Search results for: junior secondary school
4649 Investigating the Impact of Factors Associated with Student Academic Achievement and Expectations through the Ecosystemic Perspective in the Greek Context: The Role of the Individual, Family, School and of the Community
Authors: Olga Giovani
In this research, Bronfenbrenner's theory will be used to investigate the individual, microsystemic, and exosystemic factors that may affect adolescents' academic achievement as well as their expectations in Greece. First, the topic of academic achievement in an adolescent developmental context will be set as the target of the proposed study while focusing on the aspects of community influences on adolescents. More specifically, the effect of available resources and the perceived sense of safety and support will be further investigated. Then the issue of family factors will be analyzed, as they are subjectively perceived by the adolescents, focusing on the perceived parental style, parental monitor, and involvement as a mesosystemic factor. In turn, the school will also be discussed with emphasis on the perceived school climate and support as well as the academic aspects of student achievement. Finally, the adolescent's individual perspective will be taken into consideration in developmental terms, examining their perceptions regarding their community/neighborhood, their family, their school, as well as their sense of self-concept and self-esteem as these are expressed through their academic performance and prosocial behavior. The aim of the proposed research is to study these associations through the prism of the systemic perspective, the relationship between aspects of educational achievement and socioeconomic background, with an emphasis on the role of the community, which has not been adequately researched in the Greek context. Community will be defined by the available community resources (recreational activities, public library, local orchestras, free entrance museums, etc.), adolescents' own perception of social support, safety, and support inside that community. These perceptions need to be investigated since they may serve as possible predictors of a child's current cognitive, developmental, and psycho-social outcomes, such as their perceived self-concept and self-esteem, as well as on their future expectations related to the entrance to university and job expectations.Keywords: bioecological model, developmental psychology, ecosystemic approach, student achievement, microsystemic factors, mesosystemic factors, individual perceptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1384648 Teacher Education and the Impact of Higher Education Foreign Language Requirements on Students with Learning Disabilities
Authors: Joao Carlos Koch Junior, Risa Takashima
Learning disabilities have been extensively and increasingly studied in recent times. In spite of this, there is arguably a scarce number of studies addressing a key issue, which is the impact of foreign-language requirements on students with learning disabilities in higher education, and the lack of training or awareness of teachers regarding language learning disabilities. This study is an attempt to address this issue. An extensive review of the literature in multiple fields will be summarised. This, paired with a case-analysis of a university adopting a more inclusive approach towards special-needs students in its foreign-language programme, this presentation aims to establish a link between different studies and propose a number of suggestions to make language classrooms more inclusive.Keywords: foreign language teaching, higher education, language teacher education, learning disabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 4514647 Mobile Technology as a Catalyst for Creative Teaching: A Developmental Based Research Study in a Large Public School in Mozambique
Authors: L. O'Sullivan, C. Murphy
This study examined the impact, if any, of mobile technology on the achievement of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education for All. It focused specifically on teachers and their practice, in a school with large class sizes and limited teaching resources. Teachers in third grade in a large public school in Mozambique were provided with an iPad connected to a projector, powered by a mobile solar-panel. Teachers also participated in ten days of professional development workshops over thirteen months. Teacher discussions, micro-teaching sessions and classes in the school were video-recorded, and data was triangulated using surveys and additional documents including class plans, digital artifacts created by teachers, workshop notes and researcher field notes. The catalyst for teachers’ creativity development was to use the photographic capabilities of the iPad to capture the local context and make lessons relevant to the lived experience of the students. In the transition stage, teachers worked with lesson plans and support from the professional development workshops to make small incremental changes to their practice, which scaffolded their growing competence in the creative use of the technology as a tool for teaching and developing new teaching resources. Over the full period of the study, these small changes in practice resulted in a cultural shift in how teachers approached all lessons, even those in which they were not using the technology. They developed into working as a community of practice. The digital lessons created were re-used and further developed by other teachers, providing a relevant and valuable bank of content in a context lacking in books and other teaching resources. This study demonstrated that mobile technology proved to be a successful catalyst for impacting creative teaching practice in this context, and supports the Quality Education for All Sustainable Development Goal.Keywords: mobile technology, creative teaching, sub-Saharan Africa, quality education for all
Procedia PDF Downloads 1314646 Hierarchical Operation Strategies for Grid Connected Building Microgrid with Energy Storage and Photovoltatic Source
Authors: Seon-Ho Yoon, Jin-Young Choi, Dong-Jun Won
This paper presents hierarchical operation strategies which are minimizing operation error between day ahead operation plan and real time operation. Operating power systems between centralized and decentralized approaches can be represented as hierarchical control scheme, featured as primary control, secondary control and tertiary control. Primary control is known as local control, featuring fast response. Secondary control is referred to as microgrid Energy Management System (EMS). Tertiary control is responsible of coordinating the operations of multi-microgrids. In this paper, we formulated 3 stage microgrid operation strategies which are similar to hierarchical control scheme. First stage is to set a day ahead scheduled output power of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) which is only controllable source in microgrid and it is optimized to minimize cost of exchanged power with main grid using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. Second stage is to control the active and reactive power of BESS to be operated in day ahead scheduled plan in case that State of Charge (SOC) error occurs between real time and scheduled plan. The third is rescheduling the system when the predicted error is over the limited value. The first stage can be compared with the secondary control in that it adjusts the active power. The second stage is comparable to the primary control in that it controls the error in local manner. The third stage is compared with the secondary control in that it manages power balancing. The proposed strategies will be applied to one of the buildings in Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI). The building microgrid is composed of Photovoltaic (PV) generation, BESS and load and it will be interconnected with the main grid. Main purpose of that is minimizing operation cost and to be operated in scheduled plan. Simulation results support validation of proposed strategies.Keywords: Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), Energy Management System (EMS), Microgrid (MG), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2494645 Students’ Attitudes towards Self-Directed Learning out of Classroom: Indonesian Context
Authors: Silmy A. Humaira'
There is an issue about Asian students including Indonesian students that tend to behave passively in the classroom and depend on the teachers’ instruction. Regarding this statement, this study attempts to address the Indonesian high school students’ attitudes on whether they have initiative and be responsible for their learning out of the classroom and if so, why. Therefore, 30 high school students were asked to fill out the questionnaires and interviewed in order to figure out their attitudes towards self-directed learning. The descriptive qualitative research analysis adapted Knowles’s theory (1975) about Self-directed learning (SDL) to analyze the data. The findings show that the students have a potential to possess self-directed learning through ICT, but they have difficulties in choosing appropriate learning strategy, doing self-assessment and conducting self-reflection. Therefore, this study supports the teacher to promote self-directed learning instruction for successful learning by assisting students in dealing with those aforementioned problems. Furthermore, it is expected to be a beneficial reference which gives new insights on the self-directed learning practice in specific context.Keywords: ICT, learning autonomy, students’ attitudes, self-directed learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2284644 Relationship Between Quetelet Equation and Skin Fold Teckniques in Determining Obesity Among Adolescents in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria
Authors: A. Kaidal, M. M. Abdllahi, O. L. Badaki
The study was conducted to determine the relationship between Quetelet Equation and Skin fold measurement in determining obesity among adolescent male students of University of Maiduguri Demonstration Secondary School, Borno State, Nigeria. A total of 66 students participated in the study, their age ranges from 15-18 years. The ex-post-facto research design was used for this study. Anthropometric measurements were taken at three sites (thigh, abdomen and chest) using accu–measure Skin fold caliper. The values of the three measurements were used to determine the percentage body fat of the participants using the 3-Point Skin Fold Bodyfat calculator of Jackson-Pollock. Body mass index (BMI) was determined using weight (kg) divided by height in (m2). The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics of Pearson product moment correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between the two techniques. The result showed a significant positive relationship r=0.673 p<0.05 between body mass index and skin fold measurement techniques. It was however observed that BMI techniques of determining body fat tend to overestimate the actual percent body fat of adolescents studied. Based on this result, it is recommended that the use of BMI as a technique for determining obesity should be used with caution.Keywords: body max index, skin fold, quetelet, techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 5424643 Aggressive Behavior Prevention: The Effect of Peace Education and Media Literacy towards Student's Understanding about Aggression
Authors: Dadang Gunawan, I. Dewa Ketut Kertawidana, Lufthi Noorfitriyani
For the last 5 years, there is the never-ending violent act and increased cases regarding aggressive behavior among high school students in Bogor, Indonesia. Those cases caused harm to many people, even death, and lead to the continuation circle of violence. This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of using peace education and media literacy in enhancing student’s understanding about aggression, as an effort to prevent aggressive behavior. In terms of methodology, this research was done by quasi-experiment with one group pretest and post-test design. A number of 38 students who were at risk of aggressive behavior from 3 vocational high school were involved to receive a 10 learning session about peace and media literacy. The aggression questionnaire was used to identify participants, supported by student’s record in school. To collect data, the questionnaire for measuring understanding about aggression has been developed and was used after the validity and reliability of this questionnaire tested. Post-test was carried out after the session ended. Data were analyzed using t-test. The finding result showed that the mean score of student’s understanding of aggression was increased, therefore learning session of peace education and media literacy is significantly effective to enhance student’s understanding of aggression. It also showed a meaningful difference of understanding between male and female student’s whereas female students have a better understanding of aggression.Keywords: aggressive behavior prevention, aggression, media literacy, peace education, peacebuilding
Procedia PDF Downloads 1804642 Mobile Schooling for the Most Vulnerable Children on the Street: An Innovation
Authors: Md. Shakhawat Ullah Chowdhury
Mobile school is an innovative methodology in non-formal education to increase access to education for children during conflict through theatre for education for appropriate basic education to children during conflict. The continuous exposure to harsh environments and the nature of the lifestyles of children in conflict make them vulnerable. However, the mobile school initiative takes into consideration the mobile lifestyle of children in conflict. Schools are provided considering the pocket area of the street children with portable chalkboards, tin of books and materials as communities move. Teaching is multi-grade to ensure all children in the community benefit. The established mobile schools, while focused on basic literacy and numeracy skills according to traditions of the communities. The school teachers are selected by the community and trained by a theatre activist. These teachers continue to live and move with the community and provide continuous education for children in conflict. The model proposed a holistic team work to deliver education focused services to the street children’s pocket area where the team is mobile. The team consists of three members –an educator (theatre worker), a psychological counsellor and paramedics. The mobile team is responsible to educate street children and also play dramas which specially produce on the basis of national curriculum and awareness issues for street children. Children enjoy play and learn about life skills and basic literacy and numeracy skills which may be a pillar of humanitarian aid during conflict.Keywords: vulnerable, children in conflict, mobile schooling, child-friendly
Procedia PDF Downloads 4334641 Matching on Bipartite Graphs with Applications to School Course Registration Systems
Authors: Zhihan Li
Nowadays, most universities use the course enrollment system considering students’ registration orders. However, the students’ preference level to certain courses is also one important factor to consider. In this research, the possibility of applying a preference-first system has been discussed and analyzed compared to the order-first system. A bipartite graph is applied to resemble the relationship between students and courses they tend to register. With the graph set up, we apply Ford-Fulkerson (F.F.) Algorithm to maximize parings between two sets of nodes, in our case, students and courses. Two models are proposed in this paper: the one considered students’ order first, and the one considered students’ preference first. By comparing and contrasting the two models, we highlight the usability of models which potentially leads to better designs for school course registration systems.Keywords: bipartite graph, Ford-Fulkerson (F.F.) algorithm, graph theory, maximum matching
Procedia PDF Downloads 1114640 Towards a Model of Support in the Areas of Services of Educational Assistance and Mentoring in Middle Education in Mexico
Authors: Margarita Zavala, Gabriel Chavira, José González, Jorge Orozco, Julio Rolón, Roberto Pichardo
Adolescence is a neuralgic stage in the formation of every human being, generally this stage is when the middle school level is studied. In 2006, Mexico incorporated 'mentoring' space to assist students in their integration and participation in life. In public middle schools, it is sometimes difficult to be aware of situations that affect students because of the number of them and traditional records management. With this, they lose the opportunity to provide timely support as a preventive way. In order to provide this support, it is required to know the students by detecting the relevant information that has greater impact on their learning process. This research is looking to check if it is possible to identify student’s relevant information to detect when it is at risk, and then to propose a model to manage in a proper way such information.Keywords: adolescence, mentoring, middle school students, mentoring system support
Procedia PDF Downloads 4824639 Screen Casting Instead of Illegible Scribbles: Making a Mini Movie for Feedback on Students’ Scholarly Papers
Authors: Kerri Alderson
There is pervasive awareness by post secondary faculty that written feedback on course assignments is inconsistently reviewed by students. In order to support student success and growth, a novel method of providing feedback was sought, and screen casting - short, narrated “movies” of audio visual instructor feedback on students’ scholarly papers - was provided as an alternative to traditional means. An overview of the teaching and learning experience as well as the user-friendly software utilized will be presented. This study covers an overview of this more direct, student-centered medium for providing feedback using technology familiar to post secondary students. Reminiscent of direct personal contact, the personalized video feedback is positively evaluated by students as a formative medium for student growth in scholarly writing.Keywords: education, pedagogy, screen casting, student feedback, teaching and learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1204638 The Multi-Sensory Teaching Practice for Primary Music Classroom in China
Authors: Xiao Liulingzi
It is important for using multi-sensory teaching in music learning. This article aims to provide knowledge in multi-sensory learning and teaching music in primary school. For primary school students, in addition to the training of basic knowledge and skills of music, students' sense of participation and creativity in music class are the key requirements, especially the flexibility and dynamics in music class, so that students can integrate into music and feel the music. The article explains the multi-sensory sense in music learning, the differences between multi-sensory music teaching and traditional music teaching, and music multi-sensory teaching in primary schools in China.Keywords: multi-sensory, teaching practice, primary music classroom, China
Procedia PDF Downloads 1394637 Research and Innovations in Music Teacher Training Programme in Hungary
Authors: Monika Benedek
Improvisation is an integral part of music education programmes worldwide since teachers recognize that improvisation helps to broaden stylistic knowledge, develops creativity and various musical skills, in particular, aural skills, and also motivates to learn music theory. In Hungary, where Kodály concept is a core element of music teacher education, improvisation has been relatively neglected subject in both primary school and classical music school curricula. Therefore, improvisation was an important theme of a one-year-long research project carried out at the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. The project aimed to develop the music teacher training programme, and among others, focused on testing how improvisation could be used as a teaching tool to improve students’ musical reading and writing skills and creative musical skills. Teacher-researchers first tested various teaching approaches of improvisation with numerous teaching modules in music lessons at public schools and music schools. Data were collected from videos of lessons and from teachers’ reflective notes. After analysing data and developing teaching modules, all modules were tested again in a pilot course in 30 contact lessons for music teachers. Teachers gave written feedback of the pilot programme, tested two modules by their choice in their own teaching and wrote reflecting comments about their experiences in applying teaching modules of improvisation. The overall results indicated that improvisation could be an innovative approach to teaching various musical subjects, in particular, solfege, music theory, and instrument, either in individual or in group instruction. Improvisation, especially with the application of relative solmisation and singing, appeared to have been a beneficial tool to develop various musicianship skills of students and teachers, in particular, the aural, musical reading and writing skills, and creative musical skills. Furthermore, improvisation seemed to have been a motivating teaching tool to learn music theory by creating a bridge between various musical styles. This paper reports on the results of the research project.Keywords: improvisation, Kodály concept, music school, public school, teacher training
Procedia PDF Downloads 1454636 An Analysis of Gamification in the Post-Secondary Classroom
Authors: F. Saccucci
Gamification has now started to take root in the post-secondary classroom. Educators have learned much about gamification to date but there is still a great deal to learn. One definition of gamification is the ability to engage post-secondary students with games that are fun and correlate to class room curriculum. There is no shortage of literature illustrating the advantages of gamification in the class room. This study is an extension of similar thought as well as an extension of a previous study where in class testing proved with the used of paired T-test that gamification did significantly improve the students’ understanding of subject material. Gamification itself in the class room can range from high end computer simulated software to paper based games of which both have advantages and disadvantages. This analysis used a paper based game to highlight certain qualitative advantages of gamification. The paper based game in this analysis was inexpensive, required low preparation time for the faculty member and consumed approximately 20 minutes of class room time. Data for the study was collected through in class student feedback surveys and narrative from the faculty member moderating the game. Students were randomly selected into groups of four. Qualitative advantages identified in this analysis included: 1. Students had a chance to meet, connect and know other students. 2. Students enjoyed the gamification process given there was a sense of fun and competition. 3. The post assessment that followed the simulation game was not part of their grade calculation therefore it was an opportunity to participate in a low risk activity whereby students could subsequently self-assess their understanding of the subject material. 4. In the view of the student, content knowledge did increase after the gamification process. These qualitative advantages identified in this analysis contribute to the argument that there should be an attempt to use gamification in today’s post-secondary class room. The analysis also highlighted that eighty (80) percent of the respondents believe twenty minutes devoted to the gamification process was appropriate, however twenty (20) percentage of respondents believed that rather than scheduling a gamification process and its post quiz in the last week, a review for the final exam may have been more useful. An additional study to this hopes to determine if the scheduling of the gamification had any correlation to a percentage of the students not wanting to be engaged in the process. As well, the additional study hopes to determine at what incremental level of time invested in class room gamification produce no material incremental benefits to the student as well as determine if any correlation exist between respondents preferring not to have it at the end of the semester to students not believing the gamification process added to the increase of their curricular knowledge.Keywords: gamification, inexpensive, non-quantitative advantages, post-secondary
Procedia PDF Downloads 2124635 Contributions of Non-Formal Educational Spaces for the Scientific Literacy of Deaf Students
Authors: Rafael Dias Silva
The school is a social institution that should promote learning situations that remain throughout life. Based on this, the teaching activities promoted in museum spaces can represent an educational strategy that contributes to the learning process in a more meaningful way. This article systematizes a series of elements that guide the use of these spaces for the scientific literacy of deaf students and as experiences of this nature are favorable for the school development through the concept of the circularity. The methodology for the didactic use of these spaces of non-formal education is one of the reflections developed in this study and how such environments can contribute to the learning in the classroom. To develop in the student the idea of association making him create connections with the curricular proposal and notice how the proposed activity is articulated. It is in our interest that the experience lived in the museum be shared collaborating for the construction of a scientific literacy and cultural identity through the research.Keywords: accessibility in museums, Brazilian sign language, deaf students, teacher training
Procedia PDF Downloads 2374634 Peer-Mediated Intervention for Social Communication Difficulties in Adolescents with Autism: Literature Review and Research Recommendations
Authors: Christine L. Cole
Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) often experience social-communication difficulties that negatively impact their social interactions with typical peers. However, unlike other age and disability groups, there is little intervention research to inform best practice for these students. One evidence-based strategy for younger students with ASD is peer-mediated intervention (PMI). PMI may be particularly promising for use with adolescents, as peers are readily available and natural experts for encouraging authentic high school conversations. This paper provides a review of previous research that evaluated the use of PMI to improve the social-communication skills of students with ASD. Specific intervention features associated with positive student outcomes are identified and recommendations for future research are provided. Adolescents with ASD are targeted due to the critical importance of social conversation at the high school level.Keywords: autism, peer-mediation, social communication, adolescents
Procedia PDF Downloads 4724633 Disability and Sexuality: A Human Right Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Hearing-Impaired Adolescents in Developing Countries
Authors: Akanle Florence Foluso
Access to health care and people’s ability to have a responsible, satisfying and safe sexual life is clearly a defined human right of people with hearing impairment and others with disabilities. This paper investigates the extent to which the hearing impaired have a satisfying, safe sexual life and whether their human right in regard to information and education is violated. The study population consists of all hearing-impaired adolescents and young adults aged 10-24 years who are currently enrolled in primary and secondary schools in Nigeria. A sample of 389 hearing-impaired adolescents was selected, and an adapted version of the illustrative questionnaire for interview - survey by John Cleland was used to collect the data. A correlation of 0.80 was obtained at a P<0.05 level of significance. Teachers in the school of the deaf who used sign language were used in the administration of the questionnaire. The data generated were analyzed using Frequency counts. Summary of responses on access to information, education, voluntary testing, counseling and reproductive services. This is to be violated or protected. Findings show that a gap exists in the level of knowledge of SRH services and voluntary counseling because more than half the respondents are not aware of these services in their community. Access to information, education and health services are rights denied to the hearing impaired. So, their rights are violated.Keywords: sexuality, gender, reproductive health, human right
Procedia PDF Downloads 594632 The Analysis of Internet and Social Media Behaviors of the Students in Vocational High School
Authors: Mehmet Balci, Sakir Tasdemir, Mustafa Altin, Ozlem Bozok
Our globalizing world has become almost a small village and everyone can access any information at any time. Everyone lets each other know who does whatever in which place. We can learn which social events occur in which place in the world. From the perspective of education, the course notes that a lecturer use in lessons in a university in any state of America can be examined by a student studying in a city of Africa or the Far East. This dizzying communication we have mentioned happened thanks to fast developments in computer technologies and in parallel with this, internet technology. While these developments in the world, has a very large young population and a rapidly evolving electronic communications infrastructure Turkey has been affected by this situation. Researches has shown that almost all young people in Turkey has an account in a social network. Especially becoming common of mobile devices causes data traffic in social networks to increase. In this study, has been surveyed on students in the different age groups and at the Selcuk University Vocational School of Technical Sciences Department of Computer Technology. Student’s opinions about the use of internet and social media has been gotten. Using the Internet and social media skills, purposes, operating frequency, access facilities and tools, social life and effects on vocational education etc. have been explored. Both internet and use of social media positive and negative effects on this department students results have been obtained by the obtained findings evaluating from various aspects. Relations and differences have been found out with statistic.Keywords: computer technologies, internet use, social network, higher vocational school
Procedia PDF Downloads 5444631 The Comparison of Physical Fitness across Age and Gender in the Lithuanian Primary School Students: Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Arunas Emeljanovas, Brigita Mieziene, Vida Cesnaitiene, Ingunn Fjortoft, Lise Kjonniksen
Background: Gender differences in physical fitness were tracked in many studies with lower effect in preschool children and increasing difference among genders across age. In Lithuania, on a population level, secular trends in physical fitness were regularly observed each ten years for the last two decades for 11-18 years old students. However, there is apparently a lack of such epidemiological studies among primary school students. Assessing and monitoring physical fitness from an early age is of particular importance seeking to develop and strengthen physical abilities of youths for future health benefits. The goal of the current study was to indicate age and gender differences in anthropometric measures, musculoskeletal, motor and cardiorespiratory fitness in Lithuanian primary school children. Methods: The study included 3456 1-4th grade students from 6 to 10 years. The data reliably represents the population of primary school children in Lithuania. Among them, 1721 (49.8 percent) were boys. Physical fitness was measured by the 9-item test battery, developed by Fjørtoft and colleagues (2011). Height and weight were measured and body mass index was calculated. Student t test evaluated differences in physical fitness between boys and girls, ANOVA was performed to indicate differences across age. Results: All anthropometric and fitness means that were identified as significantly different were better in boys than in girls and in older than younger students (p < .05). Among anthropometric measures, height was higher in boys aged 7 through 9 years. Weight and BMI differed among boys and girls only at 8 years old. Means of height and weight increased significantly across all ages. Among musculoskeletal fitness tests, means of standing broad jump, throwing a tennis ball and pushing a medicine ball were different between genders within each age group and across all ages. Differences between genders were less likely in motor fitness than in musculoskeletal or cardiorespiratory fitness. Differences in means of shuttle run 10 x 5 test between genders occurred at age 6, 9 and 10 years; running 20 m at age 6 and 9 years, and climbing wall bars at age 9 and 10. Means of Reduced Cooper test representing cardiorespiratory fitness were different between genders within each age group but did not differ among age 6 and 8 as well as 7 and 8 years in boys, and among age 7 and 8 years in girls. Conclusion: In general, the current study confirms gender differences in musculoskeletal, motor and cardiorespiratory fitness found in other studies across the world in primary school and older children. Observed gender differences might be explained by higher physical activity in boys rather than girls. As it is explained by previous literature, older boys and girls had better performances than younger ones, because of the components of fitness change as a function of growth, maturation, development, and interactions among the three processes.Keywords: primary school children, motor fitness, musculoskeletal fitness, cardiovascular fitness
Procedia PDF Downloads 2084630 An Augmented-Reality Interactive Card Game for Teaching Elementary School Students
Authors: YuLung Wu, YuTien Wu, ShuMey Yu
Game-based learning can enhance the learning motivation of students and provide a means for them to learn through playing games. This study used augmented reality technology to develop an interactive card game as a game-based teaching aid for delivering elementary school science course content with the aim of enhancing student learning processes and outcomes. Through playing the proposed card game, students can familiarize themselves with appearance, features, and foraging behaviors of insects. The system records the actions of students, enabling teachers to determine their students’ learning progress. In this study, 37 students participated in an assessment experiment and provided feedback through questionnaires. Their responses indicated that they were significantly more motivated to learn after playing the game, and their feedback was mostly positive.Keywords: game-based learning, learning motivation, teaching aid, augmented reality
Procedia PDF Downloads 3774629 Religious Insurgency in Nigeria: A Bane to National Unity
Authors: Ayoola Adediran Amos
Nigeria as a secular state that is characterized with various religions namely: Christianity, Islam and African Religion. Each of the religion adherents often claim that their religion is the only means of gaining eternity while others who do not belong to their sect may not be opportuned. Religious doctrine within those religious sects is another source of insurgency which serves as a threat to the unity of Nigeria. Similarly, Boko Haram Religious group has become a threat to the unity of the country in which its root has both political and religious undertones. Primary and secondary sources of collecting data were used. Historical method allowed enquiry into the past events and improvement to the current experience. Both published and unpublished theses were used. Interview was also conducted as part of the secondary sources. It was observed that all aspects of the system in Nigeria were affected with this scourge of religious unrest. i.e. education, political, economic and a host of others. Finally, it was recommended that religious leaders should be given adequate orientation on the needs not to preach against other religious groups. Government of Nigeria should not give priority to one religion at the expense of others.Keywords: insurgency, national unity, religious, threat
Procedia PDF Downloads 3324628 Learners' Perceptions about Teacher Written Feedback in the School of Foreign Languages, Anadolu University
Authors: Gaye Senbag
In English language teaching, feedback is considered as one of the main components of writing instruction. Teachers put a lot of time and effort in order to provide learners with written feedback for effective language learning. At Anadolu University School of Foreign Languages (AUSFL) students are given written feedback for their each piece of writing through online platforms such as Edmodo and Turnitin, and traditional methods. However, little is known regarding how learners value and respond to teacher-provided feedback. As the perceptions of the students remarkably affect their learning, this study examines how they perceive the effectiveness of feedback provided by the teacher. Aiming to analyse it, 30 intermediate level (B1+ CEFR level) students were given a questionnaire, which includes Likert scale questions. The results will be discussed in detail.Keywords: feedback, perceptions, writing, English Language Teaching (ELT)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2484627 Listening Children Through Storytelling
Authors: Catarina Cruz, Ana Breda
In the early years, until the children’s entrance at the elementary school, they are stimulated by their educators, through rich and attractive contexts, to explore and develop skills in different domains, from the socio-emotional to the cognitive. Many of these contexts trigger real or imaginary situations, familiar or not, through resources or pedagogical practices that incite children's curiosity, questioning, expression of ideas or emotions, social interaction, among others. Later, when children enter at the elementary school, their activity at school becomes more focused on developing skills in the cognitive domain, namely acquiring learning from different subject areas, such as Mathematics, Natural Sciences, History, among others. That is, to ensure that children develop the standardized learning recommended in the guiding curriculum documents, they spend part of their time applying formulas, memorizing information, following instructions, and so on, and in this way not much time is left to listen children, to learn about their interests and likes, as well as their perspective and questions about the surround world. In Elementary School, especially in the 1st Cycle, children are naturally curious, however, sometimes this skill is subtly conditioned by adults. Curious children learn more, since they have an intrinsic desire to know more, especially about what is unknown. When children think on subjects or themes that they are interested in or curious about, they attribute more meaning to this learning and retain it for longer. Therefore, it is important to approach subjects in the classroom that seduce or captivate children's attention, trigger them curiosity, and allow to hear their ideas. There are several resources, strategies and pedagogical practices to awaken children's curiosity, to explore their knowledge, to understand their perspectives and their way of thinking, to know a little more about their personality and to provide space for dialogue. The storytelling, its narrative’s exploration and interpretation is one of those pedagogical practices. Children’s literature, about real or imaginary subjects, stimulate children’s insights supported into their experiences, emotions, learnings and personality, and promote opportunities for children express freely their feelings and thoughts. This work focuses on a session developed with children in the 3rd year of schooling, from a Portuguese 1st Cycle Basic School, in which the story "From the Outside In and From the Inside Out" was presented. The story’s presentation was mainly centred on children’s activity, who read excerpts and interpreted/explored them through a dialogue led by one of the authors. The study presented here intends to show an example of how an exploration of a children's story can trigger ideas, thoughts, emotions or attitudes in children in the 3rd year of elementary school. To answer the research question, this work aimed to: identify ideas, thoughts, emotions or attitudes that emerged from the exploration of story; analyse aspects of the story and the orchestration/conduction of dialogue with/between children that facilitated or inhibited the emergence of ideas, thoughts, emotions or attitudes by children,Keywords: storytelling, children’s perspectives, soft skills, non-formal learning contexts, orchestration
Procedia PDF Downloads 254626 Music Therapy Intervention as a Means of Stimulating Communicative Abilities of Seniors with Neurocognitive Disorders – Theory versus Practice
Authors: Pavel Svoboda, Oldřich Müller
The paper contains a screening of the opinions of helping professional workers working in a home for seniors with individuals with neurocognitive disorders and compares them with the opinions of a younger generation of students who are just preparing for this work. The authors carried out a comparative questionnaire survey with both target groups, focusing on the analysis and comparison of possible differences in their knowledge in the field of care for elderly people with neurocognitive disorders. Specifically, they focused on knowledge and experience with approaches, methods and tools applicable within the framework of music therapy interventions, as they are understood in practice in comparison with the theoretical knowledge of secondary school students focused on social work. The questionnaire was mainly aimed at assessing the knowledge of the possibilities of effective memory stimulation of the elderly and their communication skills using the means of music. The conducted investigation was based on the research of studies dealing with so-called non-pharmacological approaches to the given clientele; for professional caregivers, it followed music therapy lessons, which the authors regularly implemented from the beginning of 2022. Its results will, among other things, serve as the basis for an upcoming study with a scoping design review.Keywords: neurocognitive disorders, seniors, music therapy intervention, melody, rhythm, text, memory stimulation, communication skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 714625 Impact of the 2015 Drought on Rural Livelihood – a Case Study of Masurdi Village in Latur District of Maharashtra, India
Authors: Nitin Bhagat
Drought is a global phenomenon. It has a huge impact on agriculture and allied sector activities. Agriculture plays a substantial role in the economy of developing countries, which mainly depends on rainfall. The present study illustrates the drought conditions in Masurdi village of Latur district in the Marathwada region, Maharashtra. This paper is based on both primary as well as secondary data sources. The multistage sample method was used for primary data collection. The 100 households sample survey data has been collected from the village through a semi-structured questionnaire. The crop production data is collected from the Department of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra. The rainfall data is obtained from the Department of Revenue, Office of Divisional Commissioner, Aurangabad for the period from 1988 to 2018. This paper examines the severity of drought consequences of the 2015 drought on domestic water supply, crop production, and the effect on children's schooling, livestock assets, bank credit, and migration. The study also analyzed climate variables' impact on the Latur district's total food grain production for 19 years from 2000 to 2018. This study applied multiple regression analysis to check the relationship between climatic variables and the Latur district's total food grain production. The climate variables are annual rainfall, maximum temperature and minimum temperature. The study considered that climatic variables are independent variables and total food grain as the dependent variable. It shows there is a significant relationship between rainfall and maximum temperature. The study also calculated rainfall deviations to find out the drought and normal years. According to drought manual 2016, the rainfall deviation calculated using the following formula. RF dev = {(RFi – RFn) / RFn}*100.Approximately 27.43 % of the workforce migrated from rural to urban areas for searching jobs, and crop production decreased tremendously due to inadequate rainfall in the drought year 2015. Many farm and non-farm labor, some marginal and small cultivators, migrated from rural to urban areas (like Pune, Mumbai, and Western Maharashtra).About 48 % of the households' children faced education difficulties; in the drought period, children were not going to school. They left their school and joined to bring water with their mother and fathers, sometimes they fetched water on their head or using a bicycle, near about 2 km from the village. In their school-going days, drinking water was not available in their schools, so the government declared holidays early in the academic education year 2015-16 compared to another academic year. Some college and 10th class students left their education due to financial problems. Many households benefited from state government schemes, like drought subsidies, crop insurance, and bank loans. Out of 100 households, about 50 (50 %) have obtained financial support from the state government’s subsidy scheme, 58 ( 58 %) have got crop insurance, and 41(41 %) irrigated households have got bank loans from national banks; besides that, only two families have obtained loans from their relatives and moneylenders.Keywords: agriculture, drought, household, rainfall
Procedia PDF Downloads 1764624 Gender Differences in Objectively Assessed Physical Activity among Urban 15-Year-Olds
Authors: Marjeta Misigoj Durakovic, Maroje Soric, Lovro Stefan
Background and aim: Physical inactivity has been linked with increased morbidity and premature mortality and adolescence has been recognised as the critical period for a decline in physical activity (PA) level. In order to properly direct interventions aimed at increasing PA, high-risk groups of individuals should be identified. Therefore, the aim of this study is to describe gender differences in: a) PA level; b) weekly PA patterns. Methods: This investigation is a part of the CRO-PALS study which is an on-going longitudinal study conducted in a representative sample of urban youth in Zagreb (Croatia). CRO-PALS involves 903 adolescents and for the purpose of this study data from a subgroup of 190 participants with information on objective PA level were analysed (116 girls; mean age [SD]=15.6[0.3] years). Duration of moderate and vigorous PA was measured during 5 consecutive by a multiple-sensor physical activity monitor (SenseWear Armband, BodyMedia inc., Pittsburgh, USA). Gender differences in PA level were evaluated using independent samples t-test. Differences in school week and weekend levels of activity were assessed using mixed ANOVA with gender as between-subjects factor. The amount of vigorous PA had to be log-transformed to achieve normality in the distribution. Results: Boys were more active than girls. Duration of moderate-to-vigorous PA averaged 111±44 min/day in boys and 80±38 min/day in girls (mean difference=31 min/day, 95%CI=20-43 min/day). Vigorous PA was 2.5 times higher in boys compared to girls (95%CI=1.9-3.5). Participants were more active during school days than on weekends. The magnitude of the difference in moderate-to-vigorous PA was similar in both gender (p value for time*gender interaction = 0.79) and averaged 19 min/day (95%CI=11-27 min/day). Similarly, vigorous PA was 36% lower on weekends compared with school days (95%CI=22-46%) with no gender difference (p value for time*gender interaction = 0.52). Conclusion: PA level was higher in boys than in girls throughout the week. Still, in both boys and girls, the amount of PA reduced markedly on weekends compared with school days.Keywords: adolescence, multiple-sensor physical activity monitor, physical activity level, weekly physical activity pattern
Procedia PDF Downloads 2554623 Towards a Model of Support in the Areas of Services of Educational Assistance and Tutoring in Middle Education in Mexico
Authors: Margarita Zavala, Julio Rolón, Gabriel Chavira, José González, Jorge Orozco, Roberto Pichardo
Adolescence is a neuralgic stage in the formation of every human being, generally at this stage is when the middle school level is studied. In 2006 in Mexico incorporated “mentoring" space to assist students in their integration and participation in life. In public middle schools, is sometimes difficult to be aware of situations that affect students because of the number of them and traditional records management. Whit this they lose the opportunity to provide timely support as a preventive way. In order to provide this support, it is required to know the students by detecting the relevant information that has greater impact on their learning process. This research is looking to check if it is possible to identify student’s relevant information to detect when it is at risk, and then to propose a model to manage in a proper way such information.Keywords: adolescence, mentoring, middle school students, mentoring system support
Procedia PDF Downloads 4244622 Inventory Larval Ectoparasites of Tomato Leafminer in National High School of Agriculture, Algeria
Authors: Khadidja Mahdi, Salaheddine Doumandji
Among the natural enemies that reduce populations of the tomato leaf miner studied in experimental plots of National High school of agriculture (ENSA, Algeria, 36° 40’ à 36° 43’ N.; 3° 08’ à 3° 12’ E.), larval ectoparasites. Three larval ectoparasites are reported in this study namely Necrinmus Sp. and two species of indeterminate Chalcidae (Chalcidae Sp. 1 and 2). These species have significantly reduced the effectives of Tuta absoluta. The results for the parasitism of eggs, larval instars and pupae of Tuta absoluta on the open field tomato in the experimental plots of ENSA show high levels of parasite eggs with 25%. With 94.7%, the first larval instar (L1) is the most parasites. The second instar (L2) undergoes the action of parasitoids least 60%. Instars L3 and L4 and pupae remain unharmed.Keywords: tuta absoluta, larval ectoparasites, tomato, ensa, Algeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 2794621 The Effects of Multiple Levels of Intelligence in an Algebra 1 Classroom
Authors: Abigail Gragg
The goal of this research study was to adjudicate if implementing Howard Gardner’s multiple levels of intelligence would enhance student achievement levels in an Algebra 1 College Preparatory class. This was conducted within every class by incorporating one level of the eight levels of intelligence into small group work in stations. Every class was conducted utilizing small-group instruction. Achievement levels were measured through various forms of collected data that expressed student understandings in class through formative assessments versus student understandings on summative assessments. The data samples included: assessments (i.e. summative and formative assessments), observable data, video recordings, a daily log book, student surveys, and checklists kept during the observation periods. Formative assessments were analyzed during each class period to measure in-class understanding. Summative assessments were dissected per question per accuracy to review the effects of each intelligence implemented. The data was collated into a coding workbook for further analysis to conclude the resulting themes of the research. These themes include 1) there was no correlation to multiple levels of intelligence enhancing student achievement, 2) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence showed to be the intelligence that had the most improvement on test questions and 3) out of all of the bits of intelligence, interpersonal intelligence enhanced student understanding in class.Keywords: stations, small group instruction, multiple levels of intelligence, Mathematics, Algebra 1, student achievement, secondary school, instructional Pedagogies
Procedia PDF Downloads 1114620 Prevalence of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in School Going Adolescents in India
Authors: Anshu Gupta, Charu Gupta
Background: Adolescence is the transitional period between puberty and adulthood. It is marked by immense turmoil in emotional and behavioral spheres. Adolescents are at risk of an array of behavioral and emotional problems, resulting in social, academic and vocational function impairments. Conflicts in the family and inability of the parents to cope with the changing demands of an adolescent have a negative impact on the overall development of the child. This augers ill for the individual’s future, resulting in depression, delinquency and suicides among other problems. Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the prevalence of behavioral and emotional problems in school going adolescents aged 13 to 15 years residing in Ludhiana city. Method: A total of 1380 school children in the age group of 13 to 15 years were assessed by the adolescent health screening questionnaire (FAPS) and Youth Self-Report (2001) questionnaire. Statistical significance was ascertained by t-test, chi-square test (x²) and ANOVA, as appropriate. Results: A considerably high prevalence of behavioral and emotional problems was found in school going adolescents (26.5%), more in girls (31.7%) than in boys (24.4%). In case of boys, the maximum problem was in the 13 year age group, i.e., 28.2%, followed by a significant decline by the age of 14 years, i.e., 24.2% and 15 years, i.e., 19.6%. In case of girls also, the maximum problem was in the 13 year age group, i.e., 32.4% followed by a marginal decline in the 14 years i.e., 31.8% and 15 year age group, i.e., 30.2%. Demographic factors were non contributory. Internalizing syndrome (22.4%) was the most common problem followed by the neither internalizing nor externalizing (17.6%) group. In internalizing group, most (26.5%) of the students were observed to be anxious/ depressed. Social problem was observed to be the most frequent (10.6%) among neither internalizing nor externalizing group. Aggressive behavior was the commonest (8.4%) among externalizing group. Internalizing problems, mainly anxiety and depression, were commoner in females (30.6%) than males (24.6%). More boys (16%) than girls (13.4%) were reported to suffer from externalizing disorders. A critical review of the data showed that most of the adolescents had poor knowledge about reproductive health. Almost 36% reported that the source of their information on sexual and reproductive health being friends and the electronic media. There was a high percentage of adolescents who reported being worried about sexual abuse (20.2%) with majority of them being girls (93.6%) reflecting poorly on the social setup in the country. About 41% of adolescents reported being concerned about body weight and most of them being girls (92.4%). Up to 14.5% reported having thoughts of using alcohol or drugs perhaps due to the easy availability of substances of abuse in this part of the country. 12.8% (mostly girls) reported suicidal thoughts. Summary/conclusion: There is a high prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems among school-going adolescents. Resolution of these problems during adolescence is essential for attaining a healthy adulthood. The need of the hour is to spread awareness among caregivers and formulation of effective management strategies including school mental health programme.Keywords: adolescence, behavioral, emotional, internalizing problem
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