other potential issues detected, maintenance of the machines and equipment used for food preparations was of concern. Also, the staff lacked sufficient hospitality skills, supervision, and management in the cafeteria needed greater attention to mitigate some of the failures occurring in the food production plant.Keywords: MAFMA, food quality, maintenance, supervision
Procedia PDF Downloads 1353475 The Effect of Remifentanil on Emergence Agitation after Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Children: A Meta-Analysis
Authors: Jong Yeop Kim, Sung Young Park, Dae Hee Kim, Han Bum Joe, Ji Young Yoo, Jong Bum Choi, Sook Young Lee
Emergence agitation (EA) is commonly reported adverse events after sevoflurane anesthesia in pediatric patients. The efficacy of prophylactic remifentanil, one of mu opioid agonist, in preventing EA is controversial. This meta-analysis assessed the effectiveness of remifentanil to decrease the incidence of EA from sevoflurane anesthesia in children. We searched for randomized controlled trials comparing sevoflurane alone anesthesia with sevoflurane and remifentanil anesthesia to prevent EA in the Cochrane Library, Embase, Pubmed, and KoreaMed, and included 6 studies with 361 patients. The number of patients of reporting EA was summarized using risk ratio (RR) with 95% confidence interval (CI), with point estimates and 95CIs derived from a random effects Mantel-Haenszel method. Overall incidence of EA was about 41%. Compared with sevoflurane alone anesthesia, intravenous infusion of remifentanil with sevoflurane significantly reduced the incidence of EA (RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.39-0.73, P < 0.0001), (heterogeneity, I2 = 0, P = 0.42). This meta-analysis suggested that continuous infusion of remifentanil could be effective in decreasing the EA of about 47% after sevoflurane anesthesia. However, considering limitations of the included studies, more randomized controlled studies are required to verify our results.Keywords: emergence agitation, meta-analysis, remifentanil, pediatrics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3763474 The Impact of Language Anxiety on EFL Learners' Proficiency: Case Study of University of Jeddah
Authors: Saleh Mohammad Alqahtani
Foreign language Anxiety has been found to be a key issue in learning English as foreign language in the classroom. This study investigated the impact of foreign language anxiety on Saudi EFL learners' proficiency in the classroom. A total of 197 respondents had participated in the study, comprising of 96 male and 101 female, who enrolled in preparatory year, first year, second year, and fourth year of English language department at the University of Jeddah. Two instruments were used to answer the study questions. The Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) was used to identify the levels of foreign language (FL) anxiety for Saudi learners. Moreover, an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test was used as an objective measure of the learners’ English language proficiency. The data were analyzed using descriptive analyses, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, and regression analysis. The findings revealed that Saudi EFL learners' experience a level of anxiety in the classroom, and there is a significant differences between the course levels in their level of language anxiety. Moreover, it is also found that female students are less anxious in learning English as a foreign language than male students. The results show that foreign language anxiety and English proficiency are negatively related to each other. Furthermore, the study revealed that there were significant differences between Saudi learners in language use anxiety, while there were no significant differences in language class anxiety. The study suggested that teachers should employ a diversity of designed techniques to encourage the environment of the classroom in order to control learners’ FLA, which in turns will improve their EFL proficiency.Keywords: foreign language anxiety, FLA, language use anxiety, language class anxiety, gender, L2 proficiency
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