Search results for: utility facilities
999 Outbreak of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Cojutepeque Military Brigade, El Salvador, July 2013
Authors: Juan Santos Garcia
Introduction: Tuberculosis is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by a microorganism called Mycobacterium tuberculosis, it has the capacity to spread from the lungs to other parts of the body. Globally, the rate per 100 thousand inhabitants has varied from 136 in 2007 to 122 in 2012; while in the region of the Americas has been much lower: 32 cases per 100,000 in 2007, to 29 in 2012. In El Salvador have also varied incidence rates from 2007 to 2012, from 27.4 cases per 100 000 population to 32 in the period indicated. Methods: Screening was performed with smear and chest X-ray at 80 military personnel from Military Brigade # 5 of El Salvador. Besides HIV tests were taken at the positive cases, which are also made interview, investigating demographic, clinical, laboratory and risk factors data. Frequencies, percentages and rates were calculated using Excel page. The rates were calculated for each of the 5 military bedrooms (called A, B, C, D, and E). Results: Attack rate was 18.75% in the bedroom C. the index case was identified and two secondary cases, with an exposure period of 59 days. Only the index case presented symptoms: cough, fever and weight loss. The other two cases had no symptoms. Discussion: We found a rate of tuberculosis 526 times higher than the national rate. He was also 12.5 times higher than that found in other studies in closed populations such as school facilities. It was not possible to make association analysis.Keywords: tuberculosis, outbreak, military brigade, chronic granulomatous disease
Procedia PDF Downloads 261998 Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Rivers, Sediments and Wastewater Effluents in Vhembe District of South Africa Using GC-TOF-MS
Authors: Joshua N. Edokpayi, John O. Odiyo, Titus A. M. Msagati, Elizabeth O. Popoola
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are very toxic and persistent environmental contaminants. This study was undertaken to assess the concentrations and possible sources of 16 PAHs classified by the United State Environmental Protection Agency as priority pollutants in Mvudi and Nzhelele Rivers and sediments. Effluents from Thohoyandou wastewater treatment plant and Siloam waste stabilization ponds were also investigated. Diagnostic ratios were used to evaluate the possible sources of PAHs. PAHs in the water samples were extracted using 1:1 dichloromethane and n-hexane mixtures, while those in the sediment samples were extracted with 1:1 acetone and dichloromethane using ultrasonication method. The extracts were purified using SPE technique and reconstituted in n-hexane before analyses with GC-TOF-MS. The results obtained indicate the prevalence of high molecular weight PAHs in all the samples. PAHs concentrations in water and sediment samples from all the sampling sites were in the range of 13.174-26.382 mg/L and 27.10-55.93 mg/kg, respectively. Combustion of biomass was identified as the major possible source of PAHs. Effluents from wastewater treatment facilities were also considered as major anthropogenic contributions to the levels of PAHs determined in both river waters and sediments. Mvudi and Nzhelele Rivers show moderate to high contamination level of PAHs.Keywords: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, rivers, sediments, wastewater effluents
Procedia PDF Downloads 334997 Testing a Flexible Manufacturing System Facility Production Capacity through Discrete Event Simulation: Automotive Case Study
Authors: Justyna Rybicka, Ashutosh Tiwari, Shane Enticott
In the age of automation and computation aiding manufacturing, it is clear that manufacturing systems have become more complex than ever before. Although technological advances provide the capability to gain more value with fewer resources, sometimes utilisation of the manufacturing capabilities available to organisations is difficult to achieve. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) provide a unique capability to manufacturing organisations where there is a need for product range diversification by providing line efficiency through production flexibility. This is very valuable in trend driven production set-ups or niche volume production requirements. Although FMS provides flexible and efficient facilities, its optimal set-up is key in achieving production performance. As many variables are interlinked due to the flexibility provided by the FMS, analytical calculations are not always sufficient to predict the FMS’ performance. Simulation modelling is capable of capturing the complexity and constraints associated with FMS. This paper demonstrates how discrete event simulation (DES) can address complexity in an FMS to optimise the production line performance. A case study of an automotive FMS is presented. The DES model demonstrates different configuration options depending on prioritising objectives: utilisation and throughput. Additionally, this paper provides insight into understanding the impact of system set-up constraints on the FMS performance and demonstrates the exploration into the optimal production set-up.Keywords: discrete event simulation, flexible manufacturing system, capacity performance, automotive
Procedia PDF Downloads 328996 Assets Misappropriation in the Malaysian Public and Private Sectors
Authors: I. K. Norziaton, M. D. Ridhuan, A. N. Nur Adura
Assets misappropriation is becoming a major concern in organizations. Over the years, the Malaysian Auditor General has reported high occurrences of assets misappropriation at the federal, state and even local governments. It is surprising that assets misappropriation is not the only major concern in the public sector but it has also indicates a common sight in private sector. The current situation is rather disconcerting because employees are accountable to perform their jobs at the interest of the organizations. Various researches in the past has found that the incidence of assets misappropriation occurs when employees used the official vehicles, internet connection, computers, stationery and facilities for personal and family benefits. The issue of assets misappropriation has continue to be a major concern for organizations and its impact on the reputation and financial health can be enormous. Even though the issue seems to be trivial, yet, if it is left untreated, the symptoms will become an incurable disease that it will cause major leakages to the organizations. Hence, this paper highlights the common practices of assets misappropriation in public and private sectors. It also discusses why the acts of assets misappropriation occurs. Using the data through questionnaire survey, a total of 250 questionnaires were distributed to the private and public sectors employees. However 173 (69.2%) were returned and usable. This paper concludes that it is vital to promote awareness to the public and private sectors employees on issues of assets misappropriation. Assets misappropriation could have been avoided provided that the officers in charge are more vigilant, competent and practice high level of integrity in discharging their responsibilities towards the organizations.Keywords: assets misappropriation, fraud, public sector, private sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 201995 Quantification of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Soil Samples of Electrical Power Substations from Different Cities in Nigeria
Authors: Omasan Urhie Urhie, Adenipekun C. O, Eke W., Ogwu K., Erinle K. O
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that are very toxic; they possess ability to accumulate in soil and in human tissues hence resulting in health issues like birth defect, reproductive disorder and cancer. The air is polluted by PCBs through volatilization and dispersion; they also contaminate soil and sediments and are not easily degraded. Soil samples were collected from a depth of 0-15 cm from three substations (Warri, Ughelli and Ibadan) of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) where old transformers were dumped in Nigeria. Extraction and cleanup of soil samples were conducted using Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) with Pressurized Liquid extraction (PLE). The concentration of PCBs was determined using gsas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Mean total PCB concentrations in the soil samples increased in the order Ughelli ˂ Ibadan˂ Warri, 2.457757ppm Ughelli substation 4.198926ppm, for Ibadan substation and 14.05065ppm at Warri substation. In the Warri samples, PCB-167 was the most abundant at about 30% (4.28086ppm) followed by PCB-157 at about 20% (2.77871), of the total PCB concentrations (14.05065ppm). Of the total PCBs in the Ughelli and Ibadan samples, PCB-156 was the most abundant at about 44% and 40%, respectively. This study provides a baseline report on the presence of PCBs in the vicinity of abandoned electrical power facilities in different cities in Nigeria.Keywords: polychlorintated biphenyls, persistent organic pollutants, soil, transformer
Procedia PDF Downloads 143994 Histochemical Localization of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: An Evaluation of Two Staining Techniques in a Tertiary Hospital in Calabar, Nigeria
Authors: Imeobong Joseph Inyang, Aniekan-Augusta Okon Eyo, Abel William Essien
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the known human carcinogens. The presence of HBsAg in liver tissues indicates active viral replication. More than 85% of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) cases occur in countries with increased rates of chronic HBV infection. An evaluation study to determine the relationship between positivity for HBsAg and development of HCC and its distribution between age and gender of subjects was done. Shikata Orcein and Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining techniques were performed on liver sections. A total of 50 liver tissue specimens comprising 38 biopsy and 12 post-mortem specimens were processed. Thirty-five of the 50 specimens were positive for HBsAg with Orcein stain whereas only 16 were positive with H&E stain, and these were also positive with Orcein stain, giving an HBsAg prevalence of 70.0% (35/50). The prevalence of HCC in the study was 56.0% (28/50), of which 21 (75.0%) cases were positive for HBsAg, 18 (64.3%) were males while 10 (35.7%) were females distributed within the age range of 20-70 years. The highest number of HBsAg positive HCC cases, 7/21 (33.3%) occurred in the age group 40-49 years. There was no relationship in the pattern of distribution of HCC between age and gender using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r = 0.0474; P < 0.05). HBV infection predisposed to HCC. Orcein technique was more specific and is therefore recommended for screening of liver tissues where facilities for immunohistochemistry are inaccessible.Keywords: Hepatitis B. surface antigen, hepatocellular carcinoma, orcein, pathology
Procedia PDF Downloads 316993 Evaluating Environmental Impact of End-of-Life Cycle Cases for Brick Walls and Aerated Autoclave Concrete Walls
Authors: Ann Mariya Jose, Ashfina T.
Construction and demolition waste is one of the rising concerns globally due to the amount of waste generated annually, the area taken up by landfills, and the adverse environmental impacts that follow. One of the primary causes of the rise in construction and demolition waste is a lack of facilities and knowledge for incorporating recycled materials into new construction. Bricks are a conventional material that has been used for construction for centuries, and Autoclave Aerated Concrete (AAC) blocks are a new emergent material in the market. This study evaluates the impact brick walls, and AAC block walls have on the environment using the tool One Click LCA, considering three End of Life (EoL) scenarios: the materials are landfilled, recycled, and reused in a new building. The final objective of the study is to evaluate the environmental impact caused by these two different walls on the environmental factors such as Global Warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP), Eutrophication Potential (EP), Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), and Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP). The findings revealed that the GWP caused by landfilling is 16 times higher in bricks and 22 times higher in AAC blocks when compared to the reuse of materials. The study recommends the effective use of AAC blocks in construction and reuse of the same to reduce the overall emissions to the environment.Keywords: construction and demolition waste, environmental impact, life cycle impact assessment, material recycling
Procedia PDF Downloads 106992 The Impacts of Social Media and Digital Environment on the Contemporary Arabic Literature: A Case Study about the Works of Ahlam Mosteghanemi
Authors: Zohreh Ghorbani Madavani, Masoumeh Mikaeili
Social media, as one of the main tools in today’s world, imposes deep impacts on human life, particularly in various cultural and literary areas. By providing platforms for direct communication between writers and audiences, these spaces have made great changes in the styles of literary works, writing, and publishing. The impacts of digital communication are very visible not only in the content of literary works but also in narrative structures, writing styles, and interaction of writers with audiences. Applying an analytical-descriptive approach, the present study investigates the impacts of internet communications and social media on the literary works of the Arab world and describes some instances of such impacts on the works of one of the most reputed contemporary Arab novelists, Ahlam Mosteghanemi. In this study, we specifically emphasize on changes of themes, narrative techniques and writing styles of Mosteghanemi and investigate how she leverages digital environment facilities and potentials in creating works suited to her audiences’ needs and expectations. This study indicates that social media has significantly helped the democratization of authorship and diversity in contemporary Arabic literature and has enabled writers to have more direct and interactive relationship.Keywords: social media, digital impacts, narrative changes, writing style, contemporary literature, Ahlam Mosteghanemi
Procedia PDF Downloads 22991 Study of the Economic Development of Border Areas Malinau District
Authors: Indri Nilam Sari, Aris Subagiyo, Nindya Sari
Malinau Regency border area is an area which is based on the RTRWN and the development priority. But, in real border area Malinau Regency placed as backyard from Indonesian area and caused development lag that is fairly large compared by town area in Malinau Regency. This research aimed to know the condition of the gap in the Malinau Regency border and its influence on the development of the border region as well as knowing the problems related to the economy development of society in the area of the border district of Malinau. Methods of analysis are used in namely descriptive analysis that represent analysis of land use and analysis of movement activities of the population, level analysis facility and infrastructure, economy analysis that represent top commodity determination analysis (LQ and Growth Share) and accessibility. The results of the study showed that the condition of the Malinau Regency border come within the gap as seen from the contributions of infrastructure repair facilities and accessibility advocates, communities, scattered seed commodities come within the borders and human resources with the condition of the most Upstream Bahau town in the backwaters of the town more. There are a few problems that cause the condition area of the border experiencing inequality, lack of human resources, poor infrastructure, lack of accessibility and low levels of security so that it brings development recommendations was the development of the flagship commodities and infrastructure as well as supporting community economic infrastructure, as well as human resources.Keywords: border, economy, development, Malinau
Procedia PDF Downloads 453990 Encouraging Teachers to be Reflective: Advantages, Obstacles and Limitations
Authors: Fazilet Alachaher
Within the constructivist perspective of teaching, which views skilled teaching as knowing what to do in uncertain and unpredictable situations, this research essay explores the topic of reflective teaching by investigating the following questions: (1) What is reflective teaching and why is it important? (2) Why should teachers be trained to be reflective and how can they be prepared to be reflective? (3) What is the role of the teaching context in teachers’ attempts to be reflective? This paper suggests that reflective teaching is important because of the various potential benefits to teaching. Through reflection, teachers can maintain their voices and creativeness thus have authority to affect students, curriculum and school policies. The discussions also highlight the need to prepare student teachers and their professional counterparts to be reflective, so they can develop the characteristics of reflective teaching and gain the potential benefits of reflection. This can be achieved by adopting models and techniques that are based on constructivist pedagogical approaches. The paper also suggests that maintaining teachers’ attempts to be reflective in a workplace context and aligning practice with pre-service teacher education programs require the administrators or the policy makers to provide the following: sufficient time for teachers to reflect and work collaboratively to discuss challenges encountered in teaching, fewer non-classroom duties, regular in-service opportunities, more facilities and freedom in choosing suitable ways of evaluating their students’ progress and needs.Keywords: creative teaching, reflective teaching, constructivist pedagogical approaches, teaching context, teacher’s role, curriculum and school policies, teaching context effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 447989 Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities in Clinical Waste Management: The Case of Private Clinics, Selangor, Malaysia
Authors: Golyasamin Khanehzaei, Mohd. Bakri Ishak, Ahmad Makmom Hj Abdullah, Latifah Abd Manaf
Abstract—Management of clinical waste is a critical problem worldwide. Immediate attention is required to manage the clinical waste in an appropriate way in newly developing economy country such as Malaysia. The increasing amount of clinical waste generated is resulted from rapid urbanization and growing number of private health care facilities in developing countries such as Malaysia. In order to develop a sensible clinical waste management system and improvement of the management, information on factors affecting clinical waste generation has the crucial role. This paper is the study of management characteristics of clinical waste and the level of efficiency of clinical waste management systems operating in private clinics located in Selangor, Malaysia. Are they following the proper international standards? By taking all of this in consideration the aim of this paper is to identify and discuss the current trend, current challenges and also the present opportunities among the challenges of clinical waste management in private clinics of Selangor, Malaysia. The SWOT analysis was characterized for the evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The methodology for this study was constituted of direct observation, Informal interviews, Conducting SWOT analysis, conduction of one sustainability dimensions analysis and application. The results show that clinical waste management in private clinics is far from an ideal model.Keywords: clinical waste, SWOT analysis, Selangor, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 349988 Future of E-Democracy in Polarized Politics and Role of Government with Perspective of E-Leadership in Pakistan
Authors: Kousar Shaheen
The electoral process of Pakistan always remains underestimated due to malpractices claimed by the political leaders. The democratic system relies on public decision, selectorial process, transparent arrangements made by public administration, and governance system. Political polarization plays a vital role in any democratic system, which depends upon the way of applying leadership capabilities. In modern societies, public engagement is playing a key role in changing political polarization and implementation of the newest technologies, e-leadership and e-governance to bring e-democracy. The Overseas Pakistanis are unable to cast their votes in the selectorial process of Pakistan. To align this issue with civil society, efforts were made to implement modernized services and facilities by intervening in the Supreme Court. However, the results were found insignificant because of ineffective citizen engagement, IT-based, governance and public administration. which proved that the shifting to advanced society is crucial in Pakistan due to the elected Officials of current democratic system. It is an empirical study to involve Pakistani nationals (overseas) in the democratic process by utilizing the digital facility of vote casting. The role of Government. The role of e-leadership in changing the political polarization for the implementation of e-election will be measured by collecting data from different sources.Keywords: e-democracy, e-leadership, political polarization, public engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 43987 Detection of Brackish Water Biological Fingerprints in Potable Water
Authors: Abdullah Mohammad, Abdullah Alshemali, Esmaeil Alsaleh
The chemical composition of desalinated water is modified to make it more acceptable to the end-user. Sometimes, this modification is approached by mixing with brackish water that is known to contain a variety of minerals. Expectedly, besides minerals, brackish water indigenous bacterial communities access the final mixture hence reaching the end consumer. The current project examined the safety of using brackish water as an ingredient in potable water. Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains were detected in potable and brackish water samples collected from storage facilities in residential areas as well as from main water distribution and storage tanks. The application of molecular and biochemical fingerprinting methods, including phylogeny, RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism), MLST (multilocus sequence typing) and substrate specificity testing, suggested that the potable water P. aeruginosa strains were most probably originated from brackish water. Additionally, all the sixty-four isolates showed multi-drug resistance (MDR) phenotype and harboured the three genes responsible for biofilm formation. These virulence factors represent serious health hazards compelling the scientific community to revise the WHO (World Health Organization) and USEP (US Environmental Protection Agency) A potable water quality guidelines, particularly those related to the types of bacterial genera that evade the current water quality guidelines.Keywords: potable water, brackish water, pseudomonas aeroginosa, multidrug resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 124986 Seismic Directionality Effects on In-Structure Response Spectra in Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Authors: Sittipong Jarernprasert, Enrique Bazan-Zurita, Paul C. Rizzo
Currently, seismic probabilistic risk assessments (SPRA) for nuclear facilities use In-Structure Response Spectra (ISRS) in the calculation of fragilities for systems and components. ISRS are calculated via dynamic analyses of the host building subjected to two orthogonal components of horizontal ground motion. Each component is defined as the median motion in any horizontal direction. Structural engineers applied the components along selected X and Y Cartesian axes. The ISRS at different locations in the building are also calculated in the X and Y directions. The choice of the directions of X and Y are not specified by the ground motion model with respect to geographic coordinates, and are rather arbitrarily selected by the structural engineer. Normally, X and Y coincide with the “principal” axes of the building, in the understanding that this practice is generally conservative. For SPRA purposes, however, it is desirable to remove any conservatism in the estimates of median ISRS. This paper examines the effects of the direction of horizontal seismic motion on the ISRS on typical nuclear structure. We also evaluate the variability of ISRS calculated along different horizontal directions. Our results indicate that some central measures of the ISRS provide robust estimates that are practically independent of the selection of the directions of the horizontal Cartesian axes.Keywords: seismic, directionality, in-structure response spectra, probabilistic risk assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 412985 Impact of a Training Course in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Primary Care Professionals
Authors: Luiz Ernani Meira Jr., Antônio Prates Caldeira, Gilson Gabriel Viana Veloso, Jackson Andrade
Background: In Brazil, primary health care (PHC) system has developed with multidisciplinary teams in facilities located in peripheral areas, as the entrance doors for all patients. So, professionals must be prepared to deal with patients with simple and complex problems. Objective: To evaluate the knowledge and the skills of physicians and nurses of PHC on cardiorespiratory arrest (CRA) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before and after training in Basic Life Support. Methods: This is a before-and-after study developed in a Simulation Laboratory in Montes Claros, Brazil. We included physicians and nurses randomly chosen from PHC services. Written tests on CRA and CPR were carried out and performances in a CPR simulation were evaluated, based on the American Heart Association recommendations. Training practices were performed using special manikins. Statistical analysis included Wilcoxon’s test to compare before and after scores. Results: Thirty-two professionals were included. Only 38% had previous courses and updates on emergency care. Most of professionals showed poor skills to attend to CRA in a simulated situation. Subjects showed an increased in knowledge and skills about CPR after training (p-value=0.003). Conclusion: Primary health care professionals must be continuously trained to assist urgencies and emergencies, like CRA.Keywords: primary health care, professional training, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiorespiratory, emergency
Procedia PDF Downloads 315984 Social Support in the Tradition for Pregnant Mother Care In East Nusa Tenggara
Authors: Sri Widati, Ira Nurmala
The Se’i Tradition was considered to contribute highly to the high maternal mortality rate in South Amanuban, East Nusa Tenggara. This tradition is still preserved due to the social support that has influenced the decision to carry out the Se’i to pregnant women and post-partum women. The purpose of this study is to analyze this social support towards the Se’i Tradition on pregnant women in East Nusa Tenggara. This research was an explorative study with in-depth interviews, observations, and focus group discussions (FGD) in collecting the data. This study showed that emotional support towards Se’i was commonly given by families, specifically by the mother-in laws. Instrumental support was shown by the husbands and the traditional midwives who helped delivered the babies. Informational support was found on the pregnant women and their mother-in laws. Appraisal support was given by all the neighbors and relatives of the pregnant women by telling how comfortable it was to go through this tradition which eventually affected those women to carry it out themselves. The Se’i Tradition is still carried out and mostly supported by the relatives of the pregnant women. The first recommendation of this study is to suggest people to only follow the suggestions from the local health staff to give birth in the local health centers and not to do the tradition anymore. The second recommendation is to urge the government to give support in the form of transportation facilities for pregnant women to reach the local health staff.Keywords: the Se’i tradition, social support, pregnant women, maternal mortality, post-partum women
Procedia PDF Downloads 530983 Analysis of Heat Transfer and Energy Saving Characteristics for Bobsleigh/Skeleton Ice Track
Authors: Zichu Liu, Zhenhua Quan, Xin Liu, Yaohua Zhao
Enhancing the heat transfer characteristics of the bobsleigh/skeleton ice track and reducing the energy consumption of the bobsleigh/skeleton ice track plays an important role in energy saving of the refrigeration systems. In this study, a track ice-making test rig was constructed to verify the accuracy of the established ice track heat transfer model. The different meteorological conditions on the variations in the heat transfer characteristics of the ice surface, ice temperature, and evaporation temperature with or without Terrain Weather Protection System (TWPS) were investigated, and the influence of the TWPS with and without low emissivity materials on these indexes was also compared. In addition, the influence of different pipe spacing and diameters of refrigeration pipe on the heat transfer resistance of the track is also analyzed. The results showed that compared with the ice track without sunshade facilities, TWPS could reduce the heat transfer between ice surface and air by 17.6% in the transition season, and TWPS with low emissivity material could reduce the heat transfer by 37%. The thermal resistance of the ice track decreased by 8.9×10⁻⁴ m²·°C/W, and the refrigerant evaporation temperature increased by 0.25 °C when the cooling pipes spacing decreased by every 10 mm. The thermal resistance decreased by 1.46×10⁻³ m²·°C/W, and the refrigerant evaporation temperature increased by 0.3 °C when the pipe diameter increased by one nominal diameter.Keywords: bobsleigh/skeleton ice track, calculation model, heat transfer characteristics, refrigeration
Procedia PDF Downloads 111982 Risk Assessment of Natural Gas Pipelines in Coal Mined Gobs Based on Bow-Tie Model and Cloud Inference
Authors: Xiaobin Liang, Wei Liang, Laibin Zhang, Xiaoyan Guo
Pipelines pass through coal mined gobs inevitably in the mining area, the stability of which has great influence on the safety of pipelines. After extensive literature study and field research, it was found that there are a few risk assessment methods for coal mined gob pipelines, and there is a lack of data on the gob sites. Therefore, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is widely used based on expert opinions. However, the subjective opinions or lack of experience of individual experts may lead to inaccurate evaluation results. Hence the accuracy of the results needs to be further improved. This paper presents a comprehensive approach to achieve this purpose by combining bow-tie model and cloud inference. The specific evaluation process is as follows: First, a bow-tie model composed of a fault tree and an event tree is established to graphically illustrate the probability and consequence indicators of pipeline failure. Second, the interval estimation method can be scored in the form of intervals to improve the accuracy of the results, and the censored mean algorithm is used to remove the maximum and minimum values of the score to improve the stability of the results. The golden section method is used to determine the weight of the indicators and reduce the subjectivity of index weights. Third, the failure probability and failure consequence scores of the pipeline are converted into three numerical features by using cloud inference. The cloud inference can better describe the ambiguity and volatility of the results which can better describe the volatility of the risk level. Finally, the cloud drop graphs of failure probability and failure consequences can be expressed, which intuitively and accurately illustrate the ambiguity and randomness of the results. A case study of a coal mine gob pipeline carrying natural gas has been investigated to validate the utility of the proposed method. The evaluation results of this case show that the probability of failure of the pipeline is very low, the consequences of failure are more serious, which is consistent with the reality.Keywords: bow-tie model, natural gas pipeline, coal mine gob, cloud inference
Procedia PDF Downloads 251981 Artificial Intelligence in Disease Diagnosis
Authors: Shalini Tripathi, Pardeep Kumar
The method of translating observed symptoms into disease names is known as disease diagnosis. The ability to solve clinical problems in a complex manner is critical to a doctor's effectiveness in providing health care. The accuracy of his or her expertise is crucial to the survival and well-being of his or her patients. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a huge economic influence depending on how well it is applied. In the medical sector, human brain-simulated intellect can help not only with classification accuracy, but also with reducing diagnostic time, cost and pain associated with pathologies tests. In light of AI's present and prospective applications in the biomedical, we will identify them in the paper based on potential benefits and risks, social and ethical consequences and issues that might be contentious but have not been thoroughly discussed in publications and literature. Current apps, personal tracking tools, genetic tests and editing programmes, customizable models, web environments, virtual reality (VR) technologies and surgical robotics will all be investigated in this study. While AI holds a lot of potential in medical diagnostics, it is still a very new method, and many clinicians are uncertain about its reliability, specificity and how it can be integrated into clinical practice without jeopardising clinical expertise. To validate their effectiveness, more systemic refinement of these implementations, as well as training of physicians and healthcare facilities on how to effectively incorporate these strategies into clinical practice, will be needed.Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, medical diagnosis, virtual reality, healthcare ethical implications
Procedia PDF Downloads 133980 Soft Computing Approach for Diagnosis of Lassa Fever
Authors: Roseline Oghogho Osaseri, Osaseri E. I.
Lassa fever is an epidemic hemorrhagic fever caused by the Lassa virus, an extremely virulent arena virus. This highly fatal disorder kills 10% to 50% of its victims, but those who survive its early stages usually recover and acquire immunity to secondary attacks. One of the major challenges in giving proper treatment is lack of fast and accurate diagnosis of the disease due to multiplicity of symptoms associated with the disease which could be similar to other clinical conditions and makes it difficult to diagnose early. This paper proposed an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for the prediction of Lass Fever. In the design of the diagnostic system, four main attributes were considered as the input parameters and one output parameter for the system. The input parameters are Temperature on admission (TA), White Blood Count (WBC), Proteinuria (P) and Abdominal Pain (AP). Sixty-one percent of the datasets were used in training the system while fifty-nine used in testing. Experimental results from this study gave a reliable and accurate prediction of Lassa fever when compared with clinically confirmed cases. In this study, we have proposed Lassa fever diagnostic system to aid surgeons and medical healthcare practictionals in health care facilities who do not have ready access to Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) diagnosis to predict possible Lassa fever infection.Keywords: anfis, lassa fever, medical diagnosis, soft computing
Procedia PDF Downloads 271979 Exploring Career Guidance Program for Students with Special Needs
Authors: Rahayu Azkiya
Career guidance is an integral part of education that aims to help students understand their interests, talents, and potential and provide direction in choosing an appropriate career path. Approximately 76 million people are working out of 17 million people with disabilities in 2022, and this number has become a focal point as career guidance is crucial among people with special needs. Therefore, this study explores how the career guidance program is implemented and what challenges are faced by teachers. This study employs a qualitative case study in one of the senior high schools for special needs (SMLB) in Depok, Indonesia. Meanwhile, the data analysis was done through thematic analysis. Data has been obtained through the interviews of two teachers who focused on the physically impaired and deaf. The results of this study show that (1) the school has implemented career guidance well, the students were selected in the first year to look for their talents and interests, and for the second and third years, students are trained to master their abilities. (2) There are still many challenges teachers face in implementing career guidance programs, such as a need for more human resources for both students and teachers, high curriculum demands, and simple facilities that hinder student progress. Therefore, this research shows that every child is unique, so schools must meet the standards of student needs and re-evaluate the various challenges that teachers and students still face. This research is expected to serve as an analysis material for the government's policy towards special needs schools in Indonesia.Keywords: Students with Special Needs, Career Guidance Program, Implementation, Challenges
Procedia PDF Downloads 53978 Strategies for Patient Families Integration in Caregiving: A Consensus Opinion
Authors: Ibrahim A. Alkali
There is no reservation on the outstanding contribution of patient families in restoration of hospitalised patients, hence their consideration as essential component of hospital ward regimen. The psychological and emotional support a patient requires has been found to be solely provided by the patient’s family. However, consideration of their presence as one of the major functional requirements of an inpatient setting design have always been a source of disquiet, especially in developing countries where policies, norms and protocols of healthcare administration have no consideration for the patients’ family. This have been a major challenge to the hospital ward facilities, a concern for the hospital administration and patient management. The study therefore is aimed at obtaining a consensus opinion on the best approach for family integration in the design of an inpatient setting. A one day visioning charrette involving Architects, Nurses, Medical Doctors, Healthcare assistants and representatives from the Patient families was conducted with the aim of arriving at a consensus opinion on practical design approach for sustainable family integration. Patient’s family are found to be decisive character of hospital ward regimen that cannot be undermined. However, several challenges that impede family integration were identified and subsequently a recommendation for an ideal approach. This will serve as a guide to both architects and hospital management in implementing much desired Patient and Family Centred Care.Keywords: patient's family, inpatient setting, care giving, integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 208977 Dietary Pattern and Risk of Breast Cancer Among Women:a Case Control Study
Authors: Huma Naqeeb
Epidemiological studies have shown the robust link between breast cancer and dietary pattern. There has been no previous study conducted in Pakistan, which specifically focuses on dietary patterns among breast cancer women. This study aims to examine the association of breast cancer with dietary patterns among Pakistani women. This case-control research was carried in multiple tertiary care facilities. Newly diagnosed primary breast cancer patients were recruited as cases (n = 408); age matched controls (n = 408) were randomly selected from the general population. Data on required parameters were systematically collected using subjective and objective tools. Factor and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) techniques were used to extract women’s dietary patterns. Four dietary patterns were identified based on eigenvalue >1; (i) veg-ovo-fish, (ii) meat-fat-sweet, (iii) mix (milk and its products, and gourds vegetables) and (iv) lentils - spices. Results of the multiple regressions were displayed as adjusted odds ratio (Adj. OR) and their respective confidence intervals (95% CI). After adjusted for potential confounders, veg-ovo-fish dietary pattern was found to be robustly associated with a lower risk of breast cancer among women (Adj. OR: 0.68, 95%CI: (0.46-0.99, p<0.01). The study findings concluded that attachment to the diets majorly composed of fresh vegetables, and high quality protein sources may contribute in lowering the risk of breast cancer among women.Keywords: breast cancer, dietary pattern, women, principal component analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 123976 Information Needs of Cassava Processors on Small-Scale Cassava Processing in Oyo State, Nigeria
Authors: Rafiat Bolanle Fasasi-Hammed
Cassava is an important food crop in rural households of Nigeria. It has a high potential for product diversification, because it can be processed into various products forms for human consumption and can be made into chips for farm animals, and also starch and starch derivatives. However, cassava roots are highly perishable and contain potentially toxic cyanogenic glycosides which necessitate its processing. Therefore, this study was carried out to assess information needs of cassava processors on food safety practices in Oyo State, Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used in the selection of 110 respondents for this study. Descriptive statistics and chi-square were used to analyze the data collected. Results of this study showed that the mean age of the respondents was 39.4 years, majority (78.7%) of the respondents was married, 51.9% had secondary education; 45.8% of the respondents have spent more than 12 years in cassava processing. The mean income realized was ₦26,347.50/month from cassava processing. Information on cassava processing got to the respondents through friends, family and relations (73.6%) and fellow cassava processors (58.6%). Serious constraints identified were ineffective extension agents (93.9%), food safety regulatory agencies (88.1%) and inadequate processing and storage facilities (67.8%). Chi-square results showed that significant relationship existed between socio-economic characteristics of the respondents (χ2 = 29.80, df = 2,), knowledge level (χ2 = 9.26, df = 4), constraints (χ2 = 13.11, df = 2) and information needs at p < 0.05 level of significance. The study recommends that there should be regular training on improved cassava processing methods for the cassava processors in the study area.Keywords: information, needs, cassava, Oyo State, processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 302975 A Quantitative Study on the Structure of Corporate Social Responsibility in India
Authors: Raj C. Aparna
In India, the mandatory clause on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Companies Act, 2013 has led to varying responses from the companies. From excessive spending to resistance, the private and the public stakeholders have been considering the law from different perspectives. This paper tends to study the characteristics of CSR spending in India with emphasis on the locations to which the funds are routed. This study examines the effects of CSR fund flow on regional development by considering the growth in Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP), agriculture, education and healthcare using panel data for the 29 States in the country. The results confirm that the CSR funds have been instrumental in improving the quality of teaching and healthcare in the areas around the industrial hubs. However, the study shows that the corporates mostly invest in regions which are easily accessible to them, by their physical presence, irrespective of whether the area is developed or not. Such a skewness is visible in the extensive spending in and around the metropolitan cities, the established centers, in the country to which large chunks of CSR funds are channeled. The results show that there is a variation from what the government had proposed while initiating the CSR law to promote social inclusion and equality in the rural and isolated areas in the country. The implication is that even though societal improvement is the aim of CSR, ease of access to the needy is an essential factor in corporate choices. As poverty and lack of facilities are found in the innermost parts, it is vital to have government policies for their aid as corporate help.Keywords: corporate social responsibility, geographic spread, panel data analysis, strategic implementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 110974 The Adverse Effects of Air Pollution on Mental Health in Metropolitans
Authors: Farrin Nayebzadeh, Mohammadreza Eslami Amirabadi
According to technological progress and urban development, the cities of the world are growing to become metropolitans, living in which can be enthusiastic, entertaining and accessibility to the facilities like education, economic factors, hygiene and welfare is high. On the other hand, there are some problems that have been ignored in planning for such high quality of life, most important of which, is human health. Two aspects of human health are physical health and mental health, that are closely associated. Human mental health depends on two important factors: Biological factor and environmental factor. Air pollution is one of the most important environmental risk factors that affects mental health. Psychological and toxic effects of air pollution can lead to psychiatric symptoms, including anxiety and changes in mood, cognition, and behavior, depression and also children's mental disorders like hyperactivity, aggression and agitation. Increased levels of some air pollutants are accompanied by an increase in psychiatric admissions and emergency calls and, in some studies, by changes in behavior and a reduction in psychological well-being. Numerous toxic pollutants interfere with the development and adult functioning of the nervous system. Psychosocial stress can cause symptoms similar to those of organic mental disorders. These factors can cause resonance of psychiatric disorders. So, in cities of developing countries, people challenge with mental health problems due to environmental factors especially air pollution that have not been forecasted in urban planning.Keywords: air pollution, environmental factors, mental health, psychiatric disorder
Procedia PDF Downloads 505973 Determinants of Carbon-Certified Small-Scale Agroforestry Adoption In Rural Mount Kenyan
Authors: Emmanuel Benjamin, Matthias Blum
Purpose – We address smallholder farmers’ restricted possibilities to adopt sustainable technologies which have direct and indirect benefits. Smallholders often face little asset endowment due to small farm size und insecure property rights, therefore experiencing constraints in adopting agricultural innovation. A program involving payments for ecosystem services (PES) benefits poor smallholder farmers in developing countries in many ways and has been suggested as a means of easing smallholder farmers’ financial constraints. PES may also provide additional mainstay which can eventually result in more favorable credit contract terms due to the availability of collateral substitute. Results of this study may help to understand the barriers, motives and incentives for smallholders’ participation in PES and help in designing a strategy to foster participation in beneficial programs. Design/methodology/approach – This paper uses a random utility model and a logistic regression approach to investigate factors that influence agroforestry adoption. We investigate non-monetary factors, such as information spillover, that influence the decision to adopt such conservation strategies. We collected original data from non-government-run agroforestry mitigation programs with PES that have been implemented in the Mount Kenya region. Preliminary Findings – We find that spread of information, existing networks and peer involvement in such programs drive participation. Conversely, participation by smallholders does not seem to be influenced by education, land or asset endowment. Contrary to some existing literature, we found weak evidence for a positive correlation between the adoption of agroforestry with PES and age of smallholder, e.g., one increases with the other, in the Mount Kenyan region. Research implications – Poverty alleviation policies for developing countries should target social capital to increase the adoption rate of modern technologies amongst smallholders.Keywords: agriculture innovation, agroforestry adoption, smallholders, payment for ecosystem services, Sub-Saharan Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 383972 Urban Green Space Analysis Incorporated at Bodakdev, Ahmedabad City Based on the RS and GIS Techniques
Authors: Nartan Rajpriya
City is a multiplex ecological system made up of social, economic and natural sub systems. Green space system is the foundation of the natural system. It is also suitable part of natural productivity in the urban structure. It is dispensable for constructing a high quality human settlements and a high standard ecocity. Ahmedabad is the fastest growing city of India. Today urban green space is under strong pressure in Ahmedabad city. Due to increasing urbanization, combined with a spatial planning policy of densification, more people face the prospect of living in less green residential environments. In this research analyzes the importance of available Green Space at Bodakdev Park, Ahmedabad, using remote sensing and GIS technologies. High resolution IKONOS image and LISS IV data has been used in this project. This research answers the questions like: • Temporal changes in urban green space area. • Proximity to heavy traffic or roads or any recreational facilities. • Importance in terms of health. • Availability of quality infrastructure. • Available green space per area, per sq. km and per total population. This projects incorporates softwares like ArcGIS, Ecognition and ERDAS Imagine, GPS technologies etc. Methodology includes the field work and collection of other relevant data while preparation of land use maps using the IKONOS imagery which is corrected using GPS.Keywords: urban green space, ecocity, IKONOS, LISS IV
Procedia PDF Downloads 386971 Conceptual Model of a Residential Waste Collection System Using ARENA Software
Authors: Bruce G. Wilson
The collection of municipal solid waste at the curbside is a complex operation that is repeated daily under varying circumstances around the world. There have been several attempts to develop Monte Carlo simulation models of the waste collection process dating back almost 50 years. Despite this long history, the use of simulation modeling as a planning or optimization tool for waste collection is still extremely limited in practice. Historically, simulation modeling of waste collection systems has been hampered by the limitations of computer hardware and software and by the availability of representative input data. This paper outlines the development of a Monte Carlo simulation model that overcomes many of the limitations contained in previous models. The model uses a general purpose simulation software program that is easily capable of modeling an entire waste collection network. The model treats the stops on a waste collection route as a queue of work to be processed by a collection vehicle (or server). Input data can be collected from a variety of sources including municipal geographic information systems, global positioning system recorders on collection vehicles, and weigh scales at transfer stations or treatment facilities. The result is a flexible model that is sufficiently robust that it can model the collection activities in a large municipality, while providing the flexibility to adapt to changing conditions on the collection route.Keywords: modeling, queues, residential waste collection, Monte Carlo simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 401970 Convergence Results of Two-Dimensional Homogeneous Elastic Plates from Truncation of Potential Energy
Authors: Erick Pruchnicki, Nikhil Padhye
Plates are important engineering structures which have attracted extensive research since the 19th century. The subject of this work is statical analysis of a linearly elastic homogenous plate under small deformations. A 'thin plate' is a three-dimensional structure comprising of a small transverse dimension with respect to a flat mid-surface. The general aim of any plate theory is to deduce a two-dimensional model, in terms of mid-surface quantities, to approximately and accurately describe the plate's deformation in terms of mid-surface quantities. In recent decades, a common starting point for this purpose is to utilize series expansion of a displacement field across the thickness dimension in terms of the thickness parameter (h). These attempts are mathematically consistent in deriving leading-order plate theories based on certain a priori scaling between the thickness and the applied loads; for example, asymptotic methods which are aimed at generating leading-order two-dimensional variational problems by postulating formal asymptotic expansion of the displacement fields. Such methods rigorously generate a hierarchy of two-dimensional models depending on the order of magnitude of the applied load with respect to the plate-thickness. However, in practice, applied loads are external and thus not directly linked or dependent on the geometry/thickness of the plate; thus, rendering any such model (based on a priori scaling) of limited practical utility. In other words, the main limitation of these approaches is that they do not furnish a single plate model for all orders of applied loads. Following analogy of recent efforts of deploying Fourier-series expansion to study convergence of reduced models, we propose two-dimensional model(s) resulting from truncation of the potential energy and rigorously prove the convergence of these two-dimensional plate models to the parent three-dimensional linear elasticity with increasing truncation order of the potential energy.Keywords: plate theory, Fourier-series expansion, convergence result, Legendre polynomials
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