Search results for: nonlocal boundary condition
3670 A Case of Iatrogenic Esophageal Perforation in an Extremely Low Birth Weight Neonate
Authors: Ya-Ching Fu, An-Kuo Chou, Boon-Fatt Tan, Chi-Nien Chen, Wen-Chien Yang, Pou-Leng Cheong
Blind oro-/naso-pharyngeal suction and feeding tube placement are very common practices in neonatal intensive care unit. Though esophageal perforation is a rare complication of these instrumentations, its prevalence is highest in extremely premature neonates. Due to its association with significant morbidity (including respiratory deterioration, pneumothorax, and sepsis) and even mortality, it is an important issue to prevent this iatrogenic complication in the field of premature care. We demonstrate an esophageal perforation in an extreme-low-birth-weight neonate after oro-gastric tube placement. This female baby weighing 680 grams was delivered by caesarean section at 25 weeks of gestational age. She initially received oro-tracheal intubation with mechanical ventilation which was smoothly weaned to non-invasive positive-pressure ventilation at 7-day-old. However, after insertion of a 5-French oro-gastric tube, the baby’s condition suddenly worsened with apnea requiring mechanical ventilation. Her chest radiogram showed the oro-gastric tube in right pleural space, and thus another oro-gastric tube was replaced, and its position was radiographically confirmed. The malpositioned tube was then removed. The baby received 2-week course of intravenous antibiotics for her esophageal perforation. Feeding was then reintroduced and increased to full feeds in a smooth course. She was discharged at 107-day-old. Esophageal perforation in newborn is very rare. Sudden respiratory deterioration in a neonate after naso-/oro-gastric tube placement should alarm us to consider esophageal perforation, and further radiological investigation is required for the diagnosis. Tube materials, patient condition, and age are major risk factors of esophageal perforation. The use of softer tube material, such as silicone, in extreme premature baby might prevent this fetal complication.Keywords: esophageal perforation, preterm, newborn, feeding tube
Procedia PDF Downloads 2723669 Peat Resources, Paleo-Environmental Interpretation as well as Their Utilization, Hakaluki Haor, Moulvibazar and Sylhet District, Bangladesh
Authors: Mohammed Masum, Mohammad Omer Faruk Khan, Md. Nazwanul Haque, Anwar Sadat Md. Sayem, Md. Azhar Hossain
The study area is the Hakaluki Haor which is the second largest wet land of Bangladesh. It spans over the districts of Moulvibazar and Sylhet in southeast Bangladesh. The study was focused in the exploration of peat reserve, reconstruction of the paleo-environment as well as the utilization of the peat resources. Peat is found randomly from 0.5 m to 7 m below the surface and 1 m to 11 m thickness at over 40 beels as well as small plain lands of 90 km2 area of Hakaluki Haor. The total reserve of peat is 282 million ton in wet condition and 112 million ton in dry condition. The peat deposits of Hakaluki Haor area is the largest peat reserves of the Bangladesh. Peat bearing Hakaluki Haor is a low-lying wet land which geological term is synclinal depression. It may be a syncline between two anticlines which was filled with sediments as well as various plant materials derived from the hilly region (anticline) on both sides (west and east) of the Haor. The transportation may be triggered by large natural disasters or any tectonic reason. On the other hand vegetation occurred in this depression as aquatic plants which might have been destroyed by large natural disasters or any tectonic reason. As environment dictates the characteristics and the source of sediments, various aspects of the sediment are indicators of the environment. Peat has mainly industrial importance as a fuel for power production, traditionally used for cooking, domestic heating and in brick fields, also used as insulator in many industries, agricultural purposes, retaining moisture in soil, raw material in horticulture and colour industries etc. Power plants of about 100 MW capacities may be established in this region based on peat of Hakaluki Haor which may be continued more than one hundred years.Keywords: peat, pale environment, Hakaluki Haor, beel, syncline, anticline
Procedia PDF Downloads 4233668 Development of a New Method for T-Joint Specimens Testing under Shear Loading
Authors: Radek Doubrava, Roman Ruzek
Nonstandard tests are necessary for analyses and verification of new developed structural and technological solutions with application of composite materials. One of the most critical primary structural parts of a typical aerospace structure is T-joint. This structural element is loaded mainly in shear, bending, peel and tension. The paper is focused on the shear loading simulations. The aim of the work is to obtain a representative uniform distribution of shear loads along T-joint during the mechanical testing is. A new design of T-joint test procedure, numerical simulation and optimization of representative boundary conditions are presented. The different conditions and inaccuracies both in simulations and experiments are discussed. The influence of different parameters on stress and strain distributions is demonstrated on T-joint made of CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic). A special test rig designed by VZLU (Aerospace Research and Test Establishment) for T-shear test procedure is presented.Keywords: T-joint, shear, composite, mechanical testing, finite element analysis, methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4433667 Unsteady Forced Convection Flow and Heat Transfer Past a Blunt Headed Semi-Circular Cylinder at Low Reynolds Numbers
Authors: Y. El Khchine, M. Sriti
In the present work, the forced convection heat transfer and fluid flow past an unconfined semi-circular cylinder is investigated. The two-dimensional simulation is employed for Reynolds numbers ranging from 10 ≤ Re ≤ 200, employing air (Pr = 0.71) as an operating fluid with Newtonian constant physics property. Continuity, momentum, and energy equations with appropriate boundary conditions are solved using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver Ansys Fluent. Various parameters flow such as lift, drag, pressure, skin friction coefficients, Nusselt number, Strouhal number, and vortex strength are calculated. The transition from steady to time-periodic flow occurs between Re=60 and 80. The effect of the Reynolds number on heat transfer is discussed. Finally, a developed correlation of Nusselt and Strouhal numbers is presented.Keywords: forced convection, semi-circular cylinder, Nusselt number, Prandtl number
Procedia PDF Downloads 1093666 Designing and Formulating Action Plan for Development of Corporate Citizenship in Producing Units in Iran
Authors: Freyedon Ahmadi
Corporate citizenship is considered as one of the most discussed topics in the developed countries, in which a citizen considers a Corporate just like a usual citizen with every civil right as respectful for corporate as for actual citizens, and in return citizens expect that corporate would pay a reciprocal respect to them. The current study’s purpose is to identify the impact of the current state of corporate citizenship along effective factors on its condition on industrial producing units, in order to find an accession plane for corporate citizenship development. In this study corporate citizenship is studied in four dimensions like legal corporate, economical corporate, ethical corporate and voluntary corporate. Moreover, effective factors’ impact on corporate citizenship is explored based on threefold dimensional model: behavioral, structural, and content factors, as well. In this study, 50 corporate of Food industry and of petrochemical industry, along with 200 selected individuals from directors’ board on Tehran province’s scale with stratified random sampling method, are chosen as actuarial sample. If based on functional goal and compilation methods, the present study is a description of correlation type; questionnaire is used for accumulation of initial Data. For Instrument Validity expert’s opinion is used and structural equations and its reliability is qualified by using Cronbach Alpha. The results of this study indicate that close to 70 percent of under survey corporate have not a good condition in corporate citizenship. And all of structural factors, behavioral factors, contextual factors, have a great deal of impression and impact on the advent corporate citizenship behavior in the producing Units. Among the behavioral factors, social responsibility; among structural factors, organic structure and human centered orientation, medium size, high organizational capacity; and among the contextual factors, the clientele’s positive viewpoints toward corporate had the utmost importance in impression on under survey Producing units.Keywords: corporate citizenship, structural factors, behavioral factors, contextual factors, producing units
Procedia PDF Downloads 2313665 Freight Time and Cost Optimization in Complex Logistics Networks, Using a Dimensional Reduction Method and K-Means Algorithm
Authors: Egemen Sert, Leila Hedayatifar, Rachel A. Rigg, Amir Akhavan, Olha Buchel, Dominic Elias Saadi, Aabir Abubaker Kar, Alfredo J. Morales, Yaneer Bar-Yam
The complexity of providing timely and cost-effective distribution of finished goods from industrial facilities to customers makes effective operational coordination difficult, yet effectiveness is crucial for maintaining customer service levels and sustaining a business. Logistics planning becomes increasingly complex with growing numbers of customers, varied geographical locations, the uncertainty of future orders, and sometimes extreme competitive pressure to reduce inventory costs. Linear optimization methods become cumbersome or intractable due to a large number of variables and nonlinear dependencies involved. Here we develop a complex systems approach to optimizing logistics networks based upon dimensional reduction methods and apply our approach to a case study of a manufacturing company. In order to characterize the complexity in customer behavior, we define a “customer space” in which individual customer behavior is described by only the two most relevant dimensions: the distance to production facilities over current transportation routes and the customer's demand frequency. These dimensions provide essential insight into the domain of effective strategies for customers; direct and indirect strategies. In the direct strategy, goods are sent to the customer directly from a production facility using box or bulk trucks. In the indirect strategy, in advance of an order by the customer, goods are shipped to an external warehouse near a customer using trains and then "last-mile" shipped by trucks when orders are placed. Each strategy applies to an area of the customer space with an indeterminate boundary between them. Specific company policies determine the location of the boundary generally. We then identify the optimal delivery strategy for each customer by constructing a detailed model of costs of transportation and temporary storage in a set of specified external warehouses. Customer spaces help give an aggregate view of customer behaviors and characteristics. They allow policymakers to compare customers and develop strategies based on the aggregate behavior of the system as a whole. In addition to optimization over existing facilities, using customer logistics and the k-means algorithm, we propose additional warehouse locations. We apply these methods to a medium-sized American manufacturing company with a particular logistics network, consisting of multiple production facilities, external warehouses, and customers along with three types of shipment methods (box truck, bulk truck and train). For the case study, our method forecasts 10.5% savings on yearly transportation costs and an additional 4.6% savings with three new warehouses.Keywords: logistics network optimization, direct and indirect strategies, K-means algorithm, dimensional reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1403664 A First Order Shear Deformation Theory Approach for the Buckling Behavior of Nanocomposite Beams
Authors: P. Pramod Kumar, Madhu Salumari, V. V. Subba Rao
Due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, carbon nanotube (CNTs) reinforced polymer composites are being considered as one of the most promising nanocomposites which can improve the performance when used in structural applications. The buckling behavior is one of the most important parameter needs to be considered in the design of structural members like beams and plates. In the present paper, the elastic constants of CNT reinforced polymer composites are evaluated by using Mori-Tanaka micromechanics approach. Knowing the elastic constants, an analytical study is being conducted to investigate the buckling behavior of nanocomposites for different CNT volume fractions at different boundary conditions using first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT). The effect of stacking sequence and CNT radius on the buckling of beam has also been presented. This study is being conducted primarily with an intension to find the stiffening effect of CNTs when used in polymer composites as reinforcement.Keywords: CNT, buckling, micromechanics, FSDT
Procedia PDF Downloads 2793663 An Improved Heat Transfer Prediction Model for Film Condensation inside a Tube with Interphacial Shear Effect
Authors: V. G. Rifert, V. V. Gorin, V. V. Sereda, V. V. Treputnev
The analysis of heat transfer design methods in condensing inside plain tubes under existing influence of shear stress is presented in this paper. The existing discrepancy in more than 30-50% between rating heat transfer coefficients and experimental data has been noted. The analysis of existing theoretical and semi-empirical methods of heat transfer prediction is given. The influence of a precise definition concerning boundaries of phase flow (it is especially important in condensing inside horizontal tubes), shear stress (friction coefficient) and heat flux on design of heat transfer is shown. The substantiation of boundary conditions of the values of parameters, influencing accuracy of rated relationships, is given. More correct relationships for heat transfer prediction, which showed good convergence with experiments made by different authors, are substantiated in this work.Keywords: film condensation, heat transfer, plain tube, shear stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 2453662 Evaluation of Surface Roughness Condition Using App Roadroid
Authors: Diego de Almeida Pereira
The roughness index of a road is considered the most important parameter about the quality of the pavement, as it has a close relation with the comfort and safety of the road users. Such condition can be established by means of functional evaluation of pavement surface deviations, measured by the International Roughness Index (IRI), an index that came out of the international evaluation of pavements, coordinated by the World Bank, and currently owns, as an index of limit measure, for purposes of receiving roads in Brazil, the value of 2.7 m/km. This work make use of the e.IRI parameter, obtained by the Roadroid app. for smartphones which use Android operating system. The choice of such application is due to the practicality for the user interaction, as it possesses a data storage on a cloud of its own, and the support given to universities all around the world. Data has been collected for six months, once in each month. The studies begun in March 2018, season of precipitations that worsen the conditions of the roads, besides the opportunity to accompany the damage and the quality of the interventions performed. About 350 kilometers of sections of four federal highways were analyzed, BR-020, BR-040, BR-060 and BR-070 that connect the Federal District (area where Brasilia is located) and surroundings, chosen for their economic and tourist importance, been two of them of federal and two others of private exploitation. As well as much of the road network, the analyzed stretches are coated of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). Thus, this present research performs a contrastive discussion between comfort conditions and safety of the roads under private exploitation in which users pay a fee to the concessionaires so they could travel on a road that meet the minimum requirements for usage, and regarding the quality of offered service on the roads under Federal Government jurisdiction. And finally, the contrast of data collected by National Department of Transport Infrastructure – DNIT, by means of a laser perfilometer, with data achieved by Roadroid, checking the applicability, the practicality and cost-effective, considering the app limitations.Keywords: roadroid, international roughness index, Brazilian roads, pavement
Procedia PDF Downloads 863661 Managing the Water Projects and Controlling Its Boundary Disturbances Which Affect the Water Supply
Authors: Sead A. Bakheet, Salah M. Elkoum, Asharaf A. Almaghribi
Disturbance defined as activity that malfunction, intrusion, or interruption. We have to look around for the source of the disturbance affecting the inputs and outputs of engineering projects, take the necessary actions to control them. In this paper we will present and discuss a production system consisting of three elements, inputs, the production process and outputs. The production process which we chose is the production of large diameter pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipes (out puts), in reality, the outputs are the starting points of the operation (laying the concrete pipes for transporting drinkable water). The main objective also to address the controlling methods of the natural resources and raw materials (basic inputs), study the disturbances affecting them as well as the output quality. The importance of making the right decision, which effect the final product quality will be summarized. Finally, we will address the proposals regarding the managing of secure water supply to the customers.Keywords: disturbances, management, inputs, outputs, decision
Procedia PDF Downloads 623660 Autopoietic Socio-technical Systems: A New Lens for Understanding Anticipation
Authors: Gregory Vigneaux
The capacity to anticipate future events across varying time scales is integral to the effective operation of both emergency management and emergency services organizations. This paper provides fresh insight into anticipation by first offering a novel conceptualization of organizations in both fields by twisting together socio-technical systems and autopoietic theory. The result of this intertwining of theory is a view of emergency management and emergency services organizations as self-reproducing systems driven by socio-technical processes contingent upon both inflows and outflows across a boundary produced by the system’s own activity. Flowing from this perspective is an approach to anticipation that extends from a system’s intent of continuing to reproduce its identity over a dynamic landscape. This discussion takes a pragmatic turn through Maturana and Verden-Zöller’s domains of structural change, classifying anticipated events and connecting them with types of responses involving inflows, outflows, and socio-technical processes.Keywords: risk, anticipation, organizations, planning, transformation, identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1203659 Compressive Stresses near Crack Tip Induced by Thermo-Electric Field
Authors: Thomas Jin-Chee Liu
In this paper, the thermo-electro-structural coupled-field in a cracked metal plate is studied using the finite element analysis. From the computational results, the compressive stresses reveal near the crack tip. This conclusion agrees with the past reference. Furthermore, the compressive condition can retard and stop the crack growth during the Joule heating process.Keywords: compressive stress, crack tip, Joule heating, finite element
Procedia PDF Downloads 4083658 High Impact Ecostratigraphic and Biostratigrapgic Study of Amama-1 and Bara-1 Wells in Parts of Anambra Basin
Authors: J. O. Njoku, G. C. Soronnadi-Ononiwu, E. J. Acrra, C. C. Agoha, T. C. Anyawu
The high impact ecostratigraphic and biostratigrapgic study of parts of Anambra basin was carried out using samples from two exploration wells (Amama-1 and Bara-1), Amama-1 (219M–1829M) and Bara-1 (317M-1594M). Palynological and paleontological analyses were carried out on 100 ditch-cutting samples. The faunal and floral succession were of terrestrial and marine origin as described and logged. The well penetrated four stratigraphic units in Anambra Basin (the Nkporo, Mamu, Ajali and Nsukka) the wells yielded well preserved formanifera and palynormorphs. The well yielded 53 species of foram and 69 species of palynomorphs, with 12 genera Bara-1 (25 Species of foram and 101 species of palynormorphs). Amama-1 permitted the recognition of 21 genera with 31 formainiferal assemblage zones, 32 pollen and 37 spores assemblage zones, and dinoflagellate cyst, biozonation, ranging from late Campanian – early Paleocene. Bara-1 yielded (60 pollen, 41 spore assemblage zone and 18 dinoflagellate cyst). The zones, in stratigraphically ascending order for the foraminifera and palynomorphs are as follows: Amama Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian –Maastrichtian (695 – 1829m) Biozone B-Morozovella velascoensis zone: Early Paleocene(165–695m) Bara-1 Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian(1512m) Biozone B-Bolivina afra, B. explicate zone: Maastrichtian (634–1204m) Biozone C - Indeterminate (305 – 634m) palynomorphs Amama-1 A. Ctenolophonidites costatus zone: Early Maastrichtian (1829m) B-Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (1274m) Constructipollenites ineffectus Zone: Early Paleocene(695m) Bara-1 Droseridites senonicus Zone: Late Campanian (994– 1600m) B. Ctenolophonidites costatus Zone: Early Maastrichtian (713–994m) C. Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (305 –713m) The paleo-environment of deposition were determined to range from non-marine to outer netritic. A detailed categorization of the palynormorphs into terrestrially derived palynormorphs and marine derived palynormorphs based on the distribution of three broad vegetational types; mangrove, fresh water swamps and hintherland communities were used to evaluate sea level fluctuations with respect to sediments deposited in the basins and linked with a particular depositional system tract. Amama-1 recorded 4 maximum flooding surface(MFS) at depth 165-1829, dated b/w 61ma-76ma and three sequence boundary(SB) at depth1048m - 1533m and 1581 dated b/w 634m - 1387m, dated 69.5ma - 82ma and four sequence boundary(SB) at 552m-876m, dated 68ma-77.5ma respectively. The application of ecostratigraphic description is characterised by the prominent expansion of the hinterland component consisting of the Mangrove to Lowland Rainforest and Afromontane – Savannah vegetation.Keywords: foraminifera, palynomorphs, Campanian, Maastritchian, ecostratigraphic, Anambra
Procedia PDF Downloads 283657 High Impact Ecostratigraphic and Biostratigrapgic Study of Amama-1 and Bara-1 Wells in Parts of Anambra Basin
Authors: J. O. Njoku, G. C. Soronnadi-ononiwu, E. J. Acrra, C. C. Agoha, T. C. Anyawu
The High Impact Ecostratigraphic And Biostratigrapgic Study of parts of Anambra basin was carried out using samples from two exploration wells (Amama-1 and Bara-1), Amama-1 (219M–1829M) and Bara-1 (317M-1594M). Palynological and Paleontological analyses were carried out on 100 ditch cutting samples. The faunal and floral succession were of terrestrial and marine origin as described and logged. The well penetrated four stratigraphic units in Anambra Basin (the Nkporo, Mamu, Ajali and Nsukka) the wells yielded well preserved formanifera and palynormorphs. The well yielded 53 species of foram and 69 species of palynomorphs, with 12 genera Bara-1 (25 Species of foram and 101 species of palynormorphs). Amama-1permitted the recognition of 21 genera with 31 formainiferal assemblage zones, 32 pollen and 37 spores assemblage zones, and dinoflagellate cyst, biozonation, ranging from late Campanian – early Paleocene. Bara-1 yielded (60 pollen, 41 spore assemblage zone and 18 dinoflagellate cyst).The zones, in stratigraphically ascending order for the foraminifera and palynomorphs are as follows. Amama Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian –Maastrichtian (695 – 1829m) Biozone B-Morozovella velascoensis zone: Early Paleocene(165–695m) Bara-1 Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian(1512m) Biozone B-Bolivina afra, B. explicate zone: Maastrichtian (634–1204m) Biozone C - Indeterminate (305 – 634m) palynomorphs Amama-1 A.Ctenolophonidites costatus zone:Early Maastrichtian (1829m) B-Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (1274m) Constructipollenites ineffectus Zone: Early Paleocene(695m) Bara-1 Droseridites senonicus Zone: Late Campanian (994– 1600m) B. Ctenolophonidites costatus Zone: Early Maastrichtian (713–994m) C. Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (305 –713m) The paleo – environment of deposition were determined to range from non-marine to outer netritic. A detailed categorization of the palynormorphs into terrestrially derived palynormorphs and marine derived palynormorphs based on the distribution of three broad vegetational types; mangrove, fresh water swamps and hintherland communities were used to evaluate sea level fluctuations with respect to sediments deposited in the basins and linked with a particular depositional system tract. Amama-1 recorded 4 maximum flooding surface(MFS) at depth 165-1829, dated b/w 61ma-76ma and three sequence boundary(SB) at depth1048m - 1533m and 1581 dated b/w 634m - 1387m, dated 69.5ma - 82ma and four sequence boundary(SB) at 552m-876m, dated 68ma-77.5ma respectively. The application of ecostratigraphic description is characterised by the prominent expansion of the hinterland component consisting of the Mangrove to Lowland Rainforest and Afromontane – Savannah vegetation.Keywords: formanifera, palynomorphs. Campanian, Maastritchian, Ecostratigraphic, Anambra
Procedia PDF Downloads 203656 Entropy Analysis of a Thermo-Acoustic Stack
Authors: Ahmadali Shirazytabar, Hamidreza Namazi
The inherent irreversibility of thermo-acoustics primarily in the stack region causes poor efficiency of thermo-acoustic engines which is the major weakness of these devices. In view of the above, this study examines entropy generation in the stack of a thermo-acoustic system. For this purpose two parallel plates representative of the stack is considered. A general equation for entropy generation is derived based on the Second Law of thermodynamics. Assumptions such as Rott’s linear thermo-acoustic approximation, boundary layer type flow, etc. are made to simplify the governing continuity, momentum and energy equations to achieve analytical solutions for velocity and temperature. The entropy generation equation is also simplified based on the same assumptions and then is converted to dimensionless form by using characteristic entropy generation. A time averaged entropy generation rate followed by a global entropy generation rate are calculated and graphically represented for further analysis and inspecting the effect of different parameters on the entropy generation.Keywords: thermo-acoustics, entropy, second law of thermodynamics, Rott’s linear thermo-acoustic approximation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4033655 Influence of Hydrophobic Surface on Flow Past Square Cylinder
Authors: S. Ajith Kumar, Vaisakh S. Rajan
In external flows, vortex shedding behind the bluff bodies causes to experience unsteady loads on a large number of engineering structures, resulting in structural failure. Vortex shedding can even turn out to be disastrous like the Tacoma Bridge failure incident. We need to have control over vortex shedding to get rid of this untoward condition by reducing the unsteady forces acting on the bluff body. In circular cylinders, hydrophobic surface in an otherwise no-slip surface is found to be delaying separation and minimizes the effects of vortex shedding drastically. Flow over square cylinder stands different from this behavior as separation can takes place from either of the two corner separation points (front or rear). An attempt is made in this study to numerically elucidate the effect of hydrophobic surface in flow over a square cylinder. A 2D numerical simulation has been done to understand the effects of the slip surface on the flow past square cylinder. The details of the numerical algorithm will be presented at the time of the conference. A non-dimensional parameter, Knudsen number is defined to quantify the slip on the cylinder surface based on Maxwell’s equation. The slip surface condition of the wall affects the vorticity distribution around the cylinder and the flow separation. In the numerical analysis, we observed that the hydrophobic surface enhances the shedding frequency and damps down the amplitude of oscillations of the square cylinder. We also found that the slip has a negative effect on aerodynamic force coefficients such as the coefficient of lift (CL), coefficient of drag (CD) etc. and hence replacing the no slip surface by a hydrophobic surface can be treated as an effective drag reduction strategy and the introduction of hydrophobic surface could be utilized for reducing the vortex induced vibrations (VIV) and is found as an effective method in controlling VIV thereby controlling the structural failures.Keywords: drag reduction, flow past square cylinder, flow control, hydrophobic surfaces, vortex shedding
Procedia PDF Downloads 3753654 Performance of Non-Deterministic Structural Optimization Algorithms Applied to a Steel Truss Structure
Authors: Ersilio Tushaj
The efficient solution that satisfies the optimal condition is an important issue in the structural engineering design problem. The new codes of structural design consist in design methodology that looks after the exploitation of the total resources of the construction material. In recent years some non-deterministic or meta-heuristic structural optimization algorithms have been developed widely in the research community. These methods search the optimum condition starting from the simulation of a natural phenomenon, such as survival of the fittest, the immune system, swarm intelligence or the cooling process of molten metal through annealing. Among these techniques the most known are: the genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, evolution strategies, particle swarm optimization, tabu search, ant colony optimization, harmony search and big bang crunch optimization. In this study, five of these algorithms are applied for the optimum weight design of a steel truss structure with variable geometry but fixed topology. The design process selects optimum distances and size sections from a set of commercial steel profiles. In the formulation of the design problem are considered deflection limitations, buckling and allowable stress constraints. The approach is repeated starting from different initial populations. The design problem topology is taken from an existing steel structure. The optimization process helps the engineer to achieve good final solutions, avoiding the repetitive evaluation of alternative designs in a time consuming process. The algorithms used for the application, the results of the optimal solutions, the number of iterations and the minimal weight designs, will be reported in the paper. Based on these results, it would be estimated, the amount of the steel that could be saved by applying structural analysis combined with non-deterministic optimization methods.Keywords: structural optimization, non-deterministic methods, truss structures, steel truss
Procedia PDF Downloads 2303653 A Conceptual Framework of Integrated Evaluation Methodology for Aquaculture Lakes
Authors: Robby Y. Tallar, Nikodemus L., Yuri S., Jian P. Suen
Research in the subject of ecological water resources management is full of trivial questions addressed and it seems, today to be one branch of science that can strongly contribute to the study of complexity (physical, biological, ecological, socio-economic, environmental, and other aspects). Existing literature available on different facets of these studies, much of it is technical and targeted for specific users. This study offered the combination all aspects in evaluation methodology for aquaculture lakes with its paradigm refer to hierarchical theory and to the effects of spatial specific arrangement of an object into a space or local area. Therefore, the process in developing a conceptual framework represents the more integrated and related applicable concept from the grounded theory. A design of integrated evaluation methodology for aquaculture lakes is presented. The method is based on the identification of a series of attributes which can be used to describe status of aquaculture lakes using certain indicators from aquaculture water quality index (AWQI), aesthetic aquaculture lake index (AALI) and rapid appraisal for fisheries index (RAPFISH). The preliminary preparation could be accomplished as follows: first, the characterization of study area was undertaken at different spatial scales. Second, an inventory data as a core resource such as city master plan, water quality reports from environmental agency, and related government regulations. Third, ground-checking survey should be completed to validate the on-site condition of study area. In order to design an integrated evaluation methodology for aquaculture lakes, finally we integrated and developed rating scores system which called Integrated Aquaculture Lake Index (IALI).The development of IALI are reflecting a compromise all aspects and it responds the needs of concise information about the current status of aquaculture lakes by the comprehensive approach. IALI was elaborated as a decision aid tool for stakeholders to evaluate the impact and contribution of anthropogenic activities on the aquaculture lake’s environment. The conclusion was while there is no denying the fact that the aquaculture lakes are under great threat from the pressure of the increasing human activities, one must realize that no evaluation methodology for aquaculture lakes can succeed by keeping the pristine condition. The IALI developed in this work can be used as an effective, low-cost evaluation methodology of aquaculture lakes for developing countries. Because IALI emphasizes the simplicity and understandability as it must communicate to decision makers and the experts. Moreover, stakeholders need to be helped to perceive their lakes so that sites can be accepted and valued by local people. For this site of lake development, accessibility and planning designation of the site is of decisive importance: the local people want to know whether the lake condition is safe or whether it can be used.Keywords: aesthetic value, AHP, aquaculture lakes, integrated lakes, RAPFISH
Procedia PDF Downloads 2393652 Field Study on Thermal Performance of a Green Office in Bangkok, Thailand: A Possibility of Increasing Temperature Set-Points
Authors: T. Sikram, M. Ichinose, R. Sasaki
In the tropics, indoor thermal environment is usually provided by a cooling mode to maintain comfort all year. Indoor thermal environment performance is sometimes different from the standard or from the first design process because of operation, maintenance, and utilization. The field study of thermal environment in the green building is still limited in this region, while the green building continues to increase. This study aims to clarify thermal performance and subjective perception in the green building by testing the temperature set-points. A Thai green office was investigated twice in October 2018 and in May 2019. Indoor environment variables (temperature, relative humidity, and wind velocity) were collected continuously. The temperature set-point was normally set as 23 °C, and it was changed into 24 °C and 25 °C. The study found that this gap of temperature set-point produced average room temperature from 22.7 to 24.6 °C and average relative humidity from 55% to 62%. Thermal environments slight shifted out of the ASHRAE comfort zone when the set-point was increased. Based on the thermal sensation vote, the feeling-colder vote decreased by 30% and 18% when changing +1 °C and +2 °C, respectively. Predicted mean vote (PMV) shows that most of the calculated median values were negative. The values went close to the optimal neutral value (0) when the set-point was set at 25 °C. The neutral temperature was slightly decreased when changing warmer temperature set-points. Building-related symptom reports were found in this study that the number of votes reduced continuously when the temperature was warmer. The symptoms that occurred by a cooler condition had the number of votes more than ones that occurred by a warmer condition. In sum, for this green office, there is a possibility to adjust a higher temperature set-point to +1 °C (24 °C) in terms of reducing cold sensitivity, discomfort, and symptoms. All results could support the policy of changing a warmer temperature of this office to become “a better green building”.Keywords: thermal environment, green office, temperature set-point, comfort
Procedia PDF Downloads 1203651 Adverse Curing Conditions and Performance of Concrete: Bangladesh Perspective
Authors: T. Manzur
Concrete is the predominant construction material in Bangladesh. In large projects, stringent quality control procedures are usually followed under the supervision of experienced engineers and skilled labors. However, in the case of small projects and particularly at distant locations from major cities, proper quality control is often an issue. It has been found from experience that such quality related issues mainly arise from inappropriate proportioning of concrete mixes and improper curing conditions. In most cases external curing method is followed which requires supply of adequate quantity of water along with proper protection against evaporation. Often these conditions are found missing in the general construction sites and eventually lead to production of weaker concrete both in terms of strength and durability. In this study, an attempt has been made to investigate the performance of general concreting works of the country when subjected to several adverse curing conditions that are quite common in various small to medium construction sites. A total of six different types of adverse curing conditions were simulated in the laboratory and samples were kept under those conditions for several days. A set of samples was also submerged in normal curing condition having proper supply of curing water. Performance of concrete was evaluated in terms of compressive strength, tensile strength, chloride permeability and drying shrinkage. About 37% and 25% reduction in 28-day compressive and tensile strength were observed respectively, for samples subjected to most adverse curing condition as compared to the samples under normal curing conditions. Normal curing concrete exhibited moderate permeability (close to low permeability) whereas concrete under adverse curing conditions showed very high permeability values. Similar results were also obtained for shrinkage tests. This study, thus, will assist concerned engineers and supervisors to understand the importance of quality assurance during the curing period of concrete.Keywords: adverse, concrete, curing, compressive strength, drying shrinkage, permeability, tensile strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 2023650 Review of Malaria Diagnosis Techniques
Authors: Lubabatu Sada Sodangu
Malaria is a major cause of death in tropical and subtropical nations. Malaria cases are continually rising as a result of a number of factors, despite the fact that the condition is now treatable using effective methods. In this situation, quick and effective diagnostic methods are essential for the management and control of malaria. Malaria diagnosis using conventional methods is still troublesome, hence new technologies have been created and implemented to get around the drawbacks. The review describes the currently known malaria diagnostic techniques, their strengths and shortcomings.Keywords: malaria, technique, diagnosis, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 553649 Review of Malaria Diagnosis Techniques
Authors: Lubabatu Sada Sodangi
Malaria is a major cause of death in tropical and subtropical nations. Malaria cases are continually rising as a result of a number of factors, despite the fact that the condition is now treatable using effective methods. In this situation, quick and effective diagnostic methods are essential for the management and control of malaria. Malaria diagnosis using conventional methods is still troublesome; hence, new technologies have been created and implemented to get around the drawbacks. The review describes the currently known malaria diagnostic techniques, their strengths, and shortcomings.Keywords: malaria, technique, diagnosis, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 603648 Distribution and Diversity of Pyrenocarpous Lichens in India with Special Reference to Forest Health
Authors: Gaurav Kumar Mishra, Sanjeeva Nayaka, Dalip Kumar Upreti
Our nature exhibited presence of a number of unique plants which can be used as indicator of environmental condition of particular place. Lichens are unique plant which has an ability to absorb not only organic, inorganic and metaloties but also absorb radioactive nuclide substances present in the environment. In the present study pyrenocarpous lichens will used as indicator of good forest health in a particular place. The Pyrenocarpous lichens are simple crust forming with black dot like perithecia have few characters for their taxonomical segregation as compared to their foliose and fruticose brethrean. The thallus colour and nature, presence and absence of hypothallus are only few characters of thallus are used to segregate the pyrenocarpous taxa. The fruiting bodies of pyrenolichens i.e. ascocarps are perithecia. The perithecia and the contents found within them posses many important criteria for the segregation of pyrenocarpous lichen taxa. The ascocarp morphology, ascocarp arrangement, the perithecial wall, ascocarp shape and colour, ostiole shape and position, ostiole colour, ascocarp anatomy including type of paraphyses, asci shape and size, ascospores septation, ascospores wall and periphyses are the valuable charcters used for segregation of different pyrenocarpous lichen taxa. India is represented by the occurrence of the 350 species of 44 genera and eleven families. Among the different genera Pyrenula is dominant with 82 species followed by the Porina with 70 species. Recently, systematic of the pyrenocarpous lichens have been revised by American and European lichenologists using phylogenetic methods. Still the taxonomy of pyrenocarpous lichens is in flux and information generated after the completion of this study will play vital role in settlement of the taxonomy of this peculiar group of lichens worldwide. The Indian Himalayan region exhibit rich diversity of pyrenocarpous lichens in India. The western Himalayan region has luxuriance of pyrenocarpous lichens due to its unique topography and climate condition. However, the eastern Himalayan region has rich diversity of pyrenocarpous lichens due to its warmer and moist climate condition. The rich moist and warmer climate in eastern Himalayan region supports forest with dominance of evergreen tree vegetation. The pyrenocarpous lichens communities are good indicator of young and regenerated forest type. The rich diversity of lichens clearly indicates that moist of the forest within the eastern Himalayan region has good health of forest. Due to fast pace of urbanization and other developmental activities will defiantly have adverse effects on the diversity and distribution of pyrenocarpous lichens in different forest type and the present distribution pattern will act as baseline data for carried out future biomonitoring studies in the area.Keywords: lichen diversity, indicator species, environmental factors, pyrenocarpous
Procedia PDF Downloads 1493647 Delay-Dependent Passivity Analysis for Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays
Authors: H. Y. Jung, Jing Wang, J. H. Park, Hao Shen
This brief addresses the passivity problem for neural networks with time-varying delays. The aim is focus on establishing the passivity condition of the considered neural networks.Keywords: neural networks, passivity analysis, time-varying delays, linear matrix inequality
Procedia PDF Downloads 5723646 Dynamic Analysis of Composite Doubly Curved Panels with Variable Thickness
Authors: I. Algul, G. Akgun, H. Kurtaran
Dynamic analysis of composite doubly curved panels with variable thickness subjected to different pulse types using Generalized Differential Quadrature method (GDQ) is presented in this study. Panels with variable thickness are used in the construction of aerospace and marine industry. Giving variable thickness to panels can allow the designer to get optimum structural efficiency. For this reason, estimating the response of variable thickness panels is very important to design more reliable structures under dynamic loads. Dynamic equations for composite panels with variable thickness are obtained using virtual work principle. Partial derivatives in the equation of motion are expressed with GDQ and Newmark average acceleration scheme is used for temporal discretization. Several examples are used to highlight the effectiveness of the proposed method. Results are compared with finite element method. Effects of taper ratios, boundary conditions and loading type on the response of composite panel are investigated.Keywords: differential quadrature method, doubly curved panels, laminated composite materials, small displacement
Procedia PDF Downloads 3603645 Application of a Model-Free Artificial Neural Networks Approach for Structural Health Monitoring of the Old Lidingö Bridge
Authors: Ana Neves, John Leander, Ignacio Gonzalez, Raid Karoumi
Systematic monitoring and inspection are needed to assess the present state of a structure and predict its future condition. If an irregularity is noticed, repair actions may take place and the adequate intervention will most probably reduce the future costs with maintenance, minimize downtime and increase safety by avoiding the failure of the structure as a whole or of one of its structural parts. For this to be possible decisions must be made at the right time, which implies using systems that can detect abnormalities in their early stage. In this sense, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is seen as an effective tool for improving the safety and reliability of infrastructures. This paper explores the decision-making problem in SHM regarding the maintenance of civil engineering structures. The aim is to assess the present condition of a bridge based exclusively on measurements using the suggested method in this paper, such that action is taken coherently with the information made available by the monitoring system. Artificial Neural Networks are trained and their ability to predict structural behavior is evaluated in the light of a case study where acceleration measurements are acquired from a bridge located in Stockholm, Sweden. This relatively old bridge is presently still in operation despite experiencing obvious problems already reported in previous inspections. The prediction errors provide a measure of the accuracy of the algorithm and are subjected to further investigation, which comprises concepts like clustering analysis and statistical hypothesis testing. These enable to interpret the obtained prediction errors, draw conclusions about the state of the structure and thus support decision making regarding its maintenance.Keywords: artificial neural networks, clustering analysis, model-free damage detection, statistical hypothesis testing, structural health monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 2103644 Framework Proposal on How to Use Game-Based Learning, Collaboration and Design Challenges to Teach Mechatronics
Authors: Michael Wendland
This paper presents a framework to teach a methodical design approach by the help of using a mixture of game-based learning, design challenges and competitions as forms of direct assessment. In today’s world, developing products is more complex than ever. Conflicting goals of product cost and quality with limited time as well as post-pandemic part shortages increase the difficulty. Common design approaches for mechatronic products mitigate some of these effects by helping the users with their methodical framework. Due to the inherent complexity of these products, the number of involved resources and the comprehensive design processes, students very rarely have enough time or motivation to experience a complete approach in one semester course. But, for students to be successful in the industrial world, it is crucial to know these methodical frameworks and to gain first-hand experience. Therefore, it is necessary to teach these design approaches in a real-world setting and keep the motivation high as well as learning to manage upcoming problems. This is achieved by using a game-based approach and a set of design challenges that are given to the students. In order to mimic industrial collaboration, they work in teams of up to six participants and are given the main development target to design a remote-controlled robot that can manipulate a specified object. By setting this clear goal without a given solution path, a constricted time-frame and limited maximal cost, the students are subjected to similar boundary conditions as in the real world. They must follow the methodical approach steps by specifying requirements, conceptualizing their ideas, drafting, designing, manufacturing and building a prototype using rapid prototyping. At the end of the course, the prototypes will be entered into a contest against the other teams. The complete design process is accompanied by theoretical input via lectures which is immediately transferred by the students to their own design problem in practical sessions. To increase motivation in these sessions, a playful learning approach has been chosen, i.e. designing the first concepts is supported by using lego construction kits. After each challenge, mandatory online quizzes help to deepen the acquired knowledge of the students and badges are awarded to those who complete a quiz, resulting in higher motivation and a level-up on a fictional leaderboard. The final contest is held in presence and involves all teams with their functional prototypes that now need to contest against each other. Prices for the best mechanical design, the most innovative approach and for the winner of the robotic contest are awarded. Each robot design gets evaluated with regards to the specified requirements and partial grades are derived from the results. This paper concludes with a critical review of the proposed framework, the game-based approach for the designed prototypes, the reality of the boundary conditions, the problems that occurred during the design and manufacturing process, the experiences and feedback of the students and the effectiveness of their collaboration as well as a discussion of the potential transfer to other educational areas.Keywords: design challenges, game-based learning, playful learning, methodical framework, mechatronics, student assessment, constructive alignment
Procedia PDF Downloads 673643 Humans, Social Robots, and Mutual Love: An Application of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Authors: Ruby Jean Hornsby
In our rapidly advancing techno-moral world, human-robot relationships are increasingly becoming a part of intimate human life. Indeed, social robots - that is, autonomous or semi-autonomous embodied artificial agents that generally possess human or animal-like qualities (such as responding to environmental stimuli, communicating, learning, performing human tasks, and making autonomous decisions) - have been designed to function as human friends. In light of such advances, immediate philosophical scrutiny is imperative in order to examine the extent to which human-robot interactions constitute genuine friendship and therefore contribute towards the good human life. Aristotle's conception of friendship is philosophically illuminating and sufficiently broad in scope to guide such analysis. On his account, it is necessary (though not sufficient) that for a friendship to exist between two agents - A and B - both agents must have a mutual love for one another. Aristotle claims that A loves B if: Condition 1: A desires those apparent good (qua pleasant, useful, or virtuous) properties attributable to B, and Condition 2: A has goodwill (wishes what is best) for B. This paper argues that human-robot interaction can (and does) successfully meet both conditions; as such, it demonstrates that robots and humans can reciprocally love one another. It will argue for this position by first justifying the claim that a human can desire apparent good features attributable to a robot (i.e., by taking them to be pleasant and/or useful) and outlining how it is that a human can wish a robot well in light of that robot's (quasi-) interests. Next, the paper will argue that a robot can (quasi-)desire certain properties that are attributable to a human before elucidating how it is possible for a robot to act in the interests of a human. Accordingly, this paper will conclude that it is already the case that humans can formulate relationships with robots that involve reciprocated love. This is significant because it suggests that social robots are candidates for human friendship and can therefore contribute toward flourishing human futures.Keywords: ancient philosophy, friendship, inter-disciplinary applied ethics, love, social robotics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1013642 Individual Differences and Paired Learning in Virtual Environments
Authors: Patricia M. Boechler, Heather M. Gautreau
In this research study, postsecondary students completed an information learning task in an avatar-based 3D virtual learning environment. Three factors were of interest in relation to learning; 1) the influence of collaborative vs. independent conditions, 2) the influence of the spatial arrangement of the virtual environment (linear, random and clustered), and 3) the relationship of individual differences such as spatial skill, general computer experience and video game experience to learning. Students completed pretest measures of prior computer experience and prior spatial skill. Following the premeasure administration, students were given instruction to move through the virtual environment and study all the material within 10 information stations. In the collaborative condition, students proceeded in randomly assigned pairs, while in the independent condition they proceeded alone. After this learning phase, all students individually completed a multiple choice test to determine information retention. The overall results indicated that students in pairs did not perform any better or worse than independent students. As far as individual differences, only spatial ability predicted the performance of students. General computer experience and video game experience did not. Taking a closer look at the pairs and spatial ability, comparisons were made on pairs high/matched spatial ability, pairs low/matched spatial ability and pairs that were mismatched on spatial ability. The results showed that both high/matched pairs and mismatched pairs outperformed low/matched pairs. That is, if a pair had even one individual with strong spatial ability they would perform better than pairs with only low spatial ability individuals. This suggests that, in virtual environments, the specific individuals that are paired together are important for performance outcomes. The paper also includes a discussion of trends within the data that have implications for virtual environment education.Keywords: avatar-based, virtual environment, paired learning, individual differences
Procedia PDF Downloads 1173641 A General Assessment of Varagavank Monastery in Van City
Authors: Muhammet Kurucu, Sahabettin Ozturk, Soner Guler
Varagavank monastery is one of the most important symbols of Van city. In time, because of it hosted sacred memories, Varagavank monastery has become a great place with additional churches and chapels. A large part of contemporary spaces in the main building of the Varagavank monastery are now under ground. In addition to this, many parts of this structure have been destroyed by humanity and natural disasters. In this study, present condition of the Varagavank monastery are observed and debated in detail.Keywords: Van city, seven churches, chapel, natural disasters
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