Search results for: magnetic analysis
27654 A Structural and Magnetic Investigation of the Inversion Degree in Spinel NiFe2O4, ZnFe2O4 and Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 Ferrites Prepared by Soft Mechanochemical Synthesis
Authors: Z. Ž. Lazarević, D. L. Sekulić, V. N. Ivanovski, N. Ž. Romčević
NiFe2O4 (nickel ferrite), ZnFe2O4 (zinc ferrite) and Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 (nickel-zinc ferrite) were prepared by mechanochemical route in a planetary ball mill starting from mixture of the appropriate quantities of the Ni(OH)2/Fe(OH)3, Zn(OH)2/Fe(OH)3 and Ni(OH)2/Zn(OH)2/Fe(OH)3 hydroxide powders. In order to monitor the progress of chemical reaction and confirm phase formation, powder samples obtained after 25 h, 18 h and 10 h of milling were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), IR, Raman and Mössbauer spectroscopy. It is shown that the soft mechanochemical method, i.e. mechanochemical activation of hydroxides, produces high quality single phase ferrite samples in much more efficient way. From the IR spectroscopy of single phase samples it is obvious that energy of modes depends on the ratio of cations. It is obvious that all samples have more than 5 Raman active modes predicted by group theory in the normal spinel structure. Deconvolution of measured spectra allows one to conclude that all complex bands in the spectra are made of individual peaks with the intensities that vary from spectrum to spectrum. The deconvolution of Raman spectra allows to separate contributions of different cations to a particular type of vibration and to estimate the degree of inversion.Keywords: ferrites, Raman spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, Mössbauer measurements
Procedia PDF Downloads 45527653 Prediction of the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Tunnel Concrete
Authors: Seung Cho Yang, Jae Sung Lee, Se Hee Park
This study suggests the analysis method to predict the damages of tunnel concrete caused by fires. The result obtained from the analyses of concrete temperatures at a fire in a tunnel using ABAQUS was compared with the test result. After the reliability of the analysis method was verified, the temperatures of a tunnel at a real fire and those of concrete during the fire were estimated to predict fire damages. The temperatures inside the tunnel were estimated by FDS, a CFD model. It was deduced that the fire performance of tunnel lining and the fire damages of the structure at an actual fire could be estimated by the analysis method.Keywords: fire resistance, heat transfer, numerical analysis, tunnel fire
Procedia PDF Downloads 43827652 Cost Efficiency of European Cooperative Banks
Authors: Karolína Vozková, Matěj Kuc
This paper analyzes recent trends in cost efficiency of European cooperative banks using efficient frontier analysis. Our methodology is based on stochastic frontier analysis which is run on a set of 649 European cooperative banks using data between 2006 and 2015. Our results show that average inefficiency of European cooperative banks is increasing since 2008, smaller cooperative banks are significantly more efficient than the bigger ones over the whole time period and that share of net fee and commission income to total income surprisingly seems to have no impact on bank cost efficiency.Keywords: cooperative banks, cost efficiency, efficient frontier analysis, stochastic frontier analysis, net fee and commission income
Procedia PDF Downloads 21127651 Experimental Analysis of the Origins of the Anisotropy Behavior in the 2017 AA Aluminum Alloy
Authors: May Abdelghani
The present work is devoted to the study of the microstructural anisotropy in mechanical cyclic behavior of the 2017AA aluminum alloy which is widely used in the aerospace industry. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the microstructural origins of this anisotropy already confirmed in our previous work in 2017AA aluminum alloy. To do this, we have used the microstructural analysis resources such as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to see the differences between breaks from different directions of cyclic loading. Another resource of investigation was used in this study is that the EBSD method, which allows us to obtain a mapping of the crystallographic texture of our material. According to the obtained results in the microscopic analysis, we are able to identify the origins of the anisotropic behavior at the macroscopic scale.Keywords: fatigue damage, cyclic behavior, anisotropy, microstructural analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 41227650 A Study on the Effect of Rib Structure in Spoke-Type PMSM
Authors: Hyun-Soo Seol, In-Gun Kim, Hyun Seok Hong, Dong-Woo Kang, Ju Lee
Rotor of Spoke-Type PMSM is divided into permanent magnet and rotor core. Moreover, rotor core is composed of pole-piece, Bridge and rib. Piece between the permanent magnet N and S poles is pole-piece. Bridge and rib hold pole-piece. In the case of pole-piece and bridge, it is essential structure of Spoke-Type PMSM. However, Rib can be selected by the designer depending on the operating conditions and constraints. If rib is present in the rotor, rib which acts in the leak path generates a leakage flux. Although the leakage flux reduces the torque in low speed, it expands speed range in high speed. So, there is a relationship of trade off. Viewed from the standpoint of permanent magnet demagnetization, since the magnetic flux by the stator winding leaks to the rib, it is an advantage. In addition, rib affects the safety factor of the rotor. For application required high speed operation, since the securing the safety factor of the rotor is important, rib structure is advantageous. On the other hand, in the case of the application that does not require high speed operation, it is desirable to increase the output power by designing without rib. In this paper, Effects on rib structure is analyzed in detail and this paper provides designer with information about rotor design of spoke-type PMSM according to rib structure.Keywords: spoke-Type PMSM, rotor shape, rib, operation range
Procedia PDF Downloads 43027649 Exergy Analysis of Reverse Osmosis for Potable Water and Land Irrigation
Authors: M. Sarai Atab, A. Smallbone, A. P. Roskilly
A thermodynamic study is performed on the Reverse Osmosis (RO) desalination process for brackish water. The detailed RO model of thermodynamics properties with and without an energy recovery device was built in Simulink/MATLAB and validated against reported measurement data. The efficiency of desalination plants can be estimated by both the first and second laws of thermodynamics. While the first law focuses on the quantity of energy, the second law analysis (i.e. exergy analysis) introduces quality. This paper used the Main Outfall Drain in Iraq as a case study to conduct energy and exergy analysis of RO process. The result shows that it is feasible to use energy recovery method for reverse osmosis with salinity less than 15000 ppm as the exergy efficiency increases twice. Moreover, this analysis shows that the highest exergy destruction occurs in the rejected water and lowest occurs in the permeate flow rate accounting 37% for 4.3% respectively.Keywords: brackish water, exergy, irrigation, reverse osmosis (RO)
Procedia PDF Downloads 17527648 Evaluation of Heterogeneity of Paint Coating on Metal Substrate Using Laser Infrared Thermography and Eddy Current
Authors: S. Mezghani, E. Perrin, J. L. Bodnar, J. Marthe, B. Cauwe, V. Vrabie
Non contact evaluation of the thickness of paint coatings can be attempted by different destructive and nondestructive methods such as cross-section microscopy, gravimetric mass measurement, magnetic gauges, Eddy current, ultrasound or terahertz. Infrared thermography is a nondestructive and non-invasive method that can be envisaged as a useful tool to measure the surface thickness variations by analyzing the temperature response. In this paper, the thermal quadrupole method for two layered samples heated up with a pulsed excitation is firstly used. By analyzing the thermal responses as a function of thermal properties and thicknesses of both layers, optimal parameters for the excitation source can be identified. Simulations show that a pulsed excitation with duration of ten milliseconds allows to obtain a substrate-independent thermal response. Based on this result, an experimental setup consisting of a near-infrared laser diode and an Infrared camera was next used to evaluate the variation of paint coating thickness between 60 µm and 130 µm on two samples. Results show that the parameters extracted for thermal images are correlated with the estimated thicknesses by the Eddy current methods. The laser pulsed thermography is thus an interesting alternative nondestructive method that can be moreover used for non conductive substrates.Keywords: non destructive, paint coating, thickness, infrared thermography, laser, heterogeneity
Procedia PDF Downloads 63927647 The Didactic Transposition in Brazilian High School Physics Textbooks: A Comparative Study of Didactic Materials
Authors: Leandro Marcos Alves Vaz
In this article, we analyze the different approaches to the topic Magnetism of Matter in physics textbooks of Brazilian schools. For this, we compared the approach to the concepts of the magnetic characteristics of materials (diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism) in different sources of information and in different levels of education, from Higher Education to High School. In this sense, we used as reference the theory of the Didactic Transposition of Yves Chevallard, a French educational theorist, who conceived in his theory three types of knowledge – Scholarly Knowledge, Knowledge to be taught and Taught Knowledge – related to teaching practice. As a research methodology, from the reading of the works used in teacher training and those destined to basic education students, we compared the treatment of a higher education physics book, a scientific article published in a Brazilian journal of the educational area, and four high school textbooks, in order to establish in which there is a greater or lesser degree of approximation with the knowledge produced by the scholars – scholarly knowledge – or even with the knowledge to be taught (to that found in books intended for teaching). Thus, we evaluated the level of proximity of the subjects conveyed in high school and higher education, as well as the relevance that some textbook authors give to the theme.Keywords: Brazilian physics books, didactic transposition, magnetism of matter, teaching of physics
Procedia PDF Downloads 30127646 Statistical Analysis of Interferon-γ for the Effectiveness of an Anti-Tuberculous Treatment
Authors: Shishen Xie, Yingda L. Xie
Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that remains a health concern. The Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) is a blood test to find out if an individual is tuberculous positive or negative. This study applies statistical analysis to the clinical data of interferon-gamma levels of seventy-three subjects who diagnosed pulmonary TB in an anti-tuberculous treatment. Data analysis is performed to determine if there is a significant decline in interferon-gamma levels for the subjects during a period of six months, and to infer if the anti-tuberculous treatment is effective.Keywords: data analysis, interferon gamma release assay, statistical methods, tuberculosis infection
Procedia PDF Downloads 30627645 Multivariate Analysis of Spectroscopic Data for Agriculture Applications
Authors: Asmaa M. Hussein, Amr Wassal, Ahmed Farouk Al-Sadek, A. F. Abd El-Rahman
In this study, a multivariate analysis of potato spectroscopic data was presented to detect the presence of brown rot disease or not. Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy (1,350-2,500 nm) combined with multivariate analysis was used as a rapid, non-destructive technique for the detection of brown rot disease in potatoes. Spectral measurements were performed in 565 samples, which were chosen randomly at the infection place in the potato slice. In this study, 254 infected and 311 uninfected (brown rot-free) samples were analyzed using different advanced statistical analysis techniques. The discrimination performance of different multivariate analysis techniques, including classification, pre-processing, and dimension reduction, were compared. Applying a random forest algorithm classifier with different pre-processing techniques to raw spectra had the best performance as the total classification accuracy of 98.7% was achieved in discriminating infected potatoes from control.Keywords: Brown rot disease, NIR spectroscopy, potato, random forest
Procedia PDF Downloads 19027644 The Regulation of the Cancer Epigenetic Landscape Lies in the Realm of the Long Non-coding RNAs
Authors: Ricardo Alberto Chiong Zevallos, Eduardo Moraes Rego Reis
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients have a less than 10% 5-year survival rate. PDAC has no defined diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. Gemcitabine is the first-line drug in PDAC and several other cancers. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) contribute to the tumorigenesis and are potential biomarkers for PDAC. Although lncRNAs aren’t translated into proteins, they have important functions. LncRNAs can decoy or recruit proteins from the epigenetic machinery, act as microRNA sponges, participate in protein translocation through different cellular compartments, and even promote chemoresistance. The chromatin remodeling enzyme EZH2 is a histone methyltransferase that catalyzes the methylation of histone 3 at lysine 27, silencing local expression. EZH2 is ambivalent, it can also activate gene expression independently of its histone methyltransferase activity. EZH2 is overexpressed in several cancers and interacts with lncRNAs, being recruited to a specific locus. EZH2 can be recruited to activate an oncogene or silence a tumor suppressor. The lncRNAs misregulation in cancer can result in the differential recruitment of EZH2 and in a distinct epigenetic landscape, promoting chemoresistance. The relevance of the EZH2-lncRNAs interaction to chemoresistant PDAC was assessed by Real Time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and RNA Immunoprecipitation (RIP) experiments with naïve and gemcitabine-resistant PDAC cells. The expression of several lncRNAs and EZH2 gene targets was evaluated contrasting naïve and resistant cells. Selection of candidate genes was made by bioinformatic analysis and literature curation. Indeed, the resistant cell line showed higher expression of chemoresistant-associated lncRNAs and protein coding genes. RIP detected lncRNAs interacting with EZH2 with varying intensity levels in the cell lines. During RIP, the nuclear fraction of the cells was incubated with an antibody for EZH2 and with magnetic beads. The RNA precipitated with the beads-antibody-EZH2 complex was isolated and reverse transcribed. The presence of candidate lncRNAs was detected by RT-qPCR, and the enrichment was calculated relative to INPUT (total lysate control sample collected before RIP). The enrichment levels varied across the several lncRNAs and cell lines. The EZH2-lncRNA interaction might be responsible for the regulation of chemoresistance-associated genes in multiple cancers. The relevance of the lncRNA-EZH2 interaction to PDAC was assessed by siRNA knockdown of a lncRNA, followed by the analysis of the EZH2 target expression by RT-qPCR. The chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of EZH2 and H3K27me3 followed by RT-qPCR with primers for EZH2 targets also assess the specificity of the EZH2 recruitment by the lncRNA. This is the first report of the interaction of EZH2 and lncRNAs HOTTIP and PVT1 in chemoresistant PDAC. HOTTIP and PVT1 were described as promoting chemoresistance in several cancers, but the role of EZH2 is not clarified. For the first time, the lncRNA LINC01133 was detected in a chemoresistant cancer. The interaction of EZH2 with LINC02577, LINC00920, LINC00941, and LINC01559 have never been reported in any context. The novel lncRNAs-EZH2 interactions regulate chemoresistant-associated genes in PDAC and might be relevant to other cancers. Therapies targeting EZH2 alone weren’t successful, and a combinatorial approach also targeting the lncRNAs interacting with it might be key to overcome chemoresistance in several cancers.Keywords: epigenetics, chemoresistance, long non-coding RNAs, pancreatic cancer, histone modification
Procedia PDF Downloads 9627643 Potential Antibacterial Applications and Synthesis, Structural, Magnetic, Optical, and Dielectric Characterization of Nickel-Substituted Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles
Authors: Tesfay Gebremichael Reda
Nanoparticle technology is fast progressing and is being employed in innumerable medical applications. At this time, the public's health is seriously threatened by the rise of bacterial strains resistant to several medications. Metal nanoparticles are a potential alternate approach for tackling this global concern, and this is the main focus of this study. The citrate precursor sol-gel synthesis method was used to synthesize the, Niₓ Co(₁-ₓ) Fe₂ O₄, (where x = 0.0:0.2:1.0) nanoparticle. XRD identified the development of the cubic crystal structure to have a preferential orientation along (311), and the average particle size was found to be 29-38 nm. The average crystallizes assessed with ImageJ software and origin 22 of the SEM are nearly identical to the XRD results. In the created NCF NPs, the FT-IR spectroscopy reveals structural examinations and the redistribution of cations between octahedral (505-428 cm-1) and tetrahedral (653-603 cm-1) locales. Finally, the decrease of coercive fields HC, 2384 Oe to 241.93 Oe replacement of Co²+ cation with Ni²+. Band gap energy rises as Ni concentration increases, which may be attributed to the fact that the ionic radii of Ni²+ ions are smaller than that of Co²+ ions, which results in a strong electrostatic interaction. On the contrary, except at x = 0.4, the dielectric constant decreases as the nickel concentration increases. According to the findings of this research work, nanoparticles composed of Ni₀.₄ Co₀.₄ Fe₂ O₄ have demonstrated a promising value against S. aureus and E. coli, and it suggests a proposed model for their potential use as a new source of antibacterial agents.Keywords: antimicrobial, band gap, citrate precursor, dielectric, nanoparticle
Procedia PDF Downloads 2927642 Modeling and Statistical Analysis of a Soap Production Mix in Bejoy Manufacturing Industry, Anambra State, Nigeria
Authors: Okolie Chukwulozie Paul, Iwenofu Chinwe Onyedika, Sinebe Jude Ebieladoh, M. C. Nwosu
The research work is based on the statistical analysis of the processing data. The essence is to analyze the data statistically and to generate a design model for the production mix of soap manufacturing products in Bejoy manufacturing company Nkpologwu, Aguata Local Government Area, Anambra state, Nigeria. The statistical analysis shows the statistical analysis and the correlation of the data. T test, Partial correlation and bi-variate correlation were used to understand what the data portrays. The design model developed was used to model the data production yield and the correlation of the variables show that the R2 is 98.7%. However, the results confirm that the data is fit for further analysis and modeling. This was proved by the correlation and the R-squared.Keywords: General Linear Model, correlation, variables, pearson, significance, T-test, soap, production mix and statistic
Procedia PDF Downloads 44527641 Magnetodielectric Studies of Substituted La₂NiMnO₆ Double Perovskites
Authors: Pravin M. Tirmali, Sagar M. Mane, Snehal L. Kadam, Shriniwas B. Kulkarni
The La₂NiMnO₆ has been extensively studied for its ferromagnetic and magneto-dielectric properties. The La₂NiMnO₆ double perovskite is modified by partial substitution at B site by Fe transition metal. The La₂Ni₁₋ₓFeₓMnO₆ powder samples were synthesized by hydroxide co-precipitation method. The precipitate was dried and fine griended to form powder and pellet samples (2cm dia.) using hydraulic press. The powder and pellet samples of La₂Ni₁₋ₓFeₓMnO₆ were calcined at high temperature 1200°C to form a pure and stable composition. The nano polar regions (NPR) around Ni²⁺ or Mn⁴⁺ ions due to the cationic antisite disorder gives dielectric relaxation through their mutual interaction. The magneto-dielectric behavior is observed in substituted La₂NiMnO₆ shows Maxwell-Wagner and Debye relaxation due to grain boundary, interface and antisite defects. The magneto-dielectric properties of substituted La₂NiMnO₆ pellet sample were probed by Impedance spectroscopy measurements. The structural and magnetic investigations were also carried out by XRD, FESEM and VSM measurements of substituted La₂NiMnO₆ of powder samples. The synthesized La₂Ni₁₋ₓFeₓMnO₆ powder samples are polycrystalline and ferromagnetic in nature. The La₂Ni₁₋ₓFeₓMnO₆ samples exhibit ferromagnetic disorder with transition temperature near room temperature.Keywords: La₂NiMnO₆, nano polar regions (NPR), antisite defects, magnetodielctric
Procedia PDF Downloads 21427640 Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan Schiff Base Supported Pd(II) Catalyst and Its Application in Suzuki Coupling Reactions
Authors: Talat Baran
Palladium-catalyzed Suzuki coupling reactions are powerful ways for synthesis of biaryls compounds and so far different palladium sources as have been used in catalyst systems. However, the high cost of the ligands using as support materials for palladium ion and so researchers have explored alternative low-cost support materials such as silica, cellule and zeolite. A natural polymer chitosan is suitable for support material because of it unique properties such as eco-friendly, renewable, abundant, low cost, biodegradable and it has free reactive -NH2 and –OH groups. Especially, pendant amino groups of chitosan can easily react with carbonyl groups of aldehyde or ketone by Schiff base formation and thus palladium ions can coordinate with imine groups of Schiff base. This purpose, in this study, firstly a new chitosan Schiff base supported palladium (II) catalyst was synthesized and its chemical structure was characterized with FT-IR, SEM/EDAX, XRD, TG-DTG, ICP-OES and magnetic moment techniques. Then catalytic performance of the catalyst was investigated in Suzuki cross coupling reactions under simple and fast microwave heating methods. Also, recycle activity of palladium catalyst was tested under optimum condition and the catalyst showed long life time. At the end of catalytic performance tests of chitosan supported palladium (II) catalysts indicated high turnover numbers, turnover frequency and selectivity with very small loading catalystKeywords: catalyst, chitosan, Schiff base, Suzuki coupling
Procedia PDF Downloads 32727639 A Trends Analysis of Yatch Simulator
Authors: Jae-Neung Lee, Keun-Chang Kwak
This paper describes an analysis of Yacht Simulator international trends and also explains about Yacht. Examples of yacht Simulator using Yacht Simulator include image processing for totaling the total number of vehicles, edge/target detection, detection and evasion algorithm, image processing using SIFT (scale invariant features transform) matching, and application of median filter and thresholding.Keywords: yacht simulator, simulator, trends analysis, SIFT
Procedia PDF Downloads 43327638 Towards Overturning the Dismal Mathematics Performance in Schools by Capitalizing on the Overlooked Cognitive Prowess for Adolescents to Learn Mathematics
Authors: Dudu Ka Ruth Mkhize
Adolescents are at the front and centre of poor mathematics performance in schools. Literature has concluded in some countries that there is a permanent and perpetual mathematics crisis in schools of the persistent poor performance in mathematics by teens. There is no shortage of interventions and research to solve this problem. However, none has capitalised on the cognitive prowess of adolescents, which was revealed at the turn of the century by the introduction of neuroimaging technologies such as structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI and fMRI). This research found that brain growth during adolescence results in enhanced cognitive abilities essential for mathematics learning. This paper is based on the four-year case study of rural high school adolescents who had a negative attitude towards mathematics and hence were failing mathematics. But through a ten-day intervention where teaching revolved around invoking their cognitive ability, their attitude and motivation for mathematics changed for the better. The paper concludes that despite educational psychology being part of teacher education as well as education systems, there are numerous overlooked gems of psychological theories which have the potential to enhance academic achievement for youth in schools. A recommendation is made to take cues from positive psychology, whose establishment was a rejection of the dominance of the disease model in psychology. Similarly, the general perspective of poor mathematics performance can take a u-turn towards the cognitive ability acquired by adolescents because of their developmental stage.Keywords: adolescence, cognitive growth, mathematics performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 6827637 The Use of Ward Linkage in Cluster Integration with a Path Analysis Approach
Authors: Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes
Path analysis is an analytical technique to study the causal relationship between independent and dependent variables. In this study, the integration of Clusters in the Ward Linkage method was used in a variety of clusters with path analysis. The variables used are character (x₁), capacity (x₂), capital (x₃), collateral (x₄), and condition of economy (x₄) to on time pay (y₂) through the variable willingness to pay (y₁). The purpose of this study was to compare the Ward Linkage method cluster integration in various clusters with path analysis to classify willingness to pay (y₁). The data used are primary data from questionnaires filled out by customers of Bank X, using purposive sampling. The measurement method used is the average score method. The results showed that the Ward linkage method cluster integration with path analysis on 2 clusters is the best method, by comparing the coefficient of determination. Variable character (x₁), capacity (x₂), capital (x₃), collateral (x₄), and condition of economy (x₅) to on time pay (y₂) through willingness to pay (y₁) can be explained by 58.3%, while the remaining 41.7% is explained by variables outside the model.Keywords: cluster integration, linkage, path analysis, compliant paying behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 18827636 Assessment of the Energy Balance Method in the Case of Masonry Domes
Authors: M. M. Sadeghi, S. Vahdani
Masonry dome structures had been widely used for covering large spans in the past. The seismic assessment of these historical structures is very complicated due to the nonlinear behavior of the material, their rigidness, and special stability configuration. The assessment method based on energy balance concept, as well as the standard pushover analysis, is used to evaluate the effectiveness of these methods in the case of masonry dome structures. The Soltanieh dome building is used as an example to which two methods are applied. The performance points are given from superimposing the capacity, and demand curves in Acceleration Displacement Response Spectra (ADRS) and energy coordination are compared with the nonlinear time history analysis as the exact result. The results show a good agreement between the dynamic analysis and the energy balance method, but standard pushover method does not provide an acceptable estimation.Keywords: energy balance method, pushover analysis, time history analysis, masonry dome
Procedia PDF Downloads 28127635 Correlation Between Forbush-Decrease Amplitude Detected by Mountain Chacaltaya Neutron Monitor and Solar Wind Electric Filed
Authors: Sebwato Nasurudiin, Akimasa Yoshikawa, Ahmed Elsaid, Ayman Mahrous
This study examines the correlation between the amplitude of Forbush Decreases (FDs) detected by the Mountain Chacaltaya neutron monitor and the solar wind electric field (E). Forbush Decreases, characterized by sudden drops in cosmic ray intensity, are typically associated with interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and high-speed solar wind streams. The Mountain Chacaltaya neutron monitor, located at a high altitude in Bolivia, offers an optimal setting for observing cosmic ray variations. The solar wind electric field, influenced by the solar wind velocity and interplanetary magnetic field, significantly impacts cosmic ray transport in the heliosphere. By analyzing neutron monitor data alongside solar wind parameters, we found a high correlation between E and FD amplitudes with a correlation factor of nearly 87%. The findings enhance our understanding of space weather processes, cosmic ray modulation, and solar-terrestrial interactions, providing valuable insights for predicting space weather events and mitigating their technological impacts. This study contributes to the broader astrophysics field by offering empirical data on cosmic ray modulation mechanisms.Keywords: cosmic rays, Forbush decrease, solar wind, neutron monitor
Procedia PDF Downloads 4927634 1H-NMR Spectra of Diesel-Biodiesel Blends to Evaluate the Quality and Determine the Adulteration of Biodiesel with Vegetable Oil
Authors: Luis F. Bianchessi, Gustavo G. Shimamoto, Matthieu Tubino
The use of biodiesel has been diffused in Brazil and all over the world by the trading of biodiesel (B100). In Brazil, the diesel oil currently being sold is a blend, containing 7% biodiesel (B7). In this context, it is necessary to develop methods capable of identifying this blend composition, especially regarding the biodiesel quality used for making these blends. In this study, hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectra (1H-NMR) are proposed as a form of identifying and confirming the quality of type B10 blends (10% of biodiesel and 90% of diesel). Furthermore, the presence of vegetable oils, which may be from fuel adulteration or as an evidence of low degree of transesterification conversion during the synthesis of B100, may also be identified. Mixtures of diesel, vegetable oils and their respective biodiesel were prepared. Soybean oil and macauba kernel oil were used as raw material. The diesel proportion remained fixed at 90%. The other proportion (10%) was varied in terms of vegetable oil and biodiesel. The 1H-NMR spectra were obtained for each one of the mixtures, in order to find a correlation between the spectra and the amount of biodiesel, as well as the amount of residual vegetable oil. The ratio of the integral of the methylenic hydrogen H-2 of glycerol (exclusive of vegetable oil) with respect to the integral of the olefinic hydrogens (present in vegetable oil and biodiesel) was obtained. These ratios were correlated with the percentage of vegetable oil in each mixture, from 0% to 10%. The obtained correlation could be described by linear relationships with R2 of 0.9929 for soybean biodiesel and 0.9982 for macauba kernel biodiesel. Preliminary results show that the technique can be used to monitor the biodiesel quality in commercial diesel-biodiesel blends, besides indicating possible adulteration.Keywords: biodiesel, diesel, biodiesel quality, adulteration
Procedia PDF Downloads 62427633 Sensitivity Analysis for 14 Bus Systems in a Distribution Network with Distributed Generators
Authors: Lakshya Bhat, Anubhav Shrivastava, Shiva Rudraswamy
There has been a formidable interest in the area of Distributed Generation in recent times. A wide number of loads are addressed by Distributed Generators and have better efficiency too. The major disadvantage in Distributed Generation is voltage control- is highlighted in this paper. The paper addresses voltage control at buses in IEEE 14 Bus system by regulating reactive power. An analysis is carried out by selecting the most optimum location in placing the Distributed Generators through load flow analysis and seeing where the voltage profile rises. MATLAB programming is used for simulation of voltage profile in the respective buses after introduction of DG’s. A tolerance limit of +/-5% of the base value has to be maintained. To maintain the tolerance limit, 3 methods are used. Sensitivity analysis of 3 methods for voltage control is carried out to determine the priority among the methods.Keywords: distributed generators, distributed system, reactive power, voltage control, sensitivity analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 70327632 Techno-Economic Analysis of the Production of Aniline
Authors: Dharshini M., Hema N. S.
The project for the production of aniline is done by providing 295.46 tons per day of nitrobenzene as feed. The material and energy balance calculations for the different equipment like distillation column, heat exchangers, reactor and mixer are carried out with simulation via DWSIM. The conversion of nitrobenzene to aniline by hydrogenation process is considered to be 96% and the total production of the plant was found to be 215 TPD. The cost estimation of the process is carried out to estimate the feasibility of the plant. The net profit and percentage return of investment is estimated to be ₹27 crores and 24.6%. The payback period was estimated to be 4.05 years and the unit production cost is ₹113/kg. A techno-economic analysis was performed for the production of aniline; the result includes economic analysis and sensitivity analysis of critical factors. From economic analysis, larger the plant scale increases the total capital investment and annual operating cost, even though the unit production cost decreases. Uncertainty analysis was performed to predict the influence of economic factors on profitability and the scenario analysis is one way to quantify uncertainty. In scenario analysis the best-case scenario and the worst-case scenario are compared with the base case scenario. The best-case scenario was found at a feed rate of 120 kmol/hr with a unit production cost of ₹112.05/kg and the worst-case scenario was found at a feed rate of 60 kmol/hr with a unit production cost of ₹115.9/kg. The base case is closely related to the best case by 99.2% in terms of unit production cost. since the unit production cost is less and the profitability is more with less payback time, it is feasible to construct a plant at this capacity.Keywords: aniline, nitrobenzene, economic analysis, unit production cost
Procedia PDF Downloads 10927631 Preparation of Core-Shell AgBr/Cationic Polymer Nanocomposite with Dual Biocidal Modes and Sustained Release of Ag+ Ions
Authors: Rongzhou Wang
Research on designing nano-antibacterial agent with potent and long-lasting antibacterial property is demanding and provoking work. In this study, a core-shell AgBr/cationic polymer nanocomposite (AgBr/NPVP-H10) were synthesized and its structure confirmed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FT-IR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the cationic polymer contents were determined with Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA). The morphology was directly observed by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) which showed that the nanoparticle contains single core and organic shell and had an average diameter of 30.1 nm. The antibacterial test against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli illuminated that this nanocomposite had potent bactericidal activity, which can be attributed to the contact-killing of cationic polymers and releasing-killing of Ag+ ions. In addition, cationic polymer encapsulating AgBr cores gave the resin discs sustained release of Ag+ ions, which may result in long-lasting bactericidal activity. The AgBr/NPVP-H10 nanoparticle with the dual bactericidal capability and long term antimicrobial effect is a promising material aimed at preventing bacterial infection.Keywords: core-shell nanocomposite, cationic polymer, dual antibacterial capability, long-lasting antibacterial activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 19227630 Assessing Role of Newspapers in Creating Awareness of HIV/AIDS in Pakistan
Authors: Fatima Kiran
This study investigates the HIV/AIDS coverage in the selected newspapers. The premises of the study depend upon the fact that informing public about any social issue that effects people’s life is among one of the fundamental functions of media, such as HIV/AIDS is one of prime importance. In this study two most prime newspapers of Pakistan Daily Jang and Daily Dawn were analyzed. This paper adopted two approaches for investigation one is content analysis and another is discourse analysis. The content analysis was used to determine the frequency of HIV/AIDS content coverage. Discourse analysis was used to determine consciousness of these newspapers on covering HIV/AIDS stories with correct language and terminologies according to the given media guideline of UNICEF. Total 368 editions from 1st July 2017 to 31st December 2017 were sampled for the study. The result of the study indicates that newspapers have severely underestimated the severity of HIV/AIDS. The coverage given by newspapers is dissatisfactory. Selected newspapers used inappropriate terminologies and language in the stories which shows negligence of newspapers regarding HIV/AIDS issue.Keywords: Pakistani newspapers, HIV/AIDS, coverage, public awareness, content analysis, discourse analysis, press consciousness
Procedia PDF Downloads 14427629 Computer Simulation Studies of Aircraft Wing Architectures on Vibration Responses
Authors: Shengyong Zhang, Mike Mikulich
Vibration is a crucial limiting consideration in the analysis and design of airplane wing structures to avoid disastrous failures due to the propagation of existing cracks in the material. In this paper, we build CAD models of aircraft wings to capture the design intent with configurations. Subsequent FEA vibration analysis is performed to study the natural vibration properties and impulsive responses of the resulting user-defined wing models. This study reveals the variations of the wing’s vibration characteristics with respect to changes in its structural configurations. Integrating CAD modelling and FEA vibration analysis enables designers to improve wing architectures for implementing design requirements in the preliminary design stage.Keywords: aircraft wing, CAD modelling, FEA, vibration analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 16527628 The Comparative Analysis of International Financial Reporting Standart Adoption through Earnings Response Coefficient and Conservatism Principle: Case Study in Jakarta Islamic Index 2010 – 2014
Authors: Dwi Wijiastutik, Tarjo, Yuni Rimawati
The purpose of this empirical study is to analyse how to the market reaction and the conservative degree changes on the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standart (IFRS) through Jakarta Islamic Index. The study also has given others additional analysis on the profitability, capital structure and size company toward IFRS adoption. The data collection methods used in this study reveals as secondary data and deep analysis to the company’s annual report and daily price stock at yahoo finance. We analyse 40 companies listed on Jakarta Islamic Index from 2010 to 2014. The result of the study concluded that IFRS has given a different on the depth analysis to the two of variance analysis: Moderated Regression Analysis and Wilcoxon Signed Rank to test developed hypotheses. Our result on the regression analysis shows that market response and conservatism principle is not significantly after IFRS Adoption in Jakarta Islamic Index. Furthermore, in addition, analysis on profitability, capital structure, and company size show that significantly after IFRS adoption. The findings of our study help investor by showing the impact of IFRS for making decided investment.Keywords: IFRS, earnings response coefficient, conservatism principle
Procedia PDF Downloads 27327627 Contextual Sentiment Analysis with Untrained Annotators
Authors: Lucas A. Silva, Carla R. Aguiar
This work presents a proposal to perform contextual sentiment analysis using a supervised learning algorithm and disregarding the extensive training of annotators. To achieve this goal, a web platform was developed to perform the entire procedure outlined in this paper. The main contribution of the pipeline described in this article is to simplify and automate the annotation process through a system of analysis of congruence between the notes. This ensured satisfactory results even without using specialized annotators in the context of the research, avoiding the generation of biased training data for the classifiers. For this, a case study was conducted in a blog of entrepreneurship. The experimental results were consistent with the literature related annotation using formalized process with experts.Keywords: sentiment analysis, untrained annotators, naive bayes, entrepreneurship, contextualized classifier
Procedia PDF Downloads 39727626 Sensitivity Analysis for 14 Bus Systems in a Distribution Network with Distribution Generators
Authors: Lakshya Bhat, Anubhav Shrivastava, Shivarudraswamy
There has been a formidable interest in the area of Distributed Generation in recent times. A wide number of loads are addressed by Distributed Generators and have better efficiency too. The major disadvantage in Distributed Generation is voltage control- is highlighted in this paper. The paper addresses voltage control at buses in IEEE 14 Bus system by regulating reactive power. An analysis is carried out by selecting the most optimum location in placing the Distributed Generators through load flow analysis and seeing where the voltage profile rises. Matlab programming is used for simulation of voltage profile in the respective buses after introduction of DG’s. A tolerance limit of +/-5% of the base value has to be maintained.To maintain the tolerance limit , 3 methods are used. Sensitivity analysis of 3 methods for voltage control is carried out to determine the priority among the methods.Keywords: distributed generators, distributed system, reactive power, voltage control, sensitivity analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 59027625 Discourse Analysis of the Concept of Citizenship in Textbooks in Iran
Authors: Jafar Ahmadi
This research has been done as a discourse analysis of the concept of citizenship in textbooks in Iran. The purpose of this study is to identify the dominant citizenship discourse in textbooks in the content of textbooks. The research method in this research is qualitative and qualitative content analysis. The statistical sample was selected in a purposeful manner and according to the research topic of books related to Persian literature, religious education and social education. The selected theoretical framework of this research is the three theories of citizenship (pre-modern, modern and postmodern). For each of these discourses, components and indicators have been extracted that are the basis of data analysis. The research findings show that the dominant citizenship discourse on the content of Iranian textbooks is pre-modern discourse and is the basis of this type of religious citizenship discourse. Finally, the findings show that the government uses the institution of education to reproduce its power.Keywords: citizenship, textbooks, discourse analysis, religious citizenship, representation
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