Search results for: community music
3655 Combined Localization, Beamforming, and Interference Threshold Estimation in Underlay Cognitive System
Authors: Omar Nasr, Yasser Naguib, Mohamed Hafez
This paper aims at providing an innovative solution for blind interference threshold estimation in an underlay cognitive network to be used in adaptive beamforming by secondary user Transmitter and Receiver. For the task of threshold estimation, blind detection of modulation and SNR are used. For the sake of beamforming several localization algorithms are compared to settle on best one for cognitive environment. Beamforming algorithms as LCMV (Linear Constraint Minimum Variance) and MVDR (Minimum Variance Distortion less) are also proposed and compared. The idea of just nulling the primary user after knowledge of its location is discussed against the idea of working under interference threshold.Keywords: cognitive radio, underlay, beamforming, MUSIC, MVDR, LCMV, threshold estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5823654 An Evaluation of the MathMates Program Implemented in Andrew Hamilton Public School as Part of College-Community Initiatives
Authors: Haofei Li
To support academic growth and foster love of learning, MathMates has been introduced for grade 6-8 students at Andrew Hamilton public school in 2022. The program is targeted at students from diverse backgrounds, particularly those underperforming in Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) exams. Then, this study aims to evaluate the efficacy of MathMates by comparing student performance on the PSSA test, before and after the intervention. Through a randomized control trial, the study will collect associated costs using the ingredients method and measure the effectiveness for cost-effectiveness analysis. Text messages will be sent to parents/guardians as a reminder of the program and to encourage student participation. The findings of this study will provide valuable insights for funding organizations seeking to understand the impact and costs of math tutoring interventions on student academic achievement, which also emphasizes the importance of the collaborative efforts between higher education and local public schools.Keywords: mathematics education, mathematics tutoring, college-community initiative, middle schools, Philadelphia public schools, after-school program, PSSA
Procedia PDF Downloads 893653 Africatown Ancestors’ Discourse Analysis: Unveiling Narratives of Identity Heritage
Authors: Maxime Vignon
This study delves into the discourse surrounding Africatown ancestors’ will, through a rigorous discourse analysis, to reveal the intricate narratives shaping heritage and identity within this unique community. Situated near Mobile, Alabama, Africatown traces its origins to the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to bring captives from Africa to the United States. Through a meticulous examination of Africatown ancestors posthumous will, this analysis aims to uncover the spiritual linguistic nuances which will contribute to the preservation of Africatown's ancestral heritage and the construction of individual self and collective empowerment. This research will be grounded in Michel Foucault discourse. In its attempt to analyze the four core elements of discourse, this study explores the role of rituals and spiritual discourses within the will of Africatown ancestors. Additionally, it delves into the descendants’ public appearance scrutinizing the use of ancestral names and identities. Ultimately, this discourse analysis contributes to a nuanced understanding of how language and narrative from the ancestors would shape unity, a valuable insight into the complexities of identity formation and the enduring impact of the transatlantic slave trade on this resilient community.Keywords: applied linguistics, culture, discourse analysis, identity, spirituality, transatlantic slave trade
Procedia PDF Downloads 633652 The Role of E-Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education
Authors: Annette McArthur
The traditional model of teaching and learning, where ICT sits as a separate entity is not a model for a 21st century school. It is imperative that teaching and learning embraces technological advancements. The challenge in schools lies in shifting the mindset of teachers so they see ICT as integral to their teaching, learning and curriculum rather than a separate E-Learning curriculum stream. This research project investigates how the effective, planned, intentional integration of ICT into a STEM curriculum, can enable the shift in the teacher mindset. The project incorporated: • Developing a professional coaching relationship with key STEM teachers. • Facilitating staff professional development involving student centered project based learning pedagogy in the context of a STEM curriculum. • Facilitating staff professional development involving digital literacy. • Establishing a professional community where collaboration; sharing and reflection were part of the culture of the STEM community. • Facilitating classroom support for the effective delivery innovative STEM curriculum. • Developing STEM learning spaces where technologies were used to empower and engage learners to participate in student-centered, project-based learning.Keywords: e-learning, ICT, project based learning, STEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 3003651 LGBT+ Migrants: A Cultural and Legislative Comparison in Canada, Italy and Egypt
Authors: Andreas Aceranti, Simonetta Vernocchi, Federica Brondoni, Marco Colorato, Marta Primatesta
This study entitled “LGBT+ migrants: a cultural and legislative comparison in Canada, Italy and Egypt” suggests an analysis of the living conditions of migrants who are members of the LGBT+ community in Canada, Italy and Egypt. The acronym LGBT+ refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and all other gender identities and sexual orientations that do not fit into the male and female binary. This study aims at reflecting on the living conditions of LGBT+ migrants and the relatable difficulties they may face due to the culture and laws of their countries. Migratory flows were examined by providing a definition of "migrant" and the choices that drive a person to migrate elsewhere explained, followed by a focus on the recognition of refugee status related to sexual orientation and gender identity. Furthermore, we will deal with Canada, Italy and Egypt respectively, by analyzing for each country the history and rise of the LGBT+ community, the different laws and especially the migrants’ rights. Finally, the services and associations designed to provide a response to the needs of these people will be analyzed, highlighting the branches which nowadays operate in those areas and the importance of the cultural mediator.Keywords: LGBTQ+, migrants, international rights, discrimination
Procedia PDF Downloads 1123650 Cultural Regeneration and Social Impacts of Industrial Heritage Transformation: The Case of Westergasfabriek Cultural Park, Netherland
Authors: Hsin Hua He
The purpose of this study is to strengthen the social cohesion of the local community by injecting the cultural and creative concept into the industrial heritage transformation. The paradigms of industrial heritage research tend to explore from the perspective of space analysis, which concerned less about the cultural regeneration and the development of local culture. The paradigms of cultural quarter research use to from the perspective of creative economy and urban planning, concerned less about the social impacts and the interaction between residents and industrial sites. This research combines these two research areas of industrial heritage and cultural quarter, and focus on the social and cultural aspects. The transformation from the industrial heritage into a cultural park not only enhances the cultural capital and the quality of residents’ lives, but also preserves the unique local values. Internally it shapes the local identity, while externally establishes the image of the city. This paper uses Westergasfabriek Cultural Park in Amsterdam as the case study, through literature analysis, field work, and depth interview to explore how the cultural regeneration transforms industrial heritage. In terms of the planners’ and residents’ point of view adopt the theory of community participation, social capital, and sense of place to analyze the social impact of the industrial heritage transformation. The research finding is through cultural regeneration policies like holding cultural activities, building up public space, social network and public-private partnership, and adopting adaptive reuse to fulfil the people’s need and desire and reach the social cohesion. Finally, the study will examine the transformation of Taiwan's industrial heritage into cultural and creative quarters. The results are expected to use the operating experience of the Amsterdam cases and provide directions for Taiwan’s industrial heritage management to meet the cultural, social, economic symbiosis.Keywords: cultural regeneration, community participation, social capital, sense of place, industrial heritage transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5043649 Paradigm Shift of the World Is Globalization: Identity Crisis, Violence and Cultural War
Authors: Shahla Bukhtair
A paradigm presents a consensus view of a particular or collective community, accepted into by the members of that community, either consciously pronounced or, more likely, simply assumed and not intentionally acknowledged but is articulated. Paradigm shift is based on the behavioral attitude of the community. Change is inexorable. The world is suffering with the innovative creation of globalization. Media boosted this paradigm shift all over the world. Globalization is a vigorous process which impacts differentially on various cultures around the world. The outcome of the globalization is permeates cultural boundaries and in the process results in the spread of Western ideologies and values across the world. The term flourished in 20th century. Globalization is regarded as having substantial impact on such crises through its encouragement of conflicts rather than conciliation; through opportunities of expression, various groups get benefit with it. Identity crisis refers to inflexible mechanism i.e. cultural and political conflicts among polarized groups, which struggle with each other over the definition of a national identity. Violence is not only a kind of physical but it also psychological as well. Due to identity crisis, a person is having an issue of fear, anxiety, and lack of security. Everything has negative and positive aspects. Newspaper columns, magazine articles, films, made-for-TV movies, television special reports, and talk shows are all public arenas where images of political agenda of their own interest are constructed, debated, and reproduced. From these resources, individuals construct their own conceptions of what is normal and acceptable. This bias affects images in the media, and in turn has a negative effect on public development in a society. This paper investigates the relationship between globalization and cultural war, identity crisis and the role of violence. Objectives: - To determine which type of media plays an important role in shaping perceptions and attitudes of public negatively; - To analyze the impact of globalization on identity crisis, violence and global culture (positive and negative).Keywords: paradigm shift, globalization, identity crisis, cultural war
Procedia PDF Downloads 3673648 Network Analysis to Reveal Microbial Community Dynamics in the Coral Reef Ocean
Authors: Keigo Ide, Toru Maruyama, Michihiro Ito, Hiroyuki Fujimura, Yoshikatu Nakano, Shoichiro Suda, Sachiyo Aburatani, Haruko Takeyama
Understanding environmental system is one of the important tasks. In recent years, conservation of coral environments has been focused for biodiversity issues. The damage of coral reef under environmental impacts has been observed worldwide. However, the casual relationship between damage of coral and environmental impacts has not been clearly understood. On the other hand, structure/diversity of marine bacterial community may be relatively robust under the certain strength of environmental impact. To evaluate the coral environment conditions, it is necessary to investigate relationship between marine bacterial composition in coral reef and environmental factors. In this study, the Time Scale Network Analysis was developed and applied to analyze the marine environmental data for investigating the relationship among coral, bacterial community compositions and environmental factors. Seawater samples were collected fifteen times from November 2014 to May 2016 at two locations, Ishikawabaru and South of Sesoko in Sesoko Island, Okinawa. The physicochemical factors such as temperature, photosynthetic active radiation, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, salinity, chlorophyll, dissolved organic matter and depth were measured at the coral reef area. Metagenome and metatranscriptome in seawater of coral reef were analyzed as the biological factors. Metagenome data was used to clarify marine bacterial community composition. In addition, functional gene composition was estimated from metatranscriptome. For speculating the relationships between physicochemical and biological factors, cross-correlation analysis was applied to time scale data. Even though cross-correlation coefficients usually include the time precedence information, it also included indirect interactions between the variables. To elucidate the direct regulations between both factors, partial correlation coefficients were combined with cross correlation. This analysis was performed against all parameters such as the bacterial composition, the functional gene composition and the physicochemical factors. As the results, time scale network analysis revealed the direct regulation of seawater temperature by photosynthetic active radiation. In addition, concentration of dissolved oxygen regulated the value of chlorophyll. Some reasonable regulatory relationships between environmental factors indicate some part of mechanisms in coral reef area.Keywords: coral environment, marine microbiology, network analysis, omics data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2543647 Countering Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Case Study of Sectarian Divide
Authors: Muqarrab Akbar
Pakistan is considered as a state confronting different internal and external challenges. Extremism is one of the most vital internal challenges faced by Pakistani society. The state’s contradictory policies, political instability, socio-economic injustice, absence of the rule of law are the major reasons behind the proliferation of violence and extremism in society. The fall of the Shah of Iran, the Iranian revolution, the 1979 Afghan war of 1979, the emergence of Al-Qaeda, Talibanisation, war against terrorism, and involvement of Saudia and Iran have further aggravated the culture of violence and extremism in Pakistan. The absence of a narrative of peaceful coexistence and harmony has created a vacuum for youth in Pakistani society. In the contemporary era, civil society and the government of Pakistan has initiated different steps to introduce a narrative to counter violent extremism. These narratives have helped a lot in creating community resilience to promote peace and harmony among Pakistani society in general and to bridge the gap between the Sunni Shia divide in particular. This paper will highlight those factors in detail that threw the society into extremism and violence, particularly with reference to Sunni Shia divide in Pakistan. This paper explores the impact of sectarian violence in Pakistan and highlights the different initiatives and their impacts on Pakistani society at large. A quantitative method has been adopted to explore the results. Empirical study used in the paper was based on the survey conducted by distributing questionnaires among 300 people from both community Sunni and Shia in Pakistan. Some interviews of the religious scholars of both communities are also conducted for this research. The recent developments on the government level and society levels have created community resilience. The results of the survey show that Pakistani society in the contemporary era is more peaceful and tolerant as compared to the past. The research concludes that the counter-narrative approach is positively affecting the peaceful environment in Pakistan.Keywords: extremism, Pakistan, Shia, Sunni, violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1343646 Religious Identity in the Diaspora: Peculiarities of Religious Consciousness and Behavior of Armenians in Tbilisi and Tehran
Authors: Nelli R. Khachaturian
The development of modern societies is largely associated with ethno-religious processes. The study of diasporas through the prism of religious processes is primarily aimed at identifying the impact of religious consciousness and behavior on the processes of reproduction of ethnic identity. Most often, it is religion that is associated with ethnic culture and historical heritage. Due to the peculiarities of the country of residence, different segments of the same ethnic group may demonstrate different religious consciousness and behavior. This paper is devoted to a comparative analysis of the religious behavior and consciousness of the representatives of the Armenian communities of Tbilisi and Tehran, based on the data obtained from the large-scale ethnic-sociological studies realized from 2013 to 2017 in Tehran and Tbilisi in the context of various spheres of public relations. Such research experience is of interest not only for understanding the dynamics of ethno-religious processes in the diasporas but also for understanding the role of religion as one of the most important factors in the formation of the mechanisms of self-preservation of an ethnic group, its current state and development prospects in the context of its own, different ethnic and / or foreign religious (non-confessional) environment.Keywords: Armenian ethnicity, Armenian diaspora, religious consciousness, religious behavior, Armenian community of Tbilisi, Armenian community of Tehran
Procedia PDF Downloads 253645 ASEAN Economic Community 2015: Impacts and Challenges toward Tourism Labor Movement in Indonesia and Philippines
Authors: Budi Purnomo, Karen M. Fernandez
The creation of an ASEAN Community in 2015 is definitely one thing to look forward to. Integration may have birth pains in the beginning but at the end of the day, there are many opportunities that each member-state can take advantage that will benefit the people of ASEAN. Once fully integrated in 2015, ASEAN-certified tourism professionals who pass the common competency standards may find employment in various divisions of labor that are common across various sectors of tourism in member countries. At present, there are six labor divisions where tourism professionals may find employment in ASEAN member countries: namely Front Office; Housekeeping; Food Production; Food and Beverage Services (for Hotel Services); Travel Agency; and Tour Operations (for Travel Services Division). The study attempts to assess the readiness of Indonesian and Filipino students prospective skilled and educated tourism labors to work in ASEAN member countries by 2015. The data sources are obtained from a researcher-designed questionnaire and in-depth interview to reveal the interest of Indonesian and Filipino students to work in other ASEAN member states. The questionnaires were distributed to 240 third and fourth year students who are currently enrolled at the leading tourism institutes/universities in Indonesia and Philippines. The findings of the study will reveal the fulfillment of the requirements to work in ASEAN member-states, the comparison of existing tourism management curricula of Indonesia and Philippines to the Common ASEAN Curriculum (CATC) and Regional Qualifications Framework and Skills Recognition System (RQFSRS) which supports the policies of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia and the Department of Tourism and Department of Labor and Employment of the Republic of the Philippines.Keywords: ASEAN economic community, prospective skilled and educated tourism labors, tourism labor movement, ASEAN certified-tourism professionals
Procedia PDF Downloads 4693644 Gendered Economic, Social, and Health Effects of the Mobile Health and Nutritional Services of the International Medical Corps (IMC) in Vulnerable Areas of Ethiopia
Authors: Abdela Zeinu Yasin
The current research aimed to assess the status of IMC in providing treatment for malnourished children and programs in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), food and livelihood security, and comprehensive healthcare through Mobile health and nutrition programs during the last 5 years period. We have conducted 60 in-depth interviews with women during the period from conception to a child’s birthday, health facility staff, and female community health volunteers (FCHVs), as well as 12 focus group discussions with health facility staff and other household decision-makers. We employed thematic analysis using framework matrices and analytical memorandums. The study revealed that 78% of the respondents, of whom 97% were women, have benefited from the selected vulnerable areas. The use of the clear water and sanitization program has reached the 81% of selected households. The use of a modern baby delivery system among the respondent has been 68% of the women and health facilities among the decision-makers/focal person. More than 8 in 10 participants (84%) could read and understand the health facility instructions, and the majority (82%) of women, health facility staff, and male decision-makers can also read and write bulletins and instructions. We found that decision-maker women preferred participative education, whereas health facilities and the IMC desired educational and motivational bulletins. A Mobile Health and Nutrition program intervention by the IMC is acceptable in the conditions of the Ethiopian community and has the potential to improve community health and nutrition service utilization, particularly by providing clean water and sanitization; women’s birth control, and health improvement in the vulnerable regions of the country. The current research findings shall contribute to text IMC Mobile Health and Nutritional intervention design in under-resourced settings.Keywords: clean water, health and nutrition services, hygiene, IMC, mobile health, sanitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 933643 Villar Settlement Farm School for the Aetas: Assimilation through American Colonial Education in Zambales, Philippines
Authors: Julian E. Abuso, Alberto T. Paala Jr.
The creation of settlement farm schools at the outset of American colonization of the Philippines was not a matter of accident; rather, their establishment was a major component of a grand plan on public education based on the benevolent assimilation policy of the United States. This argument is illustrated by the case of Villar Settlement Farm School, a school for the Aetas as a non-Christian tribal community in 1907. The study aims to: (1) identify and describe the antecedents for the establishment of Settlement Farm School, (2) explicate the cultural conflicts encountered by Aetas in school, (3) appraise the consequences of education as acculturation among Aeta population. The study made use of the following: historical data based on primary and secondary sources and life histories from primary informants. The Settlement Farm School for the Aetas was borne out of the American’s change in policy from military to civilian authority, recognition of education as a tool for benevolent assimilation. The narratives of informants manifested resistance to certain aspects of the educational process.Keywords: settlement farm school Aetas, tribe, colonial education, Aeta, non-Christian tribal community
Procedia PDF Downloads 3193642 Robust Electrical Segmentation for Zone Coherency Delimitation Base on Multiplex Graph Community Detection
Authors: Noureddine Henka, Sami Tazi, Mohamad Assaad
The electrical grid is a highly intricate system designed to transfer electricity from production areas to consumption areas. The Transmission System Operator (TSO) is responsible for ensuring the efficient distribution of electricity and maintaining the grid's safety and quality. However, due to the increasing integration of intermittent renewable energy sources, there is a growing level of uncertainty, which requires a faster responsive approach. A potential solution involves the use of electrical segmentation, which involves creating coherence zones where electrical disturbances mainly remain within the zone. Indeed, by means of coherent electrical zones, it becomes possible to focus solely on the sub-zone, reducing the range of possibilities and aiding in managing uncertainty. It allows faster execution of operational processes and easier learning for supervised machine learning algorithms. Electrical segmentation can be applied to various applications, such as electrical control, minimizing electrical loss, and ensuring voltage stability. Since the electrical grid can be modeled as a graph, where the vertices represent electrical buses and the edges represent electrical lines, identifying coherent electrical zones can be seen as a clustering task on graphs, generally called community detection. Nevertheless, a critical criterion for the zones is their ability to remain resilient to the electrical evolution of the grid over time. This evolution is due to the constant changes in electricity generation and consumption, which are reflected in graph structure variations as well as line flow changes. One approach to creating a resilient segmentation is to design robust zones under various circumstances. This issue can be represented through a multiplex graph, where each layer represents a specific situation that may arise on the grid. Consequently, resilient segmentation can be achieved by conducting community detection on this multiplex graph. The multiplex graph is composed of multiple graphs, and all the layers share the same set of vertices. Our proposal involves a model that utilizes a unified representation to compute a flattening of all layers. This unified situation can be penalized to obtain (K) connected components representing the robust electrical segmentation clusters. We compare our robust segmentation to the segmentation based on a single reference situation. The robust segmentation proves its relevance by producing clusters with high intra-electrical perturbation and low variance of electrical perturbation. We saw through the experiences when robust electrical segmentation has a benefit and in which context.Keywords: community detection, electrical segmentation, multiplex graph, power grid
Procedia PDF Downloads 793641 Bending the Consciousnesses: Uncovering Environmental Issues Through Circuit Bending
Authors: Enrico Dorigatti
The growing pile of hazardous e-waste produced especially by those developed and wealthy countries gets relentlessly bigger, composed of the EEDs (Electric and Electronic Device) that are often thrown away although still well functioning, mainly due to (programmed) obsolescence. As a consequence, e-waste has taken, over the last years, the shape of a frightful, uncontrollable, and unstoppable phenomenon, mainly fuelled by market policies aiming to maximize sales—and thus profits—at any cost. Against it, governments and organizations put some efforts in developing ambitious frameworks and policies aiming to regulate, in some cases, the whole lifecycle of EEDs—from the design to the recycling. Incidentally, however, such regulations sometimes make the disposal of the devices economically unprofitable, which often translates into growing illegal e-waste trafficking—an activity usually undertaken by criminal organizations. It seems that nothing, at least in the near future, can stop the phenomenon of e-waste production and accumulation. But while, from a practical standpoint, a solution seems hard to find, much can be done regarding people's education, which translates into informing and promoting good practices such as reusing and repurposing. This research argues that circuit bending—an activity rooted in neo-materialist philosophy and post-digital aesthetic, and based on repurposing EEDs into novel music instruments and sound generators—could have a great potential in this. In particular, it asserts that circuit bending could expose ecological, environmental, and social criticalities related to the current market policies and economic model. Not only thanks to its practical side (e.g., sourcing and repurposing devices) but also to the artistic one (e.g., employing bent instruments for ecological-aware installations, performances). Currently, relevant literature and debate lack interest and information about the ecological aspects and implications of the practical and artistic sides of circuit bending. This research, therefore, although still at an early stage, aims to fill in this gap by investigating, on the one side, the ecologic potential of circuit bending and, on the other side, its capacity of sensitizing people, through artistic practice, about e-waste-related issues. The methodology will articulate in three main steps. Firstly, field research will be undertaken—with the purpose of understanding where and how to source, in an ecologic and sustainable way, (discarded) EEDs for circuit bending. Secondly, artistic installations and performances will be organized—to sensitize the audience about environmental concerns through sound art and music derived from bent instruments. Data, such as audiences' feedback, will be collected at this stage. The last step will consist in realising workshops to spread an ecologically-aware circuit bending practice. Additionally, all the data and findings collected will be made available and disseminated as resources.Keywords: circuit bending, ecology, sound art, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1713640 Analyzing the Construction of Collective Memories by History Movies/TV Programs: Case Study of Masters in the Forbidden City
Authors: Lulu Wang, Yongjun Xu, Xiaoyang Qiao
The Forbidden City is well known for being full of Chinese cultural and historical relics. However, the Masters in the Forbidden City, a documentary film, doesn’t just dwell on the stories of the past. Instead, it focuses on ordinary people—the restorers of the relics and antiquities, which has caught the sight of Chinese audiences. From this popular documentary film, a new way can be considered, that is to show the relics, antiquities and painting with a character of modern humanities by films and TV programs. Of course, it can’t just like a simple explanation from tour guides in museums. It should be a perfect combination of scenes, heritages, stories, storytellers and background music. All we want to do is trying to dig up the humanity behind the heritages and then create a virtual scene for the audience to have emotional resonance from the humanity. It is believed that there are two problems. One is that compared with the entertainment shows, why people prefer to see the boring restoration work. The other is that what the interaction is between those history documentary films, the heritages, the audiences and collective memory. This paper mainly used the methods of text analysis and data analysis. The audiences’ comment texts were collected from all kinds of popular video sites. Through analyzing those texts, there was a word cloud chart about people preferring to use what kind of words to comment the film. Then the usage rate of all comments words was calculated. After that, there was a Radar Chart to show the rank results. Eventually, each of them was given an emotional value classification according their comment tone and content. Based on the above analysis results, an interaction model among the audience, history films/TV programs and the collective memory can be summarized. According to the word cloud chart, people prefer to use such words to comment, including moving, history, love, family, celebrity, tone... From those emotional words, we can see Chinese audience felt so proud and shared the sense of Collective Identity, so they leave such comments: To our great motherland! Chinese traditional culture is really profound! It is found that in the construction of collective memory symbology, the films formed an imaginary system by organizing a ‘personalized audience’. The audience is not just a recipient of information, but a participant of the documentary films and a cooperator of collective memory. At the same time, it is believed that the traditional background music, the spectacular present scenes and the tone of the storytellers/hosts are also important, so it is suggested that the museums could try to cooperate with the producers of movie and TV program to create a vivid scene for the people. Maybe it’s a more artistic way for heritages to be open to all the world.Keywords: audience, heritages, history movies, TV programs
Procedia PDF Downloads 1613639 A Platform for Managing Residents' Carbon Trajectories Based on the City Intelligent Model (CIM) 4.0
Authors: Chen Xi, Liu Xuebing, Lao Xuerui, Kuan Sinman, Jiang Yike, Wang Hanwei, Yang Xiaolang, Zhou Junjie, Xie Jinpeng
Climate change is a global problem facing humanity and this is now the consensus of the mainstream scientific community. In accordance with the carbon peak and carbon neutral targets and visions set out in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, this project uses the City Intelligent Model (CIM) and Artificial Intelligence Machine Vision (ICR) as the core technologies to accurately quantify low carbon behaviour into green corn, which is a means of guiding ecologically sustainable living patterns. Using individual communities as management units and blockchain as a guarantee of fairness in the whole cycle of green currency circulation, the project will form a modern resident carbon track management system based on the principle of enhancing the ecological resilience of communities and the cohesiveness of community residents, ultimately forming an ecologically sustainable smart village that can be self-organised and managed.Keywords: urban planning, urban governance, CIM, artificial Intelligence, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 833638 The Role of Vernacular Radio Stations in Enhancing Agricultural Development in Kenya; A Case of KASS FM
Authors: Thomas Kipkurgat, Silahs Chemwaina
Communication and ICT is a crucial component in realization of vision 2030, radio has played a key role in dissemination of information to mass audience. Since time immemorial, mass media has played a vital role in passing information on agricultural development issues both locally and internationally. This paper aimed at assessing the role of community radio stations in enhancing agricultural development in Kenya. The paper sought to identify the main contributions of KASS FM radio in the agricultural development especially in rural areas, the study also aimed to establish the appropriate adjustments in editorial policies of KASS FM radio in helping to promote agricultural development related programmes in rural areas. Despite some weaknesses in radio programming and the mode of interaction with the rural people, the findings of this study showed that the rural communities are better off today than in the old days when FM radios were non-existent. KASS FM has come up with different developmental programmes that have positively contributed to changing the rural people’s ways of life. These programmes include farming, health, marital values, environment, cultural issues, human rights, democracy, religious teachings, peace and reconciliation. Such programmes feature experts, professionals and opinion leaders who address numerous topics of interest to the community. The local people participate in the production of these programmes through letters to the editor, and phone-ins, among others. Programmes such as political talk shows, which feature in KASS FM, has become one of the most important ways of community participation. The interpretation and conclusions are based on the empirical data analysis and the theories of development advanced by international development communication scholars, as presented in the paper. The study ends with some recommendations on how KASS FM can best serve the interests of the poor people in rural areas, and helps improve their lives.Keywords: agriculture, development, communication, KASS FM, radio, rural areas, Kenya
Procedia PDF Downloads 2933637 Social Capital and Adoption of Sustainable Management Practices of Non Timber Forest Product in Cameroon
Authors: Eke Bala Sophie Michelle
The renewable resource character of NTFPs is an opportunity to its sustainability, this study analyzed the role of social capital in the adoption of sustainable management practices of NTFPs by households in the community forest (CF) Morikouali-ye. The analysis shows that 67% of households surveyed perceive the level of degradation of NTFPs in their CF as time passes and are close to 74% for adoption of sustainable management practices of NTFPs that are domestication, sustainable management of the CF, the logging ban trees and uprooting plants, etc. 26% refused to adopt these practices estimate that, at 39% it is better to promote logging in the CF. The estimated probit model shows that social capital through trust, solidarity and social inclusion significantly influences the probability of households to adopt sustainable NTFP management practices. In addition, age, education level and income from the sale of NTFPs have a significant impact on the probability of adoption. The probability of adoption increases with the level of education and confidence among households. So should they be animated by a spirit of solidarity and trust and not let a game of competition for sustainable management of NTFPs in their CF.Keywords: community forest, social capital, NTFP, trust, solidarity, social inclusion, sustainable management
Procedia PDF Downloads 3703636 Reproductive Health Education (RHE) Toolkit for Science Teachers
Authors: Ivy Jeralyn T. Andres, Eva B. Macugay
Using a descriptive research design utilizing the Research and Development (R&D) methodology, this study focused on the development of Reproductive Health Education (RHE) Toolkit for Science Teachers that provides a guide in teaching reproductive health. Based on the findings, the teacher-respondents identified nine topics that can be included in the development of the RHE toolkit. The topics included are The Male Reproductive System, The Female Reproductive System, The Roles of Hormones in Male and Female Reproductive System, Menstrual Cycle, Fertilization, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Human Reproductive and Developmental Concerns and Reproductive Health Management and Diseases. The developed RHE Toolkit is remarked as very highly valid and very highly acceptable learning material. The validators and evaluators acknowledged the developed RHE toolkit as clear, creative, and academically useful supplemental material for educating reproductive health. Moreover, it follows the principles of SMART objectives, factual, timely, and relevant content for both learners and the community as a whole. Science teachers should employ the RHE Toolkit in teaching reproductive health education into their respective classes. It is also suggested that the developed RHE toolkit can be implemented to elementary pupils and the community, particularly in rural areas.Keywords: reproductive health education, toolkit, science teachers, supplemental material
Procedia PDF Downloads 893635 Developing Creative and Critically Reflective Digital Learning Communities
Authors: W. S. Barber, S. L. King
This paper is a qualitative case study analysis of the development of a fully online learning community of graduate students through arts-based community building activities. With increasing numbers and types of online learning spaces, it is incumbent upon educators to continue to push the edge of what best practices look like in digital learning environments. In digital learning spaces, instructors can no longer be seen as purveyors of content knowledge to be examined at the end of a set course by a final test or exam. The rapid and fluid dissemination of information via Web 3.0 demands that we reshape our approach to teaching and learning, from one that is content-focused to one that is process-driven. Rather than having instructors as formal leaders, today’s digital learning environments require us to share expertise, as it is the collective experiences and knowledge of all students together with the instructors that help to create a very different kind of learning community. This paper focuses on innovations pursued in a 36 hour 12 week graduate course in higher education entitled “Critical and Reflective Practice”. The authors chronicle their journey to developing a fully online learning community (FOLC) by emphasizing the elements of social, cognitive, emotional and digital spaces that form a moving interplay through the community. In this way, students embrace anywhere anytime learning and often take the learning, as well as the relationships they build and skills they acquire, beyond the digital class into real world situations. We argue that in order to increase student online engagement, pedagogical approaches need to stem from two primary elements, both creativity and critical reflection, that are essential pillars upon which instructors can co-design learning environments with students. The theoretical framework for the paper is based on the interaction and interdependence of Creativity, Intuition, Critical Reflection, Social Constructivism and FOLCs. By leveraging students’ embedded familiarity with a wide variety of technologies, this case study of a graduate level course on critical reflection in education, examines how relationships, quality of work produced, and student engagement can improve by using creative and imaginative pedagogical strategies. The authors examine their professional pedagogical strategies through the lens that the teacher acts as facilitator, guide and co-designer. In a world where students can easily search for and organize information as self-directed processes, creativity and connection can at times be lost in the digitized course environment. The paper concludes by posing further questions as to how institutions of higher education may be challenged to restructure their credit granting courses into more flexible modules, and how students need to be considered an important part of assessment and evaluation strategies. By introducing creativity and critical reflection as central features of the digital learning spaces, notions of best practices in digital teaching and learning emerge.Keywords: online, pedagogy, learning, communities
Procedia PDF Downloads 4053634 Best Perform of Rights and Justice in the Brothel Based Female Sex Worker's Community
Authors: Md. Kabir Azaharul Islam
Background: The purpose of this interventions was to describe the source and extent to increase health seeking rights and uptake of quality integrated maternal health, family planning and HIV information, clinical-non clinical services, and commodities amongst young people age 10-24 among brothel based Female Sex Worker’s in Bangladesh. Such Knowledge will equip with information to develop more appropriate and effective interventions that address the problem of HIV/AIDS and SRHR within the brothel based female sex worker’s community. Methods: Before start the intervention we observed situation in brothel and identify lack of knowledge about health issues, modern health facility, sexual harassment and violence & health rights. To enable access to the intervention obtained permission from a series of stakeholders within the brothel system. This intervention to the most vulnerable young key people during January 2014 to December, 2015, it designed an intervention that focuses on using peer education and sensitization meeting with self help group leader’s, pimbs, swardarni, house owner, local leaders, law enforcement agencies and target young key people (YKPs) through peer educator’s distributed BCC materials and conducted one to one and group session issues of HIV/AIDS, life skill education, maternal health, sexual reproductive health & rights, gender based violence, STD/STI and drug users in the community. Set up community based satellite clinic to provided clinical-non clinical services and commodities for SRH, FP and HIV including general health among brothel based FSWs. Peer educator frequently move and informed target beneficiaries’ age 10-24 YKPs about satellite clinic as well as time & date in the community. Results: This intervention highly promotes of brothel based FSW utilization of local facility based health providers private and public health facilities.2400 FSWs age 10-24 received information on SRHR, FP and HIV as well as existing health facilities, most of FSWs to received service from traditional healer before intervention. More than 1080 FSWs received clinical-non clinical services and commodities from satellite clinic including 12 ANC, 12 PNC and 25 MR. Most of young FSW age 10-24 are treated bonded girls under swardarni, house owner and pimbs, they have no rights to free movement as per need. As a result, they have no rights for free movement. However the brothel self help group (SHG) has become sensitized flowing this intervention. Conclusions: The majority of female sex workers well being regarding information on SRHR, FP and HIV as well as local health facilities now they feel free to go outside facilities for better health service. not only increased FSWs’ vulnerability to HIV infection and sexual reproductive health rights but also had huge implications for their human rights. This means that even when some clients impinged FSW’s rights (for example avoiding payment for services under the pretext of dissatisfaction), they might not be able to seek redress for fear of being ejected from the brothel. They raise voice national & local level different forum. Procedia PDF Downloads 3243633 Expanding Chance of Palm Oil Market into ASEAN Community: Case Study of Choomporn Palm Oil Cooperative
Authors: Pichamon Chansuchai
This paper studied the expanding market opportunity palm oil ASEAN community: case study of Choomporn Palm Oil Cooperative as qualitative research. The purpose is to study and analyze expanding and linking the liberalization of trade in palm oil products under the terms of cooperation and ASEAN countries. Collection data were collected using participatory observation, in-depth interviews, focus groups, government officials, palm oil cooperative, entrepreneurs and farmers to exchange opinions. The study found that of major competitors is Indonesia and Malaysia which as ASEAM members countries has the potential to produce over Thailand. Thailand government must have a policy to increase the competitiveness of the palm oil Thailand. Using grants from the Free Trade Area fund should add value to agricultural products, palm oil and the development of standard products to meet the needs of the member countries. And creating a learning center of the palm oil sector can transfer knowledge, development of palm species, solution process from planting to harvest care privatization process. And the development of palm oil in order to expand market opportunities for Thailand's palm oil has the potential to be competitive in the neighboring countries and the region.Keywords: palm oil, market, cooperative, ASEAN
Procedia PDF Downloads 5003632 Utilization of Biodiversity of Peaces Herbals Used as Food and Treat the Path of Economic Phu Sing District in Sisaket Province Thailand
Authors: Nopparet Thammasaranyakun
This research objects are: 1: To study the biodiversity of medicinal plants used for food and medicinal tourism economies along the Phu Sing district Sisaket province. 2: To study the use of medicinal plants used for food and medicinal tourism economies along the Phu Sing district Sisaket province. 3: To provide a database of information on biodiversity for food and medicinal plants and medicinal tourism economies along the Phu Sing district Sisaket province. 4: Learn to create a biodiversity of medicinal plants used as food and treatment by Journeys economic Phu Sing district Sisaket province Boundaries used in this study was the Phu Sing district. Population and Agricultural Development Center, rayong Mun due to the initiative for youth Local, Government Health officials, community leaders, teachers, students, schools, the local people and tourists. Sage wisdom to know the herbs and women's groups, OTOP Phu Sing district in SiisaKet province. By selecting the specific data that way. The process of participatory action research (PAR) is a community-based research. The method of collecting qualitative data. (Qualitative) tool is used from context, Community areas, interview and Taped recordings. Observation and focus group data was statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics (Descriptive Statistics). The results findings: 1- A study of the biodiversity of plants used for food and medicinal tourism economies along the Phu Sing district Sisaket province. Were used in the dry season and the rainy season find the medicinal plants of 251 species 41 types of drugs. 2- The study utilized medicinal plants used as food and the treatment of indigenous Phu Sing Sisaket province. Found 251 species have medicinal properties that are used for food and medicinal purposes 41 types of drugs. 3- Of the database technology of biodiversity for food and medicinal plants used by local treatment Phu Sing district Sisaket province. A data base of 251 medicinal species 41 types of drugs is used for food and medicinal properties Sisaket province. 4- learning the biodiversity of medicinal plants used for food and medicinal tourism economies along the Phu Sing district Sisaket province.Keywords: utilization of biodiversity, peaces herbals, used as Food, Sing district, sisaket
Procedia PDF Downloads 3583631 Musical Instrument Recognition in Polyphonic Audio Through Convolutional Neural Networks and Spectrograms
Authors: Rujia Chen, Akbar Ghobakhlou, Ajit Narayanan
This study investigates the task of identifying musical instruments in polyphonic compositions using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) from spectrogram inputs, focusing on binary classification. The model showed promising results, with an accuracy of 97% on solo instrument recognition. When applied to polyphonic combinations of 1 to 10 instruments, the overall accuracy was 64%, reflecting the increasing challenge with larger ensembles. These findings contribute to the field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) by highlighting the potential and limitations of current approaches in handling complex musical arrangements. Future work aims to include a broader range of musical sounds, including electronic and synthetic sounds, to improve the model's robustness and applicability in real-time MIR systems.Keywords: binary classifier, CNN, spectrogram, instrument
Procedia PDF Downloads 793630 Sense of Involvement and Support in Persons with Cognitive Decline in Ordinary Dwelling
Authors: Annika Kjallman Alm, Ove Hellzen, Malin Rising-Holmstrom
Worldwide, the number of people who are living with dementia is increasing because of an aging population, which leads to increased financial and social costs, including reduced quality of life for people with dementia and their care partners. Most people who have dementia reside in the community. Aging in place could be described as having the health and social supports and services you need to live safely and independently in your home or your society for as long as you wish and are able. People with dementia are not different than people without dementia where they want to remain at home, if possible, with a sense of familiarity and engagement in typical everyday activities. So how do persons with dementia or cognitive decline see their possibilities to be socially involved and experience support? The aim of this study was to explore persons with cognitive decline's sense of involvement and support living in the ordinary dwelling. The study was approved by the Ethical Review Authority in Sweden prior to the interviews. Interviews were conducted with 20 persons living at home, either alone or in a relationship. The persons had perceived cognitive decline; some were under investigation or already had a diagnose of early dementia. Thematic analysis was used to identify, analyze, and report patterns within the data. Researchers extracted three main themes through participants’ interviews: a) Importance of social involvement with family and friends. b) Hindrances for social involvement. c) Struggling mentally with a new life situation. Results found that going to activity centers, staying involved, and meeting friends and family enhanced the sense of involvement and support. There were also hindrances to a sense of involvement and support as they struggled with the diagnose and the changes in daily life, such as physical problems, mental problems, or economic issues. The mental struggle of accepting the cognitive decline and the changes in daily life it brought was also an issue for some of the participants. A multidimensional support should be provided by the community to enable persons with cognitive decline to stay involved in family and community in the comfort of their own homes.Keywords: aging in place, cognitive decline, dementia, sense of involvement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1393629 Children Overcome Learning Disadvantages through Mother-Tongue Based Multi-Lingual Education Programme
Authors: Binay Pattanayak
More than 9 out of every 10 children in Jharkhand struggle to understand the texts and teachers in public schools. The medium of learning in the schools is Hindi, which is very different in structure and vocabulary than those in children’s home languages. Hence around 3 out of 10 children enrolled in early grades drop out in these schools. The state realized the cause of children’s high dropout in 2013-14 when the M-TALL, the language research shared the findings of a state-wide socio-linguistic study. The study findings suggested that there was a great need for initiating a mother-tongue based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) programme for the state in early grades starting from pre-school level. Accordingly, M-TALL in partnership with department of education designed two learning packages: Bhasha Puliya pre-school education programme for 3-6-year-old children for their school readiness with bilingual picture dictionaries in 9 tribal and regional languages. This was followed by a plan for MTB-MLE programme for early primary grades. For this textbooks in five tribal and two regional languages were developed under the guidance of the author. These books were printed and circulated in the 1000 schools of the state for each child. Teachers and community members were trained for facilitating culturally sensitive mother-tongue based learning activities in and around the schools. The mother-tongue based approach of learning has worked very effectively in enabling them to acquire the basic literacy and numeracy skills in own mother-tongues. Using this basic early grade reading skills, these children are able to learn Hindi and English systematically. Community resource groups were constituted in each school for promoting storytelling, singing, painting, dancing, acting, riddles, humor, sanitation, health, nutrition, protection, etc. and were trained. School academic calendar was designed in each school to enable the community resource persons to visit the school as per the learning plan to assist children and teacher in facilitating rich cultural activities in mother-tongue. This enables children to take part in plethora of learning activities and acquire desired knowledge, skills and interest in mother-tongues. Also in this process, it is attempted to promote 21st Century learning skills by enabling children to apply their new knowledge and skills to look at their local issues and address those in a collective manner through team work, innovations and leadership.Keywords: community resource groups, learning, MTB-MLE, multilingual, socio-linguistic survey
Procedia PDF Downloads 2363628 Wildlife Communities in the Service of Extensively Managed Fishpond Systems – Advantages of a Symbiotic Relationship
Authors: Peter Palasti, Eva Kerepeczki
Extensive fish farming is one of the most traditional forms of aquaculture in Europe, usually practiced in large pond systems with earthen beds, where the growth of fish is based on natural feed and supplementary foraging. These farms have semi-natural environmental conditions, sustaining diverse wildlife communities that have complex effects on fish production and also provide a livelihood for many wetland related taxa. Based on their characteristics, these communities could be sources of various ecosystem services (ESs), that could also enhance the value and enable the multifunctional use of these artificially constructed and maintained production zones. To identify and estimate the whole range of wildlife’s contribution we have conducted an integrated assessment in an extensively managed pond system in Biharugra, Hungary, where we studied 14 previously revealed ESs: fish and reed production, water storage, water and air quality regulation, CO2 absorption, groundwater recharge, aesthetics, recreational activities, inspiration, education, scientific research, presence of semi-natural habitats and useful/protected species. ESs were collected through structured interviews with the local experts of all major stakeholder groups, where we have also gathered information about the known forms, levels (none, low, high) and orientations (positive, negative) of the contributions of the wildlife community. After that, a quantitative analysis was carried out: we calculated the total mean value of the services being used between 2014-16, then we estimated the value and percentage of contributions. For the quantification, we mainly used biophysical indicators with the available data and empirical knowledge of the local experts. During the interviews, 12 of the previously listed services (85%) were mentioned to be related to wildlife community, consisting of 5 fully (e.g., recreation, reed production) and seven partially dependent ESs (e.g., inspiration, CO2 absorption) from our list. The orientation of the contributions was said to be positive almost every time; however, in the case of fish production, the feeding habit of some wild species (Phalacrocorax carbo, Lutra lutra) caused significant losses in fish stocks in the study period. During the biophysical assessment, we calculated the total mean value of the services and quantified the aid of wildlife community at the following services: fish and reed production, recreation, CO2 absorption, and the presence of semi-natural habitats and wild species. The combined results of our interviews and biophysical evaluations showed that the presence of wildlife community not just greatly increased the productivity of the fish farms in Biharugra (with ~53% of natural yield generated by planktonic and benthic communities) but also enhanced the multifunctionality of the system through expanding the quality and number of its services. With these abilities, extensively managed fishponds could play an important role in the future as refugia for wetland related services and species threatened by the effects of global warming.Keywords: ecosystem services, fishpond systems, integrated assessment, wildlife community
Procedia PDF Downloads 1153627 Exploring Antimicrobial Resistance in the Lung Microbial Community Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
Authors: Camilo Cerda Sarabia, Fernanda Bravo Cornejo, Diego Santibanez Oyarce, Hugo Osses Prado, Esteban Gómez Terán, Belén Diaz Diaz, Raúl Caulier-Cisterna, Jorge Vergara-Quezada, Ana Moya-Beltrán
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) represents a significant and rapidly escalating global health threat. Projections estimate that by 2050, AMR infections could claim up to 10 million lives annually. Respiratory infections, in particular, pose a severe risk not only to individual patients but also to the broader public health system. Despite the alarming rise in resistant respiratory infections, AMR within the lung microbiome (microbial community) remains underexplored and poorly characterized. The lungs, as a complex and dynamic microbial environment, host diverse communities of microorganisms whose interactions and resistance mechanisms are not fully understood. Unlike studies that focus on individual genomes, analyzing the entire microbiome provides a comprehensive perspective on microbial interactions, resistance gene transfer, and community dynamics, which are crucial for understanding AMR. However, this holistic approach introduces significant computational challenges and exposes the limitations of traditional analytical methods such as the difficulty of identifying the AMR. Machine learning has emerged as a powerful tool to overcome these challenges, offering the ability to analyze complex genomic data and uncover novel insights into AMR that might be overlooked by conventional approaches. This study investigates microbial resistance within the lung microbiome using unsupervised machine learning approaches to uncover resistance patterns and potential clinical associations. it downloaded and selected lung microbiome data from HumanMetagenomeDB based on metadata characteristics such as relevant clinical information, patient demographics, environmental factors, and sample collection methods. The metadata was further complemented by details on antibiotic usage, disease status, and other relevant descriptions. The sequencing data underwent stringent quality control, followed by a functional profiling focus on identifying resistance genes through specialized databases like Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD) which contains sequences of AMR gene sequence and resistance profiles. Subsequent analyses employed unsupervised machine learning techniques to unravel the structure and diversity of resistomes in the microbial community. Some of the methods employed were clustering methods such as K-Means and Hierarchical Clustering enabled the identification of sample groups based on their resistance gene profiles. The work was implemented in python, leveraging a range of libraries such as biopython for biological sequence manipulation, NumPy for numerical operations, Scikit-learn for machine learning, Matplotlib for data visualization and Pandas for data manipulation. The findings from this study provide insights into the distribution and dynamics of antimicrobial resistance within the lung microbiome. By leveraging unsupervised machine learning, we identified novel resistance patterns and potential drivers within the microbial community.Keywords: antibiotic resistance, microbial community, unsupervised machine learning., sequences of AMR gene
Procedia PDF Downloads 233626 Effects of Wearable Garments on Postural Regulation in Community-Dwelling Elderly Adults
Authors: Mei Teng Woo, Keith Davids, Jarmo Liukkonen, Jia Yi Chow, Timo Jaakkola
Wearable garments such as tapes, compression garments, and braces could improve proprioception and reduced postural sway. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of wearable garments on postural regulation in a sample of community-dwelling elderly individuals, aged 65 years. It was hypothesized that wearable garments such as socks would provide stimulation to lower leg mechanoreceptors, and help participants achieve better postural regulation. Participants (N=63) performed a 30-s Romberg balance test protocol under four conditions (barefoot; wearing commercial socks; wearing clinical compression socks; wearing non-clinical compression socks), in a counterbalanced order, with four levels of performance difficulty: (1) standing on a stable surface with open eyes (SO); (2) a stable surface with closed eyes (SC); (3) a foam surface with open eyes (FO); and (4) a foam surface with closed eyes (FC). Centre of pressure (CoP) measurements included postural sway area (C90 area), trace length (TL) and sway velocity. Thirty-five participants (55.6%) showed positive effects of wearing the socks (responded group). In the responded group, it was revealed that socks showed significant differences in SO, SC and FO conditions for the two CoP measurements - TL and sway velocity (p < 0.05). In contrast, in the non-responded group, barefoot condition significantly decreased the TL and velocity in the SO condition. From the positive effects observed in the responded group, it is possible that wearable garments provide sensory cues that could interact with a biological cueing system to enhance performance in the postural regulation system. This study suggests that individuals respond to the socks treatments differently and future research should be undertaken to examine the factors that benefited the responded group of participants.Keywords: community-dwelling, elderly adults, postural regulation, wearable garments
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