Search results for: physical and mechanical properties
13818 Bio-Furan Based Poly (β-Thioether Ester) Synthesized via Thiol-Michael Addition Polymerization with Tunable Structure and Properties
Authors: Daihui Zhang, Marie J. Dumont
A derivative of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) was synthesized for the thiol-Michael addition reaction. The efficiency of the catalysts (base and nucleophiles) and side reactions during the thiol-Michael addition were investigated. Dimethylphenylphosphine efficiently initiated the thiol-Michael addition polymerization for synthesizing a series of bio-based furan polymers with different structure and properties. The benzene rings or hydroxyl groups present in the polymer chains increased the glass transition temperature (Tg) of poly (β-thioether ester). Additionally, copolymers with various compositions were obtained via adding different ratio of 1,6-hexanedithiols to 1,4-benzenedithiols. 1H NMR analysis revealed that experimental ratios of two dithiols monomers matched well with theoretical ratios. The occurrence of a reversible Diels-Alder reaction between furan rings and maleimide groups allowed poly (β-thioether ester) to be dynamically crosslinked. These polymers offer the potentials to produce materials from biomass that have both practical mechanical properties and reprocessing ability.Keywords: copolymers, Diels-Alder reaction, hydroxymethylfurfural, Thiol-Michael addition
Procedia PDF Downloads 33113817 Crystalline Particles Dispersed Cu-Based Metallic Glassy Composites Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering
Authors: Sandrine Cardinal, Jean-Marc Pelletier, Guang Xie, Florian Mercier, Florent Delmas
Bulk metallic glasses exhibit several superior properties, compared to their corresponding crystalline counterpart, such as high strength, high elastic limit or good corrosion resistance. Therefore they can be considered as good candidates for structural applications in many sectors. However, they are generally brittle and do not exhibit plastic deformation at room temperature. These materials are mainly obtained by rapid cooling from a liquid state to prevent crystallization, which limits their size. To overcome these two drawbacks: fragility and limited dimensions, composite metallic glass matrix reinforced by a second phase whose role is to slow crack growth are developed. Concerning the limited size of the pieces, the proposed solution is to get the material from amorphous powders by densifying under load. In this study, Cu50Zr45Al5 bulk metallic glassy matrix composites (MGMCs) containing different volume fraction (Vf) of Zr crystalline particles were manufactured by spark plasma sintering (SPS). Microstructure, thermal stability and mechanical properties of the MGMCs were investigated. Matrix of the composites remains a fully amorphous phase after consolidation at 420°C under 600 MPa. A good dispersion of the particles in the glassy matrix is obtained. Results show that the compressive strength decreases with Vf : 1670 MPa (Vf=0%) to 1300MPa (Vf=30%), the elastic modulus decreases but only slighty respectively 97.3GPa and 94.5 GPa and plasticity is improved from 0 to 4%. Fractographic investigation indicates a good bonding between amorphous and crystalline particles. In conclusion, present study has demonstrated that SPS method is useful for the synthesis of the bulk glassy composites. Large controlled microstructure specimens with interesting ductility can be obtained compared with others methods.Keywords: composite, mechanical properties, metallic glasses, spark plasma sintering
Procedia PDF Downloads 28113816 Possibilities of Using Chia Seeds in Fermented Beverages Made from Mare’s and Cow’s Milk
Authors: Nancy Mahmoud, Joanna Teichert
Nowadays, fermented milk containing probiotic microorganisms is fundamental to human health. The changes in the properties of fermented milk during storage influence the quality and consumer acceptability. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of 1.5 % of chia seeds on the chemical, physical and sensory properties of fermented cow’s and mare’s milk for two weeks at 4°C. The results showed that the pH of cow’s milk drops significantly at the 2nd hour, but mare's milk drops significantly at the 6th hour. The acidity of both types of milk increased as the storage time progressed. Adding chia seeds increased firmness significantly and improved color and consistency. A decrease in brightness (L*), an increase in redness (a*), and yellowness (b*) during storage were observed. Our study showed that the chia seeds have more effect on reducing the brightness of fermented mare milk than fermented cow milk. Analysis of taste and smell parameters showed that after adding chia seeds, the scores changed and became much higher. The sour taste of fermented milk had reduced this positively affected the acceptance of the product. Chia seeds induced beneficial effects on sensory outcomes and enhanced physiochemical properties.Keywords: mare milk, cow milk, feremnted milk, kefir, koumiss
Procedia PDF Downloads 9913815 Relationship between Interfacial Instabilities and Mechanical Strength of Multilayer Symmetric Polymer Melts
Authors: Mohammad Ranjbaran Madiseh
In this research, an experimental apparatus has been developed for observing interfacial stability and deformation of multilayer pressure-driven channel flows. The interface instability of the co-extrusion flow of polyethylene and polypropylene is studied experimentally in a slit geometry. By investigating the growing interfacial wave (IW) and tensile stress of extrudate samples, a relationship between interfacial instability (II) and mechanical properties of polypropylene (PP) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) has been established. It is shown that the mechanism of interfacial strength is related to interfacial instabilities as well as interfacial strength. It is shown that there is an ability to forecast the quality of final products in the co-extrusion process. In this study, it is found that the instability is controlled by its dominant wave number, which is associated with maximum tensile stress at the interface.Keywords: interfacial instability, interfacial strength, wave number, interfacial wave
Procedia PDF Downloads 9213814 Analysis of Cracked Beams with Spalling Having Different Arrangements of the Reinforcement Bars Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Authors: Rishabh Shukla, Achin Agrawal, Anupam Saxena, S. Mandal
The existence of a crack, affects the mechanical behaviour and various properties of a structure to a great degree. This paper focuses on recognizing the parameters that gets changed due to the formation of cracks and have a great impact on the performance of the structure. Spalling is a major concern as it leaves the reinforcement bars more susceptible to environmental attacks. Beams of cross section 300 mm × 500 mm are designed and for a calculated area of steel, two different arrangements of reinforced bars are analysed. Results are prepared for different stages of cracking for each arrangement of rebars. The parameters for both arrangements are then compared. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is carried out and changes in the properties like flexural strength, Elasticity and modal frequency are reported. The conclusions have been drawn by comparing the results.Keywords: cracks, elasticity, spalling, FEA
Procedia PDF Downloads 28113813 Advanced Materials Based on Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Terpolymers and Organically Modified Montmorillonite
Authors: M. D. Stelescu, E. Manaila, G. Pelin, M. Georgescu, M. Sonmez
This paper presents studies on the development and characterization of nanocomposites based on ethylene-propylene terpolymer rubber (EPDM), chlorobutyl rubber (IIR-Cl) and organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT). Mixtures were made containing 0, 3 and 6 phr (parts per 100 parts rubber) OMMT, respectively. They were obtained by melt intercalation in an internal mixer - Plasti-Corder Brabender, in suitable blending parameters, at high temperature for 11 minutes. Curing agents were embedded on a laboratory roller at 70-100 ºC, friction 1:1.1, processing time 5 minutes. Rubber specimens were obtained by compression, using a hydraulic press at 165 ºC and a pressing force of 300 kN. Curing time, determined using the Monsanto rheometer, decreases with the increased amount of OMMT in the mixtures. At the same time, it was noticed that mixtures containing OMMT show improvement in physical-mechanical properties. These types of nanocomposites may be used to obtain rubber seals for the space application or for other areas of application.Keywords: chlorobutyl rubber, ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymers, montmorillonite, rubber seals, space application
Procedia PDF Downloads 17913812 Research of the Load Bearing Capacity of Inserts Embedded in CFRP under Different Loading Conditions
Authors: F. Pottmeyer, M. Weispfenning, K. A. Weidenmann
Continuous carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) exhibit a high application potential for lightweight structures due to their outstanding specific mechanical properties. Embedded metal elements, so-called inserts, can be used to join structural CFRP parts. Drilling of the components to be joined can be avoided using inserts. In consequence, no bearing stress is anticipated. This is a distinctive benefit of embedded inserts, since continuous CFRP have low shear and bearing strength. This paper aims at the investigation of the load bearing capacity after preinduced damages from impact tests and thermal-cycling. In addition, characterization of mechanical properties during dynamic high speed pull-out testing under different loading velocities was conducted. It has been shown that the load bearing capacity increases up to 100% for very high velocities (15 m/s) in comparison with quasi-static loading conditions (1.5 mm/min). Residual strength measurements identified the influence of thermal loading and preinduced mechanical damage. For both, the residual strength was evaluated afterwards by quasi-static pull-out tests. Taking into account the DIN EN 6038 a high decrease of force occurs at impact energy of 16 J with significant damage of the laminate. Lower impact energies of 6 J, 9 J, and 12 J do not decrease the measured residual strength, although the laminate is visibly damaged - distinguished by cracks on the rear side. To evaluate the influence of thermal loading, the specimens were placed in a climate chamber and were exposed to various numbers of temperature cycles. One cycle took 1.5 hours from -40 °C to +80 °C. It could be shown that already 10 temperature cycles decrease the load bearing capacity up to 20%. Further reduction of the residual strength with increasing number of thermal cycles was not observed. Thus, it implies that the maximum damage of the composite is already induced after 10 temperature cycles.Keywords: composite, joining, inserts, dynamic loading, thermal loading, residual strength, impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 28013811 Violent Videogame Playing and Its Relations to Antisocial Behaviors
Authors: Martin Jelínek, Petr Květon
The presented study focuses on relations between violent videogames playing and various types of antisocial behavior, namely bullying (verbal, indirect, and physical), physical aggression and delinquency. Relevant relationships were also examined with respect to gender. Violent videogames exposure (VGV) was measured by respondents’ most favored games and self-evaluation of its level of violence and frequency of playing. Antisocial behaviors were assessed by self-report questionnaires. The research sample consisted of 333 (166 males, 167 females) primary and secondary school students at the age between 10 and 19 years (m=14.98, sd=1.77). It was found that violent videogames playing is associated with physical aggression (rho=0.288, 95% CI [0.169;0.400]) and bullying (rho=0.369, 95% CI [0.254;0.476]). By means of gender, these relations were slightly weaker in males (VGV - physical aggression: rho=0.104, 95% CI [-0.061;0.264], VGV – bullying: rho=.200, 95% CI [0.032;0.356]) than in females (VGV - physical aggression: rho=0.257, 95% CI [0.089;0.411], VGV – bullying: rho=0.279, 95% CI [0.110;0.432]).Keywords: aggression, bullying, gender, violent video games
Procedia PDF Downloads 42113810 Environmental Risk Assessment for Beneficiary Use of Coal Combustion Residues Using Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework
Authors: D. V. S. Praneeth, V. R. Sankar Cheela, Brajesh Dubey
Coal Combustion (CC) residues are the major by-products from thermal power plants. The disposal of ash on to land creates havoc to environment and humans. The leaching of the constituent elements pollutes ground water. Beneficiary use of coal combustion residues in structural components is being investigated as a part of this study. This application reduces stress on the convention materials in the construction industry. The present study involves determination of leaching parameters of the CC residues. Batch and column studies are performed based on Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) protocol. The column studies are conducted to simulate the real time percolation conditions in the field. The structural and environmental studies are performed to determine the usability of CC residues as bricks. The physical, chemical, geo environmental and mechanical properties of the alternate materials are investigated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction analysis (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy tests were conducted to determine the characteristics of CC residue ash and bricks.Keywords: coal combustion residues, LEAF, leaching, SEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 31713809 Magnetic and Optical Properties of GaFeMnN
Authors: A.Abbad, H.A.Bentounes, W.Benstaali
The full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method (FP-LAPW) within the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) is used to calculate the magnetic and optical properties of quaternary GaFeMnN. The results show that the compound becomes magnetic and half metallic and there is an apparition of peaks at low frequencies for the optical properties.Keywords: FP-LAPW, LSDA, magnetic moment, reflectivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 52413808 Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes toward the Use of Physical Restraints
Authors: Fatema Salman, Ridha Hammam, Fatima Khairallah, Fatima Aradi, Nafeesa Abdulla, Mohammed Alsafar
Purpose: This study aims at measuring the extent of nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward the use of physical restraints in different hospital wards at Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC). Background: The habitual use of physical restraint is a widespread practice among nurses working in the clinical settings. Restraints inflict many deleterious consequences on patients physically and psychologically which in turn increases their morbidity and mortality risk and jeopardizes care quality. Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward physical restraints are crucial determinants of the persistence of this practice. Literature review: the evidence of lack of knowledge among nurses regarding the use of physical restraints is overwhelming in various clinical settings, especially in two main areas which are the negative consequences and the available alternatives to physical restraints. Studies explored nurses’ attitudes toward physical restraints yielded inconsistent findings. Equally comparable, some studies found that nurses hold positive attitudes toward the use of physical restraints while some others reported just the opposite. Methods: Self-administered knowledge and attitudes scales to 106 nurses working in the SMC. Findings: nurses hold the moderate level of knowledge about restraints (M=58%) with weak negative attitudes (M = -20%) toward using it. Significant moderately-strong negative correlation (r= -0.57, r2= 0.32, p= 0.000) was uncovered between nurses knowledge and their attitudes which provided an empirical explanation of this phenomenon (use of physical restraints). Recommendations: Induction of awareness program that especially focuses on the negative consequences and encourages the use of alternatives is an evident need. This effort necessarily should be adjoined with policy and procedure adjustments.Keywords: attitudes, knowledge, nurses, restraints
Procedia PDF Downloads 31813807 Investigation of Various Variabilities of Attitudes toward Teaching as a Profession Levels of Physical Education and Sports School Students
Authors: Turan Cetinkaya, Abdurrahman Kırtepe
The aim of this study is to determine the relation of the level attitudes toward teaching as a profession to various variables of the students in physical education and sports departments. 277 students who are studying at the departments of physical education and sports teaching, sports management and coaching in Ahi Evran University, College of Physical Education and Sports participated to the research. Personal information tool and teaching profession scale consisting 34 items were used as data collection tool in the research. Distribution, frequency, t test and anova test were used in comparison of the related data. As a result of statistical analysis, attitudes toward teaching as a profession levels do not differ according to gender, but significant differences were detected in the exercise regularly and department.Keywords: teaching profession, attitude, physical education and sports students, university students
Procedia PDF Downloads 28413806 Measurement and Evaluation Patterns Practiced by Physical Education Teachers in North Badia in Jordan
Authors: Aman Kasawneh, Wasfi Khazalah, Abedalbasit Abedalhafiz
This study aimed to identify the patterns of measurement and evaluation practiced by physical education in the schools of North Badia in Jordan, as well as identifying the statistical differences according to gender, educational qualification, and the experience. The sample consisted of 118 physical education teachers 58 males and 60 females chosen randomly from the schools of North Badia in Jordan. The completed a questionnaire developed by the researchers after verifying its validity and reliability. The results indicated a clear weakness in the practice of measurement and evaluation patterns by physical education teachers. Also no significant differences were found between male and female teachers, however, significant differences were found between bachelor degree holders and their counter parts and between teachers with less than eight years of experience. The researchers recommended the necessity of preparing the P.E teachers regarding the patterns of measurement and evaluation within the sport field as one of the essentials for improving and developing physical education at schools.Keywords: evaluation, measurement, evaluation, physical education teacher, Jordanian
Procedia PDF Downloads 46113805 On Radially Symmetric Vibrations of Bi-Directional Functionally Graded Circular Plates on the Basis of Mindlin’s Theory and Neutral Axis
Authors: Rahul Saini, Roshan Lal
The present paper deals with the free axisymmetric vibrations of bi-directional functionally graded circular plates using Mindlin’s plate theory and physical neutral surface. The temperature-dependent, as well as temperature-independent mechanical properties of the plate material, varies in radial and transverse directions. Also, temperature profile for one- and two-dimensional temperature variations has been obtained from the heat conduction equation. A simple computational formulation for the governing differential equation of motion for such a plate model has been derived using Hamilton's principle for the clamped and simply supported plates at the periphery. Employing the generalized differential quadrature method, the corresponding frequency equations have been obtained and solved numerically to retain their lowest three roots as the natural frequencies for the first three modes. The effect of various other parameters such as temperature profile, functionally graded indices, and boundary conditions on the vibration characteristics has been presented. In order to validate the accuracy and efficiency of the method, the results have been compared with those available in the literature.Keywords: bi-directionally FG, GDQM, Mindlin’s circular plate, neutral axis, vibrations
Procedia PDF Downloads 13113804 The Shape Memory Recovery Properties under Load of a Polymer Composite
Authors: Abdul Basit, Gildas Lhostis, Bernard Durand
Shape memory polymers (SMPs) are replacing shape memory alloys (SMAs) in many applications as SMPs have certain superior properties than SMAs. However, SMAs possess some properties like recovery under stress that SMPs lack. SMPs cannot give complete recovery even under a small load. SMPs are initially heated close to their transition temperature (glass transition temperature or the melting temperature). Then force is applied to deform the heated SMP to a specific position. Subsequently, SMP is allowed to cool keeping it deformed. After cooling, SMP gets the temporary shape. This temporary shape can be recovered by heating it again at the same temperature that was given it while heating it initially. As a result, it will recover its original position. SMP can perform unconstrained recovery and constrained recovery, however; under the load, it only recovers partially. In this work, the recovery under the load of an asymmetrical shape memory composite called as CBCM-SMPC has been investigated. It is found that it has the ability to recover under different loads. Under different loads, it shows powerful complete recovery in reference to initial position. This property can be utilized in many applications.Keywords: shape memory, polymer composite, thermo-mechanical testing, recovery under load
Procedia PDF Downloads 43913803 Design and Construction of a Device to Facilitate the Stretching of a Plantiflexors Muscles in the Therapy of Rehabilitation for Patients with Spastic Hemiplegia
Authors: Nathalia Andrea Calderon Lesmes, Eduardo Barragan Parada, Diego Fernando Villegas Bermudez
Spasticity in the plantiflexor muscles as a product of stroke (CVA-Cerebrovascular accident) restricts the mobility and independence of the affected people. Commonly, physiotherapists are in charge of manually performing the rehabilitation therapy known as Sustained Mechanical Stretching, rotating the affected foot of the patient in the sagittal plane. However, this causes a physical wear on the professional because it is a fatiguing movement. In this article, a mechanical device is developed to implement this rehabilitation therapy more efficiently. The device consists of a worm-crown mechanism that is driven by a crank to gradually rotate a platform in the sagittal plane of the affected foot, in order to achieve dorsiflexion. The device has a range of sagittal rotation up to 150° and has velcro located on the footplate that secures the foot. The design of this device was modeled by using CAD software and was checked structurally with a general purpose finite element software to be sure that the device is safe for human use. As a measurement system, a goniometer is used in the lateral part of the device and load cells are used to measure the force in order to determine the opposing torque exerted by the muscle. Load cells sensitivity is 1.8 ± 0.002 and has a repeatability of 0.03. Validation of the effectiveness of the device is measured by reducing the opposition torque and increasing mobility for a given patient. In this way, with a more efficient therapy, an improvement in the recovery of the patient's mobility and therefore in their quality of life can be achieved.Keywords: biomechanics, mechanical device, plantiflexor muscles, rehabilitation, spastic hemiplegia, sustained mechanical stretching
Procedia PDF Downloads 16713802 Mechanical Properties of Cement Slurry by Partially Substitution of Industry Waste Natural Pozzolans
Authors: R. Ziaie Moayed, S. P. Emadoleslami Oskoei, S. D. Beladi Mousavi, A. Taleb Beydokhti
There have been many reports of the destructive effects of cement on the environment in recent years. In the present research, it has been attempted to reduce the destructive effects of cement by replacing silica fume as adhesive materials instead of cement. The present study has attempted to improve the mechanical properties of cement slurry by using waste material from a glass production factory, located in Qazvin city of Iran, in which accumulation volume has become an environmental threat. The chemical analysis of the waste material indicates that this material contains about 94% of SiO2 and AL2O3 and has a close structure to silica fume. Also, the particle grain size test was performed on the mentioned waste. Then, the unconfined compressive strength test of the slurry was performed by preparing a mixture of water and adhesives with different percentages of cement and silica fume. The water to an adhesive ratio of this mixture is 1:3, and the curing process last 28 days. It was found that the sample had an unconfined compressive strength of about 300 kg/cm2 in a mixture with equal proportions of cement and silica fume. Besides, the sample had a brittle fracture in the slurry sample made of pure cement, however, the fracture in cement-silica fume slurry mixture is flexible and the structure of the specimen remains coherent after fracture. Therefore, considering the flexibility that is achieved by replacing this waste, it can be used to stabilize soils with cracking potential.Keywords: cement replacement, cement slurry, environmental threat, natural pozzolan, silica fume, waste material
Procedia PDF Downloads 13213801 Modeling of Hot Casting Technology of Beryllium Oxide Ceramics with Ultrasonic Activation
Authors: Zamira Sattinova, Tassybek Bekenov
The article is devoted to modeling the technology of hot casting of beryllium oxide ceramics. The stages of ultrasonic activation of beryllium oxide slurry in the plant vessel to improve the rheological property, hot casting in the moulding cavity with cooling and solidification of the casting are described. Thermoplastic slurry (hereinafter referred to as slurry) shows the rheology of a non-Newtonian fluid with yield and plastic viscosity. Cooling-solidification of the slurry in the forming cavity occurs in the liquid, taking into account crystallization and solid state. In this work is the method of calculation of hot casting of the slurry using the method of effective molecular viscosity of viscoplastic fluid. It is shown that the slurry near the cooled wall is in a state of crystallization and plasticity, and the rest may still be in the liquid phase. Nonuniform distribution of temperature, density and concentration of kinetically free binder takes place along the cavity section. This leads to compensation of shrinkage by the influx of slurry from the liquid into the crystallization zones and plasticity of the castings. In the plasticity zone, the shrinkage determined by the concentration of kinetically free binder is compensated under the action of the pressure gradient. The solidification mechanism, as well as the mechanical behavior of the casting mass during casting, the rheological and thermophysical properties of the thermoplastic BeO slurry due to ultrasound exposure have not been well studied. Nevertheless, experimental data allow us to conclude that the effect of ultrasonic vibrations on the slurry mass leads to it: a change in structure, an increase in technological properties, a decrease in heterogeneity and a change in rheological properties. In the course of experiments, the effect of ultrasonic treatment and its duration on the change in viscosity and ultimate shear stress of the slurry depending on temperature (55-75℃) and the mass fraction of the binder (10 - 11.7%) have been studied. At the same time, changes in these properties before and after ultrasound exposure have been analyzed, as well as the nature of the flow in the system under study. The experience of operating the unit with ultrasonic impact has shown that at the same time, the casting capacity of the slurry increases by an average of 15%, and the viscosity decreases by more than half. Experimental study of physicochemical properties and phase change with simultaneous consideration of all factors affecting the quality of products in the process of continuous casting is labor-intensive. Therefore, an effective way to control the physical processes occurring in the formation of articles with predetermined properties and shapes is to simulate the process and determine its basic characteristics. The results of the calculations show the whole stage of hot casting of beryllium oxide slurry, taking into account the change in its state of aggregation. Ultrasonic treatment improves rheological properties and increases the fluidity of the slurry in the forming cavity. Calculations show the influence of velocity, temperature factors and structural data of the cavity on the cooling-solidification process of the casting. In the calculations, conditions for molding with shrinkage of the slurry by hot casting have been found, which makes it possible to obtain a solidifying product with a uniform beryllium oxide structure at the outlet of the cavity.Keywords: hot casting, thermoplastic slurry molding, shrinkage, beryllium oxide
Procedia PDF Downloads 3013800 A 3D Numerical Environmental Modeling Approach For Assessing Transport of Spilled Oil in Porous Beach Conditions under a Meso-Scale Tank Design
Authors: J. X. Dong, C. J. An, Z. Chen, E. H. Owens, M. C. Boufadel, E. Taylor, K. Lee
Shorelines are vulnerable to significant environmental impacts from oil spills. Stranded oil can cause potential short- to long-term detrimental effects along beaches that include injuries to the ecosystem, socio-economic and cultural resources. In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) numerical modeling approach is developed to evaluate the fate and transport of spilled oil for hypothetical oiled shoreline cases under various combinations of beach geomorphology and environmental conditions. The developed model estimates the spatial and temporal distribution of spilled oil for the various test conditions, using the finite volume method and considering the physical transport (dispersion and advection), sinks, and sorption processes. The model includes a user-friendly interface for data input on variables such as beach properties, environmental conditions, and physical-chemical properties of spilled oil. An experimental mesoscale tank design was used to test the developed model for dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon within shorelines. The simulated results for effects of different sediment substrates, oil types, and shoreline features for the transport of spilled oil are comparable to those obtained with a commercially available model. Results show that the properties of substrates and the oil removal by shoreline effects have significant impacts on oil transport in the beach area. Sensitivity analysis, through the application of the one-step-at-a-time method (OAT), for the 3D model identified hydraulic conductivity as the most sensitive parameter. The 3D numerical model allows users to examine the behavior of oil on and within beaches, assess potential environmental impacts, and provide technical support for decisions related to shoreline clean-up operations.Keywords: dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons, environmental multimedia model, finite volume method, sensitivity analysis, total petroleum hydrocarbons
Procedia PDF Downloads 21813799 The Study on Mechanical Properties of Graphene Using Molecular Mechanics
Authors: I-Ling Chang, Jer-An Chen
The elastic properties and fracture of two-dimensional graphene were calculated purely from the atomic bonding (stretching and bending) based on molecular mechanics method. Considering the representative unit cell of graphene under various loading conditions, the deformations of carbon bonds and the variations of the interlayer distance could be realized numerically under the geometry constraints and minimum energy assumption. In elastic region, it was found that graphene was in-plane isotropic. Meanwhile, the in-plane deformation of the representative unit cell is not uniform along armchair direction due to the discrete and non-uniform distributions of the atoms. The fracture of graphene could be predicted using fracture criteria based on the critical bond length, over which the bond would break. It was noticed that the fracture behavior were directional dependent, which was consistent with molecular dynamics simulation results.Keywords: energy minimization, fracture, graphene, molecular mechanics
Procedia PDF Downloads 40513798 The Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on the Post-Earthquake Fire Performance of Structures
Authors: A. T. Al-Isawi, P. E. F. Collins
The behaviour of structures exposed to fire after an earthquake is not a new area of engineering research, but there remain a number of areas where further work is required. Such areas relate to the way in which seismic excitation is applied to a structure, taking into account the effect of soil-structure interaction (SSI) and the method of analysis, in addition to identifying the excitation load properties. The selection of earthquake data input for use in nonlinear analysis and the method of analysis are still challenging issues. Thus, realistic artificial ground motion input data must be developed to certify that site properties parameters adequately describe the effects of the nonlinear inelastic behaviour of the system and that the characteristics of these parameters are coherent with the characteristics of the target parameters. Conversely, ignoring the significance of some attributes, such as frequency content, soil site properties and earthquake parameters may lead to misleading results, due to the misinterpretation of required input data and the incorrect synthesise of analysis hypothesis. This paper presents a study of the post-earthquake fire (PEF) performance of a multi-storey steel-framed building resting on soft clay, taking into account the effects of the nonlinear inelastic behaviour of the structure and soil, and the soil-structure interaction (SSI). Structures subjected to an earthquake may experience various levels of damage; the geometrical damage, which indicates the change in the initial structure’s geometry due to the residual deformation as a result of plastic behaviour, and the mechanical damage which identifies the degradation of the mechanical properties of the structural elements involved in the plastic range of deformation. Consequently, the structure presumably experiences partial structural damage but is then exposed to fire under its new residual material properties, which may result in building failure caused by a decrease in fire resistance. This scenario would be more complicated if SSI was also considered. Indeed, most earthquake design codes ignore the probability of PEF as well as the effect that SSI has on the behaviour of structures, in order to simplify the analysis procedure. Therefore, the design of structures based on existing codes which neglect the importance of PEF and SSI can create a significant risk of structural failure. In order to examine the criteria for the behaviour of a structure under PEF conditions, a two-dimensional nonlinear elasto-plastic model is developed using ABAQUS software; the effects of SSI are included. Both geometrical and mechanical damages have been taken into account after the earthquake analysis step. For comparison, an identical model is also created, which does not include the effects of soil-structure interaction. It is shown that damage to structural elements is underestimated if SSI is not included in the analysis, and the maximum percentage reduction in fire resistance is detected in the case when SSI is included in the scenario. The results are validated using the literature.Keywords: Abaqus Software, Finite Element Analysis, post-earthquake fire, seismic analysis, soil-structure interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 12313797 An Atomic Finite Element Model for Mechanical Properties of Graphene Sheets
Authors: Win-Jin Chang, Haw-Long Lee, Yu-Ching Yang
In this study, we use the atomic-scale finite element method to investigate the mechanical behavior of the armchair- and zigzag-structured nanoporous graphene sheets with the clamped-free-free-free boundary condition under tension and shear loadings. The effect of porosity on Young’s modulus and shear modulus of nanoporous graphene sheets is obvious. For the armchair- and zigzag-structured nanoporous graphene sheets, Young’s modulus and shear modulus decreases with increasing porosity. Young’s modulus and shear modulus of zigzag graphene are larger than that of armchair one for the same porosity. The results are useful for application in the design of nanoporous graphene sheets.Keywords: graphene, nanoporous, Young's modulus, shear modulus
Procedia PDF Downloads 40013796 Effect of Nano-Alumina on the Mechanical Properties of Cold Recycled Asphalt
Authors: Shahab Hasani Nasab, Aran Aeini, Navid Kermanshahi
In order to reduce road building costs and reduce environmental damage, recycled materials can be used instead of mineral materials in the production of asphalt mixtures. Today, in most parts of the world, cold recycled asphalt with bitumen emulsion, has acceptable results. However, Cold Recycled Asphalt have some deficiency such as stripping, thermal cracking, and rutting. This requires the addition of additives to reduce this deficiency of recycled pavement with emulsified asphalt. In this research, nano-alumina and emulsified asphalt were used to modify the properties of recycled asphalt mixtures according to the technical specifications and the operation of cold recycling. Marshall test methods, dynamic creep test, and resiliency modulus test has been used to obtain the nano-alumina’s effects on asphalt mixture properties. The results show that the addition of nano-alumina would reduce the Marshall stability in samples but increases the rutting resistance. The resiliency modulus increases significantly with this additive.Keywords: cold asphalt, cold recycling, nano-alumina, dynamic creep, bitumen emulsion
Procedia PDF Downloads 16513795 Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Nucleating Agents
Authors: Rabindranath Jana, Plabani Basu, Keka Rana
Nucleating agents are widely used to modify the properties of various polymers. The rate of crystallization and the size of the crystals have a strong impact on mechanical and optical properties of a polymer. The addition of nucleating agents to the semi-crystalline polymers provides a surface on which the crystal growth can start easily. As a consequence, fast crystal formation will result in many small crystal domains so that the cycle times for injection molding may be reduced. Moreover, the mechanical properties e.g., modulus, tensile strength, heat distortion temperature and hardness may increase. In the present work, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) as nucleating agents for the crystallization of poly (e-caprolactone)diol (PCL). Thus nanocomposites of PCL filled with MWNTs were prepared by solution blending. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests were carried out to study the effect of CNTs on on-isothermal crystallization of PCL. The polarizing optical microscopy (POM), and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) were used to study the morphology and crystal structure of PCL and its nanocomposites. It is found that MWNTs act as effective nucleating agents that significantly shorten the induction period of crystallization and however, decrease the crystallization rate of PCL, exhibiting a remarkable decrease in the Avrami exponent n, surface folding energy σe and crystallization activation energy ΔE. The carbon-based fillers act as templates for hard block chains of PCL to form an ordered structure on the surface of nanoparticles during the induction period, bringing about some increase in equilibrium temperature. The melting process of PCL and its nanocomposites are also studied; the nanocomposites exhibit two melting peaks at higher crystallization temperature which mainly refer to the melting of the crystals with different crystal sizes however, PCL shows only one melting temperature.Keywords: poly(e-caprolactone)diol, multiwalled carbon nanotubes, composite materials, nonisothermal crystallization, crystal structure, nucleation
Procedia PDF Downloads 49613794 Static and Dynamic Analysis on a Buddhism Goddess Guanyin in Shuangyashan
Authors: Gong Kangming, Zhao Caiqi
High-rise special-shaped structure, such as main frame structure of the statues, is one of the structure forms in irregular structure widely used. Due to the complex shape of the statue structure, with a large aspect ratio, its wind load value and the overall mechanical properties are very different from the high-rise buildings with the general rules. The paper taking a certain 48 meters high main frame structure of the statue located in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, static and dynamic properties are analyzed by the finite element software. Through static and dynamic analysis, it got a number of useful conclusions that have a certain reference value for the analysis and design of the future similar structure.Keywords: a Buddhism goddess Guanyin body, wind load, dynamic analysis, bolster, node design
Procedia PDF Downloads 46713793 Optimization of Friction Stir Welding Parameters for Joining Aluminium Alloys using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network
Authors: A. M. Khourshid, A. M. El-Kassas, I. Sabry
The objective of this work was to investigate the mechanical properties in order to demonstrate the feasibility of friction stir welding for joining Al 6061 aluminium alloys. Welding was performed on pipe with different thickness (2, 3 and 4 mm), five rotational speeds (485, 710, 910, 1120 and 1400 rpm) and a traverse speed of 4mm/min. This work focuses on two methods which are artificial neural networks using software and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to predict the tensile strength, the percentage of elongation and hardness of friction stir welded 6061 aluminium alloy. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was developed for the analysis of the friction stir welding parameters of 6061 pipe. Tensile strength, the percentage of elongation and hardness of weld joints were predicted by taking the parameters tool rotation speed, material thickness and axial force as a function. A comparison was made between measured and predicted data. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was also developed and the values obtained for the response tensile strength, the percentage of elongation and hardness are compared with measured values. The effect of FSW process parameters on mechanical properties of 6061 aluminium alloy has been analysed in detail.Keywords: friction stir welding, aluminium alloy, response surface methodology, artificial neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 29413792 Silk Fibroin-PVP-Nanoparticles-Based Barrier Membranes for Tissue Regeneration
Authors: Ivone R. Oliveira, Isabela S. Gonçalves, Tiago M. B. Campos, Leandro J. Raniero, Luana M. R. Vasconcellos, João H. Lopes
Originally, the principles of guided tissue/bone regeneration (GTR/GBR) were followed to restore the architecture and functionality of the periodontal system. In essence, a biocompatible polymer-based occlusive membrane is used as a barrier to prevent migration of epithelial and connective tissue to the regenerating site. In this way, progenitor cells located in the remaining periodontal ligament can recolonize the root area and differentiate into new periodontal tissues, alveolar bone, and new connective attachment. The use of synthetic or collagen-derived membranes with or without calcium phosphate-based bone graft materials has been the treatment used. Ideally, these membranes need to exhibit sufficient initial mechanical strength to allow handling and implantation, withstand the various mechanical stresses suffered during surgery while maintaining their integrity, and support the process of bone tissue regeneration and repair by resisting cellular traction forces and wound contraction forces during tissue healing in vivo. Although different RTG/ROG products are available on the market, they have serious deficiencies in terms of mechanical strength. Aiming to improve the mechanical strength and osteogenic properties of the membrane, this work evaluated the production of membranes that integrate the biocompatibility of the natural polymer (silk fibroin - FS) and the synthetic polymer poly(vinyl pyrrolidone - PVP) with graphene nanoplates (NPG) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), using the electrospinning equipment (AeroSpinner L1.0 from Areka) which allows the execution of high voltage spinning and/or solution blowing and with a high production rate, enabling development on an industrial scale. Silk fibroin uniquely solved many of the problems presented by collagen and was used in this work because it has unique combined merits, such as programmable biodegradability, biocompatibility and sustainable large-scale production. Graphene has attracted considerable attention in recent years as a potential biomaterial for mechanical reinforcement because of its unique physicochemical properties and was added to improve the mechanical properties of the membranes associated or not with the presence of AuNPs, which have shown great potential in regulating osteoblast activity. The preparation of FS from silkworm cocoons involved cleaning, degumming, dissolution in lithium bromide, dialysis, lyophilization and dissolution in hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) to prepare the solution for electrospinning, and crosslinking tests were performed in methanol. The NPGs were characterized and underwent treatment in nitric acid for functionalization to improve the adhesion of the nanoplates to the PVP fibers. PVP-NPG membranes were produced with 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 wt% functionalized or not and evaluated by SEM/FEG, FTIR, mechanical strength and cell culture assays. Functionalized GNP particles showed stronger binding, remaining adhered to the fibers. Increasing the graphene content resulted in higher mechanical strength of the membrane and greater biocompatibility. The production of FS-PVP-NPG-AuNPs hybrid membranes was performed by electrospinning in separate syringes and simultaneously the FS solution and the solution containing PVP-NPG 1.5 wt% in the presence or absence of AuNPs. After cross-linking, they were characterized by SEM/FEG, FTIR and behavior in cell culture. The presence of NPG-AuNPs increased the viability and the presence of mineralization nodules.Keywords: barrier membranes, silk fibroin, nanoparticles, tissue regeneration.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1613791 Release of PVA from PVA/PA Compounds into Water Solutions
Authors: J. Klofac, P. Bazant, I. Kuritka
This work is focused on the preparation of polymeric blend composed of polyamide (PA) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with the intention to explore its basic characteristics important for potential use in medicine, especially for drug delivery systems. PA brings brilliant mechanical properties to the blend while PVA is inevitable due to its water solubility. Blend with different PA/PVA ratios were prepared and the release study of PVA into the water was carried out in a time interval 0-48 hours via the gravimetric method. The weight decrease is caused by the leaching of PVA domains what can be also followed by the optical and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, the thermal properties and the miscibility of blend components were evaluated by the differential scanning calorimeter. On the bases of performed experiments, it was found that the kinetics, continuity development and micro structure features of PA/PVA blends is strongly dependent on the blend composition and miscibility of its components.Keywords: releas study, polyvinyl alcohol, polyamide morphology, polymeric blend
Procedia PDF Downloads 39713790 Exploring the Application of Additive Manufacturing in the Production of Aerogels for the Purpose of Creating Environmentally Friendly Agricultural Formulations with Controlled Release Properties
Authors: Pram Abhayawardhana, Ali Reza Nazmi, Hossein Najaf Zadeh
This study examines the use of additive manufacturing (AM) to develop sustainable and intelligent agricultural formulations that can gradually release fertilisers. AM offers the ability to design customised formulations with precise geometries and controlled release properties while taking into account their mechanical, chemical, and environmental properties. The study specifically investigates the use of an aerogel matrix mixed with a potential fertiliser in agriculture. Highly porous 3D printed aerogel structures were designed to enable the slow release of fertilisers. The performance of the formulated mixture is evaluated against other commonly used materials for slow-release applications. The findings suggest that the 3D printed gel made has great potential for slow-release fertilisers, providing an environmentally friendly solution for agricultural practices. The combination of AM technology and sustainable materials can play a vital role in mitigating the negative environmental impact of traditional fertilisers, as well as improving the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural production.Keywords: 3D printing, hydrogel, aerogel, fertiliser, agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 9513789 Development of an Auxetic Tissue Implant
Authors: Sukhwinder K. Bhullar, M. B. G. Jun
The developments in biomedical industry have demanded the development of biocompatible, high performance materials to meet higher engineering specifications. The general requirements of such materials are to provide a combination of high stiffness and strength with significant weight savings, resistance to corrosion, chemical resistance, low maintenance, and reduced costs. Auxetic materials which come under the category of smart materials offer huge potential through measured enhancements in mechanical properties. Unique deformation mechanism, providing cushioning on indentation, automatically adjustable with its strength and thickness in response to forces and having memory returns to its neutral state on dissipation of stresses make them good candidate in biomedical industry. As simple extension and compression of tissues is of fundamental importance in biomechanics, therefore, to study the elastic behaviour of auxetic soft tissues implant is targeted in this paper. Therefore development and characterization of auxetic soft tissue implant is studied in this paper. This represents a real life configuration where soft tissue such as meniscus in knee replacement, ligaments and tendons often are taken as transversely isotropic. Further, as composition of alternating polydisperse blocks of soft and stiff segments combined with excellent biocompatibility make polyurethanes one of the most promising synthetic biomaterials. Hence selecting auxetic polyurathylene foam functional characterization is performed and compared with conventional polyurathylene foam.Keywords: auxetic materials, deformation mechanism, enhanced mechanical properties, soft tissues
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