Search results for: localized surface plasmon resonance effect
19007 A Calibration Method for Temperature Distribution Measurement of Thermochromic Liquid Crystal Based on Mathematical Morphology of Hue Image
Authors: Risti Suryantari, Flaviana
The aim of this research is to design calibration method of Thermochromic Liquid Crystal for temperature distribution measurement based on mathematical morphology of hue image A glass of water is placed on the surface of sample TLC R25C5W at certain temperature. We use scanner for image acquisition. The true images in RGB format is converted to HSV (hue, saturation, value) by taking of hue without saturation and value. Then the hue images is processed based on mathematical morphology using Matlab2013a software to get better images. There are differences on the final images after processing at each temperature variation based on visualization observation and the statistic value. The value of maximum and mean increase with rising temperature. It could be parameter to identify the temperature of the human body surface like hand or foot surface.Keywords: thermochromic liquid crystal, TLC, mathematical morphology, hue image
Procedia PDF Downloads 47719006 Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Surface Roughness in Ultra High Precision Grinding of Borosilicate-Crown Glass
Authors: Goodness Onwuka, Khaled Abou-El-Hossein
The increase in the demand for precision optics, coupled with the absence of much research output in the ultra high precision grinding of precision optics as compared to the ultrahigh precision diamond turning of optical metals has fostered the need for more research in the ultra high precision grinding of an optical lens. Furthermore, the increase in the stringent demands for nanometric surface finishes through lapping, polishing and grinding processes necessary for the use of borosilicate-crown glass in the automotive and optics industries has created the demand to effectively monitor the surface roughness during the production process. Acoustic emission phenomenon has been proven as useful monitoring technique in several manufacturing processes ranging from monitoring of bearing production to tool wear estimation. This paper introduces a rare and unique approach with the application of acoustic emission technique to monitor the surface roughness of borosilicate-crown glass during an ultra high precision grinding process. This research was carried out on a 4-axes Nanoform 250 ultrahigh precision lathe machine using an ultra high precision grinding spindle to machine the flat surface of the borosilicate-crown glass with the tip of the grinding wheel. A careful selection of parameters and design of experiment was implemented using Box-Behnken method to vary the wheel speed, feed rate and depth of cut at three levels with a 3-center point design. Furthermore, the average surface roughness was measured using Taylor Hobson PGI Dimension XL optical profilometer, and an acoustic emission data acquisition device from National Instruments was utilized to acquire the signals while the data acquisition codes were designed with National Instrument LabVIEW software for acquisition at a sampling rate of 2 million samples per second. The results show that the raw and root mean square amplitude values of the acoustic signals increased with a corresponding increase in the measured average surface roughness values for the different parameter combinations. Therefore, this research concludes that acoustic emission monitoring technique is a potential technique for monitoring the surface roughness in the ultra high precision grinding of borosilicate-crown glass.Keywords: acoustic emission, borosilicate-crown glass, surface roughness, ultra high precision grinding
Procedia PDF Downloads 29119005 Improved Performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Using N₂/NH₃ Pretreatment before Passivation
Authors: Yifan Gao
Owing to the high breakdown field, high saturation drift velocity, 2DEG with high density and mobility and so on, AlGaN/GaN HEMTs have been widely used in high-frequency and high-power applications. To acquire a higher power often means higher breakdown voltage and higher drain current. Surface leakage current is usually the key issue affecting the breakdown voltage and power performance. In this work, we have performed in-situ N₂/NH₃ pretreatment before the passivation to suppress the surface leakage and achieve device performance enhancement. The AlGaN/GaN HEMT used in this work was grown on a 3-in. SiC substrate, whose epitaxial structure consists of a 3.5-nm GaN cap layer, a 25-nm Al₀.₂₅GaN barrier layer, a 1-nm AlN layer, a 400-nm i-GaN layer and a buffer layer. In order to analyze the mechanism for the N-based pretreatment, the details are measured by XPS analysis. It is found that the intensity of Ga-O bonds is decreasing and the intensity of Ga-N bonds is increasing, which means with the supplement of N, the dangling bonds on the surface are indeed reduced with the forming of Ga-N bonds, reducing the surface states. The surface states have a great influence on the leakage current, and improved surface states represent a better off-state of the device. After the N-based pretreatment, the breakdown voltage of the device with Lₛ𝒹=6 μm increased from 93V to 170V, which increased by 82.8%. Moreover, for HEMTs with Lₛ𝒹 of 6-μm, we can obtain a peak output power (Pout) of 12.79W/mm, power added efficiency (PAE) of 49.84% and a linear gain of 20.2 dB at 60V under 3.6GHz. Comparing the result with the reference 6-μm device, Pout is increased by 16.5%. Meanwhile, PAE and the linear gain also have a slight increase. The experimental results indicate that using N₂/NH₃ pretreatment before passivation is an attractive approach to achieving power performance enhancement.Keywords: AlGaN/GaN HEMT, N-based pretreatment, output power, passivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 31719004 Towards Automated Remanufacturing of Marine and Offshore Engineering Components
Authors: Aprilia, Wei Liang Keith Nguyen, Shu Beng Tor, Gerald Gim Lee Seet, Chee Kai Chua
Automated remanufacturing process is of great interest in today’s marine and offshore industry. Most of the current remanufacturing processes are carried out manually and hence they are error prone, labour-intensive and costly. In this paper, a conceptual framework for automated remanufacturing is presented. This framework involves the integration of 3D non-contact digitization, adaptive surface reconstruction, additive manufacturing and machining operation. Each operation is operated and interconnected automatically as one system. The feasibility of adaptive surface reconstruction on marine and offshore engineering components is also discussed. Several engineering components were evaluated and the results showed that this proposed system is feasible. Conclusions are drawn and further research work is discussed.Keywords: adaptive surface reconstruction, automated remanufacturing, automatic repair, reverse engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 32619003 Synthesis and Characterization of Amino-Functionalized Polystyrene Nanoparticles as Reactive Filler
Authors: Yaseen Elhebshi, Abdulkareem Hamid, Nureddin Bin Issa, Xiaonong Chen
A convenient method of preparing ultrafine polystyrene latex nano-particles with amino groups on the surface is developed. Polystyrene latexes in the size range 50–400 nm were prepared via emulsion polymerization, using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as surfactant. Polystyrene with amino groups on the surface will be fine to use as organic filler to modify rubber. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to observe the morphology of silicon dioxide and functionalized polystyrene nano-particles. The nature of bonding between the polymer and the reactive groups on the filler surfaces was analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to examine the filler surface.Keywords: reactive filler, emulsion polymerization, particle size, polystyrene nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 35019002 In Situ Production of Nano-Cu on a Cotton Fabric Surface by Ink-Jet Printing
Authors: N. Zoghi, Laleh Maleknia , M. E. Olya
The nano-Cu particles were produced on cotton fabric substrate by ink-jet printing technology with water-soluble ink, which was based on copper. The surface tension and viscosity of the prepared inks were evaluated. The ink-jet printing process was repeated 1, 3, and 5 times in order to evaluate variations in the optical properties by changing thickness of printed film. Following initial drying of the printed film, the samples were annealed at different temperatures (150 °C, 200 °C and 250 °C) to determine the optimum temperature for the parameters set out in this experiment. The prepared nano-Cu particles were characterized by XRD and UV spectroscopy. The appearance of printed image and the nano-Cu particles morphology were observed by SEM. The results demonstrated that the ink-jet printing technology can be used to produce nano-particles on the cotton fabrics surface.Keywords: ink-jet printing, nano-cu, fabric ink, in situ production, cotton fabric, water-soluble ink, morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 43019001 Water Detection in Aerial Images Using Fuzzy Sets
Authors: Caio Marcelo Nunes, Anderson da Silva Soares, Gustavo Teodoro Laureano, Clarimar Jose Coelho
This paper presents a methodology to pixel recognition in aerial images using fuzzy $c$-means algorithm. This algorithm is a alternative to recognize areas considering uncertainties and inaccuracies. Traditional clustering technics are used in recognizing of multispectral images of earth's surface. This technics recognize well-defined borders that can be easily discretized. However, in the real world there are many areas with uncertainties and inaccuracies which can be mapped by clustering algorithms that use fuzzy sets. The methodology presents in this work is applied to multispectral images obtained from Landsat-5/TM satellite. The pixels are joined using the $c$-means algorithm. After, a classification process identify the types of surface according the patterns obtained from spectral response of image surface. The classes considered are, exposed soil, moist soil, vegetation, turbid water and clean water. The results obtained shows that the fuzzy clustering identify the real type of the earth's surface.Keywords: aerial images, fuzzy clustering, image processing, pattern recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 48419000 Investigations in Machining of Hot Work Tool Steel with Mixed Ceramic Tool
Authors: B. Varaprasad, C. Srinivasa Rao
Hard turning has been explored as an alternative to the conventional one used for manufacture of Parts using tool steels. In the present study, the effects of cutting speed, feed rate and Depth of Cut (DOC) on cutting forces, specific cutting force, power and surface roughness in the hard turning are experimentally investigated. Experiments are carried out using mixed ceramic(Al2O3+TiC) cutting tool of corner radius 0.8mm, in turning operations on AISI H13 tool steel, heat treated to a hardness of 62 HRC. Based on Design of Experiments (DOE), a total of 20 tests are carried out. The range of each one of the three parameters is set at three different levels, viz, low, medium and high. The validity of the model is checked by Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Predicted models are derived from regression analysis. Comparison of experimental and predicted values of specific cutting force, power and surface roughness shows that good agreement has been achieved between them. Therefore, the developed model may be recommended to be used for predicting specific cutting force, power and surface roughness in hard turning of tool steel that is AISI H13 steel.Keywords: hard turning, specific cutting force, power, surface roughness, AISI H13, mixed ceramic
Procedia PDF Downloads 70018999 Effect of Microstructure and Texture of Magnesium Alloy Due to Addition of Pb
Authors: Yebeen Ji, Jimin Yun, Kwonhoo Kim
Magnesium alloys were limited for industrial applications due to having a limited slip system and high plastic anisotropy. It has been known that specific textures were formed during processing (rolling, etc.), and These textures cause poor formability. To solve these problems, many researchers have studied controlling texture by adding rare-earth elements. However, the high cost limits their use; therefore, alternatives are needed to replace them. Although Pb addition doesn’t directly improve magnesium properties, it has been known to suppress the diffusion of other alloying elements and reduce grain boundary energy. These characteristics are similar to the additions of rare-earth elements, and a similar texture behavior is expected as well. However, there is insufficient research on this. Therefore, this study investigates the behavior of texture and microstructure development after adding Pb to magnesium. This study compared and analyzed AZ61 alloy and Mg-15wt%Pb alloy to determine the effect of adding solute elements. The alloy was hot rolled and annealed to form a single phase and initial texture. Afterward, the specimen was set to contraction and elongate parallel to the rolling surface and the rolling direction and then subjected to high-temperature plane strain compression under the conditions of 723K and 0.05/s. Microstructural analysis and texture measurements were performed by SEM-EBSD. The peak stress in the true strain-stress curve after compression was higher in AZ61, but the shape of the flow curve was similar for both alloys. For both alloys, continuous dynamic recrystallization was confirmed to occur during the compression process. The basal texture developed parallel to the compressed surface, and the pole density was lower in the Mg-15wt%Pb alloy. It is confirmed that this change in behavior is because the orientation distribution of recrystallized grains has a more random orientation compared to the parent grains when Pb is added.Keywords: Mg, texture, Pb, DRX
Procedia PDF Downloads 5018998 Multi-Index Performance Investigation of Rubberized Reclaimed Asphalt Mixture
Authors: Ling Xu, Giuseppe Loprencipe, Antonio D'Andrea
Asphalt pavement with recycled and sustainable materials has become the most commonly adopted strategy for road construction, including reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and crumb rubber (CR) from waste tires. However, the adhesion and cohesion characteristics of rubberized reclaimed asphalt pavement were still ambiguous, resulting in deteriorated adhesion behavior and life performance. This research investigated the effect of bonding characteristics on rutting resistance and moisture susceptibility of rubberized reclaimed asphalt pavement in terms of two RAP sources with different oxidation levels and two tire rubber with different particle sizes. Firstly, the binder bond strength (BBS) test and bonding failure distinguishment were conducted to analyze the surface behaviors of binder-aggregate interaction. Then, the compatibility and penetration grade of rubberized RAP binder were evaluated by rotational viscosity test and penetration test, respectively. Hamburg wheel track (HWT) test with high-temperature viscoelastic deformation analysis was adopted, which illustrated the rutting resistance. Additionally, a water boiling test was employed to evaluate the moisture susceptibility of the mixture and the texture features were characterized with the statistical parameters of image colors. Finally, the colloid structure model of rubberized RAP binder with surface interaction was proposed, and statistical analysis was established to release the correlation among various indexes. This study concluded that the gel-phase colloid structure and molecular diffusion of the free light fraction would affect the surface interpretation with aggregate, determining the bonding characteristic of rubberized RAP asphalt.Keywords: bonding characteristics, reclaimed asphalt pavement, rubberized asphalt, sustainable material
Procedia PDF Downloads 6318997 Bismuth Telluride Topological Insulator: Physical Vapor Transport vs Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Authors: Omar Concepcion, Osvaldo De Melo, Arturo Escobosa
Topological insulator (TI) materials are insulating in the bulk and conducting in the surface. The unique electronic properties associated with these surface states make them strong candidates for exploring innovative quantum phenomena and as practical applications for quantum computing, spintronic and nanodevices. Many materials, including Bi₂Te₃, have been proposed as TIs and, in some cases, it has been demonstrated experimentally by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STM) and/or magnetotransport measurements. A clean surface is necessary in order to make any of this measurements. Several techniques have been used to produce films and different kinds of nanostructures. Growth and characterization in situ is usually the best option although cleaving the films can be an alternative to have a suitable surface. In the present work, we report a comparison of Bi₂Te₃ grown by physical vapor transport (PVT) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ARPES. The Bi₂Te₃ samples grown by PVT, were cleaved in the ultra-high vacuum in order to obtain a surface free of contaminants. In both cases, the XRD shows a c-axis orientation and the pole diagrams proved the epitaxial relationship between film and substrate. The ARPES image shows the linear dispersion characteristic of the surface states of the TI materials. The samples grown by PVT, a relatively simple and cost-effective technique shows the same high quality and TI properties than the grown by MBE.Keywords: Bismuth telluride, molecular beam epitaxy, physical vapor transport, topological insulator
Procedia PDF Downloads 19218996 Identification of Thermally Critical Zones Based on Inter Seasonal Variation in Temperature
Authors: Sakti Mandal
Varying distribution of land surface temperature in an urbanized environment is a globally addressed phenomenon. Usually has been noticed that criticality of surface temperature increases from the periphery to the urban centre. As the centre experiences maximum severity of heat throughout the year, it also represents most critical zone in terms of thermal condition. In this present study, an attempt has been taken to propose a quantitative approach of thermal critical zonation (TCZ) on the basis of seasonal temperature variation. Here the zonation is done by calculating thermal critical value (TCV). From the Landsat 8 thermal digital data of summer and winter seasons for the year 2014, the land surface temperature maps and thermally critical zonation has been prepared, and corresponding dataset has been computed to conduct the overall study of that particular study area. It is shown that TCZ can be clearly identified and analyzed by the help of inter-seasonal temperature range. The results of this study can be utilized effectively in future urban development and planning projects as well as a framework for implementing rules and regulations by the authorities for a sustainable urban development through an environmentally affable approach.Keywords: thermal critical values (TCV), thermally critical zonation (TCZ), land surface temperature (LST), Landsat 8, Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC)
Procedia PDF Downloads 19718995 Electrokinetics and Stability of Solder Powders in Aqueous Media
Authors: Terence Lucero F. Menor, Manolo G. Mena, Herman D. Mendoza
Solder pastes are widely used in creating mechanical, thermal and electrical connection between electronic components. Continued miniaturization of consumer electronics drives manufacturers to achieve smaller, lighter, and faster electronic packages at low cost. This faces them to the difficult challenge of dispensing solder pastes in extremely precise and repeatable manner. The most common problem in solder paste dispensing is the clogging of dispensers which results from agglomeration and settling of solder powders leading to increase on the effective particle size and uneven distribution of particles in the mixture. In this work, microelectrophoresis was employed to investigate the effect of pH and KNO₃ concentration on the electrokinetic behavior and stability of SAC305, PbSn5Ag2.5 and Sn powders in aqueous media. Results revealed that the electrokinetic behavior of the three types of solder powders are similar, which was attributed to high SnO₂ content on the surface of the particles. Electrokinetic measurements showed that the zeta potentials of the solder powders are highly dependent on pH and KNO₃ concentration with isoelectric points ranging from 3.5 to 5.5. Results were verified using stability tests.Keywords: electrokinetic behavior, isoelectric point, solder powder, stability, surface analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 23118994 Bi-Axial Stress Effects on Barkhausen-Noise
Authors: G. Balogh, I. A. Szabó, P.Z. Kovács
Mechanical stress has a strong effect on the magnitude of the Barkhausen-noise in structural steels. Because the measurements are performed at the surface of the material, for a sample sheet, the full effect can be described by a biaxial stress field. The measured Barkhausen-noise is dependent on the orientation of the exciting magnetic field relative to the axis of the stress tensor. The sample inhomogenities including the residual stress also modifies the angular dependence of the measured Barkhausen-noise. We have developed a laboratory device with a cross like specimen for bi-axial bending. The measuring head allowed performing excitations in two orthogonal directions. We could excite the two directions independently or simultaneously with different amplitudes. The simultaneous excitation of the two coils could be performed in phase or with a 90 degree phase shift. In principle this allows to measure the Barkhausen-noise at an arbitrary direction without moving the head, or to measure the Barkhausen-noise induced by a rotating magnetic field if a linear superposition of the two fields can be assumed.Keywords: Barkhausen-noise, bi-axial stress, stress measuring, stress dependency
Procedia PDF Downloads 29618993 Sterols Regulate the Activity of Phospholipid Scramblase by Interacting through Putative Cholesterol Binding Motif
Authors: Muhasin Koyiloth, Sathyanarayana N. Gummadi
Biological membranes are ordered association of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Lipids except sterols possess asymmetric distribution across the bilayer. Eukaryotic membranes possess a group of lipid translocators called scramblases that disrupt phospholipid asymmetry. Their action is implicated in cell activation during wound healing and phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells. Cholesterol is one of the major membrane lipids distributed evenly on both the leaflet and can directly influence the membrane fluidity through the ordering effect. The fluidity has an impact on the activity of several membrane proteins. The palmitoylated phospholipid scramblases localized to the lipid raft which is characterized by a higher number of sterols. Here we propose that cholesterol can interact with scramblases through putative CRAC motif and can modulate their activity. To prove this, we reconstituted phospholipid scramblase 1 of C. elegans (SCRM-1) in proteoliposomes containing different amounts of cholesterol (Liquid ordered/Lo). We noted that the presence of cholesterol reduced the scramblase activity of wild-type SCRM-1. The interaction between SCRM-1 and cholesterol was confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy using NBD-Chol. Also, we observed loss of such interaction when one of I273 in the CRAC motif mutated to Asp. Interestingly, the point mutant has partially retained scramblase activity in Lo vesicles. The current study elucidated the important interaction between cholesterol and SCRM-1 to fine-tune its activity in artificial membranes.Keywords: artificial membranes, CRAC motif, plasma membrane, PL scramblase
Procedia PDF Downloads 17518992 Skull Extraction for Quantification of Brain Volume in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Authors: Marcela De Oliveira, Marina P. Da Silva, Fernando C. G. Da Rocha, Jorge M. Santos, Jaime S. Cardoso, Paulo N. Lisboa-Filho
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated disease of the central nervous system characterized by neurodegeneration, inflammation, demyelination, and axonal loss. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), due to the richness in the information details provided, is the gold standard exam for diagnosis and follow-up of neurodegenerative diseases, such as MS. Brain atrophy, the gradual loss of brain volume, is quite extensive in multiple sclerosis, nearly 0.5-1.35% per year, far off the limits of normal aging. Thus, the brain volume quantification becomes an essential task for future analysis of the occurrence atrophy. The analysis of MRI has become a tedious and complex task for clinicians, who have to manually extract important information. This manual analysis is prone to errors and is time consuming due to various intra- and inter-operator variability. Nowadays, computerized methods for MRI segmentation have been extensively used to assist doctors in quantitative analyzes for disease diagnosis and monitoring. Thus, the purpose of this work was to evaluate the brain volume in MRI of MS patients. We used MRI scans with 30 slices of the five patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis according to the McDonald criteria. The computational methods for the analysis of images were carried out in two steps: segmentation of the brain and brain volume quantification. The first image processing step was to perform brain extraction by skull stripping from the original image. In the skull stripper for MRI images of the brain, the algorithm registers a grayscale atlas image to the grayscale patient image. The associated brain mask is propagated using the registration transformation. Then this mask is eroded and used for a refined brain extraction based on level-sets (edge of the brain-skull border with dedicated expansion, curvature, and advection terms). In the second step, the brain volume quantification was performed by counting the voxels belonging to the segmentation mask and converted in cc. We observed an average brain volume of 1469.5 cc. We concluded that the automatic method applied in this work can be used for the brain extraction process and brain volume quantification in MRI. The development and use of computer programs can contribute to assist health professionals in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with neurodegenerative diseases. In future works, we expect to implement more automated methods for the assessment of cerebral atrophy and brain lesions quantification, including machine-learning approaches. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant from Brazilian agency Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (number 2019/16362-5).Keywords: brain volume, magnetic resonance imaging, multiple sclerosis, skull stripper
Procedia PDF Downloads 14718991 Formation of Protective Aluminum-Oxide Layer on the Surface of Fe-Cr-Al Sintered-Metal-Fibers via Multi-Stage Thermal Oxidation
Authors: Loai Ben Naji, Osama M. Ibrahim, Khaled J. Al-Fadhalah
The objective of this paper is to investigate the formation and adhesion of a protective aluminum-oxide (Al2O3, alumina) layer on the surface of Iron-Chromium-Aluminum Alloy (Fe-Cr-Al) sintered-metal-fibers. The oxide-scale layer was developed via multi-stage thermal oxidation at 930 oC for 1 hour, followed by 1 hour at 960 oC, and finally at 990 oC for 2 hours. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images show that the multi-stage thermal oxidation resulted in the formation of predominantly Al2O3 platelets-like and whiskers. SEM images also reveal non-uniform oxide-scale growth on the surface of the fibers. Furthermore, peeling/spalling of the alumina protective layer occurred after minimum handling, which indicates weak adhesion forces between the protective layer and the base metal alloy. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis of the heat-treated Fe-Cr-Al sintered-metal-fibers confirmed the high aluminum content on the surface of the protective layer, and the low aluminum content on the exposed base metal alloy surface. In conclusion, the failure of the oxide-scale protective layer exposes the base metal alloy to further oxidation, and the fragile non-uniform oxide-scale is not suitable as a support for catalysts.Keywords: high-temperature oxidation, iron-chromium-aluminum alloy, alumina protective layer, sintered-metal-fibers
Procedia PDF Downloads 20718990 Influence of Percentage and Melting Temperature of Phase Change Material on the Thermal Behavior of a Hollow-Brick
Authors: Zakaria Aketouane, Mustapha Malha, Abdellah Bah, Omar Ansari, Mohamed Asbik
The present paper deals with the thermal performance of a hollow-brick filled with Phase Change Material (PCM). The main objective is to study the effect of percentage and melting temperature of the PCM on the thermal inertia and internal surface temperature of the hollow-brick. A numerical model based on the heat transfer equation and the apparent heat capacity method has been validated using experimental study from the literature. The results show that increasing the percentage of the PCM has a significant effect on time lag and decrement factor that define the thermal inertia; the internal temperature is reduced by 1.36°C to 5.39°C for a percentage from 11% to 71% in comparison to a brick without PCM. In addition, an appropriate melting temperature of 37°C has been deduced for the horizontal wall orientation in Rabat in comparison to 27°C and 47°C.Keywords: appropriate melting temperature, decrement factor, phase change material, thermal inertia, time lag
Procedia PDF Downloads 23618989 Effect of the Mould Rotational Speed on the Quality of Centrifugal Castings
Authors: M. A. El-Sayed, S. A. Aziz
Centrifugal casting is a standard casting technique for the manufacture of hollow, intricate and sound castings without the use of cores. The molten metal or alloy poured into the rotating mold forms a hollow casting as the centrifugal forces lift the liquid along the mold inner surface. The rotational speed of the die was suggested to greatly affect the manner in which the molten metal flows within the mould and consequently the probability of the formation of a uniform cylinder. In this work the flow of the liquid metal at various speeds and its effect during casting were studied. The results suggested that there was a critical range for the speed, within which the produced castings exhibited best uniformity and maximum mechanical properties. When a mould was rotated at speeds below or beyond the critical range defects were found in the final castings, which affected the uniformity and significantly lowered the mechanical properties.Keywords: centrifugal casting, rotational speed, critical speed range, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 44518988 The Effects of Boronizing Treatment on the Friction and Wear Behavior of 0.35 VfTiC- Ti3SiC2 Composite
Authors: M. Hadji, A. Haddad, Y. Hadji
The effects of boronizing treatment on the friction coefficient and wear behavior of 0.35 Vf TiC- Ti3 SiC2 composite were investigated. In order to modity the surface properties of Ti3SiC2, boronizing treatment was carried out through powder pack cementation in the 1150-1350 °C temperature range. After boronizing treatment, one mixture layer, composed of TiB2 and SiC, forms on the surface of Ti3SiC2. The growth of the coating is processed by inward diffusion of Boron and obeys a linear rule. The Boronizing treatment increases the hardness of Ti3SiC2 from 6 GPa to 13 GPa. In the pin-on-disc test, i twas found that the material undergoes a steady-state coefficient of friction of around 0.8 and 0.45 in case of Ti3SiC2/Al2O3 tribocouple under 7N load for the non treated and the boronized samples, respectively. The wear resistance of Ti3SiC2 underAl2O3 ball sliding has been significantly improved, which indicated that the boronizing treatment is a promising surface modification way of Ti3SiC2.Keywords: MAX phase, wearing, friction, boronizing
Procedia PDF Downloads 45818987 Comparison between High Resolution Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders Causing Ankle Pain
Authors: Engy S. El-Kayal, Mohamed M. S. Arafa
There are various causes of ankle pain including traumatic and non-traumatic causes. Various imaging techniques are available for assessment of AP. MRI is considered to be the imaging modality of choice for ankle joint evaluation with an advantage of its high spatial resolution, multiplanar capability, hence its ability to visualize small complex anatomical structures around the ankle. However, the high costs and the relatively limited availability of MRI systems, as well as the relatively long duration of the examination all are considered disadvantages of MRI examination. Therefore there is a need for a more rapid and less expensive examination modality with good diagnostic accuracy to fulfill this gap. HRU has become increasingly important in the assessment of ankle disorders, with advantages of being fast, reliable, of low cost and readily available. US can visualize detailed anatomical structures and assess tendinous and ligamentous integrity. The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of HRU with MRI in the assessment of patients with AP. We included forty patients complaining of AP. All patients were subjected to real-time HRU and MRI of the affected ankle. Results of both techniques were compared to surgical and arthroscopic findings. All patients were examined according to a defined protocol that includes imaging the tendon tears or tendinitis, muscle tears, masses, or fluid collection, ligament sprain or tears, inflammation or fluid effusion within the joint or bursa, bone and cartilage lesions, erosions and osteophytes. Analysis of the results showed that the mean age of patients was 38 years. The study comprised of 24 women (60%) and 16 men (40%). The accuracy of HRU in detecting causes of AP was 85%, while the accuracy of MRI in the detection of causes of AP was 87.5%. In conclusions: HRU and MRI are two complementary tools of investigation with the former will be used as a primary tool of investigation and the latter will be used to confirm the diagnosis and the extent of the lesion especially when surgical interference is planned.Keywords: ankle pain (AP), high-resolution ultrasound (HRU), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ultrasonography (US)
Procedia PDF Downloads 19318986 Mediation Role of Teachers’ Surface Acting and Deep Acting on the Relationship between Calling Orientation and Work Engagement
Authors: Yohannes Bisa Biramo
This study examined the meditational role of surface acting and deep acting on the relationship between calling orientation and work engagement of teachers in secondary schools of Wolaita Zone, Wolaita, Ethiopia. A predictive non-experimental correlational design was performed among 300 secondary school teachers. Stratified random sampling followed by a systematic random sampling technique was used as the basis for selecting samples from the target population. To analyze the data, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the association between the independent variables and the dependent variables. Furthermore, the goodness of fit of the study variables was tested using SEM to see and explain the path influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to test the validity of the scales in the study and to assess the measurement model fit indices. The analysis result revealed that calling was significantly and positively correlated with surface acting, deep acting and work engagement. Similarly, surface acting was significantly and positively correlated with deep acting and work engagement. And also, deep acting was significantly and positively correlated with work engagement. With respect to mediation analysis, the result revealed that surface acting mediated the relationship between calling and work engagement and also deep acting mediated the relationship between calling and work engagement. Besides, by using the model of the present study, the school leaders and practitioners can identify a core area to be considered in recruiting and letting teachers teach, in giving induction training for newly employed teachers and in performance appraisal.Keywords: calling, surface acting, deep acting, work engagement, mediation, teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 8518985 Effect of Pressure and Dissolved Oxygen on Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Inconel 617 in Steam and Supercritical Water
Authors: Hasan Izhar Khan, Naiqiang Zhang, Hong Xu, Zhongliang Zhu, Dongfang Jiang
Inconel 617, a nickel-based alloy designed for high-temperature applications, got an excellent amalgamation of strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures. For a better understanding of its suitability to be used in superheater and reheater tubes in ultra-supercritical power plants, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) susceptibility must be evaluated. In the present study, the effect of medium environment on SCC behavior of Inconel 617, in the form of a round bar tensile specimen, was tested via slow strain rate tensile tests in steam and supercritical water (SCW) at 650 °C. The results showed that SCC susceptibility has a linear relationship with exposed pressure and increases monotonically with an increase in pressure. A severe SCC susceptibility was observed in SCW followed by that in a steam environment. Fracture and gage surface showed apparent characteristics of brittle fracture. Intergranular cracks initiated from the edge region and propagated into the matrix through cross section until ductile rupture. When dissolved oxygen contents were decreased in SCW environment, it showed no noticeable effect on mechanical properties but SCC susceptibility slightly decreased. The research revealed the influence of environment on SCC susceptibility of Inconel 617 in steam and SCW.Keywords: Inconel 617, steam, supercritical water, stress corrosion cracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 15718984 Corrosion Inhibition of AA2024 Alloy with Graphene Oxide Derivative: Electrochemical and Surface Analysis
Authors: Nisrine Benzbiria, Abderrahmane Thoume, Mustapha Zertoubi
The goal of this research is to investigate the corrosion inhibition potential of functionalized graphene oxide (GO) with oxime derivative on AA2024-T3 surface in synthetic seawater. The utilization of functionalized graphene oxide is creating a category of corrosion inhibitors known as organically modified nanomaterials. In our work, the functionalization of GO by chalcone oxime enables graphene oxide to have enhanced water solubility and a good corrosion mitigation capacity. Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was utilized to evaluate the main functional groups of the inhibitor. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization curves (PDP) showed that the inhibitor acts as a mixed-type inhibitor. The inhibitory efficiency (IE) improved as the concentration increased to a value of 96% after one hour of exposure to a medium containing 60 mg/L ppm of the inhibitor. According to thermodynamic calculations, the adsorption of the inhibitor on the AA2024-T3 surface in 3% NaCl followed the Langmuir isotherm. The formation of a barrier layer was further confirmed by surface analysis. The protective film prevented the alloy dissolution and limited the accessibility of attacking ions, as evinced by solution analysis techniques.Keywords: AA2024-T3, NaCl, electrochemical methods, FT-IR, SEM/AFM, DFT, MC simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 6118983 Synthesis and Functionalization of Gold Nanostars for ROS Production
Authors: H. D. Duong, J. I. Rhee
In this work, gold nanoparticles in star shape (called gold nanostars, GNS) were synthesized and coated by N-(3-aminopropyl) methacrylamide hydrochloride (PA) and mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) for functionalizing their surface by amine and carboxyl groups and then investigated for ROS production. The GNS with big size and multi-tips seem to be superior in singlet oxygen production as compared with that of small GNS and less tips. However, the functioned GNS in small size could also enhance efficiency of singlet oxygen production about double as compared with that of the intact GNS. In combination with methylene blue (MB+), the functioned GNS could enhance the singlet oxygen production of MB+ after 1h of LED750 irradiation and no difference between small size and big size in this reaction was observed. In combination with 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), only GNS coated PA could enhance the singlet oxygen production of ALA and the small size of GNS coated PA was a little higher effect than that of the bigger size. However, GNS coated MPA with small size had strong effect on hydroxyl radical production of ALA.Keywords: 5-aminolevulinic acid, gold nanostars, methylene blue, ROS production
Procedia PDF Downloads 35118982 Magnetic Navigation of Nanoparticles inside a 3D Carotid Model
Authors: E. G. Karvelas, C. Liosis, A. Theodorakakos, T. E. Karakasidis
Magnetic navigation of the drug inside the human vessels is a very important concept since the drug is delivered to the desired area. Consequently, the quantity of the drug required to reach therapeutic levels is being reduced while the drug concentration at targeted sites is increased. Magnetic navigation of drug agents can be achieved with the use of magnetic nanoparticles where anti-tumor agents are loaded on the surface of the nanoparticles. The magnetic field that is required to navigate the particles inside the human arteries is produced by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device. The main factors which influence the efficiency of the usage of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications in magnetic driving are the size and the magnetization of the biocompatible nanoparticles. In this study, a computational platform for the simulation of the optimal gradient magnetic fields for the navigation of magnetic nanoparticles inside a carotid artery is presented. For the propulsion model of the particles, seven major forces are considered, i.e., the magnetic force from MRIs main magnet static field as well as the magnetic field gradient force from the special propulsion gradient coils. The static field is responsible for the aggregation of nanoparticles, while the magnetic gradient contributes to the navigation of the agglomerates that are formed. Moreover, the contact forces among the aggregated nanoparticles and the wall and the Stokes drag force for each particle are considered, while only spherical particles are used in this study. In addition, gravitational forces due to gravity and the force due to buoyancy are included. Finally, Van der Walls force and Brownian motion are taken into account in the simulation. The OpenFoam platform is used for the calculation of the flow field and the uncoupled equations of particles' motion. To verify the optimal gradient magnetic fields, a covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMAES) is used in order to navigate the particles into the desired area. A desired trajectory is inserted into the computational geometry, which the particles are going to be navigated in. Initially, the CMAES optimization strategy provides the OpenFOAM program with random values of the gradient magnetic field. At the end of each simulation, the computational platform evaluates the distance between the particles and the desired trajectory. The present model can simulate the motion of particles when they are navigated by the magnetic field that is produced by the MRI device. Under the influence of fluid flow, the model investigates the effect of different gradient magnetic fields in order to minimize the distance of particles from the desired trajectory. In addition, the platform can navigate the particles into the desired trajectory with an efficiency between 80-90%. On the other hand, a small number of particles are stuck to the walls and remains there for the rest of the simulation.Keywords: artery, drug, nanoparticles, navigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 10718981 Green Synthesis of Nano Liposomes Containing Berberine Chlorideagainst Leishmania major
Authors: Ali Fattahi Bafghi, Abolghasem Siyadatpanah, Farzaneh Mirzaei, Fahimeh Pournasir, Roghayeh Norouzi, Maria De Lourdes Pereira
Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania major is one of the main infectious diseases that affect populations in developing countries around the world. We assessed the effectiveness of berberine chloride nano-liposome (BcNLs) against L. major promastigotes in vitro. Nano-liposomal berberine chloride was prepared using the thin-film hydration method and characterized based on encapsulation efficiency, size, and zeta potential. Anti-Leishmania effect of different concentrations (0.05-60 µg/ml) of BcNLs as studied in L. major [MRHO/IR/75/ER] at 24, 48, and 72 h using the hemocytometer technique. Berberine chloride was successfully loaded into nano-liposomes with an encapsulation efficiency of 85.54%. The surface charge of nanoparticles is neutral, and the morphology of nano-liposomal berberine chloride is spherical without any agglomeration. Cell viability assay was performed on the HFF cell line to show the biocompatibility of liposome nanoparticles. IC50 of BcNPs at 24, 48, and 72 h against L. major were found to be 7.6, 5.96, and 3.19 µg/ml, respectively. BcNLs showed a significant anti-Leishmania effect and induced a better and more tangible effect on the survival of L. major promastigotes and could be suitable candidates for further investigation. The results showed that the BcNLs agent is effective against L. major promastigotes and may be a promising alternative to current treatments.Keywords: Leishmania major, berberine chloride, nano-liposomes, cutaneous leishmaniasis
Procedia PDF Downloads 15218980 Effect of Moisture Removal from Molten Salt on Corrosion of Alloys
Authors: Bhavesh D. Gajbhiye, Divya Raghunandanan, C. S. Sona, Channamallikarjun S. Mathpati
Molten fluoride salt FLiNaK (LiF-NaF-KF: 46.5-11.5-42 mol %) is a promising candidate as high temperature coolant for next generation nuclear reactors due to its superior thermophysical properties. Corrosion of alloys in molten FLiNaK has however been recognized as a serious issue in the selection of structural materials. Corrosion experiments of alloys Inconel-625 (Fe-Ni alloy) and Hastelloy-B (Ni-Mo alloy) were performed in FLiNaK salt. The tests were carried out at a temperature of 650°C in graphite crucibles for 60 hours under inert atmosphere. Corrosion experiments were performed to study the effect of moisture removal in the salt by pre heating and vacuum drying. Weight loss of the alloy samples due to corrosion was measured and corrosion rate was estimated. The surface morphology of the alloy samples was analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy. A significant decrease in the corrosion rate was observed for the alloys studied in moisture removed salt.Keywords: FLiNaK, hastelloy, inconel, weight loss
Procedia PDF Downloads 49518979 Computational Elucidation of β-endo-Acetylglucosaminidase (LytB) Inhibition by Kaempferol, Apigenin, and Quercetin in Streptococcus pneumoniae: Anti-Pneumonia Mechanism
Authors: Singh Divya, Rohan Singh, Anjana Pandey
Reviewers' Comments: The study provides valuable insights into the anti-pneumonia properties of flavonoids against LytB. Authors could further validate findings through in vitro studies and consider exploring combination therapies for enhanced efficacy Response: Thankyou for your valuable comments. This study has been conducted further via experimental validation of the in-silico findings. The study uses Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 strain and examine the anti-pneumonia effect of kaempferol, quercetin and apigenin at various concentrations ranging from 9ug/ml to 200ug/ml. From results, it can be concluded that the kaempferol has shown the highest cytotoxic effect (72.1% of inhibition) against S. pneumoniae at concentration of 40ug/ml compare to apigenin and quercetin. The treatment of S. pneumoniae with concoction of kaempferol, quercetin and apigenin has also been performed, it is noted that conc. of 200ug/ml was most effect in achieving 75% inhibition. As S. pneumoniae D39 is a virulent encapsulated strain, the capsule interferes with the uptake of large size drug formulation. For instance, S. pneumoniae D39 with kaempferol and gold nano urchin (GNU) formulation, but the large size of GNU has resulted in reduced cytotoxic effect of kaempferol (27%). To achieve near 100% cytotoxic effect on the MDR S. pneumoniae D39 strain, the study will target the development of kaempferol-engineered gold nano-urchin’ conjugates, where gold nanocrystal will be of small size (less than or equal to 5nm) and decorated with hydroxyl, sulfhydryl, carboxyl, amine and groups. This approach is expected to enhance the anti-pneumonia effect of kaempferol (polyhydroxylated flavonoid). The study will also examine the interactive study among lung epithelial cell line (A549), kaempferol-engineered gold nano urchins, and S. pneumoniae for exploring the colonization, invasion, and biofilm formation of S. pneumoniae on A549 cells resembling the upper respiratory surface of humans.Keywords: streptococcus pneumoniae, β-endo-Acetylglucosaminidase, apigenin, quercetin kaempferol, molecular dynamic simulation, interactome study and GROMACS
Procedia PDF Downloads 818978 Metaphysics of the Unified Field of the Universe
Authors: Santosh Kaware, Dnyandeo Patil, Moninder Modgil, Hemant Bhoir, Debendra Behera
The Unified Field Theory has been an area of intensive research since many decades. This paper focuses on philosophy and metaphysics of unified field theory at Planck scale - and its relationship with super string theory and Quantum Vacuum Dynamic Physics. We examined the epistemology of questions such as - (1) what is the Unified Field of universe? (2) can it actually - (a) permeate the complete universe - or (b) be localized in bound regions of the universe - or, (c) extend into the extra dimensions? - -or (d) live only in extra dimensions? (3) What should be the emergent ontological properties of Unified field? (4) How the universe is manifesting through its Quantum Vacuum energies? (5) How is the space time metric coupled to the Unified field? We present a number of ansatz - which we outline below. It is proposed that the unified field possesses consciousness as well as a memory - a recording of past history - analogous to ‘Consistent Histories’ interpretation of quantum mechanics. We proposed Planck scale geometry of Unified Field with circle like topology and having 32 energy points on its periphery which are the connected to each other by 10 dimensional meta-strings which are sources for manifestation of different fundamentals forces and particles of universe through its Quantum Vacuum energies. It is also proposed that the sub energy levels of ‘Conscious Unified Field’ are used for the process of creation, preservation and rejuvenation of the universe over a period of time by means of negentropy. These epochs can be for the complete universe, or for localized regions such as galaxies or cluster of galaxies. It is proposed that Unified field operates through geometric patterns of its Quantum Vacuum energies - manifesting as various elementary particles by giving spins to zero point energy elements. Epistemological relationship between unified field theory and super-string theories is examined. Properties of ‘consciousness’ and 'memory' cascades from universe, into macroscopic objects - and further onto the elementary particles - via a fractal pattern. Other properties of fundamental particles - such as mass, charge, spin, iso-spin also spill out of such a cascade. The manifestations of the unified field can reach into the parallel universes or the ‘multi-verse’ and essentially have an existence independent of the space-time. It is proposed that mass, length, time scales of the unified theory are less than even the Planck scale - and can be called at a level which we call that of 'Super Quantum Gravity (SQG)'.Keywords: super string theory, Planck scale geometry, negentropy, super quantum gravity
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