Search results for: Mohamed M. Ibrahim
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2230

Search results for: Mohamed M. Ibrahim

880 Precambrian/Neoproterozoic Sediments of the Sirt Basin, Libya: New Palynological Evidence

Authors: Ali D. El-mehdawi, Ibrahim E. Elkanouni


Thick pre-Upper Cretaceous sandstones, sandstones intercalated with red/black shale or quarzitic sandstones, traditionally known to range in age from Cambrian to Early Cretaceous, mostly overlie the subsurface basement rocks of the Sirt Basin of Libya. These sediments known as Nubian, Sarir, Amal or Cambro-Ordovician sandstones. They are usually barren of any age datable palynomorphs and microfossils and represent the main hydrocarbon reservoirs in the basin. As a part of an ongoing regional project concerned with revision and updating of the stratigraphic nomenclature of the Sirt Basin and adjacent areas, sixteen core and ditch cutting samples from four wells penetrating the known Cambro-Ordovician sediments in the central and eastern parts of the basin were examined palynologicaly to investigate its age and the depositional paleoenvironment. The samples proved to be barren or yielded rare palynomorph assemblage, which dominated by dark grey to black small and large-sized sphaeromorph acritarchs assemblage of leiosphaerid types. The dominated species are Kildinosphaera chagrinata, K. cf. chagrinata, Kildinella ripheica, Kilinella timanica, Leiosphaeridia asperata and Leiosphaeridia spp. These leiosphaerides assemblage are comparable to those have been reported from the Late Precambrian, late Riphean age in Cyrenaica Platform, NE Libya, and would indicated shallow marine depositional environment. The age assignment suggests that this interval most probably equates to Mourizide, Bir Bayai and Wadi alHayt formations known in the Murzuq, Kufrah and Cyrenaica areas, respectively. This study proves the presence of Precambrian sediments in Jaghbub high and Amal Platform in the eastern part of Sirt Basin and probably in Maradah Trough and Aj Jahamah/Zoltun Platform northwestern part of the Sirt Basin.

Keywords: palynology, leiosphaerides, precambrian, sirt basin, libya

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879 Authigenic Mineralogy in Nubian Sandstone Reservoirs

Authors: Mohamed M. A. Rahoma


This paper presents the results of my sedimentological and petrographical study of the Nubian Formation in the north Gialo area in the Sirte basin in Libya that was used for identifying and recognizing the facies type and their changes through the studied interval. It also helped me to interpret the depositional processes and the depositional environments and describe the textural characteristics, detrital mineralogy, Authigenic mineralogy and porosity characteristics of the rocks within the cored interval. Thus, we can identify the principal controls on porosity and permeability within the reservoir sections for the studied interval. To achieve this study, I described the cores studied well and marked all features represented in color, grain size, lithology, and sedimentary structures and used them to identify the facies. Then, I chose a number of samples according to a noticeable change in the facies through the interval for microscopic investigation. The results of the microscopic investigation showed that the authigenic clays and the authigenic types of cement have an important influence on the reservoir quality by converting intergranular macropores to microporosity and reducing permeability. It is recommended to give these authigenic minerals more investigation in future studies since they have an essential influence on the potential of sandstones reservoirs.

Keywords: diagenesis processes, authigenic minerals, Nubian Sandstone, reservoir quality

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878 The Impact of Voluntary Disclosure Level on the Cost of Equity Capital in Tunisian's Listed Firms

Authors: Nouha Ben Salah, Mohamed Ali Omri


This paper treats the association between disclosure level and the cost of equity capital in Tunisian’slisted firms. This relation is tested by using two models. The first is used for testing this relation directly by regressing firm specific estimates of cost of equity capital on market beta, firm size and a measure of disclosure level. The second model is used for testing this relation by introducing information asymmetry as mediator variable. This model is suggested by Baron and Kenny (1986) to demonstrate the role of mediator variable in general. Based on a sample of 21 non-financial Tunisian’s listed firms over a period from 2000 to 2004, the results prove that greater disclosure is associated with a lower cost of equity capital. However, the results of indirect relationship indicate a significant positive association between the level of voluntary disclosure and information asymmetry and a significant negative association between information asymmetry and cost of equity capital in contradiction with our previsions. Perhaps this result is due to the biases of measure of information asymmetry.

Keywords: cost of equity capital, voluntary disclosure, information asymmetry, and Tunisian’s listed non-financial firms

Procedia PDF Downloads 517
877 Evaluation of the Impact of Scraping Operations during Winter Road Maintenance on Pavement Skid Resistance

Authors: Garance Liaboeuf, Mohamed Bouteldja, Antoine Martinet, Nicolas Grignard, Damien Pilet, Ali Daouadji, Alain Le Bot


A series of in-situ tests is set up to evaluate and quantify the long-term effects of scraping operations using steel plows on the skid resistance of pavements. Three pavements are tested, and a total number of 1.800 snowplow scrapings are applied. The skid resistance of the pavements is measured periodically using two indicators on two scales: an average profile depth (macrotexture) and a longitudinal friction coefficient (microtexture). The results of these tests show a reduction in the average profile depth between 4 % and 10 %, depending on the asphalt composition. This reduction of macrotexture is correlated with the reduction of high points on surfaces due to the removal of portions of the aggregate surfaces. The longitudinal friction coefficient of pavements decreases by 4% to 10%. This reduction in microtexture is related to the polishing of the surface of the aggregate used in the pavements. These variations of skid resistance are not linear. A phenomenon of regeneration of the friction coefficient is observed for pavements composed of sand-lime aggregates after several scraping operations.

Keywords: GripTester, macrotexture, microtexture, pavement, skid resistance, snowplow, TM2, winter road maintenance

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876 Teachers’ Attitudes and Techniques in EFL Writing in Secondary Schools in Egypt

Authors: Hosam Mohamed Darwish


In 2008, the Egyptian Ministry of Education introduced a new national coursebook ‘Hello for Secondary Schools, which recommends a shift in EFL teachers’ instructional practices. Since then, very little attention has been paid to teachers’ techniques in EFL writing classes. Hence, this study aimed at investigating teaching writing practices in secondary schools and exploring the teachers’ attitudes towards EFL writing skill in addition to exploring the difficulties that teachers encountered in EFL writing lessons. The study depended on data triangulation through administering two questionnaires: one to 44 teachers and the other to 24 students, and conducting semi-structured interviews with 11 teachers. Both teachers and students were asked to describe teaching practices in EFL writing classes while the open-ended questions and interviews collected data about the teachers’ difficulties in writing lessons. The questionnaires indicate that teachers have negative attitudes towards teaching writing, and most of their practices are still traditional. Five factors have influenced teachers’ practices: backwash of the test, teachers’ professional development, students’ culture of reading and large classes. The study recommends there has to be a necessary change in the students’ examination system, and ongoing teachers’ professional development should be considered. Finally, a teaching model and implications are suggested.

Keywords: EFL writing, Egyptian secondary schools, teachers’ attitudes, teachers’ techniques

Procedia PDF Downloads 422
875 Nondestructive Acoustic Microcharacterisation of Gamma Irradiation Effects on Sodium Oxide Borate Glass X2Na2O-X2B2O3 by Acoustic Signature

Authors: Ibrahim Al-Suraihy, Abdellaziz Doghmane, Zahia Hadjoub


We discuss in this work the elastic properties by using acoustic microscopes to measure Rayleigh and longitudinal wave velocities in a no radiated and radiated sodium borate glasses X2Na2O-X2B2O3 with 0 ≤ x ≤ 27 (mol %) at microscopic resolution. The acoustic material signatures were first measured, from which the characteristic surface velocities were determined.Longitudinal and shear ultrasonic velocities were measured in a different composition of sodium borate glass samples before and after irradiation with γ-rays. Results showed that the effect due to increasing sodium oxide content on the ultrasonic velocity appeared more clearly than due to γ-radiation. It was found that as Na2O composition increases, longitudinal velocities vary from 3832 to 5636 m/s in irradiated sample and it vary from 4010 to 5836 m/s in high radiated sample by 10 dose whereas shear velocities vary from 2223 to 3269 m/s in irradiated sample and it vary from 2326 m/s in low radiation to 3385 m/s in high radiated sample by 10 dose. The effect of increasing sodium oxide content on ultrasonic velocity was very clear. The increase of velocity was attributed to the gradual increase in the rigidity of glass and hence strengthening of network due to gradual change of boron atoms from the three-fold to the four-fold coordination of oxygen atoms. The ultrasonic velocities data of glass samples have been used to find the elastic modulus. It was found that ultrasonic velocity, elastic modulus and microhardness increase with increasing barium oxide content and increasing γ-radiation dose.

Keywords: mechanical properties X2Na2O-X2B2O3, acoustic signature, SAW velocities, additives, gamma-radiation dose

Procedia PDF Downloads 397
874 Evaluating Hyperelastic Properties of Geotextiles under Uniaxial Loading

Authors: Belhadj Fatma Zohra, Belhadj Ahmed Fouad, Chabaat Mohamed


The properties of geotextiles can impact the long-term behavior of reinforced soils, which can lead to unexpected problems such as instability and excessive deformation. Research into the material’s rheological properties and nonlinear behavior is required to overcome this issue. This study focuses on six isotropic hyperelastic models (Neo-Hooke, Mooney-Rivlin, Ogden, Yeoh, Arruda-Boyce, and Van der Waals) commonly used to describe the behavior of PET woven geotextiles in civil engineering applications. The models are adjusted for uniaxial tension testing in the warp and weft directions based on experimental data; the Yeoh and Neo-Hooke models accurately predict the behavior of these geotextiles. The study aims to enhance an understanding of how geotextiles behave under varying loads through testing and finite element simulations. The strong correlation between experimental and simulation results can help develop hyperelastic material models for geotextiles. This framework can be beneficial for manufacturers and engineers in addressing soil-structure interaction concerns effectively in their projects.

Keywords: soil-structure interaction interface, geotextiles rheological characteristics, hyperelastic models, uniaxial tension testing, FEA modeling

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873 Knowledge Management and Tourism: An Exploratory Study Applied to Travel Agents in Egypt

Authors: Mohammad Soliman, Mohamed A. Abou-Shouk


Knowledge management focuses on the development, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information and expertise. It has become an important tool to improve performance in tourism enterprises. This includes improving decision-making, developing customer services, and increasing sales and profits. Knowledge management adoption depends on human, organizational and technological factors. This study aims to explore the concept of knowledge management in travel agents in Egypt. It explores the requirements of adoption and its impact on performance in these agencies. The study targets Category A travel agents in Egypt. The population of the study encompasses Category A travel agents having online presence. An online questionnaire is used to collect data from managers of travel agents. This study is useful for travel agents who are in urgent need to restructure their intermediary role and support their survival in the global travel market. The study sheds light on the requirements of adoption and the expected impact on performance. This could help travel agents identify their situation and the determine the extent to which they are ready to adopt knowledge management. This study is contributing to knowledge by providing insights from the tourism sector in a developing country where the concept of knowledge management is still in its infancy stages.

Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge management adoption, performance, travel agents

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872 Optimizing Mechanical Behavior of Middle Ear Prosthesis Using Finite Element Method with Material Degradation Functionally Graded Materials in Three Functions

Authors: Khatir Omar, Fekih Sidi Mohamed, Sahli Abderahmene, Benkhettou Abdelkader, Boudjemaa Ismail


Advancements in technology have revolutionized healthcare, with notable impacts on auditory health. This study introduces an approach aimed at optimizing materials for middle ear prostheses to enhance auditory performance. We have developed a finite element (FE) model of the ear incorporating a pure titanium TORP prosthesis, validated against experimental data. Subsequently, we applied the Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) methodology, utilizing linear, exponential, and logarithmic degradation functions to modify prosthesis materials. Biocompatible materials suitable for auditory prostheses, including Stainless Steel, titanium, and Hydroxyapatite, were investigated. The findings indicate that combinations such as Stainless Steel with titanium and Hydroxyapatite offer improved outcomes compared to pure titanium and Hydroxyapatite ceramic in terms of both displacement and stress. Additionally, personalized prostheses tailored to individual patient needs are feasible, underscoring the potential for further advancements in auditory healthcare.

Keywords: middle ear, prosthesis, ossicles, FGM, vibration analysis, finite-element method

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871 Public Perception and Willingness to Undergo Cosmetic Procedures during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Questionnaire-Based Study Applied to Asymptomatic Individuals

Authors: Ibrahim Alreshidi, Aseel Albrekeit, Ruaa Alharthi


Background: As a result of the spread of COVID-19 at the beginning of 2020, many governments, including Saudi Arabia, have suspended operations in many agencies. Most dermatologists have restricted their practice, including cosmetic procedures, to ensure social distancing. On the 7th of May 2020, Saudi authorities reduced the restriction of COVID-19 virus preventative measures, allowing clinics to start accepting patients following the ministry of health protocols. Objectives: Evaluation of the public's perception and willingness to undergo cosmetic procedures during COVID-19 outbreaks in Saudi Arabia. Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was carried out among the individuals who lack typical symptoms of COVID-19 infection in Saudi Arabia. A self-designed web-based questionnaire was developed; content face validity and a pilot study were done. The questionnaire was distributed electronically from the 8th of May until the 31st of May 2020. Results: A total of 656 individuals who lack typical symptoms of COVID-19 infection were included in this analysis. Only 10.5% of participants expressed their will to do cosmetic procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 90% of the participants believed that the COVID-19 pandemic was either somewhat serious (52.9%) or very serious (38.7%). The willingness to do cosmetic procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic remained unaltered when the price was discounted (p<0.001) and when infection control measures were ensured (p<0.001). Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on the practice of cosmetic dermatology. Fear of transferring the infection to a beloved home member is the main reason to avoid these procedures. Generating well-structured safety guidelines to decrease the risk of this unusual virus transmission in dermatology practice and creating financial incentives may help increase the public willingness to do these cosmetic procedures during this pandemic.

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, cosmetic procedures, questionnaire, dermatology

Procedia PDF Downloads 183
870 Experimental Study on Single Bay RC Frame Designed Using EC8 under In-Plane Cyclic Loading

Authors: N. H. Hamid, M. S. Syaref, M. I. Adiyanto, M. Mohamed


A one-half scale of single-bay two-storey RC frame together with foundation beam and mass concrete block is investigated. Moment resisting RC frame was designed using EC8 by including the provision for seismic loading and detailing of its connection. The objective of the experimental work is to determine seismic behaviour RC frame under in-plane lateral cyclic loading using displacement control method. A double actuator is placed at centre of the mass concrete block at top of frame to represent the seismic load. The percentage drifts are starting from ±0.01% until ±2.25% with increment of ±0.25% drift. The ultimate lateral load of 158.48 kN was recorded at +2.25% drift in pushing and -126.09 kN in pulling direction. From the experimental hysteresis loops, the parameters such as lateral strength capacity, stiffness, ductility and equivalent viscous damping can be obtained. RC frame behaves in the elastic manner followed by inelastic behaviour after reaches the yield limit. The ductility value for this type frame is 4 which lies between the limit 3 and 6. Therefore, it is recommended to build this RC frame for moderate seismic regions under Ductility Class Medium (DCM) such as in Sabah, East Malaysia.

Keywords: single bay, moment resisting RC frame, ductility class medium, inelastic behavior, seismic load

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869 Towards the Production of Least Contaminant Grade Biosolids and Biochar via Mild Acid Pre-treatment

Authors: Ibrahim Hakeem


Biosolids are stabilised sewage sludge produced from wastewater treatment processes. Biosolids contain valuable plant nutrient which facilitates their beneficial reuse in agricultural land. However, the increasing levels of legacy and emerging contaminants such as heavy metals (HMs), PFAS, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, microbial pathogens etc., are restraining the direct land application of biosolids. Pyrolysis of biosolids can effectively degrade microbial and organic contaminants; however, HMs remain a persistent problem with biosolids and their pyrolysis-derived biochar. In this work, we demonstrated the integrated processing of biosolids involving the acid pre-treatment for HMs removal and selective reduction of ash-forming elements followed by the bench-scale pyrolysis of the treated biosolids to produce quality biochar and bio-oil enriched with valuable platform chemicals. The pre-treatment of biosolids using 3% v/v H₂SO₄ at room conditions for 30 min reduced the ash content from 30 wt% in raw biosolids to 15 wt% in the treated sample while removing about 80% of limiting HMs without degrading the organic matter. The preservation of nutrients and reduction of HMs concentration and mobility via the developed hydrometallurgical process improved the grade of the treated biosolids for beneficial land reuse. The co-removal of ash-forming elements from biosolids positively enhanced the fluidised bed pyrolysis of the acid-treated biosolids at 700 ℃. Organic matter devolatilisation was improved by 40%, and the produced biochar had higher surface area (107 m²/g), heating value (15 MJ/kg), fixed carbon (35 wt%), organic carbon retention (66% dry-ash free) compared to the raw biosolids biochar with surface area (56 m²/g), heating value (9 MJ/kg), fixed carbon (20 wt%) and organic carbon retention (50%). Pre-treatment also improved microporous structure development of the biochar and substantially decreased the HMs concentration and bioavailability by at least 50% relative to the raw biosolids biochar. The integrated process is a viable approach to enhancing value recovery from biosolids.

Keywords: biosolids, pyrolysis, biochar, heavy metals

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868 Recommender System Based on Mining Graph Databases for Data-Intensive Applications

Authors: Mostafa Gamal, Hoda K. Mohamed, Islam El-Maddah, Ali Hamdi


In recent years, many digital documents on the web have been created due to the rapid growth of ’social applications’ communities or ’Data-intensive applications’. The evolution of online-based multimedia data poses new challenges in storing and querying large amounts of data for online recommender systems. Graph data models have been shown to be more efficient than relational data models for processing complex data. This paper will explain the key differences between graph and relational databases, their strengths and weaknesses, and why using graph databases is the best technology for building a realtime recommendation system. Also, The paper will discuss several similarity metrics algorithms that can be used to compute a similarity score of pairs of nodes based on their neighbourhoods or their properties. Finally, the paper will discover how NLP strategies offer the premise to improve the accuracy and coverage of realtime recommendations by extracting the information from the stored unstructured knowledge, which makes up the bulk of the world’s data to enrich the graph database with this information. As the size and number of data items are increasing rapidly, the proposed system should meet current and future needs.

Keywords: graph databases, NLP, recommendation systems, similarity metrics

Procedia PDF Downloads 105
867 Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of Co (II) Ternary Complexes Involving N-(2-Acetamido) Iminodiacete and Some Amino Acids Acid by Periodate

Authors: Ahmed A. Abdel-Khalek, Reham A. Mohamed


The kinetics of oxidation of the cobalt (II) complexes, [CoII(ADA)(Gly)(H2O)2]-, (ADA = N-(2-acetamido) iminodi-acetic acid and (Gly = Glycine) by periodate in aqueous acetate medium to cobalt (III) have been studied spectrophotometrically at 530 nm over the 30–50°C and a variety pH 4.57-5.25 range and I = 0.50 mol dm-3 under pseudo first order condition by taking large excess of oxidant [IO4-] and it obeys the following rate law: Rate=[CoII(ADA)(Gly)(H2O)2]-[H5IO6]{k4K6+(k5K7K5/[H+])}. Also, the kinetics of oxidation of the cobalt(II) complexes, [CoII(ADA)(Val)(H2O)2]- (ADA = N-(2-acetamido) iminodi-acetic acid and (Val = valine) by periodate in aqueous medium to cobalt (III) have been studied spectrophotometrically at 580 nm over the 30–50°C and a variety pH 4.3-5.12 range and I = 0.50 mol dm-3 under pseudo first order condition by taking large excess of oxidant [IO4-] and it obeys the following rate law: Rate=[CoII(ADA)(Val)(H2O)2]-[H5IO6]{k4K6+(k5K7K5/[H+])}

Keywords: periodate, oxidation, cobalt (II), glycine, valine acid, n-(2-acetamido imino-diacetato)

Procedia PDF Downloads 213
866 Contribution Of Community-based House To House (H2h) Active Tuberculosis (Tb) Case Finding (Acf) To Increase In Tb Notification In Nigeria: Kano State Experience 2012 To 2022

Authors: Ibrahim Umar, S Chindo, A Rajab


Background: TB remains a disease of public health concern in Nigeria with an estimated incidence rate of 219/100,000. Kano has the second highest TB burden in Nigeria and is the leading state with the highest consistent yearly TB notification. House-to-house (H2H) active case search in the community was found to have major contribution to the total TB notification in the state. Aims and Objective: To showcase the impact of H2H community active TB case search (ACF) to yearly TB notification in Kano State, Northern Nigeria from 2012 to 2022. Methodology: This is a retrospective descriptive study based on the analysis of data collected during the routine quarterly and yearly TB data collected in the state. Data was analyzed using the Power BI with statistical alpha level of significance <0.05. Results: Between 2012 and 2013 there was no House-to-house active TB case search in Nigeria and Kano had zero contribution to TB notification from the community in those years. However, in 2014 with the introduction of H2H Active TB Case Search Kano notified 6,014 TB cases out of which 113 came from the community ACF that translated to 2% contribution to total TB notification. From 2014 to 2022 there was progressive increase in community contribution to TB case notification from 113 out of 6,014 total TB patients notified (2012) to 11,799 out of 26,371 TB patients notified (2022) in Kano State. This translated to 45% increase in community contribution to total TB case notification. Discussion: Remarkable increase in community contribution to total TB case notification in Kano State was achieved in 2022 with 11,799 TB cases notified from the community Active TB case search to the total of 26,731 TB cases notified in Kano State, Nigeria. Conclusion: in research has shown that Community-based H2H Active TB Case Search through Community TB Workers (CTWs) is an excellent strategy in finding the missing TB cases towards Ending TB in the world.

Keywords: tuberculosis(TB), active case search (ACF), house-to-house (H2H), community TB workers (CTWs)

Procedia PDF Downloads 96
865 Towards a Successful Implementation of ICT in Education : Analyzing Teacher Practices and Perceptions

Authors: Azzeddine Atibi, Lamalif latifa, Khadija El Kababi, Salim Ahmed, Mohamed Radid


This study analyzes the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in modern education, where these tools have become essential. Due to the rapid emergence of new technologies and their increasing adoption in education, it is important to understand how teachers use and perceive these tools. The study pursues three objectives : examining current teacher practices regarding ICT, evaluating their impact on student skills and engagement, and making recommendations for better integration of ICT in education. The study's methodology is based on a quantitative approach, using a questionnaire administered to a sample of 104 teachers. This questionnaire, rigorously validated to ensure its reliability, gathers representative data on perceptions and challenges related to the use of ICT. The results show widespread adoption of ICT by teachers, with the majority reporting an improvement in student skills due to these technologies. However, opinions diverge on their impact on student engagement : some teachers note an increase in engagement, while others remain skeptical. Persistent challenges include insufficient technological infrastructure and the need for ongoing training. The recommendations highlight the importance of improving infrastructures and supporting the professional development of teachers to optimize the integration of ICT.

Keywords: ICT, education, teaching practices, teacher perceptions, continuing education

Procedia PDF Downloads 36
864 Phenolic Analysis, Antioxidant Capacity and Antimicrobial Activity of Origanum glandulosum Desf Extract from Algeria

Authors: Abdelkader Basli, Jean-Claude Delaunay, Eric Pedrot, Jean-Michel Mérillon, Jean-Pierre Monti, Khodir Madani, Mohamed Chibane, Tristan Richard


The antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Origanum glandulosum collected in Algeria have been studied. Extract was prepared from aerial part of endemic Algerian oregano. The produced extract has been characterized in terms of total phenols (using Folin method), total flavonoid, antioxidant activities (using the DPPH radical scavenging method and ORAC assay) and microbial activity against four bacteria: Streptococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae one yeast: Candida albicans and one fungi: Aspergillus niger. The results pointed the antioxidant activities of the extract of O. glandulosum and antimicrobial activities against all bacteria and C. Candida, but no effect on A. niger. High performance liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (LC-NMR) were used to separate and identify the major compounds present in the oregano extract. Rosmarinic acid, globoidnan A and B, lithospermic acid B and three flavonoids were identified.

Keywords: origanum glandulosum, antioxidant, microbial activity, polyphenol, LC-MS, LC-NMR

Procedia PDF Downloads 645
863 Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Thymus lanceolatus Desf. an Endemic Thyme from Algeria

Authors: Ahmed Nouasri, Tahar Dob, Toumi Mohamed, Dahmane Dahmane, Soumioa Krimat, Lynda Lamari, Chabane Chelghom


The aim of this study is to investigate the chemical composition for the first time, and antimicrobial activities of essential oil (EO) of Thymus lanceolatus Desf., an endemic thyme from Tiaret province of Algeria. The chemical composition of hydrodistilled essential oil from flowering aerial parts has been analyzed by GC and GC/MS techniques, the antimicrobial activity was realised by agar disc diffusion method and MIC was determined in solid medium by direct contact. Essential oil of T. lanceolataus has been yielded of 2.336 (w/w) based on dry weight, the analyses cited above, led to the identification of 29 components, which accounted for 97.34% of the total oil. Oxygenated monoterpenes was the main fraction (88.31%) dominated by thymol (80.2%) as major component of this oil, followed by carvacrol (6.25%). The oil was found effective against all tested strains especially fungus, except Pseudomonas aeruginosa were low activity observed, in addition Gram (+) bacteria found to be more sensitive to the EO than Gram (-) bacteria. This activity was ranging from12±2.65mm to 60.00±0.00mm Ø, with the lowest MIC value of under 0.06mg/ml to 12.53mg/ml. This results provided the evidence that the studied plant might indeed be potential sources of natural antimicrobial agents

Keywords: Thymus lanceolatus Desf., essential oil, chemical composition, antimicrobial activities

Procedia PDF Downloads 477
862 AI-Based Autonomous Plant Health Monitoring and Control System with Visual Health-Scoring Models

Authors: Uvais Qidwai, Amor Moursi, Mohamed Tahar, Malek Hamad, Hamad Alansi


This paper focuses on the development and implementation of an advanced plant health monitoring system with an AI backbone and IoT sensory network. Our approach involves addressing the critical environmental factors essential for preserving a plant’s well-being, including air temperature, soil moisture, soil temperature, soil conductivity, pH, water levels, and humidity, as well as the presence of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Central to our methodology is the utilization of computer vision technology, particularly a night vision camera. The captured data is then compared against a reference database containing different health statuses. This comparative analysis is implemented using an AI deep learning model, which enables us to generate accurate assessments of plant health status. By combining the AI-based decision-making approach, our system aims to provide precise and timely insights into the overall health and well-being of plants, offering a valuable tool for effective plant care and management.

Keywords: deep learning image model, IoT sensing, cloud-based analysis, remote monitoring app, computer vision, fuzzy control

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861 Parametrical Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming Process to Control the Localized Thinning

Authors: Hatem Mrad, Alban Notin, Mohamed Bouazara


Sheet metal forming process has a multiple successive steps starting from sheets fixation to sheets evacuation. Often after forming operation, the sheet has defects requiring additional corrections steps. For example, in the drawing process, the formed sheet may have several defects such as springback, localized thinning and bends. All these defects are directly dependent on process, geometric and material parameters. The prediction and elimination of these defects requires the control of most sensitive parameters. The present study is concerned with a reliable parametric study of deep forming process in order to control the localized thinning. The proposed approach will be based on stochastic finite element method. Especially, the polynomial Chaos development will be used to establish a reliable relationship between input (process, geometric and material parameters) and output variables (sheet thickness). The commercial software Abaqus is used to conduct numerical finite elements simulations. The automatized parametrical modification is provided by coupling a FORTRAN routine, a PYTHON script and input Abaqus files.

Keywords: sheet metal forming, reliability, localized thinning, parametric simulation

Procedia PDF Downloads 423
860 Ground Track Assessment Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography Application

Authors: Noryani Natasha Yahaya, Anas Ibrahim, Juraidah Ahmad, Azura Ahmad, Mohd Ikmal Fazlan Rosli, Zailan Ramli, Muhd Sidek Muhd Norhasri


The subgrade formation is an important element of the railway structure which holds overall track stability. Conventional track maintenance involves many substructure component replacements, as well as track re-ballasting on a regular basis is partially contributed to the embankment's long-term settlement problem. For subgrade long-term stability analysis, the geophysical method is commonly being used to diagnose those hidden sources/mechanisms of track deterioration problems that the normal visual method is unable to detect. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is one of the applicable geophysical tools that are helpful in railway subgrade inspection/track monitoring due to its flexibility and reliability of the analysis. The ERT was conducted at KM 23.0 of Pinang Tunggal track to investigate the subgrade of railway track through the characterization/mapping on track formation profiling which was directly generated using 2D analysis of Res2dinv software. The profiles will allow examination of the presence and spatial extent of a significant subgrade layer and screening of any poor contact of soil boundary. Based on the finding, there is a mix/interpretation/intermixing of an interlayer between the sub-ballast and the sand. Although the embankment track considered here is at no immediate risk of settlement effect or any failure, the regular monitoring of track’s location will allow early correction maintenance if necessary. The developed data of track formation clearly shows the similarity of the side view with the assessed track. The data visualization in the 2D section of the track embankment agreed well with the initial assumption based on the main element structure general side view.

Keywords: ground track, assessment, resistivity, geophysical railway, method

Procedia PDF Downloads 159
859 Analysis of Access to Credit among Rural Farmers in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria

Authors: S. Ibrahim, Bashir Umar


Agricultural credit is very important for sustainable agricultural development to be achieved in any country of the world. Rural credit has proven to be a powerful instrument against poverty reduction and development in rural area. Agricultural credit enhances productivity and promotes standard of living by breaking vicious cycle of poverty of small scale farmers. This study examined access to credit among rural farmers in Giwa local government area of Kaduna state. Two stages sampling procedure was employed to select forty-two (42) respondents for the study. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaire with the help of well-trained enumerators. Data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. The results revealed that farmers were predominantly male (57.1%) and most (54.7%), were married with one level of education or another (66.5.%). Majority of the households’ head were between the ages of 31 to 50. majority of the farmers (68.2%) had more than 2ha of farmlands with at least 5 years of farming experience and an annual farm income of N 61,000 to 100,000 (61.9%). The Various sources of credit by the farmers in the study area were commercial banks (38.1%), Co-operative banks (47.6%), Development banks (14.2%) (formal) and Relatives (26.1%), Personal Savings (Adashi scheme) (52.3%), Moneylenders (21.4%) (informal). As regard to the amount of credit obtained by the farmers 38.1% received N 50,000-100,000, 50 % obtained N 100,001-500,000 while 11.9% obtained N 500,001-1,000,000. High interest Inadequate collateral, Complicated Procedures, lack of guarantor were the major constrains encountered by the farmers in accessing loans. The study therefore recommends that Rural farmers should be encouraged to form credit and thrift cooperative societies from which they can access much cheaper credits, Moreover, to ensure that any credit obtained may be manageable for the farmers, financial institutions should provide loans with low interest rates and government and non-governmental organizations should simplify procedures associated with accessing loans.

Keywords: analysis, access, credit, farmers

Procedia PDF Downloads 63
858 Effect of Thinning Practice on Carbon Storage in Soil Forest Northern Tunisia

Authors: Zouhaier Nasr, Mohamed Nouri


The increase in greenhouse gases since the pre-industrial period is a real threat to disrupting the balance of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Along with the oceans, forest soils are considered to be the planet's second-largest carbon sink. North African forests have been subject to alarming degradation for several decades. The objective of this investigation is to determine and quantify the effect of thinning practiced in pine forests in northern Tunisia on the storage of organic carbon in the trees and in the soil. The plot planted in 1989 underwent thinning in 2005 on to plots; the density is therefore 1600 trees/ha in control and 400 trees/ha in thinning. Direct dendrometric measurements (diameter, height, branches, stem) were taken. In the soil part, six profiles of 1m / 1m / 1m were used for soil and root samples and biomass and organic matter measurements. The measurements obtained were statistically processed by appropriate software. The results clearly indicate that thinning improves tree growth, so the diameter increased from 24.3 cm to 30.1 cm. Carbon storage in the trunks was 35% more and 25% for the whole tree. At ground level, the thinned plot shows a slight increase in soil organic matter and quantity of carbon per tree, exceeding the control by 10 to 25%.

Keywords: forest, soil, carbon, climate change, Tunisia

Procedia PDF Downloads 133
857 Future Design and Innovative Economic Models for Futuristic Markets in Developing Countries

Authors: Nessreen Y. Ibrahim


Designing the future according to realistic analytical study for the futuristic market needs can be a milestone strategy to make a huge improvement in developing countries economics. In developing countries, access to high technology and latest science approaches is very limited. The financial problems in low and medium income countries have negative effects on the kind and quality of imported new technologies and application for their markets. Thus, there is a strong need for shifting paradigm thinking in the design process to improve and evolve their development strategy. This paper discusses future possibilities in developing countries, and how they can design their own future according to specific future models FDM (Future Design Models), which established to solve certain economical problems, as well as political and cultural conflicts. FDM is strategic thinking framework provides an improvement in both content and process. The content includes; beliefs, values, mission, purpose, conceptual frameworks, research, and practice, while the process includes; design methodology, design systems, and design managements tools. In this paper the main objective was building an innovative economic model to design a chosen possible futuristic scenario; by understanding the market future needs, analyze real world setting, solve the model questions by future driven design, and finally interpret the results, to discuss to what extent the results can be transferred to the real world. The paper discusses Egypt as a potential case study. Since, Egypt has highly complex economical problems, extra-dynamic political factors, and very rich cultural aspects; we considered Egypt is a very challenging example for applying FDM. The paper results recommended using FDM numerical modeling as a starting point to design the future.

Keywords: developing countries, economic models, future design, possible futures

Procedia PDF Downloads 267
856 Studies on Dye Removal by Aspergillus niger Strain

Authors: M. S. Mahmoud, Samah A. Mohamed, Neama A. Sobhy


For color removal from wastewater containing organic contaminants, biological treatment systems have been widely used such as physical and chemical methods of flocculation, coagulation. Fungal decolorization of dye containing wastewater is one of important goal in industrial wastewater treatment. This work was aimed to characterize Aspergillus niger strain for dye removal from aqueous solution and from raw textile wastewater. Batch experiments were studied for removal of color using fungal isolate biomass under different conditions. Environmental conditions like pH, contact time, adsorbent dose and initial dye concentration were studied. Influence of the pH on the removal of azo dye by Aspergillus niger was carried out between pH 1.0 and pH 11.0. The optimum pH for red dye decolonization was 9.0. Results showed the decolorization of dye was decreased with the increase of its initial dye concentration. The adsorption data was analyzed based on the models of equilibrium isotherm (Freundlich model and Langmuir model). During the adsorption isotherm studies; dye removal was better fitted to Freundlich model. The isolated fungal biomass was characterized according to its surface area both pre and post the decolorization process by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis. Results indicate that the isolated fungal biomass showed higher affinity for dye in decolorization process.

Keywords: biomass, biosorption, dye, isotherms

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855 Disclosure Extension of Oil and Gas Reserve Quantum

Authors: Ali Alsawayeh, Ibrahim Eldanfour


This paper examines the extent of disclosure of oil and gas reserve quantum in annual reports of international oil and gas exploration and production companies, particularly companies in untested international markets, such as Canada, the UK and the US, and seeks to determine the underlying factors that affect the level of disclosure on oil reserve quantum. The study is concerned with the usefulness of disclosure of oil and gas reserves quantum to investors and other users. Given the primacy of the annual report (10-k) as a source of supplemental reserves data about the company and as the channel through which companies disseminate information about their performance, the annual reports for one year (2009) were the central focus of the study. This comparative study seeks to establish whether differences exist between the sample companies, based on new disclosure requirements by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in respect of reserves classification and definition. The extent of disclosure of reserve is provided and compared among the selected companies. Statistical analysis is performed to determine whether any differences exist in the extent of disclosure of reserve under the determinant variables. This study shows that some factors would affect the extent of disclosure of reserve quantum in the above-mentioned countries, namely: company’s size, leverage and quality of auditor. Companies that provide reserves quantum in detail appear to display higher size. The findings also show that the level of leverage has affected companies’ reserves quantum disclosure. Indeed, companies that provide detailed reserves quantum disclosure tend to employ a ‘high-quality auditor’. In addition, the study found significant independent variable such as Profit Sharing Contracts (PSC). This factor could explain variations in the level of disclosure of oil reserve quantum between the contractor and host governments. The implementation of SEC oil and gas reporting requirements do not enhance companies’ valuation because the new rules are based only on past and present reserves information (proven reserves); hence, future valuation of oil and gas companies is missing for the market.

Keywords: comparison, company characteristics, disclosure, reserve quantum, regulation

Procedia PDF Downloads 405
854 Influence of Coatings on Energy Conservation in Construction Industry

Authors: Nancy Sakr, Mohamed Abou-Zeid


World energy consumption has increased rapidly in the past few years. Due to population growth, total energy consumption is increasing; a large amount of energy is wasted on the cooling and heating processes in buildings. However, using thermal heating management can minimize costs, heat consumption and create a management system for the heat insulation for buildings. This concept is being implemented through different approaches. Based on analysis and research, there is evidence in the energy consumption before and after testing and applying construction approaches for thermal heating management in building units. This investigation addresses the evaluation of the influence of external coatings on energy consumption. Coatings are considered one of the smart effective available approaches for energy efficiency. Unfortunately, this approach is not widely applied in the construction industry. It needs more data to prove effectiveness and credibility between people to use it as a smart thermal insulation approach. Two precedents have been analyzed in order to monitor buildings’ heat exposure, and how the buildings will be affected by thermal insulation materials. Data sheets from chemical companies which produce similar coatings are compared with the usual products and the protective thermal products.

Keywords: energy consumption, building envelope, thermal insulation, protective coatings

Procedia PDF Downloads 144
853 Higher Education Teachers' Perceptions of Core Competencies and Innovation: The Case of Mohamed V University Abu Dhabi

Authors: Khalid Soussi


Implementing innovative teaching and learning methods is of pivotal importance for student motivation and teaching quality. At the center of such quality are teaching competencies. The present paper investigates three teachers’ core competencies related to their innovative teaching performance: educational/pedagogical competency, teaching competency, and social competency. The paper also attempts to describe the influence of social factors on innovation in higher education. Many recent studies highlight the technological competency as an independent one, but it is believed in this study that the latter makes part of the pedagogical competency. A Likert scale questionnaire was used to measure teachers’ judgements of core competencies role in innovative teaching performance. The study also attempted to demarcate the social variables that may affect innovative teaching in higher education. The findings indicate that teachers’ educational competency and teaching competency were generally confirmed to be either important or very important for innovation in teaching performance. Regarding social competency, the study also shows that satisfaction from job, daily working hours, amount of workload, flexibility in the functioning and the quality of students are the main factors that have a large effect on teachers’ innovative teaching performance.

Keywords: higher education, innovative teaching, teaching competencies, teaching performance

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852 An Improved K-Means Algorithm for Gene Expression Data Clustering

Authors: Billel Kenidra, Mohamed Benmohammed


Data mining technique used in the field of clustering is a subject of active research and assists in biological pattern recognition and extraction of new knowledge from raw data. Clustering means the act of partitioning an unlabeled dataset into groups of similar objects. Each group, called a cluster, consists of objects that are similar between themselves and dissimilar to objects of other groups. Several clustering methods are based on partitional clustering. This category attempts to directly decompose the dataset into a set of disjoint clusters leading to an integer number of clusters that optimizes a given criterion function. The criterion function may emphasize a local or a global structure of the data, and its optimization is an iterative relocation procedure. The K-Means algorithm is one of the most widely used partitional clustering techniques. Since K-Means is extremely sensitive to the initial choice of centers and a poor choice of centers may lead to a local optimum that is quite inferior to the global optimum, we propose a strategy to initiate K-Means centers. The improved K-Means algorithm is compared with the original K-Means, and the results prove how the efficiency has been significantly improved.

Keywords: microarray data mining, biological pattern recognition, partitional clustering, k-means algorithm, centroid initialization

Procedia PDF Downloads 190
851 Prediction of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Dynamics in an Iowan Agriculture Watershed

Authors: Mohamed Elhakeem, A. N. Thanos Papanicolaou, Christopher Wilson, Yi-Jia Chang


In this study, a physically-based, modelling framework was developed to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity (KSAT) dynamics in the Clear Creek Watershed (CCW), Iowa. The modelling framework integrated selected pedotransfer functions and watershed models with geospatial tools. A number of pedotransfer functions and agricultural watershed models were examined to select the appropriate models that represent the study site conditions. Models selection was based on statistical measures of the models’ errors compared to the KSAT field measurements conducted in the CCW under different soil, climate and land use conditions. The study has shown that the predictions of the combined pedotransfer function of Rosetta and the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) provided the best agreement to the measured KSAT values in the CCW compared to the other tested models. Therefore, Rosetta and WEPP were integrated with the Geographic Information System (GIS) tools for visualization of the data in forms of geospatial maps and prediction of KSAT variability in CCW due to the seasonal changes in climate and land use activities.

Keywords: saturated hydraulic conductivity, pedotransfer functions, watershed models, geospatial tools

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