Search results for: parenting effectiveness
3084 MIOM: A Mixed-Initiative Operational Model for Robots in Urban Search and Rescue
Authors: Mario Gianni, Federico Nardi, Federico Ferri, Filippo Cantucci, Manuel A. Ruiz Garcia, Karthik Pushparaj, Fiora Pirri
In this paper, we describe a Mixed-Initiative Operational Model (MIOM) which directly intervenes on the state of the functionalities embedded into a robot for Urban Search&Rescue (USAR) domain applications. MIOM extends the reasoning capabilities of the vehicle, i.e. mapping, path planning, visual perception and trajectory tracking, with operator knowledge. Especially in USAR scenarios, this coupled initiative has the main advantage of enhancing the overall performance of a rescue mission. In-field experiments with rescue responders have been carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of this operational model.Keywords: mixed-initiative planning and control, operator control interfaces for rescue robotics, situation awareness, urban search, rescue robotics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3763083 Artificial Neural Networks with Decision Trees for Diagnosis Issues
Authors: Y. Kourd, D. Lefebvre, N. Guersi
This paper presents a new idea for fault detection and isolation (FDI) technique which is applied to industrial system. This technique is based on Neural Networks fault-free and Faulty behaviors Models (NNFM's). NNFM's are used for residual generation, while decision tree architecture is used for residual evaluation. The decision tree is realized with data collected from the NNFM’s outputs and is used to isolate detectable faults depending on computed threshold. Each part of the tree corresponds to specific residual. With the decision tree, it becomes possible to take the appropriate decision regarding the actual process behavior by evaluating few numbers of residuals. In comparison to usual systematic evaluation of all residuals, the proposed technique requires less computational effort and can be used for on line diagnosis. An application example is presented to illustrate and confirm the effectiveness and the accuracy of the proposed approach.Keywords: neural networks, decision trees, diagnosis, behaviors
Procedia PDF Downloads 5083082 Entropy Generation Analysis of Heat Recovery Vapor Generator for Ammonia-Water Mixture
Authors: Chul Ho Han, Kyoung Hoon Kim
This paper carries out a performance analysis based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics for heat recovery vapor generator (HRVG) of ammonia-water mixture when the heat source is low-temperature energy in the form of sensible heat. In the analysis, effects of the ammonia mass concentration and mass flow ratio of the binary mixture are investigated on the system performance including the effectiveness of heat transfer, entropy generation, and exergy efficiency. The results show that the ammonia concentration and the mass flow ratio of the mixture have significant effects on the system performance of HRVG.Keywords: entropy, exergy, ammonia-water mixture, heat exchanger
Procedia PDF Downloads 3993081 An Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Multiobjective Problems
Authors: Houda Abadlia, Nadia Smairi, Khaled Ghedira
Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) has shown an effective performance for solving test functions and real-world optimization problems. However, this method has a premature convergence problem, which may lead to lack of diversity. In order to improve its performance, this paper presents a hybrid approach which embedded the MOPSO into the island model and integrated a local search technique, Variable Neighborhood Search, to enhance the diversity into the swarm. Experiments on two series of test functions have shown the effectiveness of the proposed approach. A comparison with other evolutionary algorithms shows that the proposed approach presented a good performance in solving multiobjective optimization problems.Keywords: particle swarm optimization, migration, variable neighborhood search, multiobjective optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1683080 Development of New Technology Evaluation Model by Using Patent Information and Customers' Review Data
Authors: Kisik Song, Kyuwoong Kim, Sungjoo Lee
Many global firms and corporations derive new technology and opportunity by identifying vacant technology from patent analysis. However, previous studies failed to focus on technologies that promised continuous growth in industrial fields. Most studies that derive new technology opportunities do not test practical effectiveness. Since previous studies depended on expert judgment, it became costly and time-consuming to evaluate new technologies based on patent analysis. Therefore, research suggests a quantitative and systematic approach to technology evaluation indicators by using patent data to and from customer communities. The first step involves collecting two types of data. The data is used to construct evaluation indicators and apply these indicators to the evaluation of new technologies. This type of data mining allows a new method of technology evaluation and better predictor of how new technologies are adopted.Keywords: data mining, evaluating new technology, technology opportunity, patent analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3783079 Neuropedagogy as a Scientific Discipline: Interdisciplinary Description of the Theoretical Basis for the Development of a Research Field
Authors: M. Chojak
Recently, more and more scientific disciplines refer to research in the field of neurobiology. Interdisciplinary research procedures are created using modern methods of brain imaging. Neither did the pedagogues start looking for neuronal conditions for various processes. The publications began to show concepts such as ‘neuropedagogy’, ‘neuroeducation’, ‘neurodidactics’, ‘brain-friendly education’. They were and are still used interchangeably. In the offer of training for teachers, the topics of multiple intelligences or educational kinesiology began to be more and more popular. These and other ideas have been actively introduced into the curricula. To our best knowledge, the literature on the subject lacks articles organizing the new nomenclature and indicating the methodological framework for research that would confirm the effectiveness of the above-mentioned innovations. The author of this article tries to find the place for neuropedagogy in the system of sciences, define its subject of research, methodological framework and basic concepts. This is necessary to plan studies that will verify the so-called neuromyths.Keywords: brain, education, neuropedagogy, research
Procedia PDF Downloads 1733078 Sliding Mode Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Authors: Ahmad Forouzantabar, Mohammad Azadi, Alireza Alesaadi
This paper describes a sliding mode controller for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The dynamic of AUV model is highly nonlinear because of many factors, such as hydrodynamic drag, damping, and lift forces, Coriolis and centripetal forces, gravity and buoyancy forces, as well as forces from thruster. To address these difficulties, a nonlinear sliding mode controller is designed to approximate the nonlinear dynamics of AUV and improve trajectory tracking. Moreover, the proposed controller can profoundly attenuate the effects of uncertainties and external disturbances in the closed-loop system. Using the Lyapunov theory the boundedness of AUV tracking errors and the stability of the proposed control system are also guaranteed. Numerical simulation studies of an AUV are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the presented approach.Keywords: lyapunov stability, autonomous underwater vehicle, sliding mode controller, electronics engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 6133077 A Comparative Study of Approaches in User-Centred Health Information Retrieval
Authors: Harsh Thakkar, Ganesh Iyer
In this paper, we survey various user-centered or context-based biomedical health information retrieval systems. We present and discuss the performance of systems submitted in CLEF eHealth 2014 Task 3 for this purpose. We classify and focus on comparing the two most prevalent retrieval models in biomedical information retrieval namely: Language Model (LM) and Vector Space Model (VSM). We also report on the effectiveness of using external medical resources and ontologies like MeSH, Metamap, UMLS, etc. We observed that the LM based retrieval systems outperform VSM based systems on various fronts. From the results we conclude that the state-of-art system scores for MAP was 0.4146, P@10 was 0.7560 and NDCG@10 was 0.7445, respectively. All of these score were reported by systems built on language modeling approaches.Keywords: clinical document retrieval, concept-based information retrieval, query expansion, language models, vector space models
Procedia PDF Downloads 3213076 Reflection on Using Bar Model Method in Learning and Teaching Primary Mathematics: A Hong Kong Case Study
Authors: Chui Ka Shing
This case study research attempts to examine the use of the Bar Model Method approach in learning and teaching mathematics in a primary school in Hong Kong. The objectives of the study are to find out to what extent (a) the Bar Model Method approach enhances the construction of students’ mathematics concepts, and (b) the school-based mathematics curriculum development with adopting the Bar Model Method approach. This case study illuminates the effectiveness of using the Bar Model Method to solve mathematics problems from Primary 1 to Primary 6. Some effective pedagogies and assessments were developed to strengthen the use of the Bar Model Method across year levels. Suggestions including school-based curriculum development for using Bar Model Method and further study were discussed.Keywords: bar model method, curriculum development, mathematics education, problem solving
Procedia PDF Downloads 2213075 Study on Inverse Solution from Remote Displacements to Reservoir Process during Flow Injection
Either during water or gas injection into reservoir, in order to understand the areal flow pressure distribution underground, associated bounding deformation is prevalently monitored by ground or downhole tiltmeters. In this paper, an inverse solution to elastic response of far field displacements induced by reservoir pressure change due to flow injection was studied. Furthermore, the fundamental theory on inverse solution to elastic problem as well as its spatial smoothing approach is presented. Taking advantage of source code development based on Boundary Element Method, numerical analysis on the monitoring data of ground surface displacements to further understand the behavior of reservoir process was developed. Numerical examples were also conducted to verify the effectiveness.Keywords: remote displacement, inverse problem, boundary element method, BEM, reservoir process
Procedia PDF Downloads 1193074 Testing Nitrogen and Iron Based Compounds as an Environmentally Safer Alternative to Control Broadleaf Weeds in Turf
Authors: Simran Gill, Samuel Bartels
Turfgrass is an important component of urban and rural lawns and landscapes. However, broadleaf weeds such as dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) and white clovers (Trifolium repens) pose major challenges to the health and aesthetics of turfgrass fields. Chemical weed control methods, such as 2,4-D weedicides, have been widely deployed; however, their safety and environmental impacts are often debated. Alternative, environmentally friendly control methods have been considered, but experimental tests for their effectiveness have been limited. This study investigates the use and effectiveness of nitrogen and iron compounds as nutrient management methods of weed control. In a two-phase experiment, the first conducted on a blend of cool season turfgrasses in plastic containers, the blend included Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and Creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra) grown under controlled conditions in the greenhouse, involved the application of different combinations of nitrogen (urea and ammonium sulphate) and iron (chelated iron and iron sulphate) compounds and their combinations (urea × chelated iron, urea × iron sulphate, ammonium sulphate × chelated iron, ammonium sulphate × iron sulphate) contrasted with chemical 2, 4-D weedicide and a control (no application) treatment. There were three replicates of each of the treatments, resulting in a total of 30 treatment combinations. The parameters assessed during weekly data collection included a visual quality rating of weeds (nominal scale of 0-9), number of leaves, longest leaf span, number of weeds, chlorophyll fluorescence of grass, the visual quality rating of grass (0-9), and the weight of dried grass clippings. The results drawn from the experiment conducted over the period of 12 weeks, with three applications each at an interval of every 4 weeks, stated that the combination of ammonium sulphate and iron sulphate appeared to be most effective in halting the growth and establishment of dandelions and clovers while it also improved turf health. The second phase of the experiment, which involved the ammonium sulphate × iron sulphate, weedicide, and control treatments, was conducted outdoors on already established perennial turf with weeds under natural field conditions. After 12 weeks of observation, the results were comparable among the treatments in terms of weed control, but the ammonium sulphate × iron sulphate treatment fared much better in terms of the improved visual quality of the turf and other quality ratings. Preliminary results from these experiments thus suggest that nutrient management based on nitrogen and iron compounds could be a useful environmentally friendly alternative for controlling broadleaf weeds and improving the health and quality of turfgrass.Keywords: broadleaf weeds, nitrogen, iron, turfgrass
Procedia PDF Downloads 753073 Force Feedback Enabled Syringe for Aspiration and Biopsy
Authors: Pelin Su Firat, Sohyung Cho
Biopsy or aspiration procedures are known to be complicated as they involve the penetration of a needle through human tissues, including vital organs. This research presents the design of a force sensor-guided device to be used with syringes and needles for aspiration and biopsy. The development of the device was aimed to help accomplish accurate needle placement and increase the performance of the surgeon in navigating the tool and tracking the target. Specifically, a prototype for a force-sensor embedded syringe has been created using 3D (3-Dimensional) modeling and printing techniques in which two different force sensors were used to provide significant force feedback to users during the operations when needles pernitrate different tissues. From the extensive tests using synthetic tissues, it is shown that the proposed syringe design has accomplished the desired accuracy, efficiency, repeatability, and effectiveness. Further development is desirable through usability tests.Keywords: biopsy, syringe, force sensors, haptic feedback
Procedia PDF Downloads 713072 Secured Power flow Algorithm Including Economic Dispatch with GSDF Matrix Using LabVIEW
Authors: Slimane Souag, Amel Graa, Farid Benhamida
In this paper we present a new method for solving the secured power flow problem by the economic dispatch using DC power flow method and Generation Shift Distribution Factor (GSDF), in this work we create a graphical interface in LabVIEW as a virtual instrument. Hence the dc power flow reduces the power flow problem to a set of linear equations, which make the iterative calculation very fast and the GSFD matrix present the effects of single and multiple generator MW change on the transmission line. The effectiveness of the method developed is identified through its application to an IEEE-14 bus test system. The calculation results show excellent performance of the proposed method, in regard to computation time and quality of results.Keywords: electrical power system security, economic dispatch, sensitivity matrix, labview
Procedia PDF Downloads 4893071 Person Re-Identification using Siamese Convolutional Neural Network
Authors: Sello Mokwena, Monyepao Thabang
In this study, we propose a comprehensive approach to address the challenges in person re-identification models. By combining a centroid tracking algorithm with a Siamese convolutional neural network model, our method excels in detecting, tracking, and capturing robust person features across non-overlapping camera views. The algorithm efficiently identifies individuals in the camera network, while the neural network extracts fine-grained global features for precise cross-image comparisons. The approach's effectiveness is further accentuated by leveraging the camera network topology for guidance. Our empirical analysis on benchmark datasets highlights its competitive performance, particularly evident when background subtraction techniques are selectively applied, underscoring its potential in advancing person re-identification techniques.Keywords: camera network, convolutional neural network topology, person tracking, person re-identification, siamese
Procedia PDF Downloads 733070 The Importance of SEEQ in Teaching Evaluation of Undergraduate Engineering Education in India
Authors: Aabha Chaubey, Bani Bhattacharya
Evaluation of the quality of teaching in engineering education in India needs to be conducted on a continuous basis to achieve the best teaching quality in technical education. Quality teaching is an influential factor in technical education which impacts largely on learning outcomes of the students. Present study is not exclusively theory-driven, but it draws on various specific concepts and constructs in the domain of technical education. These include teaching and learning in higher education, teacher effectiveness, and teacher evaluation and performance management in higher education. Student Evaluation of Education Quality (SEEQ) was proposed as one of the evaluation instruments of the quality teaching in engineering education. SEEQ is one of the popular and standard instrument widely utilized all over the world and bears the validity and reliability in educational world. The present study was designed to evaluate the teaching quality through SEEQ in the context of technical education in India, including its validity and reliability based on the collected data. The multiple dimensionality of SEEQ that is present in every teaching and learning process made it quite suitable to collect the feedback of students regarding the quality of instructions and instructor. The SEEQ comprises of 9 original constructs i.e.; learning value, teacher enthusiasm, organization, group interaction, and individual rapport, breadth of coverage, assessment, assignments and overall rating of particular course and instructor with total of 33 items. In the present study, a total of 350 samples comprising first year undergraduate students from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT, Kharagpur, India) were included for the evaluation of the importance of SEEQ. They belonged to four different courses of different streams of engineering studies. The above studies depicted the validity and reliability of SEEQ was based upon the collected data. This further needs Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Analysis of Moment structure (AMOS) for various scaled instrument like SEEQ Cronbach’s alpha which are associated with SPSS for the examination of the internal consistency. The evaluation of the effectiveness of SEEQ in CFA is implemented on the basis of fit indices such as CMIN/df, CFI, GFI, AGFI and RMSEA readings. The major findings of this study showed the fitness indices such as ChiSq = 993.664,df = 390,ChiSq/df = 2.548,GFI = 0.782,AGFI = 0.736,CFI = 0.848,RMSEA = 0.062,TLI = 0.945,RMR = 0.029,PCLOSE = 0.006. The final analysis of the fit indices presented positive construct validity and stability, on the other hand a higher reliability was also depicted which indicated towards internal consistency. Thus, the study suggests the effectivity of SEEQ as the indicator of the quality evaluation instrument in teaching-learning process in engineering education in India. Therefore, it is expected that with the continuation of this research in engineering education there remains a possibility towards the betterment of the quality of the technical education in India. It is also expected that this study will provide an empirical and theoretical logic towards locating a construct or factor related to teaching, which has the greatest impact on teaching and learning process in a particular course or stream in engineering education.Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis, engineering education, SEEQ, teaching and learning process
Procedia PDF Downloads 4233069 Fuzzy-Sliding Controller Design for Induction Motor Control
Authors: M. Bouferhane, A. Boukhebza, L. Hatab
In this paper, the position control of linear induction motor using fuzzy sliding mode controller design is proposed. First, the indirect field oriented control LIM is derived. Then, a designed sliding mode control system with an integral-operation switching surface is investigated, in which a simple adaptive algorithm is utilized for generalised soft-switching parameter. Finally, a fuzzy sliding mode controller is derived to compensate the uncertainties which occur in the control, in which the fuzzy logic system is used to dynamically control parameter settings of the SMC control law. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is verified by numerical simulation. The experimental results of the proposed scheme have presented good performances compared to the conventional sliding mode controller.Keywords: linear induction motor, vector control, backstepping, fuzzy-sliding mode control
Procedia PDF Downloads 4903068 Robust Stabilization of Rotational Motion of Underwater Robots against Parameter Uncertainties
Authors: Riku Hayashida, Tomoaki Hashimoto
This paper provides a robust stabilization method for rotational motion of underwater robots against parameter uncertainties. Underwater robots are expected to be used for various work assignments. The large variety of applications of underwater robots motivates researchers to develop control systems and technologies for underwater robots. Several control methods have been proposed so far for the stabilization of nominal system model of underwater robots with no parameter uncertainty. Parameter uncertainties are considered to be obstacles in implementation of the such nominal control methods for underwater robots. The objective of this study is to establish a robust stabilization method for rotational motion of underwater robots against parameter uncertainties. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by numerical simulations.Keywords: robust control, stabilization method, underwater robot, parameter uncertainty
Procedia PDF Downloads 1613067 Shared Vision System Support for Maintenance Tasks of Wind Turbines
Authors: Buket Celik Ünal, Onur Ünal
Communication is the most challenging part of maintenance operations. Communication between expert and fieldworker is crucial for effective maintenance and this also affects the safety of the fieldworkers. To support a machine user in a remote collaborative physical task, both, a mobile and a stationary device are needed. Such a system is called a shared vision system and the system supports two people to solve a problem from different places. This system reduces the errors and provides a reliable support for qualified and less qualified users. Through this research, it was aimed to validate the effectiveness of using a shared vision system to facilitate communication between on-site workers and those issuing instructions regarding maintenance or inspection works over long distances. The system is designed with head-worn display which is called a shared vision system. As a part of this study, a substitute system is used and implemented by using a shared vision system for maintenance operation. The benefits of the use of a shared vision system are analyzed and results are adapted to the wind turbines to improve the occupational safety and health for maintenance technicians. The motivation for the research effort in this study can be summarized in the following research questions: -How can expert support technician over long distances during maintenance operation? -What are the advantages of using a shared vision system? Experience from the experiment shows that using a shared vision system is an advantage for both electrical and mechanical system failures. Results support that the shared vision system can be used for wind turbine maintenance and repair tasks. Because wind turbine generator/gearbox and the substitute system have similar failures. Electrical failures, such as voltage irregularities, wiring failures and mechanical failures, such as alignment, vibration, over-speed conditions are the common and similar failures for both. Furthermore, it was analyzed the effectiveness of the shared vision system by using a smart glasses in connection with the maintenance task performed by a substitute system under four different circumstances, namely by using a shared vision system, an audio communication, a smartphone and by yourself condition. A suitable method for determining dependencies between factors measured in Chi Square Test, and Chi Square Test for Independence measured for determining a relationship between two qualitative variables and finally Mann Whitney U Test is used to compare any two data sets. While based on this experiment, no relation was found between the results and the gender. Participants` responses confirmed that the shared vision system is efficient and helpful for maintenance operations. From the results of the research, there was a statistically significant difference in the average time taken by subjects on works using a shared vision system under the other conditions. Additionally, this study confirmed that a shared vision system provides reduction in time to diagnose and resolve maintenance issues, reduction in diagnosis errors, reduced travel costs for experts, and increased reliability in service.Keywords: communication support, maintenance and inspection tasks, occupational health and safety, shared vision system
Procedia PDF Downloads 2613066 Features for Measuring Credibility on Facebook Information
Authors: Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Chaluemwut Noyunsan
Nowadays social media information, such as news, links, images, or VDOs, is shared extensively. However, the effectiveness of disseminating information through social media lacks in quality: less fact checking, more biases, and several rumors. Many researchers have investigated about credibility on Twitter, but there is no the research report about credibility information on Facebook. This paper proposes features for measuring credibility on Facebook information. We developed the system for credibility on Facebook. First, we have developed FB credibility evaluator for measuring credibility of each post by manual human’s labelling. We then collected the training data for creating a model using Support Vector Machine (SVM). Secondly, we developed a chrome extension of FB credibility for Facebook users to evaluate the credibility of each post. Based on the usage analysis of our FB credibility chrome extension, about 81% of users’ responses agree with suggested credibility automatically computed by the proposed system.Keywords: facebook, social media, credibility measurement, internet
Procedia PDF Downloads 3563065 Twitter's Impact on Print Media with Respect to Real World Events
Authors: Basit Shahzad, Abdullatif M. Abdullatif
Recent advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and easy access to Internet have made social media the first choice for information sharing related to any important events or news. On Twitter, trend is a common feature that quantifies the level of popularity of a certain news or event. In this work, we examine the impact of Twitter trends on real world events by hypothesizing that Twitter trends have an influence on print media in Pakistan. For this, Twitter is used as a platform and Twitter trends as a base line. We first collect data from two sources (Twitter trends and print media) in the period May to August 2016. Obtained data from two sources is analyzed and it is observed that social media is significantly influencing the print media and majority of the news printed in newspaper are posted on Twitter earlier.Keywords: twitter trends, text mining, effectiveness of trends, print media
Procedia PDF Downloads 2603064 Activism: An Experiential Sharing of Impacts on Businesses and Ways to Engage Activists
Authors: Lee Kar Heng
Activists are people who use strong actions such as public protests or social media accusations in support of or opposition to controversial issues. While activism is the act of using such vigorous campaigns and actions to achieve political or social changes by the activists, today, the pressure and stresses from activism do not only grow in terms of civil rights but also in racial justice, labour reforms, and environmental change, to name a few. Some activism acts are constructive, but many are destructive, and they affect businesses as activists direct their sights on corporations, business entities, and organizations to achieve their supporting objectives beyond reasonable means. The paper attempts to share experiences of businesses being attacked by activists and how the attacks are mitigated. In sharing, this paper will discuss the effectiveness of the activist action and ways to react to them. The positive and negative impacts caused by activists' support action against corporations are also discussed.Keywords: activism, conflicts, business, social responsibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 813063 Microstructural Investigations of Metal Oxides Encapsulated Thermochromic Materials
Authors: Yusuf Emirov, Abdullatif Hakami, Prasanta K Biswas, Elias K Stefanakos, Sesha S Srinivasan
This study is aimed to develop microencapsulated thermochromic materials and the analysis of core-shell formation using high resolution electron microscopy. The candidate metal oxides (e.g., titanium oxide and silicon oxide) used for the microencapsulation of thermochromic materials are based on the microemulsion route that involves the micelle formation using different surfactants. The effectiveness of the core-shell microstructure formationrevealed the influence of surfactants and the metal oxide precursor concentrations. Additionally, a detailed thermal and color chromic behavior of these core-shell microcapsules are evaluated with the pristine thermochromic dye particles.Keywords: core-shell thermochromic materials, core-shell microstructure formation, thermal and color chromic behavior of core-shell microcapsules, development micro-capsulated thermochromic materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 1593062 Application of Artificial Immune Systems Combined with Collaborative Filtering in Movie Recommendation System
Authors: Pei-Chann Chang, Jhen-Fu Liao, Chin-Hung Teng, Meng-Hui Chen
This research combines artificial immune system with user and item based collaborative filtering to create an efficient and accurate recommendation system. By applying the characteristic of antibodies and antigens in the artificial immune system and using Pearson correlation coefficient as the affinity threshold to cluster the data, our collaborative filtering can effectively find useful users and items for rating prediction. This research uses MovieLens dataset as our testing target to evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithm developed in this study. The experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively and accurately predict the movie ratings. Compared to some state of the art collaborative filtering systems, our system outperforms them in terms of the mean absolute error on the MovieLens dataset.Keywords: artificial immune system, collaborative filtering, recommendation system, similarity
Procedia PDF Downloads 5363061 Reinforcing The Nagoya Protocol through a Coherent Global Intellectual Property Framework: Effective Protection for Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources in Biodiverse African States
Authors: Oluwatobiloba Moody
On October 12, 2014, the Nagoya Protocol, negotiated by Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), entered into force. The Protocol was negotiated to implement the third objective of the CBD which relates to the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources (GRs). The Protocol aims to ‘protect’ GRs and traditional knowledge (TK) associated with GRs from ‘biopiracy’, through the establishment of a binding international regime on access and benefit sharing (ABS). In reflecting on the question of ‘effectiveness’ in the Protocol’s implementation, this paper argues that the underlying problem of ‘biopiracy’, which the Protocol seeks to address, is one which goes beyond the ABS regime. It rather thrives due to indispensable factors emanating from the global intellectual property (IP) regime. It contends that biopiracy therefore constitutes an international problem of ‘borders’ as much as of ‘regimes’ and, therefore, while the implementation of the Protocol may effectively address the ‘trans-border’ issues which have hitherto troubled African provider countries in their establishment of regulatory mechanisms, it remains unable to address the ‘trans-regime’ issues related to the eradication of biopiracy, especially those issues which involve the IP regime. This is due to the glaring incoherence in the Nagoya Protocol’s implementation and the existing global IP system. In arriving at conclusions, the paper examines the ongoing related discussions within the IP regime, specifically those within the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) and the WTO TRIPS Council. It concludes that the Protocol’s effectiveness in protecting TK associated with GRs is conditional on the attainment of outcomes, within the ongoing negotiations of the IP regime, which could be implemented in a coherent manner with the Nagoya Protocol. It proposes specific ways to achieve this coherence. Three main methodological steps have been incorporated in the paper’s development. First, a review of data accumulated over a two year period arising from the coordination of six important negotiating sessions of the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore. In this respect, the research benefits from reflections on the political, institutional and substantive nuances which have coloured the IP negotiations and which provide both the context and subtext to emerging texts. Second, a desktop review of the history, nature and significance of the Nagoya Protocol, using relevant primary and secondary literature from international and national sources. Third, a comparative analysis of selected biopiracy cases is undertaken for the purpose of establishing the inseparability of the IP regime and the ABS regime in the conceptualization and development of solutions to biopiracy. A comparative analysis of select African regulatory mechanisms (Kenya, South Africa and Ethiopia and the ARIPO Swakopmund Protocol) for the protection of TK is also undertaken.Keywords: biopiracy, intellectual property, Nagoya protocol, traditional knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 4313060 Analytical Design of IMC-PID Controller for Ideal Decoupling Embedded in Multivariable Smith Predictor Control System
Authors: Le Hieu Giang, Truong Nguyen Luan Vu, Le Linh
In this paper, the analytical tuning rules of IMC-PID controller are presented for the multivariable Smith predictor that involved the ideal decoupling. Accordingly, the decoupler is first introduced into the multivariable Smith predictor control system by a well-known approach of ideal decoupling, which is compactly extended for general nxn multivariable processes and the multivariable Smith predictor controller is then obtained in terms of the multiple single-loop Smith predictor controllers. The tuning rules of PID controller in series with filter are found by using Maclaurin approximation. Many multivariable industrial processes are employed to demonstrate the simplicity and effectiveness of the presented method. The simulation results show the superior performances of presented method in compared with the other methods.Keywords: ideal decoupler, IMC-PID controller, multivariable smith predictor, Padé approximation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4213059 Influence of Synthetic Antioxidant in the Iodine Value and Acid Number of Jatropha Curcas Biodiesel
Authors: Supriyono, Sumardiyono
Biodiesel is one of the alternative fuels that promising for substituting petrodiesel as energy source which is have advantage on sustainability and eco-friendly. Due to the raw material that tend to decompose during storage, biodiesel also have the same characteristic that tend to decompose and formed higher acid value which is the result of oxidation to double bond on a chain of ester. Decomposition of biodiesel due to oxidation reaction could prevent by introduce a small amount of antioxidant. The origin of raw materials and the process for producing biodiesel will determine the effectiveness of antioxidant. The quality degradation on biodiesel could evaluated by measuring iodine value and acid number of biodiesel. Biodiesel made from High Fatty Acid Jatropha curcas oil equality by using esterification and esterification process will stand on the quality by introduce 90 ppm pyrogallol powder on the biodiesel, which could extend the quality from 2 hours to more than 6 hours in rancimat test evaluation.Keywords: biodiesel, antioxidant, iodine number, acid value
Procedia PDF Downloads 3113058 Understanding Primary School Students’ Beliefs Regarding the Adoption of Pro-Environmental Behaviors
Authors: Astrid de Leeuw, Pierre Valois
Environmental education is the key to enhancing or changing students’ ways of thinking and acting in order to create an environmentally robust future for all. The present study investigates the beliefs of 812 primary school students, which merit consideration when developing educational interventions. Results of multiple regression analyses reveal that educational interventions should focus on promoting students’ feelings of control over pro-environmental behaviors (PEB). For example, schools could provide recycling bins on the premises. Furthermore, it is critical to develop positive attitudes in students by stressing the various benefits of PEB for keeping our planet clean and protecting wildlife. Unfortunately, our results indicate that students believe that PEB is boring and annoying. Suggestions are offered for making PEB more interesting and relevant. Further research is needed to test the effectiveness of interventions based on the present results.Keywords: pro-environmental behavior, primary school students, theory of planned behavior, beliefs, educational interventions
Procedia PDF Downloads 5063057 Model of Optimal Centroids Approach for Multivariate Data Classification
Authors: Pham Van Nha, Le Cam Binh
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based stochastic optimization algorithm. PSO was inspired by the natural behavior of birds and fish in migration and foraging for food. PSO is considered as a multidisciplinary optimization model that can be applied in various optimization problems. PSO’s ideas are simple and easy to understand but PSO is only applied in simple model problems. We think that in order to expand the applicability of PSO in complex problems, PSO should be described more explicitly in the form of a mathematical model. In this paper, we represent PSO in a mathematical model and apply in the multivariate data classification. First, PSOs general mathematical model (MPSO) is analyzed as a universal optimization model. Then, Model of Optimal Centroids (MOC) is proposed for the multivariate data classification. Experiments were conducted on some benchmark data sets to prove the effectiveness of MOC compared with several proposed schemes.Keywords: analysis of optimization, artificial intelligence based optimization, optimization for learning and data analysis, global optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2093056 A Systematic Review of Ethical Leadership in Tourism and Hospitality Settings
Authors: Majd Megheirkouni
The aim of this study is to identify empirical studies that explore and investigate ethical leadership in order to assess and synthesize its impacts and outcomes. This study seeks to provide an evidence-informed answer to a set of questions on ethical leadership definition in the field of tourism and hospitality, its investigation, and examination, and its outcome. A systematic literature review, using medical science-based methodology, was conducted to synthesize research by reliable means. Four themes were identified from the analysis. These themes are: Ethical leaders’ characteristics, healthy work environment, ethical leadership effectiveness, and the application of ethical leadership across cultures. This study provides the potential to move hospitality and tourism leadership forward and encourage researchers to investigate new research topics. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first systematic review focusing on ethical leadership in tourism and hospitality settings.Keywords: ethical leadership, approach, outcome, tourism, hospitality, systematic review
Procedia PDF Downloads 1033055 Design of Wide-Range Variable Fractional-Delay FIR Digital Filters
Authors: Jong-Jy Shyu, Soo-Chang Pei, Yun-Da Huang
In this paper, design of wide-range variable fractional-delay (WR-VFD) finite impulse response (FIR) digital filters is proposed. With respect to the conventional VFD filter which is designed such that its delay is adjustable within one unit, the proposed VFD FIR filter is designed such that its delay can be tunable within a wider range. By the traces of coefficients of the fractional-delay FIR filter, it is found that the conventional method of polynomial substitution for filter coefficients no longer satisfies the design demand, and the circuits perform the sinc function (sinc converter) are added to overcome this problem. In this paper, least-squares method is adopted to design WR-VFD FIR filter. Throughout this paper, several examples will be proposed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented methods.Keywords: digital filter, FIR filter, variable fractional-delay (VFD) filter, least-squares approximation
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