Search results for: simple coacervation
1729 Linguistic Symbols Principle Construction in Cultural Creative Product Design
Authors: Pei-Jun Xue, Ming-Yu Hsiao
Language is the emblem of a culture, representing the extension of cultural life. In addition, it is also an important tool for communication and message transmission. It carries not only information but also covers the self-conscious of the information constructor as well as the situational experiences of users from different backgrounds. Moreover, design can be regarded as a language, a dynamic process of coding and decoding. With the designers’ experiences in everyday life, they bring them into the products’ experiences. Considered from the aspects of atmosphere and the five senses, a designer should consider and reconsider how to communicate the messages effectively to suit the users’ needs. In the process of language learning, we should understand the construction behind it and the rules of the compositions of language codes. Regarding the understanding of the design of works or the form of product construction, it is necessary for us to understand the coding system during the process of product construction. The form (signifiers) and meanings (signified) of Chinese characters are closely related. At the same time, it is also a process of simplifying the complicated to the simple. This study discusses the chinese characters that used in the cultural symbols construction, and analysis of existing products by Peirce's semiotic triangles. Through people's cognition of Chinese characters and constitute method, help to understand the way of construction product symbol.Keywords: cultural-creative product design, cultural product, cultural symbols, linguistic symbols
Procedia PDF Downloads 4521728 A Customize Battery Management Approach for Satellite
Authors: Muhammad Affan, Muhammad Ilyas Raza, Muhammad Harris Hashmi
This work is attributed to the battery management unit design of student Satellites under Pakistan National Student Satellite Program (PNSSP). The aim has been to design a customized, low-cost, efficient, reliable and less-complex battery management scheme for the Satellite. Nowadays, Lithium Ion (Li-ion) batteries have become the de-facto standard for remote applications, especially for satellites. Li-ion cells are selected for secondary storage. The design also addresses Li-ion safety requirements by monitoring, balancing and protecting cells for safe and prolonged operation. Accurate voltage measurement of individual cells was the main challenge because all the actions triggered were based on the digital voltage measurement. For this purpose, a resistive-divider network is used to maintain simplicity and cost-effectiveness. To cater the problem of insufficient i/o pins on microcontroller, fast multiplexers and de-multiplexers were used. The discrepancy inherited in the given design is the dissipation of heat due to the dissipative resistors. However, it is still considered to be the optimum adoption, considering the simple and cost-effective nature of the passive balancing technique. Furthermore, it is a completely unique solution, customized to meet specific requirements. However, there is still an option for a more advanced and expensive design.Keywords: satellite, battery module, passive balancing, dissipative
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401727 Poly (L-Lysine)-Coated Liquid Crystal Droplets for Sensitive Detection of DNA and Its Applications in Controlled Release of Drug Molecules
Authors: Indu Verma, Santanu Kumar Pal
Interactions between DNA and adsorbed Poly (L-lysine) (PLL) on liquid crystal (LC) droplets were investigated using polarizing optical microcopy (POM) and epi-fluorescence microscopy. Earlier, we demonstrated that adsorption of PLL to the LC/aqueous interface resulted in homeotropic orientation of the LC and thus exhibited a radial configuration of the LC confined within the droplets. Subsequent adsorption of DNA (single stranded DNA/double stranded DNA) at PLL coated LC droplets was found to trigger a LC reorientation within the droplets leading to pre-radial/bipolar configuration of those droplets. To our surprise, subsequent exposure of complementary ssDNA (c-ssDNA) to ssDNA/ adsorbed PLL modified LC droplets did not cause the LC reorientation. This is likely due to the formation of polyplexes (DNA-PLL complex) as confirmed by fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy. In addition, dsDNA adsorbed PLL droplets have been found to be effectively used to displace (controlled release) propidium iodide (a model drug) encapsulated within dsDNA over time. These observations suggest the potential for a label free droplet based LC detection system that can respond to DNA and may provide a simple method to develop DNA-based drug nano-carriers.Keywords: DNA biosensor, drug delivery, interfaces, liquid crystal droplets
Procedia PDF Downloads 3001726 The Study of Elementary School Teacher’s Behavior of Using E-books by UTAUT Model
Authors: Tzong-Shing Cheng, Chen Pei Chen, Shu-Wei Chen
The purpose of this research is to apply Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to investigate the factors that influence elementary school teacher’s behavior of using e-books. Based on the literature review, a questionnaire was modified and used to test the elementary school teachers in Changhua. A total of 420 questionnaires were administered and 364 of them were returned, including 328 valid and 36 invalid questionnaires. The effective response rate is 78%. The methods of data analysis include descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and simple regression analysis. The results show that: 1. There were significant difference in the Elementary school teachers’ “Performance Expectancy”, “Effort Expectancy”, “Social Influence”, and “Facilitating Conditions” depending on their different “Demographic Variables”. 2. “Performance Expectancy” and “Behavioral Intention to Use” are positively correlated. 3. “Effort Expectancy” and “Behavioral Intention to Use” are positively correlated. 4. There was no significant relationship between “Social Influence” and “Behavioral Intention to Use”. 5. There was significant relationship between “Facilitating Conditions” and “Use Behavior”.Keywords: e-books, UTAUT, elementary school teacher, behavioral intention to use
Procedia PDF Downloads 6151725 Analog Input Output Buffer Information Specification Modelling Techniques for Single Ended Inter-Integrated Circuit and Differential Low Voltage Differential Signaling I/O Interfaces
Authors: Monika Rawat, Rahul Kumar
Input output Buffer Information Specification (IBIS) models are used for describing the analog behavior of the Input Output (I/O) buffers of a digital device. They are widely used to perform signal integrity analysis. Advantages of using IBIS models include simple structure, IP protection and fast simulation time with reasonable accuracy. As design complexity of driver and receiver increases, capturing exact behavior from transistor level model into IBIS model becomes an essential task to achieve better accuracy. In this paper, an improvement in existing methodology of generating IBIS model for complex I/O interfaces such as Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) and Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) is proposed. Furthermore, the accuracy and computational performance of standard method and proposed approach with respect to SPICE are presented. The investigations will be useful to further improve the accuracy of IBIS models and to enhance their wider acceptance.Keywords: IBIS, signal integrity, open-drain buffer, low voltage differential signaling, behavior modelling, transient simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971724 Adopting Flocks of Birds Approach to Predator for Anomalies Detection on Industrial Control Systems
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) such as Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) can be seen in many different critical infrastructures, from nuclear management to utility, medical equipment, power, waste and engine management on ships and planes. The role SCADA plays in critical infrastructure has resulted in a call to secure them. Many lives depend on it for daily activities and the attack vectors are becoming more sophisticated. Hence, the security of ICS is vital as malfunction of it might result in huge risk. This paper describes how the application of Prey Predator (PP) approach in flocks of birds could enhance the detection of malicious activities on ICS. The PP approach explains how these animals in groups or flocks detect predators by following some simple rules. They are not necessarily very intelligent animals but their approach in solving complex issues such as detection through corporation, coordination and communication worth emulating. This paper will emulate flocking behavior seen in birds in detecting predators. The PP approach will adopt six nearest bird approach in detecting any predator. Their local and global bests are based on the individual detection as well as group detection. The PP algorithm was designed following MapReduce methodology that follows a Split Detection Convergence (SDC) approach.Keywords: artificial life, industrial control system (ICS), IDS, prey predator (PP), SCADA, SDC
Procedia PDF Downloads 3041723 An Analysis of Digital Forensic Laboratory Development among Malaysia’s Law Enforcement Agencies
Authors: Sarah K. Taylor, Miratun M. Saharuddin, Zabri A. Talib
Cybercrime is on the rise, and yet many Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in Malaysia have no Digital Forensics Laboratory (DFL) to assist them in the attrition and analysis of digital evidence. From the estimated number of 30 LEAs in Malaysia, sadly, only eight of them owned a DFL. All of the DFLs are concentrated in the capital of Malaysia and none at the state level. LEAs are still depending on the national DFL (CyberSecurity Malaysia) even for simple and straightforward cases. A survey was conducted among LEAs in Malaysia owning a DFL to understand their history of establishing the DFL, the challenges that they faced and the significance of the DFL to their case investigation. The results showed that the while some LEAs faced no challenge in establishing a DFL, some of them took seven to 10 years to do so. The reason was due to the difficulty in convincing their management because of the high costs involved. The results also revealed that with the establishment of a DFL, LEAs were better able to get faster forensic result and to meet agency’s timeline expectation. It is also found that LEAs were also able to get more meaningful forensic results on cases that require niche expertise, compared to sending off cases to the national DFL. Other than that, cases are getting more complex, and hence, a continuous stream of budget for equipment and training is inevitable. The result derived from the study is hoped to be used by other LEAs in justifying to their management the benefits of establishing an in-house DFL.Keywords: digital evidence, digital forensics, digital forensics laboratory, law enforcement agency
Procedia PDF Downloads 1761722 Incorporating Priority Round-Robin Scheduler to Sustain Indefinite Blocking Issue and Prioritized Processes in Operating System
Authors: Heng Chia Ying, Charmaine Tan Chai Nie, Burra Venkata Durga Kumar
Process scheduling is the method of process management that determines which process the CPU will proceed with for the next task and how long it takes. Some issues were found in process management, particularly for Priority Scheduling (PS) and Round Robin Scheduling (RR). The proposed recommendations made for IPRRS are to combine the strengths of both into a combining algorithm while they draw on others to compensate for each weakness. A significant improvement on the combining technique of scheduler, Incorporating Priority Round-Robin Scheduler (IPRRS) address an algorithm for both high and low priority task to sustain the indefinite blocking issue faced in the priority scheduling algorithm and minimize the average turnaround time (ATT) and average waiting time (AWT) in RR scheduling algorithm. This paper will delve into the simple rules introduced by IPRRS and enhancements that both PS and RR bring to the execution of processes in the operating system. Furthermore, it incorporates the best aspects of each algorithm to build the optimum algorithm for a certain case in terms of prioritized processes, ATT, and AWT.Keywords: round Robin scheduling, priority scheduling, indefinite blocking, process management, sustain, turnaround time
Procedia PDF Downloads 1521721 Flow Prediction of Boundary Shear Stress with Enlarging Flood Plains
Authors: Spandan Sahu, Amiya Kumar Pati, Kishanjit Kumar Khatua
River is our main source of water which is a form of open channel flow and the flow in open channel provides with many complex phenomenon of sciences that needs to be tackled such as the critical flow conditions, boundary shear stress and depth averaged velocity. During floods, part of a river is carried by the simple main channel and rest is carried by flood plains. For such compound asymmetric channels, the flow structure becomes complicated due to momentum exchange between main channel and adjoining flood plains. Distribution of boundary shear in subsections provides us with the concept of momentum transfer between the interface of main channel and the flood plains. Experimentally, to get better data with accurate results are very complex because of the complexity of the problem. Hence, CES software has been used to tackle the complex processes to determine the shear stresses at different sections of an open channel having asymmetric flood plains on both sides of the main channel and the results is compared with the symmetric flood plains for various geometrical shapes and flow conditions. Error analysis is also performed to know the degree of accuracy of the model implemented.Keywords: depth average velocity, non prismatic compound channel, relative flow depth, velocity distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1541720 Surfactant Free Synthesis of Magnetite/Hydroxyapatite Composites for Hyperthermia Treatment
Authors: M. Sneha, N. Meenakshi Sundaram
In recent times, magnetic hyperthermia is used for cancer treatment as a tool for active targeting of delivering drugs to the targeted site. It has a potential advantage over other heat treatment because there is no systemic buildup in organs and large doses are possible. The aim of this study is to develop a suitable magnetic biomaterial that can destroy the cancer cells as well as induce bone regeneration. In this work, the composite material was synthesized in two-steps. First, porous iron oxide nano needles were synthesized by hydrothermal process. Second, the hydroxyapatite, were synthesized from natural calcium (i.e., egg shell) and inorganic phosphorous source using wet chemical method. The crystalline nature is confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). Thermal analysis and the surface area of the material is studied by Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Brunauer-Emmett and Teller (BET) technique. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images show that the particles have nanoneedle-like morphology. The magnetic property is studied by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) technique which confirms the superparamagnetic behavior. This paper presents a simple and easy method for synthesis of magnetite/hydroxyapatite composites materials.Keywords: iron oxide nano needles, hydroxyapatite, superparamagnetic, hyperthermia
Procedia PDF Downloads 6411719 Prime Mover Sizing for Base-Loaded Combined Heating and Power Systems
Authors: Djalal Boualili
This article considers the problem of sizing prime movers for combined heating and power (CHP) systems operating at full load to satisfy a fraction of a facility's electric load, i.e. a base load. Prime mover sizing is examined using three criteria: operational cost, carbon dioxide emissions (CDE), and primary energy consumption (PEC). The sizing process leads to consider ratios of conversion factors applied to imported electricity to conversion factors applied to fuel consumed. These ratios are labelled RCost, R CDE, R PEC depending on whether the conversion factors are associated with operational cost, CDE, or PEC, respectively. Analytical results show that in order to achieve savings in operational cost, CDE, or PEC, the ratios must be larger than a unique constant R Min that only depends on the CHP components efficiencies. Savings in operational cost, CDE, or PEC due to CHP operation are explicitly formulated using simple equations. This facilitates the process of comparing the tradeoffs of optimizing the savings of one criterion over the other two – a task that has traditionally been accomplished through computer simulations. A hospital building, located in Chlef, Algeria, was used as an example to apply the methodology presented in this article.Keywords: sizing, heating and power, ratios, energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2321718 Evaluation of Soil Stiffness and Strength for Quality Control of Compacted Earthwork
Authors: A. Sawangsuriya, T. B. Edil
Microstructure and fabric of soils play an important role on structural properties e.g. stiffness and strength of compacted earthwork. Traditional quality control monitoring based on moisture-density tests neither reflects the variability of soil microstructure nor provides a direct assessment of structural property, which is the ultimate objective of the earthwork quality control. Since stiffness and strength are sensitive to soil microstructure and fabric, any independent test methods that provide simple, rapid, and direct measurement of stiffness and strength are anticipated to provide an effective assessment of compacted earthen materials’ uniformity. In this study, the soil stiffness gauge (SSG) and the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) were respectively utilized to measure and monitor the stiffness and strength in companion with traditional moisture-density measurements of various earthen materials used in Thailand road construction projects. The practical earthwork quality control criteria are presented herein in order to assure proper earthwork quality control and uniform structural property of compacted earthworks.Keywords: dynamic cone penetrometer, moisture content, quality control, relative compaction, soil stiffness gauge, structural properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3611717 FLIME - Fast Low Light Image Enhancement for Real-Time Video
Authors: Vinay P., Srinivas K. S.
Low Light Image Enhancement is of utmost impor- tance in computer vision based tasks. Applications include vision systems for autonomous driving, night vision devices for defence systems, low light object detection tasks. Many of the existing deep learning methods are resource intensive during the inference step and take considerable time for processing. The algorithm should take considerably less than 41 milliseconds in order to process a real-time video feed with 24 frames per second and should be even less for a video with 30 or 60 frames per second. The paper presents a fast and efficient solution which has two main advantages, it has the potential to be used for a real-time video feed, and it can be used in low compute environments because of the lightweight nature. The proposed solution is a pipeline of three steps, the first one is the use of a simple function to map input RGB values to output RGB values, the second is to balance the colors and the final step is to adjust the contrast of the image. Hence a custom dataset is carefully prepared using images taken in low and bright lighting conditions. The preparation of the dataset, the proposed model, the processing time are discussed in detail and the quality of the enhanced images using different methods is shown.Keywords: low light image enhancement, real-time video, computer vision, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2081716 Constitutive Modeling of Different Types of Concrete under Uniaxial Compression
Authors: Mostafa Jafarian Abyaneh, Khashayar Jafari, Vahab Toufigh
The cost of experiments on different types of concrete has raised the demand for prediction of their behavior with numerical analysis. In this research, an advanced numerical model has been presented to predict the complete elastic-plastic behavior of polymer concrete (PC), high-strength concrete (HSC), high performance concrete (HPC) along with different steel fiber contents under uniaxial compression. The accuracy of the numerical response was satisfactory as compared to other conventional simple models such as Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager. In order to predict the complete elastic-plastic behavior of specimens including softening behavior, disturbed state concept (DSC) was implemented by nonlinear finite element analysis (NFEA) and hierarchical single surface (HISS) failure criterion, which is a failure surface without any singularity.Keywords: disturbed state concept (DSC), hierarchical single surface (HISS) failure criterion, high performance concrete (HPC), high-strength concrete (HSC), nonlinear finite element analysis (NFEA), polymer concrete (PC), steel fibers, uniaxial compression test
Procedia PDF Downloads 3121715 Horizontal and Vertical Illuminance Correlations in a Case Study for Shaded South Facing Surfaces
Authors: S. Matour, M. Mahdavinejad, R. Fayaz
Daylight utilization is a key factor in achieving visual and thermal comfort, and energy savings in integrated building design. However, lack of measured data related to this topic has become a major challenge with the increasing need for integrating lighting concepts and simulations in the early stages of design procedures. The current paper deals with the values of daylight illuminance on horizontal and south facing vertical surfaces; the data are estimated using IESNA model and measured values of the horizontal and vertical illuminance, and a regression model with an acceptable linear correlation is obtained. The resultant illuminance frequency curves are useful for estimating daylight availability on south facing surfaces in Tehran. In addition, the relationship between indirect vertical illuminance and the corresponding global horizontal illuminance is analyzed. A simple parametric equation is proposed in order to predict the vertical illumination on a shaded south facing surface. The equation correlates the ratio between the vertical and horizontal illuminance to the solar altitude and is used with another relationship for prediction of the vertical illuminance. Both equations show good agreement, which allows for calculation of indirect vertical illuminance on a south facing surface at any time throughout the year.Keywords: Tehran daylight availability, horizontal illuminance, vertical illuminance, diffuse illuminance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2061714 Continuance Intention to Use E-administration Information Portal by Non-teaching Staff in Selected Universities, Southwest, Nigeria
Authors: Adebayo Muritala Adegbore
The e-administration is increasingly being recognized as an important phenomenon in this 21st century and its place in society both at the public and private levels cannot be downplayed. Of close attention is how these platforms are adopted and used in academia due to academia’s role in shaping the overall development of the society, particularly the administrative activities of the non-teaching staff in universities since much has not been done to find out the continuance intention to use e-administration information portal by non-teaching staff in universities. This study, therefore, investigates the continuance intention to use e-administration of information portals of senior non-teaching staff in selected universities in southwest Nigeria. The study’s design was a correlational survey using simple random sampling to select three hundred and fifty-two (352) senior non-teaching staff in the selected universities. A standardized questionnaire was used for data capturing while data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages, means, and standard deviation for the research questions and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used for the hypothesis. Findings revealed that the continuance intention of senior non-teaching staff to use e-administration information portal is positive (x = 3.13), the university portal is one of the most utilized e-administration tools (83.4%), while there was an inversely significant relationship between continuance intention to use and use of e-administration information portal (r = -.254; p< 0.05; N = 320).Keywords: e-administration, e-portal, non-teaching staff, information systems, continuance intention, use of e-administration portals
Procedia PDF Downloads 1991713 A Soft System Methodology Approach to Stakeholder Engagement in Water Sensitive Urban Design
Authors: Lina Lukusa, Ulrike Rivett
Poor water management can increase the extreme pressure already faced by water scarcity. Unless water management is addressed holistically, water quality and quantity will continue to degrade. A holistic approach to water management named Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) has thus been created to facilitate the effective management of water. Traditionally, water management has employed a linear design approach, while WSUD requires a systematic, cyclical approach. In simple terms, WSUD assumes that everything is connected. Hence, it is critical for different stakeholders involved in WSUD to engage and reach a consensus on a solution. However, many stakeholders in WSUD have conflicting interests. Using the soft system methodology (SSM), developed by Peter Checkland, as a problem-solving method, decision-makers can understand this problematic situation from different world views. The SSM addresses ill and complex challenging situations involving human activities in a complex structured scenario. This paper demonstrates how SSM can be applied to understand the complexity of stakeholder engagement in WSUD. The paper concludes that SSM is an adequate solution to understand a complex problem better and then propose efficient solutions.Keywords: co-design, ICT platform, soft systems methodology, water sensitive urban design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1221712 Migration, Violent Extremism and Gang Violence in Trinidad and Tobago
Authors: Raghunath Mahabir
This paper provides an analysis of the existing evidence on the relationships between the migration of Venezuelans into Trinidad and Tobago, violent extremism and gang violence. Arguing that there is a dearth of reliable data on the subject matter, the paper fills the gap by providing relevant definitions of terms used, discusses the sources of data and identifies the causes for this migration and the subsequent ramifications for Trinidad and Tobago and for the migrants themselves. A simple but clear classification pointing to the nexus between migration gang violence and violent extremism is developed, following the logic of migration of criminals(gang members), the need to link with local gangs and the view that certain elements within the TnT society has become radicalized to the point where violent extremism is being displayed in different ways. The paper highlights implications for further policy debate:the imperatives for more effective communication between government officials responsible for migration and those personnel who are tasked with countering violent extremism and gang violence: promoting and executing better integration and social inclusion policies which are necessary to minimize social exclusion, and the threat of violent extremist agendas emanating from both Venezuelans and Trinidadians and generally to establish strong analytical framework grounded in stronger definitions, more reliable data and other evidence which can guide further research and analysis and contribute to policy formation.Keywords: migration, violent extremism, gangs, Venezuela
Procedia PDF Downloads 541711 Left to Right-Right Most Parsing Algorithm with Lookahead
Authors: Jamil Ahmed
Left to Right-Right Most (LR) parsing algorithm is a widely used algorithm of syntax analysis. It is contingent on a parsing table, whereas the parsing tables are extracted from the grammar. The parsing table specifies the actions to be taken during parsing. It requires that the parsing table should have no action conflicts for the same input symbol. This requirement imposes a condition on the class of grammars over which the LR algorithms work. However, there are grammars for which the parsing tables hold action conflicts. In such cases, the algorithm needs a capability of scanning (looking-ahead) next input symbols ahead of the current input symbol. In this paper, a ‘Left to Right’-‘Right Most’ parsing algorithm with lookahead capability is introduced. The 'look-ahead' capability in the LR parsing algorithm is the major contribution of this paper. The practicality of the proposed algorithm is substantiated by the parser implementation of the Context Free Grammar (CFG) of an already proposed programming language 'State Controlled Object Oriented Programming' (SCOOP). SCOOP’s Context Free Grammar has 125 productions and 192 item sets. This algorithm parses SCOOP while the grammar requires to ‘look ahead’ the input symbols due to action conflicts in its parsing table. Proposed LR parsing algorithm with lookahead capability can be viewed as an optimization of ‘Simple Left to Right’-‘Right Most’ (SLR) parsing algorithm.Keywords: left to right-right most parsing, syntax analysis, bottom-up parsing algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261710 Effects of Internet Addiction on Students’ Academic Performance among Some Tertiary Institutions in Oyo State, Nigeria
Authors: Mujidat Lola Olugbode
This study investigates the effects of internet addiction on academic performance among students in some tertiary institutions in Oyo State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Two research questions and two hypotheses were answered and tested. The population of the study comprised of all students in five tertiary institutions in Oyo State, Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 2550 participants (respondents) from the institutions used for the study, this constituted the sample for the study. The instruments used for data collection was a self-constructed questionnaire on Internet Addiction and Students Academic Performance (IAASAP). The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.77. Data collected were analyzed using frequency and percentages, Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient (PPMCC) and t-test analysis. The results showed that the students in tertiary institutions in Oyo State were occasionally addicted to internet use. The study also revealed a positive correlation between internet addiction and academic performance. The findings also showed that there was significant difference in the internet addiction between male and female Students. Based on the above findings, the researchers recommended among others that government, educators, parents, counselors, teachers should help redirect the internet use toward academics to ensure greater academic performance.Keywords: internet, addiction, internet addiction, academic performance, tertiary institution, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 671709 Exchange Bias in Ceramics: From Polyol Made CoFe₂O₄-core@CoO-Shell NPs to Nanostructured Ceramics
Authors: N. Flores-Martinez, G. Franceschin, T. Gaudisson, J.-M. Greneche, R. Valenzuela-Monjaras, S. Ammar
Tailoring bulk materials keeping their nanoscale properties is the daydream of material scientists. But especially in magnetism, this single desire can revolutionize our everyday life. Now, thanks to the methods of synthesis, based on the combination of colloidal chemistry (CC) to flash sintering (FS), customizing magnets becomes each time more 'easy', 'cheap' and 'clean'. Although by CC we can obtain straightway nanopowders with good magnetic featuring, like exchange bias (EB) phenomenon, it does not result so attractive for applications. Since a solid material is simple to manipulate and integrate in a device, many consolidation methods have been tested aiming to keep the nanopowders characteristics after consolidation. Unfortunately, the lack of structural crystalline arrangement and the grain growth worsen the magnetic properties. In this work, we exhibit, for the first-time author’s best knowledge, the EB in sintered ceramics, starting from CoFe₂O₄-core@CoO-shell NPs obtained by CC. Despite the fact that EB field is about 28 mT in ceramics and it is not yet considered for applications, this work opens an alternative in the permanent magnets fabrication through a FS method, the spark plasma sintering, starting from CC synthesized nanopowders.Keywords: core-shell nanoparticles, exchange bias, nanostructured ceramics, spark plasma sintering
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491708 Risk Reduction of Household Refuse, a Case Study of Shagari Low-Cost, Mubi North (LGA) Adamawa State, Nigeria
Authors: Maryam Tijjani Kolo
Lack of refuse dumping points has made the residents of Shagari low-cost well armed with some health and environmental related hazards. These studies investigate the effect of household refuse on the resident of Shagari low-cost. A well structured questionnaire was administered to elicit views of the respondent in the study area through adopting cluster sampling method. A total of 100 questionnaires were selected and divided into 50, each to both sections of the study area. Interview was conducted to each household head. Data obtained were analyzed using simple parentages to determine the major hazard in the area. Result showed that majority of the household are civil servant and traders, earning reasonable monthly income. 68% of the respondent has experienced the effect of living close to waste dumping areas, which include unpleasant smell and polluted smoke when refuse is burnt, which causes eye and respiratory induction, human injury from broken bottles or sharp objects as well as water, insect and air borne diseases. Hence, the need to urgently address these menace before it overwhelms the capacities of the community becomes paramount. Thus, the community should be given more enlightenment and refuse dumping sites should be created by the local government area.Keywords: household, refuse, refuse dumping points, Shagari low-cost
Procedia PDF Downloads 3201707 Prediction of Incompatibility Between Excipients and API in Gliclazide Tablets Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Principle Component Analysis
Authors: Farzad Khajavi
Recognition of the interaction between active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and excipients is a pivotal factor in the development of all pharmaceutical dosage forms. By predicting the interaction between API and excipients, we will be able to prevent the advent of impurities or at least lessen their amount. In this study, we used principle component analysis (PCA) to predict the interaction between Gliclazide as a secondary amine with Lactose in pharmaceutical solid dosage forms. The infrared spectra of binary mixtures of Gliclazide with Lactose at different mole ratios were recorded, and the obtained matrix was analyzed with PCA. By plotting score columns of the analyzed matrix, the incompatibility between Gliclazide and Lactose was observed. This incompatibility was seen experimentally. We observed the appearance of the impurity originated from the Maillard reaction between Gliclazide and Lactose at the chromatogram of the manufactured tablets in room temperature and under accelerated stability conditions. This impurity increases at the stability months. By changing Lactose to Mannitol and using Calcium Dibasic Phosphate in the tablet formulation, the amount of the impurity decreased and was in the acceptance range defined by British pharmacopeia for Gliclazide Tablets. This method is a fast and simple way to predict the existence of incompatibility between excipients and active pharmaceutical ingredients.Keywords: PCA, gliclazide, impurity, infrared spectroscopy, interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2091706 Analytical Solution of Blassius Equation Using the Kourosh Method
Authors: Mohammad Reza Shahnazari, Reza Kazemi, Ali Saberi
Most of the engineering problems are in nonlinear forms. Nonlinear boundary layer problems defined in infinite intervals contain specific complexities, especially in boundary layer condition conformance. As an example of these nonlinear complex problems, the well-known Blasius equation can be mentioned, which itself is one of the classic boundary layer problems. No analytical solution has been proposed yet for the Blasius equation due to its complexity. In this paper, an analytical method, namely the Kourosh method, based on the singularity perturbation method and the Liao homotopy analysis is utilized to solve the Blasius problem. In this method, an inner solution is developed in the [0,1] interval to expedite the solution convergence. The magnitude of the f ˝(0), as an essential quantity for determining the physical parameters, is directly calculated from the solution of the boundary condition problem. The advantages of this solution are that it does not need any numerical solution, it has a closed form and that its validation is shown in the entire [0,∞] interval. Furthermore, all of the desirable parameters could be extracted through a series of simple analytical operations from the final solution. This solution also satisfies the continuity conditions, which is one of the main contributions of this paper in comparison with most of the other proposed analytical solutions available in the literature. Comparison with numerical solutions reveals that the proposed method is highly accurate and convenient for application.Keywords: Blasius equation, boundary layer, Kourosh method, analytical solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 3941705 Non-Linear Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Beams Resting on Non-Linear Pasternak Elastic Foundation: A Homogenization Procedure
Authors: Merrimi El Bekkaye, El Bikri Khalid, Benamar Rhali
In the present paper, the problem of geometrically non-linear free vibration of symmetrically and asymmetrically laminated composite beams (LCB) resting on nonlinear Pasternak elastic Foundation with immovable ends is studied. A homogenization procedure has been performed to reduce the problem under consideration to that of the isotropic homogeneous beams with effective bending stiffness and axial stiffness parameters. This simple formulation is developed using the governing axial equation of the beam in which the axial inertia and damping are ignored. The theoretical model is based on Hamilton’s principle and spectral analysis. Iterative form solutions are presented to calculate the fundamental nonlinear frequency parameters which are found to be in a good agreement with the published results. On the other hand, the influence of the foundation parameters on the nonlinear frequency to the linear frequency ratio of the LCB has been studied. The non-dimensional curvatures associated to the fundamental mode are also given in the case of clamped-clamped symmetrically and asymmetrically laminated composite beams.Keywords: large vibration amplitudes, laminated composite beam, Pasternak foundation, composite beams
Procedia PDF Downloads 5301704 White Light Emission through Downconversion of Terbium and Europium Doped CEF3 Nanophosphors
Authors: Mohit Kalra, Varun S., Mayuri Gandhi
CeF3 nanophosphors has been extensively investigated in the recent years for lighting and numerous bio-applications. Down conversion emissions in CeF3:Eu3+/Tb3+ phosphors were studied with the aim of obtaining a white light emitting composition, by a simple co-precipitation method. The material was characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Photoluminescence (PL). Uniformly distributed nanoparticles were obtained with an average particle size 8-10 nm. Different doping concentrations were performed and fluorescence study was carried out to optimize the dopants concentration for maximum luminescence intensity. The steady state and time resolved luminescence studies confirmed efficient energy transfer from the host to activator ions. Different concentrations of Tb 3+, Eu 3+ were doped to achieve a white light emitting phosphor for UV-based Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The nanoparticles showed characteristic emission of respective dopants (Eu 3+, Tb3+) when excited at the 4f→5d transition of Ce3+. The chromaticity coordinates for these samples were calculated and the CeF3 doped with Eu 3+ and Tb3+ gave an emission very close to white light. These materials may find its applications in optoelectronics and various bio applications.Keywords: white light down-conversion, nanophosphors, LEDs, rare earth, cerium fluoride, lanthanides
Procedia PDF Downloads 4051703 An Investigation of Environmental Education Knowledge for Sustainable Development in High School Sectors in UK
Authors: Abolaji Mayowa Akinyele
The purpose of this study was to investigate student’s awareness, Knowledge and understanding of environmental issues for sustainable development. Findings revealed that; despite the positive attitude shown by students towards environmental education, a relatively low level of understanding of environmental concept was recorded in school settings regardless of efforts by government and other environmental agencies at creating awareness about environmental related issues. This brought about the investigation of students environmental education knowledge in high school settings. About 205 Students were randomly selected for data collection using validated instruments titled student’s knowledge and attitude questionnaire as well as student’s response to questions (interview) concerning global warming. T-test statistics, chi-square and simple percentage were the major statistical tools employed in data analysis. This study revealed that environment based-education (school curriculum) as well as efforts by government/environmental agencies (mass media) plays a major role in promoting students understanding, of environmental concepts, awareness of major environmental issues and positive attitude towards natural environment.Keywords: environmental issues, sustainable development, students attitude, students knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 4581702 Decoupled Dynamic Control of Unicycle Robot Using Integral Linear Quadratic Regulator and Sliding Mode Controller
Authors: Shweda Mohan, J. L. Nandagopal, S. Amritha
This paper focuses on the dynamic modelling of unicycle robot. Two main concepts used for balancing unicycle robot are: reaction wheel pendulum and inverted pendulum. The pitch axis is modelled as inverted pendulum and roll axis is modelled as reaction wheel pendulum. The unicycle yaw dynamics is not considered which makes the derivation of dynamics relatively simple. For the roll controller, sliding-mode controller has been adopted and optimal methods are used to minimize switching-function chattering. For pitch controller, an LQR controller has been implemented to drive the unicycle robot to follow the desired velocity trajectory. The pitching and rolling balance could be achieved by two DC motors. Unicycle robot is a non-holonomic, non-linear, static unbalance system that has the minimal number of point contact to the ground, therefore, it is a perfect platform for researchers to study motion and balance control. These real-time solutions will be a viable solution for advanced robotic systems and controls.Keywords: decoupled dynamics, linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control, Lyapunov function sliding mode control, unicycle robot, velocity and trajectory control
Procedia PDF Downloads 3631701 Fundamental Problems in the Operation of the Automotive Parts Industry Small and Medium Businesses in the Greater Bangkok and Perimeter
Authors: Thepnarintra Praphanphat
The purposes of this study were to: 1) investigate operation conditions of SME automotive part industry in Bangkok and vicinity and 2) to compare operation problem levels of SME automotive part industry in Bangkok and vicinity according to the sizes of the enterprises. Samples in this study included 196 entrepreneurs of SME automotive part industry in Bangkok and vicinity derived from simple random sampling and calculation from R. V. Krejcie and D. W. Morgan’s tables. Research statistics included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and T-test. The results revealed that in general the problem levels of SME automotive part industry in Bangkok and vicinity were high. When considering in details, it was found that the problem levels were high at every aspect, i.e. personal, production, export, finance, and marketing respectively. The comparison of the problem levels according to the sizes of the enterprises revealed statistically significant differences at .05. When considering on each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the statistical difference at .05 included 5 aspects, i.e. production, marketing, finance, personal, and export. The findings also showed that small enterprises faced more severe problems than those of medium enterprises.Keywords: automotive part industry, operation problems, SME, Perimeter
Procedia PDF Downloads 3841700 Lab Activities for Introducing Nanoscience to Teachers and Students
Authors: Riam Abu-Much, Muhamad Hugerat
Nanoscience has become one of the main science fields in the world; its importance is reflected in both society and industry; therefore, it is very important to intensify educational programs among teachers and students that aim to introduce "Nano Concepts" to them. Two different lab activities were developed for demonstrating the importance of nanoscale materials using unique points of view. In the first, electrical conductive films made of silver nanoparticles were fabricated. The silver nanoparticles were protected against aggregation using electrical conductive polypyrrole, which acts also as conductive bridge between them. The experiments show a simpler way for fabricating conductive thin film than the much more complicated and costly conventional method. In the second part, the participants could produce emulsions of liposome structures using Phosphatidylcholine as a surfactant, and following by minimizing the size of it from micro-scale to nanometer scale (400 nm), using simple apparatus called Mini-Extruder, in that way the participants could realize the change in solution transparency, and the effect of Tyndall when the size of the liposomes is reduced. Freshmen students from the Academic Arab College for Education in Haifa, Israel, who are studying to become science teachers, participated in this lab activity as part of the course "Chemistry in the Lab". These experiments are appropriate for teachers, high school and college students.Keywords: case study, colloid, emulsion, liposome, surfactant
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