Search results for: alternative therapy
4248 Totally Implantable Venous Access Device for Long Term Parenteral Nutrition in a Patient with High Output Enterocutaneous Fistula Due to Advanced Malignancy
Authors: Puneet Goyal, Aarti Agarwal
Background and Objective: Nutritional support is an integral part of palliative care of advanced non-resectable abdominal malignancy patients, though is frequently neglected aspect. Non-Healing high output Entero-cutaneous fistulas sometimes require long term parenteral nutrition, to take care of catabolism and replacement of nutrients. We present a case of inoperable pancreatic malignancy with high output entero-cutaneous fistula, which was provided parenteral nutritional support with the use of Totally Implantable Venous Access Device (TIVAD). Method and Results: 55 year old man diagnosed with carcinoma pancreas had developed high entero-cutaneous fistula. His tumor was found to be inoperable and was on total parenteral nutrition through routine central line. This line was difficult to maintain as he required it for a long term TPN. He was planned to undergo Totally Implantable Venous Access Device (TIVAD) implantation. 8Fr single lumen catheter with Groshong non-return Valve (Bard Access Systems, Inc. USA) was inserted through right internal jugular vein, under fluoroscopic guidance. The catheter was tunneled subcutaneously and brought towards infraclavicular pocket, cut at appropriate length and connected to port and locked. Port was sutured in floor of pocket. Free flow of blood aspirated, flushed with heparinized saline. There was no kink observed in entire length of catheter under fluoroscopy. Skin over infraclavicular pocket was sutured. Long term catheter care and associated risks were explained to patient and relatives. Patient continued to receive total parenteral nutrition as well as other supportive therapy though TIVAD for next 6 weeks, till his demise. Conclusion: TIVADs are standard of care for long term venous access solutions in cancer patients requiring chemotherapy. In this case, we extended its use for providing parenteral nutrition and other supportive therapy. TIVADs can be implanted in advanced cancer patients for providing venous access solution required for various palliative treatments and medications. This will help in improving quality of life and satisfaction amongst terminally ill cancer patients.Keywords: parenteral nutrition, totally implantable venous access device, long term venous access, interventions in anesthesiology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2484247 The Role of Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) in 99mTc-HIDA with Morphine Provocation Scan for the Investigation of Type III Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD)
Authors: Ibrahim M Hassan, Lorna Que, Michael Rutland
Type I SOD is usually diagnosed by anatomical imaging such as ultrasound, CT and MRCP. However, the types II and III SOD yield negative results despite the presence of significant symptoms. In particular, the type III is difficult to diagnose due to the absence of significant biochemical or anatomical abnormalities. Nuclear Medicine can aid in this diagnostic dilemma by demonstrating functional changes in the bile flow. Low dose Morphine (0.04mg/Kg) stimulates the tone of the sphincter of Oddi (SO) and its usefulness has been shown in diagnosing SOD by causing a delay in bile flow when compared to a non morphine provoked - baseline scan. This work expands on that process by using sublingual GTN at 60 minutes post tracer and morphine injection to relax the SO and induce an improvement in bile outflow, and in some cases show immediate relief of morphine induced abdominal pain. The criteria for positive SOD are as follows: if during the first hour of the morphine provocation showed (1) delayed intrahepatic biliary ducts tracer accumulation; plus (2) delayed appearance but persistent retention of activity in the common bile duct, and (3) delayed bile flow into the duodenum. In addition, patients who required GTN within the first hour to relieve abdominal pain were regarded as highly supportive of the diagnosis. Retrospective analysis of 85 patients (pts) (78F and 6M) referred for suspected SOD (type III) who had been intensively investigated because of recurrent right upper quadrant or abdominal pain post cholecystectomy. 99mTc-HIDA scan with morphine-provocation is performed followed by GTN at 60 minutes post tracer injection and a further thirty minutes of dynamic imaging are acquired. 30 pts were negative. 55 pts were regarded as positive for SOD and 38/55 (60%) of these patients with an abnormal result were further evaluated with a baseline 99mTc-HIDA. As expected, all 38 pts showed better bile flow characteristics than during the morphine provocation. 20/55 (36%) patients were treated by ERCP sphincterotomy and the rest were managed conservatively by medical therapy. In all cases regarded as positive for SOD, the sublingual GTN at 60 minutes showed immediate improvement in bile flow. 11/55(20%) who developed severe post-morphine abdominal pain were relieved by GTN almost instantaneously. We propose that GTN is a useful agent in the diagnosis of SOD when performing 99mTc-HIDA scan and that the satisfactory response to the sublingual GTN could offer additional information in patients who have severe pain at the time the procedure or when presenting to the emergency unit because of biliary pain. And also in determining whether a trial of medical therapy may be used before considering surgery.Keywords: GTN, HIDA, MORPHINE, SOD
Procedia PDF Downloads 3064246 Mechanical Properties of Waste Clay Brick Based Geopolymer Cured at Various Temperature
Authors: Shihab Ibrahim
Geopolymer binders as an alternative binder system to ordinary Portland cement are the focus of the past 2 decades of researches. In order to eliminate CO2 emission by cement manufacturing and utilizing construction waste as a source material, clean waste clay bricks which are the waste from Levent Brick factory was activated with a mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution. 12 molarity of sodium hydroxide solution was used and the ratio of sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide was 2.5. Alkaline solution to clay brick powder ratio of 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, and 0.5 was studied. Alkaline solution to powder ratio of 0.4 was found to be optimum ratio to have the same workability as ordinary Portland cement paste. Compressive strength of the clay brick based geopolymer paste samples was evaluated under different curing temperatures and curing durations. One day compressive strength of 57.3 MPa after curing at 85C for 24 hours was obtained which was higher than 7 days compressive strength of ordinary Portland cement paste. The highest compressive strength 71.4 MPa was achieved at seventh day age for the geopolymer paste samples cured at 85C for 24 hours. It was found that 8 hour curing at elevated temperature 85C, is sufficient to get 96% of total strength. 37.4 MPa strength at seventh day of clay brick based geopolymer sample cured at room temperature was achieved. Water absorption around 10% was found for clay brick based geopolymer samples cured at different temperatures with compare to 9.14% water absorption of ordinary Portland cement paste. The clay brick based geopolymer binder can have the potentiality to be used as an alternative binder to Portland cement in a case that the heat treatment provided. Further studies are needed in order to produce the binder in a way that can harden and gain strength without any elevated curing.Keywords: construction and demolition waste, geopolymer, clay brick, compressive strength.
Procedia PDF Downloads 2604245 Determination of Mechanical Properties of Adhesives via Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Method
Authors: Murat Demir Aydin, Elanur Celebi
Adhesively bonded joints are used as an alternative to traditional joining methods due to the important advantages they provide. The most important consideration in the use of adhesively bonded joints is that these joints have appropriate requirements for their use in terms of safety. In order to ensure control of this condition, damage analysis of the adhesively bonded joints should be performed by determining the mechanical properties of the adhesives. When the literature is investigated; it is generally seen that the mechanical properties of adhesives are determined by traditional measurement methods. In this study, to determine the mechanical properties of adhesives, the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method, which can be an alternative to traditional measurement methods, has been used. The DIC method is a new optical measurement method which is used to determine the parameters of displacement and strain in an appropriate and correct way. In this study, tensile tests of Thick Adherent Shear Test (TAST) samples formed using DP410 liquid structural adhesive and steel materials and bulk tensile specimens formed using and DP410 liquid structural adhesive was performed. The displacement and strain values of the samples were determined by DIC method and the shear stress-strain curves of the adhesive for TAST specimens and the tensile strain curves of the bulk adhesive specimens were obtained. Various methods such as numerical methods are required as conventional measurement methods (strain gauge, mechanic extensometer, etc.) are not sufficient in determining the strain and displacement values of the very thin adhesive layer such as TAST samples. As a result, the DIC method removes these requirements and easily achieves displacement measurements with sufficient accuracy.Keywords: structural adhesive, adhesively bonded joints, digital image correlation, thick adhered shear test (TAST)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3224244 Eco-Fashion Dyeing of Denim and Knitwear with Particle-Dyes
Authors: Adriana Duarte, Sandra Sampaio, Catia Ferreira, Jaime I. N. R. Gomes
With the fashion of faded worn garments the textile industry has moved from indigo and pigments to dyes that are fixed by cationization, with products that can be toxic, and that can show this effect after washing down the dye with friction and/or treating with enzymes in a subsequent operation. Increasingly they are treated with bleaches, such as hypochlorite and permanganate, both toxic substances. An alternative process is presented in this work for both garment and jet dyeing processes, without the use of pre-cationization and the alternative use of “particle-dyes”. These are hybrid products, made up by an inorganic particle and an organic dye. With standard soluble dyes, it is not possible to avoid diffusion into the inside of the fiber unless using previous cationization. Only in this way can diffusion be avoided keeping the centre of the fibres undyed so as to produce the faded effect by removing the surface dye and showing the white fiber beneath. With “particle-dyes”, previous cationization is avoided. By applying low temperatures, the dye does not diffuse completely into the inside of the fiber, since it is a particle and not a soluble dye, being then able to give the faded effect. Even though bleaching can be used it can also be avoided, by the use of friction and enzymes they can be used just as for other dyes. This fashion brought about new ways of applying reactive dyes by the use of previous cationization of cotton, lowering the salt, and temperatures that reactive dyes usually need for reacting and as a side effect the application of a more environmental process. However, cationization is a process that can be problematic in applying it outside garment dyeing, such as jet dyeing, being difficult to obtain level dyeings. It also should be applied by a pad-fix or Pad-batch process due to the low affinity of the pre-cationization products making it a more expensive process, and the risk of unlevelness in processes such as jet dyeing. Wit particle-dyes, since no pre-cationizartion is necessary, they can be applied in jet dyeing. The excess dye is fixed by a fixing agent, fixing the insoluble dye onto the surface of the fibers. By applying the fixing agent only one to 1-3 rinses in water at room temperature are necessary, saving water and improving the washfastness.Keywords: denim, garment dyeing, worn look, eco-fashion
Procedia PDF Downloads 5384243 Intelligent CRISPR Design for Bone Regeneration
Authors: Yu-Chen Hu
Gene editing by CRISPR and gene regulation by microRNA or CRISPR activation have dramatically changed the way to manipulate cellular gene expression and cell fate. In recent years, various gene editing and gene manipulation technologies have been applied to control stem cell differentiation to enhance tissue regeneration. This research will focus on how to develop CRISPR, CRISPR activation (CRISPRa), CRISPR inhibition (CRISPRi), as well as bi-directional CRISPR-AI gene regulation technologies to control cell differentiation and bone regeneration. Moreover, in this study, CRISPR/Cas13d-mediated RNA editng for miRNA editing and bone regeneration will be discussed.Keywords: gene therapy, bone regeneration, stem cell, CRISPR, gene regulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 924242 Reflections from Participants and Researchers on a Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Program
Authors: Jessica Gladden
This study explored the perceived benefits of trauma-sensitive yoga programs. Participants attended one of two six-week trauma-sensitive yoga programs utilizing the G.R.A.C.E model, a format developed based on Emerson’s trauma-sensitive yoga guidelines and modified by the instructors. Participants in this study completed surveys on their experiences. The results of the surveys indicated that participants perceived improvements in self-care, embodiment, and mood. These results show that trauma-sensitive yoga may have benefits beyond the treatment of specific diagnoses that could be applied to a variety of populations. Reflections from one of the researchers who teaches in this program, as well as qualitative statements from the participants, will be shared to support the continued use of this method.Keywords: yoga, trauma-sensitive, yoga therapy, trauma
Procedia PDF Downloads 1634241 Assessment of Hydrogen Demand for Different Technological Pathways to Decarbonise the Aviation Sector in Germany
Authors: Manish Khanra, Shashank Prabhu
The decarbonization of hard-to-abate sectors is currently high on the agenda in the EU and its member states, as these sectors have substantial shares in overall GHG emissions while it is facing serious challenges to decarbonize. In particular, the aviation sector accounts for 2.8% of global anthropogenic CO₂ emissions. These emissions are anticipated to grow dramatically unless immediate mitigating efforts are implemented. Hydrogen and its derivatives based on renewable electricity can have a key role in the transition towards CO₂-neutral flights. The substantial shares of energy carriers in the form of drop-in fuel, direct combustion and Hydrogen-to-Electric are promising in most scenarios towards 2050. For creating appropriate policies to ramp up the production and utilisation of hydrogen commodities in the German aviation sector, a detailed analysis of the spatial distribution of supply-demand sites is essential. The objective of this research work is to assess the demand for hydrogen-based alternative fuels in the German aviation sector to achieve the perceived goal of the ‘Net Zero’ scenario by 2050. Here, the analysis of the technological pathways for the production and utilisation of these fuels in various aircraft options is conducted for reaching mitigation targets. Our method is based on data-driven bottom-up assessment, considering production and demand sites and their spatial distribution. The resulting energy demand and its spatial distribution with consideration of technology diffusion lead to a possible transition pathway of the aviation sector to meet short-term and long-term mitigation targets. Additionally, to achieve mitigation targets in this sector, costs and policy aspects are discussed, which would support decision-makers from airline industries, policymakers and the producers of energy commodities.Keywords: the aviation sector, hard-to-abate sectors, hydrogen demand, alternative fuels, technological pathways, data-driven approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 1314240 A Systematic Review of Sensory Processing Patterns of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Authors: Ala’a F. Jaber, Bara’ah A. Bsharat, Noor T. Ismael
Background: Sensory processing is a fundamental skill needed for the successful performance of daily living activities. These skills are impaired as parts of the neurodevelopmental process issues among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This systematic review aimed to summarize the evidence on the differences in sensory processing and motor characteristic between children with ASD and children with TD. Method: This systematic review followed the guidelines of the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The search terms included sensory, motor, condition, and child-related terms or phrases. The electronic search utilized Academic Search Ultimate, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, ERIC, MEDLINE, MEDLINE Complete, Psychology, and Behavioral Sciences Collection, and SocINDEX with full-text databases. The hand search included looking for potential studies in the references of related studies. The inclusion criteria included studies published in English between years 2009-2020 that included children aged 3-18 years with a confirmed ASD diagnosis, according to the DSM-V criteria, included a control group of typical children, included outcome measures related to the sensory processing and/or motor functions, and studies available in full-text. The review of included studies followed the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine guidelines, and the Guidelines for Critical Review Form of Quantitative Studies, and the guidelines for conducting systematic reviews by the American Occupational Therapy Association. Results: Eighty-eight full-text studies related to the differences between children with ASD and children with TD in terms of sensory processing and motor characteristics were reviewed, of which eighteen articles were included in the quantitative synthesis. The results reveal that children with ASD had more extreme sensory processing patterns than children with TD, like hyper-responsiveness and hypo-responsiveness to sensory stimuli. Also, children with ASD had limited gross and fine motor abilities and lower strength, endurance, balance, eye-hand coordination, movement velocity, cadence, dexterity with a higher rate of gait abnormalities than children with TD. Conclusion: This systematic review provided preliminary evidence suggesting that motor functioning should be addressed in the evaluation and intervention for children with ASD, and sensory processing should be supported among children with TD. More future research should investigate whether how the performance and engagement in daily life activities are affected by sensory processing and motor skills.Keywords: sensory processing, occupational therapy, children, motor skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 1294239 Design Transformation to Reduce Cost in Irrigation Using Value Engineering
Authors: F. S. Al-Anzi, M. Sarfraz, A. Elmi, A. R. Khan
Researchers are responding to the environmental challenges of Kuwait in localized, innovative, effective and economic ways. One of the vital and significant examples of the natural challenges is lack or water and desertification. In this research, the project team focuses on redesigning a prototype, using Value Engineering Methodology, which would provide similar functionalities to the well-known technology of Waterboxx kits while reducing the capital and operational costs and simplifying the process of manufacturing and usability by regular farmers. The design employs used tires and recycled plastic sheets as raw materials. Hence, this approach is going to help not just fighting desertification but also helping in getting rid of ever growing huge tire dumpsters in Kuwait, as well as helping in avoiding hazards of tire fires yielding in a safer and friendlier environment. Several alternatives for implementing the prototype have been considered. The best alternative in terms of value has been selected after thorough Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) exercise has been developed. A prototype has been fabricated and tested in a controlled simulated lab environment that is being followed by real environment field testing. Water and soil analysis conducted on the site of the experiment to cross compare between the composition of the soil before and after the experiment to insure that the prototype being tested is actually going to be environment safe. Experimentation shows that the design was equally as effective as, and may exceed, the original design with significant savings in cost. An estimated total cost reduction using the VE approach of 43.84% over the original design. This cost reduction does not consider the intangible costs of environmental issue of waste recycling which many further intensify the total savings of using the alternative VE design. This case study shows that Value Engineering Methodology can be an important tool in innovating new designs for reducing costs.Keywords: desertification, functional analysis, scrap tires, value engineering, waste recycling, water irrigation rationing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2014238 Current and Emerging Pharmacological Treatment for Status Epilepticus in Adults
Authors: Mathew Tran, Deepa Patel, Breann Prophete, Irandokht Khaki Najafabadi
Status epilepticus is a neurological disorder requiring emergent control with medical therapy. Based on guideline recommendations for adults with status epilepticus, the first-line treatment is to start a benzodiazepine, as they are quick at seizure control. The second step is to initiate a non-benzodiazepine anti-epileptic drug to prevent refractory seizures. Studies show that the anti-epileptic drugs are approximately equivalent in status epilepticus control once a benzodiazepine has been given. This review provides a brief overview of the management of status epilepticus based on evidence from the literature and evidence-based guidelines.Keywords: neurological disorder, seizure, status epilepticus, benzo diazepines, antiepileptic agents
Procedia PDF Downloads 1214237 KTiPO4F: The Negative Electrode Material for Potassium Batteries
Authors: Vahid Ramezankhani, Keith J. Stevenson, Stanislav. S. Fedotov
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) play a pivotal role in achieving the key objective “zero-carbon emission” as countries agreed to reach a 1.5ᵒC global warming target according to the Paris agreement. Nowadays, due to the tremendous mobile and stationary consumption of small/large-format LIBs, the demand and consequently the price for such energy storage devices have been raised. The aforementioned challenges originate from the shrinkage of the major applied critical materials in these batteries, such as cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), Lithium (Li), graphite (G), and manganese (Mn). Therefore, it is imperative to consider alternative elements to address issues corresponding to the limitation of resources around the globe. Potassium (K) is considered an effective alternative to Li since K is a more abundant element, has a higher operating potential, a faster diffusion rate, and the lowest stokes radius in comparison to the closest neighbors in the periodic table (Li and Na). Among all reported materials for metal-ion batteries, some of them possess the general formula AMXO4L [A = Li, Na, K; M = Fe, Ti, V; X = P, S, Si; L= O, F, OH] is of potential to be applied both as anode and cathode and enable researchers to investigate them in the full symmetric battery format. KTiPO4F (KTP structural material) has been previously reported by our group as a promising cathode with decent electronic properties. Herein, we report a synthesis, crystal structure characterization, morphology, as well as K-ion storage properties of KTiPO4F. Our investigation reveals that KTiPO4F delivers discharge capacity > 150 mAh/g at 26.6 mA/g (C/5 current rate) in the potential window of 0.001-3 V. Surprisingly, the cycling performance of C-KTiPO4F//K cell is stable for 1000 cycles at 130 mA/g (C current rate), presenting capacity > 130 mAh/g. More interestingly, we achieved to assemble full symmetric batteries where carbon-coated KTiPO4F serves as both negative and positive electrodes, delivering >70 mAh/g in the potential range of 0.001-4.2V.Keywords: anode material, potassium battery, chemical characterization, electrochemical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 2254236 Experimental Determination of Shear Strength Properties of Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates Using Direct Shear and Triaxial Tests
Authors: Mahsa Shafaei Bajestani, Mahmoud Yazdani, Aliakbar Golshani
Artificial lightweight aggregates have a wide range of applications in industry and engineering. Nowadays, the usage of this material in geotechnical activities, especially as backfill in retaining walls has been growing due to the specific characteristics which make it a competent alternative to the conventional geotechnical materials. In practice, a material with lower weight but higher shear strength parameters would be ideal as backfill behind retaining walls because of the important roles that these parameters play in decreasing the overall active lateral earth pressure. In this study, two types of Light Expanded Clay Aggregates (LECA) produced in the Leca factory are investigated. LECA is made in a rotary kiln by heating natural clay at different temperatures up to 1200 °C making quasi-spherical aggregates with different sizes ranged from 0 to 25 mm. The loose bulk density of these aggregates is between 300 and 700 kN/m3. The purpose of this research is to determine the stress-strain behavior, shear strength parameters, and the energy absorption of LECA materials. Direct shear tests were conducted at five normal stresses of 25, 50, 75, 100, and 200 kPa. In addition, conventional triaxial compression tests were operated at confining pressures of 50, 100, and 200 kPa to examine stress-strain behavior. The experimental results show a high internal angle of friction and even a considerable amount of nominal cohesion despite the granular structure of LECA. These desirable properties along with the intrinsic low density of these aggregates make LECA as a very proper material in geotechnical applications. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that lightweight aggregates may have high energy absorption that is excellent alternative material in seismic isolations.Keywords: expanded clay, direct shear test, triaxial test, shear properties, energy absorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 1674235 Extraction of Phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis by Isoelectric Point Precipitation and Salting Out for Scale Up Processes
Authors: Velasco-Rendón María Del Carmen, Cuéllar-Bermúdez Sara Paulina, Parra-Saldívar Roberto
Phycocyanin is a blue pigment protein with fluorescent activity produced by cyanobacteria. It has been recently studied to determine its anticancer, antioxidant and antiinflamatory potential. Since 2014 it was approved as a Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) proteic pigment for the food industry. Therefore, phycocyanin shows potential for the food, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and diagnostics industry. Conventional phycocyanin extraction includes buffer solutions and ammonium sulphate followed by chromatography or ATPS for protein separation. Therefore, further purification steps are time-requiring, energy intensive and not suitable for scale-up processing. This work presents an alternative to conventional methods that also allows large scale application with commercially available equipment. The extraction was performed by exposing the dry biomass to mechanical cavitation and salting out with NaCl to use an edible reagent. Also, isoelectric point precipitation was used by addition of HCl and neutralization with NaOH. The results were measured and compared in phycocyanin concentration, purity and extraction yield. Results showed that the best extraction condition was the extraction by salting out with 0.20 M NaCl after 30 minutes cavitation, with a concentration in the supernatant of 2.22 mg/ml, a purity of 3.28 and recovery from crude extract of 81.27%. Mechanical cavitation presumably increased the solvent-biomass contact, making the crude extract visibly dark blue after centrifugation. Compared to other systems, our process has less purification steps, similar concentrations in the phycocyanin-rich fraction and higher purity. The contaminants present in our process edible NaCl or low pHs that can be neutralized. It also can be adapted to a semi-continuous process with commercially available equipment. This characteristics make this process an appealing alternative for phycocyanin extraction as a pigment for the food industry.Keywords: extraction, phycocyanin, precipitation, scale-up
Procedia PDF Downloads 4404234 Comparing ITV Definitions From 4D CT-PET and Breath-Hold Technique with Abdominal Compression
Authors: R. D. Esposito, P. Dorado Rodriguez, D. Planes Meseguer
In this work, we compare the contour of Internal Target Volume (ITV), for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) of a patient affected by a single liver metastasis, obtained from two different patient data acquisition techniques. The first technique consists in a free breathing Computer Tomography (CT) scan acquisition, followed by exhalation breath-hold and inhalation breath-hold CT scans, all of them applying abdominal compression while the second technique consists in a free breathing 4D CT-PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan. Results obtained with these two methods are consistent, which demonstrate that at least for this specific case, both techniques are adequate for ITV contouring in SBRT treatments.Keywords: 4D CT-PET, abdominal compression, ITV, SBRT
Procedia PDF Downloads 4434233 An Investigation of Etiology of Liver Cirrhosis and Its Complications with Other Co-morbid Diseases
Authors: Tayba Akram
our main objective of this study is to work on the etiology of liver cirrhosis, to find basic reasons and causes of liver damage, and to find the pattern of liver cirrhosis in hepatic patients either suffering from hepatitis B/C or simple jaundice. We can evaluate medical treatment and the latest trends in patients suffering from liver cirrhosis. We can evaluate the side effects and adverse effects induced by drug therapy used to treat liver cirrhosis. The conclusion is based on the etiology of liver cirrhosis. The most common cause of liver cirrhosis is the viral Hepatitis C virus. Other common causes of liver cirrhosis that are estimated from our research are Hepatitis B virus, Diabetes Mellitus, Ascites, and very rarely found Hepatitis D virus.Keywords: etiology, liver, cirrhosis, co-morbid diseases
Procedia PDF Downloads 184232 Microencapsulation of Probiotic and Evaluation for Viability, Antimicrobial Property and Cytotoxic Activities of its Postbiotic Metabolites on MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Line
Authors: Nkechi V. Enwuru, Bullum Nkeki, Elizabeth A. Adekoya, Olumide A. Adebesin, Rebecca F. Peters, Victoria A. Aikhomu, Mendie E. U.
Background: Probiotics are live microbial feed supplement beneficial for host. Probiotics and their postbiotic products have been used to prevent or treat various health conditions. However, the products cell viability is often low due to harsh conditions subjected during processing, handling, storage, and gastrointestinal transit. These strongly influence probiotics’ benefits; thus, viability is essential for probiotics to produce health benefits for the host. Microencapsulation is a promising technique with considerable effects on probiotic survival. The study is aimed to formulate a microencapsulated probiotic and evaluate its viability, antimicrobial efficacy, and cytotoxic activity of its postbiotic on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. Method: Human and animal raw milk were sampled for lactic acid bacteria. The isolated bacteria were identified using conventional and VITEK 2 systems. The identified lactic acid bacterium was encapsulated using spray-dried and extrusion methods. The free, encapsulated, and chitosan-coated encapsulated probiotics were tested for viability in simulated-gastric intestinal (SGI) fluid and different storage conditions at refrigerated (4oC) and room (25oC) temperatures. The disintegration time and weight uniformity of the spray-dried hard gelatin capsules were tested. The antimicrobial property of free and encapsulated probiotics was tested against enteric pathogenic isolates from antiretroviral therapy (ART) treated HIV-positive patients. The postbiotic of the free cells was extracted, and its cytotoxic effect on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line was tested through an MTT assay. Result: The Lactobacillus plantarum was isolated from animal raw milk. Zero-size hard gelatin L. plantarum capsules with granules within a size range of 0.71–1.00 mm diameter was formulated. The disintegration time ranges from 2.14±0.045 to 2.91±0.293 minutes, while the average weight is 502.1mg. Simulated gastric solution significantly affected viability of both free and microcapsules. However, the encapsulated cells were more protected and viable due to impermeability in the microcapsules. Furthermore, the viability of free cells stored at 4oC and 25oC were less than 4 log CFU/g and 6 log CFU/g respectively after 12 weeks. However, the microcapsules stored at 4oC achieved the highest viability among the free and microcapsules stored at 25oC and the free cells stored at 4oC. Encapsulated cells were released in the simulated gastric fluid, viable and effective against the enteric pathogens tested. However, chitosan-coated calcium alginate encapsulated probiotics significantly inhibited Shigella flexneri, Candida albicans, and Escherichia coli. The Postbiotic Metabolites (PM) of L. plantarum produced a cytotoxic effect on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. The postbiotic showed significant cytotoxic activity similar to 5FU, a standard antineoplastic agent. The inhibition concentration of 50% growth (IC50) of postbiotic metabolite K3 is low and consistent with the IC50 of the positive control (Cisplatin). Conclusions: Lactobacillus plantarum postbiotic exhibited a cytotoxic effect on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and could be used as combined adjuvant therapy in breast cancer management. The microencapsulation technique protects the probiotics, improving their viability and delivery to the gastrointestinal tract. Chitosan enhances antibacterial efficacy; thus, chitosan-coated microencapsulated L. plantarum probiotics could be more effective and used as a combined therapy in HIV management of opportunistic enteric infection.Keywords: probiotics, encapsulation, gastrointestinal conditions, antimicrobial effect, postbiotic, cytotoxicity effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 1254231 Pre-Implementation of Total Body Irradiation Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy: Full Body Anthropomorphic Phantom Development
Authors: Susana Gonçalves, Joana Lencart, Anabela Gregório Dias
Introduction: In combination with chemotherapy, Total Body Irradiation (TBI) is most used as part of the conditioning regimen prior to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Conventional TBI techniques have a long application time but non-conformality of beam-application with the inability to individually spare organs at risk. Our institution’s intention is to start using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) techniques to increase homogeneity of delivered radiation. As a first approach, a dosimetric plan was performed on a computed tomography (CT) scan of a Rando Alderson antropomorfic phantom (head and torso), using a set of six arcs distributed along the phantom. However, a full body anthropomorphic phantom is essential to carry out technique validation and implementation. Our aim is to define the physical and chemical characteristics and the ideal manufacturing procedure of upper and lower limbs to our anthropomorphic phantom, for later validate TBI using VMAT. Materials and Methods: To study the better fit between our phantom and limbs, a CT scan of Rando Alderson anthropomorphic phantom was acquired. CT was performed on GE Healthcare equipment (model Optima CT580 W), with slice thickness of 2.5 mm. This CT was also used to access the electronic density of soft tissue and bone through Hounsfield units (HU) analysis. Results: CT images were analyzed and measures were made for the ideal upper and lower limbs. Upper limbs should be build under the following measures: 43cm length and 7cm diameter (next to the shoulder section). Lower limbs should be build under the following measures: 79cm length and 16.5cm diameter (next to the thigh section). As expected, soft tissue and bone have very different electronic density. This is important to choose and analyze different materials to better represent soft tissue and bone characteristics. The approximate HU values of the soft tissue and for bone shall be 35HU and 250HU, respectively. Conclusion: At the moment, several compounds are being developed based on different types of resins and additives in order to be able to control and mimic the various constituent densities of the tissues. Concurrently, several manufacturing techniques are being explored to make it possible to produce the upper and lower limbs in a simple and non-expensive way, in order to finally carry out a systematic and appropriate study of the total body irradiation. This preliminary study was a good starting point to demonstrate the feasibility of TBI with VMAT.Keywords: TBI, VMAT, anthropomorphic phantom, tissue equivalent materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 804230 Plant as an Alternative for Anti Depressant Drugs St John's Wort
Authors: Mahdi Akhbardeh
St John's wort plant can help to treat depression disease through decreasing this disease symptom, due to having some similar features of Prozac (Fluoxetine Hcl) pill. People suffering from slight depression who have fear of using antidepressants side effects can use St John's wort drops under doctor observation. This method of treatment is proposed specially to those women who are spending menopause or depression resulted from this period. St John's wort plant have proposed traditional and plant medicine as newest researches in treating mood disorders compared to Prozac (Fluoxetine Hcl) drug in treating depression disease which is being administrated in clinic research center of Washington. Objective: the aim of this study is to find an alternative treatment method in people suffering from depression which are treated with Prozac (Fluoxetine Hcl). Almost 70 percent of treatment failures with Prozac (Fluoxetine Hcl) drug in patients suffering from slight to normal depression is due to intensive side effects including: decrease in blood pressure, reduce in sexual desire and 30 percent of it is due to this drug affectless in treatment procedure which leads to leaving treatment. Results of Hypercuim plant function are exactly similar to antidepressants. Increase in serotonin amount in brain synopsis terminal end causes increase in existence time of this material in this part. In fact these two drugs have similar function. Though side effects of Hypercuim plant(St John's wort) including headache and slight nausea tolerable. Results: St John's wort plant can be used lonely in slight to normal depressions in which patients are avoiding Prozac (Fluoxetine Hcl) drug due to it's side effects. In intensive depressions through which general patients don’t indicate positive response to drug, it is probably expected relative or even complete treatment through combining antidepressants drugs with this plant. This treatment method has been investigated and confirmed in clinical tests and researches.Keywords: depression, St John's wort, Prozac, antidepressant
Procedia PDF Downloads 4884229 Highly Selective Phosgene Free Synthesis of Methylphenylcarbamate from Aniline and Dimethyl Carbonate over Heterogeneous Catalyst
Authors: Nayana T. Nivangune, Vivek V. Ranade, Ashutosh A. Kelkar
Organic carbamates are versatile compounds widely employed as pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, dyes, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and in the synthesis of polyurethanes. Carbamates can be easily transformed into isocyanates by thermal cracking. Isocyantes are used as precursors for manufacturing agrochemicals, adhesives and polyurethane elastomers. Manufacture of polyurethane foams is a major application of aromatic ioscyanates and in 2007 the global consumption of polyurethane was about 12 million metric tons/year and the average annual growth rate was about 5%. Presently Isocyanates/carbamates are manufactured by phosgene based process. However, because of high toxicity of phoegene and formation of waste products in large quantity; there is a need to develop alternative and safer process for the synthesis of isocyanates/carbamates. Recently many alternative processes have been investigated and carbamate synthesis by methoxycarbonylation of aromatic amines using dimethyl carbonate (DMC) as a green reagent has emerged as promising alternative route. In this reaction methanol is formed as a by-product, which can be converted to DMC either by oxidative carbonylation of methanol or by reacting with urea. Thus, the route based on DMC has a potential to provide atom efficient and safer route for the synthesis of carbamates from DMC and amines. Lot of work is being carried out on the development of catalysts for this reaction and homogeneous zinc salts were found to be good catalysts for the reaction. However, catalyst/product separation is challenging with these catalysts. There are few reports on the use of supported Zn catalysts; however, deactivation of the catalyst is the major problem with these catalysts. We wish to report here methoxycarbonylation of aniline to methylphenylcarbamate (MPC) using amino acid complexes of Zn as highly active and selective catalysts. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, IR, solid state NMR and XPS analysis. Methoxycarbonylation of aniline was carried out at 170 °C using 2.5 wt% of the catalyst to achieve >98% conversion of aniline with 97-99% selectivity to MPC as the product. Formation of N-methylated products in small quantity (1-2%) was also observed. Optimization of the reaction conditions was carried out using zinc-proline complex as the catalyst. Selectivity was strongly dependent on the temperature and aniline:DMC ratio used. At lower aniline:DMC ratio and at higher temperature, selectivity to MPC decreased (85-89% respectively) with the formation of N-methylaniline (NMA), N-methyl methylphenylcarbamate (MMPC) and N,N-dimethyl aniline (NNDMA) as by-products. Best results (98% aniline conversion with 99% selectivity to MPC in 4 h) were observed at 170oC and aniline:DMC ratio of 1:20. Catalyst stability was verified by carrying out recycle experiment. Methoxycarbonylation preceded smoothly with various amine derivatives indicating versatility of the catalyst. The catalyst is inexpensive and can be easily prepared from zinc salt and naturally occurring amino acids. The results are important and provide environmentally benign route for MPC synthesis with high activity and selectivity.Keywords: aniline, heterogeneous catalyst, methoxycarbonylation, methylphenyl carbamate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2764228 Periareolar Zigzag Incision in the Conservative Surgical Treatment of Breast Cancer
Authors: Beom-Seok Ko, Yoo-Seok Kim, Woo-Sung Lim, Ku-Sang Kim, Hyun-Ah Kim, Jin-Sun Lee, An-Bok Lee, Jin-Gu Bong, Tae-Hyun Kim, Sei-Hyun Ahn
Background: Breast conserving surgery (BCS) followed by radiation therapy is today standard therapy for early breast cancer. It is safe therapeutic procedure in early breast cancers, because it provides the same level of overall survival as mastectomy. There are a number of different types of incisions used to BCS. Avoiding scars on the breast is women’s desire. Numerous minimal approaches have evolved due to this concern. Periareolar incision is often used when the small tumor relatively close to the nipple. But periareolar incision has a disadvantages include limited exposure of the surgical field. In plastic surgery, various methods such as zigzag incisions have been recommended to achieve satisfactory esthetic results. Periareolar zigzag incision has the advantage of not only good surgical field but also contributed to better surgical scars. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the oncological safety of procedures by studying the status of the surgical margins of the excised tumor specimen and reduces the need for further surgery. Methods: Between January 2016 and September 2016, 148 women with breast cancer underwent BCS or mastectomy by the same surgeon in ASAN medical center. Patients with exclusion criteria were excluded from this study if they had a bilateral breast cancer or underwent resection of the other tumors or taken axillary dissection or performed other incision methods. Periareolar zigzag incision was performed and excision margins of the specimen were identified frozen sections and paraffin-embedded or permanent sections in all patients in this study. We retrospectively analyzed tumor characteristics, the operative time, size of specimen, the distance from the tumor to nipple. Results: A total of 148 patients were reviewed, 72 included in the final analysis, 76 excluded. The mean age of the patients was 52.6 (range 25-19 years), median tumor size was 1.6 cm (range, 0.2-8.8), median tumor distance from the nipple was 4.0 cm (range, 1.0-9.0), median excised specimen sized was 5.1 cm (range, 2.8-15.0), median operation time was 70.0 minute (range, 39-138). All patients were discharged with no sign of infection or skin necrosis. Free resection margin was confirmed by frozen biopsy and permanent biopsy in all samples. There were no patients underwent reoperation. Conclusions: We suggest that periareolar zigzag incision can provide a good surgical field to remove a relatively large tumor and may provide cosmetically good outcomes.Keywords: periareolar zigzag incision, breast conserving surgery, breast cancer, resection margin
Procedia PDF Downloads 2324227 Experimental Study of an Isobaric Expansion Heat Engine with Hydraulic Power Output for Conversion of Low-Grade-Heat to Electricity
Authors: Maxim Glushenkov, Alexander Kronberg
Isobaric expansion (IE) process is an alternative to conventional gas/vapor expansion accompanied by a pressure decrease typical of all state-of-the-art heat engines. The elimination of the expansion stage accompanied by useful work means that the most critical and expensive parts of ORC systems (turbine, screw expander, etc.) are also eliminated. In many cases, IE heat engines can be more efficient than conventional expansion machines. In addition, IE machines have a very simple, reliable, and inexpensive design. They can also perform all the known operations of existing heat engines and provide usable energy in a very convenient hydraulic or pneumatic form. This paper reports measurement made with the engine operating as a heat-to-shaft-power or electricity converter and a comparison of the experimental results to a thermodynamic model. Experiments were carried out at heat source temperature in the range 30–85 °C and heat sink temperature around 20 °C; refrigerant R134a was used as the engine working fluid. The pressure difference generated by the engine varied from 2.5 bar at the heat source temperature 40 °C to 23 bar at the heat source temperature 85 °C. Using a differential piston, the generated pressure was quadrupled to pump hydraulic oil through a hydraulic motor that generates shaft power and is connected to an alternator. At the frequency of about 0.5 Hz, the engine operates with useful powers up to 1 kW and an oil pumping flowrate of 7 L/min. Depending on the temperature of the heat source, the obtained efficiency was 3.5 – 6 %. This efficiency looks very high, considering such a low temperature difference (10 – 65 °C) and low power (< 1 kW). The engine’s observed performance is in good agreement with the predictions of the model. The results are very promising, showing that the engine is a simple and low-cost alternative to ORC plants and other known energy conversion systems, especially at low temperatures (< 100 °C) and low power range (< 500 kW) where other known technologies are not economic. Thus low-grade solar, geothermal energy, biomass combustion, and waste heat with a temperature above 30 °C can be involved into various energy conversion processes.Keywords: isobaric expansion, low-grade heat, heat engine, renewable energy, waste heat recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 2264226 Representational Conference Profile of Secondary Students in Understanding Selected Chemical Principles
Authors: Ryan Villafuerte Lansangan
Assessing students’ understanding in the microscopic level of an abstract subject like chemistry poses a challenge to teachers. Literature reveals that the use of representations serves as an essential avenue of measuring the extent of understanding in the discipline as an alternative to traditional assessment methods. This undertaking explored the representational competence profile of high school students from the University of Santo Tomas High School in understanding selected chemical principles and correlate this with their academic profile in chemistry based on their performance in the academic achievement examination in chemistry administered by the Center for Education Measurement (CEM). The common misconceptions of the students on the selected chemistry principles based on their representations were taken into consideration as well as the students’ views regarding their understanding of the role of chemical representations in their learning. The students’ level of representation task instrument consisting of the main lessons in chemistry with a corresponding scoring guide was prepared and utilized in the study. The study revealed that most of the students under study are unanimously rated as Level 2 (symbolic level) in terms of their representational competence in understanding the selected chemical principles through the use of chemical representations. Alternative misrepresentations were most observed on the students’ representations on chemical bonding concepts while the concept of chemical equation appeared to be the most comprehensible topic in chemistry for the students. Data implies that teachers’ representations play an important role in helping the student understand the concept in a microscopic level. Results also showed that the academic achievement in the chemistry of the students based on the standardized CEM examination has a significant association with the students’ representational competence. In addition, the students’ responses on the students’ views in chemical representations questionnaire evidently showed a good understanding of what a chemical representation or a mental model is by drawing a negative response that these tools should be an exact replica. Moreover, the students confirmed a greater appreciation that chemical representations are explanatory tools.Keywords: chemical representations, representational competence, academic profile in chemistry, secondary students
Procedia PDF Downloads 4064225 Efficiency Enhancement in Solar Panel
Authors: R. S. Arun Raj
In today's climate of growing energy needs and increasing environmental issues, alternatives to the use of non-renewable and polluting fossil fuels have to be investigated. One such alternative is the solar energy. The SUN provides every hour as much energy as mankind consumes in one year. This paper clearly explains about the solar panel design and new models and methodologies that can be implemented for better utilization of solar energy. Minimisation of losses in solar panel as heat is my innovative idea revolves around. The pay back calculations by implementation of solar panels is also quoted.Keywords: on-grid and off-grid systems, pyro-electric effect, pay-back calculations, solar panel
Procedia PDF Downloads 5954224 Access of Small and Medium Enterprises to Finance in Rural Areas: Case of Indonesia and Thailand
Authors: N. Ikasari, T. Sumransat, U. Eko, R. Kusumastuti
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are regarded as the engine for economic development, notwithstanding their continuous financing conundrum. In the case of developing countries, access to finance is a reflection of the effectiveness of government policy. The widely accepted perspective to assess small businesses’ access to finance is that of economic view. The existing body of literature presents access to finance in three dimensions; they are accessibility, eligibility and affordability. Within this perspective, the role of socio-cultural has not explored. This study is aimed at investigating the existence of any socio-cultural factors within access to finance issue in Asian countries where governance is enriched by countries’ values and beliefs. The significance of this study is the instigation of supplementary dimension to assess access to finance that eventually contributes to the development of micro-finance policy. Indonesia and Thailand are selected as cases in point, where distinction is drawn on the level of cultural diversity and micro-finance policy in respective country. A questionnaire is used to collect information related to the three dimensions of access to finance as well as to explore alternative financing reasoning to elaborate the issue from the demand side. Questionnaires are distributed to 60 small business owners operating in Indonesia and the same number in Thailand. In order to present a complete understanding on the matter at hand, interviews with banks are conducted to capture the perspective as presented by the supply side. Research findings show that small business owners and banks in Indonesia and Thailand are in agreement that access to finance is not deemed as an issue. However, trust issue that exists mutually between financing users and providers leads small business owners in Indonesia to look for alternative financing other than banks. The findings contribute to the refinement of micro-financing policy in Indonesia and Thailand.Keywords: access to finance, Indonesia, small and medium enterprises, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 2924223 Concept of a Low Cost Gait Rehabilitation Robot for Children with Neurological Dysfunction
Authors: Mariana Volpini, Volker Bartenbach, Marcos Pinotti, Robert Riener
Restoration of gait ability is an important task in the rehabilitation of people with neurological disorders presenting a great impact in the quality of life of an individual. Based on the motor learning concept, robotic assisted treadmill training has been introduced and found to be a feasible and promising therapeutic option in neurological rehabilitation but unfortunately it is not available for most patients in developing countries due to the high cost. This paper presents the concept of a low cost rehabilitation robot to help consolidate the robotic-assisted gait training as a reality in clinical practice in most countries. This work indicates that it is possible to build a simpler rehabilitation device respecting the physiological trajectory of the ankle.Keywords: bioengineering, gait therapy, low cost rehabilitation robot, rehabilitation robotics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4324222 Microwave-Assisted Eradication of Wool
Authors: M. Salama, K. Haggag, H. El-Sayed
An environmentally and ecologically acceptable method for eradication of wool fabrics based on microwave irradiation (MWI) was described. The process would be a suitable alternative for mothproofing of wool using toxic degradative chemical or biological methods. The effect of microwave irradiation and exposure time on the extent of eradication of wool fabrics from moth larvae was monitored. The inherent properties of the MW-irradiated wool fabrics; viz. tensile properties, alkali solubility, and yellowing index, were not adversely altered.Keywords: microwave, wool, fabric, moth, eradication, resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4584221 Unraveling the Gut-Brain Connection in Alcohol Use Disorder: Microbiome Dysbiosis and Probiotic Therapy as Emerging Treatment Pathways
Authors: Noah Emil Glisik
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) presents significant health challenges worldwide and is particularly concerning in Slovenia, where high alcohol consumption contributes to elevated rates of comorbidities, including depression and suicide. This review examines emerging evidence linking gut microbiome dysbiosis to AUD, exploring whether gut microbiome alterations merely result from alcohol use or actively contribute to the persistence of addiction. Additionally, it discusses how microbial changes may influence psychological symptoms, including anxiety and depressive states, which are closely associated with suicidality in this population. To address gaps in existing research, a systematic literature search was conducted through PubMed, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect. Inclusion criteria focused on studies examining gut microbiome changes in AUD, particularly those assessing gut-brain axis interactions and microbial species impacting inflammation and neurotransmitter pathways. Studies were excluded if they lacked peer review or did not specifically assess microbiome effects on mental health outcomes. A qualitative literature review approach was applied, synthesizing findings into key themes on microbial changes, neuroinflammatory pathways, and treatment implications. Data were organized into tables to provide a clear comparison of microbiota alterations across studies, highlighting specific bacterial species and their potential effects on AUD. This review emphasizes patterns in AUD patients, where reductions in anti-inflammatory species, such as Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Roseburia intestinalis, coincide with increases in pro-inflammatory bacteria like Enterococcus faecalisand Lactobacillus rhamnosus. These shifts contribute to increased gut permeability and systemic inflammation, potentially influencing the kynurenine pathway, which is linked to depressive symptoms and elevated alcohol cravings. Furthermore, the review explores the potential of probiotic therapies targeting these microbial imbalances as adjunctive treatments for AUD, particularly those focusing on strains that support anti-inflammatory pathways and gut barrier integrity. Restoring microbial homeostasis through probiotics or fecal microbiota transplantation may not only reduce inflammation but also alleviate mental health symptoms associated with addiction, including suicidality. The findings underscore the need for further clinical trials assessing microbiome-targeted therapies as innovative, multifaceted approaches to AUD treatment in Slovenia and beyond.Keywords: alcohol use disorder, gut-brain axis, microbiome dysbiosis, probiotic therapy.
Procedia PDF Downloads 134220 Comparison Of Virtual Non-Contrast To True Non-Contrast Images Using Dual Layer Spectral Computed Tomography
Authors: O’Day Luke
Purpose: To validate virtual non-contrast reconstructions generated from dual-layer spectral computed tomography (DL-CT) data as an alternative for the acquisition of a dedicated true non-contrast dataset during multiphase contrast studies. Material and methods: Thirty-three patients underwent a routine multiphase clinical CT examination, using Dual-Layer Spectral CT, from March to August 2021. True non-contrast (TNC) and virtual non-contrast (VNC) datasets, generated from both portal venous and arterial phase imaging were evaluated. For every patient in both true and virtual non-contrast datasets, a region-of-interest (ROI) was defined in aorta, liver, fluid (i.e. gallbladder, urinary bladder), kidney, muscle, fat and spongious bone, resulting in 693 ROIs. Differences in attenuation for VNC and TNV images were compared, both separately and combined. Consistency between VNC reconstructions obtained from the arterial and portal venous phase was evaluated. Results: Comparison of CT density (HU) on the VNC and TNC images showed a high correlation. The mean difference between TNC and VNC images (excluding bone results) was 5.5 ± 9.1 HU and > 90% of all comparisons showed a difference of less than 15 HU. For all tissues but spongious bone, the mean absolute difference between TNC and VNC images was below 10 HU. VNC images derived from the arterial and the portal venous phase showed a good correlation in most tissue types. The aortic attenuation was somewhat dependent however on which dataset was used for reconstruction. Bone evaluation with VNC datasets continues to be a problem, as spectral CT algorithms are currently poor in differentiating bone and iodine. Conclusion: Given the increasing availability of DL-CT and proven accuracy of virtual non-contrast processing, VNC is a promising tool for generating additional data during routine contrast-enhanced studies. This study shows the utility of virtual non-contrast scans as an alternative for true non-contrast studies during multiphase CT, with potential for dose reduction, without loss of diagnostic information.Keywords: dual-layer spectral computed tomography, virtual non-contrast, true non-contrast, clinical comparison
Procedia PDF Downloads 1424219 Production Radionuclide Therapy 161-Terbium Using by Talys1.6 and Empire 3.2 Codes in Reactions Cyclotron
Authors: Shohreh Rahimi Lascokalayeh, Hasan Yousefnia, Mojtaba Tajik, Samaneh Zolghadri, Bentehoda Abdolhosseini
In this study, the production of terbium-161 as new therapeutic radionuclide was investigated using TALYS1.6& EMPIRE 3.2 codes. For this purpose, cross section for the reactions reactor to produce 161Tb were extracted by mean of this code In the following step, stopping power of the reactions reactor was calculated by SRIM code. The best reaction in the production of 161Tb is160 Gd(d,n)161Tb Production yield of the 161Tb was obtained by utilization of MATLAB calculation code and based on the charged particle reaction formalism.The results showed that Production yield of the 161Tb was obtained 0.8 (mci/ A*h).Keywords: terbium161, TALYS1.6, EMPIRE3.2, yield, cross-section
Procedia PDF Downloads 454