Search results for: office computer users
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 5213

Search results for: office computer users

3863 The Disease That 'Has a Woman Face': Feminization of HIV/AIDS in Nagaland, North-East India

Authors: Kitoholi V. Zhimo


Unlike the cases of cases of homosexuals, haemophilic and or drug users in USA, France, Africa and other countries, in India the first case of HIV/AIDS was detected in heterosexual female sex workers (FSW) in Chennai in 1986. This image played an important role in understanding HIV/AIDS scenario in the country. Similar to popular and dominant metaphors on HIV/AIDS such as ‘gay plague’, ‘new cancer’, ‘lethal disease’, ‘slim disease’, ‘foreign disease’, ‘junkie disease’, etc. around the world, the social construction of the virus was largely attributed to women in India. It was established that women particularly sex workers are ‘carrier’ and ‘transmitter’ of virus and were categorised as High Risk Groups (HRG’s) alongside homosexuals, transgenders and injecting drug users. Recent literature reveals growing rate of HIV infection among housewives since 1997 which revolutionised public health scenario in India. This means shift from high risk group to general public through ‘bridge population’ encompassing long distance truckers and migrant labours who at the expense of their nature of work and mobility comes in contact with HRG’s and transmit the virus to the general public especially women who are confined to the domestic space. As HIV epidemic expands, married women in monogamous relationship/marriage stand highly susceptible to infection with limited control, right and access over their sexual and reproductive health and planning. In context of Nagaland, a small state in North-eastern part of India HIV/AIDS transmission through injecting drug use dominated the early scene of the epidemic. However, paradigm shift occurred with declining trend of HIV prevalence among injecting drug users (IDU’s) over the past years with the introduction of Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) and easy access/availability of syringes and injecting needles. Reflection on statistical data reveals that out of 36 states and union territories in India, the position of Nagaland in HIV prevalence among IDU’s has significantly dropped down from 6th position in 2003 to 16th position in 2017. The present face of virus in Nagaland is defined by (hetero) sexual mode of transmission which accounts for about 91% of as reported by Nagaland state AIDS control society (NSACS) in 2016 wherein young and married woman were found to be most affected leading to feminization of HIV/AIDS epidemic in the state. Thus, not only is HIV epidemic feminised but emerged victim to domestic violence which is more often accepted as normal part of heterosexual relationship. In the backdrop of these understanding, the present paper based on ethnographic fieldwork explores the plight, lived experiences and images of HIV+ve women with regard to sexual and reproductive rights against the backdrop of patriarchal system in Nagaland.

Keywords: HIV/AIDS, monogamy, Nagaland, sex worker disease, women

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3862 Munting Kamay, Munting Gawa: Children's Development Training, a UCU Experience

Authors: Elizabeth A. Montero


The project contemplated in this study particularly aimed at enabling public school children of ages ten to twelve who belong to low and middle income families. The pupils were provided training on communication, work, computer and social skills. In this study, the researcher hypothesized that children given the opportunity to develop a skill through guidance and proper supervision will significantly learn, improve and develop a skill. Since children’s minds are highly absorbent like a sponge absorbing anything within its capacity to take, it is ideal and necessary that education should provide an environment that is rich offering an array of meaningful experiences. The context of this study is well balanced since it catered to the children’s communication, work, computer and social skills.

Keywords: Munting Kamay, Munting Gawa, children’s development training, UCU experience

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3861 Diagnosis and Analysis of Automated Liver and Tumor Segmentation on CT

Authors: R. R. Ramsheeja, R. Sreeraj


For view the internal structures of the human body such as liver, brain, kidney etc have a wide range of different modalities for medical images are provided nowadays. Computer Tomography is one of the most significant medical image modalities. In this paper use CT liver images for study the use of automatic computer aided techniques to calculate the volume of the liver tumor. Segmentation method is used for the detection of tumor from the CT scan is proposed. Gaussian filter is used for denoising the liver image and Adaptive Thresholding algorithm is used for segmentation. Multiple Region Of Interest(ROI) based method that may help to characteristic the feature different. It provides a significant impact on classification performance. Due to the characteristic of liver tumor lesion, inherent difficulties appear selective. For a better performance, a novel proposed system is introduced. Multiple ROI based feature selection and classification are performed. In order to obtain of relevant features for Support Vector Machine(SVM) classifier is important for better generalization performance. The proposed system helps to improve the better classification performance, reason in which we can see a significant reduction of features is used. The diagnosis of liver cancer from the computer tomography images is very difficult in nature. Early detection of liver tumor is very helpful to save the human life.

Keywords: computed tomography (CT), multiple region of interest(ROI), feature values, segmentation, SVM classification

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3860 The Protection of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Generated Creative Works Through Authorship: A Comparative Analysis Between the UK and Nigerian Copyright Experience to Determine Lessons to Be Learnt from the UK

Authors: Esther Ekundayo


The nature of AI-generated works makes it difficult to identify an author. Although, some scholars have suggested that all the players involved in its creation should be allocated authorship according to their respective contribution. From the programmer who creates and designs the AI to the investor who finances the AI and to the user of the AI who most likely ends up creating the work in question. While others suggested that this issue may be resolved by the UK computer-generated works (CGW) provision under Section 9(3) of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. However, under the UK and Nigerian copyright law, only human-created works are recognised. This is usually assessed based on their originality. This simply means that the work must have been created as a result of its author’s creative and intellectual abilities and not copied. Such works are literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and are those that have recently been a topic of discussion with regards to generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI). Unlike Nigeria, the UK CDPA recognises computer-generated works and vests its authorship with the human who made the necessary arrangement for its creation . However, making necessary arrangement in the case of Nova Productions Ltd v Mazooma Games Ltd was interpreted similarly to the traditional authorship principle, which requires the skills of the creator to prove originality. Although, some recommend that computer-generated works complicates this issue, and AI-generated works should enter the public domain as authorship cannot be allocated to AI itself. Additionally, the UKIPO recognising these issues in line with the growing AI trend in a public consultation launched in the year 2022, considered whether computer-generated works should be protected at all and why. If not, whether a new right with a different scope and term of protection should be introduced. However, it concluded that the issue of computer-generated works would be revisited as AI was still in its early stages. Conversely, due to the recent developments in this area with regards to Generative AI systems such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, DALL-E and AIVA, amongst others, which can produce human-like copyright creations, it is therefore important to examine the relevant issues which have the possibility of altering traditional copyright principles as we know it. Considering that the UK and Nigeria are both common law jurisdictions but with slightly differing approaches to this area, this research, therefore, seeks to answer the following questions by comparative analysis: 1)Who is the author of an AI-generated work? 2)Is the UK’s CGW provision worthy of emulation by the Nigerian law? 3) Would a sui generis law be capable of protecting AI-generated works and its author under both jurisdictions? This research further examines the possible barriers to the implementation of the new law in Nigeria, such as limited technical expertise and lack of awareness by the policymakers, amongst others.

Keywords: authorship, artificial intelligence (AI), generative ai, computer-generated works, copyright, technology

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3859 Data Confidentiality in Public Cloud: A Method for Inclusion of ID-PKC Schemes in OpenStack Cloud

Authors: N. Nalini, Bhanu Prakash Gopularam


The term data security refers to the degree of resistance or protection given to information from unintended or unauthorized access. The core principles of information security are the confidentiality, integrity and availability, also referred as CIA triad. Cloud computing services are classified as SaaS, IaaS and PaaS services. With cloud adoption the confidential enterprise data are moved from organization premises to untrusted public network and due to this the attack surface has increased manifold. Several cloud computing platforms like OpenStack, Eucalyptus, Amazon EC2 offer users to build and configure public, hybrid and private clouds. While the traditional encryption based on PKI infrastructure still works in cloud scenario, the management of public-private keys and trust certificates is difficult. The Identity based Public Key Cryptography (also referred as ID-PKC) overcomes this problem by using publicly identifiable information for generating the keys and works well with decentralized systems. The users can exchange information securely without having to manage any trust information. Another advantage is that access control (role based access control policy) information can be embedded into data unlike in PKI where it is handled by separate component or system. In OpenStack cloud platform the keystone service acts as identity service for authentication and authorization and has support for public key infrastructure for auto services. In this paper, we explain OpenStack security architecture and evaluate the PKI infrastructure piece for data confidentiality. We provide method to integrate ID-PKC schemes for securing data while in transit and stored and explain the key measures for safe guarding data against security attacks. The proposed approach uses JPBC crypto library for key-pair generation based on IEEE P1636.3 standard and secure communication to other cloud services.

Keywords: data confidentiality, identity based cryptography, secure communication, open stack key stone, token scoping

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3858 Meta Root ID Passwordless Authentication Using ZKP Bitcoin Protocol

Authors: Saransh Sharma, Atharv Dekhne


Passwords stored on central services and hashed are prone to cyberattacks and hacks. Hence, given all these nuisances, there’s a need to eliminate character-based authentication protocols, which would ultimately benefit all developers as well as end-users.To replace this conventional but antiquated protocol with a secure alternative would be Passwordless Authentication. The meta system creates a public and private key, of which the user is only able to access the private key. Further, after signing the key, the user sends the information over the API to the server, which checks its validity with the public key and grants access accordingly.

Keywords: passwordless, OAuth, bitcoin, ZKP, SIN, BIP

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3857 Stochastic Simulation of Random Numbers Using Linear Congruential Method

Authors: Melvin Ballera, Aldrich Olivar, Mary Soriano


Digital computers nowadays must be able to have a utility that is capable of generating random numbers. Usually, computer-generated random numbers are not random given predefined values such as starting point and end points, making the sequence almost predictable. There are many applications of random numbers such business simulation, manufacturing, services domain, entertainment sector and other equally areas making worthwhile to design a unique method and to allow unpredictable random numbers. Applying stochastic simulation using linear congruential algorithm, it shows that as it increases the numbers of the seed and range the number randomly produced or selected by the computer becomes unique. If this implemented in an environment where random numbers are very much needed, the reliability of the random number is guaranteed.

Keywords: stochastic simulation, random numbers, linear congruential algorithm, pseudorandomness

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3856 Availability and Utilization of Health Care Facilities in Jalpaiguri Town

Authors: Sharmistha Mukherjee


Health care is the basic requirement for all. The prime question is who gets what, where and how? The unequal distribution of basic facilities do have a adverse effect on the users. The paper tries to examine health care in terms of available facilities, the health care need and how people perceive to it in a small town of Jalpaiguri in the midst of tea gardens in North Bengal. The morbidity pattern is also minutely observed with a section describing the organizational structure of health care keeping in mind the utilization.

Keywords: availability, distribution, health care, utilization

Procedia PDF Downloads 524
3855 Evaluation and Assessment of Bioinformatics Methods and Their Applications

Authors: Fatemeh Nokhodchi Bonab


Bioinformatics, in its broad sense, involves application of computer processes to solve biological problems. A wide range of computational tools are needed to effectively and efficiently process large amounts of data being generated as a result of recent technological innovations in biology and medicine. A number of computational tools have been developed or adapted to deal with the experimental riches of complex and multivariate data and transition from data collection to information or knowledge. These bioinformatics tools are being evaluated and applied in various medical areas including early detection, risk assessment, classification, and prognosis of cancer. The goal of these efforts is to develop and identify bioinformatics methods with optimal sensitivity, specificity, and predictive capabilities. The recent flood of data from genome sequences and functional genomics has given rise to new field, bioinformatics, which combines elements of biology and computer science. Bioinformatics is conceptualizing biology in terms of macromolecules (in the sense of physical-chemistry) and then applying "informatics" techniques (derived from disciplines such as applied maths, computer science, and statistics) to understand and organize the information associated with these molecules, on a large-scale. Here we propose a definition for this new field and review some of the research that is being pursued, particularly in relation to transcriptional regulatory systems.

Keywords: methods, applications, transcriptional regulatory systems, techniques

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3854 The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Learning Quality and Conceptual Change in Moroccan High School Students

Authors: Azzeddine Atibi, Khadija El Kababi, Salim Ahmed, Mohamed Radid


Teaching and learning occupy a significant position globally, as the sustainable development of all sectors is intrinsically linked to the improvement of the educational system. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning process is not optional but essential, and that proficiency in computer tools is an asset that will enhance pedagogy and ensure the continuity of learning under any circumstances. The objective of our study is to evaluate the impact of introducing computer tools on the quality of learning and the realization of conceptual change in learners. To this end, a learning situation was meticulously prepared, targeting first-year baccalaureate students in experimental sciences at a public high school, "Khadija Oum Almouminin," focusing on the chapter on glycemia regulation in the Moroccan Life and Earth Sciences (LES) curriculum. The learning situation was implemented with a pilot group that utilized computer tools and a control group that studied the same chapter without using ICT. The analysis and comparison of the results allowed us to verify the research question posed and to propose perspectives to ensure conceptual change in learners.

Keywords: information and communication technology, conceptual change, continuity of learning, life and earth sciences, glycemia regulation

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3853 Induction Heating Process Design Using Comsol® Multiphysics Software Version 4.2a

Authors: K. Djellabi, M. E. H. Latreche


Induction heating computer simulation is a powerful tool for process design and optimization, induction coil design, equipment selection, as well as education and business presentations. The authors share their vast experience in the practical use of computer simulation for different induction heating and heat treating processes. In this paper deals with mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of induction heating furnaces with axisymmetric geometries. For the numerical solution, we propose finite element methods combined with boundary (FEM) for the electromagnetic model using COMSOL® Multiphysics Software. Some numerical results for an industrial furnace are shown with high frequency.

Keywords: numerical methods, induction furnaces, induction heating, finite element method, Comsol multiphysics software

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3852 Time-Domain Simulations of the Coupled Dynamics of Surface Riding Wave Energy Converter

Authors: Chungkuk Jin, Moo-Hyun Kim, HeonYong Kang


A surface riding (SR) wave energy converter (WEC) is designed and its feasibility and performance are numerically simulated by the author-developed floater-mooring-magnet-electromagnetics fully-coupled dynamic analysis computer program. The biggest advantage of the SR-WEC is that the performance is equally effective even in low sea states and its structural robustness is greatly improved by simply riding along the wave surface compared to other existing WECs. By the numerical simulations and actuator testing, it is clearly demonstrated that the concept works and through the optimization process, its efficiency can be improved.

Keywords: computer simulation, electromagnetics fully-coupled dynamics, floater-mooring-magnet, optimization, performance evaluation, surface riding, WEC

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3851 Interpretable Deep Learning Models for Medical Condition Identification

Authors: Dongping Fang, Lian Duan, Xiaojing Yuan, Mike Xu, Allyn Klunder, Kevin Tan, Suiting Cao, Yeqing Ji


Accurate prediction of a medical condition with straight clinical evidence is a long-sought topic in the medical management and health insurance field. Although great progress has been made with machine learning algorithms, the medical community is still, to a certain degree, suspicious about the model's accuracy and interpretability. This paper presents an innovative hierarchical attention deep learning model to achieve good prediction and clear interpretability that can be easily understood by medical professionals. This deep learning model uses a hierarchical attention structure that matches naturally with the medical history data structure and reflects the member’s encounter (date of service) sequence. The model attention structure consists of 3 levels: (1) attention on the medical code types (diagnosis codes, procedure codes, lab test results, and prescription drugs), (2) attention on the sequential medical encounters within a type, (3) attention on the medical codes within an encounter and type. This model is applied to predict the occurrence of stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD3), using three years’ medical history of Medicare Advantage (MA) members from a top health insurance company. The model takes members’ medical events, both claims and electronic medical record (EMR) data, as input, makes a prediction of CKD3 and calculates the contribution from individual events to the predicted outcome. The model outcome can be easily explained with the clinical evidence identified by the model algorithm. Here are examples: Member A had 36 medical encounters in the past three years: multiple office visits, lab tests and medications. The model predicts member A has a high risk of CKD3 with the following well-contributed clinical events - multiple high ‘Creatinine in Serum or Plasma’ tests and multiple low kidneys functioning ‘Glomerular filtration rate’ tests. Among the abnormal lab tests, more recent results contributed more to the prediction. The model also indicates regular office visits, no abnormal findings of medical examinations, and taking proper medications decreased the CKD3 risk. Member B had 104 medical encounters in the past 3 years and was predicted to have a low risk of CKD3, because the model didn’t identify diagnoses, procedures, or medications related to kidney disease, and many lab test results, including ‘Glomerular filtration rate’ were within the normal range. The model accurately predicts members A and B and provides interpretable clinical evidence that is validated by clinicians. Without extra effort, the interpretation is generated directly from the model and presented together with the occurrence date. Our model uses the medical data in its most raw format without any further data aggregation, transformation, or mapping. This greatly simplifies the data preparation process, mitigates the chance for error and eliminates post-modeling work needed for traditional model explanation. To our knowledge, this is the first paper on an interpretable deep-learning model using a 3-level attention structure, sourcing both EMR and claim data, including all 4 types of medical data, on the entire Medicare population of a big insurance company, and more importantly, directly generating model interpretation to support user decision. In the future, we plan to enrich the model input by adding patients’ demographics and information from free-texted physician notes.

Keywords: deep learning, interpretability, attention, big data, medical conditions

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3850 IAM Smart – A Sustainable Way to Reduce Plastics in Organizations

Authors: Krithika Kumaragurubaran, Mannu Thareja


Saving our planet Earth is the responsibility of every human being. Global warming and carbon emissions are killing our planet. We must adopt sustainable practices to give our future generations an equal opportunity to enjoy this planet Earth, our home. One of the most used unsustainable materials is plastic. Plastics are used everywhere. They are cheap, durable, strong, waterproof, non-corrosive with a long life. So longthat it makes plastic unsustainable. With this paper, we want to bring awareness on the usage of plastic in the organizations and how to reduce it by adopting sustainable practices powered by technology. We have taken a case study on the usage of photo ID cards, which are commonly used for authentication and authorization. These ID cards are used by employees or visitors to get access to the restricted areas inside the office buildings. The scale of these plastic cards can be in thousands for a bigger organization. This paper proposes smart alternatives to Identity and Access Management (IAM) which could replace the traditional method of using plastic ID cards. Further, the proposed solution is secure with multi-factor authentication (MFA), cost effective as there is no need to manage the supply chain of ID cards, provides instant IAM with self-service, and has the convenience of smart phone. Smart IAM is not only user friendly however also environment friendly.

Keywords: sustainability, reduce plastic, IAM (Identity and Access Management), multi-factor authentication

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3849 Design and Development of a Safety Equipment and Accessory for Bicycle Users

Authors: Francine Siy, Stephen Buñi


Safety plays a significant role in everyone’s life on a day-to-day basis. We wish ourselves and our loved ones their safety as we all venture out on our daily commute. The road is undeniably dangerous and unpredictable, with abundant traffic collisions and pedestrians experiencing various injuries. For bicycle users, the risk of accidents is even more exacerbated, and injuries may be severe. Even when cyclists try their best to be safe and protected, the possibility of encountering danger is always there. Despite being equipped with protective gear, safety is never guaranteed. Cyclists often settle for helmets and standard reflector vests to establish a presence on the road. There are different types of vests available, depending on the profession. However, traditional reflector vests, mostly seen on construction workers and traffic enforcers, were not designed for riders and their protection from injuries. With insufficient protection for riders, they need access to ergonomically designed equipment and accessories that suit the riders and cater to their needs. This research aimed to offer a protective vest with safety features for riders that is comfortable, effective, durable, and intuitive. This sheds light and addresses the safety of the biker population, which continuously grows through the years. The product was designed and developed by gathering data and using the cognitive mapping method to ensure that all qualitative and quantitative data were considered in this study to improve other existing products that do not have the proper design considerations. It is known that available equipment for cyclists is often sold separately or lacks the safety features for cyclists traversing open roads. Each safety feature like the headlights, reflectors, signal or rear lights, zipper pouch, body camera attachment, and wireless remote control all play a particular role in helping cyclists embark on their daily commute. These features aid in illumination, visibility, easy maneuvering, convenience, and security, allowing cyclists to go for a safer ride that is of use throughout the day. The product is designed and produced effectively and inexpensively without sacrificing the quality and purpose of its usage.

Keywords: bicycle accessory, protective gear, safety, transport, visibility

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3848 Analysis of The Effect about Different Automatic Sprinkler System Extinguishing The Scooter Fire in Underground Parking Space

Authors: Yu-Hsiu Li, Chun-Hsun Chen


Analysis of automatic sprinkler system protects the scooter in underground parking space, the current of general buildings is mainly equipped with foam fire-extinguishing equipment in Taiwan, the automatic sprinkling system has economic and environmental benefits, even high stability, China and the United States allow the parking space to set the automatic sprinkler system under certain conditions. The literature about scooter full-scale fire indicates that the average fire growth coefficient is 0.19 KW/sec2, it represents the scooter fire is classified as ultra-fast time square fire growth model, automatic sprinkler system can suppress the flame height and prevent extending burning. According to the computer simulation (FDS) literature, no matter computer simulation or full-scale experiments, the active order and trend about sprinkler heads are the same. This study uses the computer simulation program (FDS), the simulation scenario designed includes using a different system (enclosed wet type and open type), and different configurations. The simulation result demonstrates that the open type requires less time to extinguish the fire than the enclosed wet type if the horizontal distance between the sprinkler and the scooter ignition source is short, the sprinkler can act quickly, the heat release rate of fire can be suppressed in advance.

Keywords: automatic sprinkler system, underground parking Spac, FDS, scooter fire extinguishing

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3847 Wearable System for Prolonged Cooling and Dehumidifying of PPE in Hot Environments

Authors: Lun Lou, Jintu Fan


While personal protective equipment (PPE) prevents the healthcare personnel from exposing to harmful surroundings, it creates a barrier to the dissipation of body heat and perspiration, leading to severe heat stress during prolonged exposure, especially in hot environments. It has been found that most of the existed personal cooling strategies have limitations in achieving effective cooling performance with long duration and lightweight. This work aimed to develop a lightweight (<1.0 kg) and less expensive wearable air cooling and dehumidifying system (WCDS) that can be applied underneath the protective clothing and provide 50W mean cooling power for more than 5 hours at 35°C environmental temperature without compromising the protection of PPE. For the WCDS, blowers will be used to activate an internal air circulation inside the clothing microclimate, which doesn't interfere with the protection of PPE. An air cooling and dehumidifying chamber (ACMR) with a specific design will be developed to reduce the air temperature and humidity inside the protective clothing. Then the cooled and dried air will be supplied to upper chest and back areas through a branching tubing system for personal cooling. A detachable ice cooling unit will be applied from the outside of the PPE to extract heat from the clothing microclimate. This combination allows for convenient replacement of the cooling unit to refresh the cooling effect, which can realize a continuous cooling function without taking off the PPE or adding too much weight. A preliminary thermal manikin test showed that the WCDS was able to reduce the microclimate temperature inside the PPE averagely by about 8°C for 60 minutes when the environmental temperature was 28.0 °C and 33.5 °C, respectively. Replacing the ice cooling unit every hour can maintain this cooling effect, while the longest operation duration is determined by the battery of the blowers, which can last for about 6 hours. This unique design is especially helpful for the PPE users, such as health care workers in infectious and hot environments when continuous cooling and dehumidifying are needed, but the change of protective clothing may increase the risk of infection. The new WCDS will not only improve the thermal comfort of PPE users but can also extend their safe working duration.

Keywords: personal thermal management, heat stress, ppe, health care workers, wearable device

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3846 Remote Radiation Mapping Based on UAV Formation

Authors: Martin Arguelles Perez, Woosoon Yim, Alexander Barzilov


High-fidelity radiation monitoring is an essential component in the enhancement of the situational awareness capabilities of the Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM) personnel. In this paper, multiple units of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) each equipped with a cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) gamma-ray sensor are used for radiation source localization, which can provide vital real-time data for the EM tasks. To achieve this goal, a fully autonomous system of multicopter-based UAV swarm in 3D tetrahedron formation is used for surveying the area of interest and performing radiation source localization. The CZT sensor used in this study is suitable for small-size multicopter UAVs due to its small size and ease of interfacing with the UAV’s onboard electronics for high-resolution gamma spectroscopy enabling the characterization of radiation hazards. The multicopter platform with a fully autonomous flight feature is suitable for low-altitude applications such as radiation contamination sites. The conventional approach uses a single UAV mapping in a predefined waypoint path to predict the relative location and strength of the source, which can be time-consuming for radiation localization tasks. The proposed UAV swarm-based approach can significantly improve its ability to search for and track radiation sources. In this paper, two approaches are developed using (a) 2D planar circular (3 UAVs) and (b) 3D tetrahedron formation (4 UAVs). In both approaches, accurate estimation of the gradient vector is crucial for heading angle calculation. Each UAV carries the CZT sensor; the real-time radiation data are used for the calculation of a bulk heading vector for the swarm to achieve a UAV swarm’s source-seeking behavior. Also, a spinning formation is studied for both cases to improve gradient estimation near a radiation source. In the 3D tetrahedron formation, a UAV located closest to the source is designated as a lead unit to maintain the tetrahedron formation in space. Such a formation demonstrated a collective and coordinated movement for estimating a gradient vector for the radiation source and determining an optimal heading direction of the swarm. The proposed radiation localization technique is studied by computer simulation and validated experimentally in the indoor flight testbed using gamma sources. The technology presented in this paper provides the capability to readily add/replace radiation sensors to the UAV platforms in the field conditions enabling extensive condition measurement and greatly improving situational awareness and event management. Furthermore, the proposed radiation localization approach allows long-term measurements to be efficiently performed at wide areas of interest to prevent disasters and reduce dose risks to people and infrastructure.

Keywords: radiation, unmanned aerial system(UAV), source localization, UAV swarm, tetrahedron formation

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3845 Western and Eastern Ways of Special Warfare: The Strategic History of Special Operations from Western and Eastern Sources

Authors: Adam Kok Wey Leong


Special operations were supposedly a new way of irregular warfare that was officially formed during World War 2. For example, the famous British Special Operations Executive (SOE) and the Americans’ Office for Strategic Services (OSS) – the forerunners of modern day CIA were born in World War 2. These special operations units were tasked with the conduct of sabotage and subversion activities behind enemy lines, placing great importance in forming Fifth Column activities and supporting resistance movements. This pointed to a paradoxical argument that modern day special operations is a product of Western modern military innovation but utilizing Eastern ways of ‘ungentlemanly’ warfare. This thesis is superfluous as special operations had been well practised by both ancient Western empires such as the Greeks and Romans, and around the same time in the East, such as in China, and Japan. This paper will describe the practice of special operations, first from the Western military history of the Greeks during the Peloponnesian war. It will then highlight the similar practice of special operations by the Near Eastern Assassins and Eastern militaries by using examples from the Chinese and the Japanese. This paper propounds that special operations, or ways of warfare as a whole, has no cultural and geographical divide, but rather very similarly practiced by men from all over the world. Ideas of fighting, killing and ultimately winning a war have similar undertones – attempts to find ways to win economically and at the least time.

Keywords: special operations, strategic culture, ways of warfare, Sun Tzu, Frontinus

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3844 Reducing Tobacco Consumption in a Rural Village of Sri Lanka Though a Community Based Health Promotion Intervention

Authors: B. A. N. Madubashini, S. Anojan, S. Thurka, N. M. C. J. Nawasinghe, G. A. S. Milanga, W. M. I. S. Weerakoon, I. D. N. Ihalahewage


Evidence-based health promotional approaches are known to be successful ways of reducing tobacco consumption in a rural village. Hence tobacco prevention is essential in improving lives of people, and community-based approaches are considered as effective. This community-based health promotion intervention implemented to reduce high consumption of tobacco in a rural area in Sri Lanka. This intervention was conducted in a rural village of Sri Lanka. In the beginning, facilitation discussions conducted with community members to identify determinants leading to tobacco consumption among villagers. Intervention was planed based on those determinants. Community actions through small active groups to demote smoking were generated. Children groups displayed cigarette buds collected around common places such as temple to community gatherings including funeral welfare society elaborating the cost and the money spent on cigarettes. A till (expenditure box) was introduced, and smokers in family were encouraged to put money on a cigarette to it when they decide to smoke instead. This way they could monitor potential savings if quit. Children groups introduced a tool 'Engalanthe puthata (for overseas son)' to shops. Shop owners agreed to add a pebble to a box whenever they sell a cigarette. The money spent on cigarettes in that shop was calculated regularly, and that was considered as money sent to tobacco company overseas, so to the son of the company owner. This was useful to encourage quitting and to stop selling cigarette in the shops. All four shops in the community volunteered to stop selling cigarettes. Eleven percent of users quitted smoking and 37% users reduced smoking. Child empowerment was high, and 60% of children had shown their disapproval on smoking publicly at least once. Similar community-based health promotion intervention can be used to generate community actions leading to reduction of tobacco consumption.

Keywords: cigarette, community, empowerment, health promotion, intervention

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3843 Developing a Simulation-Based Optimization Framework to Perform Energy Simulation for Indian Buildings

Authors: Sujoy Anirudha Das, Albert Thomas


Building sector is a major consumer of energy globally, and it has corresponding effects to the environment with respect to the carbon emissions. Given the fact that India is expected to add 40-billion square meter of new buildings till 2050, we need frameworks that help in reducing the overall energy consumption in the building sector. Even though several simulation-based frameworks that help in analyzing the building energy consumption are developed globally, in the Indian context, to the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of a comprehensive, yet user-friendly framework to simulate and optimize the effects of various energy influencing factors, specifically for Indian buildings. Therefore, this study is aimed at developing a simulation-based optimization framework to model the energy interactions in different types of Indian buildings by considering the dynamic nature of various energy influencing factors. This comprehensive framework can be used by various building stakeholders to test the energy effects of different factors such as, but not limited to, the various building materials, the orientation, the weather fluctuations, occupancy changes and the type of the building (e.g., office, residential). The results from the case study involving several building types would help us in gaining insights to build new energy-efficient buildings as well as retrofit the existing structures in a more convenient way to consume less energy, exclusively for an Indian scenario.

Keywords: building energy consumption, building energy simulations, energy efficient buildings, optimization framework

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3842 Effectiveness of Public Speaking Extracurricular in Gontor in Raising Leaders of the Advanced Global World's Needs

Authors: Ummi Sholihah Pertiwi Abidin, Khusnul Hajar Nuansari


Human resource is one of the most important components that can not be separated from communication fields, either in a large community like a mass or narrow ones such as an institution, office, group and even family. Human resource is an asset which is often used as a tool to achieve certain goals. Therefore, development of human resources is essential for improving skills and character of a person especially at the time that has entered globalization era. People are required to be able to compete both in the local and international arena, no matter what. This paper raised topic related to human resource development solution by a unique educational leadership and communication skill improvement through a linguistic approach. Here the authors want to go by form of public speaking method applied in Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor as the extracurricular activity that is using three languages, they are: Indonesian as the mother language or the nation language of the students, Arabic and English as the second language and Gontor’s mean to supply its students to be able to conquer the globalization needs. This implementation produced the establishment of great leaders through confidence growing to speak in public by adjusting the listener context. In linguistic term, it will help enhancing verbal and nonverbal communication skills and so forth in owning a lot of vocabulary.

Keywords: public speaking, Gontor, language, leadership

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3841 Hand Motion and Gesture Control of Laboratory Test Equipment Using the Leap Motion Controller

Authors: Ian A. Grout


In this paper, the design and development of a system to provide hand motion and gesture control of laboratory test equipment is considered and discussed. The Leap Motion controller is used to provide an input to control a laboratory power supply as part of an electronic circuit experiment. By suitable hand motions and gestures, control of the power supply is provided remotely and without the need to physically touch the equipment used. As such, it provides an alternative manner in which to control electronic equipment via a PC and is considered here within the field of human computer interaction (HCI).

Keywords: control, hand gesture, human computer interaction, test equipment

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3840 Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility in Industrial Cities: A Collaborative Governance Approach

Authors: Muhlisin, Moh. Sofyan Budiarto


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives based on charity and philanthropy have not alleviated many sustainable environmental issues, particularly in industrial towns. The collaborative governance strategy is seen to be an option for resolving difficulties of coordination and communication between businesses, the government, and the community so that the goals of urban environmental management can be met via collaborative efforts. The purpose of this research is to identify the different forms of environmental CSR implementation by corporate entities and to create a CSR collaborative governance model in environmental management. This qualitative investigation was carried out in 2020 in Cilegon City, one of Indonesia’s industrial cities. To investigate their support, a total of 20 informants from three stakeholder groups, namely the government, corporate entities, and the community, were questioned. According to the study’s findings, cleaner production, eco-office, energy and natural resource conservation, waste management, renewable energy, climate change adaptation, and environmental education are all examples of CSR application in the environmental sector. The environmental potential of CSR implementation is to create collaborative governance. The role of business entities in providing the beginning circumstances is critical, while the government offers facilitative leadership and the CSR forum launches institutional design. These three factors are crucial to the efficiency of collaborative governance in industrial cities' environmental management.

Keywords: collaborative governance, CSR forum, environmental CSR, industrial city

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3839 Urban Rail Transit CBTC Computer Interlocking Subsystem Relying on Multi-Template Pen Point Tracking Algorithm

Authors: Xinli Chen, Xue Su


In the urban rail transit CBTC system, interlocking is considered one of the most basic sys-tems, which has the characteristics of logical complexity and high-security requirements. The development and verification of traditional interlocking subsystems are entirely manual pro-cesses and rely too much on the designer, which often hides many uncertain factors. In order to solve this problem, this article is based on the multi-template nib tracking algorithm for model construction and verification, achieving the main safety attributes and using SCADE for formal verification. Experimental results show that this method helps to improve the quality and efficiency of interlocking software.

Keywords: computer interlocking subsystem, penpoint tracking, communication-based train control system, multi-template tip tracking

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3838 Anthropometric Analysis for the Design of Workstations in the Interior Spaces of the Manufacturing Industry in Tijuana, Mexico

Authors: J. A. López, J. E. Olguín, C. W. Camargo, G. A. Quijano, R. Martínez


This paper presents an anthropometric study conducted to 300 employees in a maquiladora industry that belongs to the cluster of medical products as part of a research project to pretend simulate workplace conditions under which operators conduct their activities. This project is relevant because traditionally performed a study to design ergonomic workspaces according to anthropometric profile of users, however, this paper demonstrates the importance of making decisions when the infrastructure cannot be adapted for economic whichever put emphasis on user activity.

Keywords: anthropometry, biomechanics, design, ergonomics, productivity

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3837 Performance Evaluation of Packet Scheduling with Channel Conditioning Aware Based on Wimax Networks

Authors: Elmabruk Laias, Abdalla M. Hanashi, Mohammed Alnas


Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) became one of the most challenging issues, since it was responsible for distributing available resources of the network among all users this leaded to the demand of constructing and designing high efficient scheduling algorithms in order to improve the network utilization, to increase the network throughput, and to minimize the end-to-end delay. In this study, the proposed algorithm focuses on an efficient mechanism to serve non-real time traffic in congested networks by considering channel status.

Keywords: WiMAX, Quality of Services (QoS), OPNE, Diff-Serv (DS).

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3836 Reverse Logistics in Clothing Recycling: A Case Study in Chengdu

Authors: Guo Yan


Clothing recycling bin is a traditional way to collect textile waste in many areas. In the clothing recycling business, the transportation cost normally takes over 50% of total costs. This case gives a good way to reduce transportation cost by reverse logistics system. In this reverse logistics system, there are offline strategic alliance partners, such as transport firms, convenience stores, laundries, and post office which are integrated onto the mobile APP. Offline strategic alliance partners provide the service of textile waste collection, and transportation by their vacant vehicles return journey from convenience stores, laundries and post offices to sorting centers. The results of the case study provide the strategic alliance with a valuable and light - asset business model by using the logistics of offline memberships. The company in this case just focuses on textile waste sorting, reuse, recycling etc. The research method of this paper is a case study of a clothing recycling company in Chengdu by field research and interview; the analysis is based on the theory of the reverse logistics system.

Keywords: closed-loop recycles system, clothing recycling, end-of-life clothing, sharing economy, strategic alliance, reverse logistics.

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3835 An Affordability Evaluation of Computer-Based Social-Emotional Skills Interventions for School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Authors: Ezra N. S. Lockhart


The number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased approximately 173% during the last decade making ASD the fastest growing developmental disability in the United States. This rise in prevalence rates indeed has an effect on schools. ASD is overwhelmingly the most reported primary special education eligibility category for students accessing special education, at a national average of 61.3%. ASD is regarded as an urgent public health concern at an estimated annual per capita cost of $3.2 million. Furthermore, considering that ASD is a lifelong disorder estimated lifetime per capita cost reach $35 billion. The resources available to special education programs are insufficient to meet the educational needs of the 6.4 million students receiving special educational services. This is especially true given that there has been and continues to be a chronic shortage of fully certified special education teachers for decades. Reports indicate that 81.1% of students with special needs spend 40% or more in general education classrooms. Regardless of whether support is implemented in the special education or general education classroom the resource demand is obvious. Schools are actively seeking to implement low-cost alternatives and budget saving measures in response to this demand. In public school settings, programs such as Applied Behavior Analysis are challenging to implement and fund at $40,000 per student per year. As an alternative, computer-based interventions are inexpensive, less time-consuming to implement, and require minimal teacher or paraprofessional training to administer. Affordability, pricing schemes, availability, and compatibility of computer-based interventions that support social and emotional skill development in individuals with ASD are discussed.

Keywords: affordability, autism spectrum disorder, computer-based intervention, emotional skills, social skills

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3834 Development of an Energy Independant DC Building Demonstrator for Insulated Island Site

Authors: Olivia Bory Devisme, Denis Genon-Catalot, Frederic Alicalapa, Pierre-Olivier Lucas De Peslouan, Jean-Pierre Chabriat


In the context of climate change, it is essential that island territories gain energy autonomy. Currently mostly dependent on fossil fuels, the island of Reunion lo- cated in the Indian Ocean nevertheless has a high potential for solar energy. As the market for photovoltaic panels has been growing in recent years, the issues of energy losses linked to the multiple conversions from direct current to alternating current are emerging. In order to quantify these advantages and disadvantages by a comparative study, this document present the measurements carried out on a direct current test bench, particularly for lighting, ventilation, air condi- tioning and office equipment for the tertiary sector. All equipment is supplied with DC power from energy produced by photovoltaic panels. A weather sta- tion, environmental indoor sensors, and drivers are also used to control energy. Self-consumption is encouraged in order to manage different priorities between user consumption and energy storage in a lithium iron phosphate battery. The measurements are compared to a conventional electrical architecture (DC-AC- DC) for energy consumption, equipment overheating, cost, and life cycle analysis.

Keywords: DC microgrids, solar energy, smart buildings, storage

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