Search results for: connected vehicles
1264 Cerebrovascular Modeling: A Vessel Network Approach for Fluid Distribution
Authors: Karla E. Sanchez-Cazares, Kim H. Parker, Jennifer H. Tweedy
The purpose of this work is to develop a simple compartmental model of cerebral fluid balance including blood and cerebrospinal-fluid (CSF). At the first level the cerebral arteries and veins are modelled as bifurcating trees with constant scaling factors between generations which are connected through a homogeneous microcirculation. The arteries and veins are assumed to be non-rigid and the cross-sectional area, resistance and mean pressure in each generation are determined as a function of blood volume flow rate. From the mean pressure and further assumptions about the variation of wall permeability, the transmural fluid flux can be calculated. The results suggest the next level of modelling where the cerebral vasculature is divided into three compartments; the large arteries, the small arteries, the capillaries and the veins with effective compliances and permeabilities derived from the detailed vascular model. These vascular compartments are then linked to other compartments describing the different CSF spaces, the cerebral ventricles and the subarachnoid space. This compartmental model is used to calculate the distribution of fluid in the cranium. Known volumes and flows for normal conditions are used to determine reasonable parameters for the model, which can then be used to help understand pathological behaviour and suggest clinical interventions.Keywords: cerebrovascular, compartmental model, CSF model, vascular network
Procedia PDF Downloads 2761263 Vision-Based Collision Avoidance for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Recurrent Neural Networks
Authors: Yao-Hong Tsai
Due to the sensor technology, video surveillance has become the main way for security control in every big city in the world. Surveillance is usually used by governments for intelligence gathering, the prevention of crime, the protection of a process, person, group or object, or the investigation of crime. Many surveillance systems based on computer vision technology have been developed in recent years. Moving target tracking is the most common task for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to find and track objects of interest in mobile aerial surveillance for civilian applications. The paper is focused on vision-based collision avoidance for UAVs by recurrent neural networks. First, images from cameras on UAV were fused based on deep convolutional neural network. Then, a recurrent neural network was constructed to obtain high-level image features for object tracking and extracting low-level image features for noise reducing. The system distributed the calculation of the whole system to local and cloud platform to efficiently perform object detection, tracking and collision avoidance based on multiple UAVs. The experiments on several challenging datasets showed that the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, object tracking, deep learning, collision avoidance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1611262 Robustness of Steel Beam to Column Moment Resisting Joints
Authors: G. Culache, M. P. Byfield, N. S. Ferguson, A. Tyas
Steel joints in building structures represent a weak link in the case of accidental transient loading. This type of loading can occur due to blast effects or impact with moving vehicles and will result in large deformations in the material as well as large rotations. This paper addresses the lack of experimental investigations into the response of moment resisting connections subjected to such loading. The current design philosophy was used to create test specimens with flush and extended end plates. The specimens were tested in a specially designed testing rig capable of delivering the sustained loading even beyond the point of failure. Types of failure that the authors attempted to obtain were bolt fracture, flange crushing and end plate fracture. Experimental data is presented, described and analyzed. The tests show that the strength and ductility can be significantly improved by replacing ordinary mild-steel bolts with their stainless steel equivalents. This minor modification is demonstrated to significantly improve the robustness when subjected to loading that results in high deformations and rotation, where loading is maintained during failure. Conclusions are drawn about the wider implications of this research and recommendations made on the direction of future research in this field.Keywords: steel moment connections, high strain rates, dynamic loading, experimental testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3231261 Intensification of Heat Transfer in Magnetically Assisted Reactor
Authors: Dawid Sołoducha, Tomasz Borowski, Marian Kordas, Rafał Rakoczy
The magnetic field in the past few years became an important part of many studies. Magnetic field (MF) may be used to affect the process in many ways; for example, it can be used as a factor to stabilize the system. We can use MF to steer the operation, to activate or inhibit the process, or even to affect the vital activity of microorganisms. Using various types of magnetic field generators is always connected with the delivery of some heat to the system. Heat transfer is a very important phenomenon; it can influence the process positively and negatively, so it’s necessary to measure heat stream transferred from the place of generation and prevent negative influence on the operation. The aim of the presented work was to apply various types of magnetic fields and to measure heat transfer phenomena. The results were obtained by continuous measurement at several measuring points with temperature probes. Results were compilated in the form of temperature profiles. The study investigated the undetermined heat transfer in a custom system equipped with a magnetic field generator. Experimental investigations are provided for the explanation of the influence of the various type of magnetic fields on the heat transfer process. The tested processes are described by means of the criteria which defined heat transfer intensification under the action of magnetic field.Keywords: heat transfer, magnetic field, undetermined heat transfer, temperature profile
Procedia PDF Downloads 1961260 Analysis of Traffic Crashes on Rural Roads in Oman
Authors: Mohammed Bakhit Kashoob, Mohammed Salim Al-Maashani, Ahmed Abdullah Al-Marhoon
Fatalities of Road Traffic Crashes (RTCs) on rural roads are usually higher than that on urban roads. The likelihood of traffic accidents may increase with the presence of factors that are associated with the rural type of community such as long-distance, road type, road geometry (e.g., curves and steepens), poor lighting, terrain, obstacles (e.g., animals crossing, boulders or tree branches), heavy truck traffic, weather conditions, and road flaws. Most of these factors are present on the rural roads of Oman. As many cities in Oman are surrounded by mountains and connected by rural roads, this is of great concern. In this paper, the causes of traffic crashes on rural roads in Oman are analyzed. The fatality rate of traffic deaths on rural roads is compared with the fatality rate on urban roads for different regions in Oman. Statistical data and police reports show that the leading cause of RTCs and deaths on rural roads is vehicle speeding, especially on long-distance roads. It is shown that crashes on rural roads result in higher fatalities than crashes on urban roads. In comparison to speed, the numbers of RTCs and deaths that resulted from other causes are small.Keywords: causes of traffic crashes, road safety, road traffic crash, rural roads
Procedia PDF Downloads 1711259 Development and Usability Assessment of a Connected Resistance Exercise Band Application for Strength-Monitoring
Authors: J. A. Batsis, G. G. Boateng, L. M. Seo, C. L. Petersen, K. L. Fortuna, E. V. Wechsler, R. J. Peterson, S. B. Cook, D. Pidgeon, R. S. Dokko, R. J. Halter, D. F. Kotz
Resistance exercise bands are a core component of any physical activity strengthening program. Strength training can mitigate the development of sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass or strength and function with aging. Yet, the adherence of such behavioral exercise strategies in a home-based setting are fraught with issues of monitoring and compliance. Our group developed a Bluetooth-enabled resistance exercise band capable of transmitting data to an open-source platform. In this work, we developed an application to capture this information in real-time, and conducted three usability studies in two mixed-aged groups of participants (n=6 each) and a group of older adults with obesity participating in a weight-loss intervention (n=20). The system was favorable, acceptable and provided iterative information that could assist in future deployment on ubiquitous platforms. Our formative work provides the foundation to deliver home-based monitoring interventions in a high-risk, older adult population.Keywords: application, mHealth, older adult, resistance exercise band, sarcopenia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1741258 The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on the Production of Agricultural Lands and Labor
Authors: Ibrahim Makram Ibrahim Salib
Agriculture plays an essential role in providing food for the world's population. It also offers numerous benefits to countries, including non-food products, transportation, and environmental balance. Precision agriculture, which employs advanced tools to monitor variability and manage inputs, can help achieve these benefits. The increasing demand for food security puts pressure on decision-makers to ensure sufficient food production worldwide. To support sustainable agriculture, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be utilized to manage farms and increase yields. This paper aims to provide an understanding of UAV usage and its applications in agriculture. The objective is to review the various applications of UAVs in agriculture. Based on a comprehensive review of existing research, it was found that different sensors provide varying analyses for agriculture applications. Therefore, the purpose of the project must be determined before using UAV technology for better data quality and analysis. In conclusion, identifying a suitable sensor and UAV is crucial to gather accurate data and precise analysis when using UAVs in agriculture.Keywords: agriculture land, agriculture land loss, Kabul city, urban land expansion, urbanization agriculture yield growth, agriculture yield prediction, explorative data analysis, predictive models, regression models drone, precision agriculture, farmer income
Procedia PDF Downloads 761257 RV-YOLOX: Object Detection on Inland Waterways Based on Optimized YOLOX Through Fusion of Vision and 3+1D Millimeter Wave Radar
Authors: Zixian Zhang, Shanliang Yao, Zile Huang, Zhaodong Wu, Xiaohui Zhu, Yong Yue, Jieming Ma
Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) are valuable due to their ability to perform dangerous and time-consuming tasks on the water. Object detection tasks are significant in these applications. However, inherent challenges, such as the complex distribution of obstacles, reflections from shore structures, water surface fog, etc., hinder the performance of object detection of USVs. To address these problems, this paper provides a fusion method for USVs to effectively detect objects in the inland surface environment, utilizing vision sensors and 3+1D Millimeter-wave radar. MMW radar is complementary to vision sensors, providing robust environmental information. The radar 3D point cloud is transferred to 2D radar pseudo image to unify radar and vision information format by utilizing the point transformer. We propose a multi-source object detection network (RV-YOLOX )based on radar-vision fusion for inland waterways environment. The performance is evaluated on our self-recording waterways dataset. Compared with the YOLOX network, our fusion network significantly improves detection accuracy, especially for objects with bad light conditions.Keywords: inland waterways, YOLO, sensor fusion, self-attention
Procedia PDF Downloads 1271256 Understanding the Historical Consciousness of Children and Young People
Authors: Kay Carroll
Creating historical consciousness in children and young people is critical to global inclusion and engagement. In a context of international and technological flux, children are confronted with shifting national identities. Within this quantitative study of Australian children and young people, the concept and development of historical consciousness are explored. The analysis reports on how children and young people are connected through national, collective, and personal narratives to understand historically significant events and changes, anchor themselves to universal and intergenerational traditions and norms, be open to divergent perspectives and resilient to perpetual socio-cultural shifts. This paper presents the development and factors that shape national historical consciousness in children and young people using established international frameworks and stages of historical consciousness. This research reports on quantitative surveys conducted with over 680 school children from ages 12 years to 19 years within Australian schools. Concepts of global citizenship, inclusion, and engagement with national historical memory and significance are explored. Findings identify the social benefits of collective and personal historical consciousness and consider the current barriers and enablers in developing a young person’s historical consciousness for the future.Keywords: curriculum, global citizenship, historical consciousness, significance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1981255 Assessment and Prediction of Vehicular Emissions in Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City at Various Policy and Technology Scenarios Using Simple Interactive Model (SIM-Air)
Authors: Ria M. Caramoan, Analiza P. Rollon, Karl N. Vergel
The Simple Interactive Models for Better Air Quality (SIM-air) is an integrated approach model that allows the available information to support the integrated urban air quality management. This study utilized the vehicular air pollution information system module of SIM-air for the assessment of vehicular emissions in Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines. The main objective of the study is to assess and predict the contribution of different types of vehicles to the vehicular emissions in terms of PM₁₀, SOₓ, and NOₓ at different policy and technology scenarios. For the base year 2017, the results show vehicular emissions of 735.46 tons of PM₁₀, 108.90 tons of SOₓ, and 2,101.11 tons of NOₓ. Motorcycle is the major source of particulates contributing about 52% of the PM₁₀ emissions. Meanwhile, Public Utility Jeepneys contribute 27% of SOₓ emissions and private cars using gasoline contribute 39% of NOₓ emissions. Ambient air quality monitoring was also conducted in the study area for the standard parameters of PM₁₀, S0₂, and NO₂. Results show an average of 88.11 µg/Ncm, 47.41 µg/Ncm and 22.54 µg/Ncm for PM₁₀, N0₂, and SO₂, respectively, all were within the DENR National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values. Future emissions of PM₁₀, NOₓ, and SOₓ are estimated at different scenarios. Results show that in the year 2030, PM₁₀ emissions will be increased by 186.2%. NOₓ emissions and SOₓ emissions will also be increased by 38.9% and 5.5%, without the implementation of the scenarios.Keywords: ambient air quality, emissions inventory, mobile air pollution, vehicular emissions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1381254 Design of an Eddy Current Brake System for the Use of Roller Coasters Based on a Human Factors Engineering Approach
Authors: Adam L. Yanagihara, Yong Seok Park
The goal of this paper is to converge upon a design of a brake system that could be used for a roller coaster found at an amusement park. It was necessary to find what could be deemed as a “comfortable” deceleration so that passengers do not feel as if they are suddenly jerked and pressed against the restraining harnesses. A human factors engineering approach was taken in order to determine this deceleration. Using a previous study that tested the deceleration of transit vehicles, it was found that a -0.45 G deceleration would be used as a design requirement to build this system around. An adjustable linear eddy current brake using permanent magnets would be the ideal system to use in order to meet this design requirement. Anthropometric data were then used to determine a realistic weight and length of the roller coaster that the brake was being designed for. The weight and length data were then factored into magnetic brake force equations. These equations were used to determine how the brake system and the brake run layout would be designed. A final design for the brake was determined and it was found that a total of 12 brakes would be needed with a maximum braking distance of 53.6 m in order to stop a roller coaster travelling at its top speed and loaded to maximum capacity. This design is derived from theoretical calculations, but is within the realm of feasibility.Keywords: eddy current brake, engineering design, design synthesis, human factors engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 1251253 Resilient Machine Learning in the Nuclear Industry: Crack Detection as a Case Study
Authors: Anita Khadka, Gregory Epiphaniou, Carsten Maple
There is a dramatic surge in the adoption of machine learning (ML) techniques in many areas, including the nuclear industry (such as fault diagnosis and fuel management in nuclear power plants), autonomous systems (including self-driving vehicles), space systems (space debris recovery, for example), medical surgery, network intrusion detection, malware detection, to name a few. With the application of learning methods in such diverse domains, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a part of everyday modern human life. To date, the predominant focus has been on developing underpinning ML algorithms that can improve accuracy, while factors such as resiliency and robustness of algorithms have been largely overlooked. If an adversarial attack is able to compromise the learning method or data, the consequences can be fatal, especially but not exclusively in safety-critical applications. In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of five adversarial attacks and three defence methods on a crack detection ML model. Our analysis shows that it can be dangerous to adopt machine learning techniques in security-critical areas such as the nuclear industry without rigorous testing since they may be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. While common defence methods can effectively defend against different attacks, none of the three considered can provide protection against all five adversarial attacks analysed.Keywords: adversarial machine learning, attacks, defences, nuclear industry, crack detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591252 The Profit Trend of Cosmetics Products Using Bootstrap Edgeworth Approximation
Authors: Edlira Donefski, Lorenc Ekonomi, Tina Donefski
Edgeworth approximation is one of the most important statistical methods that has a considered contribution in the reduction of the sum of standard deviation of the independent variables’ coefficients in a Quantile Regression Model. This model estimates the conditional median or other quantiles. In this paper, we have applied approximating statistical methods in an economical problem. We have created and generated a quantile regression model to see how the profit gained is connected with the realized sales of the cosmetic products in a real data, taken from a local business. The Linear Regression of the generated profit and the realized sales was not free of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity, so this is the reason that we have used this model instead of Linear Regression. Our aim is to analyze in more details the relation between the variables taken into study: the profit and the finalized sales and how to minimize the standard errors of the independent variable involved in this study, the level of realized sales. The statistical methods that we have applied in our work are Edgeworth Approximation for Independent and Identical distributed (IID) cases, Bootstrap version of the Model and the Edgeworth approximation for Bootstrap Quantile Regression Model. The graphics and the results that we have presented here identify the best approximating model of our study.Keywords: bootstrap, edgeworth approximation, IID, quantile
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591251 Sound Performance of a Composite Acoustic Coating With Embedded Parallel Plates Under Hydrostatic Pressure
Authors: Bo Hu, Shibo Wang, Haoyang Zhang, Jie Shi
With the development of sonar detection technology, the acoustic stealth technology of underwater vehicles is facing severe challenges. The underwater acoustic coating is developing towards the direction of low-frequency absorption capability and broad absorption frequency bandwidth. In this paper, an acoustic model of underwater acoustic coating of composite material embedded with periodical steel structure is presented. The model has multiple high absorption peaks in the frequency range of 1kHz-8kHz, where achieves high sound absorption and broad bandwidth performance. It is found that the frequencies of the absorption peaks are related to the classic half-wavelength transmission principle. The sound absorption performance of the acoustic model is investigated by the finite element method using COMSOL software. The sound absorption mechanism of the proposed model is explained by the distributions of the displacement vector field. The influence of geometric parameters of periodical steel structure, including thickness and distance, on the sound absorption ability of the proposed model are further discussed. The acoustic model proposed in this study provides an idea for the design of underwater low-frequency broadband acoustic coating, and the results shows the possibility and feasibility for practical underwater application.Keywords: acoustic coating, composite material, broad frequency bandwidth, sound absorption performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1751250 Using Q-Learning to Auto-Tune PID Controller Gains for Online Quadcopter Altitude Stabilization
Authors: Y. Alrubyli
Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs), and more specifically, quadcopters need to be stable during their flights. Altitude stability is usually achieved by using a PID controller that is built into the flight controller software. Furthermore, the PID controller has gains that need to be tuned to reach optimal altitude stabilization during the quadcopter’s flight. For that, control system engineers need to tune those gains by using extensive modeling of the environment, which might change from one environment and condition to another. As quadcopters penetrate more sectors, from the military to the consumer sectors, they have been put into complex and challenging environments more than ever before. Hence, intelligent self-stabilizing quadcopters are needed to maneuver through those complex environments and situations. Here we show that by using online reinforcement learning with minimal background knowledge, the altitude stability of the quadcopter can be achieved using a model-free approach. We found that by using background knowledge instead of letting the online reinforcement learning algorithm wander for a while to tune the PID gains, altitude stabilization can be achieved faster. In addition, using this approach will accelerate development by avoiding extensive simulations before applying the PID gains to the real-world quadcopter. Our results demonstrate the possibility of using the trial and error approach of reinforcement learning combined with background knowledge to achieve faster quadcopter altitude stabilization in different environments and conditions.Keywords: reinforcement learning, Q-leanring, online learning, PID tuning, unmanned aerial vehicle, quadcopter
Procedia PDF Downloads 1781249 Proposing an Architecture for Drug Response Prediction by Integrating Multiomics Data and Utilizing Graph Transformers
Authors: Nishank Raisinghani
Efficiently predicting drug response remains a challenge in the realm of drug discovery. To address this issue, we propose four model architectures that combine graphical representation with varying positions of multiheaded self-attention mechanisms. By leveraging two types of multi-omics data, transcriptomics and genomics, we create a comprehensive representation of target cells and enable drug response prediction in precision medicine. A majority of our architectures utilize multiple transformer models, one with a graph attention mechanism and the other with a multiheaded self-attention mechanism, to generate latent representations of both drug and omics data, respectively. Our model architectures apply an attention mechanism to both drug and multiomics data, with the goal of procuring more comprehensive latent representations. The latent representations are then concatenated and input into a fully connected network to predict the IC-50 score, a measure of cell drug response. We experiment with all four of these architectures and extract results from all of them. Our study greatly contributes to the future of drug discovery and precision medicine by looking to optimize the time and accuracy of drug response prediction.Keywords: drug discovery, transformers, graph neural networks, multiomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1561248 Propagation of the Effects of Certain Types of Military Psychological Operations in a Networked Population
Authors: Colette Faucher
In modern asymmetric conflicts, the Armed Forces generally have to intervene in countries where the internal peace is in danger. They must make the local population an ally in order to be able to deploy the necessary military actions with its support. For this purpose, psychological operations (PSYOPs) are used to shape people’s behaviors and emotions by the modification of their attitudes in acting on their perceptions. PSYOPs aim at elaborating and spreading a message that must be read, listened to and/or looked at, then understood by the info-targets in order to get from them the desired behavior. A message can generate in the info-targets, reasoned thoughts, spontaneous emotions or reflex behaviors, this effect partly depending on the means of conveyance used to spread this message. In this paper, we focus on psychological operations that generate emotions. We present a method based on the Intergroup Emotion Theory, that determines, from the characteristics of the conveyed message and of the people from the population directly reached by the means of conveyance (direct info-targets), the emotion likely to be triggered in them and we simulate the propagation of the effects of such a message on indirect info-targets that are connected to them through the social networks that structure the population.Keywords: military psychological operations, social identity, social network, emotion propagation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4101247 Assets Misappropriation in the Malaysian Public and Private Sectors
Authors: I. K. Norziaton, M. D. Ridhuan, A. N. Nur Adura
Assets misappropriation is becoming a major concern in organizations. Over the years, the Malaysian Auditor General has reported high occurrences of assets misappropriation at the federal, state and even local governments. It is surprising that assets misappropriation is not the only major concern in the public sector but it has also indicates a common sight in private sector. The current situation is rather disconcerting because employees are accountable to perform their jobs at the interest of the organizations. Various researches in the past has found that the incidence of assets misappropriation occurs when employees used the official vehicles, internet connection, computers, stationery and facilities for personal and family benefits. The issue of assets misappropriation has continue to be a major concern for organizations and its impact on the reputation and financial health can be enormous. Even though the issue seems to be trivial, yet, if it is left untreated, the symptoms will become an incurable disease that it will cause major leakages to the organizations. Hence, this paper highlights the common practices of assets misappropriation in public and private sectors. It also discusses why the acts of assets misappropriation occurs. Using the data through questionnaire survey, a total of 250 questionnaires were distributed to the private and public sectors employees. However 173 (69.2%) were returned and usable. This paper concludes that it is vital to promote awareness to the public and private sectors employees on issues of assets misappropriation. Assets misappropriation could have been avoided provided that the officers in charge are more vigilant, competent and practice high level of integrity in discharging their responsibilities towards the organizations.Keywords: assets misappropriation, fraud, public sector, private sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 2011246 Adaptive Nonlinear Control of a Variable Speed Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine: Controller for Optimal Power Capture
Authors: Rana M. Mostafa, Nouby M. Ghazaly, Ahmed S. Ali
This article introduces a solution for increasing the wind energy extracted from turbines to overcome the more electric power required. This objective provides a new science discipline; wind turbine control. This field depends on the development in power electronics to provide new control strategies for turbines. Those strategies should deal with all turbine operating modes. Here there are two control strategies developed for variable speed horizontal axis wind turbine for rated and over rated wind speed regions. These strategies will support wind energy validation, decrease manufacturing overhead cost. Here nonlinear adaptive method was used to design speed controllers to a scheme for ‘Aeolos50 kw’ wind turbine connected to permanent magnet generator via a gear box which was built on MATLAB/Simulink. These controllers apply maximum power point tracking concept to guarantee goal achievement. Procedures were carried to test both controllers efficiency. The results had been shown that the developed controllers are acceptable and this can be easily declared from simulation results.Keywords: adaptive method, pitch controller, wind energy, nonlinear control
Procedia PDF Downloads 2441245 Battery State of Charge Management Algorithm for Photovoltaic Ramp Rate Control
Authors: Nam Kyu Kim, Hee Jun Cha, Jae Jin Seo, Dong Jun Won
Output power of a photovoltaic (PV) generator depends on incident solar irradiance. If the clouds pass or the climate condition is bad, the PV output fluctuates frequently. When PV generator is connected to the grid, these fluctuations adversely affect power quality. Thus, ramp rate control with battery energy storage system (BESS) is needed to reduce PV output fluctuations. At the same time, for effective BESS operation and sizing the optimal BESS capacity, managing state of charge (SOC) is the most important part. In addition, managing SOC helps to avoid violating the SOC operating range of BESS when performing renewable integration (RI) continuously. As PV and BESS increase, the SOC management of BESS will become more important in the future. This paper presents the SOC management algorithm which helps to operate effectively BESS, and has focused on method to manage SOC while reducing PV output fluctuations. A simulation model is developed in PSCAD/EMTDC software. The simulation results show that the SOC is maintained within the operating range by adjusting the output distribution according to the SOC of the BESS.Keywords: battery energy storage system, ramp rate control, renewable integration, SOC management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811244 Synthesis and Solubilization of Flurbiprofen Derivatives and Investigation of Their Biological Activities
Authors: Muhammad Mustaqeem, Musa Kaleem Baloch, Irfan Ullah, Ammarah Luqman, Afshan Ahmad
Flurbiprofen is one of the most potent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is widely used for relief of pain in patients suffering from rheumatic diseases, migraine, sore throat and primary dysmenorrhea. However, its aqueous solubility is very low and hinders the skin permeation. Thus, it is imperative to develop such a drug delivery systems which can improve its aqueous solubility and hence improve the skin permeation and therapeutic compliance. Microemulsions have been also proven to increase the cutaneous absorption of lipophilic drugs as compared to conventional vehicles. Micro-emulsion is thermodynamically stable emulsion that has the capacity to ‘hide/solubilize’ water-insoluble molecules within a continuous oil phase. Therefore, flurbiprofen was converted to Easters through chemical reactions with alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol. The product was further treated with hydrazine to get hydrazide. The solubility of the parent drug Flurbiprofen and the products were solubilized in microemulsions formed using various surfactants like ionic, non-ionic and zwitterions. It has been concluded that the product was more soluble than the parent compound. The biological activities of these were also investigated. The outcome was very promising and the product was more active than the parent compound. It, therefore, concluded that in this way, we can not only enhance the solubility of the drug and increase its bioactivity, but also reduce the risk of stomach cancer.Keywords: Flurbiprofen, microemulsion, surfactants, hyrazides
Procedia PDF Downloads 2281243 Competitiveness of a Share Autonomous Electrical Vehicle Fleet Compared to Traditional Means of Transport: A Case Study for Transportation Network Companies
Authors: Maximilian Richter
Implementing shared autonomous electric vehicles (SAEVs) has many advantages. The main advantages are achieved when SAEVs are offered as on-demand services by a fleet operator. However, autonomous mobility on demand (AMoD) will be distributed nationwide only if a fleet operation is economically profitable for the operator. This paper proposes a microscopic approach to modeling two implementation scenarios of an AMoD fleet. The city of Zurich is used as a case study, with the results and findings being generalizable to other similar European and North American cities. The data are based on the traffic model of the canton of Zurich (Gesamtverkehrsmodell des Kantons Zürich (GVM-ZH)). To determine financial profitability, demand is based on the simulation results and combined with analyzing the costs of a SAEV per kilometer. The results demonstrate that depending on the scenario; journeys can be offered profitably to customers for CHF 0.3 up to CHF 0.4 per kilometer. While larger fleets allowed for lower price levels and increased profits in the long term, smaller fleets exhibit elevated efficiency levels and profit opportunities per day. The paper concludes with recommendations for how fleet operators can prepare themselves to maximize profit in the autonomous future.Keywords: autonomous vehicle, mobility on demand, traffic simulation, fleet provider
Procedia PDF Downloads 1241242 Real-World PM, PN and NOx Emission Differences among DOC+CDPF Retrofit Diesel-, Diesel- And Natural Gas-Fueled Bus
Authors: Zhiwen Yang, Jingyuan Li, Zhenkai Xie, Jian Ling, Jiguang Wang, Mengliang Li
To reflect the effects of different emission control strategies, such as retrofitting after-treatment system and replacing with natural gas-fueled vehicles, on particle number (PN), particle mass (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions emitted by urban bus, a portable emission measurement system (PEMS) was employed herein to conduct real-world driving emission measurements on a diesel oxidation catalytic converter (DOC) and catalyzed diesel particulate filter (CDPF) retrofitting China IV diesel bus, a China IV diesel bus, and a China V natural gas bus. The results show that both tested diesel buses possess markedly advantages in NOx emission control when compared to the lean-burn natural gas bus equipped without any NOx after-treatment system. As to PN and PM, only the DOC+CDPF retrofitting diesel bus exhibits enormous benefits on emission control relate to the natural gas bus, especially the normal diesel bus. Meanwhile, the differences in PM and PN emissions between retrofitted and normal diesel buses generally increase with the increase in vehicle-specific power (VSP). Furthermore, the differences in PM emissions, especially those in the higher VSP ranges, are more significant than those in PN. In addition, the maximum peak PN particle size (32 nm) of the retrofitted diesel bus was significantly lower than that of the normal diesel bus (100 nm). These phenomena indicate that the CDPF retrofitting can effectively reduce diesel bus exhaust particle emissions, especially those with large particle sizes.Keywords: CDPF, diesel, natural gas, real-world emissions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2971241 Analyzing the Factors that Cause Parallel Performance Degradation in Parallel Graph-Based Computations Using Graph500
Authors: Mustafa Elfituri, Jonathan Cook
Recently, graph-based computations have become more important in large-scale scientific computing as they can provide a methodology to model many types of relations between independent objects. They are being actively used in fields as varied as biology, social networks, cybersecurity, and computer networks. At the same time, graph problems have some properties such as irregularity and poor locality that make their performance different than regular applications performance. Therefore, parallelizing graph algorithms is a hard and challenging task. Initial evidence is that standard computer architectures do not perform very well on graph algorithms. Little is known exactly what causes this. The Graph500 benchmark is a representative application for parallel graph-based computations, which have highly irregular data access and are driven more by traversing connected data than by computation. In this paper, we present results from analyzing the performance of various example implementations of Graph500, including a shared memory (OpenMP) version, a distributed (MPI) version, and a hybrid version. We measured and analyzed all the factors that affect its performance in order to identify possible changes that would improve its performance. Results are discussed in relation to what factors contribute to performance degradation.Keywords: graph computation, graph500 benchmark, parallel architectures, parallel programming, workload characterization.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491240 Observer-Based Leader-Following Consensus of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems
Authors: Ali Afaghi, Sehraneh Ghaemi
The coordination of the multi-agent systems has been one of the interesting topic in recent years, because of its potential applications in many branches of science and engineering such as sensor networks, flocking, underwater vehicles and etc. In the most of the related studies, it is assumed that the dynamics of the multi-agent systems are integer-order and linear and the multi-agent systems with the fractional-order nonlinear dynamics are rarely considered. However many phenomena in nature cannot be described within integer-order and linear characteristics. This paper investigates the leader-following consensus problem for a class of nonlinear fractional-order multi-agent systems based on observer-based cooperative control. In the system, the dynamics of each follower and leader are nonlinear. For a multi-agent system with fixed directed topology firstly, an observer-based consensus protocol is proposed based on the relative observer states of neighboring agents. Secondly, based on the property of the stability theory of fractional-order system, some sufficient conditions are presented for the asymptotical stability of the observer-based fractional-order control systems. The proposed method is applied on a five-agent system with the fractional-order nonlinear dynamics and unavailable states. The simulation example shows that the proposed scenario results in the good performance and can be used in many practical applications.Keywords: fractional-order multi-agent systems, leader-following consensus, nonlinear dynamics, directed graphs
Procedia PDF Downloads 3991239 Protection and Renewal Strategies of Historical Blocks from the Perspective of “Staged Authenticity”
Authors: Xu Yingqiang, Wang Zhongde
In the age of stock development, the contradiction between the protection and development of historical blocks in China has become increasingly prominent, among which how to reconcile the contradiction between tourists and local residents and inherit urban culture is an important proposition. Based on this, this paper introduces the theory of " staged authenticity ", combs its development process and related research progress, constructs an analysis and research model of historical blocks based on the theory of " staged authenticity ", and puts forward the protection and renewal strategy of historical blocks from the perspective of " staged authenticity ", which provides theoretical basis for coordinating the tourism-residence contradiction and protecting urban characteristics in the protection and renewal of historical blocks. The research holds that we should pay attention to the important value of "curtain" space, rationally arrange "curtain" and divide "foreground" and "background"; extract "props" from real history and culture to restore the authenticity of "stage" scenes; clever arrangement of tour streamline, so that all scenes are connected in series rhythmically; make the "actors" perform interactively in the "foreground" space, so as to enhance the "audience" sense of scene substitution.Keywords: historic block, protection and renewal, staged authenticity, curtain
Procedia PDF Downloads 661238 Segmentation of Arabic Handwritten Numeral Strings Based on Watershed Approach
Authors: Nidal F. Shilbayeh, Remah W. Al-Khatib, Sameer A. Nooh
Arabic offline handwriting recognition systems are considered as one of the most challenging topics. Arabic Handwritten Numeral Strings are used to automate systems that deal with numbers such as postal code, banking account numbers and numbers on car plates. Segmentation of connected numerals is the main bottleneck in the handwritten numeral recognition system. This is in turn can increase the speed and efficiency of the recognition system. In this paper, we proposed algorithms for automatic segmentation and feature extraction of Arabic handwritten numeral strings based on Watershed approach. The algorithms have been designed and implemented to achieve the main goal of segmenting and extracting the string of numeral digits written by hand especially in a courtesy amount of bank checks. The segmentation algorithm partitions the string into multiple regions that can be associated with the properties of one or more criteria. The numeral extraction algorithm extracts the numeral string digits into separated individual digit. Both algorithms for segmentation and feature extraction have been tested successfully and efficiently for all types of numerals.Keywords: handwritten numerals, segmentation, courtesy amount, feature extraction, numeral recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 3831237 Hybrid Lateral-Directional Robust Flight Control with Propulsive Systems
Authors: Alexandra Monteiro, K. Bousson, Fernando J. O. Moreira, Ricardo Reis
Fixed-wing flying vehicles are usually controlled by means of control surfaces such as elevators, ailerons, and rudders. The failure of these systems may lead to severe or even fatal crashes. These failures resulted in increased popularity for research activities on propulsion control in the last decades. The present work deals with a hybrid control architecture in which the propulsion-controlled vehicle maintains its traditional control surfaces, addressing the issue of robust lateral-directional dynamics control. The challenges stem from the parameter uncertainties in the stability and control derivatives and some unknown terms in the flight dynamics model. Two approaches are implemented and tested: linear quadratic regulation with robustness characteristics and H∞ control. The problem is centered on roll-yaw controller design with full state-feedback, which is able to deal with a standalone propulsion control mode as well as a hybrid mode combining both propulsion control and conventional control surface concepts while maintaining the original flight maneuverability characteristics. The results for both controllers emphasized very good control performances; however, the H∞ controller showed higher stabilization rates and robustness albeit with a slightly higher control magnitude than using the linear quadratic regulator.Keywords: robust propulsion control, h-infinity control, lateral-directional flight dynamics, parameter uncertainties
Procedia PDF Downloads 1561236 Analysis of Cyber Activities of Potential Business Customers Using Neo4j Graph Databases
Authors: Suglo Tohari Luri
Data analysis is an important aspect of business performance. With the application of artificial intelligence within databases, selecting a suitable database engine for an application design is also very crucial for business data analysis. The application of business intelligence (BI) software into some relational databases such as Neo4j has proved highly effective in terms of customer data analysis. Yet what remains of great concern is the fact that not all business organizations have the neo4j business intelligence software applications to implement for customer data analysis. Further, those with the BI software lack personnel with the requisite expertise to use it effectively with the neo4j database. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how the Neo4j program code alone can be applied for the analysis of e-commerce website customer visits. As the neo4j database engine is optimized for handling and managing data relationships with the capability of building high performance and scalable systems to handle connected data nodes, it will ensure that business owners who advertise their products at websites using neo4j as a database are able to determine the number of visitors so as to know which products are visited at routine intervals for the necessary decision making. It will also help in knowing the best customer segments in relation to specific goods so as to place more emphasis on their advertisement on the said websites.Keywords: data, engine, intelligence, customer, neo4j, database
Procedia PDF Downloads 1941235 Review of Factors Which Affect Throttling by Oxidiser Flow Control in Hybrid Rocket Engine
Authors: Natcha Laethongkham, Gayan Ramanayake, Philip Charlesworth, Leshan Uggalla
The throttling process in hybrid rocket engines (HREs) poses challenges due to inherent instability, impacting the engine’s reliability and robustness. Identifying and advancing existing technology is crucial to meet the demands of complex mission profiles required for next-generation launch vehicles. This paper reviews the current literature, focusing on oxidiser flow control for throttling purposes in HREs. Covered areas include oxidiser choices, commonly used throttle valves, and literature trends. Common oxidisers for throttling are hydrogen peroxide, nitrous oxide, and liquid oxygen. Two frequently chosen valves for throttling are the ball and variation pintle valves. The review identifies two primary research focuses: flow control valve studies and control system design. The current research stage is highlighted, and suggestions for future directions are proposed to advance thrust control systems in HREs. This includes further studies in existing research focuses and exploring new approaches such as system scheme design, numerical modelling, and applications.Keywords: hybrid rocket engines, oxidiser flow control, thrust control, throttle valve, review
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