Search results for: seismicity north Algeria
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 2187

Search results for: seismicity north Algeria

837 Effect of Phaseolus vulgaris Inoculation on P. vulgaris and Zea mays Growth and Yield Cultivated in Intercropping

Authors: Nour Elhouda Abed, Bedj Mimi, Wahid Slimani, Mourad Atif, Abdelhakim Ouzzane, Hocine Irekti, Abdelkader Bekki


The most frequent system of cereal production in Algeria is fallow-wheat. This is an extensive system that meets only the half needs some cereals and fodder demand. Resorption of fallow has become a strategic necessity to ensure food security in response to the instability of supply and the persistence of higher food prices on the world market. Despite several attempts to replace the fallow by crop cultures, choosing the best crop remains. Today, the agronomic and economic interests of legumes are demonstrated. However, their crop culture remains marginalized because of the weakness and instability of their performance. In the context of improving legumes and cereals crops as well as fallow resorption, we undertook to test, in the field, the effect of rhizobial inoculation of Phaseolus vulgaris in association with Zea Mays. We firstly studied the genetic diversity of rhizobial strains that nodulate P.vulgaris isolated from fifteen (15) different regions. ARDRA had shown 18 different genetic profiles. Symbiotic characterization highlighted a strain that highly significantly improved the fresh and dry weight of the host plant, in comparison to the negative control (un-inoculated) and the positive control (inoculated with the reference strain CIAT 899). In the field, the selected strain increased significantly the growth and yield of P.vulgaris and Zea Mays comparing to the non-inoculated control. However, the mix inoculation (selected strain+ Ciat 899) had not given the best parameters showing, thus, no synergy between the strains. These results indicate the replacing fallow by a crop legume in intercropping with cereals crops.

Keywords: fallow, intercropping, inoculation, legumes-cereals

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836 Evaluation of Genetic Diversity Through RAPD Markers Among Melia azedarach L (Chinabery)

Authors: Nadir Ali Rind, Özlem Aksoy, Muhammad Umar Dahot, Salih Dikilitaş, Muhammad Rafiq, Burçak Tütünoğlu


Melia azedarach L. is freshly fruited small to medium sized tree native to China and North western India. It is growing in Pakistan and Turkey in various areas facing great environmental changes to maintain its survival. The species is valued for its high quality wood, medicinal, ornamental and shade purposes. The present work was aimed to estimate the genetic variation among the populations of Melia azedarach L. leaf samples that were collected from five different locations of Turkey and three different areas of Pakistan. These populations were chosen on the random bases by applying RAPD primers in order to construct a dendogram using UPGMA method to show genetic diversity. After that appropriate conservation strategies were suggested. 14 primers producing polymorphic and monomorphic bands were analyzed. Genetic distances were calculated for all the species studied by RAPD-PCR methods. According to the results the lowest genetic identity values and the highest genetic polymorphic values were determined. It is observed that there was a clear split among populations from different areas in Turkey and Pakistan. These differences may be due to eco-geographical association with genetic variation and should be conserved to retain the genetic variation of the species.

Keywords: melia azedarach L., genetic diversity, conservation, RAPD-PCR, medicinal plant

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835 Geology, Geomorphology and Genesis of Andarokh Karstic Cave, North-East Iran

Authors: Mojtaba Heydarizad


Andarokh basin is one of the main karstic regions in Khorasan Razavi province NE Iran. This basin is part of Kopeh-Dagh mega zone extending from Caspian Sea in the east to northern Afghanistan in the west. This basin is covered by Mozdooran Formation, Ngr evaporative formation and quaternary alluvium deposits in descending order of age. Mozdooran carbonate formation is notably karstified. The main surface karstic features in Mozdooran formation are Groove karren, Cleft karren, Rain pit, Rill karren, Tritt karren, Kamintza, Domes, and Table karren. In addition to surface features, deep karstic feature Andarokh Cave also exists in the region. Studying Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr, Fe concentration and Sr/Mn ratio in Mozdooran formation samples with distance to main faults and joints system using PCA analyses demonstrates intense meteoric digenesis role in controlling carbonate rock geochemistry. The karst evaluation in Andarokh basin varies from early stages 'deep seated karst' in Mesozoic to mature karstic system 'Exhumed karst' in quaternary period. Andarokh cave (the main cave in Andarokh basin) is rudimentary branch work consists of three passages of A, B and C and two entrances Andarokh and Sky.

Keywords: Andarokh basin, Andarokh cave, geochemical analyses, karst evaluation

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834 Failure of PC Wire for PCC Pipes Due to Corrosion in Man-Made River Project Investigation of Possible Causes and Relation of Wire Breaks with Potential Measurement

Authors: Saad A. Bakheet, Salah M. Elkoum, Asharaf A. Almaghribi


Pre-stressed wire is considered the most important in manufacturing pre-stressed concrete pipes, this is because the life of the mentioned pipes depends on the integrity of the wire. When the wire is wrapped around the concrete core, it provides a compressive strength that enables the concrete cores to withstand internal and external pressures. Since LIBYA has constructed different stages of man-made river projects using pre-stressed concrete pipes in different diameters (1.6, 2.2, 3.6 and 4.0 m) to transport water from the south part of the country to the north-populated area, pipe failures due to corrosion have occurred after several years of operation at different locations of the pipeline route. The PC wire is corroded and, in the end, breaks and becomes unable to withstand internal water pressure. The wire breaks recorded using the hydrophone technique added extra pressure on the project management staff and engineers to resolve and study the possible main cause of wire break and pipe failure. Information regarding the PC wire used will be provided in this paper which includes specifications, manufacturing etc. In this paper, the causes of wire corrosion and wire breaks after several years of PCCP operation will be discussed and explained, in addition to that, the correlation between wire breaks and pipe potential will be addressed and highlighted.

Keywords: wire technical specification, wire break, corrosion causes, potential measurement, failure concrete pipe

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833 Prospective Teachers’ Metacognitive Awareness and Goal Orientation as Predictors of Academic Success

Authors: Gidado Lawal Likko


The study examined the relationship of achievement goals, metacognitive awareness and academic success among students of colleges of education in North Western Nigeria. The study was guided by three objectives. The first two were to find out whether students’ achievement goals and metacognitive awareness correlate with their academic success. 358 students comprising 242 males (67.6%) and 116 females (32.4%) were studied. Correlation survey was employed in the conduct of the study. The instruments used to collect data were students’ bio data form, achievement goals inventory (Roedel, Schraw and Plake, 1994), metacognitive awareness inventory (Schraw & Dennison, 1994) and students’ CGPA (NCCE minimum standard, 2013) was used as the index of academic success. Pearson Product Moment and regression analysis were the statistical techniques used to analyze the data. Results of the analysis indicated that students’ achievement goals (r=0.554, p=0.004) and metacognitive awareness (r= 0.67, p=0.001) positively correlated with their academic success. Similarly, significant relationship exists between achievement goals and metacognitive awareness (r=0.77, p=0.000). Part of the recommendations is the need for the management of all colleges of education to have educational interventions aimed at developing students’ metacognitive awareness which will foster purposeful self-regulation of their learning. This could be achieved by periodic assessment of students’ metacognitive awareness which will serve as feedback as they move from one educational level to another.

Keywords: academic success, goal orientation, metacognitive awareness, prospective teachers

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832 Quality of Working Life and Occupational Stress in High School Teachers

Authors: S. Silva


Some professions had an increased risk for occupational stress and less quality of working life. Among several professions this risk is particularly preoccupant in teachers, namely high school teachers. This study aims to characterize the work stress in teachers and understand how the work stress influences their quality of working life. One hundred teachers, 60 women and 40 men with mean age of 43,2 years (SD=7,8), from North Portugal teaching in several high schools filled in the following questionnaires: Social-Demographic Questionnaire, Teacher Stress Questionnaire and the Survey of Professional Life, during January to March 2015. The results of our study show that high school teachers have several occupational stressors (M=5) and poor perceived quality of working life. They are unsatisfied with their current job and they refer to a considerable job frustration. 33% referred to no expectations about a better future in these profession and 40% have no career development. There is a strong negative correlation between stress and teacher quality of working life (r=-.775). Moderate levels of stress are related to more favorable quality of working life (r=.632). Stress, frequent in teachers, is a significant predictor of poor quality of working life. There are several stressors affecting the teachers’ performance. Career development is not considered among this professional class and it seems related to current job frustration. Considering the role of high school teacher in the development and learning of students, these results should be taken in consideration when planning the graduation and interventions with teachers.

Keywords: career, quality of working life, stress, teachers

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831 Investigating the Role of Algerian Middle School Teachers in Enhancing Academic Self-Regulation: A Key towards Teaching How to Learn

Authors: Houda Zouar, Hanane Sarnou


In the 21st, century the concept of learners' autonomy is crucial. The concept of self-regulated learning has come forward as a result of enabling learners to direct their learning with autonomy towards academic goals achievement. Academic self-regulation is defined as the process by which learners systematically plan, monitor and asses their learning to achieve their academic established goals. In the field of English as a foreign language, teachers emphasise the role of learners’ autonomy to foster the process of English language learning. Consequently, academic self-regulation is considered as a vehicle to enhance autonomy among English language learners. However, not all learners can be equally self-regulators if not well assisted, mainly those novice pupils of basic education. For this matter, understanding the role of teachers in fostering academic self- regulation must be among the preliminary objectives in searching and developing this area. The present research work targets the role of the Algerian middle school teachers in enhancing academic self-regulation and teaching pupils how to learn, besides their role as models in the trajectory of teaching their pupils to become self-regulators. Despite the considerable endeavours in the field of educational setting on Self-Regulated Learning, the literature of the Algerian context indicates confined endeavours to undertake and divulge this notion. To go deeper into this study, a mixed method approach was employed to confirm our hypothesis. For data collection, teachers were observed and addressed by a questionnaire on their role in enhancing academic self- regulation among their pupils. The result of the research indicates that the attempts of middle school Algerian teachers are implicit and limited. This study emphasises the need to prepare English language teachers with the necessary skills to promote autonomous and self-regulator English learners.

Keywords: Algeria, English as a foreign language, middle school, self-regulation, Teachers' role

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830 Oxidative Antioxidative Status and DNA Damage Profile Induced by Chemotherapy in Algerian Children with Lymphoma

Authors: Assia Galleze, Abdurrahim Kocyigit, Nacira Cherif, Nidel Benhalilou, Nabila Attal, Chafia Touil Boukkoffa, Rachida Raache


Introduction and aims: Chemotherapeutic agents used to inhibit cell division and reduce tumor growth, increase reactive oxygen species levels, which contributes to their genotoxicity [1]. The comet assay is an inexpensive and rapid method to detect the damage at cellular levels and has been used in various cancer populations undergoing chemotherapy [2,3]. The present study aim to assess the oxidative stress and the genotoxicity induced by chemotherapy by the determination of plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) level, protein carbonyl (PC) content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and lymphocyte DNA damage in Algerian children with lymphoma. Materials and Methods: For our study, we selected thirty children with lymphoma treated in university hospital of Beni Messous, Algeria, and fifty unrelated subjects as controls, after obtaining the informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). Plasma levels of MDA, PC and SOD activity were spectrophotometrically measured, while DNA damage was assessed by alkaline comet assay in peripheral blood leukocytes. Results and Discussion: Plasma MDA, PC levels and lymphocyte DNA damage, were found to be significantly higher in lymphoma patients than in controls (p < 0.001). Whereas, SOD activity in lymphoma patients was significantly lower than in healthy controls (p < 0.001). There were significant positive correlations between DNA damage, MDA and PC in patients (r = 0.96, p < 0.001, r = 0.97, p < 0.001, respectively), and negative correlation with SOD (r = 0.87, p < 0.01). Conclusion and Perspective: Our results indicated that, leukocytes DNA damage and oxidative stress were significantly higher in lymphoma patients, suggesting that the direct effect of chemotherapy and the alteration of the redox balance may influence oxidative/antioxidative status.

Keywords: chemotherapy, comet assay, DNA damage, lymphoma

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829 The Effect of Extracts of 12 Local Medicinal Plants Against Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli

Authors: Hafida Merzouk


Urinary tract infections are among the most serious public health issues in all age groups. Thus, the empirical therapy should based on local levels of resistance, as indicated in several studies from different countries, to effectively avoid the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains and recurrent infections. Numerous effective antibiotic treatments are available, but wouldbe ineffective for treating recurrent cystitis caused by a urinary tract infection, as well as the emergence of drug resistance. That iswhy the aim of this study was to highlight the antibacterial and the antioxidant activity of 11 medicinal plants used traditionally in Algeria against E. coli, the most responsible urinary tract infections. First, the extraction of total polyphenols with aqueous acetone showed variable yields. The highest yield was obtained by Asplenium trichomanes with 27%, followed by Petroselinum crispum and Ciannamomum cassia with an equal yield of 21%. Artemisia herba-alba gave the lowest yield (9%). The extracts of different plants showed variable contents of phenolic compounds. Reducing power and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) scavenging activity revealed that most of the extracts studied had significant activity. The anti-free radical activity was very high in the extract of A splenium adiantum-nigrum compared with the other extracts studied, but Petroselinum crispum and Parietaria officinalis had the lowest reducing activity; Antibacterial activity was determined on E. coli strainsusing the diffusion, MICs (Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations) and MBCs (Minimum Bactericidal concentrations) methods. The strains tested were sensitive to most extracts studied, except Asplenium adiantum-nigrum extract, for which both strains showed resistance.

Keywords: E. coli, medicinal plants, phenolic compounds, urinary infections

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828 Steel Bridge Coating Inspection Using Image Processing with Neural Network Approach

Authors: Ahmed Elbeheri, Tarek Zayed


Steel bridges deterioration has been one of the problems in North America for the last years. Steel bridges deterioration mainly attributed to the difficult weather conditions. Steel bridges suffer fatigue cracks and corrosion, which necessitate immediate inspection. Visual inspection is the most common technique for steel bridges inspection, but it depends on the inspector experience, conditions, and work environment. So many Non-destructive Evaluation (NDE) models have been developed use Non-destructive technologies to be more accurate, reliable and non-human dependent. Non-destructive techniques such as The Eddy Current Method, The Radiographic Method (RT), Ultra-Sonic Method (UT), Infra-red thermography and Laser technology have been used. Digital Image processing will be used for Corrosion detection as an Alternative for visual inspection. Different models had used grey-level and colored digital image for processing. However, color image proved to be better as it uses the color of the rust to distinguish it from the different backgrounds. The detection of the rust is an important process as it’s the first warning for the corrosion and a sign of coating erosion. To decide which is the steel element to be repainted and how urgent it is the percentage of rust should be calculated. In this paper, an image processing approach will be developed to detect corrosion and its severity. Two models were developed 1st to detect rust and 2nd to detect rust percentage.

Keywords: steel bridge, bridge inspection, steel corrosion, image processing

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827 Durability of a Cementitious Matrix Based on Treated Sediments

Authors: Mahfoud Benzerzour, Mouhamadou Amar, Amine Safhi, Nor-Edine Abriak


Significant volumes of sediment are annually dredged in France and all over the world. These materials may, in fact, be used beneficially as supplementary cementitious material. This paper studies the durability of a new cement matrix based on marine dredged sediment of Dunkirk-Harbor (north of France). Several techniques are used to characterize the raw sediment such as physical properties, chemical analyses, and mineralogy. The XRD analysis revealed quartz, calcite, kaolinite as main mineral phases. In order to eliminate organic matter and activate some of those minerals, the sediment is calcined at a temperature of 850°C for 1h. Moreover, four blended mortars were formulated by mixing a portland cement (CEM I 52,5 N) and the calcined sediment as partial cement substitute (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%). Reference mortars, based on the blended cement, were then prepared. This re-use cannot be substantiating and efficient without a durability study. In this purpose, the following tests, mercury porosity, accessible water porosity, chloride permeability, freezing and thawing, external sulfate attack, alkali aggregates reaction, compressive and bending strength tests were conducted on those mortars. The results of most of those tests evidenced the fact that the mortar that contains 10% of the treated sediment is efficient and durable as the reference mortar itself. That would infer that the presence of these calcined sediment improves mortar general behavior.

Keywords: sediment, characterization, calcination, substitution, durability

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826 Extracting the Antioxidant Compounds of Medicinal Plant Limoniastrum guyonianum

Authors: Assia Belfar, Mohamed Hadjadj, Messaouda Dakmouche, Zineb Ghiaba, Mahdi Belguidoum


Introduction: This study aims to phytochemical screening; Extracting the active compounds and estimate the effectiveness of antioxidant in Medicinal plants desert Limoniastrum guyonianum (Zeïta) from South Algeria. Methods: Total phenolic content and total flavonoid content using Folin-Ciocalteu and aluminum chloride colorimetric methods, respectively. The total antioxidant capacity was estimated by the following methods: DPPH (1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical) and reducing power assay. Results: Phytochemical screening of the plant part reveals the presence of phenols, saponins, flavonoids and tannins. While alkaloids and Terpenoids were absent. The Methanolic extract of L. guyonianum was extracted successively with ethyl acetate and butanol. Extraction of yield varied widely in the L. guyonianum ranging from (1.315 % to 4.218%). butanol fraction had the highest yield. The higher content of phenols was recorded in butanol fraction (311.81 ± 0.02mg GAE/g DW), the higher content of flavonoids was found in butanol fraction (9.58 ± 0.33mg QE/g DW). IC50 of inhibition of radical DPPH in ethyl acetate fraction was (0.05 ± 0.01µg/ml) Equal effectiveness with BHT, All extracts showed good activity of ferric reducing power, the higher power was in butanol fraction (16.16 ± 0.05mM). Conclusions: Demonstrated this study that the Methanolic extract of L. guyonianum contain a considerable quantity of phenolic compounds and possess a good antioxidant activity. It can be used as an easily accessible source of Natural Antioxidants and as a possible food supplement and in pharmaceutical industry.

Keywords: flavonoid compound, l. guyonianum, medicinal plants, phenolic compounds, phytochemical screening

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825 From Mobility to Complexity: French Language Use among Algerian Doctoral Postgraduates in Scotland

Authors: Hadjer Chellia


The study explores the phenomenon of second language use in a migratory setting and uses the case of Algerian international students in Scotland, United Kingdom. The linguistic history of Algeria reveals that French language has a high status among the Algerians’ verbal repertoires and Algerian English students consider it as a language of prestige. With mobility of some of these students towards Scotland -in the guise of internationalization of higher education, mobility and exchange programs, the transition was deemed to bring more complexity to their pre-migratory linguistic repertoires and resulted into their French language- being endangered and threatened by a potential shift to English. The study employed semi-structured interviews among six Ph.D. ethnically related students, and the main aim behind that is to explore their current experiences with regards to French language use and to provide an account of the factors which assist in shifting to English as a second language instead. The six participants identified in interviews were further invited to focus group sessions based on an in-group interaction fashion to discuss different topics using heritage languages. This latter was opted for as part of the methodology as a means to observe their real linguistic practice and to investigate the link between behaviors and previous perceptions. The findings detect a variety of social, individual and socio-psychological factors that would contribute in refining the concept of language shift among newly established émigré communities with short stay vis a vis the linguistic outcomes of immigrants with long stay, across generational basis that was –to some extent-the focus of previous research on language shift. The results further reveal a mismatch between students' perceptions and observed behaviors. The research is then largely relevant to international students’ sociolinguistic experience of study abroad.

Keywords: complexity, mobility, potential shift, sociolinguistic experience

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824 Comparing Failure Base Rates on the TOMM-1 and Rey-15 in Romanian and Canadian Disability Applicants

Authors: Iulia Crisan


Objective: The present study investigates the cross-cultural validity of three North-American performance validity indicators (PVTs) by comparing base rates of failure (BRF) in Romanian and Canadian disability applicants. Methods: Three PVTs (Test of Memory Malingering Trial 1 [TOMM-1], Rey Fifteen Item Test free recall [Rey-15 FR], and Rey FR+Recognition [Rey COMB]) were administered to a heterogeneous Romanian clinical sample (N Ro =54) and a similar Canadian sample (N Can = 52). Patients were referred for assessment to determine the severity of their cognitive deficits. Results: We compared the BRF in both samples at various cutoffs. BRF on TOMM-1 at ≤ 43 was similar (Ro = 33.3% vs. Can = 40.4%); at ≤40, Ro = 22.2% vs. Can = 25.0%. Likewise, comparable BRF were observed on Rey-15 FR at ≤ 8 (Ro = 7.4% vs. Can = 11.5%) and ≤ 11 (Ro = 27.8% vs. Can = 23.1%). However, the Romanian sample produced significantly higher failure rates on the Rey COMB at variable cutoffs (p <.05), possibly because Romanian patients were significantly older than the Canadian sample. Conclusion: Our findings offer proof of concept for the cross-cultural validity of the TOMM and Rey-15 FR. At the same time, they serve as a reminder that the generalizability of PVT cutoffs to different populations should not be assumed but verified empirically. Employing the TOMM as a criterion measure for newly developed PVTs is discussed.

Keywords: performance validity indicators, cross-cultural validity, failure base rates, clinical samples, cognitive dysfunction, TOMM-1, Rey-15, Rey COMB

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823 Piping Fragility Composed of Different Materials by Using OpenSees Software

Authors: Woo Young Jung, Min Ho Kwon, Bu Seog Ju


A failure of the non-structural component can cause significant damages in critical facilities such as nuclear power plants and hospitals. Historically, it was reported that the damage from the leakage of sprinkler systems, resulted in the shutdown of hospitals for several weeks by the 1971 San Fernando and 1994 North Ridge earthquakes. In most cases, water leakages were observed at the cross joints, sprinkler heads, and T-joint connections in piping systems during and after the seismic events. Hence, the primary objective of this study was to understand the seismic performance of T-joint connections and to develop an analytical Finite Element (FE) model for the T-joint systems of 2-inch fire protection piping system in hospitals subjected to seismic ground motions. In order to evaluate the FE models of the piping systems using OpenSees, two types of materials were used: 1) Steel 02 materials and 2) Pinching 4 materials. Results of the current study revealed that the nonlinear moment-rotation FE models for the threaded T-joint reconciled well with the experimental results in both FE material models. However, the system-level fragility determined from multiple nonlinear time history analyses at the threaded T-joint was slightly different. The system-level fragility at the T-joint, determined by Pinching 4 material was more conservative than that of using Steel 02 material in the piping system.

Keywords: fragility, t-joint, piping, leakage, sprinkler

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822 Dynamics of India's Nuclear Identity

Authors: Smita Singh


Through the constructivist perspective, this paper explores the transformation of India’s nuclear identity from an irresponsible nuclear weapon power to a ‘de-facto nuclear power’ in the emerging international nuclear order From a nuclear abstainer to a bystander and finally as a ‘de facto nuclear weapon state’, India has put forth its case as a unique and exceptional nuclear power as opposed to Iran, Iraq and North Korea with similar nuclear ambitions, who have been snubbed as ‘rogue states’ by the international community. This paper investigates the reasons behind international community’s gradual acceptance of India’s nuclear weapons capabilities and nuclear identity after the Indo-U.S. Nuclear Deal. In this paper, the central concept of analysis is the inter-subjective nature of identity in the nuclear arena. India’s nuclear behaviour has been discursively constituted by India through evolving images of the ‘self’ and the ‘other.’ India’s sudden heightened global status is not solely the consequence of its 1998 nuclear tests but a calibrated projection as a responsible stakeholder in other spheres such as economic potential, market prospects, democratic credentials and so on. By examining India’s nuclear discourse this paper contends that India has used its material and discursive power in presenting a n striking image as a responsible nuclear weapon power (though not yet a legal nuclear weapon state as per the NPT). By historicising India’s nuclear trajectory through an inter-subjective analysis of identities, this paper moves a step ahead in providing a theoretical interpretation of state actions and nuclear identity construction.

Keywords: nuclear identity, India, constructivism, international stakeholder

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821 Improvement of Thermal Comfort Conditions in an Urban Space "Case Study: The Square of Independence, Setif, Algeria"

Authors: Ballout Amor, Yasmina Bouchahm, Lacheheb Dhia Eddine Zakaria


Several studies all around the world were conducted on the phenomenon of the urban heat island, and referring to the results obtained, one of the most important factors that influence this phenomenon is the mineralization of the cities which means the reducing of evaporative urban surfaces, replacing vegetation and wetlands with concrete and asphalt. The use of vegetation and water can change the urban environment and improve comfort, thus reduce the heat island. The trees act as a mask to the sun, wind, and sound, and also as a source of humidity which reduces air temperature and surrounding surfaces. Water also acts as a buffer to noise; it is also a source of moisture and regulates temperature not to mention the psychological effect on humans. Our main objective in this paper is to determine the impact of vegetation, ponds and fountains on the urban micro climate in general and on the thermal comfort of people along the Independence square in the Algerian city of Sétif, which is a semi-arid climate, in particularly. In order to reach this objective, a comparative study between different scenarios has been done; the use of the Envi-met program enabled us to model the urban environment of the Independence Square and to study the possibility of improving the conditions of comfort by adding an amount of vegetation and water ponds. After studying the results obtained (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, PMV and PPD indicators), the efficiency of the additions we've made on the square was confirmed and this is what helped us to confirm our assumptions regarding the terms of comfort in the studied site, and in the end we are trying to develop recommendations and solutions which may contribute to improve the conditions for greater comfort in the Independence square.

Keywords: comfort in outer space, urban environment, scenarisation, vegetation, water ponds, public square, simulation

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820 Mapping Cultural Continuity and the Creation of a New Architectural Heritage in the 21st Century: The Case of Ksar Tafilelt, M’Zab Valley

Authors: Hadjer Messabih


The M’zab architecture has preserved its identity that was able to endure for centuries conserving practically the same way of life and the same building techniques since the 11th century. Even more, the newly built ksar Tafilelt is also designed to meet the local tradition. In 1996, a community led project was initiated to build a “new ksar” named Tafilelt based on a traditional form of community-led cooperative housing. It is a unique experience in the field of community housing that reproduces traditional architectural patterns while addressing contemporary ways of life with their expected modern comfort. This research is based on the hypothesis that the process of producing ksar Tafilelt is culturally responsive to a conservative community that was characterized by certain values which were transmitted to this ksar manifesting as cultural continuity. It aims at investigating what type of cultural continuity manifests itself in the co-production of ksar Tafilelt and the way the settlement and its houses are produced and inhabited, as well as the new emerging values and adaptive transition in social relations. The research methodology is based on a combination of questionnaires, in depth interviews, photography, and site visit to record and demonstrate how these buildings respond to peoples’ needs. Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is also employed in order to understand the lessons that can be learned from this project. Finally, this study proves that the cultural continuity that was transmitted from the Ibadi community is sill manifested in ksar Tafilelt, which provided strong religious bonds and a strong sense of community. The research findings have resulted in a number of lessons and principles that can be learnt from the project of ksar Tafilelt which can inform future practices of housing provision and design in Algeria and other countries.

Keywords: community-led cooperative housing, conservative community, cultural continuity, post occupancy evaluation

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819 An Experimental Study to Mitigate Swelling Pressure of Expansive Tabuk Shale, Saudi Arabia

Authors: A. A. Embaby, A. Abu Halawa, M. Ramadan


In Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, there are several areas where expansive soil exists in the form of variable-thicknesses layers in the developed regions. Severe distress to infrastructures can be caused by the development of heave and swelling pressure in this kind of expansive shale. Among the various techniques for expansive soil mitigation, the removal and replacement technique is very popular for lightly loaded structures and shallow foundations. This paper presents the result of an experimental study conducted for evaluating the effect of type and thickness of the cushion soils on mitigation of swelling characteristics of expanded shale. Seven undisturbed shale samples collected from Al Qadsiyah district, which is located in the Tabuk town north Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, are treated with two types of cushion coarse-grained sediments (CCS); sand and gravel. Each type is represented with three thicknesses, 22%, 33% and 44% in relation to the depth of the active zone. The test results indicated that the replacement of expansive shale by CCS reduces the swelling potential and pressure. It is found that the reduction in swelling depends on the type and thickness of CCS. The treatment by removing the original expansive shale and replacing it by cushion sand with 44% thickness reduced the swelling potential and pressure of about 53.29% and 62.78 %, respectively.

Keywords: cushion coarse-grained sediments (CCS), expansive soil, Saudi Arabia, swelling pressure, Tabuk Shale

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818 Adsorbent Removal of Oil Spills Using Bentonite Clay

Authors: Saad Mohamed Elsaid Abdelrahman


The adsorption method is one of the best modern techniques used in removing pollutants, especially organic hydrocarbon compounds, from polluted water. Through this research, bentonite clay can be used to remove organic hydrocarbon compounds, such as heptane and octane, resulting from oil spills in seawater. Bentonite clay can be obtained from the Kholayaz area, located north of Jeddah, at a distance of 80 km. Chemical analysis shows that bentonite clay consists of a mixture of silica, alumina and oxides of some elements. Bentonite clay can be activated in order to raise its adsorption efficiency and to make it suitable for removing pollutants using an ionic organic solvent. It is necessary to study some of the factors that could be in the efficiency of bentonite clay in removing oily organic compounds, such as the time of contact of the clay with heptane and octane solutions, pH and temperature, in order to reach the highest adsorption capacity of bentonite clay. The temperature can be a few degrees Celsius higher. The adsorption capacity of the clay decreases when the temperature is raised more than 4°C to reach its lowest value at the temperature of 50°C. The results show that the friction time of 30 minutes and the pH of 6.8 is the best conditions to obtain the highest adsorption capacity of the clay, 467 mg in the case of heptane and 385 mg in the case of octane compound. Experiments conducted on bentonite clay were encouraging to select it to remove heavy molecular weight pollutants such as petroleum compounds under study.

Keywords: adsorbent, bentonite clay, oil spills, removal

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817 Armed Groups and Intra State Conflict: A Study on the Egyptian Case

Authors: Ghzlan Mahmoud Abdel Aziz


This case study aims to identify the intrastate conflicts between the nation state and armed groups. Nowadays, most wars weaken states against armed groups. Thus, it is very important to negotiate with such groups in order to reinforce the law for the protection of victims. These armed groups are the cause of conflicts and they are related with many of humanitarian issues that result out of conflicts. In this age of rivalry; terrorists, insurgents, or transnational criminal parties have surfaced to the top as a reaction to these armed groups in an effort to set up a new world order. Moreover, the intra state conflicts became increasingly treacherous than the interstate conflicts, particularly when nation state systems deal with armed groups which try to influence the state. The unexpected upraising of the Arab Spring during 2011 in parts of the Middle East and North Africa formed various patterns of conflicts. The events of the Arab Spring resulted in current and long term change across the region. Significant modifications in the level, strength and period of armed conflict around the world have been made. Egypt was in the center of these events. It has fought back the armed groups under the name of terrorism and spread common disorder and violence among civilians. On this note, this study focuses on the problem of the transformation in the methods of organized violence within one state rather than between two state or more and analyzes the objectives, strategies, and internal composition of armed groups and the environments that foster them, with a focus on the Egyptian case.

Keywords: armed groups, conflicts, Egyptian armed forces, intrastate conflicts

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816 Phytochemical Screening, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Efficacy of the Endocarps Fruits of Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels (Sapotaceae) in Mostaganem

Authors: Sebaa H., Cherifi F., Djabeur Abderrezak M.


Argania spinosa, Sapotaceae sole representative in Algeria and Morocco; hence it is endemic in these regions. However, it is a recognised oil, forage, and timber tree highly adapted to aridity. The exploitation of the argan fruits produces considerable amounts of under or related products. These products, such as the endocarps of a fruit, recuperated after the use of kernels to extract oil. This research studies in detail the contents of total phenolic content was determined by Folin Ciocalteu reagent and Flavonoids by aluminum chloride colorimetric assay). Antioxidant activity of extracts was expressed as the percentage of DPPH radical inhibition and IC50 values (μg/mL). Antimicrobial activity evaluated using agar disk diffusion method against reference Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATTC 27453, Escherichia coli ATCC 23922. Immature endocarps showed a higher polyphenol content than mature endocarps. The total phenolic content in immature endocarps was found to vary from 983,75+ /- 0.45 to 980,1 +/- 0.43 mg gallic acid equivalents/g dry weight, whereas in mature endocarps, the polyphenol content ranged from 100,58 mg/g +/- 0.42 to 105 +/- 0.55% mg gallic acid equivalent / g dry weight. The flavonoid content was 16.5 mg equivalent catechin/g dry weight and 9.81mg equivalent catechin /g dry weight for immature and mature endocarp fruits, respectively. DPPH assay of the endocarps extract yielded a half-maximal effective concentration (IC50) value in the immature endocarps (549.33 μg/mL) than in mature endocarps (322 μg/mL). This result can be attributed to the higher phenolics and flavonoid compounds in the immature endocarps. Methanol extract of immature endocarps exhibited antibacterial activity against E.colie (inhibition zone, 11mm).

Keywords: antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity, total phenolic content, DPPH assay

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815 Effectiveness of ISSR Technique in Revealing Genetic Diversity of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Representing Various Parts of the World

Authors: Mohamed El-Shikh


Phaseolus vulgaris L. is the world’s second most important bean after soybeans; used for human food and animal feed. It has generally been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cancer and diseases of digestive tract. The effectiveness of ISSR in achievement of the genetic diversity among 60 common bean accessions; represent various germplasms around the world was investigated. In general, the studied Phaseolus vulgaris accessions were divided into 2 major groups. All of the South-American accessions were separated into the second major group. These accessions may have different genetic features that are distinct from the rest of the accessions clustered in the major group. Asia and Europe accessions (1-20) seem to be more genetically similar (99%) to each other as they clustered in the same sub-group. The American and African varieties showed similarities as well and clustered in the same sub-tree group. In contrast, Asian and American accessions No. 22 and 23 showed a high level of genetic similarities, although these were isolated from different regions. The phylogenetic tree showed that all the Asian accessions (along with Australian No. 59 and 60) were similar except Indian and Yemen accessions No. 9 and 20. Only Netherlands accession No. 3 was different from the rest of European accessions. Morocco accession No. 52 was genetically different from the rest of the African accessions. Canadian accession No. 44 seems to be different from the other North American accessions including Guatemala, Mexico and USA.

Keywords: phylogenetic tree, Phaseolus vulgaris, ISSR technique, genetics

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814 An Assesment of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Potential of the Silurian Dadaş Shales in Diyarbakır Basin, Türkiye

Authors: Ceren Sevimli, Sedat İnan


The Silurian Dadaş Formation within the Diyarbakir Basin in SE Türkiye, like other Silurian shales in North Africa and Middle East, represents a significant prospect for conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon exploration. The Diyarbakır Basin remains relatively underexplored, presenting untapped potential that warrants further investigation. This study focuses on the thermal maturity and hydrocarbon generation histories of the Silurian Dadaş shales, utilizing basin modeling approach. The Dadaş shales are organic-rich and contain mainly Type II kerogen, especially the basal layer contains up to 10 wt. %TOC and thus it is named as “hot shale”. The research integrates geological, geochemical, and basin modeling data to elucidate the unconventional hydrocarbon potential of this formation, which is crucial given the global demand for energy and the need for new resources. The data obtained from previous studies were used to calibrate basin model that has been established by using PetroMod software (Schlumberger). The calibrated model results suggest that Dadaş shales are in oil generation window and that the major episode for thermal maturation and hydrocarbon generation took place prior rot Alpine orogeny (uplift and erosion) The modeling results elucidate the burial history, maturity history, and hydrocarbon production history of the Silurian-aged Dadaş shales, as well as its hydrocarbon content in the area.

Keywords: dadaş formation, diyarbakır basin, silurian hot shale, unconventional hydrocarbon

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813 Effects of Organic Manure on the Growth of Jatropha curcas in Kogi State North Central Nigeria

Authors: S. O. Amhakhian, M. Idenyi


A pot experiment was conducted to assess the effects of organic manure on the growth of Jatropha curcas L seedlings at the Faculty of Agriculture, Kogi State University, Anyigba. There were seven treatments, namely, three (3) levels of poultry droppings (PD) (20g, 40g and 60g/kg soil) designated as T1, T2 and T3 respectively, three (3) levels of solid cattle dung (CD) (40g, 80g and 120g/kg soil designated as T4, T5, and T6) respectively, and control (no organic manure) designated as T7. All the treatments were replicated three (3) times. Jathopha curcas L seeds were sown into the polythene pot and observed for the period of six (6) weeks. Growth parameters measured were plant height, leaf count, stem girth, numbers of branches, and fresh weight. Mean separation using F-LSD0.05 showed that 120g cow dung/kg soil (T6) gave optional level of organic manure required for Jatropha curcas throughout the growth period of the seedlings. All the treatments having organic manure were significantly better than the control (P < 0.05) except at two weeks after planting where all the treatments gave the same number of leaves and at the sixth week after planting where only 120g cow dung/kg soil (T6) showed significant difference (P <0.05) in the number of branches. As a result, 120g cow dung/kg soil (T6) is therefore recommended for raising Jatrophus curcas L seedlings in Anyigba, Kogi State.

Keywords: Jatropha curcas, cow-dungs, seedlings, poultry dropping, polythene-pot

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812 The Impact of Air Pollution on Health and the Environment: The Case of Cement Beni-Saf, Western Algeria

Authors: N. Hachemi, I. Benmehdi, O. Hasnaoui


The air like water is an essential element for living beings. Each day, a man breathes about 20m3 of air. It originally consists of a set of gas whose presence and concentrations correspond to the needs of life. This study focuses on air pollution by smoke and dust emitted from the chimney of the cement works of Beni Saf, pathological and their impact on the environment. Dust of the cement plant are harmless to permissible levels for living organisms, but the two combined phenomena namely the release of dust and aridity of the climate, which severely marked area of Beni Saf; have contributed adverse effects in on human health and the degradation of vegetation cover and species especially weakened by environmental stress. The most visible impact is certainly the deposition of dust on the surrounding areas of the cement factory, and seriously affecting the aesthetics of the landscape. Health problems are more important inside and outside the factory. Among the diseases notable caused by the cement works are: deafness, heart disease, asthma and mental. The dust of the cement works is mainly composed of fine particles of limestone, clay, free lime, silicates and also loaded of the gases such as carbon dioxide gas CO2. The accumulation of this gas in the atmosphere is directly involved in the phenomenon of increasing of greenhouse effect. Some gases, for example, are directly toxic. They can change the climate, changing precipitation types and become a greater source of stress by drought, etc. The environment also suffers from air pollution indirectly; it is more precisely the acid rain. They are produced by the combustion of non-metals in air. Acid rain has consequences for contaminating the soil, weakening the flora, fauna and acidifies lakes. Finally, the pollution problems are multiple and specific dust. It can worsen and change, it has reached epidemic proportions quantitatively and qualitatively disturbing and unpredictable.

Keywords: atmospheric pollution, cement, dust, environment

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811 Climate Change Impacts on Future Wheat Growing Areas

Authors: Rasha Aljaryian, Lalit Kumar


Climate is undergoing continuous change and this trend will affect the cultivation areas ofmost crops, including wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), in the future. The current suitable cultivation areas may become unsuitable climatically. Countries that depend on wheat cultivation and export may suffer an economic loss because of production decline. On the other hand, some regions of the world could gain economically by increasing cultivation areas. This study models the potential future climatic suitability of wheat by using CLIMEX software. Two different global climate models (GCMs) were used, CSIRO-Mk3.0 (CS) and MIROC-H (MR), with two emission scenarios (A2, A1B). The results of this research indicate that the suitable climatic areas for wheat in the southern hemisphere, such as Australia, are expected to contract by the end of this century. However, some unsuitable or marginal areas will become climatically suitable under future climate scenarios. In North America and Europe further expansion inland could occur. Also, the results illustrate that heat and dry stresses as abiotic climatic factors will play an important role in wheat distribution in the future. Providing sufficient information about future wheat distribution will be useful for agricultural ministries and organizations to manage the shift in production areas in the future. They can minimize the expected harmful economic consequences by preparing strategic plans and identifying new areas for wheat cultivation.

Keywords: Climate change, Climate modelling, CLIMEX, Triticum aestivum, Wheat

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810 Insecurity as a Challenge to Nutritional Status of Children and Mothers in Dansadau, Maru Local Government Area Zamfara State, North Western Nigeria

Authors: Mohammed Hussaini


This paper discusses insecurity as a challenge to the nutritional Status of children and mothers in Dansadau, Maru Local Government area of Zamfara state, Northwestern Nigeria. A Descriptive survey design was used in the study. Objectives of the study were formulated to guide the study. 20 Health workers and 100 mothers were used as population of the study; the instrument validation for data collection was interview. The interview structure was validated by 3 experts, the data collected was analyzed and presented using descriptive standard score (Z-score). The study revealed that, Nutritional Status of children and mothers in Northwest Nigeria specifically Zamfara state is low. This mostly affect children and mother as a result of serious insecurity challenge in the region, consisting of banditry and kidnapping, killing of farmers, destruction of farmland, burning of farm products. The study recommended that the focus is on implementing strong communication strategies to enhance short-term relief initiatives, both governmental and non-governmental organizations should actively play a role in initiating lasting change, especially when tackling issues of insecurity and effectively addressing the rise of armed banditry and other security concerns requires a sophisticated and nuanced strategy.

Keywords: insecurity, malnutrition, children, mothers

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809 Competitiveness of a Share Autonomous Electrical Vehicle Fleet Compared to Traditional Means of Transport: A Case Study for Transportation Network Companies

Authors: Maximilian Richter


Implementing shared autonomous electric vehicles (SAEVs) has many advantages. The main advantages are achieved when SAEVs are offered as on-demand services by a fleet operator. However, autonomous mobility on demand (AMoD) will be distributed nationwide only if a fleet operation is economically profitable for the operator. This paper proposes a microscopic approach to modeling two implementation scenarios of an AMoD fleet. The city of Zurich is used as a case study, with the results and findings being generalizable to other similar European and North American cities. The data are based on the traffic model of the canton of Zurich (Gesamtverkehrsmodell des Kantons Zürich (GVM-ZH)). To determine financial profitability, demand is based on the simulation results and combined with analyzing the costs of a SAEV per kilometer. The results demonstrate that depending on the scenario; journeys can be offered profitably to customers for CHF 0.3 up to CHF 0.4 per kilometer. While larger fleets allowed for lower price levels and increased profits in the long term, smaller fleets exhibit elevated efficiency levels and profit opportunities per day. The paper concludes with recommendations for how fleet operators can prepare themselves to maximize profit in the autonomous future.

Keywords: autonomous vehicle, mobility on demand, traffic simulation, fleet provider

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808 The Battle between French and English in the Algerian University: Ideological and Pedagogical Stakes

Authors: Taoufik Djennane


Algeria is characterized by a fragmented language education policy. While pre-university education is entirely conducted in Arabic, higher education remains linguistically divided, with some fields offered in Arabic and others exclusively based on French. Within this linguistic policy, English remains far behind French. However, there has been a significant shift in the state’s linguistic orientation since the social riot of March 2019, known as El-Hirak, which ousted away the ex-president. Since then, social calls were voiced to get rid of French, and English started to receive an unprecedented political push. The historical decision only came at the beginning of the academic year 2023-2024 when the ministry of higher education imposed English as medium of instruction (hereafter EMI), especially in scientific and technological fields. As such, this paper considered this abrupt switch in the medium of instruction and its effects on the community of teachers. Building on a socio-psychological approach, teachers’ attitudes towards EMI were measured. Data were collected using classroom observation, semi-structured interviews and a survey. The results showed that a clear majority of teachers hold negative attitudes towards EMI. The point is that they are linguistically incompetent, and they are not ready yet to deliver content subjects in a language they have no, or little, command of. The study showed the importance of considering attitudes in the ‘policy-formation’ stage before the ‘implementation’ stage. The findings also proved that teachers are not passive bystanders; they can rather be the final arbiters imposing themselves as policy-makers resisting ministerial instructions through their linguistic practices inside the classroom which only acknowledge French. The study showed the necessity to avoid sudden switch and opt for gradual change, without putting aside those who are directly concerned with political/pedagogical measures (teachers, learners, etc).

Keywords: micro planning, EMI, language education policy, agency

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