Search results for: nonlinear technique
6384 The Role of Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, and Styles of Transformational Leadership towards Employee Performance
Authors: Ahmad Badawi Saluy, Novawiguna Kemalasari
This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of organizational culture, organizational commitment, and transformational leadership style on employee performance. This study used descriptive survey method with quantitative approach, and questionnaires as a tool used for basic data collection. The sampling technique used is proportionate stratified random sampling technique; all respondents in this study were 70 respondents. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear regressions. The result of determination coefficient of 52.3% indicates that organizational culture, organizational commitment, and transformational leadership style simultaneously have a significant influence on the performance of employees, while the remaining 47.7% is explained by other factors outside the research variables. Partially, organization culture has strong and positive influence on employee performance, organizational commitment has a moderate and positive effect on employee performance, while the transformational leadership style has a strong and positive influence on employee performance and this is also the variable that has the most impact on employee performance.Keywords: organizational culture, organizational commitment, transformational leadership style, employee performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2276383 The Convection Heater Numerical Simulation
Authors: Cristian Patrascioiu, Loredana Negoita
This paper is focused on modeling and simulation of the tubular heaters. The paper is structured in four parts: the structure of the tubular convection section, the heat transfer model, the adaptation of the mathematical model and the solving model. The main hypothesis of the heat transfer modeling is that the heat exchanger of the convective tubular heater is a lumped system. In the same time, the model uses the heat balance relations, Newton’s law and criteria relations. The numerical program achieved allows for the estimation of the burn gases outlet temperature and the heated flow outlet temperature.Keywords: heat exchanger, mathematical modelling, nonlinear equation system, Newton-Raphson algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 2926382 Beyond Classic Program Evaluation and Review Technique: A Generalized Model for Subjective Distributions with Flexible Variance
Authors: Byung Cheol Kim
The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is widely used for project management, but it struggles with subjective distributions, particularly due to its assumptions of constant variance and light tails. To overcome these limitations, we propose the Generalized PERT (G-PERT) model, which enhances PERT by incorporating variability in three-point subjective estimates. Our methodology extends the original PERT model to cover the full range of unimodal beta distributions, enabling the model to handle thick-tailed distributions and offering formulas for computing mean and variance. This maintains the simplicity of PERT while providing a more accurate depiction of uncertainty. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that the G-PERT model significantly improves performance, particularly when dealing with heavy-tail subjective distributions. In comparative assessments with alternative models such as triangular and lognormal distributions, G-PERT shows superior accuracy and flexibility. These results suggest that G-PERT offers a more robust solution for project estimation while still retaining the user-friendliness of the classic PERT approach.Keywords: PERT, subjective distribution, project management, flexible variance
Procedia PDF Downloads 216381 Main Cause of Children's Deaths in Indigenous Wayuu Community from Department of La Guajira: A Research Developed through Data Mining Use
Authors: Isaura Esther Solano Núñez, David Suarez
The main purpose of this research is to discover what causes death in children of the Wayuu community, and deeply analyze those results in order to take corrective measures to properly control infant mortality. We consider important to determine the reasons that are producing early death in this specific type of population, since they are the most vulnerable to high risk environmental conditions. In this way, the government, through competent authorities, may develop prevention policies and the right measures to avoid an increase of this tragic fact. The methodology used to develop this investigation is data mining, which consists in gaining and examining large amounts of data to produce new and valuable information. Through this technique it has been possible to determine that the child population is dying mostly from malnutrition. In short, this technique has been very useful to develop this study; it has allowed us to transform large amounts of information into a conclusive and important statement, which has made it easier to take appropriate steps to resolve a particular situation.Keywords: malnutrition, data mining, analytical, descriptive, population, Wayuu, indigenous
Procedia PDF Downloads 1606380 Numerical Analysis of a Strainer Using Porous Media Technique
Authors: Ji-Hoon Byeon, Kwon-Hee Lee
Strainer filter serves to block the inflow of impurities while mixed fluid is entering or exiting the piping. The filter of the strainer has a perforated structure, so that the pressure drop and the velocity change necessarily occur when the mixed fluid passes through the filter. It is possible to predict the pressure drop and velocity change of the strainer by numerical analysis by implementing all the perforated plates. However, if the size of the perforated plate exceeds a certain size, it is difficult to perform the numerical analysis, and sometimes we cannot guarantee its accuracy. In this study, we tried to predict the pressure drop and velocity change by using the porous media technique to obtain the equivalent resistance without actual implementation of the perforation shape of the strainer. Ansys-CFX, a commercial software, is used to perform the numerical analysis. The analysis procedure is as follows. Firstly, the unit pattern of the perforated plate is modeled, and the pressure drop is analyzed by varying the velocity by symmetry of the wall surface. Secondly, since the equation for obtaining resistance is a quadratic equation of pressure having unknown velocity, the viscous resistance and the inertia resistance of the perforated plate are obtained from the relationship between pressure and speed. Thirdly, by using the calculated resistance values, the values are substituted into the flat plate implemented as a two-dimensional porous media, and the accuracy is verified by comparing the pressure drop and the velocity change. Fourthly, the pressure drop and velocity change in the whole strainer are analyzed by using the resistance values obtained on the perforated plate in the actual whole strainer model. Using the porous media technique, it is found that pressure drop and velocity change can be predicted in relatively short time without modeling the overall shape of the filter. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Valve Center from the Regional Innovation Center(RIC) Program of Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE).Keywords: strainer, porous media, CFD, numerical analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3746379 Development of Hydrophobic Coatings on Aluminum Alloy 7075
Authors: Nauman A. Siddiqui
High performance requirement of aircrafts and marines industry demands to cater major industrial problems like wetting, high-speed efficiency, and corrosion resistance. These problems can be resolved by producing the hydrophobic surfaces on the metal substrate. By anodization process, the surface of AA 7075 has been modified and achieved a rough surface with a porous aluminum oxide (Al2O3) structure at nano-level. This surface modification process reduces the surface contact energy and increases the liquid contact angle which ultimately enhances the anti-icing properties. Later the Silane and Polyurethane (PU) coatings on the anodized surface have produced a contact angle of 130°. The results showed a good water repellency and self-cleaning properties. Using SEM analysis, micrographs revealed the round nano-porous oxide structure on the substrate. Therefore this technique can help in increasing the speed efficiency by reducing the friction with the outer interaction and can also be declared as a green technique since it is user-friendly.Keywords: AA 7075, hydrophobicity, silanes, polyurethane, anodization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2776378 The Solution of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation for The Phenomenon of Instability in Homogeneous Porous Media by Homotopy Analysis Method
Authors: Kajal K. Patel, M. N. Mehta, T. R. Singh
When water is injected in oil formatted area in secondary oil recovery process the instability occurs near common interface due to viscosity difference of injected water and native oil. The governing equation gives rise to the non-linear partial differential equation and its solution has been obtained by Homotopy analysis method with appropriate guess value of the solution together with some conditions and standard relations. The solution gives the average cross-sectional area occupied by the schematic fingers during the occurs of instability phenomenon. The numerical and graphical presentation has developed by using Maple software.Keywords: capillary pressure, homotopy analysis method, instability phenomenon, viscosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4966377 Optimal Configuration for Polarimetric Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors
Authors: Ibrahim Watad, Ibrahim Abdulhalim
Conventional spectroscopic surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors are widely used, both in fundamental research and environmental monitoring as well as healthcare diagnostics. However, they still lack the low limit of detection (LOD) and there still a place for improvement. SPR conventional sensors are based on the detection of a dip in the reflectivity spectrum which is relatively wide. To improve the performance of these sensors, many techniques and methods proposed either to reduce the width of the dip or to increase the sensitivity. Together with that, profiting from the sharp jump in the phase spectrum under SPR, several works suggested the extraction of the phase of the reflected wave. However, existing phase measurement setups are in general more complicated compared to the conventional setups, require more stability and are very sensitive to external vibrations and noises. In this study, a simple polarimetric technique for phase extraction under SPR is presented, followed by a theoretical error analysis and an experimental verification. The advantages of the proposed technique upon existing techniques will be elaborated, together with conclusions regarding the best polarimetric function, and its corresponding optimal metal layer range of thicknesses to use under the conventional Kretschmann-Raether configuration.Keywords: plasmonics, polarimetry, thin films, optical sensors
Procedia PDF Downloads 4046376 Revisiting the Donning and Doffing Procedure: Ensuring a Coordinated Practice
Authors: Deanna Ruano-Meas, Laura Shenkman
Variances are seen in the way healthcare personnel (HCP) don and doff PPE risking contamination to self and others. By standardizing practice, variances in technique decrease, and so does the risk of contamination. To implement this change, the Model for Improvement will be used. A system change will be developed that will outline the role of the organizational leader’s support of HCP in the proper donning and doffing of PPE. Interventions will include environmental surveys to assess the safety and work situation ensuring a permissible environment, plan audits to confirm consistency, and the assessment of PPE wear for standardization. The change will also include an educational plan that will involve instruction of the current guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to all pertinent HCP, and the incorporation of PPE education in yearly educational training. The goal is a standardized practice and a reduced risk of contamination through education and organizational support. Personal protective equipment has had recent attention with the coming of the SARS-CoV-2. The realization that proper technique is important to decreasing contamination of pathogens has led to the revising of current processes.Keywords: donning and doffing, HAI, infection control, PPE
Procedia PDF Downloads 2056375 Value Engineering and Its Impact on Drainage Design Optimization for Penang International Airport Expansion
Authors: R.M. Asyraf, A. Norazah, S.M. Khairuddin, B. Noraziah
Designing a system at present requires a vital, challenging task; to ensure the design philosophy is maintained in economical ways. This paper perceived the value engineering (VE) approach applied in infrastructure works, namely stormwater drainage. This method is adopted in line as consultants have completed the detailed design. Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) diagram and VE job plan, information, function analysis, creative judgement, development, and recommendation phase are used to scrutinize the initial design of stormwater drainage. An estimated cost reduction using the VE approach of 2% over the initial proposal was obtained. This cost reduction is obtained from the design optimization of the drainage foundation and structural system, where the pile design and drainage base structure are optimized. Likewise, the design of the on-site detention tank (OSD) pump was revised and contribute to the cost reduction obtained. This case study shows that the VE approach can be an important tool in optimizing the design to reduce costs.Keywords: value engineering, function analysis system technique, stormwater drainage, cost reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1476374 Synthesis and Characterization of CaZrTi2O7 from Tartrate Precursor Employing Microwave Heating Technique
Authors: B. M. Patil, S. R. Dharwadkar
Zirconolite (CaZrTi2O7) is one of the three major phases in the synthetic ceramic 'SYNROC' which is used for immobilization of high-level nuclear waste and also acts as photocatalytic and photophysical properties. In the present work the nanocrystalline CaZrTi2O7 was synthesized from Calcium Zirconyl Titanate tartrate precursor (CZTT) employing two different heating techniques such as Conventional heating (Muffle furnace) and Microwave heating (Microwave Oven). Thermal decomposition of the CZTT precursors in air yielded nanocrystalline CaZrTi2O7 powder as the end product. The products obtained by annealing the CZTT precursor using both heating method were characterized using simultaneous TG-DTA, FTIR, XRD, SEM, TEM, NTA and thermodilatometric study. The physical characteristics such as crystallinity, morphology and particle size of the product obtained by heating the CZTT precursor at the different temperatures in a Muffle furnace and Microwave oven were found to be significantly different. The microwave heating technique considerably lowered the synthesis temperature of CaZrTi2O7. The influence of microwave heating was more pronounced as compared to Muffle furnace heating. The details of the synthesis of CaZrTi2O7 from CZTT precursor are discussed.Keywords: CZTT, CaZrTi2O7, microwave, SYNROC, zirconolite
Procedia PDF Downloads 1656373 Improved Qualitative Modeling of the Magnetization Curve B(H) of the Ferromagnetic Materials for a Transformer Used in the Power Supply for Magnetron
Authors: M. Bassoui, M. Ferfra, M. Chrayagne
This paper presents a qualitative modeling for the nonlinear B-H curve of the saturable magnetic materials for a transformer with shunts used in the power supply for the magnetron. This power supply is composed of a single phase leakage flux transformer supplying a cell composed of a capacitor and a diode, which double the voltage and stabilize the current, and a single magnetron at the output of the cell. A procedure consisting of a fuzzy clustering method and a rule processing algorithm is then employed for processing the constructed fuzzy modeling rules to extract the qualitative properties of the curve.Keywords: B(H) curve, fuzzy clustering, magnetron, power supply
Procedia PDF Downloads 2416372 Parametric Optimization of Wire Electric Discharge Machining (WEDM) for Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites
Authors: G. Rajyalakhmi, C. Karthik, Gerson Desouza, Rimmie Duraisamy
In this present work, metal matrix composites with combination of aluminium with (Sic/Al2O3) were fabricated using stir casting technique. The objective of the present work is to optimize the process parameters of Wire Electric Discharge Machining (WEDM) composites. Pulse ON Time, Pulse OFF Time, wire feed and sensitivity are considered as input process parameters with responses Material Removal Rate (MRR), Surface Roughness (SR) for optimization of WEDM process. Taguchi L18 Orthogonal Array (OA) is used for experimentation. Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) is coupled with Taguchi technique for multiple process parameters optimization. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is used for finding the impact of process parameters individually. Finally confirmation experiments were carried out to validate the predicted results.Keywords: parametric optimization, particulate reinforced metal matrix composites, Taguchi-grey relational analysis, WEDM
Procedia PDF Downloads 5826371 An Easy-Applicable Method for In situ Silver Nanoparticles Preparation into Wool Fibers
Authors: Salwa Mowafi, Mohamed Rehan, Hany Kafafy
In this study, three different systems including room temperature, conventional water bath heating and microwave irradiation technique will be employed in the fabrication of silver nanoparticle-wool fibers. The silver nanoparticles will be synthesized in-situ incorporated into wool fibers under redox active bio-template of wool protein which facilitates the reduction of Ag+ to nanoparticulate Ag0. Silver NPs incorporated wool fiber will be characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray, FTIR, TGA, silver content and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The mechanism of binding Ag NPs in-situ incorporated wool fibers matrix will be discussed. The effect of silver nanoparticles on the coloration, antimicrobial, UV-protection and catalytic properties of the wool fibers will be evaluated. The overall results of this study indicate that the Ag NPs in-situ incorporated wool fibers will be applied as colorants for wool fibers with improving in its multi-functionality properties. So, this study provides a simple approach for innovative protein fibers design by applying the optical properties of Plasmonic noble metal nanoparticles.Keywords: microwave irradiation technique, multi-functionality properties, silver nanoparticles, wool fibers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2076370 Magnetic Field Generation in Inhomogeneous Plasma via Ponderomotive Force
Authors: Fatemeh Shahi, Mehdi Sharifian, Laia Shahrassai, Elham Eskandari A.
A new mechanism is reported here for magnetic field generation in laser-plasma interaction by means of nonlinear ponderomotive force. The plasma considered here is unmagnetized inhomogeneous plasma with an exponentially decreasing profile. A damped periodic magnetic field with a relatively lower frequency is obtained using the ponderomotive force exerted on plasma electrons. Finally, with an electric field and by using Faraday’s law, the magnetic field profile in the plasma has been obtained. Because of the negative exponential density profile, the generated magnetic field is relatively slowly oscillating and damped through the plasma.Keywords: magnetic field generation, laser-plasma interaction, ponderomotive force, inhomogeneous plasma
Procedia PDF Downloads 2946369 All-Optical Function Based on Self-Similar Spectral Broadening for 2R Regeneration in High-Bit-Rate Optical Transmission Systems
Authors: Leila Graini
In this paper, we demonstrate basic all-optical functions for 2R regeneration (Re-amplification and Re-shaping) based on self-similar spectral broadening in low normal dispersion and highly nonlinear fiber (ND-HNLF) to regenerate the signal through optical filtering including the transfer function characteristics, and output extinction ratio. Our approach of all-optical 2R regeneration is based on those of Mamyshev. The numerical study reveals the self-similar spectral broadening very effective for 2R all-optical regeneration; the proposed design presents high stability compared to a conventional regenerator using SPM broadening with reduction of the intensity fluctuations and improvement of the extinction ratio.Keywords: all-optical function, 2R optical regeneration, self-similar broadening, Mamyshev regenerator
Procedia PDF Downloads 1866368 Effect of the Initial Billet Shape Parameters on the Final Product in a Backward Extrusion Process for Pressure Vessels
Authors: Archana Thangavelu, Han-Ik Park, Young-Chul Park, Joon-Hong Park
In this numerical study, we have proposed a method for evaluation of backward extrusion process of pressure vessel made up of steel. Demand for lighter and stiffer products have been increasing in the last years especially in automobile engineering. Through detailed finite element analysis, effective stress, strain and velocity profile have been obtained with optimal range. The process design of a forward and backward extrusion axe-symmetric part has been studied. Forging is mainly carried out because forged products are highly reliable and possess superior mechanical properties when compared to normal products. Performing computational simulations of 3D hot forging with various dimensions of billet and optimization of weight is carried out using Taguchi Orthogonal Array (OA) Optimization technique. The technique used in this study can be used for newly developed materials to investigate its forgeability for much complicated shapes in closed hot die forging process.Keywords: backward extrusion, hot forging, optimization, finite element analysis, Taguchi method
Procedia PDF Downloads 3096367 Evaluation of MPPT Algorithms for Photovoltaic Generator by Comparing Incremental Conductance Method, Perturbation and Observation Method and the Method Using Fuzzy Logic
Authors: Elmahdi Elgharbaoui, Tamou Nasser, Ahmed Essadki
In the era of sustainable development, photovoltaic (PV) technology has shown significant potential as a renewable energy source. Photovoltaic generators (GPV) have a non-linear current-voltage characteristic, with a maximum power point (MPP) characterized by an optimal voltage, and depends on environmental factors such as temperature and irradiation. To extract each time the maximum power available at the terminals of the GPV and transfer it to the load, an adaptation stage is used, consisting of a boost chopper controlled by a maximum power point tracking technique (MPPT) through a stage of pulse width modulation (PWM). Our choice has focused on three techniques which are: the perturbation and observation method (P&O), the incremental conductance method (InCond) and the last is that of control using the fuzzy logic. The implementation and simulation of the system (photovoltaic generator, chopper boost, PWM and MPPT techniques) are then performed in the Matlab/Simulink environment.Keywords: photovoltaic generator, technique MPPT, boost chopper, PWM, fuzzy logic, P&O, InCond
Procedia PDF Downloads 3246366 A Multi Sensor Monochrome Video Fusion Using Image Quality Assessment
Authors: M. Prema Kumar, P. Rajesh Kumar
The increasing interest in image fusion (combining images of two or more modalities such as infrared and visible light radiation) has led to a need for accurate and reliable image assessment methods. This paper gives a novel approach of merging the information content from several videos taken from the same scene in order to rack up a combined video that contains the finest information coming from different source videos. This process is known as video fusion which helps in providing superior quality (The term quality, connote measurement on the particular application.) image than the source images. In this technique different sensors (whose redundant information can be reduced) are used for various cameras that are imperative for capturing the required images and also help in reducing. In this paper Image fusion technique based on multi-resolution singular value decomposition (MSVD) has been used. The image fusion by MSVD is almost similar to that of wavelets. The idea behind MSVD is to replace the FIR filters in wavelet transform with singular value decomposition (SVD). It is computationally very simple and is well suited for real time applications like in remote sensing and in astronomy.Keywords: multi sensor image fusion, MSVD, image processing, monochrome video
Procedia PDF Downloads 5736365 CRISPR Technology: A Tool in the Potential Cure for COVID-19 Virus
Authors: Chijindu Okpalaoka, Charles Chinedu Onuselogu
COVID-19, humanity's coronavirus disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, was first detected in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. COVID-19 lacked an established conventional pharmaceutical therapy, and as a result, the outbreak quickly became an epidemic affecting the entire World. Only a qPCR assay is reliable for diagnosing COVID-19. Clustered, regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) technology is being researched for speedy and specific identification of COVID-19, among other therapeutic techniques. Apart from its therapeutic capabilities, the CRISPR technique is being evaluated to develop antiviral therapies; nevertheless, no CRISPR-based medication has been approved for human use to date. Prophylactic antiviral CRISPR in living being cells, a Cas 13-based approach against coronavirus, has been developed. While this method can be evolved into a treatment approach, it may face substantial obstacles in human clinical trials for licensure. This study discussed the potential applications of CRISPR-based techniques for developing a speedy and accurate feasible treatment alternative for the COVID-19 virus.Keywords: COVID-19, CRISPR technique, Cas13, SARS-CoV-2, prophylactic antiviral
Procedia PDF Downloads 1346364 Finite Difference Method of the Seismic Analysis of Earth Dam
Authors: Alaoua Bouaicha, Fahim Kahlouche, Abdelhamid Benouali
Many embankment dams have suffered failures during earthquakes due to the increase of pore water pressure under seismic loading. After analyzing of the behavior of embankment dams under severe earthquakes, major advances have been attained in the understanding of the seismic action on dams. The present study concerns numerical analysis of the seismic response of earth dams. The procedure uses a nonlinear stress-strain relation incorporated into the code FLAC2D based on the finite difference method. This analysis provides the variation of the pore water pressure and horizontal displacement.Keywords: Earthquake, Numerical Analysis, FLAC2D, Displacement, Embankment Dam, Pore Water Pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 3806363 Robust H∞ State Feedback Control for Discrete Time T-S Fuzzy Systems Based on Fuzzy Lyapunov Function Approach
Authors: Walied Hanora
This paper presents the problem of robust state feedback H∞ for discrete time nonlinear system represented by Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. Based on fuzzy lyapunov function, the condition ,which is represented in the form of Liner Matrix Inequalities (LMI), guarantees the H∞ performance of the T-S fuzzy system with uncertainties. By comparison with recent literature, this approach will be more relaxed condition. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the proposed result.Keywords: fuzzy lyapunov function, H∞ control , linear matrix inequalities, state feedback, T-S fuzzy systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 2906362 H-Infinity Controller Design for the Switched Reluctance Machine
Authors: Siwar Fadhel, Imen Bahri, Man Zhang
The switched reluctance machine (SRM) has undeniable qualities in terms of low cost and mechanical robustness. However, its highly nonlinear character and its uncertain parameters justify the development of complicated controls. In this paper, authors present the design of a robust H-infinity current controller for an 8/6 SRM with taking into account the nonlinearity of the SRM and with rejection of disturbances. The electromagnetic torque is indirectly regulated through the current controller. To show the performances of this control, a robustness analysis is performed by comparing the H-infinity and PI controller simulation results. This comparison demonstrates better performances for the presented controller. The effectiveness and robustness of the presented controller are also demonstrated by experimental tests.Keywords: current regulation, experimentation, robust H-infinity control, switched reluctance machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 3116361 Shock and Particle Velocity Determination from Microwave Interrogation
Authors: Benoit Rougier, Alexandre Lefrancois, Herve Aubert
Microwave interrogation in the range 10-100 GHz is identified as an advanced technique to investigate simultaneously shock and particle velocity measurements. However, it requires the understanding of electromagnetic wave propagation in a multi-layered moving media. The existing models limit their approach to wave guides or evaluate the velocities with a fitting method, restricting therefore the domain of validity and the precision of the results. Moreover, few data of permittivity on high explosives at these frequencies under dynamic compression have been reported. In this paper, shock and particle velocities are computed concurrently for steady and unsteady shocks for various inert and reactive materials, via a propagation model based on Doppler shifts and signal amplitude. Refractive index of the material under compression is also calculated. From experimental data processing, it is demonstrated that Hugoniot curve can be evaluated. The comparison with published results proves the accuracy of the proposed method. This microwave interrogation technique seems promising for shock and detonation waves studies.Keywords: electromagnetic propagation, experimental setup, Hugoniot measurement, shock propagation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2136360 Digital Signal Processor Implementation of a Novel Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Algorithm Algorithm for a Reduced Delta Inverter
Authors: Asma Ben Rhouma, Mahmoud Hamouda
The delta inverter is considered as the reduced three-phase dc/ac converter topology. It contains only three two-quadrant power switches compared to six in the conventional one. This reduced power conversion topology is widely considered in many industrial applications, such as electric traction and large photovoltaic systems. This paper is focused on a new sinusoidal pulse width modulation algorithm (SPWM) developed for the delta inverter. As an unconventional inverter’s structure, irregular modulating functions waveforms of the SPWM switching technique are generated. The performances of the proposed SPWM technique was proven through computer simulations carried out on a delta inverter feeding a three-phase RL load. Digital Signal Processor (DSP) implementation of the novel SPWM algorithm have been realized on a laboratory prototype of the delta inverter feeding an RL load and a squirrel cage induction motor. Experimental results have highlighted its high performances under the proposed SPWM method.Keywords: delta inverter, SPWM, simulation, DSP implementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1646359 Linear MIMO Model Identification Using an Extended Kalman Filter
Authors: Matthew C. Best
Linear Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) dynamic models can be identified, with no a priori knowledge of model structure or order, using a new Generalised Identifying Filter (GIF). Based on an Extended Kalman Filter, the new filter identifies the model iteratively, in a continuous modal canonical form, using only input and output time histories. The filter’s self-propagating state error covariance matrix allows easy determination of convergence and conditioning, and by progressively increasing model order, the best fitting reduced-order model can be identified. The method is shown to be resistant to noise and can easily be extended to identification of smoothly nonlinear systems.Keywords: system identification, Kalman filter, linear model, MIMO, model order reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 5956358 Principal Component Regression in Amylose Content on the Malaysian Market Rice Grains Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
Authors: Syahira Ibrahim, Herlina Abdul Rahim
The amylose content is an essential element in determining the texture and taste of rice grains. This paper evaluates the use of VIS-SWNIRS in estimating the amylose content for seven varieties of rice grains available in the Malaysian market. Each type consists of 30 samples and all the samples are scanned using the spectroscopy to obtain a range of values between 680-1000nm. The Savitzky-Golay (SG) smoothing filter is applied to each sample’s data before the Principal Component Regression (PCR) technique is used to examine the data and produce a single value for each sample. This value is then compared with reference values obtained from the standard iodine colorimetric test in terms of its coefficient of determination, R2. Results show that this technique produced low R2 values of less than 0.50. In order to improve the result, the range should include a wavelength range of 1100-2500nm and the number of samples processed should also be increased.Keywords: amylose content, diffuse reflectance, Malaysia rice grain, principal component regression (PCR), Visible and Shortwave near-infrared spectroscopy (VIS-SWNIRS)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3826357 Investigating Data Normalization Techniques in Swarm Intelligence Forecasting for Energy Commodity Spot Price
Authors: Yuhanis Yusof, Zuriani Mustaffa, Siti Sakira Kamaruddin
Data mining is a fundamental technique in identifying patterns from large data sets. The extracted facts and patterns contribute in various domains such as marketing, forecasting, and medical. Prior to that, data are consolidated so that the resulting mining process may be more efficient. This study investigates the effect of different data normalization techniques, which are Min-max, Z-score, and decimal scaling, on Swarm-based forecasting models. Recent swarm intelligence algorithms employed includes the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC). Forecasting models are later developed to predict the daily spot price of crude oil and gasoline. Results showed that GWO works better with Z-score normalization technique while ABC produces better accuracy with the Min-Max. Nevertheless, the GWO is more superior that ABC as its model generates the highest accuracy for both crude oil and gasoline price. Such a result indicates that GWO is a promising competitor in the family of swarm intelligence algorithms.Keywords: artificial bee colony, data normalization, forecasting, Grey Wolf optimizer
Procedia PDF Downloads 4786356 Surface-Quenching Induced Cell Opening Technique in Extrusion of Thermoplastic Foamed Sheets
Authors: Abhishek Gandhi, Naresh Bhatnagar
In this article, a new technique has been developed to manufacture open cell extruded thermoplastic foamed sheets with the aid of extrudate surface-quenching phenomenon. As the extrudate foam exits the die, its surface is rapidly quenched which results in freezing of cells on the surface, while the cells at the core continue to grow and leads to development of open-cellular microstructure at the core. Influence of chill roll temperature was found to be extremely significant in developing porous morphological attributes. Subsequently, synergistic effect of blowing agent content and chill roll temperature was examined for their expansion ratio and open-cell microstructure. Further, chill roll rotating speed was found extremely significant in obtaining open-cellular foam structures. This study intends to enhance the understanding of researchers working in the area of open-cell foam processing.Keywords: foams, porous materials, morphology, composite, microscopy, open-cell foams
Procedia PDF Downloads 4486355 Analytical Soliton Solutions of the Fractional Jaulent-Miodek System
Authors: Sajeda Elbashabsheh, Kamel Al-Khaled
This paper applies a modified Laplace Adomian decomposition method to solve the time-fractional JaulentMiodek system. The method produce convergent series solutions with easily compatible components. This paper considers the Caputo fractional derivative. The effectiveness and applicability of the method are demonstrated by comparing its results with those of prior studies. Results are presented in tables and figures. These solutions might be imperative and significant for the explanation of some practical physical phenomena. All computations and figures in the work are done using MATHEMATICA. The numerical results demonstrate that the current methods are effective, reliable, and simple to i implement for nonlinear fractional partial differential equations.Keywords: approximate solutions, Jaulent-Miodek system, Adomian decomposition method, solitons
Procedia PDF Downloads 47