Search results for: POI extraction method
18894 Collocation Method for Coupled System of Boundary Value Problems with Cubic B-Splines
Authors: K. N. S. Kasi Viswanadham
Coupled system of second order linear and nonlinear boundary value problems occur in various fields of Science and Engineering. In the formulation of the problem, any one of 81 possible types of boundary conditions may occur. These 81 possible boundary conditions are written as a combination of four boundary conditions. To solve a coupled system of boundary value problem with these converted boundary conditions, a collocation method with cubic B-splines as basis functions has been developed. In the collocation method, the mesh points of the space variable domain have been selected as the collocation points. The basis functions have been redefined into a new set of basis functions which in number match with the number of mesh points in the space variable domain. The solution of a non-linear boundary value problem has been obtained as the limit of a sequence of solutions of linear boundary value problems generated by quasilinearization technique. Several linear and nonlinear boundary value problems are presented to test the efficiency of the proposed method and found that numerical results obtained by the present method are in good agreement with the exact solutions available in the literature.Keywords: collocation method, coupled system, cubic b-splines, mesh points
Procedia PDF Downloads 21018893 Traditional Dyeing of Silk with Natural Dyes by Eco-Friendly Method
Authors: Samera Salimpour Abkenar
In traditional dyeing of natural fibers with natural dyes, metal salts are commonly used to increase color stability. This method always carries the risk of environmental pollution (contamination of arable soils and fresh groundwater) due to the release of dyeing effluents containing large amounts of metal. Therefore, researchers are always looking for new methods to obtain a green dyeing system. In this research, the use of the enzymatic dyeing method to prevent environmental pollution with metals and reduce production costs has been proposed. After degumming and bleaching, raw silk fabrics were dyed with natural dyes (Madder and Sumac) by three methods (pre-mordanting with a metal salt, one-step enzymatic dyeing, and two-step enzymatic dyeing). Results show that silk dyed with natural dyes by the enzymatic method has higher color strength and colorfastness than the pretreated with a metal salt. Also, the amount of remained dyes in the dyeing wastewater is significantly reduced by the enzymatic method. It is found that the enzymatic dyeing method leads to improvement of dye absorption, color strength, soft hand, no change in color shade, low production costs (due to low dyeing temperature), and a significant reduction in environmental pollution.Keywords: eco-friendly, natural dyes, silk, traditional dyeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 19218892 Mood Recognition Using Indian Music
Authors: Vishwa Joshi
The study of mood recognition in the field of music has gained a lot of momentum in the recent years with machine learning and data mining techniques and many audio features contributing considerably to analyze and identify the relation of mood plus music. In this paper we consider the same idea forward and come up with making an effort to build a system for automatic recognition of mood underlying the audio song’s clips by mining their audio features and have evaluated several data classification algorithms in order to learn, train and test the model describing the moods of these audio songs and developed an open source framework. Before classification, Preprocessing and Feature Extraction phase is necessary for removing noise and gathering features respectively.Keywords: music, mood, features, classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 50118891 Using the Semantic Web Technologies to Bring Adaptability in E-Learning Systems
Authors: Fatima Faiza Ahmed, Syed Farrukh Hussain
The last few decades have seen a large proportion of our population bending towards e-learning technologies, starting from learning tools used in primary and elementary schools to competency based e-learning systems specifically designed for applications like finance and marketing. The huge diversity in this crowd brings about a large number of challenges for the designers of these e-learning systems, one of which is the adaptability of such systems. This paper focuses on adaptability in the learning material in an e-learning course and how artificial intelligence and the semantic web can be used as an effective tool for this purpose. The study proved that the semantic web, still a hot topic in the area of computer science can prove to be a powerful tool in designing and implementing adaptable e-learning systems.Keywords: adaptable e-learning, HTMLParser, information extraction, semantic web
Procedia PDF Downloads 34118890 An Architectural Approach for the Dynamic Adaptation of Services-Based Software
Authors: Mohhamed Yassine Baroudi, Abdelkrim Benammar, Fethi Tarik Bendimerad
This paper proposes software architecture for dynamical service adaptation. The services are constituted by reusable software components. The adaptation’s goal is to optimize the service function of their execution context. For a first step, the context will take into account just the user needs but other elements will be added. A particular feature in our proposition is the profiles that are used not only to describe the context’s elements but also the components itself. An adapter analyzes the compatibility between all these profiles and detects the points where the profiles are not compatibles. The same Adapter search and apply the possible adaptation solutions: component customization, insertion, extraction or replacement.Keywords: adaptative service, software component, service, dynamic adaptation
Procedia PDF Downloads 30018889 Fault Location Identification in High Voltage Transmission Lines
Authors: Khaled M. El Naggar
This paper introduces a digital method for fault section identification in transmission lines. The method uses digital set of the measured short circuit current to locate faults in electrical power systems. The digitized current is used to construct a set of overdetermined system of equations. The problem is then constructed and solved using the proposed digital optimization technique to find the fault distance. The proposed optimization methodology is an application of simulated annealing optimization technique. The method is tested using practical case study to evaluate the proposed method. The accurate results obtained show that the algorithm can be used as a powerful tool in the area of power system protection.Keywords: optimization, estimation, faults, measurement, high voltage, simulated annealing
Procedia PDF Downloads 39418888 Non-Stationary Stochastic Optimization of an Oscillating Water Column
Authors: María L. Jalón, Feargal Brennan
A non-stationary stochastic optimization methodology is applied to an OWC (oscillating water column) to find the design that maximizes the wave energy extraction. Different temporal cycles are considered to represent the long-term variability of the wave climate at the site in the optimization problem. The results of the non-stationary stochastic optimization problem are compared against those obtained by a stationary stochastic optimization problem. The comparative analysis reveals that the proposed non-stationary optimization provides designs with a better fit to reality. However, the stationarity assumption can be adequate when looking at averaged system response.Keywords: non-stationary stochastic optimization, oscillating water, temporal variability, wave energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 37318887 Robust Adaptation to Background Noise in Multichannel C-OTDR Monitoring Systems
Authors: Andrey V. Timofeev, Viktor M. Denisov
A robust sequential nonparametric method is proposed for adaptation to background noise parameters for real-time. The distribution of background noise was modelled like to Huber contamination mixture. The method is designed to operate as an adaptation-unit, which is included inside a detection subsystem of an integrated multichannel monitoring system. The proposed method guarantees the given size of a nonasymptotic confidence set for noise parameters. Properties of the suggested method are rigorously proved. The proposed algorithm has been successfully tested in real conditions of a functioning C-OTDR monitoring system, which was designed to monitor railways.Keywords: guaranteed estimation, multichannel monitoring systems, non-asymptotic confidence set, contamination mixture
Procedia PDF Downloads 43018886 On the Bootstrap P-Value Method in Identifying out of Control Signals in Multivariate Control Chart
Authors: O. Ikpotokin
In any production process, every product is aimed to attain a certain standard, but the presence of assignable cause of variability affects our process, thereby leading to low quality of product. The ability to identify and remove this type of variability reduces its overall effect, thereby improving the quality of the product. In case of a univariate control chart signal, it is easy to detect the problem and give a solution since it is related to a single quality characteristic. However, the problems involved in the use of multivariate control chart are the violation of multivariate normal assumption and the difficulty in identifying the quality characteristic(s) that resulted in the out of control signals. The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of non-parametric control chart (the bootstrap approach) for obtaining control limit to overcome the problem of multivariate distributional assumption and the p-value method for detecting out of control signals. Results from a performance study show that the proposed bootstrap method enables the setting of control limit that can enhance the detection of out of control signals when compared, while the p-value method also enhanced in identifying out of control variables.Keywords: bootstrap control limit, p-value method, out-of-control signals, p-value, quality characteristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 34818885 Mordenite as Catalyst Support for Complete Volatile Organic Compounds Oxidation
Authors: Yuri A. Kalvachev, Totka D. Todorova
Zeolite mordenite has been investigated as a transition metal support for the preparation of efficient catalysts in the oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The highly crystalline mordenite samples were treated with hydrofluoric acid and ammonium fluoride to get hierarchical material with secondary porosity. The obtained supports by this method have a high active surface area, good diffusion properties and prevent the extraction of metal components during catalytic reactions. The active metal phases platinum and copper were loaded by impregnation on both mordenite materials (parent and acid treated counterparts). Monometalic Pt and Cu, and bimetallic Pt/Cu catalysts were obtained. The metal phases were fine dispersed as nanoparticles on the functional porous materials. The catalysts synthesized in this way were investigated in the reaction of complete oxidation of propane and benzene. Platinum, copper and platinum/copper were loaded and there catalytic activity was investigated and compared. All samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis, nitrogen adsorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron measurements (XPS) and temperature programed reduction (TPR). The catalytic activity of the samples obtained is investigated in the reaction of complete oxidation of propane and benzene by using of Gas Chromatography (GC). The oxidation of three organic molecules was investigated—methane, propane and benzene. The activity of metal loaded mordenite catalysts for methane oxidation is almost the same for parent and treated mordenite as a support. For bigger molecules as propane and benzene, the activity of catalysts based on treated mordenite is higher than those based on parent zeolite.Keywords: metal loaded catalysts, mordenite, VOCs oxidation, zeolites
Procedia PDF Downloads 13318884 Numerical Method for Heat Transfer Problem in a Block Having an Interface
Authors: Beghdadi Lotfi, Bouziane Abdelhafid
A finite volume method for quadrilaterals unstructured mesh is developed to predict the two dimensional steady-state solutions of conduction equation. In this scheme, based on the integration around the polygonal control volume, the derivatives of conduction equation must be converted into closed line integrals using same formulation of the Stokes theorem. To valid the accuracy of the method two numerical experiments s are used: conduction in a regular block (with known analytical solution) and conduction in a rotated block (case with curved boundaries).The numerical results show good agreement with analytical results. To demonstrate the accuracy of the method, the absolute and root-mean square errors versus the grid size are examined quantitatively.Keywords: Stokes theorem, unstructured grid, heat transfer, complex geometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 29018883 Method of Visual Prosthesis Design Based on Biologically Inspired Design
Authors: Shen Jian, Hu Jie, Zhu Guo Niu, Peng Ying Hong
There are two issues exited in the traditional visual prosthesis: lacking systematic method and the low level of humanization. To tackcle those obstacles, a visual prosthesis design method based on biologically inspired design is proposed. Firstly, a constrained FBS knowledge cell model is applied to construct the functional model of visual prosthesis in biological field. Then the clustering results of engineering domain are ob-tained with the use of the cross-domain knowledge cell clustering algorithm. Finally, a prototype system is designed to support the bio-logically inspired design where the conflict is digested by TRIZ and other tools, and the validity of the method is verified by the solution schemeKeywords: knowledge-based engineering, visual prosthesis, biologically inspired design, biomedical engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 19418882 Method Validation for Determining Platinum and Palladium in Catalysts Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry
Authors: Marin Senila, Oana Cadar, Thorsten Janisch, Patrick Lacroix-Desmazes
The study presents the analytical capability and validation of a method based on microwave-assisted acid digestion for quantitative determination of platinum and palladium in catalysts using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). In order to validate the method, the main figures of merit such as limit of detection and limit of quantification, precision and accuracy were considered and the measurement uncertainty was estimated based on the bottom-up approach according to the international guidelines of ISO/IEC 17025. Limit of detections, estimated from blank signal using 3 s criterion, were 3.0 mg/kg for Pt and respectively 3.6 mg/kg for Pd, while limits of quantification were 9.0 mg/kg for Pt and respectively 10.8 mg/kg for Pd. Precisions, evaluated as standard deviations of repeatability (n=5 parallel samples), were less than 10% for both precious metals. Accuracies of the method, verified by recovery estimation certified reference material NIST SRM 2557 - pulverized recycled monolith, were 99.4 % for Pt and 101% for Pd. The obtained limit of quantifications and accuracy were satisfactory for the intended purpose. The paper offers all the steps necessary to validate the determination method for Pt and Pd in catalysts using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry.Keywords: catalyst analysis, ICP-OES, method validation, platinum, palladium
Procedia PDF Downloads 16818881 Preservation of Coconut Toddy Sediments as a Leavening Agent for Bakery Products
Authors: B. R. Madushan, S. B. Navaratne, I. Wickramasinge
Toddy sediment (TS) was cultured in a PDA medium to determine initial yeast load, and also it was undergone sun, shade, solar, dehumidified cold air (DCA) and hot air oven (at 400, 500 and 60oC) drying with a view to preserve viability of yeast. Thereafter, this study was conducted according to two factor factorial design in order to determine best preservation method. Therein the dried TS from the best drying method was taken and divided into two portions. One portion was mixed with 3: 7 ratio of TS: rice flour and the mixture was divided in to two again. While one portion was kept under in house condition the other was in a refrigerator. Same procedure was followed to the rest portion of TS too but it was at the same ratio of corn flour. All treatments were vacuum packed in triple laminate pouches and the best preservation method was determined in terms of leavening index (LI). The TS obtained from the best preservation method was used to make foods (bread and hopper) and organoleptic properties of it were evaluated against same of ordinary foods using sensory panel with a five point hedonic scale. Results revealed that yeast load or fresh TS was 58×106 CFU/g. The best drying method in preserving viability of yeast was DCA because LI of this treatment (96%) is higher than that of other three treatments. Organoleptic properties of foods prepared from best preservation method are as same as ordinary foods according to Duo trio test.Keywords: biological leavening agent, coconut toddy, fermentation, yeast
Procedia PDF Downloads 34418880 Preserving Urban Cultural Heritage with Deep Learning: Color Planning for Japanese Merchant Towns
Authors: Dongqi Li, Yunjia Huang, Tomo Inoue, Kohei Inoue
With urbanization, urban cultural heritage is facing the impact and destruction of modernization and urbanization. Many historical areas are losing their historical information and regional cultural characteristics, so it is necessary to carry out systematic color planning for historical areas in conservation. As an early focus on urban color planning, Japan has a systematic approach to urban color planning. Hence, this paper selects five merchant towns from the category of important traditional building preservation areas in Japan as the subject of this study to explore the color structure and emotion of this type of historic area. First, the image semantic segmentation method identifies the buildings, roads, and landscape environments. Their color data were extracted for color composition and emotion analysis to summarize their common features. Second, the obtained Internet evaluations were extracted by natural language processing for keyword extraction. The correlation analysis of the color structure and keywords provides a valuable reference for conservation decisions for this historic area in the town. This paper also combines the color structure and Internet evaluation results with generative adversarial networks to generate predicted images of color structure improvements and color improvement schemes. The methods and conclusions of this paper can provide new ideas for the digital management of environmental colors in historic districts and provide a valuable reference for the inheritance of local traditional culture.Keywords: historic districts, color planning, semantic segmentation, natural language processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 8918879 The Application of the Analytic Basis Function Expansion Triangular-z Nodal Method for Neutron Diffusion Calculation
Authors: Kunpeng Wang, Hongchun, Wu, Liangzhi Cao, Chuanqi Zhao
The distributions of homogeneous neutron flux within a node were expanded into a set of analytic basis functions which satisfy the diffusion equation at any point in a triangular-z node for each energy group, and nodes were coupled with each other with both the zero- and first-order partial neutron current moments across all the interfaces of the triangular prism at the same time. Based this method, a code TABFEN has been developed and applied to solve the neutron diffusion equation in a complicated geometry. In addition, after a series of numerical derivation, one can get the neutron adjoint diffusion equations in matrix form which is the same with the neutron diffusion equation; therefore, it can be solved by TABFEN, and the low-high scan strategy is adopted to improve the efficiency. Four benchmark problems are tested by this method to verify its feasibility, the results show good agreement with the references which demonstrates the efficiency and feasibility of this method.Keywords: analytic basis function expansion method, arbitrary triangular-z node, adjoint neutron flux, complicated geometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 44618878 Shoring System Selection for Deep Excavation
Authors: Faouzi Ahtchi-Ali, Marcus Vitiello
A study was conducted in the east region of the Middle East to assess the constructability of a shoring system for a 12-meter deep excavation. Several shoring systems were considered in this study including secant concrete piling, contiguous concrete piling, and sheet-piling. The excavation was carried out in a very dense sand with the groundwater level located at 3 meters below ground surface. The study included conducting a pilot test for each shoring system listed above. The secant concrete piling included overlapping concrete piles to a depth of 16 meters. Drilling method with full steel casing was utilized to install the concrete piles. The verticality of the piles was a concern for the overlap. The contiguous concrete piling required the installation of micro-piles to seal the gap between the concrete piles. This method revealed that the gap between the piles was not fully sealed as observed by the groundwater penetration to the excavation. The sheet-piling method required pre-drilling due to the high blow count of the penetrated layer of saturated sand. This study concluded that the sheet-piling method with pre-drilling was the most cost effective and recommended a method for the shoring system.Keywords: excavation, shoring system, middle east, Drilling method
Procedia PDF Downloads 46818877 WiFi Data Offloading: Bundling Method in a Canvas Business Model
Authors: Majid Mokhtarnia, Alireza Amini
Mobile operators deal with increasing in the data traffic as a critical issue. As a result, a vital responsibility of the operators is to deal with such a trend in order to create added values. This paper addresses a bundling method in a Canvas business model in a WiFi Data Offloading (WDO) strategy by which some elements of the model may be affected. In the proposed method, it is supposed to sell a number of data packages for subscribers in which there are some packages with a free given volume of data-offloaded WiFi complimentary. The paper on hands analyses this method in the views of attractiveness and profitability. The results demonstrate that the quality of implementation of the WDO strongly affects the final result and helps the decision maker to make the best one.Keywords: bundling, canvas business model, telecommunication, WiFi data offloading
Procedia PDF Downloads 20118876 Research of Applicable Ground Reinforcement Method in Double-Deck Tunnel Junction
Authors: SKhan Park, Seok Jin Lee, Jong Sun Kim, Jun Ho Lee, Bong Chan Kim
Because of the large economic losses caused by traffic congestion in metropolitan areas, various studies on the underground network design and construction techniques has been performed various studies in the developed countries. In Korea, it has performed a study to develop a versatile double-deck of deep tunnel model. This paper is an introduction to develop a ground reinforcement method to enable the safe tunnel construction in the weakened pillar section like as junction of tunnel. Applicable ground reinforcement method in the weakened section is proposed and it is expected to verify the method by the field application tests.Keywords: double-deck tunnel, ground reinforcement, tunnel construction, weakened pillar section
Procedia PDF Downloads 41018875 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diabetes Ketoacidosis in Ethiopia
Authors: Addisu Tadesse Sahile, Mussie Wubshet Teka, Solomon Muluken Ayehu
Background: Diabetes is one of the common public health problems of the century that was estimated to affect one in a tenth of the world population by the year 2030, where diabetes ketoacidosis is one of its common acute complications. Objectives: The aim of this review was to assess the magnitude of diabetes ketoacidosis among patients with type 1 diabetes in Ethiopia. Methods: A systematic data search was done across Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science, and African Online Journals. Two reviewers carried out the selection, reviewing, screening, and extraction of the data independently by using a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. The Joanna Briggs Institute's prevalence critical appraisal tool was used to assess the quality of evidence. All studies conducted in Ethiopia that reported diabetes ketoacidosis rates among type 1 diabetes were included. The extracted data was imported into the comprehensive meta-analysis version 3.0 for further analysis. Heterogeneity was checked by Higgins’s method, whereas the publication bias was checked by using Beggs and Eggers’s tests. A random-effects meta-analysis model with a 95% confidence interval was computed to estimate the pooled prevalence. Furthermore, subgroup analysis based on the study area (Region) and the sample size was carried out. Result and Conclusion: After review made across a total of 51 articles, of which 12 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled prevalence of diabetes ketoacidosis among type 1 diabetes in Ethiopia was 53.2% (95%CI: 43.1%-63.1%). The highest prevalence of DKA was reported in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, whereas the lowest was reported in the Southern region of Ethiopia. Concerned bodies were suggested to work on the escalated burden of diabetes ketoacidosis in Ethiopia.Keywords: DKA, Type 1 diabetes, Ethiopia, systematic review, meta-analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 6118874 Prediction of the Thermal Parameters of a High-Temperature Metallurgical Reactor Using Inverse Heat Transfer
Authors: Mohamed Hafid, Marcel Lacroix
This study presents an inverse analysis for predicting the thermal conductivities and the heat flux of a high-temperature metallurgical reactor simultaneously. Once these thermal parameters are predicted, the time-varying thickness of the protective phase-change bank that covers the inside surface of the brick walls of a metallurgical reactor can be calculated. The enthalpy method is used to solve the melting/solidification process of the protective bank. The inverse model rests on the Levenberg-Marquardt Method (LMM) combined with the Broyden method (BM). A statistical analysis for the thermal parameter estimation is carried out. The effect of the position of the temperature sensors, total number of measurements and measurement noise on the accuracy of inverse predictions is investigated. Recommendations are made concerning the location of temperature sensors.Keywords: inverse heat transfer, phase change, metallurgical reactor, Levenberg–Marquardt method, Broyden method, bank thickness
Procedia PDF Downloads 33418873 Practice of Mutual Squiggle Story Making as a Variant of Squiggle Method
Authors: Toshiki Ito
Mutual squiggle story making (MSSM ) is the development of Winnicott’s squiggle method in Japan. In the MSSM Method, a therapist has the client freely divide a piece of drawing paper into six spaces, and both the therapist and client do squiggle in each space. All six pictures finished, the therapist then asks the client to create a story using all the pictures. Making a story has the effect of reintegrating what is projected by consciousness. In this paper, the author presented a case with a junior high school girl using MSSM. And it is considered that the advantage of this technique is that (1) it enables non-verbal communication with children and adults who cannot express their feelings verbally. (2) Through this communication, the psychological content of the client and the characteristics of the client's mind can be understood, and (3) It can be said that mutual rapport is deepened by the supportive reaction of the therapist.Keywords: MSSM, squiggle, Winnicott, drawing method
Procedia PDF Downloads 20218872 A Study of Adaptive Fault Detection Method for GNSS Applications
Authors: Je Young Lee, Hee Sung Kim, Kwang Ho Choi, Joonhoo Lim, Sebum Chun, Hyung Keun Lee
A purpose of this study is to develop efficient detection method for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) applications based on adaptive estimation. Due to dependence of radio frequency signals, GNSS measurements are dominated by systematic errors in receiver’s operating environment. Thus, to utilize GNSS for aerospace or ground vehicles requiring high level of safety, unhealthy measurements should be considered seriously. For the reason, this paper proposes adaptive fault detection method to deal with unhealthy measurements in various harsh environments. By the proposed method, the test statistics for fault detection is generated by estimated measurement noise. Pseudorange and carrier-phase measurement noise are obtained at time propagations and measurement updates in process of Carrier-Smoothed Code (CSC) filtering, respectively. Performance of the proposed method was evaluated by field-collected GNSS measurements. To evaluate the fault detection capability, intentional faults were added to measurements. The experimental result shows that the proposed detection method is efficient in detecting unhealthy measurements and improves the accuracy of GNSS positioning under fault occurrence.Keywords: adaptive estimation, fault detection, GNSS, residual
Procedia PDF Downloads 57618871 Vocational Teaching Method: A Conceptual Model in Teaching Automotive Practical Work
Authors: Adnan Ahmad, Yusri Kamin, Asnol Dahar Minghat, Mohd. Khir Nordin, Dayana Farzeha, Ahmad Nabil
The purpose of this study is to identify the teaching method practices of the practical work subject in Vocational Secondary School. This study examined the practice of Vocational Teaching Method in Automotive Practical Work. The quantitative method used the sets of the questionnaire. 283 students and 63 teachers involved from ten VSS involved in this research. Research finding showed in conducting the introduction session teachers prefer used the demonstration method and questioning technique. While in deliver the content of practical task, teachers applied group monitoring and problem-solving approach. To conclude the task of automotive practical work, teachers choose re-explain and report writing to make sure students really understand all the process of teaching. VTM-APW also involved the competency-based concept to embed in the model. Derived from factors investigated, research produced the combination of elements in teaching skills and vocational skills which could be used as the best teaching method in automotive practical work for school level. As conclusion this study has concluded that the VTM-APW model is able to apply in teaching to make an improvement with current practices in Vocational Secondary School. Hence, teachers are suggested to use this method to enhance student's knowledge in Automotive and teachers will deliver skills to the current and future workforce relevant with the required competency skilled in workplace.Keywords: vocational teaching method, practical task, teacher preferences, student preferences
Procedia PDF Downloads 45218870 Finite Element Method as a Solution Procedure for Problems in Tissue Biomechanics
Authors: Momoh Omeiza Sheidu
Finite element method as a method of providing solutions to problems in computational bio mechanics provides a framework for modeling the function of tissues that integrates structurally from cell to organ system and functionally across the physiological processes that affect tissue mechanics or are regulated by mechanical forces. In this paper, we present an integrative finite element strategy for solution to problems in tissue bio mechanics as a case study.Keywords: finite element, biomechanics, modeling, computational biomechanics
Procedia PDF Downloads 50318869 The Harada Method: A Method for Employee Development during Production Ramp Up
Authors: M. Goerke, J. Gehrmann
Caused by shorter product life cycles and higher product variety the importance of production ramp ups is increasing. Even though companies are aware of that fact, up to 40% of the ramp up projects still miss technical and economical requirements. The success of a ramp up depends on the planning of human factors, organizational aspects and technological solutions. Since only partly considered in scientific literature, this paper lays its focus on the human factor during production ramp up. There are only incoherent methods which address the problems in this area. A systematic and holistic method to improve the capabilities of the employees during ramp up is missing. The Harada Method is a relatively young approach for developing highly-skilled workers. It consists of different worksheets which help employees to set guidelines and reach overall objectives. This approach is going to be transferred into a tool for ramp up management.Keywords: employee development, Harada, production ramp up, organizational aspects
Procedia PDF Downloads 45818868 Conduction Accompanied With Transient Radiative Heat Transfer Using Finite Volume Method
Authors: A. Ashok, K.Satapathy, B. Prerana Nashine
The objective of this research work is to investigate for one dimensional transient radiative transfer equations with conduction using finite volume method. Within the infrastructure of finite-volume, we obtain the conservative discretization of the terms in order to preserve the overall conservative property of finitevolume schemes. Coupling of conductive and radiative equation resulting in fluxes is governed by the magnitude of emissivity, extinction coefficient, and temperature of the medium as well as geometry of the problem. The problem under consideration has been solved, for a slab dominating radiation coupled with transient conduction based on finite volume method. The boundary conditions are also chosen so as to give a good model of the discretized form of radiation transfer equation. The important feature of the present method is flexibility in specifying the control angles in the FVM, while keeping the simplicity in the solution procedure. Effects of various model parameters are examined on the distributions of temperature, radiative and conductive heat fluxes and incident radiation energy etc. The finite volume method is considered to effectively evaluate the propagation of radiation intensity through a participating medium.Keywords: participating media, finite volume method, radiation coupled with conduction, transient radiative heat transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 38918867 Mechanical Design of External Pressure Vessel to an AUV
Authors: Artur Siqueira Nóbrega de Freitas
The Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), as well the Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV), are unmanned technologies used in oceanographic investigations, offshore oil extraction, military applications, among others. Differently from AUVs, ROVs uses a physical connection with the surface for energy supply e data traffic. The AUVs use batteries and embedded data acquisition systems. These technologies have progressed, supported by studies in the areas of robotics, embedded systems, naval engineering, etc. This work presents a methodology for external pressure vessel design, responsible for contain and keep the internal components of the vehicle, such as on-board electronics and sensors, isolated from contact with water, creating a pressure differential between the inner and external regions.Keywords: vessel, external pressure, AUV, buckling
Procedia PDF Downloads 52318866 Fermentation of Tolypocladium inflatum to Produce Cyclosporin in Dairy Waste Culture Medium
Authors: Fereshteh Falah, Alireza Vasiee, Farideh Tabatabaei-Yazdi
In this research, we investigated the usage of dairy sludge in the fermentation process and cyclosporin production. This bioactive compound is a metabolite produced by Tolypocladium inflatum. Results showed that about 200 ppm of cyclosporin can be produced in this fermentation. In order to have a proper and specific function, CyA must be free of any impurities, so we need purification. In this downstream processing, we used chromatographic extraction and evaluation of pharmacological activities of cyA. Results showed that the obtained metabolite has very high activity against Aspergilus niger (25mm clear zone). This cyclosporin was isolated for use as an antibiotic. The current research shows that this drug is very vital and commercially very important.Keywords: fermentation, cyclosporin A, Tolypocladium inflatum, TLC
Procedia PDF Downloads 12918865 A Comparative Study of Medical Image Segmentation Methods for Tumor Detection
Authors: Mayssa Bensalah, Atef Boujelben, Mouna Baklouti, Mohamed Abid
Image segmentation has a fundamental role in analysis and interpretation for many applications. The automated segmentation of organs and tissues throughout the body using computed imaging has been rapidly increasing. Indeed, it represents one of the most important parts of clinical diagnostic tools. In this paper, we discuss a thorough literature review of recent methods of tumour segmentation from medical images which are briefly explained with the recent contribution of various researchers. This study was followed by comparing these methods in order to define new directions to develop and improve the performance of the segmentation of the tumour area from medical images.Keywords: features extraction, image segmentation, medical images, tumor detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 168